Newspaper Page Text
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•r.i. » trv. AM lOM I*l*ll. I i .» * - * i
«MMIf rs tl* Ikm •» «W Ci—«Ser*a
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tar, ,w<r. i-j* s9BMM»*cbl|M *• iy^ 5ra *'
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*' u. y -i*e -• -.J' 77 nr **.:
filirw far « y*sAc mme mm Jpra,
».' jk. »el VV-C. ' r- . ji. iv: r i-„ .-
:v». swm *c W Bhak L* peaffte,
...» '"f C -. .*.. . * t \ '| r *rfi-. 5 i'. C--
.:*7 »v* .»> .-; mm mm S b
tiae-e v -fit - v • t Xvjtta—i «■ Cmm»
V u Bm>m- nri ta «'i4Mj£M •* end! shc
•a **an.*-y«*»t 17 -*a. jmayiigaa t'j'. «j*.
a- r ; v • . ■ . »e- <
-»a '.'v* • R :0S 4 V 1-TK .'X^UM
j- ’*r , t Vk-- » 1 1> . »- .u* »’J»•» “car* *
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■/ •_.*■* y r’l. ’-T. ■, >. ■. t . -»t r rv'<
i--..,. •.'wv tv*
mmmmom <el Wmm Bar-Mii* a»C txpehmmtt^—
TV mml( *b Cwiiai b*». Im Mi
,/. -y .'. •-:! ..v»' 'i
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«fber Biw» Mi 7nr--‘-r«rii}_ «ar wt Mb beA 99
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. i.,r -..-4. »- •.v-i.- - : >
mmd*id Loomi**ptri srjikrf'
%trm »t i.- ; » .* ..
rgHM; JfcaOf; - ; i
dic Mmm m* Mr. Gin ib n rimmiji'
j; - - •- r-
Mm f—jrr. in port**', t* iadnUMi» I
Iml if Sbcif avi kSusaH. 71u» a**
> • .-> •.* i ‘ y.*sß-iV. ■.'■. ■•!.
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»Vt • >V -4'>„ ;V. - , rt*. > T
'j*kjsm~ The « - • v:•- s ? v-% >* vr« t
B-. •. i- •'i ?n•. t v .
' i'. V •* >Wfe» I
‘ * ’ « JH -- WttPk Av/'.s
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•atAie/pat »« . •
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jmardtj at 4 ' iWi, dkat cate be saaa •
*1 fifiMMM at 2 ; 4 jierk (aiajr, Tb wt^t
ka - a-: v »>->. ■; utlt 5. I.;.ji .
Uwilrt 1W «U ;k |n{MtataM. HMan.
Cora nU at 54 ct*7 r
;• |
7 aaJaa of 1 ar% if 4a»p/r*
UaOu |
• /'•" •' • ' : -rM— Pi v:- Ji* .
« f
‘ > ; Rkhms*i m a G|; CL»rbatoo 4 |
\vftMa IS 4 “i mnah ft j ~i
Mfltlia IS a 12* ; .'x'e wlorino* ** | 11
itlmmS ; KmM|» ■
i I “
i,*n. llxrniy.fl no \*~Af>rr i.'j-t.
v, ••'.*
Rea of I lav I - ... -/«j j prervtac that tL *
011 Hrro, ta aat, mmnmm, an-! t«:-/»■ ,<■ .t. i
Barnet of ' I, a Ijuam yfcm k4tjr isterrit
«rra tb of the pmest part
Mat aa»»;; t *lMr MtiafaiAlaf tha f> ■.
cha*fa of hb Mis Mm i Mmbt .’^aaj
» - •'V ■ • I * • . 'V-. ; //I; t . /
r*rr»re theac Moiaiai fliMkii
<.» ■*»*T7, F> I >. 27, ISM,
Mr Ok a a Sib —. r -J *rk, in replr to root
Ur of • ,nt ]thaii daumg tr*c eoplcat la
tween Mr. Je'.V- v v vi
/u %iA mjutH «trre m the North
Territ>r)', 'if.v of earn bad n*t tfae pr»-
'* ••• '•• v -j'- tbsit time, I waa la ha
g-->v •,{(.. f f.'irrv.-. iV , ~jr\ I vti,
A Fcdcra MW tjjy «.»,) aai he a ftcpA4teaa of
the lpw« llwppai
aud bt, tail I ji ahh laffUltei Mr. Jeffer
son.—Datfaf (aceoMi set - Ima UN, Ibclm
I MNMIM w*U» bur. ttmet w.
oumbr—be Mllhil|ia(! Mr. Jeffertoa, ax*-! I Hr
Vo 4 rnaj |»» i.'jre you? frwmd, tbit *
tra* not a more co®’lute‘it,decided Mppadar of Mr.
JcMcaan, ia tha tov;* Vaalcm ftaiiwy, than
ffarn*on. foij tie tmtfi of tbit decJaraUon,
I most vr, ,;r.7 ypb i reputation.
f tlate to you *rii;it I !iaw,and heard and know.
When the Alien Mi) lajißlan law pawed, the 0M
war Mta nwrmVr v Ciefreti. lie neitoer voted
nor had an opfmrtoiuty A on that law.
Your friend, J. bveeer.
On. Wm. f Of.-Tl.-hATK.
Frum. tl Ke»JO York Courier.
Tar PoiTNiiTKA iin.'tr.uit.. — We puldiah
e«l yesterday nn»ocr/ the ilerun received at a late
hour in advance of the rnui an aildrr-aa from
Arno* Kfndallto the I.oco Focoe of the I! H.;
or in other word*, the ijppeal of a memlter of (ien.
Jarkaort arj<l Marlin V ? jft Huren'a Cabinet, to the
charily of the wiherr u , • * F:it fa (;p, Uj r
their jiittanre to wipfwVt hia l .rnily during the
general proalraUacnal ne buaineaa of the coun
try pro lucing hy hh ami tUir mfarnou, cruaa.le
againat the tounU| ai i U lfc inatitutiona of the
If there were ar<y, even arnonj the HMM ra»>i.J
Loco Focoa, who 00 «!ite<l the character of thi*
adventure, they r;iuil now be fully convi fiCfc j
If there were ariy, *.ven among the moat rabi.]
Loco Ftjcon, who oo rhterl the character „f t^,j g
adventure, they now |w fully convinced
:ir it* vv trui m * j*n« u ne txnsurjj fit
b .Jt .-fJT- Cifirtß las l4*s « mSXp-BO^ —
£ ru-jn uwmliMizac .jxl u ivv»
wtnirfb. la tic ci«x-j sw Sfiw iwwe-iijw* u -iea.
i liar* ♦ fcu-’j*?. if MW, law ieer j«i
t —ie r- J ii »;■’ tout-Try. "*3r«wliwaw ktk. bx-
V'm-a *• isn ba i*. ;«t w*
»>st net p»perr«i lac ans *>-. t -mc*ir a. us
—tail ./. in. :i*i: tr u wtbfc
tun ii r w»r,. -v tvu-r > i*>-t. £iise aun* t<
.%*- tuor irSnee tr -:<t •G. r *yr-iinteir_
fcli' Vj' ,' in.- «ht OS* 5 IV-T >r.C 188 lau
•mam-. :.. -t j. : *., 13*t Z-ZfMT Vtt tSHr
.'V aOBCUWGXX - 19 .V* *>C UWBMI -tr'Kliin
tuljrcgrjyi trrj : ">jn ms ofirsut ocs
-_at Tutn. .*.«* nssnisr mwlti f .cji i* u*
a*t vti * Ist Lta. .■ 1 B-i h> es& n ifW ’-esp
j: :t 7 hr ,i>» tnm- v. i i*D»wia:|* :n* re~~z
f r* i xe IIT Tift Fl-VC'" - ! tV -Jt : C tti. 7IT t 'iT- SSr
.KU»t t a ia hr :ae v* 7an i*ei
fpfvrj...-:.' CJsttL 'lit >t V 44. V. Ei jjtfl r
u> t 'tnc-cr iir c.i t-icen. tail iw Ui*
v' v; ar - 'Z *■ -£v-_L ~<A jtLi
ctj-.’w oar - •% t tc at j 3*&
*«wr3.:at. wm i-t.: ii* ii r. ’-f' ”>•
.•■jt fisr tc ■ s ijwvk >t *%? trtvv4'~ui r 'm
tjwndrj" 1 t _:. c |>H*yw . I** nwSeety r£ ns
.t.itritjr it -x T t: ir u* wnia^.
