Newspaper Page Text
attorney at law,
; r j7] ClarkesviUe, Ga.
ON NEW YORK— At sighT,
rtt one to twenty days sight. For sale bv
sy NOTICE. —The Rail Road Passenger Train
j*tween Charleston and Hamburg, w.ll Rave as
>ol to leave Charleston before 7 00 a si.
“ Summerville, “ - -S 30
“ “ Georges’ - “ - io 0
•* “ Branch vale, “ - II 00
• “ Blackville, - “ - loop. h
“ Aiken, - - “ . *3 00
Arrive at Hamburg not before _ 400
Sot to leave Hamburg before 6 00 \. m.
Aiken, - “ - 730
“ Blackville, “ - • 915
“ Midway, “ - - 10 30
“ Branchvill *• - - 11 00
« “ Georges’, “--II 45 M.
“ “ Summerville,“ - -1 lap. m.
Arrive at Charleston noi before 215
pistance —ISOmiles. FareThrough —$10 00.
Cpced not over M 0 miles an hour. To remain 2(
.-jiutes each, for breakfast and dinner, and no'
jogetthan 5 minutes for wood and water at an>
To stop for passengers, when a white flag if
sristed, at either of the above stations; and also i)
vjeaths, Woodstock, Inabinet’s, 41 mile T. ().,
fares’, Grahams, Willeston, Windsor, Johnsons’
ird Marsh’s 1. O.
pa-sengers no will breakfast at Woodstock anl
dmeal Blackville; aown, will breaKiast at Aiker
andrime at Charleston. may 4
r'r' Ur. W. S. JONES tenders his profession a |
,£, u es to the citizens of Augusta and its vicinity i
}] e may be found at his office, No. 214 Broad st.
* :a t nis residence. United States Hotel. ap 24
NfFr. G AIIDNER, fuiincrly resilient surgeon
n hie New York Hospital, and physician at Belle
vue Hospital, New York, tenders to the public his j
pitiessional services.
;Lcc in Washington street, between Broad and
yji? Greets Residence, United States Hotel.
yj IV. G. NtMMO, General Commission Mer
chant, oiilce on .Mclntosh sticct, next door to the
Coafiitutionaiist. nov 7
£5" Ur. WM. FLINT, member f the Massa
chusetts Medical Society, would inform his friends
tit! he has removed las place of residence to the j
toi.ding-house of Mrs. Camlield, at the corner of '
jacksou and Broad streets, where he may be found |
ut ail hours during the summer season. His pro- !
lAaonai seivices aie respectfully tendered to the 1
citizens of Augusta. ts—June G >
yy Dr. J. J. WILSON has removed for the
Summer to the house of Jamc-s Gardner, Esq., Ist j
t o:r Lelow the Academy. June 6 j
' w^oTICK. —The copartnership heretofore exist-
Ing between Henry P. Hill and George F.
Halt, under the title of Hill &. Piatt, is this day
dissolved by mutual consent, 'i he affairs of the
late firm will be settled by George F. Platt, who
alone is authorized. HENRY P. HILL,
Lexington, August 7,184 U.
The undersigned would inform his friends, cus- |
temers and citizens generally,feat having purchased I
H. F. Hill’s entire interest, will continue business j
at the old stand of Hill & Platt.
aug lu 3l* GEORGE F. PLATT. 1
I, oifer for sale one thousand eight hundred
i acres of Land, lying in Greene county, on
Fishing creek, four miles from the Mercer Univer
sity, and live from the Scull Shoals Factory. The
plantations are in good repair, and tne land well
adapted to the culture of cotton and corn, and grain
of ad kinds ; and as to health, none more so in I
Georgia —well watered —in fact it cannot be beat
for good water and a plenty of it. Should any per •
•on wish such a. settlement, they will of course
lookfor themselves —welherefoie deem it unneccs- ;
s;ry to say any thing farther about it. We should
Le pleased to sell soon, so as to enable vs to make
our other arrangements.
May 21,1840. w3m
FOR. sale, 100 acres of good Land, well im- ■
proved, a healthy situation, about 3 miles ;
from Augusta. On the place is a good crop, good
grade ns well supplied with vege;ables. good cr
chaids oi fruit, an 1 every thing like convenience
and comfort about the premises. It will be sold
iow, and on time, —one and two years credit for
good endorser. Also the Furniture, which is good
ai d new. Title good, and possession gir en on the
day of sale. For further paiticulars enquire of the •
Editors of this piper. i
Augusta, July IS, IS 10. wlOt
AM/ITCE.—AII persons are cautioned against
xj trading for two promissory notes made Ly
Henry Smitn, on the eighth day of January last, j
ore for twenty dollars, and the other for twenty
i:vc dollars and fifty cents, payable to Wm. B. i
byre or bearer, as the notes were fradulently ob- j
taiaed, the consideration having failed in every re- j
»pe> t whatever,! am determined not to pay them
until compelled. HENRY SMITH,
aug 3 w3t
I AW. —The undersigned having removed le j
j Starkville, Lee county, will practice in the
several courts of the counties of Lee, Sumter.
Stewart, Randolph, Macon, Early, Baker, Dooly
aad Marion.
