Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1868-1887, January 06, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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2 FLUTTER OF THE FLAKES. IHE ENIIRK COUNTRY WHITE WITH SNOW. ny Southern Citte* Covered to Depth of Five Inches lmprovised SlelKhß Breath Out In Several Place* -The Cos and I.en* Than Daring the Preceding Days. Washington, Jan. s.—At the signal office to-day it was stati and that the entire oountry east of the Mississippi river, with the exception of the New Eugiand States, Is covered with snow, the fall of which, however, has been rather light. The mow storm, it was explained, was the re mit of low temperature on the land, causing condensation of the vapor from the ocean, which at present has a higher temperature than the land. During the past twenty-four Hours the temperature in the districts east of the Mississippi has risen slowly, but has sept below the freezing point, except in Florida aid Southern Tex a*. The mlnimjm temperature In Washing ton this morning was 14 dees, above. A heavy enow storm began this alternoon '&nd continued into the night. CHESAPEAKE BAY FROZEN SOLID. Baltimore. Jan. 6.—The port of lialii more is virtually closed. To day tber* ■was not an arrival, except of some hay steamboats and a lew oyster boats, and none can get through the ice, except heavy steamships. Toe ice extends dow u the river and into Chesapeake bay, a Ui-- iance of lorty miles. During the whole of last night the city io - boat was engaged in relieving %w'>ae!s. Among them wen levera steamboats, much wera jammed in the ice, end to day the sitate uoat Mary land wentdown to render any assistant to vessels that might be necessary. The ,ice is reported to be five inches thick,and In many places it is packed to a thick ness of more than twelve inches. TWENTY B> >t(r INJURED. Rutland. Vt., Jan. 6.— Twenty boys were coasting down South .Mam street on a sled to-day, when the sled struck the side of a bridge at the foot of the bill, tbrowiug the boys headforemost into tin stream. C> ril Gee, 15 years old, is dying; John Kingsley, 12 years old, was intei nt.lly injured, and will probably die; Thomas shields. 12 tears old. was picked up unconscious. The remaining seven teen boys were more or less bruised, but none of them were seriously hurt. SNOW AT MON'IGOMKRY Montgumeky, Ala, Jan. 6.—Pnow fell here ai o r midnight last night to the depth of three inches. Nearly all ol it melted to day. This ia the second snow this winter, something almost unknown before. SNOWING AT DANVILLE. Danville, Va., Jan. 5.—A heavy snow Storm uas prevailed here since early this morn inn, and snow was still falling at [ o’clock to-me lit. UNUSUALLY SEVERE. Charleston, s. c., Jan. 0. —Specials from various parts of the State show an nnusual fall of snow and sleet. SIX INCHES AT RICHMOND. Richmond, Va., Jan. 6.— Snow began falling tins in uning at 10 o’clock and con tinued through the day. It is now six inches deep. There was no wtud and ttie mercury never got below the lreezing point. KILLED WHILE COASTING. Plymouth, Mass., Jan. fj.—While three hoys were coasting in Worn worth last nignt their sled ran into a load ol lumber, and two of them were instantly killed, and ttie other was so seriously in’, (jured that he is not expected to ,ive. SNOW IN GKuKUIA. The Ground Covered Four or Five Inches in several Places. Fort Gaines, Ga., Jan s.—The heaviest snow storm ever known here tccurred between 2 and 11 o’clock this morning, at whica tune every indication pointed to a sleet, hut thereafter the clouds broke awav and the sun shone out. diflusin/ a beautiful sight on the snow, which is lour to live inches It is now ihreateturi am or erable inerrlm-ni wYr ’ "*iiJJ young gentlemen and la u*Sfinfl* Some iri and to take a sleigu ‘tue snow proved to he too soft. 1 SNOW AT PERRY. PERRY, GA., Jan. d.— snow this ui 'ining to the d> pth ol four aAft half inch* s. This is 'he greatest ilepT? on recoid In this section. At 1 this af'.crn ion the weather in cl aring. two inches at Augusta. Augusta, ga., Jan. 6. i'be yvbole country in this vicuuiy is covered with' snow Irom one to two inches in depth, it is the heaviest tail in years. Seferal sleighs/J'T.'jjseeii on ihe streets, some of them c ir m out of toy* n. . *s¥uw , AT AMKI ‘ ICUS ' fait ol snow ever known In ibis section occurred to-day. Tue snow is lour inches deep and averages from six to ten u. drifts. Several improvised sh-ighs were on' this aiternoon. The temporature is rising. Tue election of county officers pro needed quietly. FIVE INCHES AT MACON. MACON, Ga., Jan. ft.— lue heaviest snow storm in years prevailed here lasi night and to-day. In all Eye inches oi snow ieU, begin ; ’-atfik this morning and u- *-®son, lio\ o’clock this altern practically suspended duriug lue morn mg. FOUR INCHES AT COLUMBUS. Columbus, Ga., Jan. ft. com menced lulling at 4 o’clock this morning anu continued lulling until 10 o’clock ji reached a depth ol tour Inches. SNOW AT ALBANY. Albany. G a., Jae. 5 — A heavy snow (toirn prevailed here to day. * A Grate’lul .bui’di’tir Augusta, Ga., Jan. ft.