Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, March 14, 1840, Image 3

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D AVID E. BUTLER, Atto ley at Law, will will practice in the sei ral Courts of the Northern Circuit. Business en lifted to him will be carefully and punctuA ly atte ded to. 'bficeon tin* corner South of Mr. Alexau er’s Hotel, Wash ington,Wilkes. county, Ga. mar l I sm4t LECTURES o\ THE A* MOSPHERJB# MR. RICHARDS respectfu y announces that he will deli’ er his FIR T LECTURE at the Hall,on THIS NIGHT,the 4ih inst. Subject. The mechanical pr< >erties of the air. The Lecture will he illu<tiai d by about forty beautiful experiments, with a ew and efficient Air Pump and apparatus ’fickets for the evening, 50 c< Us ; to be had at the Bookstores and at the door. It-mar 14 Georgia, Uoluinbia count : Ephraim Whit ngton applies for * f letters of administiatio; on the estate of Joseph Jones, deceased; These are theretore to cite ant admonish all and singular, the kindred and credito of saidde~ a-ed, to be and appear at my office vvihin the time pre scribed by law, to show cause, il any they have, why said letters should not be glinted. Given under my hand at offic<Rthi« 14th March, 1840. * GABRIEL TONES, i lerk. FOUNT.—A new Sot f ount, in coni- plote order, for sale cheap, mar 12 GARVi & HAINES. OIL, \c. —Train Oil. Master Pans and x Gilder’s Whiting, for sale ii juani ities to suit purchasers, by G ARVI A HAINES, mar 12 PECTORAL HONEY OF IONESET.—For Coughs, Colds and comp a its of the Liver leading to Consumption. A sup ly of ihe above celebrated medicine, just receive and ft r sale by mar 12 GVR.VF Ol HAINES. rpHE AMERL AN COUGH I) OPS—ForColds, X obstinate Coughs, and all diseases of the Lungs. This is an old and trier emedy, and be lieved to be one among the best f ■ tlie purpose for which il is recommended. For s (e by HAVILAND, RISLE & Co., Augusta, and HAVILAND, HARR L A ALLEN, Price 75 cts per bottle. Charleston, nov 25 6m CURLING FLUID, &c. —Hlcm ng with a grate ful and refreshing perfum , the desirable quality of strengthening and prom -ting the growth of the Hair, without giving to it i e greasy hue of Pomatum, or the volatile muistm jf the Oils. Its utility is confirmed by the most extensive con sumption. Also, the Genuine Maccassar )il, and Ward’s Celebrated Hair Oil. For sale by mar 13 GARVIN & HAINES. ( U-IbVIiTN UKSHIP iOTICL. riIHE subscriber has this day ta en into copart- Jl nership, Mr. A. L. MASSE GALE, and the business will from this time be coi dieted under the style and firm of S. BUFORD 0., and the sub scriber would take this method to lu:n his sincere thanks to his friends and former c sterners for the patronage tnat has ocen so iibera y oestowed on him, and he would most respectfu v solicit a share for the firm. v BUFORD. July 29. 839. ts NOTICE. —The City Taxes r the present year are now due, and the 1 idersigned will call on the citizens for the purp -e of collecting them, and persons lailing to make ivment will be returned to the City Council asdef liters, and pro ceeded against as the Ordinance di ’cts. JOHN H. MANN, Co Si Tr. C. A. feb 20 trw2m FOR SALE. I A PLANTATION in Jefferson county, four miles below Louisville, onlthe Savannah road, adjoining lands of James P. ■lardoner, Paul Fitzsimmons and others, and eightlmiles from the hundred mile station of the Cent;Ml Hail Road. — There are two tracts of land, cons ining each one thousand acres,divided by BigCree*. Seven hun dred acres are in cultivation and urler a good new fence, a large part of which halbeen recently cleared; the remainder is oak and liickory wood land. The tracts will be sold toget er or separate ly, as the purchaser may desire. Terms—One third cash, the balai e with interest at one and two years, with appro ed security.— Apply to WM. Dl NC VN, Savannah, JAMES W DAVIS, Vugusta, or to If. O’K. NE MITT, mar 10 swtf On he Premises. I AW. —The undersigned practi' ?s in the Supe l rior Courts of Columbia, W; shington, Smi ven, Burke and Jefferson counties. Columbia sits on the 2d Monday in larch and Sept. Washington “ 4th “ “ “ “ “ Scrivcn “ “ “ “ V.prß and Oct Burke “ Ist “ “ day &3d Nov. Jefferson “ 3d “ “ “ 2d “ feb 22 trwli’t GEORf i SCHLEY. a a TO RENT, from the ;t Oct. next, a U ft STORE, No. 246 south-sk Broad-street., .. jj a..recently occupied by the late D W. St. John. Apply to JAMES GA IDNER, Jr. aug 16 tr f ts ]7*OR SALE, if applied for in twe weeks, a stout, healthy Negro Boy, about fteen years of age, raised in the country, and suit ble foi a plan tation. Apply to mar 7 dltktrw2t THO.A AS DAMS. SITUATION WANTED. —A y ung man can give the most unquestion; >le references, is desirous of obtaining permanent or temporary employment in a counting house, be k store or law office, in this city. Salary is less ; i object with him than occupation. A line aodi ssed to “W.” box No. 115, Post Office, stating i al name, busi ness and requisitions, will receive immediate at tention. mar 5 trw2w* NEW AND FASHION ABLE |||f SPRING AND SUM ME! GOODS, FOR GESTLEM SX'S WE.- I. JUST received, oi the best qua ty and fabric, and will be made to measure in the no.