Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, September 09, 1840, Image 3

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    g ] ja jj not die in vain, for my Mood wiil raise up |
I;es from every hill and valley o! my counfry.”
. [iad scarcely uttered the above when Monl'o
hi;nS elf gave the signal to the soltiieis to lire, and
( f )( , n pxt moment La Halvaneua was a mangled
„.j hloody corpse, The Spanish ofti ;en» and sol
i;(. r s were overwhelmed with astonishment at the
fir in a ess and patriotism of this lovely girl, tut the
efiect upon her countryman was electrical. The
, K ,triots lost no time in flying to arms and their
n.ir cry, “La Salvarietta! ’ made every heart hum
to inflict vengeance upon her murderers. In a
very snort time the army of Morillo was nearly
cut to pieces, anu the command* r himself escaped
Jeulh by flight, and in disguise.
jl:u usoji legislative Ticket lor Heard
Fot Senator —William C. Robertson.
For Represent dives —Bf.rhy D. Johnston,
Samuel Paschael.
Charleston, September 8.
Arrived yesterday. —‘Line ship Con aree, Doane,
Bo jf 0;1 • Line ship x.a Fayet c, Cilery, New Yoik ;
, George Hull, New York ; Schr. Brilli;.i. t
uiikey, °anulci!. Me ; Schr. George Washington,
Head, Providence, (R I.;) Schr. Tom Wood, Sy
monds, Baltimore.
Cleared. —Ship Gardner, Jackson, Liverpool.
I* E?O a: EU .
The unparalleled success with which our enter- j
i<c has met. has induced us to increase cur ex- i
ortions in the good cause. In order, therefore, to
u'duce our friends to form clubs for the promotion I
of (he cause, we shall, after the first of August, j
reduce the price to FIFTY CENTS a copy, or two j
copies for ONE DOLLAR.
Those, therefore, who desire to have their names |
enrolled on our list should have them here in time, j
Let our fiien Is be vigilant and active, and oui :
success is certain. All the people want is light, j
and if wc have a corresponding effort on the part .
of the friends of Reform, they shall hive light.
rfj Dr. C. B. DILL offers his professional ser
vices to the citizens of Augusta and its vicinity. —
jjc will be found at -he Drug Store oi J. L. 11 ouston,
sept 8 3m
jx i'GiJMAUti LUES,
sept 5-ly Madison, Morgan county, Ga.
j v 17] Clarkesvillc, Ga.
15. 11. OVKUBV,
feb2s Jefferson, J ackson county, Ga.
Attached to this olficc is open to subscribers, and
strangers introduced by them, every day and eve
ning (Sunday evenings excepted) until 9 o’clock,
Subscription $5; fur a linn of two or more 10.
Attorney at Imw,
Augusta, Ga.,
Has removed his office to the Law Range, fust |
door over the Post Office. He wib practice in the I
diffeient Courts of Richmond county, and in the Su- j
perior Courts ol Burke, Columbia, \\ arren and
Hancock. J U L V 28 A
The regular Month'y meeting of this Society will
beheld on Friday evening next, at the Methodist ,
Church, at quarter pasts o’clock. The Commit
tees are reques.ed to prepare their reports for the
occasion. [sept 1] G. W. WIGtT IJVIAN.
Dr. J. J. WILSON has removed for the
Summer to the house of James Gardner, Esq., Ist j
foor below the Academy. nine 6 j
'ind at one to twenty days sight, tor sale oy
nov 23 I? Aitlib-uLf. k RHIND.
£? W. G. NIMMO , General Commission Mer
chant, o;iice on .Mclntosh slieei:, next door to the
Constitutionalist. nov 7
((j’Miss TRAIN will resume her School at |
Summerville on the first Monday in November. i
aug 12 H
Fc'Lr. GARDNER, fumerly resident surgeon
n the New V ork Hospital, and physician at Belle
vue Hospital, New York, lonlcis to the public his
professional services.
Office in Washington street, between Broad and
Ellis streets Residence, United Mates Hotel. i
_ _ap ~ i
Tor the benefit of the sica poor of Augusta. The j
committee for the present month are as follows :
Division No. 1. —P. H. Ma:.tz, Nathaniel Green, j
Miss Margaret Smith, Miss Mary Wightman.
Division No. 2. — W. F. Pemberton, J. M. Newby,
Mrs. H. F. Roberson, Miss A. C. Righton.
Division No. 3. —John Cashin, James Panton, !
Mrs. Tremiey, Mrs. K. f amficld.
sept 7 J. W. Vv IGHTMAN, Scc’y.
Lr. W. S. JONES lenders his professiona
servi es to the citizens of Augusta and its vicinity
lie may be found at bis office, No. 211 Bioad st.
or at nis residence. United Suites Hotel. ap 24
DO" Dr. IVM. FLINT , member f the Massa
chusetts Medical Society, wou;d inform ins friends
that ho has removed his place of residence to the
boarding-house of Mrs. Camficld, at tiie corner ot
Jackson and Broad streets, where he may be found
at all hours during the summer season. His pro
fessional sciviccs arc rcspcctiully tendered to the
citizens of Augusta. if —June 6
£7- NOTICE. —The Rail Road Passenger Train
between Charleston and Hamburg, will leave as
follows: —
9 upward.
JSol to leave Charleston before 7 00 as».
