Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, March 19, 1840, Image 3

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* , $ AUGUSTA PRICES CURRENT. Thursday, Mafci 19, 1840. BAGGING — Hemp, per >’ard 20 a 25 Tow, ‘ 14 a 20 BALE ROPE, p 'lb. 8 a 14 BACON —Hog round, • 8 a 10 Hams, ‘ ° 1- Shoulders, ‘ —a 10 Sides , —a 10 BUTTER—Gr"’’en, J> 'lb. 28 a So jVorf Carolina, 1 15 a 25 Country, * a 25 COFFEE—G ? ecu prime Cuba 14 a 5 Ordinary to good, £ 11a 11 St.Dom.ngo, 10 a 14 Brazil, —a jMguira, '• 12$ a 15 Porto Rico, 12$ a 15 Java, ■ 15 a 16 Mocha, 1 18 a 20 COTTON —Or dinar it o mid'g, ■ 5$ a 7$ Fair, ‘ 7$ a S Gondfaer, 1 8 a 8| Prime, —a 8$ CANDLES — Spermaceti, ' 48 a 50 Tallow, $ 20 a 22 CHEESE — American, ' 13$ a 11 English, ‘ 40 a 50 ClDEß—Northern, per | 5/. 900 a 10 00 7/i boxes, per c <z. 350 a 450 ClGAßS—Spanish, A 15 a2O American, 5 a 12 CORN — c/ 50 a 62$ FLU — Herrings, h : 125 a 150 Mad ■ ere/ JVb. 1 none U U .) I 4. ‘ £ “ 3 ' ‘ £ FLOUR — Canal, L t. 0 all Baltimore, S a 850 Western, none Country, 650 a 750 GUNPOWDER— / g 6 a 7 Blasting, 1 4 a 450 GLASS —10 ><l2, h t 350 a 425 8 10, * 325 a 4 IRON—Russia, * 6 Swedes, assorted, * 6 J!i>np, I 0 a 10 Sheet, £ 8 a 10 JVa*7 Rods, “ 7 a 8 LEAD—Bar, £ ' 9 a LEATHER—SoIe, It 28 a 30 Uppei-, sid 1 75 a 2 Calf Shins, doz 30 a3O LARD— lb 8 a 12$ MOLASSES — N. Orleans, gal 30 a 40 Havana, “ 30 a 40 English Bland, <£ —a NAILS— lb 8 a 9 OILS — Lamp, gal 150 a 200 Lmsecd, l£ 1 15 a 125 Tanners, ££ 60 0/1 TS — bus) 50 PE A S— “ 1 PAINTS —Red Lead. lb 15 Whit, Lead , Acg 300 a 350 Spanish Brown lb 4 a Yellow Ochre, ‘ £ 3 a PEPPER—BIark, 9 a 12$ PORTER — London, doz 4 a 450 and Ale, American, bbl 3 a 350 RAISINS—MaIaga, box 2 a 250 Muscatel, ££ 1 50 a 2 Bloom, 11 none RlCE—Prime, 100 II 4 a 5 Inferior to good, “ 350 a4 50 SUGAR —New Orleans, lb la 10 Havana, white, ££ 13 a 15 ££ broun, <£ 8 a 9 Muscovado, “ S a 10 St. Croix, £: 10 a 12$ PorZo Pico, ££ 8 a 11 Lump, ££ 14 a 16 Loaf, “ 15 a 20 Double refined, “ 20 a 22 SOAP — American, No. 1, 8 a 8$ ££ No. 2, 5 a 8 SALT —Liverpool ground, bush 40 a G2s Turk's Bland, “• nc;ae STEEL — German, lb 15 a 16 Blistered, ££ ; 8 a 12$ SHOT—AH sizes, bag 2 1.2$ a 2 37$ SPIRITS — Cognac, Ath pis. gal 150 a 250 Peach, “ 1 a 150 Apple. ££ 45 a 6 ) Gm, Holland, ££ 1 20 a 1 55 “ American, ££ 68 a 68 Rum, Jamaica. “ 1 25 a 1 75 ‘ £ Ac to England, l£ 48 a 56 Whiskey, Northern, “ 48 a 56 ‘ £ Western, ££ 50 a 75 • £ Mononga. ££ 75 a 1 ££ Irish, “ 2 a 3 TOBACCO—N. Carolina, lb I 8 a 15 Virginia, ££ 15 a 40 TWINE— “ ; 30 a 27$ I'EA — Bohca, ££ 50 a 75 Souchong, ££ 50 a 75 Hyson, “ 75 a 1 25 Gunpowder, 1 a 125 IVINE — Madeira, gal 250 a 350 Sicily Madeira, 1 25 a 1 75 Sherry, ££ 12 n 350 Tenarijfe, “ I 75 a 125 S’ujccZ Malaga, ££ I 40 a 60 Parte, “ I 75 a 3 Claret, “ I no/re *• in bottles, doz 13 a 6 Champaigne, £ ‘ |5 al2 ' Ul.w— HH«lllllilWW-lO«W»aiMI« mil BU A CARD, j SOUTHERN LITERARY MIjSSENGER. It is truly unpleasant to the sulso.iiber to ap pear before the public again, and |o soon, for tlic purpose of apologizing far a delay' Bnt he trusts that the circumstances causing a ilostponement of the forthcoming number < f his p<f iodical, when known to his patrons, will render Sits excuse valid and satisfactory, 'they aie briefly these —lie has been waiting, until a few days sin. e, for a sup ply of ihe paper upon which iic Messenger is printed, the vessel in which ■ L was shipped from Boston having been detained by adverse cir cumstances sixteen days —bein ; on jer passage, in all, thirty Jays. That essential ar ;iclc being cow received, he is prepared *o goon, nd is going on rapidly with the publication of the i imber, and ex pects to tc able to deliver it by he 25th of the month, lie flatters himself, that : s the Messen ger has generally been brought out with prompt ness, the hindrances whi< h have ret ally otcuircd, will be kindly overlooked, and he opes in future to get it through the press, and to ) resent it to the public with its customary derpatch a d punt luality, T. W \ HITE Office of Southern Literar i Messenger. Richmond, March ’3, 1840. J. W. JONES, is my authorisea Agent for the adjustment of my unfinished busine s. mar 3 WILLI AMI E JONES. (rj' Dr. J. H. MURRAY oilers 1 s professional services to the citizens of Hamburg and the visin ity. ( ffice at II 11. Cooke’s Drug 8 ore. mar 17 1m ~CyPVBLIC NOTICE.—Dvi. Mu »oE,Surgett Dentist, has returned to Augusta, an I has removed lus operating rooms to one door belov Martin Fred erick’s Confectionary, and opposit the Br dge Barak Buiklingv _____ feb 10° dj' NO I R E. — Ihe Rail Road Pi Tram between Charleston and llamburgJ will leave or follows: UPWARD. Not to leave Charleston before 7 00 a m. “ Summerville, “ - S 30 “ “ Georges’ - “ - 10 00 “ “ Branchville, ££ - 11 00 “ “ Midway, - ££ - II 30 Jt » £ ‘ Blackville, - “ - JOO .m “ ££ Aiken, - - “ - 300 Arrive at Hamburg not before - 400 DOWNWARD. £ Not to leave Hamburg before *6 00 a. m. “ « Aiken, -“ - J? 30 “ “ Blackville, “ - - 930 “ t£ Midway, “ - - 030 “ “ Branchv ill “ - - 100 “ “ Georges’, “ - . p2OO M. * “ Summerville, ££ - . o OCp. m. Arrive at Charleston not before 300 Distance —136 miles. FareThrou* i—slo 00. Speed not over 20 miles an hour. To remain 20 minutes each, for breaklast and dir ter, anu not Ringer than 5 minutes for wo ‘and water at any fetation. To stop for passengers, when a white flag is hoisted,at cither M the above stations and also at Linealhs, Woodstock, Inabinet’s 4 f mile ']'.