Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1868-1887, April 10, 1887, Image 1

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•’ABLTBfIKP 1850. I j, p L. Editor and Proprietor^ jurttioLituiX <sooPg roiprcj. Gents’ Furnishing Department. Largest Stock and Latest Styles-A Grand Saring oi Money on all purchases. The following decided bargains will be offered this week: 100 dozen Gents' Laundried Shirts at 50e; enual to anything sold elsewhere for 7dc. To dozen Gents’ Unlaundr.ed Shirts re.n forced back. Linen bosom, at 48c, sold in Gents’ Furnishng Stores for 75c. 76 dozen Gents’ Percale Shirts, with two collar and one pair tuffs attached, at 50c; worth 85c. A DRIVE. 50 dozeh Gents’ Unlaundried Shirts, rein forced hack. Linen bosom, Wamsutta body, St 69c; actual value sl. Buy Once-Buy AIJ the Time. Our celebrated Crown Shirt, laundried, at 115 c is the best made for the money, and never fails to give satisfaction. “’OO dozen Gents’ 4-ply Linen Collars, latest iiyles, at 10c each or $1 per dozen. EARL & WILSON Collars aud Cuffs in the latest slyle always iu stock. Novelties in Neckwear. SPECIAL. 300 dozen Gents’ Silk Ties, Satin lined, handsome patterns, at 25c each. Leaders in Half Hose. 60 dozen Gents’ Lisle Thread Half Hose, (olid colors, seamless, at 23c per pair; regular price 35c. fO dozen fancy stripe Lisle Thread Half Hose, seamless, at 25c; actual value 40c. 75 dozen fancy Balbrtggan Half Hose, new styles, at 33c; good value tor 60c. Balbriggaii& Gauze Underwear. 130 dozen Gents’ India Gauze Undershirts, silk bound, finished seams, at 25c each. 1?5 dozen Gents’ Balbrlggan Undershirts, Silk bound, long sleeves, at 33c each. 100 dozen Gents' Gossamer Undershirts at 58c and 50c; worth 500 and 76c. 60 dozen Gents’ Fine Balbrigsau Under shirts. with Drawers to mutch, at $1 60 per suit; ?cry cheap. BOYH’ Cliing Depariment SECOND FLOOR. Surprising and Unapproachable Bargains Offered This Week. II you intend purchasing Boys’ Clothing it will pay you well to examine our stock, which is the largest ever shown before by any house In th s city. The styles are exclusive and made specially for our own trade. The fol lowing we guarantee to be GENUINE BAK 34INS: 500 Boys' Suits, substantially made and """“ed’size 4to 13 years, at *1 75, worth f* 50, 300 Boys’ School Suits, in Checks and i*eeds, size 4 to 12 years, at *2; worth |3. Special lot Boys’ School Buits in Cassimcres, cheviots. Tweeds, sizes 4 to 13 years, $3. A Kftat bargain. Special lot Boys’ Dress Suits, in Brown and i™ Cheviot, Gray and bound Mellon’e, Waited and with belt, sizes 4 to 13 years, *4; worth 88, ’ Boys’Dress Suits, Blue and Brown Cork ' retv. Hams Cavsimeres, Cheviot and Fricol. these goods are from the well known house wornfl”' r ° Ct * Co s” 91109 4to 15 DU*™. 35; Bovs' Blouse Sailor Suits, Blue, Brown worth 82 V 6O nel ’ BU6S 3 12 year8 ’ 11 50; Boys’ Blouse Sailor Suits, Blue and Brown ve.?. tr ! ll, "" vl with Braid, sizes 3to 12 ’ A great bargain •Bawl 1 ' 01 ”°. y9 ’ Blouse Sailor Suits, in Grav brow a Oxford (mixed. All Wool, sizes 3 “ llyears, 3z so; worth $360, pfe ßl J" p e Sallor Suits, All Wool, Blue w“iPra,i trimmed with White ™ l,ritll l, "izes 1 to 12 years, $4 50. lint Suits, sizes 2J,; to 6 years, Au 91109 *xo BuV“Vz..“ n a % Kilt 12 yeßr,> hrm'^rgam'f * nta> Ito 12 yonr9 ’ **%**?£' U,|U l ’ aut8 ' All Wool, sizosl a " w ° o1 ’ 9,/ ' c " l urß *l 25,(150; Worm $2, *2 50. B °ys* Straw Hats. Ty voSpecial Leaders! 