t t r It b-"-»-ttt, *ry*i H»t 1. fcV-Bi lU*
ttr.ta -suscr i. iit i*t j» 1 t wx
tt j « v_»t itiLM* -atrx «f vr'tatTt it* r*t sk
. .mr reset ti*t y wcfi*. w ■w-inilse' scut wiaiie *■'
1 tenrsr 1 vr» »9n ?»*r .’jt Vv^
ina»r: 1 it. t:.a ->t-t it fir* riwrt»K£.
•ii -_l> .* - -**r '» -■ite ..1 tit .art tuai v .» rjetrrxj
.. .trr_'iar-t r.r ta-’tser » 1 a*.i«er.
y j ?f.i —Tift s;v - T -.rt x pfteexi' f;-
t/ J '--i T «r T »
- J or*, r. ti. jcii£ ok car tiina tr
'xX.-nur.t tlitt U tittSL'.C't .l*tr* jwc 1 •.•>**
t v. _• trxncry --1 I-C* tr.r n»tit ta ettut
1t ’ t'ltr- tc »r; l Jt *» seebret .7 Bas.7
7_i:' t-t v .1; 1. tv- ; * l te.r'-i ’ j;*v «-
j* AV>. ut v * Ha', wni - t a It IX
irtc t j.; it jck*. Ht IjV tr * x.rjx. it'X tv _t Li»f F. 'tL He rw tJ-i'tstc 11
tune unecMn. uii _i r bt« v>t nter. '-Til sev
; He >f, .fti i-t .sa scr. .vt —t 'l*t T wcr&-
A H' rvi—A itr.tte £n *5. i'jf.x. Crr: Vt j
. ivt - -. txt ? K rvi - rr. .% 'mv'ti cei
tit' '• L;ci.» v• trHi-.t1.: cist V» Hec.c_
sca vc .ie emeses r’-"! 1 11* .i.t'.pi.
vu t tea. AiCif - l* l » rt ivt
vi ,t- tv: t*r-«e .. t vvt.-rt x'*- H* _v * tr.
ivtrti V i., ir» >vv ia nr-ssK u 'll 7
a- ycec laei- i_' "1.1 w* -ai,*
tea.-t tr i-t • 'tr tart, tc ivs . V.v »u tv.t
t't. sc—. Ca;.
tyt*. jji’Tcos'i Beyalhcaatou
A it* k/f.-. /jt »V< EV*rT 1.5-» v.«t r ■ ; t:
v. r •* 'yi. Hjttboi j* lave v*e-t *
ct-vt-i. A 7vt >*-*'*'- yf -t a • saa®e a vvd
Hi'nr.e a 1
rtatcci tv* ■»v » v t -t rvs. vs • it. i-irvi
' t* i~/ v. »■ ". tv* 'aju*.' i.a; 4Ttnr*< *-j*
sATsi 'jr'civt tci'. 1* tvetv-i tv ‘sa.l vr t»vx
w_.t ia
if » vi* R.c tv* Hv"-. try. • ? Elder* .«*-
Ft -f-vr.-v.t »i> v *avt tr*.* s- .t v*">."* t * Lv
. *r i.7 jt*- .'-* th* a.'* vtf pkr*j ' •** fvt
fsoa tv* i.i«xs-.e*c ht. . **' v' e*. tv
*-trX - A Vtt4*
“Tk F*bn] vcirv.rt «.'* ettar- tv
tv* ~vt** t_>' 'r. -< Al vs -tl v*r: > » i* i- v* ti,'
r: ._ nr t'ey. .-* i j a't w ar* Ctc.v
c*r. .>*tat-. r c - / tlimvA O'. **.. svt JHemt-^. *■* A /W /e» eery f 'c. -
'< ■ r~%' v? is*jv>mv'>t G- -r’v
■ cst i.-.'Tpr *fir ’.v,** "'Arz. v* *a A Feon ti
i/AV/_l? V. tV* V* 1 VA vs tV* > t 'Srn. V T '-*> *t '
5 i *t* -« ♦ tew-a-titt; -t rry.i; ar,-;-‘ w.ta a
/ftc.i '/ ptVr
* ri- . r s*r : -i't tv* :c.- ea‘ o*-a^.<w
; l 'c*v rlarr.-bw. wvv »v ta*st i cuv-TjC. » fer
Ov 7/» < - »»•* p. -. i t: * -. ii evr *v*i.a rv
vr »i* tui* iJeaMS*.! Ew. it - A ;vr va
/wrfr ttutt
fvvt s tar f»*r. Ht .vjt ; f. f /v f* ’ I*i vs
%'ot '•/' w«s MadJVOS. Wit r'.'tv-jtv?
.V tv* Is*, .', r v.. fftTCr. liamwvc » "-•> tv
L ; iv •v* »i, r vt f -..vtn
* /r*' r/t t ver*.. 'v *r ■.~ r - vs \■ *
; it' c? './ »fG/>i-aci / f-aee rtr-tlrr. to wry jrurxi.
0* ■*'.{ to 'v'yrvrit* v-a vo • ?-, „>v ct
rv*.-a ?o venat* tt tv.-ar Aetmr c* » a4uct
*f tor r, ?»/ t jj-.rJtz:-- >jf ti t iv /c o» tc.oA 7 civet -
A jti~r. . fc»r.. Ha/riw* •i t o> it vJC't-ts
to • v/j- tvetit.*, i <**- r./k* ; a Jy-p-v./i;,
o ; »xi .-. ov'ctoi.r cail*; *v* 0.1 .' *if t rv. va v
- r -
V. -.v ■* * rtitr*' v* *r*. the P./, vey/.c
fcswjv.rer •» :,*S4 2 tc: bv o .yt tv • av>: On.
•:ir:-VMS. or ?•>, r.v -.".vt - f.v-... r*r >< • tr ' .it .t
a. :.i -►to 1 i i.vcg with *at -v. *r_ —
e«..* Ooaerter,
Mr. Poilv:k‘» T**».imr/o7 of Ham von*-
Vfr. speaker^—l uv« bvtevot to the deva'e*
tv v« fi/, »’v aoucti I Lar* heard
4* v*vV*-- ory/ix o*o. Hi.'rjj**o, vr rrvtr. vrbo
4** coat pa rati v*Jy rvaag; aan aithoagh I j- rv
jnwtctiwloffied it ».pe#7.v 4V.a-t.oj I vepe iLe
Hv.»* Wiii -ear w;‘.h a* for a lew cuenveou, for
f s.ta’J f4ot "/u vie it y/ftg. I tbaii 01. y rep vte
*/&* particular matters. I ivai; ovt dea, ,v gen
e's .tea, we v<sv* had too many of them i.readr.
tv I Lave heard rr*erover* lx..* Hosue cha'ge
Oen. Harnwyo with cowirdir.e. whom r.e ceiec«d>
* . ir-d prvtevtfc. from the iv; lomi
vawk of U*e Ir.v.arji, w v«v they wtre *ieep.og .0
tv*.r or/4L*r» artr-a.