“ “ Summerville, “ - -8 30
“ “ Georges’, - “ 10 0
“ “ Branch vir.le, “ - 11 00
‘ “ Blackville, - “ -100 p. m
“ “ Aiken, - - “ - 300
Arrive at Hamburg not before - 400
Not to leave Hamburg before 6 00 a. m.
“ Aiken, - “ - 730
“ Blackville, “ - • 015
“ Midway, “ - - 10 30
“ Bmnchvill “ - - 11 00
“ “ Georges’, “ - - 11 45 m.
“ “ Summerviilc,“ - -1 15p. m.
Arrive at Charleston not before 215
Distance—iSomile?. TareThrough—$10 00.
8 peed nut over 20 miles an hour. To remain 2(
minutes each, for breakfast and dinner, and noi
longer than 5 minutes for wood and water at an,)
To stop for passengers, when a white flag is
hoisted, at either of the above stations; and also it j
hincaths, Woodstock, Inabinel’s, 41 mile T. ().,
R ‘ves’, Grahams, Willeston, Windsor Johnsons
Marsh’s T. O.
Passengers no will breakfast at Woodstock and
dineat Biackvnic; aown, will oreauiast at Aiker
a °(i dine a r . Charleston. may 4
111 LASTING POWDER.—SOO legs Blasting
§ Powder, for sale by C. A. GREINER,
aug t ’ trw2m
SAA 11 ■ :■> Ua 1$ lbs.
v* per yard;
200 co.ls Ba;e .rope ;
50 ps. heavy milled and bleached Sacking ;
1 bale plaid and striped Hemp Carpeting.
For sale by GARDELLE & RHIND.
tnay 16 ts
ha* been the agent of Hie Rev Juri.ih
V V Harris, at his Butke plantation for five
years, offeis iris services to the planters of Gcji
gia or Alabama. Address the s ibscribei at Frier’s
Ponds, Buike county. HIGHTOWER DAVIS.
sept 9 * wS*
J UST leceived ny the subsciiber,
40 pairs Scotch Ingrain Carpeting, of very
desirable patterns, together with Hearth Ruggs
and binding to match tl.e same.
sept 9-sw6t* J. p. SETZE.
rjNHK subscribers beg leave to inform their
| Southern friends that they are prepared to
supply them as usual, with a handsome assortment
ot Hollow-ware Castings, ju&t from the furnace, not
surpassed for beauty, quality , or assortment, in the
United States.
Also —Four size Kettles, called at the Furnace,
30, 10, 60 and SO gallons, with an assortment of
Patent and common f r vessels of every
class. Cast Iron Plates for Chimney Backs, Tea
Kettles, Stoves. &c., for sale at rcduc d prices bv
Corner of McKldery s Wharf and Pratt st.
sept 1) 2t Baltimore.
"SA7TLL be sold on the fust Tuesday in Cctobcr
V T next before the door of the stable known as
Mims’, on the south side of Greene street, a few
doors below the City Hall, Augusta, several fine
Barouches and Buggies, several pair of fine match
Horses, and six or eight good Saddle and Harness
Horses. Sold as the property of George L. Laik,
deceased. Terms at sale.
VVM. G. LARK, Adm’r.
September 9, IS-U). swld
Georgia, Columbia county .
Vjt % r HER HAS Affinity Me Dor. aid applies for let-
V ? ters of alminUtration on the estate John
McDonald, deceased:
Those are therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased,
to be and appear at my office within the time pre
scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have,
why said letters should not he granted.
Given under iny hand, at office, this 9th Scplcm
ber, 1840. GABRIEL JBNE4,Clerk.
(1 0 I TON GINS. —The subscriber has on hand
_J six Cotton Gins, of superior quality, which
ho will dispose of on reasonable terms.
PRIME MESS PORK. —30 bbls. Prime Mess
Pork, for sale by EDWARD THOMAS,
sept 4 6t
J? Dentist, has returned to ihe city and resumed
the duties of bis profession, at his former resi
dence. aug 29
19 AGGING TWINE—S b les just receiving
3 and for sale by
Jfl XCHANGE ON NEW-YORK at sight to 60
days sight, in sums to suit purchasers, by
OLD PEACH BRANDY —A choice article, for
sale by SIBLEY & CKAPON.
Hamburg, August 10, 1840.
North desiies a situation as Teacher. Apply
at this office. If —July 18
L T private sale, a handsome new Chariot, on
J\_ Eliplic Springs, latest style. For sale by
July 7 VV. E. JACKSON, Auctioneer.
IEMONS. —11 boxes Lcmonc, just received and
j for sale b) VV. E. J ACKSON,
junc 20 Auctioneer.
U COTCit ALE. —5 casks Scotch Ale, pints,
just received and for sale b)
June 20 VV. E. JACKSON, Auctioneer.
1 AMP OIL —A supply of best Bleached Lamp
j Oil, just received and for sale by
rBTRAIN OIL, £cc. —Train Oil, Plaster Pans and
JL Gilder’s Whiting, for sale in quantities to suit
purchasers, by GARVIN cv. HAINES,
mar 12
JL es’ Manual. A Uvv copies of this valuable
little work can be had if applied for soon, at
may 20 GARVIN ix HAINES.
"TVTOTICE. —The subscriber having associated
Mr. Robert T. Hyde in ins business from the
Ist inst. it will from that date be conducted in the
name of DUNLAP 4' HYDE.
July 9, 1840. J. G. DUNLAP.
AND AGUE. —Rowan’s Tonic Mix
ture; Southern do do; Gieen’s do do; Dicker
son’s Fever and Ague Pills. All celebrated reme
dies for Fever and Ague. For sale by
aug 27 GARV IN 4c HAINES, 232 Broad-st.