4t ■'"' l •■■riM.'.J:'* MUo<l !,n ' l 119,1 Btraw lints li '’■ W''r >, u w, 1 ' 110 * ,ul Mined Ktraw lints nt *''""land I ;,*, l ** 1 * ln 911 tlj s leading styles or ' lcr * roonl careful and and Bull Streets Dvcoo ©OODO jDfparttncnt. A. S. Ailmayer A Cos. Dress Goods DEPARTMENT. New and Beautiful Goods —at— Wonderful Bargains 1 Lot 24-inch Lace Veilings, in spring and summer shades, at would be cheap for 10c. 1 Lot 23-inch Canvas Grenadines, in tans, modes and dark shades, at BV-,c; well worth 12*c. 25 pieces 34-mcb Nuns’ Veiliug, a very de sirable fabric in evening shades at 12J^c. SOMETH tNC NEW. 1 Lot 83-inch Mataiasso Cloths, in all the latest shades, at 15c per yard. special. 25 pieces very handsome Combination Suit ings, in grays and tans, at 23c per yard; very cheap. 1 lot 38-inch Bradford Cashmeres, at 33c per yard; positively worth 50c. 1 lot 38-inch French Cashmere and Alba tross, in all the latest evening shades, at 50e per yard; worth 7r>c. SPECIAL UAIIGzUKS IN NOYELTI ES. Our Magnificent Stock of Combination and Embroidered Dress Robes at Special Cut Prices This feel. Black Dress (Ms. Desirable and Reliable Goods at the Lowest Prices. The Largest and Moat Complete Stock of PRIESTLEY’S CELEBRATED Mourning Goods Including Silk Warp Henrietta, Silk Warp Nuns’ Veiling, Silk Warp Batiste, Silk Warp Drap D’Alma, Silk Warn Tainise, Silk Warp Melrose. Silk Warp Prineettas, Silk Warp Camels’ Hair, Silk Warp Convent Cloth. Etc. These goods we guarantee for durability and LOW PRICES, Attention is called to the following Special Leaders for This Week: 1 lot 38-mch Bradford Cashmeres, jet and blue-blacks, at 35c per yard; worth 50c. 1 lot 40-inch all-wool Cashmere and Alba tross at 50c; cannot be matched less than 65c. 1 lot 40-inch all-wool CASIIMEKE and TAMISE. in jet and blue blacks, at 75c; posi tively reduced from $1 per yard. • Silks and Satins. Great Inducements for This Week. ANOTHER LOT of 24-inch all silk Surah, iu desirable shades, at 60c per yard 1 lot Summer Silks, to close out, at 65c; worth 85c. 1 lot heavy black and colored Surah Silks at 79c. Novelties in Stripe and check Surah Silks, very low. 24-inch Figured China Silks, latest styles, at 81. SPECIAL DRIVES In Lyons Black Groa Grain Silk at sl, SI 25 and |1 50. VELVETS! Grand Display of Spring Ef fects in Fancy Velvets. Novelties in Stripe and Plaid Effects at Strictly New York Prices. SPRING AND SUMMER Dress Robes. Great Hale of Colored and White Embroi dered Kobe* at one third less than regular prices. White Embroidered Dress Holms II 25 each and upwards. D not fall in call and examine these goods, whether you wish to purchase or not. Mall orders receive careful and prompt attention. Bronubtou anLßili Streets SAVANNAH, SUNDAY, APRIL 10, 1887—TWELVE PAGES. Jtnrn, Ctr. A E. Ailmayer Us. Linen Depart men! Bonini With Bargiis.. Greater inducements than ever this week. Come and sec them. 150 dozen Damask Towels, fane? bonier, al earn, worth 10c. 100 do a ‘i £4.\4s Di mask To we B, fancy bor der, ai2iceacti: absolutely w..rili Be. SPECIAL. One lot 58-inch Genuine Turkey Red Dam ask at 35c; regular price 50c. One lot Gi-incn beat Turkey Red German Damaak at 75c; canuotbe matched less titan 11. 15 pieces Cream Bartmlev Damask at 35c. 50c and 65c; actually wort h 35c per cent, in or. . SPECIAL OFFERING Of FineTableDamask One lot 'l3. 