Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, April 28, 1840, Image 1

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jtejjS Chronicle & Sltlfiicfe J. W. At M. S. JO.\I S. AUGUSTA. GA-, TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 2S, 1840. " ' VOL. 4.-No. 102.' praLisilFO I DAILY, TRI-WEEKLY, AND WEEKLY On Broad street. T r. r m ■?: D'Uy paper, Ten Dollar? p«s>r annum,in advance, i Tri-weekly paper, at Rx dollars in advance,or sever ; at the end of the year. Weekly paper. Three Dollars in advance,or Four at j the end of the year. In accordance with the ostensible views ol the Southern (Convolition. I) llt i: f T i uf*o it T \'r ION. rpuoMAS I. WRAv Jt SON have just received ! JL t>y the Governor Troup and are now opening j a large assortment of CH EMICALS and othci I DRUGS, from the Laboratory of Mander, Weaver S, , Co. one ol the nrst houses in England.' which will ■ be sold in a state of ttie utmost purity. These with ! their former supply on hand constitutes a large and I very co nplete a -soi-fincnt, con sisting of almost every art le in the Drug line usually kept in this market, <>r la is will >e th ink fully received and uttend d to with despatch, on the most accommodatin'' terms __ ts oct 17 GARDEN EE!).—A large tssoitin. nl -fi ol tres i Eng ish Garden Seed, just re. ehc.i an 1 wan.intfd tnutle. Among which are sevvi D i v irieties of eirly mrn, Hutton and Top ()• ions Bulbou - Hoots, Dahlias, Fto er Seeds, &c. -Also, celcoiate. Roll an Potatoes, and llilin Spring Wheat, for sowing, ior s tie by jm 8 GARVIN Si HAIN’KS. LOS T.—Between the Globe llote. and the low er rrurket, a Mimatu.c, s.*t in go d. On one si.se is a niinut.ire of a g •n,.lc.u in, an 1 on tne other, of al i ly. The ..nd- r will be li erally ie warded by delivering it at the tji uce oi the Cnroni c e Si >entincl. dec 20 f 11. i E article published tiehlnv, concerning the i new and popular loctrmi; advance.! by tne illustrious cioelicKe ol Gennadiy, cannot fail ol ex eiting a deep and t.inliuig mtei-vst l.rouguoul our "“'q 9 Q Q Q [Translated from the Geiman.j LuUIS uFFON GuELICKE, of Germany, The Greatest of Huma-s Benefactors. Citizens of North and South America, To notes uffo.n uoencke, ,vl. u., of Germany, f Europe, j belongs the iinpenmAb c honoi ol adding a new and preciou doctrine to jthe Science ol meui tine —a duel.me hica,laoagnivehementi opposed by man, ol tne iacuity, v of which he is a va.ua.-le mem er,) be pioves to be as wl-11 tounded in truth as .ny aocL me ol uoiy Writ—-a (octraiie. upon the veiily ot w.iicu are suspended: the lives o. miihuns of oar race, and which ne uoliLy enu iciiges his op poses to refute, vi/: Consumption is a disease .n --wu. s occasioned uy a Usorderyd slate of A is * itai (or Life Principle, oi ttie nun|iuu body : often secretly lurking in the system for years oetorc there is tne east complaint oi Ln< —and wlncn may ne as cerUm.y. Inuugh not so quickly, curM, as a common co do. asi nple headache. An invaluably previous doctrine tnis, as .:.iparts an importa..t ie-son to th. .ppaneuliy .ealthy oi noth sexes. tc.icning cnem tnal Las insidious loe may be an unobserve i nunaic of; their - clayey nooses'’ even while te y imagine tnemseives -ecure from Is att ick>, tcacui iglne.n iU aI ,he great secret in toe art f preserving tie ilth is to pluctc out the disease Wien in the bl.ile, and not na.t nil tue full grown ear. This illustrious benefactoji of man is also entitled to yoai umcig .ed gratitude}, mi line gratitude ol a world, for t ic invention ol jus nuitcntess Sanative, —whose ..e.iiUignat may jiistiy claim lor it suen a title, since it nas so signally tnampned over our great common cnem., , •. Consumption, uolh in tae nrst an i list s».ages,-4» medicine which nas thoroughly nlJed tne vacuum m tne Materia medica, anj thereby proved itseii the fj Conqueror uj Puy tic ians.ff) —.. medicine, jo. | whicti ah mankind will have aoundaot cause tp idcss the beneucent band of a kind r'lovidencg-t-a medicine whose wondrous virtues have oeeq so. gio -vmgiy pourtray ed even by s ime oi our clergy, in their pastoral visits to tee sics c.um ei f ibs w..icn means tney often become me nappy msl|u;menisol changing de sponding i .to nope, sickness Pi to healt.i, uuU sa.l - friends mtojoyfunibss 0 Q Qig § 3 GOcIUCKPS MATCHLESS SANA TICE, A medicine of more va up lo man than the vast i mines of Austria, or even ihe united treasures of our g.ooe,—a medicine, which in untamed equally j from the vegatable, aiiimaii pud inmera. ..ingdoms, j and thus possesses a three J\]lu power,—a medicine, , w lich, laoogh designed a-llairemedy for consump- i tion soieiy i ofiji mysterious influence j over many diseases ol the ifririau -y -tem, —a medi cine, which begins lo . e vspuyd ny physicians, who are daily witnessing its astonishing cures o. many I wnom they liad lesigned Urtije grasp ot the Insa tiable Grave. • ; U.tSEof the Sanative, fpr adults, one drop; for children, a naf-drop; andijlur inlauts, a quarter drop; the directions exp akmhg the manner of ta king a half or a quarter drop, j Price —Three and oue-t|sii|J rix dol.ars* ($2,50) , p r half ounce. \ i | German coin vaiue 75 cents. £. 