Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1868-1887, May 03, 1886, Page 4, Image 4

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4 JTESJS IN THREE STATES. (iECI’OIA, Ffd >HI DA AND SOUTH CAiiuLIXA CL' r IN TYPIS. Hon. .IcfTersou, Davis' Visit to Macon Years Ago— A- otnun \V hipped ii.v Mask oil Men <>n t lie < b-ouuo —Flint River to be surveyed from Mome ntum to the Old Agency. GEORGIA. Thp city ol Darien ; again out o( del)t, bavins paid up lUe last note <>n the engine. 'lbe crop of strawberries in Brooks county iB utusaaiiy largo Lbs present season. At lbe annual meeting of the Rome Board of Trade Friday the old officers wore re-elected. Brooks county truck grower* are snip ping pta-s beans, radlsbes, and in a few *jn\ci potaioi K will beirin to lorw* and. It is said that the red horse list are so plenutul in Suave creek, \Vaiker county, that they eau no easily kill'd in suallow place- wtlh slicke. The fruit oropof Folk county is but little Inin oil. There may have been a part of tii'ocrop kill >1 hut that which is left will he of good quality. Tue T> * u Council of Elberton are in earnest about slopping the sale ol wbis. kv in that loan. They have passed an ordinance to prohibit any one from giving it away. On last Saturday night a band of mask ed men visited the housed a disreputable Woman on ibeeast sule ot the Goon©--, near Dublin, and administered a whip ping. None of the parties are known. The old stockade at Andersonville ex tends over a wide territory. The Daw so a Manu'acuiring Company is now making walking canes Iroui timber said 10 be taken from the old stockade, which are shipped North and readily bring $2 and *3 apiece. Athens Lodge, Knights of Labor, isdi vlded as to the wisdom of boycotting the Athens factory on account of the dis charge of Mr. .Toon W. Black, and the anli-boycoticrs areiu the majority. It is probable that the boycott will be declared but it will come Troth the district aud not the local lodge. F. M. Little, of Hancock county, bad the top soil washed irom some of bis river land, exposing an exieusive bed ol decom posed shells. it will i rove valuable as a Fertilizer. Mr. Little should try some ol tt under corn and cottou. 11 the experi ment should attest its value, the flood may prove to have been to him a blessing in diegu ise. t’brougb the efforts of Congressman Crisp the government has decided to sur vey the Flint river from Montezuma to the Old Agency, in Crawford county. In tb event that the river can be made nav igable that high up. Congress will make an appropriation to have the work done at an early date. With a boat line from Montezuma to that point, a very fine sec tion ol the Slate will be developed. From f-e Macon Telegraph,, May 14,1805: Going down the Houston road yester day, the reporter took a position two mile* from toap, and in-re awaited the arrival at 2 o’clock. The advance guard came in sight, and uuickly the whole party came up. Firs' after the advance came the carriage conta-nlng Miss Howell. Lieut. Hathaway and two others. Next an ambulance drawn by four splendid mules, ooiiiauiiiig Mr. Davis, hi* lady and little daughter. This sweet little girl occupied a seat, in iront. and looked out upon the va*t throng of soldieis and citi zens who crowded each s oe of the road wi ba p easing smile. Perhaps tbelitlie earth angel th-tight It was one ol those pageants she bad often seen as. semble to do reverence fo b<-r beloved father. At every step the cro \d increased. When the carriages crossed the Macon and Wes'ern railroad so vast had it be come that it was neee-sary for men to clear the way with drawn swords and pointed rifles. Fiom all parts ot the city men, women and children, sobber* and negroes, flocked to the sidewalks and b-CKed up the way. Passing Brown** el the throng moved directly forward 'o ’ '•YNb'-rryafreet, and from there tip to ihe Afbi) r house. In fiont of Ibat lintel the An*d had grown softens*’that it waswiili w-fficuity the way could lie clear (1 At Va-t lbe carriages and ambulances were stopped and ihe paitv sighted. Thev were received by Geo. \Vil*on. ihe officer oi t oday. a’d taken to rooms preoared for lb "in by Messis. Logan & Meara. toe proprietors. Notash"Utoi token of exul tation was manifested dui ing the whole time bv tba Federal sol hers, while me citizens looked on with oonntensnc-s generally expressing regret. Mr. Davis and hi- laraiiy. and the gentlemen cap tured with him, were sent forward by spec ai train to Atlanta lasteveuing. He is iu feeble health. FLORIDA. l’ulatka i •* have a lown cloc'ic. Alaige-m mill at Newport Springs is | tow running. Tbe hotel at Keuka is to be enlarged be- | /ore nextsoason. , The Supremo Court convenes luTalla- i bassee oo Mav 3. The ihrcui' Court of Suwane) county convene* on Monday. The Apopka VH r'ot will Issue a trade edition about May 20. Surveys show that Cocoa is about 40 feet higher than Titusville. The new Congre ai ional Church at Pori Orange is nearly finished. Mr. Pennington ha* opened a hotel at GL ndap*, styled Hie Glendale house. Fernand na district has shipped 10,285,. 