Newspaper Page Text
The Homage of Justice.
Wc have compiled, from various sources, the fo!-
nwme disinterested teglimornala.'vhich were com
manded from their eevfrol authors by the - v £ •
irotjsm, valor, talents mid *ucc«« of General Har
mo, . long before he was named tor the Presidency
Ld in times which ouiffit to give them weight suf
ficient to tear dour, all the petty calumnies and
quibbling objections w hid. party malignity may now
presume to forge against tho war-worn a:;d tirne
honored potnot and soldier.
The auihorioes «e piesrnt a?aimt the attacks ot
loco so co federalism, and which •. e have stereotyp
ed as an impiegnable barricade against all onposi
lion, are no less than the Cane rets <f the l “ ,t(d
State*, the Legvhiiure* of Indiana, r nd of h t nlnky
James Madison, Jos. Monroe, Co 1 . Richard '/• ''‘ tn ~
eon, Anthony Wavne, Lansdon (dares, Simo •
dcr, Gov. Shelby, Com. Perry, ColCroghan, Col.
Davis, and others, including in the illustrious cata
logue even Thomas Ritchie, Isaac hitt, (~ .ji .
Niles and Moses Dau-"on !
('(.I. Richard M. Johnson, now Vice I resident of
the United States, said, (in Congress)—
Who if Gen. Harrison ? Jhe son ot one of me
signers of the Declaration of In Impendence, who
sfSent the greater part of his large fortune in redeem
ing the pledge he then gave, of his “ fortune, life
and sacred honor,” to secure the liberties of his
“ Ol the caret rof Gen. Harrison 1 need not speak
the history of the West, is hi.s history, for forty
years he has been identified with its interests, its
perils and Us hopes. Universally beloved in (no
walks ol peace, and distinguished by Ins ability in
the councils of his country, he had been Jet mote
illustriously distinguished in the field.
“ Duri. g the late war, he was longer in active ser
vice than any other General officer; he was, | er
haps, oftener in action than any one ol them, and
never sustained a defeat.”
James Madison, in a special message to Congress
December 18, 1811, said,
“ While it is deeply lamented that so many valu
able lives have been lost in the action which took
place on the 7th ultimo, Congress will see with sat
isfaction the dauntless spirit of fortitude victorious
ly displayed by every description of troops engaged,
as well as the collected firmness which distinguished
their commandei on an occasion requiring the ut.
most exertions of valor and discipline.'
James Madison in his Message to Congress. No
vember# 1812,said,
“ An ample force from the States of Kentucky,
Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Virginia, is placed, with
the addition of a few regulars, under the command
of Brigadier General Harrison, who possesses the
entire confidence of his fellow soldiers, among
whom are citizens some of them volunteers in the
ranks, not less distinguished by their political sta
tions than by their personal merits.”
In Mr. Madison’s message of December 1813, the
compliment was extended, as follows :
“ The success on Luke Erie having opened a pas
sage to the territory of the enemy, the officer com
manding the Northwestern arras, transferred the
war thirlher, and, i apidly pursuing the hostile troops
fleeing with their savage associates,forced a general
action, which quickly terminated in the capture of
the British, and dispersion of the savage force.
* * This result is signally honorable to Major Gen
eral Harrison, by whose military talents it was pre
pared, ”
The following tribute of praise was paid to Gen
eral Harrison, in 1811, by eleven of the officers w ho
fought under his banner at the battle of Tippeca
“Should our country again require our service to
oppose a civilized or a savage foe, we should march
under General Harrison with the most perfect confi
dence of victory and fame.”
Extract of a letter from Col. Davis, who was kil
led at the battle of Tippecanoe, August 24, 1811:
“ I make free to declare, that I imagined
there were two military men in the West, and Gen.
Harrison is the first of the two.”
Message of Simon Snyder, Governor cf Penn
sylvania, December 10,1813
“ Already is the brow of the young warrior, Cro
ghan, encircled with laurels, and the blessings of
thousands of women and children rescued from the
scalping knife ot the ruthless savage of the wilder
ness, and from the still more savage Proctor, rest on
Harrison and his gallant army.”
In the Legislature of Indiana, on the 12th Nov.
1811, the Speaker of the House of Representatives,
Gen. Wm. Johnston, thus addressed General Harri
“ Sir—The House of Representatives of the In
diana territory, in their own name, and in behalf of
their constituents, most cordially reciprocate (he
congratulations of your Excellency on the glorious
result of the late sanguinary conflict with the Shaw
nee Prophet, and the tribes ot Indians confederated
with him; when wo see displayed in behalf of
our country, not only the consummate abilities of
the general, but the heroism of the man ; and when
we take into view the benefits which must result to
that country from those exertions, we cannot, for a
moment, withhold our meed of applause.”
Legislature of Kentucky, January 7, 1812.
“ Resolved, By the Senate and House of Hepre
% tativesof the State of Kentucky, in ihe late cam
paign against the Indians upon the Wabash, Gov.
William Henry Harrison has behaved like a hero, a
patriot and a general; and that for his cool, delib
erate, skilful and gallant conduct in the battle of
Tippecanoe, he will deserve the wannest thanks
of ins country and his nation.
Gen. Anthony Wavne, in his Letter to the Secre
tary of War, giving an official account of his san
guinary Indian Battle, in 1792, said -.
“My faithful and gallant Lieutenant Harrison
rendered the most essential service, by communica
ting my orders in every direction, and by his con
duct and bravery, exciting the troops to press for
Resolution directing the madals “struck, and,Jto be
together with the thanks of Congress, presented
to Major General Harrison, and Gov. Shelby,
and for other purposes.
