Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, October 16, 1840, Image 1
HWIg Cljimiclc & dentin cl. mmmnwmm\u t ■ m,,,,,, thih- i „ S ' f° yEN AUGUSTA. GA., FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 16, 1840. VOL. IV.—No. 248. Tiit, CHKNOU.L.K AXD SENTINEL IS PUBLISHED D .ILY TRI-WEEKLY, AND WEEKLY, At No. 209 Broad-street. TERMS: Dai. j paper, Ten Dollars per annum, in advance. Tri-Weekly paper, at Six Dollars in advance or Sjven at the end of the year. Weiklypap r. Three Dollars in advance,or Four at 111 e end of year. - •• f I9HE article published below, concerning the new and popular doctrine advanced by the illustrious Goelicke of Germany,cam ot fail of ex citing a deep and thrilling interest throughout our ntry. qn§ n % [Translated from the German.] LOUIS OFFON GOELICKE, of Germany, The Greatest of Human Benefactors citizens of North and South America, ~ To Louis Offon Goelicke, M. D., of Germany, [Europe,] belongs the imperishable honor of adding anew and precious doctrine to the science of medi cme —a doctrine which,though vehemently opposed dv many of the faculty, (of which he is a valuable member ] he proves to be as well founded in truth as any doctrine of Holy Writ—a doctrine, upon the verity of which are suspended the live s ol millions of our race, and which he boldly challenges his op nosers to refute, viz: Consumption is a disease al ways occasioned by a disordered state of Vis Y it<e (or Life Principle) of the human body: QQ* often secretly lurking in the system for years before there is the least complaint of the Luqgs 4_J) and which may be as certainly, though net so quickly, cured as a common coid or a simple huadache. An invaluably precious doctrine this, as Dim parts an important lesson to the apparently healthy of both sexes, teaching them that this insidious toe may be an unobserved inmate of their “ clayey houses” even while they imagine themselves secure from its attacks, teaching them Writhe greatsecret in the ait of preserving health is to pluck out the disease when in the blade, and not wait till the full grown This illustrious benefactor of man is. also entitled to youi unfeigned gratitude, and the glatitude of a world,for the invention ot his malchhsjs Sanative, —whose healing hat may justly claim iar it such a title, since it has so signally triumphed over our great common enemy, jJ* Consumption, bothin the first and last stages,—a median? which has thoroughly filled the v acuum m the Ma eiiaAledica, and thereby proved itself the & Conqueror oj Phy lie iansjffr- a medicine, foi which # mankind will haveabundant cause to bless t oenehcent ’ and of a kind Providence,— a medicine whose wondrous virtues have been so glowingly pouitray- Td even by same of our clergy, m their pastoral visits to tee sick chamber ; by which means they often become the happy instrumentsofi hanging de sponding into hope, sickness into health, and sad of friends into joyfulness 4 q GGELICKE'S MATCHLESS SA. .47 11 E, V medicine of more value to man than the vast mines of Austria, or even the united treasures of our globe-a medicine, which is obtained equally from the vegatable, animal and mmera kingdoms, and thus possesses a threefold power,-a medicine, which, thougn designed as a remedy for consump tion soleiy, is possessed ol a mysleiious influence over many diseases of the human system,—a medi cine which begins to be valued by physicians, who are daily witnessing its astonishing cures oi many whom they had resigned to the grasp oi the Insa- U DUSE 1 of The Sanative, for adults, one drop; for children, a half-drop; and for infants, a quarter drop; the directions explaining the manner of ta king a half or a quarter a:op. . Price—Three and one-third nx dollars ($2,00) p r half ounce. German-coin value 75 cents. Q ? Q Q Q , A certificate from three members of the Medical Profession in Germany,in Europe. We, the undersigned, practitioners oi medicine In Germany, are well aware that, by our,course, we may forfeit the friendship of some y the lacul tv, but not of its benevolent members, who are un influenced by selfish motives. 1 hough we snail refrain from an expression of our opmion, ether of the soundness or unsoundness m Lj. Goclick . new doctrine we are happy to say that we deem his Sanative too valuable not to bo generally known—for what oaf eyes behold a,.d oui ears hear, we must believe. n(Rl _ We hereby sta e, that when Dr. Louis Offen Goelick first came before the German public, as the protended discoverer of a new doctrine and new medicine, we held him in con tempt, believing and openly pronouncing him to be a base impostor « d the prince o quack*-- » . hearing so much said about the Sanative, against it and for it, we were induced, from moti .es ol cuu ositv merely, to make trial of Us repiued virtues upon a number of our most hopeless patients; and we now deem it our bounden duty (wen a the expense of self-interest) publicly to acknowledge its eificacy in curing not only consumption, but other fearful maladies, which we have hereiofoie believed to be incurable. Our contempt for the discoverer of thi.s medicine was at once swallowed up in our utter astonishment at these unexpected results; and, as amends for our abuse of him. we do frankly confess to the world, tuat ’Jj® ° him a philanthropist, who docs honor to 0 e proles sicn. and to our countiy, which gave him hath. The recent adoption of tins medicine into some o our European hospitals, is a sufficient guaranty that it performs all promises. It needed not our estimoay, for wherever it is used it is ia °wn best w i ness. H ERMAN E1 ML LL :>R, w. d. WALTER VAN GAULf, m. d. ADOLPHUS WERNER,m. d. Germany, December 10, ISS6. (3 fe fc fc fc THE MATCHLESS SANATIVE.