Newspaper Page Text
CHyramidi $c Swfintl.
J- \i r . A W. S. JONES. ~
»f—- - ALGLSTA. GA-, TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 26,1840. ~^T . jT^
On Brold street. -
e it w
C,,, » EolhLxr annum ,dv*«..
at six flksjj, .Qvanc.Kftvcn
at the end of the year.» [ • .fro .«-.
the end of the year. J
In ieeeMaace u th|rho o-sDireihlt* views
«t the Southern Convention.
n I Ki: C T IM,?po It x VTIOV.
rn.i-M vs I. w*Ajj* &n
“£ *• I rf' : P, »nd are now opening,
a iar-e assortment o; i'JIEMICALS and other
" KL i,.s, from the Lali«i. a *:.j ; -v ol Mender, fiVurer
10. ( one ol the nrsl Irons.** «■ Englando which will
l*e sold in a state of theiijifrast parity. These with
then former supply on h| a large and
very c omplete a-s..rt:rie;!t|<-;>nsi oi a Inujsfevcrv
art io m the Dragline lofiiilly kept in this market
Orders will oe tharAfiVHv received and attend
d to with despatch, most accommodate
tPnn * t oct 17
GAHDSN si KD.— V in 1
, 01 fres “ kogfwfc Gwrden Seed, just reverie,
and warranted gethtine. jAmong whir h are seven
varieties Os eaHy Com!, Hatton and Pop Onions
Bulbous Roots, Dahlias, i |n^i> r Seeds, xc.
vixn. utorrtM Itojiin Potatoes,' and Mu
opting \\ heat, lor sow mg. For sale bv
\\7 OODEN AND i,V! I.AV W A RE.—ChTl
* " dreu'? WagonjaiDllCrad es, Market Baskets
t lottos Baskets, t humß| edar and Fainted Wash
i iK’S, foot 1 übs, Dnir hints, Brass bound and
Painted Buckets, BroofiH, Brushes, and various
other ai tides in mis for >Me bv
dcc _ : ! I. 8- BEERS & Co.
f Milk article published below, concerning the
JL now and popular ;d|)CiUuie advanced by the
illustrious Goelicke of Mj?c- nany,cannot fail of ex
titmg a deep and thrilling interest lan ughout our
ntrv. ; ;
1 Translated fitim the German.]
of (Jg‘!nany,
The (iMUTPtof I!,i ham Benefactors.
L'iti tens of North and sdu.k America,
To Lons Offoh GjkiA . k, M. D., of Germany,
f Europe, belongs the irhjie; ’ liable honor of adding
:i new and precious doctrhse to the science of medi
cine —a doct; me which, t jotigh vehemently opposed
by many of the faculty, |of which b.e is a valuable
member,) he proves to b.| -L well founded in truth
as any doctrine of Holy j, it —a doctrine, upon the
verity of which are suspended the lives of millions
of our race, and which :h|rl Mly challenges bis op
pose is to refute, vi/: Consumption is a disease al
ways occasioned by a lUjordcred state of Vis Vito:
(or Life Frinciple; of t’h»> human body: often
secretly lurking in the; system for years before j
there is the least complain' of the Lungs .i~T —and
which may be a> certa-hje. though not so quickly,
cured, as a common co.ijl hr a simple headache. An
invaluably precious dbdtJtbc this, as 5* imparts an
important le»son to theiapj arently healthy of both
sexes, leaching them tjh«u tins insidious foe may
be an unobserved inmate} )i their *‘ clayey houses”
even while they imaging themselves secure from
its attacks, teaching tlirr’i Chat t\e great secret in the
art of preserving he iltlhuc to pluck out the disease
wnen in t.he blade, and'ilv wait till the f ull grown
ear. |
I’liis illustrious bciit’faL’Vor of man is also entitled
to \ odi unfeigned gia‘Jt|i and the gratitude of a
world, fur tne invention lot iiis matchless Sanative,
—whose healing fiat mar ustly claim lor it such a
title, since it ha» so signally triumphed over our
great common euemylJgj' Consumption, both in
tne first and last stag'?!,—a medicine which has
thoroughly lilled the \ .chum in tne Materia Medic a,
and thereby proved itself'the Xj > Conqueror of Phy
sic tans, w' —a mediem??. for which all mankind
will have abundant catrie ‘to bless the beneficent
hand of a kind Proveijnee,—a medicine whose
wondrous virtues have l|sen so glowingly pourtray
ed even by siine of om} clergy, in their pastoral
visits to tee sick chanr >r ' : by which means they
often become the happy |insliumenls of changing de
soonding into hope, sitkjrcss into health, and sad
of friends into jojjfulness
4 A 4 C> '4
A medicine of more t|a ue to man than the vast
mines of Austria, or ey?n tne united treasures of
our glooo,— a mediemef which is obtained equally
from the vegatable, aiU* and mineral kingdoms,
and thus possesses a ti\r\:e-J\dd power,—a medicine,
w iicU, tnougn designeiji r> a remedy for consump
tion solely, is possessed] ol a mysterious influence
over many diseases of l«u; human system, —a medi
cine, which begins to bjs 'valued by physicians, who
are dailv witnessing it{ -astonishing cures of many
whom they had lesiguß:. to the grasp of the Insa
tiable Grave.
DOSS of the Sanat*v<. for adults, one drop; tor ;
children, u ha f-drop !rnd lor inlants, a quartet
drop ; the directions eyp.aining the manner of ta
king a naif or a qn.Kn; j drop. !
