Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, February 17, 1840, Image 4

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Trustee? «i the Pen fie'c Femtle Semina
| r>- take pleasi re in announcing to the pub ic,
for 'the ensuing year, they hare engaged the
services of Prufeou . B. Osoooo Pichcc, as Pnnci
nai m the Literary,: id Professor D W. Chase, in
the Musical Departs nst, to be aided by three com
petent remale Assn- ant Teachers.
Teachers need sustain higher reputation in
their various depart ie&ts than Professors Pierce
and Chase have don , in the commuaitUs where
tner have taught, i id particularly in Madisor.,
Morgan county, wh |re they have been engaged
during the la*t two o three year*.
In procuring the services of these distinguished
teachers, the had a special rega.d to
the growing importance of the village in which
sheir institution is M mi wish to alfori the
utmost possible indleement for the settlement
among us of al -och|parents as ho d in high esti
mation th~ education f t leir daughtcis a- well as
sons, and wish to sup r ntend the interest* of botn,
while pur-umg their < MffC of education.
instruction will b> given in every branch of
science and literature which is taught in any sim
ilar institution i . th southern States. Suitable
. apparatus for illustrat >ns in Philosophy, Astrono
mv,' hermstry, ire., ilhall D.e nece-sary chem
irai substance*, to. ei renments, will be mmished
ree of any extra exp< iise to the pupil.
>trict regulations ill be ei joined upon a 1 the
young ladies of tue S nrunary, in respect to their
giving and receiving isits, and attending parties
ot pleasure. They w li also be required to avoid
contractmgary debts* i:houtauexpre?sorderfrom
their patents, or those ;under wtiore care they ma
be placed- I
Ail parents and guali ans patronizing this insti
tution, are earnestly in quested to furnish their
daughters or ward- with p'ain and substantia;
clothing, as all extravagance in dress will be dis
countenanced by the tmcheis and trustees.
Acdrtions ate makt g to the buildings on the
teacher’s lot, immediat ly contiguous to the Semi
nary, for the acconim dation of twenty or thirty
boa'nler«. under the im: lediatecare of the teachers,
board can ai*o be obta led in the most respectable
private famiiie. for $1(1 tosl2 per month, includ
ing lodging and luel.
The nrst term wiil commence the last Monday
in January, and dose |n Friday before the last
Mond iy in July. Ihe Second term will commence
on the l.airJ Monday ill Aug ist, and close Friday
before the third Monda* in December.
Pt mary De artment. —Spelling and Definitions,
Reading, Wtiling, Mental and Written Arithme
uc, ana the Elemental* Branches of Geography,
Grammar and History, S2O per year.
Junior Department Classes in His
tory, Geography, Grammar, Arithmetic, Writing,
Rhetoric, Logic, lntelle> tual and .Moral Philosophy,
Natural Theology, and Evidences of Christianity,
S3O per year.
Senior Department. —Natural Philosophy, As
tronomy and Chemistry, with practical illustra
tions; Zoology, botany. Geology, Mineralogy, An
imal and the general branch
es of Mathematics and Political Economy, S4O per
An additional charge of $lO per year will be
made mr Ancient and Modem Languages.
For Drawing, Painting and Ornamental Needle
Work, s3o per year.
For instruction on Piano or Guitar, five lessons
per week. $lO per year. Single quarter, sls.
Vocal Music will form a part of every day’s in
struction, for $-5 per year.
An additional charge of $ I peiyear, will be made
for fuel, are.
Settlement, either by note or cash, will oe re
quired ior the tuition of each term, m advance. —
No charge will be made for a less period than one
term, except by special contract.
Boys under eight years of age will be admitted
in the Primary Department.
Regular courses of Lectures will be delivered
by the Principal in Experimental Philosophy, Na
tural History, Sic.
jan S > trwtf
I AW. —The under? gned having removed tc
A Starkviile, Lee cc mty, will practice ;n the
several courts of the ounlies of Lee, Sumter,
Stewart. Randolph, Ma. on, Early, Baker, Dooly
and Marion.
References —Col. Jose h H. Lumpkin, Lexing
ton,*.a.; Henning 'i. Mo. e and Capt. Peter Lamar,
Lincolnton. Ga.; A. J. . ; T. V\ . Miller, Augusta,
Ga.; J. Lamkin and Dr. N iles K. Tlarman, Travel
lers itest, Ga. tic HARD F. LYON,
oct 45 ly
KutliciilCnre ol Heru <aor Rupture, by I>r.
Cliaxe’s Improved u«neons* Trusses.
E subscriber has op ne J an office, al the Drug
1 store of Messrs. J. J Robertson 4c Co,, for the
treatment of Hernia or K: pture, by means of these
ustly celebrated instrum. ats. he has now used
them for nearly a year, at J. did not delicacy forbid,
he could name several peif ons who have teen radi
cally cured, ot this truly distressing and dangerous
a Tec lion, by the use of this*; Trusses, besides manv
others who are in a fair vjay of being entirely re
lieved. The following islthe language of the com
mittee ot the Hluladeiphil Medical Society on the
Radical * ure of Hernia. ?
** The in-truments of l‘r Chase have ejected
the permanent and accurate retention of the in
testines in every case of il.j*mia observed by the
committee, without mateilaii inconvenience to the
patient, and often under Itrials more severe than
are usually ventured upoi|by tho<e who wearctner
trusses; trials that woult; ie imprudent with any
other apparatus known to tljie committee.”
“ i'he committee are inliiced by the foregoing
conclusion? to recommend, i a strong terms the in
struments of Dr. Chase to the confidence of
the profession, as the best- known means of me
chanical retention in hernia-and as furnishing the
highest chances of radical cure.”
The lot owing is from t.hL Southern Medical and
Southern Journal, pabUshcli in ;ur own city.
“ All must admit of thclradical cure of hernia,
and that Dr. Chase’s iTussSs are decidedly the best
yet invented to effect the ofject.”
Fc.soas from a distance can have the instruments
applied, upon application a| the office, and ail ne
ce?-ary information given |o enable them to adjus
it themselves. Ihe poor. ?who are laboring under
this afflicting complaint. w| i ; e t.eatedgratuitous
ly upon presenting a certii.|a;e. from some responsi
ble person.of tueir pecuniary disability.
The instruments are of ;l sizes, and applicable
to every variety of reducitle rupture,
feri 2U F. M.IiOBERTSON. M. D.
TOMATO—a substsrirte for Calomel, and
doe? act belong to the &Kfyia| quack medicines;
tor the reason that the conjpjuent parts are made
known to the faculty, or sjuj one eUe that mav
wisn tc knovs , by any of keeping them
for sale. Smm e this fiitUtj so long and anx
iously looked lor, <oine encl i i almost the extre .
