Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, October 17, 1840, Image 4
'I hr Homs- <f Jii Vs e have compiled, from Minora* »be fcd ut* rmr i. ! wßl*w>ttd ieiniiwii«b,wiieh ®°® B * giu.' wir acvera attbon tv the I jfcr p*- mown, valor, ialewta awl itp«* of General Har ' ■- ' - ' •' a ~ 7 and m ’ n>ra a;. - i. e j %ve tr.efa v.»'if fici*nt !o Wi.' t. .'...a ' Mcrac.-t nr.-: fTI tlfiKV fair. ,r* o "" ’' o' art-: *<-, ;.«• • - . , ■ _ ... - - lion, are no ieav ’ r < - ' 5 Jamt* \fad*> .... Joi Mo n.*'i '• -U -' • -* 1 *• *’ ,o*, .W.'.- .. -*■ -- ■- ■ | ; ' Col. Kw-hard M. Johnson, r-asv Vice Presicc-Bt of . if--- Who w Gen. Horiwn ? *l|h« won of one of she spien of the Declaration o| In tepeedesee, wt»o i it./ the pitdpe he risen fpwt of fit* ‘‘ wwi/t6. iiw *nd sacred bouoi, to tecur, the Lbe rues of hia country «* Ofihe eordfe-oTGen. Barjson I need sat speak ;U history. I - |e.- - a:.o' ,- • 1 r..;es y - oil j, |o j MBee, %r.(j d1 * -- • ' - * -•■* -- - the conncri* of had been set mote Slnstnuoaiv diaiingtpsbed in tjiie field. -- \p\’: v/- a- v. or.■* *» ~' '• :• & r rj£B tfl2n any o’btf Gcctr , i-. tfeVefeO-:.. ‘ j James Haiwoß, in a spec iari message to Gongreaa J D ■ ■■.-. • m \\ r I . that so am af>le lives have bee-n lost in itji action which took iriaeeon - ’ - laaa with rat- j eduction the cauniJea* spirit n\ fortitude vk-toriow |j (fitojayed by every deeefip jyti <rf .mops engaged, as weft as the collecte d Ikeir comma in oo:oi~o» requiring the tit r/iczt ti*rt‘OT*9 of t-> ' cod' y *7 , tamw 3ladi&*>n xxi hss 'l f --. y-- to No ■ ■ i •An ample force from tlw? *>iates of Kentucky, -ylvania, and Vtrgni*, is placed, with tbe addition ol a few irgnlsn: under the ngnunsmi t of Bnzaoier GeOeral Karnson >v L-a p -sessea tr.e er.‘,re c>>r.f.'- - r o: - .ci »'«v s'i.c.crs. araor.^ at.m are czuzena *oir.e of them vc! oteera m the far.?, :ja .e,--. c.-:. j'-.-’oeo, r.y the.r polutcnl »ta liorra thar. hy their tn-nta. In Mr. 3tai;*cm's ;v;- - • ■ .- ■ ’ **2eto tetntorv of toe cntic.y, ...e officer com mnzsc'SNt onhwestern arms, ttaefetred the war thirtber, and, i aped iv p« raying the boatile troop* j- t : i- .-:; yfp.ji winch qoitaiy ien&iai; d in the capture of .■ ; ; ■ - - « yt.~« result is sigwaßm hestprmHe to Mayor Gen eral Harrw<m, by mime miL taty talents it teas pre- ZOfr i." I The fc .-srxs rro-ite o; pn«ae was pa. ; to Gen e.-i- iiar'.i- ~ h .SI ii, '.J the ofF.cens wbo ; r .. ".. _ r . ' ... '. - Ii . '..at ■. v .. 1. ' -- r» x < ■MmhA! our coustty a?ai n hsqtnro oor service to mmpene a civilized or a tats - should mar-u ■gotScr Gcatnl Harmon wish t;ie most perfect confi o-- ■ JO. 31 RTON, NAI HAN A DAMS, A-HAWKINS, if BCRCHBTEAD, HOSEA BLOOD, JOSIA fc G, O. G. BkRTO’«, C. li. LLLiI, G 5 GOODING, J. D. FOSTER. Extract of a letter from Co! Davis, who wa« kil lexl at the battle ol August 24,1811: “ I make free lo declare, thin I have imagined there were two military mcr ■ry the West, and Gen. Harnaoii us tl»e firet of die two.” Mw.- loon Snydnr, 1 Governor of IV:.';- syivania, J/ec<m:> r lh. it I.: j “ Alrtaoy i- the hro.v of ihcjyoung warrior. (*ro eoetreled with lanrela, and toe blewingi of ihousar /: • of women and < hildjvn rescued from the acalping knifeot the ruthleaa t'tvege of the wilder nes-.H, and from the -Id mote hear age Proolor, r< ton Heriam end hia gallant array,” la dieLegislatoreof lodtui on the 12th Nov. Ihlljthe 6 peaker of the House of Repreeenietivee, (»i :i Wm John.-.’.00, tbo l ad ■ r>-'j .enc-ril ifarr;- aon. » »» Sir—'The Hoo-e- f Repret|»nt.':t,vev of the In diana territory, in thefr own nape, end mi behalf of tr»- in - ;i >' reeijwoeata the cotigratolaiionv of year Eu’.eUyney on the glorious result of the late aanfuinary with the Shaw nee pr and I tribes Kim • when we ese dii |»l*yed in our country, no only the ccdijimank abilities of the general, but the lieroiarn of she man ; and when we tale into - .‘-w the -.enefilH io rs ’ ..t to thet country from those exortic|M, we ewnta, Sm a Hfffffuni, withhold ir nee olj«| legislature of Keatssek y, .ranuary T, J" 12 «/ . , | B the mat. ui-.d Ho ise of Ref re tativeaof the State of Kento-v?>, in the Ins task paign against trie Indian* upor the Watiaah, fiov. Wihi am fie, yj i -.n..- nll hftt.aved t.ke a ne;o, a patriot and a general; end ckK lor bis coed, delib* erate, *k»lful and gallant concoct in ;h - bat-in of 5 he vvcl deserve r t thanks of hia country and hia nation, t Gen. Anthony Ws} t:e, ftl hi* !>:i;er to rf.': Ser re tar,- of War,giving an oflU ad ol hia fan 'onnary Indian B.iUle, in I »02, i»si'. c “Mv faithful and gallant Lieutenant Harrison rendered ihe mo-ies - ntial ser f ice, by communica ting rny or den, i- every direct, on, and by hia con duct and bravery, exciting the. troops to press for victory.” Resolution directing the medals struck, and,!to be together with the thanks ot Cong re h, presented to Major Genera! llarriion, and Gov. Shelby, and for other purposes. lUafjlved, By the f-enan- and House of Repre sentative:-, of the United -Sian • ot America in Con gress assembled. That the ihankn ot Coiigre-s be, and they are hereby, prehejted to Major Gen eral William Henry Haiti***' and Isaac Shelby, late Gov. ol Kentucky, and - igh them, to ifie of ficers and men under their ton.-oand, for their gal lantry and good conduct in defeating the combined British and Indian forces under-Major General Proc tor, on the To me--, in Upper Canada, on the fifth day of October, one thousand eight hundred and thirteen, capturing the British .irrny, with their bag age, camp equippage, and artillery ; and that the President of the United States :»♦• requested to cause two gold medals lo be struck, emblematic of this triumph, and he presented to General Harrison and Isaac Shelby, late Gov. of Kentucky. H. Cr.AY, Speaker of the House c Representatives. John Gaillard, President of the Senate, pro tempore. April 4, 1818.