Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1868-1887, January 07, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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2 CRIME IN A NEW CLOAK. - THEJUDGE TEAKS THE MANTLE • INTO SHREDS. A United States Marshal Attempts to Pa'iii Off Adultery%. flume Keeo Committed In Hl* Official Capacity- Martin’s Alleged First Wife Bound to Make It Hot for Him. Atlanta. Ga.. JaD. 6.—A very novel ease came up to-dav before .l udge New man In the United States Court. H. Tay lor Cobb was charged in Union county Superior Court with fornication and adul tery. cobb ia a Deputy United States Marshal, and his lawyer, ex-Seriator Day, ' had the case removed to the United States Court on the ground that if the offense was committed it was under color of Cobb’soffieeas a Uulted States Deputy Marshal officially and not as a private citizen. It was a queer case, but .Judge Newman, without waiting, ordered the case back to the State Court. JUDGE SIMMONS TAKES THE OATH. Judge Simmons, of the Macon circuit, appeared belore the Governor to-day and took the ontn ot office. An executive reward of S2OO was offered to-day for tUe arrest of A. C. Baker, ol Bartow county, charged with trying to blow up a bouse in Cartersville with dyn amite Jan. 22. A tew days ago the alleged Atlanta wile ol George Martin, the Avalanche proprietor, wno stirred tip such a sensa tion by marrying in Washington lasi week, Charlotte, N. C., her old home, night she returned to At lanta. A reporter m" her on Street this morning. w AN INTERVIEW. He asked: ‘-Mrs. Martin, where have Vou been?” ‘•l’ve been to Charlotte, N. C„ my old ;bome, to consult with relatives and secure some documentary ettdence to prove that 1 am the wife of George Martin.” ‘•Did you secure the evidence?” “Yes, 1 have It with me, and will uso it at tne proper time.” •■What course do you Intend to pur sue ?” “Why, if Mr. Martin returns to Atlanta 1 will confront him and ask him to ac knowledge me as his wife. It he refuse* then 1 will have him arrested for bigamy,” NOT TO BE BLUFFED. •‘Suppose the evidence you have is not sufficient, to convict him," what will you do then ?” ‘•I will have him arrested on another charge of whteb 1 can convict nim with out any documenis.” Mrs. Martin is t lornughly aroused, and she has received much sympathy from ner neighbors. Her business down town this morning was to place her case in the bands of an attorney. ABE LUMPKIN’S DEATH. At 9 o’clock this morning Coroner Haves held au inquest over the body of Abe Lumpkin, the negro who died vis er day evening at the station bouse. .Seve ral witnesses who bad worked with the deceased at the Metro politan Hot i testified. Little else was elicited save that they knew him and tba. ho wus struck on the nead with a cup by a boy named Parks Cutrigbt about two years avo. Subsequently a post-mortem examination was made by Dr. J.M. Boring, county physician. The jury rendered a verdict to the effect that death ensued from softening of toe brain. The body will be buried at the county’s expense. REVENUE EMPLOYES ACQUITTED. In this morning’s session of the United States Court the following cases ol car ry ipg concealed weapons brought against ollioers of the government, removed from the State courts, were disposed of wit h verdicts of not guilty: W .A. 11. Sh-pard, D. M. Grizzle, J. A. Prater, .11. Van Estes, Willard Hubbard and Taylor Cobb. A verdict ot guilty was rendered in the case of J. K. Chastain. A ease of assault and battery against J. K. Cnaslaiu was re manded to the State Court. NOT HARD TU DECIDE. The case of tne State of Georgia vs- John A. Stewart, au ex deputy collector, charged with assault with intent to mur der, wus up. AwISSO iht* c uiihM was burned by mm* who was also a deputy as se verely wounded. Twenty wer. arrested and five were miH| and sentenced to terms of two jearaKi the Albany penitentiary. One ol the arrested was Benjamin Tilley, v. prosecuting witness in the present He charged Stewart with haviug seated a pistol at him and threatened hnP life. CAN’T INVADE ENGLAND England officially notifl and Georgia to day, through the Department of S ate at Washington, that the Gate City Guard will not be to tread English soil as a miiufly organ nation. Private Secretary N^HTi t. ot the Gubernatorial office, has üßfflicial papers, and to-pi lit notified C:?[u. Burke, of the Gate City Guard, ol En/land’s ultimatum. Wbat the Captain will do he declines at present to confide to the press. WIFE AND D It IS BEHIND. Strange Disappearance of a Macon Bridegroom ol I liree Weeks, Macon, Ga., Jan. 6—The disappear ance of Frost, a well-known sign painter, f the firm of Frost & Fierce, is agitating just now the minds ot a number ol Maoou people. Alwut a Mh" Riv. J, d* Cook married Viola Biilß at toe residence ot Allen Jones, on Fourtß street. Miss Busb, whose home is ia Ten! mile, was on a visit to Mrs. Jonefl, andl niter tbeir mar iage the couple boarded at* the bouse. When the lull amounted to £2O Mrs. Jones dunned Frost tamflV, lie replied that he would go dow uJlow4feJiJjt the money, and return and it.liP'ks bill. He bade his wi o id ieit tbo house, return In five minutes. returned yet. 1 1 fie mailer iv,i* until to-dav, dtsaMH unco wa • report* -I t** ,■ • :.