Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, October 17, 1840, Image 3
jr-v- Mr. ADAMS resumed bis SCHOOL this day (OcC 12th,) in the room adjoining the Unitarian 1 iiurch, on Green street. oct 12-2 w <£T Tiie undersigned has appointed Mr. Francis Spears his Cue arni lawful atto ney for the codec tion of all debts in which he is interested, in the State of Georgia. \VM. N. HAMILTON, oct S trwlw THU HEADING ROOM Attached to this office is opni to subscribers, and I strangers introduced by them, every day and eve : ning (Sunday evenings excepted) until 9 o’clock. Subscription $5 ; for a linn of two or more $lO A CARD. —Mr Richards’ Painting School will reopen on Monday, the 19th in-t. oct 8-trw3t QjT EXCHANGE ON NEW YORK— At sight, and at one to twenty days 'i|ht. For sale oy nov 23 GARIjELLE & KHIND. Off Dr. J. J. WILSON |as removed for the. Summer to the house of Janjcs Gardner, Esq., Ist coor below the Academy. ; >une 6 (fj'Dr. GARDNER, ftnmerly resident surgeon n the New *ork Hospital, and physician at Belle vue Hospital, New York, ten lets to the public his professional services. Oihce in Washington street, between Broad and Ellis streets Residence, United blates Hotel, ap 2 (fj' Dr. W. S. JONES tenders his professions sci vi es to the citizens of Augusta and its vicinity He may be found at his residence on the North side of Green second door below Mclntosh street. (ft AUGUSTA BENEVOLENT SOCIETY.— For the benelit of the sick poor of Augusta, The committee lor the present mouth are as follows : Division No. 1. —P. H. Mantz, Nathaniel Green, Miss Margaret Smith, Miss Mary Wightman. Division No. 2. — W. F. Pemberton, J. M. Newby, Mrs, H. F. Roberson. Miss A. o’. Kighton. Division No. 3. —John Cashin, James Panton Mrs. Tremiey, Mrs. E. Carnfieid. sept 7 J. \\ . WIGHTMAN, Sec’y. QCr Dr. WM. FLINT, mem her f the Massa chusetts Medical Society, wo ml inform His frier ds that he has removed his place* of residence to the boa>ding-house of Mrs. Camtieid, at the corner of Jackson and Broad streets, where he may be found at all hours during the summer season. His pro fessional services are respectfully tendered to the citizens of Augusta. \ if—June 6 COFFEE AND BAjjjE ROPE. Bags of ( üba Coffee, i ySO Coils Bale Rope, ' For sale by sep 30 trw2w { J. MEIGS. 'VT AILS. —700 keg» Nails anti Brads, now land ing, and for sale by oct 12-swtf STOVALL & HAMLEN. OUGAH. —25 hhds St. Croix Sugar for sale low, 10 close a consignment, by oct 12-swtf STOVAI|L k HAMLEN. SHIRTINGS. —70 bales Brown Shirtings and Sheetings, for sa]e by 1 oct 12-swtf STUVAIfL & HAMLEN. CLOTHS. —30 case? heavy Negro Ker scys, for sale by oct 12-swtf STOVALL & HAMLEN MOLALSEtj. A p* HHDS and G tierces, foi| sale low to close X O a consignment, by ISAAC MOISE. oct 9 j swim ALLIGHAN’S FEVER Alj oAGUE PILLS! An infallible remedy for t-a t distressing dis ease. Numerous certificates might be given in proof of the truly wonderful cl!jets of these cele brated Pills, but it is deemed unnecessary, as they are too well known tu need recommendation. For sal» Dy * a24 i HAVTLA.NI>. jiISLEY 6c Co. “ THE MATERNAL FRIEND ” IS one of those invaluable re nedics that stands the lest if trial. In cve r y instance that has come to the knowledge of the p oprietors, it has proved itself to be what it is recommended —a pleasant, safe, and efficacious remedy for all the sympathetic affections attends! t on Pregnancy, and all those periodical ffisoide s to which both married and unmarried females ai|- liable. Delicacy forbids giving Hie details of its merits in a news paper advertisement, but it may;be stated that it has been in use under various naqses — (The Philo token, Mother's Relief, $c..J fori some ten vears past, and wherever introduced, tine demand for it, (without the aid of “ puffing,”) h}is been constant ly on the increase. This fact fa ev dcnce of its real virtues, together with the belief that hundreds of females are suffering Horn w£nt of the know ledge of a remedy adapted to their cases, induces the proprietors respectfully to cjill the attention of sufferers to their pamphlets, Aiiich accompany each bottle, and which may be pad gratis of any of their ages ts. • Price $1 50 per bottle. Sold HAVTLAND, RIgLEY & CO. Agents, Augusta. HAVILAND, HARRAL & ALLEN, oct 14-2 m Agents, Charleston. W p ILLIAM C. WAY, Agsn(\ Commission Dry Goods Merchant, lias received and for sale, at the St re, corner of t.ie Globe Hotel, Augusta, Ga., on reasonable teirmi for Cash, viz: 3-4 and 4-4 Scotch Ginghams, dark patterns for the season, French, English, and American rich Chintz Prints, a full assortment of patterns and prices, all fast colors. Rich and elegant styles of Muslin !De Laine, BlacK and white, and slate col’d Mu-lin De Laine, Black and white EngT.sh and American Colicocs, Black Gro De Rhine and Malldrcnj Lasting, Rich Gro De Pekin striped and fig ik’d Silks, a new article, | Poult De Soi and Gvo De Naple ijks. Ladies white and Mack Lug’h Silk Ho'c & Gloves, Ladies white, coloied and black Cutton Hose, Misses white and slate colored do do Men’s Lamb’s Wool, Angola, and Brown Cotton half Hose, Clark’s, Taylor’s and Alexander’s .200 and 300 y’ds Spool Cotton New York Mills and other selected Bleach’d Shirt ing*, Extra fine brown Sheetings and Shirtings, approv ed styles, and a great variety of common qual’s, English and American SpUaliield Itangee Hdkls, White, scarlet and red Flannels, Welsh Flannels, line and common dualities, 6-4 black and colored Merino Circassians, Kentucky Jeans and very fine ir.i.vd Satinetts, Rob Roy and other worsted and Merino Shawls, Rich fig’d Satin Shawls, assorted oil's and prices. Together with a great variety oflolher goods not enumerated, and always kept in hi* store ■LT - '1 ho subscriber returns hi; thanks to his friends and customers, for the very liberal patron age he has received from them the past year, and solicits a continuance of the same.