-t approved style of fashion, or sol 1 by the p ce or pattern, commensmate with the scarcity of ash. Ready Made Clot hi g. Os the finest quality, and w T made. Fancy Articles, Os every variety, consisting of : tooks, Collars Suspenders.Gloves,Ciavals, Handk chiefs,Straps Hosiery. Under Shirts. Drawers, Pe umery, Soaps Brushes, Traveling Cases. Combs, lazor Strops Shoulder Braces, Money Belts, Ci vat Sliffners 6cc. etc. Hals, Caps, Umbrellas, ai d Shirts. All of which w ill be disposed of it the lowcs pr,ces for cash or short credit, by WILLI A W O. -RICE, i inper ind bailor. No. 25S Bro .d-st, opposite t e State Rank mar sw&w6w Georgia, Richmor.d comity t IE AH SI ON,of the ll9thdist ;ct, Richmoru J county tolls before me. \\ i iam Doyle, a Justice of the Peace for the distr t and count} aforesaid, a Bay Horse, with two ■ dlar spots ot his light shoulder and one on his lefi together will two saddle spots on his back and a aid face, am switch tail, about IS or 20 years o' . The abov« horse tame to her plantation about ie Ist f'ebrua ty, 1840 Appraised by diaries T. ioals and Ed mund Bugg, to the va’ue of I G. WILLIAM D' YLE, J. p. A true copy from the c.stray Loo . March 1C 1840. JAMES McL. WS, Cleik. mar 12 I w 3t 1 i |W)RIFEROUS COMPOUND— For laying in e 3 f dra - w f ers ’ amon S linens, laces, furs, cloths, ,1 kc., imparting to them a pleasant perfume, and pre n venting the ravages of the moth For sale by mai 13 GARVIN & HAINES, OF SOAP, FOR'SHAVING.—The • .V'. lcain 0 Soa P 1S a peculiar compound, con * tuning a \er} small proportion of alkali, produces t iu i and duiable ather with either warm or cold watci. renders the process of shaving easy and p easant, and is particularly recommended to gen y emeu who may have strong, heavy beards, or ten t der faces. For sale by ,nar 13 * GARVIN fc HAINES. XT ERMI PAGE EXTRACT.—This lately in-1 1 I_ vented combinalion of delightful odors, las ! acquired a just popularity, not only by reason of j r the strength and delicacy, but of the extraoidina f ry duration of its perfume. Whilst the strength of many otherextracts and essences is almost as eva d nescent as the bloom of tiie flowers from which , they are derived, the Hermitage retains its fra grance for an in .'efinite length of time, and is scarce to be removed from the garment on which it j is poured, by washing; hence it is probably the i cheapest and most delightful perfume of our labora- j tones. Also, Cologne, Lavender, Orange, Florida and i Rose Waters, in great variety. For sale by mal *3 GARVIN & HAINES. '’Vj'OTI E. —The subscriber offers for sale his 1 I House and Lot in the town of Aiken, S. C., t situated two hundred yards from the celebrated’ topei Spiings. ihe House is new and in good re paii, containing a Piazza on both sides, a Kitchen ! :• and Smoke-house, all in good repair, with a full r view of the inclined plain. Also, the Furniture witli it. i erms made known on application to the subscriber on the premises. T. ZYLCK. Aiken, s. C. Sent. 4 ts NEW GOODS. SNOW DEN A SHEAR nra happy to announce to their friends in the city and country, that r they are now opening a very large and splendid assortment of staple and fancy DRY GOODS, suitable for Ihe Fall and Winter season, comprising a great variety of new and fashionable articles’, which they have selected with great care from the most recent importations. W e would respectfully solicit our friends and the public to call and exam ine the assortment for themselves; and we would especially invite the attention of Planters to our unusually large stock of BLANKETS, WELCH I PLAINS, NEGRO KERSEYS and LINSEYS, | and low priced FLANNELS for servants, nov 12 ( DRAWING A PAINTING ACADEMY. MASONIC HALL. ADDISON RICHARDS, Artist,respectfully X • appiises the community of Augusta, &c., that he will resume his classes in Drawing, Paint ing and Perspective, on the second Monday in De cember. His rooms are now open to the public and will lenvain so until that period, (December , 9 H' ; ) Those who favor him with a visit will lind, besides previous productions, a number of original , Gil Paintings of Landscape, Fruit, 4cc., executed during the past summer. Also, many new Water Color Drawings of Flowers and Landscapes, added to which, a Port-folio of Original Pencil and Tinted Sket lies. In addition to this gallery of his own productions, lie has collected copies' of the best English and American Elementary Drawing Rooks anti Prints to be obtained in the L'nion, which must prove a valuable auxiliary to pupils in their studies He gives instruction in Landscape, Fruit and Marine Painting in Oil Colors; Landscape and Flow er Drawing in Water Colors; Sepia and Indian Tinting; Pencil Drawing and Perspective. ! A Night Class, for the tuition of gentlemen,com mences also on the 9th of December. N. B. —Mr. R. will make sketches of Buildings and Landscape Scenery, Drawings of Patents, paint Military and < ivic Banners, A>c. He will a.so supply all orders for Portrait and Picture Frames, u av 23 VALUABLE LANDS FOR SALE. TITHE -übscribers offer sale the following valua- X ble lands, all lying in the county of Baker, viz: the plantation on which N. W. Col licr resides, containing one thousand acres, lying in the first district, Baker count}' all Pine land, with 350 acres cleared land ; a two story log dwelling house, with seven rooms ; a large fine framed gin house, and other out buildings, the land in cultivation has all been cleared within the last three years. This place is situated within two miles of Albany,the head of navigation on the