Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, August 21, 1840, Image 4
The Homage ol Justice. We have compiled, from various sources, the fol ® nwin? disinterested testimonials, which were com manded Irom their several authors by the lofty pa triotism, valor, talents and success of General Har rison, long before he was named for the Presidency and in times which enght to give them weight suf ficient to bear down fti! the petty calumnies and quibbling objections which party mahgnitymay now presume to lorge against the war-worn and time honored potnot and soldier. q’li,. authorities we present agahist the attacks of loco foco federalism, and which we have stereotyp ed as an impregnable barricade against all opposi tion, are no less than the Congress of the I nited States, the legislatures of tndiuna,md of Kentucky ■James Madison, Jos. Monroe, Col. Richard M. John• ton, Anthony Wayne, Ijansdon Chetes, Simo-i eler, Ciov. Shelby, Com Perry, Col Croatian, Col. Davis, and others, including in the illustrious i am logue even Thomas Ritchie, Issjic Ho , John .M. sides and Atoses i*f"DSon \ Col. Richard M. Johnson, now Vice President of the United States, said, (in Congress)— Who is (Jen. Harrison 7 The son of one of the signers of the Declaration of In lepcndence, who (§* spent the greater part of his large fortune in redeem ing the pledge he tlren gave, of his “ fortune, life ■and sacred honor,” to secure the liberties of his country. “ Ofthe career of Gen. Harrison I need* not speak the history of the West*, is Ms history. lor forty years he has Keen identified with its interests, its perils and its hopes, f niversally beloved in the walks ol peace, and distinguished by his ability in the councils of his country, he had been yet mure illustriously dislingu'shed in the field. “ During the late war, he was longer in active ser vice than any o*her General officer; he was, per haps, oftener in action than any one ol them, and never sustained a defeat.” James Madison, in a special message to Congress December 18, 1811, said, “ While it is deeply lamented that so many valu able lives have licen lost in the action which took place on the 7th ultimo, Congress will see with sat isfaction the dauntless spirit of fortitude victorious ly displayed by every description of troops engaged, as well as the. collected firmness whidh distinguished their command* i on an occasion requiring the ut most exertions of valor and discipline." James Madison in his Message to Congress. No vember, 1812,said, “ An ample force from the Stales of Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Virginia, is placed, with the addition of a few regulars, under the command of Brigadier General Harrison, who possesses the entire confidence of his fellow soldiers, among whom are citizens some of them volunteers in the mnks, not less distinguished by their political sta tions than by their personal merits.” In Mr. Madison’s message of December 1813, the compliment was extended, as follows ; “ The success on Lake Eric having opened a pas sage to the territory of the enemy, the officer com 'niandiug the Northwestern arms, transferred the war thirl her, and, tapidly pursuing the hostile troops tleeing with their savage associates,forced a general action, which quickly lerrainat- d in the capture of the British, and dispersion of the savage force. “ This result is signally honorable to Major Gen eral Harrison, by whose military talents it was pre pared." The following tribute of praise was paid to Gen eral Harrison, in 1811, bj eleven of the officers w'ho fought under his banner at the battle of Tippeca noe . “Should our country again require our service to oppose a civilized or a savage foe, we should inarch under General Harrison with tliexnost perfect confi dence of victory and fame.” JOEL COOK, R. B. BURTON, NATHAN ADAMS, A. HAWKINS, H. BURCIISTEAD, HOSEA BLOOD, JOSIA SNEELING, O. G. ® BURTON, C. FULLER, G GOODING, J. D. FOSTER. Extract of a letter from Col. Davis, who was kil led at the battled Tippecanoe, August 24, 1811: “ I make free to declare, that 1 have imagined here were two military men in the West,and Gen. Harrison is the first of the two ” Message of Simon Snyder, Governor of Penn sylvania, December 10, 1813 “ Already is the brow of the young warrior, Cro ghan,encircled with laurels, and the blessings of thousands of women and children reseted Irom the scalping knife ol the ruthless savage of the w ilder ness, and from the still more savage Proctor, rest on Harrison and his gallant army.” In the Legiskn ure of-Indiana,-on the 12th Nov. 1811, the peaker of the Hol.se of Representatives, (fen. Win. Johnston, thus addressed general Harri son. “Sir—The House of Representatives of the In diana territory, in their own nam°, and in behalf of their constituents, most cordially reciprocate the congratulations ol your Excellency on the glorious result of the late sanguinary conflict with the Shaw nee Prophet, and the tribes of Indians confederated with him; when we see displayed in behalf of our country, not only the consummate abilities of the general, but the heroism of the man ; and when we take into view I lie benefits which must result to ‘that country from those exertions, we cannot, for a ■moment, withhold oik meed of applause.” Legislature of Kentucky, January 7, 1812. “ Resolved, By the Senate and House of Repre %ativcs of the State of Kentucky, in the late cam paign against the Indians upon the Wabash, Gov. William Henry Harrison has behaved like a hero, a patriot and a general; and that for his cool, delib erate, skillul and gallant conduct in the battle of Tippecanoe, lie will deserve the warmest thanks oi his country and his nation Gen. Anthony Wavnc, in his Letter to the Secre tary of War, giving an official account of his san guinary Indian Battle, in 1792, said : “ My faithful and gallant Lieutenant Harrison rendered the most