Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, August 21, 1840, Image 3

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    »health, and three Gazelles, also in good
th. They Messrs. June, Tilus, An
-1 ,! n e &Co of the Zoological Institute. The
5t one stands about fifteen feet high; they
'.ill noble animals and well worth looking at.
' { V Y. Ha aid of the loth.
From the Georgia Journal.
\ Letter from Governor Troup.
tVe have never attempted to place Governor
Troup in any other position than that in which
ji P places, and has placed himself. Whenever
| ve expressed our opinion with regard t o his
, )o siiion on the Presidential question, we gave it,
wc know he would himself if called upon to
ji so. We know that he was an advocate for a
jjvorcc of the Government from Banks, but while
advocating the establishment of Mr. Van Buren’s
( ib- treasury, wo also know that he had the most
hoiv horror of the corrupt administration of the
Federal Government, and that he could not he
induced to lend the influence of his name to ad
vance his re-election by the people. We also
j. neW that Gov. Troup was exceedingly desirous
of pieserving the unity of the State Rights party
, in Georgia, and that he disapproved of their policy
of running Gen. Harrison. But his opposition
t o this movement is not because of leant of con
fidence in the integrity and honest;/ ot Gen.
Harrison, that forms his main objection to Mr.
Van Burcn. Not so. But he is nevertheless
determined in the present contest, to occupy a
neutral position,- and for the benefit of those who
], .ve been using the name of the “old Roman” to
advance the pretensions of Martin Van Burcn,
vve publish the following letter, to Col. C. Y.
p err y of Talbot county ;
“Laurkxs, sth July, 1810.
“C. Y. Pkbbt, Esq.—Sir: You ha'e seen by
the public prints, that consistently with my own
principles, I cannot do otherwise than to observe
a strict neutrality in the pending canvass foi the
; and I hope my reasons will be sat
isfactory to you.
Respectfully, G. M. TROUP.”
Now, after this, we hope to hoar no more from
Mr. Van Buren’s friends, of Governor Troup’s
devotion to their cause. We can assure the
“Democracy” that he has the most profound con
tempt for those who would thus endeavour to
place him in a false position. He will support
neither candidate for the Presidency cither direct
ly or indirectly, and in that position, those who
have any respect for his feelings should most
unhesitatingly leave him. As much as wc would
desire to see him enlisted to support the election
of Harrison, wc have too much respect and affec
tion for his great and good name to use it in any
other way, than Governor Troup himself desires
it. We are not his admirers “of an hou and
as such, we have determined that he shall not be
misrepresented by those, wh« scarce three months
ago. were bitter in their denunciations of him.
Will the Van Buren papers publish this let
From the Southern Christian Advocate.
Georgia Female College.
IMk. Editor: —It will 1 trust, be a sufficient
apology for the following remarks, to say that I
have been requested, by several friends of the
College, to assign the reasons of my resignation of
the Presidency. An institution dependent on pub
lic confidence for its existence, and on its patron
age for the means of prolonging that existence,
might be seriously injured by the mistaken appre
hensions that are ofltimes adopted under similar
circumstances. Most men regarding the place I
have left as one of honor and emolument, and ac
customed to consider lhe>e as the great motives of
human conduct —naturally enough inquire into the
reasons of the case, and being uninformed as :o the
fact, lay hold in the eagerness of their search upon
those that seem most p ausible, and believe and
retail them as true, without any other testimony
than the mere aspect of probability. But without
farther reflections, I have resigned, not because 1
regard the enterprise a failure, in fact or in pros
pect —not because 1 do nut believe the institution
to be an instrumentality of great and extensive
usefulness, but because high moral considerations
compel me on through conviction, to believe that
the ministry of the Gospel is my proper—my only
work. I accepted the appointment at first, not
from inclination, but from the earnest entreaties
of brethren and friends, to whose judgments in the
case I felt some deference was due. The time for
which 1 const rued to take the place has expired.—
The expci iment nas been made, and I am perfectly
satisfied of the correctness of my first opinions ou
this subject. The policy of abstracting effective
men from the itinerancy and employing them in
the service of education, (although a great and ac
knowledged interest) is in my judgment unsound
in itself —doubtful as to its Immediate utility—and
dangerous as to its prospective bearing. But I will
not argue the question. Nor do I condemn those
who differ from me. I thinx —feel—decide only
for myself. 1 believe 1 have been called of God i
to preach the Gospel, and I intend and desire to do j
it, with the certainty ol many privations and of 1
auich toil, but adopting the faith of the Christian j
instead of the judgment of the world I will shun |
no cross and I fear no want. To speak of myself j
is no pleasant task, but necessity is laid upon me. ‘
But of this, enough.
