Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, November 03, 1840, Image 3

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    FOII SALE. 1
n \IT in bulk in store, an* sacks afloat, by
A 1 ! letup Baling. _ | nov 2 6’.
CO.NSiG> MEM' —40 boxt-jj W organ’s best
fig i hewing TOBACCO. Fur .-Co by
V-t 2 y 6t HOPKINS & STOVaLL.
TO RENT —A number of pleasant
ft ft LODGING ROOMS, in the most central
Imp!'- Ll uart of the city. For tennis apply at t!:e
fK’oi the Eagle and Plicenix lloul; 2w-oct 31
■ a To RENT, from ti»e J 4 st of October
: * next, either separately «». together, tne
and DVV ELLi NGlnext above the
In ,o aiice Rank. WILLIA.M ICUM.VHNG.
|L »ept ll ‘tjnvtf—mwf
Ijk -l TO RENT. —The Store on Bioad str.,
I* 13 No 247, now occupied l [y: Messrs. J. W.
T. S. Stoy. j ■
Also, the two Stores at>ove, being Nos. 249 and
251. Apple to •
t July 25-trwtf HENRY Hi ; CUM MING.
Two or three hun lied ? )Jood HORSES
* j i and MULES wanted, Afor the United
Mates, for which specie wi l ! be j Aid.
oct 31-2 w Ass't. Q. Ml »U. S. Army.
>< <ITCH WII Iskili:V.
1 PUNCHEON very sup’r SC 1 Cjl WHISKEY,
Just received and lor sale ov I
Kod 17-trwt>t VV . ttjf. NELSON.
r/ UVA BUSHELS Liverpool Ground Salt,
in lots to suit purcha rers. For sale
by (oct 9-.« w Ini) IS V AC MOISE.
HjN subscri ers aie notv receiving and opening
their fall and winter stuck of Fu cy and Staple
Dry (Rods, amon. which are many* seasonable and
desi::i:ile articles, to which the intention of the
puMic is respectfully invited.
r 4 A i, H. ( ’|i VNE & Co.
I** IIHDS and 6 tierces, for S; 1 s low to close
3 a consignment, by ISA AC MOISE.
fcet 9 ; swim
■JJ MAN AC for the ye. r 1841 j (calculated for
the horizon and ineridi..n of Auga-tj.. Georgia, and
wi (serve for the adjacent stiles am,‘l Florida.
A The Astronom cal calculations bj Robert Grier,
Batts County, Ga.
■Just published by H. A. RICHMOND.
Boct27tw6t .j
J NO. B . & VV. 11. tL JUP IN ,
A RE now receiving an entire jnew stock of
J\ medicines, paints, ui,i|.s, window
GL VSS, iac., &c., which they otlcf-lo their friends
and the public generally on rea«oii;fbie terms, and
hope by the quality of articles nr.i\\prompt atten
tion to merit patronage. oct‘-is* trw,vw2w.
At e . , Ar o. l
MIU. C. HOFFMAN respectfully informs the
Ladies of Augusta and vicinity taat her os
ta di-hment of Millinery and Die|s Making, as
likewise Bleaching and altering -Araw Bonnets,
will still in future be continued,i'.d she maybe
found at her old stand, the new 4>suldiug, seco id
story, opposite late rlnnter’s llote . ivaerc- she will
be ready at all times to furnish he-Sjustomers with
latest style of .Mi! finery &c., ootfhe very sh rt
est notice. Laving with heavy expense engaged
geo.l nan !s, no pans w.ll be bpircvjjin the execu
tion of all ordeis entruste d to hei iejare, and every
ex ert’.on will be used to give satisfaction to her oid
f’|| -..-id- and customers generally in either line
I Her fashions for Fall will be Oj y |ed on Monday
next, the 26th of October, and thd; ladies aie re
spectfully invited to call. oßt 20 tw!2t
|Bkj NOW DEN & SHEAR have received from New
I*s York a large supply of stipe: ujf Ingrain, Three
■piy, Brussels, and striped Venti:iu CARPETS of
ii,:h and splendid patterns, wilii Reags to match.
A >o. s pcilo. \\ ; itc* \\ elsh an-; D'fuze flannels,
and a great variety of other articles suitable for the
H&:escnt season to which they respectfully iuvi.e
■he attention of tin* public. 1 j oct 27
JUST rec< ivt-d, and for sale at | ifideiate paces,
10 dozen BLANKEI’k. |
50 pieces Kersey. |
10 White Plain. | ,
10 “ Ba gin g ]
5 bales Homo-pun. Pj
Assoi tmeut of Seal Cap’* J
“ Otter “ M
25 bags Coffee. ;
Broken Sugar. i
Havana Sugar.
