Newspaper Page Text
barbecue at si ring hill.
We aro requested to annou rc that a Barbecue
will he given at Spring H 1 on Saturday the
31st. in s t.,to which the <if i> ns of this and the
adjacent counties of Columbi i, Wtrren, Jefferson
and Burke, aro respectfully it ited.
The ladies are al-o invited t honor us with their
presence on the occasion.
Tiie Central Tippecanoe lub of Richmond
County will meet at the Lata? Ate Hall on Friday
evening, the 30 s h inst., at t clock. The friends
of the cause generally throng out the County are
I respectfully invited to attend, ad join us in giving
one more shove at the “ Almi bixv ifver of ple
j.ic opinion.” 1
The different Ward Clubs a . requested to meet
U at their respective Cabins, at 1 Fclock, and proceed
■ under the command of their •spectivc officers to
B the place of general meeting. oct 28
JOHN. J . imtD,
Will be thankful to his friend Wo r an}- part of bu
siness in the above iinc. whbli will be attended to
wiln recti tune, &c. J oct 21
qj 7 ’ Dr. J. J. WILSON h;P removed for the
■ Summer to the house of JamcS Gardner, Esq., Ist
| coor below tlie Acadcmv. | R
- -
GARDNER, fmmei v resident surgeon
I n the Now York 11 • ta 1, am physician at Belle
| vue Hospital, New York, ten-i vs to the public his
I professional services.
Once in Washington street, etvveen Broad and
Ellis streets Residence, Unit [J states Hotel.
a P -
For the benotit of the sick of Augusta. The
committee lor the present raon are as follows :
Division No. 1. —Cyius Pikt Nathaniel Green,
j Miss Margaret Ninit a, Mrs. Eli a W ightman.
Division .Vo. 2. —W. F. Peml rton,J.M. Newby,
Mrs. H. F. Roberson, Miss A. t Righton.
Division No. 3.—John (Jasl&n, James Panton
Mrs. Trerniey, Mrs. E. CamlielF
o:t 2.1 J. U . WKIITMAN, Sec’y.
( rj' EXCJIANG LON N L ll %V()RK —At sight,
and at one to twenty days sigh* For sale ov
u< t 2b liAKDKfLi. & RHINE,
G Dr. VV. S. JONES ten# is his professiona
sen i es to the citizens of Augf-la ami its \iciuity
lie may i e found at his resleme on the North
| side oi Green second uoor bei \f Mclntosh street,
and at the Chronicle an 1 Sentiißi offi c.
[S one of those invaluable that stands
the lest f trial. In ever.,* instancy that has
come to tire knowledge of the proprietors, it has
proved it-eh to be what it i«| recommended —a
| pleasant, safe, and efficacious i .imedy for all the
i sympathetic atfectuns attend i t on Pregnancy,
i and all those periodical di'ordi is to which both
raallied and unmairied females li ;e iiaide. Delicacy
toroids giving the details of its Jieiits in a news
paper adver Moment, but it ina; be -Toted tint it
has bee i in use under various in ncs —(The Philo
token, Mother's Relief . S,c.J ft some ten years
r past, and wherever introduced, e demand tor it,
(without the aid of puffing,”) as been couTant
-1 ly on the increase. Phis lact n evince of its
I real virtues, togellier with the bt ;iet that him reds
I of females are sulfering from v nit of the know-
I ledge of a remedy adapted to th u cases, induces
; toe proprietors respect fully to jal 1 the attention
of suiferers to their pamphlets,|vhich accompany
I each bottle, and which may befiad gratis ol any
I of their age: ts. S
Price -1 60 per bottle. Sold !*-
A>cnts Augusta.
oc t 14-2 m Agents, CfaaHeston.
lAURGESS & WALKER hav opened their fall
) stock of PAPER, BLANK l OKS, and S1 A
• '] lONERV. w hich they are read to dispose of on
[ accommodating terms to their li ends and cuslo-
I iners, viz:
1000 reams blue and white Lett r Paper, assorted
500 do do. do. Cap do. flat and
100 do. as orted Polio Post ipor.
50 do. do. Demy do.
50 do ao. Medium, 1 ; oval and Super
roval Paper.
1000 do. * Printing Pa cr, 26 ; 37, 21*30, 24
* 31, 22*33, 22 x 32al ( l 22 * 30.
200 do. line and superfine itdtu n Printing
Paper, Envelo, e, opyin , Blotting, Cart
ridge and Wrapping Pap is.
Medium, Demy and Cap Day Rooks, Journals
and Ledgers, Russia haded, toil a 1 halt bouid.
Seamen." Journals, Log Book' ; Pieight Lists,
With a full assortment of Me .lorandurn, Bank
j and oilier Blank Books. :
Blank Books of every desjipt’on made to
1 order, of Paper from the .Til sot i idr-on, Robcsoo,
1 Nc., tiiese Lo ks me n ale in thi- city, under oui
I own inspection, b} - the best wo.kin n.
Perry's Patent Steel l ens, a on m, tine and ex
| tra tine Points. India Rubber Spin f. tiuce jointed,
iic.. im pored direct, and warrant genuine.
GiilJu’s Congress, Commercial, Barn?j, D mas
eus,Eagle, Parent, Peruvian. 1 -LI fel glish, Baronial,
N. York Fountain, Ladies, Prince' .Ibert, Queen
[ Own, \ ictoiia, and other Steel Per
Chance’s, W indie’s, Mitchell’s,|«l other Pens.
School and i tiier Pens, put up i j boxes oi one
I gross each, some very low priced k
Rodger's superior Cutlery, con - j. ing ol tine Pen
and Pocket Knive-, Erasers, Me., i*parted direct.
