Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1868-1887, April 04, 1887, Image 1

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ESTABLISHED 1850. I Jj.H. ESTILL. Editor aßd Proprietor.) ROADS to re given time IH i; LONG AND SHORT HAUL CLAUSE SUSPENDED. preoent Rates to Continue In Force Until tlie Commissiou Can Give the Subject Careful Consideration Two Secretaryships to be Worth $3,500 Per Year, U asuinoton, April 3.—The members of the Interstate Commerce Commission have about determined that they will suspend the execution ot the long and short haul clause or the interstate com merce bill In every case where a railroad appeals until all the railroads affected have had time to be heard from, and then the several questions will bo passed upon and an application be made iu each case. Under this policy the Southern Railway and Steamship Association, which was the first to appeal to the commission, will he allowed to continue its present prac tice of permitting more to be charged for a short than for a long haul until the commission passes upon the general question. general suspension possible. Possibly the operation of this clauso of the la"' mav be suspended as to the whole country if all the railroads affected ap peat. The commission does not propose to be hurried into a deoision in one case which could be used as a precedent in others in a matter of prime importance like this. The eventual decision of the commission will be, there is good reason to believe, adverse to the railroads. THE SECRETARYSHIP. The commission proposes to have prac tically two secretaries. One, who will receive the $3,500 salary provided for in the law for a secretary to the commis sion, will correspond to the clerk of a court of record. Re will keep the records and act as the organ of communication .or the commission in its official dealing with the world. The other, who will be paid alike salary out of the allowance for clerical assistance, will act as an as sistant and statistician, and he will necessarily have to be a railway expert. Tne other man will be preferably but not necessarily a railway expert. SCYTHIA SAFE IN PORT. Boston’s Alarming Report Proves Untrue, Boston, Mass., April 3.—The startling rumor of the disaster on the coaßt at Scituate to the Cunard steamer Scythia, the circulation of whioh created a tre mendous sensation in this city last night proved to be false. Owing to the fact that telegraphic communication with tbe South shore had been interrupted by the storm, it was impossible last night either to confirm the rumor or disprove Tt. The circumstances were so peculiarly favor able to belief in the truth of the report, however, that Agent Martin, of the Cunard Company, rather than endure his natural suspense, determined to charter a special train and go at once to the locality of the alleged wreck. THE TRIP. The tram left the Old Colony station at 3:lso’clock this morning with Mr. Mar tin and thirty reporters on board and ar rived at scituate at 4:15 o’clock. Then tbe party tramped through three miles of enow drifts to the beach, where, the sun having risen, a clear view of a long atreten of coast was obtained. There was no sign of a wreck in any direction. The sea was tremendously high, the waves creaking over the tops of the cliffs, fifty feet high. Having been convinced of the falsity of tbe rumor concerning the Scythia, the party returned at once to Boston. ORIGIN OF THE RUMOR UNKNOWN. How the rumor originated is not known, hut tnere is no doubt that It was gen erally believed to be true last night. The Scythia was expected to arrive yester day, and this fact, in connection with the terrible gale that had been prevailing on the coast for forty-eight hours, caused a "idesnreaU feeling of apprehension. It is believed that theoffioers of the Scythia, tearing to approach the ooast during the prevalence of the gale, put the ship about and headed out to sea for safety. SAKE AT HER PIER. Boston, April 3,7 p. m.—The Scythia I arrived at her pier safely soon after 6 Ia clock to-night. A Fierce Blizzard. I „ * r J Minn., April 3.—Passengers I 011 ~le incoming Northern Pacific train i report that a blizzard began at Bis- I narck last night. The storm reached I “ere tnis evening and at 11 o’clock Is I raging fiercely. | A HOWLING SNOW STORM. I ankton, Dak., April 3—The tber ■ orneter registered 40degs. above yester- I :, ay,anil ls at zero now, with a howling | '■ sturm orevailiug, and aomo appre ■ tension of another blookude. I A COLD WAVE. I Aprll —The signal service I ru *i orlß ,he ra Pid upproach of a cold I fit,„.V, i h<! temperature will fail from I 10 ■ ,l, degH. in the next thirty-six hours. I 'ViisijiHjjtoti’B Prize Drill. I nanmf,!! !^ <; ,™ N i Apri 1 3.--Entries for the I ia.i * ll 10 1,0 held in tnis city the I Nutt , ln *' lay closed last night. I of inlrlo >* not yet recorded are I ir,,, i" “ waT 1111,1 w ill be received, hav ■ J ,na,leJ ,leloro the date of clos ■ 1110 entries recorded are distrib- I |.i OWH il ®ong the different ■ ’ hif„i 0f Qoh _‘“ rvlCH: Regimental drill. Itlin . "T’ 7; a ’Tillery, 7; guttling ■ " an, T compuutes, 05; school I drill. / o U , r ‘‘ B ’. JL Zou,lVo, i ft; Individual I ,k rooi| t,Ul ' u 2 ’ nflo practice (about), I (a’biMu j !* ary b “ Uj ® a,,d druuj oor P'* 1 tv A " Ht, ' il *’ N Vacant Mission. I'm. in\h' N ‘ J T ~N - April 3.—There is noth- I I lino,s i re j’ or . ts tualex.Gov. Palmer, of I Aunt rill ° 1,0 appointed .Munster to I miiis :J’ 0V - ' al,nbr * here trylug to I ‘riel United States Dis- I "ot sueeJL i 'i r N ’ u,h0 ' “ Illinois. Ho will ■ t"o , e !• iiccauseina son m considered I “ !t ->f-,ir.m ‘'.‘J ll r , l 1 V 11 11 *^ b iP■ Uither ■ •''"“S h i ve ill,sin tt. box or I at v i " ow Secretary of the I lo Ai'uina."' 11 b<,,U *“ be,iuved ’ I tViv„ 4 U.OOO FI.CL Va ’ ApriU 3.