Resolved, By the Senate and House of Repre
sentatives of the United States of America in Con
gress assembled, That the thanks of Congress
be, and they are hereby, presented to Major Gen
eral William Henry liarrisor, and Isaac Shelby,
late Gov. of Kentucky, and through them, to the of
ficers and men under their command, for their gal
lantry and good conduct in defeating the combined
Bmishand Indian forces under Major General Proc
tor, on the Thames, in Upper Canada, on the fifth
day of October, one thousand eight hundred and
thirteen, capturing the British array, with their bag
age, camp equippage, and artillery ; and that the
President ot the United States be requested to cause
two gold medals to be struck, emblematic of this
triumph, and be presented to General Harrison and
Isaac Shelby, late Gov. of Kentucky.
H. Clay,
Speaker of the House o Representatives.
John Gail lard,
President of the Senate, pro tempore.
April 4, 1818.—Approved,
James Moxroe.
Gov. Shelby to Mr. Madison, May 18, 1814,
says :
“ I (eel no hesitation to declare to yon that I be
lieve Gen. Harrison to be one of the first military
characters I ever knew."
Col. Richard M. Johnson to Gen. Harnson, July
4, 1813,says:
“ We did not want to serve under cowards or trai
tors ; hut under one [Harrison] who had proved him
self to he wise, pt udent and brave."
Commodore Perry to General Harrison, August
18, 1817, says:
“ The prompt change made by you m the order of
battle on discovering the position of the enemy, has
always appeared to me to have evinced a high
the venerable Shelby in his general approbation of
your conduct in that campaign.”
Honorable Langdon Cheves, on the battle of the
“ The victory of Harrison, wqs such as would have
secured to a Roman General in the best days of the
Republic, the honors of a triumph I He put an end
to the War in the Uppermost Canada"
Sentiments of the Hero of Fort Stephenson, Col.
‘ I desire no plaudits which are bestowed upon
me at the expense ol General Harrison.
“ I nave felt the warmest attachment for him as a
man, aru. my confidence in him as an ablecomman
der remains unshaken. I feel every assurance that
he will at all times do me justice; and nothing
could give me more pain than to see his enemies
seize upon this occasion to deal out their unfriendly
fee.mgs and acrimonious dislike ; and so long as he
continues (as in ray humble opinion he has hither
to done) tom ake the wisest arrangements and the
most judicious disposition, which the forces under
his command will justify, | shall not hesitate to
unite with the army in oestowing upon nm that
confidence which he so richly merits, and w hich has
on no occasion been withheld.
The Richmond Enquirer stud:
“Gen Harmon’s letter tells ns everything that
we wish to know ihe officers, except himself.
He dues justice to every one but Harrison- and
the world must therefore do justicei to the man who
was too modest to be just to hirn*,elf.
From Gen. Harrison’s report of the bat lie of the
Thames: , . , c
“We have suffered greatly for the want ol pro
visions, and the whole army has subsisted, for the
last three days, on raw beef without salt.
“ in ali ages, and in all countries, it has been
observed, that the cultivators of the soil are those
who are the h ast willing to part with thorr rigjus,
and submit themselves to the will ot a master.
Wm. H Harrison.
—Mav they ever remember that to preserve the r
liberties, they must do their own voting and their
own fighting , U M 11 y Afl f ,ioN „ n
to General Harnson has done more tor his coun
try with less comj>cnsation (or it, than am man
iivi’m.” President Madison.
Lx Governor Isaac Hill, November 23,1813, in
the New Hampshire Patriot said :
“ What man li\ cs, w hose whole heart anil soul is
not British, that cannot sincerely rejoice in the late
victories of Perry and Harrison, that does not feel
a pride in the valor and patriotism of the heroes of
ihe West, who have treed a country large as the
Empire of Alexander the Great, from the Indian
tomahawk and scalping knife ! If there be such on
one, he is a traitor to the country —he possesses the
spirit of a murderer.”
John M. Niles, late Van Buren canu date lor Gov.
in Connect ; cut, in his lite of Perry published in
1321, after giving a general biography ot Gen- Har
rison, said ;
“The defence of Fort Meigs, and the subsequent
capture of the British army, may he fairly consider
ed the most brilliant and extraordinary events of the
late war.”
In alluding to the battle of the Thames, he said :
“ll must be conceded that this victory reflected
great honor upon the national arms, and upon the
troops by whom it was achieved.
“ The action.and the movements which preceded
it, afforded ample testimony ol the judgement and
cool intrepidity cf (fen. Harrison; and, indeed,
all the events of the campaign support these cliar
aclistics ; the disasters aitentliug it having, in no in
stance, been imputable to him.
“Thereare peihaps on record few instances ol
such cool and steady intrepidity, on the port of
militia, or a force of this description, as was display
ed on this occasion.
“ Harrison and Perry left Detroit in the Ariel, and
arrived at Erie on the 22d of October. Here they
were received with every demonstration of joy and
admiration; the discharge of cannon, illuminations
&c. They were hailed as the deliverers of ihe
An Eloquent Ilecord.
William Henry Harrison was born in Virginia on
the 9th of February, 1773.
In 1791, when 19 years of age, he was appointed
by Washington an Ensign in our infant army.
In 1702, be was promoted to the rank of Lieu
tenant: and in 1793, joined the legion under Gen.
Wayne,and in a tew days thereafter, was selected
by him as one of his Aids.
On the 24thof August, 1794, ho distinguished
himself in the battle of the Miami and elicited the
most flattering written approbation of Gen Wayne.