0 Q Q A certificate from three of the Medical Profession >n Germany, in Europe. We, tie undersigned, prjicutioncrs oi medicine in German.., are wed awaje that, by our course, we iiuv forfeit the f.ieudsh.p of some ol tin lacui- | tv, but not of it- oeuevo.erijimein er:, who are un- | influenced by sc iish mutiyts. i liough we shall refrain from an expression? of our opinion, eitner of tie so.indness or unsor jidness of Dr. oeiick’s ' new doctrine we are nap: t |> lo say that we deem his Sanative too va.ua dq not to be generally known —for vv.iat our eyijs benold and ou. ears hear, we must relieve. Wc nereby state, that | when Dr. Louis OlFen ; Goelick lirst came . efure |the German ~Üblie. as t ie pretended discoverer clj u new doctrine end a new medicine, we held him m tiie highest con tempt. eaeviiia .*nd open pronouncing him to be 1 a base impostor *i d the pi iuc of quacks, nut. on j nearing so much said a..ouJ the Nanalive, again-t it ; and for it, we were in luce' , fioin motives of curi- | ositv merely, to make trim of us reputed virtues upon a number of oir mo- hopeless patient-; and we now dee n it our bout den duty (even at the expense ol self-interest | malic \ lo acknowledge its e.licacy in curing not only consumption, rut other fearfu: maladies, w .ch we have liereiotore believed to be iucura >le tur contempt for the discovoier oi liii* medi. iu*|' was at once -w.mowed up m our utter at these unexpei led rcsu.ts; and, as amends pm aims* ol him, we do fr.iu Gv confess to t:e wjirld, that we •« lievc him a philanthropist, who Jlo’gs none, to t..e prufes siv n, and to our countiy, vy|ii. !i gave him birth. Tne rcce .1 adoption oi "this medicine into some o our European hospitals.;is usu licient guaranty that it performs ail prom|s(;s. it needed not our estimuny,for wherever Ijt it i- its own best wi ness. HE;iMa|! ET.viULLEU, m. d. WAL TEi VAN GAL If, m. d. AD. >LPi!;’ 8 WERNER, m. d. Germany, Decern! er l'j ! ; NbG. il t 3 A I t? fc “• I r THKMATCHLE- K.—Hy an article in ou p pc to-day. U w« i If seen fn-«. this me ii -sine has sioni ol its i ax be a -c—for .t appear* to j - vunp a. •n Amcnc i to loose whi~ . jive asloiUSued r-UiOpe. Boston Morning Post. (O* Tor sale by BENj- .MIN HALL, Agent, at tne rm-u u. dec 9 C»oo. It. ltoa;1 & ITanhnsir Co. > D Branch at Augusta. S EPOS ITI . in sums of live bundled dollars and upwards, bearing an interest of six pei cent, per annum will be received at this « tfice for perio Is not less than ninety days, subject to the order ol the depositors on receiving ten days notic* ol theij intention to withdraw nov 2 ) wtf J. W. WILDE Cashier. KN'NKN—Snowden v Shear have jiiNt received from New Turk, a supply of H ich Pompeyennes, a new and beautiful style of 8ils« for ladies’dresses, to which they respectfully invite t ie attention of the ; uhlie de- r? PICKLES AND FKESERV ES.—The hers have just received a complete assortment ; ol I’ickles consisting of Ua’nuts, Cauliflower, Mangoes, Red Cabbage, IMcolily, Onions, Mixed Pickles, Peppers, Gerkins, Beans, In half gallon and quart jars; Cucumber? in pickle;' London. Fren hand Vmerican Mustards; Ketchup? ot various Kinds.and other Table Sauces. A I.SO —AMERICAN AND FOREIGN PRESERVES [’each. Green-gage, Dam-on, Egg plum and Pcai Preserves ; Currant, Raspberry and Strawberry Jellies ami Jams; East India Ginger in pot-. West India uange. Citron, Limes and Pine >pple Pre serves; tiuava Jelly in glass and boxes; Citron Radius. PR's aim otner anea fruits, all fre«h a..d ir. ;ine orae- tor-aie o«' _dcc_H 1. S. BERKS ic Co. "VT‘ TlCE.—Those persons who le f t P.ooks at i.N the-üb-eiiiiers’establis’ment tube bound, and have neglected to take them awav. after re maining on their hands for two or three years, will take tine notice that said books will be so d to pay for th * binding, un ess they are a on away within thirty days from the date of this notice. __ a P 4 J. W. ic T. S. STOY, (i WE \P IRISH LINENS.— n *wden & Shf.ar J have received, from New York, a large sup ply til superior 1-4 Irish Linens, warranted ail flax, which they wi 1 *ed at reduced pi ices Also a large supply of Darn sk Tablecloths and Damask Napkins, an 1 a few superior Marseilles Quills, to whit h they respectfully invite the attention oi the P 11 ’ I '* o - mar 27 PI ASO FORT ES. ~~ n PARSONS,29S Broad street,keeps at ail # times for sale, a large sto k of PIANO t'Oli t'PS, from the best bui ders in the country. — Tbo stock generally consists of about thirty lo forty instruments, comprising all the qualities. These instruments, are selected withgicat care, and are recommended with con idence. Persons wishing to purchase can do as well at this establishment a* at any of the northern manufactories. A guaranty, as to quality and durability, is fur nished in every instance. Also, a well selected stock of sheet MUSIC, Pre ceptors. &c.. together with Guitars, Violins, Flutes, Accordions, and most of the small articles usually kept in a Music Store. de? 21 ts WIIOLIiSM.I, HOOT A\|> SilOfc; W \ rtp,.;todsH. ----- TH E undersigned has estahlish- E"j ed himse f in the city of Augusta, VI ol t!,e transaction of the above business, and i« connected witn an extensive northern manufac turer, from whom lie is constantly receiving large invoices of the various articles in his line, of the best qua ities