Newspaper Page Text
Latest dutFs front Liverpool , Dec. * 7
Latest dales from Havre Dec W
New Ovleans, Jan. 29.
Remarks —Our market has exhibited a slight im
p rovement in the demand for some articles, since
our report of Saturday last, though increased
stocks, particularly of Western Produce, have
caused sales to be made at a lurther deedne. Ihe
—' arrival of several steamboats from the Ohio and
the up jcr Mississippi, with full cargoes, gives con
firmation of the report that a rise had taken place
in those rivers, though the latest accounts lead ns
to fear that it is onlv of a‘temporary character.—
We hope, however, that it may prove otherwise,as
upon free intercourse with the inteiior mainly de
pends the restoration of our market to its wonted
The leather, since Friday, has been generally
ielearand very mild.
Cotton —Arrived since the 24th; of Louisi
ana and Mississippi 19993 bales, Tennessee and
iN'orth Alabama 1574, Arkansas 386, Mobile 121,
together. 22074 bales. Cleared in the same 'ine;
for Liverpool 13129 hales. Havre 2904. Hamburg
276. Havana 36.3. Boston 344. together 170 IS bales
—making an addition to stock of 5056 bales, and
leaving <m hand. inclusive of all on shipboard, not
cleared oi. the 28th inst., a stock of 111367 bales.
The cotton market opened on Saturday last with
a tolerably fair demand, at the rates quoted in our
report of that morning, and sales were effected, du
ring the day, to the extent of fully 5000 bales. —
The transactions of Monday amounted to about
4700 bales, at somewhat irregular prices, buyers
generally having the advantage when the quality
of the cotton was under fair, though no positive de
cline can be recorded Yesterday, up to the time
our inquiries ceased, about 6500 bales had changed
owners, at prices,though a little stiller, not mate—
iia)ly varying from those before current, and we
do not, therefoie, make any alteration in quota
tions. The sales of the three days amount to 16500
bales, comprising parcels of aimost every grade,
plough the principal part of the business, as is
«|ioa->i by the low range of prices, has been in the
qualities, with which the market is well sup
plied. while of the finer descriptions but few lots,
comparatively, are oflering.
Louisiana and Mississippi —Ordinary, 6J a 64;
Middling,?, a 7Fair, 9 a 9i; Good fair. 10 a 10} ;
Goo I and line, ll|a —. Tennessee and N. Alaba
gna —Ordinary, middling, fair, good fair, good and
fine, 6.1 a 10, extremes.
1839. Oct. 1, stock on hand, 15824
Receipts last three days 2207 4
“ previously, 403011 '25085
, -909
Exports last three days, 17018
‘ previously, 312524 329542
Stock on hand 111367
Sugar — Louisiana —Considerable supplies have
come in since Friday, but a rather better demand
has left the stock on sale upon the Levee about the
same as at the date of our last report. The sales
of Monday readied some 400 to 500 hhds, 150 to
200 of which were of prime quality, atsc ents,- —
A fair enquiry existed yesterday, and the range of
prices remains the same as heretofore —say 4 a 5
cents. We cannot learn that anything of impor
tance has been done on Plantation. The only sale
we have to note is 150 hhds at 4$ cent .
Havana Sugars are without demand, except for
very limited parcels, and these are sold within the
-tange of our quotations.
Molasses —The receipts have been moderate for
several days past, and a fair demand exists for bar
rels from the Le’Jec, which we now quote at 21
cents per gallon. We have heard of no transac
tions on Plantation, since our last, but remark that
the article is freely offered at our lowest figures.
Flour —Since ouiireport of Saturday last several
pares s have been received by steamboats, in addi
tion to those that have come in by flalboats, and
the of the last three days amount to about
8500 bbls. This is a large addition to the stock,
considering the limited demand, and prices would
be much further depressed but for the firmness of
holders generallyJ some of whom have chosen to
ship considerable parcels to the north rather than
accept the current rates. Nearly all of the sales
that have come to our knowledge were made at $5;
and'fhe holders of Ohio Flour, in good condition
for shipment; generally refuse to take less, though
we notice sales of two parcels, received from Nt.
Louis, at a considerable reduction, the barrels not
being in a nerchantable condition: —say 500 bbls.
at s 4 70, and 490 $4 62£. Several other par
cels, amounting to some 2000 bbls, have been sold
at jo 00, on time, for shipment, and we still quote
this as the price for superfine, though it is proba
ble that some lots can be bought at a fraction less,
for cash.
Bacon —AjJ desciiptions continue extremely dull
and it is only for mall parcels, as they aic called
for lor consumption, that our quotations can be ob
tained. They ire the same as heretofore—say,for
Canvassed tlams,9J a IUS cents; uncanvassed do,
8 a 9; hides, 5 a 7; Mioulders, 4 a 5 cents.
Lard —Wc still quote this article at 8a 9 cents, !
though the laige receipts of the last three days,
amounting to some Go. U kegs, will compel holders (
to submit to a decline in order to effect sales Some I
few parcels have been taken for sh.ptnent, in addi- !
tion ta the U'Ual demand for consumption, and the j
sales gt€erally have ranged from Si to S| cents, j
thoug i -urne fews*<ots of very prime quality have
cum ..and<-d ou. highest ligure.
Whiskey —l’iie rr*<rketfias a further supply, and
prices have again declined to 36 a 37 cents per gal
jo . toi ( incinnati rectified.
Gram —Shelicd Corn in sacks is dull at 50 cents
per bushes; Oats, 374.
