Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, April 30, 1840, Image 1

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' J. W. Sc W. S. ioNES. —— PUBLISHED | DAILY, TRI-WEEKLY. AND* WEEKLY On Broad street. ; terms: f Duly paper , Ten Dollars per anui|n„m advance. Tri-weekly paper, atsixdollars in a| vance, or seven at the end of the year. | Weekly paper, Three Dollars in adv dee,or Four at the end of the year. | In accordance with the ostlhsible views ol the Southern Convention. T> IRECT I3IP O R r l» ATI ON . ri’IHOMAS I. WRAY & SON hjivejust received > the Governor 1 roup, and ;Jre now opening, assortment ofCHEMIC and other ORUtS, from the Laboratory of Mender, Weaver & VO. (one of the hrst houses in Eng&rld,) which will oe sold in a state of the utmost pufity. These with tlieu former supply on hand constiiutes a large and very complete assortment,consistidr of almostevcry art le in the Drug line usually kej* in this market, Orders will be thankfully rec- ivedand attend d to with despatch, on the accommodating terms ts ! oct i7 JMRESH GARDEN EED.—A llafrge assoi Im< nl 1 of fresh English Garden S- fd, just received and wananted genuine. AmongTnich are several varieties of early Corn, Mutton Jn-1 Top Onions Wlbous Hoots, Dahlias, Flower fijejls, &c. Also, celebrated Rohan and Ifiiliu Spring Wheat, for sowing. For by jan 8 GARVH* k HAINES. * »? ’ . _ LOST. —Between the Globe and the low er market, a Miniature, set t n gold. On one side is a miniature of a gentleman, and on the other, of a lady. The tinder wiR be liberally re warded by delivering it at the office of the Chroni cle & Sentinel. i I dec 20 PIUIE article published bclowi ’concerning the new and popular doctrine idivanced by the illustrious Goelicke of Germany, j:a;nnot fail of ex citing a deep and thrilling interest Jlhroughout our ntry. r \ Q E} l\ Q. ‘ I; [Translated from the bennan.j LOUIS OFFON GOEII.IC.KE, of Germany, i ’] The Greatest of iiuaiAX i|siNEfactors. Citizens of North and South **4 jr/ca. To Louis Ofkon Goelicke, i\U D., of Germany, f Europe,j belongs the imperishable honor of adding anew and precious doctrine to tl»e science of medi cine —a doctrine which, though vuhcmentß opposed by many of tiie faculty, v of wlii[c|a he is a valuable member,) he proves to be as we|? sounded in truth as any doctrine of Holy’ Writ —iijloc trine, upon the verity of which are suspended t;l,|e lives of millions of our race, and which he boldlitcha lenges liis op pose is to refute, viz: Consumption is a disease al vvays occasioned by a disoruereili state of Vis Vita; (or Life Principle) of the hunilra oody: often secretly lurking in the system for y ears before there is the least complaint of if - Lungs —and which may’ be as certainly, lhoi;ii;h not so quickly, cured, as a common co dor a siijijfile headache. An invaluably precious doctrine lh|i|.,, as P imparts an important lesson to the apparenltly healthy of both sexes, teaching them that tliisilnsidious foe may be an unobserved inmate of their ‘ clayey houses” even while they imagine then!pelves secure from • ts attacks, teaching them that five great secret Lathe art of preserving health is to pi’S'.ck out the disease ivtien in Ike blade, and not wailiti.il th", full grown ear. ;*• : This illustrious benefactor u.Xn.in is also entitled to youi UKJ'eigufd gratitude, aij.bui e gratitude of a world,for the in vention of liis’*’ii?tchless Sanative, —whose iicaiing hat may claim for it such a title, since it has so signally jfifimphed over our ! great common enemy, fij’ C\su%umption, both in ! the first and last stages, —a ie|Jicine which has j thoroughly tilled the vacuum injtiic Materia Alcdica. and thereby proved itself the , F Conqueror of Phy tic tans.r~y —a medicine, fo.-’vfiich all mankind i will have abundant cause lo i-Sess the beneficent '..and of a kind Providence,-3i medicine whore 1 wondrous iritues have been pourtray ed even by s rare of our clnr^?,' in their pastoral : visits to Jure sick chamber ; byjf vj-hich means they- 1 often become the happy iustruJumtsol changing do- j spending into hope, sickness i.:|,t; health, and sad of iiniends into joyfulne*; » a q di a a GOELICXE'S MATCHLESS SANATIVE, A medicine of more value :| man than the vast mines «f Austria, or even th-;l united treasures of our glebe, —a medicine, whitjlj is obtained equally from the vegatable, animal arsl mineral kingdoms, and thus possesses a three-faltii[*> wer, —a medicine, which, though designed as a feuied v for consump tion swkJy. is possessed of a fnysterious influence over many diseases of the hu:i£aji system, —a medi cine, which beguasto be valui ipy physicians, who are daily’ witnessing its aston suing cures of many whom (they had resigned to tl i grasp of the Insa tiable Grave. . i DOSE of the Sanative, fortadaits, one drop; for children, a half-drop; and J( risufants, a quarter drop; icLs directions explain: ig the manner of ta king a half or a quarter drop; j Price—Three and out-llui 1 fix dollars* ($2,00) p r half ounce. J German coin value 75 < e’nts. 0 e Q ! Q Q A ceriificate from three mßubers of the Medical ißrofession in Germaty, in Europe. the undersigned, practitioners of medicine in Germany’, are well awai«| that, by- our course, we may forfeit the triendslvt of some of the facul ty, but not of its benevolent members, who are un influenced by se fish motivnf. Though we shall refrain from an expression M our opinion, either of the soundness or unsour sness of Dr. Goelick’s new doctrine we are happyj to say’ that we deem his Sanative too valuable <r.;ot lo be generally known—for what our eyesl Ijehold and our ears hear, we must believe. 