•*•" IY/iHSi An ellort was organ,/.ed i„ His wile, will) was a bride of weeks, is nearly distracted, w l>er of others are anxious tor reasons to find him. K-ost lively a stranger nere, but has ’Miai reputation of being a good man and a superior workman. v*’ A Child Killed by Whisky. . TENNILLK, Ga., Jan. (I—A Child ol J. F. Gardner, employed bjfffTie Central railroad at Oconee station, g * i.p this morning very early. It bud been sick and begged its lather for some whiskv. It was given a spooniul ami told to go back to bed. The father then went to bis work. The child’s mother was asleep. Mr. Gardner returned in a short time and found the child dead, lying by the jug ol whisky, which was almost empty. Youililul Burglars. Dublin, Ga., Jan. 6.—The burglary ol J. T. Smith’* suite a month ago is no longer shrouded in mystery. Three young boys ol the towu have been com mitted by the Judge ol the County Court to answer the ebarg . Two n: them lad ing to give bail ol S3OO and SOOO, are uow in jail. Cap'. Kanul’s defeat tor President of the great Central was quite a surprise here, Traffic Rosumptl n. Atlatua. Ga., Jan. o. TnoCincinnati BoutfieriPwill resume business to mor row, u■ n i COUNTY OFFICE'US. Additional Returns from Wednes day's flattie at (lie i’olls. Barnksville, Ga.. Jan. o.—The snow fall ol Jan. 5 will long oe remembered by the nominees in Pike for county office s. first because of its depth, and to - th reason that the defeat of the Prohibition ticket is laid therto. The following gen tlemen will fill tbe offices ot this county for the next two years: W. W. Howard, Sheriff; E. A. Parker, Clerk of the Su perior Court; C. G. Driver, Treasurer; W. 1). Redding, Tax Receiver: J,,hn C. Thornton, Tax Collector; J. H. McLean, County Surveyor; J. B. Bevel, Coroner; T. Z. Jones. Commissioner. They go in with a majority of over 200 votes, there being ouly 1.900 votes polled in tbecouuty. WAYNE’S OFFICERB. JEBUP, Ga., Jan. 6.—Full returns of yesterday’s election of county officers were received to-day. The officera-elect are J. W. Poppell, Clerk; J. D. Roberson, bber.ff; I). H. Carter, Tax Receiver; Ellas O.deu, Collector; J. H. Bn nett, Treas urer; J. G. McCall, Surveyor; P. P. bcoit. Coroner. CLAYTON’S CHOICE. Jonesboro, Ga., —Tne election tor county officersot Clayton county re sulted ns follows: Sheriff, L. C. llutobi son; Clerk Superior Court, W.T. K Bey: Tax Receiver, D. H. Duneon; Tax Collector, J. R. Bailey: Treasurer, E. L. Hanes; Coroner. J. I’, Carbringh; Sur veyor, J. J. Hartsfi Id. Excitement ran very nigh anu a great deal of whisky was used in the election. LAURENS’ OFFICERS. Dublin. Ga., Jan. 0 Tne election passed off quietly. Tne old officers were all re-electi and. viz.: Capt. Hardy Smith, Clerk and Trea-urer; James C. Scar borough, Sheriff; James B. Jones, Tax Collector; F. D. Beall, Tax Receiver; B 11. Blaeksnear, Surveyor: and James Barfield, Coroner. All had opp* sitioi but Capt. smith for Clerk and Treasurer. Several precincts did not bold an election, and the vote w as uot more than one-third of the strength ot the county. Only 306 votes were polled in tne town district. MORGAN’S RULERS. Madison, Ga., Jan 6.—The result of yesterday's election for county olli -ers is as follows: Treasurer, no opposition, W L. High; Clerk "t the Suuerior Court, m> opposition, C. W, Baldwin; Sheriff, on posed, J. A. Hillsman; Tax Collector, op posed, R. E. Mann; Tax Receiver, op posed, R. S. Saffold; County Surveyor, no opposition, Tom Knott. Tie official count not being yet completed the ma jority of the candidates cannot be given a; this wilting. A NEGRO CORONER. Columbus, Ga., Jan. 6.—in the elec tion yesterday for officers oi Muscogee county all the returns were Lot received till to-day, the result of the contest foi Coroner, however, being the only me in doubt. \V heu the returns were foo'ed up they showed that Sim Griffin (colored) bad received 414 votes, and was elect'd Coroner. He had six while competitors. J. T. Brooks, one ol them, received 400 votes. This is the first negro elected tootfice in Museog.e county in years. In the election held In Harris county yesterday, S. J. Hunt was elected lax Collector, B. J. Gordon, Tax Receiver; Burt Cook, Treasurer, aud F. M. Tally, Sheriff. APPLING’S SUCCESSFUL TICKET. Baxley, Ga., Jan. 6.—Tne election for county officers passed off very quietly. A light vote was polled, owing to the dis agreeable weather. 'The lollowlng can didates were elect'd: Clerk. W. VV.Gra bam; Sheriff. I). J. Branch: Reoeiver, J. J. Clark; Collector, M. Baxlev; Tr* us urer, Horace B. Koyall; County Sur vevor, A. F. Byrd; Curouor, James M. Hall. ____________ A CORPSE FROZEN STIFF. Tlie Remains of a Missing Negro of 1 ugusta Found in a Ditch. Augusta, Ga., Jan. C.—Chesley Lan baui was hopelessly drunk last night week aud wandered out on tne south comtnonß, where lie fell into a dry ditch found dead to-night. His corpse 9HHIai/oii s 1 Hi. 11 'His nil Sa* and Hills iwßte time of tTTs death. . The Georgia Chemical Works re-elected Ike old officers to-day. ™Miss Lou Madden was burned to death yesterday at Madden’s, in South Caroli na, Her clothing caught tire from a chimney place, and she perished belore assistance could be rendered her, or the flames could be extinguished. Sleighs anti Snowballs. Dublin, Ga., Jan. 6.