Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, March 27, 1840, Image 3
I ! CT MEDICAL SOCIETY OF AUGUST An Adjourned Meeting of this Society will be ; eld This Day. 27th instant, at o’clock p. m. flfi 27 It W. EWING JOHNSTON,Sec’ __ ryro the lovers of the art tings at Mr. Ricnards’ Drawing Acadtj ay, (Masonic Hall.) will hereafter be opened to d. tors, every Saturd /y afternoon and evening, ! oni 2 o’clock until 9 o’clock p. m. At night the r, |rns will be well lighted. dec (fT Or. IV. FLINT oTers his services to th tizens of Augusta in the different branches 01. his profession. He may be found at all hours at '.e late residence of Mr. A. .VI. Egcrton, second J roi from the corner of Mclntosh and Reynold streets, nr v 29 (fj‘ Dr. J. 11. MURRAY oilers his professional service* to the citizens of Hamburg and the vifin ity. Office at HR. Cooke’s Drug Store. I mar 17 syfV. G. NIMMO, Genera: * ommission ] er chant, office on Mclntosh street, next door bit' e Constitutionalist. nov|7 THE READING ROOM J Attached to this office is open to subscribers find strangers introduced hy them, every day and eve ning (Sunday evenings excepted) until 9 o’clo k. Subscription $5 ; for a firm of two or more 10. J. IV. TONES, is mv authorised Agent for the adjustment of rny unfinished business, mar 3 U ILLIAM E. JONF B. H. OVERBY, I ATTORNEY AT LA W t feb 25 Jefferson, Jackson county, ( L. SCT BENEVOLENT SOCIETY.—Fox thTb fit of the sick poor ~f Augusta and its vicr itv. The visiting committees for the ensuing m. nth are as follows : ■ ■ ' • ’ Division No. 1, —James Godby, j.W. Mere ! ith Mrs. Crump, Mrs N. Jones. - Division No. 2. —W. H. Crane, W. F. Penikr ton, Mrs. Tal iafarro, Mrs. M. A. Holt. Division No. 3.— C. E. Latimer, James Pailion, Mrs. R. McKinnie, Mrs. Julia Snead. J. W. \V IGHTMAN, Secretailr. Qff EXCHANGE ON NEW YORK —At sllit and at one to tvv ty days sight. For sale by nov 23 _GARDKLLE & RUIN (fj* NOTICE. —The Kail Road Passenger 1 im between Charleston and Hamburg, will lean as follows: — UPWARD. | Not to !«avc Charleston before 700 a “ “ Summerville, “ - -S 30 | “ “ Georges’ - “ - 10 00 “ “ Branchville, “ - 11 00 “ “ Midway, - “ - 11 30 m j ‘ “ Blackviile, - “ - 100 ; “ “ Aiken, - - “ - 300 * Arrive at Hamburg not before - 400 DOWNWARD. Not to leave Hamburg before 6 00 a. i. “ “ Aiken, - “ - 730 “ “ Blackviile, “ - • 930 j “ “ Midway, “ •• - 10 30 “ “ Branchvill “ - - 11 00 “ “ Georges’, “ - - 12 00 m. 1 ‘ “ Summerville,“ - - 2 00p. Arrive at Charleston not before 300 9 Distance —ISGrniles. FareTlirough—slo (>O. Speed not over 20 miles an hour. To remain 20 minutes each, for breakfast and dinner, and not longer than 5 minutes for wo * and water at anj station. To stop for passengers, when a white flag is hoisted, at either of the above stations; and also at Sinealhs, Woodstock, Inabiuet’s, 41 mile T. ()., Rives’, Grahams, VVilleston, Windsor, Johnsons, and Marsh’s T. O. Passengers no will breakfast at Woodstock and dine at Blackviile; aown, wii l nreauiast at Aiken and dine at summervibe. may 2! A REAL HEEDING TO MOTHERS. DR W. EVANS’ CELEBRATED SOOTHING SYRUP, for Children Cutting their Teeth.— This infallible remedy has preserved hundreds of chil dren, when thought past recovery, from convul sions. As soon as the Syrup is rubbed on the gums, the child will recover. The preparation is so innocent, so efficacious and so pleasant, that no child will refuse to let its gums be rubbed with it When infants arc at the age of four months,though there is no appearance of teeth, one bottle of the Syrup should be used on the gums, to open the pores. Parents should never be without the Syrup in the nursery where there are young children; for if a child wakes in the night with pain in the gums, the Syrup immediately gives ease, by opening the pores and heaang the gums; thereby preventing convulsions, fevers, &c. Sold only at Dr. Wm. Evans’ Medical Office , 100 Chatham street, New York, where the Doctor maybe consulted on ail diseases of children. PROOF POSITIVE OF THE FFFICACf OF Dr. EVANS’ SOOTHING SYRUP.—To the Agent of Dr. Evans ’ Soothing Syrup: Dear Sir-ji’he *reat benefit ailbrded to my suffering in fas'; by -our Soothing Syrup, in a case of profracter and >ainfui dentition, must convince every fee Ur pa ent how essential an early application of su; h an ivaluable medicine is to relieve infant misei and orture. My infant, when tcetiiing, experii need tuch acute suite-rings, that it was attacked fviln convulsions, and my wife and family it death would soon release the bahe from an;|ii<h. till we procured a bottle of your Syrup; win has soon as applied to the gums, a wonderful change was produced, and after a few applications the child displayed obvious relief, and by continmug in its use, 1 a.n glad to inform you the child has -com pletely recovered. and no lecurronce of that ful complaint has since occurred; the teeth are ema nating daily and the child enjoys perfect health. I give you my cheerful permission to mak<| tins acknowledgment public, andwill gladly giv! am information ou this circumsti nee. WM. JOHNS: N. EVANS’ FAMILY APERIENT PILL, are purely vegetable, composed with the