4 ■ We hereby state, that Ivhen Dr. Louis OfTcn Goclick first came before German public, as the pretended discoverer of »i!i doctrine and a new medicine, we held hilil in the highest con tempt, believing and openlylpponouncing him to be a base impostor and the priilc jof quacks. But, on hearing so much said about, Ihs Sanative, against it and for it, we were inducedf fiom motives of curi . osity merely, to make trial|c.f its reputed virtues upon a number of our mostlhOpeless patients; and we now deem it our bounSejn duty (even at the expense of self-interest Jiljlicly to acknowledge its eificacy in curing noLjiuiy consumption, but other fearful maladies, wlif'h we have heretofore believed to be incurable.; Our contempt for the discoverer of this medicini? w as at once swallowed up in our utter aslonishrrii at at these unexpected results; and, as amends foi our abuse of him, we do frankly confess to the ’ wld, that we oelieve ihim a philanthropist, who ( oes honor to tlie profes sicn, audio our country,w ich gave him birth. The recent adoption of his medicine into some o our European hospitals s! a sufficient guaranty •that it performs all promi cis. It needed not our estimony,for wherever ijisiused it is its own best w wi ness. HERMA'I ETMULLER, m. d. WALTER TAN GAULT, m. d. ADOLPH i S vVERNEU, m. d. Germany, December 10 l%S(j. t . ’0 fe ( THE MATCHLESS SA NATIVE—By an article in our paper to-day, it w; i;»e seen that this medi cine has lost none of its v i toes by crossing the At •lantic—for it appears to le working similar cures ta America to those whicfahiive astonished Europe. Boston Morning Post, f ! TT For sale by BENJ.piIN HALL, Agent, at biPost-Office. ;| 1 dec 9 . AUGUSTA. GA-, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 30, 1840. Ueo. R. Road & Ranking Co. ; Branch at Augusta. J| EPOSITE? in sums of five hundred dollars w and upwards, bearing an interest of six per cent, per annum will be received at this Office for periods not less than ninety days, subject to the order of the depositors on receiving ten day’s notice ol theirintenlion to withdraw _ n °'l 2() wtf __ J- W. WILDE Cashier. POMPEYENNES. —Snowden <fe Shear have just received from New York, a supply of Rich Pompeyennes, a new and beautiful style of Silks for ladies’dresses, to which they respectfully invite the attention of the public. dec 13 PICkLEs AND PRESERVES.—The subscri _ hers have just received a complete assortment of Pickles, consisting of Walnuts, Cauliflower, Mangoes, Red Cabbage, Picolilly, Onions, Mixed Pickles, Peppers, Gerkins, Means, In half gallon and quart jars; Cucumbers in pickier London, French and American Mustards; Ketchup; of various kinds,and other Table Sauces. ALSO AMERICAN AND FOREIGN PRESERVES Peach, Green-gage, Damson, Egg Plum and Peai Preserves ; Currant, Raspberry and Strawberry- Jellies and Jams; East India Ginger in pots, W T est India Orange, Citron, Limes and Pine Apple Pre serves; Guava Jelly in glass and boxes; Citron. Prui.es, Raisins. Figs and otner dried fruits, all fresh aud in fine order, lorsaie ov dec IS L S - BRERS & Co. ■VTOTICE.—Those persons who left Hooks at IN the sub-ciioers’ establishment to be bound and have neglected to take them away, after re maining on their hands for two or three years, will take due notice, that said books will be sold to nay for the binding, unless they arc taken away within thirty days from the date of this notice. a P 4 J. W. &T. S. STOY. (4 HEAP IRISH LlNENS. —Snowden & Shear J have received, from New York, a large sup ply of superior 4-4 Irish Linens, warranted all flax, which they will sell at reduced prices. Also, a large supply of Dam isk Table Cloths and Damask Napkins, and a few superior Marseilles Quilts, to which they respectfully invite the attention oi the P ublic - mar 27 P I AN O F ORTES. R PARSONS, 295 Broad street, keeps at ail , times for sale, a large stor k of PIANO . ’ ORTES, from the best hui ders in the country.— Tho stock generally consists of about thirty to forty instruments, comprising all the qualities. These' instruments, are selected withgieat care, and are recommended with confidence. Persons wishing to purchase can do as well at this establishment as at any of the northern manufactories. A guaranty, as to quality and durability-, is fur nished in every instance. Also, a well selected stock of sheet MUSIC, Pre ceptors. &c., together with Guitars, V iolins, Flutes, Accordions, and most of the small articles usually kept in a Music S*pvc. do: 21 * ts \V HOLES AL. M 1 IO( 11AM) SIIOJH W ARE. HOUSE. y-p. THE undersigned has csfablish- E*n cd himself in the city of Augusta, —% J -rrm 1 the Hansaction of the above business, and is connected with an extensive northern manufac turer, from whom he is constantly’ receiving