manufactured expressly fur the south ern trade, which arc oifered to dealers and planters on the mo't reasonable terms He is also prepaied to 'ill large orders at the very lowest prices, at short notice. A share of patio nage is respectfully solicited S. B. Bit OKS, No. 334 Broad-st., dec 21 fim Opposite the late Planters’ Hotel. C.ViIHIAMI S. CJJilk HULBERT & ROLL, at the old i\T i stand formerly occupied by Maj. Jesse Thompson, corner of Ellis and Mcln josh streets, are now receiving an en tire new slock of Carriages from the best manufac ures at the North, of t;ie 1 test and most approved style, consisting of Coaches, Cuachees, Standing Hid Extension Top Barouches, Chariotees, Buggies Sulkies, Wagons, &c., together with a large and well selected assortment of Harness, all of which they will dispose of on the most liberal terms, tr dcr- for any description of Carriages of their own of Northern manufacture thankfully received and promptly executed. Their friends and the public are respectfully invited to call and examine their stock in ail its branches faithfully exe cuted and with despatch ts nov 1 GJE O Util A it AIJL- It O AU. Freight is now conveyed on the Georgia Rail- R.rid, between Augusta and Greensboro, at the following rates : Merchandize, of all kinds, 40 cents per 100 lbs., (furniture excepted.) Cotton. $1 50 per bale. G H. Thompson, Agent for the Company, at Greensboro, will receive and forward freight with ou charge. Merchandize for the waj' stations will be for warded from Augusta on Mondays. Wednesdays, and Fridays. RICHARD PETERS, Jr. Sup. Transportation Goo. R. R. Nov. 14,1839. ts GGUItGIA KAIL liO All. CHANGE « F HOUR. The Passenger Train, earn ing the great mail between New York and New Orleans, leaves Au gusta every day at 6 p. j»i., and arrives at Greens boro at la. m. L aves Greensboro at 9 p m., an., arrives at Augus a at half pa-t 4 o’clock, a. m. Stage-; run in connection with this train from Greensooro for New Or eans, [two daily lines) via Indian Springs,Columbus, ontgomery and Mobile; for New • rleans. tri-week y. via Clinton, Macon, and Ten-;aco a ; for W* st Point and Wetumpka. via Harnesviße tri-weekiy ; for Borne, tri-weekly via Covington, Decatur and Marietta; for Na>hville and Knoxvi le, Tennessee tri-weekly, via Athens, Gainesville and Cassviilc; for Washington, Will e county, tri-weekly, from Double Wells ; for New ( Heans, daily, fro i Wanonton, via Sparta, )-i --ledgcvi e, aeon and Columbus ; for Miiledgeville, ii-week y. via Gieensboro and Eatonton. Connecting with these lines are branch stage, line- to lal anassee. Coiumous. Miss. Tuscaioosa, Newnan,». owetacounty,(>a ,and Clarksville, Jia bei’s.ham covnty. 3rc. Fare on the Rail-Road to Greensboros4 25. Office Georgia Rail Hoad A- Bk’gCo 5 Aueasra, Jjeremt>er 9. i.>3y. % iiAIL HOAD. DAY PASSENGER LI K RESUMED. ON an ! after ' ues.lay next. (Feb uary 1Si!»,) a •’assengei 1 ar wi 1 leave \ugusta eve.y ! ues da\, Thursday, and Satu.day. at S o’cloc , A. Greensboro’ every Monday, Wednesday, and Fri day, at &, A. M., and amvc at each place about P. M. Office Transportation, > Augusta Ktruary 12,1540. ( 'UR m o tiis after dat«, application will be made to the Court ol Ordinary of Richmond tonnty .lor leave to sell a 1 the real and personal estate of Richard F. Bush, deceased. f ebn »ajT 4J1540 a. j. MILLER, adm’r. d i, months alter date. a;.p iertion will be made to the honorable tiie Inferior Court of Richmond county, when sitting for ordin;ry pur poses. lor leave to sell the re .i estate and negroes >e onging to the estate of 'Thomas Avere 11,deceas ed Sold for the benefit si the heirs and r.editors. , T, H. MAN I Z, Administrator. Tebruary 29, IS4O, Jt months aft *r date, application will be B made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Richmond county, when sitting for ordinaory jmr pnses. foi leave to seM the real estate and negroes be onging to the e tate of James Leverich.deccas •- old loi tiie i cnei.l t f the heirs and creditors. P- H M VNTZ, ( . , . . J. A. •' VMERON S AJimmitralols * February 29, 1800. R months after date, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of ;ichmond county. f. r ’cave to sell all the .eal and personal pioperty of iiobe.t Di lon, deceased. February 4, 1840 A. J MILLER, Ex’r. !7° Ul mont * ls after dale, application wi Ibe made to the Court of Drdinarv of Richmond county, for leave r o sell a negro man '1 ive named I rmce. (he pioperty of Mary Savage, deceased. February 4, 1840 A. J. UILEH, Ex’r. R months after date, application will be ■ made to the Com tof . rdinarv of Richmond county, ‘or leave to sell a 1 the real and personal pioperty of Green B. Hoi and, deceased February 4, I*4o A. J.jHLLKR, admr. 14* 1 R m *htbs after date, application will be ma le to the honorable the infeiior Court of Richmond county, when sitting as a court of < rdi laiy. for leave to sell sixty-seven shires of the capital -tuck of the Ba .k of Augusta, belonging to the estate of ii iain AicCaw, deceased for the benelit of the heirs of said estate. WILLI VM BISTWICK, Adm’r. January 25, 184 J. UR months after date, app icatmn will be made to the honorable Justices of the Infe- Hor Couit of Richmond county, when sitting for or inary pu.poses, tor leave to sell the negroes be longing to tlu estate of Manila Me . i lari, late of said county, deceased VV M. 11. JONES, Executor. March 3, 1840. months after date, application wi 1 he made to the Court of Ordinary of Richmond county, lor leave to sc I all the reai and personal estate of iton Antony, dec eased. March 5, I S4i). A J. MILLER, Ex’r. *L R months after date, application will be made to the Court ot Oid.narv ot Richmond county, for leave to -ell all t e ie*il and per onal estate of Abraham Danfo.th, Deceased. March 5, I>4 >. A. J. MI..ELR, Adm’r. months alter date, application will be made to the ho o.abic Inimori ourtof .