20 shares for sale low by
jan 30 Terms —6 months lo approved paper
HAVANA SUGARS. —10M Venus Brand,
5 M Venus Regalia,
5 M Canonis,
2 M assorted Brands.
Also, 10 boxes Havana Sweetmeats. Just re
ceived by [jy 29] I. S. BEERS & CtL
The-e pills may be taken on any occasion
when an anti-bilious purge is needed, and from the
safety with which they may be used, and pleasant
ness of their efi’ecls, have obtained great reputation
as a geneial family medicine. For sale by
aug --4 II AVI LAND, RISLEY & Co.
—Late Discovery. —Warranted to be equal, if
not superior, to any others. Prepared bv
nov 27 No. 232, Broad sheet.
iu this article direct from the Springs, just re
ceived and for sale by GARVIN & HAINES,
may 2t‘
C ACKING. —S bales heavy SACKING for sale
may 5 ts
Odoriferous compound—For laying in
among linens, laces, furs, cloths,
&c., imparting to them a pleasant perfume,and pre
venting the ravages of the moth For sale by
rsvilE V RUB lIN A CREAM, an Emollient Soap,
X which allbrds real pleasure in shaving produ
cing a rich, fragrant, creamy and permanent lather,
just received and for sale by
; ,p 22 GARVIN & HAINES.
ICE —2J Casks now lauding. A constant
supplv will be icept on Hand, and furnished
to dealers in quantities to suit, by
XIT An infallible remedy for that distressing dis
ease. Numerous certificates might be given in
proof of the truly wonderful eli’ects ot these cele
brated Pills, but it is deemed unnecessary, as they
are too well known to need recommendation. For
sale by (a24.) HAVTLAND, RISLEY & Co.
OILS AND PAINTS.—PaIe Winter Strained
Lamp Oil,
Pale Fail Strained Lamp Oil,
Whale “
Train “
Linseed “
In quantities to suit purchasers.
Also, a general assortment of Paints, Window
Glass, Ike. &c. For sale by
aug 25 232 Broad-street.
q IT genuine Cologne Water, in long and short
bottles, warranted of the very i esf quality; for sale
in boxes of half a dozen each, for lamfiy use, oi
by single bottles.
* Also, a large assortment of Fancy Soaps, Odorous
Waters, Extracts, Hair Oils, and Curling Fluids,
of the best quality, at Apothecary Hall, 232 Broad
street, by GARVIN & HAINES,
nov 2S
, Fall goods.
1 iB,, Su ,'! 1; er '. !as commenced receiving his
Jf. f 1 Goods, whiih he is dispo.-ed to sell at a
mo leiate advance • viz:
\v elsn,Gauze, md other Flannels, at from 50 to «, 1 {
Scarlet and Gn cn do
3-4 and 6 4 Furnituie Dimity,
3-4 Mom n ffig G ‘?| lums ’ g‘ e ’ at variety of patter**
Satinet-, ai 1 colors and piiccs,
Blue and Cadet Kentucky Jeans
7-S and 6-4 Bed Tkhing,
A great vaiicty of Gaiment Calicoes,
, , do do Furniture do
imncn Towels and Table Cloths,
A gicat variety of Negro Head Handkerchiefs,
-incn Cambric Hdkfs, assorted prices,
6-4 Argile and other Shawls,
Double Chain Linsey,D
Mixed do i
Red and Blue, do '
3-4 and 4-1 Pbid do J> For Ne 3 ro w^ar.
Kerseys and Roaroy, |
Canadian Jeans, ' J
5-4, 6-4, blenched and unbleached
Cotton Shirtings and Sheetings,
English Long Cloths.
Bleached and unbleached Canton flannels,
Mouslam de Unities,
i loathed and unbloaclied Twilled Jeans,
I* me and Kxtra Fine 6-4 Cam-;ric Dimity,
F-ong Lawns and Irish Linens,
5- Irish Linens, suitable for Pillow Cases.
o- 4 Sco ch Sheeting,
| Ri'dseye Diaper, some extra fine,
Best jet black Italian Lustring,
do Gro de Rhine Silk,
do India Satin,
Oil Silk,
W bite and Black Nairow Belt and Gauze Ribbon,
Black Italian Crape,
Assorted Lustring and Satin Ribbon.
Silk Braids, different widths.
Pongees, B; ndanas and Spittalfield Gentlemen’s
Pocket Handkerchiefs.
33 and 36 inch Black Italian Cravats,
Siiiit Collars and Black SsUn Stocks,
Assorted Corsets and Lacets,
Short and Long white and colored Lace Gloves,
Ladies’and Misses’Hosskin do
White and black China Silk do
Cenl s Buck, Lamb’s Wool, Merino and Hosskin
Ladies’ white and black English Silk Hose,
Men's do do English Half Hose,
Quality Binding,
: \ cry ricli figured dotted and Swi«s Muslins.
; 4-4 lich figured Bobinet La^e-,
Childrens’ Woistcd Bootees.