Mr. Speaker,—l know sorrarlhjng of fjeoera
rfa'Titoo, it Javraethiof of hi* tutorr, eonve
to r.g of h s c*#7i*. I know indrvidoab who
were with him daring the lact war; who were
with him in the battle* of the Thame*, Fort
Me;g*, and F< n ttepher.w-a. I know, «r, that
cannon-L-aiU, end che n-ahot, and boa.v-aheii*,
6*w thick aroti.od him :.0 thvattle*. The geo
tieman frori Clermont, ''Mr. Buchanan, v sa.v
that Cien. Harri*ou wn not, during the vat ;* of
Fort Meig*, near enough to ha ve the acale* knock
ed off bin*. Wei', air, if he wa* not near enough
pj i.av* tb* »ca e* knocked off, he wa* near
enough to hive *ca!*» a odd rt k necked on to him
Ly cannon-hall*. (Who saw it? a>k»-d some
memljer.) luv it. sir. I was in that battle.
HIM. J was also at (he Utile of Fort Stephen
son. I saw Gen- H. there, and he wa* in ihe
h/y.Ur*t and hardest of fight: and » here steel
met steel the fierce*!, there would you find Gen.
Harrison, f speak what my eye* have seen.
and tho,«r who call him a coward know nothing
of him. He vr?.« a brave, prudent, and fearless
Gene'll. He took the right course during the
la,t war—he acted a noble part, and hi* country
has honored him for it. Ask the aklier* who
fought Ly bis aide; who.* arms were nerved hy
his presence ; whoae hearts were cheered hy hi*
valor; and who were leal to triumph and to victo
ry ly hi* courage, and bravery, and skill, if Gen
eral Harrison wa* a coward—and hey, sir, will
tell yon no!
Sir, I have done. I only wished to give mv
testimony in favor of Genera! Harrison, and to
state what I have seen, in opposition to the state
ment* of tho*e who are ignorant of hi* character,
and who know nothing of hu bravery and skill.
Colleom —The Christian Review states that
there are ninety-five college* in the Lotted States
'Oiltaming about
ical schools, with about 2,7>0 student*, and eight
law schools, with 3i>o studenta.
Tsm. fm h^rvu..nat.
*■ Bwn t-t y w wa_' Tirtr? *"“
*” W*T-y-b3 7»-* Ug* acV AlCXia* *t.H I
niirtiai :n* •:u*r L*y Iva i> •» smeii: ur
WJOmC il l *ur dOBI. Vfltltl *J-10r » : *UUOD tIJUt
stJLvraes; i-jun. -I>t Mcrw-sm i:*s
w —* sß*«k tr t ;.*srj* u: ram wn.
ptw nr_» of ixmer* pscbai tn. t> ■aar.zuses or'
g.aoa. 7'i.i n.''X irttG.irt'..ea. n »e»i - Ti:r- »»» st
i. -sci. so. U*t U—i£ i. If. V li*l
a wicuaL. cme n ’. xubs. : xntodr
*n zuj-t sr M&er matter \xr tia ienc* ti.: p-i
---jt o-i ■ i.' -in r - ? n iosii 4,.: i. few
u :nr uotf were a uh fc'ny os — zn H -
x.;_Tt..e—* ir lie* n't itJisan ?ik6 »trf
i*m vr-czn. tr. * -jrzaxjer ♦ tut
♦ -JL itt af Gu -.11-
«®a _r nm ten. v» tv maw nek :*■ arr»
tods, ices u' Recurs vauamaiociadi »g eat '■'in
:•;_- - .. Tne wins-;ran* r’ terse feiLrw* frag
feu has I^ll inetsA ww vw tr: t* 1
warjm-y *■=£« «f fek fee a»t j*dei*r» jf tiaar
■owaacrj m: •wgi:. x : . tew • t was
m t *k ra; taoincr Oau ttii ae*; :t
--lae I*SC43 7 31 ; r sum jt—t aii4 r : .--: v 1
ae*er :»» trfeefcc i-atx rr - •.
li .note n;i -i »€-» few znorzrr
■Jcrt. »: »e* au-r n
-y t «*tfi ir- awfci *rf B'.'iri*' -rr ».«- i sh. tiar
i . -'.n .•- .-• 1.-: ■ .-•
srt'Trs -m~ m i
ATumea.- Anr i.-auc' o*n- Hi —aeir. m*c iirf
—t— -t> _f " « -*-•« . t
i-ii' L'ijt i-iii *7
sue 7« irixi&mg 7w i*&-L uur Ar » Om
ej-rt'7 ui *: i_: ei Sfbk ii-f
•* »ar_ •wsci ;ii* wura eurti-j « tr 1
fraii H vrnfKn. t>. g&ra. »» ,j» 7
yjH: ti". iKpti u*7 ~i cj roaen .~ fef*
«£- 1-1 17 znnrj je i-r’ el u.t- Hi.~j.r_ : ia*
>-ni Lu. .££ a.>nt* 1 n. beea i:'rei-t'
util, nsicrti. »'< I »ti «rti*p atr: i»i.'
iarf.-nwai t: 'lie rx £ .-r t ■ ' -3 yr' t*r t-t
i»-F ~f repe* -a ? it*i A_ tt ‘ is essaLer i"-
tfcaa T 7 2»eiadi3« ®c*ciii of t irirt I
v." 1 m «■» tfe fc ' u: i.
n. it _ ' naZ—> 7• n i_y j ■ -*e u: .
r*»r. ti - i; «f Hk t . irf r'jtae; ti*
i*'.. rt ij'_ -i? t, _ t:L-r ti* r.>- i»:«H •»-
n-iijfc: G£2 r Dcr ti.: t -Weaar *_i*t i_ .
w*a_' 11 i.» v.t* u ”il rybb. i_-.: l :-r r 1
rabti trt t B«2»Bfct i!« ixz. tt: »it*
.ysj&.j: ai_* baOCTj '>. u. r : i>.- - H.u v.»
tn Triirro ?u iiii.ti ifi Jfit.ft
Ol' Ir_Si W5A' » -1 t> ITsrt tl I^-.
•«r! '-*tr -jet; rs tkc as Em. >•-*.* r ?ic ,:t seat
ti ‘.t»i#i|i 1* t.&t ■<*•*'l Ki'/. ue**i
»trft*. “H t* ic, I«.r tui Tf.7 ’
airi lit i£t dt.tess 1. c> * t>: 1 ,I—-
«r. tit ti. --*.«57 t: vtt Us of 1.1 *>»-. u*
t.’i,i.n -mtrt t -tut -jctemc is. rat
v>»t it ti*t mi fct-i** r Hiaxt »if
Harr**, n: ti>» t.*r:i >- c>Et** '.tc 3j ilier,
ii _f» * s ttH b 'etti : r rt-
T profit t'' Ot' » ;tt» 'JttM: tij* -CJfcJß
s-tt Bis ~t nt >l7 mi kme t: ftrl
nra ti I*7 tW *rjx»l*rter it tt-» t -
1 .4 • it. : :t n V. .> fell V. •.:
re: ti- it v zxX wiu ta -1 u f rt-
Tisb WT'-iiie >; . _j it,ft — it ;t> - > •
r.t" —tti tL* •» v" ea it- n rjer if :ct
t'-' Hr » jj'sr* * ■ui' .la t- : j-ttir
»i‘ t fT-: 9sp»ey cxfiiiti*.