—By an article in our paperto-day, it will be seen that this medi cine has lost none of its values by crossing the At lantic—tor it appears to be working similar cures in America to those which have astonished Europe. Boston Morning Post. . For sale bv BENJAMIN 11 ALL, Agent, at «h Post Otfice oec 9 IE COKIUaI l>R \fpCjE f OV I ’LI IXUt •>!• L’AMOI.H. \\T y t erceive by (he [ aper.- i hat-the famous French physician. Ft. Magnin, has estab lished an agency lor the sale of the abi-ve named etliaord nary medicine in this city ; oijd to speak the trmh, we are sorry ior it, as we ih n* that there are too many people in this part ol tl.y world al i*«dV We .tare not enter imo an explanation ol the wonders effected by this med.cmei here, but will nevertheless vmture to add, that in* the royal ist trii.e in the world for gentlemen and ladies who are husbands and wives, and who wish to be fathers *nd mothers. The agent should lake this medicines the lar west, where people are scarce ~-i . or Examiner. C “ The I ucine Cordial" is a general invigorator us the human Irame in all the v irious cases o an fe'Uor, lassitude, and debilitation, and is ai the same tune so simp e, vet so efficacious, that wlu.e it can renovate the prostrated en» rgies of a gflmt, an in faut mtv use it, not only, with impunity, hut with advantage. The l.ucmc cordial is al«> an indu hstahle cure lor the ineonlinciice ol the uf’ne, or the in\t.lui.iory discharge thereof. It is likewise an 1,1 valuable and unrivalled medicine in ca-es of Uiromc eiuptions of the skin, and ml he dropsical 0 fleet ions ot the aged '1 his celebrated and inesti mable Cordial is lor sale by HAVILAND, risley fc CO. THOMAS BARRETT & CO. NELSt N CARTER, au t *O. Augus.a Ga. COSBY’S DYSPEPTIC i A Late and Valuable Discovery. PERHAPS there is nothing .•no* -1 cflcviated to disgust Ihe public eye than the innumerable advertisements oi nostrums that are constantly ap pearing in the public prints. All are ready io ex claim,our souls are sick, our ears are pained with every day’s reports of ills and specifics. This state of the puldic mind would seem to forbid any person of delicate mind Irom sending forth any new dis coveries in medicine, to the trial of the public.— Still, motives of delicacy should not prevent us from making known real discoveries, which weare can fident will benefit our fellow men. Tins latter consideration has prompted the authorol these ful lers to raaket icmjvnown. He knows they are high ly efficacious for he himself, his wife, and many friends, have given t hem a thorough trial. He was himself a confirmed dyspeptic,so much, that even his recollection was gone. By using these bitters he has been restored to health. Mre. Cosby was troubled for many years,but was restored to health by the use ol these bitters. This has been the case with many of ins fri nds. Mr. Cosby in sending forth this advertisement, addresses those who know him. Ho has been lor many years a resident ol Augusta at which place he can at any lime ba consulted about ihe bitters. They are good in all cases of diseases of the digestive organs, the symp toms of which are indigestion, pain or oppression in the stomach from food, lossut appetite, flatulen cy, heart burn, giddiness in the head, pain in the side, shortness of breath, lassitude, general weak ness, disturbed sleep, <tc The composniun is en tirely Botanical, and lias proved efficacious w hen many celebrated medicines had failed. In support of which he refers them to Freeman W. Lacy, she riff of Richmond count", and William T. Thomp son, edhor of the Au. usta Mirror, and he might re fer you to many others, but deems it unnecessary as lie is willing to place Hon its own merits. Ah he asKs is sor loose wno are afflicted wnh me dys pepsia to give it atrial. They can be nad at T. H. Plant’s book-store Augusia, and ot t Cosby himself, at the corner ol Washington and Elbs-sireets. GAHVIN 4 HAINES, Druggists,Augusta WILLIAM II LLOYD, Savannah. DAVID REID, Macon. ERAS CIS OUI ER, Druggist, Columbia, S C S. D CLARK 4" Co. Druggists, Hamburg. IIA ST It. 4' NT COL, Greenville, S. C PORCH ER 4 LAROCHE, Druggists, Savannah, Ga. nnv 30 ly Radical Cure ol Hernia or Rupture, by Dr. Chase’s Improved Burgeons T Trusses. fIIHE subscriber has opened an office, at the Drug 1 store of Messrs. J. J. Robertson &Co., for tbs treatment of Hernia or Rupture, by' means of these ustly celebrated instruments. He has now used tiiern for nearly a year, and, did not delicacy forbid, he could name several persons wdio have been radi cally cured, of t lis truly distressing and dangerous affection, by the use of these Tr usses, besides many others who are in a fairway of being entirely re lieved. The following is the language of the com mittee ol the Philadelphia Medical Society on the Radical Cure of Hernia. “ The instruments of Dr. Chase