Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1868-1887, March 20, 1887, Image 1

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ESTABLISHED 1850, !j.H. EiTILL. Editor and Proprietor.! 09W4MYI WITH AN IRRESISTIBLE MOMENTUM. SLEDGE HAMMER BLOWS AT HIGH PRICES ? TJ IN" E Q U I V O C A L 13 A R GAIN 8 ! We are with you again with our matchless bargains in Jobs and Drives. Great Cuts in the Prices of Dry Goods to make room for OUR GRAND OPENING which takes rilaca ■ WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY. MARCH 30th and 31st. ’ . , CO. EVER IN THE ASCENDANT! SHOES ! W ARE AFTER THE There are some people wbo have an idea at they cannot purchase Shoes from a gcn al Dry Goods house with as maoh satlsfac ra as from a regular shoe store. To the i(1 ones we would say that our Shoe De rtmeDt is exclusively a Shoe store in itself, is under the management of one of the is; practical shoe men in the Uni tod States, ose time and attention is devoted exclu de to the welfare ot this department and patrons. To those who have already tried t Shoes we need say nothing in their praise, invariably the buyer of to-day has be ne the customer of 10-morrow. To the lid ones we say that if there is any article rcbased in this department that does not “ out exßcll 7 as represented we will trfaily mage the Bnme gooll> u „ our R(m pve you Stylish, lieat-flttiug and better ■ving shoes than you can buy elsewhere ; for less money. ft are the pioneers in low prices and we re come to stay. In the grim battle for a most place among the giants of the retail he. "c have fought our way Inch by inch, rand late, and have left nothing undone fan unflinching courage and uneonquer ' ze, ‘' o<,uM d0 win. We have got far 0 “‘ l lhe ™nditi„n where the Big fellows I funk it their interest to belittle us. as pr ' C “ an ' l ‘ toods command respect every Mud lhe ““tinging blows” that we have T ,|ea 1 1,1 hi ith prices have had a r 1 ly ’el'ing effect id pushing usfor ' t 0 H e only posiitou that could satisfy “ouition. We arc fight, ng on our own "tlrv" ARE INT ° THE r,tAY FOR ■ WRy ' !t wnl not b out o( season to ■ , ' “ “'at, we are daily receiving new ■‘ l,Bh liai!9 in hoas, rovoltie* m Fancy I ’ ' x,>r<l Ties, etc.,'consequently the ■ tnv. b ,'! e hlVe “ 0W ln Bt,>c: ‘ RuU which ■ nably turn over at least twice each E UOW 1)11 Bhe l'e'l out. To do this wo ■al ICI , C<l 10 n "* rk ov< '^•’ , S,mo J own to ■ '" ■ o that we can slarl jn ()n open . l-li.w ?“* Clo ' lU an<l ,re " h °ck as ■ " “ stato - Tour Interests aud Bn. up itr * y °“ < ' an * et value for Bu,a, !;T yr,U Cannot lc * , n °<>acr than Bur r< M ar *' lVOr ’ on n "* ir of Shoes is BK. ar J . * ' m,ncnito Prollts asked te" Itt, I* 118 " WUCn "" *■ Br'p F l ' rli< ’ lu at ,ro| n 25c. to 12 S'- I)o n “ R ’“ e are f,old in Shoe ■ 01 1,6 deceived, come and ,„ v u , |;;:tV he ' ll,l " ront doparimcnts in l- thc tIT! ®ry Good. Bar 'l.oe De i,ol " rn lB “ vi "K drop B‘ nu!" “ a '" l celi'ct ono or |^r; s ;;r^ ,ns —‘ 80,,,, 1 , 1 :;" u y °" • K <i sand Shoe* made to B** *°r Ladles (tents \i Met,,,,,, 1 1 M, 'cc and Chil- BPurchase,' han "“• good. B sttsattoa.*” re ' olf ° careful and aii Ball streets. LADIES laslii Uiiemar! SECOND FLOOR. Special Sale for This Week. A Manufaclurer’s Stock at 50c. on The Dollar! We think comment almost superfluous after reading tne following partial price list and examining the stock in tins department: Chemise. This Regu week's tar Price. Price. Ladies’Chemise, tncked bosom $ 25 5 80 Ladies’Chemise, lace trimming 29 15 Ladies’ Chemise, lace trimmed. tucked yoke 85 50 Ladies'Chemise, corded bands . 