Newspaper Page Text
female a- quamtan.'c«, arfrl w iih the friendship o f 1
many such Mr. Kelly was honored Poor Kehy
was attacked seriously by gout and could not be
carried by his sagacious pon-'y to Mrs. ’s
nor to Miss ’s; and as there did not appear
any chance of immediate recovery, the poney
was sent to friend TattcrsaU’s. Here it was re
commended as being remarkably quiet, any timid
gentleman might ride ’t. It was accordingly pur
chased for the Rev. W. T. O , at that time
in a bad state of health, and who had been or
dered by his physicians to take equestrian exer
cise. The invalid clergyman was not a first
rate rider, and Michael Kelly’s poney was of
fixed and observing habits, and of his own accord
regularly trotted up with his reverend owner on
his back to several doors where it was anything
but reputable to be seen. There he wailed ha
bitually for his master to dismount. The Arch
bishop of Canterbury having notice of the tact it
•’•Was found necessary to sell the poney.
Never Ask Question's in* a Hurry.—
“ Tom, nsword with you.” “Be quick, then. I’m
in a hurry.” “What did you give your sick
horse t’other day]” “A pint of turpentine.”
John hurries home and administers the same dose
to a favorite charger, who, strange to say, drops
off defunct in half an hour. His opinion of his
friend Tom’s veterinary ability is somewhat stag
gered. He meets him the next day. “Well,
Tom.” “ Well, John, what is it!” “I gave
j my horstPa pmt of turpentine and it killed him
as dead as Julius Ctesar.” “So it d d mine.”
Henry Clay’s early Democracy.—Col. John
-1 san stated during his speech ia Harrisburg, that the
I hnt time he ever remembered taking off his coat
I to fight, was with Henry Clay against the support
! ers of the alien and sedition laws. He said that in
argument Mr. Clay wielded a battle axe, while he
I could only handle a tomahawk; but of late j-ears,
| said Col. J.,Mr. Claj- and myself have been on op
| positc -odes. I must, howevei, say, that he is the
I pride of Kentucky, and although we hope to carry
\ the State next fall, it looks like hoping against
I hope. — Penn. Inq.
[ Consignees per South Carolina Kail Koad.
Hamburg, July 27, 1840.
A Frederick; W E Jackson; T Dawson; W H
| Turpin; Gould & Bulkley; A 11 Mallory k Co; J
I P Seize; T N Poullain; Hand & Scranton; F Lam-
I back; W Fuller; Force, Brothers & Co; W H
I Crane; Stovall, Simmons & Co; Rankin, Boggs &
I Co; Ilaviland, Risley & Co; Rees & Beall; H L
I Jeffers; G Parrott; J F Benson; G W Carmany.
July 28.
Wyatt & Warren; Rees & Beall; I S Beers &
I Co; J E Thompson; G Parrott; J F Benson; I Le
[ vy; H L Jeffers.
j Latest dates from Liverpool, July 3
| Latest dates from Havre, June 29
Monday Evening, July 27.
Cotton. —The late Liverpool accounts received
per Steamer Britannia, on Saturday,.has made no
change on our C itton market, to-day. We would
observe, the market is extremely dull, and buyers
are not disposed to operate at present rates. Con
siderable Cotton is held by speculators, who are
anxious to sell, but not willing, as yet, to submit
to further concessions.
Ordinary to middling, 64 0 8^
Middling Fair to Fair, 8.4 (a) 9
Good Fair, 91 $ 9^
Prime and choice, 0 9£
Os the latter class none on sale.
Freights —To Savannah, one dollar per bale;
to Charleston, by rail road, 25c per 100 lbs. for
square, and 35c per 100 lbs. for round bales.
Exchange. —On New-York, at sight,
cent. for current funds ; Charleston at OlO per
cent; Savannah 2£perct.; Philadelphia OlO per
ct.; Lexington, Ky. 6 01 perct.; Richmond 10 per
cent.; specie commands 9 0 10 per cent, premium.
Bank Notes. —
Savannah Banks, 2 (a) - prem.
Columbus Insurance Bank... .6 (a) - “ “
Commercial Bank, Macon, 6 0- “ “
Mechanics’, “ (Augusta,) 8 (a) - “ «
Agency Brunswick, “ 8 0 - “ “
Planters’ and Mechanics’ Bank,
Columbus, C 0 - “ disc’nt.
Central Bank, G 0 - “ “
Milledgeville Bank, 5 0 - « “
Ocmulgee Bank, 6 (a) - “ “
Monroe Rail Road Bank, 7 0 “ “
Hawkinsville Bank, G 0- « “
j Chattahoochie R. R. & B’k Co. .G (a) - “ *
Darien Bank, 25 0 - “ “
Bank of Rome, 50 0 - “ “
All other Banks now doing business, at par.
Specie Paying Banks. — Mechanics’ Bank, Insu
rance Bank of Columbus, Commercial Bank of Ma
on, and Brunswick Agency in this city.
New Orleans, July 22,
Cotton. —Arrived since the 17th instant, ol Lou
isiana and Mississippi 101 hales, Tennessee and N.