() lit res’, Grahams, Willeston, Windslr, Johnsons, aud Marsh's T. O. I Passentrers no w.ll breakfast at \\|>odstock and ‘hue at Biackvule; aown, will breaklast ar Aiken and dine at buramci vilie. I may 21 fIIHL subscriber lias just received a very snne- JL ri °r lot of the YELLO W IRISH POT A TOES which he offers forsaio, opposite the Eagle and Pliccnix Hotel, Broad st. E. OLIVER. Dissolution— The Arm of a. cunning- HAM* CO., is this day, (18th of March, 1540.) dissolved. The debts due by the concern will be settled by domes L. Houston. A. CUNNINGHAM, J. L. HOUSTON. Having purchased the entire interest of A. Cun ningham in the Drug Store, the business hereafter will be attended to by the subscriber, who solicits a portion of the puoiic patronage J. L. HOUSTON. March 19, 1840. dlwirlm’J M A RSU A IAS S A LG. \ % TILL be sold, on Thursday, the third day of Y j April next, if rot previously applied for, two grey Colts —one of them a Hor<e, supposed to be two years old past —the other a Filly, one year old past. Taken up within the corporate limits of the cityx The sa’e will take place at the lower market house, between the usual hours of sale. FOSTER BLODGET, march 19 w3t City Marshal. (IRKA VI OF SOAP, FOR SHAVING.—The J Cream of Soap is a peculiar compound, con taming a very small proportion of alkali, produces rich and durable atlier with cither warm or cold water, renders the process of shaving easy' and pleasant, and is particularly recommended to gen tlemen who may have strong, heavy beards, or ten der faces. For sale by mar 13 GARVIN & HAINES. ('IKOKGIV PURR STONES FOR SALE.—A T first rate pair of these .Mill Stones, four and a half feet in diameter. For terms apply' at this office. jan 31 ts (1 U RUNG FLUID, &c.—Blending with a grate- J ful and refreshing perfume, the desirable quality of strengthening and promoting the growth of the Hair, without giving to it the greasy hue of Pomatum, or the volatile moisture of the (fils. Its utility is confirmed by the most extensive con sumption. Also, the Genuine Maccassar Oil, and Ward’s Celebrated Hair Oil. For sale by mar 13 GARVIN & HAINES. AUGUSTA ARTILLERY il GUARDS. fca Attend an Adjourned Meeting of your corps, to be ho d at the United States Hotel,on Thursday, the 19th I Inst, at 7s, p. m, to receive the re port of the committee, and for the e i ec tion of a 3d Lieutenant. By order of Capt. Gould, CHAS. E. GRENVILLE, mar IS Sec’y. pro tern SITUATION WANTED.- —A y<*u»g man © can give the most unquestionable references, is desirous of obtaining permanent or temporary employ mei I in a counting house, book store or law office, in this city. Salary is less an object with him than occupation. A line aadres«ed to ££ VV.” box No. 113, Post Office, stating real name, busi ness and requisition-, will receive immediate at tention. mar 5 trw2w* '7VJ OTICE. —The City Taxes for the present year aio now due, and the undersigned will call on the citizens for the purpose of collecting them, and persons failing to make payment will be relumed to the City Council as defaulters, and pro ceeded against as the Ordinance directs. JOHN 11. MANN, Col. &c Tr. C. A. feb 20 trw2m I AW. —The undersigned practices in the Supe- J rior Courts of Columbia, Washington, Stri ven, Burke and Jefferson counties. Columbia sits on the 2d Monday in March and Sept. Washington ££ 4tli ££ ££ ££ ££ ‘ £ Scriven ££ “ “ ££ April and Oct Burke ££ Ist “ “ May &3d Nov. Jefferson “ 3d “ “ “ 2d “ feb 22 trw!2t GEORGE SCHLEY. j ___a TO RENT, from the Ist Oct. next, a fpl nil STORE, No. 246 south-side Bioad-strcct., y recently occupied by the late D W. St. John. Apply to JAMES GARDNER, Jr. aug 16 trw ts LiICTUIS.ES ON CHEMISTRY. DR. DAVIS will deliver a course of Lectures on Chemistry, adapted to a popu.ar class, in liie Medical College, 'i he course will embrace the subjects of Chemical Affinity, Heat, the Chemical and Mechanical Properties of Atmospheric Air, Steam and the most Important Gases, Alcohol, Ether, Potash, Nitre, and the Fulminating Com pounds. I he first Lecture will be given on Monday eve ning, March loth, at S o’clock, and to be continued on the even»ngs of Monday, Wednesday and Fri day, until the course of twelve Lectures is coin -1 leted. 