Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1868-1887, April 09, 1887, Image 1

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, ESTABLISH ED 1860 1 ’j . a . EsTILL, Editor and Proprietor,! FISHERIES RETALIATION I'HE PRESIDENT IHXLS HOW HE STANDS ON THE ISSUE. Hi* Tolley Not to be of the Pocket-Book St*inp Patriotism Should Make l,|glit Whatever Sacrifices Are Neces anry For the Defense of the National Honor. Washington, April B.—The Presi dent having received a communication from tlia American Fisheries Uniajj of Massachusetts calling attention to the fisheries dispute and suggesting that the retaliatory act passed by the late Con gress w uld, in their opinion, be suffi ciently executed if the proposed retalia tion was con lined to the closing ot United States markets to Canadian fish products, he has mads the following answer: Executive Mansion.! Washington, April 7,1887. ( To Georye Steel, Esq., President American Fishery Union, and Others, Gloucester, Mass. : Gentlemen —1 have received your let ter addressed to me, and have given lull consideration to ihe expression of views and wishes therein contained in relation to the existing differences between the governments of Great Britain and the United States growing out ol the refusal to award to our citizens engaged in fish ing enterprises privileges to which they are entitled, either under treaty stipula tions or guarantees of international comity and neighborly concessions. 1 sincerely trust the apnrehension you expiess of unjust and unirlendly treatment or American fisherman law fully found in Canadian waters will not be realized, but if such apprehension should prove to be well founded, 1 earn estly hope that no fault or inconsiderate action ot any ol our citizens will in the least weaken the just position of our gov ernment or deprive us of the universal symualby and support to which we should be entitled. Th action of this adminis tration since June, 1885, when the fiabery articles of the treaty ot 1871 were termin ated under tire notification which had two years before been given by our govern ment, has been lully disclosed by the cor respondence between the repiesenta tivi’s and appropriate officials of the respective governments, with which, 1 am apprised by your letter, yon aie entirely familiar. An examination of ibis correspondence lias doubtless ‘■atistied you lUat in no case bave the rights nor privileges of American fisher men been overlooked or neglected, but, n :be contrary,they have been sedulously insisted upon and cared tor by every rmans within control of the executive branch of tne government. The act of Gong: ess approved March 3, 1887, au tDorizutg the course of retaliation through Executive action in the event of a con nuance on the part of the British American authorities ol unfriendly con duct and treaty violations affecting American fisc rmen, has devolved upon tin* i’resident. of the U uited States exceed ingly grave and solemn responsibilities, comprehending highly important conse quences to out national character and dignity, and involving extremely valu able commercial intercourse between tne British possessions in North America and the people of tbe United States. 1 understand the main purpose of your letter’s to suggest that in case recourse to the retaliatory measures authorized by this act suould be invited by unjust treat ment of our fishermen in tbe future, the abject <vi such retaliation might lie fully accomplished by ‘‘prohibiting Canadian •auglit fish Iroin entry into portsof the United Mates.” The existing controversy is one in which two nations are parties concerned. The retaliation contemplated by the act of Congress is to bo enforced not to proiect solely any particular interest, however meritorious or valuable, but to maintain the national honor, and thus protect all our people. hi this view violation of American ii-heiy rights and unjust or unfriendly acls toward a portion of our citizens en gaged in this business is but the occasion lor action, and constitutes a national ailront which gives birth to and may justify retaliation. This measure onoe resorted to, its effectiveness and value may well depend upon the thoroughness and extent of its application, in th> performance of international duties, the enforcement of international rights and protection ot our citizens this government and the people of the United Slates must act as a unit, all iutent upon obtaining the best results of retaliation upon tbe basis of the maintenance ot the national honor and duty. A nation seeking by any means to maintain its honor and dignity and integrity is engaged in protecting the* rights oi its people, and ll in such effjrts particular interests aro injured and spe cial advantages lorfeited these thiugs should be praeiicailv borne lor the public Shod. An immense volumeof junctures nd agricultural pruduc -110118 and marine tonnage and rail* "ays to which these have given ac.ivitv, all largely tne result of inter oourso between the United States aud :'7tU*h America, and the natural growth J* a lull hall-century of good neighbor hood and triondlv communication, form ttii aggregate of material wealth and in Udenial relations of most impressive magnitude. 1 lully appreciate tbees imngs and am not unmindful of the t 1 "at number oi our people who are con cerned in such vast and diversitied in* lerests. whf *' llt ;,P erlo rmance of the serious duty “J c “ Congress has imposed upon me, lh 7* lll ,(lt “ exercise upon just occasion of I l omr uoufcrred uuder the act re* into . t0 ’ 1 Bhall <leem myselt bound to met no unnecessary damage or injury h?n nan, utvenheless, be unflinching, guided fitrrw f ßllße of what the sell-respect and n T, , of i* lo nation demands, in the ■ Mutenance °t tnese, and in support of whi,.i.