References —Col. Joseph 11. Lumpkin, Lexing
ton, Ga.; Henning ». Moore and Capt. Peter Lamar, i
Lincolnton, Ga.; A. J. & T. W. Miller, Augusta, j
Ga.; J. Lamkin and Dr. Miles K. Harman. Travel
lers Rest, Ga. RICHARD F. LYON,
oct 25 ly
Cl ACTION.—The public is cautioned against
J trailing for a promissory Uoie,made by Samuel
Howell, cn or about the third day of April last, 1
payable Ist of January last, for One Hundred Dol~
hirs, interest from date, in favor of J. W. Kittles
and . him endorsed —the same havingbeen lost or
mislaid by the subscriber! to whom ettlement ha?
seen madel>v the drawer. THOS. BARNES,
roar 6 wtf
milE subscriber oilers for sale one thousand
1 five hundred acres of Land, lying in Burke
county, on Ogeechy River, immediately by and
wound the One Hundred Mile Station, Central
Railroad, with about one tiiird cleared; a part of
is fveEi, and all in good repair, and as well
Watered as any place in Georgia. is also a
'■d new two story dwelling house, and a gin ;
- k-, together with other out houses. Should j
- y person wish to buy a settlement, they will of |
-e look for themselves, —and they may expect j
• argain there. WILLIAM. P. ALLEN.
__Jidy 4 3m
X GTICE.—AII poisons indebted to Henry Salm, i
late of Richmond county, deceased, are re
sisted, to make payment to rac or to Mr. Christian
’dni; and those having claim? against said de-
will present them duly attested within the
Hae prescribed by law, to
July 20.154 U. A. PICQUET, Adm’r.
V^OTICE. —AH persons having demands against ;
-Ml the estate of George Murry, deceased, iate of
‘■N county of Richmond, will present them with
a the time prescribed by law, and those indebted
Ic said estate will settle with the under-igned.
ALEXR. McTVER, Qualified Ext.
• August 10,1540. wtst
\T OTICE.—AII persons indebted to the estate of
the late Thomas R. Allen, or the late firm ot
A-ien sc Green, are requested to make immediate
meat to me, and those having claims are hcie
) notified t > hand them in. duly authenticated,
"’•thin the time prescribed by law.
August 14,1540. J. C. GREEN, Adm’r.
TV indebted to the Estate of Thomas Quizen
:-rry, deceased, late of Richmond county, are re-
H Ue? ted to make immediate payment, and those
lug demands against the same, wi'l present them
y attested, within the time prescribed by law.
A. SIBLEY, Adm’r.
August 18, 1840.
XCHANGK on Charleston at sight, aud ca
-A t.rne- —and on New York at sight. For sale
h J ( a ug 22-1 w) ADAM JOHNSTON.
JL-—JL TO RENT—The Dwelling on the
Tflpaj north-east comer of Broad and Mclntosh
S ' : .U_ streets, at present occupied by Dr. Cun
ningham. Apply to JAMES W. DAVIS.
a »g 2-2 trwtf
subscriber has disposed of his interest in
the Book and Stationary business heretofore
conducted under the firm of J. W. & T. S. Stov, to
his brother, T. S Stay, who will carry on the busi
ness in tuture on his own account, and in his own
name; Consequently said firm is this day dissolved.
Any business in which I am individually con
cerned, will be attended to by my brother.
Augusta, August 20, 1840.
dl7* The subscriber having this day purchased
the interest of his brotiier, J. W. Stoy,ia the Book
and Stationary business, it will hereafter be con
tinued in his own name, at the old stand. No. 247
Broad street, opposite the U, S. Hotel, wheie he
solicits for himseli of the friends of the firm, a
continuance of past favors. Binding and Blank
Book manufacturing continued as usual.
aug 22 3t T. S. STOY’.
N —WYATT 4- WARREN, No. 20G Broad
street, have just received a few pieces handsome
French Muslins and Ginghams. Also, Calicos,
Irish Linens, Diapers. Brown and Bleached Shirt
ings, &c. &x., which they will sell low.
July HO w3t
OTiCE.—The copartnership heretofore exist
_LN 1°;- Hi this city under the firm of Spears k
White, diS'O ved on the 12th inst by its own lim
itation. All who are indebted to the late firm will
i make payment to E. Spears only. The business in
future will Le continued at tile old stand, bj- the
subscriber. F. SPEAKS.
Ju'y 1840. dGt&wlm
f? HE subscribers inform the public that they
5 have taken this spacious building, situated in j
the village of ClarkesviUe, and which is now ready
lor the accommodation of large families and travel
lets in genera!. There are about forty rooms, all
large and comfortable, large stables, extensive lots,
and pastures, and every other comfort and conven
ience that can be had in the up country.
The village of ClarkesviUe is so situated that in
a few hours’ ride, any person can visit either of
the following places: the Tallulah Falls, with a
precipice of bOU Lei; the Tuccoa Falls, IS2 feet
fall; tiie Naucoochee Valley, and Mount Yonah,
from he top, a height of 1200 feet, the most splen
did view is seen in the Southern country. In the
neighborhood of the Valley are extensive gMd
mines, and a short days’ ride from the Georgia
All these attractions, added to the health of the
i climate, make ClarkesviUe a desirable summer
Cn the route from Madison Springs to Clarkes
ville, near the Currahee Mountain, is a strong
mineral Spring.
The subscribers flatter themselves that by un
remitting kindness, added to the above attractions,
they will give general satisfaction to all who will
favor them with a call.
ClarkesviUe, Habersham co. Ga., June 29, 1840.