'i ickets, at $5 each, may be obtained at the drug store of Garvin it Haines. mar 6 tnvGt THEATRE. MR. VV. C. FORBES "O'pectfully announces to the ladies and gentlemen of Augusta, that he will re-open the Theatre in the course of the ensuing week. He takes great pleasure in an nouncing the engagement of Mrs. ITtzwii.liam, 1 the celebrated Comic Actress, from the Drury Lane and Covent Garden Theatres, London, who will make her first appearance in the part of Peggy in the Corin'ry Girl and of Widow Wiggins, in a dramatic entert linment of that name, written ex pressly for her, in which she will sustain sixdijfcr enf characters. mar 16 GEORGIA RAILROAD. rgNIIE Lelting proposed to take place on the 7th jL proximo, of the Grading of the Georgia Rail road above Madison,is postponed until the 24th of Cctober next. Proposals *’or grading a few of the heavy secti »ns crossing the valley of the Alcovy ■ river, will beireccived at this Office at any time after the lUth proximo. J- EDGAR THOMPSON, C. E. ngineer’s Office, Greensboro, > Fob. 22, 1840. 5 ; TO.U TINSTALL. THIS thorough bred Horse will stand from this time until the first of ‘ [■ ■ July next at the stable in the lower y" alu\ part of Augusta, formerly occupied VT g 2$ by Bertrand, Jr. Terms —530 the Aggseason , payable at the List visit; for three or mt re marcs, owned ty the same person, $25 each: $ 1 for the groom, I PEDIGREE. J R. 11. Acklis, Esq- of Huntsville, Alabama, ; certifies a« follows ;—“ Tom Tunstall was foaled mine on the 29th May, 1831. His dam was High i land Mary and her dam a full-blooded Archie mare; r the sire of Highland Mary was old PacolcL Tom Tunstall was sired by o’d Pacific, and he by old Sir Archie. This is as far as lam able to go, tho’ I am satisfied Tom Tunstall has descended from as good a stuck as any horse in the United States. — He was a racehorse of the first order, but I lear will never be able to make a first rate race again, owing to his leg; it was injured when a three year old, in training, as I believe. By addressing Har dy Cryf.r, Gallatin, Tennessee,you can “■et a full pedigree of the dam of Tom Tunstall.” The same Mr. Hardy Cryer certifies thus : —“ Highland Mary combined as many or more rich crosses of thorough breds than any maie ever raised in Tennessee^— She was got by the noted horse Pacolet, the son of imported Citizen ; her dam Rosey Carey by Sir Archie; grand-dam Sally Jones by the imported horse Traveller, ca led Big Ben or Charlemaine, (son of O’Kellcv’s Eclipse, and one of the purest importations of the last century;) great grand-dam by the imported horse Wrangler; great-great-grand ) dam O’Possurn by imported Shark; great-great l great-grand-dam by the celebrated American quar ter race horse, Goode’s old Twigg; great-great greal-g:eat-grand-dam by imported lea inaught; > great-great-great-great-great-grand dam by Lee’s I old Mark Anthony out of a mare by imported Mou , key.” On the sire’s side it is deemed unnecessary j to trace beyond Sir Archie. It is presumed none will require a purer or better attestc l pedegree! i If farther recommendation be wanted, call and see i Tom. WILLIAM HOLMES, Agent feb 22—trwAwtf \\T ANTED, a young m n to attend to a Bar, V T one acquainted with the business,of steady habits, will find a situation, with moderate com pensation and steady employment by enquiring at this office. Good references must be given, mar 17 3 t SODA FOUN r.—A new Sooa !• ount, in com plete order, for sale cheat*, mar 12 GARVIN & HAINES. PECTORAL HONEY OF BONESKT.—For Coughs, Coid.s and comp aints of the Liver leading to Consumption. A supply of (he above ; celebrated medicine, just received and fer sale by j _nwr 13 G VRViN & HAINES. |G) BOXES choice Pine Apple Cheese, just re ✓-W ceived and for sale low. RUSSELL & HUTCHINSON, mar 6 Auctioneers. SALE.—A likely' Negro Man, a first rate Cook, in which a bargain can be had. RUSSELL <t HUTCHINSON, mar 6 Auctioneers. BROUGHT to Jail, on the 27th January, 1840, a negro man named Joshua the property of S. Winkler, of Savannah. Joshua is five feet ele ven and a half inches high, mar 6 LAWRENCE T. SIIOPP, Jailor. BLANK BM)KS—The subscriber is now pre pared to manufacture Blank Hooks, to any pat tern, and at short notice. large assortment of Medium,Demi, and cap Blank Books for sale cheap by jan 1 T. H. PLANT. SUPERIOR WHITE FLANNELS.— Snowden & Shear have received from New York a large supply of new style and very superior Whitc Flannels, warranted not to shrink, to which they respectfully invite the attention of the public. d7 < r A ARP ETS. —SNOW DEN <s■ SHEAR J ceived from New York a very large supply of superior Brussels Three Ply and Ingrain Carpets, of new and splendid patterns, with Rugs to match; Also. Printed Baizes and Patent Floor Cloths, to which they repectfuliy invite the attention of the public. jan 25 VD\ ANCES ON COTTON.—Advances will be made by us, on COTTONS consigned to our friends in Liverpool, Havre and Charleston—in bills on New York at 20 to 30 days sight, on con signment to Europe, and 1 to 5 days sight’ on con signment to the latter place. The shippers, in all ! cases, will have the benefit of the Exchanges, i dec 2r> ts GARDELLE& RHINO. Dutch ett’s remedy for the piles 'This article is recommended as a specific for almost a 1 cases of piles that may occur. Certifi cates of cures may be seen from persons who bad been atliLted for upwards of 20 years. For sale by 11AVTLAND, RISLEY & Co., Augusta, and IIAVILAND, IIARRAL & ALLEN, Price $2 per bottle. Charleston. nov 25 6 m STEREOGRAPH SAFETY BLANKS.