In 1795, he was made a Captain, and was placed
in command of Fort \S ashington.
In 1797, he was appointed, by President Adams,
Secretary of the North-western Territory and cx
officio Lt. Governor
" In 17‘JS, he was chosen a delegate to Congre.-s.
In 1801, he was appointed Governor of Indiana,
and in the same year, President Jeffer>on appointed
him sole Commissioner for treating with the In
In 1809, ha was re-appointed Governor of Indi
ana by Madison.
On theTih November, 1811, lie gained the great
victory of TIPPECANOE
On the 11th September, IS 12, he was appointed
by Madison, Coramander-in-Chief of the North
western army.
On the Ist May, 1313, the seige ot Fort Meigs
commenced—lasted five days, and was terminated
by the brilliant and successful sortie of Gen. Har
On the 31st July, 1813, the battle of Fort Ste
phenson occurred.
On the sth October, 1813, he gained the splendid
victory of the THAMES, over the Briiish and In
dians under Proctor.
In 1814, he was as pointed by Madison one of
the Commissioners to real with the Indians, and
in the same year, with his colleagues Gov. Shelby
and Gen. Cass, concluded the celeb.alod treaty of
In 1815, he was again appointed such Commis
sioner, with Gen. McArthur and Mr. Graham, and
negotiated a treaty at Detroit.
In 1816, he was elected a member of Congress.
In January, 1313, he introduced a resolution in
honor jf Kosciusko, and supported it in one of the
most feeling, classical and eloquent speeches, ever
dehvered in tlie House of Representatives.
( In 1819, he was elected a member of the Ohio
In 1824, he was elected -onator in Congress,
and was appointed, in 1825, Chairman of the Mili
tary Committee, in place of Gen. Jackson, who had
In 1827, he was appointed Minister to Colombia,
and, in 1829, wrote his immortal letter to Bolivar
the deliverer of South America.
Os him Col. Johnson (Vice President) thus spoke
in the House of Representatives w hilst a member
of that body -.
“Os the career of Gen. Harnson, I need not
speak—the history of the west is his history For
forty years he has been identified with its interests,
its perils, and ns hopes. Universally beloved in
the w alks of peace, and distinguished by his ability
in the councils of his country, he has been yet more
illustriously distinguished in ihe field. During the
late war, he was linger in actual service than any
other General Officer ; he was, perhaps, Miner in
action than any one of them, and never sustained a
Such is the man, who, still enjoying his untar
nished lame and glory, and standing on a proud
and lofty eminence where neither malice or envy
can assail him, is now summoned by his grateful
countrymen to leave the quiet walks of private life
to guide the councils of the nation, “and deliver
the country from the dangers which encompass it.”
He will be her deliverer !!
Georgia, Burke county ;
R % r HEREAS, Abel Lewis, administratoron the
* * estate of Stephen Boyd, deceased, applies
or letters dismissory from said estate ;
These are therefore to cite and admonish ali and
singular, the kkdred and creditors of said deceased,
to be and appear at my office within the time pro
scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have,
why said letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand at office in Waynesboro,
this 10th July, 1340. T. H. BLOUNT, Clerk.
Burke Superior Court, May term, 1340.
Present, his Honor John Shly.
Hethoy McMahan,\
vs. > Case for Divorce.
George McMahan. J
IT appearing to the Court from the return of the
sheriiF that the defendant, George McMahan,
is not to be found in the County aforesaid.
ll is therefore ordered that‘the said defendant
I a PPcar and answer on or before the first, day of the
| next teim of Hus Court, or be considered in default
| and lhat a copy of this rule be published in one of
■ the public Gazettes of tins State, once a month
I for three months pievious to the next terra of this
A true extract from the minutes, July Sth IS4O
Georgia, Lincoln county:
William M. Lamplun applies for
?? letters of administration on the estate of
John McDowell, sen., late of said county, deceased-
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceas>d,
to be and appear at my office within the time pre
scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have,
why said letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand at office, this 6th August
Georgia, Burke County;
UREAS 3amue! Barron, administrator of
? f William Barron, deceased, applies for let
ters dismissory from said estate :
These are therefore Incite and admonish, all and
singular, the kindred and creditors of the said de
ceased, to be and appear at my office, within the
time prescribed by law. to show cause (if anv they
have) why said letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand at office in Waynesboro
this bth March 1340. T. 11. BLOUNT, Clerk.
Georgia, Colnmbia county ; . .. „
I*7 HEREAS, Curtis Lowe applies for letters
VV of administration on the estate of Isaac
Lowe, deceased; »
These are therefore to cite and admonish all anu
singular,the kindred and'creditors of said deceased,
to be and appear at my office within the time pre
scribed by law. to show cause, if any they have,
u-hy said*letters should not be granted.
Given under my han i at office, this 10th July,
jS-40. GABRIEL JONES, Clerk.
Georgia, Columbia comity :
* a/HE REAS, John Lamar, Executor ol tnc
VV w ill of William W. Harden, deceased, ap
plies for letters dismissory from said estate.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all
and singular, the kindred and creditors of said de
ceased,'"to be and appear at my office, within the
time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they
have, why s id letters should not be granted.
Given under my' hand, at office, this 30th da} ot
Georgia, Columbia county : .
W HEREAS, William S. Dunn. Executor ol
the will of Winn if red Dunn, deceased,
applies for letters dismissory from said estate.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased,
to be and appear at my office within the time pie
scribed by bw, to show cause, if any they ha\e,
w’hy said letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand, at office, this 4th June.
