Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1868-1887, April 21, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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goOTmrrtial. ' Savannah mabebi. nFPICE OF THE MORNING NEWS,) ° savannah, April 20, 1886, spa, 1 cotton.— The demand showed some tm ement and considerable activity was de- Liooed during the day, which ended with the ume of business transacted of pretty fair am-ensions. The offering stock was liberal, “ ‘ rice 9 were the same as those named of ~t e The total sales wore 818 bales. On •Change at the opening call, 10 a. m„ the mar ket was reported quiet and unchanged, with .ales of 42$ bales. At the second call, Ip. m„ It was quiet, the sales being 415 bales. At the third and closing call, at 4 p. m., the market WAS stiil quiet and unchanged, with further .ales of 23 bales. The following are the offi cial closing spot quotations of the Cotton Ex change: Good middling Low middling t* Good ordinary Sta Island.- Ths market Is still dull of ■ale- iu fact, very little inquiry was had. and So transactions if anv reported. There being vet no trading ou which to base quotations, the following may be considered nominal: c ommon Floridas J* S}“ Medium line Floridas. -J Fine Floridas .. f ‘ '* Extra flue Floridas "6 Comparative Cotton Statement. Rkckipts, Exports and Stock on Hand April 20, 1886, AND FOR TUB SaMKTIMK LASTYBAR. ISSS-86. IS3J.-&6. Sea Sea Island. Upland. Island. Upland. stock on hand September 1.. 551 8.298 21 1,188 Received to-day ‘ .... 1.438 jlB 889 : Received previously. 23,(Wei 789,966) 19,210 692,309 Total. 28,647 744,7P2| 19 814 C 94.881 i Exported to-day ~46 2482 ~ 1 Exported previously 19,370 714,150 16,831 684,891 Total 19,416 710,388 18,831 084,391 Stock on hand and on ship- ~ board this day | 4.231 28,3141 2,288 9.990 Rick—The market continues very slow, with the situation as to prices about nominal. The sales were only 6 barrels. Fair Good ....... 4 f#4Vf Prime s?6@5 5 4 Fancy .. - 6 @6^4 Rough— Country lots ....... 60480 Tide water 9i)(®l 10 Navai. Stores.—The market for spirits turpentine was quiet and weaker, prices de r ining lc. Thesales for the day were 75 casks si 39>/6c for regulars. At the Hoard of Trade on the first call the market was report ed at 89%c bid for regulars. At the closing cull it was quiet, at asked for reg ulars. Kosin—The market was quiet and irregular. The inquiry continues rather small. The sales for the day were about 750 barrels. At the Hoard of Trade on the opening call the market was reported quiet for Iv and below, with sales of 178 barrels at the following quotations: A. B, C and Dtlos. E 31 15. F T 1 25. G 31 2/>*. H 3160, I 32 00. Ms 2 30. Other grades were firm; sales on private terms. At the closing call the market was steady, at the following quotations: K|2 80, M 32 90a3 00, N 33 00a3 05, window glass 33 25a 3 30, water white 33 65, the lower grade* re maining unchanged. NAVAL STOltßi STATKMRNr. Spirits. Rosin. ptook on hand April 1 ... 2.116 61,821 Received to-day 518 769 Received 4,192 11,401 Total.— 6.826 73.991 Exported to-day.. 305 1,556 Exported previously 4,781 25,3*7 Total 5,086 26,902 Stock on hand and on ship board to-day 1,740 47,088 Receipts same day last 7ear ... Bj6 839 Financial.-Th3 money market is very easy. Domestic E ssKani*.— Quiet. Banks and bankers are buying sight drafts at 1-16 per tent premium, and selling percent, jremium. torsion Exehanoe —Quiet: best commer < tal sixtv-dav bills. 3* 85‘4: three-day bills. 34 87: ninety days. 34 85: francs, ■ommeroial, sixty days. Havre and Paris, 45 lib *: Swiss. 35 20: marxs. commercial uxtv days. 9s' seci RiTiES—The market is fairly active, with investment demand for long date bonds nd guaranteed stocks. Stocks and Bonds.— Cito Bonds Firm. Atlanta 6 per cent, 105 bid, 107 asked; At lanta 7 per cent. 112 bid. 1"0 asked: Au gusta 7 per cent, 108 bid, 112 asked; Augusta tj’s long, 106 bid. 107 asked: Columbus 6 per cent, 97 bid, 100 asked; Macon 6 percent. JlOKbla. 112 asked: new Savaunan sper cent Julv coupons. Wbj bid, 101 asxea: new sa vannah 5 per cent. May coupons, 101 bid. 101 ft asked. stats bonds.-- Market firm, with light sup plv. Georgia newfi’s. 1889..105 bid. 106 asked; Georgia new 4c,s. 108 bid. 108f£ asked; Georgia mortgage ou W ft .V R It. regular 7 per cent, coupons January and J uly, maturi ty 1886. 102 Did. 103 asked: Georgia 7percent gold, coupons Quarterly. 11! bid. 112 asked; Georgia 7 per cent, coupons January and July maturity 1898. 124 bio. 125 asked. Stone*. —central common, 79 Ind, NO asked; Augusta and Savannah 7 percent gnarnnteed. 127 bid. 129 asked: Georgia com moo 1-4 bid. is asked; Southwestern 7 per cant guaranteed )22 bid. 12: asked: Central Rail rmu 6 oer cent certificates. 99f4 bid. jno asked: Atlanta ano West Point Railroad •lock. 10:)(4 hid. 105 naked: Atlanta and West Foist 6 percent certificates. 10 bid, 10 , asked. itanr .ua R .nd*. —Market quiet, savannah Florida and Western Hail way Company, gen eral mortgage 6 per rent interest, coupons Oct.. 107 pul. 110 asked: Atlantic and Gurf Ist mortgage consolidated < per cent, coupons Jan. aud Jitlv. maturity l9i. 119 Pin 120 asked: Central consolidated mortgage 7 ncr rent, coupons January and July, maturity 1893. 