Flint river, and is con sidered as healthy a spot as any in the country ; a case of fever never having occurred since the set tlement of it. Also, One thousand acres Oak and Hickoi y land, conveniently situated to the above place, with two hundred acres cleared land ; all cleared during the last two winters,supposed to be very rich. * Also, Six hundred acres Pine land, witn eight}' acres cleared dining the last winter; having a good framed dwelling house with four rooms, good stables, and other out buildings. This place is situated within two miles of Albany and four of Palmyra. A further description of the lands is unnecessa ry, as we presume none would purchase without 1 examining We can only state, that last year was ’ the first time the pine land has ever been planted in cotton, they then averaged, throughout the plan tation 140 lbs. seed cotton per acre, and Unity bushel-of corn. For further information, we re fer to Gen. Tarver, Twnggs county, J. Rawls, p Esq. Hawkinsville,and Col. Warren Jordan, Hall county. As to pri:e and terms they will be made known when we find a purchaser _mar 12 jw3t Nj_W. &G. W. COLLIER. , TOM TUiNSTALL. t THIS thorough bred Horse will stand from this time until the first of r 4>-nm Jui y next at tiie stat,ie in tiie ’lower i i of Augusta, formerly occupied ’ Vi pyJlby Bertrand, Jr. Terms—s3o the season, payable at the last visit; for three or mi re marcs, owned by the same person, $25 each: $1 for the groom. PEDIGREE. J R. H. Acklin, Esq. of Huntsville, Alabama, certifies as follows : —“ Tom Tunstall was foaled mine on the 29th May, 1831. His dam was High land Mary and her dam a full-blooded Archie marc; tiie sire of Highland Mary was old Paco let. Tom Tunstalt was sired by o d Pacific, and he by old Sir Archie. This is as far as lam able to go, (ho’ I am satisfied Tom Tunstall has descended Lomas good a stock as any horse in the United States. — He was a race horse of the first order, but I lear will never be able to make a first rate race again, owing to his leg ; it was injured when a three year old. in training, as 1 believe. By addressing Har- ! x>v Cryer, Gallatin. Tennessee,you can get a full pedigree of the dam of Tom Tunstall.” the same ; Mr. Hardy Cryer certifies thus: —■“ Highland Mary j combined as many or more rich crosses of thorough- i breds than any maie ever raised in Tennessee. — She was got by the noted horse Pacolet, the son of imported Citizen ; her darn Rosey Carey by Sir Archie; grand-dam Sally Jones by the imported horse Traveller, called Big Ben or Charlemaine, (son of O’ivelle ’s Eclipse, and one of the purest importations of the last century;) great grand-dam j i bv the imported horse Wrangler;great-great-grand- ! dam O’Possum by imported Shark; great-great-I ’ great-grand-dam bv the celebrated American quar terrace horse, Goode’s old Twigg; great-great great-great-grand-dam by imported Fearnaught; great-great-great-great-great-grand dam by Lee’s old Mark Anthony out of a mare by imported Mon key.” Gn the site’s side it is deemed ‘unnecessary !’ to trace beyond Sir Archie. It is presumed none *’ will require a purer or better atteste 1 pedegree! — ’ If farther recommendation be wanted, call and see Tom. WILLIAM HOLMKS, Agent. '’ feb 22 —trw&wtt MULBERRY AND SILK CL LTURF. ’- I ■f'FHe WARD CHENEY & BROTHERS, and MASON SHAW, have now grow • i' 1 "’ ' n ie most flourishing condition, i i j Augusta. Georgia, adjoining the Hamp c ton Race Cou;se, about 80,000 Mon s Multicaul is Trees, which they oiler for sale in lots ~ to suit purchasers. For further information enqui - ( j ry mav be made of Messrs. Cheneys,at their cocooi - * e ‘j V i n * Burlington, New- Jersey, or of Mason Shaw, at'the Eagle and Phoenix Hotel in Augusta. Having bad several years experience in cultiva -1 ting the morus mullicaulis from buds, cuttings, d they w ; !l furnish each purchaser with printed hi re structions of the best and most approved manner .»f planting and cultivating the tiees, the kind oi soil 1- must suitable for growing the same ; and also fur rearing tl e silk worms and reeling the silk. Ilu > will also have for sale, Biik Worm Eggs of the 0 most esteemed varieties, from moths selected w nh great care for their health, strength and perfection ug 5 w&tnvtf 3 -ik _ To RENT, a Dwelling House on the IflU Sand Hills. Apply to mar 11-31 J. T. GARDNER. XOR SALE—A Frame for the feeding of Silk . ''orms. It can be easily removed, and would ... so , y f, r y c fieap. Also, a few ounces of Silk oim s >ggs, of the two crop kind. Enquire a thlSolhce - mar 13 2t IVs --- GOLLEGE OF GEO RGIA.— The -UTX Board of Trustees of the Medical College of reoigia will hold their Annual Meeting, as the ( College on Saturday next, 14th instant.at 11 x. m. j mar H—4t L. D. FORD, Sec’y. D ARIEN MTNEV will be taken at par for Goods at the Jewelry store of i .. . , W. &J. G. CATLIN. 1 Also, for sale, a large and commodious House and ot 0,1 Band Hills. Enquire as above ™ r Ji : 3t pZ BOXES choice Pine Apple Cheese, just re ceivetl and for sale low. RUSSELL & HUTCHINSON, | _ mai Auctioneers. SALE. A likely Negro Man, a first rate I -»• Cook, in which a bargain can be had. RUSSELL <fe HUTCHINSON, | mar Auctioneers. BROUGHT to Jail, on the 27th January, 1840, a negro man named Joshua, the property of S. Winkler, of Savannah. Joshua is five feet ele ven and a half inches high. mar 6 LAWRENCE T. SHOPP, Jailoj. j . ’ 13 LANK BOOKS.