Noith has advertised a Toirjailo Pill, purpo.tmTU
e ' lrom Iliimg nut more aosuiu
than lor one to oiler meai ilo’t the corn stalk to
tay nothing of the dirficultyj of rarimg the Tomato
so lar Norln. \
Dr. Miles, of t incmnatt, s tlie proprietor of the
Tomato PilA , proper for tl;« great beucuts of
which, lie boi a.|l and in honor pied
cd to prove by then u<e, th t they are a- that they
pfoiess to be. and will do for otheis what thev
i ave d ne for such as ma • have u«ed them ; as
.bis is a vegetable of great j|e, and value, it will
doubt ess be valuable info rr;ation to families to
know that the Yellow are fi st doubly as valuable
as the Red Tomato, and p.*K*-ces twice as much
of t:.e hapatine, or active piS i-Hpie.and when u»ed
as a daily vegetable will |e‘ found to keep the
•ysUta in much better co|d|tioo than the other
kind; many will recollect what trembling
anxiety calomel has been ’ri ven to children, and
how u»ey then wished for i ,substitute. It has
V n *V‘* f ‘ n “uc-vn that the TdriaCo contained ca
thaitic pnrwipjes, but not uirtil of late wa? it
ascertained that they contauied a'Wrative and diu
retic properties. .ne Facujtv embrace and use
tw, «mm i.iw.Mtt
J.rs iy do the one thousand a d one cure-alls Q f the
day. If you vih to cleans ; tue
nnld.sa.e aati-bihuus medi. ne use i ‘ th 1
P.H,of which a supply, welle^ll^
this city. We ail know soalithuig about th,«
>uae li |
THt« fine article is warranted to cure Pile* or
KheumatDm in all eases, or no pay taken
| f ° r U ‘ GLA RISC FRAUD!
A notorious counterferier has dared to make an
I attempt upon this article, and several have been
nearly ruined by trying it Never buy it. unless it
has the written signature of COMSTOCK Sr i o
on the splendid wrapper. That firm have the only
right to make and sell it for 20 years, and all from
them is warranted perfe tly innocent and effectual
in all cases.
j N. B. Always detect the false by its not having
i the above signature. The true sold only by
Wholesale Druggists. Mo. I Fletcher-st M. Y.
Original Proprietor.
The genuine rifor «a!e byGAKV IN St HAINES,
and ROBERT C sKTEK, Augusta. ly jan 9
IS Warranted staid or restored, and the head
kept free from Dandruff, by the genuine
Rememler the genuine as described below.
This i* certified to by several Mayors. Ministers
of the Gospel, British Consul, Physicians, and a
great number of our most respectable citizens, to
be seen where it is sold.
This article has been imitated by a notorious
counterfeiter. Let it never be purchased or u-ed
un'ess it has the name of A S. COMSTOt. K, or the
signature of COMSTOCK Sr Co., on a splendid
wrapper. This is the only externa, test that will
secure the pu lie from deception.
Apply at the wholesale and retail office. No. 2
FletcbeV street,near NLrid. n Lane and Pearl st.—
Address, COMSTOCK & Co.,
Wholesale Druggists.
The genuine is for sale by GARV IN 5t HAI ES,
and ROBERT CAP.TEK, Augusta. Iy-jan9
STOLF-N from the subscri! er, some time in De
cember last, his POCKE f-BOOK, containing
several notes, viz ; one on Jam- s Rich, payable to
myse for order, for $-< o, dated July 6t i, 1539 ; one
or. Jesse C. Wail, payable to myself or order, lor
s2l, dated some time in January, 1839; one on
Jcsiah Frator, payable to Willia n U hite, or order,
for S3O SI cent*,'dated March 24th, 1838; one on
I Thomas Jones, payable to K L. Eowards. or order,
so; $39, and some'cents, dated May, 1839 ; anothei
given under same date to same per<on. by Robert
N. Booth, for $25; also sundry no'es given by the
subscriber, and taken up. I hereby forewarn any
. person fiom trading for either or anv of the above
feb 4 w It
N r OTTCF.. —The co-partnership of BROlf’-V Sr
FOSHEE, of Laurens District, S. *is dis
sol'ved by Robert Brawn quitting the business and
leaving the state. Notice is hereby given to all
::sen; not to give credit to the said Robert Frown,
I cn account of the said co-p .rtnership, and all per
sons indebted to ?aid firm will only maVe payment
to me, a* no other person is legally anthorised to
August 3. 1839 wtf
1, tNO F»»K SALE.
Subscriber is desirous of selling a Planta
| tion lying in Bur; e county, Ga , c nUining
four hundred and eight acres, more or ; ess, of oak
and hickory Land, being well adapted to the growth
of Com and Cotton, having on it the usual improve
ments; adjoining lands of William Brookins, Sam
uel Baran and lands belonging to William Gilstrap’s
estate, with one hundred and seventy-five acre>
cleared land. Any person desirous of purchasing
such a place, would do well to call and examine,
as i ba.gai.i may be h*d by an early application to
the subscriber. JOHN »\ . V\ I -E.
i jan 18 w4ra
iillEL M A TISM.
J Dr. M B. Cohen, proprietor of the universally
celebrated lotion for th? cure of Chronic and Infla
matory Rheumatism Sprains, Lumbago. Pains and
Swellings in the Joints, Ixc., known as foben’s
Rheumatic Flmbrocation, begs re'pectfully to refer
all persons suffering from these disea es to the
thousands of cures that his preparation has accom
plished. and to the numerous strange and highly
respectab'e testimonial which have, fiom time to
tinre. been puidished to that effect in New York
am. other places. So certain and searching is this
Lirimentin its operations, even in cases of long
standing, and of an obstinate nature. th*t it has
never been known to fail The following letters
are selected fiom hundreds of others of a like de
scription, it wi Ibe proper that all persons using
he Liniment see that it is accompanied with the
signature of the proprietor in his own hand writing.
Since the introduction of this remedy to the public,
various empirics have been palmed upon the coun
try, Nostrums and Lotions and Liniment?, and
“Infal ible Rheumatic Mixture?,” all of which be
ing a compound of ignorant quacks, are ca’culated.
more or less, to injure the ?y>tem rather than re
move any complaint. In pioofuf the estimation
in which the Embrocation is held by respectable
men in the medical piofes>ion. as well as by The
thousands of persons w o have been etfectua ly
cured of Rhcumatrim. the subscriber has subjoined
lette rs from a few who a.e well and popularly
known to the entire society in New Noik, and
whose opinions and professional judgments are
universal y esteemed.
No. 275$ Hudson street,N. Y.
New York. Aug. 3, 1838.
Dear Sir —Having frequent y witnessed the ap
plication of vour Rheumatic Embrocation,and tie
beneficial effects arising therefrom, it affords me
pleasure to state that I most cheerfully recommend
it as an invaluable remedy, and the best known for
the cure of that painful ard distre-sing compiaiet
either in its acute or chronic so. m.
Late Corresponding Secretary of the Medical Soci
ety of the city and county of New ork.
To Dr. M. B. t. ohen.
Dr M. B. Cohen —ln rep yto your request a? to
my opinion of your Rheu atic Embrocation, I
most willing y acknowledge that I have used it in
my practice, and found it an invaluable remedy as
a paijiative Liniment in ca?es of i heunatism.'
New York, April 20, 1859.
I certify that I have ured Pr. M. B. Cohen’s
Rheumatic Embrocation, and ha e found it a most
useful aiguvant in t. e treatment of this prinfu:
direa-e. and therefore hesitate not to recommend it
in all cases of Rheuma.i?m.