have effected the permanent and accurate retention of the in testines in every case of Hernia observed by the committee, without material inconvenience to the patient, and often under trials more severe than are usually ventured upon by those who wearother trusses; trials that would be imprudent with any other apparatus known to the committee.” “ The committee are induced by the foregoing conclusions to recommend, in strong terms, the in struments of Dr. Chase to the confidence of the profession, as the best known means of me chanical retention in hernia, and as furnishing the highest chances of radical cure.” The foi.owing is from the Southern Medical and Southern Journal, published in our own city. “ All must admit of the radical cure of hernia, and that Dr. Chase’s Trusses are decidedly the best yet invented to effect the object.” Persons from a distance can have the instruments applied, upon application at ihe odice, and all ne cessary information given to enable them to adjus it themselves. The poor, who are laboring under this afflicting complaint, will be treated gratuitous ly upon presenting a certificate,from soraeresponsi* ble person,of their pecuniary disability. The instruments are of all sizes, and applicable I to every variety ol reducible rupture. feb 20 F. M. ROBERTSON, M. D. ) TO THE FACULTY AND HEADS OF FA All LIES. DR. MILES’ COMPOUND EXTRACT OF TOMATO —a substitute for Calomel, and does not belong to the family of quack medicines; for the reason that the component parts aie made known to the faculty, or any one else that may wish to know, by any of the agents keeping them for sale. Since this discovery so long and anx iously looked lor, some one in almost the extreme Noith has advertised a Tomato Pill, purporting P be made from the stalk, a thing not more aosuiu than for one to offer meal from the corn stalk, to say nothing of the difficulty of raising the Tomato so far North. Dr. Miles, of Cincinnati, is the proprietor of the Tomato Pills for the great benefits of which, lie holds himself bound, and in honor pledg ed to prove by their use, that they are all that they profess to be, and will do for othc-is what they have done for such as mav have used them ; as Jiis is a vegetable of great use, and value, it will vloubttess be valuable information to families to know that the Yellow are just doubly as valuable as the Red Tomato, and produces twice as much of the hapaline, oi active principle, and when used as a daily vegetable will be found to keep the system in much better condition than the other kind; many will rccodect with what trembling anxiety calomel has been given to children, and how they then wished for a substitute. It has long been known that the Tomato contained ca thaitic piiuciples, but not until of late was it a>certaine j tnat .aey coniameu alterative and diu retic properties. The Faculty embrace and use the preparation most cheerfully, for the reason that thev know what it is Were it a patent mystery, they would be bound to reject the medicine,as they justly do the one thousand and one cure-alls oi the day. If you wish to cleanse the system with a mild, sa.e anti-bilious medicine, use the Tomato Pill, of which a supply, we learn,will soon heir, his citv. Wc ah Know’ something aooul tnis. ur.e •• XL m j fc: would call attention to the advertisement in W w our columns to-day, ol PEIEIIS VEGE TABLE ITLLB. W e understand by the best med ical authority, that i here is no preparation of the day which enj«-ys so enviable a reputation. At the t-outh and North, iheir success has been unbounded, and wherever introduced we bel.eve they have given the most perfect satisfaction. V»e have tins day had an interview with one ot qur citizens, 11. K. 47 Xj who was recently cured oi a most remark able anil obstinate cutaneous eruption, where the body was covered with fuisome ulcers, and even ilie tonsils of ihe throat eaien away—and oy using them PiLLb daily lor hx weeks, was entirely re stored to health.— New i ork Examiner. PETERb’ VEGETABLE PILLS. They do indeed restore the health of the body, because they purify and niMgoral the blood, and then good effects a-e not counterbalanced by any inconvenience ; being composed entirely ol vegeta bles, they do not expose those who use them to danger, and their effects are as certain as they are salutary ; they are daily and safely administered to infancy, youth, manhood and old age, and to wo men in the most critical and delicate circumstances, they do not disturb or shock the animal functions, but restore their order and re establish their health; mi for all the purposes which a vegetable purga tive or certain cleanser ot tlie whole system are re (imrtd, they stand v.about a rival—they are allow ed to be all that can be accomplished in medicine, both for power and innocence. lUtail price 50 cents per box. bold at all the principal DRUG EIORESin ai r g -jo Augusta, Ga. Iciim jours, OR 7 AxvTi-BALSAMJC GONORRHOEAL SOLUTION, W urranted to cure in Eire Days. rjpHlS incomparable and invaluable remedy so * long known, and used with such unparralleled success in the Canadas for the last 30 yeais, ap pears to need no panegyric. Its operation upon the human system is such that it Invariably acts like a charm, for the relief and radical cure of a certain common and disagreeable “ills the flesh is heir to.” i bis prize obtains its own name from the certain success hich has attended it through all of its trying c cumstances, namely, “five days,”—the same su cess which followed it in a Northern lati tude still obtains in a more Southern. The formula or recipe was obtained at great expense, intrigue and hazard by M. Cheveres, from the celebrated Indian Chief Wabenothe, or Great Moon, whilst he, with others was pursuing the lucrative Fur bu siness in the North-west with the Indians.