\ich tnond county, when sitting lor ordina.y purposes, for leave to sell the Aegrov- belonging to the es tate ol Mary join-on, deccos d. fo.u for the ben efit of the heirs and c.coiturs. P. H. r, aN TZ, Administrator. February 29, IS4O. K t:.\ TUC li Y jLA NS. SNOWDEN & SHEAR have received from New A oik a very large suppy of Kentucky Jeans, which they win sell ..t very low prices.— Also, a la.ge supply of superior Satinets, to which tln-y rcspstluiliy invite the allentiou of the public jan 25 ||UPt)NT’S POWDER.—SOO Kegs H. F. G. I w spo.tmg Powuer, do $ kegs iio do 15 kegs-Eagle” Powder, in canisters, I 800 •* iilasting do. Just received an. for sale by (dec) GARUELLE <ic Kill >D. UObDKN AND WILLOW WARE.—Chil dren’s Wagons and t rad es, Market ..askets Clothes Babels, churns, Cedar and Fainted \Vash tubs, Toot I u is, Door Mats, Brass bound and Painted Buckets, Brooms, orushes, and various other articles in this line, for sale by dec 18 1. 8. BEERS & Co. SPLUNDIIJ C’A It P JETS j NOW DEN &. SHEAR have received from N. | O fork, and are now opening, a very large sup ! ply of superior Ingram Three Ply Venetian and | Brussels CARPETS of the latest style and richest i p items, all of which have been selected with great caiv. Persons wishing to supply themselves with the article will do wed to call immediately, as they can now make a selection from one of the largest assortments evei offeied in this City and of new and splendid paterns. Also, Rich Brusse s and Tufted HEARTH REGS to match the Car pets .and superio. printed Baizes and patent FLOOR CLOliiS. nov 12 HEALS’ H \I it RESTORATIVE. riNHIS valuable discovery is now introduced to JL the citizens of Augusta, with the fullest confidence and assurance that it will elfect the ob ject of its app Ration. viz : A LO i.PLETE RES TORATION OF IHE HAIR upon the heads of those who have lost the same, and have thereby become bald or partially so. Numerous certificates might be given to show how successfully tins compounu nas been applied, nevei having filled in a single instance.) Its virtues have been fully and satisfactorily tested. The heads of those that were entiiely bald, have been by the application of this restora tive, covered with a luxuriant growth of beautiful hair. None need despair whether old or young, of hav ing their hair restored. For sale by HUBERT CARTER, Druggist, Broad sL. and at T. H. PLANT 8 Bookstore. V rere corti ficafes of its successful app Ration be see i. June 21 swtf BLANK ».U. Ks. It I EDIUM Ledgers, Journals and Record Books. Demy do do do do Cap do do do do t an Day Books, long and broad, * a ] L)ay Books, Ledgers and Journals, half bound, Quarto Cap Books, red and feint ruled, Bank : ooks, leather and paper covers, Pocket Ledgers and Memorandum Bools of all kinds. Pass Books, leather and paper covers. Copy Books, Shipping Looks, Receipt Books, Cyphering Books, Drawing hooks. Blanks for the study ol double entry book keep ing, in sets, suitable lor schools* Aiimaluie Day Looks, Ledgers, Journa's, Cash Books, Letter Books ami Re ord Hooks, imitation Russia ends, in and out of cases, suitable for pii vate ac< omits, Bill Books Alphabets of al sizes For sale by J. W & T. S. STOY. Every description of Blank Books, ruled lo any pattern and bound to order, at northern prices Ihe work and materials warranted. jan 10 \ ISS» -LUTION.—The fitm of A. CUNNING i M 3 HAM 4' CO, is this day, (!Bth of Mar-h, 184t>.) dissolved 'ihe celts due by the concern will be settled by J mes L. Houston. A. Cl V INGRAM, J L. IluLSiuN. _ Havirg purchased t t ntiio intciesl of A. Cun ningham in the i t g .cue . the r.usicess he.t after will be ait mieu to u y tne su scriber, who solicits 1a portion of the puoiic patiouage J. L. HOUSTON. March 19, 1640. dlw*w4t ADMIMSTR \T*ls’B NOTICE. I VLL person' inde : ted to Abraham I Jan fur h ! deceased, late of Uifhmond county, aie re- i quested to make pay ment to the undersigned ; and tlio-e holding claims agaii.-t said deceased, me re quired to hand in an account of their demands, within twelve months from ti,G date. A. J. MILLER, Adm’r. March 3, 1840. ( 'TILL.