— J . H. ■ """t' lils ami"l Wlto lta I '"'ni" a j u , ' lanies \V. Uavreis’ dwelling H|"'*in lirrv un? 11 " 1 ? " ere destroyed by ■ >*. T n ,. ,-V He at,,! o’clock Ibl* morn- H priii,,. ~ i * ol, timuted ht SIO,OOO. ■ ‘T'Klnof heiiJ? ~arllv i"si*red. The ■ not known. 1 I ( ma * •MorehaA, ■ ' '".s:; 1 W. Va.. April 5.- I retired hlemiimit. by shooing Idol- TEXAS’ DROUGHT. The Cotton Crop Greatly Retarded and Cattle Men Stiff. Ting. Galveston, Tex., April 3.—Speolal telegrams to the News, Houston Post and FortAVortU Gazette during the past week from nearly every county in Texas iudl oate the prevalence of a serious drought throughout the Slate, affecting in a large measure its agricultural as well as its live stock interests. The drought may be said to he a continuation of "last year’s dry spell, as no general rains have (alien throughout the interior since last September, while local showers have been lew ami Inadequate during the past six months. Tpe drought uow extends over the great cotton belt, jeopardizing the outlook for the coming crop by retarding and pro veutlng planting, whion is usually in lull progress at this season, but can scarcely be said to have commenced, except in the coast counties, owing to the extreme dry ness of the earth. Along the ooast cotton is up, and reports from several points speak of some damage by frost oitho past few nights. The six great distrlots comprising the ootton belt of the boutu west, containing twenty-three counties, produolng 200,000 bales, is suffering the worst aocording to all reports, and plant ing is retarded nearly a month with no present indications of rain. This is the early cotton district ol Texas. Winter wheat in ceutrai and North Texas is also Buffering for want of rain, showing poor growth. Simitar reports are received regarding oats, while spring wheat is delayed. Corn in the bottom lands along the Brazos, Trinity and Colorado rivers promises a fair average. As an indication of tbe se rious and protracted character of the drought, the followingtabie, showing the rainfall at l’alestine, Bast Texas, is ob tained from the records of tue United States Signal Servioe Bureau. It shows the rainfall from October to December in clusive, and also from January to March inclusive for tbe past three seasous: October January to to Years. December, March. 18*4-85 12.34 12.40 1865-86. 9.03 20.63 188(5-87 3 36 6.33 These figures represent the situation in East Texas, wmch is a favored section. Complaints from Austin, San Antonio and Waco, in the central and southwest ootton districts, are far more numerous than lrotn the Palestine district, and the raintall at these points since Jan. 1 aver ages less than two incues, while the mean aunual rainfall for the same period of each year has heretofore been 12,40. The great grazing areas of West, Southwest and Northwest Texas are suffering even worse than the agricultural sections, as the drought is nearly a year old in many of these dis tricts, the rain ot last September only partially covering the district west along the Texas Puerile railway, between Weatherford and Sierra Blanco, a dis tance of 600 miles. Cattlemen are sim ply abandoning their ranges, driving tueir herds into the Indian Territory, the only place where good grass is found. Reports irom tbe west and south west cattle districts tell of many thous and hides being brought in, showing alarming mortality from starvation. Tho weather to-day was summer-like. South west winds continue to prevail, with no sign of rain. FLORIDA’S CAPITAL. Many Members of the Legislature Already on the Ground. Tallahassee. Fla., April 3,—Mem bers of tbe Legislature are coming in on every train, and by Tuesday morning nearly all the members will be on band. There are quite as many applicants for positions aud promiscuous place-hunters in the city as members ot both bouses. Quite a number of distinguished persons are present, attracted t>y tne approaching session and by the recent railroad and land transactions, and the city presents a very lively appearance. Ail the sur roundings here now are peculiarly at tractive, and give good impressions to all arrivals. There is nothing new in the Senatorial canvass. Ex-Senator Jones is expected in a short time, probably within a week. All are looking forward with interest to the much looked for explanation of tbe ex-Senator’s long absence from Washing ton. Nothing, of oourse, has beeu settled as to‘the Speakership of the Assembly, but it seems from outward appearances that the choice will be either Hou. S. Pasco or Judge W. B. l.amar, both ot Jef ferson oouuty. The chances ap;iear to be in favor of Mr. Pasco, not because Judge Latnar is not deserving, but because tbe lormer is much better known, while the latter is quite a young man who has had little experience in public life. Tne President of the benate will probably not be ohosen for soma time as i.leut. Gov. Mabry will preside over the Senate under tbe new constitution. Deal li Dealers in spuin. Madrid, April 3.—During the sit ting ol tbe Chamber of Deputies yesterday a parchment case con taining gunpowder, within wuicb was a metallic cartridge with a luse attached, was found in the door wav of tbe President’s bureau. Later in tue evening a petard was exploded in tho vestibule adjoining the office or tbe min istry of Bounce. The windows were broken by the concussion. Nobodv was injured, but tbe two events have caused much alarm. Nihilist Methods. Vienna, April 3.—The Nihilist arrests in Russia show that the Russian Nihilists communicate with their foreigu comrades by sea. English vessels are especially suspected of carrying Nihilist letters anil money. Tho Russian government has placed extra cruisers at the disposal of the custom house authorities in order to onuble them to overhaul ships and ex amine them with extreme care. Italy 1 * New < lublnet Rome, April 3.