stricter p v cisiun of science and of art; tliey never pi 1 , hue | nausea, and arc warranted to cure the foil \u*i. diseases which arise from impurities of the • le.i i. viz:— Apoppxy, Bilious Affections, Coughs, <> <R. Ulcerated Sore Throats, Scarlet Fever, Asthma ( ha leru, Liver Complaints, Diseases of the Kidni . ;• .nia' Bladder, Affections peculiar to Females, aifl siF. those diseases of wl atsoever kind to which 1 an nature is subject, where the stomach is affected. TONIC PILLS. —The power of Evans’ CorbmiU Pills are such, that the palpitating heart, the irem ulous hand, the dizzy eye, and the fluttering fnin.i. vanish bcfoie their effects like noxious vapol ; be fore the benign influence of the morning sun. They have long been successfully used for the eme of intesmittents, together with fevers of the irregu lar nervous kind, accompanied with visceial ob structions. This tonic medicine is for nervous complaints, eneral debility, indigestion and its consequences, or want of appetite, distension of the stomach *aei 1- | ity, unpleasant taste in the mouth, rumbling noise in the bowels, nervous symptoms, languor, when the mind becomes irritable,desponding,thoughllnl. melancholy, and dejected. Hypochondriocism, con sumption, dimness of sight, delirium, and all otlu-i 1 nervous affections, these pills will produce a s ilo i and permanent cure. Evans ’ Camomile Pills were first introduced i uo America in 1835. More conclusive proofs of the extraordinary rfr. c iey of Dr. Wm. Evans’ celebrated Camomile tu t Aperient Anli-BiUvus Pills,in alleviating afoi.it n mankind. —Mr. Robert Cameron, 101 ttoujn. ♦ Disease —Chronic Dysentery, or Bloody llUiv- Symptoms, unusual flatulency in the bowils. se vere griping, frequent inclination to go to stofd. It: nusmus, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, fre quency of pulse, and a frequent discharge o a pi* culiar foetid matter mixed with blood great debility sense of burning heat, with an intolerable down of the p.>ri*. Mr. Cameron is enioying pci ect health, and returns his sincere than us f|r Hi extraoreu -.fj ■ o-nt u-eived. i Sold by ANTONY & HAINES, Sole agents in Augusta J. M. X ;. ivl. If KNER, Savannah I’, M. Ct)J IKN &. Co., Charleston. .SHARP do, ELLS, MiliedgevilU?. C. A. ELLB, Macon, A. W. yJAiiTLV. Forsvth Tji. E. Drugget, Athens MARK A. LANE, Washington. joiy 23 THEATRE, W. C. FORBES, Lessee. Mrs. Fitzwilliam’s positive ly her last appeurauce. THIS EVENING, March 27, Will be performed the Comedy of the IRISH "WIDOW. Widow Brady, ... Mrs. FITZWILLIAM. A Highland Fling, by Mr. Codet j After which, the Drama of FOREIGN AIRS And Native Graces. Emily Staples, - - - Mrs. FITZWILLIAM Susan Acorn, - - - - Mrs. FITZWILLI AM. To conclude with the Farce of the MIDDY ASHORE. Harry Halcyon, - - - Mrs. FITZWILLI AM -OCT Tickets sl. Doors open at half past 6, and performance to commence at 7 o’clock precisely. Paper hangings.—Snowden & she\r have received, from Philadelphia, a supply of Paper Hangings, which they will sell at reduced P nces - mar 27 1 HEAP IRISH LlNENS.—Snowden & Shear \J have received, from New York, a large sup pl> of superioi\4-4 Iris.t Linens, warranted all flax, ■which they will sell at reduced prices. Also, a large supply of Damask Table CJotlis and Damask Napkins, and a few superior Marseilles Quilts, to which they respectfully invite the attention ol the P ut,llc -_ rnai-27 I ICE.—The copartnership heretofore exist- JINI i»g: in this city, under the firm of Marshall rim, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Those indebted will make payment to Joseph G, Marshall, who is alone authorized to settle the bu siness of the concern. J. G. MARSHALL, March 26, 1840. J. B. CRI.VL 1 he subscriber will continue the business on his own account- j. g. MARSHALL, mar 27 g t HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE—The ilfl subscriber offers for sale his House am) -!==*■AEdk-.Lot on Ellis street, between Lincoln and Houston streets. The Lot is 54 feet wide, and runs from Ellis to Green street. An excellent pump of water is immediately in front of the house. Ihe hou-e is a very comfortable one, and the situ ation pleasant. Persons wishing to buy, are re quested to call and see it. For terms, apply to mar 27 3t E. MI S FIN. LAW NOTICE. fIAHE subscriber hereby informs his friends that X the copartnership of Gravbill & Bonner has expired. He is still at Cuthbert, Randolph county, piepaied to attend to the busm-ss of his profe-sion. where he will at ail times be found, if not absent on business of a professional character. He won d ask of the public a share of their business in this quarter of the State, if it was not for this—he does not want to do business for any person unless they believe he will do them justice in every sense of the term. He would give his present and intended pations a list of references, but that references are so common. j. yi. GRAVBILL. mar 2/ w.St Georgia, Burke comity : Uj 11 ERE AS Samuel Foster applies for letters of administration on the estate of Lewis Wimberly, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time scribedby law to show cause, if any they have, why said letterssliould not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, in ' Yavnesboro, th is 27th March, ls4o. T. H. BLOUN I’, Clk. Georgia, Burke county : Ut HE RE AS Isaac Messex applies for letters of administration on the estate of Outlaw Skin ner, deceased. t hese aie therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time pre scribed by iaw, to show cause, if aay they have, why said letters should not be granted ; Given under my hand, at office, in Waynesboro, \j t lS ZUli Alai ' ch ’ T- R- BLOUNT. Clk. Georgia, Burke county: it, W- Hh.KE.