Stephen’s b.ue Fluid. Light . ndsniik Blue )nk>.
M vaard Noyes’ Black and lied Ink, made
expressly to order and warranted. |
J erry’s and Arnold’s Black
Ft iu !i Ink, British and Americ.4 Ink Powder.
Copying Ink. made fir in an Engfsh receipt.
Kng.ish, German, and Americs n jressed (Quills.
Counting House alnd Desk Ink itrxtds.
Farmer’s Stereograph . hecks N®‘ s and Drafts.
Copperplate Bills ol e.xchango all Notes.
Custom i .ou«c Blanks, ..ills ol L.J .ing, Mi.
Port Folios,Pocket Books an 1 Bilker’s Cases.
Scaling Wax, Wa ers, Car l K- ,s, Paper Lut
tei s. Ivory and Bone Folders, Rule - , &c., Jkc.
Adi son s Pencil Cases.
03* Country Mirchrn s and Dea. ?rs will nod it
to tneir interest by railing and ;xan.ining our
stocir. 20 law3vv
rfIHE subscriber h- s opened a Law Office on
1 J edge Lengstrecfs lot in thepvillage of Ox
k "ford. New ton county, white he Le found at
all times when not on the ciicuit. J I e will prac
tice in Newton, Morgan, Walton, if’ Kalb, Gwin
nett, Jasper, Henry and Butts counties. Person
t.uniug the undersigned with bansMS, may be
assured that it will be attended to \*ith fidelity.
I take pleasure in recommending Thomas How
ard to the patronage of my ft tends a d acquaintan
ces. He is talented and trust-wo hy. and will
nave the benefit of my counsel, v icnever he oi
his clients desire it. A. B. LO. iSTRtJIT
aug 3 >
Augusta, Ga.
The unde » s »g*-etl, lateof ffie Merchants’
N=a=lß Hotel, Charleston, S. C., would inform
«=±LyUla=his friends and the public that he has
t.iken t!ie above Hotel, and is now icady to accom
mudite those who may favor him with their pat
ronage. He will mike no hoist of wiiat he will
do, fu: ther than to say, that his tables will be fur
nohod with the best the markets affioid. and the
establishment receive his personal attention; and
if those who call on him once aro not satisfied with
his hi 1 of fare and will not so
licit them to call again. WILLIAM GOSS.
0C „, trw&wlm
GL/ he Edgefield Advertiser, Greenville Moun
taineer, Columbia South Carolinian, and Miliedge
\ iiJe Standard of Union, will t-opy the above four
time.-, -weekly, and send their bills for payment to
W. G.
**£ l Ge sold on the first Tuesday in Decern
* t her, between the usual hours of sale, before
toe House door in Waynesboro, one !ra»t of
J ' r *4 ,n taming three hundred and forty-five acres.
adjoiniug lands of William Buxton and La
bon Gdam, eleven head of Cattle, one Bay Horse,
one sorrel r.orst. one >onel Filicy, thirty head of
110-s, two Beds, one Bedstead, one Clock, one Side
’ board, one Work Stand, one 'J ab e, one Spinnii g
W lice , one Toilet, one Shot Gun, one Rifle, six
Stools, one Irunk, an assoitment ol Glass and
( rockery, one Coffee Mill, tao Ovens, three Pots,
one Spider, one Pan, one Skillet, one Griddle, six
Plows and Gear, one Stack of Fodder and Crop.
Levied on as the property of Mr. J. J. Royal and
Randal W imberly, to sat.sly sundry li. fas. in favor
ol Edward Tabb and Lncey Roe Levies made and
returned by a Constable.
October 30, IS4O.
Arc., &c.
I'l -HE subscriber has just received an additional
* supply, among which are Foolscap and Letiei
Paper, ruled and plain, Steel Pe. », Quills, Inks,
Inkstands, \c., flutes, Fifes, CJarionelts, Horns,
Drums. &c. Medical books, principally the text
books of the S. M. t ollege ol Georgia.
Harrison Almanacs, and all other kinds, inclu 1-
ing the American Almanac for IS4I.
Blank Books made lo order.
T. S. STOY, No. 247 Broad street,
oct 2.' tvv2w Opposite tiie U.S. Hotel.
(at the oi.d stand of w. h. tfrpin.)
JN O. B . & W. 11. TURPIN,
VRE now receiving an entire new stock of
GLASS, iXc., &c., which they oiler to their friends
and the public generally on reasonable terms, and
hope by the quality of articles and prompt atten
tion to merit patronage. oct 23 trw«jiw2w.
t' MAN AC for the year 1841, calculated for
the noiizoxi and meridian of Augusta, Georgia, and j
will serve for the ad/acent states and Florida.
The Astronomical calculations by Robert Grier, i
Butts County, Ga.
Just published by H. A. RICHMOND. j
oct 21 tw6t
Just received and for sale hv
oct 17-trw6t W. & J. NELSON.
BUSHELS i.iverpool Ground Salt,
• > m7U in lots to suit purchasers. For sale
by (oct 9-5 w Ira) ISAAC MOISE.
THE City Council, at its last regular meeting, |
made it my duty to proceed immediately to
t the collection of all taxes due on the Digest of the
| present year, or in the event of its not being done
| by the hist day of November next, to cause exe
cutions to be isssurd in every case of default, of |
which ail concerned will lake due notice, as after
that date executions will be placed in the bands of
I the (ity Marshal, with instructions to collect with
out delay tne several amounts due with the addi
tion of 10 per cent and costs.
