Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, October 17, 1840, Image 2
CHBOMCLL AMI SEMI>£L. a i' o i s t a . SATOILaV M MSiG, OCTOBER ]T. f 01. ; i i *t. WWLLJAW Mt’VKV HABEISOI, <>f OH»0 Tut jitiocibk Hem of 1 ippecano* —ti*e iiicw- Tup*.io.t btetot^nm* —tw mfiom. i* liejnr. A£» — tot jeloot Farmer of Ohio. foe vict-ftcrttyt, JOif 5 TYLEB, Qf VrrfTLTL .a ; A Stale Rights ILepubikac of tut school of T?— out ci * uobiet'. fcoiit. auc etcpfeatao--y or it of America T mot fcagaviu at, virtuous. aut pu-.nu'-c. Btatestuex. io* imxcycire '. j Ftm l-lpt i-fr ' cx-fexsiuept. GEOBGE ire GILMER, of Qfietterj*. !>:;>• ;-L CLINCH, o: Camaeo. X«*f WifITEHLAL. of Bur;.e. CiLLELU IKCCHHEBTY. of Ciark. ill iii\r} ' HI, of Haui-ott. YXATON r. HA3 T 14, VL. a: Baidwm. 1 STRONG. of Bias .loEs W - CAMPBELL of Jfnseapfc ryrrtn wii£i<i._Y. of UYIiXW KHItK. vc Cw. "A :11.1aH EZZAJII : f iXfc.it —T&t arm re n » epscruay r maly. ueat_ - Vj," -i.f TllOXif at* b-tre-X -Mirv sl*rr *«- E»rt Pwtimii. Tu* Lteio: uous art at ua:t pRXtC lor otccmeEM • t p-v » * d« N . “Iwtrt Loctcacoi art tr* only Ast>a:»ol’Uia.i4i? tuey art copwiag tot *:» 5 i*f Nf.— V* mri ait emkax icmg u pat* rat* of as lotrcafoc* .prtert Tot Gcr-pora. art toe Cxaigytos Mtrcwr txiuu , JtC a me” - Lx* Hi; .LUC*: t *’-t -0 *.!* .*tt * 1 iVjts:.iii£ruL Tysot. of Henusylrama V.-.a* tar too u ;*. Corpse- re fair m politic* ' A ill rot tell J'Tjz readers that ' Hon- >— CPtai’ifH Lef.tr. Tot ler*: of :« Ho*. ? bta» y, member of "Coo£!ttt Iron. Mm Can nr., ‘■houlc ue attettve . rtac : r e* try booltH max. f rvTt. :m C-a umoui L.uvutrtr. Hot. J. M CfclitOML. Tut «Ui.Ees'i.iUfc CUU'at.trtrC It '.US fo.iCV r f ■cotna»ttnica-»oL a-e uuti- appropnait too well timed Goa-mg at titer do from a ois’reug tush « ci.lieu of tut "Male aac * ©preseii Lug lie Qfn.nm.uut leeiiugs of tut pa-y m tint aecuon, «t lee: cunfmeut tua: luey wii. owe! with tut consider ax on wkicb tuev deaerre. O' tut pe'o-uat c.a. -a* aud r _<...ucatioae of Juugt Ca.uoui it it lo tpeat, — Aojotig tuuat »:uo feuow u.m west, we presume ljuatt ut it uoirersii !y a' tuowitdgiec le m di»- lor vU tuvte rcuerout 1 eeitDgt.at well *■ tuwat traits oi ctiaracter wflicii peculiariy fit tun lor -.ut stauuu of i'feai jeu: or tae r*ei;aie- Ae tiit cotmoetu *of tue puuiic press, we are pe'-c.pt oe;.i*j' aoit tuai otue'» lc of tut es mOi'.im. r'iC* wLicL ut uas teoderec tut party iu nt .<oe struggle- V»'e koow fu we., witii wife. t<eeo<fct>t ' * au.t watcued e ery ai'j't- Bieu-t of fje ettesoy, auc w r.i. wuat ak i au a,'v tuebe irf: pi r '-e. u»-tr e'en yiyw. Let tie |wi viC rule of cr-ueu&u-? - to weojc so so* it or a* te et*er»ec. aud tue »crc-ct of our l-itodt w oe fouuu iu f*' o' of tut Uoos of “ Muscogtse.’ M ttt t.t £v;wii bulucient return* ua't oett reoenuC rvas tue ae'e'a C oux.uet to reader it * moei oerta r. tut tuert w. ot a nua ha jon v . u tut H-r.a -e opposed to tue I 'eaeut Ad- StiiiMst'a-.ox. v ttrt Geuera. Ooaeratueet. It tut organ-Xt. oi. o' tua '>ocy .; w... oe .otp < -''t<:it luat -t* p eu.o-'x wifi'jer t -o-.t ue aej»?-vec »:ti. a t.ew io tut L-ereels of tut “state ao. rea-pect for luost wuo Lave ooi.tr.ou te, to tue t/,o»e of cue tauat from wu.'tu we ooufedeirty asi'-actpat* oe.ier ..sues for our country. It .004, O'er ue ■ «.:u<t of tuo*e wuo U*ve beet, uouo-ec w i t ,u t at uody. nv out prewer t* ttjvre c.«. ru* uu .uat of our ieuow-Cit m«i Jcow-t b <da.u-> tt. A* » pfe»*c ' ? txer ue u p'oo*}A and co> slee.'oourtieo-u* m tit ueportaaeot aud cooc atorv tu u s tuauiuers- fr. tue coolest turoojrii wtteb • e t't pusiAC Le was ao.oug tue i'st to t*- p>u«e tue can** o’ Kelofau.. and tue coiotatA of )v,f pfcpe' >ear aitpA te» ..ruuuy to tue .ucoa tijr, *«u auc laaeot, wutL w u-L ue co'-oacted tut cauae 7-e : uosdert of • Out of tie f'eopk/' of v* uicu ue war .e •. * /wet au uou p : m a- Otoug tue first of tue po, uca wnter* ju our state a.oc coutr t«jtec more luax. any it.ug e «e to ea.l tfito arruoe 'u<it spirit of iusesugatior. auuoug lie pt>p.e to wu-cL it m fe.uly to ue att/udu-teo tue reao l of tie elecuou* iu Georgia. ic a aectioua p., .•. of %.ew. we Lave some Ciaimt; lor, VI eaterri Georgia lae no representa tive m Uer oouaeti* —auo we ueetu ou r ael*es f vr -tuaate u Lav -,g aiu our power to preseut out •o weil qua .CeC to repreaeut L * politic*, fr.euds, ami so uuea«orpttouau.e to as op;a»ueot*. Tueee euggestioae are ruace witkyul retweaoe to tie (U au of o’.uec* and witioot tie knowl edge ol Mr. Caluotttu Mcacooit. GearxEaL HaaaiKov irt E»l --o«a»ts. —lfi reply to a Letter addressed to him by Mr. Fiistu J. Gutioof Puiladelphta, miking a re*pectf*al of Geaesal Haaatso* m re gard to ii* dispOßitioo towanis foreign etnigia/iU, the General addressed a f ran a and generous com munication, of which we find the following ex tract in that very excellent journal, tie FfuUukl phi a Htandwud . Nobth Bob, Hep t. 25, “ Throughout the whole course of my political life, I am satisfied that no sentence ever fell f ont my lips which could be coaetrued into an unfriend ly feeling to the Europeans, whe have emigrated hither to enj ,y tie advantages which our free in stitutions afford, or a wish to extend the period which is fixed by the existing laws for their full admission to the rights of cilitenship.” A Good Ricom.mkxi)atiox.~A friend, speak ing to us of the lats Maine election, concludes with much propriety in the strung words of Mr Van Buren’s Message on the subject of the Stan ding Army.—“ As connecting itself intimately with i his important subject,” “I cannot recom mend toe strongly to your con'ideration the -vlas” of beating the LocuFocos every where . —Nashville Banner. Another inuap it south C«rolitm. V> iean. by * prmeuevz m tut Gi-eervuie sage, thu‘ G--. I'iempeßß, wbt- oeclmei rumiing again. ... Kuc'xtoec by In. hvJex, a warn, a;vocals ad Keiorm Lwt out. to li»e south I The adrr.iLi'tratioc party wserr tc. thick that ths paopje o: the >9C 1 i are a race of tc vn ca iy acy sort of bait, ever ..its of rag. w hits or track.or airnos: auy otfcerct>ier. that is lessee out u tue a. Tia.