35 50 Ladies’ Chemise, cambric ruffle neck and sleeves 85 60 Ladies’ Chemise, insertion and tucked yoke, embroidered edge 60 76 Ladies’ Chemise, square neck, lace trimmed 50 69 Ladies’ Chemise, Pompadour tucked bosom, insertion and edge .. 63 1 00 Ladies’ Chemise, handsomely trimmed 82 125 Ladies’ Chemise, handsome y trmmed . 90 135 Ladle-,' Chemise, handsomely trimmed 1 25 1 75 Drawers. Lad'es’ Drawers, hem ami hunch tucks 25 37 Ladies’Drawers, cambric ruffle.. 27 40 Ladies’ Drawers, embroidered and tucked 40 63 Liclies’ Drawers, yoke bands, tucks and ruffle of embroidery. 55 85 Lad es' Drawers, cambric tucks aud Torchon lace 75 1 10 Ladies’ Drawers, cambric tucks and Torchon lace 90 1 85 Skirts. Ladies’ Walking Skirts 25 35 Ladies’ Walking Skirts, 2ii-:nch hem. 5 tucks 35 50 Ladies’ Walking Skirts, cambrio ruffle 35 55 Ladies’ Walking Skirts, 2 cam bric ruffles, tucks . 60 90 Ladies’ Waiking Skirts, embroid ered ruffle, tiuiicli tucks 75 ICO Ladies’ Walking Skirts, hand somely trimmed 85 125 Ladles’ Waikiug Skirts, hand somely trimmed 99 1 60 Ladies’ Waikiug Skirts, very sightly 1 26 2 00 Fin-r grades up to in same proportion. Gowns. Ladies’Uowus, cambric ruffle. 45 68 Ladies’ Clowns, three inner ions, four clusters and seven tucks 69 100 Ladies’ Gowns, Mother Hub bards, thr-e style 75 110 Ladies' Gowns. Moflier Hub bards, all over end roidery yoke 1 38 1 85 Ladies’ Gown-, Mother Hub bards, cambric yoke 1 00 1 33 Covers. Ladies' Cambr.c Corset Covers, lace trimmed .... 21 85 Ladies’ Cambric Corset Covers, withembroidury 23 40 Ladies' Canib l' Corset Covers, embroidery and lac--trimmed .* 49 68 Ladies' Cambric Corset Covers, embroidery and !ace trimmed . 78 100 Dressing Sacques* Ladles’ Lawu Dressing Saoques *9 68 Ladies’ Cambrio Dressing Sacques . 6C 73 Ladles’ Cambric Dressing Sucqnes 73 1 00 Ladle-’ Cambric Dresiing Saoques, trim mod 87 1 25 In this line we nave a Tory superior stooic at all prices, as high as $8 each. Children’s Dresses. SPECIAL. 75 dozen Children’s Cambric Presses at 250, 85c and 50c; actual valuu 40c, 65c and 85c. Novelties in Misses’ Handsoma White Dresses, very cheap. Aprons. 50 Misses’ Lawn A prons, tucked, at 20c and 25c; regular price 35c aud 40c. 25dozen Misses’ I.awn Aprons, scolloped, at 33c; regular price 50c. 25 dozen Children's Aprons at !sc, 50n aud 73c, regular price 40c, 78c and 31. SPECIAL. Infants'Cambric and Linen Chemise, Skirls, Slips and llobes at greatly reduced price*. Jerseys. SOME POSITIVE BARGAINS. 100 dozen Lad lea’ Black Silk Finished Jer seys al 60c each; worth 31. 180dor.en Ladies’ Black Embroidered Jer seys, pleated back, at 75c; worih 31 50. 75 dozen Ladled Black Uouclo Jerseys at 3123; worth 32. 5o dozen Ladies’Colored Jersoys, all wool, at 00c; worth 51 50. 25 dozen Ladies’ Colored Jerseys, Mikado Vests, at 33 75; worth $6. C 9 Mall orders receive careful and prompt attention. Bnukiu aid Bill S.reets. Dress Goods, MHz and UnspM BARGAINS! On to-morrow wo will offer the largest and most complete stock ot Dress Goods ever shown beiore in Savannah, includ ing a large variety of high class novelties at prices that defy any and ail competi tion. See the Following Bargains: 150 pieces Lace Bunting, ia all colors, at 8c per yard; sold last season at 100 pieces 36-inch Hair Line and Cheek Beige Combination Suiting at 25c per yard; worth 400. 25 picoes 38-incb Artnure Cloth at 30c; actual value 50c. 25 pieces 40 inch French Cashmere at 40c; worth 65c. SPECIAL. 25 pieces 38-inch Albatross, in Tan, Gray, Biovvn and Illuminated Mixtures, at ode per yard; very cheap. 