Kvcry friend of literature —of learning —of wo
man, must feel an anxious concern for the pio--
perity of an institution, the most enlarged in its '
plan and® the most extensive as to the course of i
instruction, of any ever projecte I for the improve- j
meat of the female mind. Without partiality for !
the college, and without compliment to the Facul- |
ty, I will say that the instruction of the pupils has j
been as thorough, as pnctical, as in any other sem- ,
inary, male or female, high or low, to be lound in
the length and bread:h of the land. The annual
examinations have shown as much profici ncy— j
promptness accuracy thorough acquaintance j
with the sciences taught, on the part of the young |
ladies, as aie ever seen on similar occasions. In •
every department —mathematical —moral —litera- j
ry,we submit to the multitude who have attended — j
to the patrons who were present, whether they
did not witness the exhibition with pleasure and
delight. It T the unqualified and voluntary testi
mony of many distinguished gentlemen who are
familiar with the modes and results ot teaching
common throughout the country, that they have
never seen at any institution more satisfactory
manifestations of scholarship, than hwe been given
at the two examinations ot the pupils of the Geor
gia Female College The religious influence is
divine in its character and pervading in its extent, i
the facilities of education are as abundant, and
arc brought within the reach of as many people,
as may be seen by a compaiison of relative expen
ses, as at any institution of high character, in ail
the land. The derangement cf the currency, an 1
the pressure of the times, have restricted the re
*ources of the College, and exposed it, it is true, i
tosome embarrassments,but this stale of tilings we :
trust, is temporary. The friends of the church
:, nd the College, cannot do more in an}' way at j
present to advance the interest of the latter, than i
Ihy sending their daughters as pupils. The enter- :
prise deserves to be sustained, and I woffd most ;
earnestly recommend it to the liberality and pat- j
J °nage of the Southern people. You shall hear
from me more in detail soon.
G. F. Pierce,
Columbus, August 5, IS4O.
Marine intelligence.
Savannah, August 19. j
Arrived —Brig Augusta, Sherwood, New York. !
departed —Steamboat Gen Cl.ncii r -Brooks, Black
Charleston, August 20.
Arrived yesterday Line ship Calhoun, Sinclair
New York.
At Quarantine —Schrs Victoria, Kenyon, Key
vest > Delight, Thiane, Havana.
fleered —Brigs Delaware, Boss, Havana; Fre-
m °nt, Kelly, Boston.
XT hr. JVM. FLINT, member f the Massa
chusf-tts Medical Society, would inform his friends
hat he has removed his place of residence to the
■oarding-house of Mrs. Camfiehl, at the corner of
vUcks on and Broad streets, where he may be found
f all hours during the summer season. IJ is pro
cssional set vices arc respectfully tendered to the
citizens of Augusta. if—june 6
Ckj she friends and acquaintances of Mr. and
Mis. Sabal, are invited to attend the funeral o(
Mis. J., Saeal, 1 his Afternoon, at 5 o’clock, from
the residence of the former. aug 21
(Jfp The Delegates appointed by the different
Tippecanoe Clubs in the city, and Captain’s Dis
tricts in the county, for the purpose of selecting
candidates for the Legislature, are requested io
meet at the office of the Chronicle and Sentinel, at
4 o’clock p. m., on Monday, the 24th inst. a2O
CC7 => A meeting of the Tippecanoe Club of Ward
No. 1, will be held on TO-MORROW EVENING,
at S o’clock p. m. By order of the President.
aug 20
Latest dates from Liverpool , July 24
Latest dates from Havre, July 23
New Orleans, August 15.
Cotton. —Arrived since the 7th inst., of Louis
iana and Mississippi 2560 bales, Tennessee and
North Alabama J 32, Arkansas 20, Mobile 45,
Florida 4, together 2761 bales. Cleared in the
same time, for Liverpool 4042, Hull, 1207, Phila
delphia 89, Norfolk 101,together 5439 bales ; mak
ing a reduction in stock of 2678 bales, and leaving
on hand, inclusive of all on ship-board, not cleared
on the 14th in-t., a stock of 23,335 bales.
W e have now arrived at that period of the sea
son when the number of buyers remaining in the
city is always smail, and when the stock on sale,
also, is generally so greatly diminished as to pre
ventany very extensive transactions —such, at all
events, is the posture of affairs at present, and
hence proceeds the inactivity which has character
ized the market since our review of last Saturday
morning, the sales daring (he-whole week having
only amounted to about 900 bales. The stock re
maining on sale too, besides being exceeding light,
is genera ly composed of small and not very de
sirable parcels, if we except two or three lots,
which are, however, hedd at rates so far above < ur
quotations as to lie considered entirely out of the
market. In most instances, the purchases this
week have been made principally for the purpose
of completing cargoes. Holders continue to mani
fest considerable firmness, but prices remain the
same as at the date of our previous report. A few
small lots of cotton of the new crop have been re
ceived, of qualities from fair to good fair, and gen
erally of good color and staple—one parcel has
been disposed of, which will he found among the
sales of the week, viz: 19 bales at 6| cents, 183 at
7|, 24 at
at 9j,20 at 85, 30 at 7,46 at 10, 56 at 7, 63 at 65, 6
new crop (good fair) at 12A. 40 old at BA, 40 at 10,
21 at cents, all Louisiana and Mississippi.
liverpooi classifications.
Louisiana and Mississippi —Ordinary, 6 fit 7;
middling, 8 id 8A; fair, 94 (d) good fair, 10A ft
li; good and fine 12, nom. Tenn sseand North
Alabama —Ordinary. (d 64; middling, (d) 7|;
fair, (a) good fair,
Stock on hand Ist Oct. 1839 15824
Receipts this week. ... 2761
“ Previously 930811 933572
Exports this week. 5439
“ Previously, 920622 926061
Stock on hand, 23335
Sugar — Louisiana. —There has been quite a fair
demand on the Levee this week, considering the
reduced stock and the late poiiod of the season,
some 500 hhds. having been sold, mostly for ship
ment to the North, at prices ranging from (d) 6J
cents, which range we still quote. The greater
put of the sales however, were at 5£ cents, and
for a few hhds very choice, we understand that as
high as 7 cents was obtained. In addition to the
above transactions, a lotot 145 hhds changed hands
at sjf cents. Only two or three lots have been re
ceived this week, and these are not on the market
—a part has been shipped. The whole stock is
now in very few hands, and prices seem tending
to a further advance. No transactions on planta
Molasses. —The only transaction of importance,
which we have to notice, is a sale of about 45U
bbls , received since our last, at IS cts. p gallon.