Price—Three and ofc-lliu'd rix dollars* ($.2,50)
p r half ounce. j|
German coin value 75 ccnG.
R : I R R R
*-./ w I i ~> Sr Si
A <ei tincate from Iwto members of the Medical
Profession in (fcrrwa/iy, in Europe.
We, tne underslg o?L i'caclilionois of "ledicine
in Germany, are WBlilkWHrt that, by our couiso,
wo in a v forfeit the £rii«n !' 1 pof some ol the t.icui
tv. but not of it< ben<?tio ent mem: ers, w ho are un
inflaenced by sc.usif thrives. Though _we shall
refrain from an expression ol our opinion, either
of the s madness or Ufisounduess 0 f Dr. Goelick s
now doctrine, we ai7?|n .ppy to tnat we deem Sanative too vaijiiaie not to oe geneiaiiv
known —lor what Otjit? eyes behold and our cats
hear, we must'oelie> e|
We nore’.-v sta e] Jrhat when Dir Louis OflVn
Goolick first came l)cpre the German public, as pretended disco vpi|i t of a new doctrine and a
new medicine, we told him In the highest con- j
tump:. Ualfcr- mg pronouncing him to be j
a base impostor ai djffie prince of quacks. But, on much sat] about to s save. agam>l it
a , |for it. we wete u'.otivcs ot curi
osity merely, to ma -|e> trial of us reputed virtues
upon a number of oijilnriost hopslw patients; and
we now doom it ou* »b utndeu duty K o\en at the
expense of p't. he \ to acknowledge
its efficacy in cumgj r.-ot only ic. -umption. but
other fearful maitoiek, which we Itave heretofore ,
believed to be iucudv. le. Opr contempt for the |
discoverer of this ni&h me wa< at once swallowed
nm our utter astonishment at these unexpected
resu.ts; and. as a norlß for our abuse of him. we
>.o frankly confess it* th“ World, that we believe
hi r. a philantluo; Isi.ln ao c.ocs u.or.or to proles
s., n. and to our coujvji j . Which gave him birth.
i ue recent ad'ppja of this medicine into some
o our Euro - , lean ho|q|itals. is a surficient guaranty
that it performs all. It needed not our
estimony, for rr it is used it is its own lest
W1 n ess.’ HllliVlAN ETMULLER, ». d.
Germany, DeceraUtr 10, ISnG.
(3' ex 6 - &
in our paper to-day.utwtll be seen that this medi
cine has lost none ciflit. virtues bj crossing the At
lantic —for it appeji-ls to be wo. similar cures
»q America to tiiosi* |rliich nave as'.outs.’.ed Europe.
Boston Morning Put.
XT’ For tale by iIIIvNJAMIN HALL, at
the Poil-Ort.ce. ’ \ dec 9
t»eo. It, Road A Ranking Co.
D Branch at Augusta. \
EPOSITET in sums of five hundred dollars
and upwards, bearing an interest of six per
• cent, per annum will be received at this Office
for periods not less than ninety days, subject to the
orucrof the depositors on receiving ten days notice
ol then intention to withdraw
nov 20ywtf j. \v. WILDE Cashier.
NOWDEN & SHEAR have received from
aew Urk a very large supply of Kentucky
Jeans, winch they will sell at very low prices.—
!, Uo , a lar S e . supply of superior Satinets, to which
they respectfully invite the attention of tiie public
jan *
POMPE VENN ES. —Snowden .V Shear have
ju>t received Irom New \urk, a supply of
Rich Fompoyennes, a new and beautiful style of
ills lor ladies’ dresses, to which they respectfully
invite the attention of the public. dec 13
bors .live just received a complete assortment
of Pickles, consisting of
Walnuts, Cauliflower,
?iTangoos, Red Cabbage,
Ficolilly, (Unions,
Mixed Pickles, Peppers,
Gerkins, Beans,
In half gallon and quart jars; Cucumbers in pickle; j
London, French and American Mustards; Ketchup* i
of various kinds,and other Table Sauces.
Peach, Green-gage, Damson, Egg Plum and IVai
I reserves j Currant, Raspberry "and Strawberry!
Jellies and Jams; East India Ginger in pots. West I
India Grange, Citron, Limes and Pine Apple Pre- I
serves; Guava Jelly in glass and bexes: Citron., Raisins. F,gs auu otner uriea fruits, all
fresh and k. fine oraer. lorsaie u v
tiec 18 I. S. KERRS Co.
/ 1 HEAP IRISH LlNENS.—Snowden & Shear
" - have received, from New York, a Urge sr.p- i
ply of superior 4-t Irish Linens, warranted ai! flax, 1
which they will sell at reduced prices. Also, a I
large supply of Damask Table Cloths and Damask i
Napkins, and a few superior Marseilles Quilts, to
which they respectfully invite the attention of the
P ‘*£• mar 27
P| A \ O
H PARDONS,29S Broad street,keeps at all
• times for sale, a large stock of PIANO
FOR I'KS, from the best bui dors in the country.—
Tho stock generally consists of about thirty to forty
instruments, comprising all the qualities'. These
instruments, are selected withgieat catc, and are 1
recommended with confidence. Persons wishing
to purchase can do as well at this establishment as
at any of the northern manufactories.
A guaranty, as to quality and durability, is fur
nished in every instance.
Also, a well selected stork of sheet MUSIC, Pre
ceptors, <kc., together witli Guitars, Violins, Flutes,
Accordions, and most of the small articles usually
kept in a Music Store.
de: 21 ts
-r—- THE undersigned has establisli
ed himself in the city of Augusta,
% / the transaction of the above
business, and is connected with
pS&kt. an extensive northern manufac
turer, from whom he is constantly receiving large
invoices of the various articles in his line, of the
bestqua'ities,manufactured expressly for the south
ern trade, whicli are ottered to dealers and planters
on the most reasonable terms.