70 and 72-inch Hand-made nt n Damask at 75c, $1 and $ 25; no-itivciy lb. lowest prices ever quwed lor ihoo goods,and ladies desiring a genuine bargain should .r ihem. 75 dozen Turkey Red Doylies at 50c; usual price 75c. AGRAND BARGAIN. 100 dozen extra large size While Damask Dovllcs at 21 per dozen;regularly sold for $1 60. Drives in Linen Gra.h Toweling at Bc, 10c, 1234 c and 15c. Marvelous Purchases in White Goods SPECIAL QUOTATIONS. 5,000 yards Checked Nainsook at 6 1 40 per vard. ICS pieces Satin Fiii'sh Checked Nainsook at 10c. and 15c; worth 12V'. 18c and 20c. 50 pieces Plaid and Stripe Nainsook. I,ace Efleets at 25c; verv cheap SPECIAL. 2OO pieces Sheer India l inen Lawn for this week only at ami BJae . regular price lOe and 12'ic. 125 pieces Sheer Persian Lawn at 15c, 18c and 25c; great value. Our stock of White Goods is now complete in every detail, and a full line from the cheapest to the finest of the following makes are now in stock: India Victoria Lawn. Persian Lawn, India and French Mull, Silk Mull. English aud French Nainsook. Jones Gainbrie, French Organdy. Tariatan Striped and Checked Dimity, Striped nod Checked Nainsook, Marseill-s. Pique, Welts, etc., end we guarantee our prices to he the lowest. UNPRECEDENTED SALE OF Marseilles Quills. Unheard of Bargains. 600 White Honeycomb Quilts at 40c; worth 75c. 300 White Crochet Quilts. Marseilles pat terns, at 69c; regular price 31. 278 12-4 White Crochet Quilts. Marseilles patterns, at 99c; regular price3l 50. 150 12-4 and 13-4 Heavv Marseilles Quilts, handsome patterns, at 32 75 and 33 50; worth 34 and |i>. SLIGHTLY SOILED. i One lot fine Marseilles Quilts.stightlv s Red, worth from 80 10 17 each, for a drive 30 75. Wash Dress Goods AND I> OME HTICS. Our Greatest Stronghold—This Week’s Bar gains More Attractive Than Ever. • 5 cnse> Printed Lawn Linen, linen finish, at 4c |ier yard. 2 cases Crinkled Seersucker, in cream only, at ; worth 10c. m 76 pieces Johnson’s Dress Gingham, choice patterns, at sold elsewhere for 12j4c. 50 pieces Zopiivr Ginghams,very handsome, at 1244 c; usual price 20c TV NOVELTY. 25 pieces Striped Crepo Cloth, In light shades, at 15c; very desirable. drives tn domestics. 100 pieces Feather Ticking at worth 18c. 2 cases best quality Fruit or the Loom Shirting at "%o. 3 cases best quality 8-4 Unbleached Shoet tng at MUc. 2 cases best 9-4 Bleached Sheeting at 19n, 3 cases best 10-4 Bleached sheeting at 22Ge. SATEENS. 100 pieces American Satmos, good styles, at 12Hc. Our entire slock of French Satcons, best qualitv and latest style, at 29c. .liihl Received Novelties in MADRAS SCRIM 100 pieces Double Width Madras S.nm, with and without border, 111 ISt4<\ worth iv. 50 piaoa*4o-Inch Lace scrim, at J2'to ami 15c; sold elsewhere for 20c and 25c. Mall orders receive careful aud prompt attention. Bißitf ana Bull Sircsts. ’tlillttirrti, git. A. R Ailmayer k Cos. Millinery Depariment SECOND FLOOR. Great and'Utprecetal Sale OF Oar Entire Surplus Stork OF TRIM3I El) its aid Buts Remaining Alter the Easter Trade. During the ensuing week we shall offer tremendous bargains throughout Ills entire department, and we need hardly say that we have everything ihat can be -h .wn in MpiilMj’ TRIMMED AND UN’TUIMMED Ms liltuiits, FLOWERS, Feathers and Trimmings Our goods are new, bright and clear! Our assortment is the largest to bo soon any where! Our prices are so low that we fear uo competition! 