—About 10 o’clock yesterday morning snow commenced (ail ing and continued to fall for two hours aud a hall. It reached a depth of three inches. The house tops and hills and trees were wrapped in a white sheet that bids fair to last several days. The oldest inhabitants say it is the heaviest fall in ball a century. Sleigh riding has been indulged in extensively, and some ladies were out. Mr. Bruch, of Arnau & Bruch, improvised the sleighs. Snow.ballin: was the delight of tne hoys. THREE INCHES AT TENNILLK. Tbnnille, Ga., Jan. 6.—The heaviest snow tall ever known in this section oc curred yesterday. The ground is still to a depth of three inches. IS, M r- w B^BT an* :n !• .oi i . G. n..a. :u I in tne wi.ole <q I *:, 1 1 - 18. ii>t minting railway and tele graphic communication. An incessant downfall ol rain at Rome threatens to causo an overflow of the Tiber. A severe snow storm is reported to be raging in Silesia, causing ususpenstono: railway traffic. t Fatoutoft filchings. I EatONTON, GA., Jan. !>.—Capt. (’. M. Bans, while comingdowii s'airs from the Bii her shop, made a misstep, tailing into street, hurting bis shoulder and oti’.- brU'Sing Himself. It Dennis, of Tiiibotton, has bought in i he Eaton ton Messenger, make Eatoiir.ui Ins home. Mr. Dsßi is a man i.: fine busin* s* qualities. Delphi a, Jan. 6.—fne strike aiWngit'ie coal handlers at Elizabeth;.ort has made a great scarcity of coni at Fort Rich tub:,.!, and the Reading Coal anil iron Company is only taking orders for present deliv. ry, coutiaots for the luture being declined. The stocks of Eastern manufacturers are very low.and pressing requests lor coal for immediate doliifjiy are coming in. especially from New >Br ian.l points. Tuts tias caused a material stiffening ol prices, the rate on one cargo that has just gone %Uot purl being an advance ol 33c. per toiß Small I’.u Instead of I’oison. New York, Jan. o.—The sud.len and severe Illness of the Brooklyn druggist, Jos ph Maori and his cuildren. three A whom nave died since Sunday, in consV qu. nce as it was supposed of poison, has been explained. An examination of the bodies of ibe three little ones was made by the doctors to-day, and all agree that death was the result of hemorrhatt c small pox. They weit^ni£jgd>,*|n|^Bernoon. * .o v 1 SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY, JANUARY 7.1887. FLORIDA ON THE WIRE. Chnuiaiiqna and tiie Forestry Con gress- upt. horntnn’a Deal li. I’ensacola, Fi.a., Jan. 6.—The Exec utive Com mil tee ot the Florida Chau tauqua met here to-day and made final ar rangem oits lor the third annual assem bly which convenes at DeFuniak Springs Feb. 17. ad holds until April 1. lhe programme Is exceptionally brtl iant in music, literature arid art. The second annual Southern States For estry Congress convenes at DeFumak Feb. 15, Cd. Pringle.of Georgia, Presi dent, presiding. The programme an nounced to-day includes many of the must distinguished men of the nation. St PT. THORNTON’S DEATH. Tlie death of J. G. Thornton, Superin tendent ot the Fifth district of the West ern Union Telegraph Company, with headquarters at Jacksonville, Fia., has occas oned considerable sorrow aud sym pathy in this community, particularly be cause Mr. Thornton married inio one of the old lamilies oi the city whose connec tions are numerous. Mr. Thornton was ora number of years Superintendent ol 'he Pehsacola Telegrapn Company, ol which C. L. Be Baron was President, and to Mr. Thornton has b en authentically attributed the honor of manipulating the first telegraph line in Florida. Slutted Her • argil. Jersey City, Jan. 6.—Tne steamer Oih- Moot the W ilson line lett her pier in Hoboken yesterday hound for England with a heavy cargo of iard and cotton. When off the battery the cargo sufited to port, throwing the vessel nearly on ber hen in ends, lhe steamer returned to Ho. bok n with difficulty and at once began to discharge her cargo. The cause of tne trouble is npt known. Cut Otf Their <wi Noses. W ashingTON, Jan. (>.—< on tractor Mc- Gills, ol tins ciiv, who took the contract tor furnishing tiles tor the now pension office at about $20,000, finding that the American tlie manofactureis who had combined lor that purpose had forc'd the price up, has bought ms tiles in England, it was the only way in which he could avoid losing money on the contract. $7,000 Given to a iti-hop. Philadelphia, Jan. 6—Th<- commit tee on betia fol the laity of the Protestant Episcopal tJnuroti of tins diocese has pre sented Bishop William Bacon Stevens ■vith a certificate ol deposit amounting to $7,000. This was a m irk of their esteem on the occasion of the Bishop’s complet ing tne tweuty-fitth year of his prelacy. Founders Near Seattle. San Francisco, Jan. 6.—The overdue ship Harvey Mills, tr.-m Seatde, Dec. 12 tor this port, has been beaid trom. She foundered wneu two days out trom Seat tle. First Mate Cushman and two sea men were picked up at sea in an open boat by the ship Majestic, and landed at Sail Pedro. Sue was a 2,000-ton snip. Socialist Knigii.s . mi in oil. Chicago. Jan. 6.