20 pieces 40 inch All Wool Check Al batross at 65c; worth 85c. Novelties, Novelties, In Combination Suits From $lO to $35 each. Examination so licited. te Brass M Replete with a full stookot the celebrated Mourning Goods manufactured by B. Priestly & Cos., Bradford, Eng. Tlie merit of those goods is too well known to need comment. We will simply say that we guarantee our prices against any house in the trade. The following are Special Bargains for This Week: 25 pieces 33-r.ioh All Wool Albatross aud Nuns’ Veiling at 60c; cannot be matched less than 65c. 1(1 pieces 40-lncb Al! Wool French Cash mere at 7oo; regular price sl. 10 pieces 40-inch Silk Warn Theresa and Henrietta Cloth at $1; good value lor |1 35. Bordered Nuns’ Veiling a specialty. S-I-L-K DEPA RTIVSE^T. A Marvelous Stock at Low Prices. NOVELTIES IN INDIA SILKS. • 25 pieces 22-inch Surah Silk, ln all shades, at 79c; worth sl. • 15 pieces Black mid Silk atSSc; actual value 20 pieces Bair Line Surah Stripe Silk, beautiful goods; very cheap. 20 pieces India Silk, handsome shades, at low prices. SPECIAL DRIVE—IO plecs Kloh Heavy Black Lynns Silk, soit finish, at J 1 60 pur yard; positive value for $2 25. Embroidered Dress Robes. Another lot of unapproachable bar gains. 2,0'(0 White aud Colored Em broidered Dress Robes, in India Linen, Chain bray, Batiste, Z-phvrs, Canvas Cloth and Satine, ranging In price from $1 25 to $7 60 eaob. SATEEIV. We have just received another fresh supply of best American Satinet lor per yard. Also, French Sateen for 32*0. nr Mail orders reoelve careful and prompt attention. Broimliioa and 801 l Streets SAVANNAH, SUNDAY, MARCH 20, 1887. O XT R M Oifiii OF NOVELTIES ns GOODS, MILLINERY, Lais’ Umar, Gloves, Hosiery, Laces, Embroideries, DOMESTICS, Parasols, Shoes AND Gents’ Furnishings, ETC.. ETC.. WILL POSITIVELY TAKE PLACE Wednesday & Thursday, MARCH 30th and 31st, WHEN WE WILL HAVE ON DISPLAY THE MOST EXQUISITE LINE OF Spring Novelties, Both Imported and .Domestic, Ever Before Shown in This Market, tXT~ Mali orders receive careful and prompt attention. Bmtitii and Ball tats. Handkerchief DEPARTMENT. Pcsitiveiy Tte Last Week OF OUR GREAT HantorclM Sell 5,000 DUZEN TO SELECT FROM. Immense Bar^airas 800 dozen Ladies’ Colored Border rlera sttched Handkerchiefs at 2c and 8c each; worth 5c and tic. 175 dozen Ladies’ Colored Border Ifem sttchcd Hnnrikcreh efsatSc and 6o each; reg ular price 10c and 1214 c. 6 (0 dozen Ladies’ v\ hire and Colored Border Hems' itched Linen Handkerchiefs al 7c ami 9: ; woriti 12,'ic an I l'c. 259 dozen Lad es‘ White and Colored Border Hemstitched Linen Handkerchiefs atllc and li‘4< ; actual value K-r and S o. >.6ii(l dozen Ladies’ White and Colored Bor der Linen Hemstitch and Handkerchief , at 15c. 17c, 19c, 22c and 25c; each worth half as much more. HOSIERY. Grand Display of Novelties at Lowest Trices. Hosiery at 21c a Fair. 51"0 dozen Ladies’unbleached solid colors and farcy striped ll sc. regular made, at 21c; never before offered le-a than 30c. Hosiery at 23c a Pair. 275 dozen Lacies’ fenny stripe, unbleached, black and solid color Hose, hoe goods, al 29c; good value for ,’>oo. Hosiery at 43c a Pair. 2-*5 dozen Ladies' b'anir, solid colors and fancy sinned Ho-e at 4H<!; reg u’ar price 6dc. Hosiery at 43c a Pair. 50 dozen Lad A**olid colors acd fancy thread H so at 4*ic; absolutely worth 73c. Hosiery at 65c a Pair, 85 dozen Ladles' apuu silk Hose, in black and solid colors, at 65c; never offered less than 81 Hosiery nt 10c a Pair. S’'o dozen Misses’ r/bbed Hose, i hla 1 k.gray ami solid colors.. siz>‘(l :o at 10c j sold else where foe 15" aud 20c. Hosiery for 22c a Pair. 100 dozen Uiri-fH* plain end riMied Huse, regular made.’at 22c; a grand bargain, Hcaicrjr at .