Candies. U-
Goshen Butter. ||
Whiskey. |
Rum. j
Northern Gin. j
Molasses, etc.,etc. !
oct 31 4t jßroad-street.
M ilTli |>is I sol'TH I'.KN iipOK BOOM
J Ao. llayne street, opposite M -srs. J. S’. 4' U.
Boii'ie, Charleston, S.-iC.
fI'IME subscriber re? pectfully iudorms the citi-
I zens of Charleston audilie pubij; gener. By,that
Bthe above e tatilishmeut is t ow ip. full operation,
where may oe found a full asssortmient of 1 hcu.o
gical Works, wiiieli will be sold always at pub
lishers pikes, and a liberal discount to wholesale
■ dealers.
A so. in addition to the above, w ill be constantly
K kept on hand, an extensive assortment of School,
|, ( la<'i al. Medical, and Miscellanebus Books, Sta-
A tionary, cxc. : '
I Also, Binders’ Materials, such ah Sheep Skins,
■ Lamo Skins, Russia Hides, Baik skivers, blue an 1
■ Red Skivers, Biue and Rml Loans, SSinders Boaids.
■ Super Roy a , Royal, Medium, i e|m , Flat < up,
% Bio’tiuj-, Luvelope, and Press P*|Mrs, &c. All ot
i wf.uti w-Rl be s dd wholesale or isdail, on as go.nl
9 terms as any other ; ouse in the City. A share of
I pati’in inp i-. respectfulL solicited.* j
net lti-.a!i.v J.’GN W. .%fOY. Agent.
Theisubsi nber con
t.nuieh to occupy his
old ‘stand. No. BiN
BrOfaJ street, oppo
t * ito : ‘ MC I:a - ,c and
1 1~ 1 /at Phetijx Hotel, where
In i,.|. ou hand and
HMi n { '7, s f :e , very
:: . >1 : : ( tjs/i a large
a‘>o jlmei.t of
r~ - - j ■ p iem i um
** P- pi.es’ do. for
K wood or coal; Close Stoves, foi I t[Uiche>, l aelo-
I lies, and Scl.ool Houses, with ail jiecessary pipe
■ ready r: ade. to despatch order*.; jHe P* as a i s °
I st to, all sizes of Sheet Copper s itta le for \ u -
I leys, goiters bends, pipes, js. c . lip Plate, \\ ire.
I Block fi*. and Spelter St tder, w&*i an ektensive
I Stock of TIN WARE, at whole rfjor retalL
Grateful for the patronage received,
| ho solicits a eontinuanc ot ti e. {same, pledgin.
I himself to execute all orders v iflj neatness and
*1 despatch. Ri F. CHEW.
I jj *
ti |,l;i!UTK|,j,
Aagiisla. ( JU. | 1
u The tindersigi ed, !ateo| t'.e Merchants’
f & Hotel, Charleston S. would inform
j _ 8 S 3 Ids friends and the pu- jic that he has
I taken me above Hotel, and is now y'oudy to arcom
■ modate ftost \v;:o may favor him yvith 1 heir pat
| Linage. He will nva’.e no hoist >i what he will
I do. 1 the; than tu say, that his lalß-es will be fur-
I ni-hvi with the best t o jatford. and the
| establishment ivccive ijuper-'ra ijittention; and
i if those wlui Call up him onet :uc ijt't satisfied with
■ his bill of fare mi ac o.emo at ion*;.-he will not so-
\ t licit them to call again. WILLIAM GOSS,
i t oct 30 itrw&wlm
; Pirn Edgefield Advertiser, Greenville Moun
f taineer,Columbia South Caio!in.ac.|and MiF.edge
viile Standard of Union, will copy 'the above four
times weekly. . nd send ti.eii bi.;S;l!or pnvment to
"• • VV. G.
oct bt t
AND POTATOES.—I7S casks Lime, in
J fine order.
oU bis Mercer Potatoes.
