Newspaper Page Text
uj : ■ p 8
Will lie given on Thursday, the 24th instant, in
Jefferson county, at the old Jefferson Rath, to
which the citizens of Jefferson, Burke, Richmond,
Columbia, Warren are cordially invited to partici
pate without regard to party. <
The candidates for Congress, candidates for Elec
tors, and the candidates ler the Legislature, in the
aforesaid adjoining counties, are respectfully in
vited to attend. sept 12
The friends of Harrison, Tyler and Reform
will give a Free Barbecue at bpring Hill;, seven
miles from Augusta, cn the Louisville Hoad, on
J *
Saturday the 19th instant.
The Congressional and Electoral candidates, of
both political parties, have been specially invited,
and the discussion will be open to all. Ijhe citi
zens of Richmond and the adjoining counties, and
of Hamburg and its vicinity are respectfully invit
e d to attend, without distinction of party.
Arrangements will be made for the: accom
modation of the LADIES, who are especially invi
ted to attend. |
£j’iJr. GARDNER, formerly resident k urgeon
n the .Now* York Hospital, and physician ;|i iielle
vue Hospital, New York, tenders to the public Iris
professional serv ices. t
Oll.ce in Washington street, between Bload and
£ilis streets Residence, United States I|t;tel.
ap 2
~cs" EXCHANGE ON NEW YORK —it sight,
and at one to twenty days sight. For sail ov
nov 23 tiARLMLLE & RAIN'D.
Dr. C. li. DILL offers his professional ser
vices to the citizens of Augusta and its vi*uiity.—
He will be found at the Drug Store of J. L. i .ouston.
sept 8 1m
(3 Miss TRAIN will resume her Sjchool at
Summerville on the last Monday in Noveiaber.
aug 12 i If
CC/* Dr. IV. S. JONES tenders his prtjfessiona
sen ii es to the citizens of Augusta and its' vicinity
He may be found at lus olh.e, No. 214 s?road st.
or at nis residence. United States Hotel, jap 24
Q3* Dr. J. J. WILSON has removed for the
Summer to the house of James Gardner, Esq., Ist
door below the Academy. une 6
20“ Dr. WM. FLINT, member f the Massa
chusetts Medical Society, would inform his friends
that he has removed ins place of residence to the
boarding-house of Mrs. Camfield, at the corner of
Jackson and Broad streets, where he may be found
at all hours during the summer season. His pro
fessional services are respectfully tendered to the
citizens of Augusta. if —june 6
For the benefit of the sick poor of Augusta. The
committee for the present month are as fcjliows :
Division No. 1. —P. H. Mantz, Nathaniel Green,
Miss Margaret Smith, Miss Mary Wightrban.
Division No. 2.—W. F. Pemberton, J.ML Newby,
Mrs. H. F. Roberson, Miss A. C. Kightoni
Division No. 3. —John Cashin, Janies Panton,
Mrs. Trcmley, Mrs. E. Camfield.
sept 7 ' J. W. WIGHTMAN. Sec’y.
JUT IF. G. NIMMO, General Commission Mer
chant, office on Mclntosh street, next dear to the
Constitutionalist. nov 7
(fj-NOTICE. —'1 he Raii Road Passenger Train
between Charleston and Hamburg, wild leave as
follows: —
Not to leave Charleston before 7 00 a' ir.
“ “ Summerville, “ - -8 30
“ “ Georges’, - “ - 10 0
“ “ BranchvHle, “ - 11 |)0
* “ Riackvilie, - “ -100 p. u
“ “ Aiken, - - “ - 300
Arrive at Hamburg not before - 400
Not to leave Hamburg before 6 00 a. m.
“ Aiken, - “ - 730
“ Riackvilie, “ - • 915
“ Midway, “ - - 10 30
“ Branclivill “--11 00
“ “ Georges’, “ - - 11 45 m.
“ “ Summerville,“ - -1 I op, m.
Arrive at Charleston not before 2 15
Distance—l36miles. Fare Through —$>10 00.
Speed not over 20 miles an hour. To “remain 2{
minutes each, for breakfast and dinner], and no;
longer than 5 minutes for wood and water at an}
station. i
To stop for passengers , when a white flag is
hoisted, at cither of the above stations; avid also tl
Sineaths, Woodstock, Inabinet’s, 41 mile T. ().,
Rives’, Grahams, Willeston, Windsor, Johnsons
and Marsh’s T. O.
Passengers uu will breakfast at Woodstock and
dine at Blackvnie ; aown, w T ill nreautast at Aiken
an d dine a*: Charleston. - mav 4
K /A / \ PIECES 44 inch Bagging,
i)UU per yard; j
2UU coils Bale Rope ; 1
60 ps. heavy milled and bleached Sacking ;
1 bale plaid and striped Hemp Carpi] ing.
For sale by GARDi-LLE allilND.
may 16 *. ts
"T^TOTICE. —The subscribers would inform their
customers and the public that the y have sold
their enlue Mock of Boot-, Shoes, &c. «Kc. to Mr.