JOHN H. MANN, Col. & Treas, C. A.
oct 13 trwlstNov
1 UILLIAM C. WAY, Agent Commission
T » D/ y Goods Merchant , uas just re. eived and
for sale, at tiie Store, corner of the Globe Hotel,
Augusta, Ga., on reasonable terms for Cash, viz:
3-4 and 4-4 Scotch Ginghams, dark patterns for the
French, English, and American rich Chintz Prints,
a full assortment of patterns and prices, all fast
Rich and elegant styles of Muslin De Laine,
Blacu and white, and slate col’d Mu-lin De Laine,
Black ans white English and American Coiicocs,
Black Gro De Rhine and Malldren Lasting,
Rich Gro De Peuin stripea and rigur’d Bilks, a new
a‘ tide.
Poult He Boi and Gro De Naple silks.
Ladies white and black Eng’b Silk Ho«e & Gloves.
Ladies white, coloied and black Cotton Hose,
Misses white and slate colored do do
Men’s Lamb’s Wool, Angola, and Brown Cotton
half Hose,
Clark’s, Tailor’s and Alexander’s 200 and 300 y’ds i
Spool Cotton
New York Mills and other selected Bleach’d Shirt
Extra line brown Sheetings and Shirtings, approv
ed sQ les, and a great variety of common quaUs, ;
English and AmeiKan Spitailield i ongee Hdkfs,
White, scarlet and rod Flannels, i
Welsh Flannels, line and common qualities,
6-1 black and Colored Merino Circassians,
Kentucky Jeans and veiy line mix’d Sutmetts,
Rob Ko> and othe. worsted and Merino >hawl.«.
Rich tig’d Satin Shawls, assorted col's and prices, j
Together vv ith a great variety of other goods not
enumerated, and always kept in his store.
Jhe subseri! er returns his thanks to his !
friends customers, for the very liberal patron- j
age he has ret eived from them the past year, and
so.icits a continuance of the same.
oct U w4t WJLLiAM C. WAY.
pr|lHE snbscriner veil continue his School at the
| new dwelling on Walker street, and hopes
that the distance to his place will not be an objec
tion w ith any lady or gentleman who may be kind
ly disposed to patronize him. He wiil pledge him- ;
self to prepare youth for Fran Id in College, or any i
other College in the Union, in Classic- and in the j
minor branches of Mathematics,and should a suffi- j
cient pa'ronage be extended to him, be could secure |
i the services of a gentleman of well known ability I
in Mathematical science. In reference to the sub
scriber himself, he lias Had charge of Schools and
Academies in this State during a period of ton
years, and begs leave to refer, it necessary, to Col.
Thomas N. Hand ton of Athens, and the Rev.
Ju.iah Hairis, before whom he had been examined
by a classical gentleman of the North, before he
could be admitted lo take the rectorship of tue
Columbia County Academy, w hich he had for three
vears. Should a class of cig tort> n young men
be found, l e c-ouid devote two hours to thei in
struction each day, at a time that would not inter
fere with bis School. There are three things con-
I needed with the Classics, which is almost, n not
! totally ueg.eeled in our southern Seminaries, viz.
Mythology, Latm Exercises, and Prosody, without
which the 4cansioii of Pentameter and Hexametei
Verse cannot be acquired.
The lirs. quarter’s tuition wid be required at
entrance, and the scholastic year will be the same
as that of tiie other Seminaries of the city.
At a future time should his patrons desire his
comii g to a more convenient p nce,lie will comply
with their wishes, u he meets wit < sufficient pa
oct o u 4t
; )■ The Constitutionalist will give tiie aoove
four weekly insertions.
subscriber offers for sale one thousand
| five hundied acres of Land, lying in Burke
county, on Ogecchy River, immediately by and
aiound the One Hundred Mile Station, Gen ial
Railroad, with about one third cleared, a part o!
which is fresh, and all in good repair, and as well
watered as any place in Georgia. There is also a
good new two story dwelling house, and a gin
house, together with other out houses. Should
am person wish lo buy a settlement, they will of
course look for themselves,--and they may expect
Xrgain there. WILLIAM. P. ALLEN.
July 4 3 “>
ty™* - ‘UN.-The luk
-4 Fort. Saw Cotton rnf D"' 1 l ,or!< ' ' v ’ 3 S°n amt
complete t m ° r sa c ’ bolh new anJ
oetls iOt PP y t 0 LUTHER ROLL.
casks quality and in
low^r™ l he W "«,>; tedt ° arr * ve > W *H be so :d
_ ° Ct _ 2 - S t4 _ __ GARDELLE & RHIND.
D l ’ln^ow^ Wr,F - R
s*} 4 kegs do. do.
lOnq n: agle F’owder, in canisters.
J O,U d '» ; Blasting do.
Just reMu-Hl and for sale by—
More new GOODS.—E. AVERELL, Dra
pei and i ailor, res- informs his
lw? U x- and^r he public t!,at he has J :,s t receiveu
I* >ew-\ork r.n additional case of West of
. g ana i.'ack Broadcloths and Cassiraeres, of the
most super quality, weel dyed, and fresh from the
m L oct 27 4t
'.vsters, in line order. Just received by
oct 2:i L S. BEERS, & Co.
LLVIE— !23 barrels of LIME, in
landing, and for sale by
U(;t 20 W. E. JACKSON.
W FED TO HIRE, a good Washer Wo- i
* man, till the first of January. Apply at
tlus »*«<*■ _ oct 13 j
J 1 SHARES of the Bank of Augusta stock,.