No. 342 Broadway, N. Y.
I, Henry B. Nones, Ist Lieut of the Revenue
Cutter Alert, in the service of the United rt tes
do certify that 1 was for five months arilicted with
the Intlamatory Rheumatism and had every reme
dy by advice of physicians, without any relief, and
finally by advice of Dr W. Rockwell, health offi
cer at quarantine. 1 app ied to Dr. M. B. tohen. in
the month of July. 183, for a tott'e of his Rheu
matic Embrocation, and after one week’s u?e ol
the specific, wa- entirely tree from a l pain, and
was able to resume my p ace in the service.
M. B N‘»NF.S, Ist Lt. U. S. R. S.
New Voik, August Ist, 1607.
Fy Price, $3 per bottle.
TO THE PUBU< . —He it known, that on this
•JOihdiyof Januar.. .one thousand eight bundled
and forty, we have appointed Mr. BexjsmixF,
Ke>rick proprietor of the Mansion Douse, city
of AugU'ta, our >o e Agent for the city of Augusta,
.n the State of Georgia; also, -oe .'gent for the
1 vi y of Ham hurt", in the State of South Ca.oina,
for the sa eof our Rheumatic Embrocatio i, a re
medy calculated to cure with certainly any Kheu
mati? complaints, whether of a chronic or inflama
| Tory nature. Witness, our hand, this dav andyeaj
aforesaid. >|. b. CuHEN & to.
1 he public wi 1 remember that this is simply an
external application and free lrom minerals.
I ne public are cautioned against purchasing ol
any other than the above authorized agent a? that
purchased from any other person cannot be -enu
ine. *
Dr. M. B COHEN'S principal Office, No 2724
Hud«on street, N. Y. ’
Each bott eof the Embrocation is acromp-mieJ
with printed directions for use. and none is genu
ine un.irss bearing the signature of
yan 22 3m M. B. COHEN.
r jjF.KHAPS tlc’re is nothing more calculated lo
i 1. disgust the public eye than th * irnimwfHhie
a vertiseiuenia of nostrums that are cmunaully ap
pearing in the public prints. All are ready m» el*
i claim,our souls are sick, nor ears are pained with
a every day's ref >ortsof ills an 1 specifics This state
t «.l th. public mind would seem to f »rbid any person
i of delicate mind from sending t.»nh any new dis
. co enes in mt-'inne, to ih< trial ul th? p* blic.
>u!l, motives of delicacy should not prevent us Ironi
"I making known real discoveries, w hid, we are con
fident will benefit our fellow men. This latter
considers: ion has prompted the author of these bil
* iers to make them known. He knows they ste high
ly efficacious, fi r be himself, his wile, and many
fn-nd*. h.ve given ihem a thorough Inal. He was
’ himself a con filmed Wvspeptn ,«<> much, that even
his recollection was gone. Hv using these bitters
he has heen restored to hea th. Mr . Cosby was
» trembled for ma ay years, but w s re.-lored to health
by the use ol these bitters. This has been the case
With many oi his trends. Mr. Cosby in sending
forth this adveri»emei.t, addresses those who know
I him. He hasten lo p many y ar* a resident of
Augusta at which placebo can at any lime b«
consult-d about ihe bitters. T> y arc good in all
eases of diseases of the digestive organs, the symp-
J tom* of w hich are indigestion, pain or oppression
1 i«i ifie stomach from lood, 10-soi ap;«etite, Haluien
> iv, heart urn, giddiness it. the head, pain in the
side, shortness of breath, lassitude. g> ne at weak
ness, distu bed sleep, Ac The compost i<>n is en
-1 nrely Botanical, an has pr ved efficacious v» hen
1 many celebrated medicine* had failed. In support
? of which he refer* Freeman VV . I ary, *he
i riff of Richmond eount , :nd William T. Thoinp
-1 son. ediior of the Au a*ta Mirror, and he might re
!er you to many others, bui de»ms it . nnc easary,
! as he is willing to place it on its own menis. All
. h*- sks is lor those wno areaffii ted wnh tne dys
pepsia to give it a trial.
'lhty ran be nad at T. H. Plant's bo.«k-sture,
Augusta, and of < *- t 0.-bv himself, at tfie comer of
’ VN as-une* >n and Kilo sire-ei*. n»«v iff* Iv
. OR j
. Warranted to curt in Five Day-.
r|>HIS it.com paral« e and invaluable remedy «o
i I long known, and used with «uch unpana.le'ed
. success in ih Canadas for the last 3U yeais, ap
i peais to need no panegy ri:. Its operation upon the
, human system is such that it invariably acts like
i a charm, for the relief and radii al cure of a certain
t common and dtsag eeab e 4 ills the flesh is heir to.”
? This prize obtains its ow n name from the certain
■ success which has attended it th-ough al! of its
? trying circumstances, name y, -‘five days,” —the
same success which followed it in a Northern lati
tude still obtains in a more Southern. The formula
or recipe was o Gained at great expense, intrigue
r | and hazard by >1 Cheveres, from the celebrated
‘ { Indian thief Wabewothe, or Great \.oon. whilst
i he, with others was pursuing the lucrative Fur bu
-1 siness in the North-west with the Indians. —
’ \N abenoshe prized highly and use it with invariable
success throughout nis two tribes. Its known and
c * valued virtues have already tmiched to an a most \
* incredible extent the chi dren of thi- war ike prince,
not only by actual sale of the article itself to in
. dividuals, but by parting with copies of his eceipt
at enormous prices to the Chief of every tribe of
, Indians in America, with a solemn promise to the
■ I Great Spirit, never to divulge the 'aitof it-* com-
I position until he sleeps witn bis fathers,” although
i i free to use it in their respective tiiocs, which
. j places it in the hands of every Indian who rely
. : wit*, I may say, religious confidence on its cura
i j ble powers.
, I Below is a copy of the translation as near as it can
r be angUsizcd of the deed given by Wabenoshe, to
vi.Cheveret.when lie purchased the original recipe,
) and had twice assisted the Chief himself through
the tedious manipulatory process of manufacture.
Few while men would credit the length of time
i w hich is consumed in preparing the article for im
j mediate use.
' ! “I, Wabenoshe, Chief of the nations Ottowa and
-! Chippewa, for the love and good feeling which I
1 have for my white friend M. Cheveiel, H or he has
s done many good tilings for me and my jeople,) I
r give to him my greatest cure for the bid sickness
s which my children have bad sent among them as
-a punishment by the Great Spirit, and hope that in
* hi- hands it may do much good, and make him very
J rich.”
f Signed WAB!NOSHE,his * mark,
s Witness APFAHO, hit X mark.