*> Exchange — V little better demand has existed
for Merhng Exchange since Saturday, at our quota
tions—say 9, a 10, per cent prem., though must of
the transactions haye been at 10 a 10£. Bills on
Paris are still of 20, but are in less request. Ex- -
change on tiie North is the same as la?t quoted, j
with a fair demand. Some bills, for sma.l sums,
on Amsterdam, have been sold at 40£ cents per
Freights — no change to note in the j
rates to Europe. Since our last report, six ships |
haysc been taken for Liverpool, at a nd one for ;
Antvvyrp, at I 11-16 cent lor cotton. We arc not •
advised of any engagement for Havre. There is !
rattier more freight offering coastwise, but the rates j
are tiie s^ne.
Mobile, January 28.
CottofF— Since tiie 18th inst. we have received ,
• 7,897 bales; and shipped to Liverpool 1,327; to Ha
vre, 1,635; to Portland, 174; to Baltimore, 141;
„ and to N. Orleans, 7S; making in all, 3,355 bales;
and leaving the st >ck on hand, not cleared, 25, 36
bales. At the corresponding period last year, the ;
total receipts were 134,631 ba;es, the exports 64,- 1
560, and the sto< fc 70,130.
Transactions have been light during the past
week, but receipts are so unimportant that holders
are enabled tonubtain askind prices; although, by j
companion with our last weeks quotations, it will
be observed there have been some concessions !
made in ordinary to middling fair qua itles. The
whole amount ot operations during the week will
reach about 600 bales. The stocks on sale are esti- ;
mated not to exceed 2,500 bales.
Liverpool Classification. —(loud and fine, 10 cts. •
scarce; good fair, fair, 9 a 9s; middling, a i
8; ordinary, 7.
January 30. i
Cotton —The foreign advices received on l ues- I
day,checked the little animation that was previous
ly perceptible in our cotton market, and again exci
ted a disposition on the part of holders to realise,
which however was not freely met by buyers. The |
transactions on yesterday were quite limited, and
wer we to annex quotations to ur daily notice, j
we should be obliged to note a shade’s decline from
our figures of Saturday.
»r IV. a. A7 MMO, General Commission Mer- j
chant, olfice on Mclntosh street, next door to the j
Constitutionalist. nov 7 ■
e are authorized to announce Lt. Col. !
SAMUEL C. V\ ILSON, as a candidate for COL- !
ON EL or the I0 4 h Regiment Georgia Militia,
jen 21 Id
and at one to tw ty days sight. For sale bv
UJ C M. CURTIS , H nise. Sign and Or name >
IM Rainier, 187 Broad sheet. —Sign and ornarren
tal work done at short notice. 5
_ [fj PUBLIC NOTICE. —Da. Munroe, f n gect
■ Dentist, has returned to Augusta. dec 9
> „ SJ-jALVIHE, ARTIST, has opened hi
Rooms at the Masonic Hall. 2d story, where he wiE
I* p.® rta PP>' to receive orders fc r Miniatures.— Correct
likenesses will be warranted
■ 28 trwlm*
‘ i fust anniversary of this Society will be cclebratti
I j on Wednesday, the 12th of February next, whe:
an Historical Discourse wiil be delivered by the
Hon. W illiam Law. Members residing in dilferer
; j sec.ions ot the State, are earnestly desired to unite
with us in the services of this interesting occasicr,
1 Due notice of the order of exercises, &c. will U
i given prior to that day.
Wm. Thorne Williams, "Y ~ ...
i I. K. Theft, C ommittee
• l Rob’t. M. Charlton, > of
1,1 Wm. B. Stevens, , ,
| A. A. Smets, j Arrangements
CCTA CARD. —Mr. Richards,Teacherof Draw
ing and Painting, wid resume his professional du-
I i ies in Augusta at an early day. nov 7
( UjEr. li. HARRIS oifers his services in the
,? practice of his profession to the citizens of Augus
i ta and its vicinity. Mes-agcs will receive prompt
; attention it lett at his drug store in Broad street, or
, at his residence in Ellis street, below Washin"--
| to ": nov 7°
Cj‘ Dr. W- FLINT offers his services to the ci
| tizens of Augusta in the different branches of his
, profession. He may be found at a}] hours at the
; late residence of Mr. A. M. Egerton, second dooi
1 from the corner of Mclntosh and Revnold streets.
| ncv29 ly
I C 3“ Doctor J. J. WILSON oilers his preses-
I sional services to the citizens of Augusta and its
| vicinity. He will be found at his residence, Ihe
* first brick building above Huedron’sstable on EUR
i street, recently occupied by John L. Adams.
| au g l7 If
i The Paintings at Mr. Uic tan s’Drawing Academy,
I (Masonic Hall,) will hereafter be opened to visi
t, tors, every Saturdiy afternoon and evening, from
* 2 o’clock until 9 o’clock p. m. At night the rooms
I'' will be we ’ il lighted. dec 19
i GC7* NOTICE. —The Kail Road Passenger Train
between Charleston and Hamburg, will leave a?
j. follows:
Not to leave Charleston before 7 00 a m.
j “ “ Summerville, “ - -8 30
“ “ (ieorges’ - “ - 10 00
“ ** Braiicliville, “ - 11 00
i “ “ Midway, - “ - 11 30 si
“ Blackviile, - “ - I (M) , M .
8 “ “ Aiken, - - “ - 300
’ Arrive at Hamburg not before - 4 W
j: Not to leave Hamburg before 600a. m.
“ “ Aiken, - “ - - 730
“ “ Blackviile, “ - • 930
| “ “ Midway, “ - - JO 30
!• “ “ Branchvill “ - - 11 00
“ “ Georges’, “ - - 12 00 si.