Landing this day, for sale 'o\v Lorn the wharf,
nr ILL be sold on the Mist Tuesday in January
next, at the Lower Market House,between
the usua hours of sale, I hree (3) Negro Slaves,
the property ot R. 11. Musgrove,deceased. Sold by
order of tne Honorable Inferior Court of Rich
mond ( ounty, for the benefit of the heirs and cred
itors of said deceased. EDWARD BUS TIN,
Augusta, November 2, IS4O. Executor.
be sold on the first Tuesday in Decern-
V * ber next, at the Court House door in the
town ot >\ arrenton, Warren County, Ga.. between
the usual hours of sale, the so lowing property, to
One negro man slave named Elias,4s or 50 y ears
oid, levied on as the property of Samuel Fleming,
to satisfy one li. fa. issued from the Superior
Court ot W arren County, in favor of John Per
sons vs. Samuel Fleming ard Henry Conaway
Property pointed out by Conaway.
Also, tne blazed lace Bay Mate, supposed to be
eight years old; one Sorrel Mare, five years old,
and seventeen head of Cattle, and eight head of
Hogs, ie\led on by a bailitf to satisfy an attach
ment returnable to the Superior Court of said Coun
ty in lavor ol James Daniels vs. John Clary.
Also, one Sorrel Fiiicy, 2 A years o d, will be
sold at the same time and place, to satisfy an at
tachment in favor of James Daniels vs. John Clary,
said attachment returnable to the Superior Court
of said County. Piopeity pointed out hy plaintiff.
JAMES HALL, Sheriff.
November 2 1840.
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday tu January
next, at the Court House door in Warren
ton, Warren County, Eight likely Negroes, to wit:
Morris, Kit, Ross, Silva, Eliza, Emily, Caroline,
and Oliver, belonging to the estate of 1 homas But
trell, of said County, deceased. Also, at the same
time and place, a valuable Plantation, lying in
said C ounty, on Little River, belonging to the same
estate, and being the Plantation whereon Peggy
Buttrell, ,atc deceased, resided, containing Two
Hundred Twenty-eight acres, more or less, adjoin
ing lands of Evans McCrary and others. The said
sale oeingmade in conformity with a decree of the
Honorable the Superior C ouit of said County, for
the purpose ot di>tribution amongst the legatees of
said deceased. Terms c.ish.
1 HOMAS T. BUTTRELL, Exc utor.
November 2,1 -40.
UfILL be sole at the Court House in Warren
ton Warren County, on the first Tuesday
iu January next, Two Hundred and Ninety-eight
Acres of LAND, more or le?s, lying in said County,
w hereon .-.vans McCrary now lives, adjoining Ly
er and others, sold as the property of Peggy But
trell , dece sed, by the consent of the Legatees.
Terms at sale. THUS T. BUTTKELn,
Raytown, Oct. 31,1840. Agent.
\ 'ILL be sold at Liccolnton, before the
f j Court House door, within the usual hours of
sale, on the first Tuesday of December next, the
following property, to wit :
Tiie mlerest of Ransom and Susannah Davies,
during then life, in the Ten Negroes following, to
wit: Nancy, a Negro woman slave, about 50 years
of age, and her nine children, Caroline, about 17,
Aggy, a girl about 8 years old, Joe, a bov about
l(i V\ iliia n, a boy about 15 Jon, a boy about 13,
Ben, a bo> of 11, Jelf, a boy of 9, Gilbert, a I oy of
7. and Napoleon, a boy 3 years old. Levied ou
the life estate of the said Ransom and hosannah |
Davis to satisfy a li. fa. issued IVuin tne Superior
Court of Lincoln County, at the instance of Wm. j
M. Gibson. Property pointed out by Robt. A.
Toombs, attorney.
Al o, will sold at the same time and ptace,
the following p.o erty, to wit: one N< gio woman
named Lovey, forty years oid, dark complected,
six feather Oeds, and furniture complete, o>.e wal
nut Bideboard, one Buieau, mahogany front, one
painted Cupboard, one Clock, live pur 1 ab es, paint
ed. two Wash-stands, four Looking-glasses, six
Trunks, ten Chdrs, lot of Crockery Ware, one
Yoke Sleer a d Ox Cart, foun ows and Yeaning?,
seven head stock Hogs, seven Candlesticks, three
Iron Pots, four ovens. Fire Dogs, .'hovel and
Tongues, me b y Horse, ten years old, ball face,
oue G:g and liar ess. and House and Lot in the
village of Lincolnto.i, on w hich Willia n Reynolds
now liv. s, all levi d on to satify sundry fi fas. j
against sa d William Reynolds in favor of Matthew
Coila.s. from Inferior Court of Lincoln Count v.
