Newspaper Page Text
I !
Goddard. James i ji| K,O
Gunn, Wm ,* 30
Hamilton & Reynolds j 2'*' 400
Hardeman, Thomas * 1& 100
Hamil,George W ■» if ]«)0
Holmes, Josiah \\ l||i 100
Hilchcok Wm & Overton if 200
Hobby, WmJ j |t 30
Heronton. Wm 8 j i 100
Holmes, Isaac J s 10
Jewett, George iff 100
Jones, John L 30
Kimlierly, G A *| 30
King, Thomas J p 4<)
Lavender, Wm | JV 100
Lanier, Sterl ng f 3 30
Mayor and City Council J>f *.
Macon, \ SG) 5,000
Milner, Pitt W j 1,) jqq
Melson, wp il & 100
Malone, Stephen || f> 50
McC innel, James 50
Murray, AS ■{ ;’5 ] OO
Moore, A K ;f |;3 ]()(»
Matthews, F S ; I*o 200
SeMaihcws, Timothy |MS 3,200
Oldershaw, John H j ;'-5 50
Petfet. Rush rod i ',15 100
Pock, Jonathan I l:'9 80
Price. George W&Co ji El 10
Rea & Colton ■} :|o 200
Richards, Alexander ; 'J O 200
Rea Rebecca V fiO 200
Reid i: P il j|2 40
Redd ng, R C j j. I 1.100
Rose, Simri \ i\ 2 40
Rowland. J T < '|2 40
Randolph, R H | '|o 200
Rowland, Wna P 1 >! 20
Stokes, Jacob f|o 4 0
Stark. James H i *3 GO
Scott, Isaac i 5 50
Shot well, Harvey 'ls 50
Sims, F >1 10
St. Johns, C G ?1 10
Tyris, John G .10 200
Turner, Charles G *0 100
T racy, ED 100
Thompson, A F j «4 40
Turner, Levin I j 5 100
Turner, Samuel S | | 5 100
Talmagc, Aaron » \ 1 100
‘ . Wofford, John | -10 100
Winn, J D ■ 5 100
Winn & Shannon j 5 100
Whatley, James f 200
Wrigly & Hart, | *5 100
Worms, Samuel j’ i 5 100
Brantley. Benjamin I '* 5,600
Hill, Sparkes &Co | | 5,300
S& B Childs j I 5,200
Hunter, Winn& Co. i * 4.000
Mc.Craw & Redding, ! i 3,400
| Sanford. CO Ij « 2,900
I Cochran, A & Co. it | 2.500
Roberts A Quinn, if ' 2,000
Milner, Turner & Co.ij * 1,700
Moore. A R & Co. t 1,400
Milhurn & Pratt, ■; 1,100
Hill & Gathrigbt j| 900
Donelly, Hugh H J 800
' Martin, Levi i 700
Brown, S. J. | 900
Whatlay, James ; 1,100
fox & Berks | 700
Oliver, William B I 500
Holmes, Josiah | 500
Bareficld. William 200
Johnson Sc Davis J 200
Johnson & Thrasher ■ j 1,000
J 329 $64,990
In this city, on Sun lay?!evening, by the Rev.
Mr. Barry, Mr. Terrei ce to Miss Ellen
Barry. ,
Accompanying this* nonce, in addition to the
usual fee, we receive ! a pottle of the Columbus
brand, which was dis ofol of secundem artem —
and our devil suggests he would* have no ob
j ction to the insertic 1 of|such notices more fre
qucntly, if they wen all accompanied by similar
fees. ; |
Consignees per Carolina Rail Road.
fll aji berg, May 18, 1840.
T Dawson; I S Bee :s <SS C«; J Coskery, W Hat
tier; Reese & Beall, Bail'd & Rowland; Stovall,
Simmons & Co; S Me ievle; K E Hunt; S Kueel
and; J Pomroy; Serai ton|& Smith; G R Jessup &
Co; J G Dunlap; C ljoffi*an; D’Antignac & Hill;
W W Checver; G T| Dcjtic; G R Galphin; W E
Jackson; T N PoulliineJ tolling & G; Sibly &
Crapcn; Jeffers Ai Boufware; D Plunkitt; J F
Benson; Anderson Young; G W Sullivan.
Consignees with a without further notice.
t j
Latest dates from Liverpool, April 14
Latest dates from |f/*2 Jre April 12
auguJta! MARKET.
Cotton. —Since oijjr la.-jt rrport the Market has
been very quid wilticuj any material change —
tine qualities are in fair demand, while the lower
and middling are vt|y d|ll and but litte sought af
.nr. We quote. 1
Ordinary to
Fair, $ • to 7^
Good Fair, | J 7| to
Prime and choite, < to 8^
Groceries. — We }iavt*no change to notice. The
market is generally vt>l! supplied with all the
leading, a; J piicc-s are as low as the de
ranged state of ou • ctf rency and the exorbitant
rates of exchange vill liilow.
Bacon —Is in be ler Bernard, and is sold freely
from wagons at 9 0 mtslhog round.
Freights —To |>av;|inah, oO cents per bale;
toCharleston, by |a.lfioad, 25c per 100 lbs. for
square, and 35c pei 10'llbs. for round bales.