He is also prepared to fill large orders at the very
lowest prices, at short notice. A share of patro
nage is respectfully solicited.
S. B. BROOKS, No. 334 Broad-st,
dec 21 6m Opposite the late Planters’ Hotel.
LjUlJk HULBERT & ROLL, at the old ,
Vi iTISi stand formerly occupied by Maj. Jesse
of7 —Thompson,corner of Ellis and Mcln-
Lih, '■.« »$» tosh streets, are now receiving an en
tire new stock ol Carriages from the best manufac
urcs at the North, of the 1 test and most approved '
style, consisting of Coaches, Coachees, Standing I
and Extension Top Barouches, Chatiotecs,Buggies j
Sulkies, Wagons, &c., together with a large and
well selected assortment of Harness, all of which j
they will dispose of on the most liberal terms. Or- i
der* for any description of Carriages of their own |
of Northern manufacture thankfully received and
promptly executed. Their friends and the public
are respectiully invited to call and examine their
Xj’Repairing in all its branches faithfully exe
cuted and with despatch ts nov 1
Freight is now conveyed on the Georgia Rail-
Road, between Augusta and Greensboro, at the
following rates:
Merchandize, of all kinds, 40 cents per 100 lbs.,
(furniture excepted.)
Colton, $1 50 per bale.
G. H. Thompson, Agent for the Company, at
Greensboro, will receive and forward freight with
out charge.
Merchandize for the way stations will be for
warded from Augusta on Mondays, Wednesdays,
and Fridays. RICHARD PETERS, Jr.
Sup. Transportation Geo. R. R.
Nov. 14, IS3O. ts
The Passenger Train, carrying the groat mail
between New York and New Orleans, leaves Au
gusta every day at 6 p. m., and arrives at Greens
boro at 1 a. m. Leaves Greensboro at 9 p m., and
arrives at Augusta at half past 4 o’clock, a. M.
Stage* run in connection with this train from
Greensboro for New Or.eans, (two daily lines) via
Indian Springs,Colu:nbtis, Montgomery and Mobile;
for New Orleans, tri-weekly, via Clinton, Macon,
and Pensacola ; for West Point and Wetumpka, via
Barnesville, tri-weekly ; for Home, tri-weekly via
Covington, Decatur and Marietta ; for Nashville :
and Knoxville, Tennessee,tii-weekly, via Athens, j
Gainesville and Cassvillc; for Washington, Wilke
county, tri-weekly, from Double Wells ; for New
Orleans, daily, from Warrenlon, via Sparta, Mil- i
ledgeville. Macon and Columbus ; for Miiledgcville,
ii-week!y. via Greensboro and Eatonton.
Connecting with these lines are branch stage,
lines to Tallahassee. Columous, Miss.. Tuscaioosa,
Newnan, voweta county, la., and Clarksville, Ha
bersham county. Stc.
Fare on the Rcll-Road to Greensboro $4 25.
Office Georgia Rail Road & Bk’g Co. }
Augusta, December 9. i>s9. S
ON and after Tuesday next, (February ISth,) a
Passenger Car will leave Augusta every Tues
day, Thursday, and Saturday, at S o’clock, A. M.;
Greensboro’every Moeday, N\ ednesday, and Tri
dav. at S, A. M., and arrive at each place about 44,
Office Transpoitation, >
Augusta February !2,1540. 5
1 n ? or 4 hs a^tp r date, application will be
; I court? c to , the ( OUltof Ordinary of Richmond
n „m JV ° r eare one negro woman slave,
, a S e, » the property of Robert Barbei, de
-1 fta / ed - „ C. J. COOK, Adm’r.
_ A P«I n,1840 ’ w(Jt
‘ R mouths after date, application will be
j to . the Court of Ordinary of Richmond
: ' ’ or leave to sell a'| the real and personal
estate of Richard F. Bush, deceased,
j_ J ebruary 4. IS4O A. J. MILLER, adm’r.
FiRR months after date, application will be
made to the honorable the Inferior Court of
Hicnmond county, when sitting for ordinsry pur
: | res, 01 leave to sell toe real estate and negroes
; r° the estateol Thomas Avereil,deeeas
■ ’ 0 or beneiit *1 tlie lieirs and cieditors.
~ , IL MANTZ, Administrator.
J-ebruary 29, IS4O.
R months afterdate, application will be
Mr maae t 0 honorable the Inferior Court of
Richmond county, when sitting for ordinaorv pur
p -es, for leave to sell the real estate and negroes
be ongmg to the estate of James Loverieh, deceas
t bold lor the benefit of the heirs and creditors
P. H MANTZ, > . . . .
I J. A. f 'AMEROX F Administrators,
j February 29, IStXX °
il months after date, application will be
ma<le to the Court of Ordinary of Richmond
I county, for leave to sell all the real and personal
property of Robert Dillon, deceased. I
| . ’rebruary 4, IS4O A. J MILLER. Ex’r.
1^ OL months alter dale, i. t »plication will be I
. made to the Court of Ordinary of Richmond 1
county, for leave to sell a negro man slave named
Prince, the property of Mary Savage, deceased
February 4,1940 A. J. MILLER, Ex’r.
I? 01 nronths after date, application will be
made to the Court of Ordinary of Richmond
county, for leave to sell a'l the real and personal
! property of Green B. Holland, deceased
i February 4, IS4O A. J. MILLER, admr.