large invoices of the various articles in his lino, of the best qua ities .manufaetured expressly for the south ern trade, which are oirered to dealers and planters | on the mod reasonable terms. He is also prepared to (ill large orders at the very lowest prices, at short notice. A share of patid nage is respectfully solicited S. M. BROOKS, No. 334 Broad-st., dec 21 Gm Opposite the late Planters’ Hotel. aC ARRIAG I S. HULBERT & ROLL, at the old stand formerly occupied by- Maj. Jesse Thompson,corner of Ellis and Mcln tosh streets, are now receiving an en tire new stock of Carriages from the best manufac ures at the North, of the 1 test and most approved sty-le, consisting of Coaches, Coachecs, Standing and Extension Top Barouches, Chariotecs,Buggies Sulkies, Wagons, &c., together with a large and well selected assortment of Harness, all of which | they will dispose of on the most liberal terms. Or ders for any description of Carriages of their own of Northern manufacture thankfully-received and promptly executed. Their friends and the public are respectfully invited to call and examine their stock Ti/ > B e P a *H n ? in all its branches faithfully exe cuted and with despatch ts nov 1 GEOR GI A RAIL -R O AD. Freight is now conveyed on the Georgia Rail- Road, between Augusta and Greensboro, at the following rates: Merchandize, of all kinds, 40 cents per 100 lbs., (furniture excepted.) Cotton, $1 50 per bale. G. H. Thompson, Agent for the Company-, at Greensboro, will receive and forward freight with out charge. Merchandize for the way stations will be for warded from Augusta on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. RICHARD PETERS, Jr. Sup. Transportation Geo. R. R. Nov. 14, 1539. ts GEORGIA KAIL ROAD. CHANGE OF HOUR. The Passenger Train, carrying the great mail between New York and New Orleans, leaves Au gusta every- day at 6 p. m., and arrives at Greens boro at lA. m. Leaves Greensboro at 9 p m., and arrives at Augusta at half past 4 o’clock, a. m. Stages run in connection with this train from Greensboro for New Orleans, (two daily lines) via Indian Springs,Columbus, Montgomery and Mobile; for New Orleans, tri-weekly, via Clinton, Macon, and Pensacola ; for West Point and Wetumpka, via Barnesville tri-weekly-; for Rome,tri-weekly- via Covington, Decatur and Marietta ; for Nashville and Knoxville, Tennessee, tri-weekly, via Athens, Gainesville and Cassvillc; for Washington, Wilke county-, tri-weekly, from Double Wells ; for New Orleans, daily, from Warrenton, via Sparta, Mil- Icdgeville, .Macon and Columbus ; for Milledgeville, li-weekly, via Greensboro and Eatonton. Connecting with these lines are branch stage, lines to Tallahassee. Columous, Miss.. Tuscaloosa* Newnan, uoweta county, Ga., and Clarksville, Ha bersham county. &r. Fare on the Rail-Road to Greensboro $4 25. Office Georgia Rail Road & Bk’g Co } Augusta, Decemner 9. in 39. s GEORGIA RAIL ROAD. DAY PASSENGER LINE RESUMED. ON and after Tuesday next, (February 18th,) a Passenger Car will leave Augusta every Tues day, Thursday, and Saturday, at 8 o’clock, A. M.; Greensboro’ every Monday, Wednesday, and Fri day, at 8, A. M., and arrive at each place about 4A, P. M. Office Transportation, > Augusta February 12,1«40 S 11 B months after date, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Richmond n^ Un jt.^ 0r l eave t° sell one negro woman slave, me fiagei, the property- of Robert Barbel, de eeased C. J. COOK, Adm’r. April 17,1840. w6t R months after date, application will be ' r e *° C° UI 4 of Ordinary of Richmond coun y .for leave to sell all the real and personal estate of Richard F. Bush, deceased. February 4, IS4O A. J. MILLER, adm’r. FDUR months after date, application will be made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Richmond county, when sitting for ordinary pur poses, for leave to sell the real estate and negroes c ongmg to the estate of Thomas Areroll,deceas e -rold for the benefit ei the heirs and creditors. „ P- H. MANTZ, Administrator. February- 29, 1840. R months aft?r date, application will be made to the honorable the Inferior Court of itic imond county, when sitting for ordinaory pur poses, for leave to sell the real estate and negroes belonging to the estate of James Leverich,deceas ■rold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors P. H. MANTZ, ? . , . . J. A. CAMERON S Administrators __February 29,1800. IfOL R months after date, application will be ;,„. ma ! le \° the Cou H of Ordinary of Richmond county for leave to sell all the real and personal propei ty of Robert Dillon, deceased. . February 4, 1840 A. J MILLER, Ex’r. months after date, application will be . m«de to the Court of Ordinary of Richmond county, for leave to sell a negro man slave named Prince, the property of Mary Savage, deceased. Jrobruary 4,1840 A. J. MILLER, Ex’r. R months after date, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary- of Richmond county, .or leave to sell all the real and personal property of Green B. Holland, deceased February 4, IS4O A. J. MILLER, admr. FOUR months after date, application will be made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Richmond county, when sitting as a court of Ordi nary, for leave to