Alabama 57, Arkansas 53, Mobile 15, together 226
bales. Cleared in the same time, for Liverpool
3253 bales, Havre 1141, Havana 455, New York
65, Baltimore 236, Portsmouth 500, Hartford 345,
togethers99B bales; making a reduction in stock of
57722 balf>, anJ leaving on hand, inclusive of ail on
I ship-board not cleared on the 21st instant, a stock
1 of 40138 bales.
In our review of Saturday morning last we rep
j resented the cotton market as being in an extreme
i ly inactive state. Since then, a nvever, there has
! been a’olerably fair business doing for this period
of the season, the sale? during T he three days hav
ing amounted to nearly 3000 bales. In consequence
of these transactions the stock on sale in first hands :
I i? now reduced to a very limited quantity, and is j
1 composed principally of the poorer sorts, while most 1
I of the orders, we undorstan i, arc for the better
I grades. Holders of all descriptions, however, con- j
tinue quite firm at our previous quotations, wnicli j
we consequently retain. Our teccipts have now
become very light and appear to be decreasing dai-
I ly *
* Louisiana and Mississippi —Ordinary,sJ 0 6j; ;
Middling 7| OS}; Fair, 9j ia) Good fair, 104 0 i
11; Good and fine, 12 0 —. Tennessee and
N. Alabama —Ordinary, 0 G; Midd ing, 7 0 !
74; Fair, 8 0 Good fair, 94 0 10; Good and j
fine, 104 0 —.
1839, Oct. 1, stock on hand, 15824
Receipts last three days.. .. 226
“ previously, 918719 • 918945
®Ex ports last three days, 5998
do. previously. 855633 594631
I Slock on hand, 40138
Sugar. — Louisiana. —We have no transactions
of importance to notice in this article during the
[ last three days. Some few parcels have been ta
ken for Mobile and the upper country, besides the
sales to the city irade, at prices within the range of
our previous quotations—say 40 54 cents. The
demand has become rather limited, but it is proba
ble that more business would have been done had
it not been for the unfavorable state of the weath
er. We are not advised of any further transac
tions on plantation.
Molasses. —Some further parcels have been re
ceived since our last and limPed sales aie made
from the Levee, at 17 018 cents gallon, in hols.
No transactions on plantation.
Flour. —ln our last report we quoted Superfine
at §4 25, remarking that the maikct presented a
decided tendency to a furtner advance, which we
now find lias teen realized. The parcel of about
500 barreD fresh, which we mentioned as having
just arrived per steamboat, was sold in lots at $4
0 4 50. Subsequently a further parcel of 1200
barrels, which constitute the total receipts since
our last, came in by Hat boats. Os this lot 1000
bar.els were taken on speculation at $1 50, on Sat
urday. On vonday small sales were made at $4
624 0 4 65; and yesterday all the transactions we 1
could learn of were at $4 75, among them a lot of
about 7UO carrels from store, for saipment. The
stock is now extremely light, and some holders are
asking $5 for icsh flour. There are no transac
tions in sour flour, except limited sales to the ba
kers at 3 50 0 3 75.
Bacon. —The demand is very limited, but our
quotations are firmly sustained for good quality,
the stock of which is now very light.— We quote
Canvassed Hams at 10 0 11 cents, uncanvassed do
83 0 94,Sides 74 a 8, Shoulders 5 0 s^.
Lard. —Transactions are still confined to limited
sales for consumption at 10 'S’ 11 cts. Some few
strictly prime lots would be taken for shipment at
11 cents, but the stock of this description is held
at higher limits.
W hiskey. The demand has fallen off, and has
now become quite limited. Prices, however, re
main as before quoted—say 25 cents ga'lon for
Rectified and 23 cents for Common.
Lead. We understand that a sale of a few hun
dred pigs was made from the Levee at §3 -
> No further parcels have come in since our
Exchange. —New York, 60 days sight, 5 0
ct. prem.; 30 days, 5$ 06 ; sto 15 days, 6$ 07;
Boston, at 60 days, 5$ a 6; Philadelphia, 60 days,
1 3 tact, premium.
Freights. —Cotton—to Liverpool,
Tippecanoe Jlceting.
In consequence of the disappointment in the
arrival of Messrs. Dawson and Nesbit,by the Cars
yesterday, the Meeting of the Central Club is ad
journed over to THIS EVENING, when it is confi
dently expected they will he present.
QCjf" The citizens of Warren county, opposed to
the re-election of Martin Van Buren to the Presi
dency, are requested to meet at the Court House in
Warrenton, on the first Tuesday in August next,
for the purpose of appointing delegates to the Con
vention to be held in Macon on the second Thurs
day thereafter. July 25
Charleston, July 27.
Arrived on Saturday —Schr Beaufort, Budd, Ha
Cleared —Schr Woccamaw, Simons, Georgetown;
sloop Morning Star, Brenan, Key West.
Went to sea on Saturday —Brig Lancet, Kruse,
At Quarantine —U S Mail packet Hayne, Griffith,
from Havana, via Key West and Indian Key.
feb 25 Jefferson, Jackson county', Ga.
jy 17] Clarkesville, Ga.