O O for sale by
_oc t 13 KI SSEDL & HUTCHINSON Auc’rs. !
Dent i sir v .—r enjamin douglas. sm--' i
geon Dentist, has removed to the residence !
No. 242 Bioad street, over the Watch and Jewelry
Store of Mr. G. C. Gordon. oct 13-ts
PRIV AI E BOAIU ING.—A few boarders can
be accommodated by calling at Bennoch’s
comer, next door above Russell k Hutchinson’s
Auction Store. D. W. CALHOUN,
oct. 1 i
rjIRAIN OIL, kc. —Train Oil, Plaster Pans and
Gilder’s W hitmg, for sale in quantities to suit
purchasers, by GARVIN k HAINES. !
oct 14
I AMP OIL—A supply of best Bleached Lamp
A Oil, just received and for sale by
OLD PEACH BRANDY—A choice article, for
sale by SIBLEY & CRAPON. j
Hamburg, August 10, 1840.
\rOTliK. —The subsciiber having associated
x Mt. Robert T. Hyc.e in ids business fioin the i
Ist inst. it will from that date be conducted in the
name of DUNLAP HYDE.
July 9, 1840. j. g. DUNLAP.
V" ails.—7oo kegs Nails and Brads, now land
ing, and for sale by
oct 12-3wtf STOVALL & HAMLEN.
SUGAR. 25 hhds St. Croix Sugar for sale low, !
to close a consignment, by
oc t 12-swtf SiOV.vUD uN HAMLEN. j
j HIRTINGS.—7O bales Brown Shirtings and
| O Sheetings, for sale by
oct 12-swtf STOVALL & HAMLEN.
EGRO CLOTHS.—3O cases heavy Negro Ker-
L NI sev s, for sale by
Os t 12-swtf STOVALL & HAMLEN
0 1 ICE.—The undersigned have formed a con- j
lY nection under the firm of ROWLAND Jc |
BARS J OVV, for the purpose of transacting a Gen
| eral Commission Business in Savannah, and solicit
i a share of patronage, WM. P. ROWLAND,
References —Messrs. Peck k Dealing, John G.
i Winter Esq., Stovall k Simmons.
October 19. 1840. wlm
OOA LBS SMOKED BEEF,new and in fine
OUU order,
2000 lbs Loaf and Lump Sugar,
50 boxes and casks Cheese,
50 “ Colgate’s Soap,
25 “ Sperm Candles.
Just received, togt ther w»th a good assortment
of other Groceries in store, for sale by
oct 17-tiwfit W. & J. NELSON.
VITYA r r & WARREN, No. 20(i Broad street,
f f have just received a large supply of
Wool dyed black cloths fine and superfine.
Blue and >. adet, do do do
Wool dyed black Cas«imers sup.
A large lot of Fancy Cassimers,
Log Cabin Cassimers, new style,
SaUnetts and Kentucky Jeans,
An assonraent of fine ai d superfine Vestings,
\\ elsli Flannels and Red Flannels,
Irish Linens ana Long Cloths, very low,
Ntgro Cloths and Blankets,
oct 13 trwGw
ri’HIE subscriber offers for sale his Plantation in
j. Jefferson county, containing between one
thousand and eleven hundred acres of oak, hickorv
and swamp land. The improvements are superio
and its nearness to the Central Hail Road, togethe
; with its fertility, make it a desirable place. Pei
j sons wishing lo purchase are invited to come an
j see the gtowing crop. Corn and fodder, neat cat
tie and h igs, amongst which la>t are Berkshire an
Philadelphia l\ kites, can be had by the purchase!
or (uly 14-wtf J. VV. M. BERRIEN.
j 150 Negroes, between 5 and 6,000 acres of Lon
Corn, Fodder, Sheep, Dogs, Cattle, S, c. S, c.
! fi’UlE subscriber will sell on Tuesday after th
1 third Monday in December next, being th
| 22d day of Decern er, 1840, 150 Negroes,his Plai
! talion in Jefferson county, containing betwee
| 5,000 and 6,0b0 acres of Land; the Corn, Foddei
! Sheep, Cattle, Plantation ’i ouls and utensils, an
! all other property connected with the said plant;,
tion. It is deemed unnecessary to say much in rt
gard to the above property, is it is expected th.
persons wishing to purchase will make inquiry.-
It is sufficient to say that the Negioes are of sup*
rioi quality and good character, and can be recon
mended as such.
The sale will continue from day to day till a
are sold. The terms of sale are cash, as the sa
of the a ove property is inten led to meet the d«
I mandsof the subscriber’s creditors, whose demam
I will be takea as cash, or any arrangement wit
I any of my creditors will answer the same purpos-
All the above property lo be sold at my plant:
! tion. Cherry Hill, in Je feison county, Ga., at ti
time above named.
September 4 td
riYHE subscribers will continue the Ware-hou;
and Commission Business at their old stain
where they hope to receive the same liberal patu
nage that lias been given to them for years pas ,
Our location being centra and near the wharve
as many advantages as any similai estal
Jishmenl in the city. In the U.te disastrous fresl
et we sustained some injury", but as little perhaj
as any other ware-house in the city, having tl
same quantity of produce on hand. Our Wan
house and close-stores are in good order for tiie rc
ception of produce or Merchandize, and strict a
tention will be devoted to either when entrusted t j
ou jeare. BAIRD k ROWLAND.
Augusta. Juiy 28. l s-Ui. tlstNov.
undersigned respectfully informs h
£ friends and the public, ilut he continues t
Warehouse and Commission bu incss at his c
stand on Mclntosh street, and solicits s contmu
t.ou of public favor so liberally bestow, d the pa
four years.