C. L. BRAY TON, who will be constancy supplied
with good wares at reasonable price;-:; and we
would solicit for him that patronage whi|li has been
so kindly bestowed upon us. t
8. B. BROOKB & CO.
Those having business with the undersigned,
will find him at the old stand. j
B. BROOKS, 330 Bro|.d street.
June 13, IS4O. * 3m
Augusta, September, 1840.
ffNHE Ninth Course of Lectures in tfcis In-titu-
JL tion will commence on tne secoi|.l Monday,
the 9th of next November, and terminate on the
first Saturday of March following, $
Fee foi fall Course of Lectures, ?. .slls 00
Matriculation, but once,) f. 5 00
Arrangement' have been made by E hich Stu
dent' can be supplied from Europe with Instru
ments of all kinds. Skeletons, &c.
The Faculty are— I
G. M. Newton, M. D., Professor of An Moray.
L. A. Dugas, M. D., Professor of Phy J.ologv and
Pathological Anatomy. |
C. W. West, M. D., Piofessor of ChCmistry and
I. P. Garvin, M. D., Professor of Therapeutics and
Materia Medica.
J-A. Eve, M. D,, Professor of Obstetrics and Dis
eases of Women and Infants.
L. D. Ford, M. D., Professor of the Institutes and
Practice of Medicine.
R. F. Eve, M. D., Professor of the Piinciples and
Practice of Surgery.
G. M. Newton, M. D., > Demonstrators of Anat-
John McLestek, M. 1).,3 oniy, without addt’llee.
PAU L F. EVE, M. D.,
sept 1 Dean of Faculty.
(Lj’The Edgefield Advertiser, Greenville Moun
taineer, S. C.; Southern Recorder, Federal Union,
Gob inbus Enquirer. Savomah Georgia]!, Georgia;
Mobile Register, Huntsville Democrat, Alabama
Journal, Tuscaloosa Flag of Union. Alabama; Flo
ridian, Flo.; and Nashville Banner, will jpublisb the
above advertisement weekly to the a mount of $5
each, and forward then receipts to tl»e Dean. 1
* GUMMING having declined the Ware-House
and Commission business, confidently recommend
Mcssrrs. Bustin & Walker, to the patronage of his
ffiends, who have formerly consigned their produce
and merchandise to his care. Messrs. Bustin &
aiker have leased the Ware-House and stores
formerly occupied by him.
HE undersigned have associated themselves
M- in the Ware House and Commission Business,
in the City of Augusta, under the firm of Bustin
& Walker.
I hey have leased the Waie House lately occu
pied by Capt. A. Gumming, where they will be
pleased to attend to any business confided to their
sept 18 JAMES B. WALKER.
OCT* Jbe Milledgeville Recorder, Standard of
Union, Washington News, Athens Whig, and Ban
ner, will puolisli the above for one month and for
ward their account to us for payment,
B. & W.
A MOROCCO POCKET BOOK, large enough to
A vL hold a bank bill at full lentli, containing the
following notes, viz: lon Isaac Ramsay, payable
to Thomas Wiley for S4O, cn the Ist September,
1S40; one cn R. W. Bell, foi S6O, dated about Ist
August, due one day after date; one on R. S.
Pounds, for $9 75, due one day after date, and dat
ed May, 18 9; one note given to Thomas N. Ham
ilton, by Absalom Eady and self, for $l5O, with
some credits endorsed cn it, and due about two
years ago, with several small notes not recol
lected ; and a small sum of money, believed
to be in the book at the time lost, which the finder ’
is entitled to on delivering the book with papers
in it, and if no money, will liberally reward the
finder on the receipt of the papers.
Columbia County, Ga., Sept. 18, 1840. ts
•ax BROUGHT to Richmond county Jail,
juk on the 14th instant, a Negro Boy who
calls his name BILLY", and states that he
c-b pn belongs to John B. Miller, of Burke coun
ty. lie is about 18 or 20 years ot age, and about
5 feet 6 inches high, dark complected, and lias a
down cast look when spoken to. The owneris re
quested to come forward, prove properly, pay
charges, and take him away.
sep IS- w3t
Prospectus of a New Work to be entitled
IN a series of original pictures, on steel, with let
ter press descriptions. The plan of publishing
in successive numbers pictorial works, illustrative
of the scenery of countries, has long been a popu
lar one in Europe, and is rapidly gaining favor in
oui own country.
The proposition to issue such a work, devoted to
the scenery of Georgia, although novel, will find
universal favor, and be regarded as it is by the Edit
or, a plan at once felicitous and feasible. There
is much scenery in our State, that is not surpassed
in beauty and sublimity, by that of any other State
in the Union. The upper counties abound in scenes,
which need only be known to command the admi
ration of all who love the beauties of nature,—
Much of the scenery of the North is inferior to out
own, but is yet visited by thousands simply because
it has been written sung and “ lionized,'’ by au
thors and travellers until its beauty has become
universal!}’ known and appreciated. It is desirable
that attention should be directed to our own resour
ces of picturesque in natural scenery, and when
this is done, our own and Northern tourists will
speedily reader our beautiful views as immortal as
our language.
The 8011th is charged with general indifference
to the progress of Literature and Fine Arts ; and
probably the strongest foundation for the charge is
found in her inaction in enterprise calculated to fos
ter these objects. The publication of the propos
ed work will it is believed, be an effective blow
at the foundation, a step towards the establishment
of our literary reputation, to which end much hon
orable effort is now directed.