This lot was purchased for shipment to the North.
There is scarcely any now for sale on the Levee,
but, generally, there is very little demand. We
have heard of no sales on plantation.
Flour. —Since our last publicalion, nothing has
occurred to change the character of the market, as
then reported. The demand generally, has been
confined to the wants of consumers, though we are
advised of one sale of 400bbls fresh,from flit boat,
for shipment to Mexico, $6 75. Most of the trans
actions have been at $6 50 (S' $6 75, though limi
ted sales are effected at $7. We therefore confine
our previous quotations of $6 50 (d 7 00 for super
line. The receipts this week are some 2000 bar
rels, and the sales amount to about the same quan
tity, leaving but a small stock on hand for sale.
There is little probability of an advance, however,
unless supplies should entirely cease fore several
Bacon. —Owing to the very limited stock of good
Bacon, a further advance has been realized this
week, in all descriptions. We now quote canvassed
Hams at 11 (ft) 12 cents, uncanvassed do., of which
there are a few in market, 10 A(S 11, Sides 94 fa)
10, Shoulders, of which the market is nearly bare,
7A (S S cents. Transactions are confined to very
limited parcels.
Lord. —Wc can learn of no sales of importance
in this article, though holders are still firm at our
former quotations —say (d cents,live latter
being the prevailing rate for prime quality. The
markets abroad will not yet warrant shipments at
these prices, and transactions, therefore, ate en
tirely confined to- sales for consumption. The
stock has received an accession this week, of 1053
Whiskey. —Considerable supplies continue to
come forward, and no improvement has taken place
in the demand, hut the pi ices of last week, which
were 24 (d 25 cents gallon for Rectified, are still
maintained. Most of the sales, however,are made
at the former figures, they being thejate from the
Grain. —The receipts of Shelled Corn, in sacks,
have been quite light this week, but the demand
continues limited, and prices have undergone no
change since our last. Wc still quote at 65 (d 68
cents {s bushel.
Exchange.— New York, 60 days sight, 5 per cL
premium; 30 days, 54 @6; 5 to 15 days, 64 (d 7;
Boston. 6d days, 5; Philadelphia, 60 days, lA.
Freights. —-Cotton, to Liverpool, Ad.; Havre, lc.;
New York,? ba!c,sl 50(S$1 75; Boston, Ac.
(ff Daring the remaining Summer and Fall
months, I wdl be in my office on Mondays, Tues
days and Wednesdays; on other days at Belair; and
will be happy to serve those who may honor me
with their confidence, ijy 23] W r . W . HOL 1.
Off Dr. TV. S. JONES tenders his professions
servi es to the citizens of Augusta and its vicinity
He may be found at his office, No. 214 Broad st.
or at nis residence. United States Hotel. ap 24
£j pJJr. GARDNER, formerly resident surgeon
ii the New York Hospital, and physician at Belle
vue Hospital, New Y ork, tenders to the public his
professional services.
Office in Washington street, between Broad and
Ellis streets Residence, United States Hotel.
ap- _
Jc y~TV. G. NIMMO, Gcncial Commission Mer
chant, office cn Mclntosh street, next door to the
Constitutionalist. nov 7
subscriber will resume the practice of
if . an I attend to any business entrusted to him,
n IR counties ol Richmond, Burke and Columbia.
lw WM. T. GOULD.
‘—-T Miss 1 RAIN will resume her School at
-ummcrville on the iust Monday in November.
a »g 12 ts
1 THE reading room
Attached to this office is open to subscribers, and
sHangers introduced by them, every day and eve
ning (Sunday evenings excepted) until 9 o’clock.
_ Subscription $5 ; lor a firm of two or more $lO.
D'H] Claritesville, Ga.
feb 25 Jefferson, Jackson county, Ga.
and at one to twenty days sight. For sale dv
’ U £jTNOTICE. —The Rail Road Passenger Train
} between Charleston and Hamburg, will leave as
t follows:
Not to leave Charleston before 7 00 a si.
. “ “ Summerville, “ - -8 30
“ “ Georges’, - “ - 10 0
, “ “ BranchvKle, “ - 11 00
‘ “ BlackvillCj - “ -100 p. >1
“ « Aiken, - - “ - 300
Arrive at Hamburg not before - 400
Not to leave Hamburg before 6 00 a. si.
“ Aiken, - “ - 730
“ Blackville, “ - • 915
“ Midway, “ - - 10 30
’ “ Branchvill “ - - 11 00
“ “ Georges’, “ - - 11 45 si.
“ “ Summerville,“ - -1 15p. si.
Arrive at Charleston not before 215
1 Distance —136 miles. Fare Through—slo 00,
, .Speed not over 20 miles an hour. To remain 2(
j minutes each, for breakfast and dinner, and no.
• longer than 5 minutes for wood and water at an}
- station.
( To stop for passengers, when a white flag is
1 hoisted, at either of the above stations; and also tl
Sineaths, W'oodstock, Inabinet’s, 41 mile T. ()..