—Ten years ago Joe Henderson was convicted in KiLe field of murder and n u eticed to hang. Mr. y srshall. a piomiuent lawyer, who bad defended him, Interceded in his be huit and succeeded in having ine seotenci commuted to imprisonment for ten rears. Yesteiday the term expired, arid in d<n Joe Henderson reported to .Sir. Marshall* for work, having pronn-ed t.iai alter serving tut bis G rin he would, iu pay tor bis services, work out lue rest oi uts liai urat life tor Hie lawyer. ► criven s>upeilop Court. Sylvania, Ga , Jan. li. —The adjourned term ol in*- ilovemher superim Court con rened here Monday with Judge James K. liines presiding. Solicitor General O. li. Rogers b Ing absent Col. John If. Hum phries, of the local bar, was appointed to fill bis place. I bis is the first court over wbioh Judge Hines has presided sincelos election, and be is giving marked mi is. faction by the prompt and dignified man oenn which be disposes of business. Dies in the Kontl While llrunk. Augusta, Ga., Jan. s.—Richard I’srr led Union, 8. C., last night on Horseback drunk. This morning he was found dead by the road side, having fallen from the animal too driluk to regain his leet. As [ncal option went Info <II ct in Union lan. 1 ihere Is Intense indignation against Ibe seller of the liquor, and if he is do* Boveied tar and leathers are promised. Farr leaves a large family. GEORGIA’S CAPITAL. Col. Mercer’s App ini merit—Cases in the United states tHurt. Atlanta, Ga., Jan. s.—Tne Governor made the following appointments to-day: George A. Merger, C donel of the First IGgitnent Georgia Volunteers; It. F. Grant, First Lieutenant, and C. D. Blake, Second Lieutenant of the Chatham Light In'antrv, colored. The Board of Directors of the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce have elected the following ns the Committee on Arnttra tion for 1887: A. C. Wyly, E. V. Cham berlain, OHie C. Fuller, John N. Dunu.J. W. Harle, R J. Lowry, T. L. Lan -'Stvtn, K. D. Spalding, Aaron Haas, W. I. Zachary, K. B. Bullock, Joel Hurt, J. J. Meador and 1. S. Mitchell. in the United Staies Court this morn ing W. T. Newman, District Ju Ige, pre siding, the case of the United States vs. William M, Haynes, Milton Moore,Little ton Skelton and John K. Ferguson, being a suit on a fruit deliver y bond, was tried. The jury returned a verdict in tavor oi the piaiutitl in the sum ol $2,1103. REVENUE CASES. The case ol the State of Georgia vs. Virgil T. Stephens tvas taken up. This case was removed Irotn Cherokee Superior Court under ibe law authorizing the re moval ol criminal oases brought against officers of the United States in the State nouns to tne Federal courts. Stephens was a storekeeper and gauger at tne gov ernment distillery of Newton Wheeler, in Cherokee countv. in February last Stephens aid Wheeler bad some trouble, during which Wheeler was stabbed. An indiotment was found against Stephens charging him with stabbing. The State was represented by G. K.Gover Solicitor General oi the dis irlot, and the defendant by Hon. B. H. Hill, Untied States Attorney. There are lifti-five cases of this character on the docket, and me court will in all prob ability be occupied with them the re mainder of tue week. An effort will be made to clear toe docket of these cases, among which are the cases against Deputy Collector Chisholm and Deputy Marshal McDonald, who were indicted in Fulton Superior Court lor the alleged murder of John Brown, a moonshiner. Most of the cases are against revenue officers, charging them with carrying concealed Weapons. THE RAILROAD commission. The Railroad Commission met to-day. in the naval stores case the following were present: C. Owens. Traffic Manager of the savannah, Florida and Western railway; W.l\ Hardee, General Freight Agent; W. F. Miellman, of thu Central railroad; J. J, Griffin, Assistant General Freight Agent ot the East Tennessee, Viigmia and Georgia railway. Ou the part ot the naval stores men there were present Samuel Johnson, J. F. Hand, A. i’. Brantley, C. B. Townsend and J. F. Collins. Tue Augusta, Gibson and Sandersvllle railroad applied for rates, and was given 25 per cent, on Height classification and 3 per cent, per mile. DEATH IN A CELL. Abe Lumpkin, a crazy oo'ored man, died in a celt at the police station tins afternoon. Naromsa Patterson filed a libel for divorce Irom J. J. -Patterson in tbe superior Court to-day. The ground is continual cruel treatment. Two years ago, in Hanks county, Patterson stabbed bis wiie twice while she was in bed, and made a desperate effort to cut her turoat. Buib Igy iu bed almost at tbe point oi death lor several weeks. On her re covery Ua promised to treat her right, and st)o,conseu'ed to live wnh him. CRUELTY RENEWED. In the xiarly part of last year he re newed hit* cruelty toward nei* in Milton county, whipping her almost to death. She left him and went to her mother. He was indicted by tbe Suuerior Court, but she refused to appear against him. and tne case was not press-d. She did not return to turn. Last April he shot at her in this city. She got out a warrant against him for assault with intent to murder. It was placed in tne hands of tbe police. He was captured several weeks ago, aud committed to jail in de fault oi bond, where he still remains. GKO It hi A’H cot N Y r.LGCTTON S. All Serene In Cl ty, but Mie lfesult ■>st. - Not Yet Fiuniar^Wra .**4 tionfor quietly to day. beirfoneer itig was doe among tbßte a wots by the various candidates, of were imu •. The result cannot be ascertained Lati: ro morrow as the country pre v^ u J,'s, as well as this one, cannot be cmTuti'd to-nigbt. AT THE POLLS IN DOUGHERTY. Albany, Ga., Jan. s.