Ij'iOl R months after date, application will be
made to the honorable the Inferior Court of
Richmond county, when sitting as a court of (>rdi
nary, for leave to sell sixty-seven shares of the I
capital Stock ot the Bank of Augusta, belongin' to i
the estate of William McCaw, deceased for "the 1
benefit of the heirs of said estate.
January 25, IS4O.
R months after date, application will be i
. made to the honorable Justices of the Infe- I
j Dor Court of Richmond countv, when sittiiw for 1
I ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the negroes be
longing to the estate of Martha McMillan, late of
said county, deceased.
\V M. H. JONES, Executor.
March 3, IS4O.
R months alter date, application will be
maiie to the Court of Ordinary of Richmond
; county, for leave to sell all the real and personal
estate of .Milton Antony, deceased.
March 5, Is4o. ‘ A. J. MILLER, Flx’r.
17IOUR months after date, application will be
made to the Court ot Ordinary of Richmond
i county, for leave to sell all the real and personal
estate of Abraham Danfon h, Deceased.
March 5, 1840. A. J. MI LEER, Adm’r.
INOI R months after date, application will be
made to the honorable Inferior Court of Rich
mond county, when sitting for ordinary purposes,
for leave to sell the Negroes belonging to the es
tate of Mary Johnson,deccoscd. fold lor the ben
efit of the heirs and creditors.
F. H. MANTZ, Administrator.
February 29, IS4O.
—Those creditors of A. McKenzie,
Lxl who claim under an assignment made to the
subscribers and James M. Caster, deceased, on the
sth ot July, 1833, will please hand in their claims,
with proper evidence, as earlv as convenient.
an 30 JOHN P. KING, £ Assignees
Ir* XTENSIVELY used in Europe, never before
introduced into America, an infallible cure
and a delightful preventive of Chapped Hands and
Lips, &c. This elegant article gives a delicacy of \
fragrance and that natural healtnful appearance to
the skin no other preparation of the kind has been
known to produce. It immediately removes PIM
PLES and other disagreeable ERUPTIONS, pie
vents BRUISES from turning black,cures BURNS
; and SCALDS, alleviating pain, and preventing
I blisters, it is also e xccedingly useful for SORE
i BREASTS. So invaluable is this compound for
j every inconvenience to which the skin is liable,
| that none who have proved its benefits will ever
j willingly be without it.
j Sold in (Hasses at 25 and 50 cents each, with
full particulars, and directions for use. Forsale by
Broad st. and at
T. H. PLANT'S Bookstore.
Where certificates of its successful application
may be seen. June 21 swtf
GARVIN & HAINES, No. 232, Broad street,
are constantly receiving fresh supplies of
Drugs, Paints, Oils, Glass, itc. Also an extensive
assortment of Brushes, Toilet and Shaving Soaps,
Perfumery, &c., of domestic and foreign manufac
tures, selected by their agents; also afresh supply of
English Garden Seed. Country merchents and
Physicians are invited to call and examine our
sto k.
(jj'A liberal discount made for cash,
dec 28
fpHE subscriber has tins day taken intocopart-
JL nership, Mr. .4. L. MASSENGALE, and the
business will from this time be conducted under the
style and firm of S’. BE FORD CO., and the sub
scriber would take this method to return his sincere
thanks to his friends and former customers for the
patronage tnat has ocen so liberally oestowed on
him, and he wou.d most respectfully solicit a share
for the firm. S. BUFORD.
July 29. 539. ts
SNOWDEN & SHEAR have received from N.
York,and are now opening, a very large sup
ply of superior Ingrain Three Ply \ enetian and
Brussels CARPETS of the latest style and richest
ptterns, all of which have been selected with great
care. Persons wishing to supply themselves with
the article will do well to call immediately, as
they can now make a selection from one of the
largest assortments ever offered in this City, and of
new and splendid paterns. Also, Rich Brussels
and Tufted HEARTH RUGS to match the Car
pels.and superior pi in ted Baizes and patent FLOOR
j CLOTHS. nov 12
valuable discovery is now introduced to
the citizens of Augusta, with the fullest
confidence and assurance that it will effect the ob
ject of its application, viz :.4 t OMPLEJE RES
TORATION OF THE HAIR upon the heads of
those who have lost the same, and have thereby
i become bald or par tially so.
Numerous certificates might be given to show
; how successfully this compound nas been applied,
i never having failed in a single instance.)
* It? virtue? have been fully and satisfactorily
| tested. The heads of those that were entirely
1 bald, have been by the application of this restora
j tive, covered with a luxuriant growth of beautiful
! hair.
None need despair whether old or young, of hav
| ing their hair restored. For sale by
Broad st. and at
T. H. PLANT’S Bookstore,
ere certificates of its successful application
e seen. June 21 »wtf
■ and to
1., , • I btlflcsrandtiEXEßAL I.NTELUGEXIE.
five- ii J °" ,he principal man of the Stale,
gi\t. it eeciucd advantages over the p rers of any
alj 1 ni H ° thf Stale, in P re*entmg tto
• irn P° rtant commercial news. Reports of
wither - l ; nportant markets in the Union arecopied
ke , E Ca ? nd f Jrevif ' T of the Augusta mar
stricte r • value of money, is made up w ith the
< f ll ‘ e ‘“-weekly weekly
•il -I , -? K f h al,ar,ls (he .Meicliant, Planter and
♦ant S °? ,e ‘- V ’ thc and most impor
ant commercial miol igence. v
11 is lh ‘ advocate of a sound curten
liVul 0n Sp^C . ,e ~V ,ere ' tbarterofa National
.■ prmciple? of State Rights—economy
t wlrenchment In the Federal adminis
tration -—and opposes the leading measures of the
present administration of the Genen 1 Government.
in tmsceliany and general u leiligcnce, ‘♦real
care is taken to render thc paper both valuable and
I intpito ail classes ol sociolv.