I w2rp
i " UtT The Georgia Journal, Milledgeville. will
{ publish the above one month, and send bill to the
j subscribers.
i. -3 Tne Proprietor respectfully inform? the
, .kL public that this Hotel is now completed
and ready for the reception of visitors The house
is large, the rooms are well finished and furnished
and well adapted to the accommodation of families
and others Jhe bcaulilul scenery that surrounds
the village of Marietta, together with the excellent
water, and a climate not to be surpassed in the
I nited States, together with the best exertions ol
the proprietor to furnish every delicacy of the
season, and enforce such order as will give entire
satisfaction to his visitois and make them comfor
table, it is confidently hoped, will ensure to the
establishment an increase of the favors heretofore
so liberally bestowed.
Marietta, Cobb county. Geo., April 16, IS4O.
Hon. G. Andrews, Washington, Gto.
lion. Chas. Dougherty, Athens.
J. G. Winter, Esq., Augusta.
Albert Story, Esq., Macon.
Wm. H. Stiles, Esq., Savannah.
James H. Willy, Esq., Greenesborough.
Z. Samuel, Esq , Dahionega.
230 Broad-street. A. —>
FB HIE subscriber having purchased the stock of
j BOOTS AND SHOES of Isaac Davidson,
informs the public that he will continue the above
business at the old Stand on Broad street, nearly
opposlie the Bail Road Bank, formerly occupied
by J. B Koberrson, where he will keep constantly
on hand a large and well selected assortment of
Gentlemen’s fine BOOTS;
Do Gaiter do, col’d and black ;
Do Dancing Pumps ;
Do Slippers;
Ladies’ English Kid Slippers ;
Do American do do;
Misses’ Slippers, colored and black ;
Children’s shoes, of every pattern, kc.&c.,
and hopes by attention to business and the quality
of the goods which he will keep on hand, to meiit
a share of patronage. JOHN S. DAVIDSON.
■VJ OTICE. —In consequence of ill health and
TNj my Inability to attend to business, 1 have
disposed of ray stock of Boots and Shoes to Mr.
John S. Davidson, and solicit for him the patronage
of my friends and the public.
Augusta, Jul3 r 17. IS4O. diwwlm
r a FOR RENT. —The property of the un
j j ■ 7?rll| dersigned, on Broad, Campbell and Ceu
i"tie Streets, on Mclntosh Street, near the
Piesuyteriaa Church, at present occupied by Mr.
Stockton. Apply to
.McKenzie & bennoch.
July 14 wtlstoct
N. H. The occupants of the property for the
year ensuing Ist October next, will give notes pay
able quarterly, and pay for the use of the Hy
drant water.
p L TO RENT. —The subscriber has seve
pTUT ral houses to rent. Four on Broad street
,below the lower market, four’tenements
on Ellis street, a little below Centre street, and
two others near the Ci:y Hall. Any person wish
ing to rent will applv to the subscriber.
aug I9_ wit F. H. MANTZ. _
a a TO RENT. —The two story wooden
{ fjztfH building, with a basement story, occupied
j as a boarding house far several years, on
the corner of Washington and Ellis streets, be
| longing to the estate of H. Mealing, with several
other small houses on Green and Washington strs.,
1 and in Harrisburg. Apply to
aug 19 wit P. H. MANTZ.
■VTOTICK.— Will be sold, by auction, on Thors
day, 10th September next, all the stock of
Drugs, Medicines, Fixtures, &c., belonging to the
estate of the late James Leverich.
Terms—all sums under SSO, cash ; over 50 and
under S2OO, thirty days; over 200 and under SSOO,
four months; over SSOO, six months for appro\ed
endorsed notes.
August 3,1540.
THE subscriber oilers for sale his Lands lying
in the county of JeiTerson, containing eight
hundred and thirty acres of first rate oak and hick
ery, lying on Big Creek, On it are 250 acres open
land, and under fence, with dwelling house, gin
house, and other necessary buildings for the use of
a Plantation. It is situated about 7 miles from
Louisville, and about seventeen, from the Central
Railroad. Any person desirous of purchasing such
a place, would do well to call and examine, as a
bargain may be had by an early application to the
subscriber on the premises.
Louisville, Ga., April 22, 1840. IstD
BATING POWDER.—S6O kegs Blasting
Powder, for sale by C. A GHFJNFu
aug 4 ’ t
■ tiwzm
O 1 ICE.—-On the 17th instant was received at
i my Confectionary, a SSO bill, pr-entui as a
one dollar bill Ihe owner of said bill can c all on
rie, prove said bill, and have the same by paying
far advertising. A. FREDERICK.
' _^J. 9 trw3t
sporting Powder,
50 kegs do do
15 kegs “Eagle” Powder, in canisters,
“ Blasting do. Just received and
for sale oy (dec) GARDELLE & RHIND.
\JOTIC£. —We, the undersigned, have this day
An associated ourselves together,under the firm
ot Holmes & Sinclair, for the transaction of a Fac
torage and commission business, at Savannah.
e tender our thanks to cur friends for their
nmer patronage, and solicit a continuance of ihe
sanlc * aug 17 trwlm
HAv E for sale at the Brick-yard known as
Marshall’s old j-ard, near the upper end of the
city, one hundred thousand bricks, now ready for
delivery, and expect to keep a constant supply on
hand. The bricks are of a good quality, and will
be furnished at the lowest prices as to each quality
can he made. I have in service good mechanics,
and will take contracts for any sort of brick-work
at reduced rates. Solomon Basford, from whom I
have purchased tiro on this brick-yard, and
utensils connected with it, is my agent for conduct
ing the business of making and seidng and deliver
ing brick, and making contracts, who will generally
be found on the premises. P. H, MANTZ.