A third consideration and the last which W’ill
now be urged, is Ike intrinsic value of such publi
cation as “ Georgia Illustrated.” i t will embo
dy the representations of the beautiful and sublime
in our State scenery, and afford to all, at a trifling
expense, exact pictures of our mountains, vallics,
cataracts, public buildings, &c., which they may or
may not otherwise behold, but which, in either case,
would afford peculiar pleasure.
The proposed work will be executed in a style
superior to any similar pictorial work in the coun
try. The plates will be executed on steel, by em
inent engravers, from original drawing, made ex
pressly for the purpose, by Mr. T. Add Don Rich
ards, of Augusta. The engravings will be accom
companied with letter press descriptions, prepared
for the work, and in this department the editor
will secure, as far as possible, the assistance and
co-operation ol our best writers. In short, no pains
will be spared to make thd work a perfect gem of
the kind, to the end that it may meet a welcome
reception not only at borne but also abroad.
I. “Georgia Illustrated,” will be issued in
monthly par's, in the quarto form, at $5 per annum
invariably in advance, or at 50 cents for each part,
payable on delivery.
11. Each part will contain two highly finished en
gravings, of Georgia Scenery, accompanied with
letter-press descriptions and historical facts, prin
ted on large and beautiful type on the finest papei,
the whole enveloped in a neatly printed cover.
11l Any individual who will obtain and for
ward six advanced subscriptions, shall be entitled
to a copy of the work. Clubs may receive twelve
copies to one address for S6O, or twenty-five copies
to one address for SIOO, in either case free of pos
The first part, containing an engraved title page
and vignett, with two views and letter-press des
criptions, will be issued on the first of November,
1840, and subscriptions should be fonvarded prior
to that time.
Editors who publish and call attention to this
prospectus, will, by forwarding their paper to the
editor, be entitled to a copy of the wont,
Communications and subscriptions must be ad
dressed , post pa id.
Editor of Georgia Illustrated, (Pcnnficid, Ga.)
SIXTY' days from this date application will
be made to the Mechanics’ Bank of Augusta,
for ihc renewal of Hie following certificates of
stock, (the originals being lost or mislaid,) viz:
No. 330. Twenty-five shares in the nan e of
George Thomas, dated March 2d, 1835. No. 482.
Twenty shares in the name of the same, dated
March Bth, 1837.
Application will also be made sixty* days from
tiiis date, to the lion Steamboat Cou;pany, for the
renewal of the following certificates of stock, (the
originals being lost or mislaid,) viz :
No. 1. Ten shares, dated May 21st, 1835. No.
112. Ten sh -rcs, dated March loth, 1837. No. 114.
Ten shares, dated March 18th, 1837, all in favor
of George Thomas. A. SI BLEU, Attorney.
Augusta, September Sih, 1840.
NOTICE. —The copartnership existing in this
city for some time past, under the firm of
Baudot Rowland, has been this day dissolved by
mutual consent. Persons having business with the
firm, will please call on B. Baird, who continues
the Warehouse and Commission Business on his
own account, and is authorized to settle all the
business of the late firm.
Augusta, August 27, 1840. tOctl
FANCY BASKETS, has constantly on hand
•au extensive and handsome assortment at his store.
No 130 Broad street, Augusta. A»so, he has an
nexed to the above business, Fancy Straw Bags,
Oii (Toth Reticules, Tooth Brushes, Fancy Specta
cle Cases. Shaving Brushes, and a great variety of
Fancy Straw* Baskets, &c. &c. all of which will be
sold at low prices. sept 12
away from the subscriber, in February
last, an African by the name of Lewis. —
e. He is about 50 years of age, of small stat
in’ andbadly pitted from the small pox. He has
bee n a boat hand on the Savannah river for many
yea r s, and is, 1 believe, at this time, either in Sa
vannah or Augusta. The above reward will be
paid to any one who will deliver him to Wra. E.
Jackson, of Augusta, or place him in a safe Jail
and inform me on the subject.
Columbus, Ga., June 26, IS 10. trwtf
A [fACriLR is wanted for the Waynesboro’
OdoVr nt? ,to commence on the Ist Monday in
t! • ?° DC nect l apply unless qualified
to teach, ancient and modern languages matlmia -
ics, natural philosophy, chemistry, and other kin
d.-ed&bianches. Geography, grammar and Jrhhme-
Secretar? 1115 S and i‘ th ® ir P ! °P° sal » to the
. Ry order of the Board.
s<*ptl7 tlo EDWARD GARLICK,
Sec. to the Board of Trustees.
TAKE pleasure in informing the Planters and
Country people at large, that I have made ar
rangements to do a general Grocery business in this
p<ace, and will keep constantly on hand a good as
sortment of Groceries, and all other articles usual
ly kept for the up country trade. A. Wray will
conduct the business, and act as my duly autkor
ize agent in the purchase of goods and everything
appertaining to my business in the mercantile line.
- nd Horn his knowledge and experience in busi
ness, l hope to meiit a liberal patronage. He will
at stan d formerly occupied by John
E. McDonald, where he will attend promptly to
all orders confided to him.
Hamburg, Sept. !4, 1840. ts
The Hamburg Journal will please insert the a
bove four times, and present their bill to
A. WRYY, Agent.
to prevent Dogs from run- J
nmgat large in the city el Augusta.