000 feet ol luini -r in tue past four raoiilhs. The Clarendon hotel at Green Oov* Bpring has cio*ed its doors lor 1 bes. a*on He ports Irom Orlando *av that tne Na tional bank there is doing a large busi nes-. Smntervtlle has more business bouses now open tesn ever beiore, and ibev are still coming. A minis'er of Lake City sav* the first couple he ever married patd $2 50 and a load of potatoes. Pr p ry in Keuka has risen steadily in Va'U . Last week a vacant li t 50x100 leet sold lor sl,odo. Strawberries ad blackberries now vie wl'h eacn other nt 10 cents per quart at Green Cove Hpiing. SeV' rnl E wlishnien have located at Lane Pai k, and more are expected to ar rive in a short ilinu. Three eir-vwbfr-ies erown at Federal Point measured respectively 4%, and inches in ciiciimferenc". An o’d folks'concert will be held at I'ulatkii on May II for the henefit of tbe Lad e*’ Mem .rml Association. Tbe South Florida Seniiiwi of Orlando repo ts m iisuo'nmn* a munb r of reel ■state tran action* al goad Heines. Tne artesian well at. Green Cove Spring has in en sunk made i hoi 89 feet, but without reaching a good lloar of water. Tbe |>ea"li trees throughout Clay coun ty are II- itV l ly laden wiln iron, and a large crop mav now he considered certain Regular trio* ur • not male in Lake Dora, between Tavares, Mount Dora and Tangerine landing, by means of u last •team ywebi. The saw m il nt Tavares has been sold to two gentlemen, who will hereafter op -rate It under tbe name of the Tavares Lumber Company, Lady May Hardy, tbe English author es*. who has be-n wintering at O’lando. collecting material lor a book on Florida, ba* leu, tor tier home. Tbe little town ot Ltkeside. in Grunge county, I* coming to the tiont, and re port* irom ibat point ludluatu that ebe Is oaving Quito a bourn. j MeJhurne has organized a bathing club, j the object ol which is lo have me mern | nars meet every Wednesday afternoon I lor a dip in the ocean, j The body of the young man who was drowned in Crescent l*k • has been lounrl. H*s fnee was so discolored as lo be alnio3t unrecogn zable. Mr. Cramer hs at his shoo at Quincy a cluck more than 200 years old which he ba-recently repair* and and put in order, l L keeps perfect time and is a great curi i osity. ! C. P. Cooke has resigned the offices of clerk and treasurer of Tavares, and the vacancies will be filled by appointment by he Town Council, and the offices sep arated. j At Green Cove Spring Oapt. Wylie Is i *iiil tugging awav at the sunken steamer I Port It >val. one cud of which be partially laised during the week, when the chains g*ve way. and he was forced t'> stop npe ra toons until he could procureotber chains from Jacksonville. The owners of the Manatee have not as yet succeeded in leasing another steamer suitable lor tne route, and are running tueir own steamer tor the present. They consider the boat perfectly safe, however, an ! will contine to run her until another can be be procured. Maj. .J. D. Hollister, the popular and efficient superintendent ot tne Florida Southern railroad, who has just resigned, has been present and with a magnilleent gold watch and chain by the emplntea of the road as a token of the esteem in which he is held. The timepiece cost over S2OO. .1. A. Laruerd has been appointed super intendent. Dr, H. .J. Hammond, of Orange city, has a you* gcnick with tour legs, tour wings, two nodies, in fact, a double chicken in every particular exceptits bill and skull. It lived only a lew hours, and was batched at the placed Jimmie -tuarl, a mile south west of town. The Doctor has put it in alcohol, and placed it among his col lection ol curiosities. Dr. L. W. W. Manowav, who says that 110,000 has been donated by parties in the North, whom oe represents, to erect and put in operation an industrial school for colored youths, is in I'aiatka prospecting mr a location for the school. Hesa's he wains to locate it In I'utnam county, if sufficient nducements are offered him in the way of cheap lands, etc. John R. Finch, of I’alatka, bad a queer curiosity batched out at his house aday or two s*nce. An Industrious old duck was setting and among the little ducks hitched out was one without head or legs, hut had a well developed bodv and wings, cov ered with feathers. Wh--n she saw the curiosity which she had hatched out. the old duck seemed very much disgusted. A sad case of poisoning by the drinking ot concentrated lye occurred in the family of Jesse Wilson, wuo lives a lew miles from Green Cove, last week. Alitile2- year-old child of Mr. Wilson got to play ing with a ca n of the lye and Anally took a drink ot toe liquid. Dr. Canova was sent for, but the little victim of the poison was past medical aid aud died on lbe fol lowing day. In the matter of the injunction to re strain Lorenzo Taylor and associates from sinking an artesian well on Walnut street near the Spring Park, at Green Cove Spring, Judge Baker ba* rendered a decision adverse to the apoiication todis solve the injunction. Testimony will be pioduced to sustain the allegation made by council, when Judge Baker will ren der a linat decree in the matter. As it is asserted that the case will be taken to the Supreme Court, sometime may elap*e before ilie troublesome affair will be al lowed finally to rest. Dr. H. R. Benjamin, postmaster of Tampa, re*-en'ly resigned bis membership on he Tamp i Board of Ti ade for the fol lowing reason: When Mr. H. B Plam and pariy visited Tampa, tue Board of Trade held a meeting and appropriated funds toward the entertainment ot the visitors, and the '“wine and liquor” bill was to be ‘•voluntary” outside of this. Now the doctor is a very strong temper ance man, and wheu the wet bill was loreed idto the other, he naturally felt in dignant at having to help pay for it, and in spite ol his strong interest in the town's resigned. The people ot Hawthorn have been in correspondence woti