113 bid. 116 asked: Georgia ttauroao O s 1897. !08 hid. 112 us jert: Mobile ana Girard 2d Mortgageindorsod s per cent coupons. Janu •ry and Julv. maturity 1880. ’PH>4 bid. lio Asked: Montg miervami Kulaula Ist mortgage finereent indorsed bv Central ftailroao 108 f id. lon asked; Charlotte. Columbia ano Au gusta Ist mort.. 116 hid. 117 asked: Char lotte. Colitmoia and Augusta gu mortgage, 110 bhl. 112 asked: Western Alabama 2d Mortgage indorsed 8 nor cent. 112 bid. 113 Ai-kfd: Smith Goorgia and Florida in dorsed, 120 bid, 122 asked: South Georgia and Florida 2a mort gage 112 bid. 11' aakod: Augusta and Kuoxnllo jat mortgage. / per cent, iu bid. II asked: Gainesville. Jefferson and Southern let mortgage guaranteed, lx* bln, 11a asked: Gainesville. .Jeflereon and South ern not guaran. 118 bid. !14 asked: Or,can stenmahip nor rent bond* guaranteed hr Central 1t.1t., lot inn, lo.’> aaken: Gaines ville. I idler .on and Southern 2n guaranteed, 111 Inn. lit asked; Columbus and Rome Ist mortgage bonds. indorsed by Centra, railrnad, li*2bid, 105 aakod; Augusta, tilhsou and San 4er*vi,lo railway 7 per rent Ist mortgage, 1011 bid, loti asked; C,tv and Suburban rail way lat mortgage 7 per cent, its bid, 100 asked. Hitnlr sv )ebt.— Nominal; Southern Bank of the Stale of Georgia. I*7 bid. I'.* > ask - rn; Merchants’ National llsnk. HO bid. 14'• asked; savannah Bank and Trust Company. Ml bid. 7.' asked; Savannah .National Bank. 100 bid. 102 asked. Savaitnnh was Wight atook, U'4 bid. 13 taked; Mutual Gas l.tgnt stock. '.’.2 bid. 23 asked. idcilN. Market -lea Iv: demand fair: •moked clear rlli sides. (i 7 „o: shoulders. 7>et ilrv sailed dear rili sides, il ,e; long clear Ic: shoulders. hams. luUc. liAOt.isn and Tikn.—Market nominal. We quote: Bagging—2l* lbs. 2 tbs. italic; \ i ts, loalO'ic; i'4 lb*. ae,cording to brand and quantity. iron ties—Arrow, ft isal 2d per bundle, according to brand and quantity. Haggtngnnd uo in retail lots a fraction higher MiTTKa.—Market very tiro : Uleoraarga rlne. 14a17c; choice Goshen. 22c; gilt edge, .'4u2ic: creamery.2iiea23c; country, la2oc. Cabbao**.—Nortucrn.scarce, stg)l2o; Flori da,4B,inm Spur barrel nr era *. Ohms*.— Market steady, demand food, stock light. We quote: laic. . . corr**.—l'uo market i* demand fair. Wo quote for small lota: Ordinary. o and 10 *° 5 p rinw - Dried Fruit.—Apples, evaporated. 9c: peeled, 60. Peaches, peeled. Malic; im peded. sa7c; currants. 7c: citron, 33c Dry Goods—Tne market is quie, aud steady; stocks ample. We quote: Prints. 4a6c: Geor gia brown shirting, 3-4, i%O-. 7-8 do *?4c; 4-4 brownsheetiug. s££o: white Osnanurgs, 7fia 8f4o: checks. yarns, 86c, for best makes thrown drillings, 614a7f<c. Fish.—we quote tun weignta: Mackerel— ho. 3. half bbis, 33 25a3 50; No. 2. 34 Mai 50. Herring—. No. 1,20 e; scaled. 25c; cod. saßc; No. 1.38 50(®IO0O. Flour. Market firms demand mod erate. We quote: Superfine. 33 2. a 86; extra. 3:iioa4 0; fancy. 35 50a5 75; choice patent. 36 00a6 60: family. 3; oOas 25. Fruits—Lemons—stock , m all and demand Improving.!, 5 a u. Oranges— Marketquiet; good slock firm; uo Floridas coming m; Valencia, 35 50a0 per ca,s; 50a3 per box. Appl •—Nor hern. 3 a per t'bt grain.—Corn: Market arm: demand J’S'if; Wequote: Whitecorn, job lots Sic; car ;oad 0t5.620; mixed corn, job lots. 61c; car load lots.Olc. Oaissteady: good demand. We t i^ lxo u c Tload lots, tic. bran,3ll . M.eal.6 c. G n'giagrist, per bhl, ' 1 = rise per bushel, ;7Uc. Hat.—Market dull, with a fair demand; stock amnle. We quote lob lots: Western. 3ilq; ctrioaa lots. 3100; Eastern, none; Northern, noue. . Hides. Wool. Etc. Hides: Market dud; receipts iu , ; dry flint. Hi<c; salted, 12 r; dry butcher, 1 kei. nominal; prime, 20c; burrv, Bal2o. Wax. 20c. 1 allow, sc, Deer skins, flint, iso; salted, 10c. Otter skins. 25cat . iron.—market firm; Swede, **4asc; re fined. 2f4c. Lard.—rne market la dull; In tierces and tubs, o '.c: 50-fttins,o44c. Lime, Calcined Plaster and Crrknt.— Alabama lump limois in fair demand and is selling at 31 30 per barrel; Georgia, 31 30; cai oineu plaster, ->I 85 per Obi; hair. sc; Georgiacement, 3i; Roeenualo cement, 3tso:t 165; Portland cement, 3350. liquors.—Full stock; steady demand; Bourbon, 31 50aa 50: rye, 3150a0 00: rectified, 3ial 35. Ales unchanged and in good demand. NAILB.— Market 3d, 31 5; 4d aud 5d 33 0; 6d, 83.6; Bu, 3: 0; lod toOOu. 32 o per keg. Nuts.—Almonds, Tarragona, 1614 c; Ivicas, 16''74; walnuts. French, 12c; Naples, 14c: pecans, 10c; Brazil, 9c; filberts, 12c. Cocoanuts — Baracoa. 33 75 per 100. Oils.— Market steady; moderate demand: signal, 50a60c; Wot Virginia black, lie: lard, 51c; headlight. 18c; kerosene, 10al2c; neatsfoot, 65c; machinery, 30c; linseed— raw 48c, boiled 51c; mineral seal, 18c; fire proof. 20c; home light, 20c. Onions.—Northern, per bln, 33 50; percrato, 3150al .5. Peas.—Demand good; stock small; cow peas. 31 25®! 50; mixed. 3125@1 40; clay. 31 50;t 165; black-eye 3175: crowders, 32 12 25. potato**.—Stock light, with fair demand, hortnern. per barrel. 32 .oa2 5 . Prunes.—Turkish, 554 c; French,Bo. Raisins.—Demand uutet. market steady: loose new Muscatel, 32 80; layers, 32 75 per box: London layers. 33 25 per box, Sal’j.—The demand ts moderate and the market quiet tear-load Lots, 75c, f o b; job lots, SficaSl sugars.—Market firm: cutloaf, 7}-ic;stand ard A, 6%e; extra 0, 6'4c; C, yellow, granulated. powri-r. and. 7V*e. STRUT.—Florida and Georgia syrups in bet ter demand. Wequote: 30a::5c; the market is quiet forsug&r house at 35a40c; Cuoa straight goods, 28c in hogsheads: sugar house mo lasses. 20c Tobacco.—Market dull: demand moderate, Wequote: Smoking, 25ea31 25; chewing, com mon. sound. 2sa3oc; fair. 35a18c.: medium. 40a55c: bright. 50a75c; fine fancy, 85a90c; ex tra fine,9oa3l lo; bright navies. 45a57c; dark navies, 40a50c lumber. — emana steady, prices firm; mil - -11... lied itn work lor quick delivery. Ordmarysizes 313 00al5 50 Difficultsizes l6 00a20 50 Flooring boards 16 00al9 50 Bhinstuff 18 00a20 50 Timber.