essential service, by communica ‘ting my orders in every direction, and by his con duct and bravery, excinng the t-oops to press for 'victory.” Resolution directing the madals struck, and,Jto he together with the thanks of Congress, presented to Major General Harrison, and Gov. Shelby, and for other [Hirposes. Rtsolved. By the Senate and House of Repre sentatives of the United Slates of America in Con gress assembled, That the thanks of Congress he, and they are hereby, presented to Major Gen •eral William Henry llarnsor. end Isaac Shelby, late Gov. of Kentucky, and through I hem, to the of ’fleers and men under their command, for their gal lantrv and good conduct in defeating the combined British and Indian forces under Major General Proc tor, on the Thames, in Uj»ner Canada, on the fifth •day of October, one thousand eight hundred and ‘thirteen, capturing thcHUtish army, with their age, camp equippage, antffi«artillery ; and that the President ot the United Stales be requested to cause two gold medals to he struck, emblematic of this triumph, and be presented to General Harrison and Isaac Shelby, late Gov. of Kentucky. H. Cr.AV, Speaker of the House o Representatives. John G.ullard, President of the Senate, pro tempore. April 4, 1818.—Approved, Jakes Monroe. Gov. Shelby to Mr. Madison, May 18, 1814, says : “ I led no hesitation to declare to you that I be lieve Gen Harrison to be one of the first military characters I ever knew." Col. RichaiC M. Johnson to Gen. Harrison, Jaly 4, 1813,says : “ H e did not leant to serve under cowards or trai tors ; but under one [Harrison] who /tadproved him self to hi wise, pindent and brave." Commodore Perry to General ■ Harrison, August 18, 1817, says: “ The prompt change made by you in the order of batflevn discovering the position ot the enemy, has always appeared to me to have evinced a high DEGRJEK OF MILITARY TALENT. I Cone if With the venerable Shelby in his general appro! at ion of your conduct in that campaign.” Honorable Langdon Cheves, on the battle of the Thames. “ The victory of Harrison, was such as would have secured to a Roman General in the best days ofthe 'Republic , the honors of a frwmph! He put an end to the Warm the I'ppvrmost Canada." Croghen" 61118 ° l * he Uer ° ol Fuft Stephenson, Col. " * ***** no P la, ' d ‘ ts which are bestowed upon me at the expense of General Harrison “ 1 ha . ve ftlt “** * arraest for him as a . man, and my confidence in him as an able comman der remains unshaken 1 feel every assurance that 'he will at all times do me justice; and noth.mr could give me more pam than to see his enemies seize upon this occasion to deal out their unfriendly feelings and acrimonious dislike ; and so long as he continues (as in ray humble opinion lie has hither to-done- torn ake the wisest arrangements and the • mo. judicious disposition, which the forces under his command will justify, 1 shall not hesitate to uciie with the army in oeslovving upon rum that conjidence which he so richly merits, and winch has on no occasion been withheld.” The Richmond Enquirer said : “(Jen Hr.rnson’s letter tells us everything that we wish to know about the officers, except himself. He docs justice to every one but Harrison— and the world must therefore dojusticeto the man who was too modest to be just to himself.” From Gen. Harrison's report of the battle of the Thames : “We have suffered greatly for the want of pro visions, and the whole army has subsisted, for the last three days, on haw ef.ef without salt.” iffp- “ in all ages, and in all countries, n has been observed, that the cultivators of tlie soil are those who are the least willing to part with their rights, and submit themselves to the will ot a master.’ Wm. H Harrison. {Kr'‘THE PEOPLE OF THE U. STATES May they ever remember that to preserve their liberties, they must do their own voting and their own fighting *V m H. Harrison. “General Harrison has done more lor his coun try’, with less compensation tor it, than any man living.” President .Madison. Ex Governor Isaac Hill, November 23, 1813, in the New Hampshire Patriot said; “ What man lb cs, whose w hole heart ami soul is not British, that cannot sincerely rejoice in the late victories of Perry and Harrison, trial does not feel a pride in the valor and patriotism of the heroes of the West, who have treed a country large as the Empire of Alexander the Great, from the Indian tomahawk and scalping knife ! Jf there be such an one, he is a traitor to the country —he possesses the spirit of a murderer.” John 31. Niles, late Van Buren candidate for Gov. in Connecticut, in his file of Perry published in 1821, after giving a general biography of Gen- Har rison, said .- “ The defence of Foit Meigs, and the subse jnenl capture of the British army, may be fairly consider ed the most brilliant and extraordinary events of llic late war.” In alluding to the battle of the Thames, he said : "If must he concede# that this victory reflected great honor upon the national arms, and upon the troops by a hum it was achieved. “ The action, and the movements which preceded it, afforded ample testimony ol the judgement and cool intrepidity ot Gen. Harrison; and, indeed, all the events of the campaign support these char actistics ; the disasters attending it having, in no m sla«ce, been imputable to him. “ There are perhaps on record few instances of such cool and steady intrepedity, on the part of militia, or a force o-f this description, as was display ed on this occasion. “ Harrison and Perry left Detroit in the Artel, and arrived at Erie on the 22d of October Here they were received with every demonstration ol joy and admiration; the discharge of cannon, illuminations •fee. They were hailed as the deliverers of the frontiers.” An Eloquent Record. William Henry Harrison was born in Virginia on the 9th of February, 1773. In 1-791, w hen 19 years of age, he was appointed by Washington