a Colonization Com pany in Connecticut in reference to the se ti* meet, of a colony at that place. Tne arrangements have progressed so lar that at a meeting of the citizens Thurs day they agreed to give the colony 185 acres of land in West Hawthorn, and llie company, on their part have agreed io set t e twenty-five lainilit s on the land Imme diatelv. and eventually to settle alleast 100 lamilies. Waites’ Crossing, West Hawthorne and Hawthorne proper are all to be incorporated under lbe name of Haw * thorn, and the limits are to be extended j oue mile each way. SOUTH CAROLINA. The citizens ol Prosperity have organ ize-! a hook and ladder company. The farmer* ot Long Cane township, of Abnevli ecnun'y, organized a permanent elution April 17. Col. J. H. Rice, ot Greenwood, tne fath er oi tue present stock law, i* said to be an a*p-ram to succeed Col. D. \V. Aiken in Congress. Col. Edward Cantwell, who Is now teaching at Allendale, lihs been appoint ed a professor In the United Slates Navai and Military Academy. Col. Robert Aldrich will deliver nn ad dress at the reunion oi the survivors ot Cos pany B, 6th 8. u. cavalry, C. 8. A., ai Edgefield, on the luuitb Saturday in July. Mrs. Mary Campbell is the oldest lady in iho Little I’e-- Dee section ol Ma'ion county. Sue is 88 year* of age, and na* lot children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. A prominent tobacco manufacturer of Virginia i* making arraiu-emeuls io erect a tobacco factory at Rock Hill, The tar mer. around Rock 110 l will plaut 250 acres in tobacco - bis year. John I. Mitchell, ol Anderson county, has a three-legged chicken. The thud leg hangs from tbe left side, and ihougn it is oi normal size it is only connected with the body by a small ligament. Tne agent of tue Savannah Valley rall r a-l at McCormick r>ceinly put $5,u00, whom had been sent to pav the band*, into the safe and forgot the combination. An .Xpert is trying to op-m tue sale. A great deal of dissatisfaction is innnl tested among tne farmers al oig the West ern Atlantic and Greenville Narrow Gauge railroad, on account ol t jelr hands boing employed by the railroad author ities. The Laurens Advertiser says: ‘‘There was a tune when Laurens was considered an unhealthy place. Tin- pa-t few- vears. however, have placed it far above the average, oven in this noted Uiedmont aec tion.” The railroad bridge across Rocky river at Lnwndesvilie ja finished lbe first train passed over it on Monday afternoon. Between toe river nn-l Lowinlesville, u a distance ol two miles, mere are about 17 treat lea. If. Lynch Pringle, United States Consul at Guatemala, is visiilng friends in Genrgemwn c linty. Mr. Pringle has been nrdererul h-uno on duty, and ha* availed hmi-eif of the opportunity to visit hi* old home. I Ai a recent meeting of tip-Town Council of Aiken the nruinunoe requiring a lic- ns f- o ir--in outniie s doing husu-esa in town was repealed, and a resolution was also passed refunding to those who had paid the h e of $25 each. The distinctions In the seninr cla*a of the Due West F male College have been announced hr follows; Nr.'uistorian, Ml* Lott I- Hncc. Due V.t; French Mvaviot, SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS: MONDAY. MAY 3, 1886.—TWELVE PAGES. ! Miss Maggie Unite, Camden* 8. C.; vale dictorian, M ss Allie Pruil, Due West, i The P. "st>. u-rian church at Greenwood : stands second on the contributions to 'or ! oign missions in toe South Carolina Pres -1 briery. Its Sunday school -tamls second on the list, and the Lad es’ Missionary So ciety si amts first on the list of societies. William Gaines owns a mill and eighty acres ol land on the Laur* ns side ol *■ luila river, at Ware’s shoals. F**r this place Mr. Gain's paid S9OO, Sinco the “Narrow Gauge” has become a certainty it is probable a factory will some day be erected at this water power. Mr. Gaines has reiused au offer of (6,000 for what cost him S9OO. At the late session of the New York East Conference, held at Brooklyn, the Rev. Thoma* E. Gilbert, late of lbe South Carolina < on'erence, wa* honored by e ectmn to the office of Statistical Secre tary. and returned to West Haven for the toe t iir-1 year, the limit of toe pastorate in toe Northern branch of the Methodist Episcopal church. The New Orleans exhibit of the State Agricultural Department, with various additions since made to the collection, is now conveniently and tastefully arranged in the large hall occupying the ground floor ol the agricultural building at Co himbia.and is in charge of t he veteran en thusiast of the department, Capt. Angus P. Brown. The specimens of wood, which suffered from the roughness of travel, have been repolished and mounted ami make a beautiful show. The phos phate pyramid is, ol course, much re duced in size, on account ot the lesser height of the ceiling of its present station, but is unchanged in its attractiveness. STOLE HIS NEIGHBOR'S WIFE. Berrien County Shocked by a Scandal— A Very Old Hook. Alafaha, Ga., May I.