■ Rives’, Grahams, Willeston, Windsor, Johnsons’
‘ and Marsh’s T. 0,
, Passengers no will breakfast at Woodstock and
dine at Blackville; a own, will brcaulast at Aiken
1 and (fine at Charleston. may 4
\ a a TO RENT. —The new Brick .Building
[. & immediately below G. R. Jessup’s, suita
r jJUliUlc for either dry goods or grocery. For
’ terms, which will be moderate, apply to E. W.
Doughty, Esq., or to the subscribei at Belair.
I aug 6 1m A. N. VERDERY, Ex’r,
> n__j FOR RENT; —Several dwellings and
" f; ITS stores, belonging to the Bank of Augusta.
NPGI For terms enquire at their office.
’ july 20 GEO. M. TiIEW, Agent.
'i_jy TO RENT —From Ist October next,
I ~7 the large Grocery Store adjoining Uccs &
r Beall’s Warehouse, and now occupied by
. L. Hopkins. Several Rooms over the store occu
. pied by P. Fleming, adjoining said warehouse.
; The Dry Goods Stoic in front of Stovall, Sim
! mons & Co’s, warehouse. The second story over
t the store oejupied by Bently & McCord, adjoining
\ said warehouse.
; The large Grocery Store occupied by F. Spears.
The Dry Goods Store adjoiningsamc, and former
ly occupied by King & Hart. The foregoing are
Also, the Tenement or Store formerly occupied
> by the Merchants ano Planters’Bank, (with it the
Bank fixtures complete, if debited.)
1 The Dwelling over same.
; The Dwelling and Appurtenances now neatly
> fitting up on Green street, immediately in the rear
of P. Stovall’s brick building on Broad street.
The Dwelling at corner of Ellis and Campbell
streets, immediately in the rear of J. M. & W.
Adams’ store.
, The large Stable and Lot in the rear of Rees &
Beall’s warehouse. Apply to
sporting Powder,
50 kegs do do
15 kegs “Eagle” Powder, in canisters,
1000 “ Blasting do. Just received and
for sale by (dec) GARDELLE A RHIND.
Cy a BOXES just received at Dawson’s Ware
•s 1 house, and for sale by the box. Annexed
is the notice of the sale of the tobacco in the leaf.
The Highest Price this Year.
On Friday last, a hhd of Tobacco, made by Col.
Abraham Lewis, of Pennsylvania county, was sold
by I’. (£ J. W. Dudley, at the high price of Ttvcnty
Dollars, which is the highest price any Tobacco
has sold for. It was pronounced by the best judges,
to be the finest hhd of Tobacco opened here this
year. This Tobacco was purchased by J. W.
Morgan, to be manufactured into his Premium
Brand , expressly for his customers.' If they wish
the finest Tobacco they ever used, they will try
this. Mr. Morgan has presented us with a few
rolls of this Tobacco, which for beauty and supe
rior taste, cannot be surpassed. After the sale,
Col Lewis regaled the merchants and planters pre
sent, w ith a cold Collation; a large tub of Hard Ci
der being conspicuous, which was much admired by
both the Democrats and Whigs. aug 4
THE copartnershio heretofore existing in this
City under the firm of Biicox Brothers, is
dissolved by mutual consent.
aug 20 3t
"^UHTICE. —The subscribers would inform their
customers and the public that they have sold
their entire Stock of Boots, Shoes, &c. &c. to Mr.
C. L. BRAYTON, who will be constantly supplied
with good wares at reasonable prices; and we
would solicit for him that patronage which has been
so kindly bestowed upon us.
Those having business with the undersigned,
will find him at the old stand.
S. B. BROOKS, 330 Broad street.
June 13, 1840. " 3m
WE offer for sale that well known and desira
ble Summer Residence, called Fox’s Gar
den, and all the improvements, and the well im
proved Lot adjoining. Also, fifteen desirable Build
ing Lots all adjoining, and healthy locations, and
having the advantage of good spring water covcn
ient We w r ill sell any portion, one Lot or the
whole. A map and plan of said lots can be seen
at our auction room. For particulars and terms ap
ply either to the subscribers, or E. W, Starr, Esq.,
on the premises. RUSSELL & HUTCHINSON,
aug 19 __ Auctioneers.
WE perceive by the papers that the famous
French physician. Dr. Magnin, has estah
, fished an agency for the sale of the above named
; extraordinary medicine in this city ; and to speak
the truth, vve are sorry for it, as we think that there
• are too many pe.opie in this part of the world al
’ ready. We dare not enter mio an explanation of
the wonders effected by this medicine here, but
will nevertheless venture to add, that it is the royal
l Ist thing in the world (orgentlemen and ladies who
. are husbands and wives, and who wish to be fathers
i and mothers. The agent should take this medicine/*
. t<i the far west, where people ate scarce — N. lor
“ The Lucine Cordial ” is a general mvisrorator
1 of the human frame in all the various rases of lan
guor, lassiuide, and debilitation, and is at the same
nine so simple, yet so efficacious, that while it can
renovate the prostrated energies of a giant, an in
fant msy use it, not only with impuniiy, hut with
1 advantage. The Lurine Cordial is also an indu
■ bitable cure lor the incontinence of the urine, or the
> involuntary discharge thereof. If is likewise an
invaluable and unrivalled medieme in eases of
I chronic et options of the skin, and in the dropsical
affections of the aged. This celebrated and inesti
mable Cordial is for sale by
aug 20 Augusta, Ga.
j] .J. TO REN r—A Dweliingand Store, one
i jisiaiH square above the upner maikct, on Hie
, a.|jg .south side of Broad street. For terms
j -T ! y to (™g 21) THUS. BARRETT.