—The lormatton of a new cabinet has been virtually accom plished. Signor Denretls becomes Minis, ter of Foreign Affairs, Signor Crisple Minister of the Interior, Signor Viaie Minister of War, Hignor Zauarduclli Minister of Justice, and Signor Saracco Minister Of Public Works. In the other departments tbe present Ministers retain their porllolios. A Church Roof Kills Forty people, . London, April 3. —The roof of a church at Linguaglossu, Sicily, tell without warning during tho services yesterday, burying beneath it 100 parsons, 40 ol whom were killed and injured. Fnll Sown Grain In Finn( ondttlon. Chicago, A lull 3.—The Farmers 1 Re view eropreport for this week says: ••The ICporD Irom the winter wheat**: rowing State* uie still of a lavorahle tenor, a majority ol tno returns indicating tuftt lull sown gram is lu full average of cou dllioi*.” TALMAGE’S LIVE CHURCH. THIS GKKAT IKKaCHKK BACK FHOM THE \VICST. Punctuality Iu Meeting EnitaKemenf*, I'tinctutility Iu Attendance, Umvn>iil Participation In the Bxerciaea, a Flourishing Sabbath School, Appro priate Architecture and Soul-Saving Among tlie Characteristic* of Such a Congregation. Brooklyn, April 3.---The Rev. T. De- Witt Talmage, D. D., has returned from tlie West, after an absence ot nearly three weeks, in which be preached and lectured in fifteen cities to immense throngs. A vast congregation was pres ent at the taberuaele this morning, and joined with fine offoct in singing the hymn which begins: “Jesusshall reign where’er tbesim Does his successive journeys run.” Dr. Talmage’s subject was: “A Live Church,” and his text Revelation, it., 8-0: “Unto the angel of the eburoh in Smyrna write: These things saith the first and the last, which was dead, and is alive; 1 know thy works, and tribula tion, and poverty, but thou art rich.” Smyrna was a great city of the ancients, bouuded on three sides bv mountains, it was tho central emporium of- ihe Levan tine trade. Iu that prosperous and bril liant city there was a Christian church established. After it had existed for awhile, it was rocked down by an earth quake. It was rebuilt. Then it was consumed by a conflagration that swept over the entire city. That church went through fire, and trouble, and disaster, but kept on to great spiritual prosperity. The fact was that church had tbe grace of God, au ever Rctive principle. Had It been otherwise all the grandeur of archi tecture and all the pomp of surroundings would only have been the ornament of death —the garlands of a coffin, the plumes of a hearse. It may he profitable to consider what are the elements ot a live church. 1 remark in the first place, that one characteristic of such achurch ispunctu ality in meeting its engagements. All ec clesiastical institutions have financial relations, and they ought to meet their obligations just as certainly as men meet their obligations at the bank. AVhen a church ot God is not as faithful in its promises as the Bank of England, it ceusesto be a church of God. It ought to be understood that prayers caunot paint a church, and prayers cannot pay the winter’s coal bill, and pravers cannot meet the insurance; and that, while prayers can do a thousand things, there are a thousand things that prayers cannot do. Prayer for any particular church will never reach Heaven high unless it goes down pocket deep. In my church at the West, there was a man of comfortable means, who used to pray for his pastor in such elongated style that he became a nuisance to the prayer meeting; asking God, in a prayer that was almost without ceasing, mat the pastor might be blessed in his basket and in his store, while the fact was he never paid anything. If we pray lor the advancement of the church, anil do not out of our means contribute for its advancement, our prayer is only mockery. Let tbe oburoh of God then meet Its obligations on the outside, and let the members of the congregation meet the obligations on the inside, aud the church will be financially prosperous. Let me say, also, that there must be punctuality in the attendance on the bouse of the Lord. If the service begins at half-past ten in the morning tbe regu lar congregation of a live church will not come at a quarter to eleven. If the ser vice is to begin at half-past seven in the evening, the regular congregation of a live church will not come at a quarter to eight. In some churches 1 have noticed the people are at ways tardy. There are some people who are always late They were horn too late, and the probability Is they will die too late. The rustling of dresses up the aisle, aud the slamming of doors, and the treading of heavy feet, is poor inspiration lor a minister. It re quires great abstraction in a pastor’s mind to proceed with the preliminary ex ercises of tne church when one-haifof the audience seated are looking around to see the other half come in. Such a difference of attendance upon the house of God may be a difference of time-pieces; but the live church ot whioh lam speaking ought to go by railroad time, and that is pretty well understood in all our communities. There is one hymn that ought to be sung in a great many Christian families on Sabbsth morning: “Karly, my God, without delay, I jiaste to seek Thy place.” Another characteristic of a live church is the fact that all the people participate in the exercises. A stranger can tell by the way the first tune starts whether there is any life thero. A church that doea not sing is a dead church. It is awful to find a cold drizzle of musloeom ing down from the organ loft, while all tbe people beneath sit in silence. Wheu a tune wanders around, lonely and unbe friended, and is finally lost amid the arohes because the people do not join in it, there is not much melody made unto the Lord. in heuven they