- ia-t car: it t - present ct-Eier if i. simuitaue bus . .übonuu anc ciam-.irouf aticnsTt it stir upit 'he breasts o: to*; Sootnen. people, by even sprt of irnsrepreseptatioat-acc by every trie* of cum "mg, ieeiitifif of vectiOpa. distri®t against tueir t.’iethseii o' tue Middle- Nortaesu anc Lasierx Statei Let tut peoput >•: tor Soutr.. t ie* i»e or tueir pu; rc arc enure a., tier, atsempts as tw art-i . of desperate cos. piraeors apaicsl then :a-act auc jsgamst toe public wedare. Let u>eir treat tne loui an.-*nipu it alienate t»etr iroir tneit best frienox a 1 toe art c>: t cammo® public eneny anc traiiui it the best iatew* l .? ot ti*e I xuoa li our friend* wish t: jmew toe truth icspectmg public KStnual ix tut t-asletx States, msieat o: - t-iuuf u reec.. irvereret ...•».»«*. tut .istex to tue voict ot tat easttrr tfceinKives. e* er» stem arc uuiiorn-.y etparSsec at rt if x tue fi row -R£ articie iron: tue Lrattieuorc Vt. Flail, o: 2L .- Tue orvax of Mr. Vax bi;:ct comes rut this weei. w::i. y ■« t. tue riosi £.i’m£ a:»c unqualified fais-euoods that eve; cisg acec its c®, brans. It at tributes toe i.a * t -a: Defeat of me * k ai. ? uaea party i. tms c ate u tue s: in: of abolitioriisn — that it ir a .nun p of a.'UttioaQism. ts. c. We ue- Leve we a;t we acqaai tec witi. t.ue party cob - test which vt carriec ot u tiuc Mate previous to tue eiectior.. auc we u» jkiow tua* auciilxyt nor ar.ti-auu tiOL tiU ever over. n. ar. i fjrm. ucn*e or r:nc. ormtgrd utfore :ru ye-jjdt r - « State; ant further Ban . teat it ha- never ueer. is an- way. a eutb 'jhcßttuKfor ct-l or,* pat :* /-orTi rio' cii in f*- r»«er vert i umes? i: nas ueer usee :y tire Van buret party it tueir uottmatiots ft: -.--e-xn: an: Lie-’.exact Girvemor. who. we are uott aboirtiomstf »t ceMai: ;y know tue ias* tc :e one of tue most Ultra anc aut itiom?*s it tne wane 'tale. Lita- i fact, as the C-icoe teli* us. I t;.at VercHim goes Wtig ;-e-cause of at-. ..tor. prin ciple*. wry Q fc not ne Van Barer papers x this ■ t.re; know better. A few cars after tue e.ettiox. a u-stragu: ut t Van Burei max -are in in nea:- mg. txat ne a at'ren r.ac tue "tate uac tout for tue Whigs, a? :,e rwutn w th: ihixX : tue effect of abbLtiuL.-*t. ans tuey s-hobih gax two i one. a: tue re>tJt *AiC suow Tue trust re . iw ci® tet dl the par: of tue Wiig pary Jxtx.-f Stare t-t f*«en ■.•arrrec _x arax.-:-r tue y; tue Geaera Goresnmeiit i nost wuc tpfsvve ; ■ tue atitr-x.ret-at ,-r of !>'r '-'jx Bu er * i ;e: v . meat ar j exception- so tuz* x net; an t tub-t wut a- :i_tc».->ex UM: '* it Burex s rrea earts j; e: tor tue V-Tig t caet , an: If-e cuertibi te. ret .• t *e.t tt; ne e: been me: ec in ax» re; tue part* pa.-ere .l tue Mate cl inp tue cat -a; Trie «ut re articit Las iree*. OL>t ur ty tu*- ••cracibuf t -tree tor tue purpose of ce-oeirung tue mil them a* njirs V* e u-x assure lUev. auc “t can at- u without me fear of eontrattic ioo in tin Matt, tuat tue interests anc poiAica views of tue V. x.4gi re: - ertr on: sue penecrey menu .a. with tua.re t: tree bootk. Majox Hatok at .*•'iJHniiF- —We jean. f.-u Tr. rhe >us a*, ue Bacner oi tue ->■: instant * at Iu a '<r Hu: r « .:t-e:e . e-srnr at me Loi: Catm. I ue says : i art. go ut rem.erect- an: free Ton i .e --amicxUb' his appeal t. his Did J acre Bun fuel, as up’., v e tt- r hate beenby fus : of then, as ’•J'e re present He oeL -er i. s pn-- tjur. »err-jetrir —:epe iec tue imputairons that nave • -sea cost tp ot tue mo ves in w. icn ue is actuatet—-ta*ec tue reasons wa. n ..at me been: tim tc- support Gea.. liar .eat ratuer than Mr Vat Bare:., ant suowee that in do.ngt>o. ut wax only acting upon tue gwot aid Jackson p.mcipies wh*ch ue nad so long ma.b l.anesi,'' JVc-rj. .Vra I‘o-k Anter. -. an. A Ob fat Bu to ai f at Hm--—Notice le here- I by given, that a pno;»'. aaie wh taste place at the ■'f* Ji.'uoc on tue 4ti March nex of a splen did cuhecuoc of MLegzi t arm met —eonsiatmg of J c 'Xrtiretf. Jh'.-u nge< i>. vu u■■, Jja. re- k Curia ut Ooid ttpor/m. Hdu u*jd Kuc!t/tn Toast t auc 'kn out acne* articles too tec ous to me*. ..on. ue.ng , tine same coHect.on em neraiec ••• Co,ou», Ben- • ton m c.s ietuout deacnp:«n of :r.e East Koom/’ cir.ug Mr. Acaiue acxn n.stration — rent »a«cL &*tic«e* "ce neither nsec or purchased tv mat Free-dent, out -esecec f.-r Mr. Van Btren, a« twitter suned to area/ Dcmocra c Prutdenft hsjJj U y £a-ii notice of i.ie ;# herein- pntc with a request that the tame -oe puo-;-ned »u tne Court Jouruare of E- rope, Egypt and Terse' that tue Fr.unes anc P .-textaleb-of tiioaccountries asiiy supply tuem.-e, 'es—-ar.c the editors or pL.b .-.-iers of said joerna-- w. . insert ta.c uot.oe. anc sene me- - c j« Li K udernoot for payment Term* of **.«. Ca>Ji. .n go-, or «.»er. or i reav ury 31 w*. ' provided taic note* can oe d.aeoualed at ne Brenu of A tuenca. y V. great apa u soSe-ec at this s»-e. as the “ci 'frung owupv-rtf” oe.i.g an oA/ fat n sjrud Ij> fttfrcrui kaa ueimer koewthege of. or use lor. tiaeae iv xw *■•&*- A >re, a ’ c --/e 4 rue auc t ace. w r ue offeree for j t,e tue re. .. fjrgan and Kx-.ra. w.-.r. ne aer * re.-te of re • --#p- -e eurere-'s- if me t jrjue of theae est r.-.