Best Cotton Suspenders,
lailor’s 1 est colored and white Spcol Cotton,
Unbleached and bleached Linen Table Cloths,
j Assorted Sowing Silks and Flax Thread,
; Powder and Puff Boxes,
Siiell and Brazilian Tu k and Side Combs,
j Silver Thimbles, Gum Elastic Garters,
j Black and white Lest Hooks and Eyes,
Youths’ best fancy Gilt Buttons,
Plated and Bone Strap Buttons,
Plain and figured Vest and ( oat Lasting Buttons,
Youth’s a id Shirt Peail Buttons,
Best Patent Pins,
Ladies’ extra fine Leghorn Bonnets, latest shape,
, ] Kidd Dolls, Furniture Binding,
Silk and Cotton Umbrellas,
6- fine and extra fine plain Swiss Muslin,
6-4 Cottsn Cambrics, Jackonett, and Nainsook
M us! in,
6-4 Swiss Plaid and Book Muslin,
Fancy Cassimeies,
Scarlet and grein Worsted Moreens,
Plaid Silks
Figured Satin Silks, and oth rs.
White, f ink and blue plain Satin Silk,
do do do Poult de Soio,
do do do gro Florence
Colored Cotton Cambrics and raper Muslin,
Gentlemen’s white and gray mixed Lamb's WoM
and Merino Hose and half Hose,
Ladies’ white and black Merino, Lamb’s Wool,
Woistcd and Mohair Hose,
Marseilles and Corded Skirts,
Gauze, Satin Fancy Shawls, &c. &c,
sept 9 sw6t* J. p. SETZE.
SIX'! Y days from this date application will
be made to the Mechanics’ Bank of Augusta,
for the renewal of the following certificates of
stock, (the originals being lost or mislaid.) riz:
No. 330. Twenty-five shares in the name of
George Thomas, dated March 2d, 1835. No. 452.
■ Twenty shares in the name of the same, dated
| March Bth, 1837.
Application will also be made sixty day? from
■ this date, to the lion Steamboat Company, for the
j renewal of the following certificates of stock, (the
■ originals being lortoi mislaid,) viz:
No. 1. Ten shares, dated May 21st, 1835. No.
112. Ten sh *ies, dated March 15th, 1837. No, 114.
Ten shares, dated March ISth, 1837, all in favor
of George Thomas. A. SIBLE Y, Attorney.
Augusta, September Bth, 1849.
4 PP REN TICE WANTED. —An intelligent,
| I JL active boy, of good morals, will be received
as an apprentice to the Book-binding and Blank
i Book manufacturing business. Apply early to
I sept 7-3 t T. S. STOY.
A. y subscribers are now receiving and opening
, tbeir full and winter stock of Fancy and Staple
Dry Goods, among which are many seasonable and
desirable articles, to which tbe attention of the
public is respectfully invited.
sept 4 Wd. H. CRANE & Co.
1> OWAN’S TONIC MIXTURE—A specific and
.X* lading cure for the Fever and Ague —is com
posed of such medicinal principles as were consi
dered most fit to restore the harmony of action be
tween the stomach, liver and other important func
tions of the sy-tem, the loss of which harmony is
evidently the immediate cause of the disease, it
speedily promotes a regular and healthy appetite,
by winch effect vigour and strength is soon a.-Porded
to the whole system. The genuine for sale by
\\/'ILL be given at Appling, Columbia county,
Ts on Thursday, the 17th inst., by the friends
of Harrison, Tyler and Reform. The citizen-gen
erally, of both parties, arc respectfully invited to
attend. sept 1
Q3* The Constitutionalist will copy the above.
CHANT, Augusta, Ga. Ihe Warehouse
house is (ire-proof, eiigib y located,above high wa
ter mark. Ail Cotton consigned per railroad will
receive prompt attention. July 'N 2m
A SACKS fresh Almonds, just received and
1 " I for sale by VV. E. JACKSON,
april 27 Auctioneer.
IMPORTED direct from Ireland.
Superior 7-S undressed Irish Linen ;
do 4-4 do do do.j
do 9-8 do do suitable for Pillow Cases;
Long Lawns ;
Just received and for sale by'
july 15 \VM. H. CRANE & CO.
TfiNHE Stockholder- of this Company having de
-1 termined lo close its business, notice is iiere
ny given of the same, that those who have made
insurance with the undersigned, Agent for Au
gusta, may renw their risks elsewhere as they ex
pire, due notice of which will be given.
Those who may have claims against the Com
pany, through this will present them for
adjustment lo J, G. DUN LAP, Agent,
may 9
LARGE white flat Dutch TURNIP;
Do. Globe;
Ycliow purple top Ruta Baga;
Large Drumhead Cabbage;
do Bergen or great American do;
do C .pe Savoy do;
do Red I utch do. for pickling;
Long Orange Carrot;
do black Fail Radish;
White and red Swiss do;
Red and white Clover Seed;
Lucerne or French Clover Seed;
B!u • Grass Seed;
Herds do do.
The subscribers have lately received the above
variety of Garden Seeds, all of which they warrant
to be fresh and genuine,and offer them for sale at
reasonable prices. GARVIN & HAINES,
Tine 29 Augusta and Hamburg.
8 D\V Alls) AV ERELL, Draper and Tailor.
M rcsp?ctlul y in'ortns his friends and the pub
lic that he has just received by the ship H. Allen,
from New Aork, a Lesh supply of Super Extra
Wool D\cd I.lack Cloths and Cassinieres, together
with a lot of the best English Trimmings. Also, a
lot ol fresh Sat in and bombazine Stocks, extra
fine, and ''ill shor’iv receive a full as r ortrn« r.t of
fashionable FANCY CLOTHS, Cassimeres and
\ estings, He has constantly on hand an excellent
selection of Stocks, Suspenders, Linen Collars.