# oct 14 WILLIAM C. WAY. SCHOOL NOTICE. fJMIE subscriber will continue his School at the 1 new dwelling on Walker street, and hopes that the distance to his place will not be an objec tion with any lady or gentleman who may be kind ly disposed to patronize him. He will pledge him self to prepare youth for Franklin College, or any other College in the Union, in Classics and in the minor branches of Mathematics, and should a suffi cient i atronage be extended to him, he could secure the services of a gentleman of well; known ability in Mathematical science. In reference to the sub scriber himself, he has had charge bf Schools and Academies in this State during a period of ten years, and begs leave to refer, if necessary, to Col. Thomas N. Hamilton of Athens,land the Rev. Juriah Harris, before whom he had been examined by i classical gentleman of the North, before he could be admitted to take the Rectorship of tne Columbia Count} - Academy, which he had lor three years. Should a class of eight or ten young men be found, be could devote two hours to their in struction each day, at a time that would not inter fere with his School. There are three things con nected with the Classics, which is it not totally neglected in our Southern Sefninaries, viz: Mythology, Latin Exercises, and Prosody, without which the Scansion of Pentameter and Hexameter eise cannot be acquired. Ihe first quarter’s tuition will Re required at entrance, and the scholastic year wit! be the same as that of the other Seminaries of th»i city. At a future time should his patrons desire his o 'mi; gt o a nrore convenient place, hi: will comply "uh their wishes, ir he meets \vit.i|suflk - ient pa tron., ce. DANIEL hfAHONEY. oct b - w4t ffj' Ihe Constitutionalist will gi; e the above OUi weekly insertions. | PRIVATE BOARDING.— Mrs. KENNON, al the new home of Mr. Henry’s, opposite the l«ue Planters’ Hotel, will take a few gentlemen as b-larders, and can accommodate a family or fatni | oct 17-d3t I JRD ATE BOAR ING.—A few boarders can be accommodated by calling at Bennoch’s corner, next door above Russell & Hutchinson’s Auction Store. D. W. CALHOUN. I oct 17 d2w MTO RENT. —The dwelling house on Green street, opposite ihe Lancastrian Sllioo 1 , and the stable and horse lot next above Mr. Goelchius’ Carriage shop on Ellis street, oct 17-ts J. W. WILDE. SCOTCH WHISKEY. 1 PUNCHEON very sup’r SCOTCH WHISKEY, Just received and lor sale bv oct 17-trw6t VV. & J. NELSON. SMOKED BEEF, &c. 800 LBS SMOKED BEEF, new and in fine 2UOO lbs Loaf and Lump Sugar, 50 boxes and ca<ks Cheese, 50 “ Colgate’s Soap, 25 “ Sperm Candles. Just received, together with a good assortment of other Groceries in store, for sale by oct 17-tiw6t W. & J. NELSON. JEFFERSON HOTEL FOR SALE. Jefferson, Jackson County. riNHE subscriber offers for sale the JEFFERSON J HOTEL, in Jefferson, Jackson county; the Beds, Bedding and Furniture, will also be disposed of lo the purchaser if desired. He also oilers for sal'? a small farm in the immediate vicinity of the village, containing between four and fire hundred acres, one hundred and fifty of which is cleared and in cultivation, the remainder well timbered. The House has a libeial custom, and the location is as healthy as any section of Georgia. The pro perty will be sold separate or together, and if not sold on or before the first Tuesday in January next at private sale, it will on that day be offered at public outcry, to the highest bidder. In the absence of the subscriber, terms will be given and saie made, by applying to Giles Mitchell, or Baird H. Overby Ksqrs , who reside in the village. oct 17-wtlstJan GEORGE SHAW. AMERICAN HOTEL, Madison, Morgan County, Ga., WILL be ready for the reception of Boarders and Visitors early in January next. The subscriber is now making arrangements to put an addition to his house, which will make it 71 feet long and 48 wide, all of which he intends fitting up in convenient and pleasant rooms. The building will be of brick entire, and is situated on the Pub lic Square, nearest the Rail-road Depot, and within a veiy short and pleasant walk. His large new stable will soon be completed, and will be well prepared for keeping horses ; his ostlers and ser vants will be of his own family of negroes, and such as are capable and Lusty, and although tne subscriber has had no personal experience in tav ern keeping, but from hi long business habits and general observation, he flatters himself with the belief that he