Having the assistance of Mr. John R. Croclo
and Jan es C. Dawson, it will enable him todevo I
his entire attention to the selling of Cotton ; in tn ; (
branch of the business his friends may rely on b
best exertions.
Wra. C. Dawson jr. & Co., will keepa genei ' j
assortment of Groceries at Buck-head, Morg
county, (the termination of the Georgia Bail-Koa )
and will furnish my customers at Augusta mice ,
addins freights—they will also as agents f
me [sept 2S-w6t] THOMAS DAW SON.
. xhe L Milledgeville Itecorder, Journal, Fed>
ral Union, Columbus Enquirer and southern Whi
wiil publish the above six times weekly.
MtciiANiCs’ Bank, Alcista.?
T u ,„ . . October 28, IS4O. S
,*• I* a nk will Check on New-York at par for
Specie and for the notes of Specie payin
Banks 01 this State, Charleston, and Hamburg, S.
C., at 4 per cent prem. GEO. W. LAMAR,
oct 29 * Cashier.
ON CONSIGNMENT —4O boxes Morgan’s best
Chewmg TOBACCO. For sale by
oct2:) 6t HOPKINS & STOV ALL.
r«?A? KET STALLS to rent.
rjIHF. Meat and Vegetable STALLS in tlie Low
ei and Upper Markets will be rented for one
j year from the first Monday in November next, to
the highest bidder, under the direction audb\ - order
of the Committee on the Market.
H. OLI\ ER, Clerk Com. Conn.
bagging, rope, &c. .
500 inch Bagging, a lbs.
200 coils Bale Rope ;
o 0 ps. heavy milled and bleached Sacking ;
1 bale plaid and striped Hemp Carpeting. *
For sale by GARDELLE Si RHINO.
oct 23 ts
U An infallible remedy for that disNes-ing dis
ease. Numerous certificates might be given in
proof of the truly wonderful effects of these cele
brated Pills, but it is deemed unnecessary,.as they
I are too well known to need recommendation. For
sale by i a24 i HA VI LA.NO. RIS LEY k Co.
(5) K QK- bbls. buckwheat flour,
I 25 bols Extra Canal Floor,
20 bbls Irish Potatoes,
50 dozen Pickles, assorted,
15 kegs Goshen Butler,
, 10 kegs Winchester’s Lard,
20 boxes Cheese,
20 boxes Starch,
# 20 bids. No. 3 Mackerel,
, ' 20 kilts No. 1 do,
; Jus* received and' tor sale by I. S. BEERS & Co.
oct 15
OILS AND PAINTS.— Pale Winter Strained
Lamp Oil,
Pale Fall Strained Lamp Oil,
Whale «
Train «
Linseed “
In quantities to suit purchasers.
Also, a general assortment of Paints, Window
Glass, &c. ice. For sale by
| oct 14 232 Broad-street.
A GENTLEMAN AND LADY wish to obtain a
J. «. situation as 1 cachets fur the ensuing year.
Jhe Gentleman is a graduate,and the Lady is well
qualified to teach either the Sciences or Music, and
l oth have had ample experience in teaching. Sat
isfactory references can be given.
. Address tae Editors oi the Chronicle &. Sentinei,
Augusta. _ oct i 4 _tf
f 1111E \ EIIBENA CREAM, an Emollient j-oap,
A which aiibrds real pleasure in shaving produ
cing a rich, fragrant, creamy and permanent lather,
just received and for sate by
_ oct 14 GARVIN & HAINES.
ceived and are now opening a splendid as
sortment of Fresh and Seasonable DRV GOODS,
which they offer low. Call and see. sept 24
4 A SACKS fresh Almonds,just received and
111 for sale by W. E. JACKSON,
upril 27 Auctioneer.
THE subscriber has made arrangements with
the most extensive Instrument makers in the
Union, and is now and will hereafter be supplied
with ali the various Surgical Instruments in com
mon use, and can, at short notice, have Instruments
of any description made to order.
Physicians will please call and examine his
stock and piices. WAX. M. D’ANTIGNAC,
oct 8-ts Druggist.
FI IHE undersigned is now receiving a complete
J assortment of Cob gne, Lavender, Florida and
Honey Waters, Cosmetics, Fancy and Shaving
Soaps, Hair Oils, Brushes and Combs, in great va
riety, which he will sell low.
oct 8-ts WM. M. D’ANTIGNAC, Druggist.
4 T PRIVATE SALK. —A desirable Residence,
j\_ with one hundred and fifty acres of land, on
the Sand Hills,near Augusta.
A good two horse Barouche and Harness.
oct 23 Auctioneers.
DEB I’OuS to the estate of John Clarke, de
ceased, aie notified to make payment to the
undersigned,and persons having demands will hand
in the same legally proven within the time pre
scribed by law.
sept 10 WM. 11. GOODRICH, Admr.
having claims against the estate o r James
Caiswell, late of Richmond County, deceased, are
requited to hand them in, duly attested, within the
time prescribed by law, and those in debt will
make payment. R. CLARKE, Administrator.
October 23 1840,
COACHES is now' running from Rome, Flo; d
County, Ga., to Gunter’s Landing,upo i Tennessee
River, in Alabama, forming a connection between
the Stage Line now in opeiation, from the head of
the Georgia Rail Road to Rome, and the Steam-
Boat and Rail Road Line fiom Gunter’s Landing
to Tu'cumbia.
