Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1868-1887, April 03, 1887, Image 1

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ilimnn. dj,n | jeuji'nnw | i4M | dullin' • ...... ESTABLISHED 1850. I jj H ESTILL, Editor wad Proprietor.! THE LARGEST STOCK AND THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE SOUTH ! A. R. ALTMAYER & CO. * ALWAYS HAVE BEEN, ARE NOW AND ALWAYS INTEND TO BE HEADQUARTERS FOB Millinery, Silks, Dress Goods, Shoes, Clothing, Etc. I HUH l— HUII■■BWHWMWWBBaBWtgagOtMWBPaWPWWWPieaiH'IBIMIWWH— Unparalleled Bargains! Unparalleled Bargains ! Unparalleled Bargains! MHHHHanimHaMHBBBBBn THIS WEEK’S ATTRACTIONS ARE INNUMERABLE. BOYS' CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. Having enlarged our department and stock, we can honeetlv say that we now have the largest department and stock of Boys’ and Children’s Clothing of any house in the State. We have in ourstock goods from the well-known house of Rogers, Peet & Cos,, their goods being known from the Atlantic to the Pacific. We shall endeavor to give you good value tor your money. Do not fail to examine our stock before purchasing else where, as you wiU want a suit for your boy for Easter. We have all the latest Novel ties, and you will have a chance to purchase a Suit from one of tbo best selected stock of Hoys’ Clothing over before shown on the counters of any house in the State, at a saving of SOo to (3 on every suit purchased of us. .>Boys’ School Suits, substantially made and trimmed in varied styles and patterns, sizes 4 to 13 years, $1 75. Boys’ School Suits in*Checks and Tweeds, sizes 4to 12 years, $2. Do not fail to see these goods. One lot Boys’ School Suits with Belt, sizes t to 12 years. {2 25. One lot Boys’ Sebool Suits in Checks Plaited Jacket, with Belt, sizes 4 to 12 years, l 75. One lot Boys' Jersey Blouse Suits, sizes 4 to (2 years, |2 98. One lot Boys’ Blue Suits, also Oxford Mixed, in Brown and Gray, with handsome Medal, sizes 4 to IS years, IS. Boys’ Dress Suits, All Wool Brown and Grey Meltons, Cheviots,Caesimeres in varied styles and patterns, handsomely made and trimmed, perfect fitting goods, sizes 4 to 18 years, S4; other houses charge $5. Boys’ Dress Suits, All Wool Blue and Browu Corkscrews, Jerseys, .Cheviots, Checks, Tweeds, in varied styles and pat terns, 4 to 15 years, $5. A full and complete line of Boys’ Dress Suits in Checks, Corkscrews, Cheviots, Wide "ales Diagonals—these goods in finish and vurkmansnip far surpass any line of goods in the city; you will also secure perfect fit— sizes 4 to 15 years, |6 50, $7, *8 50, *9, |lO, *l2. Bots’Sailor Blouse Suits in Brown, Gray Md Blue Fannel, Plain or Plaited, sizes 3to i2 years, |t so; other houses charge *2. Boys’ Sailor Blouse Suits in Blue and Brown Flannel, sizes 3 to 12 years, *2; great bargain. Boys’ Sailor Blouse Suits, All W r ool, Oxford Mixed, 1b Grey and Brown Flannels, sizes 8 '0 12 years, $2 60; worth *3 50. Boys Sailor Blouse Suits, Assabet Blue mnei, All Wool, colors guaranteed, trim med with White Wool Braid, sizes 3 to 12 fears, ft 50. Boys’ Sailor Blouse Suits, Whito Flannel. '" " 00 *‘ I’laitoa Blouse, sizes Bto 8 years, *O. 11 drsns Kilt Suits, new goods, hand meiy nude an(J trimmed, sizes i)4 to 6 N*ra.*B 30, *3 75. A 11111 an, l complete line Children’s All ol K.U suits in Checks, Plaids and Blue l, perfect fitting suits, sizes %% to 6 Pars, |j t ChHdren’s Kilt Suits, All Wool, in Chocks 1 • issimercs, handsomely made and •hmtned, sizes 2X to 6 yoars, |G. . I>nlrß Bo >' 8 ’ Odd Pants, sizes 4to 12 years, *T° 1 *' r '‘ n °s-’ Odd Pants, sizes 4to 1* years, *0 l-airs Boys’ Odd Pants, size. 4 to 12 years, '•“yews?*? 1 ’ ° d<l Pant *’ Alt Wo °'’ •*• 4 4 ?£ o<la ~ant *’ All w °b>. *<zes4 "•"wS.HH 00,1 Pa “ U ’ A " WMl > 4 ir CJBII , '" 1 ' ,r ' lßr * receive careful nnd 111 kitentton. Ntttoa and Bull Streets. Dress Goods DEPARTMENT. SometMna New Every Bay! Bargains of Great Im portance This Week. SEE THEM ! 65 pieces I.ace Buntings, all colors, at £J£n; worth W4c. 75 pieces 28-inch Canvas Cloth, In alloolors, at B%e; similar goods sold last season for 50c. 50 pieces 36-inch Nuns’ Veiling, in all oolora, at 12Hc; very desirable. 