‘ “ Summerville,“ - - 2 00p. m.
Arrive at Charleston not before 300
Distance—lSGmiles. Fare;Through—slo 00.
: Speed not over 20 miles an hour. To remain 2(
minutes each, for breakfast and dinner, and not
- longer than 5 minutes for wo ’and waterrat an>
j ! To stop for passengers, when a white flag is
hoisted, at cither of the above stations; and also at
i Sineaths, Woodstock, InabineTs, 41 mile T. 0.,
Rives’, Grahams, Willeston, Windsor, Johnsons,
and Marsh’s T. O.
; Passeneers no will breakfast at Woodstock and
■ dine at Blackviile; aoum , wip nreautast at Aiken
I and dine at >ummerviiie. may 21
SYRUP, for Children Cutting their Teeth.— This
infallible remedy lias preserved hundreds of chil
dren, when thought past recovery, from convul
sions. As soon as the Syrup is rubbed on the
gums, the child will recover. The preparation is
: so innocent, so efficacious and so pleasant, that no
; child will refuse to let its gums be rubbed with it.
j When infants are at the age of four months, though
. there is no appearance of teeth, one bottle of the
s Syrup should be used on the gums, to open the
; pores. Parents should never be without the Syrup
I in the nursery where there are young children; for
\ if a child wakes in thenight with pain in the gums,
I the Syrup immediately gives ease, by opening the
? pores f-nd healing the gums; thereby preventing
’ convulsions, fevers, &c. Sold only at Dr. Wm.
\ Evans' Medical Office , 100 Chatham street, New
York, where the Doctor may be consulted on all
j diseases of children,
•- of Dr. Evans' Soothing Syrup: Hear Sir —The
♦ benefit afforded to my suffering infant by
) rour Soothing Syrup, in a case of protracted and
j | lainful dentition, must convince every feeling pa
j I :nthow essential an early application of such an
j J ; ivaluable medicine is to relieve infant misery and
larture. My infant, when teething, experienced
tuch acute sufferings, that it was attacked wish
:onvulsions, and my wife and family supposed that
[ J death would soon release the babe from anguish.
I 7 till we procured a bottle of ycur Syrnp; which as
soon as applied to the gums, a wondeiful change
was produced, and after a few applications the
child displayed obvious relief, and by continuiug in
its use, 1 am glad to inform you the child has com
plelely recovered, and no recurrence of that awful
complaint has since occurred ; tiie teeth are ema
nating daily and the child enjoys perfect lien li H.
I give you my cheerful permission to make this
acknowledgment public, andvvill gladly give any
information on this circumst; cce.
TONIC PILLS. —The power of Evans' Comomih
Pills are such, that the palpitating heart,the trem
ulous hand, the dizzy eye, and the fluttering mind,
vanish before their effects like noxious vapors be
fore the benign influence of the morning sun.
They have long been successfully used for the cmc
i of intesmittents,together with fevers of the irregu
lar nervous kind, accompanied with visceral ob
i struclions.
This tonic medicine is for nervous complaims.
eneral debility, indigestion and its consequences,
or want of appetite, distension of the stomach, acid
ity, unpleasant taste in the mouth, rumbling nci>c
in the bowels, nervous symptoms, languor, when
the mind becomes irritable,desponding,thoughtful
melancholy, and dejected. Hypochor.drijcisnri, con
sumption, dimness of sight, delirium, and all olhci
! nervous affections, these pills will produce a sale
■ and permanent cure.
Evans' Camomile Pills were first introduced i ito
America in 1536.
| purely vegetable, composed with the strictest pc
cision of science and of art; they never pro.lmc
nausea, and arc warranted to cure the following
diseases which arise from impurities of the blend,
viz:— Apoplexy, Bilious Affections , Coughs , i'o.ih.
Ulcerated Sore Throats,Scarlet Fever , Asthma, ( V>
i lent, Liver Complaints, Diseases of the Kidnir.s .viu
Bladder, Affections peculiar to Females, and all
i those diseases of wl atsoever kind to which him s«i
nature is subject, where the stomach is affected
More conclusive proofs of the extraordinary . (I 1 -
caty ot Dr. Win. Evans' celebrated Camomile i‘»u
j Aperient Anti-BHn>us Pills, ir. alleviating nffh. t» •
mankind. —Mr. Robert Cameron, 101 Bowen. •
Disease —Chronic Dysentery, or Bloody Fluv-
Symptoms, unusual flatulenc}' in the bowels, se
vere griping,frequent inclination to go to stool. In -
nusmus, loss ot appetite, nausea, vomiting, fu*•
quency of pulse, and a frequent discharge of a pc-
I culiarfostid matter mixed with Mood great debit »i\
i sense of burning heat, w ith an intolerable beeim*
down of the parts. Mr. Cameron is enjoying p»i
ect health, and returns his sincere thanks for Hu
! extraordinary benefits he has received.
Sole agents in Augusta
J. M.fe T. M. Tl/KNER,Savannah
p,M. COHEN t Co.,Charleston
SHARP At EL.kb, MilledgeviHo,
C. A. ELLS. Marqu,
A.W. .MARTIN , Korsvth
A_m. i • A * Uv} Druggist, Athene
MARK A. LAflJa+Wiihiil—
mi* 9*
' H A cTover?«T;7oVsrie'" d ’ ind R " 1 « a WW «'
jfftA his* r — J he . sub,c ‘**>e r will rent
(iliia Xn ' us e at the Sand Hills, near the
e ... li BAML. H. prrv.