—The socialistic ele ment was victoripus at the annual elec tion of District Assembly No. 24, Knights ■ O'Labor, held last night. The conserva tive element in this assembly is regarded as sufficiently strong, however, to demat any exceptionally radical action under taken by the new officer's. Wages .>Uvaulted. Pittsburg, Pa., Jan. 6 —The wages question at the Edgar Thompson steel works was finally settled to-day by the arbitration committee, and work will be resumed in all departments next M mday. t he new scale advances wages on an av erage of 10 tier cent. These works em ploy over 3,000 men. l eather Workers Win. Nf.wakk, N. J., Jan. 6.—The Executive Committee of the Knights ot Labor have completed arrangements wiili the leather inanulacurers whereby the 000 leather workers who quit work yesterday will return to-morrow morning. All the em i.lovers nuve acceded to the demands ol the men. iosso Dead. Cincinnati, Jan. 6.—Prof. Joseph i'osso, violinist, died athis . , ■BH- l" M.X'C-i, at .! t :*■ to i es. He has become fatuous iroughout the country by the composi tion of the quaiut melody, “Arkausaw Traveler.” A Virginia Gold ’dine. Danville, Va„ Jan. 6.—A Pennsyl vania company has just begun to work a gold mine in Charlotte county, this State. It is said that the yield ol ore is very satisfactory. Capture of a Churchy ird Ghost. Frn)n the CardijT Weekly MiiiU Recently ghost alarms have been very common in the potteries and adjoining districts, and considerable i xeiiemem was caused one night this week alter 11 o’clock by the mysterious movements oi a figure clad in white,among the tombs in •Stietton cuurchyaid, near Hanley. The nocturnal visitor was watched by a large crowd, who completely blocked the adja cent thoroughfares. For some time me “ghost” was permitted io conduct his peculiar perambulations unmolested, but ultimately two members ol tin; crowd more daring than lhe rest, mustered courage enough to approach the figure. A closer inspection convinced these per sons that so lar from being the shadowy, etueral spirit which is said to have visited other churchyards in the district, the ghostly visitant ot the burial ground was a really tangible body. 'Ttie snow-white li ure displayed much uneasiness on Ibe approach of the two active men, whose measures lor its cap ture were not to ho circumvented. Flignt was useless and dissolution In thin air impossible. So Edward Hauptmann, a Corporal in the Hanley Volunteers, had to quietly submit to the unpleasant pro c as ot being led into tne crowd he had done bis best to terrily, and alterw arij to the more disagreeable. xperience of being lodged in the Hanley police cells by Police Constable Smite, to whom he v. as handed over by his captors. The operator bad secured a woman’s night dr. ss. which, being too small for the accommodation of nis soin.-what portly irame and commanding figure, he ingeniously held b tore him, expanding it by his arms, aud by this means h sue needed in his practical joke. Ho was taken belore the M agistrati s on Tuesday, but, cone.-lerltig tiiov he hud been locked up night, and that he had etiff red sonßmaltrca ment from atone throwing ouße previous ingnt, be was discharged \jjra a caution. A JtAKE OFFOKI UNITY. A Physician who M-tkes no Charge. Dr. W. U. Whitehead, the originator and one of the present proprietors of Prickly Asb, Poke Root and Potassium Compound (P. P. P.), the great blood purifier, has opened an office at the cor ner of State and Barnard streets, and offers to treat at! eases ol blood disorders that wfll present themselves a bis . tfioe, lor the next sixty days, Iree of charge. The obj.'Ot the doctor has in lining nils Is to Introduce to the people of bavannah his prepatation a* a r. nu dy iu blood dis. eases. Oulv tbose suffering from blood diseases will be received as patients. If you have rheumatism, scrolula syphilis, old sores, skin eruptions, or malarial poison come to see the Doctor, and ho will make no charge for consultation, ex amination and prescription for the next sixty days. Office hours 8 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 6 p. in. Incidents in Lincoln’s Life. From the Philadelphia Press. After one of the receptions at the White House Judge Peck was walking up and down tbe East room with Mr. Lincoln, wno looked exceedingly sad and every now and then threw out his arm with a pathetic gesture. The Judge said: “Mr. President, may 1 inquire what distresses you to-night?” “Oh. Judge,” he said, as he clasped closer the Judge’s arm, “this is Fi -day, black Friday, hangman’s day. Ibe day they execute larmers’ boys lor tailing asleep at their posts down on toe Potomao. If I say anything they say I interiere with army discipline. Oil, I can’t bear it; I can’t bear It.” Once I heard certain politicians advise him to prevaricate on a certain subject; lie said: “Now, gentlemen, it is of no use, I can’t lie, I’ve tried it, and I always make a lailure.” Alter I had been in Washington some time my husband, an army officer, was ordered to Hilton Head and I desired to I-.llow him. 1 applied to Mr. alanton tor permission to do so ami was refused. 