26 pieces Btl-‘noh Hair Line Stripes and Checks at 25c; positively the best value ever offered. The Greatest Value Ever Offered 1 LOT 38-inch all wool Albatross and Cash meres in Hair Line Stripes and Cbeoks atSCe. per yard; positively worth 750. A full line of Eveoing Shades in Csshmere, Albatross. Nuns’ Veiling and Camels' Hair Cloth at 50c ner yard; sold nowhere for less than 650 to 7*o per yard. Our stock of Spring Novelties in Dross Goods oanuot tie equaled by any bouse south of New York, and is well worth inspection. Black Dress Goods. # i Priestley’s—Priestley’s Mourning Goods k Special and Extraordinary Sale of Black Wool Dress Goods ON MONDAY MORNING we will place on sale in our Black Goods Department some of the greatest values in fine and staple Mourn ing Goods over shown in this oity. Priestley’s-Pribstley’s-Priestley’s Silk Warp, Silk Warp. Silk Warp. Camels'Hair, llrap D’Almit, Melrose, Clarietta, Imperial Twills, Priu cetta, Convent Cloth, Tamlse, Batiste and Henrietta. Nuns’ Veiling, Nuns’ Veiling. These goods are tbo moat thoroughly relia ble in the niaruet. Tliev are made of the tluesi. silk and best Australian wool, and can be distinguished by their softness and beauty and regularity of finish. They are always the same til quality, weight, width and shade. None genuine unless ro'led on "YELLOW VARNISHED BOARDS,” showing the gram of the wood, which is the trade market Priestley A bo.,Bradford. EDg land. These goods are iu two standard shades of black. A full Hue of Bordered Nuns’ Veiling. Silks, Satins, Vel vets and Plushes are s'ill here at unheard of prices. Never before have desirable goods been sold so Cheap. Look at the prices of tlio FOLLOWING ARRAY: 24- all silk Surah, in the latest color ings ut 50c per yard; never sold before less than 75c. 22-inch heavy Surah Silks, in black and col ors. at 7!!o; positively worth sl. 25- i;hma bilks, in all the latest styles, at*l per yard. Our 34-inch Black Surah.Silk atßsc,*l, *1 25 are the best value ever olVored. SPECIAL. 15 pieoes 24-incb Black Lyons Silk, cash mere finish, high lustre, guaranteed, at >l6O per yard; regular price $2 25. New Ntylen, New Colorings, Silk Velvets and Plnshes in Two-loned KflVet. At 85c and 12 per yard; worth *125 and >3. Call for our New Novelties m Velvet Effects. Handsomest line ever aliowu. Mail orders receive careful and prompt ultentiun. Brani[b!oß and Boil Streets SAVANNAH, SUNDAY, APRIL 3, 1887—TWELVE PAGES. Linen Oepariment! Exceptional Values! During the ensuing week we snail show mar velous bargains in this department, and clip the wings of all competition. 150 dozen very fine white and colored border Dama-k Doylies at 60c per dozen; actual value 85c. 200 dozen superior white Damask Doylies. 20 inclies square, at *1 Der dozen; never offered less than 51 30. 65 dozen full 5-8 white Linen Napkins at >1 per dozen; cannot be neat less than SI 33. 100 dozen All Linen Towele, large size, at each or *1 per dozen. SPECIAL DRIVE. 200 dozen 24x48 Damask aud Huc.kaba'-k Towels, fancy border and knot fringe, at 26c each. The greatest value ever offered. 26 pieces Creaiu Barnsley Damask at 35c. 40c. 50c and 75c per yard. 20.000 yards Bleached Barnsley Damask. 08 inches wide, at 75c and *1 per yard; regular price *1 aud *125, Marseilles Quilts 3 Astonishing Bargains ! 3 cases large size Heavy Honey Comb Quilts at 49c each; worth 75c. 2 cases large size Crochet Quilts, Marseilles designs, at 76c; good value lor *l. SOO 13-4 White Marseilles Quilts, handsome goods, at 52 60 each. Intending purchasers should examine those goods as early as possible. Wash Dress Goods Department. Scotch Zephyrs, Sateens, Crinkles, Ginghams, and Calicoes. A word to the wise; Ladies of Savannah' wboamu'jpate purchasing only the very iaiest Spring Wash Dress Goods at choapest'priccs, should see our display, which will be found to be tlie most gigantic selection ever shown iu this town. 5c Calicoes, best standard goods, that cannot be had elsewhere less thun ß'^c. 6c Crinkled Seer,uckers, in creamvmly, that cannot lie had anyw here else lees man ioe. Ginghams. A largo,lot oi new elegant Ginghams I hat should be 121*0. 