° nor of the government beneath n 1 °yery citizen may repose in safely, es, “.TH?® 01- P ep * ol *al or private inter * i I** 6 collß| dere(i as against the gtneral wellare. Yours, very truly, Grover Cleveland. Ajfont Linton's Return. Li nr nn a f KOTO N > April B.—lrwin B. rna. l „ J ls letur, >" 'rotn the visit he 'luckann /“ vun,1 *h, Augusta,Charleston. dutif?.; v . ,1 “S na AU,1,lt “> o inspecting tl,B Supervising Architect. He h'.|s LL1 1 p, . ep S rt ‘ a ,liH r ' l lo rl- His n| ihu 11 whh to look '■xisnii.?.?V. u<: . k "‘ 1111,1 barticularly to lor flraina^fe. Mud |jy i|m Murder. ' Il " 'innrV' J- ’ April B — The body of t'lio 18 1,1,11 u,l *d-ntiUed. fbaiiij!,.* i!, übbaril has bee me a raving List ni , br '!° uln k over Ue murder. h " lelt hl " boa' l In Hast •nu fle'iU a?? crm..ilng over gardens H tin, uniiMM 1 *** bbirk this morning ho Haiyi, ’Pouting murder near Mayor the.; loX nU /\. oa >U,n ■treat, l'ollce '“"‘tlsrs. * *"“* Ul> ,u * cell * l b*** l ' BLAINE HAS A FEVER. Fort Gibson’s Commandant Allays tlie inclination to Get Excited. St. Lotus, April B.—A private telegram wag reoetved in this city this morning from Fort Gibson, I. TANARUS., stating that Jas. G. Blaine had a severe cold aud was threatened wifh pneumonia. A dispatch was sent to Col. Coppinger, commandant of the post and son-in-l&w of Mr. Blaine, asking for the facts. It. C. Kerens, a near personal friend of Mr. Blaine, accompanied by Dr. H, H. Mudd, a prominent physician ot this city, left here at 1 o’clook this afternoon by spooiat train for Fort Gibson. JNoue of the circumstances leading up to Mr. Blaiue’s illness were yet known hero. The inference naturally drawn from the fact that a physician went from here to see and perhaps attend Mr. Blaine, in the lace of tne probable fact that there is a skillful army surgeon at Fort Gibson, w as that he was, or was likely to be, seri ously ill. A private telegram giving a statement of Mr. Blaine’s pnysician, re ceived this afternoon, read as follows: “Mr. Blaine is doing well, and has only a slight fever.” Tbe following dispatch was received by the Associated Press at 8:30 to-night in reply to the telegram sent this morning to the commandant of the post of Fort Gibson asking for an account of Mr. Blaine’s sickness: Fort Gibson, I. TANARUS„ April 8, ISS7. To the A**ociated /*<?**; Mr. Blaine is suffering from bronchial catarrh with fever of a remittent type, lie sleeps well and has no typhoid symptoms. His respiration is normal—liner minute. Charles P. Berne. Po&t Nurgeon. WASHING ION BLUE LAWS. All Shops Except Druggists’ and Un dertakers’ Must Close on nuday. Washington, April B.—The Commis sioners of the District of Columbia have decided to revive the blue laws on Sun day next and to prevent tbo opening ot any places of business except apothecary shops aud undertaking establishments. While the Commissioners were going through the District laws, recently in or der to see which of them should be in corporated in the new police regulations authorized to be issued by the last Con gress,they discovered an old and obsolete law directing tbe closing oi ail business piaoes except those ot druggists, under takers and Barbers. A subsequent law closed the barber shops so that only the two former are authorized to remain open. The Commissioners determined to enforce the law, aud on next Sunday all news stands, cigar stores, ice cream sa.oons, confectioneries, and possibly even lunch-bouses will be forced to shut up shop. It is expected tbat a test case will be made by some dealer almost im mediately. While tbe Commissioners do not slate such to be the case, their action is believed to be the outcome of tbe en forcement ot the law against Sunday liquor selling. This law has been en forced the last two Sundays aud has proved remarkably successful owing to tbe provision making second conviction lor Its violation work forfeiture of license. INVITED TO CHICAGO. Ijive Stock Breeders Wont to Enter taiu President Cleveland. Washington, April B.— A delegation of cattle dealers waited on the President this afternoon aud invited him to attend the reunion and banquet of the live stock breeders of the United States, to be held at Chicago Nov. Bto 18, 1887. The dele gation consisted of DeVVitt W. Smith, of Illinois, President of the National Cattle Growers’ Association; Samuel Dyssart, President ol the Illinois State Agricul tural Society; Mr. Foster, President ot the Ohio Valley Cattle Association; Mr. Curtiss, of tbo New York State Board of Agriculture; Alexander Leth,of the Mary land Live Stock Commission; Edward Campbell, United States Marshal, of Iowa; Mark W. Dunham, ot Illinois; Messrs. Ellwood and Studebaker, of In diana; Senators Palmer and Gorman and Representative Springer. The President thanked them for the mvita ion, and said that while he had a great desire to visit the West he could not accept an invita tion for a date so far in the future. His presence in Chicago in November and - upon the state oi public affairs at that time. FOKT MAKION'B APACHKS. A Mme Norihoriy ileservation to bo Prepared for ilietii. Washington, April B.