I he proprietors will, as soon as their circulation
j is sufficiently enlarged, (which thev hoi>e will be
in the course of t e present year,) increase the size
ot their w eekly sheet, when they will present their
patrons wilh the largest and most vamable naper
in tne Mate. r
Ihe Chronicle and Sentinel, is published
Daily, JFri-\\ eekey and Weekly, on Broad-st.
j Daily paper, Ten Dollars in advance. Tri-
Weekly, Bix Dollars in advance, or Seven at the
end of the year. Weekly, Three Dollars in ad
j \ aucc, or four Dollars at the end of the > ear.
„ J. W. at W. S. JON’ks.
A gusta, (,a. March 20th, IS4O.
f| MiE Subscribers have this day entered into
niirr under the firm of FORCE, BRO
Augusta, January Ist, 1840.
All persons indebted to B. W. Forcf & Co. are !
requested to make immediate payment.
FORCE. BROTHERS $ CO. Wholesale Dealers
in Boots, Shoes and Leather, have on hand an ex- i
tensive stock, whicli they offer to country mcr- I
chants at Northern price . jan 1 ts
rQT IE subscriber hereby informs his friends that
X the copartnership of Graybill Ai Bonner has i
I expired. He is still at Cothbert, Randolph county, i
prepared to attend to the business of his profession. !
where he will at all time? be found, if not absent !
on business of a professional character. He would ‘
ask ol the publ.c a share of their business in this !
quarter ot the State, if it was not for this—he does
not want to do business lor any person unless they i
believe he will do them justice m every sense of
the term. He would give his present and intended
patrons a list of references, but that references are
“common. j. yj. GRAY BILL
mar 27 wSt
vented combination of delightful odors, has
acquired a just popularity, not only by reason ol
the strength and delicacy, but of tlie extraoidina
ry duration of ns perfume. Whilst the strength of
many other extracts and essences is almost as eva
nescent as the bloom of tlie flowers from which
they are derived, tne Hermitage retains its fra
grance for au in etinite length of time, and is
’*■ scarce to be removed from the garment on which it
is poured, by washing; hence it probably the
cheapest ami most delightful perfume of our labora
Also, Cologne, Lavender, Orange, Florida and 1
Rose Waters, in great variety. For sa'e t v
SOME notorious counterfeiters have nearly kill- 1
ed several persons by selling them a spurious I
and false mixture of Hays’ Liniment.
1 he genuine is warranted perfectly harmless !
and effectual. Never buy the article unless it has
tlie written signature of COMSTOCK 4- Co. on
the sp ondid wrapper. Tnat firm are solely au- !
thorized to make and sell the true article. Ortri- i
j nai proprietor, SOLOMON HAYS?
P. 8. The true Hays’ Liniment is warranted to
cure Piles and Rheumatism, in all cases, or no pay :
j taken font.
Bold at No. 2 Fletcher street, near Pearl st. and
Maiden Lane, New Voik, by
COAiSI OL K 4* Co., 4 holesale Druggists.
The genuine is for sale by GARVIN ie HAINES
and ROBERT CARTER, Augusta, jan 10 lr
a—a TO RENT, from the Ist Oct. next, a
j-STORE, No. 24b south-side Broad-street.,
aU hi,recently occupied by the late D. W. Bt.
John. Apply to JAMES GARDNER, Jr.
auglfi trwtf
Georgia, Rurke County:
W HEREAB, Mark Stokes applies for letters
w w of administialien de bonis non, cum testa
mento annexe, or with tlie will annexed, of Druny
Forehand, deceased,
These are therefore t < cite and admonish all and
•ingniar, the kindred and cieditors of said deceas
ed, to be and appear at my office, within the time
prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have,
why said otters should not be granted.
Given under my hand at office, in Waynesboro
this 16th day of May, 1840.
T. H. BLOUNT, Clerk.
Georgia, Burke Comity :
UHKREAS, James Chance, administrator of
Mary Chance, applies for letters dismissory
on the estate of said deceased.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all
and singular, the kindred and creditors of said de
ceased, to be and appear at my olhee, within the
time prescribed by law, to shew, cause if ;,ny thev
havc, why said letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand, at office, in Waynesboro
this 16th day of May, 1840.
T. IL BLOUNT, Clerk.
A GUEEABLE to a deciceof the Superior Couit
riAL of Richmond county, will be so d on the first
Tuesday in July, at the Court House in Larh co. a
lot of Land belonging to the Estate of Walton
Knight, deceased, containing 250 acres, lying and
being m said county, known as Lot No. 298 in 13th
Disiiict, sold for ttie benefit ol tlie heirs and cred
itors. Terms cash. p. H. MANTZ
May 8. H4O.
• ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in August
f y next, at the Court House, in the county of
Floyd, a certain other tract of Land, belonging to
the estate ot Owen HoTaday, deceased, lying in
the county of Floyd, known as Lot No. 89 in the 3d
District and 4th .-ection. by the survey of said Lands.
Thc ame being also sold agreeably loan order from
the Honorable inferior Court of i aliaferro County
when fitting for ordinary purposes. The terms to
be made known on the dav of sale.