—The subscriber is now pre -3 pared to manufacture Blank Hooks,to any pat tern, and at short notice. A large assortment of Medium,Demi, and | cap Blank Hooks for sale cheap by J a n 1 T. H. PLANT. SUPERIOR WHITE FLANNELS.—Snowden &. Shear have received from New York a large supply of new style and very superior White Flannels, warranted not to shrink, to which they respectfully invite the attention of the public, d? ('I ARPETS. —SNOWDEN 4- SHEAR have re- J ceived from New York a very large supply of superior Brussels Three Ply and Ingrain Carpets, of new and splendid patterns, with Hugs to match; Also. Printed Baizes and Patent Floor Cloths, to’, which they repectfully invite the attention of the i pablic. j»n 25 OKRA OR TWIN COTTON SEED—A fev bushols of this seed advertised by Coleiftau, & \\ arren, direct Irom Alabama, just rece-ived and for sale by C. \ GREINER & CO. ( GARVIN & HAINE>„ I feb 4 6w W’here certificates can be seen. 1 —Those creditors of A. McKenzie, ix Who claim under an assignment made the’ subscribers and James M. Carter, deceased, on> rhe oth of July, 1833, will please hand in their claims-, with proper evidence, as early as convenient. PETER BENNiiCH. } * . jan 30 JOHN P. KING, 5 Assignees Dl TCIIETT ’S REM EDY FORTH E This article is recommended as a specific for : almost ail cases of piles that may occur. Certiii- | cates of cures may be seen from persons who had been afflicted for upwards of 20 years. For sale by HAVILAND, RISLEY & Co., Augusta, and HAVILAND, HAR RAL & ALLEN, Price $2 per bottle. Charleston. nov 25 (jm 8~ TERE(>GUAPI 1 SAFETY BLANKS.— : Bills of Exchange Mechanics’ Bank Checks Bank of Augusta do Georgia Rail Road and Banking Co. Checks Bank of State Geo. Br at Augusta, do. And Promissory Note-=, all in desirable colors For sale by J. VV. & T. 8, STOY. dec 9 (' i ENGINE C(»LOGNE WATElU—Farina’s T genuine Cologne Water, in long and short bottles, warranted of the very best quality; for sale in boxes of half a dozen each, for family use, or by single bottles. Also, a large assortment of Fancy Soaps, Odorous Waters, Extracts, Hair Oils, and Curling Fluids, of the best quality, at Apothecary Hall, 232 Broad street, by ' GARVIN & HAINES, nov 2S ( |\ HE Subscribers have this day enicieu mio ■ Partnership under the firm of FORCE, BRO THERS &■ CO. LEWIS M. FORCE, JOHN P. FORCE, BENJAMIN W. FORCE, BENJAMIN CONLEY, Augusta, January Ist, 1840. All persons indebted to B. W. Force & Co. are requested to make immediate payment. FORCE, BROTHERSCO. Wholesale Dealers in Boots, Shoes and Leather, have on hand an ex tensive stock, which they offer to country mer chants at Northern price ■. jan 1 ts DAMASK TABLK CLOTHS. SNOWDEN & SHEAR have just received frorr.' New York, a very large supply of superior 3-4 by 10-4, 10-4 by 12-4, 14-4, 16-4, 18-4,20-4, 24-4 and 32-1 rich Damask Table Cloths. Also, rich Damask Napkins, to which they respectfully nvito the attention of the public. dec 3 VDVANCES ON COTTON. —Advances will be made by us. on COTTONS consigned to our friends in Liverpool, Havre and Charleston—in bills on New York at 20 to 30 days sight, on con signment to Europe, and 1 to o days sight, on con signment to the latter place. The shippers, in all cases, will have the benefit of the Exchanges, dec 25 ts GARDELLE & RHIND. UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS* W. Sc W. H. RICHARDSON, Nr. 6, South Third Street, Pihiladelphia, OFFER for sale a large stock of superior man- j ufactured Umbrellas and Parasols at the very ■ lowest prices. Merchants visiting the city are requested to call 1 and examine these goods previous to purchasing, j and would find an advantage in doing so as the as- ! so’ tment is complete, and we are determined not i to be undersold. N. B. Orders faithfully executed, mar 2 trwaw2w BALLOON ASCENSION. THE undersigned announces to the citizens of Augusta and the adjacent country, that his third and, from the United States, (for the present, i at least,) his last “Balloon Ascension” will be j made in a silken Balloon of mammoth dimensions, lon Friday, March 27th. For the production of | hydrogen gas for the inflation of the Balloon, an ! extraordinary chemical apparatus will be employ ed ; and as all r he operations will be conducted in the spacious warehouse of General Dawson, through whose politeness the use of the warehouse has been tendered lor tl>e ascension, it is needless to add (when the expense of such exhibitions is con sic ered,) that those who visit Augusta to witness i his voyage, will be expected to purchase admission j tickets. Those will be so d, both on the day and previously, in the city, at $1 ; Children admitted | at half price. No fire will be introduced, nor smok ing permitted within the warehouse. For other ! particulars see large kills. S HOBART, march 3 —w3t 5 AD I SO N SPR I N G 8 . riVHE MADISON SPRINGS has changed own ! I ers,and the present proprietor 01 this fashion - able watering place, who is now fitting them up in a superi r stvie, will be able to accommodate about 3UO persons, in a nanner which he hopes may enti | tie him to the future patronage ol his visiters. 