—An exciting county election was oeld here to-uay, resulting in ibe re-election of most of me old eflicers. THE BATTLE IN RICHMOND. Avgusta, Ga., Jan. 5. — tbe election here to-day, which bus been the hottest and most closely contested iu Richmond’s uisiory, resulted in the signal detest of the Knights ot Labor amt tne retention in ■ tfiee of the present administration, Tue traffic in negro voles and a large number ol personal difficulties marked the day. BIBB'S BALLOT. Macon. Ga„ 3an. s—fbc election for county iifij ersoccui red to-day. As there was no opposition to any of the candi dates and as the weather was bad no in terest was manilested and perhaps tue lightest Vote ever cast in the coinin' was jiolled. Following is the ticket elected. t>. H. Adams, Clerk; G. S. Westcott, *Cti* J f~f~ftL- **’ ’*• Anderson, Tax Receiver; .Jgsenberg, Ta* Collector; \VTI- Coroner; J. C. Wheeler, CiWn® purveyor. ’ 'J '-ViODGE COUNTY’S TICKET. Eastman, ga., Jan. 5. — lue following county I'Hicers were elected to-day: J.C. Rawlins, Clerk of the Superior Court; J. I. Bawlina, Sheriff; James R. G udens. Tax Receiver; baldy Ryals, Tax Col lector; J. M, Sapp, Treasurer; H. M. Aiiddens, Corouei, James Hartley, .Sitr qeyor. * WARE’S NEW OFFICERS. \V aycross. Ga.. J ill. 5. \\ ai- > county lii fd aiF i l ytion .o day. Complete re turns elec. the fallowing: \V. M. W lson. i lerk; I. B Ileml rsou, Sheriff; J. A. Ca*onL Collector; J. J. Wilkinson, Re ceiviEfftl., J'. Hde.t oronor; W. s. Bailey, l'rea\-. V. Eunice, Surveyor. IN LINE. Atlanta. Ga.. Jan. s.—Tho entire reguia t> hl> er.itic ticket was successful iu the election in tuis county to-day. THE VOTE IN MUSCOGEE. Columbus. Ua., Jan. s—ln the elec tion to-duv t >r county officers conaider able excitement was manilested. The ioilowlng were elected without >ppo>i tiou: Q. Y. l’ond, Clerk of the Superior Court, and J. U. Bttirus, Sberiti.' For Treasurer J. C. Cook ran con-lderablv ahead of Maj. R. J. M"es. For Tax Coi lector I). A. Andrews Is prnbaolv re elected. Fur Tax Ojjlecdy, is also probably ‘ _ ffiolal count for Coroner will be necot“ ut As the vote is very close. ( oliiiiil)us’ I’olice Force, Columbus, Ga., Jan. 6.—The -City Council to-ulgut appointed sixt.eJ po lioemen and a station house keepm io the ensuing ye n'. 1 Mrs. Elizabeth Oliver, an emploße of tbr Eagle ami PhenlX mills, is SUlngSba* c mpany for $2,600 In the City Io t an eye by a shuttle flying i;be was ut worK. JF SAVANNAH MORNING NE Yv j i;SDAYTJ>77,'biTTI FLORIDA’S METROPOLIS. Tfic 8., F. and \V. r-eenres Control of Another Street Railway. Jacksonville, Fla.. Jan. s—Tbe re mains of Col. J. G. Thornton, late Dis trict. Superintendent of the Western Union and International Ocean Telegraph Company, will be taken to Pensacola to morrow morning for interment. The body of I). G. Powell, the bridge watchman who was run over by a Florida Railway and Navigation train at Trout creek ten days ago and knocked into the river, was recovered n -day. Courtland Buckman, prominent in society circles, son of the Circuit Court Clerk, was married to-night at Daytona to Miss Mamie Berne, of that place. The saieof the Jacksonville and Subur ban Street railway was made to-day to the Jacksonville Street Railway Com pany, which is owned by tne Savannah, Florida and Western rail way. 'This com pany now owns ail the street railways in tne city, comprising about ten lines, ex cept the Pine Street line. The purchase price is not staled. At the annual election of officers of the Board of Trade this afternoon Col. J. J. Daniel was re-elected President and J M. Faille, Secretary. Sentence*! to bang. Tallahassee, Fla., Jan. 6.-—Saturday Henry Mann (colored) was convicted in me Circuit Court, lor the murder ol Emel Dußois. a white lad. In May, 1885. To day Judge Walker refused anew trial and sentenced Mann to he bung. This is the second conviction, and an other appeal to the Supremo Court will be taken. A Mnsquni-ade Rail at Katonton. Eato.ntox. Ga., Jan. 5—A masquer ade bail was held at the Trippe H use last night. Despite ibe very cold weather the house was lull to overflowing. The Card Band trom Maoou lurnished music lor the occasion. Sujip is' <1 Incendiaries Arrested. Adaihsville, Ga.. Jan. 6.—8. A. Bar ton, ol Pine Log district, lost by tire three line horses and several cows with forage, etc., last week. Yesterday two negroes were arrested and incarceraied in the Cartersviile jail for touching the match. TWO FAMILIES POISONED. Tlie Mother Suspiciously Escapes While Eight Ot hers Become 111. New York, Jan. s.—The family of Jos eph Mauri, a druggist residing in Butler street, Brooklyn, have been mysteriously poisoned. Two deaths have already oc curred. The fa mily consists of Mr. Mauri, his wife Carrie. Louis, aged 14, Joseph, aged 12, Martha, aged 10, Game aged 8, John, aged 6, Alice, aged 4, and Eugene, aged 2 years old. W ilh the exception oi ihe mother, tne whole family were taken sick Sunday after eatlug. Joseph Went last night to visit au aunt and died there to-day. Eugene died at homo this morn ing. John is dying. The lather and four children are very sick and are being at tended by live physicians. They a r e una ble to determine the cause of tne poison ing until a post-mortem examination is held. No report ol the case was made at the police headquarters until late this ai ternoon. TOISONED BY BAKING POWDER. Wabash, Ind., Jan. 5. Ibe latnily of John Wooster, a prominent citizen of Montpelier, Black lord county, consisting of five persons, ware poison'd Monday night by eating biscuits in which had been used a very inferior quality of baking powder. !wo hours alter supper the en tire family were seized with terrible gripes. The patients have grown steadily worse, and a,ai ming symptoms have a - Two of the children are dyiug and the r mainder of the family is in a precarious condition. REPUiii v led bunds. I lie Government Urged to Bring f>uit, Against Southern Slates. New York. Jan. s.