Qfj- Daring the remaining Summer and Fall
months, I will be in my office on Mondays, Tues
days and Wednesdays; on other days at Belair; and
will be nappy *0 serve those who max' honor me
with their confidence, [jy 23] W. W. HOLT.
( fffDr. GARDNER, fmmerly resident surgeon
n the New York Hospital, and physician at Belle
vue Hospital, New York, tenders to the public his
professional services.
Office in Washington street, between Broad and
Ellis streets Residence, United States Hotel,
ap 2
(fff Dr. W. S. JONES tenders his profess ion a
services to the citizens of Augusta and its vicinity
He may be found at his office, No. 214 Broad st.
or at ms residence. United States Hotel. ap 24
(ffT Dr. J. J. WILSON has removed Cor the
Summer to the house of James Gardner, Esq,, Ist
door below the Academy. June 6
Dr. WM. FLINT, member f the Massa
chusetts Medical Society, would inform his friends
that he lias removed his place of residence to the
boavding-house of Mrs. Camlield, at the corner of
Jackson and Broad streets, where he may be found
at all hours during the summer season. His pro
fessional sei vices arc respectfully tendered to the
citizens of Augusta. tf —June 6
iXj" W. G. NIMMO, General Commission Mer
chant, office on Mclntosh street, next door to the
Constitutionalist. nov 7
Q 3" During my absence in the interior of the
State, Force, Brothers & Co. are my duly author
ised attorneys. ENOCH W. SPOFFORD.
april 21
Attached to this office is open to subscribers, and
strangers introduced by them, every day and eve
ning (Sunday evenings excepted) until 9 o’clock.
Subscription p-3 ; for a firm of two or. more $lO.
and at one to twenty' days sight. For sale ov
(fj* NOTICE. —The Rail Road Passenger Train
between Charleston and Hamburg, will leave as
Not to leave Charleston before 7 00 a m.
“ “ Summerville, “ - -8 30
“ “ Georges V - “ - 10 0
“ “ BranchvKle, “ - II 00
‘ “ Blackville, - “ -100 p. m
“ “ Aiken, - - “ - 300
Arrive at Hamburg not before - 4- 00
Not to leave Hamburg before 6 00 a. m.
“ “ Aiken, - « - 730
“ “ Blackville, “ - • 915
“ “ Midway, “ - - 10 30
“ “ Brancnvill <{ - - IT 00
“ “ Georges’, “ - - 11 45 m.
“ “ Summerville,“ - -1 15p. m.
Arrive at Charleston not before 215
Distance —136 miles. Fare Through —$10 00.
Speed not over 20 miles an hour. To remain 2t
minutes each, for breakfast and dinner, and not
longer than 5 minutes fer wood and water at any
To stop for passengers, when a white flag is
hoisted, at either of the above stations; and also i\
Sineaths, Woodstock, Inabinet’s, 41 mile T. ().,
Rives’, Grahams, WillcstOß, Windsor, Johnsons 1
and Marsh’s T. O.
Passengers uo will breakfast at Woodstock and
dine at Blackville; aown, will oreaKlast at Aikec
an d dine at Charleston. may 4
SB. BROOKS is ray duly authorized Agent
• during my absence from the citv.
Augusta, June 30, 1840. jy 24 ts
genuine Cologne Water, in long and short
bottles, warranted of the very best quality; for sale
in boxes of half a dozen each, for family use, or
by single bottles.
Also, a large assortment of Fancy Soaps, Odorous
Waters, Extracts, Hair Oil?, and Curling Fluids,
of the bestqaalitv, at Apothecary Hall, 232 Broad
street, by GARVIN & HAINES,
nov 2x
I S °J!S hT r Y -, HARRIS ’ at Law, An
iani,' h'’ 185 removed h.s office to the Law
Tan c, first door over the Post Office He wil
tl - C d C in n t. t e he K dlemen ' Courti Richmondco'un
, 1 Per ! orCoUrts of B«rko, Columbia.
julv 28 ,f_
Georgia, 5
City of Augusta. 5 Lourt °f Common Pleas.
A paities interested, are hereby notified that
t -> will be the last day for
entering suits returnable to the August term of said
• Ult - HENR Y ROBERT, Clerk.
J’ jne 27 d2t.
XT 0 ffr ~The Tent holders, and those who
4 ’ an interest in fitting up the Camp Ground,
are requested 0 meet at the Richmond Camp
Ground, on Saturday next, for the purpose of put-
jUn^oiffierfo^the meeting. July 28
citizens of Wane a, and also those of the
JL , a djacenl counties, are invited to partake of a
f REE BARBECUE, to be given at Catnak, on
T bursday, 6:h of August next. Preparations will
be male for t!ie accomodation of the Ladies on that
day. By order of the Committee of Arrangemets.
July 28 trwSt S. HALE,Chairman.
subscribers will continue the Ware-house
. and Commission Business at their old stand,
where they hope to receive the same liberal patro
nage that has been given to them for years past.
Our location being central and near the wharves,
combines as many advantages as any similar estab
lishment in the city. In the lite disastrous fresh
et we sustained some injury, but as little perhaps
as any other ware-house in the citj', having the
same quantity of produce on hand. Our Ware
house and close-stores are in* good order for the re
ception of produce or Merchandize, and strict at
tention will be devoted to either when entrusted to
om-cavc. BAIRD & ROWLAND.