<te: a*, t - ere cos* to the pcsjplt— the under- gued can't *pca« Px» : gniy in mere p'i-se. aituough many c esi them among t-.e b f J/i I’snjk. of me t.aree cot : ng a,ora uau ■ne;r ur.og. T.c*y w -* r found, however, adKi-rea cakc ateC for h'vdcurrency coun '.nee, oeu..g great es paper ;n exchange for go'j or s ver. Jne peop.e .f mi* country ue.ng gr.or ar.t of their »« -e. v. , tl not prooai.,y ,q n.gh for jecaunog mem. arm a great c-arga i> ma% oe ex pa*, ted. i e-mt of ra.e maoe b> t-.t convex; enos of pur- - a*er». By oruer «/f the Pco'ie. ECONOMY, REFORM Ac CO., A ucticmwers. Gear, aAt Habkisos-—A Cor respond eut of -Le Cornf.oem ■« Adver* ser, g -e* the R-how ng ot*cupUQfj of Genera Harr son’» appearance at C.i c-nnsf* on the .at of October. 7he Genera. tall and thin in person, with a k-ghf stoop hot ne bear* his years most ga. a„t iy : !ii» eye, of the keen*-*’ an; deepest ,sue, en-ire-re, tea far, nor do*re hie air or manner ree reay n* .ea--. - , ey...p oa« of any oecay of -.t* fac ulties, H-: sp-ite for an hour and aU f. ir ,d w-u most d Mine’ y heard rev every one n the »aat as-.-em hiage. His langwaye i* rn v*t UauUftit; tue re U no t -ain.ng after effect or tne giarre.* of oratory, bet me most chaste s.mj/re ty wa* conspitoocs througfjout. I wiii not try to give the of his apeecb, as it w,H doubtless be [ i ,*f*ed, I only wish u_at l/toteof L.s opponents who have caned into sa “im!ieeik old man” could have hearo hi* nod e an*J manly vindication of hi-,,self from the siandei* :eaj«ed upon Em. H ; s matt . uer of speaking a’yout the op passing candidate* was mat of a perfeot gen 4 ie»ian. and while he ful ly exposed t.e ruinous designs of the Adminis tration, he was careful not to utter a single word that c ould be construed into personal offence. As far as I can Judge, he has all the qualities of a most able statesman, and will discharge the du ties of tne office of President with consurmnate abilitv. The impression is daily gaining ground that he has been underrated even hy hi* friends and I have not the least doubt that he will ex ceed their most sanguine expectations. Massoth Arm—On Thursday last, Mr. Lutbtr Plumen, of Dearborn county, Indiana, j sent to the city two of the largest apples we have ever seen, to be presented to Geu. Harrison and Gov. Ty ler. One of them measured 1C inches in circumference, and weighed I lb. H oz .—the oth er 15 nches. and weighed 1 lb. 12 ounces. This gentfeman presented one of the tt me kind of apples to Gen. Jackson in 1835, which grew upon another three. He -ay that tree ha* never k*rne a large apple since.— CiadtiHali litpubli- j Letter iifsm Mr. W«Bh. ol N- 1 .. u> i ©us of 4 npaia. WiSHttuu ui: srpi -T- 3>4 V-; }t«b fg»—l tuvt read wni mi t jiiC£?urf TrtHjr *rr«r ti your rmsmtueniE.. n iative tr cck-i pax e: Pom erx nnc the Boot rasr ■ I ;?s ; r xjitv ti* Presaaerc anc ms >:‘CTetarr«- ci .*etestae tbemseu*h- so .nc.:uitu'., m u.*: it in tern.!* to •snitiC tnemse ves from ptoar mffirn-- tiai. Tat;* are gross mconsisteacies and rar.tr. - dicaons ir then it nert. wmcx cannot be reronxueib Bstt this yon hive ;.aaoe: well, an, nomi c re ■niii; fee wst tc say. I vrisk. Mwerr:. tr> saj z wore rexave tr tbe concur: o: toe .“'ndr iaiy Cwasiit&e. Toe Ptps-- ceir . ix his electioneering if tier to Mr. Bunak, says. - tsat tins cornmitief ate silent up* toe su: ou" After Mr. Stmts, of (. Diiuefurut. re signed. I was placet or xuat amm.tiee to sup:-. 1 tut- eacwj Tit* case o. Lieutenant i. c».*e * L ‘ men Ttkrrtc tc ti?. sac toe cuuuuittee. wort r-’-- a- vrfp*. rr tie watt weatoer. sirtnip : r late at tigut aic toe press of btisiwesi.. found it in.posaii.if, with toe in lie tzrae at our t. coc-iaer t-.-j case. witho-t nek'iecting a„ toe otner bu=me-E :*eiore me Committee. As wet. as 3 remetsne* mere w-s nor a mil meeting ot tue Tommiuee kite: i became a mem ber of it. But what tb it iroittH-ed mat tbe .'binncy Coniir.r. e siiomi :. • 1 e n Ate 1 seer a:. a:u- Cif it rue CoTeniiDEßl orsai- commenting noun toe xcte it tre Hou?f . ot -be res: ctiot. oi 3 Caapoatr. rs Alabama, at: of coarse mi*represent ing toe wpu*e ac: .r. Ly xe erenre to me jonni . yet »I e; -se:?e mat or tbe 34th c; July, ~ a me tier was it aoe by Mr. Cmpmat. of A fame, mat toe rue? m reitioi to the nine: of business i«f fus peiiQec. to eiatif i.im to more tut foi-iwitr reso iUtlOE :** • Kt: j.ved. That tbe diciary Committee. cav ing marge of tbe cast of Lieut. Pont, qc 10.t:.v.x report a oil] it tx.- pdojc. prori.; ilin; toe ennst iijs .t t: iitcroe? o: . ortc re *■ nm* stm- ice t>: "tit JJarv or Army .•: ti»e - li-leC Mates. Tt u..s rcsoiutiDi 1 wi? eeci ec y ooposec. and gr it !gi- -eastms for il It triese. n’ I remtmotr nget. you concurred. By rt ferenoe to me o: toe ~m Jay,you mt..'. bnc Isueceeaen m tia>- i at these objections ecteiec oi me jooma . I asaed tt r-e excused from vc mg. that 1 mignt oe era: .ec tt a.-.- gu my reasons, nr mm were as fm iCrtTi, ; “Mr. ftar'y tc at excused from xotaig. because toe . udiciarr Commitlee nac not Unit at tins ptMoc of tbe sr-sion t. examine am ; epart ary .aw or any sutyeci ? oe :aust tut Piesuiem and mt ■secretary jf mt ?ftr\ rac area:;- fuil powta an, ir. it>r:ty o exc.udfc m-m mom giving teu stes; against smite met. an. tt< set a.-mt mt pro cetu*rg' of cou is martian. . tbey r asr any tning req uering »near iateriexence; e.c uecaust ne Mr. *■ come rot corsti t mat tut Na» suo. tue -f --pnvec es tue services .. refries, as coua-. ste*- aras. air. servants. :w: tbeie is u» ueeess.ty tuey sb©a>d oe witnesses a: d be-.-.use. to ec«c: bucl a .aw as due gectjsrmai from A.-.a:r.a proposes. woe,? m efiect. make w. .:e men negroes, by iao po- r.r on tuero lot necessity oi distbarging cutie* neretomre co-cnargec by negro* s Tms explains m.» opinions, as s soutnem man, arc a 1 a metier of tut J . mciaiy C aznmittee- And afie; aennerate exam matin: . I -*c itve tuese views art- correct: arc . snow a ,i.ge majority of boutn err men wL trirk w:*: me. ?e* fieat .aoorat r of .les.tbe Giobe. gires tbe names of tu.se woo votec again?t Mr. Cuapmar's rest uti.n if you wifi look at tbejonma’. you wid fmd. on tbe jPm es fuv.Mr, C r.aprnan intro:need us re- 1 s ut.jL to bai t mt n ts s. - pen tec -an . tue j eas an nay? a:e there g.tet. Tbt u-i.oe v. ... c n-ve tue '-cum tc btliewe, tnat a tut Locoiocos woo suptiorted Mr. Chapman .