— The agitation set on foot by Senator Dawes and Herbert Welch relative to the “imprisonment” ot the Apache Indians who are at Fort Marion, Fla., has had its effect upon the President, who bruUgbt the matter up in Cabinet meeting this week, and has caused the Secretary of War to prepare an order tor tho removal of the Indians to a more northerly and a more secluded reservation. The Indians are comfortable enough where they are, but they are hemmed in by sight-seers and are made a show of. It is thought that it will be better for them to be in a ciuleter place, where they can have a better chance to do work. If any of them can be made to work. Geronlino an i! his fellow cut throats will be delniued at Fort Pickens, where they now are, COCHKOTON FTiOODIiI). The Miaformue the Fourth of the Kind Suffered This Year. MiDDLKTOWN, N. Y., April B.—The village of Cocbeeton, Sullivan county, is again flooded for tbe fourth time this year. Warm weather and rain Monday night made high water in the Delaware river. On Tuesday afternoon tbe water was running over tbe Cuchecton flats, and at midnight had reached tbe Presby terian oburch, where tbe stream divided, a portion taking tho main highway and the balance pouring through tbe village street. Stores and dwellings were inun dated to tbe depth of three feet. The ice in ■ tbe river bed remains frezen, preventing the water taking tbe natural channel. Two larnis below Cootieoton have been wasned out. There Is no communication between tho i abroad in Cuchecton and the bridge over the Delaware except by boats. A number of boats have been wedged in the ice and many have nar rowly escaped being swept away. Ihe legislatures of Pennsylvania and New York have already been petitioned to help the village, and bills for relief have been prepared. < iilnu ami iho Vatican. I'ahin, April B—Tbe Pope lias for warded to the French government pro posal aiming to brigbout an under standing with I'i ma s Dhlruiercnc • to the ssteblisbm ul diploma lc i elutions bctwseu the Vatu -u aud cw - RAILROAD REVOLUTIONS THE FIGHT OVER THE SALE OF TICKETS STILL ON. P4fiiE*r A gents of Western I.lnes Warned to lie on Guard Against Di- Crliniuiltlng Against the Pennsylvania Itoad \ Sou of Senator Push Given One of the Interstate Commission Clerkships. Washington, April B.— The Interstate Commerce Commission has appointed E. L. Pugh, of Alabama, to a clerkship under tbat commission. Mr. Puth is a son of Senator Pugh. This is the first appointment, made by the commission. the cessation ok probating. Chicago, April B.—Since the prorating arrangements between the Western und Eastern lines on freight from the sea board to tbe Missouri river aud beyond was declared off, the larger portion ot that traffic has been diverted away from Chicago and through ht, Louis, rates to Kansas City being from 2c. to 80. lower via St. Louis. It is understood that early next week the Chicago and Kansas City roads will issue anew freight tariff’ which will equalize rates via both cities and stop the diversion of the traffic away from Chicago. discrimination will be claimed. Tbe general passenger agent of the Pennsylvania company has sent a private and confidential letter to the general pas senger agents of the Western lines stat ing that his road hud only temporarily agreed to tbe allowance of differential passenger rates to weak lines east of Chicago and St. Louis, and that his com pany vvoulil claim tuat any road selling a through ticket at a rale higher than an other road was guilty of discrimination. Under the interstate law he ask* the views of the passenger agents on the mat ter. Tne move is understood to be one to deprive the Chicago and Grand Trunk aud other lines of the privilege ol making a rate to tbe seaboard ot $1 50 less than the strong lines, as now agreed to. A move is on foot to send on from this city a protest of merchants and shippers against the action of tbe Interstate Com mission in suspending the operation of tbe long and short haul clause at various points. The special grievance here is the suspension affecting the route across the lake trom Milwaukee. TWENTY-FIVE ROADS TO BE CUT OFF. The Michigan Central road will to morrow' issue a circular boycotting tweuiy-five roads upon which trunk lines have plaped their ban, and nil through tiokets over Western lines will betaken off sale. The Chicago roads exempted from the boycott are the Northwestern, Illinois Central, and Milwaukee and sit. Paul. All of the roads leading to Kansas City are barred, so that a traveler from the East cannot buy a through ticket to that point. As the Lake Shore joined the boycott ‘ to-day, the Baltimore and Ohio and Grand Trunk are now the only sea board lines which are not turning West ern tickets to the wall. Neither side shows any signs of yielding, and the boy. oott will probably continue until tbe mat ter is brought before tbe interstate Com mission. DENVER AND RIO GRANDE’S FIGHT. Denver, Col., April B.—The situation regarding the tight between the Denver and Rio Grande und the Eastern lines has changed but little, the only new feature being that the Denver and Rio Grande has issued instructions to its agente in Colorado, Utah, New Mexico and Cali fornia to send all business over the Balti more and Ohio, which is competitive business, of any trunk lines tbat bave turned Denver and Rio Grande tickets to the wall. JOINS THE BOYCOTTER. Cleveland, 0., April B.—The Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway joined the boycott against the Western lines this morning by issuing a confi dential circular to its ticket agents in structing them to turn to tne wal 1 the coupon issues of thirty-four lines. JACKSON GRUMBLING. Jackson, Miss., April B.