1 told Mr. Lincoln, and he wrote me this note: Dear Stanton: Mrs. is a personal friend of mine, aud if not very tiaugeroub to the public welfare, f wish you would give her a permit to visit her husband. Lincoln. Tbo permit was refused. 1 remained in Washington till near the cloaeoi tbe war. About November, be fore the assassination, Judge Peck went to Mr. Liucoln, who was slaying out at ttie cottage, and said: “Mr. President, Gen. liumer and 1 both leel uneasy to have you nere without a guard.” “Now Peck,” said he, “noone wants to kill me; Hamlin is a great deal worse than 1 am. lie’s a black abolit onist. What good would my death do anybody? Results, I can’t always be thinking of death. Our soldiers look the grim mon ster iu Uie face daily; why shouldn’t 1? Now you want me to ride with six of those tali fellows to tbe front of me, and six to the rear, like old Frederick, 1 sup pos. ?” “Yes, and six on each side of you, too, for that matter. Now, Mr. Lincoln, il you don’t object, we shall place an unob trusive guard over you ” It was done; no one feared assassina tion, only abduction was anticipated. Thu result is well Known. Mr. Armour’s Methods. From the Philadelphia. Times, The only man at all tit to cope with the Wall street bulls and bears is that prince ol Western speculators, Phil D. Armour, of Chicago. Since first he w.m reap ct from them, by virtue of tbe thousands he wrested from tbeir bands, be lias held to his own policy in spite.if everything they have done, and his own poliuy has paid. In two hours last Wednesday, while bis railway stocks held their own unsup porie.l, he threw something over 1,000,000 bushels of wheat that he bad been hold ing on the Chicago market, realizing 10 per cent, profit on it ali. The price re ceived lor it was a little over 83c., and the variest scuoolboy can figure out Ar mour’s gain on the deal without any great trouble. Armour now owns and is earning carrying charges by shrewd bui quiet deals on 7,000,000 bushels of the wheat at Chicago and 5,000,000 bushels of the wheat at Duluth anil Milwaukee, His methods are the quiok but quiet methods ol Mr. Gould, aud when he once starts out to rai-e or depress a sioek the fellows who try to knock bun out usually wander around afterward inquiring who else tne cyclone struck. Weather Indications. For Georgia, Eastern and West. rn Florida, and Alabama, east rly winds, slightly warmer rain or snow. The heU it of the river at Augusta at 1:33 dutocK o. m. yesterday (Augusta tiinej was 6 6 leet—a fall of 0.1 feet during tb' 1 preceding 24 hours. Ooaoarasive statement of temperature at Savannah Jan. 6 ISS6 aud 1887: n*so.; iss;. B:3fi A.M 33 0:M A. M 32 v :;:,q r. )j 48 2;8li p. M lit) 10:3.1 p.H 44 10::tn p. M 35 Vtavimum 48 Maximum 33 vlini'mim 33jMinimam. 30 dear .einoßrarnre j Mean temperature . 42 of Uav 34 Itaiaf Jt 0 .(‘lt! Rainfall 0.00 Observations taken at tne same moment of time at all stations. Savannah. Jan. 8. 0:30 p. M.. City time. Temperature. I H Direction. *■ Velocity. Rainfall. Name op STATIONS. Portland 31 Ni. I....'Cloudy. Bosion .. 8. S 11 j.. . Cloudy. Block tManii. 33 N W !)j . I Cloudy. New York 30 N [ j — Fair. I ’ln l c.G-t itui 23 N W 0. Cloudy. Wasßington... 22 j.. I....| Cloudy. Cane Henry 1 t Chimoieagtie . 2' W !.... Clear. Norfolk ... 23 ! | ... Fair. Charlotte ... 28 .... .! j' lonely. li ll tv Hawk... i— j Wiiiii ng.ou. . 34 NK ;Id Fair. Chariest iu. ... 35 N I 3 Ciotidv. *, 'gifts. ....' 80 NF. | . Cloudy. fIAVANNAH I 35 N IV I 8 Cloudy. Jacksonville... 4! \ | .... Cloud), hey West.... | 80 F 7 Cloudy. Vtlanta : 32; SVV Comiilv. Pensacola ! 4i; NIC .... Cloudy. Mobile. 4' N 7 t l.duly. Sion'.aomcry. . j 4i| \V (Cloudy. Via etmrg ~ ..! 82 ' Jollity. Pew Grid .in .. 4" NIC s 88 Light rain, s n rev.'uorl . :*4 >R ' jCloiidy. Fort.smith 2 '.V 1 — Clear. Gflive t. n 40 NK 22, 21 I. gilt rain. Pa'csiine... 33 NK ' Fair. Erowauvuto... u N 14 .Oil. i.ig'it rain. 1 tin Grande 4 K N j 7 jCHadv. Knoxville 81 S ; |— Clear. Memphis 33 NK , 0!.... Cloudy. NashvT.'.o 28 Ni .... Clear. Louisville 22 N 111 Cloudy. Indianapolis... 8 N *V| 8 0} Clear. Cincinnau 17 N in .... cioudT. Pittsburg 27 W 7 02 Ligntsnow. Buffalo 17 W 17 33 Light snow. Cleveland 15 W s 02 I, glit snow. Marquette - 1 —t> W !l .... Clear. Chicago 0 N W !i Clear. Duiutn ; —ls W 10 . .. Clear. St. Pam —2:l < ear. Davenport ... —l7 N W Clear. Cairo lo V jfw. c ■ udy. ht.Goni> 4 NE Fair. Leavenworth. —<r N 6 ... Clear. Omaha —Ui I? .. 1.... '( dear. Yankton. —is; 8K 1 |Koir. Bismurea. —3oI NE 7 D'-a lwoi'd . . | . '....1 North P'utta 3 1 SE 18 .... Cloudy. DidnOltr Isl SE .'Clear. lmlieatos below zero, U. N. s a ustii :tv, signal Corps U. S. A. THE DENT I 11'i‘ED Prim in*-, and IJthoffraph ing Establishment in tlie Si.utli. IT II \S NO RIVAL! COOP WORK, FAIR PRICES, AND PROMPT DELIVERY. THE MORNING NEWS Is prepared to execute every descrip tion ol Printing, Book Binding and Litho graphing. It has an endless assortment ot papers suitable lor manufacturing pur poses, iitul the latest mi pint ed machinery. Business Men. Railroad Officials, Steam boat Agents, Professional Men, Banks and otier corporations. County Officers, City and Town Official*, Managers oi Entertainments, Committees, Lodges. So , etc,, are to examine work done in their get prices. The smallest order as wB as 'he largest contract alike receive caretul attention. J. H. Ehtill, 3 Whitaker Street. Confidence In this world is r great thing, especially when purchasing entiling. You .an go to A ope 1 ,t bch.uil, the Hue Price Clothiers, without (carol any kind, and with (uil c.infld-nce, us ItTarrtaare. KENNaKD-MU Hit A Y.