— Ujl Bills of Exchange Mechanics’ Bank Checks Bank of Augusta do Georgia Rail Road and Banking Co. Checks Bank of State Geo. Br at Augusta, do. And Promissory Notes, all in desirable colors For sale by J. W. &T. S. STOY. dec 9 | f | '.HE Subscribers have (his day entered into ' ■ Partnership under the firm of FORCE, BRO~ I THERS 4' CO. LEWIS M. FORCE, JOHN P. FORCE, BENJAMIN W. FORCE, BENJAMIN CONLEY, Augusta, January Ist, 1840. All persons indebted to B. W. Force & Co. are requested to make immediate payment. FORCE, BROTHERSCO. Wholesale Dealers in Boots, Shoes and Leather, have on hand an ex tensive stock, which they oiler to country mer chants at Northern price'. jan 1 ts fS'IUK AMERICAN COUGH DROPS—For Colds, obstinate Coughs, and all diseases of the Lungs. This is an old and tried remedy, and be lie red to he one among the best for the purpose for which it is recommended. For sale by IIAVILAND, RISLEY & Co,, Augusta, and HAVILAND, IIARRAL ALLEN, Price 75 cts per bottle. Charleston, nov 25 6m Hermitage extract.—This lately vented combination of delightful odors, has acquired a just popularity, not only by reason of tho strength and delicacy, but of the extraordina ry duration of ils perfume. Whilst the strength of man 3' other extracts and essences is almost as eva nescent as the bloom of the flowers from which thc\ r are derived, the Hermitage retains its fra grance for an in efinite length of time, and is scarce to be removed from the garment on which it is poured, b\' washing; hence it is probably the cheapest and most delightful perfume of our labora tories. Also, Cologne, Lavender, Orange, Florida and Rose Waters, in great variety. For sale by mar 13 GARVIN & HAINES. GMOKGIA HAIL. ROAD. day passenger line resumed. ON and after Tuesda}’’ next, (February 18th,) a Passenger Car will leave Augusta every Tues day, Thursd ly, and Saturday, at 8 o’clock, A. M.; Greensboro’ every Monday, Wednesday, and Fri day, at 8, A. M., and arrive at each place about 4s, P. M. i Office Transportation, Augusta, February 12,1840.3 DRAWING Ar PAINTING ACADEM Y, masonic hall. fBl ADDISON RICH ARDS, Artist, respectfully IL • apprises the community, of Augusta, &c., that he w ill resume his classes in Drawing, Paint ing and Perspective, on the second Monda\* in De cember. His rooms arc now open to the public 1 and will remain so until tlrat period, (December 9th.) Those who favor him with a visit will find, besides previous productions, a number of original ' Oil Paintings of Landscape, Fruit, &c., executed during the past summer. Also, many new Water ! Color Drawrngs of Flowers and Landscapes, added to wiiich, a Port-folio of Original Pencil and Tinted bket lies. In addition to this gallery of his own pioductions, he has collected copies of the best English and American Elementary Drawing Books i and Prints to be obtained in the Union, which must prove a valuable auxiliary to pupils in their studies I, He giv'es instruction in Landscape, Fruit and Marine Painting in Oil Colors; Landscape and Flow er Drawing in Warer Colors; Sepia and Indian ' ' Tinting; Pencil Drawing and Perspective. A Night Class, for the tuition of gentlemen,com mences also on the 9th of December. > N. B. —Mr. R. will make sketches of Buildings and Landscape Scenery, Drawings of Patents, paint Miiitar}' and Civic Banners, Arc. He will a ! so , supply all orders for Portrait and Picture Frames, nav 23 HORRID DEPRAVITY. SOME notorious counterfeiters have nearl}'kill ed several persons by selling them a spurious and false mixture of Hays’ Liniment. The genuine is warranted perfectly harmless and effectual. Never buy the article unless it has the written signature of COMSI'OCK 4‘ Go. on the splendid wrapper. That firm are solely au • thorized to make and sell the true arlic'e. Origi nal proprietor, SOLOMON HAYS. P. S. The true Hays’ Liniment is warranted to cure Piles and Rheumatism, in all cases, or no pay taken for it. Sold at No. 2 Fletcher street, near Pearl st. and Maiden Lane, New York, by COMSTOCK 4' Co., Wholesale Druggists. The genuine is for sale by GAR\ IN Sc HAINES, and ROBERT CARTER, Augusta, jan 10 iy NEW GOODS. SNOWDEN & SHEAR ava happy to announce to their friends in the city and country, that they are now opening a very large and splendid assortment of staple and fancy DRY GOODS, suitable for the Fall and Winter season, comprising a great variety of new and fashionable articles, which they have selected with great care from the most recent importations. We would respectfully solicit our Ji tends and the public to call and exam ine the assortment for themselves; and we would especially invite the attention of Planters to our unusually large stock of BLANKE'TS, WELCH PLAINS, NEGRO KERSEYS and LINSEYS, and low priced FLANNELS for servants, nov 12 COGNAC BRANDY.