November 2,1840.
r|l E City Council, al its lust regular meeting,
p mace it my duly to proceed immediately to
the codec ion Oi’ all taxes uue on the Digest oi the
present year, ur in the event of its not being done
by the liist day of November next, to cause exe
cutions lo be isssurd in every case of delau t, of
which ail concerned will take due notice, as after
that duie executions w ill be placed iu the hands of
the City Marshal, w'lh instructions to collect with
out delay, tne several amounts due with the addi
tion of 10 per ceni and costs.
JollN it. MANN, Col. & Treas. C. A.
oct 13 trwistNov
f|NHE subscribed have formed a co-partnership ;
| for the transact on of a factorage and coin ;
mi sion business, under the bnn of HOPKIAS £,■
STOVALL. They have taken the commodious
Hr e-proof Ware House on Mclntosh street, oppo
site Gen. Thomas Dawson’s, formerly occupied by
Heard Ji Wilson, and more recently by D’Ant gnac
k, IJill. I heir storages are conveniently situated
for the storage of cotton, or receiving and forward
ing of goods by Railroad or Wagon. They hope,
by strict etteniion to business, to merit a share of
public patronage.
Augusta, July 8, 1840. 2awtf—jyt)
fINHE subscriber wiU continue his Scl.ool at the
| new dwelling on Walker .street, and hopes
that the d stance to his place w ill not be an objec
tion with any lady or gentleman who may be kind
ly disposed to patronize him. He will pledge !um
se' to prepa e youth for Franklin College, or any
other College in the Union, in Classics and in the
minor branches of Mathematics,and should a suffi
cient pa nonage be extended to him, he could secure
the services of a gentleman of well known ability
in Mathematical scienre. In reference lo the sub
scriber himself, he has had charge of Schools and
Academies in this State during a period of ten
years, and beg- leave to refer, if necessary, to Col.
Thomas N. Hamilton of Athens, and the Rev.
Juiiaii Harris, before whom he had been examined
bv i classical gentleman of the N’oith, before he
could be admitted lo take the Rectorship of tne
Columbia County Academy, which he had ior three
years. Should a class ot rig tort, n young men
be found, l.c could devote two hours to thei. in
stvuctlun each day, at a lime that would not inter
fere with us School. There are liuee tilings con
nected with the Classics, which is almost, if not
totally neglected in our Southern Seminaries, viz:
M vtliolug\', Latin Exercises, and Prosody, without
which t;,e Scansion ol Pentameter and llexametei
Verse cannot be acquired.
1 he fust quarter’s tuition will he requited at
entrance, and the schoia'tic year will be the same
as tint of toe oilier Seminaries of the city.
At a future time should his paßons de>ire his
com'mg lo a more convenient pace, he wiR compiy
witii loeir wishes, u he meets vvit.i suffi.ieut pa
tronage. DANIEL MAiiCNEY.
oct b
i The Constitutionalist will give tae auove
four weekly insertions.
riNtlE subscriter odors for sale one thousand
§ five bundled acres of Land, lying in Burke
county, o:i Ogeechy River, immediately by and
around the One Hundred Mi'e Station, Cen rai
Railroad, with about one thud cleared, a part ot
which is fresh, and all in good repair, and as well
watered as any place in Georgia. There is also a
<mod new two story dwelling house, and a gin
house, together with other out houses. Should
anv person wish to buy a settlement, they will ol
course look lor themselves,—and they may expect
fir* in there. WILLIAM. P. ALLEN.
July 4 3m
i .j, c.i.sks Lime, first quality and in
low from the 1 whaH^by ted l ° arnVC ’ wUI be 50 d
mg Powder. ° o - P 1
50 kegs do. do.
uiiVo *'^ s “ kaglc” Powder,in canisters.
1000 do. Blasting do.
Just teceived and for sale by
per and ; ailor, res; ectfully informs his
menus and tne public that he has* just received
Rom New-\oik rn additional case of West of
- giami B-ack Broadcloths and Cassimeres, of the
most supei quality, wocl dyed, and fresh from the
!00m ’ oct 27 4t
PR. A LED ()YSTEnS. —1,00 Gallons Pickled
I >} sters, in line order. Just received by
oct23 I. S. BEERS, K Co.
LLME —H2 3 barrels of LIME, in fine order
landing, and for sale by
. 061 20 W. E. JACKSON.