- n *tr tJ» ■tarter in i.» r'-
'_>» tet eitia a«J t: tee at/ t rae »tjr. tz .j
'ill ; C t.l»b I ’ ~ H '— Z.X fir Hl* t**
.'.■< ti. iftdwh - H.f t ct
ywi tbat' A m Tb'»». ihaw «f -n >
T > -'ll' j tft'S fr... ‘c-iire* k tlitt ia
tL* rrw* t_ct rr > ir* au in ititt «.:
* rtA. It, trjrose <S»Ts I cc- ->t • - £ :
Hi"j>',i wit i cavvt e* i r-«ttv *>it I utasd
rxcok'j «cy *• Gic j»*»* G-retr*. Hi"
l ?II JiTiTilliT,
Fs' ' * t o: ter . » t z t yr. tb*
Wti? C«tdPoo, tWvti ts»«ar.>* ti Bii>
tvxe. tie Ysjtf&xjM >4 t -t: t ruar
x arc'at* to ttx rir w.ta Hi" c i-a*-
rr'« ii/: ocMMa. The ptoccw:i*n e*&t>tir ?of
ibcxrt £0 / ti'to f <e,‘ W.’.t L l«. «t*r. /'il'i
»Jti ••».:?«*, ta-TT r/z-i _i <4 -Hi' ; C,ier
m; 1x55? Ctat,” pau'fctfeC up awd G'xk n Per.evTi
ti'.i Afeone. Ti* m'mtndn/t pizeiei
ocf itr frtx L'_<* Ar. *'« ~,t tee
t y=6t co&tcaif/t itd*!«irferi. We %r.r-r Lcw
►ier to pe-'t3fc.»< 'be tee to which one of
iti’i,'* wocLd prn th t irtiSce eff
or. ".» He wrn>o 4 conoc* rther,
v. :„ti ipp*-irfci n je*teai«y’* Conner, ctevir.y
iLe p'ywi/t if gv-«ee op by tie W'Lkti
for p'l'-T ix* 1 wah fe -jTae?i sia t' it tee i-uthoa ea* m a ;x? orr
it Wi»L;agtw tbooki ea-re t-ce aa
I>>e* Seriavr N cLoIm rtppcte that Lie coc
vutoeou ran be goUed by ruth ehai>yw t*i<E«!
Jt ;« pa.ofol to *ee axtn LigL in rank and dignity,
‘hut ler-J.'.z lhe:ri»e.Tfc* u» ie the v>ii« of partv.
We cannot >. er»e ti.i lettex from Senator >HL
o’ n«u kite&d&i lor pobycalion.— .V. Orlea*u
TiASX or Kiircri r-—A letter from Low*#-
» e, ut*<ser date of Oth imtaat, pubLahed in tae
PLilade'phia or?h Amenran, ta;.» —
u The eVyckiiobier-’ meeting rioted jet’eriar,
and all went off pearcabfy. But one op.oioo
Wst» eipreMcrj 00 the aotjeet of the habiutj for
the erter-taaoea of atork in Lanu* of innocent
Loliers—all concurred lb at the Bank wa-
tain’j and justly liable. The D.rect jr* elected
ariil do all they can to efleet a speedy ad/j*txneTit
of the wnole tnatter, and LaTe already aetectfei an
airent to proceed to PL iaddpt.a, and ascerUio
irxce fuiiy the extent of the iwu*i, and to have
tne matter vmled w»tb t ht Srhu>!k..l Bank.^
: ‘ ree how he *n;ae». ;n arm*,
Uorci, tpeaki and 6ghtM, acd 1* fcjrr.eelf a war.”
Among the many p'ea.» nz iocidenta that oc
curred! dur:ng uur attendance at the triurioua 2ii<j
ofi ermuary duJ our hearts good to
hear Haxmoe’s brave old aoldien describing
scene* of by-gone days.
They fought their battle? o’er again.
With Harrison 00 hiil and pia*n!
"We will relate the foil owing as we lieard it,
Pom one who ia 100 brave to depart from the
truth, and we do so with additional pleasure, be
cause thecffice-fe er* and tt-eir dependent* are
constantly laboring to prove that General Harri
son in an ‘-Old Granny” and a “Coward.”
At the period when Fort Meig* wag
by the Bntieh army, under i’roclor, and a horde
of ravages under the most noted chiefs. General
Harrison received a message from Proctor, com
manding him to surrender, and at the same time
threa rung that in case he did not comply, the
fury of the Indian* would not 1* restrained. The
i fort wa* knee deep in wa'tr, the men were ex
ha i* by constant wahbing and exertion, and
tke “»avages were yelling like so many Devils, ’
when the brave Harrison summoned hi* officers
to the Council table. Beating himself at the
head, he read Proctor’s m issage, and beginning
w, Lis junior officer, roqu' ted each to give his
opinions as to w hat course to pursue. Thinking
that, in this instance,discretion would be the let
ter part of valor, and wishing U> spare the effusion
of Wood, a majority favor of surrendering.
When Harrison had ascertained this fact, he
and addressed them in this emphatic lan
guage:—“Gentlemen, I am charged by rnv gov
ernment with the defence of thia fort, and if it
were a* deep with. Wood, as it now is waler
I would not surrender it.” His officers, spring
ing to their feet, exclaimed, “If that is your de
'•'-Hiixar-o*. Geierxl vt at vm t * — Tvr~ %
umr xi JOf nexsscsiSEr 1* auc - r- ei». «si -*rn.
PsWdi. .1 TATOtt SUL Zi-4_i C. *
Ti* -esiL- m *«arrjes a. irsswr". TTh &*isz
•'Tire vw —Tut «_:i nl .1-
-~**ritr 7 t:i •mi tjf»rr_ Hemsssn. Ewncitda:-
.» atueaie *h i 1 ~i«iw m lit* isa as» ,
fas. wid erjaßteiciy •Dr:-‘-ew'ci tn. »x imy :n
--t-, uir w ut-j inaejer nir. n
iii t ixz*-. "• rs rX»I hU. -i 'tUXi- HiJ""
. 1 ' Uiffei- ■
_#:r C jefesEst.
_* ♦ - cs *. sw-i~sgii mi,—Si W Fturns
v u. 1 - T *u» _ui* aaii*»ae»-
n*e?c 2ae unpaeiesc dear .* *4
-T s'-t> hS~t T 'n* 7“:-^-—C-J
Cv tn.: ■ .- u* -j.'tw. —jnr tic -lit -i.-er.
F:*r 1. >mni-c:x iao u;j4C_
i* lr. (*■» ir rzb - »:r
i-ufcs -ii..-* gi-xrjsin.
1 ir'st p •Bl £*UttX
Jr itryvni uL c-ahu* xa_
T*«e zufoi 1 wz . ‘•e*— —7 z_i zi ue ittmzizrL
i!H _L«t us 1 inaosstr n ciit-sei_s - _aL
i frfr 7'- t raw-r v Imsct ti :m Ler^-srcr?
-■■Tr >. •. 1 : : i._- :•*■ - t —1 im - ?■-
u-y 7k snttOi*. funi aanonntr 11 >— -4 ’*. tne
n u:-* yer i- . : i-4: v u't m?