Gloves, Halt Hose, Handkerchiefs, Merino Shirts,
Drawers, Sac. Ac. 4t se pt 5
Received this
25 bbl.s New Potatoes,
30 boxes Cheese,
300 lbs Smoked Salmon.
.20 ca>ks Abbot’s Porter, for sale by
gept 5 2t G. T. DORTIC.
THE undersigned hogs leave to inform his
friends and the public (the fnm of Rees &
Beall being about te expire by limitation,) that he
will continue to transact the Warehouse and Com
mission Business in Augusta, and will be thankful
for a continuance of the patronage heretofore be
stowed. The Waichouse and Stores are in good
erder for tiie reception of Produce and Merchan
dise, and cveiy attention will be paid to give gen
eral satisfaction. EGBERT B. BEALL.
Augusta, September 5, IS4O.
OTICE. —All persons are hereby notified not
Xn to trade for three promissory notes, given by
the undersigned to Charles Fallen, for one hundred
dollars each; —one due 25th December IS4O, anoth
er due 25th December, 1841, and the oilier due
25th December, 1542, all payable to said Charles
Fallen or bearer. As the consideration for which
they were given has ent.rcly failed, I do not intend
to pay them unless compcled by law.
sept 5 w4t CHARLES B. TALLIN.
DISSOLUTION. —The co-partnership hcreto
lore existing under the him of Patterson &
Allen, was dissolved on the loth ult., by mutual
cons nt. Either of the parlies are authorized to
use the name of the firm in settling the business of
the same. A. L. PATTERSON,
August 17 th, IS4O.
Win. U. Sturges having purchased E. A. Allen’s
interest in the slock of the late firm of Patterson
& Allen, the business will hereafter be conducted
under ihc firm of Patterson & Sturges.
August 17th, IS 10. W. U. STURGES.
The subscriber having disposed of his interest in
tiio stuck of Patterson ic Allen, to .Mr. Wm. U.
Sturges, retains his sinccie thanks to his fricn s
for the liberal patronage extended to the late firm
of P. & A., and respectfully solicits a continuance
of their favors to Messis. Patterson & Sturges.
August 17th, 1810. E. A. ALLEN,
sept 5 wild It
Uj & Shear have received from New Yoik, a sup
ply of superior Welch ai d French Flannels, and
extra Welch Gauze Flannels, (warranted not to
shrink.) Also extra Damask table Cloths and
Damask Napkins, and undressed Linens, of extra
width, for pi.low cases, of a superior fabric, to
which they respectfully invite the attention of the
public. sept 2
riAHE undersigned most respectfully solicit of
E their friends and the public generally, a share
of their business in Savannah, where they have
now erecting, near the Rail Road Repot, a commo
dious Wai e-House, for the accommodation of cot
ton, and receiving and forwarding goods.
They pledge themselves to give their undivided
attention to business, and hope, from long experi
ence, to render general satisfaction in promo.ing
the interest of their friends.
Savannah, Ga., August Ist, 1840.
OCy I take this opportunity for returning my
thanks to my former patrons, and hope they will
continue their kind favors, so liberally bestowed
in Augusta, towards the above firm in Savannah.
July 23 ts T. M. SIMMONS.
BROUGHT TO JAIL, on the 2Gth Au-
Vtk gust laA, a yellow man by the name of
LEW IS, about live feet seven inches in
-AJA-. height, quick spoken, carpenter by trade,
says lie belongs to James Shackelford, of Newbern,
North Carolina, but is In the employ of Thomas
Daves, of Greensboro, Alabama.
Also, at the same time, a black man by the
name of ULYSSES, pi listeior by trade, about five
feet six or seven inches high, and says he belongs to
. Jesse Gibson, Greene county, Alabama. The own
ers arc requested to prove pro, erty, pi\ charges
and take tnem away. JAMES HALL, Sh’ff.
Warren ton, September 5, 1840.
•gLyc RAN A WAY from the subscriber, on
the first of June last, a negro boy named
vpL Morris, about 18 or 20 years of age,stout
- built, of a yellowish complexion, and
about 5 feet high; he is a little bow-legged and
wears his hair thick and curled; he understands
the barber’s trade. Morris was bought of Mr.
Wood, a trader from Georgia, and his mother Is in
Millcdgcvil e; it is thought he wiil try to got there.
A liberal reward will be paid to any person who
will put him in sonic jail, so that I can get him.
wot WM. GLAZE.
Columbia, S. C., August 2(3, 1840.
Jhv away from the subscriber, in February
last, an African by the name of Lewis.—
He is about oO years of age, of small stat
ur audbadly pitted from the small pox. He has
bee n a boat hand on the Savannah river for many
yea*s, and is, 1 believe, at this time, either in Sa
vannah or Augusta. The above reward will be
paid to any one who will deliver him to Wra. E.
Jackson, of Augusta, or place him in a safe Jail
and inform me on the subject.
Columbus, Ga , June 26, 184 U. trwtf
(H A /A * \ REWARD. —Left the subscriber’s
VTJ lUU plantation, rear Quincy, Florida,on
the Slli ult., a negro fellow by the name of Joshua.
He is about 30 years old, (> feet high, inclines to
to stoop forward when walking, commonly wears
large whiskers. He had on, when he left, a blue
iwi led homespun coat and osnaburg pantaloons.
