Newspaper Page Text
A eertait and lasting cure for that disease.
TIE s>>r»reiibers having ecu appointed special
agents for the sale of Galtighan’s Fever and
Ague Pi! «, is prep wed to furnish planters and
country traders with supplies of said article on
ter vs 'equal y as favorable as they can be obtained
of tfte proprietors
Gftlhgljan's l*itls. r.ho ugh useful for all diseases
which ordinate ih % superabundant collectun of
bile in the stomach, are more purlieu any intended
for Fever and A fit/ In the first place they cleanse,
strengthen and glv>£ tone to the stomach and bow
els, »ed create a n<|v and heal'hy action through
out the System, llsev produce a natural and per
manent appetite; || ev defend the system against
mew or subsequent attacks of the disease; they
assist the various o| rations of nature by cleaning
the system of all vi|rted,corrupt and acrid hu nora,
and inus invigorate nd reanimate the whole f ame.
Possessing a pmgai R'e quality, they cannot remain
in the bowels to Reduce such other diseases as
often follow the inj Jicious treatment of the fever
and ague. They arc composed entirely of vegeta
ble matter, and be taken ’ y per-ons of both
sexes and of ail agq-i, without the least danger of
unpleasant consequences. In fine, the pub.ic arc
assured that Gallig ism’s Piils possess those inesti
mable viitues, whiih aie requisite not only to ar
rest, but to eradicap; and destroy the lad seeds of
this most d.stressing malady of the human family.
The proprietors so|mn!y pledge themselves that
they do not a particle of minerals in any'
shape or form, hut composed entirely of simple
vegetable substances. , which either separately or
combined, and witFi u t regard to sex or ago, are
perfectly harmless It their effects upon the human
system. |
i ~
From Dr. John li. ’J.iylor. of Tallahassee, Florida.
Messrs. Fletcher 3/- \\ estcott:
Gentlemen—Hat og prescribed Gallighan’s Pills,
in several cases of :.*ver and ague, with the mo«t
favorable resu ts, I hcerfully r recommend them as j
a valuable medicine to persons afflicted with that
disease. i Jno. B. Taylor,M. D.
From Dr. JVm J.Ahnson.Fort Gainee, Georgia.
Messrs Fletcher 4- Zest cult :
Gentlemen—Froij the trials I have repeatedly
given ‘“Gallighan’s 1 Vegetable Fever and Ague,” during the f osent fall and past summer, in
the cure of intermix tent or ague ami fever, I take
pleasure in recornnSmding them as a certain and
specific remedy—h w obstinate soever the case
may bo. These Pi s have been extensively used
in this section of tlj 1 country,and so far as 1 know
without disappoint] ig the expectations of a single ;
ndivi.iual. Wa. J. Joaxsoic, M. D,
Nov. 11th, 1835, 1
\ -
From Dr. S. M. Tr&ersoll, Columbus, Georgia.
I have used Galfghans Pills with success, — I
they have more tha 1 met >ny expectations.
Nov. 20, 1835. I
A large mass of highly respectable testimony,
confirming the reputation of Gallighan’s Pills, may
be seen at either of the stores of the above named
persons, or at the subscriber’s.
Special Agent, Wholesale and Retail Druggist,
Augusta, Georgia,
mar 17 trwlm
q_JT genuine Cologne Water, in long and short
bottles, warranted of the vry best quality; for sal# {
in boxes of half a dozen each, for family use, or
by single bottles.
Also, a large assortment of Fancy Soaps, Odorous
Waters, Extracts, Hair Oils, and Curling Fluids,
of the best quality, at Apothecary Hall, 232 Broad
street, by GARVIN & HAINES.
nov 2s
Radical Cure ol Hernia or itu>wui e, by wr.
Chuse-s 1111 prove*! .Suigesus’ Trusses.
fjIHE subscriber has opened an office, at the Drug
JL store of .Messrs. J. J. Robertson &Co., for the
treatment of Hernia or Rupture, by means of these
uslly celebrated instxurueuis. He has now used
them for nearly a year, and, did not delicacy forbid,
he could name several persons who have been radi
cally cured , of this truly distressing and dangerous
affection, by the use of .these Trusses, besides many i
others who are in a fairway of being entirely re
lieved. The following is the language of the com
mittee ot the Philadelphia Medical Society on the
Radical Cure of He.nia.
“ The instruments of Dr. Chase have effected j
the permanent and accurate retention of the in- j
testines ineveiy case of Hernia observed by the
committee, sriloout material inconvenience to the
n- rent, and often under trials more severe than
a usually ventured upon by those who wearcther
tr .*ses; trials that would be imprudent with any
other apparatus known to the committee.”
“ The committee an induced by the foregc’ g
conclusions to recommend, in strong terms tne in
struments of Dr. chase fa) the couhdence of
the profession, as the best known means of me
chanical retention in hernia, and as furnishing the
highest chances of radical cure.”
The fol owing is from the Southern Medical and
Southern Journal, published in :ur own city.
“ All must admit of the radical cure of hernia,
and that Dr. Chase’s Trusses are decidedly the best j
yet invented to effect the object.”
Persons from a distance can have the instruments
applied, upon application at the office, and all ne
cessary information given to enable them to adjus
it themselves. The poor, who are laboring under
this afflicting complaint, will be treated gratuitous
ly upon presenting a certificate, from some responsi*
ble person, of their pecuniary disability.
The instruments are of all sires, and applicable
to every variety of reducible rupture.
feb 20 F. M. ROBERTSON, M. D.
TOMATO —a substitute for Calomel, and
does not belong to tlu family of quack medicines;
for the reason that the component parts are made
known to the faculty, or any one else that may
wish to know, by any of the agents keeping them
for sale. Since this discovery so long and anx
iously looked for, some one in almost the extreme
North has advertised a Tomato Pill, purporting to
be made from the stalk, a thing not more aosuiu
than for one to offer meal from the corn stalk, to
say nothing of the difficulty of raising the Tomato
so far North. 1
Dr. Miles, of Cincinnati, is the proprietor of the
Tomato Pills (proper) for the great benefits of i
which, he holds himself bound, and in honor picric- 1
ed to prove by, they are all that they
profess to be, and Wll do fur otheis what they
have done for such v rs mav have used them ; as
this is a vegetable c. great use, and value, it will
doubtless be valuable information to families to
know that the Yello’v are just doubly as valuable
as the Red Tomato, and produces twice as much
of the hapatine, or active principle, and w-hen used
as a daily vegetable will be found 10 keep the
system in much better condition than the other
kind; many will recollect with what trembling
anxiety calomel has been given to children, and
how they then wished for a substitute. It has
long been known that the Tomato contained ca
thartic principles, but not until of late wa? 1*
ascertain* i tnat ~iey cOMauieu alterative and diu
retic properties. The Faculty embrace and use
the preparation most cheerfully, for the reason that
they know what it is Were it a patent mystery,
they would be bound to reject the medicine, as they
justly do the one thousand and one cure-alls of the
day. If you wish to cleanse the system with a
mild, sa.e anti-bilious medicine, use the Tomato
Pill, of which a supply, we learn, will soon be in
hts city. We all snow sometmng aoout tnis.