Exchange. —On at sight, per
cent, for current
cent; Savannah 3 ! | Philadelphia —i7 p;r
*-t.; Lexington, Kyj —|i 4 perct.; Richmond 5 a b
comn|ind| 9 a 11 per cent, premium
Motes. — I j
Savannah Bank|, | percent, prem
Columbus InsuijincvS B’k 4 “ “ “
Commercial Baajk, iiacon, 4 “ “ “
Mechanics’, “ |Au|usta,) 9 “ *• “
Agency Bnms'lick9 “ “ “
Planters’ and |tcc |anics’
Bank, Colun; )us.| 2 “ “ dis.
Central Bank, 3 “ “ “
Milledgeville I ink|
Ccmulgee Banl , \ 3A “ “
Monroe Rail Rfad jlank, 4 “ “
Chattahoochie 11. R1& B’k
Company, f j 3 “ “ *
Darien Bank, J j 20 “ “ “
Bank of Rom«|, i no sale.
f ■'
All other BanJJs m'.v doing business, at par.
Specie Paiiin.% Ea;.,ks. —Mechanics’ Bank, Insu
rance Bank of C | u n#ms, Commercial Bank of Ma
on, cand Bruns |ick|Agency in this city.
j i Savannah. Ha; 15. IS4O
Cotton. —AiriJ-cd {Pmce the Slh inst. 4962 ha ! es
Upland and 51 IpleffS I Cotton, and cloareii at the
same time 157b,i ba|es Upland and 502 bales S I
l otion; st on hand, it elusive of all on
? i
ship-board not cleared on the 15ilh inst. f 38223
bales Upland and 1247 bales S I Cotton. TlieGreat
Western s advices caused a brisk demand for IV
and on F nday and Saturday, particularly for the
higher qualities, winch improved in valued a g!ct.
.mce then the enquiry has been more moderate,
and lower prices by |as ct accepted. The sab s
U3 P Jt6 °/fil eS ’ ofVhich2l 5; 14 at sj;
114 n t 6 7i 3 «| at 6^; 81 at 6 s; 196 at 7; 1
7v 4 i9R o at 451 at D 6 at 7£; 432 at I
lt\ IS*’ 8,7 a tß; 252 at 8$; 51 at 8 3-16;
3 -' 4 at 8^; 775 at 221 S|; 221 at
12 at 1125 at 9; 567 at { £ els. Sea Island
jeen m ich sought after rod an improvement of
c j per lb. established; the quantity now remain
ing lor sale is reduced to a lew’ hundred ta’es; the
sales of the week are 443 bags, viz: 26 at 16; 51
at 1 .; 2 at 174; 18 at IS; 24 at IS; 47 at 20; 40 at
. 21; 21 at 22; 11 at 23; 39 at 24; 164 at 25; 10 at
2b and 61 Stained at 8 a 12.
Receipts of Colton at the following places since
October Ist. 1539 1838
Georgia, May 15, 250264 186381
South Carolina, May 8, 250886 18321 S
Mobile, May 9, * 405072 241810
Ncw( rleans, May 6, 830212 527187
Florida, May 5, 114405 7321 S
North Carolina, April 25, 9241 10014
Virginia, April 1, 15800 16500
. . 1875880 1235358
The following is a statement of the stock of cot
ton on hand at the respective places named.
Savannah, May 15, 39470 17750
South Carolina, May 8, 7255 39400
Mobile, May 9, 192734 31894
, New Oilcans May 6, £03483 129951
. Virginia, April 1, 3200 4500
North Carolina, April 25, 2800 1200
Augusta & Hamburg,May I, 206 SS 16832
Macon, May 1, 6184 3854
Florida, April 25, 46447 10000
Philadelphia, May 2, 206 3263
New York, April 30, 30000 85000
572467 343649
Rice —The demand for this article since our last
has been moderate, the sales amounting to about
250 casks, at from 2| a $3 —principally at the lat
ter price. The stock for sale light.
Hour —Fas improved. Sales of Howard st. at
$6 a 6£. with a moderate demand.
Corn —ls selling from store in lots to suit pur
chasers at 62 a 65 cts.
gs Groceries —ln Ct ffec, Sugar, and Molasses, a fair
retail business doing. Sales of 150 bags Cuba cof
fee at 11 a 12; 20 birds N. O. Sugar at a 10; 100
hhds Havana Molasses at 24 a 25.
Hay —Sales on the wharf of 800 bundles at 75 a
Bacon —Sales of 18,000 lbs Georgia hog round
at 11 cts.
Exchange —On England, 12f a 13 per ct. prem.;
Drafts on New York, at sight, 7 per cent, prem; 5
days sight, pei cent premium.
Freights —To Liverpool gd a 15-16 d; Havre,
a Igc; to New York, £ a set; Boston,
Upl’ds. S. I.
Stock on hand, Ist Oct., 1523 118
Received this w’cek, 4962 51
do previously, 33945 7575
240430 7744
Exported this week, 15751 502
do previously, 186456 5995 202207 6497
Stock on hand, including all on ship
board not cleared on the 15th May. 38223 1247
New Orleans, May 13.