sell sixty-seven shares of the capital Mock of the Bank of Augusta, belongin' to the estate of V\ illiam McCaw-, deceased for the benefit of the heirs of said estate. WILLIAM BOSTWICK, Adm’r. January 25, 1840. months after date, application will be . made to the honorable Justices of the Infc nur Court of Richmond county, when setting for ordinary pm poses, for leave to sell theneS-roes be longing to the estate of Martha Mc.)iiilan, late of said county, deceased. WM. H. JON&S, Executor. March 3, 1340. ' ’ )L II months after date, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Richmond . county, tor leave to sell all the real and personal estate of . i;ton Antony, deceased. March 5, 1840. " A J. MILLER, Ex’r. months after date, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Richmond county, for leave to sell ail the real and personal estate of Abraham Danforth, Deceased. March 5, 1840. A. J. MILEER, Adm’r. INOUR months after date, application will be . made lo the honorable Inferior Court of Rich mond county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Negroes belonging to the es tate of Mary Johnson,deceosojk 8o!d for the ben efit of the heirs and creditors*-' F. H. MANTZ, Administrator. February 29, 1840. KENTUCKY JEANS. SNOWDEN & SHEAR have received from New York a very large supp’y of Kentucky Jeans, which they will sell at very low prices.— Also, a large supply of superior Satinets, to which they respstUuily invite Hie attention of the public, jan 25 VyOODEN AND WILLOW WARE.—ChiI » w dren’s Wagons and Cradles, Market Baskets Clothes Baskets, Churns, Cedar and Fainted Wash Tubs, Foot Tubs, Door Mats, Brass bound and Fainted Buckets, Brooms, Brushes, and various other articles in this line, for sale by dec 18 I. S. BEERS & Co. SPLENDID CARPETS O NOW DEN & SHEAR have received from N. IO York,and are now opening, a very large sup ply- of superior Ingrain Three Fly Venetian and Brussels CARPETS of the latest style and richest patents, all of which have been selected with great care. Persons wishing lo supply themselves with the article will do well to call immediately, as they- can now make a selection from one of the largest assortments ever offered in this City, and of new and splendid patents. Also, Rich Brussels and Tufted HEARTH RUGS to match the Car pets,and superiorprinted Baizes and patent FLOOR CLOTHS. _ nov !2 BEALS’ HAIR RESTORATIVE, 14HI8 valuable discovery- is now introduced to . the citizens of Augusta, with the fullest confidence and assurance that it will effect the ob jectof its application, viz: A COMPLETE RES TORATION OF THE HAIR upon the heads of those who have lost the same, and have thereby become bald or partially so. , Numerous certificates might be given to show how successfully this compound nas been applied, never having failed in a single instance.) Its virtues have been fully and satisfactorily tested. The heads of those that were entirely bald, have been by the application of this restora tive, covered with a luxuriant growth of beautiful , hair. None need despair whether old or young, of hav ing their hair restored. For sale by ROBERT CARTER, Druggist, Broad st. and at T. H. PLANT’S Bookstore. Where certificates of its successful application be seen. june 21 swtf BLANK ROOKS. EDIUM Ledgers, Journals and Record Books, i-Ll Demy do do do do Cap do do do do Cap Day Books, long and broad, Ca jDay Books, Ledgers and Journals, half bound, Quarto Cap Books, red and feint ruled, 1 Bank Books, leather and paper covers, 1 Pocket Ledgers and Memorandum Books of all kinds. Pass Books, leather and paper covers, Copy Books, Shipping Books, Receipt Books, 1 Cy phering Books, Drawing Books, Blanks for the study of double entry book keep ing, in sets, suitable for schools, Minialuie Day Books, Ledgers, Journals, Cash 1 Books, Letter Books and Record Books, imitation Russia ends, in and out of cases, suitable for pri ’ vate accounts, ’ Bill Books. Alphabets of all sizes For sale by J. W. & T. S. STOY. Every description of Blank Books, ruled to any pattern and bound to order, at northern prices The work and materials warranted. jan 10 DISSOLUTION. —The firm of A. CUNNING HAM CO., is this day, (18th of March, 1840,) dissolved The debts due by- the concern will be settled by James L. Houston. A. CUNNINGHAM, J. L. HOUSTON. Having purchased the entire interest of A. Cun ningham in the Drug Store, the business hereafter will be attended to by the subscriber, who solicits a portion of the puolic patronage J. L, HOUSTON. March 19,1*40. dlw&wlt A ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. LL persons indebted to Abraham Danforth, deceased, late of Richmond county-, are re quested to make payment to the undersigned ; and those holding claims against said deceased, are re quired to hand in an account of their demands, within twelve months from this date. ~ A. J. MILLER, Adm’r. March 3, 1840. \TOTm_ All persons indebted to the late Am jUN bros INchr, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment to me; and those having claims will hand them in within the time prescribed by law. (mar 20 wb’t) B. L. NEHR. Adm’r. OTICE.