U'HL genuine Frenc h Fills against all the quack
4 nostrums of the age—fbr the cure of a certain
isease. Ihe I BENCH FILLS are applicable in
1 cases for eithei sex, (warranted free troin mercu
>/) and do not affect the breath m the least, and are
1 effectly pleasant and agreeable to the stomach,
nd have never failed to make a speedy and per
manent cure, without the least regard to diet or
pplicatmn to business. In long, protracted, or
(ironic stages of the disease, obstinate Gleets, Fluor
Ibus, Gravel, Female Comp'ainls, or a weakness
'Those organs, they are beyond o doubt the most
iTVctual remedy ever discovered, having cured
any obstinate cases after eve y oilier medicine
ad failed. The French Pit's have been so univer
; illy successful, chat the proprietor ciiali.enges
ay one to produce a remedy of equal certain.y
f nder a forfeiture of Throe Hundred Dol.’ars.
Price §2 per box. For sale hi
aug 20 B. HARRIS.
IA HE unprecedented popularity of this benefi
cent and inestimable COKDIA L in the Ignited
tates, has induced one or more unprincipled per
ms to manufacture spurious catchpenny articles,
'nder various names, and purporting to produce the
ame effect; but which, in reality, produce no other
ffect than that of swindling the public; and to
ivc a yet more plausible aopeaMitc 0 of th«- r cu
idity, those persons affect that their wreleht i nos
tims have been in use in England and elsewhere
or a number of years; where as, until I be illustrious
Jr. Magnin made his wonderful discovery, no cure
or barrenness had been ever thought of. or at least
nade public; and all those then rn use for the
coloration of the decayed virile powers were found
obeof bm little avail. Thus, all nostrums adver
used for barrenness or the cure of impotency, but
Ur. Magnin s, are mere catchpenny humbugs,
which would never have been thought of out for
Tic appearance and great celebrity of the LUCINA
.JORDIAL As no countorfeis of the name is at
•resent in circulation, it may rn general be a sufli
icnf caution for lh? purcha-ertoask tor t!*e Lueina
| 'ordtal, but as further assurance, k would be as
( -veil to nolot tal its nam , Lueina Cordial, or Elixir
f Love, is stamped in the glass of each bottle—the
•omhiuod anus of France anti the United Stales
re <m tf*e outward envelope—l lint a Fleur de Lis
•i printed «u the accompanying directions, and
•eantiftdly embossed on the show-bills hanging in
lie stores «i tkc.se who have lire genuine- article
, or sale.
The cekbniy of iho Lueina Cordial being such
is it is, it is scarcely necessary to- add that it is the
nly efficient remedy for barrenness, and the resto
atiwi <ff decayed virile powers evei known ; and
bat in tire curie of Fluor Arbus, Gleet, obstructed,
iifficu-kor painful iMeiistroalioo, the incontinence
if th-e urine, or the involuntary discharge thereot,
rs siiperioricy over every oilier medicine ie not oji
y deritdad, imi unquestionable-. For sale by
aug 20 Aagusrta, Ga
-'SMIESa Palls nro no longer among those of
JL dowhifud titility. They have passed away
inn the biw»tlmMis that are daily launched upon
tie ride of experiment, and sow stand belorc the
luldrc in reputation, and as extensively
j mpJoyed i« add pans of the United Slates, the Can
.das, Texas, Mexico, mid the West Indies, as any
nedicKie ti.«i Las ever been prepa cd Itinr the relief
>f suffering ruan. 'J hey have been int oduced
a herever it was found possTJe to carry them ; and
here are imi tew towns that do not contain some
eras'kabJe ccKienc *a of sbeir good effecia. The
ertifieates that have been presented to tlic proprie
■or exceed tweaty thousand L upwards of live hun-
Ired of whichare from regular practising physicians,
who are the toast competeui judges of their merits.
OfteM have liie cures performed by tins medicine
been the subject of editorial comment in various
newspapers ami journals - r and it may with truth
be asserted, that no me Ixine of the kind has ever
received testimonials of greater value than are at-
Vac! ted to this.
They are in gent raf use as a family medicine,
md there are thousands of families who declare
hey are never satisfied unless they have a supply
dways on hand.
They have no rival in .taring and preventing
lilious Fevers, Fever uad Ague, Dyspepsia, Liver
lompla/nls, Sick Headache, Jaundice, Asthma,
Dropsy, Rheumatism, Enlargement’ of vhe Spleen,
Female Obstructions, Heartburn, 1 ur
ed Tongue, Nausea, Distension of the Stomach
nd Bowels, Incipient iharrhoe. Flatulence, Habit
lal Cosriveitess, Loss i-ff Appetite, Blotched or
'allow Cotnolexion, and hi all cases of Torpor of
he Bowels, whete a ciirbariic or an aperient io
, iceded. They are exceedingly mild in their opeta
ion, producing neither nausea, griping nor debility.
The efficacy of these pdiSs is so well known, and*
heir use so general, that further comment is sun
idered unnecessary.
For further particulars, see Dr. Felers’ pam'ihiet,
vhicii can be had gratis o 4 any of the Ageni 1
\\T E would call attention.to the advertisement in
* w our columns to-day, o‘ PETERS’ VEGE
TABLE FI LLS. We understand by the best med
cal aulliorily, that there ia wo preparation of tlieday
which enjoys so enviable a reputation. At the
South and North, their success has been unbounded,
and wherever introduced vie believe they have
given tire irost perfect satisfaction. We have this
day had an interview with one of our citizens, 11.