AARON W GRIER, £ Adm ra.
Crawfordville, May 8, 1840.
be sold at the court-house door in the
ft town of Warrenlon, Warren county, Ga.,
on the first Tuesday in Julo next, between the
usual hours of sale, the following property,to wit:
175 bushels more or less of Corn; 1 ox cart and
voke; 4 ( ows and 4 yearling?; 1 Cow and calf;
and 4s head of stock hogs; 1 sorrel Colt, 2 years
i old; 5 shovel ploughs; 4 sponlooas; 1 heel screw;
4 sets of plough gear, and 4 plough bridles; 1 bed
and furniture; 2 teaster bedsteads; 1 pine slab; 1
cupboard; and 1 pine che*t; —all levied on as the
property of Hartwell Heath, to satisfy sundry fi.
fas. issued from the Superior and Inferior Courts of
said county, in favor of Curtis Lowe and others,
1 r*. said Heath. JAMES HALL, Sheriff.
May 141h,)540.
rr j executory SALE.
V\ ILL f° SOid °n Friday, the 26th dav of June
Jenkm. nCXt '* ! l he late of Mrs. Polly
able uecedsed - ,n Greene county, all the perish- 1
ceaspf P °' >ert ' 01 estate of Lewis Jenkins, de- j
sfiik of?. D tt'. Sl ? pof ' aluabl * household furniture,
of a. I sbee P’ &c *c.,wilh a variety j
the ?av r tedlous to enumerate. Terms on
the day of sa! e . Y. P. KING. Ex’r. I
(*rcensboro. 13th May 1840.
MB JILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Julr
▼ ? next, at the court house door in Tuliferro
county, a certain tract of land belonging to the es
tate ot Owen Holladay deceased, situated and ly
ing m said county, containing 418 acres more or
less, and known as the Mansion tract of said de
ceased, the same being sold agreeably to au order
Irom the Honorable the Inferior Couit of said
c.mnty, when sitting lor ordinary purposes,—terms
to be made known on the dav of sale.
AARON W. GRIER. 8 Adm’rs.
Crawfordvi tie. May 8, 1840. J
VGKEKAbLE to an order of the honorable the
Imenor Court ol Burke countv, while sitting
as a court ol ordinary, will be sold ou the first I
luesday ,n August next, before the court-house
daor in tne town ol \\ aynsboro, one tract of land
tin an ing one hundred and thirty acres more or
less, adjoining lands of Richard Thomas, Elijah
B.Mie and James Gates, sold for the benefit of the
minor heirs oi Robert Pier. Terms of sale on thc
May 13. im MCtROA - N ’ G ““-
i GREEARLi: to an order of the Inferior Court
-*■ A of Richmond county, while sitting for ordina
ry purposes, will be sold on the first l uesday in
July at the court house in Btewart county; a lot of
Land belonging to the es.ale of Lot Williams, de
ceased, containing two hundred two and a half
acres,lying and being in the county o f Stewart, sold
i for benefit ot heirs and creditors. Terms cash
| Mayß.lß4o, WILLIAM GLOVER, Adrift.
4 GREEABLE to an order of the Inferior Court
jL Burke county, while sitting as a court of
' ordinary, will be sola on the first Tuesday in 81 p-
I tember next, before thc court-house d~or in Co-
I lumbia county, between the usual hours of sale,
I °ue tract cl Land containing one hundred acres
i more or iess, adjoining lands of John Gray and
: others; said land lying on the waters of Little
1 H ! vcr > so * d E’ r G ie benefit of the minor heirs of
i \\ ill am Lovell, deceased,
i slay 12. I>4 >. PAYNE LOVELL, Guar.
\ GREEABLE to an order of the honorable the
Interior ( ourt of Burke county, while sitting
a> a couit 01 ordinary, will be sold on the first
luesday in August, before the court-house door in
Hall county, between the usual hours of sa.e, one
tract ol Land containing two hundred and fifty
acres, sold as the property of the minor heirs of
William Lovell, deceased. Terms of sale on the
da .v. PAYNE LOVELL, Guar.
May 12, 1840.
4 GREEABLE to au order of the honorable the
J\. Inferior Court of Burke county, while silting
! as a court of ordinary, will be sold on the first
j Tuesday in August next, between the usual hours i
ot sue, before the court-house door in the town of
Waynesboro, two Negroes, Edy, a girl about 18
i years old, and Nelly, a girl about 1U years oid, sold
I as the property ol John Deloach, deceased, for the
benefit of the lieirs and creditors of said estate. —
J Terms of sale on the day.
May 12, 184 K. _ JEBBE P. GREEN, Adra’r.
U7 ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in June
at lii6 couit house in licaid countv, i
■ agreeable to an order of the Inferior Court of Co
j lumbia county, when sitting for ordinary purposes,
oue lot ot land No. 275, 3d district, 4th section, for
raeriy Coweta, now Heard county, drawn by Ram
| sey’s orphan’s,of Columbia county. Sold ior dis
tnoutiou. Terms ou the day.
j March 28, 1849. ISAAC RAMSEY, AdmT.
be sold before the epurt house door of
ff Columbia county, on the first luesday in
| June next, a negro man by the name of Jim, be
longing to the estate ol Adam Jones, deceased. —
Sold under provision rathe will of said deceased,
for distribution. R. 11. JONES, Ex’r.
April 3,184 U.