Sj lH W ARD.—Strayed or stolen from the
aB AY miir C1 J Jer ! ? St Ul^ht ’ a little dark,
«e white^onh a a° Ut 0,, ears old. well made]
e-‘- nartiniG 0t n . d a s P ot in h *r face.nooth
' a Dost nf ‘ m u rti recol . lected s,, e «as hitched to
ln front of Stovall & Ham
ras D ohahl W K eie She Was stanJi "g at dark. She
i a p.obaMy been stolen. The above reward will
or left nT f<>r ‘l de ’ ivered to mein Beech Island,
r ‘ a "- v of lh( * “uery stables in Augusta, and
mloHnatmn given me of the fact.
on a new saddle,bridle, and mar
leb s—ot*
N the first Tuesday in April next, will be sold
at the court house door in Wilkinson county,
a * <J j tn sai l to inly, containing two hun
t died two and a half acres, on which Mr. Hatfield
r now’ lives, be onring to the estate of Samuel Play
• ei. late ot Richmond county, deceased. Terms
cash - WM. B. GREENE, Adm’r.
j February 5, 1840.
4 INJOTICE. —Ali persons who have purchased
; AN Horses, at auction, of the estate of James
i Leverich. deceased, are requested to come forward
immediately and comply with the terms of the
sale. Mr. Robert Austin is duly authorized bv us
to settle the same.
I P. H. MANTZ, >. . ,
feb 5 3t J A- CAMERON, 5 Adm s -
NOTICE. —All persons indebted to the Estate
of James Leverich, late of Richmond coun
ty, deceased, are requested to make immediate pav
- ment t 0 Kobe ‘ t Austin, who is duly authorized hr
us to settle the same; and those having demands
against the estate, will present them duly attest
i e( lj within the time prescribed by law.
5 John a. Cameron,? ~ ,
PHILIP H. MANTZ, t Adm r -
February, 5, 1840 w g t
Office Transportation, J
Geo R. R & B’k. Comp’y at Augusta 5
FRKIGH 1 S on Cotton, by the Georgsa Rail
Road, after this morning, will be required to
be paid at the depot before the Cotton can be re
moved. otherwise it will be stored by the Company
for the freight and other expenses.
sch 4 Agent Transportation.
bushels of this seed advertised by I oleman
& W arren, direct from Alabama, just received
and for sale by C. A GREINER & CO.
feb 4 6w Where certificates can be seen.
POMPEYENNEB. —Snowden Shear have
just received from New York, a supply of
Rich Pompeyennes, a new and beautiful style of
Silks for ladies’ dresses, to which they respectfully
invite the attention of the public. dec 13
JLrr.rA FOR SALE.—The House and Lot on
lan tlie and Hills, immedia elv abo.e Mr.
I \mm Samuel H. Peck’s; is quite convenient to
and has the privilege of the Turknet Spring. The
Dwelling and all out houses are we 1 finished, and
it is botfi acomiortable and convenient winter and
summer residence. For terms, apply lo
. _janJ4 O. E. CARMICHAEL.
fTMHE CO-PAR 1 NERSHIP heretofore existing
J| between the suberibers, under the firm of
W BIGHT St GIBSON, Augusta, and Gibson «k
W right. New York, is this day dissolved by mutua
Augusta, February I, 1840.
GO 'The business of the firm in Augusta, will be
continued by the undersigned, in his own name and
for his own account, iioin this date,
GC/ > The subscriber will continue at New York,
on his own account, the uusiness heretofore carried
on under the film of Gibson &t Wright.
feb 3 6t JOHN U, GIBSON.
NOTICE. —Persons indebted to Milton Antony,
deceased, lor Medical services, are requested
to ca;i at Ga vin it Haines’ Drug Store, and settle
their accounts. A. J. MILLER, ExT.
feb 3 6t
\IT first rate pair of these Mill Stones, four and
a half feet in diameter. For terms apply at this
office. jan 31 ts
Hickory Walking Canes, and silver
mounted, lor sale by
j‘ n 31 6t CLARK, RACKETT & CO.
NOTICE —Those creditors of A. McKenzie,
who claim under an assignment made to the
subs fibers and James M. t arter, deceased, on the
olh ot July, 1833, will please hand in their claims,
with proper evidence, as early as convenient.
jan 30 JOHN P. KING, £ Assignees
TING FLUID—a superior article —just re
ceived and for sale by
dec 23 J. W. & T. S. STOY,
SOUTHERN HARMONY—Stereotype Edition,
_ corrected and improved. Just published and
for sale by T li, PLANT, Augusta,
dec 7 PLANT x. NORTON, Columbus.
I NOR SALE—A first rate Family HORSE, and
a second band BUGGY and HARNESS
Also, a quantity of Com and Fodder will bo dis
posed of with the above, il desired. Enquire s»t
this office. ts i,ov 2S
oers will receive orders for this celebrated
Wine either of direct importation or via India.
Samples may be seen at their olfice.
A fvw dozen India Madeira now on hand and for
sile by (dec 6' GARDELLE fc RHIND.
CHINA —The subscriber has just received a
large lot of CHINA fi-c, consisting of full Tea
Setts, Coffees, Plates, rich Toilet Setts, Lion Head
Pitchers, Tumblers, Looking Glasses, &c., which
will be sold very low.
jan 28 W. E. J ACKSON, Auctioneer.
| A DVANCES ON COTTON.—Advances will be
j /V. made by us, on COTTONS consigned to our
' friends in Liverpool, Havre and Charleston —in
i bills on New York at 20 to 30 days sight, on con
! signment to Europe, and 1 to 5 days sight, on con
signment to the latter place. The shippers, in all
cases, will have the benefit of the Exchanges,
dec 25 ts GARDELLE & RHIND.