all sing, though some there cannot sing hall as well as others. Tbe Methodist church has sung all around the world, and gone Irom conquest to conquest, amongotuer things, because it is a singing church; and anv Christian church organization that with enthusiasm porlorma this part of Its duty will go on from triumph to triumph. A church of God that can sing can do anything that ought to be done. Wo go forth into tuts holy war with tho Bible in one baud arid a hymn-hook in tbe other. O! ye who used to sum tho praises of the Lord, and have got out of the habit, take your harps down from the willows. lam glad to knqw that, as a church, wo are making ad vancement iu tnis respect. When I came to be your pastor we had an excellent choir in the little chapel and they sang very sweetly to us Sabbath by Habhath, but ever and anon there was trouble, for you know that tbe choirs in the United States are the Water loos where the great, battles go on. One Sunday they will sing like angels and the next Sunday thev will be mad and will not sing at all. We re solved to settle all the difficulties, and have one skilliul man at the organ undone man to do the work of a precentor, and now, from Sabbath to Habhath, the song comes up like the voice of mighty thun dering*. "Let those refuse toeing Who never knew our God, Hut children of tho llcsvculy King Should poak their Joys abroad. On tho wav to triumph that never ends, and pleasures that never die—sing! Another characteristic ot a live church Is a flourishing Mtbb.ith school. It is to late In the history oi the Christian church lo argue the Immi fit of such an Institu tion. The Hahbalh school la not a supple ment to til • church: It la the right arm. Hut you sav there IRQ,dead churches that have >ahhat|i school#. Yea, but the sab bath schools arc dead, 100. Uls a dead SAVANNAH, MONDAY, APRIL 4, 1887. mother bolding In her arms a dead child. But when superintendent, and teachers, and scholars come on Sabbath afternoons together, their taces glowing with inter est a %tf enthusiasm, and their songs are tieitid all through the exercises, and at the close ihey go away feeling thev have been on the Mount ot Transfiguration—that is a live school, and it is cbaracterisilc ot a live church. There is only one tiling I have against the Sabbath schools of this country, and that is, they are too respectable. We gather into our school* tho children of the re fined, and the cultured, and the educated; but alas for tho grea' multitude of tho children of the abandoned and the lost I A few of them are gathered into our ban bath schools: but whst about the 70,000 destitute children of New York, and the score of thousands of destitute children of Brooklyn, around whom are thrown uo benign and Ueuvetily and Christian influ ences! 1 it is a tremendous question, what is to become ot tho destitute children ot these oities? VVe must either act on them or they will act on us. We will either Christianize them or they will heathenize us. It is a question not more for the Chris tian than for the philanthropic and the statesman. Oh! if We could bavo all these suffering littla .ones gathered to gether, what a scene of hunger, and wretchedness, ami ra:s, and sin, and trouble, aud darkness!! if we eoutd see those little feet on the broad road to death, which through Christian charity ought to be pressing the narrow path of life; if we could bear those voices in blasphemy, wnich ought tn he singing t he praises ot God; If we would see those lit tle hearts, whioh at age ought, not to bo soiled with one uttclean thought, lie coming tne sewers foreyer.v abomination; if we could see thoso suffering iitlle ones sacrificed on tbe altar 61 every iniquitous passion, and baptized With Are irom the lava ol the pit we would reooii, crying out: “Avaunt, tuou dream of hell!” They are not always going to he children. They are ooraing up to he the men and women of this oountrv Thai spark of iniquity that might now be put out with one drop of the water ot life will become the conflagration of every grt'eu thiug that God ever plauten in the soul. That which ought to have been a temple of the Holy Ghost will become a scarred and blistered ruin—every light quenched and every altar In the dust That petty thief, who slips into your store and takes" a yard of cloth irom your coun ter, wiil become the highwayman of the forest, or the burglar at, midnight, pick ing the lock ot your money safe and blow ing up your store to hide the viliiany. A great army, with staggering step, and bloodshot eye, and drunken hoot, they are coming on—gathering recruits from every grog shop and don of infamy in the laud, to take the ballot box and hurrah at the elections. Toe bard-knuckled fist ot ruf fianism will have more power than the gentle hand of intelligence and sobriety. Men, bloated, and with the signature of sin burned In from the top ot the forehead to the bottok.■ of the chin, will look honest men out of oountenance. Moral corpses, which ought to be buried a hundred feet deap to keep them from poisoning the air, will rot in the face of the sun at noonday. Industry in her plain Irook will he unappreciated, while thousands ef men will wander around in idleness, with their hands on their hips, saying: "The world owes us a living.” O, what a tremendous power there is in iniquity when uneducated, and unre strained, and unblanched it goes on con centrating, and deepening, and widening, and gathering momentum until it swings ahead with a very triumph of desolation, drowniug like surges, scorching like flames, crushing like rocks! Wuatare you going to do with this abandoned pop ulation ot the streets? Will you gather them in churches? it is not the will of your Heavenly Father that one of these little ones should perish. if you have ten respectable cnildren in your