—Approved, i James Monroe. Gov. Shelby to Mr. Madison, May 18, IS 14, says: “ 1 leel no hesitation to declare to you that I he ■heve Gen Harrison lo Ite one of the first military characters I ever knew.'' Col. Richard M. Johnson loGcn. Harrison, July 4, 1813,says: “ W c did not want to serve under cowards or trai tors ; but under one [Harrison],uho had proved him self lo be wise, prudent and hruve.” Commodore J’erry to General Harrison, August 18, IBl7,says: ! Ifjjjii aB pL B “ 'i'fie prompt change mace by you in the ordi rof battle on discovering the position of the ere my, has always apjieared lo me to h?ve evinced a high DEGREE OK MILITARY T V LEST. I COHC If wil l venethe rahle Shelby in his general approbation of your conduct in that campaign.” Honorable Laugdon Clie.eat on the battle of the V homes. i “ The victory of llorrison, wis such as would have secured to a Roman < • neral ;i -ihe best days of the Republic, the honors of a trviniph ! He put an end to the War in the Uppermost Canada.” Sentiments of the Hero of iHrt Stephenson,Col. Crogban : *• 1 desire no plaudits w hich are bestowed upon meat lb- expense of General I|urrison. “ I have h It the warmest attr-i hmciit for him as a man, and my confidence in fun: as an able comman der remains unshaken. I foil every assurance ihat he will at ail times do mo justice; and nothing {•oil’d give me m >ro pain than ito see his c.s mies upon diis nccas on to ucaj out their unlri-. n-dy (00 in g , and acrimonious dis/ik|i; and so long as lie continues as in my humble opit.ion he has hither todone 1 tom ake ilic wisest airingements and the .ij ltcioi;s di-position, wliiai Hie 10.-.-es under his (ommand wil' justify. ]•’ aU not or sitate to , n nn witi jc army oosU.wjng noon ium that ♦ H i I nmjkdesu e erktdk ht u> nd*y ****** 1 of'i xif>o4c<*ssoo w TLe iLchreotsl Eoqmrer «id: ■ ■ v e wish it* k■'»o**v * xn*t the er*. ' kto-j . fcnmnriea to every mm but I:- a—i..2 rite world mi** tberefore doja-uceto the cun wb» s - as terj so be j us* to ku&fvlt. cron. Geo. Harrison’s repost of the battle f t:.e T hames: "We hive suaered greatly for the wist of pro | Vi.*t . *. .e whole sr y has s -r: I * last three uay«, or. raw b"i:f without salt, j SO- “ In alt aaes. a&d in ail --santne*. ■-} h-.» be:-n ‘ j fJwefrei, that ifte ol ttse s- n irctno* ; | »r.o are the least v,L.n.g tu part with la * runs, i a;:.d eubmit ihefa;€iv« to the w.;; ot a mas er. VV«. H Has.x is .v. | *S““THE PEOPLE. OF THE L STG :> ; —May thevever reraersh«r that tr* preserve iwnr J h jert - , * ■ v most do th- r own vottr z and L.e.r oar fir Vk m H Haimisox •* Ge- eral iSurwaas has done r i bbb fcr 1 trv. v. less coUfentatA-jn lor i:. tt ia.* . j..:, 2 -- PaEsiD-.NT .'iins I the New Hampelnre PairioSsaxi. j •• Wh.t man lr cs. w r.->e w !kj!c vicio.Ne* of Perry ar.d Harr»on,*th-Al not fee! ! a p~.de m the valor and palnutaiioi the beo*e> ot j tfce West, who r ave treed a oour.irr I'.ree as ire • r tbe Greai, from the 1 toma; awk and scalping - ui»e I it ther.- oe such an : one, he a a traitor to the country —be possesses the il irl oi a raurd-rcr.” > jynn M. Nile.-. li:e Van Bcren cand dn*e fir Gov. in Conne-'ticut. in his h;e ■ t Perry j ur- -i-ed in I-21. at;er sr.vfrtar a general bi grapby ot Gen il«f ri.oa,‘ad “ I he defence of Port 'Dias, and the subsequent cai-ture of the Br -ha my.may be fairly ctmsiher eo the in- «st brilliant and extraordinary eveuls ol the Ia;;e war.’’ In aliodirg to the battle of the Thames, he said ; ■“ It mu't be conceded that this c tori’ r-HecU 1 zreai hone- i‘oon *he national arms, aid upon the troops by whom it teas achieved. The ccfion.und the movements which preceded | it, afforded amp!" testimony ot the judgement and I cool inifepidi.y ct Gen. Ha nson; L:.d, indeed, I a.l f e even's ot the cam:nun support t:.es - char- - a : -nding it Laving, in no ;n --gjfjice, been imp a' aide ;•* h rn. “ There are perhaps on record fe v issninces ot socTi c*>k and steady intrepidity, on me j art ot * >r a force ■ this descrip::an, v.-s d:^p.ay ; ed on l£w» occasion. “* Harri.---.-r. arid Perry left Detroit in the Ariel, and arr.vec a: Lr.a on u.t- 22 :of O-. Loc-er iler-r ;-.c-y were received wuh every deraonatration of joy an: a ;:n-rat <*n ; the c--.charge ot cannon, lilum ;. 'tons A JC7 They were haded as the deliverers of the frontiers. Ac EiOriueat Record. William Ker.ry Har’iaoa was bom in Virginia on the 3th of February, 1773. In I7- J D when 19 years of age, he was appointed ; by vVa*r.ir.gton an in our infant army. in 1792, Le was promoted to the rank of Lteu itr.-i.nt: an: .n 1793, joined the- Dgion under Gen. Wayne,and in a lew days thereafter, was selected bv him as one of tiis Aids. On the 24 ih of August, 179 t, he distinguished himself in the battle <*t the diami. and elicited the ro st fiaitermg w ritlcn approbation of Gen v\ ayne. In 1795, he was raade a Cajdain, and was placed in command of fort NN asbington. In 1797, he was appointed, by President Adams, Secretary of the North-wesieri: Territory and ex ojf<rio Ll. Governor. In 1793, he was chosen a delegate to Congrei-s. In lout, he was appointed Governor of Indiana, and in the tame year, President Jefferson appointed hira sole Commissioner for treating with the in ! dians. Jn 1809, ho was re-appointed Governor oflndi | arifi hy .Madison. On the7ih November, 1811, he gained the great victory of TIPPECANOE On the lllh September, 1812, he was appointed bv Madison, Commandcr-m-Chief of the .Norlh weitern army. On the Ist May, 1813, the seige of F’ort Meigs commeneed —lasted five days, and was terminated by ihe brilliant and successful sortie of Gen. Har rison. On llie 31st July, 1813, the battle of Fort Ste phen.