IT genuine Cologne Water, in long and short
bottles, warranted of the very best quality; for sale
in boxes of half a dozen each, for family use, or
by single bottles.
Also, a large assortment of Fancy Soaps, Odorous
Waters. Extracts, Hair Oils, and Curling Fluids,
of the best quality, at Apothecary Hall, 232 Broad
street, by GARVIN & HAINES,
nov 28
IOST. —Between the Globe Hotel and the lew
j er market, a Miniature, set in gold. On one
side is a miniature of a gentleman, and on the
other, of a lady. The finder will be liberally re
warded by delivering it at the office of the Chroni
c e & Sentinel. dec 20
Georgia Insurance & Trust
Augusta, January 6.1840. \
HOLDERS of new stock are required to make
their payments equal to sixty dollais pel
share, on or before the 21st of February next, w ill.
interest to that dav, under penalty of forfeiture,
jan 7 td ‘ WM. T. GOULD, Set ’y.
GARDEN SEED.—A large assoi linen I
* of fresh Eng ish Garden Seed, just ret eiied
and warrant* d : ermine. Among which are several
varieties of early Corn, Button and Top Onions
Bulbous ? oots. Dahlias, Fluv»er Seeds, fcc.
Also, reicurated Rohan Potatoes, and Haii n
Swing Wheat, for sowing. For sale by
1 McLAWS, Attorney at Law, Wo. 4 1
-* * Constitutionalist Range. dec 18
P^^j A C(>ES.— lOObbls. now landing for sale by
_ d€c _tf <fe lUIIND. ~
A OO PIECES BAGGING, for sale by
[nov 12] VV. E. JACKSON.
a first rate pair of young Carriage
Horses. Apply at Mr. Allman’s. tf-sep 2
Bank of Augusta stock.—so shares
Bank of Augusta Stock, for sale by
dec 19 W. E. JACKSON, Auctioneer.
A Hnn BUSHELS CORN now landing and
JLIMiU for sale by
ceived and for sale by
_ J an 3 J. W. &T. S. STOY.
BUTTER—2O kegs first quality Go
shen Butter, just received by
dcc2B I. S. BEERS & Co.
KEIN THREAD.—A fewcases Skein Thread
diiect from the factory, for sale by
I AMP OIL A supply of best Bleached Lamp
A Oil, just received and for sale by
IUCIFER MATCHES—At three~dolhTrs per
A groce, or twenty five cents per dozen, for sale
by (dec 5) J. w. & T. S, STOY.
\\ 7 HITE PLAINS.—A few bales just received
• and for sale by
V EST leceived and for sale, 4 half pipes of pure
tl 4th proof French Brandy, direct importation.
dec 23 P. GOLLY.
U ICE—20 Casks now landing. A constant
supply will be kept on hand, and furnished
to dealers in quantities to suit, by
Also, a great variety of Juvenile and Toy Rooks,
dec 25 For sale by T. H. ['LAN I'.
—Late Discovery.— Warranted to be equal, if
not superior, to any others. Prepared by
DOV 27 No. 232, Broad street.
Augusta insurance and ibanking
20 shares for sale low by
_ J an 30 Terms—6 month* for approved paper.
& Shear have received from New York a
1 large supply of new style and very superior White
Flannels, warranted not to shrink, to which they
respectfully invite the attention of the public. d*7
20,000 Venus Canonis do.
20,000 Tres Amigos do.
5,000 Silva do.
For sale by [nov 13] I. S. BEERS & Co.
Biblical Antiquities, compiled for the use of
Sunday School 'Teachers, and for the benefit of
families by John W. Nevrn.
The Sabbath School Class Book, comprising co
pious exercises on the Sacred Scriptures, by E.
Malcolm’s Bible Dictionary. For sale by
jan 21 J* W. & T. S STOY.
This article is recommended as a specific for
almost a 1 cases of piles that may occur. Certifi
cates of cures may be seen from persons who had
been afflicted for upwards of 20 years. For sale by
Augusta, and
Price $2 per bottle. Charleston,
nov 25 &m
DR. ROBERTSON ha* just received a supply
of genuine VACCINE matter, direct from
Philadelphia. He will attend at his Oilice from 12
to 1 each day, to vaccinate such as may call or be
sent. The poor will be vaccinated without any
charge. Ct jan 28
Dissolution. —The undersigned having pur
chased the entire inteiest of Wm. H. Tur
pin and John H. Turpin in the firm, of Turpin &,
D’Antignac and Turpin, D’Antignac k t 0., those
firms are dissolved by mutual consent.
He will oay ail the debts due by those firms, and
particularly requests those indebted to make an
early settlement.
Intending tcrcontinue the business on his own
account, he will keep constantly on hand a general
assortment of fresh Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils,
Window Glass,&c. &c., and will be grateful for a
continuance of that patronage which has hereto
fore been liberally conferred upon the establish
jan 31
OTIGE. — Dr. NEESON, intending shortly
Xnl to leave the county of Burke, requests ail i
w r ho are indebted to him, to come forward and make
settlement; also, all who have demands against
him to produce the same for payment. d 23 w3t
LAW. —The undersigned having removed to
Starkville, Lee county, wfli practice ;n the
several courts of the counties of Lee, Sumter.
Stewart, Randolph, 31 aeon. Early, Baker, Dooiy I
and Marion.