an Ensign in our infant army. in 1792, he was promoted to the rank of Lieu tenant; and in 1793, joined the legion under Gen. Wayne, and in a lew days thereafter, was selected by him as one of his Aids. On the 24th of August, 1794, he distinguished himself in the battle ol the Miami, and elicited the I most flattering written approbation of Gen Wayne. In 1795, he was made a Captain, and was placed in command of Fort Washington. In 1797, he was appointed, by President Adams, Secretary of-the North-w estern Territory and ex officio Lt. Governor. In 1793, he was chosen a delegate to Congress. In 1801, he was appointed Governor of Indiana, and in the same year, President Jefferson appointed him sole Commissioner for treating with the ln . dians. In 1809, he was re-appointed Governor of Indi ana by Madison. On the 7th November, 1811, he gained the great victory of TIPPEC ANOE On the 11th September, 1812, he was appointed by Madison, Commander-in-chief of the North western army. On the Ist May, 1813, the seige of Fort .Meigs •commenced—lasted five days, and was terminated by the brilliant and successful sortie of Gea. Har rison. On the 31st July, 1813, the battle of Fort Ste phenson occurred. On the sth October, 1813, he gained the splendid victory of the THAMES, over the British and fa il ions under Proctor. Jn 1814, he was as pointed by Madison one of the Commissioners to reat with the Indians and in the same year, with his colleague-i Gov. Shelby and «»en. Cass, concluded the celeb.atod treaty of Greenville. Jn 1815, he was again appointed such Commis sioner, with (Jen. Me Arthur and Mr. Graham, and negotiated e treaty at Detroit. la 1816, he was elected a member of Congress. In January, 1818, he introduced a resolution in honor of Kosciusko, and supported it in one of the most feeling, classical and eloquent speeches ever delivered in !lie House of Representatives. Jn 1819, he was elected a member of the Ohio Senate Jn 1824, he was elected Senator m Congress, and was appointed, in 1825, Chairman of the .Mili tary Committee,in place of Gen. Jackson, who had resigned In 1827,he wfls appointed JVlinistgr to Colombia, j and, in 1829, wrote his immortal letter to Bolivar the deliverer of South America. Os linn Col. Johnson.'Vice President) thus spoke in the House of Representatives whilst a member ol that bedy ; “Os the career of Gen. Harrison, I need not speak—the history of the west is his history for forty years he has been identified with its interests, its perils, and its hopes. Universally beloved in the walks ol peace,and distinguished by his ability in the councils of his country, he has been yet more illustriously distinguished in the field. During the late war, fie was Unger in actual service than any other General Officer; lie was, perhaps, ©finer in action than any one-tot them, and never sustained a defeat." Such is4fhe Tuan, who, still enjoying his untar nished fame nnd glory, and standing on a proud and lofty eminence w here neither malice or envy can assail him, is now summoned hy his grateful countrymen to leave the quiet walks of private life to guide the councils of the nation, “and deliver the country from the dangers which encompass it.” 11k w ill be her deliverer ! Georgia, Columbia county : \\j HEREAS, William S. Dunn. Executor of * * the will of Winnifred Dunn, deceased, applies for letters disrriis-sory from said estate, These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of-said deceased, to be and appear at my office within -the time pre scribed by law, lo show cause, if any-they have why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, this 4th June, IS4 °- GABRIEL JONES, Glcrk. Georgia, Hurke county : VV 44 1’ REAS, Andrew’ Carson, administrator on l i.. , t ie estate 3Jary Ann Carson, applies for letters dismissory from said estate • These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appearat my office, within the time pre scribed by law’, to show cause, if any they h ive wny said letters should not be granted ’ Given under my hand at cthee in Waynesboro tins 10th July, 1840. T. H. BLOUNT, Cler K Georgia, Hurke county : n f HERE AS, Henry Lewis applies for letters of. administration on the estate of Henry H. Burdeaux, deceased, J '1 hese are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred tRd creditors of said deceased to be and appear at ray office within the time pre scribed by law, to show-cause, if aav they have why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand sft office in Waynesboro this fOth July, !840. T. H. BLOUNT, Clerk. ’ Georgia, Columbia count y . WHEREAS, Curtis Lowe applies for letters of administration on the estate pf Isaac Lowe, deceased; These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular,the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at mj’ office within the-time pre scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be grafted- Given under my hau l at office, this 10th July, ls ’ 4o - GABRIEL JONES, Clerk. ; vf OTICE.—AH persons having demands against UN ’the late Arthur Sykes, of Jefferson county deceased, are requested to hand them in properh aathenti ated ; and those indebted to theffieceased will make payment tw June 23, isiof ’ CARSWELL ’ -Administrator. Georgia, Burke county; U/ HEREAS, Ahcl Lewis, administratoron the estate of Stephen Boyd, deceased, applies or letters dismissoiy from said estate ; These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kitdred and creditors of said deceased, ' to be and appear at my office within the time pre scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, s why said letters should not be granted. Gives under mv hand at office in Wavneshoro, this 10th July, 1840. T. H. BLOUNT, Clerk. Georgia, Columbia county; 1 *\t HEREAS, John Lamar, Executor of the 3 ! Vs will of William W. Harden, deceased, ap » plies for letters dismissorv from said estate, These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said de » ceased, to be and appear at my office, within the r time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they r have, why s. id letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, this 3Uth day of - M ay, 1840. GAB KIEL JONES. Georgia, Lincoln county ; WHEREAS Samuel Wright applies for letters of administration on the estate of John s Gresham, deceased : 3 These are therefore to cite and admonish all and 1 singular, the kindred andcreditors of said deceased, 1 to be and appear at my office within the time pre -3 scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, 1 why said letters slkmißl not be granted. 