—The working of the interstate commerce law affects Jackson very seriously so far. All spe cial rates have been withdrawn und the general tariff increased by trom 5 to 30 per cent. Numerous complaints aro beard on accouut, of excessive freight charges. TKXAS CUT OFF. St. Louis, Mo., April B.—A private dispatch from a prominent railroad centre in Texas Bays no through tickets ate now on sale from points in Texas to points east of St. Louis and Now Orleans, aud that it is not known when there will be. It is not stated whether this is a retalia tory measure or whether the present con dition of affairs is taken advantage of as a reason or pretext for breaking up the system, which it is understood has for a long time been objectionable. WILL SEE EACH OTHER LATER. Congressman Glover ami Judge Lauglilln May l ight a Duel. St. Louis, Aprils.—Congressman John M. Glover and Judge Henry D. Laughlin, one of the most prominent attorneys In St. Louis, were the central figures in a little sensation to-day that threatens serious consequences. U. D. Lancaster, Surveyor oi the Port, is suing Mr. Glovor for SIOO,OOO for alleged libel. Mr. Glover is taking depositions to show Mr. Lancas ter’s character. The taking of the depo sitions has been progressing several days, aud exulting personal episodes have en livened the proceedings. Judge Laughlin is ot tho counsel for Mr. Lancaster. Mr. Glover objeoted to Mr. Laughlin’s way of handling a witness, aud Mr. Laughlin resented the couduct and words ot the Congressman. ALMOST a fight. Hot words ensued and both mon sprang to their feet. Tho roloreo belore whom the case is proceeding got between them anil prevented a tight. At the close of the day’s session Mr.Glover said ho bad uaetJ harsh language and was willing to with draw me epithets he had applied to Mr. Laughlin if the latter would do the same, “lam willing to go half way,” be said. “I’ll have no half way business,” said Mr. Laughlin, “you are theaggreaaor aud inuat apologize fully.” THHY’LL SICK EACH OTHER LATER. “I’ll see you further,” said Mr. Glover. “You will see mo further.” said Mr. Laughlin, “and beur from me.” Jt la thought by those who know both men that Mr. Luughlin, who Is known to be a man ot nerve and ati expert with the pistol, will Oorapei Mr. Glover to make full apology or meet btm In moital com bat. A Public) Apology Dimmit it. April B.—M. da Giers Insists tbih Id liter h.itkofl mu ,u a public apology for bt i recent conduct SAVANNAH, SAURTDAY, APRIL 9, 1887. I DITOR STOREY’S WILL. 1 Joseph B. Chaiqbi-riain 'lettitles to 1(h Execution. Chicago, April I—The litigation over the will of the lato Wilber F. Storey was ; renewed in the .firobato Court, before j Judge Knickerbocker, to-day. Un nppli | cation of the counsel for Austin L. Storey and other beirs at law, the decision of tbo Supreme Court overruling that of the late Judge Rogers was adtmt’ed to record and the petition of Eureka C. Storev, tiled Dec. 22, 1884, was dismissed. This over rules the probating of tbe will ol 1881, but the counsel for the widow filed a second petition on belialfol theirelient, In which she prays tnal the previous will,executed Aug. IG, 1879, be admitted to probate. value oFthk estate. This petition shows that in the will in question Mr. Storey left house property, real estate and personal property valued at $1,500,000, and tbat the only h9irs at law were the brother ol tbo deceased, Auson L. Storey; bis sister, Mary E. Far rand; bis niece, Mary K. Anderson, and Ins net bow, Edward D. Chapin- Notice of application tor tbe probating of the will having been duly served on W. C, Goudy, the couueel for tbeother heirs at law, the matter was taken up. Joseph B. Chamberlain, oue of the wit nesses to tbe will, bad been specially cited from Boston, Mass., by Mrs. Eu reka Storey’s counsel, and was present in the court. SAW THE WILL SIGNED. He testified to having been in the apart ment o; Mr. Storey on the day the will wasexecuted; to having seen Mr. Storey sign, and to having signed it himself at Mr. Storey’s request. Tbe witness wits managing editor of the Times at the time in question, had been frequently in Mr. Storey’s company, and considered him in no wav ir.oapaoitated Iroin making his will. The wiioess was not cross-examin ed. On application of Mr. Goudy the case was then continued to Monday next, MURDERER AND FORGER. Additional Damaging Testimony Against Ridenour Developed, Winchester, Va., Aprilß.—The morn ing session ot the court was taken up with argument by the counsel as to the admissibility of a statement made by Ridenour at his preliminary trial before a justice. Broy’s father asked the prisoner at that time who was security on the note of $75 given by Ridenour to young Broy in payment fora horse. Ridenour answered that there was no security on the note. The defense claimed that the statement was extracted from Ridenour by a threat of the magistrate and by influence brought to bear upon him. Proof show v that the note wbiou is before the jury bears a forged indorse ment of J. Hampton Orndendorff, now de ceased, aud It is also in evidence that Orndendorff could not write. The court, alter a closely contested argument by States Attorney R. E. Byrd and William R, Alexander, the prisoner’s coun sel, decided that the statement wa3 admissible. Experts were on the stand this afternoon to prove tbat tbe signature and indorsement were made by tbe same party. Young Broy told his father that he would not take the note without security. The theory is that Ridenou lorged Ornden dortT's name to make tbe note good, aud tbat his object in killing Broy was to get possession of the note, and that alter committing the deed, while running through the woods, he dropped it. An effort is being made by the coun sel for tne prisoner to exclude the note as evidence. A TORNADO IN DAKOTA. Watertown Almost Destroyed by Surrounding; Prairie Fires. Watertown, Dak., April B.