July 28, 1840. tlstNov.
WILL bt sold, on the first Tuesday in Septem
ber next, between the usual hours of sale,
at the Court House door in the town of Waynes
boro, tour hundred acres of Land, adjoining lands
of Henry P. Janes and Abraham Janes, levied on
as the property of John Monroe, to satisfy sundry
li fas issued from a Justice’s Court,in favor of John
Roundtree v< John Monroe, David Monroe, and
I homas D Cockran. Property pointed out by de
fendant; levy made and returned to me by a con
Also, three hundred and ninety five acres pine
land,adjoining lands of John Dicky and others, le
vied on as the property of John H. Landing, to sa
tisfy one fi fa in lavor of Ashley Holliday, and
two others in favor or William Wallace vs. said
Landing. Property pointed out by the plaintiff;
levy made and returned to me by a constable.
July 28, 1840. ISAAC MESSEX, Sh’ff.
TMIE VERBENA CREAM, an Emollient Soap,
which affords real pleasure in shaving produ
cing a rich, fragrant, creamy and permanent lather,
just received and for sale by
OTICE. —The subscribers would inform their
J3SI customers and the public that they have sold
their entire Stock of Boots, Shoes, &cc. &c. to Mr.
C. L. BRAYTON, who will be constantly supplied
with good wares at reasonable prices ; and we
would solicit for him that patronage which has been
so kindly bestowed upon us.
Those having business with the undersigned,
will find him at the old stand.
8. B. BROOKS, 330 Broad street.
June 13, 1840. 3rn
C< URLING FLUID, &c. —Blendirg with a grate
) ful and refreshing perfume, the desirable
quality of strengthening and promoting the growth
of the Hair, without giving to it the greasy hue of
Pomatum, or the volatile moisture of the Oils. Its
utility is confirmed by the most extensive con
Also, the Genuine Maccassar Oil, and Ward’s
Celebrated Hair Oil. For sale by
subscriber offers for sale his Plantation in
3 Jefferson county, containing between one
thousand and eleven hundred acres of oak, hickory
and swamp land. The improvements are superior
and its nearness to the Central Rail Road, together
with its fertility, make it a desirable place. Per
sons wishing to purchase are invited to come and
see the growing crop. Corn and fodder, neat cat
tle and hags, amongst which last are Berkshire and
Philadelphia Whites, can be had by the purchaser.
July 14-wtf J. W. M. BERRIEN.
(Tj’ The Savannah Republican will copy w'eekly
for one month.
f Tnisteesof the Appling Female Academy,
B Columbia County, have the pleasure of an
nouncing to the friends and patrons of the Institu
tion, that they have engaged the services of Mr.
Wm. 11. Cook and Lady, to take charge of the
English and Scientific Department of the Institu
tion for the second session of the present year.
And that the Musical Department is placed un
der the direction of Miss Belcher.
The Exercises of the Institution will be resum
ed on Monday, the 6th day of July inst.
July 2—w4t GABRIEL JONES, Sec’y.
rHNHE subscriber offers for sale his Lands lying
j in the county of Jefferson, containing eight
hundred and thirty acres of first rate oak and hick
ery, lying on Big Creek. On it are 250 acres open
land, and under fcnee, with dwelling house, gin
house, and other necessary buildings for Hie use of
a Plantation. It is situated about 7 miles from
Louisville, and about seventeen from the Central
Railroad. Any person desirous of purchasing such
a place, would do well to call and examine, as a
bargain may be had by an early application to the
subscriber on the premises.
Louisville, Ga., April 22, 1840. IstD
ON the first Tuesday in August next, will pos
itively be sold before the court house door in
the town of Madison, Morgan county, the House
and Lot situated on the north-west corner of the
public square in said town, known as the Masonic
Hall. It is one of the most desirable stands for
business in the place. The front room is one of
the largest and best arranged store-rooms in the
up-country. The House is two stories high, with
a good cellar and comfortable back kitchen. Situ
ated as this property is, -where the Georgia Rail
Koad w'ill soon arrive, to remain statiouary for a
season, and well calculated as it is for any kind of
business, it can but hold out inducements for any
one wishing to do business undsr favorable circum
stances. Liberal credit will be given to the pur
chaser. The t tie will be perfectly good, as the
property is sold by a compromise of all parties i:i
interest, ari of whom will join in the title.
LEWIS GRAVES, Agent for all parties.
Madison, July 14, 1840. w4t
j£ s iaaß The Proprietor respectfully informs the
public that this Hotel is now completed
and ready for the reception of visitors The house
is large, the rooms are well finished and furnished
and well adapted to the accommodation of families
and others The beautiful scenery that surrounds
the village of Marietta, together with the excellent
water, and a climate not to be surpassed in the
United States, together with the best exertions ol
the proprietor to furnish every delicacy of the
season, and enforce such order as will give entire
satisfaction to his visitois and make them comfor
table, it is confidently hoped, will ensure to the
establishment an increase of the favors heretofore
so liberally bestowed.
Marietta, Cobb county'. Geo., April 16, 1840.