Vir.e u
ySytffe and .MASON SHAW, have now grow
ing, >n the most flourishing condition,] 1
TP* Augusta. Georgia, adjoining the Hamp
ton Race Course, about 8-1,000 Mon.s
Multicaul is Trees, which they offer for sale in lots
to suit purchasers. For further information enqni -
try may he made of Me ssrs. Cheneys, at their cocoon
ery in Burlington, New- Jersey, or of Mason Shaw,
al the Eagle and Fhornix Hotel in Augusta.
Having had several years experience in cultiva
ting the morns multieauiis from buds, cuttings, &•*.
they will furnish e-v-h purchaser with printed in
structions of t •«» b and most approved manner .>f
planting and “iftivatm* the trees the bind of soil
most -uitV’h ar g> vg the same; and also for
hvg the «■ W; f -u».« :ee in ; the s:!k Tiny
wili .-Ho haw- to. Silk Worm Eggs of the
most esteem-*-! v--ietU , from moth* selected with
~vc 1 are iu. t&if je-Itli, sUcugih and pei icctiou
.Vo article ever introduced tv public notice has lean
J'vund to answer a belter purpose, or been more highly ap
proved, than the justly celebrated
fruinlries’ Itch Ointment.
SO f rent and extended has become its reputation, that
dealers are ordering it from all |>arU of the country,
as a remedy which gives their customer, the highest
DOT A Student!—connected with one of onr Liter
ary Institutions, where this loathsome disease had ap
peared, observes, that Dumfries' Itch Ointment extermi
nated it, after various other applications had failed to da
so, and it had in consequence gained a reputation in that
Seminary, and vicinity, as the best remedy kite ten for the
Itch !
%* This preparation, for pleasantness, safety, expedi
tion, ease and certainty, is unsurpassed, if equalled. It
does not contain the least pait.cle of mercury, or other
dangerous ingredient, and may be applied with perfect
safety by pregnant females, or to children at the breaM,
and it cures, however inveterate, in
OCT One Hour’s Application only!—And no
danger from taking cold.
It is also one of the best applications for a h mnr, in
form of a ring-worm, known by the name of (he Bsaagas’
Iren, will is excellent for PiurLEs, and diseases of the
skin generally.
Price 25 cents a box, with ample directions.
{C7~ Caution ! Be particular to observe that the only
original and genuine Dviifrim’ Itch Ointment is signed
by T. Kidder, the sole proprietor, on the outside printed
wrapper. other can possibly he genuine !
$3“ Prepared and sold by T. KIDDER, sole proprietor
and successor to Dr. Conw at, 99 Court street, up stairs,
near Concert Hall, Boston, and may also be bad gCT or
A fresh supply of the above Ointment just re
ceived and for sale by
Druggist, Augusta, Ga.
Where may be found a general assortment of
Drugs, Medicine, Faints, Oils, Glass, Ac.
feb 28 6m
fIAHIB fine article is warranted to cure Piles or
Rheumatism in ail cases, or no pay taken
for it.
A notorious counterfeiter has dared to make an
attempt upon this article, and several have been
nearly ruined by trying it. Never buy it. unless it
has the written signature of COMSTOCK <S- Co.
on the splendid wrapper. That firm have the only
right to make and sell it for 20 years, and all from
them is warranted perfe. tly innocent and effectual
in all cases.
N. B. Always detect the false by- its not having
the above signature. The true sold only by
Wholesale Druggists. No. 2 Fletcher-st N. Y.
Original Proprietor.
The genuine is for sale by GARV IN & 11 AIN ES,
and ROBERT CARTER, Augusta. ly jan 9
j iy r . M. b. Cohen, proprietor of the universally
celebrated lotion for the cure of Chronic and lulia
matory Rheumatism. Sprains, Lumbago. Fains and
Swellings in the Joints, Ac., known as ( oiicn’s
Rheumatic Embrocation, begs respectfully to refer
all persons suffering from these disea es to the
thousands of cures that his preparation has accom
plished. and to the numerous strange and highly
respectable testimonials which have, from time to
time, been published to that effect in New York
and other places. So ceitain arid searching is tnis
Liniment in its operations, even in cases of long
standing, and ot an obstinate nature, that it has
never been known to fail. The following letters
arc selected from hundreds of others of a like de
scription. it wll be proper that all persons using
he Liniment see tnat it is accompanied with the
signature of the proprietor in his own hand writing.
Since the introduction of this remedy to the public,
various empirics have been palmed upon the coun
try, No.-trams and Lotions, and Liniments, and
’'infallible Rheumatic Mixtures,” all of which be
ing a compound of ignorant quacks, are ca ciliated,
mure or less, to injure the sy stem rather than re
move any complaint. In proof of the estimation
in which the Emoroeation is held by respectable
men in the tuedicau profession, as well as by the
thousands of persons who have been effectua iy
cured of Rheumatism, the subscriber has subjoined
letters from a few who are well and popmarly
known to the entire society in New Wk, and
whose opinions and professional judgments are
universally esteemed.
Jtt. B. COHEN,
No. 270£ Hudson street,N. Y.
New York, Aug. 3, 1838.
1 Dear Sir —Having frequent y witnessed the ap
plication of vour Rheumatic Embrocation,and tic
1 beneficial effects arising therefrom, it affords me
pleasure to state that 1 most cheerfully recommend
it as an invaluable remedy, and the best known tor
the cure of that painful and distressing complaint,
either in its acute or chronic lo.rr .
Late Corresponding Secretary of the Medical Soci
ety of ihe City and county of New York.
To Dr. M. B. Cohen.