2 tuec aarmre rx. .i”- ccmOd. Tut v iii
i 2 1—isvLiii£ e**tC zun. ■ o: ".•1 T in-
• r f
70* 1 z.. ‘ zntn. v.: sc» nat:-
4. j Vs. 4— Hit;l 4l> 1 tZ~I lit
7;i Cs >ui LiriX—l» xuf 1 oe
-;4 s xi -in- H os* ■... ■ ,gßni ' B - " '
O'-s »ei -it* ’t*ss tr 7' —-
i. *»e £:>; li ya. c.** :c 1 ixsti ••enip —l t
-w,:e*t t T ne v»vM «: tu** zir. —l tat
i- r ;b£*r 17 '. * tT.t jf Oi 4_
j, . ■'** -zr.-gr; ■'—tJ. nr.6*V'. I*7 -i;t- seatt
t -or* piw fe'-i ~jt*\ jcr». z»utr
;* -JT H-. -..7 t*'"t»a -w: W 4BI* '• rtrsjo
t>>. VTnisas;:'*-i >& .ie?n ra s..—.«■«««_ th
>- * itAnt sr; ids gesTirEßeesfi. wxsuec nJawuu*:
•0: -».*4rt.. tz jtM. ..;c_ 0: :»£■ t: orsaasr.
_tf 4T» «t. 2 zu* *r.r T*: UC TKPVJ i ■ Zaz jr*-
r1 a Jt »** tr 1 .yts; t-y pm » os. T.—,se »4i
■elf? im rt UKnfcria*. t*>t »ks -i»t jC£ 'i
• . -» rsne*; ir I’-s.uc wt-aEz. oesx-
- .:. - * i -*-; —t'r - -'.-.-.-'I _ ■■ •
T.T »X1 Mb -U U'—TJ »l_.l - »
Kir I *ut tr.*-':;. 1 -Jt boose «, nttix .n»-
H**cwt »e-_. i_ T'jt-j tr. l'.-vbi rs-tis t .•’
1 jCjCjKXMM, enpelii'j csfiscnf—drv iwve as
1- J VL' . . I.T . - ! *■-*• H -
itt a neary uci* ban: k iu vix * a a Uit
«->Pjesb : _z..a*—•‘*ej ctim-t l ro'jtc Ev-ic s: ; £-
• iMfci. ~t »;is —. vr -j* A.*r«a rrvtrr*. to: izrtg
n *-■*»: tr t eral. 1- zs..js» a wtuea. ■» *i*t
txLj, xor • i/t*Pecs u*t * *nt, to: m every
>0- rjc «f • v-.t tn : t»tr* * o*»* axe
• t ; .' t; t *-r. —’ - - .t » •: • : » ' -
r* —r tit-, ow x 9; i *j. « vt
t'<: 1 :tf» ’v'.tiet *X 1* .4 *sk toe tits >:
in. Tefe, and >’«rpfcb'
*'-t w.::i it s Soutu ’ —TWkfls«ia|
litfi'lmg j.t of 1 »W'i CfersOA pr »
•;;■ * . £rvix 1 -■»'£ tr. .z*r. ‘Tie* -of >'m./ 1
* >H-r >4 C* r*4 t be*a. t-4-x t,r%; : -*r t
t n loe »i .**e Ukmtt W utr «ove «fc< treesy
t-o: ts zr. Jbtut'. w o. Xi mc t.
■art cks r»t _:&*•* u * icfe TW x* ,«ev'.
of liter tx. w so ytzj" btr. T: s^itr
h*c j - r « ; t:i nt jiß* tr -tx *:;■-« 't it». «t
c -4*l j? tn; ra, i r j *it>„ - n :b* <-ao» io
4i* Os 4'. i t» * J w hm, was l RMMr
t- j& no rx'jf ecjteit; .nan ' tes i-jt can:
f e 1 bsca d :o porbeu t* cilesejoc. ex ♦;/. i -at 4 r-t
-jt rt » jU.; w t**-4 . ■-* »t* &»** :>-- •Y.nrzzjt
4 rer 4r» toy -. . * t 2_#>. 4'>. r*r»: * s:.*tu e* c
to bn ; -t>zz.t Ijt tez: «b .a'jrwK
tv: i £»v*je ewt£ **4 t-srit»: TJt >.T*r» were * >^e
by r->e ti tx> e*-: tit f i::; vu*. todum-
Tig u» tt*s * wtv a ;trj-e tax; at tie >:' Ja*-
e-r. 4je >-r t * ewe v»-: it tr. v *rw—- s'*: i*
"’•-.' fit c ‘ it*K Atter tve * : ry. :»tr riitat
*riC ret were bwovewi ; m re rj t C-y eye
a tbe ' /4» *>4 M r m <_ ■ »:i kc m as?
r-tvt. a a nws . _*cr »<r. twokad as J a
tea: .it x r'*'i.c_nt
j A t fxws Ike
! Cxi*’ i:id .’'tvi, 'tit it &*: tit' tu i; :r*"v
w* . ■ hi *■ e w :e. is ; * w .t: i r -^4-
■?y oc b/trd tee vi t .* itear toiti w_> 4.-4 ve. ,»r
ttt rive:, it 4 ►' v.i • t ttt .* :,re: . *:.
Ti.4t • e t *»e 4*: Ct ter h i »tet ittr it
i CiAcxsaiU. The -'titT rze w.t coasosaolei, 4tf
-"e zmtz-'s - .” became :v#- v. at 4 thes r . axd
t.4tr4 *4.tCt-fit-t 4te-a ifiH Atu4C. xie W4i t'tt 4t
te“t —<4; * ata t>e * 1* -4 co tte
1 iceam of :,r t»e n< too drunk to
:'fc4rt,Le fen: tt .« r-eit mortibeatjan 4.4*1 4 1
BHidet Irik w. 44 .ter member 44: ; vi;tvx>:.
iti; .4g b.x if. -i.'xte _& r.*i g try ” No44.ig
4i 4 .-eea heird of her -p to tue iaten tttes. rr;>
. ii/ly ir_«e -*u ij'. 1 . j .
The \atioitai i>rbt ofGreat Hritain.
Acc.4r i.4r to the L&4 t-on Weekly Review,**cd
127 years te*7r..a*tlcg in I*ls, Eng lax, i spent bo
;n war and b‘2 in
n.x.e year* n. mixng the expend] tare ui
mat penoc ->c muhon*. w *- cixsed bv the treatr
I of Ryswick in 1697.—Then came the w*r of the
Bc*ni»h succession, wrich begin 1702,cca:iade«
in 1713, and a4>sorbed 62* rn ..'ion* tof monev.
Next was the Bpac:*h war 1739, setiied ana, v
at Aixly-Chapelie in 174-r, coring o 4 Bilil.aM.
—Then came the seven vet';' wtr >f 1756, watch
t termiruled w/.a the treaty of Pa'i* in 1763. and
in coo-se of which were spent 112 mi.lions.
Tne next waa the American war of 1775. lasted
| eight years, coating 136 millions. The French
Revolutionary war began in 1753, lasted nine
years and exhibi’ed an expenditure ol 464 m.i
--| lions. The war igatost Bonaparte, bezan ia
1303 aod ended m 1815 : during these 12 vear*.
the nation Kpent 1159 miliiom-, 771 of which were
'a.sfed Ly taxes, and 38* by 1 xans. In the Rev
olulionary war we
American war, 104 mi'.ixtru; in the seven vea-s'
wa r 60 million*; in the '‘pani-h war of 1739. 29
millions; in the war of the Spanish rnrrrssinii
32§ miflions- in the war of 16*8. 20 minioas.
T tai borrowe?: in the seven wars daring 65 years,
about 834 miliious. In the same tme we raise j
>7 taxes I I*9 mihions ; thus fbrmHg a total ex
penditure on war of tu y ihoumnd and twenty
three million*of pounds sterling.”