• r.- motion axe good Democrats, and frieiidi of tbe Sooth. Put to ex pose t-.is ir founded and bypoc-iticai pitt»r-.0:.. I need o:.;»* cab your attention to tbe ram.es es H. ’*V. iajtis.a*c Wn.. Parmenlti. both f » o:r are found rotiOg wit:. I-'r. Cba;«*rar. both of whom, therefore, due Gio.*e intends to paim upon tue *o,t: as -nends of tue institution of sia->ery, anr .n mror of exc.ucmr negioe; from entering tbe aervice. 1 nart "before me copies of the k-tters written t r Messr 1 . Parroenttr arc *V ..„ams. before tnty -were e.ecb-i memutr* of < orgrt-s. aui i g.ve jou an extract from each. 7’ie eg' reett I cere rre vou 1 rtac nft j: J: 'xu--* vs RrpreeTtt olivet , ■: ud vert r.o: zenM tu Per rue fer n.c ,i ... o P<r tract '-fa teller from \V« Pxn«t >TX2 to Ist. .hr.’-- i suswoith. cc'td Pcit < cmbr-ci-e, Of rooer lb, Jbb9- “'lnattbe ex stent* of Slavery is an ev.l of great trtagx Jto't ..£ not disputed, excepting :r a very sma,. portion of tbe citizens of me Union. Ji my 0p.:..0n, me power? possessed by Congress mow’d be ecere oed to prohibit inter-State haze trees, ced to cm. slatery •n the Itistnct of Ct— Pirnbic, wbcuerer so- : mea-. can be adopted cots teatiy vriti tbe safety of me nation : aid I deem it tr e duty of Coogres- to r»-ga:d lie nequire menti of justice and humanity as neiJa* tbe otber obligations of tne Ccnistitutioo of tue United j tales. 1 ’ ‘lan mat in favor of the ainu sic« of any new ‘state whose Constitut.on may tolerateehtrery,and in luo oenUment J beir ve the Peo}..e of this ec- Uon t>i tne country a.most una* -mous y f»incide, Ke pcctfu Ir, and truir roure, WILLIAM PABMiuKTER.” Extract vs a letter of H. WuxiAJts so Per. P. tiAMiLL, f LlKtxer, Rated Taunton. 2\<scen*- Oer J, ] 'ri*. Lea; sir—l - are this cay received your letter of me iiit u.t.. propouudmj to me interrogatories i» behalf of tne hn■ to County Anti-s.-: exy so oetr, an; :or isr refer you to rnyco. se-n tne a-.acLuse't* *euate. anc to a tetter written ’-u Andrew Pou' son, En., about-tne year i.nee. am pu . ned in me new spa pert of that time. I uat etter mat- ns opinions i bad ion£ enterta ,n« c and ven expressed I have since *een no reason to 'ua ge the no, / ki/i Otiie'.e t later yto Rt crsrUrary to ia u, <f f jod cod tr-s. ijezt interests <sf man; !• at it ■>: gos ft of lo o< extended by tre admit* um of rec States tutu the Union v uti Uonetit ut osn* tple rr to are. tan evil; ansi tic.U it it lie imyera ti.Tt cuiy of i (mgre t to adopt an ■ediate meaturas for iU vMUvsn in the L strirt rs tolun/jisi. ii. WILLIAMS. Tow. beta mese men, Parmeuter an , WiJi.arns, are /-Jj blooded Locus xros, an: accord.ng to O.obe ,og ' aie genuine fiieridt o/ me out-. ; and if they a.-e defeated at tue next e.ection, we sfaail bear * hat ire A no., ioni-1 have trrurnpbtd over these go mar. ,ia’e ‘ Ar i-s.avery resolutions were introduced into v-.e iJi sa-. i,; t’&Legislature. Jbe .-es’.ioa was. ti ■ en uy yeas. an. nay* upon each rtMiulioß, — iiere are tea of them ; • Res'At td. t hat Congress, hariag exclusive ,e- K- ■ ut on a Tf.e -o.?lxict of Cc,-mi;ia, possesses t.,e r.ght to a v> .s a very and t - .esi<t-»e trade therein, an , mat tue ear .y exercise of such right is de rf.un>c ny tbe eo sentimeal of the criri i>z‘-; wu.-idjby tbe piincipies of: tie rer®iuti«i, and ny -manly. “ Re-oUfs.:, That ti a very being an admitted mo ra. and pojitica; evil, w nose countenance.wlieiever it exists, it vin —cat- d mainly on me gro ur*d of ne ce'tity, should be ciicurnsc-nued within the limits of me 'tales where it bat ,een airepdy esta?.iißb»d, and that no new State thouT be hereafter admitted into th< LTiKKi whose consMution of government afuaii sanction or perm t the existence of d>rneit*e siavery.” V. h> tfaf-r tlioae who voted for these re so lotions w< re aoohtiotostf or not, I leave tbe routben people to des.ide. h P>n t-e passage of these resolutions, Henry 'A i]Ji«rns, with every other Van Loren Senator e>-' * pt one, re< orded hi? name in the affirmative ! Vou will ave perceived from the'ourieof the adrriio «tf'<tioß papers, that tae attempt will be mv> to dehrde the ou hern country by crying out that - the abolitionists have defe-ted tlie demu- n s m Vermont” No man of ordinary intelligence can any longer e. deceived by this ridiculous cry. Hut, if there should be one. 1 can very easTy satisfy him *f bis error. here are but two a fminist*ation members from Vermont ia the present Congress, and both of these are riholiti'/nists. I hey faavt been tolfa defeated, and now we aie »old the abolitionists have beaten these good democrats .* On the I €th day of January last, in a speech which 1 de i*ered in the House of Representatives, I referred to tue fact that many of Mr. Van Huron’s leading friends an Vermont were a- oliliunisb.— Mr. E. Lh liaiber, r?ic Locofono can; id ate for the offi-e of I. out. (»o .e. nor. r,. mentioned, among i olfee. . it uad been :e tarked, u*mg :e debate. J j Mr. blade was a JVbig aad an abolitionist, and j is reply to this, 1 made the following statement; .. *• But. Mr. in me m-aairl jepicsexast if tins | meealaer-lire Tan Buxer. aim iutna>» toe a -asrs’m* ] , tnm,&rc tne s.creteir oi tae Anti-"* ia very Society, j F_ li. Berber, oppasec ui? M:- S-aae’i b imma liuin 3 xmdersixjid tbP i_ I>. Barber is wtL tnrwi. as a devoted irienc of tb-s i-criiinistrE-iiim. ms- «Qe 11st at s papex, aad an Bateguiai adtoim x.m Tnere are it. t a. tv-.ior members lias Veaswnt or mi? fin:-:, boti of ■»bdiu are aticl-uor;?U- Uue r: irtcm wa? *•*: e ut tne Met Cong-ass. ’ : - Fietcner:’ ne i? i* favor of an»L;ui:ig si- very st i !