Dr. M. B. Cohen—ln reply to your request as to
| my opinion of your Rhea atic Embrocation, i
most willingly acknowledge that 1 have used it in
( my practice, and found it an invaluable remedy as
a pauiative Liniment in cases of iiheu tiatism.
| New York, April 20, 1839.
I certify that I have used Dr. M. B. Cohen’s
Rheumatic Embrocation, and hare found it a most
useful adguvant in the treatment of this painful
disease, and therefore hesitate not to recommend it
! in all cases of Rheumaiism.
No. 342 Broadway, N. Y.
I, Henry B. Nones, Ist Lieut, of the Revenue
Cutter Alert, in the service of the United States
do certify that I was for five months aiflicted with
the Inflamatory Rheumatism,and had every* reme
dy by advice of physicians, without any relief, and
finally by advice of Dr. W. Rockwell, health offi
cer at quarantine, 1 applied to Dr. >l. B. Cohen, in
the month of July, 183, for a bottle of his Rheu
matic Embrocation, and after one week’s use of
the specific, was entirely free from all pain, and
was able to resume my place in the service.
H. B. NONES, Ist Lt. U. 8. R. S.
New York, August Ist, 1G37.
(Jj* Price, $3 per bottle,
TO THE PUBLIC.—tie it known, that on this
20th day of January, one thousand eight hundred
and forty, we have appointed Mr. Benjamin F.
Kenbick, proprietor of the Mansion House, city
of Augusta, our sole Agent for the city of Augusta,
in the State of Georgia; also, sole agent for the
<?i.y of Hamburg, in the State of South Carolina,
for the sale of our Rheumatic Embrocation, a re
medy calculated to cure with certainty any Rheu
matic complaints, whether of a chronic or inflaina
tory nature. Witness, our hand, this day and year
aforesaid. JNI. B. COHEN & Co.
The public will remember that this is simply an
external application and free from minerals.
The public are cautioned against purchasing of
any' other than the above authorized agent, as that
purchased from any other person cannot be genu
Dr. M. B. COHEN’S principal Office, No 272$
Hudson street, N. Y.
Each bottle of the Embrocation is accompanied
with minted directions for use. and none is genu
ine umess nearing me signature o.
ar 22 3m M B. COHEN.
IS Warranted staid or restored, and the head
kept free from Dandruff, by the genuine
Remember the genuine as described below.
This is certified to by* several Mayors, Ministers
of the Gospel, British Consul, Physicians, and a
great number of our most respectable citizens, to
be seen where it is sold.
This article has been imitated by a notorious
counterfeiter. Let it never bo purchased or used
unless it has the name of L. S. COMSTOCK, or the
signature of COMSTOCK 4- Co-, on a splendid
wrapper. This D the only external test that will
secure the public from deception.
Apply al the wholesale and retail office. No. 2
Fletcher street, near M odou Lane and Pearl st.
Address, COMSTOCK V Co .
Whr legale Druggists.
The genuine is for sale by GARVIN A Hal ES,
I %cd ROBERT CARTER, Augusta. ly-jso d
ant*-balsamjc gonorrhceal solution.
Warranted to not in Five Days.
f t'll IS incomparable and invaluable remedy so
1 long known, and used with such unparralleied
success in the Canadas fur the last 30 ycais, ap
peals to need no panegyrii. Its operation upon the
human system is such that it invariably acts like
a chaim, for the relief and radical cure of a certain
common and disagreeable ‘’ills the flesh is heir to.”
This prize obtains its own name from the certain
i success which has attended it through al! of its
trying circumstances, namely, ‘‘live days,*’ —the
1 same success which followed it in a Northern lati
tude still obtains in a more Southern. The formula
, or recipe was obtained at great expense, intrigue
' and baza id I>3' M Cheveres, from the celebrated
Indian t hies Wabenothe, or Great Moon, whilst
1 lie, with others was pursuing the lucrative Fur bu
, siness in the North-west with the Indians. —
Wabenoshe prized highly and use it with invariable
[ success throughout his two tribes. Its known and
valued virtues have already enriched to an a most
incredible extent the children of this warlike prince,
not only by actual sale of the article itself to in
dividuals, but by parting with copies of his teceipt
at enormous prices to the t hies of every tribe of
Indians in America, with a solemn promise to the
. Great Spirit, never to divulge the-‘ait of its com
, position until he sleeps with his fathers,” although
free to use it in their respective tribes, which
plates it in the hands of every Indian who rely
wills, I may say, religious confidence on its cura
ble powers.
Below is a copy of the translation as near as it can
be anglisized of the deed given by Wabenoshe, to
M.Chcveret,when he purchased the original recipe,
and had twice assisted the Chief himself through
the tedious manipulatory process of manufacture.
Few white men would credit the length of time
which is consumed In preparing the article for im
mediate use.
“I, Wabenoshe, Chief of the nations Ottowaand
Chippewa, for the love and good feeling which I
have for my white friend M. Cheverel, (for he lias
done many good things for me and my people.) I
give to him my greatest cure for the bad sickness
which my children have bad sent among them as
a punishment by the Great Spirit, and hope that in
his hands it may do much good, and make him very
Signed WABINOSHE,Iiis X mark.
YV itness API’AIH), his X mark.
J. B. ROY,
li. O. DUPUIS,
This Medicine,! warrrnt by this publication,un
der a penalty of $5,000, not to contain one parti
cle of corrosive preparation. It is purely vegata
ble in its essences. Its first and prominent virtue
is to subdue every vestige of infiamation, and then
acts mildly and copiously as a diuretic; thereby
holding within itself, every requisite virtue, lor
the subduction of this loathsome malady—and ev
ery regular graduate in medicine, will sustain the
assertion, that copious diuiesis and reduction of in
flation, are the only two things necessary to effect
a sound ami radical cure
The most peculiar virtue of the “Cinq Jours,”
is in this, that wherever it alone has been used to
affect a cure, none of those tenacious and disagree
able consequences whic h almost invariably results
from the sudden cure of Gonorriima, have been
known to obtain such as stricture, hernia, huinoi
alis, incontinence, and a swarm of other of the
most loathsome, perplexing, and disagreeable dis
eases, consequent upon erroneous diagnosis and
treatment ol Gonorrhoea.
Those alfected are requested to call and try for
themselves, if the prescriptions are we 1 follow
ed and fail to cure, the money will in every case be
You can do what you please and cat what you
To be had at Antony & Haines, No. 232, Brond
slrcet, who arc Hie only authorised Agents in Au
gusta. Ail orders addressed to them, will be
I 1 promptly attended to.