— W abenoshe prized highly and use it with invariable ! success throughout his two tribes. Its known and j valued virtues have already enriched to an almost ; incredible extentthe children of this warlike piince, not only by actual sale of the article itself to in dividuals, but by parting with copies of his receipt at enormous prices to the Chief of every tribe of Indians in America, with a solemn premise to the Great Spirit, never to divulge the “ait of its com- I position until he sleeps with his fathers,” although I free to use it in their respective tribes, which places it in the hands of every Indian who rely with, 1 may say, religious confidence on its cura- I ble powers Below is a copy of the translation as near as it can I be anglisized of the deed by Wabenoshe.to I >l. Cheveret, when he purchased the original recipe, i and had twice assisted the Chief himself through I the tedious manipulatory process of manufacture. Few’white men would credit the length of time which is consumed in preparing the article for im mediate use. TRANSLATION. “1, Wabenoshc, Chief of the nations Ottowaand Chippewa, for the love and good feeling which I have lor my white friend M. Cheveret, (for he has done many good things for me and my people,) I give to him my greatest cure for the bad sickness which my children have had sent among them as a punishment by the Great Spirit, and hope that in his hands it may do much good, and make him very rich.” Signed WABINOSHE,his mark. Witness APPAHO, his X mark. EVERETT LA VMAN, II ILL AM MCAKIE, J. B. ROY, R. O. DUPUIS, J. S. CARDINAL. This Medicine,! warrrnt by this publication,un der a penalty of $5,000, not to contain one parti cle of corrosive preparation. It is purely vegata ble in its essences. Its first and prominent virtue is to subdue every vestige of inflamation, and then acts mildly and copiously as a diuretic; thereby holding within itself, every requisite virtue, for the subduction of this loathsome malady—and ev ery regular graduate in medicine, will sustain the assertion, thatcopious diuresis and reduction of in flation, are the only two things necessary to effect a sound and radical cure The most peculiar virtue of the “Cinq Jours,” is in tiiis, that wherever it alone has been used to affect a cure, none of those tenacious and disagice - able consequences which almost invariably results from the sudden cure of Gonorrhoea, have been known to obtain such as stricture, hernia, hutnoi alis, incontinence, and a swarm of other of the mosi loathsome, perplexing, and disagreeable dis eases, consequent upon erroneous diagnosis and treatment of Gonorrhoea. Those affected are requested to call and try for themselves. If the prescriptions are well follow ed and fail to cure, the money will in every case be returned. You can do w T hat you please and eat what you please. To be had at Antony & Haines, No. 232, Broad street, who are the only authorised Agents in Au gusta. Ail orders addressed to them, will be promptly attended to. For sale, also,by Wm. B. Wells & Co. Druggists, Alliens; and P. M. Cohen Co. Charleston, au 29 VALUER’S CELEBRATED FRENCH FILLS. THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS CHAL LENGE! HE genuine French Pills against all the quack lx nosiniMis of the age—for t tie cure of a certain disease. The FKENCIi PILLS are applicable in all cases for eithei sex, (wairanled freetrom mercu ry) and do not affect the breath in the least,and are perfectly' pleasant and agreeable to the stomach, and have never tailed to make a speedy snd per manent cure, without the least regard to diet or application to business. In long, protracted, or chronic stages o! the disease, obstinate Gleets, Fluor Albus, Gravel, Female Comp'aints, or a weakness of those organs, they are beyond a doubt the most effectual remedy ever discovered, having cured many obstinate cases alter every other medicine had failed. The French Pills have been so univer sally successful, ihat the proprietor challenges any one to produce a remedy of equal certainly under a lorleiture of Three Hundred Dollars. Price §2 per box. Fur sale by HAVILAND, RISLEY & CO. THOMAS BARRETT & CO. NELSON CARTER, B HARRIS, aug 20 ROBERT AUSTIN & Co. THE LUCINA CORDIAL—BEWARE OF FRAUD. r IIHE unprecedented popularity of this benefi l cent md inestimable CORDIA Lin the United Slates, has induced one or more unprincipled per sons to manufacture spurious catchpenny articles, under various names, and purporting to produce the same effect; but which, in reality, produce no other effect than that of swindling the public; and to give a yet more plausible aopearance of ih* - r cu pidity, those persons affect that their wrelcht i nos trums have been in use in England and elsewhere tor a number of