This Line will leave Rome every Monday, Wed
nesday and Friday morning, and arrive at Gunter’s
Landing on the evening of the same drys. Re
turning, will leave Gunter’s Landing every Tues
day, Thursday and Saturday morning, and arrive
in Rome on the evening of the same days, thus
forming an uninterrupted intercommunication be
tween the City of New York and T use umbra.
North Alabama, where Travellers will find Stages
to convey them in every desirable direction. The
time occupied in travelling from New fork to Tus
cumbia, will be as follows: Four days from New
Yorx to Greensboio. Ga., at the Head of the Rail
Road ; three days from thence to Gunter’s Land
ing, Alabama, and one day from thence to Tus
cumbia. Travellers to and Nashville,
will leave this Line at Gunter’s Landing, and ar
rive in Huntsville on the morning of the Bth cay
from New York, and in Nashville, on the 9th.
Travellers to Memphis, Tennessee, and Columbus,
Mississippi, will arrive in those places in 10 days
from New York. There will be a saving in the
time at present occupied between the several pla
ces, of a'>out one week, with the additional advan
tage (important particularly to Merchants,) of
iralsing through most of the principal cities in the
Union. A. WILSON & CO.
Rome October 22,1540. ts.
TIHE subscriber has in view removing west
w a idly, oilers for sale the following tracts of
Land, viz: that valuable tract on which he resides,
containing 1350 acres, lying on tne Savannah River
and Soap <. reek, of which a part is first rate river
and creek low grounds. There are thiee hundred
and fifty ac esol it cleared, trie balance in woods,
consisting of oak, hb kory, poplar and warl.oo
The cleared land is under a good fence Its pro
duction cannot be surpassed by any lands in the
up country. The improvements consist of a con
venient and comfortable Dwelling, besides Gin
House. Screw, all new, and all other houses neces
»ar\ for a country residence and farm. The dwell
ing* is located on an elevated situation, and re
■ markably healthy, with springs oi the purest water
scattered throughout the premises. 1 here n also
I mi the premises, one of the best sites for a mill o>
milU or factor) there is in the up country, and its
contiguity to the river will make it more valuable.
I As the purchaser would wish to examine the pre
mises previous to making the puichase, it wuuld
bo needless for me to give any farther description
of tne premises.
‘ Also, r. 50 acres of land, No. 150, in the 21st
district, Decatur county in this State.
Also, 250 acres of land, No. 3, in first districtin
Baker county in this State.
Lincoln county, July 29. w3ra
V* genuine Cologne Water, in long and short
bottles, warranted of the very best quality; for sale
n boxes of half a dozen each, for family use, or
by single bottles.
Also, a large assortment of Fancy Soaps, Odorous
Waters, Extracts, Hair Oils, and Curling Fluids,
oi the nest quality, at Apothecary Hall 232 Broad
street, by GARVIN & HaINGS
oct 14
subscriber has returned to the city, and
* will again resume his profession, the teaching
of Music on the Piano and Guitar. Thankful for
past favors, he solicits a continuance of the same.
1 hose desiring my services will p ease leave their
address at Mr Parsons’ Furniture Store, or the
dwelling of Mrs. Carts, coiner of Campbell and
Ellis streets. OTTO HERM ANN.
1 00112 __ 1m _
BNOW8 NOW DEN & SHEAR have received from New
5 ork a large supply of superior Ingiain, Three
Ply, Brussels, and striped Ventiian CARPEI S of
rich and splendid patterns, with Rugs to match.
Also, superior White Welsh and Gauze Flannels,
■ and a great var.ety of other articles suitable for the
| P iesef, l season, to which they respectfully invite
j the attention of the public. oct 27
I TIIH E following rates of Toll over the Augusta
| JL Bridge, is established from this date:
All wagons and carts from the country, loaded
i with Cotton, flour, Corn-meal, Fodder, Bacon,
[ Lard, Butter, and Poultry, coming into the City of
Augusta for sale, shall be allowed to pass and re
pays free of toll.
All wagons loaded with Lumber, Wood,or Brick.
|25 cen l s each way, and all other tolls the same as
By order of the Bridge Committee.
oct lu-lm ~ S. H. OLIVER, Clerk.
THE undersigned have associated themselves
under the firm of PECK & HEARING, and
will transact a general EXCHANGE and COM
MISSION BUSINESS. (Miice under the Masonic
Hall, recently occupied by John G. Winter & Co.
Augusta, 12th Oct., 1840.
In suras to suit purchasers. For sale bv
Broad-street, opposite the Masonic Hall,
oct 1 |f
fiNHE undersigned have this day entered into
1 co-paitnership, for tlie purpose of transacting
a Grocery and Commission business, in this city,
under the firm of Fort. C'lopton & Malone.
Savannah, Sept. 27, 1840. oct 7-2 m
M. D’ANTIGNAC, (Late Turpin & D’
| * Antignac,) has removed two doois below
his former stand, to the Store recently occupied by
i E ' W 7 . Spoffor.l. and is now receiving in addition
to his former stock, a large supplv of
All ot which will be sold low, and on accommo
dating terms.
Having purchased the notes and accounts of the
late firm of Turpin & D,Antignac, he particularly
requests tiiose indebted to make early payment,
ort S ts
FANCY BASKETS, has constantly on hand
! an extensive and handsome assortment at his store.