Be it Ordained by the City il of Augusta,
that from and after the passage of this Ordinance'
and until the Ist of November m-xt, and between
. the Ist of April ami the Ist ol November in each
and every year thereafter all dogs found at large
in the City of Augusta, except such as may wear
such a collar, as the City Council may authorise
sale of, as provided in the 2nd section of this Ordi
nance ; shall be liable to be killed by the City Mar
shal or such person as he may authorise and appoint
for that purpose
Sec. 2nd. And be it further Ordained, &c., that
the (ity Marshal be, and he is hereby authorised to
piovide such a number of metal collars, suitable
for dogs of different sizes, marked C. A. and num
bered trom No. 1. upwards, and dispose of the same
for the sum of three dollars each, to such persons as
may apply for the same, which shall protect, until
the Ist day of April next ensuing, such dog as
may wear the same from being killed, except dur
ing an alarm of Hydrophobia in the City, or in the
event ot a Dog wearing such a collar being danger
ous to the life or safety of an}’ person.
Sec. 3rd. And be it further Ordained, &c., that
any* Collars furnished by the City Marshal, and
paid for between the time of the passage of this
Ordinance and the Ist of April next, shall protect
any Dog wearing the same, except as before ex
cepted, until the Ist of April, 1842,
Done in Council the 7th September, 1840.
D. HOOK, Mayor.
S, H. Oliver, Clerk,
sept 2 2-t
A TEACHER who lias been educated in one of
the best Seminaries in New England, and has
in her possession testimonials of her qualifications
as a teacher, proposes to open a school in Augusta,
to commence on Monday the 21st. Her course ol
instruction will embrace both intellectual and Or
namental education, besides the more common
Terms of tuition to he paid quarterly in ad
vance. Higher branches cf English including
Moral and lntellec;ual Philosophy, and the higher
mathmatics. ' sls 60
Lower do. including Natural Philosophy Arith
metic, Chemistry, Composition, &c. sl3 00
Minor classes, 8 00
Instruction on the Piano, 20 00
Drawing, 8 00
French, s 00
Ornamental work. 6 00
The exercises will commence at 8 o’cloc k AM.
Instructions given in French from 8 until 9 o’clock.
English instruction from 9 A. M. until 2 P, M. Oi
namental do, from 3 until 6, P. M. System of go
| vernrnent that of moral suasion. Particular atten
tion will be paid to the manners and department of
the pupils, and to the cultivation of the heart. La
dies wishing to devote time to particular uranches
of education will have an opportunity of joining
either of the above classes without confining them
selves to the regular exercises es the school.
Information icspecting two pleasant rooms for
the above school is earnestly solicited to-day and
and to-morrow at this office. Bv the principal,
sept 17 MARY A. NEVINS.
Peisons wishing an interview with the Principal
previous to the begining of the school, are invited
to call at the Eagle Hotel.,
ACKING. —8 bales heavy SACKING for sale
may 5 ts
BAGGING TWINE—S bales just receiving
and for sale by
fl* XCHANGE ON NEW-YORK at sight to 60
'J days sight, in sums to suit purchasers, by
OLD PEACH BRANDY—A choice article, for
sale by SIBLEY & CRAPON.
Hamburg, August 10, 1840.
North desires a situation as Teacher. Apply
at this office. tf —july 13
AT private sale, a handsome new Chariot, on
Eliplic Springs, latest style. For sale by
! July 7 W. E. JACKSON, Auctioneer.
IEMONS. —11 boxes Lemons, just received and
J for sale by W. E. JACKSON,
june 20 Auctioneer.
£ICOTCH ALE. —5 casks Scotch Ale, pints,
just received and for sale by
june 20 W. E. JACKSON, Auctioneer.
I AMP OIL —A supply of best Bleached Lamp
j Oil, just received and for sale by*
mar 25 GARVIN <k HAINES.
TERRAIN OIL, &c. —Train Oil, Plaster Pans and
B Gilder’s Whiting, for sale in quantities to suit
purchasers, by GARVIN & HAINES,
mar 12
-i- es’ Manual. A few copies of this valuable
little work can be had if applied for soon, at
i may 20 GARVIN & HAINES.
HAVANA SEGARS. — 10M Venus Brand,
5 M Venus Regalia,
5 M Canonis,
2 M assoiled Brands.
Also, 10 boxes Havana Sweetmeats. Just re
ceivcd by [jy 29] I. S. BEERS & CO.
this article direct from the Springs, just re
ceived and for sale by GARVIN HAINES,
may 20
sporting Powder,
50 kegs do do
15 kegs “Eagle” Powder, in canisters,l
1000 “ Blasting do. Just received and
for sale by (dec) GARDELLE &. RHIND.
riIHE VERBENA CREAM, an Emollient Soap,
A which alfords real pleasure in shaving produ
cing a rich, fragrant, creamy and permanent lather,
just received and for sale by
& Shear have received from New York, a sup
ply of superior Welch and P'rench Flannels, and
extra Welch Gauze Flannels, (warranted not to
shrink.) Also extra Damask Table Cloths and
Damask Napkins, and undressed Linens, of extra
width, for pi low cases, of a superior fabric, to
which they respectfully invite the attention of the
public. sept 3
subscribers are now receiving and opening
their fall and winter stock of Fancy and Staple
Dry Goods, among which are many seasonable and
desirable articles, to which the attention of the
public is respectfully invited.
sept 4 Wd. H. CRANE & Co.
lAOR SALE. —The subscriber offers for sale a
Plantation of 722 acres of land, with Houses,
Shoemaker’s Shop, Barn, Orchard, Tan Y'ard, Cast
Iron Mill Stone to mill hi les, <Vc. For further par
ticulars, enquire of the subscriber, on the premises,
18 miles from mile south of the Wash
ington r?ad. Columbia counlv,Ga.