can satisfy the community, and keep a house worthy of patronage. oc: 17-w2m JOSEPH M. EVANS. CCf” The Augusta Constitutionalist, Charleston Courier, Columbus Enquirer, Montgomery Adver tiser. and Federal Union, will publish the above once a week for two months and forward their accounts. METHODIST SOUTHERN BOOK ROOM No. Hayne street, opposite Messrs. J. S. 4* L. Bo:sie, Charleston, S. C. THE subscriber respectfully informs the citi zens of Charleston andthe public generally,that the above e; tablishmcnt is now in full operation, where may be found a full asssortment of Theolo gical Works, which will be sold always at pub lishers prices, and a liberal discount to wholesale dealers. Also, in addition to the above, will be constantly kept on hand, an extensive assortment of School, Class.cal, Medical, and Miscellaneous Books, Sta tionary, &c. Also, Binders’ Materials, such as Sheep Skins, Lamb Skins, Russia Hides, Bark Skivers, Blue and Red Skivers, Buie and Rod Roans, Hinders’ Boards, Super Royal, Royal, Medium, Demy, Flat Cap, Blotting, Envelope, and Press Papers, &c. All of which will be sold wholesale or retail, on as good terms as any other house in the city. A share of patror. age is respectfully solicited. oct 16-sw3w JOHN W. STOY', Agent. (5) r QR. BBLS. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, 25 bols Extra Canal Flour, 20 bbls Irish Potatoes, 50 dozen Pickles, assorted, 15 kegs Goshen Butter, 10 kegs Winchester’s Lard, 20 boxes Cheese, 20 boxes Starch, 20 bbls. No. 3 Mackerel, 20 kitts No. 1 do. Jus* received and for sale by I. S. BEERS & Co. oct 15 ts mHE following rates of Toll over the Augusta j t ridge, is established from this date: All wagons and carts from the country, loaded with Cotton, Flour, Corn-meal, Fodder, Bacon, Lard, Butter, and Poultry, coming into the City of Augusta for sale, shall be allowed to pass and re pays free of toll. All wagons loaded with Lumber, Wood,or Brick, 25 cent s each way, and all other tolls the same as heretofore. By order of the Bridge Committee. oct S. H. OLIVER, Clerk. NEW GOODS. THE subscribers have received their Fall and Winter supply of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, consisting of a great variety of new and desirable articles, among which are the fol lowing: Duffel r nd Whitney Blankets, Cloths, Cassimers, Satinetts, Kentucky Jeans, red white and green Flannels, Keisys, plain and p l aid Negro Cloths, Brown and bleach d Shirtings and Sheetings, Apron Check, Linen and cotton Bcdtick, brown and bl’hd Jeans, Black Lasting, coiton Cassimere, for gig tops, Table Damask, birds eye and Russia Diapers, Irish Linens, some superior undressed, French, English and American Prints, Furniture Prints, brown Holland, black Silecia, 3-4 and 4-4 Scotch Ginghams, Turkey red Prints, Black and blue black < pl’d and fig’d Bombazines, French and English plain and fig’d Merinos, Rich etrb’d Muslin De Laiues, pl’n and fig’d do. Black and blue black col’d and fig’d Silks, Plain and fig’d Swiss book and plaid Muslins, Ladies, Gentlemens, Misses and Boys cotton and woolen Ho'C, Laige rich fig’d Satin Points or Mantillos, Embroidered Thioet, Cassimere, Plaid, Merino and Muslin De Laine Shawls, Pvich pi lid Ribbons, satin Taffeta and Cap do. Thread Laces and Edgings, Muslin Insertings and Edgings, Plain anil lig'd Bobinet, wash Blond and diamond Nett, Ladies black, white and colored Hllet Gloves and Mitts, Ladies ■ jp'r English silk Mitts, new st}le. Kid, Buckskin, Merino, and Silk Gloves, Black and blue black Crape, and crape Veils, While, tlack and cofid crape Lesse, Black ami white English silk Hose, Bordered, hemstitched and lace edged Linen Cam bric Hdkfs, Linen, Cambric, and Linen Lawn, Chantiiln and diamond net Veils, Slate col i Pongee and cotton Chambray, for riding dresses. Fancy si k hdkfs, gent’s Pongee and bl’k silk do. Shell anc Brazilian tuck and side combs. Elastic wristbands, artificial Flowers and W rcaths, Whalebones for Dresses and Bonnets, Taylor’s. Clark’s and Willet’s spool Thread, Black and col’d Italian sewing Silk, Black, brown, and all col’d linen Thread, Carpet and furniture Binding, zephyr worsted Ivory Combs, t orn and Buffalo dressing do. Hair Brushes, toilet Powder and fancy Soap, Cologne water of a superior quality, Narrow and wide linen Tape, bl’k and col’d Braid, Coronation Braid, silver Thimbles, Pins, Needles, kc. kc. The above, with a variety of other articles, will be sold on reasonable terms by WM. 11. CRANE & CO. oct 15-dlw w4‘. 231 Broad street. I W A m^ E . D , l T.