-orj oc r um d. On the .Olh October, 1813, hegatnrM flic splcr.dtd victory of the I 11 A .Mils, over the Brin n a A la disi otunder Proctor. in til4, he wa* a; pointed by Mad:s-.n one of the Commissioners to rear with the Ir. . :• < :: . in lue same vear, wi r,. -.7 e G , .e. . and Gen Cats-i, concluded trie ceirrf>>aled reefy of Greenville, In 1815, he was again appointed such Cornm. > •toner, with G n. MrArtli *r and Mr. Granand negol.ated a treaty at Detroit. lr. 1816, he was elected a member of Gongrevs. lr- J arm ary, 18 H, he introduced a resobitton m hon or of Kosciusko, and supported it in one of the riwsl hiCiifig, i :n-rii al and apeecfie* ever dehiered ir» the Hou. e of Kepresentaiivf; i. Ir. 1819, he was el cted a member of the Ohio Scruste In 1824, he wa* r Jr cted enator in Congress, and was appointed, in 1525, Cfiatrman of the Mtit tary Uomroutee.m place of Gen. Jackson, who had resigned \i 1 -.27, he v/f.s appoinfi.-d Minister to Colombia, | and, in 1829, wrote h;s immortal letter to Bolivar the deliverer of .South America. Os him Col. John.-on (Vice President) ttiussjsike in the House of Representatives whilst a member of fiat body: “Os tfie career of Gen. Harnaon, I need not eperk—the history of the west u, nis fiistory Tor fort; years fie r.ria been identified with its interests,, its penis, and ns hopes. Universally beloved in ■ the .valks of peace,and distinguished by Ins ability ;in ihe councils of his country,he ha.-, been yet more illustriously distinguished in the field. During the i late war. he was 1 anger in actual service than any ; other General Officer; he was, perhaps, otuier in action than any one of them, arid nicer sustained a ; defeat .” buch is the rr.an, who, stii! enjoying hi - untar | nished fame and glory, and standing on a proud j and lofty eminence where neither malice or envy | can assail turn, is now summoned ny h;s grateful countrymen lo leave the quiet walks of private life to guide the councils of the nation, “and deliver the country from the dangers which encompass it.” He will be her deliverer ! AUGUSTA UtON AND BRASS FOUNDRY sfL IS The Castings from this establishment have given universal satisfa lion since it has been in operation. We have now on hand a large stock of the raw material, of the test quality, and are ready to re ceive orders for any description of CASTINGS either fur Hail Roads, Mills, Steam Engines, oj other purposes. As we have a first rate Patten Maker, and use nothing hut the best materials consequently wc can warrant our Castings not only to work well, but be as strong and as well made as any manufactured at the North or elsewhere, and we challenge comparison. We also manufacture to order any kind of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. ’ We are now getting up, and will soon h «ve made on hand tor sale, a variety of PLOUGHS, of all kinds and s.zcs, from the small Poney Plough up to the large four horse Plough. Also, Straw-Cutters Corn Shelters, Harrows , Wheat Fans , Cultivators, Wagons, Carts, <s-c., fyc. Persons wanting such articles would do well to call, as wc are determin ed to sell low for cash or city acceptances. Orders can be left at the principal stores ir. town, or at tiie establishment in rear of the Pres byterian Church, near the Rail Road Depot, and they will be attended to punctually. uly 11 ly THOS. HOPKINS k. Co. t ICE. h LL persons indebted to the estate of Benjamin Sims, deceased, are requested to make imme diate payment to the undersigned, and those having claimu against the same will please present them, duly proven, within the time prescribed by law. Aug. 26. 1840. PRECILLA SIMS. ExTx. | AL3iO.\»S. ! i / \ SACKS fresh Almonds. just received and ii I t i-.e ./ w. ;a. v> n, apri 2 7 Auctioneer. In :Ht Superior C: urt cf Ric’mmd Coam c.. June Ter hi, 1840. \Ci: iam Eo?twik.-v v? '-Rule Nisi. John F. Cc!e«- 3 N the petition of William Bostwick, setting t. th that he was m the possession of* pro j rui-sonr note. ms fie by John P. Coles, dated on 1 th - jt.'-j cay of July. 1813, and payable sixty days after date, t the crier of Wiiiism 80-i wkk « Co., for inree hundred and seventy five 4-3-1.0 dollars, a , £ust, I'dr, and praying this court to e-t : li-h a 1 copy in Feu of sail original note so destroyed: I :? ordered, that the said John P. Coles do shew cause,at tie next term of this court, why a copy , shouia w>t be established in lieu of said original note. It is fur the rendered, that a copy of thi- rule •r e served n h e said John P. Coles thirty days trier t th-. text term, or be pcb ID ted or.ee a month f r four mor. ■.hs prior th retc, in one of the j public o zettes f the city of Augusta- A true extract from the minutes, i August iT. U 4 . JAMES McLAWS, Cl r g. MOFFAT S VEGETABLE! LIFE EDICIN ES ; ts'Hl>L ned: ir.rs r-re n :ed iorihOr n.rae I. ; dk ir nuuoi and sensible action in puri fying t l ie-pring ai.J chinneis ol life, and er. hung j tone and vigor, m rnanv hun -1 dred eeruScd cases vv t a has been rn . ie pabiic, and in almost every -pccies of disease to which the human tram 3 is i aoie, the happy effects of MOFFAT’S LIFE PILLS AND PHENTX CiT TLKS bav? *'een grate fully and purlu-iy ac knowledged bv me pcrsctis becefiitted, am; who vv- re previ-.-u.siy unacquainted wall the : eaunludy philosophical principles upon which they are compounded.arm upon which they eonsequentiy act- The LIFF. MEDICINES recommend themse-vea in diseases ot every! rm an<: description- Their first operation is to loosen 1 root the coals ol me stomach and bowels, the various impurities and crudities constantly settling around them ; and to remove the hardened lieces w inch collect come nsions of tue smallest inic-sines. Other inetliciaea only partially cleanse these, and leave such co-ected masses behind as to produce habitu enesa with ill its train of evils, or in a sud- j i den d-srrhcea, with its eminent dangers. This lad is well known to ad regular anatomists, who ex amine the human bowels after death; and hence the prejudice of those w ell informed men against quack rnc hemes—or met;.cines prepared and her iaetd to the piF lie- bv ignorant p- rsons. Ihe se cond effect of the Life Medicines is to cleanse the kidneys and the bladder, and by this means, the liver and the lungs, the heaiihful action of which entirely depends upon the regularity of the urinary organs. 