He sometimes calls himself Joshua Bush, having
formerly belonged to a family by that name, neat
the Lower Three Runs, in the State of South Car
olina. Joshua is well known in the city of Sa
vannah, on the Savannah river, and in Augusta,
Ga., where he is aiming to get; and from tlieie,
very probably, he wiil make his way ,o Charles
ton, 8. C. 1 have some reason to believe he has a
forged pas-.
The above reward will be given for his ap
prehension and delivery to me at my plantation in
Florida, or SSO if lodgcu in the State ol Georgia or
South Carolina, so that 1 can get him.
sept 4 S. WINKLER.
'Ifc.TOTICE. —The subscribers would inform their
customers and the public that tiiey have sold
tiicir eutiie stock of Hoots, Shoes, fcc. See. to Mr.
C. L. BKAYTON, who will be constantly supplied
with good wares at reasonable prices; and we
would solicit for him that patronage which has been
so kindly bestowed upon us.
Those having business with the undersigned,
will find him at the old stand.
8. B. BROOKS, 330 Broad street.
June 13,1840. 3m
H. N. Wilson respectfully informs
the public that his splendid line of
Four Horse Post Coaches is running from Greens
boro to Spring Place, Ga. via Gainesville and Cass
villc, in connexion with Col. Ramsey’s Line to
Ross’ Landing and Nashville, and Maj. Wells’
Line to Athens and Knoxville, Tenn.
Fare toCassville, sl2 00
“ “ Spring Place, 17 00
Loaves Greensboro on the arrival of the Rail
Road Cars from -Augusta, on Mondays, Wednes
days and Fridays.
Travelling time to Spring Place, 29 hours.
** “ “ Nashville, 65
Cfj’ Seats can be secured on application to
C. H. GOODMAN, Agent,
mar 23 —6m Globe Hotel, Augusta, Ga.
TO RENT.—From (he hist of October
fepH nox * the dwelling house on Gieen street,
opposite t c Lama-Uerian School, and the
stall c ana horse lot next above Mr. Goetchus’ car
nage shop on Ellis st.eet. J. W. WILDE.
__ sc P t \ trwlstCct
REN T, from first of Octobernext,
i3“S : d dwelling House in Reynold street*
_S ..ia first below \\ ashington street, at present
occupied by W. W. Holt. For term, apply to
se P l 4 SAN lUEL CL AR K.
JWtA TO R ENT.—The Stoic above Mr. Win.
1 3 ;.. -Iff Bostwiok’s
JUUL Also, the two Tenements on the corner
of Reynold and Jackson streets.
aug 25 tOctl*
TO RENT —A Dwelling and Store, one
Hi**® j square above the upper maiket, on the
-- -~ r S ni ul south side p f iR-oad street Fur terms
1 apply to (aug 21) THOS. BARRETT.
M—4L TO RENT—The new Brick Building
I. =: TB immediately below G. R. Jessup’s, suila- i
,4"; kibble for cither dry goods or grocery. Foi ]
terras, which will be moderate, apply to E. W. J
Doughty, Esq., or to the subscribe) at ileliir. f
aug 6 Im A. N. VERDERY,ExT. I
feA TOR RENT,- —Several dwellings and!
j. | "W stores, belonging to the Bank of Augusta, f
*ifJ!lij-.For terms enquire at their office.
July 20 _ GEO. M. THEW, Agent, ;
TO RENT, —The Store on Broad str.,|
F~~T| No. 217, now occupied by Messis. J. \VV
J T. S. Stoy. I
Also, the two Stores above, being Nos. 249 and .
251. Apply to
July 25-tVwtf HENRY H. GUMMING. I
10 RENT, from first October, four
|7. 6 '.|j Close Storages, Renting Bay s:rect. Ap-
A.,;,,.A j O RENT—The Dwelling on the
|T_ i| north-east corner of Bread and Mclntosh
JfiiliiiLstrcets. at present occupied by Dr. Cun
ningham. Apply to JAMES W. DAVIS.
au £ 22 trwtf
TO RENT—From this time until the
Ist of <tetober. 18 U, the tenement lately
MM occupied by myself, rn Broad stree*. it
being that immediately over the store of A. W.
Walton & < o. For terms apply to Mr. Robert
Carter, or the subscriber.
aug 13 trw2w* _ T. M. NELSON.
JA--A TO RENT.—The subscriber will rent,
I ■- jS from the first of October, his two Dvvcll
. H=~MihLipgs on Walker street, immediately in the
rear ol the Academy. The place would be suita
ble to any family who would wish to live retired
from the city. sept 1 trw2w
J— A FOR RENT.—The property of the un
pf dersigned, on Broad, Campbell and Cen-
MM- tre Streets, on Mclntosh Street, near the
Presbyterian Church, a present occupied by Mr.
Stockton. Apply to
McKenzie & bennoch.
July 14 wt I stout
N. B. The occupants of the property for the
year ensuing Ist October next, will give notes pay
able quarterly, and pay for the use of the Hy
drant water.
At,,; 3 TO RENT, from Ist October next, for
. ifSj one or more years, that wel 1 known and '
I*-Mm commodinus Dwelling House above the
subscriber’s sto:e, containing eight excellent rooms,
• with a fine kitchen, brick p; ntry, hydrant, and all
necessary out buildings, suitable fora fine boarding
house or private family.
Also, a large Salt house,two Btables and i kitch
en, adjoining said lot, on Ellis street. Terms mo
deialo. Apply to F. A. DUEFIE.
gept 2 lm
sporting Powder,
50 kegs do do
15 kegs - Eagle” Powder, in canisters,
1000 “ Blasting do. Just received and
for sale by (dec) GARDELLE & RHINI).