—The people of this ( Berrien) county are noted for their good, honest, old-fashioned ways, and the greater number are members of some branch ot the church anil bold in utter disgust anything bad or immoral. Just now they are somewhat stirred up. Ben jam n (Jolson, wuo hag been living near Nashville lor the past few years, aban doned his wife a few days ago and left for parts unknown accompanied by the wife of Robert Wtteeless. He pre tended to bi* wife that he had received a letter stating that his father was dead, and he bail to go off immediately to bring his mother to live with them. He left home, borrowed a wagon ir- m one of his ne gnbors, and hum-ell and Mrs. Wheeiess stole away. She felt a letter to her hus band advising him to get another wife, one that would be good to him, etc. The owner of the stolen or borrowed wagon and several citizens are in pursuit of him. When last beard from Mr. Colson was wending his way towards Pulaski county. At Wiley Whitley’s place, in Irwin county, a tew days ago, Rev. Mr. Hardin snot a very large rattlesnake, completely culling bun in half. Some time alter wards a dog went near the snake, was liuten, and died from the effects. To-day 1 was shown qu te an old book— •‘Reports Court ol Queen’s Bench,” special cases in the second, third, lourth, li'tn and sixth years of the reigns of King William and Queen Mary, publish* and at Inner Temple lane, London, England, in 1892, making the same 194 years old. It contains the coat of arms "of the Lynd hurst family, aud is in a good stale of pre l,oc*< Personal Hon. John E. Ward is in the city. Mr. E.C. Bruffeyisln the city repre senting the Atlanta 'Jonstitution. Mr. Alva Fitzpatrick, of the Montgom ery Daily Dispatch, reached Savannah yesterday. Capt. 8, W. Weston, of Albany, Treas urer of the Georgia Press Association, is in the city. Messrs. Jnn. H. Hodges, editor of the Perry Dome Journal, and E. L. Rail ey, editor of the Dawson Appeal, are in tue city. Gov. O’Neil, of Alabama, telegraph* that owing to important official bus'ne-s ho will not be able to attend the Ceuten nial. Frank P. Glass, Esq., of th* Montgom ery Advertiser came in on Mr. Davie’ tram. The idrerttser is now one of the leading dailies of the south. Mr. J. K. Jackson, Secretary of thp Alabama Rilr-iad Commis-don and aci ing private S cretarv to Mr. Davis, was iutbe party which arrived last night. Miss Lulu Walker, the charming and accomplished daughter ot Gen. W. 8. Walker, of Atlanta, is a guest of her rela live, Mr. Ramon Salas, 68 South Broad street. Gen. John B. Gordon did not come down with Mr. Davis yesterday, having b en de tained in Atlanta on business. He will probably be down to-day. Mr*, and Miss i Gordon, however, came with Mr. and Mis ! Davis. j Col. A. P. Monty, Superintendent nr the Public Scbonls of oln nbus. and Prof. S. C. Caldwell. President of the Georgia Teacher* Association, arrived yesterday, and are the guests of Prof. W. R. Thig pen, ol the Chatham Academy. Kls.lnimn- > Ity Han*. This institution opened its doors Dec. 1, 1885, witu a stock capital of $50,000. Since then its business has increased steadily and satisfactorily and an addition to the ol r-cal f rce has be-m found n -cessarv. The officers are A. E. Dwight, Preside-j, and F. H Skelding, Cashier. Anew anil elegant bank liui ding, w-lih fire proof vault an I even convenience attached, ha* b • n erect'd an-l is nearly read) for occupation. It is the ha d*om st s rue tlire in Kissimmee. This euierprise lias contributed no lit le lo the oommerc al imporauceof i be town, and Is indispensa ble io its continued prosperity. Ueadoaid in this issue. Special in lioatlons for Georgia to-dar: Fair weather and stationary teinperatuie. For South Atlantic States: Fair weath er, winds becoming variable, stationary temperature. The unit of the river at Augusta at 1:83 o’ol *o* i). in. vesier-lav i Augusta time! wa* 11.0 feet—a fall of 2.3 feet dur ing the preceding 24 bo-irs. Oo hnarat've *'.a'e mil -if teuioerature at Savannah May 2. 18Ni and 1888 t IKS-,. 1(36 :3fl A M 66 6:36 A. M 53 > .16 r. g 75 2;31 r. a 70 P :3rt r.n • * 1"; W p. a hi Us imiim 76 Maximum 71 dlaunmn 64 .Minimum. 54 6- ..u .muca mr* Mean temperature of 1 >.* 70 of ay..., 63 Kalnf , 0 OUiKaIbUII 0 Ml Cotton-region bulletin tor 21 hours end ing M-iv 2 1881.6 p. in., BuPrn time, lit SITU PS. ~~i 7\\gk' Number- Namk. ot j Max. ! Mlu. Ham station- l\ inp Temp, f.ti . Wllmiligt’-U 9 65 46 lb arid-t0n.... 8 70 6 Atigtl*t I 12 7u 47 81 CAMMaH. ... .3 77 50 A-Is uu 9 71 46 Moii'uoiUiry.. 8 70 48 Mobi e 7 70 4 J New Orleans 7 7S 53 Oulv.ion IS si S3 | V - k-bi-rg a 78 5' LI-to* and t-n„ 4 '0 49 Memphis 18 72 | 46 Average 74 5 49 5 | I’.io *a>ol diamond*.jewelry, etc., (till continues at store on Broughton street, opposl'e Aittnayer’a, ai II o’clock a. m. und 7:39 p. tn. Messrs. .1. McLaughlin ,t 8-mi are the auctioneers. All stvles Douglass-1 Low Upartera, at Bvck Bros.—Ade. SHOOTING CUT PiGEONS. The Inter-State shot Gun Tournament This AT* k. One of the attractions of the week will be the fourth inter-State shot gun and wing sbootlngcontest, under the auspices of the National Gun Association, at the Chatham Gun Club’s shooting park south ot Cant (i Washington, to-morrow, Wednes day and Thursday. The programme of the tournament has alrealty been published in the News. The flrstday five matches will be shot; on the second day four, and on the third day tour. There will he three mope's in ail the inarches unless the entrances exceed 40, when there will be four moneys. In mutch No. 5 the winner will have both badge and money. All matches will be governed by the National Gun Associa tion rules. Clubs have entered front Atlanta, Quit man, Macon, and Brunswick, Ga., Charleston, II ardeeville. aid Columbia, 8. C., and Pen*acola and Tallahassee, Fla. The Chatham Gun Club and the Forest City Club,of Bavannab will also take hart. Th*- badge to be shot for has just been ot tered bv the National Association. Last year’s badge