1 btblocd, wiiii h la.res its red color Irom 1 the agency of the liver and the lungs before it jia.-es into the hea t, being thus purified by them nourished by food coming from a clean atom a h, courses freely thiough tlie veins, renews every part of the system, and triumphantly mounts the i banner of health in the blooming cheek. Moffat’s Vegetable Life Medicines have been ; thonugbiy atte.-ted, and pronounced a sovereign rernody lor 1 >yspepsia. Flatulency, Palpitation of the Heart, Los.: ot Appetite, Heart-burn and Head- i ache. Restlessness, lii-leraper. Anxiety, Languor and Melan holy, tJosfiveness, Diarrhoea, Cholera, Fevers of all kinds, Rheumatism, Gout, Dropsies of ad kind, Gravel, Worms, Asthma and Cmsurnp , lion, Scurv j, Ulcers, Inveterate iores, Scorbutic Eruptions and Rad Complexions, Eruptive com plaints, Mallow, Cloudy, and other disagreeable Complexions, Salt Rheum, Erysij>ei««, Common Colds and influenza and various other complain;s which affl ct the hamar frame. In fever and ague, particularly, the Life Medicines have been most eminent iy successful; so much so that in the Fever and Ague districts, Physicians almost uni versally prescribe them. All that Mr. Moffat requires of his patient is tube particular in taking the Life Medicines strictly according to the directions, h is nut by a news paper notice, or any ihirg that he himself may say in their favor, that he hopes to gam credit, it is alone by the result of a fair trial. MOFFAT’B MEDICAL MANUAL ; designed as a domestic guide to health.—This Rule pamphlet | edited by VV. B >1 offal 373 Broadway New York, j h-.-s been published tor the purpose of explaining more fully Mr. Moffa; s th .ory of ano wni fie found h gbly interesting to persons aeeki g health. Jl reals upon prevalent diseases, and the c»’ - m thereof. P T. r r. zb cents —for sale by Mr M offal’s agents generally. i r.fcsevai-. - uc-ni mes are for sale bv WM. M D ANTIGNaC, bole Agent for Augusta. g ». R. u. >PGHN. h German pfjy-.ciax. of much s r note, caving tie voted ms attention lor some years to tne < ore and removal of tne ctu*-s of N EK ■- Hil A Hll SICK HEAD ACHE, has the satis fcefion to make known, tha he has a remedy which by removing (tic causes cures effectually and perma nently thisehsires-ing complaint. '1 here are many families who five conaiofi red fttcK Head ac fie a con stitutional incurable la.niSy complaint* Jjr. .■?. as sures them that they are mi. fai c-ri, ai,*d labouring under distress which ire-y might not only alleviate hut nciualiy eradicated by the u.- if his remedy. Ji is the result of scientific research,and is entirely of a different chaiacler from advertised patent medi cines, and is no! unplem-anl to the iaste. HEADACHE, .SICK OR NERVOUS. The extraordinary reputation that Dr. Spohn’s rf-rn<My for ibis distressing cornpaint is every day gaming ii certainly a matter of much astonishment, 1 fiat so much lutlering should have existed for ages without any discovery ol an effectual preventivor cure, is truly a subject of much regret but Dr. S. , now ass an » the public that su -h a r raedy has hee-n mvente*! as will convince the most credulous, ihe principles on w Inch it acts are simple and plain, it is an a milled fact that this complaint, whether called Sick Headache, or Nervous Headache, arises prim arily from the stomach—those who think they nave the Nervous Headache may rest assured that this organ, the stomach, is Ibe first cause, that th** sys ;c-m has become vitiated or debilitated, thiough ihe stomach, and thal oniy through the same channel must they expects rest ration of ihe na ural and fieaithy functions ol the system. This object. Dr Spofin’s remedy is eminently calculated to a tain. Tlie truth of t hi.-, position cannot be controverted, arid the sooner sufferers vviih the headache become convinced of it, the sooner wilt their suffering end in restoration of health, Dr. iSpohn pledger) his professional reputation on this fact. Tne remedy may he had ol apothecaries generally throughout the United States. For sale by ANTONY & HAINES, No. 2?2 Broad-street. Augusta. mar 26 ■ . . .. ' PETERS’ VERETAULE I*ILLS. rSTHESA Pills arc no longer among those of JL doubtful utility. They have pasred away from the hundreds that are daily launched upon the ride of experiment, and now stand before the public as high in reputation, and as extensively employed in aii parts oflhe United .States, the Can a las, Texas, Mexico, and the West Indies, as any i! edicme that has ever been prepa.ed lor the relief o; suffering man. They have been int oduced w herever it was found poss.hle to carry them ; and there are but lew towns that do not contain some reran-kable evidences of their good effects. The certificates that have been presented to the proprie tor exceed twenty thousand i upwards of live hun dred ol which are from regular pr.icti.-iag physicians, who are the most competent judges of their merits. Often have the cures performed by tins medicine been the subject of editorial comment in vanous newspapers and journals ; and it may with truth be asserted, that no tne heme of the kind has ever received t- stimonials of gr. a ter value than are at tached to this. i hey are m general use as a family medicine, and there are thousands of families who declare they are never satisfied unless they have a supply always on hand. They have no rival in curing and preventing Bilious fevers, Fever and Acne, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, bick Headache, J mridice, Asthma, Dropsy, Rheumatism, Enlargement ol the Spleen, Flics, Cholic, female Obstructions, Heartburn, J er red longue Nausea, Distension of the stomach i and bowels, Incipient Diarrhoe, Flatulence, Habit ual Co.