Mr Combe, the phrenologist, thus comments :
—“The nat.onaJ debt of Britain ha* been contrac
ted chiefly in originating in commercial
jealousy |and thirst for conquest; in short, undei
the suggestions of Combativeness. Destructive
ness, Acquisitiveness and Self-Esteem. Did nol
our ancestors, therefore, impede their own pro*,
perity and happiness, by engagingin these con
tests’ and have any consequences of them reach
ed us, except the burden of paying nearly thirty
nuUiont of taxes annually, as the [rice of the
gratification of the propensities of our ignorant
forefathers! If the twentieth pan of the sums
had been spent in effecting objects recognized hv
the moral sentiments—in instituting. Cor example
sem-.narie* of education, making road*, canals and
and public granaries—how different would hav«
b»-en the present condition of the country, which
exhibits the spectacle of millions of men toilinz
to the extremity of human enduran-e for a pit
tance scarcely sufficient to sustain life.”
Fr'/mthe American Traveler.
Tax Carrekv,—The “Amiable Julia” was a
fine brig, of 50fl tons burthen, built at Baltimore
but owned in Boston. She left the latter piace in
August, 1812, for the port of Rochelle, in France,
commanded by Capt. Leatherbory. a man of great
experience in sea matters. He was about 45 years
of age, tall, and rather lean and lank ; but he had
a genius within .hat started not at trifles ; be had
an eye like an eagle, and could fare the broadside
of a 74 without winking; he had a voice that
would drown the sound of a speasiag-lrumpet
and he could wield a handspike like a Hercules ’
Her crew conaistcd of about twenty men, native
Americans, except one, an Irishman, a true son
, *r Z>n.. rw xui OEwe-etti '.*w to»
Knew* t «!•.; . Autefuca. Tx« ir-tg ww» *rn«e:
v ;i t - *t. xt uza. tu UW
lei t i.rarHttt— «- mtueeu..*. * x» c-;r»»rt » s
it ae*mat**i dter * v.«wsini: rant o:’ -i i.-f*
toiob: xnaesMHrx.*, *'nt -ataiaqpt neresr-gsi
«i. tMi J* -Cii* - ■ Wil*L fct.- anC
a* ,!*- t c.t-T ,r fc-ilflT ICR Uj. -—■ KM V. I -■- *rt
;g- Ulii- WSL I to*' ■ IF. tJU *v
iJL Li- irttt.** fcl4>4» «■./"‘T 13 Er - *
*r. .lit . .i,* L SBSf O tis-‘ HUT »iiHr »W
U~C Mxl pTLCWK. I T *-.R i‘* r
no-xinir ->t t" -t*t -* -on*,
kml ;«wnu? wxju t Hi* ta&»uia
Etft CSil*» - U>'-iI Hit V-I*i-V i-T*.
s:«ji jnwet *»t t Bls r - o' »f t t*l *7 xruiit
Bii* cfcHit wrxuai xg amaaet. wx***? st*t
t'. -us -i«t. on* «fkc G* *rt Ti* isria
ta»nHs: x*r :ir mourns t-i*. tt ui ut rarr
t“li_ f ■«** WXISX. - T UB»tX.L..ey -lit X 'r.ltl ' •
t «!•■- ur-uHf ber :t»i eni -Toe-ex mti; Lta’-t
-,2: ~ r. ~~r CliTXgl: 1 fc: jet. tl*. Jl-
FUtrai .7 tieeWEiT It lit US 3e"'tii lit'* I X'-t>
ctr?* **Tf«r_ BT ,'l ; —j.*k_ 'LTS. . 38jg-l -11- * UfH
It-XiSt itr _•-£ ijr Hit MFgt.*X Etil M fjUl ■* I - l_a
4-i 11 iitt zz~ tin. -XL. lit iii-’ t i_ii intiit
M - g~i*»— Bill Z"-' ~ » - r UL-lii-1 * ’XBM' ■ -*L W illi
rc i* k-i ih.i -.zz'~t i*tn anrr’ed a*. ui»»
T'lit L-sbaua. •» i. •»■ n. Hit t-.t-tijcir.. i>- «
j_- i-sr _lj» fi : ts H'MJZ. ti txlfi BUI'VSC Ht' iriaii-
Eijt. J; »-t _iit Ambi. ;* i*bc tr 1 I*l
i*wersfci_ . :.hi 1' .*i witiciit^
- " * ITT 8 ucl l""'t li H*t CUSSIiC' E3tl
£_. H*» ZZIWM tl -lit Wfißß- i lit HS. lr.'«r
ri. T ? ijea ui/ :>* H-i i. rt «t- iirt
f >~*r.:>z.rzs&s: :•: Hit i:..a 17 -i*t 7’irt iiCitr
:r iL.i iHi-t iri'iin-i ber :■ irt':» 5 na* »s >. r
vi<.e Hit ii*e. viiii Hii cx-siirt: t euci jbi.
it rt-'iCt w-» 2ii< h si
Si aK> vll t 1: 2w.ti £ii rrj ki .-. 1 t > . 1
tuiscH sbe iitfH t. rhi i»i ■» ctiiit lit* tire nryai
f,it >f Hit h*t-:«i- »i»r. i-i.t. lot-: Hit rui;jsr *
Hit .’i- i- tiii it —»ei ber iirexsdts 17 ijs inn*-
*tr.-.-rt. iitr iiHiiirti-ii. T’lrt 1 "-—ii
u.i_: I tiTifT :*gt '< lit rsx i.-y'i Ep:>t itr
i". l ~~ ■* Mvort .11 it* t Trutn s&*aaat. in
K*» :L-'o*ee t Bitot I' i»i: -. :•= :»e*-
cr bed. 7it A -1-1 « 1 it dseiftr-v.
i*.*i ir r-hintn an m- ! in fiat ix H.m.*tr
HfT .ti-iei ix _i ts.-i_r*£t 7;t-''jni: ■ -;i_t
*.t t aespermi: 11. t r-tt utr j v ,;.i
I. :j: itmi lit 7 - i«r. ii»-i *er:>n.2t: in.
11. deaemyne. xiu:: is t tt i_: n u
ij*7 »t*t ii*iio:x*a6fci :.r h Hjc *ii« i<f H*
M£L*S X Z'Th'JZ. itrtlt-l **:o lit Wl'llilr K Hit
Atfebi« lit it x i«f lit .'i t ;t iirt t.^t
■:>* ?tir wi; -nnti.tity r.iy>t. 1x 1: ::*
set- —m mni -. . - :■£. it 11- .
111 1-* lilt tl-il -1 .1 :rr'llti_ V fill> 1 * l**a
zr xjjer H t HiC'i*e; m wetpoei. rtin i: i »
ini'll t- lit* L*r* tac i-ie: 11 riii:i i. i
»XM . k:* li» -arii ItSI tl'M; twj *
is.-? S'Mti t me rum iir rtniaa *u: lit 1. 0*
it- ii'M 17 lit fait 1* Ui intlier. tn: tarn s;l-1«
= ti: i&ffKber 11 iic-r rti 7it J a .1 <-
aa besef aetrf j 1 trSrc er ik -t
--zeiixtber F-~rt;t*«-. u -it Brnass. as tj?t
lk* lit Hit Os I:-.- Htl.
G. 5. 2_ H. M **;i.i
A 81.1 H:»: tjt L.?i*y:,—A pcsMit geir
en T r >ri C*ll H ifitii It trf trt. t IZTIBT
jt - **r'»ot it stit t _*t ct if.i; m x.:m jc.
Ht ittt rn._L.-T t.i ■ nru dreie* til. it
11s-tt» ■-:■ u_t retreat! net ■id lit t* ri V*‘etu
h* tiptioed lit 1 4i':i ; it
*k*lt*T It Htl fßS"rXtt“. 11 *tei. • r lie n_-
idxir. >* riTtm* >: tit :<n» iiie. lh ;c;
grr -d lit ctscncL •*!> nvi.! tbas n: i:n
-111. t xl’ m-ftnt-at*- it pejtstns »*» rtit
n .t £>-Tsed hu.
t* diieter -area:ol* id*7 m pt.>-_rt. 7 inn
ocip'-eed e. 11 j ie i»i t bosL ‘it :«?rr ifiei
r iII’X ti l* i*S tiii. Hl*. Z
iLkl extierx bere .-it »’:« <** to i,s
-ii 7 T ■ iH ■» 1 io Hr Wilt I_S Will
i«4 o_i! I: to :-t t xt-t parrn-t.