—Market dull and nominal. We quote: 700 fet average —3 9 Wall OC 800 *• 10 OOall 00 900 •* “ 11 00a 12 00 1,000 “ “ 12 OOali 00 Shipping timber In the raft -700 feet average 36 00a 7 00 800 “ “ 7 00a 8 00 900 “ “ 8 00a 9 00 1,000 “ “ 8 OOalO 00 Ml ll timber J 1 below these figures. FREIGHTS. Lumber.—Bp Sail.— L'here are no available vessels in port, and very few offering to ar rive, with an active demand, which has caused an advance in rates, and we now quote 34 7>oa<> 00 as the range of prices from this and the near Georgia ports on lumber to Baltimore. Philadeluhia, New York, sound ports and eastward. Timber is 60ca31 higher than lumber rates; to the West Indies and windward, nominal: to South America.3l26oal:i: toSDanish and Mediterra nean norts. 310 OOall: to United Kingdom for orders, timber. 27a2Ss; lnmber £:: 15 . Bv steam to New York. 37; to Philadelphia, 37; to Boston. 39. Naval stores, coastwise.—Bp Sail.— Steady. FOREIGN.—Cork, etc., for orders. 2s 7'4d. and. or. 45.: Baltic, 2s 7J4d. Coast - wise. —To Boston. 50c on rosin, 31 on spirits: to New York, rosins 40c, spirits 80c; Philadelphia, rosin 30c, spirits 80c; to Balti more, rosin 30c, spirits 70c. Cotton.—Bv Stsam —Room is scarce; mar ket firmer. Liverpool via New York. m. 7-32d Liverpool via Boston, lt> 13-64d Liverpool via Baltimore, tb 18-64d Antwerp via New York, fl tb 9-32d Havre via New York, ¥ *b . %<• Bremen via New York ¥ *b 11-32d Reval via New York, qft !b Bremen via Baltimore, lb 9-32d Amsterdam via New York, $ bale... 75c Genoavia New York *3-64d Boston, ¥ bale 31 7 Sea island. 1* bale 1 75 New York, bale ..... 150 Sea island, ift bale 150 Philadelphia, IS bale 13* Sea isiand. $1 bale 15* Baltimore, fl bale 12 Providence, ¥ bale 201 By Sail. Liverpool 9-32d Baltic 9-82 U Rice. —Bv stsam— New York, ¥ barrel #0 Philadelphia, barrel 60 barrel 60 Boston. # barrel Vegetables, by steam to New Y'ork, Phila delphia. Haiti ore and Hoston. standard bushel orates. 35c each; barrels. 75c each; by special contracts, standard bushel crates, 25c each; barrels 50c each. COUNTRY PRODUC* Grown fowls, ip pair 60#80 Chickens, three-quarters grown s<i®6s Chickens, half-grown 85#50 Turkeys, $4 pair 1 50® 2 50 Ducks, '¥ pair 76®1 25 Geese, ¥ ** Eggs,|4 dozen 12 l 5 Peanuts—Fancy h. p. Va., ylb 7 7U J’eanuts—Hand picked, tb 6 (H , Peanuts—Straight Virginia 5 • Peanuts—Georgia, ¥ bushel 76®90 Sweet potatoes, Florida, ¥ bushel.. 36®40 Sweet potatoes, yellow reds bush. 50®— sweetpolatoes, yellow yams, 44 hush 0®75 White vatvis 505960 Poultry.—Market stoadter. demand good. Eggs—Market -imoiy; supply g"Ol: de mand fair. Peanut*—Amnleatock: demand fair: native peanutain good request atquota tions. Sugar—Georgia and Florida, nominal: none in market. Honet.—Ntdemand; nom Inal. Sweet potatoes scarce: demand good. aUKkUr.I ItV TKLkSRAPa FINANCIAL. I.ONDON. April 2n, noon.—Consols, 100 7-16 for for money: l<xt% for account. 1 p. in.—Consols, 100 7-16 for money; 100 9-16 for account. NkwYork. April 20. neon.—Stock dull but steady. Money easy at I'+fQi per cent. Ex change— long, 64 6334: snort. 64 3314. State bonds strong. Government bonds quiet but 11 V'oo p. m.—Kxchauge *4 %9i. Money closed m 4<2 per cent. Nub-Treasury balances— tiold,; currency, |i 1,492*000. Gov ernment bonds dull; four per nenis 1211,; three nor cents, 1014£ bid. Bla to bonds quiet but yielding. This was the dullest day at the Stock Ex change sin e the dog days last year. But while the market is intensely dull it is also strong. Kx to ns! vo fluctuations were gen erally less than 114 Per cent., and for some of the old favorite slocks only '.Cnii per cent., and there was a downward tendency after midday Cm a time, but in the last hourall previous losses were recovered, and the mar ket I'los and extremely dull and strong, and (<s■•* per cent, higher than the closing quota tions last evening, except for some of the low price l fancies, sales 143.000 shares, the mar ket closing at the following quotations; Ala.classA.2tdJ . 13' A Nasn. ACb itt'a. Ul4 Ala. class 11, i. ln New Orleans P*. t,ei>rgia3s . MOIP4 0110. Ist mort 02 *• 7s, mortgage. 102'4 N. T.Central .102 N. Carolina Us 113 Norr. AW. prof 2914 N.csrolinats 19614 Nor.Paddc 25 :l 4 Bo.Csro.ißrowin '* oref.. f>7 ! , sola 109 Pacific Mail M Tennessee Os 7,3 Beading .... 2.1 G Virginia 6s *44 Richm’d A Al’gli. 4 Va. consolidated.*l,4l4 Hiebm , il A Dsnv.los C'h’neake AOhio ''A Richm'd A W.Pt. Ciiic.A B’ntiiw'n.lo?4 lerrnlnal 31J4 preferred,.. 136 Rook Island Ills SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS: WF.DNESOAY. APEI[, 21, 1886. Dela.,Lck.*3v.l26J4 St. Paul 8634 Erie 243* “ preferredll* E.Tennessee Kd. I*4 Texas Pacific 1014 Bake Shore 8076 Union Pacific 48' li’ville* Nasn... 3 r ' a N.J. Central . 50f4 Memphis* Char. 31 Missouri Paciflo.. 103 MobiloftGUio.... 12 Wostern Union 63% J Asked. COTTON. Liverpool, April 20. noon.—Cotton steady, with fair demand; middling *plandss l-16d; middling Orleans 5V 8 d; sales 10,000 bales, for speculation and export 1,000: receipts 19,000 bales—American 14.400. Futures: Uplands, mw middling clause. April ami May delivery, 5 2-64i1; May and June, 6 2-04d: June and Julv. 5 4-64®5 S-64d; August and September, 5 7-64d: September and October, 5 5-G4d. Market dull at the de cline. 2:00 p. m.—The sales to-d.iy included 8,600 bales American. Futures: Uplands, low middling clause, April delivery. 5 l-04d, buyers: April and May, 5 1-64(1. buyers: May and June. 5 l-64d, buyers; June and July, 5 3-64d,buyers; July and August, 5 r<-64d, buyers; August and September, 5 7-H4d, buyers: Seotember and October s'i-64d, buyers; October and Novem ber, 5 2-64d, buyers; September, 5 s-64d, buy ers. Market (I nil. 4:00p. m.