1 lii< week’s offerings will astonish you. Our surplus stock must go. We quote a few specimen bargains: Ladies’ White, Black and Colored Canton Hats at 21c each. Ladies’ White, B ack and Tan Colored Milan Hats, fancy edge, ,/oceseb. Ladies’Rough and R ady Shade Hats and Sai or*, in white, black, brown, tan and fancy colors at 25c, 35c and 50c, worth 50c, 75c an t 51. Misse.-’ and Children’s Sailor Hats forschool and street wear at 25c to 60c each. Misses’ and Children’s Fine Trimmed Straw Hats at 50c, 75c, 31 and $1 25, CHILDREN’S LACE CAPS! A MAGNIFICENT STOCK AT Extremely Low Prices. EXQUISITE NOVELTIES IN PARASOLS! New Spring Styles! Thousands to select from! Note the following prices: Fancy Coaching Parasols at 65c; worth 31. 500 Satin Coaching Parasols, in blue, garnet and Brown, at 81 and 31 25. 300 Pongee Silk Parasols at 81 60 and 82. 125 Parasols. Lace covers, at |1 25 and up ward. 250 Black Satin Parasols, Lace trimmed, at |l 50. 32 and $3. New Bayadere Striped and Checked Coach ings. New Embroidered Coachings, very cheap. Plain Black Silk Parasols at |1 25,31 59, $2 and upwards. UMBRELLAS! Gents’ 26, 28 and 30-tnch Silk Umbrellas at 32 25, 32 60 and $3. Just received a full line of the celebrated GLORIA UMBRELLAS at low prices. Button & Dress Trimming DEPARTMENT. Everything new in this department and at lowest prices. We now exhibit all the latest novelties in Buttons and Dress Trimmings, which in variety and style are by far the largest and finest we have ever shown. NOVELTIES IN RUCHINGS. 100 dozen Collarettes at 25c per dozen. 8,000 yards Crepo Llsse Ruchlng, in white and cream, nt 25c and 350; worth 0o and 50c. 2,200 yards Crepe Lisso Kuching, In helio trope, lilac, pink and blue, at 26c, 40c, 50c anil 76c. KPECIAL DRIVES IN Ladies' Linen Collars. 200 dozen Ladies' 3-Ply Linen Cape Collars at I be: worth 16c, 2110 dozen Ladles’ Piccadilly Collars, latest style, at 16o; worth 25a. ggf- Mail orders receivo careful and prompt attention. BrooulilUD and Bull Streets. Jjnoimi, Oj'oito, 9it. A A lltnyer & Cos. GRAND SALE OF HOSIERY. Matchless Bargains Pre sented This Week. The unanimous opinion of our lady pur chasers lust week was that wo showed a larger assortment of Fine Hosiery and nt greater bargain prices than on any previous occasion. Among the array of li irgalus lor this week will be found The following: 200 dozen Misses’ ribbed Hose, in hi'ay and solid colors, size 6 to B}, at 10c per pair. AN IMPORTANT BARGAIN. 590 dozen Misses’ lisle thread Hose, black and solid colors, at 25c per pair; nevor sold before less than 25c. P 0 dozen Mi,sos’ plain and ribbed Hose, black and solid colors, regular made, at 220 per pair; worth 85c. 75 dozen Misses’ plain and ribbed Hose, new spring shades, at 35e; worth sue a pair. 30n dozen i.adies’ unbleached solid colors and fancy striped Hose, regular made, at 21c per pair: never off rul less than 30c. 175 and zen Ladies' fancy siripu and solid color Dose, fine goods, at 20c; actual value4oc. 225 dozen L.!;<•-’ black, solid color and fancy striped Hose at 43c; regular price 60c. SPKi lAL DRIVE. 75 dozen Ladies’ solid c ilors and fancy stripe lisle thread Ji -,-c at 43c; regular pi uv 07". 60dozen Ladles’ spun silk Hose, in black and solid colors, at 65c; absolutely worth 31. KID GLOVES. Last Great Clearance Sale OF ENTIRE STOCK AT LESS THAN IIALFPIIICE Kid Gloves at Stic, worili ift. 35 dozen Ladies' black and (Cored Kid Gloves at 50c; regular price Si. Kid Gloves at 75c, reduced from $1 25 25 dozen Ladies’ 5-button undressed Kid Gloves at 750; regularprice 3! 