years; whereas, until the illustrious Dr. Magnin made bis wonderful discovery, no cure lor barrenness had been ever thought of, or at least made public ; and ail those then in use for the restoration of the decayed virile powers were found to be of but little avail. Thus, ail nostrums adver tised lor barrenness or the cure of impotency, but Dr. Magnin’s, are mere catchpenny humbugs, which would never have been thought of tint lor the appearance and gieat celebrity ot the LUCINA CORDIAL As no counterfeit of the name is at present in circulation, it may in general be a suffi cient caution for th» purchaser to ask tor the Lucina Cordial, but as further assurance, it would be as well to notet ial its nam , Lucina Cordial, or Elixir of Love, is stamped in the glass of each bottle—the combined aims ot France and the I nited States are on the outward envelope —that a Fleur de Lis is printed on t.he accompanying directions, and beautifully embossed on the show-bills hanging in the stores ol those who have the genuine article for sale. The celebrity of the Lucina Cordial being such as it is, it is scarcely necessary to add that it is the only efficient remedy for barrenness, and the resto ration of decayed virile powers ever known; and that in the cure of F'luor Aibus, Gleet, obstructed, difficult or painful Menstruation, the incontinence of the urine, or the involuntary discharge thereof, its superiority over every other medicine is not on ly decided, but unquestionable. For sale by * HAY ILAND, RISLEY & CO. THOMAS BARRETT & CO. NELSON CARTER, ROBERT AUSTIN &■ Co. au<3 20 Augusta, Ga. K BKHPITMir fllllW —in mmm{ | - , ■ PROSPECTUS OF THE CHRONICLE & SENTINEL. The Chronicle and Sentinel is devoted to ! Commerce, Politics,and General Intelligence. Its location in the principal mart of the State, gives it decided advantages over the pepers of any j other part of the Stale, in presenting the earliest and most important commercial news. Reports of the most important markets in the Union are copied i with great care, ami a review of the Augusta mar ket and the value of money, is made up with the strictest accuracy for the tri-weekly and weekly papers, which affords the Merchant, Planter and all classes of society, the earliest and most impor- \ taut commercial Intel igence. In Politics, it is the advocate of a sound curren- I cy, based upon specie—the re-charter of a National ! Bank —the principles of State Rights—economy j reform and retrenchment in the Federal admin is- I tration ; —and opposes the leading measures of the I present administration of the Gener: 1 Government. I In miscellany and general intelligence, great care is taken to render the paper both valuable and interesting to all classes of society. The proprietors will, as soon as their circulation is sufficiently enlarged, (w-hich they hope will be in the course of t e present year,) increase the size ot their w'eekly sheet, when they will present their pations with the largest and most valuable paper [ in the State. The Chronicle and Sentinel, is published Daily, Tri-Weekly and Weekly, on Broad-st. TERMS Daily paper, Ten Dollars in advance. Tri- Weekly, Six Dollars in advance, or Seven at the end of the year. Weekly, Three Dollars in ad vance, or Four Dollars at the end of the * ear. J. W. fc W. S. JONES. A- gmffa, Ga. March 20th, 1840. CARRIAGES. PUM A HULBERT fc ROLL, at the old stand formerly occupied by Maj. Jesse Thompson, corner of Ellis and Mcln tosh streets, are now receiving an en tire new stock of Carriages from the best manufac ures at the North, of the 1 tost and most approved style, consisting of Coaches, Coachecs, Standing and Extension Top Barouches, Chariotees,Buggies Sulkies, Wagons, &c., together with a large and well selected assortment of Harness, all of which they will dispose of on the most liberal terms. Or ders for any description of Carriages of their own of Northern manufacluie thankfully received and promptly executed. Their friends and the public are respectiully invited to call and examine their stock Tj’Rcpairing in all its branches faithfully exe cuted and with despatch ts nov 1 PIANO FORTES. PARSONS, 295 Broad street, keeps at all { , times for sale, a large stock of PIANO FORTES, from the best bui ders in the country.— I Tho stock generally consists of about thirty to forty instruments, comprising all the qualities. These ! instruments, are selected with great caie, and are . recommended with confidence. Persons wishing ) to purchase can do as well at this establishment as ; at any of the northern manufactories. A guaranty, as to quality and durability, is fur- j nished in every instance. Also, a well selected stock of sheet MU.SlCjPrc ceptors, fcc.,together with Guitars, Violins, Flutes, Accordions, and most of the small articles usually kept in a Music Store. de? 21 ts HAYS’ LINIMENT. riNHIS fine article is warranted to cure Piles or Rheumatism in all cases, or no pay taken for it. GLARING FRAUD! \ A notorious counterfeiter has dared to make an , attempt upon this article, and several have been I nearly ruined by trying it. Never buy it, unless it has the written signature of COMSTOCK 4 Co. on the splendid wrapper. That firm have the only right to make and sell it for 20 years, and all from them is warranted perfe- tly innocent and