—Faturas: Uplands, tow middling clause. April delivery. 5 1-B4d. buyers; April and May, 5 1 -Bid. buyers; Mai and June, 5 t-64d. buyers; June and July, 5 S-64d. buy ers; July and August. 5 5-04d, buyers; Au gust and September, 5 7-64d, value; Septem ber and October, 5 5 Old, sellers; October and November, 52-64d, sellers; September, 5 8-64d, value. Market closed quiet. New York, April 20, noon.—cotton dull; middling uplands, 9' 4 c; middling Orleans. 9 7-iiic; sales 144 bales. Futures: Market steady, with sales as fol lows: April delivery, —e; May, 920 c; June. 9 31c: July, 9 40c; August. 9 fine; September, 9 84c. 5:00 p. in.—Cotton closed quiet; middling uplands, 9 A c; middling Orleans 9 7-16 c; sales 1,135 bale-; net receipts 13 bales, gross 6,400. Futures: Market closed dull, with sales of pj.Ruu bales, as follows: April delivery, 9 15 ®9 17c: May, ii 20®9 21c: June, 9 Shall) 32c; July. 9 41®u 42c; August, 1* 51®9 52c; Sep tember. 9 :!:i®9 :!7c; October. 9 20®9 220; No vember, 9 lsfitfi liic; December, w 22(<t9 23c; January. 9 21A932C; February, 9 41®9 43c, C. L. Green ft Co.’s report savs: “There was uo change. Blum traders indulged in a little scalping and swiiching. closing tne mar ket about 1 point below last evening, less cheerful accounts from abroad having a rather weakening influence. There was really no market, however, and the entire position can only oe considered in a nominal light ” Galvkbton. April 2".—Cotton nominal; mid ling fie; net receipts 1,140 bales, gross 1,140; sales 9 bales; stock 41.197 bales. Norfolk. April 30. —Cotton steady; mid dling a 15-16 c; net receipts 270 bales, gross 270; stock 39,8>6 bales; sales 325 bales; exports, coastwise 303 bales. Baltimore, April 20.—Cotton nominal; mid dling 9J- a c; net receipts 123 halos, gross 413; sales 200 bales; stock 29,162 bales; exports, coastwise 250 bales. Boston, A iril 21. —Cotton quiet; middling 9%e; net receipts 504 bales, gross 673; sales none; stock 6,310 bales; exports, to Great Britain 2.384. Wilmington, April 20.—Cotton steady; mid dling S 7 a c; net reset pis 71 pales, gross 71; sales none; stock 4,491 bales. Philadelphia, April 21).—Cotton dull; mid dling97-lHc; net receipts2s bales, gross 136; Btoch 15.938 bales. New Orleans, April 20.—Cotton quiet; middling 811 16c; net receipts 2,981 bales, gross 4.962; sales 2,000 bales; stock 207.895. Mobile. April 20.—Cotton quiet; middling 8 13-ltic: net receipts 37 bales, gross 37; sales 300 bales; stock 30,963 bales; exports, coast wise 198 bales. Memphis. April 20.—Cotton steady; mid dling BJgc; reeeiptt22l bales: shipments 2,616 bales; sales 1.300 hales; stock 80,077 bales. August A. April 20.—Cotton quiet but steady; middling B%c; receipts 64 pales; sales 320 bales. Charleston, April 20.—Cotton quiet; mid dling 9c; net receipts 325 bales, gross 325; sales3oo bales: stock 30,766 bales; exports, coastwise 3,851 bales. Atlanta, April2o.—Cotton—Middlingß%c; receipts HI bales. New York. April 20.—Consolidated net re ceipts for aii cotton norts to-dav, 8,050 bales; exports, to Great Britain 2,384 bales, to the continent 3,857. PROVISIONS. GROOKRfiM. KTC. Liverpool, April 20, noon.—Wheat firm, with good demand; holders ofl’er sparingly; Californ a No. I, 7s®7s 2d. Corn firm; de mand good. new t <iKK, April 20, noon.—Flour dull and easy. Wheat lower. Corn dull and lower. Pork steady: tkcbs. *9 50i®10 00. Lard steady at 0 20c. Freights firm. 5:00 p. in.—Flour. Southern closed ouiet. Wheat—spot lots l>eUer; ungraded red 82'4(<997c: ungraded white SBc; No. 2 red. May delivery 93®94 , ,c. Corn —s|K>t lots I pa R e lower; ungraded. 42'fii46!4c; No. 2, 46 1 4 ®40tjC la elevator. Oats >4®l%r.bct’er for spot lots; No. 2, H7(a3Bc. Hops unchanged. Coffee, fair Rio, on spot quiet at %••.. Sugar strong but quiet; muscovado 5 3-i6e, fair to good re fining s'4'.V4c; relined strong—yellow I 7 *# 51 s c, mould A oV(*6%c. standard A o',c, granulated 6 s c Molasses easy; 50 deg. lest, 20' 4 c. Cotton seedoil-2:@24cfor crude. Hides quiet. Wool quiet: and imestic fleece 2i*3be, Texas 9<D22r Pork dull; mess !So® 1005. Middles dull; long clear 5 Lard 2 points higher; Western steam, on spot 6 Freights to Liverpool steady; cotton, per steam 5-32d; wheat, persteam 3’ 4 d. Chicauo. April 20.—During Ihe hulk of to ilav’r morning sessiou price- remained very steadily around the opening figures, and were firm rather than otherwise: bullish news was received from the Last at the opening, many telegrams hinting at a corner iu wheat at Buffalo and possibly another in New Y'ork, both markets being reported ns largely over sold, and Baltimore more so than New York: talk of this kind set large operators to buying quite freciy; they found wheat plenty, how ever. and could (io no better than keep prices up around theopeuingquotationr, which were 79; 4 c for May: by 10 o’clock everything weak eneu off on dispatches saying that exporters were reselling; this changed the tone of local operators entirely for a little while, and made an active and almost weak market, May de clining to 78J£c; it rallied to 79 1 4 c at the close of the regular board, and liecame very strong in the afternoon again, May advancing to an 1 s c and closing at 3(k: bid. There was very little interest displayed in the remainder of the speculative list, and prices ruled a little easier, but closed at about the same values as yesterday. Flour unchanged. Wheat moderately ac tive, closing 1 . 4 q44c higher than yesterday; regular, April delivery 77f,7(978' „e. May K-\‘a> 711J4C. June 1 1 .