1840. GABRIEL JONES, Clerk.
Georgia, Burke county :
$ * / HEREAS, Andrew Carson, admims rator on
V V the estate of Mary Ann Carson, applies for
letters dismissory from said estate ;
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular, the kindred and creditors ol said deceased,
to be and appear at my office, within the time pre
scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have,
way said letters sliouldnotbe granted.
Given under my hand at office in \\ aynesboro,
this Kith July, 1840. T. H. BLOUNT, Cieiii.
Georgia, Burke county:
WHEREAS, Henry Lewis applies for letters
of administration on the estate of Henry
H. Bordeaux, deceased,
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased,
to be and appear at my office within the time pre
scribed by r law, to show cause, if aiy they’ have,
why said letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand at office in Waynesboro,
this 10th July, 1840. T. li. BLOUNT, Clerk.
Georgia Scnven county ;
fIBTTHEREAS, Peter Arnett Administrntor on
VV the estate of Allen Bolton, applies for let
ters dismissory from said estate,
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular, the kindred and creditors of sard deceased,
to be and appear at my olfice, within the time pre
scribed by law, to show cause, if any they' have
why said letters should not be granted.
Given under in}' hand, at office, in Jacksonboro’,
this 3d day of March, 1840.
Georgia, Senveu County ;
*T H EREAS James H. Mobley, administrator
V v on (he estate of William W. Oliver, applies
for letters dismissory from said estate.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased,
to be and appear at my office, within the time pre
scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have,
why said letteis should not be granted.
Given under my hand, at office, in Jacksonboro,
this 271 h March, 1840. ALEX’R. KEMP, Clk.
Georgia, Lincoln county :
WO EREAS Samuel Wright applies for letters
of administration on the estate of John
G resham, deceased :
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased,
to be and appear at my office within the time pre
scribed by' law, to show cause, if any they have,
why said letteis shpuld not be granted.
Given under my hand at ( slice, this 13th July,
1840. HUGH HENDERSON, Clerk.
Georgia, Columbia county:
ft*/ HEREAS, Allred J. Dunn, Administrator on
w » the Estate of George W. Dunn, deceased,
applies for letters of dismission from said estate.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceas
ed, to be and appear at my office within the time
prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have
why said letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand, at office, this 7th May,
Georgia, Burke County ;
W HEREAS, James Chance, administrator of
Mary Chance, applies for letters dismissory
on the estate of said deceased,
These are therefore to cite and admonish all
and singular, the kindred and creditors of said de
ceased, to be and appear at my office, within the
time prescribed by law, to shew, cause if nny they
have, \v by said letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand, at office, in Waynesboro,
this Ib’lh day of May, IS4O.
T. 11. BLOUNT, Clerk.
In Jefferson Superior Court, May Term, IS4O.
His Honor Judge John Siily presiding.
Elizabeth Norris,
vs. C Case for Divorce.
Mahon T. Norris. J
IT appearing to the Court by the return of the
Sheriff, that the defendant, Mahon T. Norris,
is not to be found in tile County, It is therefore
on moiion ordered, That the defendant appear at
the next term of this Court, and answer to the
said case, as in default of such appearance the said
Court will proceed to trial. And it is further or
dered (hat service of the said writ be perfected by
advertising this notice in one of the public gazette's
of this State for thiee months before the next term
of this Court.
A true extract from the minutes of the Superior
Court of Jefferson county for May Term, 1810.
July 9,’ 1840.
Georgia, Scriven County :
Elizabeth Buxton
vs. t-Bill of Injunction.
Benjamin Buxton. J
IT appearing to the Court, by the return of the
Sheriff, that the Defendant is not to be found
in this County, it is on motion of Counsel, Ordered,
That the Defendant appear at the next term of this
Court, and then and there plead, answer or demur
to the Complainant’s bill of complaint, or the hill
will be taken pro confess©. It is further ordered,
that a copy of this rule be published once a month
lor four months before said Court, in one of the
public Gazettes of tins State.
A true extract from the minutes, this 11th day
of June, 1840. ALEXANDER KEMP,CIerk.
Georgia, Scriven Comity:
Elizabeth Buxton
Benjamin Buxton, j
IT appearing to the Court by the Sheriff's return,
that the Defendant is not to be found in this
County, It is, on motion, Ordeied that the Defend
ant appear at the next term of this Court, and then
and there answer to the complaint of the Libellant
or the Court will proceed as by default ; and it is
further ordered, that a copy of this rule be publish
ed once a month, for three months, in one of the
public Gazettes of this State, before said Court.
A true extract from the minutes, this 11th day
of June, 1810. ALEXANDER KEMP, Clerk. *
Burke Superior Court, May term, 1840.
Present, his Honor John Shly.
Mary Ann Thompson,-)
vs {-Divorce.
James Thompson, j
IT appearing to the Court that the defendant is
not to be found in this County, it is on motion,
oiuered that the defendant be and appear at t !, e
next term of this Court and answer the libellant,
o. in default thereof the Court will proceed in the
case. r
i C , 1 l fu . rther orderded tha * a cony of this rule be
published once a month for three months, in one
ot the public Gazettes of the city of Augusta
A Hue extract from the minutes, July Sth, IS4O.
\TOTICE All persons having demands against
AN the laic Arthur Sykes, of Jefferson countv,
deceased, are requested to hand them in properly
authenti ated ; and those indebted to the deceased
will make payment to
t -»o ELL, Administrator.