—AII persons indebted to Charles M, XNI Curtis, late ot Richmond county, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and those having demands against the same, will present them duly attested within the time prescribed by law. 'PETER FALES, March 18, 1840 Temporary Administrator. TI fET RU E POM AD E DIVINE. eNSIVELY used in Europe, never before BA introduced into America, an infallible cure and a delightful preventive of Chapped Hands and Lips, &c. 1 His elegant article gives a delicacy of fragrance and that natural healthful appearance to the skin no other preparation of the kind has been know nto produce. It immediately' removes P/Af- PLES and other disagreeable ERUPTIONS, pre vents BRUISES from turning black,cures BURNS and SCALDS, alleviating pain, and preventing blisters, it is also e xceedingly useful for SORE BREASTS. So invaluable is this compound for every inconvenience to which the skin is liable, that none who have proved its benefits will ey r er willingly be without it. Sold in Glasses at 25 and 50 cents each, with full particulars, and directions for use. For sale by ROBERT CARTER, Druggist, Broad st. and at T. H. PLANT’S Bookstore. Where certificates of its successful application may be seen. june 21 swtf 1 1 HE Subscribers have this dav entered into ■ Partnership under the firm of FORCE, BRO THERS 4- CO. LEWIS M. FORCE, JOHN P. FORCE, BENJAMIN W. FORCE, BENJAMIN CONLEY, Augusta, January Ist, IS4O. All persons indebted to B. W. Force &, Co. are requested to make immediate payment. FORCE, BROTHERS fy CO. Wholesale Dealers in Boots, Shoes and Leather, have on hand an ex tensive stock, which they offer to country mer chants at Northern price’. jan 1 ts ELLIS-STREET ELEMENTARY AC A DEM Y. riIHE undersigned would respectfully inform his patrons and the public that his School is now re-opened for the business of the winter, at his for mer stand, opposite the dwelling of Mr. H. Caffin. As usual at this school, pupils ol both sexes are received. Every thing relative to the deportment of the pupils, which such an arrangement may be calculated to require, will be carefully'attended to. C. PIKE. N. B. —It is contemplated to open a Night School, at the same room, as soon as a suitable class can be collected. c. P. November 18. trwtf HOOK STORE. fIIHE subscribers return their thanks lo their |_ friends and the public generally for the libe ral patronage bestowed upon them the last year. ! and would inform them that they arc now opening a new stock of Books,Stationary and Fancy Goo which with their former stock, will make their as sortment complete, and will besold wholesale and retail, on the best possible terms. Their stock of Binder’s materials arc ol the fust quality, and they are now prepared to manufac- | ture Blank Books of every description, mlcd to any patera, having procured a Ruling machine not to be surpassed by any in the United States. A continuance ot the favors heretofore bestowed is solicited,and they assure their customers that satis faction will be giv-en in every respect. « ountry merchants are invited lo call and exam- 1 ne before they buy elsewhere. J. W. <fe T, S. STOY, nov 11 No. 247 north side Broad-st. DR. JAYNE’S OLEAGINOUS HAIR TONIC. Copy ot a letter from Dr. S. S. Fitch, dated Philadelphia, May lU, IS3S. DR. JAY NE Dear Sir, —1 feel that I can hardly say enough to you in favor of Jayne's Oleaginous Hair Tunic, prepared by you. Mv hair had been falling off about two years, and had become very thin, threatening speedy baldness, when I commenced using this remedy. In about one w eek, it ceased to fall off. I have used it now about three months, and have as full and thick a head of hair as I can possibly desire. I have recommended its use to a number of my friends who all speak well of it. If faithfully employed’ I have no doubt ol its general success. I may add that before using the Tonic, I had tried a'most all the various articles employed for the hair, such as the Macassar Oil. all the different mer»arations of Beai s Oil, V egctable Hair Oil, &c. fiic., without experiencing much, if any, benefit. Respectfully yours, S. S. Fitch, No. 172 Chesnut street. Dr. Fitch used this Tonic Jus ha r be gan to be gray, but since then there is not a gray hair to be found on his head. Philadelphia, May 11, IS3S. Dr. Javxf;—Dear Sir, —I cheerfully and with pleasure submit the following to you, with the liberty of your making it public, should you have the desire: —For several months past my hair had been rapidly falling off, so much so indeed that by passing my lingers lightly through it, I could obtain a quantity in my hand. I had tried all the fash ionable Oils of the day, without having received the slightest sensible benefit. The only resource that seemed left to me, was to have my head shav ed and wear a wig. Having, through a friend who had profitted by its use, heard of the remarkable cures effected by yne’s Ueaginous Hair Tonic, sold by you, I was induced, as a deinier resort, to try it. I have used two bottles, and am pleased to say, that after a few applications, my hair ceased entirely from coming out, the young ’hair made its appearance in great abundance, and that now I have a fine, luxuriant growth, and believe it to be the best remedy ever yet discovered. A fair trial will