('. Corn quiet and tt shade easier: cash lots 36' .(20.7c, May delivery 37' .037.7*0, June .17 15-pi a, s‘ 4 c. Oars quiet aadslow; cash lots 2fii2o—by '. May delivery 297.(iJi.0c, June 3(H 4 et o'„c. Provisions-Mess pork, trading light and feeling easier: cash lots *9 0509 10. May delivery $9 ltti9 June 89 17' .0925. Lard—' ash fills and May deliv ery o'lHe. June 595 c. Boxed meats steady ; dry salted shoulders 4 obigi4 lie, short rib 5 23U 06 26c, clear 6 5006 550. YY liiskv steady at sll6. Sugar steadv ; standard A 6’^c. BaLTIMOHK, April 20, noon.—Flour steady, with moderate inquiry; How ard street arid We-lern superfine 52 65VJ3 10, extra $3 250 400, family *4 2.705 00: city mills supcrlP e, $2 75 0,8 25, extra $l5O At 15 lt:obrands $4 82 a. 4sr. Wheat Southern steady but quiet; Western higher for spot; Southern, red 9i( 97c, arnocr 9 09-c; No. 2 Westernwmterred, on spot 91'Corn-Southern higle-r; Western higher 10-spot; Southern, white 48e. yellow 4 (04714 c. Cincinnati. April 20 —Flour easier. Wheat dull; No. 2 red. sue. Corn nominal. data firm; No. 2 mixed, 8214 c. Provisions—Pork dull at 69 7s. Lard quiet At 5 hoc. Bulk meats firm; shoulders!lsoc, sli 'rt r hfitOe. Baron firm and uncliunged. Whisky quiet at 41 10. Sugar higher; Now Orleans lings quiet: common and light 64 4o@t 10, packing and butcher* 68 00031 25. \ pril 20.—Grain closed steady: W'lieaL No. 2 red. 80c. Com. new wbiteßr. tOals. .No. 2 mixed, new 82c. Pr •visions quid : B icon—dear sides loe. shoulders 4 37'4>’. Bulk meats—clear rib sides 5 3.3 c, shoulders 4c. Pork, mess 610 50. Lard, choice leaf 7 75 -3 8 00c. Now Orphans, April 20.—Sugar strong: Louisiana open kettle, prime s‘„c: centrifu gals. prime yellow clarilfed lie. other articles unchanged. NAVAL STORK*. Liverpool, April 20, noon.—spirits turpen tine. 27s 6d NswYimk. April 20. noon.— Spirits turoen tlne dull at 44c. Itosin dud at II 07!4<ai 1214. 6:00 p. in.—Spirits turpentine dull at 44c. Rosin null t |1 07!4ral 12'4- Charleston. April 20.—Spirits turpentine quiet at 8814W190. Kosu. quiet at 6co|l for good strained. Wi lmikij ros, April 20.—Spirits turnentioe dull at 33140. Roeln firm; 80c for strained, * !',r for good strained. Tar Hrm at 11 00. Crude turpentine firm; hard 11. yellow dip and virgin 62. KICK. Nsw York. April 20.—Messrs. Dan Tal ■nage's Sons A < o. (urnlsli the following report of the rice market: "I foment in styles are In steady and fairly active demand, and prices arc without change aud firmly maintained. For foreign sorts there is n good demand at former rates. The quotations are: Carolina and Louisiana common to low fair SVs@4c,fair to good 4’V4{3c. good to prime siA@6o, choice hea'l o’j 7c: Huugoou I'a'ittUeduty paid, and 2*kC in bond; Patna 4V 4 fai>4 s e, Java J'ic.” Their Charleston advices give the Carolina crop movement to date as follows: “Receipts 42.109 bbls, salt s 40,340 bbis, stock 1,769 bbls. The market is quiet but steady.’’ Charleston, April 20.—Market steady: fair s ‘4®S%e. good 4®4>ie, prime s®s.lie, sales 150 barrels. New Orleans. April 20.—Market steady; fair 3'i®3%o, good 4®4' a c, prime nominal; sales 680 barrels. Fruit and Vegetable Market. FLORIDA DISPATCH LINK QUOTATIONS. Bieial to Hominy Xsw .l, Philadelphia. April 20—Peas, Georgia, per crate !’. 50a4 00; pea-, Florida, per crate, 60ca|3 00. Beaus, Florida, per crate, *3 00a 4( 0. Squash, Florida, per crate, $2 00a2 50. Beets, Florida, per crate, *4 UO. Irish pota toes, Florida, per barrel, $7 Ooaß 00. Straw berries. Florida, per quart. 4ilatioc. Cabbages, Florida, per barrel. f2 50a;i 00. Baltimore, April 20.—Peas, Florida per crate, $1 00a2 50; pe-s. Georgia perorate, $3 1 #. Beans. Florida per crate |2 OOaS 00. Tomatoes. Florida percrato, !6 00; tomatoes. Bermuda peril-quart boxes. 75c; tomatoes, Nassau ppr 6-qmiri boxes, $1 00. Cabbages. Florida per barrel. $2 00a3 50; cabbage*. Georgia per bar rel. *3 50. Cauliflowers, Florida per barrel. $8 00. Irish potatoes. Florida per barrel. $lO 00 al2 ou. Squash, Florida per crate, $2 00a2 50. Beets, Florida per crate. $! 5a2 00. Kgg plant, Florida per crate, $8 50. Strawberries per quart. Florida 40af!0c. New York, April 20.—Strawberries, fair to good Florida per quart. lOaHOc. Pons, Georgia, per orate, $2 00a’2 75; Flor ida per crate 50ea io\ Keans, Flor - ida wax per crato. $2 sfia 3 00- beans, round. $2 50a3 00; beans, flat, $150a2 50. Cabbages, Florida per barrel. $2 00a4 00. Beets. Florida per crate, *J 00a2 50. Squash. Florida per crate. $2 00a2 so. jSilipitmiji Jitttlligcnrf. MINIATURE A u >lAN V(T-TiUB t)AY Sunrises , 5:29 Sunsets 6: 31 High Water at Savannah .10:20 am. 10:13 pm Wednesday. April 21. 1830. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamship Juniata, Christy, Philadelphia— G M Sorrel. Steamship Nacooehee, Kempton, New York —G M Sorrel. ARRIVED UP FROM TYBEE YESTER DAY. Bark Elena /Gerl, Gerber, Hamburg, with kanit to P M UeLeou; vessel to S Fatman. DEPARTED YESTERDAY. Steamer Katie, r.cvi!l, Augusta and way landings—John Lawton. Manager. Steamer Ktnel, Gibson, Cohen's Bluff and landings—W T Gibson. Manager. SAILED YESTERDAY. Bark Atlantic (Ger), Wolgast. ME MORAN DA. Tvbee. Anrtl 20,10:00pm—Passed np, steam ship Nacooehee. Passed out. bark Atlantic (Ger). Wind NE. light; tair. Darien. April 19—Arrived, sebrs Etta A Simpson. Bunker. Beaulort. S C; Warren Adams. Colford. Boston Beaufort, April 19—Arrived, steamship North Durham (Br), Philadelphia Buenos Avres, March 4—Arrived, bark Venezisn (Ital). Ottone, Brunswick; 15th. schr Bessie H Rose, Adams, Pensacola lor Rosario. In port March 