*• I istxict «f Colmsitm. thinks tb- t £ iMgrrst ragtit ■; p-e T - -r*. tr.t : : ;r:g a: :. -• up a? tne S_utes. and ra expre;-;ed a ■w ii.ing ne«f tt cnie: ml© Vie cu-tomary m : e:natiunaJ re :at ion? with HaytL” Tbes? re mart-. 3 repeat- were m it ir tne Bou?f of Eepseaents lives, it the bearing of tne Vermont members : tbey woe pub’isbea, an. nave neve: ai<d will n..t t>e de: ird. la tbe Vermont ejection whir a i? Terentiy bea-c from, tae att» tint cEiidiG'-te i : tu* : tc? cu Gt v emoi. Mi. ,'i .iXignani. tlrtr anaiitinu can: aa e mr tne office oi a,-.* utenat.t uivtisot. M:. j — Ear ner. and tne abo itiraaLt?. Smith ana ITex ner.were at. beater. Some week? after tne pnMicatin* of tbe speech reierret tc. . reocived. Lbmugu tiit- mat.. p-iti— pa elf .Ton. Mr £ JJ. Barber ; one of triem wa? ~ Mr. Barber’s >-atJoi- a-.-avert c before tne Add.-- eor County Arti-Siaverr Sor.fTy, on tue 4tr of -••. ’ • . art tne otner hveiec before me leemucratt to v a rtngtor .&. a: Mertpe.-er, or at 4 r of -my. .r.<r. by 1— B. Lamer." Crr one of tnese p—mpriets strt tar- nrruaent Loccinm set: to me be w ate, - fnmi tne a. tuo;," ant it. rormec me tnat what - rat t-eet a- to hi* ojbbuobs- was *• true ney on: a_. poaibis aem a. "he I wuaic perce.’.'e by reading me-e pam phxels. I tiui... I exhibited mese pamprletE to j -ot w»er tbey were retenvc by tne ma... 1 cave tnem new before me. anc tins Mr. Lamer, over wnose deivat tne Antnincos a:e muummg. write? on one if his nrstioi: 1 - that ne is ** c denu crax. triii u ids prtnuple*. at izueta by Jejfenon, ram&ef an ein/Rtiartist 3 quote nrs own w ores. And this ie one of tbe men. the secretary oi an anil-slavery set -ei; , and a de^alec f ienc oi Mr. Van Bcren e , wnc ca ..■ Jefeison an a tor non.-: — Tins -* tne max whom me »an Buren party s _p poned ee tbe ir candidate fa: me sffice el Lie. ten att ‘SeTetjcr in Vermont and still we shx.. t-e ’Luc -bat me anolitiot sts a:e a.i aad tr- ve beaten tbe Devucrazt in Vermont. Tbe WhigTictorr an Maine has over Fbe.tnec tne tone 1 rere. Tbey code- ted astonishment at me result Ji.lgmg from wbat tney have a.- rtatv sa.t a? to tue Vermont clecuuo?. 1 -nou.a . not ne much ?u.rprisec 1 tbey no diy charge the a? an a : : Yot mar expert to bea: tx.is next ' f course tne i Wi g mr tor-tics in t. ee*.a sy- Louisisna at.d Norti. Caro.ma. w„ a.J » :st ne imnat -c to anolitio* j ixfiuenct. As to Maine, it may be as we., ts refresh V e memories ». t .t-ewnc have forgo;te tue circum stances. Mr A.nert smith, t: Maine, war was re e; y defeated, gsv? ■am factory ar ;w-r? e me auoiiliuaisls oefore hi? ejection. Mr. Mmtn sard in me letter -i N: mar can oe more decidedly opposed to s avejy in ‘re abstract, or more ueef.y aesire me fiecdras of tne who e bu*a» f«rn..y man Hr. Mr. M*:tn w«s also opposed to tne at— ir..- itn of Texas, and in favor of tne ng'.t of pe , tit. on. Mr. Fairfield, the Governor of Maine, wno xas j list teen defeated, was a memue: of tne .a»t C un grel?. He. a.-o. w tea letter to me a oi tmr;sts, in wtacb ne tnem mat ne regaruefl finely as a moral and ;n>.iticai ev-.- to wn?cb be is, and nas ever ueea. nom ia principle ax feeling, utterly opposed, anc that ns entire an* :t;on co. d allure tt no one more sincere pleasure man hiastii.— But &e is now :e_*. ed as one woom t.jt ano..- UobiSts nave :eleaded. Mr. Ea-me-d was m c on gre? wben Mr. Calooon, of kentoixj. ot me iuth December. 1r39, ,ic: ooucec. me owing rt-siu tion, which i copy from the journals bef..e me : ‘•Mr. Ua.uoon. of Eentu-xy, mured tnat me rules bo suspended to ex*tie him to more me fol io wing rest? -ti - E: -- Resulted. 1 bat me Cotnm ttee on tbe Judieia-y be instructed to report a bib mak.Eg it .c.iwm for any person tc a-: fug.tire slaves in escaping from me- owners, and providing so: tae p-n.ih mert in me courts oi the Lnite: Males of a?, per sonl wao may be guilty of s-uen o3ence. - And that they be further instructed to report a t. . max mg .t u:..»w; - fur any perso- in me noc s a tret oi ding Mates of mis Lit. on to use axy n.cans to in tuce s-are* from me .r t wceit. a d preeicieg for tbe pun -nmeiit in tue courts oi the Uaite- Mates of a., persons who may oe guLty of sucb j offence.’ Now surely no mar. friendly to tue rights of tbe South, ro good octane rat c.-uid o: ect to tne pas sage f such a rtaoiolkm ; but a s me estire anoli tioo of slavery cou-d affiord to no one ruse sincere p.easnre than to be was louni v.Lng aga nst Mr. ta.noon's motion. Tbe names of H. J. Ao.er son, 1 bos.as Lavee, Joun I t irLtid, an« Viigii H. Bans, L© ofocos from 31 a me. will .e found m the j jiiunui, with me names of A-exanctr Duncan, Isaac i set ner, Wii -am Barmen ter, and William Made, a.: oppos-ag ’Jus reasonaue. just and honest proposition. Before I coo-lude, I wish to examine a portion of me Bres-dent’s letter —a letter full of s- ter fuge and prevarication, toe reading of which hiied me witu sname =t me thought that rs aumor was Piesident of the Unued Mates. Tne Bresident T be: e .-tea a t of £ ongress whim p un-t.ts the admission of colore: persons a* wiu-e?set in Courts Martial.’ Again, ne -ays: 11 If hbe wrong to adm.t tnem, tbe fauil is m tbe law, and the rem e4> i to be found an f m its a. te ration.” I have selected these pa Ea?es for lemark,a? the -etter has been already in A exposed, and repeti- Uoi. i- u-e e.s. Tue Pre.-ent teiis us. with a* much distinctness as ne can, that ic ail cases here after, wuexe negro test mooy is admitted against a white man, ne cannot interfeie. This sbourn be understood. If Martin Van Bures is le-electei ■of which thank Heaven mere is n. w no danger, be wii] sever interfere in setting a‘lie tne p.oTead mgE of Courts Mama], in whiei. such testimony had ueet admitted- Ancbe expects me to;es of ern M.tes with this iasulting dec.arauon . Now, in ail this, 1 thmk me course of tbe Pres.