'lhe oi l buildings are undergoing a thorough repair, and new ones being put up—the roads leading to the 1, Springs will be made >afe and pleasant for carna . | a-es —new' avenues are opened, and \aiious olhei ■ l improvements are in progress, which will add much , to the comforts and amusement ot visitors. Arrangements have been made with Mr. H. N. Wilson To put a superior line of coaches between Athens and the Springs, so that with the present arrangements of the Georgia Rail Road the time of r travelling from Augusta to the Springs will not ex i cecd twenty hours. They will be opened on the' first of June for the ■ reception of visiters, and the following modeiate 1 scale of charges observed: Board, by the month, 1 $25; children and servants halt price. DANIEL MORRISON, Proprietor, feb 14 —wtlstje COGNAC^BRANDY. —2 half pipes, for sale by ' (mar 10) GARPELLE &■ RHIND. WANTED, a Lodging Room, for a gentleman; o«e in the neighborhood of the Karl Road Bank would be preferred. Apply at this office, mar 3 t s New STYLE SPRING PRINTS—2 cases just received and for sale bv RUSSELL & HUTCHINSON, * njr ° Auctioneers. Augusta ins. & banking. Co. checks, just received and for sale b}' mar 3 j. W. <fe T. S. STOY. Repined cider and cxnal flour.— 20 bbls first quality refined Cider ; 25 hf bbls Canal Flour, for sale by * fgb 22 P. S. BEPIRS & CO. _ E RANDY.— I pipe superior Cognac Brandy 4 half do do do Just received and for sale by fek 19 \V . E. JACKSON. Auctieneec. WM. R. Me LAWS, Attorey. at L'lw, No. 4 _ Constitutionalist Range,. dec 18 1000 BUSHELS CORN now landing and __ jan 20' RUS>ELL, HUTCHHiSC)N & CO. /^tCUNTING HOUSE ALMANACS, just re \_J ceived and for sale by jan 3 Jt W. & T. S. STOY. JTI OSHEN BUTTER—2O kegs first quality Go * i sheQ Butter, just received by dec 28 I. S. BEERS & Co. KEIN THREAD. —A fewcases Skein Thread Cj direct from the factory, for sale by dec- PS RUSSELL, HUTCHINSON & Co. 'W AMP OIL—A supply of best Bleached Lamp _S i Oi/, just received and fin>aie by " dec ?6 GARVIN & HAINES. [UCIFER MATCHES—At three dollars per J g?ore, or twenty live cents per dozen, for sale b y (dbc 5) JL W. & T. S. STOY. ITBNO HIRE. —A Hoy who is a good house and J|_ diningroom servant, and fine carriage driver. Apply at this office. mar 5 ICE—2O Fasks now landing. A constant %, supply vnll be '<ept on band, and furnished I to dealers irt quantities to suit, by • dec G GARPELLE & RHIND. SPLENDID ENGLISH AND AMERICAN ANNUALS for 1840. Also* a great vatic ty of Juvenile and Toy Hooks, dec 23 For sale by T. H. PLAN T. STEPHENS’ UNCHANGEABLE BLUE WRI TING FLUID—a superior article—-just re ceived and for sale by dee 23 J. \V. & T. S. STOY. SOUTHERN HARMON Y —Steieotype Edition, conected’and improved. Just published and for sale by TH. PLANT, Augusta, dec 7 PLANT & NORTON, Columbus. PO.VfPE VENNES. —Snowden Shear have Just received from New York, a supply of I Rich Pompeyennes, a new and beautiful style of Silks for ladies’ dresses, to which they respectfully invito the attention of the public. dec 13 I NOR SALE —A tirstrate Family HORSE, ami a second hand BUGGY and HARNESS Also, a quantity of Corn and Fodder will be d’s * posed of with the above, it desired. Enquiie at j this office.. If nov 2S IMPROVED CHEMICAL YEAST POWDERS —Late Discovery. —Warranted to be equal, if not s aperfor,.to any others. Prepared by GARVIN & HAINES, nov 271 No. 232, Broad street. A U GUST A INSURANCE AND BANKING V COMPANY STOCK. 20 shares for sale low by RUSSELL, HUTCHINSON & CO. jan 30: Terms —6 months for approved paper. I) KIGALI A SEGARS. —10,009 Venus Regalia 1, Segars, 20,000 Venus Canonis fdo. 20,000 Ties Amigos_ dm 5,000 Silva do. v Far sale by [nov 13] LS. BEERS & Co. \ T> ULBOUS ROOTS, DAHLI AS, Sac.— The sub scribershave just received a select assortment of t'resh Bulbous iioots, double and single Dahlias, ■ and Flower Seeds. Also, English Garden Peas and Beans, and the “ Rohan Potatoes,” a very productive variety—all of which they offer for sale at reasonable prices. GARVIN & HAINES, feb 15 No. 232 Broad-st. Augusta. fJAHE Trustees of Columbia county Academy 1 have again engaged the services of Mr. Lewis Poster, a graduate of Dartmouth Col ege, as Rector of the Institution, for the ensuing year. The i Academy was opened for the reception of students on the Ist inst. Board can be had in the vicinity on reasonable terms. E. T. WILLI AMS, Sec T y. Jan 7 ts SABBATH SCHOOL BOOKS, —A Summary of Biblical Antiquities, compiled for the use of | Sunday School Teachers, ami for the benefit of \ families by John W. Nevin. The Sabbath School Class Book, comprising co- \ j p ious exercises on the Sacred Scriptures, by E. j IJ dncoln. Malcolm’s Bible Dictionary. For sale by jag)2l ‘ J.' W. & T. S STOY. j |> DANDY’S MADEIRA WINE.—The subscri- J4# bets will receive orders for this celebrated Wine either of direct importation or via India. | j Samples may be seen at their office. A few dozen India Madeira now on hand and for s*le by (dec 6' GARDELLE fe RHIND. riXHE. MATERNAL FRIEND—For the reli $ oi all the sympathetic affections and period!- ; eisil disorders, to which females are liable. The JlSatcrn»l Friend is the well known “Philotoken” j under a ivew name. For sale by appointment bv HAVTLAND, RISLEY & Co., j Augusta, and HAVILAND, HARRAL & ALLEN, price per oortie. cnanesion. | no v 25 6m § . _ PICKLES AND PRESERVES.