Treasurer’s Office of S. B. Co. of Ga.7T~
Augusta, August 13, 1840. 5
Tile, following articles have been in my office
for some time past, and unless claimed by the
IGth day of September next, will then be sold at
. public auction to pay exp< nses, viz:
S. Si, C. 1 barrel Liquor; 11. &W. I bag Coffee-
W. 2 kegs Lead; li. &H. 1 “ « ’
No Mark 2 “ Spikes; H. E. 1 “ “
B. &C. 1 « “ G. I « Spice;
H. I “Nails; No mark, 2 Vices;
j 1 “ “ ** 2 Brass Fenders^
No Mark, 1 Iron Lever; “ l Grind Stone;
M. &R. 1 coil Rope; “ 1 roll Leather.
H. E. 2 bags Coffee;
JuilN A. BA RNES, Sec’y. & Treas’r.
| Via Greensboro’, Eatonton, Clinton, Macon, Pei i
; ry, Pindertown, Bain bridge, Ciiattahoochie,’lola t
j St. Josephs, Pensacola, to Mobile.
The Proprietors of this Lino inform the Travel
ling public that it is now in full operation, through
the entire route; leaving Augusta by the Georgi)
Rail Road cars to Greensboro’ every Tuesday
i Thursday and Saturday, at G o’clock, P. M, and a'i I
rive in iMobiic in three days and a half lunnin I
Travellers are assured that the staging upon th: I
line is superior to any other, the accommodation I
1 unsurpassed, and by far the best natural roads i i
the Southern country, only 210 miles of staging!
Stages leave Bainbridge for Tallahassee via Quin {
• cy, immediately on the arrival of the Alligatoj
■ Line from Greensboro’, and immediately on th f
arrival of the boats from lola.
1 wo Stages will at ail times be run in com I
1 pany, when the travel requires it.
For seats in tiie above Line, apply at the office)
at the United States Hotel, Augusta, Geo.
apri: 21 2v GEO, W . DENT. Agent. ,
BROKE loose, on Friday, the 3d c
JjLuVAJaly, in Broad street, Augusta, Ga.,
1 Jj*LJi.chc.si)ut sorrel HORSE, with a notabi
blaze n nis face. The white does not run dow;
straight in tiie usual way, but is very much in
1 dined to the Lit; with a~long thick tail. He ha
; on a new snaffle bridle, with lung stout reins ;
good saddle, with a dark blanket. Any per,so,
taking up said Horse, will be suitably rewarded b;
leaving him at Mr. ALMOND’S Stable.
July’s ts .
No 236 Broad street, Augusta, Georgia.
Phe subscriber, having previf us y
T J bought out the interest of A. Z. Ban-4
m vL Turnitkire vVarehouse, hasi
now associated himself with one o I
gWSjW tllG largest manufacturing establish- 1
f "\ I ments in New Y'ork, flatters himsell
that he w T ill be able to olier to the
public an assortment ot Furniture,superior in point
of workmanship and durability, to any heretofore
olieied in Augusta. As tlie manufacturing will
have the personal attention of one of the partners,
the strictest care will be observed in the selection
of good wood and dry material, (so essential to he
Also, a general assoitmcntof Pianos, from the
best manufactories in tiie Union. More particulars
ly the New York Piano Forte company’s instru
ments, which cannot bo excelled for sweetness oi
lone and durability, in tha southern climate, b / anv
manufactory in the United States, Uur instru
ments are selected with the greatest care, by one
who is a competent judge, and a written guarantee
is furnished in every instance, if required
C. A. Platt returns his thanks to the public for
their former patronage, and solicits for the company
dipt share cf public patronage heretofore bestowed
on himself. Tne ousmess in future will be con
ducted oy tap2l CH.AS. PLaTT&Co
AUGUSTA rUßNmilliS h AliL.
iD. li. BILCOX, 303 Broad street
keeps at all times for sale, a large as
sortment of Cabinet Furniture, of
superior workmanship and well sea
soned materials, made expressly for
trie Southern climate. Every arli
cle L. the above business, with all the
variety of new’ patterns,continually
received. Persons wishing to purchase can do a
well at this establishment as at any of the Norths
ern manufactories. To be sold for cash or good
ty acceptances. mar 25
Lands for Sale.
Dn the first Tuesda}' in October nest.
Will be sold, at the lower market, between the
usual hours ot sale, the following lots of Land,
Viz: °
acres No. 43, 7th district Dooly countv,
“ *• 26, 6:h “ Houston countyN
kee county. [sept 5] Terms at sale.
On Friday, 2d October,
j *dl be sold, at the dwelling over the store of J.
! . Norton,
r A variety ot elegant Furniture, late patterns
1 an . d neatly new, the property of a gentleman de
clining housekeeping, consisting of a line toned
i Piano, splendid Sofa, Centre Table, Work-tund
r Divan, Ottomans. Hocking and Parlor Chaiis (hair
scat and new patterns,) Stove, Goiandolcs,Carpets,
Lamps, Waiters, Wardiobe, Bureaus, He,is.
I? trasses, Washstands, Window Curtains, Andirons.
Lamps, Tables, Desk, Lugs, (Hasses, Knives and
ii Forks, &c &c.
'■ ko furniture may be examined a few davs pre
-1 vious to the sale. sept 2
Administrator's Sate.