—The World of to morrow will say: “The United States government holds in trust for tlie benefit ol Indian tribessl,7lo,oooof bonds issued by the S on which detail It was viuws 1 1 $50,000,000 ol the 1-v* securities are held by pri l the Theatre *” U )l8 city. E. L. Andrews. s***ei 'for certain New Yi>i k holders oi the repudiated bonds, has writ ten to Secre tary Lamar urging that, the United States sue ihe defaulting Slates, claiming that the United States has the power to bring an action against any one ot the repit dial iug Stales, while a private individual cannot. Secretary Lunar has re ferred the matter to Attorney General Garland. If the United states should bring thedC6ired suits anil win them tne individual holders of the b mils would profit along with the government,, wnicti annually now makes go,id to tne Indians theinteiest which tue States refuse to pay. TAU liKllli S’ it.i TIC A. The Indepemi 'iiis atul Itepuhlicans oa 1 1 -p in the 1 lower House. Raleigh, N. C., Jan. s.—The House of Representatives assembled to-day with an attendance of 118 members. John R. Wi bster, the nominee ot the Indepen dent Democrats, was elected Speaker by a vote of 59 against 57 for Lee S. Over man, the no n'nee ot tbe Re uiar Demo crats. Mr. Webster’s vote was drawn Irom the independents and Rapubiicans At the time ot uis n on'nation Mr. Wtti-ter said that he was a Democrat and would administer the affairs ot the House as a Democrat, if elected. G. M. Bulla, a Republican, wa* elected chief clerk ovi r Mr. Cainwiou, Democrat, by a vote oi lit) to 514. It is understood tliat the other offices of the House w ill be parcelled out among tue Republicans and Indepen dents. Ihe organization of the beuate is Democratic. Another shock :tt Snmtncrvi le. Charleston, s. c., Jan There was a slight snook ai Funinie Mile at 8 o’clock this morning. Ah was quid at charles ton. AN EARTHQUAKE IN TEXAS. Galveston, .la.i. 5—A shock of earthquake occur! 'd at I’uUe at il o’clock this morning, lasting two or three seconds. No serious damn .<• was done. A SHOCK AT BASTROP. Bastrop. Tkx., dun. 6.— At 11:35 o’clock thWßJbiTinig a slight ear bquui.e shock was telt lu re. It lasted about six little damage. liJiirti* rh PnbPcl the seorot of good health is to keep tlie skin in good working condition. That to keep thu skiu In good working condition the pore.) must be kept op n. Ti at u pofetis plnsto/'lsa p:aster that ypens the pores of the skin. I hat the only plaster for opening the pores of the skin is Allcock's i’orous I’i.ister. That. Allcock’s Porous Plaster assists the body to throw off its burdensome ail ments through the skin—the natural pro cess of relief. That every other so-called porous plan-’ ter is an Imerior article which canuot bi* compared wl'h Allcock’s. That A'lcock’s have stood the test for twenty-live years and have proved the best exiei nal remedy extaor. If you are in nerd ot a nice suit of Clothes Overcoat, Pant doom, or uuvthing in tile Hat or Gents’ Ifumi. hiug Goods in * call on Ap pel & Scbuiil. hits LouKrcas street. CHARLESTON’S POLICE. An Entire Reorg. niz ition of the Force on the lapis. Charleston, Jan. s.—The old City by the Sea. having so mew hat recovered from the effects of the seismic shocks to which she has been subjected recently, is now undergoing a series of financial and political shocks which, if not, as disas trous, promise to be equally as agitating as the earthquake trnuoles. The readeis of the Morning News have already been informed oi the assessment shock, which promised at one time to shake the old city literally to its (ound'tion. The city lathers, however, poured oil upon the troubled waters reducing the assess ments to a basis which will bring them dow nto an earthquake level. Another shock occurred to-day when the an nouncement was made of the reoiganiza tion of the police force. Heretofore the police have been divided into two sec ions, one stationed at the lower guard nouse, at the inteiseet'ou oi Broad and Meeting streets, ami the other at a guard house on King, near Cannon street. TWO SETS OF OFFICERS. While the entire force was under the control of onecuiei the division oi course i equii ed a double set of officers. There were three lieutenants, two orderly ser geants, four sergeants, four roundsmen and two gate sentinels at eacn station, an arrangement that cost a considet aole amount of money. Siuce the earthquake the consolidation of tha force has been tne subject of general comment and com mendation, ana this was effected last night. The management of the force is entrusted to a Board of Commissioners appointed by Council, who are charged with the election of offi cers and the appointment ol po icemen. 