4 GREEABLA to an order of the Inferior Court
of Columbia county, when sitting as a Court
01 ordinary, will be sold on thc nrst Tuesday in
July next, before the court house door in said
I county, a negro man named Levi, belonging to
Charles H. Jennings, minor of Charles Jennings,
i deceased. Sold lor the benefit of said min n. —
i Terms on the dav of sale.
W \ AT x L. CHAMBLIN, Guaid’n.
I April 11, IS4U. it
IVTILL be sold at the court house in Jackson-
I |f boro’, Seri Yen county, on the first Tuesday
in June next, between the usual hours of sale,
one negro girl slave, named Hamet, levied on as
! the properly of John Stephens, deceased, to satisfy
sundry 11 fas issued from a Justices Couit, in favor
jo. Mary Ann Newton. Properly pointed out by
I security, and returned to me by a constable.
Also, one tract of Land containing three hun
dred acres more or less, adjoining lands ot Amelia
Lowell, Jimpsey B. Hunter and others 5 levied on
as the properly of Claiborn Beville, to satisfy sun
dry fi fas issued from a Justices Court in favor of
Wm Hale, Lodiwick Bo\kin, Wm. Scruggs. Reu
ben Newton and Jacob Bryan. Levy made and re
turned to me by a constable.
Also, the undivided interest of Joseph M. More
house in and to a certain negro man slave, named
Major to satisfy a fi fa issued from a Justices
Court in favor of it. D. Black. Levy made and
returned to me by a constable.
Also, a tract of Land containing one hundred
■ acres, more or less, levied on as tne property of 1
1 James C. Dixon, to satisfy a fi fa i>sued by the Tax
'■ Collector of Scriven county —also to satisfy a fi fa
I issued from a Justices Court, in favor of Jacob Bry- j
' an. Property in both ca«es pointed out by defen
j daut.and levies made and relumed tome by a con
! stable.
1 Also, four hundred acres of Land, adjoining
i lands of A Roath, 8. Nicholson and others. Also,
I a house and lot in Jacksonboio’. Also, three hun
j died and fifty acres ot laud, adjoining lands of i
James Young, Abram Hunter,Jr. and others. Le- 1
vied on as the property of Charles C. Stuart, to
j satisfy sundry ti las issued from a Justices Court in
j favor of David Freeman and John T, Freeman. — :
• Property pointed out by security on stay ; levies
made and returned to me by a constable.
LEWIS M. 8 TitIeKLAND, Sh’ff.
April 21, 1840.
4 GREEABLE to an order of the Inferior Court I
ol Burke county, when silling for ordinary '
purposes, will be sold, on the hist 1 uesday in June
next, at Americus, Sumter county, lot of land num-
I ber seventy five (75) in the twenty sixth (26) dis
-1 trict originally Lee now Sumter county.
Also, on the same day, at Rome, in Floyd county,
lot of land numberfoui hundred and twenty seven,
'(427,) sixteenth ( 16) district, fourth (4) section
, originally Cherokee now Floyd county.
Also, on the same day, at the court house in
Paulding county, lot of land cumber five hundred
and forty two, (542,) ia the eighteenth Is) disiiict,
third (3) section, originally Cherokee now I’auld
! ing county. Baid lands belonging to the estate of !
Peter .Mathis, deceased. Sold fur the benefit of the
( heus and creditor? of said deceased, i eras cash,
and the purchaser paying lor titles.
Robert a. allen, Aim’r.
J Apnlt, 1940.
\ 2*.— INO.
________ . »
11 ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in July
* * next, at the Comt House in Baker county
by order of the Superior Court of Columbia coun
ty* when sitting for ordinary purposes. Lot of Lani
No 244, in the Tth district, ougmally Early, now
r count - v * belonging to the estate of Georg*
W. Dunn, deceased, sold for the benefit of the heir?
ot said deceased. Terms ou the dav.
April 29th, IS4O.
\,\ ILL be sold,on the first Tuesday in June
* * next, at the Market House, m the town of
Louisville, Jefferson county, within the usual hours
ot sale, the follow ing property, to wit: Two ne
groes, Hetty, a girl, about fifteen years old, and
Jack, a boy, about twelve years old, levied on as
the projierty ot Lewis L. McNair, to satisfy a fi. fa.
issued trom Jefferson Supeiin Court in favor of Yo
latine Walker vs. said McNair.
R. J. FARMER, Deputy Sheriff.
February Sth, 1840. feb 12
Ui ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in June
next, at the court house in the town of
\\ arrenton, \\ arrrn county, between the usual
hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: the
interest of John Littleton in 321 acres of Land,
more or less, of thc lands belonging to the estate
ol Edward Kinsey, deceased, io a dower of Lucy
Kinsey, widow of said Kinsey; levied on as the
property of John Littleton, to satisfy one fi fa in
Favor of John Contain, for the use of Wm. May*,
vs said Littleton. JAMES HALL, Shfl’.
May 2. 1840.
U T ILL be sold at the court ho. se door in the
town of Warrenton, Warren county, on
the tirst Tuesday in June next, between the usual
hours of sale, the ollowing property, 10-wit:
three hundred and eight acres of laud, more or less,
third quality, lying uii the waters ot 1 earson’s
C reek,adjoining lands of Henry Conaway and oth
ers, and lour negroes, viz: Wilaby, 31* tears of
age. OI ford, 23 years of age, Moriah, a woman 30
}ears ol age, and Henry a boy 8 years of age, all
levied in as the property of Hartwell Heath tosat
rity sundry fi las issued from the Superior and In
terior C ourts of said county one in favor of Reu
ben \N in trey vs Hartwell Heath and Timothy
W hito principals, and Solomon Wilder, in favor of
Neal, Hare and Andrews, vs Abmrose Heath and
Hartwell Heath, undone in favor of Nathaniel Par
ham vs Hartwell Heath and Ambrose Heath, from
the Inferior court and three from the Superior
Court, Thomas Persons vs Hartwell Heath, one in
favor of Joel Cloud and the Justices of the Infe
rior Court of Columbia county, for the use of Cur
tis Low vs said Heath.