1 Given under ray hand at > ffice, this 13th July, 3 1840. HUGH HENDERSON, Clerk. Georgia, Columbia county: r \ V HERE AS, Alfred J. Dunn, Administrator on if the Estate of George W. Dunn, deceased, applies for letters of dismission from said estate, l These are therefore to cite and admonish all and - singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceas -3 cd, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have why said letters shou d not be granted. Given under - ray hand, at office, this 7th May, s 1840. GABRIEL JONES, Cifix. 1 Georgia, Burke County ; 1 WHEREAS, James Chance, administrator of , ' w* Mary Chance, applies for letters dismissoiy - on the estate of-said deceased, These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said dc t ceased, to be and appear at my office, within the f time prescribed by law, to shew, cause if any they have, w hy said letters should not be granted. Given under my band, at office, in Waynesboro, * this 1 Glli day of May, 1840. [ T. H. BLOUNT, Clerk i Georgia Scnven county ; s (T7TIEREAS, Peter Arnett Adminislrntor on I T the estate of Allen Bolton, applies for lei ters dismissoiy from said estate, These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time p*e- I scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have why said letters should not be granted. Given under try hand, at office, in Jacksonbon>% this 3d day of March, 1840. I __ ‘ ALEXANDER KEMP, Clerk. i Georgia, Scraveu County : HERE AS James H. Mobley, administrator on the estate of William W. Oliver, applies for letters dismissoiy from said estate. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular-the kindred and creditors of said deceased, ' to be and appear at-my office, within the time pre scribed by law,to show cause, if any they have, why saidlettois should not be granted. Given under m3' hand, at office, in Jacksonboro, this 27th March, 1840. ALEX’R. KEMP, Clk. ' Burke 'Superior Court, May term, 1840. Present, bis Honor John Shlv. Hethc> r McMahan,v vs. £ Case for Divorce. George McMahan. 3 IT appearing to the Court from the return of the sheriff that the defendant, George McMahan, is not to be found in the County aforesaid. it is*therefore ordered that the said defendant appear and answer on or before the first day of the next term of this Court, or be considered in default, and that a copy of this rule be published in one of the public Gazettes of this State, once a month, for three months pievious to the next term of this Court. A true extract from the minutes, July Bth, 1840. July 17 EDWARD GARLICK, Clerk. Georgia, Lincoln county: nTHEREAS William M. Lampkin applies! for letters of administration on the estate of John McDowell, sen., late of said county, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish ail and singular, the kindred andcreditors of said deceased, to be and appear at u?y office within the time pre scribed by lav. ,to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not he granted. Given under mv hand at office, this 6th Ai/gost, 1840. HUGH HENDERSON, Clerk. Georgia, Burke Comity; WTHEREAS Samuel Barron, adminisAraioi of ? * William Barron, deceased, applies Jfac let ters dismissoiy from said estate : These are therefore to cite and admonish,.a® indi singular, the kir.died and creditors of the jaLti de ceased, to be and appear at my office, w shltic, the time prescribed by law. tc show cause (if say ffiey have) why said lexers should not be gran rA Given under my hand at office in Wayiasboro this 6th March IS4O. T. H. BLOUNT, Clerk. Georgia, Scriven Comity: Elizabeth Buxton vs. Benjamin Buxton. 3 IT appearing to the Court by the Sheriffs je4uor. that the Defendant is not to be foun d in Dhie- County, It is, on motion, Ordeied that the ©sfitnd*- ant appear at the next term of this Court, ami, then, and there answer to the complaint of the IJi>«llfant„ or tiie Court will proceed as by - default ; and. it i& further ordered, that a copy of this rule be; pubjish ed once a month, for three months, in ohm- of the' public Gazettes of this'State, before said CowsA A true extraction! the minutes, this BLt&dnv of June, 1840. ALEXANDER KEMP, Oesk. “ m3t Burke Superior Court, May term, L‘B4o. Present, his Honor John Shlv. Maiy Ann Thompson, vs ,> Divorce. James Thompson, .3 IT appearing to tlre Court that the defendant is nor to he iound in this ( ounty, it is on motion, uiilcicd that the defendant be and appear at the next term ot this Count and answer the libellant, 01 in default thereof <£he Court will proceed in the case. It is further orderded that a copy of this rule he published once a month lor three months, in one of the public Gazettes of the city of Augusta. ! A Hue extract fronruthe minutes, Julv Bth, 1840. July 17 EDWARD Clerk. In Jefferson Superior Court, May Term., 1840. His Honor Judge John .Shly presiding. > Elizabeth Norris, vs. > Case for Divorce. ’ Mahon T. Norris. 