K. fix, who wart recently cared of a most remark
able and obstinate cutaneous eruption, where the
body was covered with falsome ulcers, and even
the tonsils of the throat eaten away—and by using
these FILLS daily for six weeks, was entirely re
stored to health.— New York. Examiner-
They do indeed restore the health of the hotly,
Oecau.se they purify and i»\ igorate ihe blood, and
licit good effects are not counterbalanced by any
nconvenience ; being composed entirely of vegeia
>les, they do not expose those who use ihem to
langer, and their effects are as certain as they are
alutary; they are daily and safely administered to
nfancy, youth, manhood and old-age, and-to v?o
--uen in the most critical and delicate circumstances, I
bey do not diet irb or shock, the animal functions,
•ut restore their order and re establish*their health;
nd for all the purposes which a- vegetable purgti
ive, or certain cleanser of the whole system are re
pored, ihey stand without a rival—they are ollow
d to be all that can lx*i accomplished in medicine,
otb for power and innocence.
Retail price 50 cents per box. Sold at all
he principal DRUG STORES in
aug ‘2O Augusta, Ga.
IN OR the cure of white swellings, scrofulous and I
other tumors, ulcers, s<ase legs, old and fresh
wounds, sprains and bruises, swellings and inflam
mations, scaid head, women’s sore breasts, rheu
matic pains, letters, eruptions, chilblains, whitlows,
biles, corns, and external diseases generally, 'i he
proprietor has received at least a thousand cert ri
cales and other documents in favor of hie SPECI
FIC OINTMENT—and they embrace almost ail
the complaints in their worst stages —to winch
ointment or sticking plaster can be applied Among
these certificates, mere arc a great number from the
most eminent physicians in the county, who use
the Ointment in their daily practice, in preference
to any, or all others which have ever been invented.
The proprietor has also received a great many tes
timonials from farriers, miritary gentlemen, farmers,
and others, relative to the amazing efficacy of !hs
Ointment, in the bruises, cuts, and all lire external
complaints and diseases of horses-; and among them
are no less than a dozen certifying to the most per
fect cures which it has performed ou the sore
backs of some of those animals. Altogether the
proprietor feels no hesitation in slating—or in put
ting it to the proof against all composition—that
superior to every thing of the kind which has here
tofore been offered to the public; and- the propmtor
not only vouches for its general good qualities, but
is willing to risk his reputation on a single trial ,
lor he knows from the inca ample experience, that
ir cannot be used without immediate and palpable
benefit, in any one el the complaints for which it
is so highly recommended. lietail price 50 cents
per box. Solti at all the principal
aug 20 Augusta, Ga.
11l LASTING POWDER.—oriO kegs Blasting
$ Powder, lot sale by €. A. GREINER,
aug 4 trw'2m
OBERT Y. HARRIS, Attorney at Lair, Au
gusta,Ga.,has removed Iris office to the Law
Range, first door over the Post Office. He wifi
practice in the diefF.cnt Courts of Richmond coun
ty, and in the Superior Couits of Burke, Columbia,
V\ arren and Hamock. july 28 if
1 JAGGING TWINE—o b.les just receiving
and for sale by
1 CE—For sale at
A aug 17 F - LAMBACK’S.
FA XCMANGE ON NEW-YORK at sight to 60
days sight, in sums to suit purchasers, by
OLD PEACH BRANDY—A choice article, for
sale by SIBLEY & CRAPON.
Hamburg, August 10, 1810.
i 5 ACOX FOR SALE—Apply to
O aug 5 1m I. A. HI BLEU.
North desires a situation as Teacher. Apply
at this office. if —July 13
A T private sale, a handsome new Chariot, on
J\. EJiptic Springs, latest style. For sale by
j»ly 7 \V. E. JACKSON, Auctioneer.
IEMONS. —11 boxes Lemons, just received and
J for sale by W. E. JACKSON,
June 20 Auctioneer.
SCOTCH ALE. —5 casks Scotch Ale, pints,
just received and for sale bv
jin ire 20 W. E. JACKSON, Auctioneer.
I AMP OIL —A supply of best Bleached Lamp
j Oil, just received and lor sale I>v
i /AfA BHL-. COUNTRY FLOUR for sale,
'I \f k j South Carelina and Georgia .Mills, by
my 11 ts CLARKE, McTEIR 4c Co.
OIL, &e.—Tram Oil, Plaster Fans and
1 Gilder’s Whiting, for sate in quantities to suit
| purchasers-, by GARVIN <V HAINES.
\ mar 12
5. e»’ Manual. A few copies of this valuable
i little work can be had if applied for'soon, at
RES 11 SARATOGA WATER.—A supply of
this article direct from the Springs, just re
ceived and for sate by GARVIN & HAINES,
may 21*
SACKING. —S bales heavy SACKING for sale
may' 5 ts
SB. BROOKS is my duly authorized Agent
, during, my absence from the citv.
: Augusta, June 30, 1840, jy 24 ts
i'BVHE YERRENA CREAM, an Emollient Soap,
JL whichatlbrds real pleasure in shaving produ
: cing a rich, fragrant, creamy and permanent lather,
just received and for sale by
| |ft ICE. —20 Casks' now landing. A constant
5 supply will bo kept on hand, and furnished
■ to dealers in quantities ta suit, by
of the subscribers will hereafter }
-I for the accwnimKlatioa of travellers, open at
o’clock, every morning, at which time they will
lie prepared to make Exchange of every descrip
tion. J. G. WINTER & CO.