1 June 23, 1840,
THE subscribers have formed a co-partnership
for the transaction of a factorage and com
missioi business, under the firm of HOPKINS ts
STOVALL. They have taken the commodious
fire-proof Ware House on Mclntosh street, oppo
site Gen. Thomas Dawson’s, formerly occupied by
Heard & Wilson, and more recently by D’Antignac
& Hill. Their storages are conveniently situated
for the storage of cotton, or receiving and forward
ing of goods by Railroad or Wagon. They hope,
by strict attention to business, to merit a share of
public patronage.
Augusta, July 8, 1840. 2awtf— jy9
THE subscribers will continue the Ware-house
and Commission Business at their old stand,
where they hope to receive the same liberal patro
nage that has been given to them for years past.
Our location being central and near the wharves,
combines as many advantages as any similar estab
lishment in the city. In the Hte disastrous fresh
et we sustained some injury, but as little perhaps
as any other ware-house in the city, having the
same quantity of produce on hand. Our Ware
house and close-stores are in good order for the re
ception of produce or Merchandize, and strict at
tention will be devoted to either when entrusted to
our care. BAIRD & ROWLAND.
Augusta, July 28, 1840. tlstNov.
INFORM their friends and the pnbiic, that they
continue the Ware-house and Commission
Business at their new and extensive fiif.-proot
ware-house, which is now in complete order for
the reception of Cotton, or other produce, with am
ple close storage for goods. All Cotton and other
articles consigned to them by the Kail Road being
discharged from the cars immediately in Iront ol
their gale, renders drayage unnecessary. To
guard against accidents to teams, cotton from
wagons will be received at the gate on Walker
street, entirely out of sight of the cars.
The proprietors return thanks to their customers
for their former patronage, and respectfully solicit
a continuance of their favors. w3m july 14
(Tj^TheConstitutionalist, Georgia Journal, Fed
aral Union, and Southern Whig, will each publish
the above weekly for three months.
THE undersigned most respectfully solicit of
their friends and the public generally, a share
of their busine e s in Savannah, where (hey have
now erecting, near the Rail Road Depot, a commo
dious Ware-House, for the accommodation of cot
ton, and receiving and forwarding goods.
They pledge themselves to give their undivided
attention to business, and hope, from long experi
ence, to render general satisfaction in promoting
the interest of their friends.
Savannah, Ga., August Ist, IS4O.
I take this opportunity for returning my
thanks to my former patrons, and hope they will
continue their kind favors, so liberally bestowed
in Augusta, towards the above firm in Savannah.
july 23 ts T. M. SIMMONS.
THE subscriber would respectfully inform the
public generally, that he will be prepared by
the 10th of August, to entertain all the traveling
and other customers who may favor him with a
call. He will have at that time tw r enty private
rooms, neatly finished off, for the a-commodalion
of families, &c.
He flatters himself from his past experience
and the comfortable arrangements of the Hotel,
that he will be able to furnish such accommoda
tions as will give general satisfaction.
He will constantly keep on hand the best pro
visions the country can afford, which shall be
served up in fine style, for all such as may favor
him with a call, at the lowest prices.
His Stables are equally commodious as his Hotel,
and well stored with grain. R. F. DANIEL.
_july 20 4t
(fj a REWARD. —Runaway from the
■‘tcvl v/ subscriber, on the 29tli ult., a likely
negro boy named Scott, IS or 19 years old, 5 feet
10 inches nigh, rather light complexion, looks very
pleasing when spoken to, very intelligent,and re
markably polite in his deportment, spare made and
streight. He took with him, from me,about SIOO
in money, $25 of which was American gold, the
balance in bills of the Planters’ and Mechanics’
Bank of Columbus. Also, a line gold watch and
chain with square links. lam inclined to believe
he has been seduced away by some white man, as
he has hitherto been trust worthy and honest as far
as I have known.
He was raised in Charlotte, N. C., and may
possibly endeavor to get back, but will more pro
bably endeavor to get to a free State, either by
way of Apalachicola or through the up countiy, as
he has been heard to express a desire to get to
Ohio or Philadelphia.
I will give the above reward of lour hundred
dollars, for the apprehension of the boy and thief,
and their delivery to me, with sufficient evidence
to convict them, or S2OO lor the boy and the watch,
or $l5O for the boy alone, ora proportionate reward
for his confinement in jail, and information so that
I get him. WM. D. LUCAS.
Girard, Ala., August 11, IS4O. 4t
THE subscriber h: s opened a Law Office on
Judge Longstreet’s lot in the village of Ox
ford, Newton county, where he will be found at
all times when not on the circuit. He will prac
tice in Newton, Morgan, Walton, De Kalb, Gwin
nett, Jasper, Henry and Butts counties. Persons
trusting the undersigned with basiness, may be
assured that it will be attended to with fidelity.
I take pleasure in recommending Thomas How
ard to the patronage of my friends and acquaintan
ces. Ho «s talented and trust-worthy, and will
have the benefit of my counsel, whenever he or
his clients desire it. A. B. LONGSTRhET
au g 3
IN the month of June, 1525, I enclosed in a let
bj mail, to John C. Richards, merchant of
i Baltimore, the first halves of throe notes of the
I following description, to wit, one half of note num
j her 2158, on the Bank of the State of North Caro
-1 jina, pa} ajie at Raleigh, for one hundred dollars’
one half of note number 287, on the Bank of Au
gusta, Georgia, payable to R. Tulman, for fifty
dollars; and one half of note number 196, Bank of
Augusts, Georgia, payable to J. G. Cowling, for fifty
debars, whicn were received by said Richards, on
the 18th June, 1825; and in the month of Julyfol-
Jowrng, I enclosed, by mail, in a letter directed to
said Richards, the other half of al! said Bank notes
aforesaid, which were never received by said Rich
ards, and which were lost or taken from the mail.