—The subscri bers have just received a complete assortment of Pickles, consisting of Walnuts, Cauliflower, Mangoes, Red Cabbage, Picolihy, Onions, Mixed Pickles, Peppers, Gerkins, Beans, in half gallon and quart jars; Cucumbers in pickle.; London, French and American Mustards; Ketchups of various kinds,and other fable Sauces. ALSO AMERICAN AND FOREIGN PRESERVES Peach, Green-gage, Damson, Egg Plum and Peai Preserves ; Currant, Raspberry and Strawberry ! Jellies and Jams; East ftidia Ginger in pots, West India Orange, Citron, Limes and Pine Apple Pre serves; Guava Jelly in glass and boxes; Citron. Prunes. Raisins, Fizs ana oiner aided fronts, all ■ fresh and in fine order, lor saie ov declS I. S. BEERS & Co. LAW BOOKS. | H } EPORTS of cases argued and determined in Blj the High i ourt of Chancery in Ire ; and, dur ing the term of Lord Chancellor Manners; from the sittings after Michealmos, Term 48, George 111, 1807, to the sittings after Trinity, Term 51, George HI, ISI I, by Thomas Ball and Francis Beatty, Esqrs. Barristers at Law. Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery from 1757, to 1766, kc. by the Honorable Robert Henley Edens, ol Lin coln’s Inn, Barrister at Law. Notes to Phillips’ Tieatise on the Law of Evi. dence. by Esek Cowen,one of the Judges of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, assisted by Nicholas Hill, Jr. Councellorat Law. i A full and arranged Digest of Cases decided in the Supreme, Circuit and Dirfict Courts of the U. . States, by Richard Peters, Councellor at Law, and i reporter of the decisions of the Supreme Court of t the United >tates. Vol 3d. f Also, a new edition of Turners’ Chemistry. The Nurse’s Guide containing a seris of instruc tions to females who wish to engage in the impor * ta A business of nursing mother and chi d, &c, by • J. Warrington, M. D. , Towndrow’s new and improved Writing Books, with copies to accompany. Just received and for sale oy j. W. & T. S. STOY. an 23. PUBLIC SALES. Clothing. «Y RUSSELL & HUTCHINSON. On Wednesday, 25tb of March, At my store, at 10 o’clock, I shall offer the bal ance of the stock of CIJYTHLSG AND UMBREL LAS, ot the late Daws, Grimes k Co. at public sale. Disposed of for the purpose of closing the business of said firm. Terms—under $ TOO, cash; from 100 to S3OO, 60 days; from 300 to SSOO, four months; over SSOO, six months, approved endorsed notes. y R. DAVIS, mar 14 Surviving Partner. Race Horse. BY RUSSELL & HUTCHINSON. On Saturday, the 14th instant, at the Lafaj ette Course, the well known grey Race Pony called Miss De Kalb, 4 years old this spring. Terras at sale, mar 13 Slaves , Barrel Heads, $-c. BY RUSSELL. & HUTCHINSON. On Saturday, ttie- I.4lH'instant, at 10 o’clock, will be sold, at the back store, Marbcry street, near the new market, belonging to A. I. Huntington, to pay storage, A quantity of Heading, Staves, and Hoop Poles, left on the premises by Joseph L. Collins, at the time of his death. Terms cash, mar 13 BY RUSSELL HUTCHINSON. ON MONDAY, the 16th of March, at the lower market house in this city, the following proper ty will be sold: The House and Lot No. 4, Bridge- Row, The House and Lot next above the Bridge Bank. 30 to 40 Building Lots in the village of Spring field. The terms will be liberal. mar X MCKENZIE & BENNOCH. Administrator's Sale. BY RUSSELL & HUTCHINSON. Will be sold, by order of Court, at the lower market house, ou the first Tuesday in May next, between the usual hours of sale, three Negroes, be longing to the estate of John ilatiield, vix : Saiah, Peggy and child. J ESSE KENT, Adm’r. March 3, 1840. Administrator's Sale. ItY RUSSELL & HUTCHINSON. ON the Ist Tuesday in April next will be sold, at the lower market house, the Household and Kitchen Furniture belonging to Mary Johnson, de ceased. Terms cash. March 5,1840. P. If. MANTZ, Adm’r N^TOTICE. —On Wednesday, the 22d April next, will be sold, at the dwelling house of Thos. Averell, deceased, all the Household and Kitchen Furniture belonging to said deceased. Terms cash. March 13, 1840. P. H. MANTZ, Adm’r. NOTICE. — On Thursday, the 33d April next will be sold at the dwelling house of James Leverich, deceased, all the llousehold-and Kitchen Furniture, together with some Fanning Utensiis and Wagons, belonging to sai i deceased. Terms cash. PH. MANTZ; ) , J. A. CAMERON, 5 Gm March 13,1840. EXECUTOR’S SALE. ’'KJOTICE. —Will be sold on the first Tuesday in XN April next, at the market house in the city of Augusta, forty acres Pine Land, more or less, lying in the county of Richmond, adjoining lands of L. B Beal and D. F. Dickinson Sold for the benefit of the heirs of Agatha Beal, deceased. Jan. 11,1840. JOHN BOSTICK, Ex’r. A DM INISTRATOR’S SALE. 4 GREEABLE to a decree of the Superior Court, J\ wfith the will annexed, of Richmond county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in May, at the court house in Cass county, a lot of land belonging to the estate of Walton Knight, Lot No. 075, 4th District and 3d Section, containing forty acres ; lying and being in the county of Cass. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms made known on the day of sale. P. H. MANTZ, Adm’r. March 2, 1840. fiUA R 111 AN’S SALE. A GREEABLE to an order of tiie Inferior Court J\_ of Richmond county, while sitting for ordina ry purposes, will be sold on the first Tuesday in May, at the court house door in Floyd county, a tract of land belonging to the orphans of Lot Wil liams, containing 160 acres, in the 15th District, 4:h section, in Cherokee. Terms made known on the day of sale. P. 11. MANTZ, Guardian. March 2, 1840. fTMHE AMERICAN GARDENER’S CALEN -1 DAR, adapted to the climates and seasons of the United States; containing a complete account of all the work necessary to be done n the Kitch en Garden, Fruit Garden, Orchard, Vineyard, Nur sery,. Pleasure Ground, Flower Garden, Green House, Hot House, and Forcing Frames, for every month in the year; with ample practical directions for performing the same. Also, general as well as minute instructions for laying out or erecting each , and every of the above departments accoidingto ■ modern taste and the most approved plans, the Or | namental Planting of Pleasure Grounds, in the an | cient and modem style; the cultivation d Thorn I Quicks and other plants suitable for'Live Hedges, with tha best, methods of making them, &c. To which arc annexed, < aialogues.of Kitchen Gar den Plants and Herbs; Aromatic Pot and Sweet Herbs; Medicinal Plants; and the most important Grasses, &c. used in rural economy, with the soil best adapted to their cultivation; together with a i copious index to the body of the work; by Ber nard M’Mahon. Also, a practical summary of the law and usage j of Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes; to- | gether with a series of tables, showing when bills, j notes and draft*, drawn or accepted al an} r date, i will fall due. To which are added rates of com- I ; mission and storage; equation of payments; and i general information connected with the business of j the ( ounting House; by B. F. Foster, Accountant, ! Also, Key to the North American Arithmetic, I parts 2d and 3d, for the use of teachers; by Frede- ; I rick Emerson. Just received rad for sale by mar 10 J. W. & T. S. STOY. WHOLESALE ORI OOISTS. G1 ARV IN & HAINES, No. 232, Broad street, i U are constantly receiving fresh supplies of | Drugs, Paints, Oils, Glass, kc. Also an extensive 1 assortment of Brushes* Toilet and Shaving Soaps, I Perfumery., &c., of domestic and foreign, manufac- ! tures, selected by their agents; also afresh supply of 1 English Garden Seed. Country merchants and Physicians are invited to call and examine our sto k. nrY’A liberal discount made forcash. dec 28 ACADEMY OF RICHMOND COUNTY. fI'NHE Trustees of this institution are happy to have it in their power to state, that both the principal Academy in Augusta, and the branch at Summerville, have resumed their exercises, under the management of Teachers who have the full confidence of the Trustees, and who, they are sa tisfied, are fully entitled to that of the public. Mr. Ernenputsch, the Rector of the Academj', already favorably known to the community, has charge of the Classical department and all the branches of education requisite for admission to our best Colleges. His attainments as a scholar and success in imparting useful knowledge, enu- | nently qualify him for the discharge of the im- j portant duties of his station. Mr. Ring, the principal English Teacher, re cently engaged by the Board, comes with the high est recommenda'ions as to character, talents, lite rary attainments and skill in teaching, and the Trustees feel assured that he will sustain the re putation which led to lus selection. The branch of the Academy at Summerville is under the immediate management of Mr. Frank lin George, a gentleman of experience in teach ing, and highly recommended. The advantage of the location of this branch of the Academy irTone of the most healthful neighborhoods in the State, and sufficiently remote from the unfavorable in fluence of a crowded town, are too well known to need comment. On the whole, the Board confidently recommend to the public the principal Academy and the Branch at Summerville, as being on a better footing than they have heretofore been, and piomising great usefulness to those who may avail themselves of the advantages which they offer. A. CUNNINGHAM, jan 11 President of Board of Trustees. E= ■ " " 1 ■'* PUBLIC SALES. Oil BY W. E. JACKSON. On Monday, 16th instant, at half past 10 o’clock, in liont of mj store, to close a consignment, 20 casks Oil. mar 14 Terms cash. Furniture Sale. BY >V. E. JACKSON, On Friday, the 20th instant at 10 o’clock, at the store of Daniel H. Silcox, will be sold, A very large and superior assortment of Cabinet Furniture, < hairs, &c. &c., consisting of Wood, Cane and Flagg Seat < hairs, Hocking and Sewing Chairs, Hair Seat Hocking (-hairs, and Cane Seat do, Mahogany and Curl Maple do. Mahogany high pcsl Bedsteads, Sideboards, Marble Top Centre and! Pier Tables, Marble Top Washstands, Double and! Single Dressing Bureaus, Plain Bureaus, Office Desks, Dressing Tables, Wardrobes, Secretary and Bookcases, Settees, and a variety of new pattern Sofas, Mantle Glasses, with French Plates, Music Stools, &c. &,c. Also, a very superior Piano Forte, manufactured by Smith & Co., New York, late partner of W.