A IGA NT ED TO HIRE, a good Washer Wo-
T * man, tih the first of January. Apply at
thls offic e- oct 13
0> Cy SHARES of the Bank of Augusta Stock
O O for sale by
MJ geou Dentist, has removed to the residence
No. 242 Broad street, over the Watch and Jewelry
*tore of Mr. G. C. Gordon. oct 13-ts
PRIVATE BOAR ING.—A lew hoarders can
be accommodated by calling at Bonnoch’s
corner, next door above Russell & Hutchinson’s
Auction Store. D. W. CALHOUN.
rBNRAIN OIL, &c.— I rain t)il, Plaster Pans and
j| Gilder’s V\ biting, for sale in quantities to suit
purchasers, by GARVIN <fe HAINES,
oct 14
{AMP OIL—A supply of best Bleached Lamp
A Oil, just received and for sale by
OLD PEACH BRANDY—A cl oice article, for
sa 'c by SIBLEY 4c CRAPON.
Hamburg, August 10, 1840.
OI ICE.—The subscriber having associated
1' 51 v, Robert T. Hyde in his business Lorn the
Ist inst. it will from that date be conducted in the
name of DUX LAP HIDE.
July 9, 1840. j. Q. DUNLAP.
IkJ AILS.—7«)O kegs Nails and Brads, now land
i.* iiig, a->d for sale by
oct 12-swtf STOVALL & HAMLEN.
BUG VP.—26 hhds St. Croix Sugar,for sale low,
to close a consignment, hy
| oct 12-swtf S IOVALL & HAMLEN.
BIIIRIINGS. —70 bales Brown Shirtings and
Sheetings, for sale by
oct 12-swtf STOVALL & HAMLEN.
EGRO CLOTHS. —30 cases heavy Negro Ker-
A.N sevs, for sale by
oct 12-swtf STOVALL & HAMLEN
01 ICE. —The undersigned have formed a con-
Xsl nection und«*r the firm of ROWLAND
BARS TOYS , for 'uc purpose of transacting a Gen
eral Commission Business in Savannah, and solicit
a share of patronage. WM. P. ROWLAND,
References —Messrs. Peck & Denying, John G,
I Winter Esq., Stovall 4c Simmons.
October 19. 1840. wlm
LBS SMOKED BEEF,new and in fine
2UUU lbs Loaf and Lump Sugar,
50 boxes and ( asks Cheese,
50 Colgate’s Soap,
25 “ Sperm Candles.
Just received, tog: thtr with a good assortment
of other Groceries in store, for sale by
oct 17-tiw6t W. St J. NELSON.
li & WARREN, No. 206 Broad street,
y j have just received a targe supply of
Wool dyed black cloths l.ne and superfine,
Blue and < adet, do do do
Wool dyed black Cassimers sup.
A large lot of Fancy Cassimers,
Lug ( auiu Cassimt’is, new style,
Satmelts and Kentucky Jeans,
An assoi ment of line and superfine Vestings,
Welsh Flannels and Bed Flannels,
L ish Linens ana Long C.otiis, v'ery low,
Negro Ciothsanci blankets,
oct to trw6w
Oakland for sale.
rS’UIE sub.'cribcr offers for sal« his Plantation in
Jefferson county, containing between one
thuU'and and eleven hundred actes of oak, hickory
and swamp laud. The improvements are superior
and its nearness to the Central Bail Road, together
with its ferti-ily, make it a uesiiable place. Per
sons wishing 10 purchase are invited to come and
see ihe giowiug crop. Corn and fodder, neat cat
tle and h igs, amongst which la>t are Berkshire and
Philadelphia It kites, can be had by the purchaser
jv* mly 14-wtf J. VV. M. BERRIEN.
i 150 Negroes, between 5 and 6,000 acre s of Lund
Corn, Dodder, Sheep, Hugs, Cattle, 4c. <yc.
subscriber will sell on Tuesday after the
| third Monday in December next, being the
22d day of Decern! er, 1840, 150 Negroes, his Plan
tation in Jefferson county, containing betvveer
5,000 and 6,0u0 acres of Lund; the Corn, Fodder.
Kheep, Call'e, Plantation's ools and utensils, anc
all other property connected with the said planta
tion. It is deemed unnecessary to say much in re
gard to the above property, it is expected that
persons wishing o purchase will make inquiry.—
It is sufficient B> say that the Nogtoesare of supe
rioi quality and good charade*, and can be recom
mended as such.