— All persons it debtod to the late Am- Inl bros Nehr, deceased are requested to make immediate pay merit to me; and tho>e having* laims hand tnern in within the time presented by law, (mar 20 wot) B, L. NEhK, Adm’r. IVl''! * E. —'"I persons indebted to t harts M. ; 1. si Curtis, late of Richmond county, deceased, I ate requeued to m ike immediate pa} meat to ti e ! undersigned, and those having demands agaiu-t the same, will piesenl t cm duiy attested within the time prescribed bylaw. PETEK K .LKS, March lb, 1840 Temporary Ad i.inislralor. Tilt: TRUE POM \Di: DIVING. X I ENM \ ELY ued in Europe, never before 1 A introduced into America, an infal ible cure \ j and a delightfu: preventive ol Chapped Hands and j Lips, Xc. I'his elegant at tide gives a delicacy ol j fragrance and that natural hca tnful appearance to I the skin no other preparation of t e kind iia> ecu | kuo nto produce. It immediately removes TIM- . FEES and othei disagreeable Eli UPIJOAS. pie- ; vents BRUISES trom lumingblack,cures BUIijSS j and SCALJJS, a levialing pain, and preventing blisters, ii is also e xccedingiy useful for SORE BREaSTS. So invaluable is this lompound for every inconvenience to which the sKin is liah.e, th..t who have proved its benei.ts will ever wil inglybe without it. Sold in Glasses at 25 and 50 rents each, with 1 ulj particulars, and directions for use. For sale Ly ROBERT CARTER, Druggist, Broad st and at T. H. PLANT’S Bookstore. Where certificates of its successful application may be June 21 swtf tjj lib Subscribers have this dav entered into " Partnership under the firm of FORCE, BRO THERS 4- CO, LEWIS ,-d. F.KLE, JOHN P. Force, BENJAMIN W. FORCE, BENJAMIN CONLEY, Augusta, January Ist, 1840. All persons indc’ ted to B. W. Force Sl Co. are requested to make immediate payment. FORCE. BROTHERS 4- CO. Wholesale Dealers in hoots. Shoes and Leather, have on 1 and an ex ten-ive stock, which they oiler to country liter chants at Northern price . jan 1 ts iLUS-hIKEKT ELEMENTARY AC A OEM V. L undersigned would respectfu’ly inform his 3 patrons and tiie publii that his >t hool is now re-opened lor the busin ss of the winter, at his for mer stand, opposite the dwelling of Mr. 11. c aihn. As usual at this school, pupils oj both sexes are received. Every thing relative to the depo.trnent ot the pupils, which such an arrangement may be i calculated to require, will be carefully attended to. | C PI iv E. j N. R —lt is comemp ated toopen a Night >choo , I at the same room, as soon as a suitable class can 1 be 10 lected. t’. P. November 18. trwtf BOOK >TUI(K. FiVHE subscribers return their thanks to tin ir : L friends and the pu.dL: generally for the libe ra* patonage bestowed upon them the last yen, and would inform tnern that loey aiC iiow o,.enn*g a new >U* k of books, Matioiiary and * ancy Hoe is, I wnich witli tiieir former stock’wil make their is- j sortment complete, and will besoid wholesale and ! retail, on tiie uest possible terms. i'heir stock of binder’s materials avc ol the fust qiianty, and they are now prepared to manufac ture blank Books oi eveiy description, .uled to any patent, having procuied a truiiug macimte n»t tone surpassed by any in the Lulled Btaies. A continuance ol the lavois hetclotoro bestu.vel is solicited,ami they assure their customers that sa is faction will be given in every respect. * ountry merchants are invited to call and exam ne bcfoie they buy elsewhere. J. W. v. T. S. STOY, 110 V 11 No. 247 north -ide Broad-:.!. DU. J A Y N |,N ()LE \(il,u»l 8 a! IK TONIC. Copy ol a lel.er Irom Or. S. S Fitch, dated Philadelphia, May 10, 1.->3& DR. JA\NE —bear Sir, —1 fee that 1 can haidly say enough to you in favor of Jtyne's I ; j oleaginous iiO.it Tonic, prepared by you. My ; : ! hair had been falling oT .n.uut two years, and had 1 be. ome very thin, t.realenmg speedy baldness, ; when I commented using inis remedy, in about . one week, it ceased to fail 01L 1 have used it now t about tn.ee monlns, and iiave as lull and thick a i i head ui hair a.> 1 can pussib y desire. 1 have i recommended its use to a number ol my' friends, i : who al speak we lof it. If faithfully emp uyea! j i have no doubt o. its general success. I mav and I Hut befme using the ionic. 1 ha 1 neda tuuM ail • the various articles employed ior £..«■ uahy, s-oth as '• , Hie Macassar (>ii,all tne diifereul leparations of t Lear’s rij, >cgctaMe tiair oil, &c &c., without expenenting much, ii any, bene..t. i.espectfully ’ youis, 8. 8. pitch, .so. 172 t hesuui St eel. C „j Before Ur. Tilth used this ionic his na r be gan to be gray, but since then there is not a gray hair lo be found o>i his head. Philadelphia, May 11, 1838. Oh. Jayn —Dear sir, —i cheerio.Jy and with pleasure suom.t the f 11 »wing to you, with the liberty ot your making it pu.dic, should you have thedesire: —For sever-l months past my hair had been rapidly lading oil, >o much so indeed that by passing my lingers igbtly in rough it, l could o-taiii a quantity in my hand. 1 had tried all the fash ionable . ils ol the diy, will,out having ,e<eived the slightest seiisiole benent. Ihe only resotme that -eemed left to me, was 10 have my bean shav ed and wear a wig. Having through a friend who , had proiilted by its use, l.eaid of Hu- remaikabe cures edeete.l by y lie’s leagmous Hair ionic, sold i,y you, I wa» induced, as a de.nier resort to try it. 1 nave used two boll es,aud am pleased to say, that a tei a 1.