'This board met last night and perfected tne consolidation of the force by the eleo lion of one Chief, three Lieutenants, two Orderly Sergeants and tour Sergeants. Tnis, of cour-e, necessitated the leaving out of a good many Lieutenants and Ser geats. Th public, as a general thing, is notat ail satisfied with the deal and it is doubtful it the Council, which has a sort of supervisory control of the Board ol Commissioners, will confirm its action, THE CHIEF. in the first place there is a widespread dissatisfaction about the chief, who is universally admitted to be a clever geu tleman, but wno is generally tnougbt to be uu fit tea by breed in and instincts for the position which ne fills. Tha re elec tion caused the resignation of the chair ! mail of the board. In the second place the hoard is charged with making a deal in tne choice of the Lieutenants. They retired Capt. Sigwald, the only ex-Confederate soldier on the force, and Lieut. Fordham, a colored man who has proved his d;Vo non to the white race by a service of nearly twenty years, and who is admitted to he one of the most efficient and reliable officers on the iorce. It is said on the street corners that the election was the result ot a "deal’’ betweeu the members ot the boaid, each member having bis favorite, and the Chairman of the Board, who lesigoed, Intimated as much in his tetter of resignation, which was pub lished yesterday and In which he says: At the conference which we had after our last regular meeting it became apparent to me wuo would be the choice of the majority of tills board for the olfi e ~f ulnet of Police, hence I am not surprised at the result ot the election just held. I have, however, a short statement to make and ask the privilege to have it spread on your minutes. The officer who has just now been re-elected Chief, requires no indorsement from me as to hiß high personal character and spotless repu tation as a gentleman. My opposition to his re-election was base solely on tha tact that lie is not titled by nature or training for the position. He is not a disciplinarian, he is not an organ zer. and has in the past commit ted grave errors of jud meat in 111, ■ manage ment of the force Tlie.-e shortO'itni gs have been noticed, commeuied ou and admitted, by every member of this board, and vet, sir nge to sav. nearly every member has voted to retain him. As was stated, the action of the board is subject to the confirmation of the C'ty Council, and there i a good deal of loose talk on the streets looking to tbenou-con firmallou of lue election. v Journalist’s I’resenue of Mini! /ro . 15s F.uffalo C'u ier . They teli a story of a local newspaper i man that illustrates ufs presence oi mind j even under the most trying circuui- ; stances. He was awakened in a hotel one ! night by the cry ot “lire,” and in one spring and two movements was out oi bed and in the hail, which was tilled with smoke. Just ahead ol Dim sa- a Hying figure, clad in wuite like h"'-““'!l, and | running at a 2:10 clip. A urn in the ! long nail and two steps ieaduu a higher level brought the figure up, or rather down, and tue same cause precipitated the uewspapi r man against Ler. “Lei’s pray,” cried the alrighttd woman, as she clasped him by tne arm. “No, let’s run.” was uis reply, and putting inr once mure iu the rigut direction, tne lady was sooo far ahead, though uer rescuer got out iu plenty of time. Tne two never saw each other again, but their first and only meet ing must have vividly impressed itself upon the mind oi each. Derailed by a Cow. Chattanooga, Tjenn., Jan. 5.—A con struction train on tne Alabama Great Southern road was wrecked yesterday morning. Engineer Dewes and Fireman Fowler were killed. The engine struck i cow, left the rails aud went down an embankment. Downs Gains His uit. Boston, Jan. s.—The suit of Kev. Vt. IV. Down* a/ainst the Bowdoin Square Baptist Ciiinch tor arrearages of salaiy due us pastor has been decided iu the piaini id ’s luV'ir, but the amount of the award is yet to be determim and. “ttuchn-Paiba.” (jiliek, complete cure, all annoying Kid ney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases. $1 At Druggists. •'R -ugli on Itile” I*,iis. fit. Small grauuits, small dose, big fIUL s.s, pleasant in operation, don’t stomach. ICo. and 250. “K Migti on Dirt.” Ask tor "Rough on Dirt;” a perfect [ washing powder iound at last! A barm ; loss, extra tine Al article, pure and I clean, sweet ns, freshens, bleaches and w Ultens without slightest injury to finest j mbrie. Unequalled for fine linens and aces, general household, kitchen and , laundry use. Softens water, saves labor 1 and soap. Added to staich prevents ycl- I lowing. 5c.. file., 25c. at Grocers. Oak, Vine snd Lite htwoiMl, For sale by If. B. Cassels, corner Taylor and East Broad streeta. Telephone No. 11. Specutl Jlattreo WILB' R’B HU) LIVKit CIL AM) I’HOSPmaTK OF LIME L’uruff Congbs, ( olds, Asllima, Itron chltisaud Scrofulous Humors, To Consumptives— Witimr's Cod Liver Oil unci Lime ha now been before the public forty yearn, and ta* siea-tllv frow-i in favor Mn-i MpprerUUof). This eoiibl not lie tho cae unl*‘Ue preparation WH” >f liu'h intrinsic f i \m. Th- combination of >ie of Lime wli ii pure cul Liv< r bv !