- ident merit; tbe seveie-treprehension. A- cording to the tae.matron of my mind at preseat. I shou.d feel bound o oppose such a law, and for several reasons. In tbe nisi place, I trust we -nab never have a President again wno woxd be gtu.lv of such cot duct, and because 1 prefer to let the matter rest wheie it now doe?—upon tnat spirit of concession, by a n b, as General narr-son said our union was eiiecled, and witu*>t which it couid cot be preserved- if we a;e to depend upon legislative action for the piolection of a-i our rights, tie Ln lon bad a ; w ell be dissoired. I here are obligations oi a bigner cnaracter than mere arts of Congress.— Besides, if Cong;e-s» an pass a law rr.aktng negro testimony illegal,Congie-s can repeal that law.— •"suppose a Lm sueuia te introduced in tbe House of Bepreieotalives, declaring that Congre-s sfaouid not, dun; g Ae next two yeais, abolnh s-avery m this District ? Would any Southern man vote for it ' Surely not, for :t concedes to Congress tbe right to abo.isn s.a -erym this District. Ur sup po>e a biii should be introduced, deciaimg that the people of Virginia should net be molested in taking then slaves from tnat “late to Alabama. What •South ra man would vote for it ; None, because Virginia holds her right much more see-rely than if it was only protected by an a tof Congress. Tne Bie-id* nt, therefore, to my mind, dees not regard th.? questunas a Patriot sho jid—hD Southern priocip.es” are not found in operation here. Tae r ght of a white man, in a sla? e-hoiding isla'e. to object to me aimissiun of the testiroonv of servants, cannot be effected by an act of Congress. But let me iilustrate the' unsoundne?s ol.be President’s argument f-ituer. The act of Congress of 1 1 J4, which provides for a naval armament, di tocls :i<i uere stall * e employed on boirdeach of the ships of 44 guns, one Captain, four Lieuten ants, AC., Ac. The act says nothing of white Cap tains or Lieutenants. What pievenis tbe Presi dentfrom appuiuti; g a negio Captain or Lieuten ant ' The act of 170&, whicp establßhcs the de partmf-nt of tue navy, in tne lirst section provides as follows: Bee. 1. Beit enacted by the Senate and Home cf Representatives of the United dates of America in <cmtfr ess asermiAed, That there shall be an Execu tive Department, under the department of the na vy tie chief officer of which shall be called the Sec tetary of the Navy,fc c ., Ac., &c. » 4 doe ' not he shall be a ichite“ chief J ter " T ccjrnugto the President’s argument, J® f “ W be ““prized to anp mt a negro >eereta ry oi a-- avy Again, the act of-SO 9, which i a.. ouzk A .te f .npioyrneni or an additional naval lhi C ir a -‘a°c. 2e J ’° d em P° A ered tne ibe-ident of , J t e m.ea htates “to appoint, and cause to be en- | a:ed nuasinraeii, t. xee ;f t -, se-met- «tii:*wy •^ ajDMi .'. ' srainet $® one ca© do’iut -L ■ ®toi* sui'jft. Bu: »tbt • : ?u.u«i ; the ftcaafißi and L** M -"- T¥ ;‘ * ,~' 'M ■** zsssc set oi T r i-L * J IJfTCI f nudstiipwre i> hu**«db ofcoioKw ** r “ . * t , ES rv. An: : cannot «'-■» urn. W to us tne FseadMt, ~ *f « ***“ Aj w \ £*** ‘~ \- u . w BCgTC Hiig:i - -•**’ *■'- ‘*'■ -^«t _ • ~ - . _,. - - ai t - yyu ter State*■ aad i snot,.c oe *■ --• **•• _ x _ i^ c , t \* At •!'>*'■ «-& *;;at u, r nu give any rea-oc tor ru* * , would jrot x-.ber.uai -lort* apPA ip-i'l tb* hour a .nutted a r.ri* Astd if a President sauuld i t;£ t *•* of ti*e Si.*?, - a.i® uic* m-e » *** * Itotilheri ncnat >r v. nu wornc '-«n' no to*. jionuto-' tia®, and then return to tut «*• ~ there was i.o .aw foruiddisrg • •* n..jat sav sc with at macs tints and f *- ;as si ; : it t:.e ease o er ui-t Ho-e. A Pnsridiut wo® disregards tue iii«ra. . P . H os t’je wt.; it Miutnerx. country, wise puy* us ie>poet to ti«eir prejudices, except so M-’ as lot ;a» >■ of Congress compel him, is onirt to j‘te . ove- tin. oestiuie 4 ol these . i :tec ttate wi-'-t conid *cver iiave beet untied witootit eouees on, and wiucb wil! be disunited when toat patriolk gp rrt v concessioi sua. depa. - "- .rum an. r ut. TW President unoerstaxids Lis ra*ue w.:i. toe Aboirtitmists. 7 nejr raaj quarrel • r.t. n;'i. ior uti piOTiised vet*. out as n. t-.*e ca»e •>. wu;- s v c. 1 aa a-u... j*~.~ -■ i- - t .ar seer a few of tocii jtac rs a .01. c as ioisip- mm igtfr-. Tae atioiiiti«ist> aLeady praise i-.n- for us casidu't it ’.ne 'uss o: i-.-e.t_ '*e out .ue io?ua • dx«.toi remarks. ~ uii.ese toe president i.a- t! v er -jwse verv fooiisti reasoai. w; ift i r n I no. te ~ ,jk rus ronauu’t it ttiis case wtii reat'uoc as it out ‘•is «ii>- iioutT. anc afford iuaa as icuco t-au- u' tiun, -ii i future aaj .a. «ij uae rueas u. -a-- n&- 44 SfflHln ifcu.'- A.f t. Mi. >eure;arr Pau'jcitr- i is fee jnr‘ aart always ;«a of a veiy at friend r tnarac.e: warct the .-ouiin >ci»e yea:- utS Mr. Pan drag wiete a oooa caliei ** Leneti from the Soulr.. in wnicfc he ettea * or? to asaae the pebf .e > .rt-t -a coLteaipPt *e in tut eyes oi iter -jater Mates is tirf t :l Toiume ct tin? bn, t _a i-etter me 1 -t. Mr. Paiadmj eves the fa inwiur aitaunt, wiuch 1 copy fiinc :ue non a nefore me ; ~ aiuag from the ho->e where we jell trie caitiff, wuo wiJ one dtr 1 tear -nra. wt some g.eal caiamny on the count j of a.: : .:tr. it sn our fate to meet witn ano.uei ttanp/t o: the tri me: p.ay *• ..e-ore lu«:s hwa. wnem *0: oniy custom nut me ._ws ]j; .:. wv 1:, rr.tr rut eeiy ho*, anc it :a t.r.r at anr.e cf me x--a: we encou terec the M-mv. _tr groat : nrst a .tt e cart nrawn r>y one norst. -t wti.n five or s_x na .: nanet mack ctticxen were turn: .ed .at pis- t.retne: Tne cart na; no rr - cniis. anc they seeaied u have :s-et actua. } : ... - ec to seep, he nine me ca: l man nee trnet . -a.k women, wrh me r ner t*e:»;. and uncr tr ee. anc w rtnoal snoe* 01 sto. c ngs; nexlcame three met art neasoec. :.a,, naked r -. n.mec together w.:n a:. :s teat Lam. of a.. >amt av, tt ,:.ui.