—A severe wind, which toward nightfall culminated in a tornado, lusted throughout to-day in this section. About 11 o’clock this morn ing it drove a prairie fire up to the west ern limits oi the city, destroying some buildings. Tne Are department and en tire population turned out and by heroic efforts savbd that portion oi the city. This evening blinding clouds of dust, driven by the wlud rendered it impossible for one to see a building half a block distant. This lasted nearly an hour. At this time the prairies southeast oi the city caught lire and an alarm was given by every ball in the city. Fortunately, however, the wind ehauged and drove the flames from town to the north side. The entire eastern portion of the city seemed on lire at one time. During the storm this evening freight cars were blown out of the Northwestern yards, and when last heard of were going beiore the wind down tho track toward Garry. Lumber piles were scattered and light articles were strewn about the streets. The present indications are for rain. COTTON’S MOVEMENT'. March Report ol' the National C it ton Exchange at New Orleans. New Orleans, April B.—The March report ot the National Cotton Excnange gives the cotton movement of the United States for the seven months ending March 31, 1887, compared with the correspond ing period in ISBb-’BU, us billows: ISSo-’gr iBS-’j Bales. Bales. Port receipts 1,080,715 4,88v17 Tot ul overland shipments 1,08'i,u21 914,869 (K which to mills 780,0110 606 010 or which to purts 191.290 207.010 Or which to Canada 21,220 21,821 In truuti: overland. 20,15.> 19,858 Tutiil uk.ngs Northern spinners. 1,428,861 1,475,7ul At sea between ports 18,876 28,326 Exports to Great lir.taiu 2,3C11,.501i 1.780,383 Exports to Prance . .... 180,778 &J6,C1)8 Extorts to Continent and channel 1,098,988 1,130,089 Exports total . 8,926,689 2,358,883 Slock at United states ports 560.733 870.822 Spinners’tulcluas. March, 183,811 169 911 Overiand shipment) 101,621 66,97s Hunt's I’rotestlug Innocence. Fort Smith, Ark., April B.—Patrick McCarthy was hanged here to-day for the murder of Tnotnaa and John Mub >ney iu tho Cherokee Nation Feb. 0, 1330. The evideuoo was purely circumstantial,tin re being no eye-withesises to the crime, and McCarthy died protesting his innocence. SWUNG UP IN A JAIL YARD. Montgomery, Ala.. April B.—spade Scarborough, wiki iniudeied Madison Caeser in July last, was uanged iu the jail yard at Clayton, Ala., to-day. Both men were negro-'H. 4,400 lin migrants In a liny. New York, April B—The steamship Britannia to-day In oil gin 1,033 passengers, the Italia 403, the Noordland I,OCO, the Pennsylvania and Bolivia 1,018, and the England *OO, making a total of nearly 4 400. Castle Harden was unusually crowded. Nearly nil the Kuiopoau lan guages wits reproseutsd. AN EPISTLE TO MORMONS* THE THREE PRESIDENTS RAIL AG VINST THE LAWS. Edmund*’ First Law ltpprsseotefl as En eouruglnc Violation of the Constitu tion in Order to Deprive die Church of Its Political Power—l’lio K.luiumls- Tucker Law Character: red as Akin to the JtcLcrs of M dlinvui Despots, l’uovo, Utah, April B. —At a general conference of the Mormon Churou to-day au epistle was read from Presidents Taylor, Cannon and Smith, who com prise the first presidency of the church. It oougratulutes the people upou the peace and prosperity atteuding them and upon the increased growth of Mormonism, notwithstandingthc efforts ot Its enemies to the contrary, and exhorts the peoplo to be vigorous observers ol their duties and to stand true to tbe principles espoused from the organization of the church. The epistle goes on to say that various agencies have been employed to effect the overthrow or tbe church; that falsehood aud violence having been tried In vain anew crusade has been Inaugu rated in the form of legislative tyranny, carried on by cunning adventurers anil reckless fanatics.. THE EDMUNDS LAW. Referring to the Edmunds law of 18S2 It says that the ground takeu by Us pro moters ws that violation of the soundest political principles, even of the constitu tion itself, would be both praiseworthy and justifiable if neoesary in order to take political rule in Utau from tbe Mor mon majority and give it to the antl- Mormou minority, anil having so acted In the past it is not unexpected when other and more outrageous attempts are made to accomplish their purpose. Their suc cess in securing the passage of the origi nal Edmunds law emboldened them to make most extraordinary demands lor further legislation. DECLARED DESPOTIC, The letter says in regard to the Ed munds-Tueker law that it is generally considered tbat no such law was ever enacted in this country before, and its parallel can only be found in tbe history of medieval times, when men’s Ideas were confined to such grauts as despotic governments cho3e to give them. The provisions of the. law interfering with church property contrary to the inten tions of its donors, violation of ecclesias tical rights, spoliation and confiscation and disfranchisement of women Without even an allegation ol crime against them, are an arbitrary exercise of despotic power without parallel