class, gather in ten that are not respectable. If hi your Bible class there be twenty young men who have come from Corlstiau homes and ele gant let those twenty young men go out and gather in twenty more of the young men of the city who are lost toGod and lost to society. This outside population, unless educated ana restrained, will work terror in ages that are to come. Years ago at New Orleans, wheu the cholera was ragiug fearlully, a steamboat put out just before nightfall, crowded with passengers who were try ing to escape from the pestilence. After the boat had been out a little while, the engineer fell with the cholera. The cap tain, in consternation, went down among the passengers and asked: “Is there any one here who knows anything about en gineering?” A swarthy man replied: "I am an engineer.” "Well,” said the cap tain, “l would be very glad if you would take charge of this boat.” 'I he man went to the engine. Tbe steamer moved more rapidly, until, after awhile, tbe captain and some passengers were alarmed, and they went to see what was tho matter, and they found that this was a maniac engineer, and ,that he was seated on the safety-valve, and, as they came to him, be said: “1 am commissioned of Satan to drive this steamer to belli” and he flour ished his pistol, and would not come down. But alter awhile, through some stratagem, he was brought from his posi tion, aud tbe lives of thu passengers were saved, O, my friends, that steamer bad no such peri) as our Institutions nre threatened with, if the Ignorant aud un restrained children of this land shall come up in their ignorance and their crime to engineer our civil and religious institutions, and drive them ou the rucks Educate this abandoned population, or they will overthrow the institutions of ibis land. Gather them into your Sab bath schools, 1 congratulate you that, many have been gathered. Go forth, teachers, ia tho name of tbe Lord Jesus (Jurist, ami on tbe coming Sabbaths may there be found gathered score* and hun dreds ot tbese waiutsiors, and Instead of eighteen hundred Hi the Habbuth school, we snail see three thousand or four thou sand, and tbo graua ol God will come down upou tboni. and the Holy Spirit will bring them ail lulo tbe truth. Another characteristic or a live church is one with appropriate architecture. In the tar West and amid destitute popula tion a log church Is very appropriate-- tbe people living In log bouse*. Hut in communities where people live in com fortable abode*, a church unooinmodmus or lacking iu boauty is a moral oinnanoa. Because Christ wa* born in a inai ger is no reason wov we should worship Hun in a barn. Let the churches of Jesus Christ tie not only comfortable, but ornate. Years ago we resolved to have a com fortable church. We resolved that it should he uiuphttheairic.ii in shape. Tbe prominent architects of tbecountry, alter figuring on the mutter a good While, Raid thatauoli a eburoh would not beoburohlv, and iii > would nave nollilay lo do with tue enterprise. Hut alter awhile we found nil arohitect willing to risk his reputation. Uo put up for ua the fiist tabernacle, in amphUheairical style. We Ilk. dit. All wno name liked It. I nis building followed in the wain > style. Wo irejigy.i if iapin'Pprii" aud iyl*p(. a. An angular vhurcli will have an angular theology, ihe eburoh of Jesus Cu.iat ought io be a great family cir cle, the pulpit only the fire-place, around which they are gathered In sweet and domestic communion. But when our first tabernacle went up, O the caricature and the scoffing! They said: “it’s a hip podrome! it’s a holy cltous! It’s 'lal mage’s theatre 1” lint the Lord came down with power upon that old building and made it the gate of heaven to a great many. And this building followed. That we were right in persisting in the style of architecture is proved by the lact that now there are sixty or seventy churches in tho United Slates in tue same style. Indeed, our tabernacle has revolutionised church architecture in this country. A live church must have a commodious, a compu table, an adapted building. “How amiable are Thy Tabernacles, O Lord ot fiosts! I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God thau to dwell iu tbo tents ot wickedness.” Again, the characteristic of a live church must he luat it is a soul-aaviug church. It must he the old Gospel of (Jurist. “O,” say soma people, “the Gospel of Christ allows but asmall swing for a mail’s faculties, and some men have left the ministry with that idea,” One ueh said to Rowland Hill: “1 have lelt tho minislrv because l don’t wantto hide my talents any longer.” “Well,” replied Rowland Hill, “1 think the injure you hide your talents the better.” IVby, there is no field on earth so grand as that whioh ts open before tho gospel ministry, Have you powers of analysis? exhaust them here. Hava you unconquerable logic? let it grapple with Haul’s Epistle to the Romans. Have you strong imagination? let it discourse on the l’salms of David, or John’s apocalyptic vision. Have you great (towers of patuos? exhaust it In tolling the story of a Saviour’s love. Have you a bold ql) ie of thinking? then follow Ezekiel’s wheel, full ol eyes, anil heur through his oUapters the rush of tbo wings of the seraphim. All ye who want a grand field tn which to work for God, ootne into the gospel ministry. At any rate, come into Christian circlos, anil somewhere and somehow, declare the grace of God. Harden for all sin. Com fort lor all trouble. Eternal life for all the dead. Oh. my soul! preaon it forever, it has been my ambition, and I believe It has beeu yours my dear people, In theso years of my ministry to have this a soul-saving church, and we never yet threw out the Gospel net but we drew in a great multi tude. Thev have come 100 at a lime and 200 at a time and 350 at a time, aud 1 ex pect tbe day will appear when, in some service, there will be 3.ooosouls accepting tho oilers of eternal life. 1 wish I could tell you some circumstances that have come under my observation, proving the mot that God has blessed the prayers o( these people in behalf of souls immortal. 