For sale, also, by Wm. B. Wells fie Co. Druggists,
Athens; and P. AL. Cohen A Co. Charleston, an it)
i » *i,. . -rOHN. a German onymtia.. jt much
* " n«»te. oaving Oevoteo nu attention .or son.e
years in me core ana removal o> inset usrsot N Eu-
VOUB AND cdCK HEAD aCHK, has thesa:is
i clion to make known, tha he lias a remedy which
by removing ihe causes cures etleciualiv and perma
nently this distressing complaint There are many
families who ha\e considered '-ick Headache a con
j stiitiffonal incurable tumiiy complaint* Dr. s>. as
! sore« them that hey are mi-taken, at cl labouring
1 umier distress which < ncy might not onlv alleviate,
! but actually eradicated by the us if his remedy,
li is ihe result ol ecu nrifir research,and is entirely
1 of a different character Irom advertised patent medi
cines, and is not unpleasant to the taste.
The extraordinary reparation that Dr Spnhn’s
remedy lor this distressing cuinpaint is every day
gaining is certainly a matter ol much astonishment,
, Thai so m <ch suffering should have existed lbrages
without any discovery of an effectual preventiv t, or
| cure, is truly a subject ol much regrei but Dr. o.
. now assures ihe public that.such a noted y has been
invented an will cum mce ihe most credulous. The
• rmciples on which it acts arc simple ami plain It is
an a muted tact that this complaint, tvheiher called
Sick Headache, or Nervous Headache, arises prim
arily from the stomach—those who think ih« y have
1 the Nervous Headache may rest assured that this
’ organ, the stomach, is the first cause, that ih * sys
tem has become vitiated or debilitated, thiough the
1 stomach, and that only through the same channel
must they expects restoration ol the nmural and
hcalihy (unctions ol the system. This object, Dr.
Spuhn’s remedy is eminently calculated io a.lam.
The truth of this position cannot be controverted,
and ihe sooner sufferers with the headache become
convinced of it, the sooner will iheir suffering end
in restoration of health, Dr. Spohn pledges his
prrfessionai reputation on ibis fact. Toe remedy
may' be had of apothecaries generally throughout
the United States.
For sale by ANTONY & HAINES, No. 232
Broad-street, Augusta. mar 26
I O CHALLENGE. The genuine
French Ptl's against all the Q.U ACK
| of ihe age—lor the cure of
* * * * * ♦
The French Pills are applicable in all cases, foi
eilhersex, (warranted free Irom Mercury,; and pos
ses>es great advantages over the Balsams and all
liquid medicines, by neing entirely free from smell,
and consequently do not effect iho breath, thereby
preventing the possibility of discovery while using
Besides this important advantage, thev never
disagree with the stomach, and in the first stages of
■ the disease they usually effect a cure in a few days,
vvi h little regard to oiet or exposure.
In ihe most obstinate stages of the disease, they
areequuliy certain, having cured many alter every
other remedy h o !* failed. In short they have been
so universally successlul that the proprietor chal
lenges any one lu produce a remedy of equal cer
tainty, under a lorleiiure ol Three Hundred Dollars
Harrisburg, Dec. 10, 1838.
Dr. Valier—-Hoar Sir: About a month ago, I sent
to you lor th’-ee boxes of your French Pills, and leel
, much oniiged to you tor lumishiogme wim a medi
cine so effectual and so plea-am to use. When 1
sent oryour filial had been troubled with the
disease fur nearly 6 months, and had tried a great
many medicines vvi.hour any effect Doting the
first six weeks I was under a Physician of this
pt. ee, but finding little or no chance of bemgeured
1 by him, I Jell him, and a lew days alier visited
Philadelphia, where 1 boughs a > anety of advertised
sjiecifics jalmosi enough to stock an ujmihecary shop,
and ail ot this i look with ihs same success as b. -
. fore, leaving c*** *d smell ol the balsam be
' hind them, which Übink lean smell to this day
j Not Knowing wnat lu resort to next.and seeing vou
French Pii s»dv-r:»et. .u me Uublic Ledger. .
ueiermmed to try them, and am only sorry 1 did nt
get tlteni sootte , as it might have saved me lort
! dollars and have cured me long ago. My o .ject i
1 writing io you al piosent, is to p ocure some ot lb
; medicine fur iwoot my Irieuds, who are in th
1 same kind of a scrajte. You will themlure
I send by ihe bearera*x boxes, and onligc,
Yours respect mil y, h K.
1 P S.—ls u will beany advantage, you may pub
■ li-.ii the above, with ihe initial*.
j be go none Freu> h i‘iih areior sate in Augusta
by Dev. an*, diCu., iknoa* Baireit A, v'u.
> and it y iauii Carter, I'mv, $2 Uu per oox, with
tuff ntrsetjon* lune 6 ly
o. cosby s xjy *v*:rru: arrrEKfi.
PERHAPS there is noffur.g mo" to
disgust the public eye than th-> innumerable
a ivertisemenfs ol nostrums that are constantly ap
pearing in the public prints. All are ready io ex
claim, our souls are sick, our ears are pained with
every day’s reports ul tils anj specifics. Tkis .-tale
ol tin* public mind would seem Io forbid any person
of deliciile mind Irom sending forth any new dis
coveries in medicine, to ihe trial of thu public.—
J'ffill, molives ol delicacy should not prevent ns Irom
making know n real discoveries, which we are con
fident will benefit our fellow men. This laiier
consideration has prompted ihe author ol these bit
ters to make them known. Hi' knows they are high
ly efficacious, for he himsell, his wife, and many
friends, have given them a thorough trial. He was
himsell n confirmal dyspeptic,so much, that even
his recollection was gone. By using these billers
he has been restored to health. Mn. Cosby was
trouble*! lor many years, but was restored io heaMh
by ihe use o! these hitlers. This lias been the case
with many ol Ins Iff nds. Mr. Cosby in sending
forih this advertisement, addresses I hose w ho know
him. Hu has been lor many years a resident ol
Augusta at whirb place he can at any lime bv
consult' d about ihe bitters. They are good in all
casrs of diseases ol the digeslivc organs, the symp
toms of which are indigestion, pain or oppression j
i in ihe stomach Irom loud, lossol appetite, fialulen- j
j ev, heart ! urn, giddiness in the head, pain in the ;
side, shorlness of breath, lassitude, gene al weak- •
ness disiuibed sleep, die The composi ion is en- j
tirely Botanical, an > has pr ive»l efficacious w In-n •
many celebrated medicines had failed. In support
of which he refers ilrmilo Freeman VV. I.acy, she- i
| riffol Richmond count , and Uiiliam T. Thomp
son, ediiorof the Augusta Mirror, and he might re- ■
ler yon io many others, but deems it unnecessary, |
as lie is willing to place it on its own merits. All !
he asks is lor tnose who are afflicted with me dys
pepsia to give it a trial.