-is* oivuity bunn applies for letters of » f administration on the estate of David Bunn, deceased. l hese are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the? kindied and creditors of said de ceased, to be and appear at my Oiiice within tiie time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, in Waynesboro, 27ih .uarch, T, H. BLOUNT, Clk. Georgia, Scnveu Comity : WHEREAS James H. Mobley, administrator on the estate of William W. Oliver, applies f«n letters dismiss uy Irom said estate. ihese are thereime to cite and admonish all and singUiar the Kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be ana appear at my office, within the time pre scribed by law, to show cause ; if any they have, why saidiclteis should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, in Jacksonboro, 27ih >iarch, 134 U, ALEX’iI. KEMP, Clk. Georgia, Scnven County: WHERE vs James Lee applies for letters of administration on the estate of Samuel New ton. deceased. i'hese are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kincred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time pre scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. / Given under my hand, at office, in Jacksonboro, !tf/this 271 h March, 1840. aLEX’R. KEMP, Clk. |W Georgia, Striven County: x */ HEREAS v?fferson Roberts applies for let -1 f tens of administration, de bonis non, on the estate of Jeremiah Herrington, deceased. Those are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred ami creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the lime pre scubed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. 1 1 Given under my hand, at office, in Ja< ksonboro, -/this 27th March, IS4O. ALEX’R. KEMP, Clk. Georgia, Striven County: WHEREAS William H Wade, administrator on the estate of George M. Henderson, ap plies for letters dismissory>from said estate These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time pre scribed by law, to show cause (if any they have) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, in Jacksonboro, this 27th *t arch, 1840. ALEX’iI. KEMP, Clk. COLUMBIA SIIURIFF SALES. TfA TILL be sold, before the court house door in » w Appling, Columbia county, on the first Tuesday in .May next, within the legal hours of sale, forty acres of Land, more or less, adjoin ing John Kennedy and others, on the waters of Little river, whereon Ezekiel Fletcher resides, le vied on as the property of John Lundy, to satisfy a ft la Irom Linco n Superior Court, in favor of Rem Remson, executor of Rem Remson, vs said Lundy. Also, one Negro Girl, Louisa, about three years old, levied on as the property of Pierson Petit, to satisfy two rt fas from Co urnbia Superior Court, one in favor of Clark, McTeir & Co. vs James Burnsides and Pierson Petit, and the other in favor .if Thomas Bowdrie vs Pierson Petit and John D. Gibson, security on appeal. March 27, 1840. A. STURGIS, Sheriff. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. f i ARv IN X HAINES, No. 232, Broad street, are constantly receiving fresh supplies of Drugs, Paints, Gils, Glass, tec. Also an extensive a-soitmeiilof Brushes, Toiiei and Shaving Soaps, Perfumery, &c», of do nestle and foreign maiiuiac t re -. '-fleeted by their agents; also a fresh supply of Garden Seed. Country merchants r.nd PnysHahs are invited to call and examine our sto' It. crj' A liberal discount made for cash. doc 2-3 (5> K KEGS VIRGINIA BUTTER. e/ ‘‘■s bbls Refined Cider, 15 casks London Porter, 20 bbls Butter Crackeis, 30 drums Eleme Figs, • 20 cases St Emi ion Claret, Just received and for sale by - 25 1- S. BEERS & Co. * J L *,[ on consignment, a few bar rels of very superior Irish Potatoes, either for eaung or planting. For sale low,bv mar 2o JOHN A. BARNES. selling off for cash, at very REDUCED PR<CES > 4 L^, the .^° Ck ° f Dlu Medicines, Paints. . s » Glassware, ifec., belonging to the late The assortment is good and fresh, and consists of almost every article usu ally kept by druggists in th d Southern States. 1 revious to purchasing e'sewhore, country mer chants and others will find it to their advantage to catl and examine the articles and prices. P. H. MANTZ, /, . , ma r 2o J. A. CAMERON, \ Adm rs - BROI, (ill I to Jail, on the 27th January, 1840, a negro man named Joshua the property of S. Winklfr, of Savannah. Joshua is five feet ele ven ami a half inches mar 6 LAWRENCE T. SHOPP, Jailoa. STEREOGRAPH SAFETY BLANKS.