I [ J. B. ROY,
* R. O. DC BITS,
■ ! This Medicine, I warrnit by this publication,un
* | der a penalty of $5,b00, not to contain one parti
, i c!e of corrosive preparation. It is purely vegata
■ ble in its essences. Its first and prominent virtue
i i is to su‘ due every vestige of inflamation, and then
- acts mildly and copiously as a diuretic ; thereby
. holding within itself, every requisite virtue, for
- the subductTon of this loathsome malady—and ev
i ery regular graduate in medicine, will sustain the
e assertion, that copious diuiesis and reduction ot in
e flaliou, are the on y two things necessary to effect
y abound and radical cure
i The niO't peculiar virtue of the “Cinq Jours,”
y is in this, that wherever it alone has been used to
1 atfect a cure, none of those tenadou- and disagree
e able consequence? whii h a most inva. iably results
trom the sudden cure of Gonorr oea, have been
known to obtain such as stricture, hernia, humoi
alis, incontinence, and a swarm cf other of the
mo<, loalh-ome. perplexing. and dUagreeab e dis
eases, consequent upon erroneous diagnosis and
- treatment of Gonorrhoea.
e i Those affected are requested to cal! and try for
e ; themselves If the prescriptions are we I fol ow- j
d ed and fail to cuie, the money will in every case be
r returned.
l. 'i ou can do what you please and eat what you
To be had at Antony k Haines. No. 232, Broad
- street, who arc the only authorised Agents in Au
gusta, All orders addressed to them, will be
promptly attended to.
f or sale, al*o, by Wm. B. Wells it Co. Druggists,
d Athens; and P. M. Coheir 4. Co. Charleston, au 29
)t \t \ ' Hallenoe. 'i hr- genuine
Fr« nth Pil*» agmnst all he QU AC K
SUs i WMI J? of he age—lor ihe cure of
1 The Frer*ch Pill* are applicable in all rases, toi
1 . nher *ex. (warranter! tree from Mercury,; and p.,«
>e»-e* great auvarnage* over ihe Hal>ams and all
1 quid medicines, by nemg entirely free from smell,
p, l<l foiisequentlv do rot effeo ihe breath, thereby
pievenung the possibiiity of dUctnery whileusm»
e ih m. 5
h Bc>i*ifg this irajioriant advamage. thev nev-er
h disagree will, ihe stomach, and imhe first stages of
- •he disease ihty usually --ffeef a cure in a few days,
d wi h litlh* regard to • lei orex|* JS u-e.
In ih ino*i obstinate siages of the dl-ease, they
a -‘reequ. l.v certain, having mr»d many afi r every
. other re,uedy h i* failed. In short . i.ey have beei.
f nn.versaiiy suree**tul that the pn.pr.etor chal
j enges a..y one to produce a remedy o, cer
lanuy,under aiorieiture..! 1 hree Hundred Lk.lliri.
Harr.sblrg. I>ec 10, M »
Dr. Vaher—l»»ari*ir: Ahou. a tm-wh ag I sen ;
to you for tfi'ee box* sos yuor French PiJu,*r»d feel
b ooligi-d to you for furnishing me with a medi
cine so t tlec teal and »o plea>ant to U'**-. V\hc n 1
s sent for your l ills I hao btt-n ir.,uhle,l with the
disease for nearly fi months, and had tried a great
lußny medicine* wrhunt any eilei t Hi ring 6 ihe
’ first six Weeks I wa* under a Physician of this '
■ pi -c-e, but fim.iiig lit.le or no i hai.ee of Hein* cured
* ny him. 1 lett him, and a lew days atier vuited
e Philadelphia, w Cere I b-ugn m • anety of advertwed
L »!*-«• fie* iuliuusi enougt. to stock an shop
an- allot this lio k witn ifie same suc.-e*, as ’
* fore, 1 avn.g t ,ai <•*** *d t mdi ol the haJ>a m be
‘ fund tltem, winch I >hmk 1 can smell to this day
r Not knowing wnai to resort io next, and seeing vou
Frem-h Ibi sauvt ms.d in tfie Pu ,i tC Ledger
detcnuund to try them, and am only sorry I aid ? M
n ge. them sooner a» U nimbi nalce'sav.d melon 1
dollars and have cund me long ago. Mv o >jecl i
if »« > uu a P'esenl, is io p , <urt . 0| , h
it ■"*!«!» lor IWOOI my Ir.eod*, who „re m ih
- k nd of a \..u w.U i r .e. el „ re pleas
stud by ihe bearers.x boxes, aiJ< i oblige.
Your* respectfully, 3 HR
- I. S ,! v ' dl advantage, you m .. v pub- I
hsh ibeabi.ve, wuh the iniiiaJ* 3 '
d Ihege.m.ie Fremh ftlfsarelorsak LnAueus.. j
by havilaiKl Kis.w 4U, I huuia* Ha-nii a.
ai d t.y is. n Carter. I'm e, >g w I
lull uuecUuOß. June € lj
»R. E- SPOHN, a pbjr«c«an ul roucii .
note, having his attention, for some I
veurs to Ihe .-tire and removal ol ihe cf uses of NE K- I
Vnl’S A.MJsICK BEAU aCHE, has thesaiU
fictiou lo make known, iha he ha* a remedy which >
by removing ihe causes cures effectual I v and perma
nently this distressing compl nnt 1 here are raanv t
famines who hive coiisidereil ?>ick Headache a con- £
siiiuiional incurable family complaint- f>r. as- f
sure* them ihat hey are mi-laseu, ai d labouring 3
under distress which in y might not onlv alleviate, ; ,
but actually eradicated by tfie us »fhis remedy-. |
li is iheresuh ol at u niific research,and iseimrely ■ f
of a different chaiacter trom advertised patent medi- ! £
cities, and is not imp ea.-ant to the laste.
iIEAHAt UK, sj; K OK NFKVOiS | t
The extraordinary reputation ihat Ur s t
remedy for this distn asing eoinpaiut is every day j ;
gaining is rcnamly a matter of much astonishment. ,
That so m .ch an dering should h veexisieil forages ,
without any discovi rv ot an eflcclual prevenuv *,«>r j
cure, is truly a subject of much regre. but Ur. ri. |
11 .ivv asanres the public ihat sin ha r raedy has been ]
invented as will cunv ince the most credulous. The j _
.nnciples on whn hit acts are simple and plain. It is j
ana nulled f*»ct unitthis comp amt, whether called
Sick Headai he. or Ne vous fleariachc. arises prim
anly Iftun Ih« storaa.-h—those who ihmk they have
the Nervous Headache may rest assurer! that ihi*
~r g a.i, tb.e st< mai h. is ihe first cause, t» at ih - s’s
rein has becoirevitiated or derulnaied, ihiough ihe j '
sn-nia. h, and that ..niy through the same ctiannc-1
must they ex;a-< - i s rest ration of ihe na ural and
heat'hv functi ns of the system. This object, Ur.
Sjs.f.n’s rerae< y is eminently calculated to a-lain.
The truth «.f ihi- position cannot t»« controverted,
and the sooner suffeiers wnh the headache I«oitip
i convim-ed of it, th so-.ner will their suffering end
in restoration of health, Ur. Spohn pledges his
pr< fessionai repurat «»n on this fact, jie remedy
mav be h;«i ol ap.jthecanes generally throughout
the ( idled Stares.
Fur *ale by ANTONY & HAINES, No. 2?2
Broad-street. Augusta. marj^fi^
great celehntvof this unriva.led » ompu
-1 Bition,es|ieciady in the Northern-•■'laie*, leavi *
j the proprietor but little need to say any thing in its
fiv>r: for it lia> been gtneraliyc needed to i‘,that
n i* bey-.nd all c»mp.cb nlh-> nest remedy for <*x- :
tenialci>mtl«tni*that has ever heen discovered.