July IB ts
20 shaies for sale low bv
jnn 30 Terms —6 months lo approved paper
HAVANA SUGARS.—Tom Venus Brand,
5 M Venus Regalia,
5 M Canonis,
2 M assmted Brands-.
Also-, 10 boxes Havana Sweetmeats. Jastre
eeived by [jy 29] I. S. BEERS Jk CO.
—Late Discovery. —Warranted to be equal, if
not superior, to any others. Prepared by
nov 27 No. 232, Broad street.
Odoriferous compound—For laying in
drawers among linens* laces, furs, cloths,
Lc., impairingto-them a plea'ang perfume,andpre
ven ting the ravages of the moth. For sale by
'VTOTKML —Tile subscriber having associated
3lr. Robert T. Hyde in his business from the
Ist inst. it will from that date be conducted in the
name of DUNLAP HYDE.
July 9, 1840. J. G. DUN LAP.
C4TJRLING FLUID, &c.—Blcndirg with agrate
) ful and refreshing perfume, the desirable
quality of strengthening and promoting the growth
of the Hair, without giving to it the greasy hue of
Pomatum, or the volatile moisture of the Oils. Its
utility is confirmed by' the most extensive con
Also, the Genuine Mawrassar Oil, and Ward’s
Celebrated Hair Oik For saie by
mar 13- GARVIN 4c HAINES.
I" genuine Cologne Water, ia long and short
bottles, warranted of the very' best quality; for sale
in boxes of half a dozen each, for family use, 01
by' single bottles.
Also, large assortment of Fancy Soaps, Odorous
Waters; Extracts, Hair Oils, and Curling Fluids,
cf the best-quality, at Apothecary Hall, 232 Broad
street, by GARVIN K HAINES,
nov 28
R. 11, WHITE,
f 7 CHANT, Augusta, Ga-. The Warehouse
house is fire-pi'oof. eligibly located,above high wa
ter mark. All Cotton consigned per railroad will
receive prompt attention. July' 27 2m
A SACKS fresh Almonds, just received and
I i | for sale by W. E. JACKSON,
apr-il 27 Auctioneer.
r'jTiflk PIECES 44 inch Bagging, Tj a lbs.
per yard*
200 coils Bale P.ope ;
50 ps. heavy milled and bleached -Sacking ;
1 bale plaid and striped Hemp Carpeting.
For sale by GARDELLE. is. RHIND.
may* 16 ts
rSTiI-E Stockholders of this Company having de-
JL termined lo close its business,notice islvcre
oy' given of the same, that those who have made
insurance with the undersigned, Agent for Au
gusta, may remv their risks elsewhere as they' ex
pire, due notice of which will be given.
Those who may have claims against the Com
pany, through this agency, will present them tor
adjustment to J, G. DUNLAP, Agent,
may 9
IMPORTED direct from Ireland.
Superior 7-8 undressed Irish Linen ;
do 4-4 do do do
do 9-8 do do suitable for Pillow’ Cases;
Long Lawms ;
Just received and for sale by'
july 15 WM. IL. CRANE & CO.
LARGE white flat Dutch TURNIP;
Do. Globe;
Yellow purple top Rnta Baga;
Large Drumhead Cabbage;
do Bergen or great American do;
do Cape Savoy do;
do Red Butch do. for pickling;
Long Orange Carrot;
do black Fall Radish;
White and red Swriss do;
Red and white Clover Seed;
Lucerne or French Clover Seed;
Blue Grass Seed;
Herds do do.
The subscribers have lately received the above
variety of Garden Seeds, all of which they wanant
to be fresh and genu no,and offer them for sale at
reasonable prices. GARVIN HAINES,
j-ine 29 Augusta and Hamburg.
KNOW all men by these presents, 11. at 1. Win.
Woodbury, jr. of Augusta, Ga.. merchant
doing business under the name and style et Wil
liam Woodbury, jr. & Co., do ajyoint ai d invest
with authority to do and to act as my legal and
only agent or representative, to use 11.3 nan c or
that ol the linn, and to act in cveiy way cr man
ner for me in all business whatsoever, in which I
am interested, during and for the time 1 may be
absent from the State of Georgia, Francis Holman,
01 the said city of Augusta, in the aforesaid State
ol Georgia, and that 1 will be governed by all his
doings relative to my business, as though I tians
actcd and done the same myself.
Given under mr hand, this fust dav of July',
Witness, C E. Hoooiikirk. ynly 3
STRAYED—Froin the subscriber, on
1 Ifh ult., a light sorrel Horse, about
eight years old, live feet high, heavy and
stunt built, a blaze in bis face, his feet all white,
with a short switch tail, trots and gallops, and is
used to harness, and was in good condition when
he left. Any peison returning said horse shall be
ibe rally rewarded. ' pv & DUFFIE.
* ' ts
*j\ BROKE loose, o*i Friday, the 3d of
'July, in Broad street, Augusta, Ca.-, a
-LLfLi. clip nut sorrel HORSE, with a notable
blaze in his lace, 'flic white does not run down
straight in the usual wav, but is very much in
clined to the left; with a'long thick tail. He had
on a new snaffle bridle, with long stout reins; a
good saddle, with a daik blanket. Any person
taking un said Horse, will be suitably rewarded by
leaving him at Mr. ALMOND'S Static.
away from the subscribes, in February
last, an African by the name of Lewis. —
= He is about 50 years of age, of small stat
ur andbadly pitted from the small pox. He has
been a font hand on the Savannah river for many
years, and is, 1 believe, at this time, cither in Sa
vannah or .Augusta. The above reward will be
paid to any one who will deliver him to Wm. E.