3 IT appearing to the Court by the return of the Sheriff, that the defendant, Mahon T. Norris . is not to be found in the County, Jt is therefore on motion ordered, That the defendant appear at ; the nest term of-this Court, and answer to the said case,as in default of such appearance the said Court will proceed -to trial. And it is further or -1 dered that service of the said writ be perfected by , advertising this noticein one of the public gazettes -of this State for three-months before the next term , of this Court. A true extract from the minutes of the Superior ~ Court of Jefferson county for May Term, 1810 -j July 9j BOTHWKLL. Clerk. s' ~ —: . c Georgia, Scriveu Comity : Elizabeth Buxton d „ >Bill of Injunction. 1 Benjamin Buxton. 3 ■ T o li * r e . ( r ourt > by the return of the ! > in this Countv it • ™ Defendant is not to be found That he DeSnt ,° n m ° tlon of Counsel, Ordered, ’ r an? t f K d , a f. pea lat the next term of this Court, and then and there plead, answer or demur 7 wi i Lto!”,? w " aa ‘V illofcon, p'*i"<.» the mu »,,{ c «*fe» 0 - It is further ordered. ■ , fom 'o ° ‘r |C '* P" bli sliod once a month > ll 1 month*- before said Court in one of the I, public Gazettes*of this State. one 01 me A true ex.liact Jrom tne minutes this 11th dav of June, IS4U. ALEXANDER KEMP Clerk m4t • Jr > WARE-HOUSE AND COMMISSION ( BUSINESS. THE subscribers will continue the Ware-house and Commission Business at their old stand, ( where they hope to receive the same liberal patro nage that has been given to them for years past. < Our location being central and near the wharves, 1 combines as many advantages as any similar estab- < Jishment in tine city. In the late disastrous fiesh ct we sustained some injury, but as little perhaps as any other ware-house in the city - , having the same quantity of produce on hand. Our Ware house and close-stores are in good order for the re- 1 ception of produce or Merchandize, and strict at tention will be devoted to either when entrusted to our care. BAIRD k ROWLAND. Augusta, July 28; 1840. * tlstNov. RAIL-ROAD WARE-HOUSE. D’ANTIGNAC & HILL INFORM their-Llends and the pnbHc,-that they continue the Ware-house and Commission Business at their new and extensive fire-proot ware-house, which is now in complete order for the reception of Cotton, or other produce, with am ple close storage for goods. All Cotton and other articles consigned to them by r the Rail Road being discharged from the cars immediately in front ol their gate, renders drayage unnecessary. To guard against accidents to teams, cotton from wagons will he leceivcd at the gate on Walker street, entirely out of sight of the cars. The proprietors return thanks to their customers for their former patronage, and respectfully solicit a continuance of their favors. w3m July 14 (fjp” The Constitutionalist, Georgia Journal, Fed oral Union, and Southern Whig, wil each publish the above weekly for three months. WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. fTIHE subscribers have formed a co-partnership I for the transaction of a factorage and com“ mission business, under the firm of HOPKINS S,- STOVALL. They have taken the commodious fire-proof Ware Home on Mclntosh street, oppo site Gen. Thomas Dawson’s, formerly occupied by r Heard &. Wilson, and more recently - by D’Antignac k Hill. Their storages are conveniently - situated for the storage of cotton, or receiving and forward ing of goods by Railroad or Wagon. They - hope, by strict attention to business, to merit a share of public patronage. LAMBETH HOPKINS, MARCELLUS A. STOVALL. Augusta, July 8, 1840. 2awtf—jy.9 WARE-HOIfsTTAND COMMISSION BUSINESS. THE undersigned most respectfully solicit of their friends and the public generally, a share of their busine«s in Savannah, where they have now erecting, near the Rail Road Depot, a commo dious Ware-House, for the accommodation of cot ton, and receiving and forwarding goods. They pledge themselves to give their undivided attention to business, and hope, from long experi ence, to render general satisfaction in promoting the interest of their friends. SIMMONS & WHITE. Savannah, Ga., Ist, 1840. I take this opportunity for returning my thanks to my former patrons, and hope they will continue their kind favors, so liberally - bestowed in Augusta, towards the above firm in Savannah. july 23 ts T. M. SIMMONS. Cft A IA/A REWARD. —Runaway from the subscriber,on the 29th ult., a likely negro boy named Scott, 18 or 19 years old, 5 feet 10 inches nigh, rather light complexion, looks very pleasing when spoken to, very intelligent,and re markably polite in his deportment, spare made and straight. He took with him, from me, about SIOO in money, §25 of which was American gold, the balance in bills of the Planters’ and Mechanics’ Bank of Columbus. Also, a tine gold watch and chain with square link- - . lam inclined to believe lie lias been seduced away by - some white man, as he has hitherto been trust worthy and honest as far as I have known. lie was raised in Charlotte, N. C., and may Mw endeavor to got back, but will more pro- to get to a free State, either by way m Apalachicola or through the up countiy, as he lias been heard to express a desire to get to Ohio or PhiJaJelptja- I will give miflßrove reward of four hundred dollars, for the apprehension of the boy and thief, and their delivery to me, with sufficient evidence to convict them, or §2OO lor the boy and the watch, or §l5O for the boy alone, or a proportionate reward for his confinement in jail, and information so that I get him. WM. D. LUCAS. Girard, Ala., August 11, 1840, 4t LIBERTY HALL, TON, GA. THE subscriber would respectfully inform the public generally, that he will he prepared by the loth of August, to entertain all the traveling and other customers who may favor him with a call. He will have at that time twenty private 100 ms, neatly finished off, lor the a.commodation of families, kc. He flatters himself from his past experience and the comfortable arrangements of the Hotel, that he will be able to furnish such accommoda tions as will give general satisfaction. He will constantly - keep on hand the best pro visions the country can afford, which shall be served