>f. W’nbor, lias proJuct-J a tn th troaimcutuf ( onsuniptinii auti of the Lunas. Ii can *e taren bv th** most de!i rate mvalhl without cro.itlnic the disgusting uiiusea which Is such nn ohjvctloo to the Cod Liver Oil when taken without Lime. It Is prescribed bv the regular faculty, sold by the proprietor, A. li. WlLßOft, Chemist, DokLod, it u! all druirjclsts Tmtrral 3mitatiott|. ~HOLITKItSEN^— Dieiß at Uattle Park. Capt. Uristie Hoi.bersen. His funeral will lake pla e TO-DAY' at 12 o’clock from Laurel Grove Cemetery. Friends ani acquaintance are invited to at tend. itlrrmiijo. Solomon’s Lodge No. 1, F. and A. !tt. A regular communication will be A held at Masonic Temple THIS (Thurs-^A’Q—, day! EVENING, Jan. 6, 5887, at 8 /\J\ o’clock, /NTX Visiting and transient brethren frater nally arm cordially invited. By order ' .! ft. SAUSSY, W. M. Thos. H. Laird, Secretary. Haupt Lodge No. 58, I. O. 0. F. The regular weekly meeting of th“ Lodge will he Held THIS (Thursday' EVENING at 8 o’clock. Officers elect will be installed. Every member is earnestly requested to be present. Transient brothers and members of other Lodges are fraternally invited to meet with us. By- order of , „ „ E. T. LINCOLN, N. G. A. N. Mantct. Secretary. Workman’s and Trader’s Loan and Building Association. The thirty-eighth (38th) regular monthly meeiingof tins Association will be held at the Office Of Jackson ,t Whatiev THIS (Thurs day) EVENING, at 8 o’clock. . T GEO. W. LAMAK, President. •J. L, V, hati.ey. Secretary. Republican Blues. Headquarters Hefubuoan Blues.) Savannah. Jai .K. 1887. i A regular quar erly meeting will beheld at the Armory THIS (Thursday, EVENING at 8 o’clock. Veteran, Pay and Honorary Members are earnestly reque-ted to be present. By order of GEO. A. MERCER,Capt. Cornd’g. F, P. Haupt, O. S. Reorgia Hussars. Headquarters Georgia Hussars,) Savannah, Ga., Jan. 8, 1887. | General. Order N... 46: The Troop will assetn- Sk. ble at their Hall THIS jgL NS* (Thursday) EVENING at 8 o’clock in fatigue BjlfSXiJ-C'Y uniform, with side arms, assvJ6li\ for dismounted drill. All members who in tend iaking part in the Prize Drill are expect- 111 '3 X 5 ed to be present. By *2 \ tier . 4 order of 6P WM? W. GOliD N, Captain ( ommauding G. H. Geo. C. Gaillard, First Sergeant. SPECIAL NOTICE. Stockhol lers Att utiou—Metropoli tan Savings and L*au Company. A meeting of tne Corporators and stock holders of the METROPOLITAN SAVINGS AND LOAN COMPANY will beheld at thu office of Messrs. Denmark Adams at 8 o’clock TIIURSDAV EVENING. danu*ry 0, for the purpoe of adopting a Constitution and By-Laws and of electing a Board of Directors. Books of eubsenutiou, until that date, will he ipD at Messrs, enmark & Adams’. A. Kins ein & Son’s, Henry Solomon & Son’s, D. C, Bacon & Co.’s and Davis Bros’. Vernon Shell Road Company. Annual meeting of Stockholders will be held at 93 Bay street on SATURDAY, Jan uary 8, at 12 o’clock it. M. A. COHEN, Secretary and Treasurer. Spmal llotitio, Notice. All who have not paid their grocery bills for November and months before will pleace come and settle, or make some arrangements when to settle. If not paid or any arrange ment been made to pay within a few days, your names will oe exposed in the paper as bad pay. JOHN WESTERMAN, Notice. All bills against the British steamship “Hartburn” must be presented at our offioe before 12 o’clock NOON THIS DAVY Jan. 6, 1887, or payment will be debarred. KI HARDSON A BARNARD, Agents. Ejection Notice. City of Savannah,) Office Clerk of < otncil. [ .Jail. :5, 1X87.> Under aud by virtue of a rcso ution adopted by Council at ineetioc of Dec. 2<, I*BH, nonce i8 hereby given that Council will e ect at the first regular meeting in .January, that is to pay on VV KDSESDAx , Jan. 12, 1887, the fol lowing officers: C> Lttlv oi- THECITY COURT, term three year#. Bond lo,(KK): salary, fees. SHERIFF OF THE CITY COURT, term three years. Bond $5,000; salary, fees. Applicants wiii hand in itn-ir applications, wit n nam Bof sureties (two required) at the office of i lie Clerk of Council at or before 2 p. M.. MONDAY, Jan. 10, 1887, By order of Council. FRANK E. HEBARER, Cerk of Council. Eleciion for Directors. Merchants’ National Bank "i oe Savannah, Ga., Savannah, Ga . Dec. 11. lSßij. J The annua) election lor Directors will he hel l at the Banking ll use on TUESDAY’, JANUARY 11, ISB7, between the hours ol 12 and l o'clock. THOS. GADSDEN, Cashier. DIVIDEND NOTICE. Thirty-Three and One-Third (33 I*3) Fer Cent. Dm end. In addition to the reduction of the current yearly payments, as computed with the rates charged under the old system of Life Insur aucc, *hich red uc in qu * a CAM I DIVI DEND of more than FiFTY PER CENT, up <n the total Premium Paul. NOTICE LSIIr.LEB' GIVEN that in ad dition to the aforesaid c.*sh reduction, the amount now to the credit of all present mem hers of tlie Mutual Reserve Fund Life Association who became members in 1881. equals a Dl VI IH Ml Oh lin ; m THREE AND uNI - THIRD PER CEN l . upon the ENTIRE A8 htifS.h KNT PR EM IF MS P\ID during Hie prat quinquennial (five years’) peri< and, iz: from Ixßl to 18x6, inclusive, which amount has been deposited with and held by Hie I l-.NTRAL TRUST COMPANY OF NEW “ Trustee of the Ifo-erve Fund of :ln Association, and appliuub e as provided iu the coniracts held by the members of the Assocmti n. EDWARD B. HARI’KR, President, Mutual He-erve Fund Life Association. F. T. Biiaman, sccreiary. II 'meOlilce, Gen eral Agemg. Coupons of the Marietta and North Georgia Railroad. The Interest due on the Bonds of tho Mari clta and North Georgia Railroad January 1, 1887, will bo paid at Iho office of JAMES U. JACKSON, No. 1 Library Building, Jackson street, Augusta, Ga.. or BOODY, MCCLEL LAN & CO., New York, or BOSTON SAFE DEPOSIT AND TRUs P CO., Boston, R. M. PULSIFFR. President. Dr. Honry IS. Col ding', SURGEON DENTIST, Office corner Jones and Drayton street. Graduate Baltimore College of Dental sur- aery. Dr. H. 11. Hitrhcork Offers his professional services to tlie citizens Sarsnaah, Office 100 Liberty street. -- >prrial • I Notice to Tax Payers. City Treasurer's Office, _ j Savannah, Ga., January Ist, 15?7.