No. 130 Broad street, Augusta. Aiso, he has an
nexed to the above business, Fancy Straw Bags,
Oil Cloth Reticules, Tooth Brushes, Fancy Specta
cle Cases. Shaving Brushes, and a great variety of
Fancy Siraw Baskets, &c. &c. ail of which wiil be
I sold at low prices. sept 12
THE subscriber respectfully informs his friends
and the public that he is prepared to accom
-1 modate transient and private Boarders, or even
Families from abioad,on the most reasonable teims;
his rooms are furnisned in a handsome, plain style,
and assures those who wish to give him a call to
i give general satisfaction, at the late residence of J.
| K. Ailburn, E-q., just above the New Market,
i south side of Broad-street. F. A. DUFFIE.
j N. B. He also has god stables for horses and
I vehicles, with the attendance of a good hostler,
i oct 26.
j Ths Constitution ilist will please copy the above.
I TAKE pleasure in informing the Planters and
Country people at large, that I have made ar
| rangements to do a general Grocery business in this
! place, and will keep constantly on hand a good as
j soitment of Groceries, and all other articles usual
! ly kept for the up country trade. A. VV ray will
j conduct the business, and act as my duly autkor
! ized agent in the purchase of goods and everything
appertaining to my business in the mercantile line.
And Loin his knowledge and experience in busi-
I ness, I hope to merit a liber . 1 patio jfae. He will
j be found at the stand formerly occupied by John
, ! E. McDonald, where he will attend promptly to
all orders confided to him. H G JOHNSON.
Hamburg, -'-opt. !4, 1810. ts
The Hamburg Journal will please insert tlie a
bove four times, and present their bill to
A. WRVV, Agent.
THE subscriber offers for sale the Plantation
lately owned by Mrs. Urquhart, deceased,sit
| uated in Burke county, adjoining the town eom
| monos Waynesboro, containing about 1014 acres,
j On the premises are a two story brick dwelling in
i thorough repair, gin house, overseer’s house, and
j all necessary out buildings. The place being well
known, a further description is deemed unneces
| saiy.
There will also ho sold with the place, if desired,
| the stock of Cattle, among which are some line
milch cows, hogs, horses, plantation uten ils, &c.
A bargain may be had, and terms made accom
modating to an approved purchaser. Possession
given Ist January next. W. E. JACKSON,
sept 10
f|lH E duties of this SEMINARY will be resumed
Jj on the 18th of (J ober, by Mrs H. L. Moise,
assisted by competent and eificient Teacheis. All
the branches of a complete English Education will
I be taught. Also French and other Languages;
I Vocal and Instrumental Music, and Drawing and
: Painting in ail their branches.
terms. pr. qr. of 3 mos.
For English—from $8 to sls 00
| “ French and other Languages 10 00
“ Music on the Piano, 20 00
i « “• “ “ Guitar, 10 00
“ Drawing and Painting, 12 00
“ Boarding and Lodging, lights and fuel, 50 00
A limited number of young ladies can be com
fortably accommodated in the immediate family of
i Mrs Moise, whose attention will be devoted to
their morals and ceportment. sept 23-ts
j try- The Edgefield Advertiser will uiseit
aoove tnree limes and forward bill.
SIXTY days from this date application will
be made to the Mechanics’ Bank of Augu-ta,
for ihe renewal of the following certificates of
stock, (the originals being io-t or mislaid,) viz:
No! 330. Twenty-live shares in the name of
George Thomas, dated March 2d, 1835. No. 452.
Twenty shares in the name of the same, dated
March Bth, 1837. , .
Applic ;,t * on will also be made sixty day? fi.un
this date, to the Iron Steamboat Company, for Ihe
renewal of the following ceitiiicates of stock, (the
originals being lost oi mislaid.) viz :
No. 1. Ten shares, dated May 21st, 1835. No
112. Ten shares, dated March 15th, 1837. No. 114.
Ten shares, dated Match 18th, 1837, all in favor
of George Thomas. A. SIB LEV , Attorney.
Augusta, September Sth, 1840,
Bv ' v * K. JACKSON.
Kt the *\n J UeSday ; the 3,1 of November,
At the lower market, will L c sold to close a.
„ concern
* onus at sale.
0 V!S t RSDAV ’ sth November, nt the stoie of J.
1 Uni ’ upper end of Broad street, will b e
‘3 qr. casks Brandy.
do. Tcncratfc Wine.
1 hhd Rum.
o bis. \ inegar.
•> doz. Cordial.
I 4 do. Porter.
S»tkXl aDd CaP Paptr ’ Calico * 8 > lot Window
Terms at sale,
— ______ __ oct 2s
Executor's Sale.
W be Sol(J ‘ on ,he <irst Tuesday in Novem-
P :Y.*_ f A^ X «l ,at ,ke lower market house in the
} - ugusta, within the usual hours of sale
SS;"? ■*«!*"* '» tt* estate of Mattn,’
1 Sold bv order of court, for a
division. Terms at sale. WM li in\Fß
I Kxecelot.
’ Administrator s Sale.
W Lbe ioid ° n Ule first Tucsdr.y in Novem
* * ber next, at tne lower market house Ue
-1 watrh th ®, U l Ual hoUIS of sa e « a old P a lcnt lever
rTn?! 141 ? chail1 ’ together with m e snares of the
loi giuir to the estate ol James Carswell deceased.
I ca ♦ u - v * LAKKE, Adm ? r
October 15> 1-8^
O' ‘ f| L ® or PLANTATION.
N the hist I uesday in Decenibei next, at the
owe,- rnarki t in the city of Augusta, will be
; ouered for sale that valuable Plantation on Savan
i h‘J? ll Riv , ei > in District, S. C., known s
! Hoise tree*, about a mile and a half below An
gusta, containing BU4 acres* agreeably to plat, a
considerable portion of which is fertile, low
grounds and Isinglass lands. There is a Flat and
, a ot way foiever secured through the plan
tation ol Mr. \N alley, on the Georgia side, directly
Terms of sale, one-third cash and Hie balance in
t i wo e^. lal of ore and two years, secured
by mo.lgage on the property and notes with two
• approved endorsers, with interest at S per rent
i P«‘- annum, from date of delivery of plantation
, on the hist of January next Name* of cndoisms
! required on day ot --ale. J. v C AMPiiFJ I
■; ' Octobei 5,1 >4O.
i- SALK.