Cotton —Arrived since the Sth inst. of Louisiana
and Mississippi 2424 bales, Tennesse and N. Ala
bama 3017, Arkansas 297, Mobile 153, Florida 32, <
together 5923 bales. Cleared in the same time for
Liverpool, 5217 bales, Hull 1286, Havre 4444, Bor
deaux 318, Marseilles 1600, Antwerp 298, Havana ;
748, New York 615, Boston 392, together 14918
bales —making a reduction in stock of 8995 bales, i
and leaving on hand, inclusive of all on shipboard
not cleared on the 12th inst. a stock of 190072 bales <
Since our review ot Saturday morning last the
transactions in Cotton have been on a very moder
ate scale-*indeed, the market for the inferior and
middling qualities has been excessively dull, and
sales of any magnitude could not be eflected unless
holders w> old consent to accept lower rrtes than
they have yet shown any disposition to do. The 1
demand for the liner grades, however, continues
pretty active, and transactions are only limited in
consequence of the very small supply in the mar
ket, the stock, which is tolerably fair, being com
posed in a great measure of the lower descriptions.
Os strictly choice cottons, the market is at tue mo
ment completely bare ; and parcels of this kind, if
offered, would readily command 11 a cents. —
Our quotations for the inferior and middling soits,
remain the same as previously, and they are barely
sustained, but for fair, and qualities above, they
have been advanced a quarter of a cent. The
sales during the three days only amount to 550 C
Louisiana and Mississippi —Oidinary, 5J a o£ ;
Middling, 65 a7; Fair, a Sj; Good fair, a
Go6d and line, a—. Tennessee andN. Alaba
ma —Ordinary, —a 5; Middling, oj a6; Fair, a
7; Good fair, 7j a 7|; Good and Fine, B^.
1539. Oct. 1, stock on hand, 15524
Receipts lasttbice days 5923
“ previously, 544642 850565
Exports last three days, 14918
. do. previously, 661399 676317
Stock on hand 190072
Sugar — Louisiana —There has been only a mod
erate demand during the last few days, and the
stock on the Levee is again increased by more lib
eral supplies. Several parcels,however, have been
brought from plantation,expressly for transhipment
to the north. In regard to prices the market re
mains about the same as at the date of our last
report. Most of the sales have been at a
though our extremes have been reached in so ne
few instances. Strictly prime Sugars continue
scarce. We are not advised of any further trans
actions on plantation.
Molasses —The demand for barrels from the Le
vee continues fair and the supply moderate. Prices
however, remain as before quoted—say IS a 19cts
per gallon. No ss les on plantation have come to
! our knowledge.
Flour —Since our report of Saturday last, we
have to notice but little alteration in the general
. character of the market, except to remark that the
demand is perhaps even less animated than we then
had occasion to represent it. So far as wre can
learn very few sales have been made for export,
and these principally to complete engagements pre
viously enteicd upon. It is not probable that buy
ers for nKgland will adventure upon any new ope
rations,of importance, pending the receipt of later
accounts hourly expected by the Great Western.
We still retain our quotations of $3 90 a 3 94 for
surperfme, remarking that the lower figures are the
prevailing ra:e, though we are advised of one sale
of a few’ hundred barrels at $3 94, and another at
$3 The parcel, howevei, was not in
1 prime shipping order. The receipts since Friday
have been about SSOO barrels.
Bacun—We have no change to notice in the dif
ferent varieties of this article. All descriptions
are dull at our quotations.
Whiskey —The demand continues rather limited,
but it is nearly equal to the receipts, so that there
is no considerable accumulation of stock. The
price of Rectified is therefore still maintained at
23 a 24 cents per gallon, though most of the sales
are at the foimer figures.
Exchange —The supply of Sterling Bills con
tinues moderate and drawers have obtained a slight
advance in the rates. We now quote it 124 al3
per cent premium, with limited transactions, —
French Exchange remains as before quoted, with
moderate supply and limited demand. Bills on N.
York at 60 days sight arc in fair request at 4 j a
per cent prom. Other descriptions of northern ex
change are in very little demand
Fieights —At the date of our last report the
fleet of ships and barks was reduced to a very small
nu nber, and since that time very few vessels have
rnived from sea ; consequently there have been
onlv a limited number of engagements for Euro
pean ports, but we have to quote no alteration in
the rates.' One British and two American ships
have been taken for Liverpool at Jd for cotton,and
one American ship for Havre at 85 shillings for
Tobacco. The rate for coUon to Havre is cent,
but no ship has been engaged since our last. Coast
wise freights are without material alteration.
and at one to tw ty days sight. For sale by
_ .. „ Savannah, May 15.
Cleared— Br-ship Enterprise, Muir, St Johns;
Kr ship Mary Caroline, Lawson, Liverpool; Br ship
Frances, Brown, do. Y
I . ship Pharsalia, Windsor, Liverpool ;
. iig L * “rient Jackson, New Orleans.
W ent to Br ship Margaret, Ker, Greenock ;
Br ship Mary Ann Hatton, Vero, Liverpool.
Mav 16.
denied Br ship Fi Holdemess, Broomhcad,
Liverpool; Br bark Express, Scott, do; briv Aiax
Crabtree, do. J ’
Arrived steamboat John Randolph, Lyon. Au
gusta. J *
. Charleston, May 18.