Hon. G. Andrews, Washington, Geo.
Hon. Chas. Dougherty, Athens.
J. G. Winter, Esq., Augusta.
Albert Story, Esq., Macon.
Wm. H. Stiles, Esq., Savannah.
James H. Willy, Esq.. Greenesborough.
Z. Samuel, Esq , Dahlonega.
\\T A rehouse and commission mf.r-
TT CHANT, Augusta, Ga. The Warehouse
house is fire-proof, eligib.y located.above high wa
tc: mark. All t otton consigned per railroad will
receive prompt attention. ' July 27 2m
DURING my absence from the Stitc, P. H.
LARL is my duly authorized attorney, to
whom all persons indebted to me are requested to
make immediate payment. E. M. LAIU HAR.
June 20 lawGtidp
IMPORTED direct from Ireland.
Superior 7-8 undressed Irish I inen ;
do 4-4 do do do
do 9-8 do do suitable for Pillow Cases;
Long Lawns ;
Just received and for sale by
jnly 15 WM. H. CRANE k CO.
r|IHE stockholders of this Company having de-
B termined to close its business,notice is here
by given of the same, that those who have made
insurance with the undersigned, Agent for Au
gusta, may renw their risks elsewhere as the}' ex
pire, due notice of which will be given.
Those who may have claims against the Com
pany', through this agency, will present them for
adjustment to J, G. DUNLAP, Agent,
may 9
riNHE subscriber intending to remove to the
I West, would sell, on reasonable terms, her
very neat and desirable Summer Residence, situa
ted in Reach Island. S. C., three miles from the
Sand Bar Ferry, and known as the Seven Spring
Place. It has all the usual improvements and con
veniences incident to a country residence, and is in
a state of good repair. There is on (he place an
Orchard, which cannot be surpassed by any in the
district for choice fruit of all kinds. The above
tract contains 202 acres.
She will also sell her Swnrap Plantation, lying
on the Savannah River, one mile below the Sand
Rar Ferry, containing 131 acres, more or of
first quality isinglass land. Any farther descrip
tion is deemed unnecessary, as persons intending to
i buy will examine for themselves.
July 23 tw3m MARY BUTLER.
LARGE white flat Dutch TURNIP;
Do. Globe;
Yellow purple top Ruta Baga;
Large Drumhead Cabbage;
do Bergen or great American do;
do Cape Savoy do;
do Rcdßu ch do. for pickling;
Long Orange C ;rrot;
do black Fall Radish;
White and red Swiss do;
Red and w hite Clover Seed;
; Lucerne or French Clover Seed;
Blue Grass Seed;
Herds do do.
The subscribers have lately received the above
, variety'of Garden Seeds, all of which they' wan ant
to be fresh and genuine,and offer them for sale at
, reasonable prices. GARVIN & HAINES,
yvme 29 Augusta and Hamburg.
KNOW all men by these presents, that 1. Wm.
Woodbury, ji of Augusla, Ga.. merchant
L doing business under the name and style ct Wil
liam Woodbury, jr. k Co., do a; point and invest
■ w T ith authority to do and to act as my legal and
only agent or representative, to use my name or
that of the firm, and to act in every way cr n cn
ner for me in all business whatsoever, in which I
am interested, during and for the time 1 may be
absent from the State of Georgia, Francis Holman,
of the said city of Augusta, in the afoiesaid State
’ of Georgia, and that I will be governed by alibis
doings relaiive to my' business, as though 1 trans
acted and done the same my r self.
Given under ray hand, this first dav of July’,
A D. 1840. WM. WOODBURY, Jr.*
Witness, C,E. Hooghkirk. July 3
riIHE undersigned most respectfully solicit of
their friends and the public generally, a share
of their business in Savannah, where they have
’ now erecting, near the Rail Road Depot, a commo
dious Ware-House, for the accommodation of cot
ton. and receiving and forwarding goods.
They pledge themselves to give their undivided
attention to business, and hope, from long experi
i ence, to render general satisfaction in promoting
i the interest of their friends.
Savannah, Ga., August Ist, 1840.
{fc>“ltake this opportunity for returning my'
thanks to my r former patrons, and hope they will
j continue their kind favors, so liberally' bestowed
in Augusta, towards the above firm in Savannah.
July 23 ts T. M. SIMMONS.
The Savannah Georgian, Southern Recorder
and Macon Messenger.will please publish the above
until forbid.
fTNHE undersigned contemplating a removal t
j Alabama the ensuing fall, oilers for sale the
following properly' at reduced prices, for cash, or
approved paper on liberal time, viz:
One two story building and lot, north side upper
end Broad street —his late residence.
One two story building and lot, north side upper
end Broad street —lately' occupied by' J. C. Snead.
Three vacant iots, on the north side Jones street,
nearly' in the rear of the above.
One lot on Jones street, with stable and carriage
Three vacant lots on the south side Broad street,
next above the last building on the west end of said
One tract of land, about twenty miles above Au
gusta, within three miles of the rail road, well
timbered, containing 785 acres, near Crawford’s
One tract of land lying in the middle fork of
Spirit Creek, containing IGO acres.