be its best recommendation. Independently of its virtues as a restorative and preventive, it imparts to the hair a fine healthy, glossy appear ance, rendering it soft and flexible, which will make it an invaluable acquisition for the toilet of every one at all desirous of beautifying that great est of adornments of the face—the hair. Returning my most sincere thanks for saving me from premature baldness, by the use of the above Tonic, 1 am, dear Bir, your obedient servant, L. Rinaldo Saxk, No. 108 Walnut st. Copy of a letter from the Rev, C. C. Park, Pastor of the Baptist Church at Haddonfield, N. J. Haddo>- field, N. J., Feb. 12, 1539. Dr. D Jayne,—Bir—l take pleasure in inform ing you that the bottle of Jayne’s Hair Tonic, which 1 obtained of you last October, has proved most satisfactory and successful. My hair had for a long time been exceedingly thin. But for two or three years past it had so fallen out that my head had become almost entirely'bald. I was un der the necessity of concealing the baldness by combing the hair on the sides over it. But now, after using about half of a bottle of the “Tonic,” I have as luxuriant growth of hair as I ever had. C. C. Park. This valuab’e remedy for the giqwth, preserva tion, and restoration of the Hair, can be obtained wholesale and retail, from WILLIAM K. KITCHEN, jar IS- law3in Sole Agent for Augusta, J ACADEMY OF RICHMOND COUNTY. THE Trustees of this institution are happy to have it in their power to state, that both the principal Academy in Augusta, and the branch at have resumed their exercises, under the management of Teachers who have the full confidence of the Trustees, and who, they are sa tisfied, are fully entitled to that of the public. Mr Ernenputsch, the Rector of the Academy, already favorably known to the community, has charge of the Classical department and a*ll the branches of education requisite for admission to our best Colleges. His attainments as a scholar and success in imparting useful knowledge, emi nently quality him for the discharge of the im- i portant duties of his station. Mr. Ring, the principal English Teacher, re cently engaged by the Board, comes with the high est recommendations as to character, talents, lite rary attainments and skill in teaching, and the 1 rustees feel assured that he will sustain the re- ‘ putation which led to his selection. Ihe branch of the Academy at Summerville is under the immediate management of Mr. Frank lin George, a gentleman of experience in teach inS’ and highly recommended. The advantage of the location of this branch of the Academy in one of the most healthful neighborhoods in the State and sufficiently remote from the unfavorable in fluence of a crowded town, are too well known to need comment. On the whole, the Board confidently recommend to the public the principal Academy and the Branch at Summerville, as being on a better footing than the) ha\ e heretofore been, and promising great usefulness to those who may avail themselves of the advantages which they offer. A. CUNNINGHAM, ~ an 1 1 President of Board or Trustees. THE HAMBURG JOURNAL, .4 Semi-Weekly paper, devoted to foreign and do mestic news, the markets, literature , science, c Y arborough & Mullay, Editors and Publishers, f present flourishing trade, and the growing X importance of Hamburg in a commercial point of view, fully authorize the establishment of such a Newspaper as the publishers design to make the Jour al. No place of the same population in the Union, and certainly none where so large an amount of business is transacted, is without such a \ chicle ot trade and intelligence. Every effort will be made to render the Journal entirely ac ceptable to the liberal and enterjrizingcommunity, for whose patronage it presents itself. Political facts will be given to the public as matter of news; but political speculations, with their train of so phistry, misrepresentation, slander and abuse, will be carefully excluded from our columns. Partic ular attention will be given to the state of the Markets at home and abroad, and we shall furnish regularly corrected lists of the prices current at Hamburg, Augusta and Charleston, as well as co pious extracts from the Trade Lists of the North ern cities. Our extensive mail facilities will give us intelligence from every part of the Union at the latest possible dales; and the means they will al so afford us of transmitting our paper speedily to every post-office throughout the South and South- West, will make the Journal useful and valuable to the business-men of these sections of our great country, and we shall look with confidence for patronage at their hands We shall endeavor to hnd a place in our columns for every thing of in terest to the business classes of the people and the community generally; and, in short, no expense or labor shall be spared to render the Journal a truly valuable paper, and in every way worthy of the favor and support we how solicit for it. Terms. $5 per annum, in advance. The Jour nal will be printed twice a week, with type, on a beautiful white paper of an extra-imperial size. inserted at the usual rates. Editors will please insert and oblige us. Hamnurg, S.C.. April 7th, 1840. Georgia, Burke