effectual in all cases. N. B. Always detect the false by its not having the above signature. The true sold only by COMSTOCK 4 Co., Wholesale Druggists. No. 2 Fletcher-st. N. Y. SOLOMON HAYS, Original Proprietor. The genuine is for sale by GARVIN &. HAINES, and ROBERT CARTER, Augusta. ly jan 9 THE HUMAN HAIR, IS Warranted staid or restored, and the head kept free from Dandruff’, by the genuine OLDRWGE , S BALM OF COLUMBIA. Remember the genuine as described below. This is certified to by several Majors, Ministers j of the Gospel, British Consul, Physicians, and a I great number of our most respectable citizens, to j be seen where it is sold. DARING FRAUD! This article has been imitated by a notorious | counterfeiter. Let it never be purchased or used unless it has the name of L. S. COiMSTOCK, or the signature of COMSTOCK 4 Co., on a splendid wrapper. This is the only external test that will secure the public from deception. Apply at the wholesale and retail office, No. 2 Fletcher street, near Maiden Lane and Pearl st.— | Address, COMSTOCK 4 Co., Wholesale Druggists. The genuine is forsaleby GARVIN & HAL? ES, | and ROBERT CARTER, Augusta. ly-jan 9 HORRID DEPRAVITY. SOME notorious counterfeiters have ncarlj- kill ed several persons by selling them a spurious and false mixture of Hays’ Liniment. The genuine is warranted perfectly harmless | and effectual. Never buy the article unless it has ; the wiilten signature oi COMSTOCK 4 Co. on the splendid wrapper. That firm are solclj’ au thorized to make and sell the true article. Origi nal proprietor, SOLOMON HAYS. P. S. The true Hays’ Liniment is warranted to I cure Piles and Rheumatism, in all cases, or no pay ; taken for it. Sold at No. 2 Fletcher street, near Pearl st. and Maiden Lane, New Yoik, bj f COMSTOCK 4 Co., Wholesale Druggists. The genuine is for sale by GARY IN fc MAIN LS, and ROBERT CARTER, Augusta, jan 10 ly HERMITAGE EXTRACT. —This latelj- in vented combination of delightful odors, lias acquired a just popularity-, not only by reason ol | the strength and delicacy, but of the extraordina ry Juration of its perfume. Whilst the strength of inunj- otherextracts and essences is almost as eva nescent as the bloom of the flowers from which they are derived, the Hermitage retains its fra grance for an indefinite length of time, and is | scarce to be removed from the garment on which it is poured, by washing; hence it is probably the j cheapest and most delightful perfume ol our labora- j lories. Also, Cologne, Lavender. Orange, Florida and j Rose Waters, in great variety , for sale bv m arl 3 GARVIN fc HAINES. CU RLING FLUID, fcc.—Blendirg with a grate ful and refreshing perfume, the desirable quality of strengthening and promoting the growth of the' Hair, without giving to it tho greasy hue of Pomatum, or the vo.atile moisture of the ( uls. Its utility is confirmed by the most extensive con sumption. Also, the Genuine Maccassar Oil, and Ward’s Celebrated Hair Oil. For sale by jpnr r 3 GARVIN at HAINEF. CIEORGIA BURR STONES FOR SALE.—A I first rate pair of these Mill Stones, four and ’ * half feet in diameter. For terms applj- at this | office. jan 31 ts NOTICE.-— Those creditors of A. McKenzie, who claim under an assignment made to the subscribers and James M. Carter, deceased, on the ; sth of Julj-, 1833, yviil please hand in their claims, j with proper evidence, as early as cony-euient. PETER BENNOCH, > , • an 30 JOHN P. KING, £ Assignees BLANDY’S MADEIRA WINE. —The subscri bers will receive orders for this celebrated j Wine either cf direct importation or via India. ! Samples may be seen at their office. A few dozen India Madeira now on hand and for j sale by tdcc6i GARDELLK fe RHIND, 4 DVANCES ON COTTON.—Advances will be I made by us, on COTTONS consigned to oui | friends in Liverpool, Havre and Charleston —in j bills on New York at 20 to 30 days sigiit, on con signment to Europe, and 1 to 5 days sight, on con signment to the latter place. The shippers, in all cases, will have the benefit of the Exchanges, dec 25 ts GAR DELL E fc RHIND. U OGDEN AND WILLOW WARE.—Chil dren’s Wagons and Cradles, Market Baske ts Clothes Baskets, Churns, Cedar and Painted Wash lubs, Foot Tubs, Door Mats, Brass bound and Painted Buckets, Brooms, Brushes, and various other articles in this line, for sale by dec IS ' LJL BEERS & Co. fIHIE Subscribers have this daj- entered into -* Partnership under the firm of FORCE, BRO THERS 4 CO. LEWIS M. FORCE, JOHN P. FORCE, BENJAMIN W. FORCE, BENJAMIN CONLEY, Augusta, January Ist, 1840. All persons indebted to B. W. Forcf & Co. arc requested to make immediate payment. FORCE, BROTHERS 4 CO. Wnolcsale Dealers in Boots, Shoes and Leather, have on hand an ex tensive stock, which they- offer to country- mer chants at Northern price*. jan j ts PICKLES AND PRESERVES.