° t i IRE > 1 pxxl Washer Woj ' .hi, offic” ’ " 1C htSt of A rp'- V • : • J oct 13 - 83 S foL ß a E e S b, f ‘" e BiDk ° f Ausus,a ftuc; n oct 13 RUSSELL & HUTCHINSON Auc’rs. DENTISTRY. BENJAMIN DOUGLAS, Sm , r iSt ’ * laS rcmove d to the resident i ! TT I JFr C “EWING TOBACCO. t I r re( -fived 5 a lot of very superior Che win I Cavendish iobacco. For sale by oct B~tf 8 ~ tf 1. S. BEERS & CO. _ _ at.PRIVATE SALE. ’ (s>n BRLS ew CANAL FLOUR, a first rat J ’ article. Just received and for sale by _ W. E. JACKSON, Auctioneer. VINCENT & OGIER’S EXCHANGE* OFFICE. s HECKS AT SIGHT ON \J NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, AND CHARLESTON, In sums to suit purchasers. For sale bv t VINCENT & OGIER, Broad-street, opposite the Masonic Hall. oct 1 ts DRUG STOKE. "XM/ D’ANPIGNAC, (Late Turpin & Dt y ▼ Antignac,) has removed two doors belov* r kis . former stand, to the Store recently occupied b' l , E- W. Spofford, and is now receiving in additioi, j to his former stock, a large supply of DRUGS & MEDICINES, . WHITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL, BEST SPERM OIL, WINDOW GLASS, &c. &c. All of which will be sold low, and on accommo dating terms. - Having purchased the notes and accounts of the late firm ot Turpin & D,Antignac, he particularly , requests those indebted to make early payment. . oft S ts 1 SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. THE subscriber has made arrangements with the most extensive Instrument makers in the ( I mon, and is now and will hereafter be supplied, with all the various Surgical Instruments in com mou use, and can, at short notice, have Instruments i of any description made to order, i Physicians will please call and examine hist . stock and prices. WM. M. D’ANTIGNAC, i oct 8-ts Druggist. CLOTHS, CASSIMERS & VESTINGS. ! T\r YAT 1 & WARREN, No. 206 Broad street, 1 have just received a large supply of Wool dyed black cloths fine and superfine. Blue and Cadet, do do do Wool dyed black Cassimers sup, A large lot of Fancy Cassimers, Log Cabin Cassimers, new style, Satinetts and Kentucky Jeans, An assortment of fine and superfine Vestings, Welsh Flannels and Red Flannels, Irish Linens and Long Cloths, very low, Negro Cloths and Blankets, oct 13 trw6w CITY TAXES—LAST NOTICE. rjNHE City Council, at its last regular meeting, 8 made it my duty to proceed immediately It the collection of all taxes due on the Digest of the present year, or in the event of its not being done by the first day of November next, to cause exe . cutions to be isssurd in every case of default, o! ‘ which all concerned will take due notice, as afte.‘ | that date executions will be placed in the hands o | j the City Marshal, with instructions to collect with « , out delay, tne several amounts due with the addi » ! tion of 10 per cent and costs. JOHN H. MANN, Col. & Treas. C. A. oct 13 trwlstNov CHOICE LIQUORS AND M INES, i PIPES superior old Cogniac Brandy, Otard, Duprey & Co’s brand, 10 pipes sup’r Brandy, A. Scignette brand, 5 “ Domestic Brandy, 5 pipes superior Holland Gin, 2 “ Old Madeira Wine, 25 i casks Sicily “ “ 2 | “ Old Port “ 20 £ “ Sweet “ Loring’s brand, 20 bbls Whiskey, 20 bbls N. E. Rum, Just received and for sale by oct 5-trw6t W. & J. NELSON. WILLIAM BOSTWICK, HIIS JUST RECEIVED his usual supply o’ Fall and Winter DRY GOODS. Also —A full Stock of GROCERIES, To which he would invite the attention of his old Customers, and the public generally, as they will be sold on the most reasonable terms, at his 0/<t Stand. oct 1 trwlm GROCERY AND COMMISSION BUSLt NESS. rg’IHE undersigned have this day entered int • I co-partnership, for the purpose of transacting a Grocery and Commission business, in this cit} , under the firm of Fort, Clopton & Malone. WILLIAM Fv-RT, MARTIN R. CLOPTON, IRA E. FORT, CHARLES J. MALONE. Savannah, Sept. 27, 1840. oct 7-2 m DRUGS & MEDICINES subscriber respectfully informs his friend; 1 and the public geneially, that he has remov ed his Drug& Medicine establishment twelve door above his old stand, to No. 334, Soißh side of Broa > street, d rectly opposite Messrs. Clarke, McTier t Co., where he has on hand a large and v ell select ed assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Peifumery Paints, Oils, Glass, &c. which he will dispos i o f on the most reasonable terms. He politely invites Physicians an I Merchants t: call and examine his stock, as he feels certain h ' can offer them such bargains as will induce ther 4 to buy. Orders respectfully solicited and punctually at tended to, ana every article warranted fresh and ei the first quality. ROBERT CARTER, oct 8 swim SALE OF PLANTATION. ON the first Tuesday in December next, at th ? lower market in the city of Augusta, will b offered for sale that valuable Plantation on Savan nah River, in Edgefield District, S. C., known ! Horse Creek, about a mile and a half below Au gusta, containing 804 acres, agreeably to plat, • considerable portion of which is fertile, lo\ * grounds and Isinglass lands. There is a Flat an ’ a rigffit of way forever secured through the plan* tation of Mr. Walley, on the Georgia side, direct!