—2 hnir pipes, for sale by (mar 10) GAUDELLE &. RHINO. * CEO, a Lodging Room, for a genteman; * , one in neighborhood of the Rail Road Bank would be preferred. Apply at this office, mar 3 \T EVV STYLE SPRING PRlNTS—2cases just JL v le eived and for sale by RUSSELL & HUTCHINSON, Auctioneers. AUGUSTA INS. & BANKING Co. CHECKS, just received and for sale by mat 3 J. w. & T. S. STOY. SX EFINED CIDER AND C*NAL FLOUR.— XX. 20 bbls first quality refined Cider ; 25 faf bbls Canal I lour, for sale by fcb 22 I. S. BEERS & CO. 14 RANDi. 1 pipe superior Cognac Brandy 5 4 hall do do do received and for sale by ob Yv • E- JACKSON. Auctioneer. WM. R. McLA\VS, Attorey at Law, No. 4 Constitutionalist Range. dec 18 1000 BUSHELS CORN now landing and j jan 20 RUS&ELL, HUTCHINSON & CO. COUNTING HOUSE ALMANACS, just re ceived and for sale by- J an 3 J- W. &T. S. STOY. (1 OSHEN BU I I’ER—2O kegs first quality Go- X shen Butter, just received bv dec JS I. S. BEERS & Co. SKEIN THREAD. —A few cases Skein Thread direct from the factory, for sale by _ dec 18 RUSSELL, HUTCH INSON & Co. I AMP OIL—A supply of best Bleached Lamp A O//, just received and for sale by dec 16 GARVIN A HAINES, LUCIFER MATCHES—At three dollars per groce, or twenty live cents per dozen, for sale by (dec 5) J. \V. &T. S. STOY. riNO HIRE.—A Boy who is a good house and X dining room servant, and fine carriage driver. Apply at this office. mar 5 IX IUE—2O Casks now lan ling. A constant X su Pply will be Kept on hand, and furnished to dealers in quantities to suit, by dec 6 GARDELLE & RHIND. SPLENDID ENGLISH AND AMERICAN ANNUALS for IS4O. Also, a great variety of Juvenile and Tov Books, __ dec 25 For sale by T. H. PLANT. STEPHENS’ UNCHANGEABLE BLUE WRI TING FLUID—a superior article —just re ceived and for sale by doc 23 ' J. W. A T. S. STOY. SOUTHERN HARMONY —Stereotype Edition, corrected and improved. Just published and for sale by T 11. PLANT, Augusta, dec 7 PLANT &. NOR TON, Columbus. POUPEV ENNES.—Snowden A. Shear have just received from New York, a supply of Rich Pompeyennes, a new and beautiful style of Silks for ladies’dresses, to which they respectfully invite the attention of the public. dec 13 ITIOit SALE—A first r ite Family HORSE, ami . a second hand BUGGY and HARNESS Also, a quantity of Cora and Fodder will be dis posed of with the above, it desired. Enqui.e at this orficc. ts nuv 2S IMPROVED CHEMICAL YEAST POWDERS —lyite Discovery. —Warranted to be equal, if not superior, to any others. Prepared by GARVIN & HAINES, nov 27 No. 232, Broad si reel. 4 t GUST A INSURANCE AND BANKING COMPANY STOCK. 20 shares for sale low bv RUSSELL, HUTCHINSON A CO. jan 30 Terms —6 month* for approved paper. REGALIA SEGARS. —10,000 Venus Regalia Segars, 20,000 Venus Canon is bio. 20,000 '1 res Amigos do. 5,000 Silva do. For sale by [nov 13] I. S. BEERS & Co. BULBOUS ROOTS, DAHLIAS, & c .—The sub scribers have just received a select assortment of Fresh Bulbous Roots,double and single Dahlias, and Flower Seeds. Also, English Garden Peas and Beans, and the “ Rohan Potatoes,” a very productive variety—all of which they offer for sale at reasonable prices. GARVIN & HAINES, feb 15 No. 232 Broad-st. Augusta. THMIE Trustees of Columbia county Academy JB have again engaged the services of Mr. Lewis Potter, a graduate of Dartmouth Co! ege, as Rector of the Institution, for the ensuing year. The Academy was opened for the reception of students on the Ist inst. Board can be had in the vicinity on reasonable terms. K. T. WILLIAMS, Sec’y. jan 7 ts SABBATH SCHOOL BOOKS. —A Summary of Biblical Antiquities, compiled Lr the use of Sunday School Teachers, and for the benefit of families by John VV. Nevin. The Sabbath School Class Book, comprising co pious exercises on the Sacied Scriptures, by E. Lincoln. Malcolm’s Bible Dictionary. For sale by jan 21 ______ J ' W - & T - 8 STOY. I > TANDY’S MADEIRA WINE.—The subsevi -4 bers will receive orders for this celebrated Wine either of direct importation or via India. Samples may be seen at their office. A IV.v dozen India Madeira now on hand and for . srle by (dec 6' GARDELLE fc RHIND. fINHE MATERNAL FRIEND—For the reli X ol all the sympathetic affections and periodi cal disorders, to which females arc liable. The Maternal Friend is the well known “Philotokeu” under a new name. For sale by appointment by IIAVILAND, RiSLEV a fa, Augusta, and IIAVILAND, HARRAL &. ALLEN, Price si,ou per oott;e. cnanesion. n a v 25 6m PICKLES AND PRESERVES.