— Bills of Exchange Mechanics’ Bank Checks Bank of Augusta do Georgia Hail Road and Banking Co. Checks Bank of State Geo. Hr at Augusta, do. And Promissory Notes, all in desirable colors For sale by J. \v. &T. S. STOY. dec 9 CURLING FLUID, &c. —Blending with a grate ful and refreshing perfume, the desirable quality of strengthening and promoting the growth of the Hair, without giving to it the greasy hue of Pomatum, or the volatile moisture of the (fils. Its utility is confirmed by the most extensive con sumption. Also, the Genuine Maccassar Oil, and Ward’s Celebrated Hair Oil. For sale by mar 13 GARVIN & HAINES. fiMilE MATERNAL FRIEND— For the roll JL ol all the sympathetic affections and periodi cal disorders, to which females arc liable. ’I he Maternal Friend is the well known “Philotoken” under a new’ name. For sale Gy’ appointment by HAVILAND, RISLEY * • 0., Augusta, and HAVILAND, HARRAL & ALLEN, 1 lice si,ob per collie. unanesion. n ' 6tn A 4 OS HEN BUTTER, &c.—Just received a fresh parcel ui Goshen Butter, of prime quality lor sale in quantities to suit. Also. 20,000 Princi pe Segars, ot a very superior quafitv. JNO. A CAMERON, One door below Eagle & Phcenix Hotel, mar 20 3^ AA REAM OF SOAP, FOR SHAVING.—The C icam of Soap is a peculiar compound, con tabling a verj small proportion of alkali, produces lich and durable ather with either warm or cold water, renders the process ot shaving easy and pleasant, and is particularly recommended to gen tlemen w ho may have stiong, heavy beards, or ten der faces. For sale by rnar 13 GARVIN X HAINES. OFFICE S. C. C. & 11. K. COMPANY, Hamburg, March 20, 1840. OTICE. —Freight on Gotten to Charleston by II RaO Hoad, is reduced to forty cents per hundred for round, and thirty cents per hun dred pounds for square bales, mar 21 A B. STURGES. Agent. NEGROES FOR SALE. —One Negro Woman about 30 years of age, one Boy about 12 years of age, and a Boy about 9 years of age—all remarkably likely and healthy. A short credit wjuld be given for good paper. For farther par ticulars enquire at this office. mar 21 Odoriferous compound—For laying in drawers, among linens, laces, furs, cloths, &c., imparting to them a pleasant perfume, and pre venting tire ravages of the moth For sale by _mar 13 GARVIN HAINES. OTICE.—The SherilDs Sales of Warren coui J 3( ty, from this time, will be published in the Chronicle and Sentinel of Augusta, Ga. leh 17—wtf JAMES HALL, Sh’ff. CO-PARTNERS 1111* NOTICE. f|4HE subscriber has this day taken intocopart- X nership, Mr. A. L. MASSES GALE, and the business will from this time be conducted under the style and firm of S. BUFORD Sf CO., and the sub scriber would take this method to return his sincere thanks to his friends and former customers for the patronage that Iras oeen so noerally oeslowed on him. and he would most respectfully solicit a share for the urm. S. BUFORD. Julv 29. 839. t s }\ 4. FOR RENT.—The propei t}-of the un- JsbssQ dersigned, on Broad, Campbell and Ccn .m tie Street*, on Mclntosh Street, near tiie Presbyterian Church, at present occupied by Mr. Stockton, Apply to McKenzie & bennoch. July 2 wtf N. B. The occupants of the property for the year ensuing Ist < >ctober next, will give notes pay able quarterly, and pay for the use of the Hy* dffir T * .ar. jy, ; ~A TO RENT, from the Ist Oct. next, a fpTs.|H STORE, No. 246 south-side Broad-street., recently occupied by the late D W. St. John. Apply to JAMES GARDNER, Jr. aug 16 trw ts HAY, RUM AND POTATOES.—IOO bundles Eastern Hay 40 bbls Boston Rum 50 do Potatoes suitable for planting and in fine order. For sale by J. MEIGS, march 18 trw2w MULES ASTRAY. STRAYED from the subscriber late in August, a good sized light bay colored Mare Mule, about S years old —A! 0, a Horse Mule, Deer skin color, wfith considerable w’Mte on the breast and legs, fair size—both ride well. Any person who will return them or give information w here they are shall be liberally rewaided. feb 25 wsw A. SIBLEY. IAW. —The subscriber will continue to prac l tice as an Attorney, Solicitor and Counsellor vt Law, in the counties of Troup, Merriwether, Coweta, Heard and Harris His office is in La Grange, Troup county, Ga. ORVILLE A. BULL. REFERENCES : Messrs Miller, Ripley & Co , Charleston. “ Snow’den & Shear, Augusta. Hon. W. T. Colquitt, G. E. Thomas, Esq. f-Columbus, Ga. Mr. John Fortaine, J Messrs Morgan & Beall, ? T „ „ “ Amoss .V Gravbill, \ La Gran S e > Ga ’ William D. Alexander, Greenville, Ga. feb 25 sm3m MAD I SO N MADISON SPRINGS has changed own ers, and the present proprietor 01 this fashion able watering place, who is now fitting them up in a super! r style, will be able to accommodate about 300 persons, in a nanner which he hoj-es may enti tle him to the future patronage of his visiters. The oi l buildings are undergoing a thorough repair, and new ones being put up—the roads leading to the Springs will be made safe nnd pleasant for carria ges—new avenues are opened, and various other improvements are in progress, which will add much to the comforts and amusement of visiters. Arrangements have been made with Mr. 11. N. Wilson to put a superior line of coaches between Athens and the Springs, so that w ith the present arrangements of the Georgia Kail Road the time of travelling from Augusta lo the Springs will not ex ceed twenty hoars. They wKI be onened on the first of Jane far the reception of visiters, and tiie following ntcd.