/ opposite. Terms of sale, one-third cash and the balance i« two equal payments of ore and two years, secure by mortgage on the property and notes with tw i approved endorsers, with interest at 8 per cert per annum, from date of delivery of plantation on the first of January next Names of endorscil required on day of sale. E. F. CAMPBELL. October 5, 1840. INSURANCE CO. of COLUMBIA, S. C Stockholders of this Company having de j termined lo close its business, notice is hen Dy given of the same, that those who have mad< insurance with the undersigned, Agent for Am gusta, may renw their risks elsewhere as they ex* pirt, due notice of which will be given. Those who may have claims against the Com pany, through this agency, will present them R» adjustment to J, G. DUNLAP, Agent, may 9 FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD ! LOST, on the day of the election, between M ( Frazer’s on Broad street, and the Court Housu a small Pocket Wallet, containing aiouts23si| Bank bills, viz: two S2O bills on the Insurant! Bank—slo bill on the Bank of Hamburg—fiftet I $1 bills on the City Council of Augusta. The balj ance Georgia Rail Road, payable in Athens. Till above reward will be paid by leaving it at th.l Office. oct I(Mit A GENTLEMAN AND LADY wish to obtain » situation as Teachers for the ensuing yea. The Gentleman is a graduate,and the Lady is we 1 qualified to teach either the Sciences or Music, an * I both have had ample experience in teaching. Sa;| isfactory references can be given. Address the Editors of the Chronicle & Sen tine j Augusta. oct * FOR SALE.—A pair of well broke NORTHEKN HORSES. JLjULjL. Apply to JOHN G. WINTER, oct 14 ts BROKE loose, on Friday, the 3d of 'July, in Broad street, Augusta, Ga., a i -■hLg JL chesnut sorrel HORSE, with a notable I blaze in his face. The white does not run down i straight in the usual way, but is very much in clined to the left; with a long thick tail. He had on a new snaflle bridle, with long stout reins ; a good saddle, with a dark blanket. Any person I taking up said Horse, will be suitably rewarded bv leaving him at Mr. ALMOND’S Stable. , July S ts ALLIGATOR LINE FOR MOBILE, Via Greensboro’, Eatonton, Clinton, Macon, Per ry, Pindertown, Bainbridge, Chattahoochie, lola, St. Josephs, Pensacola, to Mobile. The Proprietors of this Line inform the Travel ling public that it is now in full operation, through the entire route ; leaving Augusta by the Georgia Rail Road cars to Greensboro’ every Tuesday Thursday and Saturday, at 6 o’clock, P. M. and ar rive in Mobile in three days and a half running time. Travellers are assured that the staging upon this line is superior to any other, the accommodations unsurpassed, and by far the best natural roads in the Southern country, only 210 miles of staging. Stages leave Bainbridge for Tallahassee via Quin cy, immediately on the arrival of the Alligator Line from Greensboro’, and immediately on the arrival of the boats from lola. OCT Two Stages will at all times be run in com pany, when the travel requires it. For scats in the above Line, apply at the office, at the United States Hotel, Augusta, Geo. aprii 21 ly GEO. W. DENT, Agent. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE, TO NASHVILLE, Tenn. IL N. Wilson respectfully informs the public that his splendid line of Four Horse Post Coaches is running from Greens boro to Spring Place, Ga. via Gainesville and Cass ville, in connexion with Col. Ramsey’s Line to Ross’ Landing and Nashville, and Maj. Wells’ Line to Athens and Knoxville, Tenn. Fare toCassvilJe, <t]2 00 “ “ Spring Place, 00 Leaves Greensboro on the arrival of the Rail Road Cars from Augusta, on Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays. Travelling time to Spring Place, 29 hours. “ “ “ Nashville, 6.3 CC7* Seats can be secured on application to G. W. DENT, Agent, mar 23 —6m U. S. Hotel, Augusta, Ga. GEORGIA RAIL-ROAD. On and after Monday October 12th, the Passen ger Cars will run to Buck-head, six miles East of Madison. Leave Augusta 6P. M. arrive at Buck head 2A. M. Leave Buck-head 7$ P. M , arrive at Augusta 4$ A. M, oct 9-3 t Office S. Carolina Rail Road Co. £ Hamburg, May 1, 1840. 3 ON and after this day, the passenger train from Hamburg will arrive in Charleston at 2$ o’clock, p ii.in time tor dinner. may 1 Office Transportation S.C.C. & R. R. Co. } June 2d,1840. 3 Information to Travellers North and South. ■\T OT WITH STANDING the destruction of the bridges over the Savannah River, at Augusta, by the late freshet, travellers are respectfully in formed that arrangements have been made for ing the river, and that the Cars leave Hamburg and Charleston daily at the usual hours and arrive as formerly. WM. ROBERTSON, Jr. Agent Transportation. GEORGIA RAIL ROAD. CHANGE OF HOUR. The Passenger Train, carrying the great mail between New York and New Orleans, leaves Au gusta every day at 6 p. m., and arrives at Greens boro at lA. m. Leaves Greensboro at 9p. m., and arrives at Augusia at half past 4 o’clock, a. m. Stages run in connection with this train from Greensboro for New Oneans, (two daily lines) via Indian Springs, Columbus, Montgomery and Mobile; for New Orleans, tri-weekly, via Clinton, Macon, and Pensacola; for West Point and Wetumpka, via Barnesville, tri-weekly ; for Rome, tri-weekly via Covington, Decatur and Marietta; for Nashville and Knoxville, Tennessee,tri-weekly, via Athens, Gainesville and Cassvillc; for Washington, Wilke county, tri-weekly, from Double Wells ; for New Orleans, daily, from Warrenton, via Sparta, Mil ledge villc, Macon and Columbus ; for Milleclgeville, li-weekly, via Greensboro and Eatonton. Connecting with these lines are branch stage, lines to Tallahassee, Coiumous, M iss.. Tuscaloosa, Newnan, Coweta county, Ga., and Clarksville, Ha bersham county, &c. Fare on the Rail-Road to Greensboro $4 25. Office Georgia Rail Road Bk’g Co. £ A us. usta, Decemoer 9, i»39. S CCT* NOTICE. —The Rail