ju ly 13 4tw
Treasurer’s Office of S. B. Co. of Ga., >
Augusta, August 13, 1840. 3
npHE following aitides have been in my oifice
for some time past, and unless claimed by the
16th day of September next, will then be sold at
| public auction to pay expenses, viz;
-S. kC. 1 barrel Liquor; H. &. W. 1 bag Coffee;
VV. 2 kegs Lead; H. kH. 1 “ «
No Mark 2 “ Spikes; 11. E. 1 “ «
I', it U. 1 “ “ G. 1 “ Spice;
H. 1 “Nails; No mark, 2 Vices;
4V. 1 “ “ “ 2 Brass Fenders;
No Mark, 1 Iron Lever; “ 1 Grind Stone;
M. &R. 1 coil Rope; “ 1 roll Leather.
H. E. 2 bags Coffee;
JuHX A. BARNES, Fec’y. Sc Treas’r.
13 trwtSeplo
fSIHE subscribers having bought from the City
8 Council of Augusta, the entire privilege of
running a Y awl Boat between this city and Ham
burg, for the accommodation of Passengers only,
respectfully inform the public that they have a line
Boat, with a good awning and careful hands, for
their accommodation. One or the other of us will
be found always in the boat from day light till 10
o’clock r. m. M. R. SMITH,
aug 11 trw2w* F. A. SHRODER,
NOTICE. —The subscribers would inform their
IN| customers and the public that they have sold
their cntiie Stock of Boots, Shoes, See. See. to Mr.
C. L. BRAY'TON, who will be constantly supplied
with good wares at reasonable prices; and we
would solicit for him that patronage which has been
so kindly bestowed upon us.
Those having business with the undersigned,
will find him at the old stand.
S. B. BROOKS, 330 Broad street.
June 13, IS4O. 3m
fTWIE undersigned most respectfully solicit of
their friends and the public general!}’, a share
of their busine-s in Savannah, where they have
now erecting, near the Rail Road Depot, a commo
dious Ware-House, for the accommodation of cot
ton, and receiving and forwarding goods.
They pledge themselves to give their undivided
attention to business, and hope, from long experi
ence, to render general satisfaction in promoting
the interest of their friends.
Savannah, Ga., August Ist, IS4O.
I take this opportunity for returning my
thank's to my former patrons, and hope they will
continue their kind favors, so liberal! y bestowed
in Augusta, towards the above firm in Savannah.
July 23 ts T. M. SIMMONS.
’ft.XT'E offer for sale that well known and desira
*7 Lie Summer Residence, called Fox’s Gar
den, and all the improvements, and the well im
proved Lot adjoining. Also, fifteen desirable Build
ing Lots all adjoining, and healthy locations, and
having the advantage of good spring water coven
ient We will sell any portion, one Lot or the
whole. A map and plan of said lots can be seen
at our auction room. For particulars and terms ap
ply cither to the subscribers, or E. W. Starr. Esq.,
on the premises. RUSSELL & HUTCHINSON,
aug 19 Auctioneers.
pr IYCN FIF.CES 44 inch Bagging, 1J a lbs.
iM/U per yard;
200 coils Bale Rope ;
50 ps. heavy milled and bleached Sacking ;
1 bale plaid and striped Hemp Carpeting.
For sale by GARDELLE 6c RHIND.
may 16 ts
fBNHE Stockholders of this Company having dc
g termined to close its business, notice is here
by given of the same, that those who have made
insurance with the undersigned, Agent for Au- •
gusta, may renw their risks elsewhere as they ex- j
pirt, due notice of which will be given.
Those who may have claims against the Com
pany, through this agency, will present them for
adjustment to J, G. DUNLAP, Agent,
may 9
“ff'MPORTED direct from Ireland.
Jj Superior 7-S undressed Irish Linen ;
do 4-4 do do do
do 9-S do uo suitable for Pillow Cases;
Long Lawns ;
Just received and for sale by
July 15 WM. H. CRANE & CO.
LARGE white flat Dutch TURNIP;
Do. Globe;
Y’eliow purple top Ruta Baga;
Large Drumhead Cabbage;
do Bergen or great American do;
do Cape Savoy do;
do Red Dutch do. for pickling;
Long Orange Carrot;
do black Fall Radish;
White and red Swiss do;
Red and white Clover Seed;
Lucerne or French Clover Seed;
Blue Grass Seed;
Herds do do.
The subscribers have lately received the above
variety of Garden Seeds, allot which they warrant
to be fresh and,and offer them for sale at
reasonable prices. GARYTN & HAINES,
;une 29 Augusta and Hamburg.
Central Rail Road St Bank-~j
ingCo., of Georgia, et. al, 1 In Equity.
vs. ' Barnwell District.
Claghorn & Wood, et. al.
IT is ordered that the President, Directors St
Company of the Savannah and Augusta Steam
Boat Company and all other persons claiming an
interest in, and lie non, the Steam Boat Hamburg,
her machinery,furniture, tackle and apparel,do ap
pear before the Commissioners of this Court, and
make proof of their respective claims and demands
on, or before the first Monday in January next.
It is fm ther ordered, that the Commissioner in
Equity, for Barnwell Ditsrict, do sell at auction,
on the third Monday of August next, at Clayton’s
Landing, on the Savannah River, the Steam Boat
Hamburg, on a credit until the first day of January
next, the purchaser to give Bond bearing interest
from the day of sale, with personal security, to be
approved by the Commissioners, and a Mortgage of
the property.