1 could tell you of one night when l stood at the end of the. platform and a gentle man passed me, his cheek bronzed with tbe sea, and as he went into the inquiry room he said to me: “I am an English man. I said: “1 am very glad to see you; walk in.” That night he gave bis heart to the Lord. It was a clear case of quick but thorough couversioo. Passing out at the close ot tbe inquiry meeting, I said: “How long have you been in this coun try?” He said: “1 arrived by steamer this morning at 11 o’clock.” 1 said: “How long will you be in the city?” He said: “I leave to-morrow for Canada, and thence I go to Halifax, and thence to Eu rope, and I’ll never be here again.” I said: “I think you mast have coma to this oountrv to have your soul saved.” He said: “That certainly was the reason.” In that other room, one night, at the close of the service, there sat among other persons, tnree persons looking so cheerful that 1 said to myself: “These are not anxious inquirers.” 1 said tp the man: “Are you a Chris tian?” He said: “lam.” I said: “When did you become a Christian?” lie said: “To-night.” His wife sat next to him. 1 saidtoher: “Areyou a Christian?” Mbs said: “lam.” I said: “When did you become a Christian?” She said: “To night.” I remarked: “Is this voung ladv your daughter?” They said: “Vg.” l said to her: “Are you a Christian?” She said: “Yes.” I said: “When did you beoome a Christian?” She said: “To night.” 1 said to them: “From whence came you?” Thoysaid: “We are from Charleston, S. V.” i said: When did you come?” They said: “We came yes terday.” “How long are you going to re main?” “We go to-morrow. We have never been here belore and shall never be here again.” I have beard from them since. They are members of the ohuroh or Jesus Christ, in good and regular standing, eminent lor consistency and piety. And so God bus made it a soul-saving church. But 1 could tell you ol a tragic scene, when once at tbe close of the service 1 found a man in one of these front seat#, wrought upon most migbtllv. I said to him: “What Is the matter?” Hu replied: “I am a oaptive of strong drink; l came from the West; I thought, perhaps you ooutd do me some good; 1 find youeau’t do me any good; 1 find there is no hope for me.” 1 said: “Come into this side room snd we will talk together.” “Oh, no|” be said, there is no need of my going In; 1 am a lost man; I have a bcaiittlu! wife; 1 bavo four beautiful children; 1 had a line pro fession; 1 have had a thorough educa tion;! bad every opportunity a man ever had, but 1 am a captive ol strung drink; God only knows what I suff'r.” 1 said: “Be encouraged; come In here, and we’ll talk together about it.” “No,” be said, “I can’t come; you enu’t do me any good. 1 was on the Hudson river railroad yesterday, and coming down 1 resolved never avain to touch a drop or strong drink. While I sat there a man cauie in—a low creature—and sat by me; be had a whisky flask, and tin said tome: ‘Will you take a drink?’ I said no; hut oh, bow I wanted it! and as 1 said no, it seemed that the liquor curled up around the mouth ot the flask and begged: ‘Take me! take me! lako mol’ I felt 1 couldn’t resist it, and yot I was determined not to drink, and 1 rush ed out on tne platform of the oar, and I thought i would jump off; we were going at the rate of forty miles an hour, and 1 didn’t dare to jump; tho paroxysm of thirst wont off, and I am bore to-night.” I said: “Coma in, i'll pray (or you, and commend you to God.” He onmu iu trembling. Some of you remember. Af ter the service we walked out and up the street. Isaid: “You have an awful struggle; I’ll take you into a drug store; perhaps the doctor can give yon some mediums that will help you iu your struggle, though, after ail, you will have to depend upon the grace of God.” 1 said to the doctor: “Can y,,u give this man some thing to help bun In his battle against strong drink?” “I oan,” replied too d"olor, and he prepared a bottle of medicine. Isaid: “There la no a'oubol hi this—no strung drink?” “None at all,” said the doctor, “llow long will tins last?” I inquired. “It will last him a week.” “O,” 1 said, “give us nnot&sr hoi tie.” We passed out into tbs street and slood Under the gaslight. It was yet ting late, and 1 said lu the man f *‘f must pan with you- Put your tyust in tua L>td aud lie will see you through. You will mnkc uso of this medioine when tho paroxysm ef thirst comes on.” A few weeks passed away, and I got a letter from Boston saying: “Dear friend, 1 in close the money you paid for that medi cine. 1 have never used any of it.. The thirst lor strong drink lias entirely gone away from mo. I send you two or three newspapers to show you what f have been doing since I came to Bos ton.” I opened the newspapers and saw accounts ol meetings of 2,000 or 3,000 peo ple to whom this man had been preaching righteousness, temperance ami judgment to come 1 have heard from him again and again since. He is taitbiul ucw, and will bo, 1 know, faithful to the last. Oh, this work of soul saving! Would God that out o( this audience to-day 500 men might hear tho voice ot the Sou of God biddiug tuem ooine to a glorious resurrection I All the offers of the gospel are extended to you, “without money and without, price,” and you are oonsclous of the faot that these opportunities will soon bo gone forever. The conductor of a rail train was telling me of the lact that he was one night standing by his train ou a side track. his tram having been switched off so that the express train might dart past, unhindered. He