Road Passenger Train between Charleston and Hamburg, will leave as follows: — UPWARD. Not to leave Charleston before 7 00 a m. “ “ Summerville, “ - -S 30 “ “ George s\ - ** - 10 0 “ “ Branchvrile, “ - 11 00 * “ Blackville, - “ -100 p. u “ “ Aiken, - - “ - 300 Arrive at Hamburg not before - 400 DOWNWARD. Not to leave Hamburg before 6 00 a. m. “ Aiken, - “ - 730 “ Blackville, “ - • 915 “ Midway, “ - - 10 30 “ Branch vill “ - - 11 00 “ “ Georges’, “ - - 11 45 m. “ “ Summerville,“ - -1 15p. m. Arrive at Charleston not before 215 Distance —130'mile?. FareThrough —$10 00. Speed not over 20 miles an hour. To remain 2( minutes each, for breakfast and dinner, and noi longer than 5 minutes for wood and water at an} station. To stop for passengers, when a white flag is hoisted, at cither of the above stations; and also 11 Sinealhs, Woodstock, Inabinet’s, 41 mile T. ()., Rives’, Grahams, Willcston, Windsor, Johnsons 1 and Marsh’s T. O. Passengers wo will breakfast at Woodstock and dine at Biackvnie; aown, will breaKiast at Aikec an d dine at Charleston. may 4 GEORGIA RAILROAD. ON the 30th of September the Georgia Railroad will be opened to Buck Head 6 miles East of Madi son. after which period the rates of freight to the several station along the line, for Cotton and gen eral merchandise will be as follows: Cotton per bale Merd’z per 100 lb Belair, 25 “ “ 5 “ Berzelia, 60 “ * 10 “ Hearing, “ “ 15 « “ Thompson, 70 *• “ 20 *• « Caraak, & 7 $ “ “ 25 »* ‘ Warrenton, 1,10 “ “ 25 ‘ Gumming, 1,10 “ “ 25 “ “ Crawfordville, 1,25 “ « 33$ “ “ Jefferson Hall, 1,37$ « “ 37$ “ Greensboro’, 1,50 “ “ 40 « Buck-Head, 1,70 « “ 40 “ “ And after the Ist of November to Woodville, Athens Branch 1,50 “ “ 40 *• “ No single packages taken to either of the above stations for less than 25 cent«. All Cotton bags torn while in possession of the company will be mended at their expense. RICHARD PETERS, Jr. Augusta. Sept 26 Sup. Transpoitation. 1 WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. GARVIN &. HAINES, No. 232, Broad street, are constantly receiving fresh supplies of Drugs, Paint-, (>ils } Glass, &c. Also an extensive assortment of Brushes, Toilet and Shaving Soaps, Perfumery, &c., of domestic and foreign manufac tures, selected by their agents; also a fresh supply of English Garden Seed. Country merchents and Physicians are invited to call and examine our sto k. (IT A liberal discount made for cash, oct 14 ('i ENGINE COLOGNE WATER. Farina’s T genuine Cologne Water, in long and short bottles, warranted of the very best quality; for sale in boxes of half a dozen each, for family use, or by single bottles. Also, a large assortment of Fancy Soaps, Odorous Waters, Extracts, Hair Oils, and Curling Fluids, of the best quality, at Apothecary Hall, 232 Broad street, by GARVIN & HAINES, oct 14 OILS AND PAINTS.—PaIe Winter Strained Lamp Oil, Pale Fall Strained Lamp Oil, Whale “ T rain “ Linseed “ In quantities to suit purchasers. Also, a general assortment of Paints, Window Glass, &c. icc. For sale by GARVIN & HAINES, oct 14 232 Broad-street. F|>HE \ ERBENA CREAM, an Emollient Soap, ■ which affords real pleasure in shaving produ cing a rich, fragrant, creamy and permanent lather, just received and for sale by oct 14 GARVIN & HAINES. 1 HjNRAIN OIL, &c.—Train Oil, Plaster Pans and A Gilder’s \\ biting, for sale in quantities to suit pnrehasers, by GARVIN & HAINES, oct 14 LAMP OIL a supply of best Bleached Lamp Oil, just received and for sale by oct 14 GARVIN & HAINES. NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS. —The subscribers are now receiving and opening their fall and winter stock of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, among which are many seasonable and desirable articles, to which the attention of the public is respectfully invited. sept 4 W W. H. CR ANE & Co. DISSOLUTION.^ THE co-partuership heretofore existing be tween the subscribers, under the lirms of JOHN G. WINTER, and JOHN G. WINTER & Co., is by mutual consent, this day dissolved. Persons having unsettled business with one or the other ot the above named concerns, will please make application to either of us. JOHN G. WINTER, SAMUEL H. PECK. October 12.1540. j w f | >HE subscriber would inform his friends, and " the public generally, that he has removed his Office to No. 248 Broad street, (the office recently occupied by the Branch of the Bank of Millcdgeville, and more recently by Wm. P. Wright & Co., next door below the United States Hotel, where he will continue to transact an Exchange Business in his own name, and respectfullv solicits a portion of their patronage. JOHN G, WINTER. oct 12 2w COPARTNERSHIP. THE undersigned have associated themselves under the firm of PECK & HEARING, and will transact a general EXCHANGE and COM MISSION BUSINESS, Office under the Masonic Hall, recently occupied by John G. Winter & Co. SAML. H. PECK, W. E. HEARING. Augusta, 12th Oct,, IS4O. A CARD. fJIIIE subscriber lias returned to the city, and X will again resume his profession, the teaching of Music on the Piano and Guitar. Thankful for past favors, he solicits a continuance of the same. Those desiring my services will please leave their address at Mr. Parsons’ Furniture Store, or the dwelling of Mrs. Carts, corner of Campbell and Ellis streets. OTTO HERMANN. oct 12 lm PERFUMERY. riIHE undersigned is now receiving a complete JL assortment of Cologne, Lavender, Florida and Honey Waters, Cosmetics, Fancy and Shaving Soaps, Hair Oils, Brushes and Combs, in great va riety, which he will sell low. oct 8-tt WM. M. D’ANTIGNAC, Druggist. NEW GOODS. RUSSELL & HUTCHINSON have just re ceived and are now opening a splendid as sortment of Fresh and Seasonable DRY GOODS, which they offer low. Call and see. sept 2-1 GUTA VEGETAKIL.IS.