25, Kid Gloves at #l, reduced from #1 60 40 dozen Ladies’ 5 aud 6-button real Kid Gloves, in all shades. at*X; regular price 31 60. Mosqnetaire Kid Gloves at $1 12; re duced from $1 75* 1 lot Ladles’ undressed Blosquetaire Kid Gloves in 8-button length, at 31 12; reduced from fl 75. MARVELOUS PURCHASES IN SILK GLOVES ! 800 dozen Ladies' lisle thread Gloves, in black and colors, at 10c. 15c and 25c a pair. 200 dozen Ladies’Taffetta Gloves, in black and colors, at 35c ami 50c. SPECIAL. 260 dozen Ladies' pure Silk Gloves in all the latest shades, at S'i\ 75c and 81 a pair. Novelties In Embroidered Silk Gloves, new spring shades, at 31 25 and 31 50. HANDKERCHIEFS ! Grand Drives This Week. 100 dozen Ladies’ colored border hemst Itched llmdkerebiefe, at 8c and 5c each; worth 6c and Sc. 175 dozen Ladies' colored border hemstitched Uandsercliief* at Uc and 8c each; worth 10c and 12!4c. 800 dozen Ladies’ white and colored border Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs at 8c and ICe, 86 dozen Ladles’ white and colored border Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs at 12)4c and 15c; good value for 20c and 26c. 3*o dozen Ladies’ white and colored border Linen Hemstitched HandkercUiofs at 18c, 22c and 25c; a great bargain. Novelties in Scolloped Edge and Embroi dered Linen Handkerchiefs, very cheap. Embroideries and Laces Attractive and buautiful are the new pattern* and colorings in our stock of Embroidery and Laco Flouncing*. Our stock is replete with very choice novel ties. aud on TO-MORROW MORNING wo shall inaugurate our first great sale this season, book out for tremendous bargains in Hamburg Embroideries aud Luce. 3 Special Lots Of Hamburg Embroideries, 3 to 5 Inches wide, at 10c, 12!4c and 15c oer yard; tho greatest value ever offered. Novelties in white and colored Embroi deries. with All-over* to match, very cheap. hpecial Bargains in rcmuauU of Laces and Knbroiderios. Parasol Covers. 15 dozen Parasol Covers. In vnrious styles and materials, at 7So, 31, II 26, 32 50 and up wards. Veilings. Novelties In Ilortense aad Marshout Veil ing* vsry cheap. ggf~ Msll orders resolve careful and prompt attention. Broutiitou aud Bull Streets. Ta&tro’ lltt^rrmeav. il ijiayur & Cos. LAKHS’ lull Underwear! SECOND FLOOR. New Stock Just Opened! Extraordinary Bargains This Week! 100 dozen Ladies’ Chemise, lucked bosom, at 25c each; fora run. 10 dozen Ladies'Chemise, Lace trimmed, at 2 c ami 29c; great value. 76 dozen Ladles’ Chemise, Lace trimmed, tucked yoke, at i!sc; cheap for 60c. 75 dozen Ladies' Chemise.corded bands, 3f>c. 60 dozen Ladles’ t demise. Cambric riifilo ueck and sleeves, Ssc. A grand bargain. 75 dozen Ladies’ Chemise, pointed and square yoke oi insertion, tucks, nek and sleeve trimmed with Embroidery, at 50c eacii; offered nowhere less than 75c. 150 dozen Ladles' Chemise, Pompadour, lucked bosom of Embroidery, Inserting ami Edging, at 68c. 75c, 82c, 90c, and up to $5 each. Drawers. 65 dozen Ladies'Drawers, hem and bunch tucks, ut 25c each. 75dozen Uadic-' Drawers, Cambric ruflle, good M uslin. at 27c each. 50 dozen i,dies’Drawers, Kmbroidorod and Tucked, nt 40c; positive value for 50c. 100 dozen Ladies’ Drawers, tucks and rulllo of Embioidery, at 65c; positive value for 76c. 60 dozen Ladies’ Cambric Drawers, wi'li tucks and Torchon Lace, at 78c and 00c; wotth 81 un i 31 25. Skirts. 