Icd-eil ihc.speed and certainty ot i>s opera iot.s,
havi tfie ap(iearance».f miracles ;as ulcer*, wouii. s,
corns, fiver sores chit dains, whue swellings, biles,
piles, spider and snake bites dtc.ikc., immediately
y leld to it.v saje-rr.niuaii it.flucnce. Thus, it prop- |
erly appind it will rem<-ve an inveterate corn of
break ai.d heal a th ein live days, will allay and
j p. rfc tlv > u ean ulcer in two weeks, and the m>-»t
des pet ate case-..f w lute swellfg that can be ima- :
gii ed have been dcst oyed by it in less tfian ivv..
months. In'fie bites of poisonous reyailc* it* effi- ,
cacy is truly *urpn*ing, and if applied in time, it* I
j power-of attnction ate so wondertul that ih-y will
at on. e arre*i the poison and thus prevent it from
' perva nig th<- sys. ra Tis likewise* g-eatly supe- |
nor i<. any medicineherer-dore discovered fir itie
j chafed ru-ck and limb* of horse*—lor t-tiers, ru g
worm*, chapped tqs —ii:d in short, for every extet- [
nai r-odily evil that may fall to the lot of man or
The pr pnetor has received least a thousand
cert ficale*.and other d .cutnents, in tavor of hi* !
“ >pee*i!ic Oin m in,” upward* of a hundred ot
I whn h vwre v mien by members of the
i Medical Faculty.
Albany, July 9th, 1337.
To D-. Harrison.
>ir —I u» your Sp-cific Ointment tn my practice,
and curdi illy recommend n as a most efli.-iei.t retne-
I dv for Tumors, I Ice.s White dwellings. Scrofula,
j Rhciimalic Pau.s, t’l.api>ed Face, Lips and Hand-: '
and fi.r general external emu • u'nls. I write tins
at ilie request of vnrag-nt here, who furnishes me
; w itti the article, and am pleased io have it in my
! power to awaru hon«*r in merit.
Brooklyn, N. Y , Oct 29, 1838.
Dear Sir—My uangh.er.a girl of lounetn, was
| .-adly afflirteo witn itiec.»m; amt that jihysiciuns
tetiued a h ad ; and I leare.l, indef« dent oi
ev. i> otf.ei ev d. tha she would he bald in conse
| quence Hv .he recommend at ion, however, of the j
Keverend >lr Feinn, I applied your mniraein :o the
j ! «ffitcled fart; and i tfiank '»o*J that my cfiild ts
now entirely recover, d from the uise-i*e, and is
geding her ban as ’usl a» can lie expected The
j cure was efft cied in talher less than two months; I
during which um< lu* d fiv dollars worth id oint
ment; I fia.i speni upwards ot a hundred dollars
dming tne prev mua three years, without any benefit
j whatever.
I hereby substantiate the truth ot ihe above
1 know the aho.e statement to be coir.-cr, and i
can add lr m experience ihat “ tlarn»on’s ?*pecific
O.nimeni,” is an tx.e.lent mciheir.e lor external
Matthew perrin.
Boston, Jan. 7, 1837.
Dear Sir—l have to reuuest of von to forward
me. two hundred boxes of Ointment by the most
iiuni. dia-e cunv eyai.ee, a. d .it hunt regard to it.e
ex,«t.se ul carriage, a* I am quite out, and much
i it* want ol it —\. u Know my estimation of v«.nr
valuable discovery, and t Here to re- | afiaii only add,
| mat tun her • x;ieripnce ha* increased mv enthusi
a.-m and esta: li-h. d me in the opinion, that it is su
perior many am dy exiant for external diseases.
Ue&pee-tiuily v«»ur ,
■ New Orleans, Match 20th, 1338
l Dr. Harrison
Sir—l fie virtues of your Specific Ointment, have i
been tong known to me,as 1 have used none oilier
in my rattier, x ensvc practice tor several years, and 4
if y.u ifiii.k it wuu.d be to your advantage, 1 can ;
tunnofi you with twenty certificates of important
cure* whn hit lias effected under mv own inune- I
mate inspection ; ihe last being one ot a severe
ami apparently p-rpei ua i nicer, in the back ot a
poor woman, >lary Baxter w tio reside* in 216 id- !
! vision si reel, which it completely healed in iwer.tv 1
one days My present chief object in wrung to 1
: you. i* o learn who is your authorised agent in this <
j city, tor.being in warn of a *upplr ol “vour on.t
--10-nt, and tfie pti.-on hr. B..yie, trom whom I used 1
; to pure base it, having taileti and gone out «.| fmsi- ]
i ne**, lam fearful n 1 purchaseai ruudura, that I (
j navy be iiH(*i*eii on bv a coouurteit
I Your obedient *et vaiii,
lduakd Ramsey, m. d.
! , „ Cincinnati, August 9,1837. ' J
i IT Harrison. I
©ir. i hive no hesitation in stating,m re pfv to
your note, that your ** ©iieeifk-Omiroent” i* fiuiy 1
equal to Hie map. uv ul the . t.d* for w h ch you re- i :
-c. mm. ndit I qmiitv my eernticate by ifik VV ofd 1
majoiny.a* it i» my maxim lo give no opinion m
men let. ma'!. rs wneie 1 have had nu flperieuej. 1
j Id sprains, t.niaws, i.ifl otnii.ilions eruidions. wfia
j iow«, piles. Ac.,ii um inuvefsßi rw tuc 1 ,
al o used it on ihe leg of a noy which had h. en i
j d’dd B>‘ an adder, and (tie ex radi.-nof ihe poison i ;
; and ultimate .u e wa* rapid, ihat mv paneni was
a* wed a* ever in a week ; and has rem .ined so to
i this day
\ ours res{iecifully,
Extract of a Duer from Dr J. \v. Saiaiers of !
: Louisy ille, Ky ’ ;
u , October 8, 1837.
lam prepared to say, that for Rheumatic Pain* 1
I an,J 'be x.re ureasisoi females. Harrison’* ©m-cific I 1
j (fin rax nt has no superior, if sndeer' u lias an v equal
: in tree w hole cata ..gue of exirrnai .' edc.-t es, as
; klM.vvi! atid presr nfierj in this ci.un.ry ”
Extractul a feuer Iron. Dr. Pot.*.of (J.ica, N Y
Dated Juiy 29, 18j9. ’I 1
“ HarnWs Specific Ointment ’is, m m y opinion '
a m..st imp-.rt rni di-covery ; and is particularly effi ’
cen. ms. ro'ula-, ulcers.■ ; re legs, erupt.,and '
i general ou'wurd comp.ainu. I s .a?ak of us mem*
from an tool years.”
t-v New Or'eana, January 4th, ]§37
This will cert.ly that my far e and «*k were «
j ‘noslen.lrr ly ,-ov.retl hy an eiamnous ringworm - ' '
; ami ina* al er Use .real ot a variety ot meffeeilTai !