WAXI ED TO HIRE, a first rate COOK, by
the month or year, for which a liberal
puce will be given. NELSON CARTER.
se pt 11 sw4t
Powder, for sale by C, A. GREINER.
nu £ I trw2m
"VTOriC E. John Silcox is my duly authorized
i.l agent during my absence from the State.
aug 31-swlm DANIEL H. SILCOX,Sr.
BACON.— 25.000 lbs. prime country BACON,
consisting of Hams, Shoulders and Sides, for
sale by SIBLEY & CRAPON.
Hamburg, Sept. 16, 1840. 6t
Dentistry . — benj. douglass, surgeon
Dentist, has returned to the city and resumed
the duties of his profession, at his foimer resi
dence. aug 29
Odoriferous compound —For laying in
drawers among linens, laces, furs, cloths,
&c., impaitingto them a pleasant perfume,and pre
venting the ravages of the moth. For sale by
mar 13 “ GARVIN & HAINES.
SNOWDEN 4" SHEAR have received from
New York a large supply of Satinelts and Ken
tucky Jeans, of various colors. Also, a large sup
p'y of Lupin’s best French Merino’s, of beautiful
colors, to which they respectfully invite the atten
tion of the public. sept 15
BLOWN SALT.—6O sacks Blown Salt, large
size, just received and for sale by
sept 4 w3t ISAAC MOISE.
COTTON GINS. —The subscriber has on hand
six Cotton Gins, of superior quality, which
he will dispose of on reasonable terms.
aug 26 w3t THOMAS DAWSON.
"VJOTICE. —The subscriber having associated
JL si Mr. Robert T. Hy-de in his business from the
Ist inst. it will from that date be conducted in the
name of DUNLAP 4- HYDE.
July 9, 1840. J. G. DUNLAP.
Augusta insurance and banking
20 shares for sale low by
jan 30 Terms—6 months lo approved paper
New french muslins and ginghams.
IVYATT Sr WARREN, No. 206 Broad
street, have just received a few pieces handsome
French Muslins and Ginghams. Also, Calicos,
Irish Linens, Diapers. Brown and Bleached Shirt
ings, &c. &c., which they will sell low.
july 30 w3t
T BAHE sale of Real Estate, &c. of the subscriber,
A is postponed to the IstTuesday (6th) in Octo
ber, the wet weather having delayed the necessary
surveys for making out plot and map of the land.
For further particulars, apply to W. E. Jackson,
Auctioneer, with whom a plat of the premises will
be left, (sep 2-wtd) A. I. HUNTINGTON.
NOTICE. —All persons indebted to Henry Salm,
late of Richmond county, deceased, are re
quested to make payment to me or to Mr. Christian
Salm; and those having claims against said de
ceased, will present them duly attested within the
time pi escribed by law, to
July 20,1849. A. PICQUET, Adm’r.
NOTICE. —All persons indebted to the estate
of Moses Ogden, late of Richmond county,
deceased, are requested to make payment, and those
having demands against said estate to render them
in, duly attested agreeable to law, to the subscri
ber. LUTHER ROLL, Adm’r.
August 24,1540.
indebted to the Estate of Thomas Quizen
berry, deceased, late of Richmond county, are re
quested to make immediate payment, and those
having demands against the same, will present them
duly a'testcd, within the time prescribed bylaw.
A. SIBLEY, Adm’r.
August 18, 1840.
ALL persons indebted to the estate of John B.
Guedron, deceased, late of Richmond county,
are requested to make immediate payment to A. C.
Caldwell, who is rny authorized agent, and those
holding claims against said estate, are required to
hand them in duly attested, within the time pre
scribed by law. ELLEN GUEDRON,
April 4, 1840. trwtr Administratrix.
DEBTORS to the estate of John Clarke, de
ceased, are notified to make payment to the
undersigned, and persons having demands will hand
in the same legally proven within the time pre
scribed by law.
sept 16 WM. H. GOODRICH, Admr.
For 1841,
CALCULATED for the latitude and meridian
©f Augusta, Ga., by T. P. Ashmore, of Lincoln
<ounty, just printed and for sale by rhe groce,
dozen or single, by
sept 1 l-vv3t BROWNE &M’CAFFERTY. j
I HAVE for sale at the Brick-yard known as
Marshall’s old yard, near the upper end of the
city, one hundred thousand bricks, now ready for
delivery, and expect to keep a constant supply on
hand. The bricks are of a good quality, and will
be furnished at the lowest prices as to each quality
can be made. 1 have in service good mechanics,
and will take contracts for any sort of brick-work
at reduced rates. Solomon Basford, from whom I
have purchased the lease on this brkk-yard, and
utensils connected with it,is my agent for conduct
ing the business of making and selling and deliver
ing brick, and making contracts, who will generally
be found on the premises. P. H. MANTZ.
july 13 4tw
f fi'IHE Stockholders of this Company having de-
I termined lo close its business,notice is here
by" given of the same, that those who have made
insurance with the undersigned. Agent for Au
gusta, may renw their risks elsew here as they ex
pire, due notice of which will be given.