They can be nad at T. 11. Plant’s book-store,
August a, and of C. Cosby himself, al the corner of
Washington and Ellis-streets.
GARVIN 4' HAINES, Druggists, Augusta, i
FR A A CIS OGIER, Druggist, Columbia, S C I
S. D. CLARK Co. Druggists, Hamburg.
imv 30 _ i y j
; rpiiE great celehriiyof this unrivalled Conipo- ■
1 sit ion, especially in the Northern Stales, leaves
i the proprietor hut little need to say any thing in its
favor: for it has been generally conceded lo it,that
it is beyond all comparison the best remedy lor ex
ternal complaints that has ever been discovered.
Indeed ihe.speed and certainty ot iis operations,
i have ilie appearance of miracles : as ulcers, wounds,
; corns,fever sores,chilblains, w bile swellings, biles,
j piles, spider and snake bites. &c. &c., immediately
| yield to its superniirnan influene*. 'Fhus, it prop
i eriy applied n wilt remove sn inveterate corn or
! break and heal a bile in five clays, will allay and
! perfectly cure an ulcer in two weeks, and the most
despenile cases ol w Kite swelling that can he ima
j gi»»>d have been destroyed by it in Jess than two
i months. Inilie bites of poisonous reptiles its effi
| cacy is truly surprising, and if applied in time, its
powers ot attraction are so wonderful that ihry will
i at, once arrest the poison and thus prevent it from
j perva nng the system li is likewise greatly stipe
| nor to any medicine heretofore discovered for the
dialed back and limbs of horses —lor tellers, ring
| worms, disputed hps—and in short, for every extei
j nal bodily evil that may lull io the lot ol man or
j beast.
The proprietor has received it least a thousand
! certificates, and other documents, in favor of his
j “ Specific thinm nt,” upwards of a hundred ul
which were v. mien by respeciabie members of the
Medical Faculty.
Albany, July yih, 1837. i
To Dr. Harrison.
•i*ir—l tig; - your Spscific Oiuimenf in my practice, j
! and cordially recommend it as a most efficient reme- ;
dv Ibr Tumors, Ulcers Whin- Swellings, Scrafala, j
Rheumatic Pams. Chapped Face, Lips and Haud.c ;
and for general exicrnal uumplaffits. 1 w rile this j
ai the request ol your agent here, who furnishes me
I withlhe article, and am pleased to have it in my
power to award honor to merit.
Brooklyn, N. Y , Oct. vt), 1838. J
Dear Sir—My daughter,n girl of lourietn, was
sadly uHlideti wita Ihe comp /not that physicians
termed a scald head ; and I leared, indejie deni ot
evcr> other evil, thai she would be bald in conse
quence By the recommendation, however, of ihe
Reverend Mr. Perrin, 1 applied your ointment to the
afflicted jart; and I thank God that my child is
now' entirely recovered from ihe disease, and is
geitmg h« r ban as fast as can be expected The
cure was effected in tather less than two months;
during which limt lus d fiv dollars worth of uinl
i menl; I had spent upwards of a hundred dollars
duiing the previous threey ears, without any benefit
whatever. MARY HOWARD.
1 hereby substantiate the truth oi ihe above
1 Know the aho e stalement to be comet, and 1
can add Ir un experience thai “ II arris oil’s Specific
Ointment,” is an excellent medicine lor external
complaints MATIHEW PERKIN.
Boston, Jan. 7, 1837.
Dear Sir—l have to request of you lo lorwurd
mo, two hundred boxes of Ointment, by the most
immediate conveyance, and w ilhout regard to the
expense ol carnage, as 1 am quite util, and much
in want ol it. —You know ray estimation of your
valuable discovery, ami therefore 1 shall only add,
inat further «xperience has increased rn> enlhusi
a.-m and established me in the opinion, that it is su
perior to any rem* dy extant luf external diseases. i
Respectfully your.-,
New Orleans, March 20th, 1838
| Dr. Harrison.
Sir—The virtues of your Specific Oinlment.havo
| been long known to me,as i have used none other
i iu my rather extensive practice lor several years,and
j if y-u think it would be to your advantage, I can
, lurnish you with twenty certificates ot important
I cures which it has effected under my ov\n mirne
i diafe inspection: ihe last being one of a severe
| and apparently perpetual nicer,in the back of a
i poor woman, Mary Baxter who resides in 216 Di
! vision street, which if completely healed in twenty
one days. My present chief object in writing to
you, is to learn who is your authorised agent in this
city, for, being in want of a supply ol your oint
ment, ami tbe person Mr. Boyle, Irom whom I used
lo purchase it, having tailed and gone out of busi
ness, I am fearful if i purchase ai random, that i
may be imposed on by a counterfeit.
Y our obedient servant,
Cincinnati, August 9,1837.
Ur Harrison.
Sir, —1 have no hesitation in staling, in reply to
your note, that your “ Specific Ointment” is tmiy
equal to the majority of the ends fur which vou re
commend it. 1 qualify ray certificate by the word
majoiuy,asir is my maxun to give no opinion m
medical mailers where 1 have had no experience,
in sprains, bruises, inflammations,eruptions, whit
lows, pile*, Arc., it is m. universal recipe. I have
al-o used it on ihe leg of a hoy winch had been
b lien by an udder, and ihe extraction of the poison,
and ultimate cure was so rapid, that my patient was
as well as ever in a week ; and has remained so to
this day
Y ours respectfully,
Extract of a letter from Dr. J. W. Sanders, ol
Louisville, Ivy
October S, 1837.
“ iam prepared to say, thai for Rheumatic Pains,
and the t?ore iireasis of liemales, Hamsun’s Specific
Ointment has no superior, it indeed it lias any equal
in tae whole caia.ogue of enema! ftiedivi. es, as
known and prescribed in this country.”
Extract ul a ietterfrom Dr. Pot:s,ul Uuca,N. Y*.,
Dated July 25, ia.>y.