Any information in relation to said lost halves of
said notes will be thankfully received, and any
person finding said halves, shall be amply compen
August 8, IS4O. w3m
WHEREAS a bill has passed both branches of
the General Assembly, changing the time
ol Holding the sessions of the Legislature from
annual to bi-enmal: but whereas, it is proper on
all occasions to ascertain the will of the people
whenever it can b done without interfering with
the ordinary course of Legislation: Therefore
Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Reore
sentatives of the i Mate of Georgia, in General As
sembly met, and it is hereby resolved by the authori
ty of the same, That on the fir A Monday in Octo
ber, 1840, the voters of this State be requested to
endorse on their tickets the words annual or
" Biennial ,” as they may favor the meeting of the
Legislature e very year, or once in two years: and
that the resolution be published in the newspapers
in this State lor three months before the Hrsf Mon
day in October aforesaid. 011
Utest pea w° f H ° USe of Representatives,
Attest —Joseph Sturgis, Clerk.
In Senate, concurred in, 21st December 1839
, President of the Semt»
Attest David J. Bailey, Secretary.
Approved, December 24th. 1839
uneS7 HA “ LESJ ’ McDONA “- Governor.
THE duties of this Institution, under the direc
tion of Dr. Elias Marks and Rev. Well
ington H. Tyler, will he resumed on the first
° C Twcn^-two g Ve»rs of past service is the pledge
whVh one of the above-named mdmduals oßers,
for that which is forthcoming. He is enabled,
to-%SS acquaintance to testify as^to. he
superior qualifications of Mr. °
among other testimonials, are offered s
“;»ir. Wellington H. Tyler is a graduate of this
College. After taking his first degree, he went to
Kentucky, where he proved himselt to be an aj.e
and faithful teacher of youth. Being invited to
take a tutorship here, he returned and discharged
the duties of hi- office with great credit to hunselt
and advantage to the Institution. Since then, he
has studied Theology in the Andover Seminary,
and is now a very acceptable preacher oi the Gos
pe|t affords me great pleasure to recommend him
to the public, as a man of high moral and Christian
character, and perfectly well qualified to take
charge of any Academy or High School, where his
services may be wanted, il Humphrey, 1 ies.
Amherst College, Sept. 1(5, 1539.”
“Amherst College, Sept. 20, ISoJ.
This may certify, That the subscriber is well
acquainted with the Rev. Wellington 11. Tyler,
having known him as a member of this College, of
whiclfhe is an alumnus,and afterwards as a r, 'utor
in the College, and since as a licensed preaciier
resident in this place ; and I take great pleasure
in recommending him to the public confidence as a
Christian anti a minister, and also as a scholar and
gentleman, highly qualified by his abilities, attain
ments, and general character, to superintend the
instruction of youth of either sex in ary of oui
literary institutions. N. W.Fiske,
Prof. Int. and Mor. Phi’y.”
Mrs. T. is amply recommended by the Principals
of the Troy Female Seminary, and also by Profs.
Yates of Union College, and Joslin ot the New
York University.
The Principals of the Institute, in the discharge
of the highly responsible duties which will devolve
upon them, will aim at practical results, and at
tempt rather to qualify those submitted to their
care for the duties of real life, than to gain for
them the admiration too often bestowed upon . r
ratic genius and fanciful attainments. The former
requires the symmetrical developcment of all the
faculties which make up the mental and moral
constitutions, and, under no circumstances of future
life, will it leave the pupil in the condition of a
traveller, who should receive for hls guidance a
map of a different country from that in which he
is to travel.
They will aim at permanent results. The pow
er and the habit of reasoning are worth more than
any number of the results of others’ rcasonii g;—
the love of knowledge and a mind well disciplined
and directed for future acquisitions, are a greater
blessing than any amount of knowledge without
such guaranties for its perpetuity and increase, as
a living fountain is worth more than a stagnant
reservoir of however great dimensions.
They will aim, in short, at combining, in the
highest practicable degree, the advantages of home
education with those which, in the general, can
only be enjoyed abroad, where many are brought
together for the same object;—at concentrating the
endearments of home, its social sentiments and its
proprieties of life —for the improvement and the
enjoyment of those who may thus be removed from
the danger of being injuriously involved in fash
ionable dissipation, or being too early occupied
with distracting domestic cares and avocations.
It will be perceived that the new arrangement
leaves the identity of the Institute untouched. It
will be the same in its objects and aims—the same
in its internal arrangements, in its religious aspects
and in the sentiments of its conductors, as they
regard the domestic institutions of the South. —
Hence the propriety of omitting here much that
must otherwise have been detailed at large, res
pecting our arrangements and the advantages of
them —matters, which have already and repeatedly
been submitted to the notice of tiic public, and as
it would seem, met their approbation.
The regular Term of the Institute consists of
nine months, commencing on the Ist of October,
and terminating on the last day cf June. Term
divided into two Sessions, of four and a half months
each. Second Session commences on the second
Monday in February, terminating on the last day
of June.
It is every way desirable that pupils should enter
at the commencement of the Term ; they will,
however, be received at any period of the Term,
and charged only for the unexpired portion of the
The Institurion will be open five days of the
week, during tire hours of recitation, from G a m.
to 5 p m. to the inspection of patrons and those
interested in the cause of Female Education.
No expenditures will be made for pupils, for
books, stationary, postage, and necessary articles,
such as shoes, &c. unless an advance is made, in
deposife, for the same.