-iate scale of charges o .Served: Board, by the month, $25 ; children and servants half price. DANIEL MORJUSON, Proprietor, feb 14 -wtlstie ST,/°™T - A picte order, for sale cheap. . - mar 12 GARVIN £c HAINES. KD.—-a man of sober and industrious onUiurm 'i 8 ’^ 0 is capable of keeping a prist and saw mill. Apply at this office. nr23 4t* 1, A n]/ P 01 f — A s upply o f best Bleached Lamp A Gw, just received and for sale by mar 25 GARVIN <fe HAINES. COGNAC BRANDY,—2 half pipes, for sale by ( raar J°) GARDELLE fit RHINI). ’ ANTED, a Lodging Room, for a gentleman; ▼ » one m the neighborhood of the Rail Hoad Bank would be preferred. Apply at this office, mar 3 ]\I EW ST Y LE SPRING PRINTS—2 cases just Xsi received and for sale by RUSSELL & HUTCHINSON, , mar Auctioneers. VT GUSTA INS. & BANKING Co. CHECKS. . just received and for sale by mar 3 J. W. & T. S. STOY. R l, in I KK^ CIDER . AND canal flour.— -0 bbls first quality relined Cider; 25 hf bbls Canal Hour, for sale by L S. BEERS & CO. | | kANDV.—I pipe superior Cognacßnmdv ll T . 4 haR do do do Just received and for sale by feb 19 VV i E - JACK-SON. Auctienccr. R- McLAVVS, At tore y at Laiv, No. 4 ? Constitutionalist Range. dec IS 1000 for sale"by ' landing and | jan 20 RUSSELL, HUTCHINSON & CO. (COUNTING HOUSE ALMANACS, jusTrT- J ceived and for sale by J an 3 ______ J - W. &T. S. STOY. (1 OS HEN 111 TTER—2O kegs first quality Go -N s ' ien Rutter, just received by dcc2S I. S. BEERS & Co. SKEIN THREAD.— A fewcases Skein Thread direct from the factory, for sale bv dec 18 RUSSELL, HUTCHINSON & Co. TUCIIER MATCHES— At three doll ars [>or A groce, or twenty five cents per dozen, for sale by (dec 5) j. \ V . &T. S. STOY. HIRE. A Boy who is a good house and JL diningroom servant, and line carriage driver. Apply at this office. mar 5 (j\ BOXES choice Fine Apple Cheese, just re- '*} ceived and for sale iow. RUSSELL <k HUTCHINSON, mai _ _ Auctioneers. SALE. —A likely Negro Man, a first rale (.00k, in which a bargain can be had. RUSSELL HUTCHINSON, rr* 3l- Auctioneers. A 1 EORGIA BURR STONES FOR SALE.—A \Jf first rate pair of those Mill Stones, four and a half feet in diameter. For terms apply' at this office. j an 31 t s 15 ICE 20 (asks now landing. A constant H’ supply will be Kept on nand, and furnished to dealers in quantities to suit, bv dec B GARDELLE 5t RHIND. SPLENDID ENGLISH AND AMERICAN ANNUALS for 1810. Also, a great variety of Juvenile and Toy Rooks, STEPHENS’ UNCHANGEABLE BLUE WHB- I ING FLUID—a superior artkie—just re ceived and for sale by _ dec 23 ' J. VV. &T. S. STOY. rgIRALN 01L, lac. — Train Oil, Piaster Pans and JL Gilder’s Whiting, for sale in quantities to suit purchasers, by GARVIN &. HAINES, mar 12 SOUTHERN HARMONY —Steicotype Edition, corrected and improved. Just published and for sale by T 11. PLANT, Augusta, dec 7 PLAN T & NOR TON, Columbus. BLANK BOOKS The subscriber is now pre pared to manufacture Blank pat tern, and at short notice. dJr”A large assortment of Medium,Demi; and cap Blank Books for sale cheap by jan 1 T. H. PL ANT. ■ J)OMPEVENNES. —Snowden Ac Shear have I just received from New York, a supply of Rich Pompeyennes, a new and beautiful sjylc-of Silks for ladies’dresses, to which they respectfully invite the attention of the public. dec 13 * INOR SALE —A first rate Family HORSE, amt " a second hand BUGGY and HARNESS Also, a quantity of Corn and Fodder will be- de posed of with the above, il desired, Enquiie at this office. ts nov 2S IMPROVED CHEMICAL YEAST POWDERS —Late Discovery. —Warranted to be equal, if not superior, to any others. Prepared by GARVIN & HAINES, nov 27 No. 232, Broad street. A UGUSTA INSURANCE AND BANKING J\ COMPANY STOCK. 20 shares for sale low bv RUSSELL, HUTCHINSON & CO. jan 30 Terms —6 months for approved paper. 1} EGALIA SEGARS. —10,000 Venus Regalia li Segars, 20,000 Venus Canonis 'do. 20,000 '1 res Amigos do. 5,000 Silva do. For sale by [nov 13] I. S. BEERS & Co. BULBOUS ROOTS, DAHLIAS, &c.—Ti» sub scribers have just received a select assortment of Fresh Bulbous Roots, double and single Dahlias, and Flower Seeds. Also, English Garden Peas and Beans, and the “ Rohan Potatoes,” a very productive variety—all of which they offer for sale at reasonable prices. GARVIN & HAINES, feb 15 No. 232 Bioad-st. Augusta. r a HE Trustees of Columbia county Academy S have again engaged the services of Mr. Lew is Potter, a graduate of Dartmouth Col ege, as Rector of the Institution, for the ensuing year. The Academy was opened for the reception of students on the Ist inst. Board can be had ia the vicinity on reasonable terms. E. T. WILLIAMS, Sec’y. jan 7 ts n ABBATH SCHOOLBOOKS.—A Summary of Biblical Antiquities,compiled fer the use of Sunday School 'Teachers, and for the benefit of families by John W. Nevin. The Sabbath School Class Book, comprising co pious exercises on the Sacied Scriptures, by E. Lincoln. Malcolm’s Bible Dictionary. For sale by jan 21 J. VV. & T. S STOY. 1| TANDY’S .MADEIRA WINE.