-liveness, Loss of Appetite, Blotched or Sallow Cerauiexi in, and in all c asts of Torpor of he Dowels, vvbete a cathartic or an aperient is needed. 1 hoy are exceedingly mild in their opeia i ion, producing neither nausea, griping nor debility. ] fie efficacy ol these phis is <su well known, and ; their use sa generJ, that further comment ia con , sniered unnect.-.sary. lor further panicu. .rs. sea Dr. Felers’ oam hiel. whica can be uml qratis ol any of tne Agtril 3\ I rjT - '■ ■ - HARRIxOS’S SPECIFIC OINTMENT. the cure of white swelling?, scrofulous and JL other tumors, u’cers, sore lees, old and fresh wounds, sprains and bruises, swefings and mflam rr-3li,»ns, scald h ad, women’s sore breas's. rheu matic pains, tellers, eruptions, chilblains, whitlows. b;ies, corns, and external diseases generally. The proprietor h n reciaved at least a fhou>and cert fi caiea end other e c -:nretit.s in favor of r . SFECI FIC OINTMLM’ —--nd they era’ race aim-si all the cr*rnplair;!s in their worst slog-s—to which 1 I ointment or sticking plaster can be applied Among these ctr iflcaie*, ft -re are a great number Iroraihe 1 most emiuei;! physieiaito in ir.o country, who use the Ointment in tr.eir daiiy practice, in preference | lo any, or a’l oihc-rs w htr h have ever bec-n invented, t The proprieior has a so rcce.-\ed a great many tes- | j tirooiiials Irom farriers, mili tar vgendem■ n, farmers, i and oihers. rclalixe to fbe amazing efficacy of his Ointment, in the bruises, cuts, and all the exteniai Complaints and diseases of h .raes: and among li»etn are no less D.an a d z n cert;lying to the must per fect cures which ;t ha« performed o i she sore backs of some of those animals. Altogether the proprietor seels n hesitation in stating—or in pat ting it to the proof a i composition —shat HARRISON'S fcFE< JFK OINTMENT j, vastly >uperior lo every thing of tne kind wn:eh has here tofore been offered to the public; and the proprietor not only vouches for Us general go- d qualities, but is willing lo iisk his reputation on-a single trial, for he knows from the mes ample experience, tiiat it cannot be u«ed without immediate and paipable ber ; efit, in any one of ti.e era plaints for which it is so hjgiiiy recommended. Retail price si» cents per box. £fokl at all the principal DRUG STORES in aug 20 Augusta, Ga. 3IJLDICAL COLLEGE OF GEORGIA. Augusta, September, IS4O. riNHE Ninth Cou -of Lectu-t -in this In-titu tion will commence on the second Monday-, , the 9ia of next November, and terminate on the | first Saturday of March following. Fee for full Course of Lectures,. slls 00 I Matriculation, (paid but once,) SOC Arrangements have been made by which Stu dents can be supplied from Europe with Instru ments of all kind-. Skeletons, ice. The Facultyare— G. M. Newtos, M. D., Professor of Anatomy. L. A. Dugas, M. D., Professor of Physiology ar Pathological Anatomy, C. W. West, 31. D.. Piolessor of Chemistry ar Pharmacy. w | I. P. llAETix.il. D., Professor of Therapeutics an Materia Medica. 1 J. A. Eve, M. D., Professor of Obstetric* and Dis eases of Women and Infants. L. D. Ford, M. D., Professor of the Institutes ar.c Practice of 3ledicine. P. F. Eve, M. D., Professor of the Principle* an Practice of Surgery, j G. M. Newtos, M. D.. } Demon'trators of Anat j Jok:v McLestek, M. D.. 5 omv, without addtTfee PAUL F. EVE, M. D., sept 1 Dean of Faculty. | ‘Xj 3 The Edgefield Advertiser, Greenville Moun taineer, S. C.; Sou’hern Recorder, Federal Union ! Columbus Enquirer, Savannah Georgian, Georgia; Motile Register, Huntsville Democrat, Alabarm j Journal, Tuscaloosa Flag of Union. Alabama; Flo rilian, Flo.; and Nashville Banner, will publish th above advertisement weekly to the amount of $- ’ each, and forward their receipt- to the Dean. EXECUTOR’S SALE. be sold on the first Tuesday in January w » next, at the court hou-e in Waynesboro, ; Burke county, under an order of the Court of Or dinary of said county, the following rezroes, viz: Phil, Calvin, and D. :t, men); Peg, Mary, Vio let, Rose, Harriet. Maria, and Moliy, women'; and Aaron, Edmund, and Tom, v bojs) ; sold as the property of the e«tate cf Reuben (, fiance deceased, ior tire benefit of the heirs and creditois. derm s cash. Bankable money. Purchasers to pay for titles. HENRY CHANCE, Ex’r. I October 13, 1840. VALUABLE LAND FOR SALE IN COLUMBIA COUNTY. rWNHE Subscriber offe-s for sale six hundred and I JL seven acres of Land, lying in Columbiacoun j ty, part lying cn Green Brier Creek, near the i Washington roa-l,tweoty-two miles above Augusta. I One hundred and thirty acres (more or less,) in the i woorJs,and about cne hundred and seventy -five or ; two hundred acres, tenable land. A large j Brick Building two and a half stories high, and I other buildings on the place. Should any person wish to buy a settlement, they will of course look for themselves ; and tee subscriber will give any pe.