( The following taxes are now due: HEAL s STATE, fourth quarter 18-6. STOCK IN TRADE, fourih quarter I'SB. FUKN ITU E, etc., fourih quarter 1888. MONEY, DEB S, etc., fourth quar'cl.KU W A I Ell RENTS, inadvance, toe ending June 30i n. Jftraljs*/ GROUND RENTS in more quarters. j * SPECIFIC ior year 1887. , Sp.lui 8:45 pm I I A discount of ten per upon REAL ESTATE. ST(78,)Il ... iy FURNITURE, MONEY, elc., REN I S. if mid within fifteen days yj j- .P ua'v first. And a discount of /. percent, will be al lowed upon SPECIFIC TAXES if paid on or before January i-’.lst. C. S. HARDEE, City Treasurer. Valuation of Real Estate, Improve ments, Additions, Etc., for the Vearlßß7. Office City Tkeastrer A Savannah. Ga .Jan 4,187. | The b ok, containing valuations of ihe following property for taxation during the year 1887. viz: Real estate an i improve ments and property oi every kind not hereto fore aasefsed, including now buildings erect ed aud improvements and additions made since the last as ei-srncut, is now open for in sp cti'-n n this office, ai.d nocco is hereby gven t<>aii concerned to tile their objections, it any they have, within thir y da\sfrom ttiis date, otherwise he assessments therein con tained will be Una 1 and conclusive as eatab lishlng the value by which tj estimate the tx to be collected thereon. O jeetions must be made in writing and ad dressed to tne Assessment Committee. C. s. lIAHL EK, City Treasurer. Notice. city of Savannah,i Office \ ity Treasurer. > SAVANNAH, Jail. 1, 1887.) The following extract from the City Tax Ordinance tortile 18a7 is published for. information: -^*l Sec. IX. Every person or ing or holding personal property in said city (S vanuah) on the lirst day of January, 1887, shall make a return thereof to theCuy Treas urer within tw*n y and ye after tha date; and a 1 returns of personal property shall be in spected, as soon as they aru made, by a per son to be designated by Hie Finance Commit tee of Council, who shall caiefully aud criti cally examine tne same, aud if he linds, or has cause to believe, that such return is not prop erly made so to show the amount of per sonal property owned by the person or per sons or corporat ou making the return sub ject to taxation, then he sha 1 for'hwith pro ceed to assess the said personal property of said person or corporation at its true value, as near <* can be a-ce tained by Ii m, aud as soon as the same is made he shall se and a copy of tne same to the person or corporation whose return is thus corrected; and tlie person or corporation whose return is thus corrected Shan have ttie right to appeal from such cor rected return Lottie Committee ou Assess ments of the City Council within ten days after the mailiugof the notification of the cor rection of said return; and said Committee shall hear such return ass ou as may be con venient ihereatter, notify in.* said appeliantof th time and place of hearing said appeal; ana a'.tiT hearing such appeal, the said Commit tee on Assessments shall fix the return of said person or corporation at such sum Ac may, in their opiuion, he correct and just, and shall immediately notify such party of the sum no fixed by them; and the :>aid person or corpo ration may, within four days ot the teudition of such judgment, appeal thereirom to ti e Mayor ami Al iermen -l theci yof Savannah, wnere &uch appeal shall be heard aud deter mined as other appeal cases are heard and determined by the iJayor aud Aldermen of the city of Savannah; and the judgment of the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Sa vaunab shaa be ileal, and determine the amount upon which the City Treasu* er shall co.iect the taxe-. prefer Led ey the hrd und filth suctions of thib ordinance; if the return of personal property, as made bv the person or corporation, sMiitt befte ente 1 by the pur s’ n so uesigoaned. !>r this Fi am-e C>*mmiit e of council, bo aha i t dorse the am as ac cepted, and na4oi (UfjH/ijae to the Cit . Treas urer, who shall aflsL‘s thpveon tne taxes to be paid by :he prisoh or .'Corporalion man ng eucli return. But in ttitrfeVent there is no ap peal from the ast-esinun< so fixed by the per son appointed tojhxamine and correct the sain*. or no appeal trom he assessment flxe i b the Coinmttee on kst-essinenls th n said assessment t.o ti ve<i shall t e the amount upo wli -h the (n. Tei ier -hall aasess tie taxes to be paid by t..e person or corporation making such return. Failure to make returns makes it the duty of the City Treasurer to assess a double tax on ah delimiters c. S. IIARDFE C ty Treasurer. Election Notice. City of Savannah, i Office clerk of council,) December 31. 