—Married, in th's city, on JaritiarvS, 1887, by the Rev. C. H. Si ron", John H. Kcnnakd and Julia D. Murray, b tn of this city. jttggftngg Lmdnim Lodge No. 4S, F- and A. M. A regular communication of th's A ro'ljtf will be held at Masonic Temple THIS KV.LNING, Jan. 7, at 8 o’clock. Visiting brethren cordially invited to attend. Bv order of F. D. BT.OO!)WORTH, W. M. H. G. Wilson. Secretary. Live oak Lodge No 11, !. 1 .0. F. Meets THIS EVENING at Odd Fellows’ Hall at 8 o’clock. The officers for ensuing term will be in stalled. l ire members are requested, and visiting brothers are fraternally invited to attend. By resolution of ti e Lodge. J. F. GL4TIGNY, JR. Attest: .J. P. Collins. Secretary. Myrtle Lodge No. <>, K. of P. A regular meeting of this Lodge will be held THIS EVENING, at 8 [i(&\ o’clock. Sister Lodges and transient Kniglits \JSs3jf arc invited. —ii*' GEO. C. HUMMEL. C. C. Waking Russell, Jh., K.of U. and S. Pulaski Council No. 153, K. A. A regular meeting of this Council will he heldTHls (Friday) EVENING, ai Bo’clock. Installau n oi officers ami initiation of can didates. Members are requested to atiend. J. H. CaVANAUuB, R. Clarence S. Coxnebar. Secretary. Irish Natioual League. The regular quarterly meeting of Branch 484, Irish National League of \ merica, will be hehi at < bit ho io Library Hall on THIS (Frldfiy) EVENING at 7:Bu o’clock. Members are requested to attend, as officers for the co nun if jeur will be elected. By order P. J. O’CONNOR, President. T. H. O’Donovan, Recording Secretary. Citizens’ Conservative Association. There will be a meeting of the Citizens’ Confervaive Association he'd THIS EVEN ING at 8:3 - o’ lock a* the Metropoli an Hall. Every member is earnestly requested to be present, as there will be busiuees of impor tance teai sac.ted. By order of the PRESIDENT. Reppard Iron Company. An adjourned meeting of the Stockholders of the Itepnard Iron Company will lie held at the office of the Company, No 70 Bay street, at 4 o’clock r. M„ TUESDAY. JANUARY UTU, 1887. NORTON FRIERSON, Secretary and Treasurer. Nolire. Office of Mutual Gas Light Co.,i Cor. Bryan and abercorn Streets. [ Bavannai{. Ga.. January 3d, 1587.5 The annual meeting of the x lock holders of this Company will b* held at the office of the Company on MONDAY, the 17ih inst., at i2 M. for the elcct.iou of a Board of Directors, aud f >rthe tranaaciiou of such other business as may come beiore the meeting. LEWIS C. LILLIE. Secrerarv. Spcrial llnticco. A Test Case Finally Decided. Tetterine has been thoroughly tested for years on the worst cases of Tetter. Eczema, Ringworm, etc., in existence, many of which have stood proof against all remedies from youth to old age, but have succumbed to the wonderful curative powers of Tetterine; it cures where all other remedies fail. For sale by druggists or seut by mail. Price 50c. per box. J. TANARUS, SHUPTRINE & BRO., Savannah. Ga. Election Notice. City of Savannah.) Office Clerk of council. £ Jan. H, 1887.) Under and by virtue of a resolution adopted by Council at meeting of Dec. 2 \ i s B*i, notice is hereby given that Council will e ect at the first regular meeting in January, that is to hay on W EDN KSDAi, Jau. 12, 1887, the fol lowing officers: CLERK OF THE CITY COURT, term three years. Bond 13,000; salary, fee*. SHERIFF OF THE CITY COURT, term three years. Bond $o,000; salary, fees. Applicants will hand in ihe r applications, with names of sureties (two required) at the office ef tlie Clerk of Council at or beiore 2 P. M.. MON DAY. Jau. 10, 1837, Bv order of Counoil. FRANK E. RE BARER, Ceric of Council. Eleciiou for Directors. Mkkchants^National Bank j * of Savannah, Ga., y SAVANNAH.GA .Dec. il. 1880. J The annual election for Directors will lie held at the Banking lluis" on TUESDAY. J ANUARY'II. 1887, between the hours of 12 an.l 1 o’clock. Til OS. GADSPMN, Cashier. Coupons of the Mar etta anti North Georgia Railroad. The Interest due on the Bouds of the Mari etta aud North Georgia Railroad January 1, 1887, will pc paid at tho office of JAMES U. JACKSON, No, 2 Library Building, Jacks n street, Augusta, Ga.. < r B i JUT, MCCLEL LAN A ft)., New Y'ork, or BOSTON SAFE DEPOSIT AND TRUST CO., Boston, R. M, PIJLSIFKR, President. Dr. Henry S. Colding, SURGEON DENTIST, Office corner Jones and Dray ton street, Graduate Baltimore College of Dental fcur- gory, __ Dr. 11. !!. Hitchcock Oilers his professional services to the citizens Savannah. Office WO Liberty street * —— <Sop.tvmrroln|t Uotireo. NOTrCE. | J VYING and Jewelry to Messrs. I’HEUS BROS. I re quest lor them a continuance of that liberal patronage that has been bestowed upon me during the post tweuty-one years. Voiy Re spectfully, SAMUEL P. HAMILTON. The undersigned having formed a Copart nership under the Arm name of THEUS BROS., will continue the Watch & Jewelry Business, Corner Bull and Broughton streets, formerly conducted by SAMUEL P. HAMILTON, and respectfully so.ieit the patronage of tho pub lic. T. N. THEUS, S. E. THEUS. Savannah, Jan. 1. 