- Nunns. Terms of sale—For all sums under *2OO cash, over that amount 60 days, for approved paper, mar IS Executors' Sale. BY W. E. JACKSON. On the first Tuesday in April next, will be sold, at the lower market house, to the highest bidder. Fight acres of Land, more or loss, belonging to the estate of M. Nelson, deceased, adjoining lands of the estate of C. Marks, and the Georgia Hail Hoad By order of the executors. mar 13 wtd Administrator's Sale. BY W. E. JACKSON". On the lirst Tuesday in May next, will be sold, at the lower market house in the city' of Augusta, to the highest bidder, about three acres of land, be-*- longing to the estate of Christian Marks, deceased,’ lying northwest of the Georgia Hail Hoad, and ad joining lands of E. Thomas and others, agreeable to leave gianted by the honoiable the Judges of the Inferior Court of Richmond county, while sitting for ordinary purposes. mar 12 Executor's Sal*. BY W. E. JACKSON, Ci> Wednesday, 18th instant, in front of W. E. Jackson’s store, will be sold, 2. Horses, 2 Cows, 2 Carts, 1 Wagon, 1 Dray, lot Ploughs, I Cultivator, lot Harness, lot Fodder, from 3000 to 5000 lbs, 1 large Iron Kettle, 1 Sur veyor’s Chain, 1 Gun, lot Brick Moulds, lot Coun ters, Shovels, Spades, and Pickaxes, together with sundry other articles belonging to the estate of Mate cw Nelson, deceased. At the same time will he rented, until the first January next, about 36 acres of land. By order of the executors. mar 12 Executor's Sate. BY W. E. JACKSON, On the first Tuesday in April next, At the lower market, within the usual hours of sale, will be sold, 4 Lots with improvements, 1 Y'acant Lot, belonging to the estate of Robert Dillon, deceased. A plat of the premists wil 1 be exhibited on the day of sale, and the terms made known. feb 2S A. .1 MILLER, Executor. Administrator's Sale. BY IV. E. JACKSON. On MONDAY, the 30th March, at 11 o’clock, in front of the store late’y occupied by A. Danforth, will be sold the personal property of the late J J. Grant, consisting of one Gold patent Lever Watch, and sundry Paints, Oils; Painters’ Tools, &c. Jfcb 27 THOMAS I. WRAY, Adm’r. BY W. E. JACKSON. ON MONDAY', the 16th of March next, in front of W E. Jackson’s store, at 12 o’clock precisely, will be sold. Twenty shares of the Capital Stock of the Au gusta Insurance and Banking Company, transferred to me by David W. St. Sohn, iate of Richmond coun ty, deceased, as a pledge to secure the amount due on a promissory note of sa d D. W. St. John, in my favor. ‘ THOMAS 8. METCALF. feb 17 Administrator's Sale. BY W. E. JACKSON. ON WEDNESDAY, the2s(h cf March next, will be sold, between the usual hours of sale, at the store lately occupied by Rob’t Barber, dec’d. The balance of his stock in trade, consisting of Bagging, Bale Hope, Coflee. Shot, Segars. sic. Sic. Also,one Buggy, with Harness complete, his inter est in two undivided lots of Morus Multicaulis Trees and sundry articles of Clothing and Furniture. At the same time will be rented the store, until the Ist of October next, with back stores attached thereto. Also a back store on Bay-street. feb_F7 C. J JOCK, AdnCr. Administrator's Sale. BY W. E. JACKSON. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in April next; j «*t the lower market, one Barouche and sundry ar ticles of Household and Kitchen F.uroitur-e, belong ing to the estate of William Thompson. ANDREW MACLEAN, Admr. feb 28 trwtd Administrator's Sale. BY W. E. JACKSON. Will Le sold on the first Tuesday in April next, at the lower market house, sundry articles of Household and Kitchen Furniture, belonging to the | estate of John Sandiford. ANDREW MACLEAN. Admr. feb 28 trwtd Administratrix's Sale. BY W. E. JACKSON, On Friday, the twenty-seventh dayof March next, will be sold at the Livery Stables lately occu pied by John B. Guedron, deceased, the entire stock of Carriages and Horses belonging to that establishment, with a number of Bridles, Saddles, and setts of Harness. Also, sixty-nine shares of the capital stock of the Peoples’ Line Stage Company. Also, the interest of the said John B. Guedron in a contract for the transport!vn of the mail from Au gusta to Savannah, via the Central Rail Road; to gether with stock of horses and carriages of differ ent kinds employed on the route; also, 25 shares of the capital stock of the Georgia Insurance and Trust Company. At the sane time and place the Stables, &c. will be leased from the first of April next to Ist Octo ber, 1841. ELLEN B. GUEDRON, Administratrix of John B. Guedron. February 14,1840. sw td ' HORRID DEPRAVITY. SOME notorious counterfeiters have nearly kill ed several persons by selling them a spurious and false mixture of Hays’ Liniment. Ihe genuine is warranted perfectly harmless and effectual. Never buy the article unless it has the written signature of COMSTOCK 8f Co. on the sp endid wrapper. Tnat firm are solely au thorized to make and sell the true article Origi nal proprietor, SOLOMOM HAYS. P. S. 'The true Hays’ Liniment is warranted to cure Piles and Rheumatism, in. all cases, or no pay taken for it. Sold at No. Fletcher street, near Pearl st. and, Maiden Lane, New Y'oik, by COMS TOCK Sr Co., Vhole'nle Druggists. The genuine is for sale by GAR\ IN & HAINES* and ROBERT CARTER, Augusta. Jan 10 ly ELUS.BTREKT ELEMENTARY ' ACADEMY. THE undersigned would respectfully inform his patrons and the public that his School is now re-opened for the business of the winter, at his for mer stand, opposite the dwelling of Mr. H. Caffin As usual at this school, pupils of both sexes are received. Everything relative to the deportment of tire pupils, which such an arrangement may be calculated to require, will be carefully attended to. _ . . C. PIKE. N- H-—4t is contemplated to open a Night School* at the same room, as soon as a suitable class caiv be collected* C. P. November