—The subscri bers havejust received a complete assortment ol Pickles, consisting of Walnuts, Cauliflower, Mangoes, Red Cabbage, Picoliliy, Onions, Mixed Pickles, Peppers, Gerkins, Beaus, In half gallon and quart jars; Cucumbers in pickle; London, French and American Mustards; Ketchups of various kinds,and other fable Sauces. ALSO AMERICAN AND FOREIGN PRESERVES Peach, Green-gage, Damson, Egg Plum and Peai Preserves ; Currant, Raspberry and Strawberry Jellies and Jams; East India Ginger in pots, West India Orange, Citron, Limes and Pine Apple Pre serves; Guava Jelly in glass and boxes; Citron. Prunes, Raisins. Figs ana otner uned fruits, all fresh and in fine order, torsaie ov dec IS I. S. BEERS & Co. LAW BOOKS. I) EPORTS of cases argued and determined in X the High Court of Chancery in Ireland, dur ihg the term of Lord Chancellor Manners ; from the sittings after Michealmos, Term 48, George HI, 18C7,t0 the sittiagsafter Trinity,Term 51, George 111, 1811, by Thomas Ball and Francis. Beatty, Esqrs, Barristers at Law. Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery from 1757, to 1766, &c. by the Honorable Robert Henley-Edens, of Lin coln’s Inn, Banister at Law. Notes to Phillips’ Tieatise on the Law of Evi. dence, by Esek Cowen, one of the Judges of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, assisted by Nicholas Hill, Jr. Councelior at Law. A full and arranged Digest of Cases decided in the Supreme, Circuit and Distict Courts of the U. States, by- Richard Peters, Councelior at Law, and reporter of the decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States. Vol 3d. Also, a new edition of Turners’ Chemistry. The Nurse’s Guide containing a seris of instruc tions to females who wish to engage in the impor tant business of nursing mother and chrd, &c,by J. Warrington, M. D. Towndrow’s new and improved Writing Books with copies to accompany. Just received and for sale oy j. W. & 1. 8. Slo\. i an 23. PUBLIC SALES. (lathing. BY RUSSELL & HUTCHINSON. Un Wednesday, 25th of March, At my store, at 1U o’clock, I shall offer the bal ance of the stock of CLOTHING AND UMBREL LAS, of the late Davis*Grimes it Co. at public sale. Disposed of for the pur;»ose of closing the business of said firm. Terms—under <IOO, cash; from 100 to S3OO, 60 days; from 300 to $.)00, four months; over SSOO, six months, appiovcd endorsed notes. J. K. DAVIS, _ mar 14 Surviving Partner. Administrators Sale. BY RUSSELL & HUTCHINSON. Mill be sold, by- order of Court, at the lower market house, on the first Tuesday in May next, between th usual hours of sale, three Negroes, be longing to the estate of John Hatfield vix : Saiah, Peggy and child. JESSE K ENT, Adm’r. March 3, IS4O. Administrator's Sale. BY RUSSELL Ac HUTCHINSON. ON the Ist Tuesday in April next will be sold, at the lower market house, the Household and Kitchen Furniture be’onging to Mary Johnson, de ceased. Terms cash. March 5, 1840. P. H. MANTZ, Adm’r. Administrator's Sale. BY RUSSELL & HUTCHINSON. On \\ rdnesday.the 22d April next,will be sold, at the dwelling house of Thos. deceased all the Household, and Kitchen Furniture belong iug to said deceased. Teimscash. March 13, 1840. p. H. MANTZ, Adm’r. Adm imist rators' Sale. BY RUSSELL & HUTCHINSON. On Thursday, the 23d April next, will be sol at the dwelling house of James Leverich, deceas ed,all the Household and Kitchen Furniture, to gether with some Farming Utcnsiis and Wagons belonging to said deceased. Terms cash. PH. MANTZ, J. , , J. A. CAMERON, S Adm rs ‘ March 13,1840. EXECUTOR’S SALE. "^TOFICE. —Will be sol 1 on the first Tuesday- in il April next,at the market house in the city i Augusta, forty acres Pine Land, more or less, lyin in the county of Richmond, adjoining lands of I R Heal and D. F. Dickinson Sold for the benel of the heirs of Agatha Beal, deceased. Jan. 11, 1840. JOHN BOSTICK, Ex’r. AUMINIS rBATOR’S SALE. 4 GREEABLE loa decree of the Superior Tour' r\ with the will annexed, of Richmond count' will be sold on the first Tuesday in May, at th court house in Cass county, a lot of land belongin ; to the estate ol* Walton Knight, Lot No. 97;‘ 4th District and 3d Section, containing forty acres lying and being in the county- of Cass. Sold so the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms mad known on the day of sale. T. H. MANTZ, Adm’r. March 2, 1810. GUARDIAN’S SALE. 4 GREEABLE to an order of the Inferior Cour /X of Richmond county, while sitting for ordina ry purposes, will Le sold on the first Tuesday i May, at the court house door in Floyd county, tract of land belonging to the orphans of Lot VVT Hams,containing 160 acres, in the 15th District, 4‘ section, in Cherokee. Terms made known on th day of sale. P H. MANTZ, Guardian. March 2, IS4O. rpRAIN OIL, &c.—Train Oil, Plaster Pans ar X Gilder’s Whit ng,for sale in quantities to su purchasers, by GARVIN & HAINES. rnar 12 Ci ENGINE COLOGNE WATER.