1887. BOOK BINDING.—Law Books, Magazines, and all kinds ol Subscrip in hi i.Li PRINTING lUJL'Lifll statb: or VVIATHKR. Sprttal Iletirnßr __ Notice to Tax Layers. City Treasurer's office, j Savannah, Ga.. January Ist, ISjT.I The following tuxes are now duel REAL - STATE, fourth quarter TIPR. 8 1 Oi K IN TRADE, fourth quarterU-SS. FURN i’l U E, etc., fourth quarter AIuNLY. etc., touriti and" "Al' i ./■< ending June ::Ciii. ,i ■ J ers, ->■' ... . i ■i n !■ . r-- ■ i: h\ I I- ■■ I !.. -i •• FURNITURE, MONEY, etc.. wiIWH RENTS, if paid tfitAin fifteen days afie (/) u fi st. And a discount of ten per- cent, will be al lowed upon SPECIFIC TAXES if paid on or before January 81-t. C. S. HARDEE. City Treasurer. Valuation of Real Estate, Improve ments, Additions, Etc., for the Year 1887. Office City Treasurer ,( Savannah. Ga ,Jan 4.187. i The assessment book, containing valuations of the following property for taxation during ihe year 1887. viz: Real estate and improve ments and property oi every kind not hereto fore assessed, including new but.dings erect ed and improvements and additions made since the last as c>sment, is uow open for tn sp ction in this office, and notice is hereby given tal! concerned to file their objections, if any they have, within thir y davefrom this date, otherwise the assessments therein con tained will be iina: and conclusive as estab lishing the value by which to estimate the tax t. be collected thereon. Objections must be made in writing and ad dressed to the Assessment Committee. C. S. IIAKi EE, City Treasurer. Notice* City of Savannah,) Office city Treasurer, > SAVANNAH, Jan. 1, 1887.) The following extract from the City Tax j Ordinance lor the year is pub;nygriHß|| information: 4HHHI Sec. IX. Every person or corporation own ing or holding per-oual property in said city (S vannah) on the llrst day of January, 188’, shall make a return thereof to the City Treas urer within tweu y cGys after tha 1 date; and a 1 returns of personal property shall be in spected. as hdou as they are made, by a per son to be designated by the Finance Commit tee of Council, who shall carefully aud criti cally examine the same, and if he finds, or has cause to believe, that such return is not prop erly made so as to show the amount of per sonal property owned by the person or per sons or corporation makiDg the return sub jecl to taxation, then be sha l forthwith pro ceed to assess the said per onai property of said person or corporation at its true value, as near as can be ascertained by li m, and a9 soon as the same is made he shall send a copy of Ltie same to the person or corporation whose return isihus corrected; aud the person or corporation who-e return is thus corrected shail have the right to appeal from such cor rected return to tne Committee on Assess ments of the City Council within te days after the m tiling of the notification of the cor rection of said return; and said Committee shall hear such return as scon as may be con venient thereat ter, notifying saui appellant >f tin time and place of hearing said appeal; and alter hearing such appeal, the said Commit tee on Assessments shall tlx the return of said person or corporation at such Mini a- may. in their opinion, he correct and just, ami shall immediately notify- such party of the sum -o fixed by them; aud the said person or corpo ration may, within four days ol the ieaditn n of such judgment, appeal therefrom to tie Mayor and Al iermen theci yof Savannah, where -mch appeal shall be heard ami deter mined as other appeal cases are heard and determined by the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah; aud the jndgm Dtof the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Sa vannah sha'l he final, and determine the amount upon which the City Treasurer ehai' co ieet the taxes prescribed by the third ami tilth sections of this ordinance; if thuf'eturn of personal property, as made bv the person or corporation, shall be ac epted by the per s ns > lesiguated by the Finance C >mmr t e of Council, he sha 1 indorse the ame as ac cepted, and hand the same to the Citv I reas urer, who shall asses thereon the tuxes to be paid by the person or corporation mak ng such return. But in the event there is no ap peal from ihe assessment so fixed by the uer son appointed to|examiue aud cornet the same, or no appeal rom ihe a-sessmciit fixed t) the Committee on Asr-e-smeuis then said e>o fixed shall be the amount upon wh id ttie Citv 'I e iNiner -hall assess ti e taxes to be paid by t ie ptra n or corpo.ation maxing such r*i urn. Failure to make returns makes it the duty of the City Treasurer to assess a douule tax on ali deiaultcre. C. S. HARDEE C ty Treasurer. Election Notice. City of savannah, i Office Clerk of council, > December 31. 