One tract of land, containing 25 acres, known as
the “Spirit Creek Place,” with a good spring and
some improvements, well calculated for a summer
One tract of land, No. 229, in the 9th district of
Lee, now Randolph county —202 acres—said, to oe
good land
One tract of land, No. 48, in the 2d district of
Muscogee, now Marion county —202 acres.
One improved lot, near Marchmont Springs—lß
acres —a most delightful summer residence.
Also, Twenty' five likely' negroes, in families, or
a sale of the whole would be preferred to oae pur
Fifty shares Georgia Insurance and Trust Com
pany stock on which S6O per share has been paid in.
An excellent road wagon and harness.
And, if applied for during this month, a com
plete set of Household Furniture, fully as good as
new, which will be sold for three-fourths its value.
THE subscriber oilers for sale one thousand
five hundred acres of Land, lying, in Burke
county, on Ogeechy River, immediately by and
around the One Hundred Mile Station, Central
Railroad, with about one third cleared, a part of
which is fresh, and all in good repair, and as well
watered as any place in Georgia. There is also a
good new two story dwelling house, and a gin
house, together with other out houses* Should
any person wish to buy' a settlement, they will of
course look for themselves, —and they may' expect
a bargain there. WILLIAM. P. ALLEN.
July 4 3m
INFORM their friends and the public, that they
continue the Ware-house and Commission
Business at their new and extensive fire-proof
ware-house, which is now in complete order for
the reception of Cotton, or other produce, with am
ple close storage for goods. All Cotton and other
articles consigned to them by the Rail Road being
discharged from the cars immediately' in front of
their gate, renders dray'age unnecessary'. To
guard against accidents to teams, cotton from
wagons will be received at the gate on Walker
street, entirely' out of sight of the cars.
The proprietors return thanks to their customers
for their former patronage, ami respectfully solicit
a continuance of their favors. w3m July 14
Constitutionalist, Georgia Journal, Fed
eral Union, and Southern Whig, will each publish
the above weealy for three months.
TG RENT, for the remainder of the
jfckiW year, a pleasant Cotmtiy Residence, situ
f=====slA ,e d_ ten miles fiom the city, and about
1 . a * rolil Mrs. Barnes’, on the Columbia
ro.iu. i jie j ot oon t:,in S about four acres, and lias
I J eaS p 1 Dwelling and the necessary out build
ugs. Possession given immediately.
Terms—Forty doliais.
Jul - V ' 2i ISAAC RAMSAY.
for rent— Seveial dwellings and
~ipP ® torcs > belonging to the Bank of Augusta.
>a lor terms enquire at their office
J ul -y 20 GEO. M. THEW, Agent,
230 Broad-street.
subscriber having purchased the stock of
JL BOGJ S A.\D SHOES of Isaac Davidson,
informs the public that he will continue the above
business at the old Stand on Broad street, nearly’
opposite the Rail Road Rank, formerly occupied
by J- R Robertson, where lie will keep constantly
on hand a large and well selected assortment of
Gentlemen’s fine BOO'I S ;
Uo Gaiter do, col’d and black ;
Do Dancing Pumps;
Do Slippers;
Ladies’ English Kid Slippers;
Do American do do;
Misses’ Slippers, colored and black ;
Children’s Shoes, of every pattern, kc.&c.,
and hopes by attention to business and the quality
ot the goods which he will keepon hand, to meiit
a share of patronage. JOHN S, DAVIDSON.
IyTOTICE.—In consequence of ill health and
-Us m y inability to attend to business, 1 have
disposed of my stock of Boots and Shoes to Mr.
John S. Davidson, and solicit for him the patronage
of my friends and the public,
Augusta, July' 1/, 1840. d2wwlm
away Horn tPie subscriber, in February
last, an African by the name of Lewis. —
—» De is about 50 years of age, of small stat
ure, andbadly pitted from the small pox. He has
been a boat hand on the Savannah river for many'
years, and is, 1 believe, at this time, either in Sa
vannah or Augusta. The above reward will be
paid to any' one who will deliver him to Wm. E.
Jackson, of Augusta, or place him in a safe Jail
and inform me on the subject.
Columbus, Ga., June 26, 1840. trwtf
BROKE loose, on Friday, the 3d of
vjuly, in Broad street, Augusta, Ga., a
1 j.f j,, chesnut sorrel HORSE, with a notable
blaze in his face. The white does not run down
straight in the usual way, but is very much in
clined to the left; with a long thick tail. He had
on a new snaffle bridle, with long stout reins ; a
good saddle, with a dark blanket. Any person
taking un said Horse, will be suitably rewarded by'
leaving him at Mr. ALMOND’S Stable,
july S ts
SITUATION WANTED. —A Lady from the
North desires a situation as Teacher. Apply
at this office. tf—july 13
AT private sale, a handsome new Chariot, on
. Eliplic Springs, latest style. For sale by
july' 7 W. E. JACKSON, Auctioneer.
IIME. —Fresh Thomaston Lime, for sale at the
A Warehouse of A. MACKENZIE.
July 2 lm
IEMONS. —11 boxes Lemons, just received and
J for sale by W. E. JACKSON,
june 20 Auctioneer.