in republican history, and the pretense of theenemloßot tbe Mormons that they wished to rescue tbe women of Utah from bondage would be forever silenced by this outrage. PUTTING THE MINORITY ON TOP. The whole bill betrays an attempt to pave the way for domination ot the major ity by the minority heoause the majority is composed of members of au unpopular church. It considers that relief of many subjects of jiulioial persecution would be considerably extended could extreme rulings of the Utah court be reviewed by tbe United States Supreme Court, as some have been. Referring to tbe dis iccorporation of tbeoburcb, grave doubts are entertained as to its being a cor poration, and it It is yet decided to be a corporation is it possible, after the Territory granted a charter of incor poration which Congress tor years per mitted to remain unchanged, tbat tbe latter body can now revoke the charter and appropriate the proceeds of tbe prop erty to suoh uses as tbe majority in Con gress designate? It so, are we, with all the people of the territories, living under the government and law? or are we and ail our rights as freemen subject to tbe whim and caprice of Congress?” THK TEST OATH. Referring to the test oath the epistle says: '‘Understanding fully, therefore, all the consequences, they who do so have generally resolved to take the oath rather than bo the victims of political dema gogues, but. this willingness does not divest Ike oath of its enormity or uncon stitutional character. The rule nf the law is that a man is presumed to bs inuo cent of offense and intention to commit any offense until be is proven guilty. By the Kdmuntls-Tucker law it Is presumed that the citizens ot Utah are disposed to violate the law and must, therefore, rebut, fhe presumption by tak ing the oath. It tbe oath were expurgu tory and were required of people in re bellion, It might have a show of justifica tion; but to require such an oath trom citizens who have violated no law is with out parallel even among despotic govern ments. EVIL PRECEDENTS. “In the baste and zoal of madness to destroy Mormonism all settled principles of jurisprudence are disregarded and evil precedents are established. Men talk and act as if it were absolutely essen tial to the happiness of the people of the republic to override every true priuelpic ol government lu order to strike down the majority of the people ot Utah. There is danger that the precedent now being made will, in the not distant future, be Inconceivably fruitful of evil to the people of this republic.” The epistle is chiefly remarkable for its silence on the aut-j ot of polygamy, to which It makes no allusion whatever. FAIKLY OUTSAILED. Capt. Samuels Tells the Story of the Recent Knee. New York, April B.—Capt. Samuels, of the schooner yacht Dauntless, defeated by R. T. Bush’s Coronet in the race across the Atlantic, arrived here on the steam ship Adriatic to-day. He sailed from Queenstown on Wednesday of last week. Interest in Capt. fbim uels’ arrival has been great since it was reported in this country that be and his employer, Caldwell 11. Colt, bad fallen out. Capt. Samuels said with regard to the reported trouble with Mr. Colt: "The entire story was .1 com plete fabrication. >ly relations with Mr. Colt were ol the pleasantest nature throughout the entire trip, and nothing seemed to mar Hie friendly fooling that existed hi tween us. In fact, I never made a trip wince everything was so ngreeableand pieasan' as ihis onew when Mr. Colt and I parted we did so the best or Iriomls. My only reason for leaving him was that 1 had fulfilled the engagement 1 entered Into with the Dauntless’ owner, snd there was no reason for my remaining aboard any longer.” When asked to give his opinion of the cause of the Dauntless’ defeat. Cam. Samuel* replied that the Coronet wsa much Urn better boat, and that tue Dauntless was fairly out-sailed. M'liri'i wti rui ot Firenrina. Madrid, April B.—The pulMn aawfihjs ooveiing secret atorea of Ort-ails and ox plosives in this oily. hoVuiiP rmt oave been KILLED BY A CHINAMAN. A California Ranch the Scene of a Terrible Tragedy, Chico, Cal., April B.—Tbe details of the murder of Mrs. Joseph Billion by bor Chinese cook shows that the murder was most cold-blooded, and unequaled in atrocity by the murder of Mr. and Mrs. Arckarehaw of Sonoma county about a a year ago by their Chinese cook. Mrs. Billion, her two daughters and farm em ploye, W. H. Weaver, were at supper Win n the door opened suddenly anti a shut was fired from Hoati Henry, the Chiueseoook. The bullet passed through Weaver’s left shoulder just over the heart and he fell prostrate. Mrs. Billion turned to see whence the shot came and received a bullet which pierced her heart and caused Instant death. THE DOOR BARRICADED. Weaver, notwithstanding his serious condition, managed to shut tbe door and barricaded it. The Chinaman fired a shot through the closed door, but with out effect. He then prooured an ax, but alter partlv breaking tbe door chang ed bis mind and left the house. Annie Billion went to the door to note the direc tion of the murderer’s flight, but a shot from the Chinaman’s rifle caused her to again barricade tho door. The murderer then disappeared. Mean while tbe other daughter succeed ed in leaving the bouse uuobserved by the Chinaman and gave the alarm at Ht", John, distant a little over a mile from the Billion ranen. NOT VET CAUGHT. The pursuit which was immediately or ganized has not yet proved successful. It the fugitive is caught be will be