Also, at the same time and place, one negro man
by the name of Justice, 25 years of age, levied on
as tlie property of James Braddy to satis f y sundry
executions from the Justices Court in favor of John
H. Newton vs said Braddy and Edmund Hilson. —
Levy made and returned to me by a constable.
A'so, one hundred acres of pine land, more or
less, adjoining lands of Richard Rhodes and others,
levied on as the property of William Hlankinship
to satisfy sundry 11 las from the Justices Court ux
favor of Sherwood Allen and others vs said tilan
kmship—property pointed out by plaintiff. Levy
made and returned to me by a constable.
Also, one hundred and fifty acres of pine land,
more or less, lying on the waters of Big Creek!
adjoining lands of Cullen Thigpen and others, le
vied on as thc propeity of Benonia Ryland, sr. to
satisfy sundry fi fas from Justices Courts iti fa
vor ot Amos Walden and others, vs said Ryland.
Levy made and returned to me by a constable.
Also, one hundred and fifty acres of pine land,
more or les*, lying on the waters of Big Creek,
adjoining lands ol Hiram Mott and others, levied
on as the property of Silas Downs to satisfy sun
dry fi fas issued trom Justices Court? in favor of
Thomas Clieely and others, vs said Downs. Levy
made and returned to me by a constable.
Also, one hundred and fifty acres of pine land,
more or less, lying on the waters of Rocky Com
fort Creek, adjoining land? of Bynam Dixon, le
vied on as the property of William Dixon to satis
fy sundry ti tas from Justices Courts in favor of
i homas Kent and others, vs said Dixon—property
pointed out by defendant. Levy made and return
ed to me by a constable.
Also, one hundred acres of pine land, more or
less, lying on the waters of Joes Cre. k, adjoining
lands of Richard Powel and others, levied on as ths
property ol John Kent to satisfy sundry fi fas from
Justices Courts in favor of Peggy Morgan and oth
cis, vs said Kent—property pointed out by plain
tiff’. Levy made and returned to me by a con
Also, one hundred and eighty acres of pine land,
more or less, Ij mg on the waters of Big Creek, ad
joining lands of Lewis Morgan and others, levied
on a* the property of William R. Kent to satisfy
sundry h fas from Justice? Courts in favor of Peg
gy \V Morgen and others, vs said Win. K. Kent,
John Kent and 8 tephen Toler —property pointed
out by John Kent. Levy made and returned to me
by a constable.
Also, thirty acres of pine land, more or less, on
the waters of Joes Creek, adjoining lands of Thos.
Kent, levied on as the property of John Lindsey
to satisfy sundry fi fas from Justices Courts in fa
vor of Jonn J. Carmichael and others, vs said Lind
sey—property pointed out by the defendant.
April 30, 1840. JAMES HALL, Sheriff.
be sold on the first Tuesday in June
ff next, at the court house in Baker county,
agreeable to an order of the Inferior Court of Lin
coln county, when sitting for ordinary purposes,
lot of land No. 128, in the 12th District formerly
Early, now Baker county, belonging to tne estate
of Benjamin Stonestreet, deceased* Sold lor the
benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased.
Terms on the day of sale.
March 28, 1840. HENDLY NALLY, Adm’r.
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in June
rext, at the court nouse in Warrenlon,
Warren county, the following property, to wit:
four hundred and sixty acres of land, more or Jes«,
on Ihe waters of Ogeechy River, adjoining lands of
Thomas L. Latimer, and others, levied on as the
property of Joel Crawford, one ol the a-signees of
J imes Shivers, to satisfy sundry ti. fas.; one in
favurof Stovall Si Simmons and others, vs: Joel
Crawford, Kobeit S. Sayre, Thomas L. Latimer A
Wm. Hill.
Also, at the same time and place, two hundred
acres of land more or less on the waters of Big
Brier C reek, adjoining lands of D. K. Hodo and oth
er?, levied on as the property of Thomas Neal, jr.
i to satisfy sundry ti fas. from Justices Court, Dist.
No. 152, G. M., in favor of William B. Harris, and
others, vs. Henry Hinton, and 1 homas Neal, se
curity ; property po-nted out by 1 hos. Neal ; levy
made and returned by a constable.
April 28lh, 1840.
*l7 ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in June
j V* next, at the court house in the town of
Warren ton, between the usual hours of sale, the
following property, to wit:
Two hundred and fifty acres of land, more or less,
third quality, lying on the waters of middle creek,
joining lands of Matthew H. Heath and other*, le
vied on a* the property of Daniel Dennis,to satisfy
sundry fi. fas. issued from the superior and infen*
or courts of said county, one in favor of John
Fountain and Thos. P. F. Threewitts and others
vs. said Dennis.
Also, will be sold at the same time and place,
two hundred and hfty acres of land, more or less
third quality, lying on trie waters of Childers’
creek, joining lands of Johnson and others, levied
on as the property ol Knndolnh Ivey, to satisfy
one fi. fa issued from the superior court of said
county, in favor of Thomas O. Tyson, for the uses
ol oeorge V. Neal, and A. H. Stephens, vs. sat
April 30, 1640. JAMES HALL, Sheriff