-w applications, my hair ceased ’ entirely from coming out, the young hair made appearance in great abundance, and that now 1 have a tine, luxuriant growth, and . elieve it to L»c Hie best remedy ever yet discovcied A fait trn wi.l be its best lecomnieudalion. Independently ol its viitues as a restorative and preventive, i. imparts to the hair a i.ne hea t!iy, g ossy appear ance, rendeiin, it sou and dexibie, wnich wiu make it an invaluable acquisition fur the toilet ol eveiy one ai alt desirous ol beautifying that g.e.U eslof adornments of the face—the hair. . etuming my most since r e thank-, for saving me trorn prcmalu.e bamm-ss, by the use of the above i omc, I am. dear ir, youi o .edicnt ser. a .t, L. Rinaldo BANK, No. IUB v. a.nut st. 1 - Copy of a letter from the Rev. C. C Park, Pastor ol the baptist * Lurch at lladdonbelu, N. J. lIAUUONFIELD N. J., Feb. 12, ■ 809. Dr. D Jayne, — ir—l lake plea-uie in inform ing you that the bottle of Jayne’s Hair i onic, which 1 obtained of you last • ctoher, has proved must satisfactory and successful. My hair had lor along lime been exceedingly tl in. But lor two or three year* past it had so fa len out that my ’ head had become almost entirely t,*a d. 1w: s un der the necessity of concealing the baldness by corn d- g the hair on the sides out it but now, after u-mg abo I ball ot a bott:e ol the *• . omc,” 1 have as tuxuiianl giowlh of bail as 1 cvvr hud C. C. i ARK. r | This valuab e remedy for the g.o vth, preserva s j tion, and restoration of the hair, can be o~Uiued i wholesale and retail, Lorn WILLIAM K. KITCHEN, jan IS— lawjlna Sole Agent lor Augusta. '***" ' ————— —■■■ II -Jiiigafiß AC VDEMY OF RICHMOND COUNTY. 'I'HK 1 of this institution are happy to t have it in their power to state, that both the principal Academy in Augusta, and the brani h at Mimmervilie, have resumed their exercises under the management of Teachers' who have the full onlideme ol the I rustco, and who, they are sa tis, cd. are fully emit c l to Hiat of the public. Nli. Ernekputsch, the Hector ot the Academy, a.icady favorably known to the community, has charge oi the Classical department and ai: the branches of education requi ite lor admi->si >n to on, best Colleges. His attainments as a scholar j and success in imparting useful knowledge, emi- ; I nently qua ify him lor the discharge of the im ] portant dutie sos his station. I Mr. King, the principal English Tea-her, re | rtr tly engag, d by the Board, comes witli the high est icconimenda tuns as to charactei, talents, lite rary attainments and skill in teaching, and the ; 1 ru-tees feel a-sured that he will su>lain the re putation which led to his selection. I I h.e branch of tiie Academy at Summerville is j under the immediate management of Mr. Krank | UN liEurce, a gentleman of experience in teach ing. and highly recommended. The advantage of , tin- location ol this tuanch oi the Academy in one : of the most hcaUhiul neighborhoods m the State, 1 and sulficieiitly remote from the unfavorable iu | tduonce of a crowded are too well known to l need comment. ( n the whole, the Board confidently recommend to the public the principal uademy and the Branch at Summci vile, as being on a better fooling than they have heretofore been, and piomising gicat usefulness to those who may avail themselves of the advantages which they oilier. . _ A. i LNNTNTHAM, .an J1 Prcs'dent Boarc v 'Ti-is^ere. 'l’llE lIA.hDIJiKS .11>|: N.\L, .4 Srmi-lVeekly paper, mestic neirs. the markets, literature sat ce 4 c Yarborough .x * ullay. Editors and Publishers **l di K pr sent flourishing trade, and the grown g 1 imp utance of! lam ui. in a conmien ial joint of view fully aut orize the i stablishment of such a N«w<qapcr as the pm,Ushers design to nia: e the Jour al. No place of the same populat on in the L nion, and teitamly none where so large an amount ol business is transacted, is wLhout such a vehicle of trade an i intel igcnce. Every elfort wil. be made to render toe Jou.na 1 entirely ac ceptable to the liberal and enter; riznigcommunity, for whose patronage it p.esmts itself. Politn al facts will he given to the public as mat or of news; but political speculations, witli their train of so phistry, m srepiesentation, siander and ab,.se. wid be carefu ly excluded from our columns. Partic ular attention wi) be given to the state of the Markets at home and abioaci, and we shall fund'll regularly collected lists of the prices current at Ham mg. Augusta and Cnailcston as well as co oious extracts from the Trade Lbts of the Noith em cities. « ur extensive mail lacilitn s will g.\e us intelligence from every pail of the I nion at the late>t possible dales; and the me ns they will al so atlbrd us of transmitting ou. paper speeui v to every post-office throughout the South and Soutli- W est, will ma ! e the Journal useful and va uable to the business-mi n ol these sections ol our gr>-at ; country, and we shall look with confidence lor i patronage at their hands U e shall endeavor to ! find a place in our co umns for every thing of in j tercst to the business classes of the peop'e and the community generally ; and, in short no expense or j labo. shall be spared to rende. the J-mnal a truly I j va uable paper, and in every way woithy of the i j favor and supp.nt we now solicit ior it. 1 erms. per annum, in advance. The Jour nal will he pdated tw ce a week, with g«od type, on a beautiiui white paper of an extra-impeiial j size. Adveidsenients inserted at the usual rates. ! Editors will please insert an.l oblige us, Hvitnurg. S. C . Apu. 7tn, lß4u. (■eutgid, Burke comity ; i u HE jEAS Matthew Jones, administrator on ' ’ » the estate es Abner »•.. Hoilid y, i applies for letters dismissory Loin said estate: 1 heseare therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditois of said deceased, to nle their objections, if any they have, in my of fice within the time prescribed by law, to show cause why said letters shou d no* cegianted. Oiveu under my ha»el atoifice. this 3oth Decern- 1 Hs>9. TMi. BL»»UNT, tlerk. I WIUeLESAEE Bit! GblYi’S. Gl AR\ IN HAINES, No. 232, Bioad street, i I are constant}' recei\ ing fresh supplies of j Drugs, Paints, t »ils, Glass, &c. Also an extensive j assortment of Brushes, Toilet and Miaving .