16. barks P '' Merryman, Howes, for Boston; Godeffrov Gen. Limning, for New York; Angela Schiaflino ltal), Schiaffino, for Philadelphia; Avo G (Ital), Ka zetto, and Paola (Ital), Onetto, for United Sales. Montevideo. March 12—Sailed, bark Lima (Sw', Elfsiadins, Pensacola. Port Spain, March 29—Arrived, brig F A Clairmonte (Br), German, from Brunswick. Belfast, Me, April 16—Arrived, schr Pres cott Hazeltine, Flowers, Boston, to load for Jacksonville. Kev West. April 18—Sailed, *chr Jos M Ilaves. Adams. New A'ork. Rapelo. Ga. April 9—Cleared, bark Gordon (Hr). Gunderson. Brake. New York, April 20—Arrived, str St Ger main. SPOKEN. Bark .Ternbyrd (Nor). Jensen, from Savan nah for Denis', April 3, lat 86, lou 15. NOTICE TO MARINERS. Portland. Me. April 17—Notice is hereby given tnat the whistling buoy off School lie, eastern entrance to Frenchman's Bay, Me. has been temporarily replaced by a second class can. RECEIPTS. Per Charleston and Savannah Ry. April 20 —25 bins rosin, 4 bbls spiritsturoentinc, 15 bids flour. 55 caddies tobacco, and mdse. Per Savannah, Florida anil Western Rv. April 21—105 bales notion. 31 cars lumber. 4 cars wood, :> cars bricks, 706 bbls rosin, 4 cars wheels, 481 bbl* spirits lumen tine, 114 bbls and 611 boxes vegetables, 7 bbls syrup, 7 hales bides, and mdse. Per Central Railroad. April 20—1.058 bales cotton, 25 bales yarns. 14 bales domestics. 3.210 pounds lard. 8 bales hides. 3 rolls leather, 6 pltgs paper. 21 pkgs tobacco. 10,052 lbs bacon, 117 bbls spirits turpentine. 87 bids ro.-in, 250 bbls lime. 500 sacks bran. 1,225 bales hay, 938 bushels oar-, 27 bh s whisky, 6 hf bids whisky, 10 cases whisky. 2,7o9bushels corn,! bhl syrnb, 175 libls flour. 64 pkgs furniture and h h goods, 23 cars lumber, 135 pkgs wood in shape, 5 pkgs vegetables. 159 tons pig anil bar iron. 1 pkg wax and tallow. 3 pkgs carriage and buggy material. 15 ' pkgs mdse. 26 halos paper stock, 11 pkgs plows, 6 pltgs empties, 93 pkgs paint. 50 bills cotton sued oil, 27 pkgs hardware. 3 bbls and II cases eggs, 150 bbls grits, 2 tanks oil. 6 curs coal. PASSENGERS. Per steamship Nacoocliee. from New York— W 1’ Wilson. L A Adams, F Armstrong, I) Boyd, Mrs Sarah Leon. W C Lvle and wife. Miss K If Lyle. Miss E U Lyle, and 2 infants, Mrs M K Viilalonga. Master .J E Villalonga, Geo Avcler. W II Plummer, Mrs C .1 llevas, Mrs.l Angoll, Mrs Peterson. Miss J’eterson, Master It Peterson, \V G Illytlie. Master A Blythe. Master li Peterson. C Ilaillie and wife. Miss M Baillic, Mi-s J Baillie, Miss L Baillie, Mrs Robertson. Geo Boss. Steerage— Geo Armstrong, L.JGray, I) J O’Connell, F Campbell, Miss Maggie O’Rourke. If Mc- Donald and wife, H lteed. CONSIGNEES. Per Charleston and Savannah Rr. Anril 20 —Peacock. 11 A Cos. broith Bros A Cos. P M De Leon. Teeplc .2 O. I.eo Roy Myers, W Gadsden, A Ehrlich A Itro. Per Central Railroad. April 21—Fordg Agt. F M Farley, II M Coiner A Cos, Herron A G, H .1 Wlnkeir. .InoKlannerv A Cos. Order, Geo 8 MeAlpin, \V W Gordon A Cos, W D Slinking, W' II Ifoynll. A Minis A Sons, T P 80nd,.! Schley A Br i, Cajit P A I) Lloyd, Solomons A Cos, W M Mills MrDononghA B. Baldwin A ( ... .1 p Brvan, II Mvers A Bros, Lee Roy Myers, G R Barker, M Y Henderson. C H Carson, G N Be-i, A B Hull, K A Schwarz. .1 C Thompson, D B Lester. Neidlingor A It, < F. Stiilts, War nock, s i0..1 .8 Silva. Fretwell AN, .fames Mulligan. Wm llone A Cos, G M HcidtA Cos, Chatham Artillery, A Hanley, II .1 Cubbudge, .Ins A Roberts A Cos. Graham A 11, Weed A C, E E ( lieathain, D I) Arden, If C Bacon A Cos, .) P WilHunp.Peacock, H A Co.Lippmun Bros, W C.lackson. Paul Decker. Per Savannah. Florida and Western Itv. April 20—TransferOdice, luo Flannery A Cos, M Holey A Son, R ECheatham. I Alderman. G V Becker A Co,SGiiokerihcinier A Son, I’T Haskell. M Ferst A Cos, .1 K Clarke A Cos, R A Fulton, Dale, If A < o, McDonough A Cos, I* .1 Fallon. F/ler.on A Cos, DC Bacon A Cos. M I, Harnett, Bacon, .1 A (Jo, V Kolsborn A Itro, II Myers A Bros. Palmer Bros, I. ppman Itro*. M Y Henderson. Peacock. II A t o. West Itro-, A B Collins A Cos, Lefflcr. G Eckstein A Cos, Bendhelm Bros A Cos. W W Gordon A Cos. K T Roberis, .1 AII I iiihaeb. >1 8 Collins A< o. O Butler, late Rov Myers, .1 no Nlcolsun, Na than Bros, W I Miller Ixivcll Al„ Weed A C. Hr K II Nlcliols.G W f*arih. A .1 Miller A Cos, Epstein AW, W 8 Hawkins, Baldwin A Cos. Warren AA. M Maclean, If M Comer Ar o, F M Farlev, l> Y Dancy. M Y A If 1 Melntvre, G Walter A Cos, Butler A 8, Ellis. II A Co,'.) P Williams, W C Jackson. C L Jones. Per sleamditp Nacoochee, from New York— Acosla A K, G W Allen. A K Altmaver A Cos, Arkwright Factory, M A Baric, V Birnbauin, T P Bond, Bond, II A FI, Kranch A C, Itynk A Son. Revenue steamer Itontwell, J G Butter. M Holey A Son, O Butler. Byok 43, J M Ca*e, BJCubhcdge, If M Coiner A Cos, K M Couner. A 11 Collin* A Cos. A H Champion, W If Chaplin, K If 'hiptnan. K Coschma, Jos Collins. City A Suh Rjr, Clark A If, Cohen A B. J K Clarke A Cos. I Hasher A Cos, H C Cun ningham, Madame Hesboulßoos, L ffel.ucla. Ifekle A B, A Heyer. J A Douglass A Cos, J Hull. E Diißoib, 31 J Hoyle, U Ecknteln A Cos, Ecinan A V. A Ehrlich A Bro, Ellis, H A Cos, G Khbcrwein, J II Kntalinsn.l Epstein A Bro. Epstein A W, Einstein A 1,, A Falk A Hon, J If Fox, M Ferst A Cos, F’lnlscliman A Cos. .) It Furlwr, A R Fawcett, Frank A Cos. L Freld. Fretwell AN, I, J Gazan, Jos Gorham, P J Golden, Gray A U'B, Graham A H, r Gutman. L M Gilbert ft Cos. 8 iluckenheimer ft Son. J D Hermes, A Hanlev, lloleonihe.G A Cos, J A Herscbbach ft Cos, C M Heidi ft Cos, 8 Ilexter, D Hogan, Win Hone ft Cos, K I, Hackett, Geo llelinkcn. M llcinikrn, 11 vines Bros ft Cos, M Jacoby. Kavanaugh ft It, Keuucdy ft M. tC J Keiffer, 8 Krouskotl, ,1 1 l.xFar. .1 Lang, N Long, II B r, ester, 51 l.avin, Lindsay ft M, Miss 8 M Lewis, I.iliontliul ft .Son, Lovell ft L, E Lovell ft 8011, 811 Levy ft Bro, A Leffler, Lippman Bros, J Lynch. JnoLyonsft Cos, 51c- Kennu ft SV,W B Mcll ft Cos, MMendel ft Bro, BF McKenna. 