References —Col. Joseph H. Lumpkin, Lexing
ton, (la.; Benniiig 12. Moore and CapL Peter Lamar,
Lincolnton, Ga.; A. J. A- T. W. Miller, Augusta,
(la.; J. Lamkin and Dr. Miles K. Harman, Travel
lers Rest, Ga. RICHARD F. LYUN.
oct 25 ly
BOYS’ and Children’s Cloth Caps fancy patterns
do do Fur & Silk Hats new style
Gentlemen’s and Youths Moleskin Silk Hats ialest
j Gentlemen’s and Y'ouths Cloth, Opera, Guard and
Union Caps
Gentlemen’s and Youths Plush, Fur and Seletta
Men’s and Boys’ Hair and Wool Seal Caps and va
rious qualities plain and brush Hats
Ju«t opened and for sale at ALLEN’S’ Hat Store,
No. 275, (old stand, near the Insurance Bank)
Broad street. jan 29 lw
.1. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. —
HENRY P. PECK having.withdrawn, the business
will hereafter be conducted under the firm of
Augusta. Jan. 31, 1840.
ceived from New York a veiy large supply of
superior Brussels Three Ply and Ing.ain Carpets,
of new and splendid patterns, with Rugs to match.
Also Printed Baizes and Patent Floor Cloths, to
which they repeclfully invite the attention of the
public. ' jan 25
REPORTS of cases argued and determined in
the High ( ourt of Chancery in Ire and, dur
ihg the term of Lord Chancellor Manners; from
the sittings after Michealmos. Term 48,George HI,
1807, to the sittings after Trinity, Term 51, George
111, 1811, by Thomas Bali and Francis Beatty,
Esq is. Banisters at Law
Reports of cases argued anti determined in the
High Court of Chancery from 1757, to 1766, &c.
by the Honorable Robert Henley Edens, ol Lin
coln’s Inn. Barrister at Law
Notes to Phillips’ Tieatise on the Law of Evi.
dence, by Esek Cowen,oneof tbe Judges of the
Supreme Court of the State of New York, assisted
by Nicholas Hill, Jr. Councellorat Law.
A fuH and arranged Digest of Cases decided in
the Supreme, Circuit and Distict Courts of the U.
States, by Richard Peters, Councilor at Law, and
reporter of the decisions of the Supreme Court of
the United States. Vol 3d.
Also, a new edition of Turners’ Chemistry.
The Nurse’s Guide containing a seris of instruc
tions to females who wish to engage in the impor
tant business of nursing mother and chi d, &c,by
J. Warrington, M. D.
Towndrow’s new and improved Writing Books,
witn copies Ip accompany. Just received and for
sale by j. W. & T. S STOY.
jan J 3.
English and Scotch Blood Stock.
On WEDNESDAY, 12th Inst, will be sold, at 11
0 clock, at Hieronymous As. O’Brien’s Stables,
T , - „ C,lur ch street, Char eston,
. e Biood Stock, received from Liver
pool per ship Helena,by Messis. Gourdin, Matthies
son & Co., in fine condition, with all the requisite
certificates, viz:
A RROIVN COLE, foaled in 1836, got by St.
Nicholas, dam by Blacklock,out of the dam of Phy
sician. J
A DURHAM COW. Cowslip,calved in 1536,g0t !
by Bob, out of Whittaker’s celebrated cow Betty. i
10 head of very celebrated AYRSHIRE CAT- !
TLE, bought o( the best breeders in ScoPand, j
amongst which are four fine Bulls. This breed j
succeeds well in our Southern states.
Conditions—all sums unders2oo,cash ; SSOO and |
under, notes at sixty days ; $ 1000 and under, notes j
at ninety days, with approved endorsers. I
feb4 _ 4t
McKenzie & bennoch
offer for sale, on the first Tuesday in
▼ y Match next at the lower market house in
this city, the fol owing property —the t rms will
be lu eial:
The House and Lot No 4 Bridge Row.
he House and Lot next the Bridge Bank, |
30 to4o Building .Lots in the village of Springfield, j
The House and Lot next below Mr. Jacob Dan
forth’s Lot, occupied by Mr. Edes. td-jan 28
SALE The subscribers oiler for sale the !
following propelty. to wit:
( ne Lot (routing 6j feel on Broad and Ellis-sls,
bounded east by Meigs’ warehouse and west by
( no Lot fronting 60 feet on Ellis and Green sts.
immediately south of the above.
One lot fronting sixty feet on Grecn-st, bounded
south by the b.ick yard and north by Greeu-st, ad
joining Nelson’s and others.
One lot about 215 feet square, fronting on Broad,
Jones and Mill-sts
One lot immediately north of the above, about
the same ,-ize, bou ded south by Jones-st, north
by Reynold-st, cast by 31 ill st, and west by James
Barton. \\ Inch lots will bo sold entire, or in lots
to suit purchasers.
Also, tha. valuable and fertile body of Land, at
Durham’s Blutf, in Twiggs county, immediately
on the Ocmulgec river, about fourteen mi es below
Macon, being composed of the following lots in the
28tb distiict. viz: Nos 203, 204, 226, 229, 230.
205,224, 225,227, 128, 160. 177, 206. and a half j
acre lot in the town of Delphus, to serve as a land
ing from the above.
Also, that other valuable Plantation in the same I
count , adjoining Hie above, in the 25th district, j
containing acres, and composed of lots 2 ‘7, i
208, and 210. The above plantations are partly,
cleared and under fence, and the woodtand well i
timbered. They will be so.d entire, or in subdi- i
visions to suit purchasers.
A ! so, lot 192, Bth disti ict Early coun’y. contain
ing 150 acres. Also, No 56. 2d district, Haber- I
sham county. Also, No 60, 9th district, Henry
Apply to the subscribers in Augusta, or to Col..