Those who may have claims against the Com
pany, through this agency, will present them lor
adjustment to J, G. DUNLAP, Agent,
may 9
LARGE white flat Dutch TURNIP;
Do. Globe;
Yellow purple top Ruta Baga;
Large Drumhead Cabbage;
do Bergen or great American do;
do Cape Savoy do;
do Red butch do. for pickling;
Long Orange Carrot;
do black Fall Radish;
White and red Swiss do;
Red and white Clover Seed;
Lucerne or French Clover Seed;
Blue Grass Seed;
Herds do do.
The subscribers have lately received the above
variety of Garden Seeds, all of whicli they warrant
to be fresh and genuine,and offer them for sale at
reasonable prices, GARVIN & HAINES,
;une 29 Augusta and Hamburg.
150 Negroes , between band 6,000 acres of Land
Corn, Fodder, Sheep, Hogs, Cattle, 4-0. 4-c.
THE subscriber will sell on Tuesday after the
third Monday in December next, being the
22d day of December, 1840, 150 Negroes, his Plan
tation in Jefferson county, containing between
5,000 and 6,0b0 acres of Laud ; the Corn, Fodder,
Sheep, Cattle, Plantation Tools and utensils, and
all other property connected with the said planta
tion. It is deemed unnecessary to say much in re
gard to the above property, as it is expected that
persons wishing to purchase will make inquiry.—
It is sufficient to say that the Negroes are of supe
rior quality and good character, and can be recom
mended as such.
The sale will continue from day to day till all
are sold. The terms of sale are cash, as the sale
of the above property is intended lo meet the de
mands of the subscriber’s creditors, whose demands
will be taken as cash, or any arrangement with
any r of my creditors will answer the same purpose.
All the above property lo be sold at my planta
tion. Cherry Hill, in JePerson county, Ga., at the
time above named.
September 4 td
September 4
J~T TO RENT, from the Ist October, the
I|f three small tenements on Telfair-street,
tjil nearly fronting mv residence. Apply at
my residence. PAUL FIZSIMMONS.
14 - ts
RENT, from first of October next,
£=o= V l6 Dwelling Uou'c in Bevnold street,
£Sk S lJ'^ w Mclntosh street, at present
occupied by W. W.Holt. For terms apply to
TO RENT—A Dwelling and Store, one
s||| {j s 9 uar,? above the upper market, on the
apply to (aug 21) THOS. BARRETT.
FOR RENT, —Several dwellings and
Mm s f ores: » belonging to the Bank 01 Augusta.
iJ~'.l‘»'"#i.For terms enquire at their office.
J ul - v 20 GEO. M. THEVV, Agent. _
RICE- —20 Casks now landing. A constant
supply will be kept on hand, and furnished
to dealers in quantities to suit, by
CHANT, Augusta, Ga. The Warehouse
liGu.>e is fire-proof, eligibly located,above high wa
tei mark. All Cotton consigned per railr. ad will
receive prompt, attention. ' july 27 2m
FJT An infallible remedy for that distressing dis
ease. Numerous certificates might be given in
proof of the truly wonderful effects of these cele
brated Pills, but it is deemed unnecessary, as they"
arc too well known to need recommendation. For
sale by (a24) HAVILAND, RIBLEY & Co.
OILS AND PAIN PS.—Pale Winter Strained
Lamp Oil,
Pale Fall Strained Lamp Oil,
Whale “
T rain “
Linseed «
In quantities to suit purchaser*.
Also, a general assoitment of Paints, Window-
Glass, &c. &c. For sale by
au 5 232 Broad-street.
B genuine Cologne Water, in long and short
bottles, warranted of the very best quality; for sale
in boxes of half a dozen each, for family use, 01
by single bottles.
Also, a large assortment of Fancy Soaps, Odorous
V> a let s, Extracts, Hair Oils, and Curling Fluids,
of the best quality-, at Apothecary Hall, 232 Broad
street, by GARVIN & HAINES,
nov 2S
a D.
The Passenger Train, carrying the great mail
between New York and New Orleans, leaves Au
gusta every day at 6 p. m., and arrives at Greens
boro at la. m. Leaves Greensboro at 9p. m., and
arrives at Augusta at half past 4 o’clock, a. m.
Stages run in connection with this train from
Greensboro for New Orleans, (two daily lines) via
Indian Springs, Columbus, Montgomery and Mobile;
for New Orleans, tri-weekly, via Clinton, Macon’
and Pensacola; r or West Point and Welumpka,via
Barnesviile, tri-weekly; for Rome,tri-weekly via
Covington, Decatur and Marietta; for Nashville
and Knoxville, Tennessee,tri-weekly, via Athens I
Gainesville and Cassvillc; for Washington, Wilke*
county, tri-weekly, from Double Weils ; for New
Orleans, daily, from Warrenton, via Sparta, Mil
ledgeville,.Macon and Columbus ; for Millcdgeville,
ri-weekly, via Greensboro and Eatonton. &
Connecting with these lines are branch slam,
lines to Tallahassee. Columbus, Miss.. Tuscaloosa’
Newnan, u oweta county, G a., and Clarksville, Ha
bersham county, &c.