8 Mitchell. Kd Moyler, D J Morrisou, Mmnbard Bros A I,u. Mohr Bros. 11 Miller. A J Miller ft Cos, ,1 McGrath ft Cos. M F Molina, McDonell ft Cos, 11 Myers ft Bros, G N Nichols, Lee Roy Myers, A 8 Nichols, G 1> Nichols, G Noble. D J Nagle, Palmer Bros, .1 \5 Preston care B J Cubbeiige, K Platshak, 1> Porter, N Paulsen ft Cos, P l’ostell, 1\ Power, W G Raoul, H Ron ken, Rieserft s, J s Silva, T Uaderiok. C 1> Rogers, .1 Redman, 'limes, II Solomon A Son, .Solomons ft Cos. .1 W Tynan, Smith ft C, P ft Springer, Southern Bank, W G Thigpen, 5V D Simkins, K A M Schroder, K A Schwarz, 11 I. Sohreiner, Wm Scheihing, Jno Sullivan. J F Teitjen, J C Tosehoch ft Cos, P Tulierdy, Vale Koval Mfg Cos, Warren Short A P Cos, R I) Walker, Weed ft 1 , Tin s West. A M (; W Wesi. West Bros, E WortimHii, I P White, D Weishein, J H Werntz.Wvllv ft C, " 0 Tel Cos, Ga ft Flu I S It Cos, 8, F ft W Ry. Southern Ex Cos, 0 K R A Bkg Cos. Per steamship Juniata, from Philadelphia - Altic.k ft Son, Arkwright 51111s, Acosta * E, American .v! Cos, Byck Bins. J G Butler. D Brown. Baldwin ft Cos, Byck ft S. O Butlcr.M Kirnbaum, J Belslnger, t; 11 Carson, Coast Line It R. E ItClnpnian, A It Collins ft Cos, J Kolin, City ft Sub Kv, C A Cox, F Cookson. J Dors', M J Doyle, Paul Decker, Davis Bros, J A Douglass ft Cos. Dale. II ft Cos. Dekle ft B, Mrs lie Ren ne. I Epstein ft Itro, Ellis, H ft Cos, A Ehrlich A Bro. J II r still, (7 Eckstein ft t o. 51 Eerst ft Cos, Fret well ft N, G Fox, 1 Fred, Eetzer * g o (,emuiden, G A Gemuuden, Graham ft U, George ft G. S Gardner, c F Graham, A Hanley, F M Hull, Haines A l>, c Hartman, G M llenil ft Cos, A s Hartrnlge, c II Harms. C Kolsliorn ft Bro, Kavanaugh ft K, S Krmiskofl, J Kaufmanu. H.l Keiffer, Knick erbocker lee Co,E Lovell ft Son.lJhdsay ft M. Lippman Bros, Lovell ft L, Jno i.vonsft Cos. J Lung, n Lang, I) I: Lester, Lillenthal ft Son, 11 H Livingston, A R l.auney. James Lyons, It II Lew ft Bro, A Minis ft Sons, G S Me. \l - W It Mell ft Cos, 11 Myers ft Bros, W R Thigpen, McDonell ft 1,0, M Mendel ft Bro. McMillan Bros, s I, Newton, A s Nichols, 44 N Nichols, G Noble, Ohlandcr Bros, Jno Kourke, Peacock, II ft Cos. N Paulsen ft Cos. H Procht, Pennington ft Cos, J A Pearson. J 11 Ruwe, \V G Raoul, T Uaderirlt, S. Eft W Rv, Mrs A Raetz, H Solomon ft Son. Solomons ft Cos, E H Thompson, J s Silva. I T shiiptrine. Times, E A Schwarz, M Slrau-s, PTnherdy. It II Ta tem. J c Thompsnn. 11 W 'l’liompson.W Wolff. J W Tynan, C A H i mbarb. I liner ft C, It E Ulmer. Vale Kyoal Mfg Cos, A M ft C W West, Weed ft C, Thus West, .1 P Williams, War nock, S ft Cos, E Wortsinaii, Wm Wehrenhorg* P H Ward. D Porter, C U R. Southern Ex Cos, S, F ft W Ry, Ga ft Fla I S B Cos. tfutiltrutiono. The Best and Fullest ACCOUNTS OF THE GREAT CENTENNIAL WEEK WILL BE PUBLISHED IN THE Mii News. Thepspor will be sent by mall from May Ist to May 10, Inclusive, TO ANY ADDRESS FOR FORTY CENTS Leave orders at the Counting Room. Vartnna. MILL SUPPLIES. Usudurian Steam Packing. Sheet Rubber and Tuxt Packing. Soapstone and Italian Packing. Asbestos and Jute Packing. —ALSO— k full line or best RFHBER and LEATHER BELTINO t LA( 150. BE LI HOOKS, BABBIT METAL, FILES, etc., etc. For sale by PALMER BROTHERS. tfamaoro an& jDiifiotre. DT A. ALTICK & SONS, Cor. Broiigliton anil W. Broad Nls. t iSaviiniiah, (a., HAVE constantly on band the FINEST STOCK of CarriaeM, Bnggieff, rhaetons, and Wagons Krer offered in thin market. Call and ex amine. lad&fr®. LADDERS 4-Fool Ladder, • $1 00 5-Foot Ladder, • I 25 0-Foot Ladder, • ] 50 7-Foot Ladder, • 1 75 8-Foot Ladder, • 2 00 A. E. COLLINS & CO. prtjmro. TIMKEid 5; turn, VtHICLES. OVER 400,000 ct,. IN USE. Fnaleat htidlns Vehicle wade. with ewe gSHonwi two The lenathrn Mil •hortwa aae<ir<hn* to the V'.i.glit they outy. Fzpi,ll, well adapted In rough country rands uad ■nr drly eaof cltw. .fluuiitvela red andsold By all loading Carrbmc n iM iera and Ifcalcrs, SanOire. IIUYLER’S CANDIES^ Fresh by every steamer, only at OSCEOLA BUTLER’S Corner Bull and Congress streets, car* MEW YORK PRICES. Uruti Stare. ALL NEW! NO STALE GOODS. GET THE BEST IT THE NEW DRUG STORE PORTER’S Broiltoi Street Piianacy, 123 Broughton Street, itlatrttro and ?rtvrirt). A FINE LINE OF ELEGANT JEWELRY! Bold and Silver Watches. Clocks of every description. SilTfrwarfi or tbe bust makers. Optical Goods, Barometers, Walking Canes. ATTHE OLD RELIABLE STORE OF A. L. DESBOUILLONS, 21 BULL STREET. Sole A Kent for Leinare’s Rork Crystal Speetucles. Jewrlry and Hatches thoroahgly fixed. fruit, <tr. Car Cloice Eatini Potatoes] Hay. Corn, Oats. Bran, Etc. GRITS, MEAL, CORN EYES, ETC. Oranges, Lemons, Apples. BLACK EYE PEAS, SPECKLED PEAS, COW PEAS. T. F. ROND & CO., Jron UUultj. McDonough & Ballantyne iron Founders, Machinists, Boiler makers aud Blacksmiths. Manufacturers of # STATIONARY and PORTABLE ENGINES. VERTICAL UNDEK-KI N*EK und TOP-RUNNER CORN MILLS. | CL’tiAß MILLS and PA NS on hand and for i sale, all of the best material and Inwesl prices. Man Agents for tbe Chicago Tire and >pring Works, and the Improved Ebbermati Boiler Feeder. All orders promptly attended to. J. W. TYNAN, and Machinist, SAVANNAH. GA. Cor. West Broad and Indian Bts. ALLkindsof Machinery, Boilers.etc., mads and repaired. Steam Pomps, Governor*, Injectors, aud Steam and Water Fittings of all kinds for sale. Shipping. TO EUROPE! ( ’OOF'S EX< UItSION PARTIES leave In \J April, May, June and July. Send for program mee. INDIVIDUAL TOURIST TICKETS for travel in Europe and all parted the globe. PASSAGE TICKETS by all lines of steamers. < OOK’S EXCURSIONIST, with maps, pub lished monthly, by mail lor Ten Cent*. THUS. COOK ft SON, 261 Broadway, New York. I Florida Railway anil Kayigation Cos. | lulbiid Sea Islaud Route to Florida. | r I' , ME fust and p ipular steamer ST. NICHff- I LAB. Capt. M. P. UsiNA, will leave Sa vannah lor Fernaii'lina, F'la.. every Monday, Wednesday uud Friday from wharf foot of Lincoln street, os follows: Monday, Anril 19. 