><• a Pair. §’ dozen Mi ho*’ pp.ln and rMi bed How. new spring •hades. Frauen toe. ar 85c; very cheap. O C> V 13 . Closing Oat Sals at Fositiye Bargain’. Lot 1. 75 dozen T.sdieo’ 4 find 5-bulton Kid Gloves, m black, dark color*, mo 10, tan aud opera, at 69c a pair: reduced from 61. *.ot 2. 100 dozen Ladle*’ 5-b ittoa Kid Glove* in model and tana, at 75c; reduced from figs. lot 85 dozen Lsdle*' 6-lmtton nndre*ed real Kid Glove*. In back, tan. modus and dark color., at 92c; worth 61 50. Lot ;Jr. 75 dozen Ladles’ 6-bntton Kid Glove*, In b'ack. tan. mode, and dark color., at II; re duc and from $1 60. Lot 5. 25 dozen T adlo*’ undressed Mouaqiietxlre*. in s-hiutnn length, at *129 a pair; reduced from II 75. Novelties In Llale Thread and NHk (.loves Just Received. Embroideries and Laces. Continuation Sale for Ons Weei Longer Additional Birgulns Vow on Deploy. We consider It unn-co sary to raa o any remark* about thee uoo is, a* the number of purchaNora we hare h "I durng the lat two week* of fill* Sale I* sufficient* for the a-iiulnooes. of the Gltf. AT BARGAINS OFFr RKD. We otl' special attention to one lot of Ham burg Embroideries, from ttj to 4 tnebe. wide, at 16c per yard; good value for 35;. PARASOLS! Reanllful Novelties! Complete New Stock Ju.t Opened I New Satin < nctling-l New Bayadere Stripe*! Ne-v Surah Silks! Tight Ko’ls, To iristf New Pongee., plain and lir e Trlmm and! New Black Satin, laoe trimmed! New Lace Covered far i-ol* in every quality, ■tyle and color at BOCK HO ITOM THICK*. r~ Mall order, rcoolva careful and prompt alienUou. Brtudttii and Ball Sirceis Linen Department Special Attention. Gigantic Biirgai ns for This Week at Half Price. 200 dozon 24x48 Damask Towels, knotted fringe, ai 25c each; worth 50c. Not mure than half dozen to each customer. 100 dozen large slz White Fringed Doylies at 51 35 uer dozen: actual va'ue $2. 50 dozen % White Linen Napkius at $1; regular pro e 51 so. 25 and zen Turku Red Fi Ingcd Tab’e Covers, size; from 6 4 t-i 10-4 a> little over half price 30 pier • l urkey R and Table Damask at 500, 65c and 75cj worth 660, 85c and 4:. TWO DRYVEt, in pieces Bleached Ba uslev Table Damask at 75c anu |l; wortu $1 and 5i 25. White Goods Department Attractive Bargains Now Offered. 100 pieces White Checked Nainsook, Satin flm-h. ati!*4e: so and 01-ewhere hi 10c. 60 pieces White Chocked India Linen at 12'/4c; actual va ue 20c. so piece- Satin Finish I.ace Btrlpe Nainsook at 23c; worth 40c. SPECIAL. 1 case White India Linen Lawn at would be cheap for 100. 200 pieces India Limn Lawn at 10c, lie. 21c, 25c, 05". and 4uc; splendid value. We ere now showing a full line of every of desirable White Goods and at prices mat cannot be touched. Marseilles Quilts. Another Lot of Genuine Bargains. 150 12-4 White Crochet Quilts at 89c.; worth $1 25. 125 13-4 White Crochet Quilts, Marseilles pattern., at 41 25: wo to 52 75 13-1 Whit" Marsei.les Qnllts at 52 75; good value for 54. DOM EST JOS. Novelties in Wash Dress Goods. We offer matchless bargains every day in the week Asa re-ult the cot nter is con stantly crowded with customers. We pro pose to make nex‘ week’s trade lively by offering me following: 2 7 pie.con Crinkled Seersucker at sc; sold last oca- n for 12VfcC -5 cases best quality yard w ide Shirting ot B’-<e; .o'd no > tier*' las than 10. 8 emus 8-4 ben Unbleached Sheeting at IS‘-ac: regular price 20c. 2 ' aws 9-4 beet Bleached Sheeting at Sin; regular price 25c. 2.'