—The subscri bers havejust received a complete assortment ol Pickles, consisting of Walnuts, Cauliflower, Mangoes, Red Cabbage, Picolilly, Onions, Mixed Pickles, Peppers, Gerkins, Beans, In half gallon and quart jars; Cucumbers in pickle; London, French and American Mustards; Ketchups of various kinds,and other Table Sauces. ALSO AMERICAS AXD FOREIGN PRESERVES | Peach, Green-gage, Damson, Egg Plum and Peat j Preserves; Currant, Raspberry and Strawberry 1 bellies and Jams; East India Ginger in pots, West i India Orange, Citron, Limes and Pine Apple Pre ; serves; Guava Jelly in glass and boxes; Citron. ] Prunes, Raisins. Figs ana otner anca fruits, all I fresh and ir. line order, lorsaie ov ; dec 18 I. S. BEERS fc Co. j SUPERIOR HUSH LINENS, IMPORTED direct from Ireland. Superior 7-8 undressed Irish l inen ; do 4-4 do do do do 9-S do do suitable for Pillow Cases; Long Lawns ; j Just received and for sale by July 15 WM. H. CRANK & CO. 11 ICE —20 Casks now landing. A constant | J supply will be kept on hand, and furnished to dealers in quantities to suit, by dec 0 GARDELLK fc RHIND. \T private sale, a handsome new Chariot, on Eliptic Springs, latest style. For sale by july 7 \V. E. JACKSON, Auctioneer. lEMONS. —11 boxes Lemons, just received and A forsaleby W. E. JACKSON, june 20 Auctioneer. ALE. —5 casks Scotch Ale, pints, £7 just received and for sale by j june 20 W. E. JACKSON, Auctioneer. SACKING. —8 bales heavy- SACKING for sale by GARDELLE fc RHIND. may 5 ts IJB AGGING TWINE—S bales just receiving and for sale by aug 18 GARDELLE & RHIND XCIIANGE ON NEW-YORK at sight to 60 J days sight, in sums to suit purchasers, bv aug 18 GARDELLE fc RHIND. OLD PEACH BRANDY —A choice article, for sale by SIBLEY fc CRAPON. Hamburg, August 10, 1840. SITUATION WANTED.—A Lady' from tiie North desires a situation as Teacher. Apply at this office. tf —July 13 N r OTICE.—The subscriber having associated Mr. Robert T. Hyde in bis business Loin the | Ist inst. it will from that date be conducted in the j name of DUNLAP 4 HYDE. July 9. IS4O. J. G. DUNLAP. SUPERIOR WELCH FLANNELS. —Snowden fc Shear have received from New Y ork, a sup ply of superior Welch and French Flannels, and extra Welch Gauze Flannels, (warranted not to shrink.) Also extra Damask Table Clo’hs and Damask Napkins, and undressed Linens, of extra width, for pillow cases, of a superior fabric, to which they respectfully invite the attention of the public. sept 2 : B7IUUR months after date, application will be ! X’ made to the Honorable the Inferior Couit of i Scriven county-, while sitting as a Gouitof Ordi nary, for leave to sell the whole of the ,ands be longing to the estate of James Mcßride, late of said county, deceased. Bept. 25, 1840. JOHN R. KITTLES, Ex’i. } 79OUR months afterdate, application will be _ made to the Honorable Inferior Cuui tof Rich : mond county, when silting for oidinary purposes, for leave to sell all the Real Estate and Negroes, b longing to the Estate of Rebecca Quizenberry deceised. A. 81BLEV, AdmT. August 18. 1840. 19 OUR months afier date, application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of ! Burke county, when sitting lor ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the real csla e of Joseph li. Bell, minor of Archibald Bell, deceased. JAMES GODBV, Guardian. October 3, 1840. 190 UR MONTHS AFTER DA TE, Application * will be made to the Hon-the Inferior Courtof Richmond county, when sitting for ordinary pur poses, lor leave to sell the Negroes belonging to the estate of the late John Clarke, of said county, dec’d. sept. 16 WM. H. GOODRICH, Admr. 1790 UR months after date, application will be _ made to the honorable Infeuor Court ol Burke county, for leave to sell three hundred and eighty acres of land belonging to the estate of John McCoy,deceased. J. C. ATKINSON, ? A . , JOHN WALLACE, V Ad July 10,1840. I 9OUR months after dale, application will be made to the honorable the inferior Court of Columbia county, when silting for ordinary pur poses, for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of John Jones, late of said county, deceased. July 18, 1840. EDW. W. JONES, AdmT. I .9OUR months after date, application will be made to the Honoiable Inferior Court of Jef ferson county, when sitting for ordinary purposes for leave to sell all the real estate and negroes of Nathan Stephens, late of said county, deceased for benefit of the heirs and creditors oi' said deceased. Juiy 25, lS4v>. JOHN CROOKS, Adm’r. * HAV ANA SEGARF. — 10M V'enus Brand, 5 M Venus Regalia, 5 M Canonis, 2 M assoited Brands. Also, 10 boxes Havana Sweetmeats. Just re ceivcd by [jy 29] L S. BEERS & CO. B | UFONT’S POWDER.—SOO Kegs 11. T. JL w sporting Powder, oO kegs do do lo kegs “Eagle” Powder, in canisters, . 1000 “ Blasting do. Just received and for Side by (dec)_ GARDELLE <fe RIIIND. SATIN ETTS AND KENTUCKY JEANS.— SNOWDEN If SHEAR have received from New Vork a large supply of Salinetts and Ken tucky Jeans, of various colors. Also, a large «up p-y of Lupin’s best French Merino’s, of beautiful colors, to which they respectfully invite the atten tion of the public. sept 15 PHELPS’ COMPOUND TOMATO FILLS.— i liese pills may he taken on any occasion when an anti-bilious purge is needed, and from the safety with which they may be used, and pleasant ness of their effects, have obtained great reputation as a geneial family medicine. For sale by aug .4 HA VILA NT>, KJSLKY & Co Ho WAN’S TONIC MIXTURE— A specific and , lasting cure for the Fever and Ague —is com posed ol such medicinal principles as were consi dered most lit to restore the harmony of action be tween the stomach, liver and other important func tions of the sy tern, the loss of which harmony is evidently the immediate cause of the disease. It speedily promotes a regular and healthy appetite, by which effect vigour and strength is soon afforded to the whole system. The genuine for sale by aug24 HAVILAM), KISLEY k Vo. BALE HOPE. CA/A/A COILS good Bale Rope in Store, and { ?)UU for sale, in lots to suit purchasers. Ap ply to B. PICQUEi’, sep 29 (w3t) Near the Market. INStBANCE AEENXV. rpHE undersigned havingTicen a*ppomt ed Agent ■ ol the Protection Insurance Company of 1 lart ford, Conn., is prepared to take risks against Eiie in this City and Hamburg, or in the country. Also on Colton and Merchandise on the River, on the most favorable terms. sept 25-trwlm WILLVS CATLIN. "VTOI ICE.