«on a Largain, that wishes to Luv. ALFRED J. DUNN. September 30, 184 C. wtnl DAWSON’S FIRE AND WATER PROOF \\ A REHOUSE. FMNHE under-igned respectfully informs bis J, friends and the paulic, that be continues the Warehouse and Commission bu iness at his oid stand on Mclntosh street, and solicits a continua tion of public favor sc libera!iy bestow d the past four years. Having the assistance of Mr. John R. Crocker and Jan es C. Daw-on, it will enable him to devote j his entire attention to the celling of Cotton ; in this ! branch of the business his friends may rely on his best exertions. W m. C. Dawson jr. & Co , will keepa general j assortment of Groceries at Buck-head, Morgan county, (the termination of the Georgia Rail-Road) and will furnish my customers at Augusta prices, adding fn- zhts —they will also act as agents for i me. [sept 28-w it] THOMAS DAWSON. jT*G The MiUedgeville Recorder, Journal, Fede- i ral Union, Columbus Enquirer and Southern Whig, will publish the above six times weekly. RAIL-ROAD WAfifrEOVSE. D’ANTIGNAC & HILL INFORM li eir f.ierds and the pnbiic, that they continue the W are-house and Commission Business at their new and extensive fire-proof | w are-house, v i< his now in complete order for j the reception of Cotton, or other produ e.with am- | pie close storage for goods. All Cotton and other articles consigned to tnera by the Rah Road being discharged Horn the car- immediately in fiont of thc-ir gale, renders crayage unnecessary. lo ! guard against accidents to teams, cotton from wagons will be leceh rd at the gate cn Waiker street, entirely out of tight of the cars. Ihe proprietors return thanks to their customers for their former patronige, and respectfully solicit a continuance of tl w3m julyi4 WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. FfNHE subscribers have formed a co-partnership JL for the transaction of a factorage and com rai-sion business, under the firm of HOPKINS $- SI Ol ALL. They have taken the commodious fire-proof Ware House on Mclntosh street, oppo site Gen. Thomas Daw ton’s, formerly occupied by Heard cc Wilson, and more recently by D’Antignac Hill. Their storages are conveniently situated for the storage of cotton, or receiving and forward ing of goods by Railroad or Wagon. They hope, by strict attention to business, to merit a share of public patronage. LAMBETH HOPKINS, MARCELLUS A. STOVALL. Augusta, July 8, 1840. 2awtf—jy9 A GUMMING having declined the Ware-House and Commission business, confidently recommend Messrrs. Bustin & Waiker, to the patronage of his friends, who ha e formerly consigned their produce and merchandise to liiii care. Messrs. Bustin 8: W alker have leased tha Ware-House and stores formerly occupied by him. WARE HOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. rpHE undersigned haive associated themselves . ■- in the Ware House and Comims-ion Business, Augusta, under the firm of Bustin & W alker. • i? ave eas£, d the Waie House lately occu piedbytapt. A. Camming, where they will be pleased lo attend to any bu.-incss confided to their care ’ . q EDWARD BUSTIN, JA MES ;. WALK ER. C j ihe Mti.edgcvilk Uccoidcr, Standard of : n I “ J "’’; Va ' ! ; m r tGn Xc ' vs ’ At! - ens Whig, and Ban- PUDIISh the abcvc for one month and lor v«ard their account to us ior paym.nt, B. & W r . orsia, Jt•llcr--oK < om»t) : „ • HEREAS, Nancy Stephen , app.re; to me \ * for k tiers of Administration, de bonus non, on the Estate of .Nathan Stephen*, late of sail countv, deceased. The e are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors oi said deceased, to he and appear at my office, within the time pre scribed by jaw, to shew cause, .f any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 30tb day of September, IS4O. KBENEZER BOTH WELL, Clerk. Georgia, Jefferson county; UfIEHEAS, Thomas \V. Batter applies for letters of administration cn the estate and } effects of Samue; W. Robbins, .ate of said county 1 deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all aid singular the kindred and cf said deceased, 1 to he and appear at my office, within the time pre -1 scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not he granted. Given under my band, at office, this 24th Sep tember. 1 "40. sept 28 EBENEZER BOTH WELL, Clerk. Gorgia, Jefferson county : 0 % HEkEA>, Tarietnn Drerey applic- for let v W ters of administration on the estate and ef fect? of Harriet Darley deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular, tlie kindred and creditors of the said de ceased, to :.e and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law to show cause ' if any they have, why said letters <-:.ou!d not :.e granted. Given under my band, at office, this 24th Sep tember. 1840. c ept is EBENEZER BOTH WELL, Clerk Georgia, Seri ven County: N r HEREAS, James Parker senior, applies for f letters of administration on trie estate of John Paiker dcce i?ed. These are therefore to cite, summon and admon ish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to -now close, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given unoer rny hand, at office, ia Jacksoboro, this sih day of October, IS4O. oct 13 ’ ALEXANDER KEMP, Clerk. V IST of Letteis remaining ;n Post Ossie t §j Louisville, Ga., October tot, lv*o, tow.t: Attaway, Elijah 3 Little, Robert P Arlington, Henry To a Magistrate Atwell, Reuben Miles. Dr S 2 j Abbott, Miss M Moore, /ames L Black, Henry McDermott, Andrew Bailey, D V McGlanhan, William Barber, Solomon McCulkrs, John Bradford, Braziiled McCuiier*, Alexander Bryant, John McDonali, R. Biown, John J Morgan, Hardy Bostick, A S Meadows John Brinson, Moses Oliver, M C Batley, Henry O.mstead, Sypoe 2 Both well, James T Oliver, RE i Cleik Superior Court, Pa.sons, James 2 Cam, James Pipkin, Harvey B . Calhoun, Mr Perkins, Mis Cain, Elisha Parker, William Coob, John A Peirce, Thomas Cheatham, Mrs AsnetL APairi, Alien Cheatham, Arthur R Pennington, Thomas Clark, Philip Pocirew, Ephraim Duieaczeaux,Stephen 2 Reger?, Elkanah Davenport, >1 r? Zeniah Roberts, Green 3 Davis, Nathaniel Rozet'tein, Dr Fleming, Mrs Mary S helm an, Mis Eliza Fleming, Samuel Shirley, Thomas J Fulford, Mrs Sarah Street, Thomas Fertral. Mrs Mary Bm.tire E Fitzsimmons, Col Paul Stewart, Ezekiel Pokes, Green Smith, John Gamble, Roger L Esq, 3 Spivey. S G Green, Henry Tarver at Smith, Grubbs, James Tarrer, Andrew E Hunter, Mr