By order of his Honor, Chancellor Duxkin.
A. P. ALDRICH. C. & R. E. B. D.
Comifiissioners Office,-v
Barnwell District, y.
Julv 17th, 1840. J
July 22 tvwtd
TO RE?*T—A Dwelling and Store, one
|sflsjfsquare above the upper market, on the
side of Broad street For terms
epplyto (aug 21) THOS. BARRETT.
RENT.—The new Brick Building
■lfWija imme diately below G. R. Jessup’s, suita
je or either dry goods or grocery. For
terms, w hich will be moderate, apply to E. W.
Doughty, Esq., or to the subscriber at Belair.
su g 6 lm A. N. VERDERY, ExT.
-J FOll RENT, —Several dwellings and
Lflpl s - ores > belonging to the Bank of Augusta.
terras enquire at their olfice.
j»l v 20 GEO. M. TiIEW, Agent.
MTO RENT—From this time until the
Ist of October, IS 11, the tenement lately
* occupied by myself, on Broad stree', it
being that immediately over the store of A. W.
Walton & Co. For terms apply to Mr. Robert
Carter,t)r the subscriber.
aug 13 tnv2w* T. M. NELSON.
TO RENT.— Ihe Store on Broad str.,
TFIfH No. 247, now occupied by Messrs. J. W.
_■ 5~-ki_E T. S. Stoy.
ARo, the two Stores above, being Nos. 249 and
251. Apply to
July 25-trwtf HENRY H. GUMMING.
q._J TO RENT, from first October, four
||| /a Close Storages, fronting Bay street. Ap-
__ trwtlslO
TO RENT—From Ist October next, i
E- w the large Grocery Store adjoining Rees 4c I
.1: S..a,Beall’s Warehouse, and now occupied by i
L. Hopkins. Several Rooms over the store occu- 1
pied by P. Fleming, adjoining said warehouse.
The Dry Goods Store in front of Stovall, Sim- I
mons & Go’s, warehouse. The second story over
the store oc.-upied by Rently & McCord, adjoining |
said warehouse.
The large Grocery Store occupied by F. Spears. I
t he Dry Goods Store adjoinir.gsame, and former- '
ly occupied by King & 1J art. The foregoing are j
lire-proof. ° 6
Also, the lent mentor Store formerly occupied i
by the Merchants and Planters’ Bank, (with it the
Bank fixtures complete, if desire.!.)
The Dwelling over same.
'I he Dwelling and Appurtenances now neatly
fitting up on Green street, immediately in the rear
of P. Stovall’s brick building on Broad street.
The Dwelling at corner oi Ellis and Campbell
streets, immediately in the rear of J. M. & W.
Adams’ store.
Ihe large Stable and Lot in the rear of Rees
Beall's warehouse. Apply to
rpHK copartnershio heretofore existing in this I
City under the firm of Silcox k Brothers, is i
dissolved by mutual consent.
a »g 2 o 3t j
rgIHE subscriber intending to remove to the
I West, would sell, on reasonable terms, her |
very neat and desirable Summer Residence, situa- '
ted in Beach island, S. C., three miles from the
Sand Bar Ferry, and known as the Seven Spring |
Place. It has all the usual improvements and con- i
vemcnces incident to a country residence, and is in |
a state of good repair. There is on the place an !
Orchard, which cannot be surpassed by any in the j
district for choice fruit of all kinds/ The above i
tract contains 202 acres.
She will also sell her Swamp Plantation, lying
on the Savannah River, one mile below the Sand
Bar Ferry, containing 131 acres, more or less, of j
fust quality isinglass land. Any farther descrip- I
tion is deemed unnecessary, as parsons intending to
buy will examine for
July 23 tw3m MARY BUTLER.
THE subscribers have formed a co-partnership ■
for the transaction of a factorage and com* ‘
mission business, under the firm of HOI 1 KINS 4- ;
STOVALL. They have taken the commodious i '
fire-proof IVare House on Mclntosh street, oppo- I
site Gen. Thomas Dawson’s, formerly occupied by '
Heard & Wilson, and more recently by D’Autignac
& Hill. Their storages are conveniently situated
for the storage of cotton, or receiving and forward- I
ing of goods by Railroad or Wagon. They hope, \
by strict attention to business, to merit a share of
public patronage.
Augusta, July 8, 1840. 2awtf—jy9 !
KNOW all men by these presents, that i. Win.
Woodbury, jr. of Augusla, Ga.. merchant
doing business under the name and style ol Wil- |
iiam Woodbury, jr. & Co., do appoint and invest .
with authority to do and to act as my legal and '
only agent or representative, to use my name or i
that of the firm, and to act in every way cr men- ■
ner for me in all business whatsoever, in which I ,
am interested, during and for the time I may be
absent from the State of Georgia, Francis Holman,
of the said city of Augusta, in the aforesaid State
of Georgia, and that I will be governed by all his ,
doings reia ive to my business, as though I trails- t
acteiT and done the same myself.
Given under my hand, this fust dav of July,
AD. IS4O. “ WM. WOODBURY, Jr.‘ j
Witness, C E. Hooghkirk. july 3
3 a BOXES just received at Dawson’s Ware-
I house, and for sale by the box. Annexed
is the notice of the sale of the tobacco in the leaf.
The Highest Price this Year.
On Friday last, a hhd of Tobacco, made by Col.