—The sufascri- hers will receive orders for this celebrated V\ me either of direct importation or via India. Samples may be seen at their office. A few dozen India Madeira bow o« bond and. for »ale by (dec G' GARDELLE fe RiilND. LAW BOOKS. REPORTS of cases argued and determined in the High 1 ourt of Chancery in Ireland, dur ihg the term of Lo.d Chancellor Manners; from the sittings after Michealmos. Term 48, George 111, 1807,t0 the sittingsafter Trinity, Term 51, George 111, 1811, by Thomas Bali aad Francis Beatty, Esqrs, Barristers aULaw. Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery from 1757, to 11G6, by the Honorable Robert Henley Edens, o! Lin coln’s Inn, Barrister at Law. Notes to Phillips’ Treatise on the Law of Evi. drnce by Ksek Cowen, one of the Judges of the Supreme Court of tfic Stale of New York, assisted by- Nicholas Hill, Jr. Councelter at Law. A full and arranged Digest of Cases decided in the Supreme, Circuit and Di»tkt Courts of the U, States, by Richard Peters, Couwellor at Law, and reporter of the decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States. Vol 3d, Also, a new edition of Turners’ Chemistry. The Nurse’s Guide containing a seris of instruc tions to females who wish to engage in the impor tant business of nursing mother and ehi;d> &c, by J. Warrington, M. D. Towndrow’s new and improved Writing Books, witn copies to accompany. Just received and for sale cy j. W. is T. 8 t-TUV . an 23. « PUBLIC SALES. BY RUSSELL & HUTCHINSON. THIS DAY, At half past 10 o’clock, in fiont of our store, will be sold, 10 bbls Gin 10 do Rum 10 do Mononguhela Whiskey 3 do Ale 5 do Sugar 20 do Irish Potatoes 2 pipes Cognac Brandy 10 boxes Pine Apole Cheese 10 do Ciaret Wine 20 baskets t hatnpaigne, choice brand 20 jars choke Malaga Grapes 10 boxes Soap 10 do Candles 6 firkins Buiter 5 bbls Sugai Crackers. Also, 1 Wardrobe, a large lot of Mahogany ,Curl .Maple and U indsor Chairs, and Rocking Chairs; 1 superior Clock, with shade; 3 ps splendid Carpet ing; Bedsteads, Tables,&e. &c. mar * ‘ ___ Terms cash. **Y RUSSEL I*' & HUTCHINSONI 1 HiS NIGHT, at early'candle light, a large and splendid assortment of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Readymade Clothing, Watches, Jewelry,» utlery, &c. \c. Sale positive. Terms cash. ra 27^ Administrator's Sale. BY RUSSELL A HUTCHINSON. Will be sold, by order of Court, at the lower market house, on the first Tuesday in May next, between th. usual hours of sale, three Negroes, be longing to the estate of John Hatfield, vix : Saiah, Peggy and child. JESSE KENT, Adm’r. March 3, 1840. Administrator's Sale. BY RUSSELL Ac HUTCHINSON. ON the Ist Tuesday in April next will be sold, at the lower market house, the Household and Kitchen Furniture belonging to Mary Johnson, de ceased. Terms cash. March 5, 1840. P. H. MANTZ, Adtn’r Administrator's Safe. BY RUSSELL & HUTCHINSON. On \\ ednesdar, the 22d April next,will be sold, at the dwel ing house of Thos. Averell, deceased, all the Household and Kitchen Furniture belong ing to said deceased. Terms cash. March 13, 1840. R 11. MANTZ. Adm’r. Administrators' Sale. BY RUSSELL A HUTCHINSON. On Thursday, the 23$ April next, will be sold at the dwelling house of James Leverich, deceas ed, all the Household and Kitchen Furniture, to gether with some Farming Utensiis and Wagons, belonging to said deceased. Terms cash. PH. MANTZ, ). . , J. A. CAMERON, < Adm rs - March 13, 1840. EXECUTOR’S SALE. '^U r OTICE.—VV ill he sold on the first Tuesday in A. v April next, at the market house in the city of Augusta, forty acres Pine Land, more or less, lying in the county of Richmond, adjoining lands of L. B Beal and D. F. Dicl>inson Fold for the benefit of the heirs of Agatha Beal, deceased. Jan. 11, 1840. JOHN BOSTICK, Ex’r. AIXIIINISTKATOM’S SALE. 4GKEEABLE to a decree of-the Superior t'ourt, with the will annexed: of Richmond county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in May, at the court house in Cass county, a lot of land belonging to the estate of Walton Knight, Lot No. 875, 4th District and 3d Section, containing forty acres ; lying and being in the county of Cass. Sold for tli® benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms made known on the dav of sale. P. H. MANTZ, Adm’r. March 2, IS4O. GUARDIAN’S SALE. 4 GREEABLE to an order of the Inferior Court il, of Richmond county,while sitting for ordina ry purposes, will be sold on ihe first Tuesday in May, at the court house door in Fiord county, a tract of land belonging to the orphans of Lot Wil liams, containing IGO acres, in the 15th District, 4th, section, hi Cherokee. 'Terms made known on tire day- of sals. P Hi MAN-TZ,,Guardian. March 2, 1840. f |>HE AMERICAN COUGH DROPS—For Colds, J 4 obstinate Coughs, and all diseases of the Lungs. This is an old and tried remedy, and be lie ced to be one among the best for the purpose for which it is recommended. For sale by HAVILAND, RISLEV & Co., Augusta, and HAVILAND, HARRAL & ALLEN, Ptice7s (its per bottle. Charleston, nov 25- g m DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS. SNOWDEN 61 SHEAR have just received from New York, a very large supply of superior 3-4 by 10-4. 