lynched. lie is 18 years old and has bean in the family employ for soveral years. No cause is known lor the crime except that the Chinaman was made to assist in house cleaning, at which be demurred. Mr. Billion was absent in Han Eranolsco at the time of tho murder. HAY II PXfITED. Rumors that the Lives of Europeans are Endangered. Paris, April B—Tho government has ordered a man-of-war now in West Indian waters to proceed immediately to Port au-Prince to protect Europeans there, in view of tbe reports of a threatened mas sacre by the flaytlaus Iu the event of their government complying with the de mands ot Great Britain on account of some old claims. Advices received by the Haytian Legation iu Paris Irom Port au-Prmce suy the Ilaytlans are much ex cited over Great Britain’s demand, but deny that they have threatened to mas sacre foreigners. NATURE OF THE CLAIM. Washington, April B.—Although cor respondence bus not yet begun between tbe Department of State and tbe govern ment ot Great Britain in regard to tbe reported.threat of that government to seize tbe Tortugas Islands from tlaytl, in default of a debt, yet an investigation is being made and ail of the data relating to the subject in possession of tbe depart ment is being colleoted. The English claim appears to be very In tricate in iis nature. OorresDondonce had iu Mr. Frelinghuysen’s administra tion shows that tbeclaira is an individual one based upon a number of oessions, subcessions and contracts regarding privilege to cut, mahogany that wuh not cut, or at least not in sefflcient quantity. The amount of the claim iu Heoretay Fro* linghuysen’s administration was placed at $600,000. GOTHAM'S BLAZING TENEMENT. Ono of the Inmates Dead anti Two Others Not Apr to Live. New York, April B.—Two hundred residents of the tenement bouse No. 12 Essex street were rendered homeless, thirteen of them are iu hospitals from burns received at the tire last night arid ons girl of ten years is dead. The fire broke out in tbe cellar ol n.o b.tkerv be low and spread throughout the building, liad there not been Are escapes in tiio Irorit and rear the loss of life must bave been appalling. Mnnyot those taken to Bellevue Hospital last night were more frightened than hurt, but two children and one adult received probably latal Injuries.tTne money loss is comparatively insignificant. FLAMES IN A MINE SHAFT. Birmingham, Ala., April B.—All o) the woodwork of the sbatt of the ore mines of the Uratt Coal and Iron Compa ny, five miles from the city, was destroy ed this morning. 'The fire started at (i o’clock and was not extinguished until noon, serious damage being threatened at the time. The luae of $25,000 is fully in sured. Only the hard work ol the miners, assisted by the fire company from Bir mingham,prevented a great calamity. The managers say the shaft will be in opera tion again in ten days or two weeks. The ofary I’rutt furnace, which got its coke from the I’ralt mines, has to shut down, meanwhile, in consequence of the lire. Good Friday’s Observance. New York. April B.—To-day being Good Friday all the down-town ex changes were closed, as were also tho bankers and brokers’ oltices, wbicji gave the ‘'street” quite a deserted appearance, something like tbatof Sunday. The State and United .States Courts were closed, and also all the city departments that were not required to be open by law. The cusioiu house and post office were open for the transaction ot business, however. Bervices appropriate to the dav were celebrated in the churches of all denomi nations dining the day. BALTIMORE’S OBSERVANCE. Baltimore, Aprils.— Good Friday was more generally observed in this city to day than was ever known before. All public, State and city business was sus pended and In the atternoon the Federal offices closed. The people generally at tended the church services which were held In most ol the evangelical churches as well as in tho Catholic. During the forenoon there were fewer people ou the street than on ordinary business days end the police had little to do. Many business houses were closed alter the cat ly forenoon, and an unusually market, respect was shown to the day. Ktnl of l hi' lloollloiH. Chicaoo, April B.—Michael C. Mc- Donald appeared in the Criminal Couit this morning as surety m tip. bonds of ex-CoiuL.lssioi.eis Van Pelt and KUwarc Molton.i and for $16,000 and SB,OOO lespec tlveiy. There are ten additional indict ments against Van Belt fur conspiracy and one lor brloery. he ward Mel) .uald his six new Ipiileinv'tds against him. Alpixit z I. Walker also gave bond to-day ( r $15,000 on n indictment lor oou s,iracy. Chris Kcelling gave bond In $5,000 on his additional conspiracy indict -1 incut. ! p ?l c AV” i “L*?:r FLASHES FROM FLORIDA. BIKS. EUGKNIA BURROUGHS DIES AT J \CKSONVILIiE. Tile Itemalns to be Brought to gavan< nh Tor Interment Formulating riana For the Hob-Tropical Ktpixl. lion—Scoop* by the Terminal Poop’s Rumored—proceedings of the Le(lila tlon. Jacksonvili.k, Fla., April B.