The sale will continue from day to day till all
are so d. The terms of sale are casn, as the sale
of the a >ove property is intended to meet ihe de
mands of the subscriber’s creditors, whose demands
will be taken as cash, or any arrangement with
any of my creditors vi ill answer the same purpose.
All the above property lo be sold at my planta
tion, Cncrry Hill, in Je lerson county, Ga., at the
time above named.
September 4 td
THE subscribers will continue the Ware-house
and Commission Business at their old stand,
wneie they nope to receive the same liberal patro
nage that iias been given to them for years past.
Our location being central and near the wharves,
combines as many advantages as any similar estab
lishment in the city. Jn the hte disastrous fresh
et we sustai ud some injury, but as little perhaps
as any other ware-house in the city, having the
same quantity of produce on hand. Our Ware
house and close-stores arc in good order for the re
ception of produce or Merchandize, and strict at
tention will be devoted to either when entrusted to
ou K are. BAIRD & ROWLAND.
Augusta. Juiv 28. 1840. tlstNov,
fSMIE undersigned respectfully informs his
I friends and the public, th the continues the
Warehouse and Commission bu incss at his onl
stand on Mclntosh street, and solicits a continua
tion of public favor so liberally bestow d the past
foui years.
Having the assistance of Mr. John R. Crockei
1 and Jan es C. Dawson, it will enable him to devote
> his entire attention to the selling of Cotton; in this
1 branch of the business his friends may rely on his
i best exertions.
i Wm. C. Dawson jr. & Co., will keepa general
1 assortment of Groceries at Buck-head, Morgan
i county, ythe termination of the Georgia Kail-Road)
i and wi'l furnish my customers at Augusta prices,
1 addin o- freights—they will also act as agents for
f me. ° [sept 28-w6t] THOMAS DAWSON.
t The" MiHedgeville Recorder, Journal, Fede
ral Union, Columbus Enquirer and Southern Whig,
will publish the above six times weekly-
| v 25 bols Extra Canal Flour,
2;i b; is 1 rish I otato s,
50 dozer Pickio?, assorted,
15 keg< Gush. n Butter,
10 kegs W inchester’s Lard,
, 20 boxes CheO'C,
20 boxes Starch,
20 bhls. No. 3 Mackerel,
20 kilts No. 1 do.
Jus' received and for sale by I. S. BEERS & Co.
oct 15 t s
OILS AND PAINTS.—PaIe Winter Strained
Lamp Oil,
Pale Fa'l Strained Lamp Oil,
■' . Whale “
Train «<
Linseed *<
; In quantities to suit purchasers,
i Also, a general assortment of Paints, Window
f Glass, &c. &c. For sale by
: 232 Broad-street.
4 GEN TLEMAN AND LADY wish to obtain a
as Teachers for Hie ensuing year.
The Gentleman is a graduate,and (he Lady is'well
qualified to teach either the Sciences or Music, and
| both have had ample experience in teaching. Sat
isfactory references ran be given.
Address Ine Editors oi the Chronicle & Senunei.
Augusta. oct !4—tf
| HE VERBENA CREAM, an Emollient >oap,
® which att’ords real pleasure in shaving produ
cing a rich, fragrant, creamy and permanent lather,
just received and for sale by
’ oct 14 GARVIN & HAINES.
I RUSSELL & HUTCHINSON have just re-
X ceived and are now opening a splendid as
' ! sortment of Fresh and Seasonable DRV GOODS,
which they otter low. Call and sec. sept 24
4 /A SACKS fresh Almonds, just received and
111 for sale by VV. E. JACKSON,
j april 27 Auctioneer.
FIT HE subscriber has made arrangements with
X the most extensive Instrument makers in the
Union, and is now and will hereafter be supplied
with all the various Surgical Instruments in com
-1 | moa use, and can, at short notice, have Instruments
; of any description made to order.
Physicians will please call and examine his
. 1 stock and pi ices. WM. M. D’ANTIGNAC,
oct 8-ts Druggist.
[ FINHE undersigned is now receiving a complete
■ assortment ot Cob gne, Lavender,Florida and
| Honey Waters, Cosmetics, Fancy and Shaving
i Soaps, liair Oils, Brushes and Combs, in great va
riety, which he will sell low.
oct 8-tt WM. M. D’ANTIGNAC, Druggist.
A T PRIVATE SALE. —A desirable Residence,
j\ with one hundred and fifty acres of land, on
the Sand Hills,near Augusta.