Abraham Lewis, of Pennsylvania county, was sold
by P. k J. W. Dudley, at the high price of Twenty
Dollars, which is the highest price any Tobacco 1
has sold for. It was pronounced by the best judges,
to be the finest hhd of Tobacco opened here this
year. This Tobacco was purchased by J. W.
Morgan, to be manufactured into his Premium 1
Brand, expressly for his customers. If they wish j
the finest Tobacco they ever used, they will try i
this. Mr. Morgan has presented us with a few
rolls of this Tobacco, which for beauty and supe- ;
rior taste, cannot be surpassed. After the sale.
Col Lewis regaled the merchants and planters pre- |
sent, with a cold Collation; a large tub of Hard Ci- .
der being conspicuous, which was much admired by !
both the Democrats and Whigs. aug 4
South Carolina.
fTMHE Exercises of this Institution will be resu^
| med on the Ist October next The Academi
cal year is divided into two sessions of five months i
each. The first session commencing on first Mon- :
day in October, and the second on the first Monday ;
in March. No pupil is received for a shorter term
than one session.
Rates of Board and Tuition per session.
Board, including fuel, washing and lights,
per quarter of five months, SIOD 00 j
Tuition in the lower branches, including
Orthography. Arithmetic, Reading, and !
Writing, per session, 20 00* {
The above branches, withGeogiaphy, Gram
mar and Composition, 25 00
Any of the above, with all the branches es
sential to a thorough course of English
education, including History, Rhetoric,
Algebra, Geometry, Astronomy, Botany,
Chemistry; also the Latin and Greek
Languages, 30 00
Music on Piano, Guitar or Harp, each. 25 00
French and Italian, each per session, 20 00
Painting and Drawing. 20 00
The most approved and experienced assistants
have been secured for the Literary and Scientific
course. The department of Music is filled by an
able Professor of the sciences from Germany; that
of Modern Languages by a native of France. The j
following Text Books (among others) are used: — ;
Mitchell’s and Woodoridge’s large Geography ;
Murray’s Grammar and Exercises, Tytier’s Histo
ry, (octavo edition, 2 vols.) Blair’s Lectures cn
Rhetoric, (octavo edition) Fame’s Criticism, Hers
chcl’s Astronomy, Colburn’s and Bonnycastle’s Al
gebra, Smith’s Arithmetic, Legendre’s Geometry,
Mrs. Lincoln’s Botany, Milton’s Poetical Works,
Caesar, Virgil,Cicero, (in Latin) I’Henriade,Charles
Doux, Raccine and Corneille, in French.
The Institution is well furnished with Maps and
Globes, and every facility is oflered to the pupils
for becoming thoroughly acquainted with the sub
jects which they desire to study.
Those who wish to patronize this Institution are
requested to address the Principal at Columbia, as
early as may be convenient.
W. MULLEL, Principal,
aug 01 d3tw3t
BAGGING TWINE— 0 bales just receiving
and for sale by
ICE —For sale at
au .g 17 k. LAMB ACE’S.
Ip XCIIANGE ON NEW-YORK at sight to 60
J days sigut, in suras to suit purchasers, by
ai! g 18 GARDELLE fc REIND.
OLD PEACH BRANDY—A choice article, for
sale by SIBL E Y fc CR A PON
Hamburg, August 10, 1840.
I) A CON FOR SALE—Apply to
I aug 5 lm LA. lIIBLEft.
North desires a situation as Teacher. Apply
at this olfice. tf—july 13 *
i T private sale, a handsome new Chariot, on
Eliptic Springs, latest style. For sale by
july 7 W. E. JACKSON, Auctioneer.
IEMONS. —11 boxes Lemons, just received and
J for sale bj W. E. JACKSON,
june 20 Auctioneer.
SCOTCH ALE.—S casks Scotch Ale, pints,
just received and for sale b>
june 20 JACKSON, Auctioneer.
1-AMP OIL —A supply of best Bleached Lamp
A 0/7, just received and for sale by
mar 25 GARVIN &' HAINES.
iAO BBL ?* COUNTRY FLOUR for sale,
.1 A South Carolina and Georgia, Mills, by
my 11 ts CLARKE, McTEIR & Co.
rgWIAIN OIL, See.—Train Oil, Plaster Pans and
JL Gilder’s Whiting, for sale in quantities to suit
purchasers, by GARVIN HAINES.
mar 12
k es’ Manual. A few' copies of this valuable
little W’ork can be had if applied for soon, at
this article direct from the Springs, just re
ceived and for sale by GARVIN HAINES,
may 2(«
O ACKLNG.—S bales heavy SACKING for sale
_ ma y 5 ts
O B. BROOKS is my duly authorized Agent
I j • during my absence from the city.
Augusta, June 30, 1840. jy 2t ts
rßtllE VERBENA CREAM, an Emollient Soap,
a. which allords real pleasure in shaving produ
cing a rich, fragrant, creamy and permanent lather,
just received and for sale by
1% ICE. —20 Casks now landing. A constant
St supply will be kept on hand, and furnished
to dealers in quantities to suit, bv
' I HE Office of the subscribers will hereafter,
5 for the accommodation of travellers, open at
’a o’clock, every morning, at which time they will
be prepared to make Exchange of every descrip
tion. j. g. Winter & co.
july 16 t f
20 shares for sale low by
jan 30 Terms—G months lo approved paper
HAVANA SEGARS. — 10M Venus Brand,
5 M Venus Regalia,
5 M Canonis,
2 M asso.ted Brands.
Also, 10 boxes Havana Sweetmeats, Just re
ceived by [jy_29] I. S. BEERS & CO.