*oaps, 1 Periume ry, &c.,ofdo nestic and foreign manufac ! tines, sc.eeted by tiieir agents; also afresh supply of | English- Garden. Beed. eouniiy mercheuts and Pnysicians are invited to call and examine our sto k. dJfA liberal discount made for cash, dec 28 i —— uM'AKTM-itSllll* NOTICE. 1H E subsr irber has this day taken into copart- ) nersbip, Mr. A. L. MAsSEi\GALE,ziia the j j business wnl irom tins time ue i onduc-ted under tne sty c- and urniui 8. bctOiih 4- CO. , and tnesub ■ s nbci- womd lace tms meluod to return ins s,nceie : thanks to bis iiTeuus anu lor me r customers for ilie i pa nonage mat Das ue-tn so nbeisuy oesloweu on him, and he wou.d most respecUuly solicit a share 1 •or the uiiii. ,s. oLFuKU. •I 11 iv 2.4. 83.9. t s 1 MATERNAL TRIEND—For the reli JL ol all the sympathetic atlections and periodi- ! cal disorders, to which lemales are liable. 4he i maternal i-nend is the well known “Philotoken” j under a new name. Tui sale uy appointment by i IIAN ILAND, EvINLEi a 10., Augusta, and HAVILANU, HARRAL & ALLEN, Price SI,OO pet botlie. enai.esion. nov 2o 6(n I | ITCHEIM’S REMEDY Full THE PILES 1 his article is recommended as a specitic lor au.iost a 1 ca>es ol piles tnat may occur, t ertiu cales ot cures may be seen Loin persons who had been alliLleu tor upwards of 2o y ears. Tor saie by HA * KaNu, &, Co., Augusta, and HAVTLAND, HARRAL A*LEN, Price $2 per bottle. Charleston, itov 25 tint « kAVID E. HLTLE U, Attorney at Law, will MJ practice in tne several eons of Hie .tutibern circuit. BusiiH'ss ennu>ied lo bun will ;e card oily aud ly alleitUed to. * dice 011 the corner Miuin ol Mr. Alexander’s notel, Wash iiiglon, Wilkes county, Ija. njar 14 sniet ? N. PoLLLAIN X BGN inform their friends JL • an<l public generally, that they have te.ei>ed by late aruvais, and aie now opening a iresfi and general assortment of GuULERiEs, at ihe stand lutmeriy occupied oy Claii.e, Aicreir Ai co., immediate.y opposite lltevilobe i.utel,and wilt be pleased to m> ail orders sen', them. .ui cottoi; founded to tneirca.e wnl oe soidfree 01 commissiuii. A sto k ol Scu 1 Shoals Manufactured Goods wil. be kept constantly on hand. dec 12 wt 1 may UTILE.—I he >heriirs Sales 01 U anen com 11 ty, from this time, will be publ.slted in the euioiiieie and Benliuel ul Augusta, Oa. leu 17 —wil JA.un» liALL, Sh’lL ,-,r.T7± Jo REN T, from the Ist Let. next, a S PURE, No. 24t> south-side bioad-'lteel., lasj=H recently occupied by ti e late O W . Bt. Joi.n >pply lo JA.Mr.s t.Altn.ShK, Jr. aug 1 li trw U >T oTICE Those c.cdilo sof A. McKenzie, | w. o claim under an a-sig.intent matte to tne su.js ribers aud James Nl. e a.te>, Urct aseo. on the otn of -uly, 1833, will please Land in their claims, with proper evidence, as early as convenient. PETEK BENNriCH. > . , jan 30 JOHN 1». KING, \ Assignee. PRObPECTUB OF THE CHRONICLE A SENTINEL. The Chronicle and Sentinel is devoted to Commerce, Politics,and (it heh al Intelligence. Its location in the piincipai mart of lltc Mate, pi\es it dec-ded advantages ovei the p pers of vry other part oi the Slate, in p c enting the ea.liest and most nnpoitant commen.ial news Imports of the most important markets in the I nion are copied with great care, and a review ol the Augusta mar ket and the value of money, is made op with the strictest accuracy for the tri-weekly ai d weekly papers, which ali'nrds the .V etchant, Planter and a| classes ot society, the earliest and most impor tant toinmen ial ii icl igence. In Po itics, it is tli, advoiafe of a sound curren cy, hase<; u,on 'pecie—the le-thaitei of a National l.ank - the principles of Siale Rights—economy rtform and retrenchment in lie federal i.dmmis tration :—and o| poses tne leaning meai-ures of the prv sent administ.atiun of the Gene.; I Government. In miscellany an I general 11 lelligr-uce, great care is tai en to render the papier I oth valuable and interesting to a 1 classes of society. Ihe p.upiielors viM,as soon as their circulation* is snl!i< iently enlarged, (which they hope wilibe in the com sect l e present } ear,) increase the size of their weekh sheet whin thev will present their pat ons w ith the largest and most vatuabie paper in the Mate. Ihe Chronicle and Sentinel, is published- Daily, J ri-v\ eekly and \- eekly, on Bioad-st. terms: Dai'v paper, Ten Dollars in advance. Tri- V»eekiy,bix I ol ais in advam e, or Seven at the end of tne vear. Weekly, 1 hiee Dollars in ad vance, or Four Dol.a.s at the end of the ear. J. W. W, 8. JUNES. A gii‘ta,Ga. March 20th, 184 h. 1IOKH1I) UDPKAViiY. ~ SOME notorious counterfeit! is avc n»arlv LUG ed seveial persons ' \ selling them a spurious and faise inixtuie oi liavs’ Liaimtnt. Ihe genuine is wananted perfectly harmless and effectual. Never Lii} the a tic.e unless it ha* the w ilien signature oi CuAiSTUCK 4- t o. on tne spenoid wrapper. 