which wa* shot for iast Oe tote r at the Macon tournament wa* won by the Chatham Gun Club ol this city. The management ot the tournament is under the direction of an executive com mittee consisting ot Judge M. R. Free man, of Macon, Ga.; E. A. Crawford, ot Tallahassee, Fla.; Judge F. C. Randolph, ol Montgomery, Ala.;.J H Von Lengerke.of New York aud T. T. Hall, of Charleston, 8. C. W. G. Cooper.Presidentof the Chatham Gun Club Is General Manager and W. H. Connerat. Secretary and Treasury of the same club is General Secretary. Several of toe competing clubs have already ar rived and the remainder will arrive to day. WRECKED IN A GAI.E. Tbs Brig J. H. Lane Lost Off Jupiter Inlet—sufferings of th* trot, The brig J. H. Lane, of Searsport. Me., Capt.AlonzoSnute master, from Matanzas for Philadelphia or New York, with a cargo of 800 hogsnead* of molasses, was wrecked on April 19, about 14 miles north of Jupiter Inlet. The vessel is a total loss. The coast for miles is strewn with casks and wreck age. There was no insurance on the ves sel but the * ergo was insured In Phila delphia for SIO,OOO. The Captain and crew were two hours drifting asaore on their boat, bottom upwards. The steward, Henry Whitlock, was d>owned. Genera! Manager Bently, of the Jacksonville, Tampa and Kiy VV'est ra In-ad, kindly and promptly give the Captain and crew free transportation Irom Titusville, Fla., to Jacksonville, wnere they arrived on Saturday. The crew saved nothing from the wreck. The cap tain and his sou were sent to tee marine hospital at Jacksonville, they having been badly bruised on the wroeli, and having walked 70 miles from the inlet to l’itus- In wei clothing. C tot. Ells, underwriter’s agent at Jacfc sottvile, went to the wr*-ck on Saturday. The brig was built in 1889 at Searsport, Vie., where she was owned. She was 371.50 ton* net register, and rated Al in ihe American Shipmaster Association. The crew will probably arrive here to night. It C*n’t K* DM. As well try to bail out old ocean as to exhaust our stock of Centennial decora tions. It can’t be d>o. From early Sat urdays. m., until tip, m., we were be sieged with eager buyers, but notwith standing the tremendous demand we are on deck with enough more to supply all creation. Large invoice* received per Saturday’s steamer. Low prices will rule to-day. Come all and complete vour pur chase* so we can wind up the flag trade and set our house in attractive order tor visitors. L. ,t B. S. M. H. Nwhboyi. You can make money selling Jeffer son Davis’ pictures. VV e Riipplv you at wholesale rates. L. A B. S. M. H. Ibe Morning News nt Camp Washing ton. The Morning News’ stand, Immedi ately adjoining the telegraph office and press quarters, will be open daily during Centennial week. Advertisements and subscriptions will be received on same terms as at the publisher’s offlee. Sample copies in wrappers may be had and mailed, Cltiz-n* l.ivu.g On Lin • of Murch Should h ive their decorations up a* early as possible. You will find largest assort ment, lowest price*, and your orders will be promptly tilled by L. * B. 9. M. H. Not'cs to New-bov*. Newsboys selling the Morning News should buy their checks at tbe Counting Room during tbe day. to save delay in getting papers in the morning. Gr.ii-I Op-n-ny of Raderiek’s Ice Cream Gard-n, corner Bull and Jones streets. Ice Cream*. Sher bets, etc , will be served in first olass style. Cakes. Lemonade. Bandwiches, etc. Accommodations for 200. No dan ger of crowding.— Ad . Centennial Hots. The military display will be grand, and so will be the display at Silva’s China sf ore. Dinner Sets, Tea Fire Sets, Cham ber Sets, tine Cm Glasiwar-, Watercool ers, Ice Cream Freezers, Fly Fans, Gate Ci'v S'one Water Filler*, e c. Toe largest stock in the city at greatly re-Diced prices. Ten Havil md’s Decorated French China Dinner Sets at invoice cost. 140 Brough ton street.— Ade. Single copies of the Morning News in wrappers, ready for mailing (including P-isiage). can lie had at tbe Counting Room. Brute 5 cent*. Single copies of iho Vloh-ning News in wrapiiers, ready for mailing (including postage), can bv had al the Counting Room. Price 5 cents. Free Kili-hli—n of the 44xn-lm-uint Sic- plug Car In the World. The Pullman Palace Buffet Sleeping Car that look tbe first prize over all others, at the New Orleans exposition, and considered the finest *1 eplng car iu the world, will be on exhibition al tbe kavannab, Florida and Western pas semrer depot, Monday, May 8, from 2 to fi o’clock p. m, Tne public generally ar Invited to examine this model ol perfec tion. T his sle- p ng rar, an l seven others of like Guild and finish, nre used to roiiuilete a through car s-*ivce Ir-tm Montgomerv, A! i., llirou h the union depot at Atlanta, to New York city, pausing *ll thp h ading su nutter r sort* in East IVnn<-**ep and Virginia, the Natural Bridge ot Virginia, and the isr fame-! Ca*ern* of Luray. Comp'.Ple assortment of the celebrated Dougins $3 Low Quarters, at Bvck Bros. lira- h C*inp W>lilngii-ti take street, earn on Barnard, Liberty, Broughton, or Hither*bttm streets. Close connection with the steam cars. Call and Sea Ca. To all who are in need we extend an invitation to call and examine our stock of Clothing before purchasing elsewhere. Our stock of Clothing for Men, Youths, Boys and Children is complete, and to those who want full value for their money, our store Is the place. Our stock of Clothing comprises the latest styles of goods, made up in tbe best manner, and the lit is equal to any. Our line of Straw Hats is full for Men, Bovs and Children, oi the latest styles, and we are offering them at very low prices. We are the agents forthe “Ktngof Shirts,” which is acknow ledged by all who wear them to be best shirt in the city. The price is $1 25 tor lattndried, and $1 00 for unlaundi ied. We also seli unlattudried Bbirts at 50 and 65 cents each, and laundried at 75 cents and sl. We also sell a laundried open front Shirt for $t 25. t ur line of Neckwear is complete in the latest styles and colors for spring wear. Underwear, Earl & Wil son and other Collars and Cuffs, Hosiery, Umbrellas and Sun Umbrellas. Please give u* a call. Chas. Logan <fe co,, 139 Congress street.