•* Harrison’s Specific Ointment ’ is, in my opinion,
a most important discovery ; and is particularly effi
eiern in si nonius, ulcers, s«»re legs, ei upturns, and
general ou’ward complaints. 1 sneak of its merits
from an experience ul loui years.”
New Orleans, January 4th, 1837.
This will certily that my lace and - eck were al
most entirely coicred b) an enormous ringworm’
«nu that alier ll*c trial q* a variety of ineffectual
emcdies, 1 was ectsjieuiy cured ot it m tWo
mouths, by the use ol Harrison’s Sp-c;fic Oua” EDGAR FOS SET.
For sale, wholesale a :d retail, by Haviland Ris
l.y di Co , '1 ho mas Barrel t A', Co, Nd. on Cartr
'ninny Haines.and honm» i. W ray .v Sci
Retail pace, 5u cents per box, wim luff direciona
tme 6 ly
I HESE Pills are no longer among those of douht
-1 ful utility. 1 hey have passed away from the
hundreds that are daily launched upon the tide of
experiment, and now stand before the public as
high in reputation, and as extensively employed in
all parts of the United States, the Canadas, Texas
Mexico, and the West Indies, as any medicine that
has ever been prepared for the relief of suffering
man. They have been introduced wherever it was
found possible to carry them ; and there are but
few towns that do not contain some remarkable
evidences of their good eifccts. The certificates
that have been presented to the propiietor exceed
twenty thousand! upwards of five hundred of
which are from regular practising physicians, who
are the most competent judges of their merits.
often have the cures performed by this raediciu
been the subject of editorial comment, in virion
newspapers and journals; and it may with truth he
asserted, that no medicine of the kin 1 has ever re
ceived testimonials of greater value thin are at
tached to this.
They are in general use as a family medicine
and there ate,thousands of families who declare they'
! re never satisfied until they have a supply always
• on hand.
They have no rival in curing and preventing
; Billious Fevers, Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia. Liver
j Complaints, Sick Headache, Jaundice, Asthma,
; Dropsy, Rheumatism, Enlargement of the Spleen*
! Piles, Cholic, Female Obstructions, Heartburn’
Furred Tongue, Nausea, Distension of the Stomach
j and Bowels, Incipient Diarrhoea,Flatulence,Hauitu
-lal Costiveness, Loss of Appetite, blotchedo’r Sallow
Complexion, and in cases of torpor of the bowels,
where a cathartic or aperient is needed They are
exceedingly mild in their operation, producin''
neither nausea, griping no; debilitv.
The following was forwarded to Dr. Peters, by a
highly respectable Planter of Wake County! No
Ca .March 3d, 1838:
Dr. Peters—Dear Sir, By request of your agent,
Mr. Harrison, I send you a few lines respecting the
almost miraculous effects of your pil's; andl would
add, that you may make use oi them, in connection
with my name, in any manner you deem proper, 1
speak of their merits from experience, as 1 and my
j family' have taken upwards of thirty boxes in three
years ; and so great are the benefits we have receiv
ed from them in general, that 1 would rather pur
chase them at ten dollars a box than have my house
without them. I will nut enumerate the affliction*
: they have relieved us of; but 1 can assure you they
were many, and of very opposite natures, which
; has fully proved to me that your medicine isasim
i pie purifier of the system, and therefore equally
the enemy of every disease. I will mention one
case. 1 have a sister who had been for a long pe
riod severely afflicted with dropsy in the chest and
was brought by it to the very verge of the grate.
; She was attended by the most eminent physicians
j that money could procure; but all their efforts to
j restore her to health, or even to mitigate her sufler
-1 ings were fruitless ; and accordingly, we ail consid
ered her immediate death as inevitable, rsy good
fortune, however, as she was in this situation, ex
pect ngevery day to be her last, your pills were
introduced into my family, and so speedy and pal
pable were their effects that three doses visibly re
lieved her, and in less than three months she was
perfectly restored to health. This case, I and ail
who were witness of it, (but more especially the
suffering party,) considered to be the next thing to
miraculous; and yet 1 could mention many more
of an equally desperate nature, in which your pills
were equally successful in rescuing the patients
; from the jaws of death. Need 1 add that the popu
i larity of your medicine amounts to enthusiasm in
this section of the country ? But this 1 presume
you know from the immense quantity you dispose
of 1 may mention, however, that notwithstanding
| its general use, 1 never heard an individual complain
of its elfecls. My residence is i 2 miles from i-ai
eigh, on the road to Fayetteville. 1 am, with sen-
I tuneuts of regard, youi ob’t servant.
To Dr. Peters, —Sir—For upward- of fifteen
| months, I have been c.uelly alflicted with Fever
■ and Ague; and during the time could hnd nothing—
though 1 had applu-d to every tiling that gave me
any thing like permanent relief. At length, how
ever, your pills were recommended to rne, by one
of our best phy stcians, and I am most grateful and
happy in being able to add, that I had scarcely used
two boxes when 1 found that they had restored me
to perfect heailh. Since then, various members of
my family have used them with equal success—
-1 and consequently 1 feel it my duty to apprise you
of the lact, and to request of you to publish this
certificate, as 1 am anxious to add my public testi
mony to the almost miraculous virtues of your un
rivalled medicine. Respectfully yours,
Augusta, Ga.. Feb 10, 1839.
Communication received from the eminent Dr. J.
j H. Irwin of Florence, Georgia :
Dr. J. P. Peters —My Dear Sir —On the night of
the llthinst.,l was called in great haste to ;he
i house of a fellow c i.izcn, (Mr. Lee,) where I found
his son laboring under a most alarming attack of
Cynanche Tiacnealis (Croup) and apparently be
yond the aid of remedy. By the greatest good for
tune, however, I had in my pocket a broken box of
your pills —four of which 1 administere 1, with
such immediate happy effect that in a few minutes
rny patient was at ease, and out of danger. '1 his
case, in connection with my name is at your ser
vice —and I have the pleasure to be able to inform
you that your inestimable medicine is in such great
favor with the faculty here, that I believe there is
not one of them who does not use it in his private
practice. Yours most resp’y.
March 13, 1839. j'. H. IRWIN, M. D.
Extract from a letter written by Dr. Fiancis Bo
gart, of Providence, K. 1., Dec. 17, 1838.—Peters’
j pills are an excellent aperient and cathartic rncui
i cine, those eifccts being produced by the differences
1 of the quantity taken, and are decidedly supeiior
I to Lee’s, Brandieth’s or Morrison’s Pills.