conuty 4 ; \ V HEREAS Matthew Jones, administrator on | * * t,2e estate es Abner E. Holliday, deceased, applies for letters dismissory from said estate ; I hose are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to file their objections, if any they have, in my of hce within the time prescribed by law, to show j cause why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 30th Dcccm ber - T. H. BLOUNT, Clerk. avholesale druggists. " G1 AR\ IN HAINES, No. 232, Broad street, ? are constantly receiving fresh supplies of Drugs, Paints, Oils, Glass, &c. Also an extensive assoi tment of Brushes, Toilet and Shaving Soaps, Perfumery, &c., ol domestic and foreign manufac tures, selected by their agents; also afresh supply of English Garden Seed. Country merchenls and Physicians are invited to call and examine our sto k. liberal discount made for cash. dec 23 CO-PAUTYJEKSHir NOTICE. fJpHE subscriber has this day taken intoconart -V nership, Mr. A. L. MA S SEN GALE, and the business will Irom this lime be conducted under the sty le and inn of S. BUFORD Sf CO., and the sub scriber would take this method to return his sincere thanks to his friends and former customers for the patronage ,dial has oeen so iioeraily oestowca on him, and he would most respectfully solicit a share for the firm. S. BUFORD. July 29. 839. MATERNAL FRIEND —For the reli of all the sympathetic affections and periodi cal disorders, to which females are liable. The Maternal Friend is the well known “Pfiilotokcn” undei a new name, for sale by appointment by HAVILAND, KISLEY & Co., Augusta, and HAVILAND, HARRAL & ALLEN, Price sl,oU per oottie. cnaueston. DOv2s 6m DITCHETT’S REMEDY FOR THE PILES 'This article is recommended as a specific for almost all cases of piles that may occur. Certifi cates of cures may be scon from persons who had been afflicted for upwards of 20 years. For sale by HAVILAND, RISX.EY & Co., Augusta, and HAVILAND, HARRAL Sc ALLEN, Price $2 per bottle. Charleston, nov 25 6m IK AVID E. BUTLER, Attorney at Law, will U will practice in the several Courts of the Northern Circuit. Business entrusted to him will be carefully and punctually attended to. Office on the corner South of Mr. Alexander’s Hotel, Wash ington, Wilkes county, Ga. mar 14 sm4t TN. POULLAIN & SON inform their friends • and the public generally, that they have received by late arrivals, and are now opening a fresh and general assortment of GROCERIES, al the stand formerly occupied by Clarke, McTeir &c Co., immediately opposite the Globe Hotel, aud will be pleased to fill all orders sent them. All Cotton confided to their care will be sold free of commission. A sto k of Scull Shoals Manufactured Goods will be kept constantly on hand. dec I 2 wt 1 may "VT OTICE.—The Sheriff’s Sales of Warren coui IM ty, from this time, will be published in th.- Chronicle and Sentinel of Augusta, Ga. feb 17—wtf JAMES HALL, SlTff. TO RENT, from the Ist Get. next, a TTIpJI STOKE, No. 246 south-side Broad-street., . J.f lrilLrecently occupied by the late D. VV. St. John. Apply to JAMES GARDNER, Jr. augl6 trwtf NOTICE. —Those creditors of A. McKenzie, who claim under an assignment made to the subs :ribeis and James M. Carter, deceased, on the sth of July, 1833, will please hand in their claims, with proper evidence, as early as convenient. PETER BENNgCH. > . . J jan 30 JOHN P. KING, ' signers | VOL. 4.—No. 104. PROSPECTUS OF THE CHRONICLE & SENTINEL. The Chronicle and Sentinel is devoted to Commerce, Politics,and General Intcllicencr. Its location in the principal mart of the Stale, gives it decided advantages over the prpcr* of an/ other part of the State, in presenting the earliest and most important commercial news. Reports of the most important markets in the Union are copied with great care, and a review of the Augusta mar ket and the value of money, is made up with the strictest accuracy for the tri-weekly and weekly papers, which affords the Merchant, Planter ami ah classes of society, the earliest and most impor tant commercial inteligence. In Politics, it is the advocate of a sound curren cy, based upon specie—the re-charter of a National Bank —the principles of State Rights —economy, reform and retrenchment in the Federal adminis tration : —and opposes the leading measures of the present administration of the Geners 1 Government. In miscellany and general iLtelligcnce, great care is taken to render the paper both valuable and I interesting to all classes of society. The pioprietors will, as soon as their circulation is sufficiently enlarged, (which they hope will he in the course of t e present year,) increase the size of their weekly sheet, when they will present their patrons with the largest and most valuable paper in the State. The Chronicle and Sentinel, is published Daily, Tri-Weekly and Weekly, on Broad-st. terms: Daily paper, Ten Dollars in advance. Tri- Weekty', Six Dollars in advance, or Seven at tho end of the year. Weekly, Three Dollars in ad* vance, or Four Dollars at the end of the \ ear. J. W. 61 W. S. JONES. A gu«ta, Ga. March 20th, 1840. HORRID DEPRAVITY. SOME notorious counterfeiters have nearly kill ed several persons by selling them a spurioua and false mixture of Hays’ Liniment. The genuine is warranted perfectly harmless and effectual. Never buy the article unless it ha* the written signature of COMSTOCK Co. ott the splendid wrapper. That firm are solely au thorized to make and sell the true article. Origi nal proprietor, SOLOMON HAYS. P. S. The true Hays’ Liniment is warranted to cure Piles and Rheumatism, in all cases, or no pay taken for it. Sold at No. 2 Fletcher street, near Pearl st. and Maiden Lane, New Yoxk, by COMSTOCK Sf Co., Wholesale Druggitts. The genuine is for sale by GARY IN & H AIN ES, and ROBERT CARTER, Augusta, jan 10 ly In Burke Superior Court,') November Term, 1839. \ Present his Honor John Shly, Judge. Polly Martin vs. V Libel for Divorce. Joseph Martin. 