All letters to Principals must be post-paid.
We recommend to patrons and others to post-pay
their letters, addressed to the inmates of the In
stitute, in order to anticipate errors of double post
age upon the part of Postmasters.
board and entire course of studies in Literary and
(Scientific Departments, inclusive of washing,
fire-wood, candies, ink, quills, &c. for Academic
year, S2OO 00
Chemistry,w T ith use of Chemical apparatus 1G 00
Botany, 10 00
Latin and French Languages, each, 22 00
Music—piano, guitar, or harp, each, 50 00
Use of Piano, 0 00
Drawing, 32 00
An additional charge will be made for pupils who
remain at the Institute during vacation.
Eacli Session payable in advance.
Attached to the institute are a well selected
Library, Philosophical and Chemical Apparatus,
and a Cabinet of Minerals.
Barhamville,near Columbia, (S.C.) May 10,1340.
Text Books—introduced in succession in each
Department of Study —Murray’s Grammar and
Exercises; \\ ilkins’ Astronomy: Jamieson’s Rhet
oric; W hately’s do; Porter’s Analysis; Abercrom-
Moral and Intellectual Philosophy; Paley’s
evidences; Smilie’s Philosophy; Woodbridge and
\\ iliard’s Modern Geography; Cummings’ Ancient
do; Dr. Butler’s Geographical Ciassica; do’s Atlas;
Rabbins’ Outlines of History; Tytler’s modern and
ancient do; Hale’s do. of ti e United States; Mrs
Lincoln’s Botany; Eaton’s do; Beck’s Chemistry*
Grund’s Natural Philosophy; Colburn’s Men ml
Arithmetic; Smith’s Arithmetic; Colburn’s Alge
bra; Day’s do; Orund’s Plain Geometry; Play fare’s
Euclid; Day’s Mathematics; War.ostiocht’s French
Grammar; Hertz’s , renchClassical Reader; Abeille;
Easy Lessons in French; Choix d’Anecdotes; Bol
mars ( olloquiai Phrases; Bolmar’s Perrin’s Fables;
ol,ot s F tench Dialogues; Coilot’s French Ancc
dotes; Gould's Adams’ Latin Grammar; Mares’
M ntax; Jacob’s Latin Reader; Cicero; Virgil; Ains
worth s Latin Diction ry; Eulick’s Latin Diction
Any of these, as required, can be furnished at
the Institute, at New kork retail price*
may 23 mCj ,
ON the first Tuesday In October next will be
sold, betore the court house door in the town
ot Washington, Wilkes county, Georgia, within
the usuai hours of sale, a certain improved Lot of
Land in said village, bounded on the north by the
main street, on the west by a cross street on the
south by a street running parallel with the main
street, and on the east by the lot occupied by the
late Lee Ann Ruddle, at tire time of her decease
containing one acre, and lost for the benefit of
the orphans of the late John K. M. Charlton of
sard county. ’
July 23,184r iNR * STANF ° RD ’ Guaidi --
XM/MLL be sold on the first Tuesday in Sco
▼ t tember next, at the court-home in X
county of Forsyth, between the usual i * 1
sale, agreeable to an order of the Inferior
Lincoln county,when sitting for ordin "v ° f
one lot of land No. 1142 and 2d DRtrb t P f Urp ° 3C . s ’
Cherokee. strict, formerly
And on the first Tuesday in October „
be sold, agreeable to the above nam*. i * *? ext ’ ' VI
county of Dooly, lot No ViQ d ,° r ! er ’ 111 lhe
The above lots nf ln the loth District.
<loce. S cd7solJ
creditors of said deceased t * the heirs and
the day. yh rln v™ kn °' VII on
July 9,1840. K 1 OARNEI r » Adm’r.
The Castings from this establishment have y I
universal satisfaction since it has been inop t . r '!' en I
We have now on hard a large slock of the* ° n ' I
material, of the best quality, and are reach't/* ” I
ceive orders for any description of CASTIvr!-' !
either for Rail Road*, .Mills, Steam Engines ’ ’ I
other purposes. As wo have a first rate Pm’ ° f I’s
Maker, and use nothing but the best matcr-’ U ■>
consequently we can warrant our Castings not o *’ S - I
to work well, but be as strong and as well m R
any manufactured at the North or elsewhere a I I
we challenge comparison.
We also manufacture to order any tint XI
now getting up, and will soon have made m 4
hand tor sale, a variety ot PLOUGHS, of afi kin " ■
and sizes, from the small Poncy Plough up to tl S W
large four horse Plough. Also, Straw-Cutters 1
Corn Shelters, Harrows, IVheat Fans, Cultivators I
I Capons, Carts, £,-c., 4-c. Persons wanting such .
articles would do well to call, as we arc determh
ed to sell low for cash or city acceptances. " fl
Orders can be left at the principal stores in
town, or at the establishment in rear of the Pres
byterian Church, near the Rail Road Depot and
they will be attended to punctually.
uly 11 ly _ THOS. HOPKINS & Co.
ateorgia burr stonks for salT-v J
q 7T first rate pair of these .Mill Stones, four*and
a half feet iu diameter. F’or terms apply at this
otfice. jan 31 ts
Georgia, Burke county;
FI vc re It Sapp, administrator on I
7 f the estate of Jacob Watkins, applies for 1
letters dlsmissory from said estate:
These arc therefore to cite and admonish ail and %
singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased 1
o be and appear at my office,within the time pie- I
scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have I
why said letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand at office in Waynesboro I
this 29th January, 1840,
T- H. BLOUNT, Clerk.