-Farina W genuine Cologne Water, in long and sho bottles, warranted of the very best quality; for sal in boxes ol half a dozen each, for family use, ot by single bottles. Also, a large assortment of Fancy- Soaps, Odorou Waters, Extracts, Hair Oils, and Curling Fluid? of the best quality-, at Apothecary Hall. 232 Bros street, by GARVIN & HAINES, nov 2S WHOLESALE DRUHKISTsT ('I AHV IN & HAINES, No. 232, Broad street X are constantly receiving fresh supplies i Drugs, Paints, Oils, Glass, &c. Also an extensiv assortment of Brushes, Toilet and Shaving Soap- Perfume ry, &c., of domestic and foreign manufai tares, selected by their agents; also afresh supply i English Garden Seed. Country mcrchents an Physicians are invited to call and examine on: sto k. Qjj’A liberal discount made for cash, doc 28 DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS. SNOWDEN &. SHEAR havejust received froi New York, a very large supply of superb, 5-4 by 10-4,10-4 by 12-4, 14-4, 16-4, IS-4,20-' j 24-4 and 32-1 rich Damask Table Cloths. Alsi I rich Damask Napkins, to w-hich they respectful! ■ Invite the attention of the public. dec 3 j riIHE AMERICAN GARDENER’S CALEN j DAR, adapted to the climates and seasons o. the United States; containing a complete accoun of all ihe work necessary to be done n the Kitch en Garden, Fruit Garden, Orchard, Vineyard, Nur sery, Pleasure Ground, Flower Garden, Gree’ House, Hot House, and Forcing Frames, for ever; month in the year; with ample practical direction for performing the same. Also, general as well a minute instructions for laying out or erecting eac and every of the above departments accoiding t modern taste and the most approved plans, the Os namental Planting of Pleasure Grounds, in the an cient and modem style; the cultivation of Thor. Quit ks and other plants suitable for Live Hedge with the best methods of making them, &c. T. which aie annexed, < analogues of Kitchen Gar den Plants and Herbs; Aromatic Pot and Bwee Herbs; Medicinal Plants; and the most importan Grasses, &c. used in rural economy-, w ith the so. best adapted to their cultivation; together with • copious index to the body of the work; by- Bei- i nard M’Mahon. Also, a practical summary of the law and usag< j of Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes; to gether with a series of tables, showing when bill 1 notes and drafts, drawn or accepted at any- dati will fall due. To which are added rates of com mission and storage; equation of payments; an< general information connected with the business o the Counting House; by- M. F. Foster, Accountant. Also, Key to the North American Arithmeth parts 2d and 3d, for the use of teachers; by- Frede rick Emerson. Just received and for sale by mar iO J. W. & T. 8. STOY. ACADEMY OF RICHMOND COUNTY. fINHE Trustees of this institution are happy to X have it in their power to slate, that both the principal Academy in Augusta, and the branch as Summerville, have resumed their exercises, under the management of Teachers who have the full confidence of the Trustees, and w-ho, they are sa tisfied, are fully entitled to that of the public. Mr. Ernenputsck, the Rector of the Academy, already favorably- know-n to the community-, has charge of the Classical department and al! the branches of education requisite for admission to our best Colleges. His attainments as a scholar and success in imparting useful knowledge, emi nently qualify him for the discharge of the im portant duties of his station. Mr. Ring, the principal English Teacher, re cently engaged by the Board, comes with the high est recommendations as to character, talents, lite rary attainments and skill in teaching, and the Trustees feel assured that fie will sustain the re putation which led to his selection. The branch of the Academy at Summerville is under the immediate management of Mr. Frank lin George, a gentleman of experience in teach ing, and highly recommended. The advantage of the location ot this branch of the Academy in one of the most healthful neighborhoods in the State, and sufficiently remote from the unfavorable in fluence of a crowded town, are 100 well known to need comment. On the whole, the Board confidently recommend to the public the principal Academy-and the Branch at Summerville, as being on a better fooling than they have heretofore been, and piomising great usefulness to those who may- avail themselves of the advantages which they offer. A. CUNNINGHAM, jan 11 President of Board of Trustee?. ■ —III W | ■■ I | ■ | ii —1 ————————M—l PUBLIC SALES. BY W. E. JACKSON, On TUESDAY next. At 11 oVlock will be sold, in front of my itore, 10 hbls Canal Flour march 18 Term? cash. Postponed on account of the weather. BY W. E. JACKSON. On TUESDAY next. At 11 o’clock, in front of my store, will be sold, without reserve, 20 bbls Monongahela Whiskey 20 do Domestic Brandy 10 4 casks Cognac do 12 i do Malaga Wine la i do Teneriffee do 13 boxes Lemon Cordial, 19 do Assorted do 20 do do Syrup 11 do Lemon do 9 do Pur Wine 9 do Madeira do 10 do Pipes 10 baskets Champaignc. Also, sundry other articles. mar IS Terms cash. Postponed on account of the weather. Oil. BY W. E. JACKSON. On TUESDAY next. At half past 10 o'clock, in fiont of m) store, to close a consignment, 20 casks Oil. marlS Terms rash. Postponed on account of the weather. BY W. E. JACKSON. On TUESDAY, the 24th of March next, in front of W E. Jackson’s store, at 12 o’clock precisely, will be sold, Twenty shares of the Capital Stock of the Au gusta Insurance and Banking Company, transfeircd to me by David W. St. Sohn, late of