—Taken from a negro man, on the I i l 22d inst. a double barrel Percussion SHOT GUN, which the owner can have by calling on tho | subscriber, thirteen miles from Augusta, on the Louisville road. A. W. RHODES. sept 24 w3t ADJIINISTI’iATOK’S N OTICE. DEBTORS to the estate of John Clarke, de ceased, are notified to make payment to the undersigned, and persons having demands will band in the same legal ij- proven within the time pre scribed by law. sept 15 WM. 11. GOODRICH, Admr. NOTICE. rjNHE subscribers having taken the store *nd i purchased the Drugs, Fixtures &c. belonging to the late James Levericn, beg leave, io inloun their friends and the public, that they will con tinue the same business under the name of Robert Austin & Co. They are now receiving an addi tional and extensive supply of Drugs,Paints, ( its. Glassware, , from the North, which they intend to sell on moderate terms. v ountry merchants and others, previous to their purchasing elsewhere, arc requested to call and examine their stock and prices. The Drugs we I will warrant to bo ii-osh and es superior qua I ty, and w ill feel thankful fur the continued puuun of Dr. Leverich’s former custorneis. ROBERT AUSTIN, sept 25-trwtf J. A. TRUCHELUT. 81XTY days from this date application wil be made to the .Mechanics’ Bunk of Augusta, for the renewal ol the following certificates of stock, (the originals being iosl or mislaid,) viz: No. 330. Twenty-five shares in tne nan e of George Thomas, dated March 2d, 1835. No 482. Twenty shares in the naine of the same, dated March Bth, 1837. Application will also be made sixty days from this date, to the Iron Steamboat Con pany, for the renewal of tiie following ceitiiicates of slock, (the originals being lost ot mislaid.) viz: No. 1. Ten shares, dated May 21st, 1835. No. 112. Ten sh res, dated March loth, 1837. No. 114. Ten shares, dated March 18th, 1837, all in favor of George Thomas. A. SlliLEt, Attorney. Augusta, September Sih, 1840. INCUR months alter date application will be made to the Honorable, the Inferior Comt of Jefferson county, for h ave to sell a lot of pine land in said county, being a part of the real tsiale of Samuel Hannah, minui of A in. Hannah,deceased, for the benefit ol said minor. THOMAS HANNAH, Guardian. September Btli, 1810. lAOUR months alter date application will be made to the honorable Inferior Court of Co lumbia county, when silling as a couit of ordinary, for leave to sell ail the land and negroes belonging to the estate of Isaac Lowe, late of Columbia coun ty, deceased. CURTIS LOWE, Adm’r. Septembers, 1810. OUR Months after date, application will be made to the honorable Inferior Court of Burke County, for leave to sell a Negro, belonging to the estate ol Thomas Mailoiy, deceased, for division. JOHN B. ROBINSON, Adm’r. July 10, 1840. lAOUU months after date, application will be _ made to the honorable Inferior Court of Burke county, while sitting as a Court of Ordinary, for leave to sell two hundred and twelve acres of land, belonging to Joseph H. Bell, a minor. JAMES GODBEE, Guardian. September 10, 1810. lAOUR months after date, applica ion will he ’ made to the honorable the Infeiior Court of Richmond county, when silting for ordinary pur poses, for leave to sell the real and personal estate of Mitchell Nelson, late of said county, deceased. July 18, 1840. JOHN CARTER, Adm’r. IN OUR months alter dale, application will be _ made to the Honorable Inferior Court of Burke county, while silting as a Court of Ordinary, for leave lo sell 500 acres of land, belonging to the estate of Daniel J. Evans, deceased. Aug. 8, 1840. JESSE P. GREEN, Adm’r. IN OUR months after date, application will be ' made to the Honorable Inferioi Court of Rich mi. nd countv, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to*sell ail the Real Estate, and Negroes, belonging to the Estate of Ihomas Quizenberry, deceased. A. SIBLEk, Adiu’r. August 18, 1840. I months after date, application will be ' made to the honorable Inferior Court of Burke county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real and personal estate of Lewis Wimberly, sen., late of said county, deceased, August 11, 1840. BAML. FOSTER, Adm’r. months after date, application will he ' made to the honorable Inferior Court of Burke county, for leave to sell eighty acres of land be longing to the estate of Drury Forenand, deceased MARK STOKES, Adm’r de bonis non. July 10,1540. INOUR months after date, application will be 1 made to live Honorable, the Inferior Court of Scriven county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the real estate of Samuel M. Newton, deceased. . JAMES W. LEE, Administrator. October 13, 1840.