retired es, I was c<.,spleiely r axed of it *' l 1
j n*.»ntti», by the use ot Hurrison's J*p ■••• fir (| VNu
1 n *' r,t Eik;ar Fo>!sti' n '
For -ale, wh..Fsale and retail, by Hav.J.ml R,*. 1
IyA < o , I h..mas Uarrett 4 f O . Nek..,. . •
Antony 11 a.two.,and • hrunos I Wrav* e- < ar * f ’
Ke.ad price,oocems per box, with fuUdtrecre««“ i
lJ K
13 3188111
; , HESE Pills are no longer among those ol doubl
ft fut utility, t hey have passed away from the
hundreds that are daily launched upon the tide ot
experiment, and now -land before the public as
high in reputation, and a- extensively employed in
all parts of the U nited State-, the Canadas, lexa-
Mexico, and the West Indies, as any medicine tha*
has ever been prepared for the relief of suffering
man. 'i hev have been introduced wherever it was
found possible to carry them ; and there are but
few towns tiial do not contain some remarkal U
evidences of thetrgood effects. The certificates j
that have been presented to the propnetor exceed i
twentv thousand I upwaid- ot hve hundred oi
which are from regular practising physicians, who
are the most competent judges of their merits.
Cftcn have tr.e cures performed by this medk-iu
been the subject of editorial comment, in viriou
newspapers and journals; and it may wilh ti uth > e
asserted.that no medicine of the kin ! has ever re
ceived testimonialsol greater value thin are at
tached to this.
They are in general use as a family* medicine
and there are thousands of families who declare they
re never satisaed until they have a supply always
on hand.
They have no rival in curing and preventing
Bil ious f evers. Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Liver
Comp amts, i*ick Headache, Jaundice, Asthma,
Dropsy, Rheumatism, Lnlargcment of the Spleen,
Piles, Cho ic. Female <obstructions. Heartburn,
Furred Tongua, Nausea. Distension of the Stomach
and Bowels, incipient Diarrboea.Flatulence,Habitu
al Costiveness, Los- of Appetite, Blotrbedor Sallow
Complexion, and in c ases of torpor of the bowels,
where a cathartic or aperient is needed They are
exceedingly mild in their operation, producing
neither nausea, griping no debility*.
The following was forwarded to Dr. Peters, by a
highly respectable Planter of Wake County, No
Ca , March 3d, 1838:
Dr. Peters —Dear Sir. —By request of your agent,
Mr. Hairison, I send you a few line? respecting the
almO't miraculous etlects of yourpißs; and 1 w ould
ad, that you may make use ol them, in connection
with my name, in any manner you deem proper, I
speak oi their merits from expei ience. as 1 and niy
family have taken upwards ol thirty boxes in three
y ears ; and so great so the benefits we have receiv
ed from them in general, that I would rather pur
chase them at ten dollars a box than have my house
without them. I will enumerate Ihe afflictions
they have relieved >.s ol ; but i can assure you they
weie many, and of very opposite natures, which
has fully proved to me that your medicine is a sim
ple puriner of the system, and therefore equally
the enemy of every disea-e. Iwi 1 mention one
case. 1 have a sister who had been for a long pe
riod se* erely afflicted with drop-y in the chest and
was brought by* it to the very verge of the grave.
She was attended by tue most eminent physicians
that money could procure; but all their efforts to
restore her to health.Oi even to mitigate hersufft r
ing- were fruitless ; and accordingly,we ai, consid
ered hei immediate dr.ith as inevitable. ; y good
fortune, however, as she was in this situation, ex
pect ngevery day to be her last, your pil.s were
introduced into my family, and so speedy and pal
pable were tl eir effects toat three doses visi: ly re
lieved her, and in less than lh.ee months she was
perfectly restoredlohealth. This case, I and a! 1
who weie witness of it. (but more especially the
suffering party,) considered to be the next thing to
miraculous; and yet 1 could mention many more
ot an equally desperate nature, in which your pills
were equa ly successful in rescuing the patients
from the jaw- of death. N eed I add that the popu
larity of you; medit me amounts tc enthu-iasm in
this section of the country ; But this 1 presume
you know from the immense quantity you dispose
of ! may mention, ho wever, that notwithstanding
its general use. I never heard an individual complain
of it'effects. My residence is i2nu.es from pa;
eigh. on the road lo Fayetteville. 1 am, with sen
timent*. of regard, your ob’t servant.
To Dr. Peters, —Sir—For upw*ard- of fifteen
months, 1 ha ve been c ue.ly afflicted with Fever
and Ague; and during the time could nnd nothing—
though J had app i d to every thing that gave me
any thing like permanent relief. At length, how
ever, your pills were recommended to me, by one
of our best physicians. and I am most grateful and
happy in being able to add. that 1 had scarcely u>ed
two boxes when I found that they had restored ice
to perfect health. Mnce Lien, various members of
my family have used them with equal success —
and consequently 1 feel it my duty to apprise you
of the fact, and to request of you to pub.ish this
certificate, as I am anxiou- to add my public testi
mony to the almost miraculous virtues of your un
rrvahed medicine Respectfully vours,
Augusta, Ga, Feb 10, 1839.
Communication received from the eminent Dr. J.
H. Irw i!, of Florence, Georgia :
Dr. J. p. Peters—My Dear>ir —On the night of
the llthinsi., 1 was called in great haste to the
house of a lei ow ci.izen, v Mr. Lee,) where 1 found
his son laboring under a most alarming attack of
tynanche i racneaiis (t roup) and apparently be
yond the aid of remedy. By the greatest good for
tune, however, 1 had in my pocket a broken box of
your piliS—tour ol which 1 admin is tore i, with
such immedmle happy effect that in a tew minutes
my patient was at ease, and out of danger. This
case, in connection w ith my name is at your ser
v ice and I nave the pleasure to be able to inform
y ou that your inestimable medicine is in such great
lavorwith the faculty here, lhar I bet eve there is
not one of them who does not use it in his private
practice. Your' most resp’y.
March 13 1839. J. H. IRWIN, M. D.
Extract from a letter written by Dr. Francis Bo
gart, of Providence, K. L, i ec. 17, 1«38.—t etc.s’
pills are an exoe.lenl aperient and cathartic medi
cine, tho-e etlects being prouurcd by the differences
of the quantity taken, and are decidedly supe.ior
to Lee’s,. randieth’s or Morrison’s Pills.
Extract Lorn a letter by Dr. Hopson of Bangor,
Me , Jan 9, 1539 i hey are a peculiarly mild, vet
efficient puigative medicine, ana produ* e uttle, it
any . griping or uau-ea. 1 have prescribed them
with much success in sick headache and slight i il
lious fever
Extract of a le.ter by Dr. Joseph Williams of
Burlington, . t., July 9, 1837.—1 cordially recom
mend Peters’ Pills as a mildly effective, and in no
case dangerous, family medicine, i hey <re pecu
liaily induentiai ui costiveness and all' the usual
diseases ot the digestive organs.