~TAYLOR’S REMEDY FOR DEAFNESS A« S UPPL\ ol the above celebrated remedy for DEAFNESS, kept constantly on hand and for sale by (oct 14) GARVIN & HAINES. BAGGING, ROPE, &C. K PIECES 44 inch Bagging, 1$ a lbs. OULf per yard; 200 coils Bale Rope ; 50 ps. heavy milled and bleached Sacking; 1 bale plaid and striped Hemp Carpeting. For sale by GAKDELLE in RHIND. may 16 ts NOTICE. I TAKE pleasure in informing the Planters and Country people at large, that I have made ar rangements to do a general Grocery business in this place, and will keep constant } on hand a good as sortment of Groceries, and all other articles usual ly kept for the up country trade. A. Wray will conduct the business, and act as my duly author ized agent in the purchase of goods and everything appertaining to my business in the mercantile line. And from his knowledge and experience in busi ness, 1 hope to merit a liberal patronage. He will be found at the stand formerly occupied by John E. McDonald, where he will attend promptly to all orders conlided to him. 11. G. JOHNSON. Hamburg, Sept. 14, 1840. ts The Hamburg Journal will please insert the a bove four times, and present their bill to A. WR IY, Agent. FURNITURE AND PIANO-FORTE WARE-HOUSE, No. 236 Broad street, Augusta, Georgia. The subscriber, having previr us y Tj _ ~B bought out the interest of A. Z. Ban ta in his Furniture Warehouse, has now associated himself with one of the largest manufacturing eslablish fwu V inents in New York, flatters himself • that he will be able to oiler to the public an assoitmcnt of Furniture, superior in point of workmanship and durability, to any heretofoie offered in Augusta. As the manufacturing will have the personal attention of one of the partners, the strictest care will be observed in the selection of good wood and dry material, (so essential to he dux-ability. Also, a general assortment of Pianos, from the best manufactories in the Union. More particulars ly the New York Piano Forte com pan}’s instru ments, which cannot be excelled for sweetness of lone and durability, in tha southern climate, b / any manufactory in the United States. Our instru ments are selected with the greatest care, by one who is a competent judge, and a written guarantee is furnished in every instance, if required C. A. Platt returns his thunks to the public for their former patronage, and solicits for the company that share of public patronage heretofore bestowed on himself. Tne easiness in future will be con ducted ov jap 2* GHAS. \. PLATT & G.o AUGUSTA FURNITURE WARE HOUSE. D. H. SILCOX, 303 Broad street 1 | keeps at all times for sale, a large as l4o*! sortment of Cabinet Furniture, of superior workmanship and well sea soned materials, made expressly for the Southern climate. Every arti in the above business, with ali the BSSBe^Bvariet. of new patterns,continually received. Persons wishing to purchase can do a well at this establishment as at any of the Norths era manufactories. To be soid for casu or cr o od city acceptances. mar-5 PUBLIC SALES. Damaged Sugar. BY W. E. JACKSON. THIS MORNING, at 11 o’clock, At the Store of J. W. Stokes, Hamburg, will be sold on account of all concerned, damaged on the River, 2 boxes Loaf Sugar. oc * 17 Terms cash. BY W. E. JACKSON. On Monday, 19th inst., at 11 o’tlock, at the office of D. Morrison, Washington street, will posi tively be sold, unless previously diposed of, the following properly belonging to the late him of J. & I). Morrison. 2 Houses and lots, known as the Dill lots, 3 likely Negroes, 1 pair fine, well broke black Horses, 3 saddle Hoises. Also, sundry articles of Merchandise, among which are: Blankets, Salinetts, Negio cloth-, liol. Gin, Jamaica Rum, St. Croix Rum, Castings, Shoos, Domestics, &c. tc. Terms at sale. oct 13 D. MORRISON, surviving jartner. Executor's Sale. BY W. E. JACKSON. be sold, on the first Tuesday in Novem 'v ▼ ber next, at the lower market house in the city of Augusta, within the usual hours of sale, four negioes belonging to the estate of Martha McMillan,deceased. Sold b\' order of court, for a division. Terms at sale. WM, H. JONHS, August 31, IS4O. Executor. Administrator’s Sale. BY W. E. JACKSON. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Novem ber next, at tiie lower market house, be tween the usual hours of sale, a gold patent lever watch and chain, together with five shares of the Augusta Insurance and Trust Company stock, be longing to the estate of James Carswell deceased. R. CLARKE, Adm’r. October 15, IS4O. td salt in Bi lk. ~ LIOO BL SHELS Liverpool Ground Salt, •/Uylyl in lots to suit purchasers. For sale by (oct 9-swlm) ISAAC MOISE. MTO RENT, from the Ist of October next, cither separately oi together, the STORE and D\V ELLINGncxt above the Insurance Bank. WILLIAM GUMMING. septH trwtf-rmvf J?. TO RENT.