1886. ) At the first regular meeting to held in January, that is to say. on WEDNESDAY, January 12th, 18>7, Council will eiect. for the term oft wo years, the following officers: Va/a> y ver a niun , B md. Clerk of Council $1 800 slo,o* 0 City Treasurer 2,400 du,o 0 City Marshal 1.500 6,000 Chier of police 2,000 4.000 As isiant Chief of Police 1,500 2,000 City Mirvey<-r, fens, and shall perform the duties of In spector of Dry Culture 1,500 2,000 Harbor Mas er, and to furnish his Deputy whenever re quired 1,500 2,000 CU rk of the Market .. SOO 2,000 Corptraiion Attorney 1,500 Messenger of Council GOO 500 Keeper of Laurel Grove Ceme tery 1.000 1,000 Keeper of City Dispe sary. 1,000 2,000 Assistant .1 eper of City Dis pensary 000 Ke per Forsyth Place 000 600 Keeper Pest House 450 500 Fifteen Measurers and inspect - ors of Timber aud Lumber, fees 600 1 w Ue Inspector* Naval .Stores ami asEiich to lake out a li cense each ear, fees 2,000 Ilnaiih Offiuer, fees and 1,500 .... Five Port Wardens, fees 500 Four Weighers of Hay, fees 500 ( h m e. ( ontractor. v !•; D, fees .... 500 Chimney Contractor, W D, ices .... 500 Chief Fireman... 1,500 Assistant Chief Fireman 450 .... Superintendent and Engineer Water Works 1,500 6,000 Two City Phy-minus, each, and to keep a horse and buggy at hlsowu expense 1,000 .... Ordinance I)e umber 29th , 1886. Sec. 2. All applicants for city officers must file with ih** Clerk of Council, at or before 2 o’clock p. m. on the. Monduv prece ing the day oi election, their several applications. For those positions requiring bonds, the names of the bondsmen (two in all cases) must accompan the application. No appli cation wip r eeive ihe consideration of Coun cil unle-s filed yi accordance with the provi sions of thio ordinance. By order of Council. Fit INK E. REBARETI, (Jerk of Council. ReyqstriDion Notice. Tiie Board <if Registration and Election Managers bereby yive notice Unit the lio q.s fort o registration of voters at ihe election for Mv r aid Ab cnn nof the city of ra vannali to be bcl TUESDAY. January 18th. 1887, will be opened on MONDAY. Janiinry 3d, and closed on >ATUItI>A V. January IMU, The raanagi r< for crh di-lr et will attend at the place- designated below from ti o’clock A. m. to 2 r. m. everyday except Mindavs) and on Saturdays from U o’clock r. m, to 8 f. M . For the First Militia District (extending from the western corporate limits of theciiy to I lie mid loot Mon gomery street/. I’,are for regi-tratlon: At l oxV stabler ■. on West Broad slreet, s ntliwest corner ol Will am. Managers II F. Bennett, Martin Cooley, t). o\ ounor. For the second Militia Dtstriet (from the m Idle of Moll gomcry to the middle of Bar nard M-roels/. f’laee for registration: l‘ft stale street, one door ea.i of Montgomery. iU Manage r* —Wm, L. Extey, John Houston, John Rm liei ford. For the Third Militia District (from the middle of Barnard to the middle of Abercorn streets'. !‘bi' e for registration: Simon Gazan's siore. northeast cornorof llud and Broughton. Managers—-imon Gazan, Henry McAlpln. John S. Tyson. For the Fourth Militia District (from the middle or Ate room to theeaslern e morale limits of the rityi. l-laoe of registering: Bacon’s mill, on the southwest corner oi Lib eri v and East Broad streets. Managers-A. r>. Bacon. \V. J. Ilartv, T H Laird. HENRY Mc vLPIN. ' Secretary ortho Board of Hcgbtrailon and Managers. r tf ’ Election Notice. CITY Ol 'iJWKgSAH. HB On IL K I y^^^^Kxdncil At the reguL^g^W^^^Jr P.lnr, .’ : ■a.M?!'. _1: 11; mi f v '' at . r .- re 7: lH.q. vt. HIW ’ • . -. Ai! ■ ~ ’.e fl.e lvi ilh" he JH s")t o e oe.k 4, M. ou tlie MfcTptg t'.g me day of eieciion. sir"Ii'mJAASBhTBMHI .the names *■*)"!! t-npoi, who wilt be required to^HH| e "re .a v.'tarv oilier i ll t" tile bill. "i Hi of CouniHH|| >e-r li : '.n a eordaiioo witn the pro^H rerited above. By order of Council. FRANK E. REBARER,^B neff^H For Sale, Real estate renting well. Will pay 8 ..9 Address Box 102. City. rimer’s Liver Corrector. I This vegetable preparation is invaluable foB the restoration of tone and strength to t]9 system. For Dyspepsia, Constipation other ills.caused by a disordered liver, i'X'-i 1i i. ne-1. prizes I : . •' ) I ‘"ti' a(.y At :• ■i io ' I 1 :: r 711 * -r :\j i-atr.i I. and ! r Frame Io Ml) \ all demands, in- !■■■;. - 1 a:.n I. n:pt aia-ii: rll gi IKE SGtyBI SaiiiijfeSPl NO. l’_o HR EIIHH TANARUS: c National ba'.Al - '.'ivaiioah B.V N.V:\ >8 All, .Mgm I. DAI t fIHB t :' Ad>i•• V- : . . . v - -i ' i ■ Wu . Garrard, llerin.m Msßß| ' I U . i:. Guerard, A. Hanh >7%pf.einhSHß| I*. Williams, M TIU- lORPOUATD'N is ''-V’ busini'ss. l> p tc : on Hhp'h allowed. Hud'S and regulations ran tie had piieaiionto' a-lner. Will negotia'e ' tie purchase and Rond-, s oek-. Mot! .age- and a iot tier t es. Wi l loan money and negotlaie for others on approved seeurity. Call aud get terms and sati-fy tlia' it will be most advantageous to with us, (f ajaruieroiup ilotirra. noticel J JAYING disposed of my stock of and Jewelry to Messrs, THEUS BROS. I re quest for them a continuance of that liberal patronage that has been bestowed upon me during the past twenty-one years. Very Re spectfully, SAMUEL P. HAMILTON. nersbip under the firm name of BROS., will continue the J V Watch & Jewelry Business, Corner Bull and Broughton streets, formerly conducted by SAMUEL P. HAMILTON, and respectfully solicit the patronage of lic. T. N. THEUS, S. E. THEUS. Savannah, Jan. 1. 1887. fjoutiai] C*sooi>o. A FEW" N I C E- • Osins Ms — { PORTER’S^ 122 Broughton Street. Dmpaia Medicines as Usual HOLIDAY COOPS* F? lS * Imporfe.l an-l Domestic Novelties for Holiday Presents. Rare hxtrarl*, < ologne and Toilet Waters. Huyler’s Candies. ONCBOLABUTLERH lor Sale, NOTICE. p°N*T house. SADDEK AND BRIDLE ' Auctmn. wHI bf .old THIS I)\Yt 1.0 Clock, b< .J. McLAUUHUN & SON. A. tine, sound and gentle pony, broken to saddled and bartiek*. Sol < for no fault—owner UHe tor h m. Only 4 war* old.