—Mrs. Eugenia Burroughs, wife of Dr. U. J. Burroughs, of this city, died to-day at 12 o’clock of congestion of the lungs. Mrs. Burroughs was Alias Taylorfof Virginia, a niece of Gan. Mosby, of Confederate] fame. Dr. Burroughs and wife moved bore about two years ago from Eden, Her remains will be takeu to Savannah! for interment. Mrs. Henry Ward Beecher and hen, daughter, Mrs. Harriet Beecher Bcovlllsl and her niece, Lizzie Bullard, are in that city, guests of Mrs. William Christie! Mrs. Beecher is in fine health and will res main here until about April 21, when Bird will return to her borne at Brooklyn. THE SUBTROPICAL EXPOSITION. A large and representative masa meet ing of c tlzons of this oity and other seed tions of the State was held at the Board! of Trade rooms ibis afternoon to forums late plans for the proposed Sub-Tropical* Exposition, to be held here next winter! it is prpposed to form an incorporated] stock company, with SIOO,OOO in stock an $lO per share, and also to ask the Legisla* ture to aid i>y appropriating S2OO to each! county in the State. It is intended tel make it not only an exposition of tba products and resources of Florlds, bu other sub-tropical oountries, including! the Bahamas, West Indies, eto. Grea( enthusiasm was manifested. The expo-] sition doubtless will be the biggest of tha kind ever belli in the Southeast. RAILROAD RUMORS. It is rumored here that tbe Richmond! and West Point terminal syndicate liavti scooped the Georgia Central and Florida Railway and Navigation system ot Floret Ida. Tbe rumor cannot be traced to any! very authentic source, but there is evw dently something in the wind. Tbe recent! gathering of prominent bondholders of tb Georgia Central and Richmond Terminal! at Savannah is takeu as significants Said a railroad man to the News corre spondent : “What are John C. Calhoun! and Isaac L. Rice nosing around Savans nah tor, and what is the meaning of Aus! tin Corbin’s trip over the entire system oi tbe Florida Railway and Navigation road? I tell you there is something up.”? Receiver Duval wus seen by the New*' correspondent and asked whether there! was any truth in the re* ported deal. '‘None,” said he* “so far as I know.” But ha frankly added that negotiations might In* pending for tils road without him know ing anything about ii, though be did nut consider such a thing likely. He added, however, that there would be a reoreani! zation ol the Florida Railway and savU gallon system before next season, hut it would, in all probability, he effected by” its own bondholders. The alleged pur chase price of the Florida Railway ar,<J Navigation road, paid by the Richmond Terminal syndicate, was SIO,OOO pc# mile, and Receiver Duval said be did no( think tho road could be bought at that. TUB LEGISLATURE. T all aii aos.;e, Fla.. April B.— Thfc Senate spent nearly ail the morning con! sidering the bill prohibiting free passes tfl State officers and mem hers of the Legislad ture. Under suspension of the rules tha concurrent resolution offered by Senator MoMurray expressing sympathy for rtidf Irish was read three times and passed bw a unanimous vote. A special committee on health was ap* pointed, composed of Messrs. GaskinsJ Orman, Wall, and SleMurray. Messrs. Walker, Mann, and were appointed a special committee om the enactment of tbn legislation ueeessarjj under the new constitution. In executive session the Senate coon firmed a large number of county and other appointees ol the Governor. Among them was H. T. Felkel asTaa Assessor..!. A. IVaroe as Sheriff, and Ri A. Shiue Collector for Leon county, t In the House Air. Daniels, of Jaokaonj offered a hill making the payment of tha poll tax a prerequisite to voting. Air. Thomas, of Jefferson, ottered a I>il|r removing the tax on manufacturers o| cigars and tobacco. A FINK LOOKING BODY. The present Legislature is composed of a flue looking body of representative! men, who would do credit to any .State, The Senate is considered the treat tt State lias had for years. Two-thirds of Its members are young or middle-aged lawyers ot prominence in their respective localities, aud a majority ot them are px pei lenced in legislation. There are five Republican members, aud two of theog are colored. The Assembly has a large proportion of new members, but they are men ot charac ter and have the good of the State a$ heart. There are not enough lawyers ini this branch of the Legislature to form a judiciary committee, us there are only lour, and the most prominent of these,the Hon. Samuel I’asco, is Speaker, and oou sequently cannot serve on couimiMeesi Messrs. Campbell of Walton, Lamar, llicks, Drake and two others will be th# Judiciary committee. BUT FEW REPUBLICAN*. There are fewer Republicans in the A*, semblv now (ban since the war, aud It le noticeable that the white Republican members are of a much better class tliaq have been in tho Legislature of late Jteaisl There will be determined efforts iq pasi a railroad commission bill this snfsioiC and It will most probably be done, as the railroads themselves favor the oomml* stun if the bill creating it is properlj trained and construed so as not to prejty dice their interests. The first bill intnit dared in the Senate wa* a railroad ootid. Mission bill and another followed Immali nlately. The public printing ia now a most Important and Interesting subject o) consideration. HUOOIS 1118 WIFE AND HIMSELF; A Kcfii*.il on Her Dart Him Ci. uses the Tragedy. Chicago. April B.—A special from Def Moiues, la., aaya Edward Cummings ami wire, of Davis City, who have been man rled ten years, recently separated on ao< oouniof quarrels, the wife going to bel in Yesterday bo visited her sn| told her si • must come home. Sue tefused to go, and he aul: “If we cannot live to. gather we will die together.” He shot her lu the back part ot th neck and eng full to tue floor. He fired again, batu r. { lag her rose and hand, which eba held ui against her face. Then be 'hot hum*? lin the I’ rehesu, killing 1. 1 insult insist Tbs pbysioiau attending the woman *m Utriauis hopes of her root Very.