Extract of a tetter from ur. Edw Smith of Mon
treal, L . ~ Sept. *7, I>36.—i never knev a sin-' e
patent medicine that I could put the least confi
dence in but Dr. Peters’ Vegetable Pills, which are
really* a valuable discovery. 1 nave no he-itation
in having it known that I use them extensively in
my pracik-e : fur all • omphnnts, v and they are not a
tew) which have their source in the ia purity of the
Extract or a letter from IT. Ly e of Quebec, L.
C * arcn6. 1837.—F0r bilious fevers, sick head
ache, torpidity of the bowels, and enlargement of
the spleen, meter’s Fibs are an exce lent medicine.
Extract ot a letter lrom Dr Gurney of New Or
leans, La ,Oct. 9, !Bo*.--I have received much as
sistance in my practice—especially in jaundice and
yellow fever, trora the use of Peters’ Pills. I pre
sume that, on an average, I prescribe 100 boxes in
a month
Extract of a letter f om Dr. Prichard of Hudson.
N. \., ~u ic 3, 1536. —1 was aware that Dr. Peters
was one ol t:.e best chemists in the Lmted Stales
and telt assured that he w ould some day (nom his’
intimate knowledge of the properties of he;b
and d.ugs produce an ellicient medicine,and I must
jvcmiow ledge th?t Ins \ egetable Pills f u ;i y rts&md
to my expectations. They are indeed a suS
meifrcine, and redect credit alike upon the Chen.it
tne Physician, and the l *
*'l • -V c'. «•-. a. •X. rt. * *3-"
Having used Dr. Peters’ Pi is
1115 ii i- ia mv practice for
he last tweve Mouths 1 tike ni®,-.' F . r
* ,, . the ’ r^o0 ' t in Ld'Lfiyi
pep Ma. Mck head-acne, bilious fevers and othe
«n S '.'fe P^' 2|‘ J ' OS the liver. Til, y
theb * S ' ar, ‘ U ‘
Extract of a letter from Dr. Scott of Baltimore,
uec. 1,, 1836.—1 am in thedai y habit of pres, ri
«ng them, (Peters’ Pills; and they* in nearly all
cases answe.ed my purpose I have discarded other
medicines, some of them very good ones, in their
favor. 4
Charlotte, N.C., Jan. I, 1537
Dear Sir —I l ave made frequent use of your pills
m the incipient stage of hi ions fever, and o sti
nate ronstipatan of the bowels ; alsc.inthe en
.argement oi tne sp een, cnn.me ai-ea-e- nf r
iiver.sick head-ache, treneral debility and m n
case nave louud tnem to oe very effective
extract or a letter from Dr. Wames of r; r .
nati.Feb. 2, IS3B.—Your Pills arc the miide-t
tlteir operations, and yet most powertui i fit , e .*?
sects. ol any that 1 have ever met wah m a * e: ’
of.* ight and twenty years TEcir action , ltc *
chyle, and hence on the impurities of the bio! ln * \
evidently very surprising. » ?
These mu< h approved and justly celebrated
are sold whole-ale and retail, at New i
by Haviland Ris ley & Co., Thomas Barrett i' ntes
and Nelson Carter.and by all the principal [ i o ' l
gists throughout the United State-, the / _ ru^*
Texas. Mexico and the West Indies. Reia^l^* 5 ’
50 cents per box wholesale price. S 4 0 ‘ 1
June 3 J
rpHE has the picture ol ai ;.
, 1 in .he rmzenso. the I Map s . , hst he ° .
| p»;rcbase<l f..r a wry la.g-aura and fr, irn t ,
venlor, the celebrated br. Magnin. of p ar , * ,e
rov.pe a. d fight fur ranking th„ a s ' t( , nish ’
cme I ritil the appearance .ff ihe • i uenfa C
dial, ’ (»h..ut three years s-nre, it was :h„ U!fnt
the complaint-,which it .-ptediiy
beyond ihe rear-hoi humanrern dv a- foru- a '
of a thousand viars. ii,ev ban the w
and ingenuity ol ff e most prolmmu
all pans ot the world. This «onliai. how. ■ P r
the great ed vantage of the human rare.soon orovS
it-e Ito h. thcdeMdcratim s..i .r»g w>L gh, .ir
acconlti gty. n .twithstandii g rl e hriei d of ,
ti'aience, it ha-required acelehritv gre:i’ rh,*
j P h- 5 eagerlv inquired tor thr, nzho.'t ihe civilize
.globe. Dr Magmn soon finding that ihe > inil J
1 was so vast as o render a supply i:npo-,ih e
! posed ol the recipe and right ot sale, underobh«*
| tiona of a. crecy, tur England, the Lniied >l,l,
: and olhei countries.only preserving trance a c
‘ Italy for himself. Thus has ilie suhacrji sr ,
-essed himself of the invaluable secret; si tl j
! hasien- logiveihe inhabiiams ol his line ot ageur
j the beiiefi.s ol his specubilion.
*• 1e . ordial Lucin»-,” or. in F.ngl>h, “i r?
Lunra ordial.”i-a general ir.vigorator of
j human frame! In alh lie various cases of i
| ia.-*.tiuie, and dehilitaiion ;i:is an unlainng real |
i dy ; as ii is equally na provn.ceto impart ( hseru
; ness and cevt-ion to it e mind, us heaiinai.d vij. r !
|to the body Bin the pet-uii..r vinueoi. whn h ? t
i eelef-rity is has* d. is the ia<-ility and ecrui nv a.
{ which it fv-slorts the virile }«.vv*-r P when ifiey l iav ,
! be»n cesiroveci by Hist a.-e.time.itckle.-M.is s ’orarr i
I of the notnerous causes wi.ich terminate m jj e 1
i prostration of diose t».nc.i*.ns
In c nnnon with the generality of really go.*t
medn ines, this * o dial conia.ns ii ihmg ~f a j- e .
curia! or deleienou- nature, among die n.a y ingre
dients which compose it ; bnlis.at he »aruV irue.
s** simple, yet so * ffirarimi*. ihai wink- it can r«-r»,u
vate the energies.d a gnnt. an ii.iaut
may use it. not only w.ih impunity, bin with ac
1 vantage. g
The usages of s*»eiety are unlonunaielv su* h,
| th-ai, noivvnhstai il ng die b n fi»> whi- h vvuoid be
sore to result lrom it. weeanßutesiet imc ananaiy.
I sis ol Ihi-ine i unable < ordiat liere, .r pu'-hsUmaiir
lot thed*'ci;n»e«.is w hi. h hive been reveivn), as
v oucher* <>i li.e bk>ssi.gs n ha* eoiilerred on i,mn
hers ot >ie*| auing ndividnals. Hint i» wc cannot
fitrbear remarning—ihal n has l»een denaoiwiraifc
ihai there is scarcely ever, it any such dung ai a
; as natural barrenness or as nalural imbe< iliiv „f
; ibe (.rtK-reant iunci to*i.-, in either sex; arn. nerlorr,
I ihai th* se evils are the effe*ls ot arnfiiiai caust!,
i and may be speedtlysulidued «nd removed by toe
i use ot ** I-e « ordiai *ie Lueine.”