’ I ‘ ' y ALSO.
A good two horse Barouche anri Harness.
I oct 23 Auctioneers.
DEB IOkS to the estate of John Clarke, de
ceased, are notified !u make payment to the
undersigned,and persons having demands will hand
in the same legally proven within the time pre
scribed by law.
sept 10 WM. 11. GOODRICH, Admr.
! having claims against the estate o'" James
Carswell, late of Richmond County, deceased, arc
required to hand them in, duly attested, within the
time prescribed by law, and those in debt will
make payment. R. CLARKE, Administrator.
October 23 1840.
&c., &c.
f | ‘ HE subscriber has just received an additions!
-» supply, among which are Foolscap and l.ettci
Paper, ruled and plain, Steel Pei s, Quills, Inks,
Inkstands, &;c., Flutes, Fifes, Clariooetts, Horns,
Drums, &c. Medical Books, principally the text
books of tfie 8. M. College of Georgia.
Harrison Almanacs, and all other kinds, includ
ing the American Almanac for 1841.
Blank Books made to order.
T. S. STOY, No. 247 Broad street,
oct 27 tw2w Opposite the U. 8. Hotel.
TITM. M. D’ANTIGNAC, (Late Turpin & D’
f f Antignac,) has removed two doors below
Lis former stand, to the Store recently occupied by
E. W. Spoffor 1, and is now receiving in addition
to his former stock, a large supply of
All of which will be sold low, and on accommo
dating terms.
Having purchased the notes and accounts of the
late firm of Turpin & D,Antignac, be particularly
requests those indebted to make early payment.
I oft S * ts
COACHES is now running from Rome, Flo- d
County, Ga.,to Gunter’s Landing, upo i Tennessee
River, in Alabama, forming a connection between
the Stage Line now in operation, from the head of
the Georgia Rail Road to Rome, and the steam
boat and Rail Road Line fiom Gunter’s Landing
to Tuscumbia.
This Line will leave Rome every ‘Monday, Wed
nesday and Friday morning, and arrive at Gunter’s
Landing on the evening of the same days. Re
-1 turning, will leave Gunter’s Landing every Tues
day, '1 hursday and Saturd iy morning, and arrive
in Rome on the evening of the same days, thus
forming an uninterrupted in’ercommunic.ition be
tween the City of New Y r oik and Tuscumbia,
J No.th Alabama, where Travellers wiil find stages
i to convey them in every desirable direction. The
time occupied in travelling from New York to Tus
* ! cumbia, will be as follows: Four days from New
1 I Yor -; to Grcensboio, Ga., at the Head of the Rail
• j Road; three days from thence to Gunter’s Land
ing, Alabama, and one day from thence to Tus
’ ; cumbia. Travellers to Hunts-. Lie and Nashville,
will leave Ibis Line at Gunter’s Landing, and ar
rive in Huntsville on the morning of the Bth cay
from New York, and in Nashville, on the 9th.
Travellers to Memphis, Tennessee, and Columbus,
Mississippi, will arrive in those places in 10 days
from New York. There will be a saving in the
> time at present occupied between the several pla
ces, of a’-oul one week, with the additional advan
tage (important particularly to Meichants.) of
pa-sing through most of the principal cities in the
, Union A. WILi-ON & Co.
- | Rome October 22, 1840. ts.
s I f!3HE subscriber has in view removing west
- I X wardly, offers for sale the following tracts of
Land, viz: that valuable tract on which be resides,
containing 1350 acres, lying on the Savannah River
> an j Soap creek, of which a part is first rale river
and creek low grounds. There are lh.ee hundred
and fifty ac.cs ol it cleared, the balance in woods,
consisting of oak, hi- kory, poplar and warhoo
The cleared land is under a good fence Its pro
duction cannot be surpassed by any lands in the
s, u; , country. The improvements consist of a con
t vesiient and comfortable Dwelling, besides Gin
1 House, Screw, all new, and all other houses neces
sary for a country residence and larm. Ihe dweil
t ini: is located on an elevated situation, and re
markably hoalihy, with springs of the purest water
i scattered throughout the premises, there is also
e on the premises, one of the best sites for a mill oi
s mills oi factory there is in the up country, and its
s contiguity to the liver will make it more valuable
As the purchaser would wish to examine the pre
-1 mises previous to making the purchase, it would
n be needless for me to give any farther description
) of tne premises.