Large Stork of D; ugs, Medicines,
j,* On Thursday, the 10th instant,
' At the store lately occupied by J. Leverich, de
ceased, a few doors below the Eagle & Phov.iix
Hotel, will be sold, without reserve,
All the stock of Drugs, Medi ines, Fixtures, & c .,
belonging to said estate.
Term.?—all sums under $.30, cash ; over 50 and
under S2OO, thiity days; over 200 and under SSOO,
four months; over SSOO, six months for apptoved
endorsed notes.
Aho A first rate Apparatus for making and vend
ing Soda Water.
P. H. MANTZ, ?. , ,
J. A. CAMELOiV,C Adm rs - *
September 3, IS 10.
VG RE FABLE to an order of the Inferior Con it
of Richmond county, when sitting for ordi
nary purposes, will be sold, on the first Tuesda v in
November next, at the court house in Stewart
county, a lot of land belonging to the estate of Lot
Williams deceased, containing two hundred two
and a half acre 5, lying and being in the county of
Stewart. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and cre
ditors. Terms of sale cash.
September 4, ISIu.
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in October
next, at the lower market house in the city
of August ), within tiie usual hours of sale, the
House and Lot belonging to the estate of Thomas
Ayerell, deceased. Aiso,fom negroes belonging to
said estate. Sold, by order ot Court, for the bene
fit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. —
Terms made known oa the day of sale.
August 1, 184 ». P. H MANTZ, Adm’r.
1Y ILL be sold or the lir-t Tuesday in October
v T next, at the lower market house in the rit v
of Augusta, within the usual horns of s dc. live
Negroes belonging to the estate of Mary Johnson,
deceased, fold,by order of Court, fur the benefit
of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Term
made known on the day of sa’e
August 1, 1840. I>. H. MANTZ, A lmT.
be sold on the first Tuesday in October
V V next, at the lower market house in this
city, wi'hin the usual hours of sac, all the elfects
of Moses Ogden, deceased, late of Richmond coun
ty, to wifi- Household ana Kitchen Furniture, &e.
August 24, 1840. LUTHEiI KOLL, Adm’r.
WILL he sold, on the fir-t Tuesday in Novem
ber next, at the lower mar et iiouse in the
city of Augusta, within the usual hours of sale,
four negioes belonging to the estate of Martha
McMillan,deceased, fold by order of couit. for a
division. Terms at sale. WM. ii. JON ES,
August 31, IST). Executor.
VT OTICE.—The copartnership existing in this
LI city for some time past, under the firm of
Baird oi Rowland, has been this day dissolved by
mutual con>ent. Persons having business with the
firm, will plea-e caH on H. Baird, who continues
the Warehouse and Commission Badness oa his
own account, and is authorized to settle all the
business of tne late firm.
Augusta, August 27, 1840, tOctl
The Passenger Train, carrying the great mail
I between New York and New Orleans, leaves Au
i gusta every day at 6p. at., and arrives at Grcens
j boro at la. m. Leaves Greensboro at 9p. jvx., and
arrives at Augusla at half past 4 o’clock, a. m.
Stages run in connection with this train from
Greensboro for New Or,cans, (two daily lines) via
Indian Springs, Columbus, Montgomery and Mobile;
for New Orleans, tri-weekly, via Clinton, Macon,
and Pensacola; for West Point and Wctumpka via
Barnesville, tri-weekly ; for Rome, tri-weekly* via
Covington, Decatur and Marietta; for Nashville
and Knoxville, Tennessee,tri-weekly, via Athens
Gainesville and Cassvillc; for Washington, Wilke*
county, tri-weekly, from Double Wells ; for New
Orleans, daily, from Warrcnton, via Sparta, Mil
ledgeville, Macon and Columbus ; for Milledgeville
ri-weekly, via Greensboro and Eatontcn.
Connecting with these lines are branen stage,
lines to Tallahassee. Columbus, Miss.. Tuscaloosa
Nevvnan, cowetacouniy,Ga., and Clarksville, Ha
bersham county, &e.
Fare on the Rail-Road to Greensboro $4 25.
Office Georgia Kail Road & Bk’g Co. ?
Augusta, December 9, \x39. S
v j 7^3
VETER the Ist day of July, merchandise will
be conveyed from Augusta to Crawfordville,
JclFcrson-Hall, and Greensboro, at 25 cents per
100 lbs, until further notice.
GEO. IL THOMPSON, Agent at Greensboro,
A. GREEN, do Jefferson Hall
J. F. MIMS, do Craw ford villc
Sup. Transportation.
Trans. Office Ca. R. R. & B. Co. /
Augusta, June 20, 1840. S
Hamburg, April 23, 1843.
NOTICE. —Freight on Cotton to Charleston Ly
Rail Road, is reduced to thirty-live cents per
hundred for round, and twenty-live cents per Hun
dred pounds for"square bales.
Office Transportation S C.C. & 11. 11. Co. /
June 2d. IS4O.
Information to Travellers North and South.
OTWITHS LANDING the destruction of the
TNI bridges over the Savannah River, at Augusta,
by the late freshet, travellers are respectfully in
formed that arrangements have been made for pass
ing the river, and that the Cars leave Hamburg
and Charleston daily at the usual hours and arrive
as formerly. WM. ROBERTSON, Jr.
Agent Transportation.
Ofiice h. Carolina iiAiL R j.\u /
Hamburg, May 1, 1840. jf
ON and after this day, the passen :er train from
Hamburg will arrive in Charleston at 2$
o clock, p M, in time for dinner. may 1