OCOTCH ALE.—S casks Scotch Ale, pints,
just received and for sale by
june 20 W. E. JACKSON, Auctioneer.
I AMP OIL —A supply of best Bleached Lamp
A Oil, just received and for sale by
mar 25 GARVIN <k HAINES,
X X*U South Carolina and Georgia Mills, by'
may 11 ts CLARKE, McTEIR & Co.
Gt EORGIA NANKEENS of the best quality'
Sf for sale by the case. A. SIBLEY,
ap 1 4m*
I'J) ICE.—2O Casks now landing. A constant
supply will be kept on hand, and furnished
to dealers in quantities to suit, by
—Late Discovery. —Warranted to be equal, if
not superior, to any- others. Prepared by'
nov 27 No. 232, Broad street.
V STRAIN OIL, kc. —Train Oil, Plaster Pans and
j Gilder’s Whiting, for sale in quantities to suit
purchasers, by GARVIN &. HAINES,
mar 12
es’ Manual. A few copies of this valuable
little work can be had if applied for soon, at
this article direct from the Springs, just re
ceived and for sale by' GARVIN HAINES,
may 20
O ACKING. —8 bales heavy SACKING for sale
may 5 ts
Augusta insurance and banking
20 shares for sale low by'
jan 30 Terms —6 months to approved paper
Odoriferous compound—For laying in
drawers among linens, laces, furs, cloths,
kc., impa; ting to them a pleasant perfume, and pre
venting the ravages of the moth. For sale by
"^TOTICE. —The subscriber having associated
JjHl Mr. Robert T. Hyde in his business from the
Ist inst. it will from that date be conducted in the
name of DUNLAP Sr HYDE.
July 9, 1840. J. G. DUNLAP.
inch Bagging, 1} a l£ lbs.
200 coils Bale Rope ;
50 ps. heavy- milled and bleached Sacking ;
1 bale plaid and striped Hemp Carpeting.
For sale by GARDELLE k RHIND.
may' 16 ts
THE subsciibeis have formed a co-partnership
for the transaction of a factorage and com
mission business, under the firm of HOPKINS <s•
STOVALL. They have taken the commodious
fire-proof Ware House on Mclntosh street, oppo
site Gen. 'I homas Dawson’s, formerly occupied by'
Heard k Wilson, and more recently by r D’Antignac
k Hill, Their storages are conveniently situated
for the storage of cotton, or receiving and forward
ing of goods by' Railroad or Wagon. They hope,
by strict attention to business, to merit a share of
public patronage.
Augusta, July 8, 1840. 2awtf—jy9
Central Rail Road k Bank-"’)
ingCo., of Georgia, et. al. 1 la Equity.
vs. ' Barnwell District.
Claghorn & Wood,ct. al. v
IT is ordered that the President, Directors &
Company of the Savannah and Augusta Steam
Boat Company and al) other persons claiming an
interest in, and lie u ,n, the Steam Boat Hamburg,
her machinery, furniture, tackle and apparel, do ap
pear before the Commissioners of this Court, and
make proof of their respective claims and demands
on, or before the first Monday in January next.
It is further ordered, that the Commissioner jin
Equity, for Barnwell Ditsrict, do sell at auction,
on the third Monday of August next, at Clayton’s
Landing, on the Savannah River, the Steam Boat
Hamburg, on a credit until the first day' of January
next, the purchaser to give Bond bearing interest
from the day of sale, with personal security, to be
approved by the Commissioners, and a Mortgage of
the property.
By order of his Honor, Chancellor Dunkin.
A. P. ALDRICH. C. & R. E. B. D.
Commissioner’s Office,^
Bainwell District, >•
July 17th, 1840. J
july 22 trwtJ ,
s °ld at the stoic lately occupied by
v . Henry Salm,deceased,on the first Tuesday
in September next, the remaining stock of dry
goods and groceries, consisting of Liverpool Salt,
t ottce, Bagging, Iron, lot of Wooden Ware. Shoes,
&< V*f* fl A. PICQUET,
Adm’r of Henry Salm.
’VJOTICE.— On Thursday, the 30th inst., at 3
d ’ 9 clock p. m. I will oiler, at my office,Notes,
, e Bills,and Accounts that may be due me at that!
Hme, to the highest bidder among my creditors.—
None will be allowed to be present except such as*
represent demands against me. Each Note, Due
tun and Account wid be sold separately.
% 1,10 . copartnership heretofore exist
mg in this city under the firm of Speaks &
W Hite, d.s ; o vod on the 12th inst by its own lim
itation. All who are indebted to the late firm w.ll
make payment to F. Spears only. The business in
lutuie will be continued at the old stand, by the
subscriber. SPEARS
.liny IMA dGt&wlni
fi'HE Office of the subscribe:® will hereafter,
a for the accommodation of travellers, optn at
4A o’clock, every morning, at which time they will
t e prepared to make Exchange of every descrip
tlo.n - „ J. G. WINTER it CO.
July lb ts
JJ> sporting Fowder,
50 £ kegs do do
15 kegs “Eagle” Powder, in canisters,
1000 “ Blasting do. .Just received and
for sale by (dec) GARDKLLE & RHIND.