Richmond coun ty, deceased, as a pledge to secure the amount due on a promissory note of sa d D. W. St. John, in my favor. THOMAS S. METCALF, mar 1S Executor's Sale. BY W. E. JACKSON, On TUESDAY, 24th instant, in front of W. E. Jackson’s store, w ill be sold. 2 Horses, 2 Cows, 2 Carts, 1 Wagon, 1 Dray. Jot Ploughs, 1 Cultivator, lot Harness, lot Fodder, from 3UOO to oOt’O lbs, 1 large Iron Kett’e, 1 Pur veyor’s Chain,! Gun, lot Brick Moulds, Jot Coun ters, Shovels, Spades, and Pickaxes, together with sundry other articles belonging to the estate of Matt e\v Nelson, deceased. At the same time will be rented, until the first January next, about 35 acres of land. By order of the executors. mar 18 Furniture Sale. BY W • E. JACKSON, Cn Friday, the 20th instant at 10 o’clock, at the store of Daniel H. silcox, will be sc Id, A very large and superior assortment of Cabinet Furniture, ( hairs, Ac. Ac., consisting of Wood, Cane and Flagg Scat Chairs, Hocking and Sewing Chairs, Hair Seat Rocking ( hairs, and Cane Seat do, Mahogany and Curl Maple do. Mahogany high pest Bedsteads, Sideboards, Marble Top Centre and Pier Tables, Marble Top Washstands, Double and Single Dressing Bureaus, Plain Bureaus, Office Desks, Dressing Tables, Waidrobes, Secretary and Bookcases, Settees, and a variety of new pattern Sofas, Mantle Glasses, with French Plates, Music Stools, Ac. Ac. Also, avery r superior Piano Forte, manufactured by Smith A Co., New York, late partner of W Nunns. Terms of sale —For all sums under S2OO cash, over that amount 60 days, for approved paper, mar 13 Executors' Sale. BY IV. E. JACKSON. On the first Tue day in April next, will be sold, at the lower market house, to the highest bidder. Eight acres of Land, more or less, belonging to the estate of M. Nelson, deceased, adjoining lands of the estate of C. Marks, and the Georgia Bail Bead By order of the executors. mar 13 wtd Administrator's Sale. BY W. E. JACKSON. On the first Tuesday in May next, will be sold, at the lower market house In the city of Augusta, to the highest bidder, about three acres of land, be longing to the estate of Christian Marks, deceased, lying nor hwest of the Georgia Rail Road, and ad joining lands of E. Thomas and others, agreeable to leave gianted by the honorable the Judges of the Inferior Court of Richmond county, w hile sitting for ordinary purposes. mar 12 Executor's Sale. BY W. E. JACKSON, On the first Tuesday in April next, At the lower market, within the usual hours of sale, will be sold, 4 Lots with improvements, 1 Vacant Lot, i belonging to the estate of Robert Dillon, deceased. A plat of the premises will be exhibited on the day of sale, and the terms made known. feb 28 A. J. MILLER, Executor. Administrator's Sale. BY W. E. JACKSON. On MONDAY, the 30th March, at 11 o’clock, in front of the store Jate'y occupied by A. Danforth, will he sold the personal properly of the late J J. Grant, consisting of one Gold patent Lever Watch, and sundry Paints, Oils, Painters’ Tools, Ac. feb 27 THOMAS L WRAY, Adm’r. Administrator's Sale. BY W. E. JACKSON. ’ ON W EDNESDAY, the 25th cf March next, will be sold, between the usual hours of sale, at the store lately occupied by Rob’t Barber, dcc’d. The baJane#of his stock in trade, consisting of Bagging, Hale Rope, Codec. Shot, Segars. Ac. Ac. ADo,one Buggy, with Harness complete, his inter eslin two undivided lots of Munis Multicaulis Trees and sundry articles of Clothing and Furniture. At the same time will be rented the store, until | the Ist of October next, with back stores attached thereto. Also a back store on Bay-street. feb 17 C. J JOOK, Adm’r. Administrator's Sale. BY W. E. JACKSON. b c sold on the first Tuesday in April next, at the lower market, one Barouche and sundry ar ticles of Household and Kitchen Furniture, belong ing to the estate of V\ iliiam Thompson. ANDREW MACLEAN, Admr. feb 28 trwtd Administrator's Sale. BY W. E. JACKSON. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in April next, at the lower market house, sundry' articles of I Household and Kitchen Furniture, belonging to the estate of John bandiford. ■ANDREW MACLEAN. Admr. feb 28 trwtd Administratrix's Sale. On Friday, the twenty-seventh day of March next, will be sold at the Livery Stables lately occu pied by John B. Guedron, deceased, the entire of Carriages and Horses belonging to that establishment, with a number of Bridles, Saddles and setts of Harness Also, sixty-nine shares of the capital stock of the Peoples’ Line SU»e Company. Also, the interest of the said John B. Guedron in a contract for the transportion of the mail from Au gusta to Savannah, via the Central Rail Hoad; to gether with stock of horses and carriages of differ ent kinds employed on the route; also, 25 shares of the capital stock of the Georgia Insurance and Trust Company. At the sane time and place the Stables, Ac. will be leased from the first of April next to Ist Octo ber, 1841. ELLEN B. GUEDRON, Administratrix of John B. Guedron. February 14,1340. swtd