10-4 by 12-4, 14-4, IG-4, iS-4, 20-4, 24-4- and 32-4 rich Damask Table-Cloths. Also, rich Damask Napkins, to which they respectfully invite the attention of the public. dec 3 fimE AMERICAN GARDENER’S CALEN- B DAR, adapted to the climates and seasons of I the United States; containing a complete account of all the work necessary to be done 11 the Kitch en Garden, Fruit Garden, Orchard, Vineyard, Nur sery, Pleasure Ground, Flower Garden, Green House, Hot House, and Forcing Frames, fur every month in the year; with ample practical directions for performing the same. Also, general as well as minute instructions for laying out or erecting each and e.ery of the above departments according to modern taste and the most approved plans, the Or namental Planting of Pleasure Grounds, m the an cient aud modern style; the eu tivatkm of Thorn Quit ks and other plants suitable for Live Hedges, with the best methods of making them, &c. To which are annexed, < aialogues of Kitchen Gar den Plants and Herbs; Aromatic Pot and Sweet Herbs; Medicinal Plants; and the most important Grasses, &c. used in rural economy’, with the soil j best adapted to their cultivation; together with a copious index to the body of the work; by Ber nard M ’Mahon. Also, a practical summary of the bw and usage of Bills of Exchange and Promisscry N&tes; to gether with a series of tables, showing when bills, notes and drafts, drawn or accepted at any date, wiil fall due. To which are added rates 01 com mission and storage; equation of payments; and general information connected with the business of the 1 ouatiug House; by B. F. Foster, Accountant. Also, Key to the Nwth American Arithmetic, parts2d aud 3d, for the use of teachers; by Frede riak Emerson. Just received and for sale by mar 10 J. VV. & T. S. S TOY. ACADEMY OF RICHMOND COUNTY. Trustees of this institution are happy to X have it In their power to state, that both the principal Academy in Augusta, and the branch at Bumrnerville, have resumed their exercises, under the management of Teachers who have the full j confidence of the Trustees, and who, they are sa tisfied, are fully entitled to that of the public. Mr. Ernenputsch, the Rector of the Academy, already favorably known to the community, has charge of the Classical department and all the branches of education requisite for admission to our best Colleges. His attainments as a scholar and success in imparting uscial knowledge, emi nently qualify- him for Ihe discharge of the im portant duties of his station. Mr. Ring, the principal English Teacher, re cently engaged by the Board, comes with the high est recommendations as to character, talents, lite rary attainments and skill in teaching, and the Trustees feel assured that he will sustain the re putatioa which led to his selection. The branch of the Academy at Summerville is under the immediate management of Mr. Frank lin George, a gentleman of experience in teach ing, and highly recommended. The advantage of the location of this branch of the Academy inone of the mast healthful neighborhoods in the Stale, and sufficiently remote from the unfavorable i.>- j fluence of a crowded town, arc 100 well known to 1 need comment. I On the whole, the Boar 1 confidently* recommend ; 1 to the public the principal Academy and the Branch | at Summerville, as being on a better footing tnan they have heretofore been and promising great usefulness to those who may avail themselves of the advantages which they ctlcr. A. rr.WIVGHAM > an il Fresident of i*ocr4 3r T: GtotT. PUBLIC SALES. BY W. E* JACKSON * THIS DAY, at lo£ o’clock, will be sold, without any reserve, at the store first above W. Bott wick’s. An assortment of Readymade Clothibg, Calicos, Shirting, Suspenders, Needles, Pins, Side Combs, Dressing Combs, Fine Tooth Combs, Accordions, German Silver Tea and Table Spoons, Plated Guard Chains, Rings, Breast Pins, &c. &c. Also, A lot of Gold Jewelry, consisting of Breast Pins, Rings, Ear Bobs, fiic &c. nar *27 Terms cash. A DJI I NINTH ATI! I X’S NAL E. * THIN DAY, the twenty-seventh day of March, will be sold at the Livery Stables lately occu pied by John B, Guedron, deceased, the entire st”ck of Carriages and Horses belonging to that establishment, with a number of Bridles, Saddles, and setts cf Harness Also, sixti'-nine shares of the capital stsck of the Peoples’ Line Stage Company Also, the interest of the said Jobs B. Guedron in a contract for the trails port bn of the mail from Au gusta to Savannah, via rhe Central Rail Road; to gether with stock of horses and carriages of differ ent kinds employed on the route; also, 25 shares ol the capital stock of tlie Georgia fiisurance and Trust Company. At the sane time and place the Stables. &c. will be leased fr«n the first of April next to Ist Octo ber, 1341. ELLEN GUEDRON. Adm’x of John B. Guedron. Fermi sf sale —People’s L ne Stage Stock and Geoigia Insurance and Trust Company Stock casn. * Stable stock. Carriages, Horses, .V.. all sums under one bundled dollars, cash ; for all'sums over one hundred and under threee hundred' dollars, a credit of sixtj- <2n »; all sums over three hundred dollars, credit till the first day of October next. 1 lie purchaser of the Augusta and Savannah Stage Line stock will be required to pay SISOO in