'J hat l.rm are solely au— tbo icd to make ami sell li.e tiue ailu.* e i iigi nai propiietor, SUJ.OMOJ, HAYS. P. S. the true Hays’ Dimmenl is warranted to cu.e Pi’es and Rheumatism, in all casts, or no pay taken for it. Sold at No. 2 Fletcher street, near Pearl st. ami Maiden Lane, New } oik, by ( OMSJ'OCK 4" t 0., Vh olt'Ctie Druggists, The genuine is for sale by OAK'. IN &. IrvINES, and lit.KEKT CARTER, Augusta. jan 10 ly In Bmke Superior Court . i* i\uvembei Term, 1839. $ Present his llonoi John Mily, Judge- Polly Martin is. y-Libdfor Divorce. Joseph Martin. J II appealing by the Mierilf’s return that the de leiidant is not to oe touud in the count} : w heie- Upon — It is ordered, That the service if this libel be made p r.cct by the publication of lias ime lor three months in one of the papers o. this State. A true ext act from the minutes. EUWAkI) OAKLICK, Clerk. Fehruiry 15, 1-40. m3m In the Superior Court of Jefferson county ,A*a ember lei m, 1 839. His Honor John Shly. Presiding. Mary Holey, \ vs. > Case fur Divorce. John Holley. J II appealing t > the Courts, hy the return of the .Shemi, that the defendant is not to ue found in* t*a> state. It is tnerelore, on motion, onleied that-, the deiendant appear at the next'term of this Couit and answer to the said case, as in default it wil proceed to trial; Ami it is foil er oruered, tli.it service ol the sai I w rit be perfecte . hy ad» er—- • tisiiig this notice in one ot the public gazettes of' this state, once a month for lour mouths colore the 1 next term ol this ru*m. A true extract from the minutes of the Supeiior ; Couit, at NovemLei leiru, 1 3J, this loth January, 184 J. EBENKZEu liuTilVv’ELf,Clerk. j an 2; \ m4ts 11 months after dase, appli. atioiLwiil bo j JL made to the honorable Infeiior court of Scri ven ccuuty vvneii silting as a » oint o. r -rdinary, for leave to sell alt u.e real estate and negroes be longing to the estate cm Richard. Herrington, sen. I deceased GEOKGh. PuLLGCiv, i.xecuttxr. March 3, 1840 months alter date, appiic .ion will he made to the honorable the liner or Court of Sc liven count}, wncu sitting fur ordinary purpo ses, for leave iase-1 the re ii estate :>nd negroes be longing to lie estate ol Joseph I‘. ileiringjon, de— ceastd JEFFERnuN 11011EK. &. vdm’r March 3, IS4O. IN'lUti months after date, I shall apply to the tne Court ol Uidinary ot ilurke county, for leave to sell all tne real estate and negiues of Reu ben Chance, deceased, for the purpose of paying, tlie debts of saul estate, llFNit* dIANCE. Executor. I |^’ ; D K months after date, application wilibe J made to the honorable the in.erioi court of. burke county, whew sitting as a court oi Ordinary . foi leive to se;l all the lai>tk*tl estate .in Georgia) of George Fo} lliress, deceased. "* JOilis C. FuYl lIRESS, ExV JMarch 6, 1840. I?** H. K months alter date, application wi.l b<■ made to the honorable tiie Infeiior couit of Richmond county, when sitting lor mdinaty pur poses, for leave to scil a negro gul named Sarah, belonciug to the estate of Michael Kincn ey, de ceased, for lue oenentof the heirs au i cre iitois of said deceas-d. AN.vK March 4, 1840. months after date, appin aliun v»TTTe made to the Honorable Infeuoi court of hurke County, when sitting for ordinary purposes, fur leave to >e.l seveniy-six a< ies of Land belonging j to . heupiii us Bk inner, minor. D Rl-iH MvlN’iN EH. Guardian-. January 24. 18 0. jan mouths after date, app ieation will be made to the honorable the Interior c.ouit of Striven i ount} , when silling lor ordinary parpe s* s, lor leave to soil all the real e-t ite an., ne groe> belonging t • the estate of ilaibary Her.in*'- ton, deceased. ° JEFFERSON ROBERTS, Adm’r. March 3,1840. R months after dale, app ieation will be made to the bunorab c Justice' oftheC<*urt oi ordinary ol Limoln county, for leave to sell all the leai estate of John .boss, deceased, (the wi dow’s dower excepted,) lying in'*i-uuoin county,, a ijoining ' aiton, House, Antho .y, ai d others, on i Savannah river. W, W. Sli kEn, Adm’r. Ferruary g-*, 1840. of Juim A.oss,dec’d. R MONTHS after date, application will be _ made to t e honorable the inleiior court of » ulumma (ounly, when sitting for ordinary puipo ses, for leave to sell a pait of the negro slaves be longing to .he estate oi the late Lieanot i)» Ap p ing, deceased, lor the p rpo&e of pa} Lug the debts of said estate. GRt.E.\ J. r.x’r. i-ebruary 8, 1840. lIOLK MONTHS afterdate, application will be made to the honorab e the Lu.enor Court of Columbia county, when silling Am; ordinary puipo tes, lor leave to se.l a negro m n 'lave named Levi, belonging to Charles 11. Jennings, a minor. W . L CHAAiUdt-.R, Guardian. February 11»4U. I K Months dat. appti ation will be mile to the Ho.torauie itiierioi Court of Vv ash mg ton county, w hen silling tut ordimi.y pur poses, mr an Older to set Lot No 2a, ic-tn i- ; 3d s*. tion. Cherokee county, drawn bv i Barnet, orphan, for the benetit of said orpß JOHN N.CALHOUN.Gua April 14,1540.