1 lot LndioP Walking Skirts at 25c, each. The material is worth more. 1 lot Ladies’ Walking Skirts, five tucks aud hern, at 35"; worth 50c. 1 lot Ladles’ Walking Skirts, live tucks and Campric ruffle, 86c; worth 6lle. 100 dozen Ladies’Walking Skirls, ruffles of Cambric and Embroidery, with buucu lucks, at 60c; grand value. 250 dozen Ladles’ Skirts, handsomely trim med, in various styles, at 75c, 85c, 99c, 81 16, and up to 8* each; and positively the greatest value ever offered in the trade. Gowns. 101 dozen Ladies’ Muslin Gowns, neatly fin ished Cambric ruffle, at 45c and 50c. 75 dozen Ladies’ Muslin Gowns, three inser tions, four clusters of seven mclies each, at (9 ■; worth |l. 90 dozen Ladies’ Mother Hubbard Gowns, three styles to select from, at 75c; actual value 31- 60 dozen Uadies’ Cambric Gowns at |1 each; very cheap, 65 dozen Ladies’ Mother Hubbard Gowns, all over yoke or Embroidery, ut 8) 35; worth 32. Corset Covers. 1 largo lot Ladle*’Cambric Lace Trimmed Corset Covers at 25c. 50 dozen Ladies’ Cambric. Embroidered Cor set Covers at 28; regular price 400. 100 dozen Ladies’ Cambric Corset Covers, in a variety of styles and finish, very cheap. Dressing Sacques. 75 dozen Ladies’ Lawn Dressing Sacques at 49c; worth 75c. 50 dozen Ladles’ Cambric Dressing Sacques at 50c, 75c, 31, and upwards. Bustles. .All the popular styles at bottom prices. Corsets—Unparalleled Value. Al 49c (ceour Double Bust Side Steel, Em broidered Stitch. Trimmed Corsets, worth 76c. At 73c sec our Imported French wove, per fect fitting Corsets, wortli 81. At Jl zee our seven different makes, extra long whalebone. Embroidered Stitch Corsets, worth 81 50. We have also in stock a full line of all the following popular makes: Dr. Warner’s Health. Thompson’s Glove Fitting. Coraline, C. P., C. B. and It. & U. in all the different grades. Misses’ and Chil Iren’s Corsets a Specially. JKIiSKYS ! FOB THE MILLION. Special and Unequaled Bargains THIS WEEK. At 47c 100 dozen Ladies’ Bluoa tailor-made Silk finish Jerseys, worth 75c. At 75c 50 dozen Ladies’ Jerseys, fancy Vests, plaited back; never offered loss than 81 25. At 31 50, 75 dozen Ladles’ tailor-made Jer seys, all wool, worth 32 25. SPECIAL, 50 dozen Ladies’ Norfolk Jerseys at 33 50; wortli 35. 15 dozen Ladies’ Beaded Jerseys at 3160; worth 35. Children's Jersey* in Garnet, Brown and Navy, with Vest fronts, at 95c. Children’s Dresses. 50 dozen Children's White Dresses, trimmed Willi Edge, only 25c each. 60 dozen Children's Mother Hubbard Dresses at 8.1 c; cheap for 50c. Children’s Seersucker Dresses at 85c, 65c and 75c. fnlunts’ Pique Cloak* In great variety. ggf~ Mall orders receive careful and prompt attention. . BroutiiDD ail Ball Stmts. |PKICFIOATKAK.I I 6 CtS’l'c A COPT. $ %uoro, <?te. A. B, Altmayer Ho, S HOES- This Week's Attractions will comprise Bargains in all our different lines of Shoes. LADIES' SnOES. fmkia Kid Button Shoes $1 *5; worth $1 si„ serge Foxed Button Shoes $125; worthll 75..' Brush Kid Hutton .Shoes, Opera Too and Common Sense Lasts. $1 50; worth $2. CurHcoa Kid Hutton Shoos, Opera Toe and! Common Sense Lasts, 11 98; worth $2 50. Polished Dongola Hutton Shoes, Opera Too I Last, $2 50; worth $2 50. Finest Curacoa Kid Button Shrns, Opens Point and Common sense La e<, $2 75a worth Si. Itoyal Dongola