Jackson, of Augusta, or place him* in a safe Jail
and inform me on the subject.
Columbus, Cm, June 26, ]RH). trwtf
11. N. \V ll.sO n respectAilly informs
S*ir&if~t Jr. • the public that his splendid line of
Four Horse Post Coaches is running from Greens
boro to Spring Place, Ca. via Gainesville and
vilie, in connexion with Col. Ramsey’s Line to
Ross’ Landing and Nashville, and Maj. Wells’
Line to Athens and Knoxville, Tonn.
Fare to Cass vilic, £l2 00
“ “ Spring Place, 17-00
Leaves Greensboro on the arrival of the Rail
Road Cars from Augusta, on Mondays, Wedncs--
days and Fridays.
Travelling time to Spring Place, 29 hours.
*• <* u Nashville,- 65
Off Seats can be secured on application to
C. H GOODMAN, Agent,
mar 23 —Gin Globe Hotel, Augusta, Ga.
FItE 1« II T RE 01 A’ E !> y
A FTER the Ist day of July, merchandise will*
j\_ be conveyed from Augusta to ’ Crawford vi He - ;
Jefferson-Hail, and Greensboro, at 25 cents per
100 lbs, until further notice.
GEO. H. THOMPSON, Agent at Greensboro,
A. GREEN, do Jellerson Hall
J. F. MIMS, do Crawford'viHe"
Sup. Transportation.•
Trans. Office Ga. R. R. & 13. Co. (
Augusta, June 20, 1810. S
Hamburg, April 23, IS4O.
OTlCE.—Frciglit on Cotton to Charleston by
TNI Rail Road, is reduced to thirty-live cents per
hundred tor round, and twenty-live cents per hun
dred pounds for square bales.
A. B. ST URGES. Agent*
|1 |
Offtce Tbansportatlon S. C. C. A; R. R. Co. /
June 2d. IS 10. $
Information to Travellers North and South.
OT WITH STANDING the destruction of the
JLn bridges over the Savannah River, at Augusta,
by the late freshet, travellers are respectfully in—
formed that arrangements have been made for pass
ing tire river, and that the Cars leave Hamburg,
and Charleston daily at the usual hours and arrive
as formerly. WM. ROBERTSON, Jr.
Agent Transportation.
Office S. Carolina Hail Road Co. 4
Hamburg, May 1, 1840. 5
ON and after this day, the passenger train from-
Hamburg will anive in Charleston at
o’clock, r m, in time for dinner. may I
1' l P" ->
Via Greensboro’, Eatonton, Clinton, Macon, Per
ry, Piudertown, Bainbridge, Chattahoochie, lola,.
St. Josephs, Pensacola, to Mobile.
The Proprietors of tliis Line inform the Travell
- public that it is now in full operation,, through'
the entire route ; leaving Augusta by the Georgia
Rail Road cars to Greensboro’ every Tuesday
Thursday and Saturday, at G o’clock, P. M. and ar
rive in Mobile in three days- and a half running,
Travellers are assured that the staging upon this
line is superior to any other, Hie accommodations
unsurpassed, and by far the best natural roads in
the Southern country, only 210 miles of staging.
Stages leave Bainbridge for- Tallahassee via Quin
cy, immediately on the arrival of the Alligator
Line from Greensboro’, and immediately on the
arrival of the boats from. Io!a.
Qff Two Stages will at all times be run in com
pany, when the travel requires it.
For scats in the above Line, apply at. the office,
at the United Stator- Hotel; Augusta-, G*o.
aprii 21 Ir GEO. W. DENT, AgcaU
No. 236 Broad street, Augusta, Georgia.
The subscriber, having previi us y
| bought out the interest of A. Z. Ban
ta * n I" 3 furniture Warehouse, has
now associated hrmself with one of
ilsam tllG iar^est manufacturing, eslablish
-1 ments in New York, Halters himself
* * that he will be- aWe .to offer tc- the
public an assortment of Furniture, superior in point
of workmanship and durability, to any heretofore
offered in Augusta. As the manufacturing will
have the personal attention of one of the partners,
the strictest care will be observed in the select ion
of good wood and dry material, (so essential to be
Also, a general assortment of Pianos,, from the
best manufactories in the Union. More particulars
ly the New York Piano Forte company’s instru
ments, which carnot be excelled for sweetness ol
tone and durability, in tho southern climate, bv - any
manufactory in the United States. Our instru
ments are selected with the greatest care, by one
who is a competent judge, and a written guarantee
is furnished in every instance, if required
C. A. Platt returns his thanks to the public for
their former patronage, and solicits for the company
fr'lit share of public patronage heretofore bestowed
on himself. Tn« ousincss in future will be con
micied ov ;ap 21 CHAS. A. PLATT & C.o
D. H. SILCOX, 303 Broad street*
keeps at all time? for sale, a large as
ji sorlment of Cabinet Furniture, of
superior workmanship and well sca
ysjjgjgggf soiled materials, made expressly so »
tnc Southern climate. Every arti
cl v in the above business, with all the
r g yjfir = ~'feS~ iri'-ty i i’ new patterns, continually
received. Persons wishing to purchase can do a
well at this establishment as at any of the Norths
ern manufactories. To be soJd lor casu or good
ity acceptances. ,nar -A