— a wn.te mot i ran .on ho.senaca. carry .1 £ pi>- t».» i» his tirata irm, a»t pr : c a:m tat :ne unpodeve i. otx us in t t ;. e w.m.n' .nr. 1 snociC .ue 1j >eet : a_ rartec w.'.r : - j:q* njana* At a house wn'.e we slf.-r.ied. a nr.ie far r-er on, we .ea;»ec tuat ue hac nonrrt these rzt serai t • in i* ary .«n_. aid i«. .nu n.rg men. in tms ma: ner to s_- e one of me mo.e ss.tiiea Mi>‘. s-nameon t e '■rate oi Mary .anc 1 say. ac; sname on tne 'tale of Virgin .a anc creiy Mate f.rour: wLmb u.u »:■ tenet tm case wa- ptrnu te_ v. : ion tney expect mat s nen exfci. -Uotif wiL not mnoami mem in me ey « of st an.er-. rswerer bey m-.y oe rtc. hc.md to tnem ty educaUot anc natit i hen MmPatitmg Fpe.xs of this picture t xwn from ms imar nation, as -a ffagnst etc injeant outrage on numai. ty In- i copy trom m tt: octm ec 5..»: af.trhi- yourney t; . .£.. » gin.a. Lul aiterw.: t, in It if. M;. Paa: tmg p tro ll - u'-c a nev ecu. m of nis »::t. :.■ c m tms e,;..- t*on of i e35 a., tret I nave . no:-' c_s t ... < ted In tne »m edition tue .etter 1-m •• occupies more than r;,.-••een paces. . _t in tee e..uon of i'io (pG.-.me- a. t-:: Mr. »an Lurec ot erne a 41 Norther* man with southern prjsmt itr. ‘ inrs iette: tne if in »ccu;- »-s on ■ :\n. paces No woo: er sock a man wih say the President had nothrog o qo w.tc me proceec.tgs in iiuoe't case, and also >ay t:.at: had been the un.f.-rm practice to aim:: negroes to testify against wh.le men, »nen he was not a. t to produce a sing e instance. I has ietlei ha- already extended much farther than I expected, c t-emre 1 coac.ade. ie; me ap prise you of some cf tbe contempt., je ce-.gn- of tae la>co-:i>cof I have s?cn two fetters from centiemen cf char acter and intelligence, comaniiuicat.ng tc-e fact, that the Van beren party .nten.ee short, v befere the Presidential eiettiou to issue Late i. ?. and start report*, of inter led insurrections in me Si uth. I have to dost I mat some suet plan, is in co; tero piation. We xnow that many of them are wicaed enough to do any t:acg. They are ii.t on y stran gling for bread, anc they fear the investigation wr.-K.-b .5 to come. Let our f.lends, tc- refore, re prepared for tbeae riha nous tricks ; but ict ir be understood that w nen the iasurrectwa lakes tlace, Becjamrr. Tappau r.as pro isec to firm isc f. e hun dred del ars.tonuy powder ant -not for the ne gro**. and be -s a good Van Boren democrat. Our friends, every where, are fu.i of confidence, and feel assured of victory. No man can doubt any longer, that (dec. Lamisc-n wiL eie:t*d; e'ecter spite of the persecutions of an principled «f --ffice-holcers. and tne I J S hiSS•‘llllS 02 LL6 and t-c anoliuon papers, which centiaoe tc de nounce him. roost vioieot'y. I hope, in this most important straggle, Virginia, the lane c: Was r>r. ton, Madison. Leery, Marshal , will :e frc&d as see was in the revo.Lt_»a. amrsg the ffr?A in ie sistiog, strenuous,y, tae tcc oa- hments of pewer, i tr.r-t sne will,aotonly, :c defence ct the ; nar acte: cf her own distinguished sos. but for me sake 01 the wnaie ceuatiy. express he: opposition to the man w .® a as. ty wretched experiments, brought a prosperoas country almc--t to rura, who nasty r-t..u. c >.atr:ns. caused everv patriot to leei ashamer :: itsc®.atry.ant whe bas sanc t oaec the air_,ss.-n of negio testuaosv aga ssl me cf -er c-ws s*:*cs. an-, declared ne must c-onnn | ue to do s«. I hare travelled through the State of N*w York and of course, saw many c f tne people gs that ) p ani many from New-Eaglanl; I saw mem in pr.va'e stci=i ictercour'e. and saw them in pub lic meetings, consisting of tea thousand and twen ty thousand persons, and I as? ;;e you, everv de cent man I r.et. w;th w om I conversed np-on the tut:e:t, ‘pmae with contempt of the aboiilicvDists. andj expressed surprise that any soatbero man couid inngine the majority of the p>eop,e were in fected with that Villainous beresv. Xbis I sp>eak of my own knowiedge. I beffeve nearly nine out of ten of the cut-thrcat abolitionists, lbe Duncan xcd Tap.pan at o ilicEists are real “barn bummg" Loco-foc^s. I congratulate yuu upon the glorious prospect he fare us, that our country will soon be free from the dominion of ice plunderers, who hav» so long neglected and crumbed her be?t interests. Very tnilv. vours. ’ EDWARD STANLY. Hon. Joh.v M, Bcrrs, Richmond Va. The two BucKsaixas.—Mr. Orr of Deia ware, a blacksmith and man of sound sense, w a short time since a rnemoer of the Van Buren party. He went to Ohio, to ascertain tbecAarai Ur of the Buck Eye Blacksmith, for the purpose of destroying his usefulness. What w a s the consequence ? be found that the Bucg Ev e Blad smith’s account of himself was true—what'lhen He extended his enquiries alittSe further, and h Jound that (ien. Hamson was a calumniated mar He lor the first time saw his worth. Wbi then? As an haust man he is now his support er. Let ail his calumniators go and do likewise and atone to their own conscience^ ! - . --- fix t cost it !—L nder this head tbi spirited oaie papier, the Democratic Prtss , tel the following capital story : A Locofoco office holder in this city lately callc upon an honest Irishman, w ho resides in thesixt ward, with a request that he wovld subscribe o«. C d ar l° r th f F ur P° se *>f erecting a hick -!/ ire y jaoers-. jaid the Irishman.- do vou wantn. to duv a whip t; he scourged n-i‘h f Get out . me house, yua desaving vula.n. or I’ii lave n ®ark on ye. P ack off Wld Je ;•• The ofi j ca ho * der did not wait for a second bidding. I spa pioieuoe & 1 t weffv 0 r„ ‘ , tfce i L ■ i-v n-Jemoe the roar o f the H * , - HdTns&o %ic, r .. ‘ Iko-xmig can ez'.