Arrived on Saturday— brig Jupiter, Eldred, Ma
Arrived yesterday—hn S Mary AvenM, Prein
holm, Kingston, Jam.; schr Edw Adams, Gibbs,
Attakapas, La. *
H ent to sea on Saturday —barque Elizabeth,
Swan, Liverpool; line biig Gen Sumpter,F'itzgerald,
. C/’ doctor J. J. IF ILSON offers his profes
sional services to the citizens of Augusta and its
vicinity. He will be found at his residence, the
first brick building above Guedron’s stable on EIIB
street, recently occupied by John L. Adams.
augl? ts
03* During my absence in the interior of the
State, Force, Brothers & Co. are my duly author
ed attorneys. ENOCH W. SPOFFORD.
april 21
CTEr- GARDNER, formerly resident surgeon
n the New \ ork Hospital, and physician at Belle
vue Hospital, New York, tenders to the public his
professional services. m
O ffi ce in Washington street, between Broad and
Ellis streets. Residence, United States Hotel,
ap 2
{FrW. G. NIMMO, General Commission Mer
chant, office on Mclntosh street, next door to the
Constitutionalist. nov 7
. CC7' r - FF. FLINT offers his services to the ci
tizens of Augusta in the different branches of his
profession. Fie may be found at all hours at the
late residence of Mr. A. M. Egerton, second dooi
Horn the corner of Mclntosh and Reynold streets
ncv29 jy '
(xT NOTICE. —The Rail Road Passenger Train
between Charleston and Hamburg, will leave as
Not to leave Charleston before 7 00 a m.
“ “ Summerville, “ - -8 30
“ “ Georges’,, - “ - ]Q 00
“ “ Branchville, “ - 11 00
“ Blackville, - “ -100 p. m
“ “ Aiken, - - “ - 300
Arrive at Hamburg not before - 400
Not to leave Hamburg before 6 00 a. m.
“ “ Aiken, - “ - 730
“ “ Blackville, “ - - 915
“ “ Midway, “ _ - 10 30
“ “ Branchvill “ - - 11 00
“ “ Georges’, « - - ll 45 h.
“ “ Summerville,“ - -1 1 op. m.
Arrive at Charleston not before 215
Distance —136mi1e 3 . Fare Through—slo 00.
Speed not over 20 miles an hour. To remain 20
minutes each, for breakfast and dinner, and not
longer than 5 minutes for wo' 1 and water at any
To stop for passengers, when a white flag h
hoisted, at either of the above stations; and also it
Sinealhs, Woodstock, Inabinet’s, 41 mile T. ().,
Rives’, Grahams, Willeston, Windsor, Johnsons 5
and Marsh’s T. O.
Passengers no will breakfast at Woodstock and
dine at Blackville; aown, will breamast at Aiken
and dine at Charleston. may 4
THE copartnership heretofore existing between
the subscribers under the firm of J. Morris
& Co., was dissolved on the 14th inst, by consent
of all parties. All persons indebted to the con
cern, will please make payment to Mr. A. P,
Schultz, who is authorised to settle the books ;
and those to whom the concern is indebted, will
present their accounts to him for settlement.
Augusta, May 18, 1840. For Pace & Bush.
A FIRKINS first quality Goshen Butter,
X 500 lbs Smoked Beef,
2 bbls Bologna Sausages,
20 boxes Lemons.
Just received and for sale by
may 18 —Iw I. S. BEERS & CO.
RANAWAY fiom the subscriber in Richmond
county, my negro man named Arnold, on the
loth inst, and 1 am induced to believe he is lurk
ing about Augusta, as his mother and sister live
there, in Houghton’s buildings in the lower part of
the city. The said boy is dark complected, and
about 25 years of age, has a long face, and when
spoken to, lisps I will reward the finder with
ten dollars to deliver him in the Augusta jail.
may 18—3 t JAMES ATWF2LL.
THREE second hand Coaches, —have been in
use but a short time —will be sold at a bar
gain. Apply to S. B. BROOKS,
maj 14 —ts 330 Broad street.
1 FLOATING down Savannah River, on the 6th
inst. one bag of Cotton, which the owner can
have by describing marks and paying for this ad
vertisement. C. A. CLOUD,
may 15
RANAWVY from the subscriber, on the Sth
inst., my negro man George. He is a dark
mulatto 25 years of age, and about 5 feet 7 or 8
inches high, slow spoken, and is fond of playing on
the fife and violin, he has also a scar on his hack.
He may have been inveigled away by a white
man. I will pay SSO for the detection of the thief,
and $25 to any person who will deliver the negro
to me, or place him in some jail. Address
JAM ES iVI ATT HKW >, Jesse rson com ity,
may 16-ts or THOMAS DAVIS, Augusta.
NOTICE. —The Co-partnership heretofore ex
isting under the firm of HALL GALPHIN.
is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Charles
Hall is alone authorised to settle the business of
the firm, and to use their signature for that pur
Augusta, April 1, 1840 ap 7 trw6t
DISSOLUTION. —The copartnership heretofore
existing under the firm of Flamlcn, Robin
son <fe Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent.
Stovall & Hamlen are alone authorized to settle
the business of the late firm.
HOST. D. hamlf:n,
Augusta, April 1, IS4O. swtf-ap3
50 hhds prime Sugar,
For sale bv
ap 2 swti' STOVALL & HAMLEN.
SNOWDEN & SHEAR have just received from
New York, a very large supply of superior
t 8-4 by 10-4, 10-4 by 12-4, 14-4, 16-4, 18-4,20-4,
■ 24-4 and 32-4 rich Damask Table Cloths. Also,
1 rich Damask Napkins, to which they respectlully
invite the attention of the public. dec 3
ADVANCES ON COTTON. —Advances will be
made by us, on COTTONS consigned to out
friends in Liverpool, Havre and Charleston —in
j bills on New York at 20 to 30 days sight, on con
„ signment to Europe, and 1 to 5 days sight, on con
, signment to the latter place. The shippers, in all
cases, will have the benefit of the Fixchanges.
dec 25 ts GARDELLE & RHIND.