The Lucina t’oidial i» also in induld able
for the Glcei and he Fluor Albiis, obairu-red.ij.ifi
| cnJi, >r jainlnl Menstruad.n; also, tor* he mom
tmera-. ol I nne,or the involuntary discharge ihen>.
iot I; is likewise an invaluable and unm«l!e.l
| medirine inca-es of Chronic Eruptions ot th skin,
and :iittie dropsical affections ol Uw agni.
Mo.-it imp riant *o (he American Public.
The L’niied Stales priqmeKt of th* cdebralctj
“ l.uco.a t 'ordiai, or *• Llixirof laive,” liegs lo U*
, before the community, ihe f*»i owing cer ifi*atf.
jwi ict« he ha- received imm :he mvenu.r, ihe illus
trious Dr Magiiin ol Pad® -
“ - bn is to cert.ly,that I have disposed of tke
reci(« for lurking the “ Lm- na Cordial,” »r
j “ ftixirol Lo\e,‘‘ an i also ihe rig hi to sell it
througKoui ihe nned >iat-* ot N.*rth America,
i loJutm Winters lloiderwell. M I) >ly reas.<ns
; for .-o doing is, (hat the demands t > me for ttic above
Curdi«t, oi winch lam the inven or, ares<i nurae
rous,: hai 1 am unable lo supply all the order* irons
! France and 1 alv alorie; and have therefore dispo
sed .-t the privileges vouchsated m:his, anti oils*
I certificates ol a like nature in order to gctieraiM
the benefi a ol my discovery thmughoui :he w.nc.
Given under mv tiand at r*an-,on this nineteenth
day «»f Januarv, in the yea* ut our Lord,
e.giiieen hundred and thtrt\ eishi.
(Jaspa d Delluc, )
V\ illiam .Vlcmt-J dnesse*.
Ho*t*cript to the above.
As you request, u me to slate the number of hot
j He* ol the ‘ Eucma < ’ordiai,” vv hu h 1 havealmdr
j sold, 1 have reierre.l lo my books, and find it ioex
; t eed four huodie*i ihou-and ; while die orders now
• on hand cannot be supplied in leas than three
j months.
From au immense number of tes iraomals frois
; ftie regular lacuily, I uch.ng the vtr.ues of the
: ( ordiai, i hav.- in [Kirin mar selected tue f.iikmiuf,
w Inch may lie of use io you. You will also find i
I tiumoer ot liters ot bso importau. e inclosed TLm
| imiuedia.-e ceri ficate is from a tnaiy of e.gluofti»
: ablest mei’ical prac uiioiiers in }• raiice
To Dr. Magt.in, inventor of ihe Lucma <’ordiai,J
Ehxii of Ixve
Re-pecied and lloiatred >ir : —U'e have all iu a
j variety ol cases, ie>ied ihe- remarkable effects ot
your great discover v. and have as.-eiubied lor iat
purpose ot bearing evidence to tho * cs !.n.iie3o
- you tlie honor which i* your die D*
1 u Lucilia lu.d.ai isin our opinion, an in,aiiir*«
remedy tor the pond rat ion ot ihe P roc rear, t unr
• 'tons, ami A.ltfi.'iat Barr* n.ie-s ; anil itiere.o .iitist
1 prove a bles-.t.g lo the iiuman race. Vv eca also
• »ear ev uien. e that there is ooihingm ii ot i mer
curial or deleterious naiur.-; ana to short, tl His
one ot ih«* noblest medicinal discoveries ota.y s§ J
U ilh te*-lti:gs of aduiiraiio.i and nspect wc tv
; main.dear sir, your obed ent servan s.
Jo».-elm hoasott, j Jean Blanc,
I -oigiemond de la Alanine, j Robert >tevensoD,
Adrien Be* fund, j L-.ui» Oui-eau,
j Dciave Nicob, | Pu r e Butleti
Extracioi p letter from me elehraied 1 alieyraflJ.
to Dr Mag m.
lam now on the wrong side of eighty,and yrt 1
• could be on my honor or uadi it ner-esxnv, ibrl *
hot lie or two ol your Cordial ol E>v >■ na- maiieiue
J teei as Vigorous as a boy <>l live ami t-.vc.iis I
; think >ou have .oscuveietj the ** EiiXit ,-f Lir*.
w htcit me aichy iiHsts tia%e been go long in ques jG
1 ant that ( par. ori irv oifici-juso. s-»,; you aiioilld ii*ve
named it accordingly.
From the eminent Dr. Devigney, f Bnusel*.
< »ctoher 3, 183 7.
To Dr. Magnin:—My dear Inen.. —I am mo*
graiilled at the unpre.-eder ted p«vu jn ‘* ot > oUf
**i.uc n i Cordial," and aru able (o -car ie-inn >ny w .
lUs surprising Virtue. | had a patient re.- iiily,
» M , a gentleman oj lonnuo, who had M
several years ahatuiooed It i ruse 11 in me vortei
I Oh-hipaiion ; and w:** on.y reclaimed lrom it si
i length t»y Hie utter pru*t*-ati *n ol an nw virtlecner
gea. lie was. indeed,redu; ed to the last ei.reraity
"• debility and t .ste esstieas. lor, it an «.c•taiotn-
Hash ol ej, nenieni warm- d his .-vsn in. ihe ieac*
lion was almost iimw dime, and th.- result petw £
proMiration. 1 find appii.- d ail me usu-tr n-tstnua*
in such ; hut, us i had anucipmed. w ino-it
success; an i when . saw the •* Lur-itit Co.d-ai
advertise*!, i confess that evettllte greai weigh*
of your i ame uni not give me min h ho}«e in ifi *•
least so lar as regardevl ihe ce»e in na.id I h'*- 1
t.ounu io try il.howev r, and wa® .-oon uhec ol
i s efficacy ; fi*r b».lore a bottle wa« eipende*!. m*
palieni g ive evidence of the returning eiasßctiv 1
htssysUa ; au*l bets now, h>*vuig turd lour ilk’-
as w ell Ls ever.
The numner of d.K-umwnts, such a* the abo - .*
which have r*een received bv Mr. Wagi.in, since -f*
first api>earanee of “ Le < Y.nlial de Lur ine." woai<
fill a voiurue as large as the Bible.
1 his high y impor aot medicine is for sale bv F'Ei
Winters H.d.ierwell, No. 129 Liber.v slreeu' >«‘ v4
Y*.rk ; Charles Ii Lyle-, No. To < h-striui-®t.
delphia ; and in Buiti.nor*- by Koberis A Atkin*- ,u
J-*hu M. and ■ R. Tyler; in
ton * itv t.y l übias « a t,n** an*j entries m *u;
'veorgetown by O. M Liullmcum ; in
by J-ihn H. Fu-tice ; in P.‘ersburg by
I homas amt Dupny, Uo*a»-r <t J,*res; aud m >" r ;
U.ik by 8. A. >Hiiiiw ami B Emerson; and £, J
J*» 'Nimklij, 65 Poydnts si New D iestL
l can also he found at ail me pnm ifad
>lors in •S.*utb Carolina, aud in -ngusla, t»y li* ;, ‘
iand r.isiey k Cr» , I houias Barrett A I 0., ai
Netsoo Carter. Price, 4f3 per boltie, wuh hill
recUona. june 4 ly