— A'lv. Extra large sloe* of Children’s Suits, from 92 rents np. Appel Bros.’ old stand. Base Bad free with every suit.— Adv. Knox'6 world-renown hats, spring and sum mer sty es. now open at Collat Bros., sole agents. —A da. Reduced Board for Visitors. There is no reason whatever why visitors to the Centennial celebration should shoulder a heavy bill for board and lodging, when they can otherwise rave a considerable sum of money. This ran be accomplished by bu ing their Spring Clothing, Underwear. Neckwear, Hosiery, Sti w Hair, etc., at A. Falk & Soil’s reliable Clothing Estahliiabment. We guar antee that purchaser* can save enough on all articles bought of us. to nia eriallv reduce their running expenses while in Hie city, an e further guarantee that they will not find elsewhere a fleet or larger slock of Gents’. Youths’, Boy*’ and Children’s Clothing from which to se-ect. VVe have one price only f*r all, and that is the lowest. Our tabor maks all alterations free of charge, and we ere stir • th -t we cm give ever, one a ‘ merchant tailor” lit. and for about one-half a tailor’- price. “Fa kV’old reliable Clothing House is not on* of mushroom growth, lint looks back with pride to the experience of ve-rs, and * nr Clothing has a reputation for superi ority over all o hers. We invie inspection, sn-1 no harm if you don’t bay. Co-grt-ss, Whiiakersnd St. Ju l m streets. A. Fai.k & SONS, successors to I. L. Falk & Cos. The Great Silk Strike. A. K. Altmayer It Cos. strike against the old-time high prices charged for silks in Sa vannah, and. regardless ot all combinations, will sell for this ween their entire stock ol summer silks at the ma-velou* low price of 49c. per yard, reguiiu- price from 65c.. to 75c. Thev also will offe- best quality 24 a d26-inch striped and plain surah -ilks at 75c. per yard, po'itivelv worth 21. Special inducements in black dress goods at the following big reduc tions: the r 1214 c. g e.dsfor 10c 2"c. goods for 15c . their 25i;. goods for 20c , the r Hse. and 40c. goods for 80o„ their 50c. goods for 40e.. tneir 6'c goods for 5"c., their Hse goo s for 65c., their $1 goons for 75c., and all other grades in same nroportlon. Just opened, 25 pieces more of 42 inch black lane bunting at 15c., usual price 40e —A or. Framed picture* or J ff-rem Davti, Handsomely-framed pictures of ex-Pres ident Davis, only 50 oents, at L. &. B.S. M. H. Single copies ot the Mokning News in wrappers, ready fbr mailing (including postage), can be had at the Counting Room. Price 6 cents. Collat Bros, keep the latest shaoe straw hats. —A dv. Do not forget that Collat Bros, are head quarters for Trunks and Satchels.—Ado. You Can ilaks Sit) every day this week by selling th por traits of ex-President Davis and the sou venir Confederate battle flags. We want live men and boys to sell these goods in the streets and at the encampment arrnumis during the week. There were 7 000 of tbes>* p ctures sold in one day in Atlanta. Men and boys who iman busi ness, can let paying work ny eai'ing be tween 8 and 9 o’clock Monday morning. Litiden <fc Bates Southern Music House. Single copies of the Morning News in wrappers, ready for mailing (including postage), can be had at tbe Counting Room. Price 5 cent*. Where can be found a good assortment of spring liat*? At Collat’.— Adi. Remember bv trading with a square and upright hou-e you will always save money, and Collat Bros, are iboones who live up to that inotlo.— Adv. We Say ft aud We Mean It. It is a gratification to us to be able to say that every customer who called at our store 1 his sea-on gave us the highest prdae for the excellent elec ion we’ve mad > In the styles Mmlua't rns of one clothing for the soring and summer -easitti and for ihe low pri es we are selliug our goods et. Most every hou-e In our line set* forih t-onie cla m or other why Hie patronage of the commnuitv should lie given them. All we have to offer is flrst elass goods for men. youths unu oy nice, desirable styles at popular prices; to make all neces-ary altera'lont free of charge; to give you a* near perfect a fit as any first rla-* merenanl. lat er, and our 20 v ears’ repu tation for representing our goods . orreet tv. Another advantage we offer I* that, having had our garini ms made up front sample* se lected by us, you are not apt to see duplie ue of a suit lioiignl of us upon most every mh f man vou raw. We m ake * spec'altv of hois’ and rhPdreu’sclothing. and carry also alarge lineef hats and gents’ furnishing goods. Our e.iiilo ers are our lesr advert'aers 159 Broughton street. Simon MITCHELL. Sign 01 the Golden Arm. Imposition* uu Visitor*. It Is a common thing uow-a-days for alt great ooca-ions to devetoji a class of people whose vote idea is to gouge, and take advant age of strangers In every conceivable man lier. uverch-rglng in price* is a cimmon mode of ‘‘making hay while Ihe mn glilm s.” This practice, however, doe* a cl y more harm than good, as it eieaies a s rung prejudice and a sourness towards the pe nle of the city that oa taken Hum in. Opposed 10 line bleu 1* ihe immense (.milling h-tahli-hm. iii of Messrs B. H. I.evv A Uro., who also believe in ‘‘ronping a harves 1 .” bin prefer doing It on a safer bast*. Thev It tve. therefor., rodin ed prices on their mi ire-lock of Genin’ Youths’ and Bov-’Clothing. Hats. Furu hing G .ods, etc., for Centennial week, and propone 1 sell lbe Spring Clolhl ig. *t aw lists, and other seasonable go dnal pree* that eannot be du plicated anywhere, <>ur labor makes al* al tern tons In snll- free of • h irge. |t. jj. Lgyy A lino., 161 Congress si rro'.