CURLING FLUID, &c. —Blending with a grate-
I ful and refreshing perfume, the desirable
quality of strengthening and promoting the growth
• es the Hair, without giving to it the greasy hue of
Pomatum, or the volatile moisture of the Oils. Its
utility is confirmed by the most extensive con
: sumption.
Also, the Genuine Maccassar Oil, and Ward’s
Celebrated Hair Oil. For sale by
jOl I( E-- The Co-paitncrship heretofore ex •
. ls t'ng between the Subscribers, under the
:rm of ALDJUC H & SHOVE, is (his dav dissolved
..?“. t w a l, C 0- H - A,d,irh is authorized to
settle tn? buxines? of the late firm, and to use t.icir
signature for that purpose.
Augusta, 19th May, 1840. ,
The undersigned will continue the business at i
the old stand, where he has jj*t received a fine
stock of Seasonable Goods. H. ALDRICH,
may 19 g t
fjph A Bay .Mare, 8 years old, of excel
—. i e »t qualities either in the saddle or
' n harness. Sold for no fault Ap
piy at I. A. Hibler’s Livery Stables.
* erm5 ’ or equivalent in
Groceries. ti —may 19
iAvfe One pair of sound, well-broke
VH|y° un » Northern lIUKSES, for sale.
Call at
* I fJ * I. A. HIBLER’S Stables.
■ 1 ■ J m ay 19 It*
— i
JUST received at the Family Grocery, c
10 casks Scotch Ale, in pints;
10 do do do in quarts;
10 do Abbot’s Porter, in pints;
10 do do do in quarts; i
50 M Segars, superior quality; 1
5 do Regalias. do.
1 case Prunes, very superior.
For sale by G. T. DORTIC. t
may 19 2t
j o TIERCES prime RICE, just received and
J O sale by A. J. LAROCHE,
may 19 2t
SITUATION WANTED; by a Young Man, '
well acquainted in the city, in a wholesale
or retail Grocery or Dry Goods Store. The most
satisfactory references will oe given. 1
may 19
FWNHAT AN ELECION will be held at Lincoln
-1 ton, and the other precints of said county, on I
Monday, the 13th of July next, an election for
Clerk of the Superior and Inferior Courts, to fill the
vacancy occasioned by the incapacity of Joshua
Daniel, and his absence from the county.
11. W. lIUGGERMAN, J. I. C. 1
May 19, 1840. wtd
INOUK months after date, application will be
_ made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of
Greene county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, 1
for leave to sell the lan 1 and negroes belonging to t
the estate of Lewis Jenkins, deceased. 1
Y. P. KING, Ex’r. b
Greensboro, 12th May, 1840. n
WILL be sold on Friday, the 26th day of June
next, at the late residence of Mrs. Polly _
Jenkins, deceased, in Greene county,all the perish
able property of the estate of Lewis Jenkins, de
ceased, consisting of valuable household furniture,
stock of cattle, hogs, sheep, &c. &c.,with a variety
of articles too tedious to enumerate. Terms on (
the day of sale. Y. P. KING, Ex’r.
Greensboro, 13th May. 1840.
• \
commodious and well finished Rooms, in
the second story of the Brick Building situated
in rear of the House fronting on Broad street, and
opposite the Eagle & Pcenix Hotel, known as “Our j
House. The same will be rented to a good tenant
ftom Ihe Ist of June next to the Ist of October en
suing, with the privilege of retaining said rooms
may 7—2aw3w Ex’r Estate S. P. Turpin.
P* /A/A PIECES 44 inch Bagging, al| lbs.
OIHJ per yard; <■
200 coils Bale Rope ;
60 ps. heavy milled and bleached Sacking; 1
1 bale plaid and striped Hemp Carpeting.
For sale by GARDELLE & RHIND. <
may 16 ts J
GOOtli District Company G. M,
Attention !!
i N Election will be holden on Friday, the 22d ;
J\ inst., at the office of A. J. Huntington, Esq., 4
for Ist Lieutenant and Ensign of this company fc
The polls will be opened at 10 o’clock, a. m. and
closed at 1 o’clock, p. m.
may 16 MP. STOVALL, Capt. ]
THE Copartnership heretofore existing be- ,
tween the undersigned in practice of Law, is j
dissolved by mutual consent. The unfinished bu
siness of the firm will receive their joint attention;
and they will practice Law seperately in the Coun
ties of Morgan, Greene, Putnam, Jasper, Newton,
Walton and Clark. STEWART FLOYD, !
Madison 13th April, 1840. trwlm
No. 206, Bread Street.
WYATT 6l WARREN have just received
their supply of fashionable Spring Goods,
which were selected from the latest importations at
the North, and having been purchased late in the
season, at reduced prices, will be sold at a moderate
advance. ap 29 w4w
A /A SACKS fresh Almonds, just received and
Ilf for sale by W. E. JACKSON,
april 27 Auctioneer.
At tne Sand Utils.
MRS. H. L. MOISE having taken that large
and commodious house at the Sand Hills,
well known as Mrs. Nesbitt’s, will commence her
Summer School on the first of June, where, as usual,
all the branches of a complete English education
will be taught, as well as French and other lan
guages, Music, Drawing and Painting.