—Late Discovery. —Warranted to be equal, if
not superior, to any others. Prepared by
nov 27 No. 232, Broad street.
Odoriferous compound —For laying in
drawers among linens, laces, furs, cloths,
kc., imparting to them a pleasant perfume,and pre
venting the ravages of the moth. For sale by
"^J'OTICE. —The subscriber having associated
Mr. Robert T. Hyde in his business from the
Ist inst. it will from that date be conducted in the
name of DUNLAP 4- HYDE.
July 9, 1840. J. G. DUNLAP.
Cs URLIX'G FLUID, &c. —Blending with a grate
) ful and refreshing perfume, the desirable
quality of strengthening and promoting the growth
of the Hair, without giving to it the greasy hue of
Pomatum, or the volatile moisture of the Oils. Its
utility is confirmed by the most extensive con
Also, the Genuine Maccassar Oil, and Ward’s
Celebrated Hair Oil. For sale by
5" genuine Cologne Water, in long and short
bottles, warranted of the very best quality; for sale
in boxes of half a dozen each, for family use, or
by single bottles.
Also, a large assortment of Fancy Soaps, Odorous
Waters, Extracts, Hair Oils, and Curling Fluids,
of the best quality, at Apothecary Hall, 232 Broad
street, by ' GARVIN & HAINES,
nov 28
A LL persons indebted to the estate of John B.
J\_ Guedron, deceased, late of Richmond county,
are requested to make immediate payment to A. C.
Caldwell, who is my authorized agent, and those
holding claims against said estate, are required to
hand them in duly attested, within the time pre
scribed by law. ELLEN GUEDRON,
April 4, 1840. tnvtl Administratrix.
f y CHANT, Augusta, Ga. 'I he Warehouse
house is fire-proof, eligibly located, above high wa
ter mark. All Cotton consigned per railroad will
receive prompt attention. july 27 2m
i SACKS fresh Almonds, just received and
| XU for sale by W. E. JACKSON,
april 27 Auctioneer.
1 CyV STRAYED —From the subscriber, on
J. >VvT*Sthe 11th ult., a light sorrel Horse, about
H7 eight years old, five feet high, heavy and
stout built, a blaze in his face, his feet all white,
j with a short switch tail, trots and gallops, and is
j used to harness, and was in good condition when
he left. Any peison returning said horse shall be
j iberally rewarded. F. A. DUFFIE.
| aug 17 -ts
<\ BROKE loose, on Friday, the 3d of
July, in Broad street, Augusta, Ga,, a
! A„ ehesnut sorrel HORSE, with a notable
blaze in his face. The white does not run down
; straight in the usual way, but is very much in
clined to the left; with a long thi'.k tail. He had
on a new snaffle bridle, with long stout reins; a
good saddle, with a dark blanket. Any person
taking up said Horse, will be suitably rewarded by
leaving him at Mr. ALMOND’S Stable.
July S ts
away from the subscriber, in February
last,"an African by the name of Lewis. —
Y, .He is about 50 years of age, of small stat
ur audbadly pitted from the small pox. He has
been a boat hand on the Savannah river for many
years, and is, I believe, at this time, either in Sa
-1 vannah or Augusta. The above reward will be
' paid to any one who will deliver him to Wm. K.
! Jackson, of Augusta, or place him in a safe Jail
and inform me on the subject.
Columbus, Ga., June 26, 1840. trwtf
D. H. SILCOX, 303 Broad street
V f"/J| keeps at all times for sale, a large as
sortraent of Cabinet Furniture, of
superior workmanship and well sea
soned materials, made expressly lor
the Southern climate. Every arti
in the above business, with all the
nf n ew patterns,continually
received. Persons wishing to purchase can do a
well at this establishment as at any of the Norths
em manufactories. To be sold for casn or good
i:y acceptances. mar -5
Wi I»L be sold cn the first Tuesday in October
nc\t, at the lower market house in the city
oi Augusta, 'within tire usual hours of sale, the
house and Lot belonging to the . ,-tate of Thomas
A\creli, deceased. A so,four negroes belonging to
sail estate. Sold, by order of Court, fur the benc
ht ol the heirs and creditors of said deceased. —
Terms made known on the day of sale
August 1. Ib4o. P. h. Adm’r.
"ITf 7 ILL be sold oa the first Tuesday in October
» t next, at the lower market house in the city
of Augusta, within the usual horns of sale, five
Negroes belonging to the estate of Mary Johnson,
deceased. Bold, by order of Court, for the benefit
of toe heirs and creditors of said deceased. Tcnr.s
niaC.o jvno.\!i on tliG day ol* sa c.
August 1, IS4O. P . If. MANTZ, Adm’r.
I i 1 j L be S °! d tlie stole latcl 3’ occupied by
T . -aim. deceased,on the lirst Tuesday
in September next, the remaining stock of Un
goods and groceries, consisting of Liverpool Sait
Coffee, 1 Jagging, iron, lot of Wooden Ware, Shoes’
&<7&c. A. PICQLKT,
July ~0-t 1 Adm’r of Henry Sahn.
A T the lower market house, on the first Tues
il. l * j y September next, at 12 o’cioch precise
ly , the lot of Land in Summerville, at present oc
cupied by A. I. Huntington, containing ten acres,
pait of which is under cultivation as a garden,
the baiacce planted out in fine growing Mulberrvs!