3 IT appearing by the Sheriff’s return that the de fendant is nut to be found in the county; where upon— It is ordered. That the service of this libel be made perfect by the publication of this rule for three months in one of the papers ol this State. A true extract from the minutes. EDWARD GARLICK, Clerk. February 15, 1840. m3m In the Superior Court of Jefferson county , November Term, 1839. His Honor John Shly, Presiding, j Mary Holley vs. >~Case fur Divorce. j John Holley,3 IT appearing to the Court, by the return of the Sheriff, that the defendant is not to be found in J this state. It is therefore, on motion, ordered that the defendant appear at the next Term of this Court and answer to the said case, as in default it will proceed to trial: And it is further ordered, that service of the said writ be perfected by adver tising this notice in one of the public gazettes of this state, once a month for four months before the next term of this court. A true extract from the minutes of the Superior Court, at November Term, 1839,this 15th January* 1840. EBENEZER BOTH WELL, Clerk. J an 25 m4t IN OUR months after dase, application will be made to the honorable Inferior Court of Stri ven county when sitting as a Court of Ordinary* for leave to sell all the real estate and negroes be longing to the estate of Richard Herrington, sen. deceased GEORGE POLLOCK, Executor. March 3, 1840 171 OUR months alter date, application will be made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Striven county, when sitting for ordinary purpo ses, for leave to sell the real estate and negroes be longing to ihc estate of Joseph T. Herrington, de ceased JEFFERSON ROBER i S, Adm’r. March 3,1840. 1710 UR months after date, I shall apply to the; the Court of Oidinary of Burke county, for leave to sell all the real estate and negroes of Reu ben Chance, deceased,for the purpose of paying the debts of said estate, HENRY CHANCE. February 29,1840. Executor. IN OUR months after date, application will made to the honorable the Inferior -court of Burke county, when sitting as a court of Ordinary, for leave to sell all the landed estate (in Georgia) of George Poythress, deceased. JOHN C. POYTHRESS, Ex’r. March 6, 1840. 17I0UR months after date, application will b made to the honorable the Inferior court of Richmond county, when sitting for oidinary pur poses, for leave to sell a negro girl named Sarah, belonging to the estate of Michael K inch ley, de ceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditcis of j said deceased. ANNE KINCHLEY, Adm’x. . March 4, 1840. INOUR months after date, application will be made to the Honorable Inferior Court of Burke County, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell seventy-six acres of Land belonging ! to Theophi.us Skinner, minor. URIAH SKINNER, Guardian. January 24, 1810. jan 2« INOL R months after date, application will be made to the honorable the inferior Court of Scriven county, when sitting for ordinary purpo ses, for leave to sell all the real estate and ne- * groes belonging b i the estate of llaibary Herring ton, deceased. J EFFERSON ROBERT S, Adm’r. March 3, 1840. i j : INCUR months after date, application will be made to the honorable Justice*- of the Court I of Ordinary of Lincoln county, for leave to sell all • j the real estate of John Moss, deceased, (tfce.wi -1 dow’s dower excepted,) lying in Lincoln county, adjoining 'Valton, House, Anthony, and others, on Savannah river. W. W. STOKES, Adm’r. February 2 1 , 1840. of John Moss, dec’J. INCUR MONTHS after date, application will be ' made to the honorable the Inferior Court es I Columbia county, when silting for ordiaary puipa > ; ses. for leave to sell a pait of the negro slaves be longing to thoaestate of the late Eleanor D. Ap p ing, deceased, for the purpose of paying the debts of said estate. GREEN J. DOZIER, Ex’r. February 8, 1840. 1 NOUR MONTHS afterdate, application will be J 1 made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Columbia county, when sitting for ordinary purpo ses, for leave to sell a negro man slave named Lcs i, belonging to Charles 11. Jennings, a minor. W. L. CIIAMBLIER, Guardian. February 12, 1840. 17* OUR Months after data appli-alion will he made to the Honorable Inferior Court of V» ashington county,whcn sitting for ordinary pur poses, fur an order to sell Lot No. 22, 10th Di*tiic{ 3d Section, Cherokee county, drawn bv Arabella Barnet, orphan, for the benetit of said orphan. JOHN ,v. CALHOUN,Cusrtf’ i AjrilUJMO.