. pices 40-inch Lace Scrim at 12'-4e and 16c; Old el-c slier -at Cue and 25c. 50 pieces Kmbroideied Zephyr Ginghams at 15c, 25u and 360. Gents’ Furnishing. The Most Complete **ock the City at the Lowest Prices. We sell Gen s’ Unlauudried Shirt*. rein forr..(l linen broom ami wr at bands, good quality and tlr.lslf, at, 48c; sold in regular gent*’ furnishing stores for <6e. G m*' Un.aundrie.!l Shirts. Wnmsuttabody, reinforced baca and from, fine linen nosom and baud*, at title; no and elsewhere fur $l. SPECIAL. 1 lot Gent*’ Unlauudrled Shirt* at 800 each to cose. Gent.’ Reinforced Percale Shirt*, two col lar# and ono pair cuff* attached, at 50o; woll worth 7So. lio.s’ Unlauudried Shirts, reinforced 8-ply linen bo-om, size 13 to IS. at 4.c each. Gout*’ Cross shiri*. linen bosom, at 50c; wild in g nu’ furnlsling stores for 75c. Guut*’ l>resn Shirt-, linen bosom, open front*, it 78 1; wortn |t. Gouts* lino cuatoiu made lire*- Slnrta at 00c and *1 IT; equal to anything soi l elsewheru fori! 75 and 11 70. Gents’ Night shirts, good quality and flnlah, at (i *old el*e w iere tor tl. Geut*’ Night Shins, u od quality, hand somely embroidered, at fijcYacli. SPECIAL. Gents’ 4-ply Linen collars, latest styles, at 10c each or *1 per dozen. Karl & Wilson’* Collars and Cuff* In all the lending styles. Gent*’ Puff Scarfs, odd* and end*, at 35c each; reduced from 50c sod 750. Gents' l our In-Hand Scarf*, beautiful style*, at 45 •; good value for 75c. ItIG PUIVEB. 50 dozen Gent*’ Unbleached Hritieh Half Hose, regular made, double heel* uuo iocs, at 27c; worlhUe. 0 dozen Gents’ Solid Col r and Fancy Lisle 7 hre id and Cotton flail Hose, reguar made, at 35c. regular urioe 100. . 5 dozen solid Color aud Fancy Half Hose at 81c; reduced from Ooc. order* receive careful and pruuipt attention. Broil Mi aii Ba;l Btrecis. (FKICFgIOATRtR. | 601 81 A vOt'Y, { Bib’ Cl! DEPARTMENT. Lust Prices Reign Supreme. Ooyf’Cioiiiing Chsaper Than Ever. Boys’ School Suit*, sizes 5 to 11 years. |1 jt.'\ Boys’ Sailor Blouse Suits, sizes 8 to 10 yeans 81 88. Boys’School Suits In Bark Checks, Spring Goods, sizes 4 to 13 years, |l 76. Boys’ School Suit*, substantially made and trimmed, sizes 4to 13 years, *2. Do not fail to sec these goods. Special Bargain: Bov* Three-Piece Suits, Knee Pants, Spring Weights, sizes 6 to 11 years, 62 50; worth double the money. Boys’ School Suits, Norfolk and Plaited Jackets, sizes 4 to 18 years, 43. A great bar gain. Boys’ Blue Flannel Suit*. Plain aud Plaited sizes 4 to 10 years, |3; worth |6. Boys’ Cassimere Suits, sizes 4 to 8 years, 62 98; reduced from 65. Special Bargain: Boys’ Suits, Black aud Brown Corkscrew, sizes 4 to 7 yeurs, 68 60j reduced from 68. Boys’ Jersey Suits in Blue aud Brown, part are trimmed with white braid and part untrimmed, sizes 4 to 12 years, 62 68 and (8 48. A full and complete line of Boys’ Sohool Saits, Spring Styles, handsomely made and trimmed, slzeA-to 13 years. 43 50. B ys’ Dross Suits In Fancy Materials sizea 4 to 13 years, 44. 44 50, 45. Special Bargain: Boys’ Blue aud Browa Serge suits, sizes i to 18 years. 65 50; worth 48, Special Bargain in Boys’ Long Pants Salts sizes 13 to 17 yeurs, 63 98. Boys’ Long Pants Suits, sizes 9 to II years 42 78; worth double the money. Boys’ Long Pants Suits m Tweeds and Chucks, sizes 9 to 14 years, 43 u 8; a great bar gain. Boys’ Long Pant* Suits, Blue Flannel, sizes 9 to 12 years, 44 78. Boys’ Long Pant* Suits In Uuton, Casst mercs and Tweeds, sizes ll to 17 yoars, 46. Bo> s’ Long Pant* Suits All Wool, In Cbecka and Corknorows, slightly soiled, size* 12 to 16 years, 41 60; reduced from 414. /O-Mml order* reoeiyo careful and prompt attention. j-i'amMou and. Ball Streets.-