Wil.iam Wiggins, Marion, Ossian Gregory. Macon,
or William 8. Books, on the premises.
JOHN P. KING, 5 Ass,gnees
jan 23 irwlSt
IVT OTICE.—The copartnership heretofore exis
i N ing under the firm of W. E. &J. U. Jackson
has been dissolved by the death of the latter, the
business will be continued in future by the sub
scriber on his individual account.
nov 13 W. E. J VCKSON
Bills of Exchange
, Mechanics’Bank Checks
Bank of Augusta do
Georgia Kail Road and Banking Co. Checks
Bank of State (ieo- Hr at Augusta, do.
Am) Promissory Notes, all in desirable colors
For sale by J. W. &T. S. STOY.
dec 9
1 of all the sympathetic affections and periodi
cal disorders, to which females aie liable. The
Maternal Friend is the well known “Philotoken”
under a new name. For sale by appointment by
Augusta, and
Price $1,50 per bottle. Charleston,
nov 25 6m
rjMIE Trustees of Columbia county Academy
have again engaged the services of Mr. Lewis
Potter, a graduate of Dartmouth Col ege, as Rector
of the Institution, for the ensuing year. The
Academy was opened for the reception of students
on the Ist iost. Boardcan be had in the vicinity
cm reasonable terms.
E. T. WILLI AMS, Sec’y.
jan 7 ts
bers have just received a complete assortment I
ol Pickles consisting of
Walnuts, Cauliflower,
Mangoes, Red Cabbage,
Picolily, Onions,
Mixed Pickles, Peppers,
Gerkins, Weans,
: fn half gallon and quart jars-; Cucumbers in pickle ;
I London, French and American Mustard*; Ketchups
of various kinds,and other Table Sauces.
Peach, Green-gage, Damson, Egg Plum and Peai j
Preserves-; Currant, Raspberry and Strawberry
Jellies and Jams; East India Ginger in pots. West
India Orange, Ci6?oi*, Limes and Pine Apple Pre
serves; Guava Jelly in glas-s and boxes; Citron., Raisin*. arm otner oned limits, all
resh and ir. fine orae”. lorsaie
dec IS 1, S. BEERS fc Co.
fIMIE subscriber has this day taken intocopan- 1
J nership, Mr. A. L. MASSE\GALE, and the ;
business will from this time be conducted under the
style and firm of 8. BUFORD 4- CO., and the sub- I
S' libor would take this method to return his sincere I
thanks to his friends and former customers for the i
patronage tnat has ocen so noeraily oesloweo on |
him. and he would most respectfully solicit a shark |
for the firm. S. BUFORD.
Julv 29 839. H
Council Chamber, i
January 23, 1840.$ |
THE following are the Rates of Toll established
by the « ity Council of Augusta, for passing ;
the Bridges acioss the Savannah river opposite I
Ail wagons loaded with Lumber or Brick,
each way, 25 cents. !
All wagons or carts coming from the
country with cotton, fire-wood, flour,
corn, meal, fodder, bacon, lard, butter
and poultry coming into the city of Au
gusta. * Free. !
All other Tolls the same as heretofore.
By order, S. H. OLIVER,
jan 25 Clerk of Council.
JL having expired by its own limitation, the sub
scribers have puirha-cd their entire stock of Goods,
and wilt continue the wholesale and Retail Drv
Goods business under tbe him of O. E. ff J. C
January 1, 1840.
Those indebted to the late firm of Edgar & < ar
michae!,will please call immediately and settle
their accounts. OSWELL E» CARMICHAEL
j 3 Surviving partner of Edgar & Carmichael
SNO\N DEN «fe SHEAR ara happy to announce
to their friends in the city and country, that
they are now opening a very arge and splendid
assortment of staple and fancy DRY GOODS.
suitable fur the Tall and Winterseason, comprising
a great variety of new and fashionable articles,
which they hive selected with great care from tin
most recent importations. We wcruld respectful)*
solicit our friends and the public to call and exam
ine the assortment for themselves; and wo would
especially invite the attention of Planters to 0 1.
unusually large stock of BL-tNKETS. WELCH
and low priced FLANNELS for servants, nov 12
—JL V *
At 11 o’clock, will t
to close
45 boxes superio.
feb 5
BY W. E. .1 A
At 1! o’clock will he sold, in \
so close consign.
4 hbds superior N O Sugar
4 <fo Baltimore Whiskey
12 bbls Momongahela do
10 qrea*ks Teneriffe Wine
5 bbls crushed Sugar »
8 kegs Nails
20 boxes assorted Cordials
10 do Lemon Syrup
10 do assorted do
12 bbls Domestic Brandy
10 boxes Sperm Candies
v do Tallow dd
10 do Soap
1 tierce Lamp Oil
10 boxes Lemons
Also, 4 dozen Cane Seal Chairs
50 do Tumblers
feh 5 _
° i dims cash.
Administrator's Sale.
On the Ist Tuesday in March next.
At the lower market, will be so'd belongma to the*
estate of Polly Kelly, deceased, 3
Sundry articles of Household and Kitchen Fur
niture. Terms cash.