I if A KS fresh Almonds, just received and
inf for sale by W. E. JACKSON,
april 27 Auctioneer.
G. N. Wilson respectfully informs
-■AJcigthe public that his splendid line erf
four Horse Post Coaches is running from Greens
boro to Spring Place, Ga. via Gainesville and Cass
ville, in connexion with Col. Ramsey’s Line to-
Ross’ Landing and Nashville, and Maj. Wells’
Line to Athens and Knoxville, Tenn.
Fare to Cassville, sl2 00
“ “ Spring Place, 17 00
Leaves Greensboro on the arrival of the Rail
Road t ars from Augusta, on Mondays, Wcdues •
days and Fridays.
Travelling time to Spring Place, 29 hours.
c " “ “ Nasliville, (io
OCy* Scats can be secured on application to
C. 11. GOODMAN, Agent,
mar 23 —Cm Globe Hotel, Augusta, Ga.
f *"l
\FTER the Ist day of July, merchandise will ;
be conveyed from Augusta to Crawfordviile,
Jefferson-Hall, and Greensboro, at 25 cents per
100 lbs, until further notice.
GEO. H. THOMPSON, Agent at Greensboro,
A. GREEN, do Jefferson Hall.
J. F. MIMS, do Crawfordville.
Sup. Transportation.
Trans. Office Ga. R. R. & B. Co.'/
Augusta, June 20, 1840. S
Columbus Enquirer, Southern Recorder,.
Southern Whig, and Macon Messenger, will each
copy three times.
sal T \
Hamburg, April 23, IS4O.
OTICE. —Freight on Cotton to Charleston by
Rail Road, is reduced to thirty-five cents per.
hundred for round, and twenty-live cents per bun*
dred pounds for square bales.
_______ A. B STURGES. Agent
Office Transportation S C. C. & R. R. Co. >
June 2d,1540. 3
Information to Travellers North and South.
OTWITHSTANDING the destruction of the
Xn bridges over the Savannah River, at Augusta,
by the late freshet, travellers are respectfully in
formed that arrangements have been made for pass
ing the river, and that the Cars leave Hamburg
and Charleston daily at the usual hours and'arrive
as formerly. ‘ WM. ROBERTSON, Jr.
Agent Transportation.
pißiSiSj |Ajj n
Office S. Carolina Rail Road Co. >
Hamburg, May 1, 1840. 5
ON and after this day, the passenger train from
Hamburg will arrive in Charleston at 2£
o’clock, p 51, in time for dinner. may L*
Via Greensboro’, Eatonton, Clinton, Macon, Per
ry, Pindertown, Bainbridge, Chattahoochie, lela,
St. Josephs, Pensacola, to Mobile.
The Proprietors of this Line inform the Travel
ling public that it is now in full operation, through
the entire route ; leaving Augusta by the Georgia
Rail Road cars to Greensboro’ every Tuesday
Thursday and Saturday, at 6 o’clock, P. M. and ar
rive in Mobile in three days and a half running
Travellers are assured that the staging upon this
line is superior to any other, the accommodations
unsurpassed, and by far the best natural roads in
the Southern country, only 210 miles of staging.
Stages leave Bainbridge for Tallahassee via Quin
cy, immediately on the arrival of the Alligator
Lino from Greensboro’, and immediately on the
arrival of tiie boats from lola.
Qj’Two Stages will at all times be run in-com
pany, when the travel requires it.
For seats in the above Line, apply at the office,
at the United States Hotel, Augusta, Geo.
aprii 21 ly GEO. W. DENT, Agent.
No. 236 Broad street , Augusta, Georgia. ®
The subscriber, having previrusi
Yjl bought out the interest of A. Z. Ban
ta in his Furniture Warehouse, has
now associated himself with one-of
ffUmiil t^e largest manufacturing establish-
Jf • V t ments in New- York, flatteis himself
* that he will be able to offer to the
public an assortment of Furniture, superior in point
of workmanship and durability, to any heretofore
offered in Augusta. As the manufacturing will
have the personal attention of one of the partners,
the strictest care will be observed in the selection
of good wood and dry material, (so essential to he
Also, a general assortment of Pianos, from the
best manufactories in tile Union-. More particulars
ly the New York Piano Forte company’s instru
ments, which cannot be excelled for sweetness ol
tone and durability, in tha southern climate, b ✓ any
manufactory in the United States. Our instru
ments are selected with the greatest care, by one
who is a competentjudge, and a written guarantee
is furnished in every instance, if required
C. A. Platt returns his thanks to the public for
their former patronage, and solicits for the company
ttrH share of public patronage Heretofore bestowed
oiriiirnseif. Tne ousiness in future will be con
oncted oy ;ap 2l CHAS. \. PLATT Is. C.o
D. H. SILCOX, 303 Broad street,
keeps at all times for sale, a large as
sortment of Cabinet Furniture , of
superior workmanship and well sea
soned materials, made expressly for
the Southern climate. Every arti
in the above business, with all the
variety of new patterns, continually
received. Persons wishing to purchase can do a
well at this establishment as at any of the Norths
ern manufactories. To be sold for casn or good
city acceptances. ,nar <ia