1886. ) At the fir t, regular meeting b* held in January, that i* to say. on WEDNESDAY, January 12th, 7, Council will elect, for the term oi two jeara, the following ollicers: Salat y ver annum, E nd. Clerk of Council SIBOO ?10,0 0 City Treasurer 2,400 £O,O 0 City .Marshal 1.600 5,m0 < hu " of P dice 1,000 4.0 t 0 Asdstant < hief of Police . i,500 2 > 0 , . o City Surveyor, fees, and shall perform the dunes of In spector of Dry Culture 1,500 2,000 Harbor Mas or, and to furnish his Deputy whenever re quired, 1.500 2,000 Cos rk of the Market 800 2,000 < orporaii n Attorney ... 1,500 Messenger of Council 000 500 Keeper of Laurel Grove Ceme tery 1.000 1,000 Keeper o'(Jity Pispe eary 1,000 2,000 As'ifttant Keeper ol City Dis pensary 000 Ke per Forsyth Place. 000 600 Keeper I*o3 l House 450 sdo Fifteen Measurers and inspect ors of Timber and Lumber, fees 600 Lu Ive InspecU r< Naval Mores and as such to lake out a li cense each vear, fees 2.000 Health Officer, fees and 1,500 .... Five Port Wardens fees sro5 r 0 Four Weighers ol Hay,fees .... 500 ii rote, i outractorj K l>,fees .... 500 Chimney < outractor, W I), fees 600 Chief Fireman... 1.500 .... Assistant ( hief Fireman .. 450 .... Superintendent and Engineer Water Works. 1,500 6,000 Two City Physicians, ear i, and to keep a horse and buggy at hisown expense 1,000 •••. Ordinance December 29 ii. 1880. Sec. 2. All applicants for city officer* must file with th- ( icrk of Council, at or before 2 o’clock i*. m. on the Monday ]reco ing i lie day of election, their several applications. For those positions requiring bunds, the names of th* boi.dsmen pwo in ali ca-es) mii't aecompan • the application. No appli cation will iveeive the consideration of limn ci) iinlc-s tiled in accordance with the provi sions of this ordinance. By order of Council. FU NK E. RUBAUER, < lerh <-* Couucil. Registration Police. The Beard of Registration and Elect ion Managers Uerb> giuru i" o that itiebo >bs lor tiifl jca*ttraii,)u ti Voter* ai UieeA' iiou for AI iy< r aid AMeru: nof Lite city or vafiiah lobe hel * TI.'IJJDAY, Jamiiuy IBih, 1887, will In* opened on VON’DAT* January 3d. and closed on v ATURDA Y. Janitarv IMli. The manager- for each district will attend at Hie place* designated lienw from o’clock A. M. to 2 r, M. every day vexcopi Miudav) scd ou Satui lays from t o’ciuc 4 i‘ fii to Bp. M. For the First Militia District (extending from the* western corporate limits of thecDy to Hie mid deof Mon gomsry street;. Puice for rugiiur itiun: At t *. *n Westßruad siteet, s uthwest corner o: U 11 am. M.inagurs -H F, lion Lott, Martin Cooley, I>. Ob oui or. For the >eco*’d MBit la Pis rict ifrotn the m ddieoi Mon gomery to he? in. Idle of Bar nard streets). Place fo regvtrstion: li-6 Mate Stic. t. one door of Montgomery. Matiage.'t— Wni, L. Exley, John Houston, John Huihot ford. For the Third Militia District the middle of Barnard to th'* middle of Abercorn st rovin'. Pla e for reg ssratio •: Simon Lazau’s store, northeast corner of Bull and Broiuhion. Manager*— Minon Gazan, Henry MrAlpin, Johu S. Tyson. For the Fourth Militia Di-trict (from the middle of Ah-renru to the eastern c rporate limits of tbe cl i . Pla oi reg Bacon's null, on the southwest corner o. Lib erty and East Broad streets. Managers—A. S. Bacon, W. J. liar tv. T. ii. MEMO Me tLf'lN, <*f i; f il u i mi ;; uu i ,J Lk'cMon Xotit’eSHnHnS ■.. 'tv oi Oi hi e wni ri’^Wnii PtiLlic-or inker officer, quiiliflC!inon to accompany the biJ. No wl I receive the consideration of Council usv less li ed In accordance with the provisions* recited above. H By order ol Council. ■ TRANK E. REBAUER, Clerk of Council. For Sale, : Real estate rentini? well. Will pay 8 par i Address Box 12. City. J Flmer’s Liver corrector. 1 This vegetable preparation is invaluable for 1 the restoration of tone and strength to the 1 system. For Dyspepsia, Constipation oilier ills.<•:•.-ol by a disurilered liver, it not be excelled. Highest an^B i y. Allen: ilil! t ' - . 11 ■ . .mi siuck F. vtra K,;r . ui.d l-.ur:\ Frame Teas enough ro supply all demands, and our are re k bottom. A in -upply of of lsvil .-rop on hand. Mall orders (|H||i prompt attention. E. J. KIEFFEr/^H Druggist and Seeqgaian^B h < ■ • :•. c $ ft, VAw N A H JjfIHHHH DAggi I 1 a C. sin. : • -I >rama^HHlH| DAG Mjfl M mk. a. l. : k Oaniirro. MBBk TBE ESUTi|||H Satinfis I Trislß NO. 120 BRYAN STREET, The Nallonal Bank of Savannah Buildln^H SAVANNAH, - GzV.l J. J. DALE Presides™ EDW’D LOVELL, ..Vice President! JNO. M. BUY'AN, Cashier! DIRECTORS—J. J. Dale, Edw’d Lovell,’ Wm. Garrard, Herman Myers, Juo. Lyons, W. E. Guerard, A. Hanley, S. Meinhard, J, p. Williams. rpHIS CORPORATION is now open 1 business. JtU Dep site solicited ou which interest aliened, Rules and regulations can be had on plication to ' adner. TP Will negotiate ihe purchase and sale of Bond?, Siock-. Mortgages and adother securi te. Will loan money and negotiate loans for others on approved security. Call and get terms and satisfy yourselves that it will ho moat advantageous to deal with us, A FEW | N l C £ Clriste Mi AT PORTER’ii 122 fironghton Street. Puli M Mimes a; Usia HOLIDAY CCO:?J I- IN V I mpor’cd and Domestic Holiday Presents. • Lire • and Toilet Wa^^H Huyler's Candies. — w-AT QSCEOI.A HITTLERM V <-f j te. Mandarin Goffe M Anew blend of Coffee, ex-1 cel lent in flavor and able iu price. m Samples (or trial will ulieerfully iurnislied at ouH store. A. M & C