12y*c Ginghams in Striped effects in the leading domestic fabrics this season; would be at 29c. 12}4<: and 15c Sateens. Do not bnv your Sateens until you see our selection; then you will he satisfied that they arc the best mu l cheapest In the city. 29c French Sateens are the best goods im- Poned, and cannot be duplicated elsewhere less than 35c. 25c, 40 ' and 60c Scotch Zephyr Suitings. Ip these goods will tie found the latest Wash Dross Fabrics manufactured. Spring Robes. 700 Combination and Embroidered Dress Robes for epring wesr at |1 25. *i 50. *2 25 and upwards; worth double the money, and to he hud only of us. White Goods—Unprecedented Bargains. 600 pieces India Linen at SJuJc, 15c aud 26c. • , 300 piece* Victoria Lawn at all price* from 6}gC to 40c per yard. SPECIAL LEADER. 75 piece* White Checked Nainsook at 6!4c per yard. A wonderful bargain. Novelties of every description at very low prices. DOMESTICS ! Special Inducement*—Popular Bargain* 3 cases 4-4 fshlrtlng— equal to Fruit of the Loom—ai 7c per ysrd; sold elsewhere for 10c. a caws best quality Hloachcd and Unbleach ed 9.4 sheet ng for :ukc; regumr price 20c. * case* best qimllu To - It inched sheeting at 2254< ; price elsewhere Hoc. IMPORTANT. 100 piece* Fancy Scrim, double widths, at )*!fc and 16c; well worth toe and 25c. gW~ Mail orders receive careful and prompt attention. BroncbtOD eel Ball Streets. Cud Oils! OF Parisian Trimiad mo ms. Attention is Called to Our Large Stock of Fine French Millinery, EMBRACING ALL THE LATEST LON DON AND PARIS STYLES IN ft . TRIMMED HATS & BONNETS. ANY LADY WHO DESIRES TO SEE Oripal and Exclusive Novelties IN Real Paris Trimmed Hats and Bonnets. such as cannot be seen anywhere else outside of a metropolitan house, should not fail to pay a visit to our establish ment. New Deprtint parasols t Boautlful Noveltion! Complete New Stock Ju*t Opened! New Satin Coaching*! New Bayadere Stripe*! New Surah Silks! Tight Roll*, Touriit! New I’ongee*, Plain and Lace Trimmed! New Black Satin, I.ace Trimmed 1 New Luce Covered I'arHuoli, in every quality, Htyle and color at ROCK BOTTOM PRICKS. tar~ Mail order* receive oareful and prompt attention. Broautiton ni 801 l Streets. oun Glove Department 75 dozen Ladle*’ 4 and 5-buttou Kid Glovoe In Black, Dark Color*, Mode*, Tan aud Opera, at 69c a pair; reduced from *l. 100 dozen Ladle*’ 5-button Kid Glove* in Modes aud Tans, at 75c; reduced from *1 23. 85 dozen Ladies’ 5-button Undressed Real Kid Gloves, in Black , Tan, Modes and Dark Colors, at 92c; worth >1 50. 75 dozen Ladies’ 6-bulton Kid Gloves, in Black, Tan, Mode* ami Dark Colors, at ; reduced from *1 50, 25 Dozen Ladies’ Undressed Mousquetaires, m S-buttou length, at $1 29 a pair; reduced from *1 75. • NOVELTIES IN Lists Thai and Silk moves Jest Beceived. Embroideries and Laces. Additional Kitrgnin* Now on Display. We consider it unnecessary to make any remarks about Iheoc good*, as the number ot pur haters wc have had during the last two wceksof this Sale is sulhctent guarantee (or the genuineness of the Great Bargains Offered. Wc call special attention to one lot o( Hamburg Embroideries, from 2A to 4 Inches wide*, at 15c per yard; good value for 25c. JERSEYS. Some Positive Bargains. 100 dozen Ladies’ Black Silk Finished Jer. •eys at Stic each; worth 51. 160 dozen Ladica' Black Embroidered Jer ■eys, floated lilac k. at 75c; worth 51 50. 76 dozen Ladies’ Black Boucle Jersey* at 51 2R; worth *2. 50 dozen Ladle#’ Colored Jerseys, All Wool, at 90c; worth >1 60. 26 dozen Ladle*’ Ce'ored Jersey*, Mikado Veals, at *3 75; worth . Mall order* receive careful and prompt attention. Brooitlitoti aad Bull Streets Handkerchief DEPARTMENT. 5,000 Drzea to Select From. Immense Borgs. 