Extract from a letter by Dr. Hopson of Bangor,
jMe , Jan. 9, 1839 They are a peculiarly mild,yet
I eilicient purgative medicine, and produce little, il
; any, griping or nausea, i have prescribed them
j with much success in sick headache and slight I il
j lious fever.
Extract of a letter by Dr. Joseph Williams of
Burlington, Vt., July 9, 1837.—1 cordially recom
mend Peters’ Pills as a mildly effective, and in no
case dangerous, family medicine. '1 hey are pecu
liarly influential in costiveness and all the usual
diseases of the digestive organs.
Extract of a letter from ur. Edw. Smith of Mon
treal, U. (J., Sept. 27, 1836.—1 neverknev a single
patent medicine that 1 could put the least confi
dence in but Dr, Peters’ Vegetable Pills, which are
really a valuable discovery. 1 have no hesitation
in having it known that 1 use them extensively in
my practice,for all complaints, (and they are net a
few) which have their source in the in purity of the
Extract of a letter from Dr. Dy e of Quebec, L.
C., march 6, 1837.—F0r bilious fevers, sick head
ache, torpidity of the bowels, and enlargement of
the spleen, Peter’s Pills are an excellent medicine.
Extractof a letter from Dr Gurney of New Or
leans, La,,Oct. 9, 1837.—1 have received much as
sistance in m3' practice—especially in jaundice and
3*ellow fever, from the use of Peters’ Pills. 1 pre
sume that, on an average, 1 prescribe JUU boxes in
a month
Extract of a letter from Dr. Prichard of Hudson,
N. V., Juae 3,183 G was aware that Dr. Peters
was one of the best chemists in the United Stales,
and felt assured that he would some day (from his
intimate knowledge of Ine properties of herbs
and drugs) produce an elficieutmedicine,and I must
acknowledge thp.t his Vegetable Pills fuilj' respond
to my expectations. They are indeed a superior
medicine, and reflect credit alike upon the Chemist
the Physician, and the Philosopher.
Jit-cKUi-xiiLH'.. co. .a. Feb. 7, 13sT.
Having used Dr. Peters’ Pills in my practice for
he last twelvemonths, I take pleasure in givin--
m 3‘ testimony of tlierrgood effects in cases of d> s
pepsia, sick head-ache, bilious fevers, and other
diseases, produced by inactivity of the liver. They
are a sate and mild aperient, being the best article
of the kind 1 ever used.
Extract of a letter from Dr. Scott of Baltimore,
Dec. 17,1836. —I am in the daily habit of prescri
bing them, (Peters’Pills) and they in nearly all
cases answered my purpose I have discarded other
medicines, some of them very good ones, in their
Charlotte, N.C., Jan. 1, 1b37.
Dear Sir I have made frequent use of your Pills
in tire incipient stage of bilious fever, and obsti
nate constipation of the bowels; aisc. tn the en
-1 largernent 01 me spieea, ea runic diseases 01 me
liver.sick head-ache, general debility, and in all
case nave iouqu tuem to t*e very enec uve.
t I t unv t\ v
, Extract of a letter from Dr Wainet of a
j nan. Fen. S. iß3B,—Vuur Hit* are the 1
their opcFatior.s, ana yet most powenui m
j lects, 01 any tout * nave ever me; w.:n n. ■„ .
of ight and twenty years. Their action ©„
I chyle, and hence on the impurities of the blood
evidently very surprising. * 15
These much approved and justly celebrated rpi.
arc sold wholesale and retail, at New York
b>' Haviland Jlisley &Co., Thomas Barrett fc'p**
and Nelson Carter, and by all the principal I) ru ,’
gists throughout the United States, the Canadas'
Texas,Mexico and the West Indies. Retail p llce ’
50 cents per box wholesale price, $-1 per dozen. ’
; June 3
ffIHK subscriber has the p’easureot announcing
JL Jo 'he riiizensof the U. Stales, that he baa
purchased, for a very larg-sum and from the in
ventor, Ihe celebrated Dr. Magnin, of Paris hu
recipe ard right for making this astonishing nudt
cme Until lfie appearance of the “ Loci na Cor
i dial, (about three years since,! ii was thought ihal
j * 16 complaints, which it speedily overcomes, were
beyond 1 he reach of human remedy, as for upwards
of a thousand ytnrs. they hail baffled the wisdom
and ingenuity of Ihe most profound physicians u.
all pans of the world. This Cordial, however, to
the great advantage of the human race, soon proved
itself to be the desideratum so long sought for; and
accordingly, notwithstanding t| e briel peri dofa*
existence, n has required a celebrity so grea’, thst
h Is eagerly inquired lor throughout the civilized
globe. Dr Magnin soon finding that (lie demand
was so vast ns o> render a supply impossible, ij t( .
posed of the recipe and right of sate, under oblig*.
lions of secrecy, l«*r England, the Untied State*
and oihn countries,only preserving France m,ii
Italy for himself. Thus has the subscriber fKjg.
sussed himself oi the invaluable secret; and n t)W
hastens togivethe inhabitants of his lined ageing
the benefits of his speculation.
4, 1e Cordial De Lucine," or, in English, “itie
Lucira Cordial,” is a general invigorator of the
human frame ! In all the various cases of languor
lassitude, and debilitation ; ir is :«n unfailing rum’
dy ; as it i* equally its province to impart cheerful
ness and decision to He mind, as heailh and \
to the body Bui the peculiar virtue ol. which "h*
celebrity is based, is the facility and certainty with
which it restores the virile powers when they have
bern de»trover! by disease. ttMie. recklessness, wattr
of the numerous causes which terminate 111 the
prostration of those functions.
Jn common with the generality of really good
medicines, this V urdial contains nothing of a rrer
rurial or deleterious nature, among ihe many ingre
dtenls which compose it; butts, at ihe same n Ke
so simple,yet so 1 fficackms, l hoi while h ran reno-’
vatu the prostrated energies of a giant, an mfan
may use it,not only with impunity, but with ad
The usages of society are unfortunately such,
t thkl, notwithstanding she fits whi.-h would be
i sure to result from it, we cannot enter into, ananaly
i sis ot this ine limable Cordial here, or publish many
! of the documents which have been received, u«
j vouchers of tire bWsiugs 11 has coniemd 011 nuiu
-1 hers of di spairingindivstiusls. Bun unc cannot
j forbear remarking—(hat a has been demonvtrsietJ
! that there is scarcely ever, it any Mich thing at all.
i as natural barrenness, or as natural imbeeditv of
! the procrcaniionciioiisqin either sex ; find therefore,
' thui throe evil* are the effects ol artificial cause*,
; and may be speedily subdued «nd removed by ta«
, use oi ** Le Cordial de Luc toe.”