Fare on the Rail-Road to Greensboro $4 25.
Office Georgia Rail Road & Bk’g Co. £
Augusta, December 9, i»39. s
11. N. Wilson respectfully informs
the public that his splendid line of
Four Horse Post Coaches is running from Greens
boro to Spring Place, Ga. via Gainesville and Cass
ville, in connexion w-ith Col. Ramsey’s Line lo
Ross’ Landing and Nashville, and Maj. Wells’
Line to Athens and Knoxville, Tenn.
Fare to Cassville, *l2 00
“ “ Spring Place, 17 00
Leaves Greensboro on the arrival of the Rail
Road Cars from Augusta, on Mondays, Wednes
days and Fridays.
Travelling time to Spring Place, 29 hours.
*• “ “ Nashville, 65
(Xy* Seats can be secured on application to
C. H. GOODMAN, Agent,
mar 23 —6m Globe Hotel, Augusta, Ga.
Via Greensboro’, Eatonton, Clinton, Macon, Per
ry, Pindertowu, Bainbridge, Chattahoochie, lola,
St. Josephs, Pensacola, to Mobile,
j The Proprietors of this Line inform the Travel
} ling public that it is now in full operation, through
the entire route ; leaving Augusta by the Georgia
Hail Road cars to Greensboro’ every Tuesday
Thursday and Saturday, at 6 o’clock, P. M. and ar
rive in Mobile in three days and a half running
Travellers are assured that the staging upon this
line is superior to any other, the accommodations
unsurpassed, and by far the best natural roads in
the Southern country, only 210 miles of staging.
Stages leave Bainbridge for Tallahassee via Quin
cy, immediately on the arrival of the Alligator
Line from Greensboro’, and immediately- on the
arrival of the boats from lola.
(XT' Two Stages will at all times be rim in com
pany, when the travel requires it.
For scats in the above Line, apply at the office,
at the United States Hotel, Augusta, Geo.
aprii 21 lv GEO, W. DENT. Agent.
ft-. BROKE loose, 00 Friday, the 3d of
in Broad street, Augusta, Ga,, a
Va/ JL. chesnut sorrel HORSE, with a notable
blaze in his face. The white does not run down
straight in the usual way, but is very much in
clined to the left; with a long thick tail. He had
on a new snaffle bridle, with long stout reins; a
good saddle, with a dark blanket. Any person
taking up said Horse, will be suitably rewarded by
leaving him at Mr. ALMOND’S Stable.
July s ts
No. 206 Broad street, Augusta, Georgia.
The subscriber, having previr us y
**l bought out the interest of A. Z. Ban
ta in his Furniture Warehouse, has
now associated himself with one of
W VSt W the largest manufacturing establish
y • 1 J ments in New York, flatters himsell
• that he will be able to offer to the
public an assortment of Furniture, superior in point
of workmanship and durability, to any heretofore
offered in Augusta. As the manufacturing will
have the personal attention of one of the partners,
the strictest care will be observed in the selection
of good wood and dry material, (so essential to he
Also, a general assortment of Pianos, from the
best rnanulactories in the Union. More particulars
ly the New York Piano Forte company’s instru
ments, which cannot be excelled for sweetness ol
tone and durability, in tho southern climate, b v anv
manufactory in the United States. Our’ instru
ments are selected with the greatest care, by- one
who is a competent judge, and a written guarantee
is furnished in every instance, if required
C. A. Piatt returns his thanks to the public for
their forrrer patronage, and solicits for the company
tfiat share of public patronage heretofore bestowed
on himself, Tne ousiness in future will be con
oucted tiv :ap2» CHAS. 4. PLATT & C.o
SD. H. SILCOX, 303 Broad street
keeps at all times for sale, a large as
sortment of Cabinet Furniture, of
superior workmanship and well sea
soned materials, made expressly for
tne Southern climate. Every arti
in the above business, with all the
IBS variety of new patterns, continually
received. Persons wishing to purchase can do a
well at this establishment as at any- of the Norths
ern manufactories. To be sold for cash or good
city acceptances. mar 26
Damaged Shoes.
p___ BY w - E* JACKSON.
i filS DAY, at 10 o’clock, in front of my Store,
will be sold,
6 Cases Shoes, damaged.
Sold on account of all concerned.
Be P 18 Terms Cash.
THIS DAY, at 10 o’clock, in front of my Store
will be sold,
2 Mahogany Desks,
1 Copying I’ress,
1 Iron Chest,
1 Table,
1 Hook and Letter Case,
1 Eight Day Clock,
Sundry JVlaps, Chairs, Books, &c.
se P Terms Cash.
Lands for Sale.
On the first Tuesday in October next,
Will be sold, at the lower market, between the
usual hours of sale, the following lots of Land,
acres No. 43, 7th district Dooly county,
49 “ “ 270, Bth “ Appling county,
40 “ “ 103, 3d section 2d district Chero
kee county. [sept 5] Terms at sale.