said while ho stood there in lUu darkness, beside his train oo the side-track, ha heard the thunder of the express in the distance. Then he saw the flash of the headlight. Tho traiu catuo with fearful velocitv, nearer aud nearer, until alter awhile wheu it came very near; by the flash of the headlight, he saw that the switchman had not attended to his duty—either through intoxication or indifference, had not attended to bis duty — and that train, unless something were done immediate tv, would rush on the side-track, and dash tho other train to atoms. He shout ed to tho switchman: “Bet up tha*. switch!” and with one stroke tho switch went back, and thu express thundered on. O! men and women golugou toward too eternal world, switt as the years, swift as the mouths, swift as the davs, swift as tlie hours, switt as the minutes, swift as the seconds—on what track aro you running? Toward light or darkness? Toward viotory or deteat? Toward heaven or hell? Setup that switch. Cry aloud toGod: “Now is the day of salvation.” It AIIW AY'S MYSTERY. Thousands Visit the Morgue and the Hoene of the t'rlnio. Rahway, N. J., April 3.—The morgue was opened ut 9 o'clock this morning so that the body and clothing of tuegirl found murdered on the outskirts of the city a week ago could be viewed by those Intel*. esteil in the case. People came here in crowds to see the body and clothing. Old residents say there were more people here to-day than in auy other day in the his tory of the city. Railroad trains from both directions were literally jammed with men, women and children. Fully 1,000 persons afrived here on one train from New York. They came Irom New York, Jersey city, Hoboken and Brooklyn. A stream of people walked all day long up the stairs, through tho room where tho body and clothing were displayed and down the baok stairs. At least 0,000 persons passed through the morgue. Fully 20,000 persons who did not visit the morgue went to the scene of the murder. All day long the people crowded the street corners, depot platforms anil waiting rooms and dis. oussed the murder with as much excite ment in tbelr manner as if tbe body bad been discovered this morning, GEN. RIPLEY’S FUNERAL. Charleston Pays Eloquent Tribute to tho Sleeping Soldier. Charleston, S. C., April 3—The late Gen, Ripley’s funeral took place to-day at fit. Luke’s church. It was most so), einn and impressive. The church and streets in the vicinity were crowded with friends of the (lead soldier by 10 o’olock, woen the services began. The bt-st ele ments of tbeooimnunlty were represented. The body reached hare in perfect preser vation, and wus gazed upon by hundreds of people, Tbe funeral cortege was ex tensive and proceeded Irom the church to Magnolia oemetery, where a separate lot bad been provided. Alter tbe burial the grave was covered with gray moss, on whioh magnificent floral tributes were arranged, making a beautiful mound of floral deco rations, botli novel and attractive. The municipal Haas and the flags on public and private buildings and on the ship ping were displayed all day at half staff. Bells were tolled and every possible murk of respect was shown tho deceased. •4ISSANE’S PUNISHMENT. No Doubt That ilio Wealthy Col. Rogers Is (lie Ex-Criminal. San Francisco, April 3.—There seems to lie no doubt among those in a position to know that tbo statement published yesterday In a paper of this cltv regard ing Ivlssane, and telegraphed East last nlgtu. is strictly correct, and that WH liarn Kissune and CJol. William K. Rog ers, a wealthy citizen of this Ktate living at Honoraa, are one snd the sarno person. This fact has been known to several per sons in ‘his city for throe days, but out of consideration for Col, Rogers’ family and relatives lias not been made known. Ivissane’s or Rogers’ connections by mar riage are among tbe wealtbioat and most prominent people In this oily. ■'(Minders at hou. Baltimore, April 3.—The American lias a pi lvate dispatch Irom J. B. Bell, of Bell Cos., fruit Importers of this city, dated from quarantine, off Staten Island, stating that the steamship Saragossa, owned by the firm and used us a fruit vessel, had foundered at. sea, off the coast, ol Bermuda, but that all ou board were saved. Toe vessel was originally the Thomas Scott, and was bulltflin Philadel phia in 1803 for lias as a government transport. Sho has since been owned by loverul aieumahip companies and run ou several routes. Crushed in u Griudlng Machine. Woodhkidok, N. J., April 3.—While removing oiay yesterday from a grinding machine in thu lire brick manufactory ol Aunuss & Lylo tbs machine started un expected ami two men were drawn in sud uornbiy mangled. Ths machine had to be taken apart before tue men could be released. One, Theodore Kent, died last night, and the other, u Pole, cannot live. RlttflfiOUt’* Trial. Winchester, Va., April 3.—The trial of Kluenonr, who ia charged with the murder of voung Hrav, near Ntepbens city, aud hiding tue body under leaves in adetise woods In Dect inhur last, begins to-morrow. It will oontiuue at least two weeks. ____________ II rower AI Uopp Dead. I, on don, April 3.—The death Is an tputuqed ot Bn qn ll.lndljji, formerly Hir ltcurv AlWopp, member of tbe tainous Brewing firm of Ruriou-ou-Treut. lie was 10 year* ut age. JFKU FSIO AYF.AR.I I 5 CENTO A COPY. | CINCINNATI’S ELECTION. TIIHKK TICKETS IN THE FIELD FOR ALL THE OFFICES. Tlio Ketull Beyond Reliable Prediction —Tile (Jolted Labor Party Making n Fight for the First Time and Full ol Expectation—Reform the Issue of Both the Democrats autl Republican!. Cincinnati. April 3.