The L.ucina Cot dial is also *n induhiiahle cure
for ihe Gleet, and the Floor A Ibus, obstructed, dtfli.
; cult, or painful Menstinaifi.n; also, for the mcon
! tinenct ot l3rine t or the involuntary discharge there
j of, it is likewise on invaluable and unrivalled
i medicine incases of Chronic Eruptions ol »h- skin,
i and tn ihe dropsical ass. ction* ol the aged.
Most Iwp rtunt to lift American Public.
j The United - v tales proprietor of celebrated
“ I.ucma Cordial.” or *• Llixirof Love,” begs to Uy
bcfoic the community, the following certificate,
which fie has receivt d from ihe inventor, the illm
| trious Dr. Magnin of Paris
“ i hi i is to, ihui I lutve disposed of the
i recipe lor ntskmg the “ Luc na Cuidial,” nr
■ “ Fuxir ol Love,” atm aisu (he right to sell it
tbioughout the • nilcd Slat, sos Nonh America,
jto John Winters HolderwclJ.M D. My reasons
! for so doing is, that t lie uetuands t-» me for the above
| Cordial, ot which 1 am the invert or, are so
i rows, J hat 1 am unable 10 supply all the orders front
| France and halt alone; ami have therefore dispo
sed of the privileges vouchsafed Intlus, and other
’ certificates ot a like nature in order lo generulis#
; the benefils ol my discovery throughout ihe world,
j Given under my hand at Bari.-, on this nineteenth
day of January, 1 u tke yeai of our Lord.
] e.ghleen hundred and tinny eight.
Gaspa'd Delhic, ) ■
| Wiluain Merritt, \ finesses.
Postscript to ihe us v>ee
As you requested me 10 state the number of hot
j lies ol the *' Lucinn Cordial,” w fiich I have already
; sold, 1 have referred lo my books, and find it loci
i coed lour hundteii thousand ; w hile ihe utdersnow
1 on band cannot b« supplied in less than three
From an immense number of trg'imonialg from
the regular faculty, touching the viriuea of the
Cordial, 1 have in particular selected n.c following,
j which may be of uselo you. You will also find a
number of others of Usa importance inclosed. Thu
immediate een ficate is from a body of eight of lb*
ablest medical practitioners in l
To Dr. Magma, inventor oft he Locina Cordial, or
Eluu ot Love
j Respected and Honored bir: —VVe have ail in a
variety ol cases, tested ihe remarkable eflecls of
; yourgreal discovery, and have assembled lor the
purpose of beating evidence to ih« tacts, and semi
ermg you lb* honor which is your due The
“ Lucina Cordial” is in our opinion, an mlallible
remedy lor the prostraiion of Die Procreant . unc
lions, and Artificial Barrenness ; ami thereto, must
prove a blessing to the human race. We ea al»o
bear evidence that iliere is nothing in ii of a mer
curial or deleterious nature; ano ;n short, ii ■ it 11
one of the noblest medicinal discoveries ofat.y nge
With leehngs of admiration and rispcct we re
main, dear sir. your obed ent servanis,
Josselin Bossun, ! Jean Blanc,
Sigismond de la Marline, j Robert btevenson,
Adrien Dec rend, I Leuis Ouiseau,
Octave Nitolk, j Piene Bntfen
Extraciol t letter from the elebrated 1 alleyrand,
to Dr Magnin.
i am now on the wrong side of eighty, and yet 1
could be on my honor or oath if necessary, that s
bottle or two of your Cordial ol Love has made me
leel as vigorous as a buy of five ami twenty. I
think you have discoveted the ‘‘Elixir of Lde,’
which the atchy mists Unv e been s<> long in quesi at;
and that (panma my otficiocsru *>»,; you should have
named it accordingly.
From the etumeni Dr. Devigney, of Brussel*
t'etoher 3, 1837.
To Dr. Magnin :—My dear friend—l am inos
gratified at 1 tie unprecedented jwipuinriiv oj y ou r
“Locna Cordial,” and am able 10 /tear testimony to
its surprising virtue. 1 had a patient recently,
1 ->i , a gentleman ot fortune, who had :ut
several year* abandoned himself m the vortex 01
dissipation ; and was only reclaimed front it at
length by the niter prostration of till hw vir.leener He was,indeed,reduced to the last extremity
ot debility and t isteiessness. lor, if an occasional
flash of excitement w aimed his system, the reac
tion wax almost imnu dime, and the resuit [.erlect
prostration. I had applied all the usual nostrum*
in such cases; but, as 1 had anticipated, w.ibont
success; aiuiwheni saw the “ Luctn: Cordial”
advertised, i must confess that even the great weight
of your name did nut give me much hope in it, at
least so far as regarded ihe case in hand. 1 fell
bound lo try u,liowev.r,and was soon satisfied of
iißefficacy ; for before a bottle was expended, my
patient gave evidence of ihe returning elasticity oi
lus syatMk ; ami he is now. having used four buttle**
as wellxs ever.
The number of documents, such as the above
which have been received by Mr. Magnin, since the
first appearance of “ laj Cordial de Lucme,” would
fill a volume as large as the Bible.
This highly unpor.atu medicine is fur sale by Job*
Winters liolderwell. No. 129 Liberty street, New
York; Charles B Tyler, No. 70 (7hcsiuut-st. Phil*
delphia; ami ia Baltimore by Roberts Atkin.-oP
olm M. Laruque, and G. K. Tyler; in »Vashing
ton City by Tolu as G a: kins and Charles Mod ; **
(ieorgetown by O. M. Linlhscunt; in Richmond
by John 11. F.uslice; in Peir rsburg hy ffrangi
I’homas and Dupny, Ho-<r r; an«l in Nor
folk hy .’d. A. Santos m.d B Emerson; and hJ
Juan \VtH»JIy, No- Go Poydra* st New Urieans
it can plso he found at all the principal P* n; l
Stores in South Carolina, and in rvugosla, by Dav
’and KialevA iCV. 'J lioiaag Banetl Co.,anl
Nelson CarterJ Price, $3 pt j bottle, with full