.The premises are situate next lot to the residence
of Mrs. Sims, and combine all the comforts desira
ble to a summer residence, such as a good dwelling
house, kitchen, stable, sud several other out hou
ses, a line well of water, fruit trees, various kinds
oi llowers, &c. See. The house and Jot arc well
shaded, and altogether it is one of the most desira
ble residences in Summerville.
A].-o, a tract ol land, or plantation, containin' -
about 500 acres mostly heavily timbered with oak
Hickory, Pine, Ac., lying cn the waters of Fox
Creek, about five miles from t!i° city, about 3U
acres of which are cleared, with good cabins for
°V; rseer and family, well watered and healthy,
adjoining Seth Butier and others, Edgefield district,
constituting a most desirable settlement for a gen
tleman wi;h a moderate force. On the a
tolerable good water power.
Also, at the same time, will be sold several fine
Negroes, among which is a good Carpenter.
The foregoing propeitycan be treated for at
private sale, on application to
A. J. MILLER, or
au o 13 swtd
/ *L T r 7
*L N. Wilson respectfully informs
public that his splendid line of
Four Horse Post Coaches is running from Greens
boro to spring Place, Ga. via Gainesville and Oak
ville, in connexion with Col. Ramsey’s Line to
Ross’ Landing and Nashville, and-Maj. Weils’
Line to Athens and Knoxville, Teun.
Fare to Cassvillc, sl2 00
“ 44 Spring Place, 17 00
Leaves Greensboro on the arrival of the Rail
Road Cars from Augusta, cn Mondays, Wednes
days and Fridays.
Travelling time to Spring Place, 29 hours.
4 * “ “ Nashville, 65
GCj* Seats can be secured on application to
C. il. GOODMAN, Agent,
mar 23—6 m Globe Hotel, Augusta, Ga.
\FTER the Ist day' of July, merchandise will
be conveyed from Augusta to Crawfordville,
JeiFerson-Hall, and Greensboro, at 25 cents per
100 lbs, until further notice.
GEO. 11. THOMPSON, Agent at Greensboro,
A. GREEN, do Jefferson Hall
J. F. MIMS, do trawfordville
Sup. Transportation.
Trans. Office Ga. R. R. L B. Co. ,
Augusta, June 20,1840. 3
Hamburg, April 23, 1840.
OTlCE.—Freight on Cotton to Charleston by
Rail Read, is reduced to thirty-five cents per
hundred for round, and twenty-five cents per hun
dred pounds for square bales.
A. R. STURGES. Agent’
Officf. Transportation S. C. C. & R. R. Co. ?
June 2d, IS4O. 3
Information to Travellers North and South.
OTWITHSTANDING the destruction of the
bridges over the Savannah River, at Augusta,
by the late freshet, travellers are respectfully in
formed that arrangements have been made for pass
ing the river, and that the Cars leave Hamburg
and Charleston daily at the usual hours and arrive
as formerly. WM. ROBERTSON, Jr.
Agent Transportation.
Office S. Carolina Rail Road Co. ?
Hamburg, May' I, 1840. 3
ON and after this day, the passenger train from
Hamburg will arrive in Charleston at 2i
o’clock, p m, in time for dinner. may 1
Via Greensboro’, Eatonton, Clinton, Macon, Per
ry, Pindertown, Bainbridge, Chattahoochie, lola,
St. Josephs, Pensacola, to Mobile.
The Proprietors of this Line inform the Travel
ling public that it is now in full operation, through
the entire route ; leaving Augusta by the Georgia
Rail Road cars to Greensboro’ every Tuesday
Thursday and Saturday, at 6 o’clock, P. M. and ar
rive in Mobile in three days and a half running
Travellers are assured that the staging upon this
line is superior to any other, the accommodations
unsurpassed, and by far the best natural roads in.
the Southern country, only 210 miles of staging.
Stages leave Bainbridge for Tallahassee via Quin
cy, immediately on the arrival of the Alligator
Line from Greensboro’, and immediately, cn the
arrival of the boats from lola.
Q£j* Two Stages will at all times be run in com
pany, when the travel requires it.
For seats in the above Line, apply at the office y
at the United States Hotel, Augusta, Geo.
aprii 21 ly GEO. W. DENT. Agent.
No. 236 Broad street, Augusta, Georgia.
The subscriber, having previf us y
bought out the interest of A. Z. Bau
ta in his Furniture Warehouse, has
aow associated himself with one ol
the largest manufacturing establish-
E S%\ ments in New Vert, flatters himself
» * that he will be able to c-lier to Cue
public an assoitment of Furniture, superior in point
of workmanship and durability', to any heretofore
olfc-red in Augusta. As the manufacturing will
have the personal attention of one of the
the strictest care will be observed in the selection
of good wood and dry material, (so essential to be
Also, a general assortment of Pianos, from the
best manufactories in the Union. More particulars
ly' the New York Piano Forte company 's Instru
ments, which cannot be excelled for sweetness ol
tone and durability, in tho southern climate, b / any
manufactory in the United States. Our instru
ments are selected with the greatest care, by' one
who is a competent judge, and a written guarantee
is furnished in every’ instance, if required
(J. A. Platt returns his thanks to the public for
their former patronage, and solicits lor the company
6i4it share of public patronage heretotore bestowed:
on himself. The easiness in future will -Le cun-«
ducted oy CHAB. A. PLATT ig C.q,