*r>: :t:it ioi ibt greiitit et.'d*poaseMkc*&
riTt i i fron a m s«m e :»i*.d. V.‘„e ti H- *-
:>oo&i I (-i* i rrpreaeniLUofi cd 11 eteut Hit
that t>A place si l *i: . .1 tit-
r il. iii »' cd iii»» that n_-tt
i - -« *■'./. a* tu Ht'-iCttiDJ 11 ndecxst Bid
pfr. 1. Tit bear 00 lu occaa we* aerr m
Both &r £t xi Afner.caE :«*. t.*i wi;ri ti I&-
dtas c*n m: i->. : ;: ai en-rrar. _» bexs: nit to
carry c-3” a pxsy aider hi* sm. H;f temper,
pr.itii t roe if »rT r»i. d*-i been rxSed o*
j ten "Got* kxiaed n JiScreit pans of ha t*o:r ;
. a., eotreoebei th.tnet.Tes. aii Bwxltei
frw desperate rf'ort on t*s part, shock! not a
ickr sh,x td.MUf*i ibe Leatd speed,.t jitc d.n
his qaktoc. At this nontu a nsai bc-*ier than
* ccnp’i .-it i-> HiiM , -tore then, the -far
j rushed upon l-*n. tree tis rn !*r«a his d-arvi*.
, arid teraa to won: d-n hi? tremeiioas
, daw*. The wretched rat wy smdi!e to c:n
--r tend with hi* moscnlar aatazonist; aimjr Lis
fc w<ands were letiiqg out d.s die. wiea a r jsmz
j Norriar»-dtT. nai.t to » s . __e. t on. ntiei to
L,; assistance. Besides tie danger wnieh be
_ h rrt«e;f .acur*ei. and witch, of course le he: no
w teedn? of. these was sot&e diScukj in sb->:<;i2
: lie b*ear without stnaing the cn. As he adean
j «-i. the bear rose on bis hind leg* to noeet his
L new opponent: h:* Ticum dropped before d:n: the
: So an er se-zec the faeoraUe oppartanitv. rai
- »ej his gun with both ams hirb ai*ote his ttad.
e to bring it in a aoriioatal portion oa a keei
. tbe bears, tr,!. trusting- ho feeling more thin
a «?*-*- d'sebarged his piece. An immediate dean
. would con’d alone five titier from tiesr
e enemy. Tlie success, which the brave man
. J&serred, aUen-2ed him. and the bail passed
e through the brain of the bear, which lie;! dead on
f the leaned man.— Diiicr, far mLa ML
u | A PosuTic ADTtJTrai.—AdEu! dits
per says the following a .venture has
1, the ?u l ject of much cctwrsrtion. On an
J ing early in Ma*ch !is‘.a oct dask. a commefcia.
- travelier was proceeding from Cheltenham to
- ’ Gloucester in a g : g. when Le wii accosted bv a
respectably dressed lady, who informed him that
: she had been disappointed by the coach, and re
> que«te«J him to g.»e her a seat in hisgi_*to Glou
il cester. Commercial trarelie’-s are proTerhialSr
r gallarrl an : good na’ured ; and the gentleman of
> the road in tbs instance possessed all tne best
rt character!* ics of his £ ord r.’ He was happy at
t- the opportunity afforded h.m of being of the least
- service to the iady, whose petition was couched
- in e most moving terms; ami. delighted rather
y than otherwise with bis good fortune, which had
e thrown such a companion in his wav to beemiie
t the solitariness and tedium of his journey, he at
s once granted the request, and Landed the lad vto
y the at at hi* side.
n The lady’s proportions were somew hat of the
d largest, an i the arm which the traveller assisted
ea« she sprang into the vehicle appeared capable
ti of defending it? possessor from any improper lib*
g ernes. W hetber this circumstance induced the
traveller to cast his eyes downwards, to observe
whether ail proportions corresponded, or whether
like many other gentlemen of his craft, he boast
ed of being a in fine ank ! e?. we do
a not know, but the story goes that, waile his eves
■> wander toward the fret of bis companion, his
1 sight was far from being gratified by detecting
!, something which bore very ouch the’appearance
t of a man s trousers peeping from beneath a silk
3 cloak and flounced pelticost
! All the comfortable reminiscences of past dan
-1 gers, ana all the anecdotes which he had ever
» heard or read from the -.Newgate Calender.”
t came fresh to his recollection. He had no d' cbt
, be was riding chffk by jowl with a second Dick
Turpin, who was only waiting a suitable oppor
-5 tunity to rob, and perhaps to murder him. A
1 lucky idea rose in his mind; he drew his silk hand
.0* Irw to* wxe t M aru ft*
ra» * mu*m&C ’ vut *^l gw** .. 1
«t.»i*.i 1* < 1 u.i.i *«»n ; ■' , 1
t&s* u **** : ... * / f
—* Vut-.«»!,!, e> a, 1
4ut a»py J« ktwt «UM4i h %0 h
.i»» v -< n. r» i,-,.* s ,^
M pik 7 ■ A
«nt n.» « ywffi li \ ,
'vmrnitr• . . ■»*-' -H . . ,
■in ii . wi M«n. B»Obu iisT C
. * « -iw-.
-'•-ir' ;*r (■■■MU — •Id . Tl c
" * A "
l*# l* Li s
! bm£ sdk m lie mm, aaa t
mrbUvinuß Tmif sain pv.ic.,l . '*».» j
•’-tUs I 4br woM aui a» fr-. iL <
-V -
t *-Ili* Hi* r*»“ -** * V. — * -r*. «Ei* 1 . r
, . ■*» in>
■,;.•£ Xi!Tl£S»t ’ld* , , 7 *
•W w4weS WW |r **% .
7>! .
.'um iibf irs-Cfamoei Hi* -■_>* * r *'g- 1
. , - •», . I
- ri-ETI.U** 1 * L-isw=* * 1
**. , , , * ® I 'Ju,
V . - , - • -. •
7 » t KW4'P 1 » h.:..»•• • •.
in* Ynr t mm Umk y* <
. ••. *■. ■• ■> : * • ■ .
'■e *r : H.-cxti ;«'•* Ot 7’t»' - - • . '‘- k '
■ iJt Uk
n r Hat i*t wus.ii tut en—*ru\.*~ "
s.:Tir vx Ufa. mesuenet k.> vi I^-
Lmy a* 7 "i»ufci reypii l -: ntr ■**: ’■* *
was *u. ar.» ttit ecn-v? 13. a {
isudL. ■ 7 net fahfe -
\i r:u& fiiii WK Hit Qliaa 1 ii-'jstir: •'j
-n»ir liiHi-n-: si-wr rr.i rcr: *aeEir. u :-rt -
K¥*"itrEf b»—r t» mv. ti mr. i;* . v -,
wen si. 7’tii* ctiir 1 tr»s*r: - • 7
Lite 2. *r— .at aia»; v v t.l o' 1L * r t f> ., ‘ -
_ • - • -- t IB j,
Bt*3i*. Hi iaCTrr.STmls*t:SJ-T ii - -
. , -- “ ■ ■ P S«H
■w'fiter Hty un: Isi iir si
r«raihrr is wd* ta. tffiijTa.