300 dozen Ladles' Colored Border Hem stitched Handkerchiefs at 2c and 3c each; worth 5c and (io. 175 dozen Ladies’ Colored Border Hem stitched Handkerchiefs at 6c. and 8e each; reg ular price 10c and l?Ko. 500 dozen Ladies’White atnl Colored Bor der Hemstitched Linen Handkerchiefs at 7c and lie; worth 12L£c and 15c. 250 dozen Ladies’ White and Colored Bor der Hemstitched Linon Handkerchiefs at 11c and lsUc; actual value 15c and 20c. 1,500 dozen Ladles’ White and Colored Bor der Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs at 15c, 17c, 19c, 22c and 25c; each worth half as much more. HOSIERY. Grand Display of Novel ties at Lowest Prices. Hosiery at 21c a Pair. 500 dozen Ladies' unbleached solid colors and fancy striped Hose, regular made, at 21c; never before offered less tbau hoc. Hosiery at 2t>c a Pair. 275 dozen Ladies’ fancy stripe, unbleached, black and solid color Hose, tine goods at 29c; good value for 60c. Hosiery at 43c a Pair. 225 dozen Ladles’ black, solid colors and fancy striped Hobo at 43c; regular price 06c. Hosiery at 43c a Pair. 50 dozen Ladies’ solid colors and fancy lisle thread Hose at 43c; worth 75c. Hosiery ut Gse a Pair. 35 dozen Ladles' spun silk Hose, in black and solid colors, at 05c; never offered loss than 11. Hosiery at 10c a Pair. 300 dozen Misses' ribbed Hose, in black.gray and soihl colors, size 0 to OK. at 10c; sold else where for 15c and 20c, Hosiery for 22c a Pair. 100 Missus’ plain and ribbed Hose, regular made, at 22c; a grand bargain. Hosiery at 35c a Pair. 76 dozen Misses’ plain and ribbed Hose, new spnug shades, French toe, at 85c; very cheap. EMBROIDERED Dress Robes. Another lot of unapproachable bargains. 2.000 White and Colored Kmbroldored Dress Holies, in India Linen, CLambray, Batiste, Zephyrs, Canvas Cloth and Saline, ranging in price from |1 25 to 17 50 each. We have just received auolher fresh supply of beat American Hatines for llj*o per yard. Also, Frenoh baleen for Ulc. CVMall orders receive careful and prompt aileetioa. Branta aid Ball Streets. (PRICKIO A YFAR.I 1 & CENTS A COPY. J SHOES'! -* Our Stock Complete in Every Detail NO OLD GOODS TO SELECT FROM} Every Line of Shoes in this Do* partrnent Made Special ly to Oar Order FOB THIS SPRING'S TBADEJ Oxford Ties IMm 75c. to S5 00. Newport Ties 76c. to S5 00. Newport Button SI OO to S5 OO^ An excellent selection of fine bronze amfl black etenl beaded Oxford ties and Slippers. Prices |1 9S to 22 43. Patent leather Oxford ties, warranted hau<B made. Price $2 43 oer pair. Elegant novelties in fancy dress Slipoerri for Ladies, Misses and CWldre.o4 Prices range from Tic. to it 9S. It will pay you to visit this department) There arc hundreds of bargains which are only to he seen to be appreciated. Have vou soen the Mikado Clipper, the lata est novelty in a plain slipper? We have them, and our price is 1 1 48. Wo sell cords of children’s shoes. We sell! an all solid Icatherkld button shoe, silk work.) ed button holes, sizes 5 to 8, for Tsc., and in sizcg' NK to 10%. 98c., 11 to 2 at II 28. They are tbo[ cheapest line of shoes in the universe. We have just opened up 24 cases men’s and) boys’ shoes. We can state honestly that ouff stock of men’s and boys’ shoes is as completW as It is possible to get in ready-made fooj wear. We make a specialty of a gent’s calfskin! button lace or Congress seamless shoe, genu-j lue dongola tops, and warrant every pair.) Our (frlco is $2 90, and wc claim that this shoW Is superior to either James Means’ or W. L. Douglass’ J3 CO shoe. —BIO DRIVE IN- Genls’ File Hand-Sewed Sines. We sell a genuine French calf-skin shoe im button,lace orelattlc, New York or Pblla-I delphia make, for |5 00. This shoe compares, favorably with the very best custom work. We warrant every pair. \ We have the most extensive line of gents* low-quarter shoos shown In this State. Pnoeai from 41 25 to IS 50. Boys’ Shoes! We sell a boy’s lace shoe, all solid aud warrant everv pair, for |i 25 per pair. Boys' button sbooell 50,11 .’6,12 00and 12 50* The best line of shoes In this city can be foun'% In our shoe department , Call and see the novelties whloh we have la ladies', gonta’, misses' aud children's flu* shoes. ttF Hail order* receive careful ami prompt attention. Bmiiton and Bill Sneak