up in line style, for all such as may favor him with a call, at the lowest prices. His Stables are equally commodious as his Hotel, and well stored with grain R. F. DANIEL july 20 4t IN HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. WHEREAS a bill has passed both branches of the General Assembly, changing the time of 1 holding the sessions of the Legislature, from annual to bi-ennial: but whereas, it is proper on all occasions to ascertain the will of the people, whenever it can b ■ done without interfering with the ordinary course of Legislation: Therefore, Be it resol red by the Senate and House of Repre sentatives of the Hate of Georgia, in General As scmbly met, and it is hereby resolved by the authori ty of the same. That on the first Monday in Oclo bci, .840, the voters of this State be requested to endorse on their tickets the words - annual or Biennial,” as they may favor the meeting of the Legislature every year, or once in two years: and that the resolution be published in the newspapers I J . n . 3 for three months before the first Mon day in October aforesaid. JOSEPH DAY, Spcakei of the House of Representatives, Attest—Josf.pii Sturgis, Clerk. In Senate, concurred in, 21st December 1839 ROBERT M. ECHOLS President of the Senate. Attest—David J. Bailey, Secretary. Approved, December 24th. 1839. CHARLES J. McDonald, Governor _ u ne2-. 3m LAW NOTICE. THE subscriber has opened a Law Office on Judge Longstreet’s lot in the village of Ox tord, Newton county, where he will be found at all times when not on the circuit. He will prac tice in Newton, Morgan, Walton, De Kalb, Gwin nett, Jasper, Henry and Butts counties. Persons trusting the undersigned with basiness, may be assured that it will be attended to with fidelity ZB® THOMAS HOWARD. I take pleasure in recommending Thomas How ard to the patronage of my friends and acquaintan ces. He is talented and trust-worthy, and will have the benefit of my counsel, whenever he or his clients desire it. A. B. LONGSTR t, FT aug 3 LOST notes. IN the month us June, 1825, I enclosed in a let ter, by mail, to John C. Richards, merchant of Baltimore the first halves of three notes of the following description, to wit, one half of note num ber ~108, on the Bank of the State of North Caro one h?if ya f e a . l Ralei S h > for one hundred dollars one half of note number 287, on the Bark of 1, ’ M said Richards, the other h f a ,. ,etter Greeted to aforesaid, whichwere new I a . n Bank notes aids, and which were lost V' y SU ‘ d I<ich " Any information in relation to said ]oTt i f said notes will be thmkf..n. ai(l lost halves of person finding said halves shall [ eceive )'’ and ar, >‘ sated. ’ S,iaJ ‘ be amply compen * August 8, IS4O AMES BERRY. worn Georgia, Scrivcii county i « *r HEREAS Joshua Perry applies for jpttcis If 0 f administration on the esta’c ol William Gross, late of said county, deceased: These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my olfice within the time pre scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this■l" (a - August, IS4O. ALEXANDER KEMI , Cle^k. Georgia, Scriven county : . . W HEREAS John Waters applies for letters oi administration on-the estate of John and Mary Hendrix, late of said county, deceased. These arc therefore to cite and admonish all an . singular, the'kindred and creditors of said deceased, o tile their objections, if any they have, in my ol fice within the time preseiibed by law*, to shew cause why said lettersshould not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this Ist da} ot August, 1840. ALEXANDER KEMP, Clerk. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALK. BY virtue of an order of the Honorable the In ferior Court of Columbia county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will he sold, at the court house of Baker county, on the first Tuesday in October next, between the usual hours of sale. Lot No. 244, in the 7th district of said county, con taining 250 acres, more or less, being a part of tne real estate of George W. Dunn, deceased. Sold lor the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceas ed. Terms cash. ALFRED J. DUNN, Augusts, 1840, Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALK. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Novem ber, before the court-house door in Lincoln county, all the lands belonging to the estate of John Moss, late of said county, (the widow s dower ex cepted,) tying in said county, adjoining lands of Walton, House, Antony and others, on the Savan nah river. WM. W. S'IOKES, Adm’r. July 16, 1840. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALK. WILL be sold on Friday, the 2sth day of August next, at the late residence of John P. Thiess, deceased, of Lincoln county, all the perishable property of said deceased, to wit: Com and Fodder, household and kitchen furniture, plan tation tools, and stock of all kinds, See. &c. July 18, 1840. HENRY THIESS, Adm’r. ADMINISTRATRIX’S SALK. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Novem ber next, within the usual hours of sale, at Appling, Columbia county, 160 acres of oak and hickory land, adjoining lands of Bowdre,Beall and others. Also, 110 acres pine land, adjoining Bow dre, Yarbrough and others, and four negro slaves, to wit: Judea, about 50 ycais of age, Daniel, about 10 years of age, Henry, about 10 years of age,and Dennis, about 8 years of age. All.sold as the property of Martha Magruder, laie of Columbia county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. . VERLINDA MAGRUDER, August 6, 1840. Adm’rx. EXECUTOR’S SALE. ON the first Tuesday in September next, at Co lumbia Court House, between the usual hours, will be sold 195 acres of land in Columbia county, adjoining lands of James L. Heggie, Nel son M. Benton and others, belonging to the estate of Archibald Hcggio deceased, and sold under the provisions of the Will of the deceased, lor the pur pose of distribution among the heirs of said de ceased. Terms made known at the sale. June 25, 1840 ISAAC N. HEGGIE. Ex’r. GUARDIAN’S SALK. A GREEABLE to an order of the Inferior Court j\ of Burke county, while sitting as a couit of ordinary, will be sold on the first Tuesday in Sep tember next, before the court-house dcor in Co- % lumhia county, between the usual hours of sale, one tract of Land containing one hundred acres more or loss, adjoining lands es John Gray and others ; said land lying on tlie waters of Little River, sold for the benefit of the minor heirs of WiiLam Lovell deceased. May 12,1840. PAYNE LOVELL Guar.