—At tbe munici pal election to-morrow there will be three ticket* in the Held, Democratic, Re publican and United Labor ticket. The last named party, though bearing the name, is not the Henry George party. It should bo entitled the Union Labor party, the name chosen by the National Labor Conference whiob met here in February. It includes all the elements whiob fused in l hat. conference, among which are the Prohibitionist* and Greenbackera. It is proper to say that it does not include the Socialist element. Us candidate lor Mayor is \V. H. Stevenson, a journeyman bricklayer, who ha* been quite prominent in labor matters. Ho now holds the offioo of Secretary of tho National Bricklayers’ Association. Us other candidates are necessarily not widoly known, as they represent tho new party. Mr. Sheage, candidate for City Solicitor, is a young lawver, who has also served for several years as editor of the Express-Gazette, fne issue this party presents is reform and economy in municipal management, nKMOCRACY’B CANDIDATES. The Democratic candidate for Mayor is Isaac B. Matson, who tilled the office of Probate Judge for a number of years; its candidate lor Judge of the Superior Court is ,J. It. Sayler, brother of Hou. Milton Saylor, Who represented the First Ohio district in Congress one or two terms. The Democrats attack sharply the lU publioen methods of government and promises of reform. Tho Republican candidate for Mayor is Aruer Smith, Jr., the present incumbent, who was elected two years ago. Us b*'- tlo-ory has been to keep out of municipal office tbe party which has connived at tbo frauds and public robbery which have been exposed within the past two years. THE RESULT DOUBTFUL. As to the prospect for to-morrow pre diction is difficult. The Democratic and Republican papers respectively claim that they will win. The Labor party leaders are wild with expectations of victory lor their ticket. They say they have 13,000 men pledged to vote for them, and they expect a large number besides to join them on election day. They have monopolized the enthu siasm of tbe campaign, bolding a crowded meeting last night in Music Hall. While the leading member* of the old parlies do not concede the clatms of the new rival, they are not wiihout some leeling of uneasiness at the appearance of tho strength which it exhibits. The eleotion will Ire held under rigid regulations now in force, uml there is no expectation of fraudulent voting. Tbe polls will close at 4 o’clock in the afternoon. NEW OKM'.A.W STRIKERS.^! I lie Association of I>nkc<l Upon ns Already New Ouleanh, April 2.—The tbe cotton handlers continues, and is no Important change in the other than the tact that the of the meeting or tbe weighers weighers last night sine die is as a dissolution of their association. screw men who belong to tbe new oil will now refuse to handle any cotton weighed by these men, as they are not now regarded as union men. Tbe screw, men to.dav were handling all the cotton which had been put on tbe levee, their explanation being that the shippers had mixed up a good deal of non-union press cotton with wbnt is known as free on-board, and that it was only this morning that the deception was discovered and the matter called to the attention of tbe executive committee, who will see that it will not nocii! again and that, only proper cotton is received and slowed away. A meeting of the new cotton council was held this afternoon. It is learned that tbe only important action was a determination to continue the strike until they force yard men No. 2to Join the now council, or force them out of tbe presses. The Classers’ Association also remains Arm. It is stated that only one elssuer has ao far resigned from 'be association, but it is currently reported that a number havr been discharged by employers. < hiesgo's .striking O w punter s. Chicago, April 3.—Slxty-tive hundred carpenter*) employed by various con tractors and shop owners throughout the oity and suburbs wil|wp‘ as- work to morrow morning, and building operations In this county will be suspended indefi nitely. The leaders |of the carpenters, who alter a long struggle last summer failed to carryout their demands for eight hours and an increase of wages, deoided then to renew the contest, and they hint that, now, when building enterprise Is re viving and carpenters are wanted, tbe time has arrived to make the employers yield. The carpenters are well organized. Scarcely 300 or their trade in the county are outside their ranks. Boycotting the nun. New York. April 3.—An afternoon paner 01 this city having staled that a boycott bail been placed by the Knight* of Labor district assemblies upon tbe New York Sun, Typographical Union No. 0 tills afternoon adopted resolutions denouncing any such attempt to muzzle the press of this oity or of the eountry and dcclurtn g for an expesslon of honest opinion bv the press upon all matter* touching the public welfare. Boyt<iii t< swim to Now York. Hudson, N. Y., April 3. (Japt. Paul Hovion will leave this city at 10 o’clook Tuesday morning to swim tbe Hudson river to New York. He bad to abandou his plan ol taking the water at Albany, as the ice is still solid at that point, lie will be aecompuuied by tbe oarsmen, Wallace Boss and Geoigo W. Lee, wbo will follow him in a boat, which will also cohtaiu representatives of tbe press. Receptions will be given (Japt. Boyton by the boat club* at Kingston and New burgh. Bis Mother >hw Him Dio. Macon, Ga., April B.—J. M. Wilkin son, a Mercer student of the Nophoinore olass, whose home is Hillsviile.Va., died at the college this morning of bronchitis, tbe result of an attack of measles. His moth er arrived In time to see him die. He was 17 years old and well known and popular, ills remains were shipped to his home this afternoon, accompanied by hi* moth er and a delegation of students. Thu t uhto All It light. New York. ApnLß,—The Commercial Cable Coinp*tl> i second uabis was r<- paired io-du* U was touud lo hav* been Injured hi Ice. I'U* aysuiu is sow la working vjruei again.