Gorgia, Jelierson county :
\|/'HEREAS J, W. Houston and F. F.. Nicoll, 'i
% executors of last will and testament of
Henry A. Dodge, app'y for letters of dismission
from said estate:
These arc therefore o cite, summon and admon- J
ish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of ■
said deceased, to be and appear at my office within I
the time prescribed by law, to show . \use, if any I
they have, wiiy said letters should not be granted. |
Given under my hand at cilice, this lOlh Februa- |
Georgia, Scriveu Comity:
W HEREAS William II Wade, administratoi j
on the estate of George M. Henderson,ap- I f
plies for letters dismissory from said estate.
These are therefore to cite and admonisli all and I;
singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, H
to be and appear at my office within the time pre- j
scribed by law, to show cause (if any they have) I
why said letters should not be granted.
Given under my band, at office, in Jacksonhoro, ■
this 27th >1 arch, IS4O. ALEX’R. KEMP,CIk. ■
Georgia, J e Her sou county :
WH FIRE AS, John Bostick, Executor of last J
will and testament of Mrs. Agatha Beal, I
late of said county, deceased, applies for letters '
dismissory from said estate.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and I
singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, | b
to be and appear at my office within the time pre- |
Scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, I
why said letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand, at office, this Sth May,
IS4O. E. BOTH WELL, Clerk.
Itch ! !
No article ever introduced to public notice has hun
found to answer a better purpose, or been more highly ap
proved, than the justly celebrated
lliiiiifries’ Itch Ointment.
great and extended has become its reputation, that
dealers are ordering it from all parts of the country,
as a remedy which gives their customers the highest
93“ A Student I—connected with one of our Liter
ary Institutions, where this loathsome disease had ap
peared, observes, that Dumfries’ Itch Ointment extermi
nated it, after various other applications had failed to da
so, and it had in consequence gained a reputation in that
Seminary, and vicinity, as the best remedy known for tit
This preparation, for pleasantness, safety,expedi
tion, ease and certainly, is unsurpassed, if equalled. Il
docs not contain the least particle of mercury, or othei
dangerous ingredient, and may be implied with perfect
safety by pregnant females, or to children at the breast,
and it cures, however inveterate, in
53“ One Hour’s Application only I—And no i
danger from taking cold.
It is also one of the best applications for a himor, is
form of a ring-worm, known by the name of the Barkisi'
Iren, and is excellent for Pimples, and diseases of tit
skin g tJuralLy .
Price 25 cents a box, with ample directions.
93” Cautloa ! Be particular to observe that the only
original and genuine Dumfries’ Itch Oiktmert is signed 1
by T. Kidder, the sole proprietor, on the outside printed
wrapper. None other can possibly be genuivt I
9Cr Prepared and sold by T. KIDDER, sole proprietor
mid successor to Dr. Coswir, 99 Court street, up sto'rg,
near Concert Hall, Boston, and may also be had JffT us
A fresh supply of the above Ointment just re
ceived and for sale by
Druggist, Augusta, Ga.
Where may be found a general assortment of
Drugs, Medicine, Paints, Oils, Glass, &c.
feb 28 6m
{A Late and Valuable Discovery.
PERHAPS there is rtOlhing M” e' s, c"!ai*ri
disgust tn« public eye than the mnumerabb
advertisements of nostrums that are con-siaul ly ap
pearing in the public prints. All are ready ton
claim, our souls are sick, our ears are pained with
every day’s reports of ills and specifics. This state
ot the public mind would seem to forbid any person
of delicate mind from sending forth any new uis
co'. cries in medicine, to thi trial of thv public-
Still, motives of delicacy should not prevent us from J
makingknown real discoveries, which wearec.ja -
fident will benefit our follow men. Tins iaiter
consideration has prornpled ihe author of these hit
ters to makethom known, ife knows they are
lj r efficacious, for he himself, his wife, and many 3
friends, have given! hem a thorough trial. He was
himself a confirmed dyspeptic, so much, that even
his recollection was gone. Ry using these bitters
ho has been restored to health. .Mrs. Coshy wa» g
troubled for many years, but was restored to • e3lli>
by the use oi these bitters. This has been the case
with many of Ins frit nils. Mr. Cosby in sending c;
forth this advertisement, addresses tho?e who know
him. He has been for many years a resident ot 1,
Augusta at which place he can at any m-ne
consulted about lhe bitters. They are good in aU
cases of diseases of the digestive organs, the symp
toms of which are indigestion, pain or oppress j.-
in the stomach from food, lossot appetite, flatiiicii
cy, heart burn, giddiness in the head, pain h‘
side, shortness us breath, lassitude, general
ness, disturbed sleep, &c The composinon is en
tirely Botanical, and has proved efficacious t'
many celebrated medicines had failed. Insuppj’ 1-
of which he refers thvrato F'reernan W. 1-acy,
riffof Richmond count’*, and William T. I homp
sen, editor of (he An.usia Mirror, and he might re
fer yon to _ many others, but deems it unnecessary
as he is willing to place il on its own menls. ‘
he asks is lor inose vviio are afflicted with the dys
pepsia to give it a trial. t
They can he bad at T. IT. Plant’s book-store,
Augusta, and of O. Cosbv himself, at the corner of
Washington and Elfis-streels.
GARVIN df HAINES, Druggists, Augusta' g
DAVID REID, Macon. ~ ..
ERAi\ CIS OUTER, Druggist, Columbia, S C
S D CLARK Sf Co. Druggists, Hamburg-
II ASTI E $ SI COL, Greenville, S. C‘
nov 30 1 y