On Friday, 2d October,
WiW-be sold, at the dwelling over the store of J.
A variety ol elegant Furniture, late patterns
and nearly new, the property of a gentleman de
clining housekeeping, consisting of a fine toned;
Piano, splendid Sofa, Centre Table, VVorkstand,
Divan, Ottomans, Rocking and Parlor Chairs, (hair
seat and new patterns,) Stove, Gcrandoles,Carpets,
Lamps, Waiters, Wardiobe, Bureaus, Beds, Mat
trasses, Washstands, Window Curtains, Andirons,
Lamps, Tables, Desk, Rugs, Glasses, Knives and
Forks, &c. &c.
The furniture may be examined a few days pre
vious to the sale. sept 2
aTORK.NI'. —The J.Cagle and Phanix
Hotel will be rented, on the 21st iust., for
twelve months from the Ist of October
next, at public auction, if not previously rented by
private contract. Approved endorsed notes, payac
ble quarterly, will be required.
G. T. DORTIC, Sec’y pro tem.
Augusta, September 10. lit
rpHE subscriber has returned to the city, and
JL will again resume his profession, tlu teaching
of Music on the Piano and (Juitar. Thankful for
past favors, he solicits a continuance of the same,
1 hose desiring my services will please leave their
address at Mr. Parsons’ Furniture Store, or the
dwelling of Mrs. Carls, coiner of Campbell and
Ellis street. OTTO HERRMANN.
sept 10 1 m
—Late Discovery. —Warranted to be equal, if.
| not superior, to any others. Prepared by
nov 27 No. 232, Broad street.
4 /Y SACKS fresh Almonds, just received and
HI for sale by W. E, JACKSON,
april 27 Auctioneer.
THE subscriber offers for sale the Plantation
lately owned by Mrs. Urquhart, deceased,sit
uated in Burke county, adjoining the town com
mon of Waynesboro, containing about 1014 acres.
On the premises are a two story brick dwelling in
thorough repair, gin house, overseer’s house, and
all necessary out buildings The place being well
known, a further description is deemed unneces
There will also be sold with the place, if desired,
the stock of Cattle, among which are some fine
milch cows, hogs, horses, plantation utensils. &c.
A bargain may be had, and terms made accom
modating to an approved purchaser. Possession
given Ist January next. W. E. JACKSON,
sept 10
lasting cure for the Fever and Ague —is com
posed of such medicinal principles as were consi
dered most fit to restore the harmony of action be
tween the stomach, liver and other important func
tions of the sy tem, the loss of which harmony in
evidently the immediate cause of the disease. It
speedily promotes a regular and healthy appetite,
by which effect vigour and strength is soon afforded
to the whole system. The genuine for sale by
aug 24 JJAVILAND, RInLEY & Co.
These pills may be taken on any occasion
when an anti-bilious purge is needed, and from the
safely with which they may be used, and pleasant
ness of their effects, have obtained great reputation
as a geneial family medicine. For sale by
EVER AND AGUE. —Rowan’s Tonic Mix
ture; Southern do do; Green’s do do; Dicken
son’s Fever and Ague Pills. All celebrated reme
dies for Fever and Ague. For sale by
aug 2. GARVIN & HAINES, 232 Broad-st.
New flour, sperm candles andl.vrd.
12 bbls New Flour, James’ brand,
20 boxes fporra Candles,
100 kegs Lard,
00 boxes Winchester Family’ Soap,
10 “ Loaf Sugar,
10 bbls crushed Sugar.
Just received and for sale by’
aug 26 swim ISAAC MORSE.
IMPORTED direct from Ireland.
Superior 7-8 undressed Irish Linen ;
do 4-4 do do do
do 9-S do do suitable for Pillow Cases;-
Long Lawns ;
Just received and for sale by- (
July 15 WxM. li. CRAVE & CO.
\FTER the Ist day of July, merchandise will
be conveyed from Augusta to Craw ford ville,
Jefferson-Hall, and Greensboro, at 25 cents per
100 lbs, until further notice. 1
GEO. H. THOMPSON, Agent at Greensboro,
A. GREEN, do Jefferson Hall
J. F. MIMS, do Craw ford ville
Sup. Transportation.
Trans. Office Ga. R. R. k B. Co. /
Augusta, June 20, 1840. \
Hamburg, April 23, IS4O.
NOTICE. —Freight ou Cotton to Charleston by
P.ail Road, is reduced to thirty’-Jive cents per
hundred for round, and twenty-live cents per hun
dred pounds for square bales.
A 13. STURGES. Agent
Office Transportation S. C. C. & R. R. Co. f
June 2d. IS4O. <
Information to Travellers North and South.
U P W 11IISI AN DING the destruction of the
AY bridges over the Savannah River, at August*,
by the late freshet, travellers are respectfully in
formed that arrangements have been made for pass,
ing the river, and that the Cars leave Hamburg
and Charleston daily at lire usual hours and arrive
as formerly. VVM. ROBERTSON, Jr.
Agent Transportation.
-ax: v.’
Office S. Carolina Rail Road Co. >
Hamburg, May 1, 1840.
ON and after this day, the passenger train irom
Hamburg will arrive in Charleston at
o’clock, r N.ui time for dinner. may I