Tarver, Samuel B Holder, John W 2 Weeks, Benjamin 2 Hicks, Edmund White, Ge -r_e O K 2 Jones. Jabez Watkins. Ira Kain, William A Wells. Mrs Mary W Kelly John N Wasden. Bryant J Lockhart, William H Walden, Elijah Lampp, Lewis Young. Mis- Julia A EBENEZER B‘ 'THWELL, P. if. Louisville. OcL 2, Ib4o. oct 7 Jl>T of Letters remaining ia the Post Office at _J Waynesboro, Ga., oa the 30th Sept., 1840, not before advertised. Armstrong, Jo- n B Harkw L Cotton, Drs Attaway, David jr Harty, Willis Berrien, Mis? Eliza A Ho.ton, Isaac care Dr Jas WhileheadHampton, James Byne, William 4 Huist, Hannan Bell, S Jinfcins, Starling Bostwick, Thomas Jones. George L 2 Bany. Miss C Jcnes, James Burke, Thomas Jones. Jesse Bates, Mrs Batheshoba Jones, V Beii, Mrs Mary Key, Joshua Byrd, Edward Kirkland, B L 3 Bean, William 2 Knight, Rufus 2 Ballard, N Lawson, Col A J 2 Burton, R Lumpkin, E W 2 Banon, Samuel 2 Lewis, Benjamin Bradley, Timothy Messes, Isaac Bennett William Mulkey, Moses , Burdell, Mis M M McClain, John Byne, Enoch 2 Murphree, Wright Court, Clerk of the InfT Mercer, John H Crockett, Floyd Nelson, Mr- Ann or Bar | Cates, Thomas bary Johnson, Clark, Charles Ferry, Joseph M 3 Clark, Christopher Phinney, John Carpenter, Calvin Robinson, A J Conner. Patt Royal, James H I Douglass, W B 2 Reece, James Doug,ass, Dr Tilman Reddick Sarah Davis, 1 bom as School, Commissioners j Duke, \V illiam Common Duke, Mrs Mary San, Theophilus Daniel, Sylvester Steward, James Evans, Jacob Smith, David Eason, Eriiey Stewart, Robert I h>yd, Allen D Skinner, John R Fowler, Dr George M Vineing, Ebyd Farabee, Rev G W Van, Henry 1 rycr. John Whitehead, Dr James i Flournoy, John J Whitehead, Chailes j Guardian of Lewis Den-Worncck, John j nis’ or bans, Womock. Rev John Gordon, John Wimbler, John ' Gregory, Jesse Whitehead, Washington j Gubord, Elizabeth or Eli- servant of J Whithead, j za Gieen, Wise, John W 2 Hatcher, Edward 3 Ward, Charles A ROBERT H. GRAY, P. M. V. aynesl oro, October 1, 1840. oct 3 AD3II.N ISTIIATOK’S SALE. | /"ILL be so.d on the first Tuesday in January V v next, between the usual bourse of ss le, be fore the court house door in tiie village of Jackson boro, >criven county, one negro man by the name of Daniel, about 2D years of age, sold as the pro perly ot Benjamin Herrington deceased, for the ocnefit of the heirs of said deceased. Terms on the day of sale. NICHOLAS STREAGLE, Oi tor er 13, 1 ~40. Administrator. EXECUTOR’S SALE. 4 GREEABLE to an order of the Honorable il. tbe Inferior Court of Scrivcn county, while sitting as a Court of Ordinary, will be sold on the first Tuesday in January next, before the court house door in the village of J cksonboro, stindrv tracts of land and negroes, the said lands lying and being in the county of Scrivcn, lying in different parts of said county, said lands and negroes sold as the property of Richard Herrington senior deceased, fur the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. GEORGE POLLOCK, Executor. October 13, 1840. ADJIIXISTICATOR’S SALE. Wf ILL be sold on the first Tiresday in January V ▼ next, at the couit house in U avnesboro Burke county, under an order of the Court of Or dinary of said county, the real estate o! Robeit \\ iggms deceased, situated in said county, consist ing of a tact of land supposed to contain one hun dred acres, a ijoining lands of James Bell and others. Terms cash—purchasers to pav for title. ni v. W ;VV ' J> A * HAMILTON, Adm’r. October 13, Is 10, __ADM I \ ISTRATO RNS SALE. i L ue sold cn the first Tuesday in January V y next, at the court house in Waynesboro, Du:ke county, und ran order of the Court of Or tanary of surd <uunty, a negro n an named Ned, s . a> Die property of the estate of Michael Wig gi ' deceased. Terms on the day of sale. Pur chasers to pay for title. JOSEPH JANSEN, October 13, 18-10. Administrator. I Georgia, I>firkp„Cotzut; ; ll'htaKAS A ,rii on E. H ar; , f y letters of Aarnu.i I ration with tfae*u- e ?i -»>red, on tr.e E tate of Jo..a ]J - ‘", .rke county, deecz-t d. ” *’ -*’•> Hte of These are therefore to cite and admonish „ singular, the kindred and creditor ,of , a . a ail <l to be and appear at my office, wlt}.;n 'the r? Ceast<i - why said letters a ouid not 're u'' : ' ‘ ’ 3,SiV ®, t/ivea under my band at office t {< o a October, ' T. H. c fe of Georgia, Colombia county ; —— \ \ H ERE v>, Ailrec J. Dunn, Adn in » , * v Dre t*tste of George W. Dre I app-ies for Ictt rs of di*mi*sioa Rom 'I hese are t:.ere:o:e to cite and -- * I singolar, the kindred and ci ditcr- fT, . i;; a td • j prescribed ty iaw,toihc-.v< ■ , . J why tail letters suou d not be uav * Given under my hand, at .ffib* t ’ liSh r.AH.t-.L Ts/rg; I '’ <ieonria, Columbia county . ~~ “ V» r li ERLA> Affinity ao - -t , f te;s of adminisLatica oa et u ''J ! McDonald, deceased: Ule These are therefore to c.te and admonish all -m i singular- the kindred andcrei. - - ‘ 1 “"‘ r re % . ~ deceased ! to be and appear at ray office w.rhin t-.e une vrt ' Kt ibe-i ty law, to show cause,if Sv , tbev -[-I why sail letters should not be granted. ' “*'*’• Given unfer rny Lam, at office, this 9th 1 her, 1840. GABMEL H LNB.cS Georgia. ColamLia * onnty : U7 HLRLAS Kboda Taylor and Abel J. if,., ing-on, app,y for letter: of Admiaitratii j entire Estate of James Taylor, deceased. i irese are therefore to cite an 1 adraconn aliaio j singular the km ired and creditor* of taid eeceang ! he an: appear at my office, within trie time G re . scribed by law,to show cause, if any the. a ,j | way =aia letters hooid cot be granted. ’ 4 ’’’ Given un :er my nan 1 at . ffice, t: - Ist day October, I*4 j. GAHKILU. N C: g (ieorgia, ( oiuuiDia county : l . HERE GS, John Lam r. Exe .tor of t' ; v v will oi WLiiam W. riardea. . piles for letters dismissory from sa. ] estate. V ' These are therefore to cite »:A ad-aongh a 1 ! j