advance, the ballance in three equal pajments of I six, twelve and eighteen months. Notes with approved security' required on all the credits Any notes due by the late John B. Guedron, will be received in payment for any of the above prop erty. February Tit, 1840. td Insurance Bank Stock. »Y W. E. JACKSON. On TUESDAY, 7th of April, at 12 o’clock, at the Tower market, will be sold, Twenty shares of the Capital Stock of the Au gusta Insurance and Banting Company, tranffeired tome by David W. St. Sohn, late of Richmond coun ty, deceased, as a pledge to secure tne amount due on a promissory note of sa d D. W. St. John, in my favor. THOMAS S. METCALF, mar 25 Executor's Sale. BIT W. E. JACKSON, On SATURDAY, 28th instant, in front of W. K. Jackson’s store, will be sold. 2 Horses, 2 Cows, 2 Carts, 1 Wagon, 1 Dray, lot Ploughs, 1 Cultivator, lot Harness, lot Fodder, from 3000 to 5010 lbs, 1 large Iron Kettle, 1 Sur veyor’s Chain, 1 Gun, lot Brick Moulds, lot Coun ters, Shovels, Spades, and Pickaxes, together with sundry other articles belonging to the estate of Matt' ew Nelson, deceased. At the same time will be rented, until the first January next, about 35 acre? of land. Bv order of the executors. 'mar 25 Executors? Sale. BY W. E. JACKSON. On the first Tuesday in April next, will be seld, at the lower market house, to the highest bidder. Light acres of Land, more or less, belonging to the estate of iVI. Nelson, deceased, adjoining lands of the estate of C. Marks, and the Georgia Rail Road By order of the executors. mar 13 wtd Administrator's Sale. BY W. E. JACKSON. On the first Tuesday in May next, will be sold, at the lower market house in the city of August*, to the highest bidder, about three acres of. land; be loaging to the estate of Christian Marks, deceased, lying northwest of the Geergia Rail Road, and ad joining lands of E. Thomas and others, agreeable to leave gi anted by the honorable the Judges of the Injjprior Court ot Richmond county', while sitting for ordinary purposes. * mar 12 Executor's Sale. BY W. E. JACKS ON r On the first Tuesday in April next. At the lower market, within the usual hours of sale, will be sold, 4 Lots w'ith improvements, I Vacant Lot, belonging to the estate of Robert Dillon, deceased. A plat of the premists will be exhibited on the day of sale, and the terms made known. fek A. J. MILLER, Executor. Administrator's Sale. BY W. E. JACKSON. On MONDAY, the 30th March, at 11 o’clock, in front of the store late'y occupied by A. Danforth, will be sold the personal property of the late J J.’ Grant, consisting of one Cold patent Lever Watch, and sundry Paints, Oils, Painters’ Tools, See. feb ~ 27 THOMAS I. WRAY, Adm’r. Postponed on account cf the weather. Administrator's Sals. BY" W. E. JACKSON. ON WEDNESDAY, the Ist cf April next, will be sold, between the usual hours of sale, at the store lately occupied by Rob’t Barber, dec’d, I he balance of his stock in trade, consisting of Bagging, Bale Rope, Coffee, Shot, Segars. &c. &c. Also,one Buggy, with Harness complete, his inter est in two undivided lots ofMorus Multicaulis Trees and sundry articles of Clothing and Furniture. At the same time will be rented the store, until the Ist of October next, with back stores attached thereto. Also a back store on Bay-street, mar 26 C. j joOK, Adm’r. Administrator's Sale. BY W. E. JACKSON. M i-ll be sold on the first Tuesday in April next,, at the lower market, one Barouche and sundry ar ticles of Household and Kitchen Furniture, belong ing to the estate of William Thompson. ANDREW MACLEAN, Admr. feb 28 trwtd Administrator's Sale. BY W. E. JACKSON* Will be sold on the first Tuesday in April next,, at the lower market house, sundry articles of Household and Kitchen Furniture belonging to the estate of John bandiford. , ANDREW MACLEAN. Admr. feb 28 trw td i DV ANCKS ON COTTON.— Advances will bo /Y maue by us, on COTTONS consigned to our friends in Liverpool, Havre and Charleston—in biils on New \ork at 20 to 30 days sight, on ccn signment to Europe, and 1 to 5 days sight, on con signment to Rce latter place. The shippers, in all cu>cs,\\ ih have tlia benefit as tiie Exchanges. dec 25 as GAR DELL E & RHIND. "I 1 1TC11ETT’S REM EDY FOR THE PILES Jl 3 1 his article is recommended as a specific for almost a.l cases of piles that may occur. Certifi cates of cures may be seen from persons who had been afllicted for upwards of 20 years. For sale by HAVU AND, KIS LEY & Co ? , Augusta, and H AVI LAND, IfARRAL & ALLEN, Price $2 per bettie. Charleston, nov 25 _ 6m Hermitage extract— This la^iTla vented combination of delightful odors las a* quired a just popularity, not only by reason of the strength ami delicacy, but of the extraordina ry duration ol us perfume. Whilst the strength of many other extracts ai d essences is almost as eva nescent as the bloom of the dower, from which lhe - ,l!t ! the Hermitage retains its fra grance for an in finite length of time, and is scaite to eo iemo\ed from the garment on which il i.-> poured, by washing; hence it is probably the toric l ’ CSt ?na 151051 perfume of our iubora- AHo, Cologne, Lavender, Rose ■yC’atcrj, u* great .-s:kb < I mar lis ° GAL* ' \