A limited number of Young Ladies can be ac
commodated as Boarders, who will be under the I
immediate superintendence of Mrs. Moise.
Terms for English tuition, from 8 to sls per qr.
French and other languages 10 “
Music on the Piano, 20 “
do Guitar, 10 “
Boarding and Lodging, 50 “
ap 17 swtlstje
ON Tuesday, 12th inst. a pocket Memorandum
Book, containing, besides memorandums
in money, and the following note% to wl
! One on J. B. Murphy for s7su, given 15th Nov.
1839, payable six months after date, with G C.
Gordon, Benj. Douglass and J. J. Jones as securities
. two on T. VV. Freeman, one for S3OO, given about
Ist January last, payable one day alter date—the
other was g.ven about 22d March, for S6O, payable
also one day after date; one on E. C. Tensley for
$64,05, given 22d February last, payable sixty
days after date, with George McCord as security ;
also one cn Solomon Deloughten for S3B, given
about 21st February, 1839, and payable loth Oct.
thereafter ; likewise three quarter lottery tickets.
Any person finding said Pocket Book, and re
turning it to me at T. VV. Freeman’s Jewelry store,
shall be liberally rewarded. The makers of said
Notes are hereby cautioned not to pay them to any
1 person but myse’if. TIMOTHY H. PRICE,
may 14 Iw
A LL persons indebted to the estate of John B.
Guedron, deceased, late of Richmond county,
are requested to make immediate pay ment to A. C.
Caldwell, who is my authorized agent, and those
i holdiug claims against said estate, are required to
hand them in duly attested, within the time pre
scribed by law. ELLEN GUEDRON,
1 April 4, 1840. trwtf Administratrix.
STRAYED from the subscriber, about a week
or ten days ago, which went across the bridge
. at Augusta, a bright Sorrel horse, seven or eight
i years old. about fifteen hands high, one eye en
-7 tirely out, (the side not recollected) shod on the
i fore feet, and perhaps one of the hind feet white,
and a long switch tail. Any person apprehending
or taking up said horse, and giving information,
will be entitled to a Five Dollar Bill from
Hamburg, S. C. may 13 trw6t.
i nn BRLC * cor NTRY FLOUR for sale,
I " "I I 3outh Carrlina and Georgia Mills, by
m >’ 11 ts CLARKE, McTEIR & Co'.
W At KING.—B bales heavy SACKING for sale
may 5
(1 EORGIA NANKEENS of the best quality
_W for sale by the case. A SIBLFY
_"M 4m*
▼ ▼ just received and for sale by
a P W. E. JACKSON, Auctioneer.
1 AMP OIL—A supply of best Bleached Lamp
A o*7, just received and for sale by
ni;lr -5 GARVIN * HAINES.
LIME.— 300 casks fresh Thomastun LIME just
received and for sale by-
may - 4 ts 330 Broad-street.
IO ANNUALS for 1840.
Also, a great variety of Juvenile and Toy Books,
dec 25 For sale by T. H. PLANT.
X first rate pair of these Mill Stones, four and
a half feet in diameter. For terms apply at this
office. jan 31 ts
PAPER HANGINGS.— Snowden & Shear
have received, from Philadelphia, a supply of
Paper Hangings, which they- will sell at reduced
prices. mar 27
UICE —20 Casks now landing. A constant
, supply will be Kept on hand, and furnished
to dealers in quantities to suit, by
HAY. —45 bales prime Hay, just received on
consignment from Boston, and for sale by
march 30 Near the lower market.
4 T COST.—The subscriber oilers his stock of
A Dry Goods, now on hand, at New York cost.
At the sign of Hungerford, Frisble & Co.
mar 30 J. FRISBIE.
fBIRAIN OIL, Ac.—Tram Oil, Plaster Pans and
X Gilder’s Whiting,for sale in quantities to suit
purchasers, by GARVIN HAINES,
mar 12
BRANDY. — 1 pipe superior Cognac Brandy
4 half do do do
Just received and for sale by
feb 19 VV. E. JACKSON, Auctienecr.
WANTED, a Lodging Room, for a gentleman;
one in the neighborhood of the Rail Road
Bank would be preferred. Apply at this office,
mar 3 ts
SHEAR have received this day- from New
V oik a supply of superior printed Jackonetts of
the latest sty les. Also, a supply of Ladies fancy
Hdkfs of various styles, plain black Challys and
black drab D’Ete a superior article for Gentle
men s summer wear, to which they respectfully
snvite the attention of the public. ap 25
20 shares for sale low by
jan 30 Terms —6 months so approved paper.
drawers among linens, laces, furs, cloths,
ike., impacting to them a pleasant perfume,and pre
venting the ravages of the moth For sale by
mar 13 GARVIN &. HAINES.
—Late Discovery. —Warranted to be equal, if
not superior, to any others. Prepared by
nov 27 No. 232, Broad street.
NEGROES FOR SALE. —A likely negro man
and his wife—the boy a good field hand, and
the woman a house servant. They- may be seen
at Hand & Scranton’s.
Persons desirous of purchasing will please call
on Messrs. Kerrs fk Hope, of this city, tf-nov 26
f|>HE VERBENA CREAM, an Emollient Soap,
J- which atfords real pleasure in shaving produ
cing a rich, fragrant, creamy and permanent lather,
just received and for sale by
bers will receive orders for this celebrated
Wine either of direct importation or via India.