Kid Hutton S'toes, Opera Toe and Common Sense Lasts,lS 50; worth $5. Don Kola Kid Button Shoes, with Patent; Leather Tips, the very latest Style, $3 60S worth $5. . French Kid Button Shoes $4; worth ss.3j|Hi French Kid Button Shoes, Hand Sewe worth $7. “ LADIES’ LOW snOE* In Newport*. Oxfords, Fodoras and Langtry Ties, Low Button. Beaded Opera Too Slippers, ate., from 49c to $5 pu.r. ”21 GENTS’ SHOES. Clouts’ Buff Lace Shoes $1 25; worth $1 ;.Ql 2 (dents’ B calf Lace and Elastic Shoes $1 B worth $2. Gents’ Calf shoes. Button, Lace or $2; worth $2 50. ” l.ents’ Calf Shoes, Button, Lace or Elastllfl $2 50. ▼ Gents* Calf Shoes, Button, Lace or Elastiflfl a barKatu, $2 90; worth $2 50, o Gents’ Calf Wardwell Hand-Sewed Shoofl Lace or Elastic, London Toe, $2; worth *4. ® Gents’ Calf Shoes, Best American Calfskitfl $3 50 and .ft. - Gents’ High Grade Shoes. Best French Calfal sliiu, Button, Lace or Elastic, warranto® haud-madc, $5; worth $7, $ GENTS’ LOW SHOES. hi Oxford Ties, Prince Alberls, Strap TiesJ Oxford Button and Newport Ties, from $1 29 to $5 50 per pair, MISSES’ SHOES. Misses’ Lace Shoes, Heels, $1; worth $1 25. Misses’ Kid Button Shoes, Heels, $1 19* worth $1 50. Mieses’ Brush Kid Button Shoes, Heels, $1 25; worth $1 75. Misses’Curacoa Kid Button Shoes, Heels, $1 50; $2. ’ Misses’ Curncoa Kid Button Shoes, Heels,/ $1 75; worth (2 25. Misses’ Cora ea Kid Button Shoes, Heels, I! 98; worth $2 50. Mieses’Curacoa Kid Button Shoes, Heeis, 12 5"; worth $3. > Misses’ Spring Heel Shoes from tl 23 to IS. Bargains in Misses’ Low Quarter shoes. CHILDREN’S SHOES. children’s Turn Shoes, sizes 1 to 5,25 c ta( $1 25 per pair, - Children's Kid Button Spring Heol Shoes, sizes sto 8,75 c; worth sl. Children's Kid Button Shoes. Spring Heels, sizes 5 to 8. 98c, II 25, $1 60 anil $1 75; worth/ $1 21, $1 60, $1 76 snd 12 per pair. children’s Kid Button Shoes, Spring HeeG, sizes B*4 to 10K, 98e; worth $1 25. Children’s Kid Button Shoes, Spring Heels,/ *1 23, $1 (8. $1 73 and $1 98; worth II 50, $1 75.) 12 and 12 50. Children's Kid Button Shoes, Heels, size* to 10V4,1' *5, $1 50 and tl 75, are bargaina/i Children’s Low Quarter Shoes, very final hand-sewed, 75c per pair. BOYS’ SHOES. Bovs’ Lace Shoes, sizes 1 to 5, all so!uf leather, II 25; worth H 50. Boys’ Button Shoes, Seamless, IJ 50; worth 12. Boys’ Calf Shoes, Button or Lace, II 75; worth 12 25. Boys’ Solar Tip Shoes, Button and Lace sizi's 1 to 5, $2, 12 25 and $2 60; worth 12 50, $: and S3 50. ) jfjjjp- All Boys’ Shoos warranted. LACE CUKT&tffiL ■ .2:,,. SECOND IT L dll&M*"- GENUINE BARGAINS. 126 pairs Real Nottingham Lace Curtains at 9>e, *1 25 and II 50; positively worth II 21,' $1 76 and 12 50. 40 pairs Handsome Scrim Curtains at $lO 50{ reduced from *l3. 35 pairs Applique Lace Curtains, line good.Y at sll 50; reduced from sl7 60, iubTsons. Best Gcoiis at lowest Prices. We sell the beat quality standard All Slllcl Utbbou at the following prices; satin and Grns Grain Ribbon, All Silk, aU colors, new shades,— , m-Nos. . , 4 5 7 9 IS 16 *0 80 10C 12J4C 150 100 260 800 Satin and Gro* Grain Pioot Edge Ribbon, Ail Silk, new shades,— , ■ ' -Nos. - ■ ... i. 4 6 7 9 II 1 loe. IJSe 15c 30c 25c 30c Anew lme uf Fancy Edge and Gauze Ribs, buns, ail widths, tor trimming. Novelties in -a h llib< us. Moire Blnpe and liiouades at very lew pnoet. 4 gtr~ Mail orders receive careful au4 prompt alientlun. Breeita end Ball Streets.