VGRLKABLF. to an order of the Inferior Couit
of Hiclimond county, when sitting for ordi
nary purposes, will be sold, ot> tile first Tuesday in
November next, ai the court 1 ouse in Stewart
county, a lot of land belonging to the estate of 1 ot
M illiams deceased,, containing two hundred two
and a half acres, lying and being in the county of
Stew ait. Sold lor the benelit of the heirs and cre
, ditors. Terms of sale cash.
September 4, 1840.
¥MTILL be sold orvthe first Tuesday in Decem
* » ber next, at the Lower Market Hou*e, be
tween the usual hours oi sale, one Ntgro Woman
named Hager, the property ot Robert Barber. de
ceased. Sold by order of the Honorable Inferior
C ourt of Richmond county, while sitting for ordi
nary purposes, for the benefit of the creditors ol
saiu deceasd. C. J. COOL., Administrator,
■ o i the Eestate of Robert Barber, dec’d.
September 30. 1840.
JUST received, a lot of very superior Chewing
Cavendish Tobauo. For sale by
I Oft S-ts 1., S. BEliiiS ist CO.
Election of hospital keeper —on
the first Saturday in November next thcCitv
Council will elect a Keeper of the Hospital for the
; balance of the year. Candidates will state in their
applications the terms on which they offer, and
: name references as to character.
By order of the Mayor. S. H. OLIVER,
oct 26 eodtc Clerk Com Council.
subscribers a;o now receiving and opening
their fall and winter stock of Fancy and Staple
Dry Goods, among which are many seasonable and
desirable articles, to which the attention of the
i public is respectfully invited.
sept 4 Wo.h. CR ANE £ f'o.
Oid A BBLS New CANAL FLOUR, a first rate
r£\_f article. Just received and for sale by
oct 6 M . E. J ACKSON, Auctioneer.
. j a.-._a This well known Establishment is now
fsiiin open, under the d rcction and manage
isspill ment of the Suoscriber and his Lady, who
‘ j w.ll take pleasure in administering to the comfort
of such ladies and gentlemen as may favor ihem
with a tall. LEANDER BUTLER.
i oct 33 3t
1 jl_3 x TO RENT. —The dwelling house on
'jpssj’ Green street, opposite the Lancuslerian
1 | School, and the stable and horse lot next
above Mr. Goelchius’ Carriage shop on Ellis street,
oct 17-ts _ J. VV. WILDE.
yL__a TO RENT. —(Possession given imme
dialely,) the olfiie on Broad sheet,oppo
|Hig|ls|i| site the Masonic Hall, formerly known as
the Augusta Minor otiire. For terms, &c.. apply
to [oct 7-tfl V INCEN r fc ( Gi KR.
TO RENT' T'w t o small Dwellines,
jasssß with a Well of good water in the i aid,
JEIEIL on Telfaiv-street, belonging to the Es=
1 tates of Rebecca and T homas Quizenberry.
i i oct 1 (ts) A. SIBLEY, Administrator.
A SCHOOL ROOM.—The School Room
in the basement story of the Presbyterian
Lecture Room will be rented, and imme-
I diate possession given. Enquire of
sept 24 lin J. G. DUNLAP,
TO RENT, fr. m the Ist ('clober, the
Hifn thiee small tenements on Telfair-strect,
nearly fronting my residence. Apply at
my residence. PAUL FIZSIMMONS.
sept 14 ts
fO RENT —The Olficc in the rear of
the Store of the subscriber, lately occu
!r i:JlLl)ied by P. D. Woolhopter, Esq.
Also, the Store below the Daiien Bank, lately
occupied by Jes>e Walton.
Also, the two woodec stores below. For terms
apply to oct 9-swim( ISAAC MOISE.
( Si. a TO RENT, from the Ist of October
next, either separately oi together, the
r STORE and DWELLING next above she
Insuiaace Bank. WILLIAM CUM VIING.
sept 11 tiwtf—rnvvf
a -~JX TO RENT. —The Store on Broad str.,
1 fascsH No. 217, now occupied by Messrs. J. W.
iiipffl IxT.S. Stov.
Also, the two Stores above, being Nos. and
251. Apply to
July 25—trwtf HENRY H. GUMMING.
n m TO RENT from the tir-t day of October
I fSlesfe next, the Store at j resent occupied by
gsjiß Mr. George Lott.
nUo. the Dwelling over the at present oc
cupied by Mr, D. W. Calhoun, containing eight good
rooms, and necessary out buildings.
Also the Store, two doors below', occupied by Mr.
S. B. Clarkson.
Also the Store and Barber’s Shop, opposite Rees
& Beah’s Ware-house, and the Dwelling over the
Store at present occupied by Mr. Fleming, contain
ing *ix Rooms, and necessary out builaings.
Also the Dwelling next above Mr. Meig’s Ware
house, recently occupied by Mr Martin Wih ox,
containing six Rooms, and necessary out buildings,
and a good garden.
A/so the Dwelling, next below my Shop, at
present occupied by Mr. John Riley, containing
five Rooms, and a good g irden, and necessary out
buildings. 1- or terms, apply to
Upper end, South side Broad-street.
Sep 19 swtC