—The Store on Broad str.. No. 247, now occupied by Messrs. J. W. fa T. S. Sloy. Also, the two Stores above, being Nos. 249 and 251. Apply to July 25-trwtf HENRY H. GUMMING. A... —1 TO REN I —The Office in the rear of =;sp I the Store of the subscriber, lately occu nied by P, D. Woolhopter, Esq. Also, the Store below the Darien Rank, lately occupied by Jesse Walton. Also, the two wooden stores below. For terms apply to [oct 9-swlm] ISAAC MOISE, T 0 RENT from the first day of October =lll f next, the Store at i resent occupied by j\[ r (J eor (TO Lott. Also, the Dwelling over the Store at present or cupied by Mr. D. W. Calhoun, containing eight good rooms, and necessary out buildings. Also the Store, two doors below, occupied by Mr S. B. Clarkson. Also the Store and Barber’s Shop, opposite Rees & Beali s W are-house, and the Dwelling over the Store at present occupied by Mr. Fleming, contain ing six Rooms, and necessary out builuings. Also the Dwelling next above Mr. Mein’s Ware house, recently occupied by Mr. Martin Wilcox, containing six Rooms, and necessary out buildings, and a good garden. Also the Dwelling, next below my Shop, at present occupied by Mr. John Riley, containing live Rooms, and a good garden, and necessary out buildings. For terms, apply to TT , . DAVID L. CURTIS, upper end, South side Broad-street. SC P 19 swtf M. TO RENT.—(Possession given imme diately,) the office on Broad street, oppo site the Masonic Hall, formerly known as the Augusta Mirror office. For terms, &c., apply [oct 7-ts ] VINCENT & OGiER. T° —-Two small Dwelling, j|||| wili ) a Well of good water in the Yard, - Hr■*:ML on Telfajr-street, belonging to the Es tates of Rebecca and Thomas Quizenbeny. oct 1 (ts) A. SIBLEY, Administrator. M SCHOOL ROOM.—The School Room in the basement story of the Presbyterian Room will be rented, and imme diate possession given. Enquire ol sept 24 1m j. g. DUNLAP. A A TO RENT, from the Ist October, the TSg||H three small tenements on Telfair-street, J5..~.1rJ1L. nearly fronting my residence. Apply at my residence. PAUL FIZSIMMONS. sept 14 J?. .A TO RENT.—The Richmond Hotel, op ||p | posite the Upper Market. Apply to Sam ■ iiel Hale, Esq., or to the undersigned. Also, a dwelling house oh the North side of Reynolds street, in the rear of Parson’s Furniture Store —rented last year by J. J. Cohen. Apply to CHALKS J. JENKINS. PLANTATION TOR SALE. THE subscriber offers for sale the Plantation lately owned by Mrs. Urquhart, deceased, sit uated in Burke county, adjoining the town com mon of Waynesboro, containing about 1014 acres. On the premises are a two story brick dwelling in thorough repair, gin house, overseer’s house, and all necessary out buildings. The place being well known, a further description is deemed unneces sary. There will also be sold with the place, if desired, the stock of Cattle, among which are some fine* milch cows, hogs, hoises, plantation utcn- ils, &c. A bargain may be had, and terms made accom modating to an approved purchaser. Possession given Ist January next. W. E. JACKSON, sept 10 F. A. MAUGE, IMPORTER OF FRENCH TRAVELLING and FANCY BASKETS, has constantly on hand an extensive and handsome assortment at his store. No. 130 Broad street, Augusta. Aiso, he has an nexed to the above business. Fancy Straw Bags, Oil Cloth Reticules, Tooth Brushes, Fancy Specta cle Cases. Shaving Brushes, and a great variety of Fancy S’.raw Baskets, kc. &c. ail of which will be sold at low prices. se pt 12 AUGUSTA FEMALE SEMINARY. THE duties of this SEMINARY will be resumed on the Ibth of October, by Mrs H. L. Moise, assisted by competent and efficient Teacheis. All the branches of a complete English Education will be taught. Also French and other Languages; Vocal and Instrumental Music, and Di awing and Painting in all their branches. terms. pr. q r . 0 f 3 mos. For English—from $S to s].3 00 “ French and other Languages 10 00 “ Music on the Piano, 20 00 “ “ “ “ Guitar, 10 00 “ Drawing and Painting, 12 00 “ Boarding and Lodging, lights and fuel, 50 00 A limited number of young ladies can be com fortably accommodated in the immediate family of Mrs Mouse, whose attention will be devoted to their morals and deportment. sept 23-ts (£7* The Edgefield Advertiser will insert above three times and forward bill. WARE-HOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. THE subscribers will continue the Ware-house and Commission Business at their old stand, where they hope to receive the same liberal patro nage that has been given to them for jears p ast. Our location being central and near the wharves, combines as many advantages as any similar estab lishment in the city. In the Ute disastrous fresh et we sustained some injury, but as little perhaps as any other ware-house 111 the city, having the same quantity of produce on hand. Our Waro house and close-stores are in good order for the re ception of produce 01 Merchandize, and strict at tention will be devoted to cither when entrusted to our care. BAIRD & ROWLAND. Augusta. July 2S. IS4O. tlstNov.