-- Adi. Ladies’ ridm* h its at (Yillat Ur n— Ade. Jut received, 11 of the nobbiest and hand somest line of new spring sly lo* In Gen'*’ and Bov*’ n'rdg'it Cut and Cutaway -nits, at Appel Broc’oldstnild, at roes bn turn figures. A good and well-shaped ladies’ kid button sin 0 ran be bought at Collat Bros’, for $1 M, sold ei*ewhere for** ids, HiuJuldUrr Tfios. iiisi UNDERTAKER, 13.1 YORK STREET, SAVANNAH CA. Hleffittfi*. AtrentLn. Oglethorpe Light Infantry You are hereby summoned to assemble at vour armory, m full uniform, on MONDAY', the 3d. at 2 a. m . for regimental parade. By order Capt, ROB’T FALI.IGANT, C minanding. J. G. PorgSELLV. First Serg't. DeKalb Lodge No. l. O. 0. F. A regular meeting will he held THIS (Mon day) EVENING, at So’oluck. Members of other Lodges nnd visiting brothers are cordially inv ted to attend. By order A. B. BROOKS, N. G, John Kilkv. Secretary. Tuttiiiill Council No. 884 A. L. of H. Regular meeting held THIS (Monday) EVEN ING. at 8 o’c'ock, at Lyons’ nail, cor ner Broughton and Whitaker streets. Vis ting companions cordially invited to attend. J. *, TYSON, Commander. John Hexdkksox, Bacrvtary. Georgia Historical Society. Thcre-rular monihlv meeting of the Georgia Historical on ei.y is po-tpoued until MON DAY' EVENING, 10th insr. WM. N. HOLT. Record rg Secrearty. sl>rrutl llotirfo. Chatham Artillery Centennial Cele bration. ORDER OF THE DAY FOR MAY 3, 1186 I. The column will be formed upon South Broad st reet, the right reatmeu on Aberrorn. mj Mr to he ready to march til 10:15 o’clock a m precise v. city time, iu the following order: let. Ch&iham Artillery. id. First hiigad ) of infantry, under com mand of Brig. Gen. T. A. Huguenm, contest ing of ilie following iroops: Marion i^aitHlion. Savannah Volunteer Guards Battalion. \\ Hslungc-tu Battalion* Sumter Hartal on. 3d. Second Brigade of Infantry, under com m id of Ol. C. W. Andeison, consisting of the foil*)wing troops; First Vo unter K of Georgia. Secon Geo gia Battalion. Lee Battalion Greene Battalion. 4th. Pelham Arul'err Battalion. sth, Stuart Cavalry Squadron. 11. The 1 ne ot march will lie down Aber corn htreet to Bav; up Bay to Whitaker, pass ing in review before His Excel ency Gov. Mr- Daniel at the Ex' hange; up Whitaker to St. Ju! an; down St. .uiian to Bull; up Bud to -Mdiih Broad; down South Broad to Dray ion; •>p Draytou to the Park extension, where the troops will be formed in the order here indi cated : The Artillery on the north side, fronting south. ihe Infantry on the west side fronting est. The cava ry on the east side, fronting west Th** square thu- enclosed will : e kept ouen for the movement' of the coo s al ne. A Centennial salute will then be fired by|the Chatham Artillery, and the parade will be dismissed. 111 V siting Companies, not bo onging to any of the battalions from Camp Washington, wi 1 be attached to the First Volunteer Ueg<- ment of Georgia, and will form with thai command. IV Should any modification of these ar rangements become necessary, it will be com municated by Special Order to the commands interested. CHAS. H. OLMSTKAD, Marshal of the Day. R. G. Gaillaro, Aest. Adj’t General. Special Notice. City op Savannah. i Mayor's Office, May Ist, 1888.) Special Order A . —] I Du ing the review of the troops by the Governor on Monday Bay street, from Aher corn to Whitaker. mu>t be given entirely to the troops f om curb to curb. 11. No horftemen, except military, nor vehicles of any kind, except the water can snd the carriages containing the pa-ty of His Excellency the Goveruo r , will be a.lowed in the Park extension during the paia*e there. itizeus are requeued to congregate only along ihe lines of fencing so as to leave the central part f the ground free lor the move ments of the troojs. The Chief ..f Police s charged wit 1 , the execution of this order. By order of RUFUS FI. LESTER, Mayor. Attest: Frank E. Uebakbr, Clerk of Council. State Specific taxes, I*B6, Notice is hereby given to all parties who in tend carrying on any of the following k nfisoi business nurint? the Centennial, that the .State Specific Thx on same is payable on commenc ing to do said business, to wit: Pool an I Billiard Tables. Any "itier Table, Stand, or ulace lor tbe performance of any game or play. Flyinif Horses. Tenpin Alleys. Dealer-in -pirituonsor Malt Liquors,rn toxb-aung Biifers, or Brandy Fruits. Traveling Venders of patent cr proprietary medicines, pe. ial nostrum*, jewelry, paper, soap, or other articles of Ike eharaeter. Peddlers in Buggies, Wagons etc. J AS. J. MCGOWAN, Tax Collector C C. Special Bank Notice. Savannah, April 30,1886. Bank'ng hours during Centennial week, <Bd to Bth May in-Hisivs) will be from 9 