4 P. ft. W vdnesuay, April 21. 4 r. m. Friday, April 2(, 6 p. a Conneetlng at savannah with Hew York, Philadelphia. Boston and BaltimoreKtoanie-s, and at Fernandina with rail for .Jacksonville and all points in Florida. Freight received to within half hour of boat’s departure. Tickets tor sale at office World Travel Compnriy, corner Bull and Bryah streets, Sa vannah. C. WILLIAMS. Agent. (ompagiiic Gear: al I rgiisnliuiitiijup —French l-iue to Havre. General Transatlantic Cos. IJETWEEN New York and Havre, from pier No. 42, N It., foot of Morion street. Travelers by this line avoid both transit by Eugli.b rail w av and the discomfort of cross ing l tie Channel in a small iioat. Special train leaving the Company’s dock at Havre direct for Pans on arrival of steamers. Baggage checked at New York through to Parla. I. A lilt A DOR, I’KHIr.H n’hai'TBRivg.WED NKHHA Y. April 21, 7 4. M. ST. GERMAIN, Koykk, WEDNESDAY. April 28. i i'. il. ST LAURENT, K JorgHKLIN. WEDNES DAY, May 14. M. NORM VNHiE.DK Kkksahikc, WEDNES DAY. M n 12. If. U. t-Rli K OF PASSAGE (including wine): TO IIA V RE-First Cabin. 412'), 6100 and 680; Second t5bu.,469; steerage from New York to Havre, 425; steerage from New York to Paris, |2M; including wine, bedding and utensils. Cheek* payable at sight in niuounl to suit the Baiique I ran istlantique of Paris. LOUIS UK KKHIAN, Agent, 6 Bowling Green, toot of Broadway, New York, or WILDER A CO.. AgcnU lor Savannah. Shipping. for NEW YORK ANO PHILADELPHIA CAB.N EXCURSION -t! STEERAGE V.’.V.V.f I'assuKe to Philadelphia, tvia New York). CABIN ~, t y magnificent steamships of this eo*. * P*ny are appointed to sail as follows— standard limp! TO NEW YORK. J l^. HOOC,IEK > Cant. J. W. Catha iNK. We.dnESDAY, April 21, at 8 a. m. C*P*- Kbmpton, FRI IA Y, April 23, at 10 A. 44, asske . Cant. W. H. Fishkh. S!ON DAY . April 26, at 12 noon. CITY OP ACilirsT t. Capt K S Nirrs*. sox, M ELNESDA TANARUS, April 28, at‘ 2 CITY or SAVANNAH. Capt. H. C Dai*, oktt, FRi D\ V, A „ rll :,o. it 8:80 r. Jf. TO II II I.AI)I<:r 4 IIIIA.. I These steamers do not earry passengers.] *:m A9K,N9 * BATUR DMay°U iD 4 C p?m. S “' TH ’ BATtr BOAT 4 Through hillHofladinggiven to Eastern and l f< L r i! , , we^ tcrn points and to ports of the Uni ted Kingdom and the Continent unl For freight or passage apply to G. M. SORREL, Agent, . Itmlding. Merchants’ <ind Minors’ Trungporti* tion Coni pan j 9 , FOR RALTIMOIIE. second cabin::;;::..;.:. tidK.iu, 'T'HE steamships or this company are d -more,:;,?^^; r t"™? VRnnf ‘ h f ° r FoBTEa> sATtra - W "tu rosTER ’ -OP. And from Baltimore on the days above named at 3 r. a. " aoov* Through bills lading given to all point# west, all the manufacturing towns in New England, and to uuru m n„. United Kingdom Sad the Continent. B JAS. B. WEST ft CO., Agents, Boston and Savannah STEAMSHIP CO. FOR BOSTON DIRECT. CABIN J’ASS AGE -J0 0* EXCURSION 35 in) bixEKAGE v.v. u m THE first-class iron steamships of this com. pany are appointed to sail every Thnm na v from Ro-ton at 3r. f rom Savannah M ollows—standard time: “ GATE CITY, Capt. D. HlDOg, THURS. DAY, Aprii 2at 9 P. h. CITY OF MACON. Capt. W. Kgrihv THURSDAY. April 29, at 2:HOe.Y tBT * GATKCITY.Capt. D.Hkdok, THURSDAY Mav 8. at 7::D r. M. * CITY OF MACON. Capt. Wg. KgLLgr THURSDAY. May 13, at 2 P. M. * Through hills of lading given to New Eng land manufacturing points and to Liverpool The compaiiy’H wharves In both Savannah and Boston are connected with all railroad* leading out of the two cities. "inroad* RICHARDSON ft BARNARD, Ageota. Bi*R Island Routp—Georgia A Florida Inland SI cam boat Coiii|taiy. Steamer ST. NICHOLAS, CAPTAIN M. P. USINA, I EAVES Savannah from foot of Lincoln J ntreet for Doboy, Darien, Bt. Siinon’a and Brunswick Monday. April 19.4 pm - Friday. Anril 23.6 nm connect ing t Brunswick with STEAMER CRACKER BOY for Satilla river. Throilrt rates given to all points. Freight not signed for twenty-four hours after arrival will Be a* risk of consignee. J. N. IIAII rim AN, Manager. C. WILI HUH. General Agent. For Augusta and Way Landings, STEAMER KATIE Capt. J. 8. BRVfLL, WILL LEAVE EVERY TUESDAY ats:3 o’clocn p. m. (city time) for Augusta and wav landing*. All freight* payable by shipper*. John la wton, Manager, BFJMI- WEEKLY LINE FOR COHEN’S BLUFF AND WAT LANDINGS THB steamer ETHEI, Capt. W. T. Gibioi*. will leave for lve every FRIDAY, 5 f*. m. Return,ag, arrive •BNDAT WK.HT. Leave TUESDAY atS P. M. Re tarn lag, ar rive THURSDAY at U A. u. Forlaforma tlou, etc , apply to W. T- GIBSON, MoaaßMh Hi Wharf foot of Drayton street. Vain Royal Manufuctarißf Cotnpaßj'a Mood Yard, ON canal, just In rear 0. R. R. Passnnrei Depot, and between the two brick briitg i of C. R. R., is the idace to aetoheap Wood— Sia! , Broken Luintier anu Ends—the best lire „r stove wood in the world. Send your own, or a street wagon, for a toad and try It. Dob's forget the place. 7