10 ISAAC 8. TI TTLE, Adrn’j.
4GREEABLE to an order of the Inferior Court
of Richmond county. When sitting for ordina
ry purposes, will be sold on the first Tuesday in
March n«xt,at the lower maiket house in the city
of Augusta, within the legal hours of sa c. all that
lot of land with the dwelling house and other im
p oyemei ts thereon, in the city of Augusta, con
taining 41 feet 3 inches fiont in Ellis street and
running back the same width 132 feet to a lot be
longing to the estate of Craves, and bounded on
the north and east of Graves’ lot, south by Ellis
streetand west by a lot belonging to the estate oL
Michael Kinchley, deceased. The same being the
property ol the estate of Michael Kinchley, deceas
ed, and sold for the benefit of the hciis and credi
tors of said estate.
Also, at the same time and p'ace, and on the same
account, will be sold Ten Shares of the capital
stock of the Bank of Augusta.
December 14, 1839.
BBLS. NEWAIIK CIDER, for sale low by .
jan 13 trw3w
riIHK undersigned would respectfully inform his
j_ patrons and the public that his School is now
re-opened for the business of the winter, at his for
mer stand, opposite the dwelling of Mr. H. Caffin.
As usual at this school, pupils of both sexes are
received. Every thing relative to the deportment
of the pupils, which such an arrangement may be
calculated to require, will be carefully attended to.
N. B.—lt is contemplated to open a Night School,
at the same room, as soon a« a suitable class can
be collected. C. P.
November 18.. trwtf
INCUR mo ths after date, application will be
made to the Court of Ordinary of Richmond
county, lor leave to sell all the real and personal
estate of Richard F. Bush, deceased.
February 4. 1840 A. J. MILLER, adm’r.
1< CUR months after date, application will-be
made to the Court of Ordinary of Richmond
county, for leave to sell a 1 the real and personal
property of Green B. iloland, deceased.
February 4, 1840 A. J. MILLER, admr.
JNOUR months after date, appLcation will be
made to the Court of Ordinary of Richmond
county,for ‘eave to sell ail the ;eat and'persona]
property of Robert Dillon, deceased.
February 4, 1840 A. J MILLER, Ex’r.
INCUR months after date, application will be
made to the Court of Ordinary of Richmond
county, for leave to seil a negro man slfive named
Prince, the ptoperty of Mary Sa-vage, deceased.
February 4,1840 MILLER, Ex’r.
4 LL persons holding claims against William S.
j-TL Ravage, deceased, are requireu to hand in an
account ol their demands within twelve months
from this date. A. J. MILLER, Ex’r.
February 4,1840 w 6t
A LL persons indebted to the bte firm of Da'by
& Hoogbkirk are requested to make payment
to the undersigned, and those holding claims against
said firm are required to hand in an account of their
demands. A. J. MILLER, Assignee.
February 4, IS4O w 6t
JL obstinate Coughs, and all diseases of the
Lungs. This is an old and tried remedy, and be
lie red to be one among the best for the purpose for
which it is recommended. For sale by
Augusta, and
Price7s cts per bottle. Charleston,
nov 25 6 m
THE subscribers intending to make a change in.
business, offer their stock of Books, Staiiou
aiy and fancy Goods at wholesale or retail, at re
duced prices lor cash or approved, credit. Their
stock is new and fresh and embraces every article
usually loiind ia a bookstore, among which are the
Fingtish, French, Greek and Latin school books.
Law and miscellaneous books, among which are
some valuable works.
Medical books, among which are nearly all the
text books used in the Medical College of Georgia.
Musical Instruments, consisting of violins and
bows, guitars, drums, flageoletls, fifes, clareonetts,
post horns, trumpets, kent bugles, accordeons, Har
monica’s and music boxes, violin and guitar strings,
preceptors for the flute, clarionet!, piano, guitar
and violin.
Fancy Stationary—Steel pens, silver pencil ca
ses, quills, ink, india ink, red, black and spangled
wax, wafers, stamps, motto seals, pen knives, Ra
zors, straps, chessmen, backgammon boards and
men, mk stands of all kinds, sui veyor’s compasses,
chains, scales and p’atthig instruments printers
cards of all kinds, vi>iting cards, perforated cards,
si k purses, india rubber wallets, banker’s cases,
pocket ledgers, pencils of all kinds, office wafers,
sand boxes, red* ink, f ronch glazed paper, tissue
paper embossed paper, morocco paper, gold bor
ders, parchment, water co.ors, sable pencils, cam
emis hair pencils slates of all kinds, segar cases,
thimbles, tooth, cloth and hair I rushes, portable
desks, roll up writing apparatus, key rings, slides,
guards nut crackers, cork screws, Scotch hones,
feather dusters, walking canes, pocket maps, maps
on rollers, pin cushions,school baskets chalk cray
ons, colored chalk, Rome’s and ( shorn’s water col
ors in boxes, transparent slates, porcelain slates,
fancy soap, handkerchief perfume, card cases*
dressing combs, fine combs, emery cushions, Ger
man silver powder flasks, ivory and pearl memo
randums, surgeon instrument cases, tobacco boxes,
ivory pen Holders, ivory ar d shell folders, waist
belts for travellers, screen handles, snuff boxes,
bugle mouth pieces, pocket inks, port crayr ns,
round rulers, ladies work boxes and dressing ca
ses, gentlemen’s- dressing cases, brushes
French embroidered baskets, ladies desks, toilet
boxes n d tape, &e. &c. tc.
Paper bangings and bordering,
folio post, foolscap, and letter paper, packet post,
note paper, card envelopes, wrapping paper, post
oifi. e paper, bonnet boards, bi l paper, games and
puzzles for chi dice, whalebone table mats, music
paper, bristol boards poonah brushes, scrub brash
es, piai o wire, dulcimer wire, Ac, &c. the.
jan 3U J. W. & T. S. STOY*
No. 247, nearly opposite the U 8.
•Blank Books not included.