-j* ii rag-R of W xunxsr i.:,. •*.• 4
- tL * L 5 1
« - -C-g -a -TL. T> L*v~i laty »n jt.
.. fieacx micar- aat i-«* naiTiar
10**. v: : nzStsmi n. or* cmaii-r
C cast UseLwi aa*£ lua ae r u ext-* ? *.
jnt-ed wrx wiuix Ht cast ti: u. JL-nixi
Ufc- :»ie* -K He sane t
# -airs ' x
1 ***»_;-■ j» IT.^,
• S;y iel rs a; 1 vai t C-«t
it-rt s—- 3. :—t ‘-lit. I; _;-c«-a*T *•> g- - T - .
1> t L*t ufc. ~X -•-? i.rl.!,£ rysrjj
(*~it by 7'vn.g an: pri.-nr fusn i- ici :> -y
- ■»- it i:-t liEH-i-ti Ht- Viter :y 1.-
ft* i.act H.r. a» 1 k»ngr l ill.a Tae
irtit—atf ts Jit iyjn tn : pn- -
Tzit Lrrfer* pmsaae h; au»*iess le t--iii
-77. - j z.z>zi.~zieztrs js very -t* t ~
ie :«t tacir rx. •» i-_u: hpv *.■
- rtf. i*T-i- t f - T - .
A *>>■•: beafcg iik c«_ :■ ;* :*i ji u*»
:2»*c «s Lae st,"'. a i»-ae- : r *t*i, h -.t £l*
LIMH LL itC 12. -Jo£ l.f **,- FL3. T»is.
ver -sctans’ zt~nr m eis» *,: r.i im:-.,
visgrz _ j arven. &scos. *?•£ - art. t£t:i
it*?*: as: - *Lt-i”. _l —: s. »e* y :v - 7,rrt
£XL3Tix-r- Hi yeexiTMgi. is : .-t ■
»a» kt OMec f :*a tar water » wesdy &cc
ls "at: ic l Ztk~ >— ■ g t: xae ~-~“'.'r.»
&■: t-—.?ra. i-.-:>ad. i z ■«*? v uts
ir.t -s- :oK. iji taix as:f vt;r 3
U r T i t-tt., I**?, Parv -t :.-t : -x- j^c*.
_*y. lieu being j!4 l hmih : ■
«*tTen year? :• seetrs. tktv tor: neare
.rg fur the purpose jf : tLg:t: ip »r kak.
: r -H Hit v rfru >: vt-ikse-s. aac m* i-uasati
1 *o*Li.e*s »--H. very gres: profit.
F.yi ivo x £:?rm Fititj —Mritt
:*m kX X. t'ir*s Httit H-L.-f- IXi ai-CU2.1,-.LH-‘
:*: trs I sx.L-i tL.:.*s ;-e* «*y.
l- *-*3 afcT Zj*?* « -Tk 5 «falxr i ' r%T I-‘'"lift’. « -
t»tT tr.t*- i'rc, i Eiiy tfciatc H*£ LliC,;*
istrr, .V; k*_ L.-ae .Nia ..ta va *tti:irL. t »
& r a ti. ctxtrLiC-es, id: dt. .21 i *. it -c
I?:- tj i t* gtJ—E? L3*eta. -.'lt -V ft ts fi*
w«s repeating » 2.LHr*»r cf :trr*. x* -hAs s
-.- • . •’ A -i*- ....
gnesAng. ax. l:: ia-_-Ag ia* i: ha *-us »•*:
she perceive: Ji. \ anoot qs«c y *etA.
t»?r »: the
that wxjrr. itxxse-: the rest cf lat rrtßar
T7 .* piqmed .-tr. I: tstnae, M. T.javx v»
e»*i z stranrer: r 2: tx-er trzlz x: irr’w
:jlsr At? to h« ae-g-ec-t-d. ever : - rat id s’i
XX- oSj--j 1-, MLM tHL-X sx:?**e7 iHI'XCr *t.
- wh. btr. in rain abeloote: :: r a ex, t ">1 2
seitie in the comer Ifxt-SHit. s 1
.ixger x. -Ax* x -.s. *xe rrise after xt: t-fit r x
ii*,ai»d. atzcacxix-g lux, asie; :x t k»v T
“ Give ex- t. or •jpsß r-B of bt -i; n
si: £x*ac. mv- y repfaed V ’• 7i*7:x~ i«m*
ccoietrrxxH ;x Sx» t xhx iluhv
lx: ant it Xax dt-ae ftciiH: *xt c,X-
:.e.p rtiXL'i..xg ox ix-e EHr.unrv o*: x.s 3»>
proval, s.ace e*-ery xj« c.-ea tzi-ioot. 's
- True,” r oid Va* ox - tier «* t k ra*
you by fiiUevy. Ex: I res. 7 er.eetx yri-tbP
ft-*, prefer lefciEg t>q the truth. r*iz a; Ht'S
ot rfuptrwr g js& Fee aa iattnl Ac Imp
auesx>ely a; 1.- ; iXcX xc>_.r z Mt her
*x-c grasped rus say;og. - At length I :.i»f i:-‘
Since*'y. Gst: s? your fbex-ih :— xjc« ;
yours fer Kt’ I —Jfcaart XdUm
A X-:v *7 :1 r> t —7x= li. it :
stages that a potion rtaecg of one xxri r.ic
sons, wx3 s*c about k-ntuag aco c-r.v ,x »tc '
pit of i: wa Ter*: o*y. Jet *Ah: p a.e :t cam
the 24th nit. Others are to f. jiw - #
P Erctih, lathers m Jane, ax. the rex*-:*
13 LjC fiu.
u The whole,” says the Gentle ■*»*?
together for mu uai assistance i*7 >fef.*re. i^ !
pa. t x r e ban Jed for mamiXart.r xz pi-'fo* 5 -'
thoogh nothing like a ccrx*xxx. * .■* z
lerrp ated. Txe settieii»tt.i p*. >wl ;
maie near the centre of wLit w... p* .a- f
“tate 01' lowa, at the hear of ri' -ear. 5
Moines nver. The resrch of eirp re
ues westward, md probably dudnz the lrfi
many of the p;esent generation, the ■’ 15
Rocky mountains wid l« paved wax S-®**
shod with iron, and the hum axe turrxc - ' ::
merce be ueard on tr.*e shores of the Pshi’h
Besum) AXil Cai jf a.—Tie P:7&7 1
American Seoucel induizes the fobc-wiaf •*
sentiments on the suh:ect of the host— *
j tween i nglznd and China ;
In our judgment a more heaven-£*rtnz ' ' :
was never proposed, than tie Br;t.?a «'*
Ch,oa. Me blushed A>r our kind. wLe** 4 *
the French frigate L’Artimise showed br : '
sioes beiore a feeble. s<mi-run if: i* -*
Pac.hc, threatening immediate destruction i«
lo*wn in the name of the great F r ecch
less the chiefs would again sanction t *
brandy. But worse than this is the
sition of England, denies to bx -J'
• right of protecting her own children ircni n* *
worse than dea h. She insets upon
the damning drug, and because a G - Uli '
chests have b en seised, after every r
and interdiction had proved nnavading. »* **'' (
to launch the bolts of war at this miser*hk
pie. Such a wrong heaven and the buß**® £k
science forbid. ,1,
We cheiish no ill-will towards Eng!a r *‘
leel a chiid-;ike w onder and veneratioa
contempLte her Loary grandeur and J dUl^!
gor, her massive strength, her march u r , ° ll < .
mountain wave, her wide-reaching sW, ' V’ecTfr
cling the earth with the emblems of ber -
eignly—above all when we think of b e ‘
strength and greatness. But just io f ro l K