and riazular, the kindred and creditors of sad de. . ceased, to be and appear a: rny office, winj a th' ; time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if iLV tae ’ have, w jy s id letter- shon : not re g:anted Given under my hand, at office, this 3srth cay cf May, l“4o. GABRIEL JON 88. Georgia, Columbia county; \\ HEREAS, WLii'.r. 8. Dunn. Executor o f »* the will of Wixaified Dana, deceas-c" , applies ioi letters dismliscry Lem said estate. ’ * these are t. re re fore to cue and admonish ad sue j singular, the km:red -nd creditor d deceased ti :re and appear a? rr y office w.t.re timepre ! scr.otd by law, to show cause, if any tnev e , t why sa:: letters s:.o*. i not te _• ante-:. Given under my h-ci, at oh.ee. this 4th Jc^ * 1 -40. GABRIEL J NE v . Cisrt. <T€oriia, >cnren count} ; I 11 r HERh.AB, applßaffi.n wiii e made to the f f Interior Couit .t sa. t County, when for erdinary purposes, by EJzabeta ' ,c*:ey,for i letters of administratim on the estate of HezeLit I Vickrey, deceased, late of Striven County. These are there! ore to cite and admen all and singular.the kind.- : and creditors cf said fficeased, to ne and appear at my office witfc.n t_e t.oi pit- | ; scribed by jaw, to sb- w cause, u any trey Lre, ] j why sail letters should not be iXante.. Given under my :.md at office, this ltd. day a I i Seplemier, ls4u. ALEXANDER KEMP, Clerk. 1 Georgia, Jefferoa County; j WrUEREAS, Wiiiiam Hutchins api es tent J 1 |f for letter'of admini-tratron on the estate 1 and effects of Rebecca i.aa_:d, :*te o. si. :c ore:/, j : deceased. These are therefore to cite and admon.sh all ad | singular,toe k.ndred an: creditor?of sai: deceased, to be as: appear at my office within the tune pre* j scre en by nw, to show cause, if any they _ivs. i why said letter? f ho-..: no: re grants-:. Given under my hand, re office :n Louisviile, this 14th Septem er. 1-540. i EBENEZER BOTH WELL. Clerk. Georgia. Jefferson comity : ll' HEREAS, John Bos': k. Executor of last W V w.ll end testament of Mrs. Agatha Beal late of said county, recessed, apples for Ktten ■iis.T.issery Lorn said estate. These are therefore to cree and admonish all mi singular, tire kindred and ere:-tors cf sa;. ieceased, I to be an i appear at my office w.n ffi the time pre scribed -v iaw, to sh: v can . if j.y they :..ve, ! why sal: letters should not :-e “'ranted. Given under nv nand. at office, this Bth May, j IS4O. e/ B- TiiWELL, Clers ' Georgia, Burke county : | HEREA V , ALei Lewi?, adminiitratoroo® *1 estate of Stepi.en 1- :yd. d-tceased, a:tie or letters dismiss .-;y from said estate ; These are thereto re to cite and acmor.;- ah and singuiar, tLc kindred and creditors o: s-iddecsoed. to be and appear at my office within t.re time pre scribed by taw, to shuw ca . se, if any tirey rest. I why said letters should nut he granted. Given under my hand at office ;a Wavne : cro this lOth July, I>4o. T. 11. EL UNTre .effi f j Georgia, Burke County ; UHEREaS, James chance, administrator of Mary Chance, applies for letters ffismiiiOiy on the esta.e of said deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish ill and singular, the kindred and creditors of reicde ceased, to be and appear at r y office, wnr in lie time prescribed by law, to shew, cause if any the* have, why said letters should not e granted. Given under my hand, at office, in iVa\nesborf, this I6lh day of May, it4o, T. H. BLOUNT, Clerk- Georgia, Burke county : 'I4|rHEREAB, Them,; f. Ellison, apphss B f t Ic-.ters of Admiui'trati-n on the fehtate i J. Alien, deceased, late of said county. These are therefore to cite and admonish ah singular, tire kindred and creditors of said to file their objections, if any they have, ia ci lice within the time prescribed by law, tostf* cause why »aid letters should not be granted. Witness, the Honorable James W. Jones,!® 30th day of September, 1840. T. H. BLOUNT, Clejt^ Georgia, Burke county: \\j' HEREAS, James A*. Mobley, applies ® ** letters of Administration on the estate * Isaac Mobley, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all ß * singular, the kindred and creditors of sail dec* l ' ed, to be and appear at my office, within the t;Sf prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they why said iefrers should not be re anted. Given under my h nd at office, in Waynesboft this 28th day of September. 1810. I T. H. BLOUNT, I Georgia, Burke County; . I U, HEREAS, James Brinson applies for leh e ‘ I of administration on the estate of Sun 3! ■ Brinson deceased, late of said County. • I These are therefore to cite and admonish all ■ singular, the kindred and creditors of said I to be and appear at my office within tire I scribed by law, to show cause, If aiy they ’ ■ why said letters should not be granted. , ■ W itness the Hon. James W. Jones, one ■ Justices of said Court, this 22d September, D’v' i sept 23 THCMAS 11. BLIT'NT, | Georgia, Burke county: .. M % % HEREAS, Andrew Carson,adminM^ 0 . ■ I • the estate of Mary Ann Carson, a PP il€: letters dismissory from said estate ; . These are therefore to cite and admonis- • k singular, the kindred and creditors ofsaid to be and appear at ray office, within the tinl y y{ ■ scribed by law, to show cause, if any the} * ■ why said letters should not be granted. ■ Given under mv hand at office in Waynes^ 1 this 10th July, 1840. T. H. BLOUNT, B| Georgia, Jefler*iou county; . K HEREAS, James T. Hcthwell appfi * * letters of administiauon en the estate effects of John Crooks, late of said county ff hese arethcrelore to cite and admonish singular, the kindred and creditors ofsaid dec ea . I' to be and appear at my office, within the tlin tL fj scribed by law, to show cause, if any the} j why said letteis should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 24th Sept, 1 »; K ' sept 28 EBENEZER BOTH WELL,'- lerk ‘