Samples may be seen at (heir office.
A few dozen India Madeira now on hand and for
sale by (dec 6) GARDELLE fc RHIND.
THE Stockholder* of this Company having de
termined to close its business, notice is heie-
Dy given of the same, that those who have made
insurance with the undersigned, Agent for Au
gusta, may renew their risks elsewhere as they ex
pire, due notice of which will be given.
Those who may hare claims against the Com
pany, through this agency, will present them for
adjustment to J, G. DUNLAP, Agent,
may 9
medicines are indebted for their name
JL to th< ir manifest and sensible action in puii
fying the spring and channels oi life, and enduing
them with renewed tone and vigor. In many hun
dred certified cases which has been made public,
and in almost every species ol disease to which
the human frame is liable, the happy effects of
TERS have been gratefully and publicly nc
l nowledged by the persons beoefiitted, and who
were previously unacquainted with the beautifully
philosophical principles upon which they are
compoun led, and upon which they ejnsequeiiily
The LIFE MEDICINES recommend themselves
in diseases of every form and description. Their
first operation is to loosen from the coals of the
stomach and bowels, the various impurities and
crudities eon-tantly settling around them ; arm to
remove the hardened faeces which collect in the
convolusions of the smallest intestines. Other
medicines only partially cleanse these, and leave
such collected masses behind as to produce habitu-
I al costiveinss with til Us tram of evils, or in a sud
den diarrhoea, with its eminent dangers. This tact
is well known to all regular anatomists, who ex
amine ihe human bowels after death ; and heme
the prejudice of those well informed men against
quack met dunes—or medicines prepared and her
alded to the public bv ignorant pi rsons. 'J he se
cond effect of the Lile Medicines is to cleanse ihe
kidneys and the bladder, and by this means, tho
liver and the lungs, the healthful action of which
entirely depends upon the regularity of the urinary
organs. The blood, w hich lakes its red color Irom
the agency of the liver and the longs before it
pas*es into’.he heat, being thus purified by them
and nourished by (bod coming from a clean stom
ach, courses freely thiough the veins, renews every
part of the system, and triumphantly mounts the
banner of health in the blooming cheek.
Moffat’s Vegetable Life Medicine) have been
thoroughly attested, and pronounced a sovereign
remedy for Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Palpitation <f
the Heart, Loss of Appetite, Heart-bora and Head
ache, Restlessness, 111-temper, Anxiety, Languor
and .Melancholy, Cosliveness, Diarrhoea, Cholera,
Fevers of all kinds, Rheumatism, Gout, Dropsies
of all kind, Gravel, Worms, Asthma and Consump
tion, Scurvy, Ulcers, Inveterate bores, Scorbunc
Eruptions and Bad Complexions, Eruptive com
plaints, Sallow, Cloudy, and other disagreeable
Complexions, Salt Rheum, Erysi|>elaß, Common
Colds and influenza and various other complaints
which afflict the human frame, in fever and
ague, particularly, the Life Medicines have been
most eminently successful; so much so that in the
Fever and Ague district*, Physicians almost uni
versally prescribe them.
All ihai Mr. Moffat requires of his patient is
to be particular in taking the Life Medicines stru lly
according to the directions. It is not by a news
paper notice, or any thing that he himself may say
in their lavor, that he hopes to gain credit. It >s
alone by the resul of a fair trial.
as a domestic guide to health.—l his little pamphlet
edited by VV. B Moffat 375 Broadway New York,
has been published lor the purpose ol explaining
more fully Mr. Moffat’s theory of diseases, and will
he found highly interesting to persons seeki g
health. It treats upon prevalent diseases, and t e
causes thereof. Price 25 cents —for sale by Mr.
Moffat's agents generally.
These valuable medicines are for sale by
bole Agent for Augusta.
On Thursday, 21st inst, at 10 o’clock, at the
store of J Morris & Co. Centre street, will be sold,
o r|o»e the concern, the contents of said store,
consisting of Sogar, Coffee, Soap, Candles, Molas
ses, J obacco, F lour, and other articles usually kept
in a retail Grocery.
Also, the Bar Fixtures, Decanters, A-c.
may IS J. MORRIS, Surviving copartner.
Extensive credit sale of Fancy Goods.
We will offer at public auction our entire stock
of 1-ancy Goods, on the 16th June, at 10 o’clock,
consisting in part of French, Italian and English
Silks and Satins, French and Scotch worked collars
and capes, silk, linen and cotton Hosiery, cambric
and silk Handkerchiefs, muslins, cambrics, prints,
lawns, linens, bombazines, merinoes, and velvets;
a large lot of ribbons, bonnets, lace veils, perfum
ery, toys, and fancy articles, Ac. Ac.
Terras—All sums unaer SIOO, cash; over SIOO
and under SIOOO, 12 months; over SIOOO, 18 mos;
approved endorsed notes ; our own paper will be
taken in payment.
ma y h> chas. f. Hoffman & co.