^ GUARDIAN’S SALK. AATILL be sold at the court-house door in the j J town of Irwinton, Wilkinson count} ,on the first Tuesday in September next, the following lots of land, namely : Lot No. 181 in the I Sth Dist.; Lot No. 36 in the 20th District; Lot No. IS6 in the Ist Dist.; Lot No. 176 in the lUtli Dist.; and Lot No*. 170 in the 13th District of said county. Sold by order oi the Inferior Court of Taliaferro county, when sitting for ordinary purposes. Terms at sale. DOROTHY LANGDON. Guardian for the minors of ames Langdon. dec’d. Raytown, Ga. July 4, 1810. EXECUTOR’S SALK. ’ A GREEABLE to an order of the honorable the 2\.. Inferior Court of Columbia county, when sit ting as a Court of Ordinary, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in December next, before the court house door at Appling, Columbia county, between the usual hours ol sale, two Negroes, to wit: a boy about ten ycai-s of age, by the name of George, and a girl by the name of Darkus, about seven years of age. Sold as the property of Eleanor D. Appling, deceased, for the benefit of Hie creditors, GREEN J. DOZIER, ExT. August 13, 1840. * GUARDIAN’S SALK. ON the first Tuesday in October next will be sold, before the court house door in the town ot Washington, Wilkes county, Georgia, within the usual hours of sale, a certain improved Lot of Land in said village, bounded on the north by the main street, on the west by a cross street, on the south by a street running parallel with the main street, and on the east by the lot occupied by the late Lee Ann Ruddle, at the time of her decease, containing one acre, and lost for the benefit of the orphans of the late John K. M. Charlton of said county. JOHN R. STANFORD, Guardian. July 23,1840. POSTPONKD SALK. WILL be sold on the first Tuesdav in Sep ▼ ? tember next, at the court-house in the county oi between the usual hours ot sale, agreeable to an order of the Inferior Court of Lmcoln county,when sitting for ordinary purposes one lot of land No. 1142 and 2d District, formerly Cherokee. J And on the first Tuesday in October next will be sold, agreeable to the above named order in the county of Dooly, lot No. 309 in the 13th District. I he above lots ct land drawn by John McKorkle deceased; sold for the benefit* of the heirs and creditors ot said deceased. Terms made known on A y o. ,840. KL ‘ GARNETT > OAKLAND FOR SALK. r|MIE subscriber offers for sale his Plantation in X Jefferson county, containing between one thousand and eleven hundred acres of oak, hickorv and swamp land. The improvements arc superior and its nearness to the Central Rail Road, together with its fertility, make >t a desirable place. ° Per sons wishing to purchase are invited to come and see the growing crop. Corn and fodder, neat cat ty; and lugs, amongst which last are Berkshire and 1 hiladelphia Whites, can be had by the purchaser, orjuly 14-wtf J. W. M. BERRIEN <Tj- The Savannah Rtpublican will cony weeklv one month. J subscriber having rented the J. Machine Shop at the Richmond Factory on the Louisville road, ten miles from Augusta is now prepared for building and repairing Cotton Gins, Cotton Machinery of all descriptions T, f mg Lathes, all kind of Machines, suitable for build mg machinery, Turning of all descriptions both wood and iron, turning and cutting gearing, repair “B 11 ' 0ns .gurs pistols, See. J,c. All o dc, for the above will meet with prompt attention aug!3 sm2t* SOLOMON BARNEY. COLUMBIA SHERIFF’S SACK* \V 1 f L i b T SOld at • olumb ‘ a c °urt house on the Appling, (Columbia L „°‘ J ’ty °> a good and convenient Dwells?,“ Ch sf7 ' S and Stable, and two other w n -I s0 ’ Liklien goods or grocery stores- also aTV s f ,or (I| y *“• WiiliarnGfo,' e n“, “ • > '“- August 1,1840. RICHARDH JoSis, D. S. AUGUSTA IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY. IS ■O’ 1 g \ The Castings from this establishment h avc , r universal satisfaction since it has been inim ei A Mfn We have now on hai d a large stock of the* U " material, of the best quality, and are reach';,™" ceive orders for any description of CAs'nvp o .* either for Bail Roads, Mills, Steam Engines' ' other purposes. As we have a tirst rate p-,,,’ 0> Maker, and use nothing but the best ma ten-p 1 consequently we can warrant our Castings not o'* S ’ to work well, but bo as strong and as well made any manufactured at the North or elsewhere - we challenge comparison. ’ aiil * Wc also manufacture to order any b m ., f AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. ‘ \ Ve of now getting up, and will soon luve made m hand tor sale, a variety of PLOUGHS, of all and sizes, from the small Poncy Plough up to tl * large four horse Plough. Also, Straw. Cut ten Corn Shelters, Harrows, Wheat Fans, Ctdtiraton Wagons, Carts, Bpc., <s-c. Persons wanting such articles would do well to call, as we arc determiii ed to sell low for cash or city acceptances. Orders can he left at the principal stores in town, or at the establishment in rear of the p rcs . byterian Church, near the Rail Road Depot and they will be attended to punctually. uly 11 . ly THOS. HOPKINS Co, BORGIA BURR STONES FOR SALEWA I.T first rate pair of these Mill Stones, four and a half feet in diameter. For terms apply at this office. jan 31 if Georgia, Burke county; WHEREAS Everett