o’clock A. m. to X p. m. each day. T. M. CUNNINGHAM, Cashier Central Railroad aud Bank’g Cos. JAMES H. HUNTER, Cashier Savannah Bank aud Trust Cos. THOS GADSDEN, Cashier Merchants' National Bank. JAMES SULLIVAN, Cashier Southern Bank State of Georgia. THOS. F. THOMSON, Cashier the National Bank of Savannah. CIIA*. H. O-I.MSTE ADA CO. Special Notice. Commencing Monday. May 3, the Bteamer “ST. NICHOLAS" will irave Savannah for Doboy, Darien, Brunswick and Fcrnaudtna. every Monday and Thursday at 4P. m. See schedule advertised. C. WILUAMB. Agent. Special Notice. Cirv Trkascrkr's opptez, ) Savannah, OA.,A-ri 2s. I**B. \ The attention of pe-noits who propose to triinssi i luisitit-i-s of any kin-1 hi or ner u-e Centennial Grounds (luring Centen nial week, iso lie.l to the foil-wi g extract fiont section V. of the Tax orditiauee for th - year I*B6 viz: "Kv. ry person transacting or offering to Ira--a t either of the kinds of hu-inc-- here in* or spec lied, *ha 1 pay the tax licrel-af. ler pre-erili#d, for *■ v w/w* ts place nf busi ness in wi-lch ho hliall transact or offer to trails -cl liusK-e**.” The ordinsnee will b- sTielly enforced C. 8 IIA KDEE, Ciiy Treasurer. K ctier's Liver Specific, An infallible remedy for all BLOOD DIS EA'ES, or Disorders arising from Torpidity ot the Liver. Dyspepsia, Bilious Headache, Costiveness, Sour St -much, Jaundice, lleart burn. N. riovisue-s, Rc tb-ssnesa, and in Af fection* of the Kidney* and Bladder, Female Comp amts, etc. Prepared by EDWARD J. KIEF PER, DRUGGIST, Corner West Broa-I and Stewart streets, Savannah. Ga. ULftKK’N LIFtK CORRECTOR. Thu reliable Preparation ts purely vegeta ble, scientifically made.and warranted to kocp In any climate. Sliver Modal and Diploma awarded over compel itors, and indorsed by eminent medi cal men. $1 a bottle; freight paid to any nddress, B. F. ULMER. M. D., Pharmacist. Savannah. Ga. Sp ttttl ltottc-o. Notice. All bills against the German bark “Lud. w g,” J.Schauer, Master, must be presented by 12o’clock noon. THIS DAY. or payment will be debarred. S. FITJIIx Mav3 ’ Consignee <Amuocutfnto. SAVANNAH THEATRE. Entire Week of the Great Prize Drill. Commencing MONDAyT MAY 3d. sneefat engagement of tbe famous BIJOU OPERA COMPANY Headed by the charming American Prima Donna, ADELAIDE RANDALL Under the management of Mr. c. T in tbe following repertoire: * MONDAY EVENING, Lecoq’s Celebrated Opera. CIRCFLE ~ CIROFLA. TUESDAY EVENING, the Grand Japanese Craze, MIKADO. WEDNESDAY EVENING, Tll I*: MASCOT. THURSDAY EVENING. pinafore. FRIDAY EVENING, MIKA I) O . SATURDAY MATINEE, DOCTOR OF ALCANTARA. SATURDAY NIGHT, CHIMES OF NORMANDY. Beautiful Gorgeous costumpp. Us ual price*. Bea 8 now on t-alo hi Dhv*b Bros.’ Base Ball To-Day ATLANTA —vs SAVANNAH. Admission Children Grand Stand 100 (No Reserved Seats.) Buy Tickets at Beidt’a Drug and Fernan dez’s Cigar Store, and avoid crowd at the Park office. Play will begin at 3:30 so as to giye patrons an opportunity of witnessing the Dress Pa rade ot tbe military companies at Camp Washington after tbe game. Come early and secure good seats. Re member, game commences at 3:30 p. m. QR AND CENTEM/L . ENTERTAINMENTS! AT THE Savannah Volunteer Guaids' Armory, Monday & Wednesday, May 8 & 5, Under the direction of LEO W. MEHRTKNB, Th • fol owing laicnt has been engaged: Ular i L. Haynes . - ..hoprano Maggie Tynan .Contralto Laura Bi'ckley-Mehrtens Pianist Erak Kebarer Tenor C W. Km* Ba so H. Leon Violinist The fo lowing gentlemen have lieen sp- P"inttd a ciirniidtiee. under w ho-e manage ment the entertainments w.II be given: J. Im M. Bryan, Chairman; VVm Hamp'on "ado, \bbolt Thomas. John R. Dillon, Wi liam F. Reid, Charles I*. Rosslgnol, F. E. Ilcharer, i. W. Met]'ten*, W. A. Heyward. Clifford B. King, 1 harlesll Spivey. Admis-ion 41. T ‘i ds for sa'e by the com mittee, muio and bmk stores, at Peintu dez’si ig*r store, dr and grounds, and stilicoor. D.iors open st 7:15 *nd eutt rtsinmenis com mence at 8:15 r m. Cars run direct Irom drill grounds to hull every te* minutes. A GRAND CATHOLIC FAIR —■TILL BS OLD AT Catholic Library Mall, —COMMENCING ON Tuesday Evening, April 27, Ft the pnrpoe of raMiii* fund* to com rh'tc the Cathedral of oar Lady of Perpetual iHp. li II will lieooon every afternoon ami even injr dnrinir tli Fair. No chwrte for ndmimion. telFMacTdem? op ARTS AND SCIENCES During centennial week open MAILT from oa. in. to 5 i. m. and from May lltii every Tuesday • nd Thursday until furMi r n<>tlre. A Irmsti n 25 cent*. Tickets good for twelve tnon’li* from date of aul) >c intion can be obtained at the Academy. Price, #8 0 . CARL L. BRANDT. Director. Haw to Reach the Drill Ms. Take the street ear* on Barnard, Liberty, Broughton <>r II tier ham atruet . Clone con nection with iheidenm car,. Thu avaunah, Florida and Western Hall way will run t aim* to and fiom Ilh rtv S reel Pawenser Station anil the Drill G "u di, lan mg passengers direct i the entrance. MONDAY’S SCHEDULE. la* ve Liberty street 12 no m. 1 p m, 1:55 p in. 2:1 * p m. 3:85 p m, 4:1X1 p m. p m. l eave Camp Wits' liiut.*n 12:30 p in, 1:80 P nU 20 p m, a: 10 p in. f:os p in, 4:55 p in, 6.15 p m. FARE: One way - 10 cents Round Trip - 15 cents At the Drill Ground* a ticket office ha* l>o n placed near the exit, where the depunnre of all ,pec hi and regular tram* m the S \ VAN- N tH. FLO 111 1 ’A AVD WKSTKKV a <1 Ihe i ItAUI.UVrON AND SA\ iNNAII RAIL WAV will lie bu letlned and Information cheerfully furnished. JAM. L. TAYLOR, General Paesenger Agent.