' n Friday tl e sth of June, if not before called for
\N ill be sold in front of our store, to pay ex
penses, Goods brought from Savannah by Ben
nock’s Boats, and not claimed,
keg Nails, marked K
1 keg \N hite Lead, marked R
1 barrel, marked A Richardson
1 barrel Sour Krout, marked E W B
32 kegs Blasting mark
ma .V 9 Terms cash
1. obstinate Coughs, and all diseases of the
Lungs. This is an old and tried remedy, and be
lie red to be one among the best for the purjiose for
which it is recommended. For sale by
Augusta, and
Price 75 cts per bottle. Charleston.
nov 25 6m
ALL persons indebted to the Estate of James
Leverich, late of Richmond county, deceased,
are hereby requested to come forward immediately,
and settle their accounts with Mr. Robert Austin,
who is duly authorized by us to settle the same.
He may be found at the Drug Store of said deceas
ed, 161 Broad street, Augusta,—and all those not
complying with this notice, may expect to find
their accounts in suit.
P. H. MANTZ, ?. , . . , .
J. A. CAMERON, < Adminlstrators -
May 11, 1840. ts
SNOWDEN & SHEAR have received from N.
York, Printed Jackcmctts, French Cambrics,
low priced Prints, Fancy Gauze and Hernani
lldkfs.. Linen Cambric lldkfs.. Long Lawns, Irish
Linens, and Linen Sheetings, Bird’s-Eye Diaper,
Damask 'Fable Cloths, and Damask Napkins, plain
Jackonctts and Cambrics of extra quality, black
Lace Veils, Ladies’ and Misses Cotton Hose, white
and bl’k picnic Gloves and Mitts, Oil Silks, bleach
ed and brown Cotton Shirtings of superior quality,
and a great variety of other articles suitable for the
Spring and Summer seasons, to which they respect
fully invite the attention of the public,
ap 29
D. H. SILCOX, 303 Broad street,
jjT 1 keeps at all times for sale, a large as-
Jr c3, l sortment of Cabinet Furniture , of
superior workmanship and well sea
soned materials, made expressly for
the Southern climate. Every arti
cle in the above business, with all the
cTtfvariety of new patterns, continually
received. Persons wishing to purchase can do as
well at this establishment as at any of the North
ern manufactories. To be sold for cash or goo
city acceptances. mar ,5
Office S. Caholiwa Rail Road Co. >
Hamburg, May 1, 1840. C
ON and after this day, the passenger train from
Hamburg will arrive in Charleston at 2$
o’clock, ? m, in time for dinner. may 1
Hamburg, April 23, 1840.
NOTICE. —Freight on Cotton to Charleston by
Rail Road, is reduced to thirty-live cents per
hundred for round, and twenty-live cents per hun
dred pounds for square bales.
A. B. STURGES, Agent.
Via Greensboro’, Eatonton,Clinton, Macon, Per
ry, Pindertown, Bainbridge, Chattahoochie, lola,
St. Josephs, Pensacola, to Mobile.
The Proprietors of this Line inform the Travel
ling public that it is now in full operation, through
the entire route; leaving Augusta by the Georgia
Rail Road cars to Greensboro’ every Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday, at 6 o’clock, P. M. and ar
rive in Mobile in three days and a half running
Travellers are assured that the staging upon this
line is superior to any other, the accommodations
unsurpassed, and by far the best natural roads in
the Southern cauntry, only 210 miles of staging.
Stages leave Bainbridge for Tallahassee via Quin
cy, immediately on the arrival of the Alligator
Line from Greensboro’, and immediately on the
arrival of the boats from lola.
q3*Two Stages will at all times be run in com
pany, when the travel requires it.
For seats in the above Line, apply at the office,
at the United States Hotel, Augusta, Geo.
april 21 ly GEO. W. DENT, Agent.
Tenn ,~ H *
aSfip splendid line of Four Horse
Post Coaches is running
from Greensboro to Spring Place, Ga. via Gaines
ville and Cassville, in connexion with Col. Ram
sey’s Line to Ross’ Landing and Nashville, and
Maj. Wells’Line to Athens and Knoxville, Tenn.
Fare to Cassville, sl2 00
“ “ Spring Place, 17 00
Leaves Greensboro on the arrival of the Rail
Road Cars from Augusta, on Mondays, Wednes
days and Fridays.
Travelling time to Spring Place, 29 hours.
“ “ Nashville, 65 “
Seats can be secured on application to
C. H. GOODMAN, Agent,
mar 23—6 m Globe Hotel, Augusta, Ga.
No 236 Broad street, Augusta, Georgia.
The subscriber, having previr usly
TB bought out the interest of A. /. Ban-
Jpfl ta in his Furniture Warehouse, has
now associated himself with one of
the largest manufacturing establish
m w\ I ments in New York, flatters himsel
* that he will be able to offer to the
public an assortment of Furniture, superior in point
of workmanship and durability, to any heretofore
offered in Augusta. As the manufacturing will
have the personal attention of one of the partners,
the strictest care will be observed in the selection
of good wood and dry materialise essentia! to he
Also, a general assortment of Pianos, from the
best manufactories in the Union. More particulars
ly the New York Piano Forte company’s instru
ments, which cannot be excelled for sweetness ol
tone and durability,in tha southern climate, be any
manufactory in the United States. Our instru
ments are selected with the greatest care, by one
who is a competent judge, and a written guarantee
is furnished in every instance, if required
C. A. Platt returns his thunks to the public for
their former patronage, and solicits for the company' t>
that share of public patronage heretofore bestowed
on himself. The business in future will be con
ducted or ;ap 2* Eli AS. A. PLATT fit Ue.