**.] !titf , . . leader* *l U*err utter maj,. ‘“f «0:|. M titt <»ve*‘wu*.:riuijf fajff \ a!tl °'rw a vtr tff 01C ‘J «p4»ecsiDoe. ’ ia f ; h ut ui t cnav n >an v to «iedi°Sk i atf * r * cL up t-. ; w cam. iv out e ft. • ~u „ : ■« it, | L | : v - . i Leti lii* \b *m*jt tym ixizU p-.rck. be cried. I cataract iua*ed oa. and again his *■ . ‘ m liw migirly ut>u*. Fnm: c w - ’ * t ‘* ufcj j appointmeul, ne yelk-d aac fc-reai tta T r * fid «d. all in it brent 1.. -eiep.. ttia- irr - Tne catarwa roared n«>»t:c*| v ■ ! 3 _ f ri 3 - *». an* o!i mac mat. s t eus anc -u-* M . t .,, ’ *« V ay toimvgi tne at:; ■ hi# ii*«i iipt. »>ucL is tne lum £r .j J1 mipmeii'n of tne demtfgy net , ” ’' Cj 11 h* I - tt a l - # . . r 1 “ i*Tf tew. 1 cjim; lui. UqiijLT ri*ar e: pu r - • 6: k I r _. * ,e ® I totse K " n Ar i i -, • , **». H Latf*x he tnt *• potep. glory and circutiwhm- ” great men of the warid—w *.j.-*., .. * J ’ e - »• , e mav L, B cazz.mg pagnubr of uign i j*. , t •"* il iavuiona j* aocietv. and biii*-*.-',,. . ~ * _ m.se-r wno helirve tua* - 7 u«-* v :; ._ L£ ; tbti&e who there it n: 155 S o ’frj^BP v *We than that of me pimn ® o,e aß ic—free from eve-’ f ;ng so- r . ’/ ® ec «%H signet u’tr. UTit-anra»* ■ “ .‘ tetT?n &.f| :ext tc taegtii dance of n. own erect in tu» fail stature of man. IL-- * tne means by wl.-l i t * 5 P|( seif: protected vy t gover»men «•; ■** • .:. s’ - - g ...... ' L h v ■••? -are upo*,n H who stia git. £ i 1. ; '.gn: t - ... .. 1 * a i « “If IBUr uif iUtr ,n '.ne v tv v ... ‘ ■ 1 ... p.ea,» . I,| I. iicer our co'erument. pran*- r» ... » -t. icdugtn eroaoni’-. are sure 10 mev w - • . • **!»! , W TfWg’r a . ;t sawsd ■* reawmaeret: ; even r .i .. . tne mac to prefermes: am, ; r me to eve-y one. A 1 test tne pe : . A that sene then, is fincirv ant tg- -,* **• i he.r cuty. It is the dorr of nm'S.* ican t® atneier imnaeif - • “ u * i \ r* “■ * M! OB ,r nrranrM a.*- becc-mw an Amencsii citae- ! 1 telkgeaoe. edacar.iooaad rncr. ~,4- J 1 jfjfj reach of eve*y hptmm be.nr.* ' * JUa " A fKii’ v t br*-Tt i ifriT L-ir- t . I , ■ • ■ »‘it one eye nesc cl-e : r;>ls ‘. *; sonjethtne berry cisi'ishc- c • * I |» nat ei. a.nfa you menn. I’te. ty, -I matte*! te.. us a. tront em ; don'i tee-Vbl I s gge: m Jist-enst." -Wa oe tac js.dat are ' j nas passed iy VI asiungloL fui t .Tii»inieJh * S mm rest a spec m- s, in‘on c- m. di* see at sol:':». ■*. Ht •, -* Ui ‘ * “Tiii—d=h on: lo- y _g* o A Lj ho f” : sre crntvr room here! ' out 4. ” er v 'l. «* 4, »Sy» w ; —- J ■acbnsetu paper, an advenjse&eii: d % - As |P mem cine, w men, to :« of ar y use. the ] i scys must of appufc .otemai.v erg tn- u ' m MABEIED, " I On lYednescar ex«:in». X4t- • w w -bB Kir. c unoiagnam. Dr it xlteb EL. ~* v*- L m bxJXigß W. Walku.. both of tiuf- cut. I Ob tbe lot* insto, iy the Lev. v- r T . r ,, t.WI Erxxy B ATT XT, Esq., of JeSVgs-ri- cousw to Mifi j- XAXCXS E* ca_-rie- • ■> Beach Ifianc. s C. Oa 1 barsdzy evening. C-rn Ir. a: toe nfgrJßj of Aired B >eymour. Esc ai v : ; JS orris County, N. tr tm Rerf A Asttrw B. 1 tetri, of t- is c.:v. t: Mb*KqcH ca C. Cotrxx. caugntoi of :nr ’ ate Wm. CoexHj cl Augcs:s. - n g.a. (. oiiiignee- f»er Nc»:itb <_ aronua Railksal liAjrEriG. Oct:c*c: 36, Is;, H ■ Maddox: C A Greiner: 'ersnten X c n-.c; T a'B L:crke. f . j-: A Co.; V!rs Tnr —; *. y I c L Eray ton ; Hinland, Risiey k r c.: G isAf mons; T S Star; J M A W Adam-; Kerv k :MP F Lam hack ; W Ha: tie.-; Dos lap A Lyae I'lW Beall; ci valk Simmon? A Co.; T Itewsx-.iißg A Scranton ; Hopn? A stova.. ; S sen: Rankin, Borgs A Co.; Gc-ug A Et ...?y | S Bone?; Bitt A Co.; H ? Peck; Wyatt sWr-:i E D Cooke; J D Ciark A Co.; Liccsav x £: s*l arc A Garmcny; G Parrott ; H L Jeffers ; at.."|S Benson. MARINE INTEELIt. ENCf | ~~EB (. HAIIIST:S. * n t Kffi Arriv-ed ve frrc 7s —ship E_tcv. Alka Vi H ori : Eir.tif m. Taihot, X. r: : ; fcriefa U , arise. Borney. Havana; Sp. aerr. I-es; cdx'l»J B Xt:a-a. Cura." ~, _ y, • Ci-crrcs—Brig A'.drick. Cer*e. * r.Lde rin- Hp 2dr 3/rx. CHAP MAS'S SCHOOL for YoS H | Lame?, is row open, ffrst door ;* cj- m- Agts I Baci:. Bread street- di-tTvi 1 I AI GI STI S RLE>. AI TOR SET AT LAW. sept b-ly Madi-or. kTnrggrx atr.ti I JOHN R. STANFORD, A TTORSEY AT LA W, jjlT. Ciaike.wilic. w lx ■ B. H. OVERBY, A TTORSEY Al LAW, feb 25 Jefferson, Jackson co-zty,ft II ! —-72 ■ 33 'Ve are authorized to anncarce it* ' HI j Tl CKER, as a candidate for Justice oi * ■ j Peace, in the Bloody tkXxh. 33 JEREMIaH H. CLARK ;? ias a suitable person for the oSce :•: - 1 u5tJCf ■ ! Peace, for tne tkvth Disuicl. aur '* - H by (ociS) j T, I j CCr Th€ undersigned, if elected, w:.. j j 6iXTb X istmci as Jusuce of tie Peace. . E oct T-ts k. P. >rELMAV.M G 3 Miss MARY A . SEVISS has uLen» in ibe bouse owned by Mrs. Barrett, or tre side of Bread street, where she will gee *** . kB ON THE PIANO at sls per quarter. iadvWM lessons, 01 seoarate lessons at 50 cents oct 3 I 3T Miss TRAIN will icsur e Iff 'B] S m-mervilie on the f rst Monday m ■ Board can te ot tained on the Hill. , aug 12 ' - I £3 Dr KESSOS has removed l° '^ c 9' j bouse opposite Benjxmin Py:.e. | C 3 The Office of the AUGi'STA removed to the brick build.ng 00 Mclfit®*® 'jj J directly opposite the Post (office. C 3 J. A. CLEVEL ASD , DESTIST,A* i j rooms over J. Nortons Shoe Store, one J l *- 1 } Washington Had m Broad street, Augusta. his absence, and at all other limes, Li? ■* j Thomas P. Cleveland, I enlist, will occupy^ VV whose services may be had. J. A. L e re ‘ 1 j bden.lv recommends him to the pauona^|| friends and tbe public generallv. 1 * . ■ •33 bas taken an office in • J Camiield’s buildings on Jacksim-strect.nfS ; the one formerly occupied by Judge ' where his professional services car. be at aU ; commanded He intends to re-comnaence, M : first Monday in November, the LAW b r | which he formerly conducted, on the sans® r and tbe same terms, as before. „_, 7T n f! oct 2 dlwwlm WM. T. GOll^