Sapp, administrator on the estate of Jacob Watkins, applies for letters dismissory from said estate: These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased .o be. and appear at my office,within the time pre scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have why said letters should not be granted. Given under my' hand at office in Waynesboro this 29th January, 1840. ' T* 11. BLOUNT, Clerk. Gorgia, Jeliersou comity ; WHEREAS J. W. Houston and F. K. Nicoll, executors of last will and testament of Henry A. Dodge, apply for letters of dismission from said estate: These are therefore o cite, summon and admon ish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by Jaw, to show cause, if any they havc, why' said letters should not be granted. Given under my band at clficc, this 10th Februa ry, 1840. EBENEZER BOTH WELL Clk. Georgia, Scriven County: WHEREAS William H Wade, administratoi on the estate of George M. Henderson,ap plies for letters dismissory from said estate These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time pre scribed by law, to show cause (if any they havc) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my r band, at office, in Jackson'ioro, this 27th W arch, 1840. ALEXTI. KEMP,CIk. Georgia, Jefferson county : WHEREAS, John Bostick, Executor ol last will and testament of Mrs. Agatha Beal, late of said county, deceased, applies for litters dismissory from said estate, These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time pre scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, this Sth May, 1840. K. BOTH WELL, Clerk. A CERTAIN CURE FOR THE Ttch ! tyfjr JVc article ever introduced to public notice has bee* U found to answer a better purpose, or been more highly ap f - proved, than the. justly celebrated £ Yinirles 5 Itch Ointment. preat and extended lias become its reputation, that 5 dealers are ordering it from all parts of the country, as a remedy which gives their customers the highest satisfaction. HOT A Student!—connected with one of ourLitet ary institutions, where this loathsome disease had ap peared. observes, that Dumfries’’ Itch Ointment extermi nated it, after various other applications had failed to do so, and it had fn consequence gained a reputation in that Seminary, and vicinity, as the best remedy known far thi Itch! This preparation, for pleasantness, safety,expedi tion, ease and certainty, is unsurpassed, if equalled. It does not contain the least particle of mercury, or othei dangerous ingredient, and may be applied with perfect safety by pregnant females, or to children at the breast, and it cures, however inveterate, in {fy One Hour’s Application only!—And no danger from taking cold. It is p.lso one of the best applications for a h-imor,« form of a ring-worm, known by the name of the Bißßty' Itch, and is excellent for Pimm.es, and diseases of tb skin generally. Price 25 cents a box, with ample directions. JglT - Caution ! Re particular to observe that the only original and genuine Dumfries’ Itch Ointment is signed by T. Kidder, the sole proprietor, on the outside printed wrapper, ftfjr J\Tone other can possibly he genuine I Prepared and sold by T. KIDDER, sole proprietor and successor to Dr. Coswir, 99 Court street, up sta'ret hear Concert Hall, Boston, and may also be had A fresh supply' of flic above Ointment just re ceived and for sale by WM. M. D’ANTIGNAC Druggist, Augusta, Ga. Where may be found a general assortment ol Drugs, Medicin#, Paints, Oils, Glass, <tc. feb 28 6m COSBY ’S DVMPFI’TIC |A Late and Valuable Discovery. PERHAPS there is r.othing mo”' 1 c" | c , ; | am<! t‘» disgust the public eye than the innumerable advertisements of nostrums that arc constantly ap* peering in the public prints. All arc ready to ex claim, our souls are sick, onr ears are pained with every day’s reports of ills and specifies TKis state ot the public mind would seem to forbid any person of delicate mind from sending forth any new dis coveries in medicine, to the trial of the public.— Still, motives of delicacy should not prevent us from making known real discoveries, w hich we are eon fident will benefit our fellow men. This b ~r consideralion has prompted rhe author of these bit ters to make I hem known. He knows they are high' ly efficacious, for he himself, his wile, and many friends, have given them a thorough trial, lie was himself a confirmed dyspeptic, so much, dial even his recollection was gone. By using these bitters he has been restored to health. Jin. Cosby »as troubled for many years, but was restored head n by the use ol these bitters. This has been theca-e with many of lus friends. Mr. Cosby in sending forth this advertisement, addresses those who know him. Ho has been for many years a resident 11 Augusta, at which place he can at any nine o-j consulted about the bitters. They are good m a cases of diseases of the digestive organs, the symp toms of which are indigestion, pnn or oppression in the stomach from food, lossol appetite, tlatinen tv, heart burn, giddiness in the head, (tain ini' side, shortne-dfi of breath, lassitude, general _ ness, distuibed sleep, &c The composid° n ,s tM lirely Botanical, an I has proved efficacious "Inn many celebrated medicines bad failed. Insuppj >r of which he refers them to Freeman W. Lacy, s H " riffof Richmond count'', and William T. son, editor of the Augusta Mirror, and he might li fer you to many others, but deems it unnecessary as bets willing to place it on its own merits. A ‘ he asks is lor tnose who are afflicted with tne dy* pepsin to give it a trial. . They can be had at T. 11. Plant’s book-sl< irf . Augusta, and of U. Cosby himself, at the corner ol Washington and Ellis-strcets. GA R VIN $ HA EVES, D:uggisfs, Augusta• WILLIAM II LLOYD, Savannah. DA\ ID REID, Macon. r ERAS CIS OGIER, Druggist, Columbia ,B L S. 1). GLARE «V Go. Druggists, Hamburg- HASTIE tjr NICOL, Greenville, S. C nov 30 I