Also, 250 acres of land, No. 150, in the 21st
district, Decatur county in this Slate.
Also. 250 a< re-of land, No. 3, in first districtin
Baker county in this Stale.
Lincoln county. July 29. warn
MRh. R. INGRAHAM is now opening at her
Store on Broad street, an assortment of new
and i-ng..--. FANCY GOODS, Fashi uiab
.Vsumiry Leghorn Bonnets, &c.
L nbcs are respectfully invited to call.
u>ct 19 sw3w
DECEIVED hts usual supply of
fall and Winter
Also —A full Sto k of
To which he would invite the attention of his old
Customers, and the public generally, as they will
bo sold on the most reasonable terms, at his Old
Stand. ocM trwlm
Checks at sight on
In sums to suit purchasers. For sale bv
Broaa-strcet, opposite the Masonic Hall.
oct 1 If
undersigned have this day entered into
■ eo-pai tnership, for the purpose of transacting
a Grocery and Commission business, in this city,
under the him of Fort, Clopton &, Malone.
Savannah, Sept. 27, 1840. oct 7-2 m
riIUE Meat and Vegetable STALLS in the Low
, j J- er a,) d I ppor Markets wi lbe rented for one
1 year from the fiist Monday in November next, to
i the highest bidder, under the direction and by order
| ol the Committee on the Market.
I ° 24 ». H OLD ER, Clerk Com. Conn.
r/ Wi PIECES 44 inch Bagging, 1* a ibs.
per yard;
2UO coils Hale Hope ;
50 p-. heavy milled and bleached Sacking;
I 1 bale plaid and striped Hemp Carpeting,
j For sale by GARDELLE RHIND.
oct 23
1 A
.f An infallible remedy for that distressing dis
| ease. Numerous certificates might be given in
j proof of the truly wonderful effects of these ctlc
i bvated Pills, but it is deemed unnecessary, as the}’
are too we!! known to need recommendation. For
=>ale tiy ■ a24 ■ H A VIL AN D. RISL EY ft Co.
rpiiE following rates of Toll over the Augusta
X Bridge, is established from this date;
All wagons and carts from the country, loaded
with Colton, Flour, Corn-meal, Fodder, Bacon,
Lard, Butter, and Poultry, coming mto the City of
Augusta tor sale, shall be allowed to pass and re
pays free of toll.
All wagons loaded with Lumber, Weod, or Brick,
25 cent-, each way, and all other tolls tne same as
By order of the Bridge Committee.
oct 10- 1m “ S. H. OLIVER, Clerk.
FBNIIE undersigned have associated themselves
J under the firm of PECK & LEAKING, and
will transact a general EXCHANGE and COM
MISSION BUSINESS. Ottice under the Masonic
Hall, recently occupied by John G. Winter & Co.
Augusta, 12th Oct.. IS4D.
FANCY BASKETS, has constantly on hand
an extensive and handsome assortment at his store,
No. 130 Broad street, Augusta. Aiso, he has an
nexed to the above business, Fancy Straw Bags,
Oil Cloth Reticules, Tooth Brushes, Fancy Specta
cle Cases, Shaving Brushes, and a great variety of
Fancy S’raw Baskets, Kc. &,c. ail of which will be
sold at low prices. sept 12
I_IT genuine Cologne Water, in long and short
bottles, warranted of the very best quality; for sale
n boxes of half a dozen each, for family use, oi
by single bottles.
Also, a large assortment of Fancy Soaps, Odorous
Waters, Extracts, liair Oils, and Curling Fluids,
of the best quality, at Apothecary Hail, 232 Broad
street, by GARVIN k HAINES,
oct 14
rpHE subscriber has returned to the city, and
.1 will again resume his profession, the teaching
c.f Music on the Piano and Guitar. Thankful for
past favors, he solicits a continuance of the same.
Those desiring my services will please leave their
address at Mr. Parsons’ Furniture Store, or the
dwelling of Mrs. Carts, corner of Campbell and
Ellis streets. OTTO HERMANN,
oct 12 1m
I TAKE pleasure in informing the Planters and
Country people at large, tbit 1 have made ar
rangements to do a general Grocery business in this
place, and will keep constantly on hand a good as
sortment of Groceries, and all other articles usual
ly kept for the up country trade. A. Wray will
conduct the business, and act as my duly author
ized agent in the purchase of goods and everything
appertaining to my business in the mercantile line.
1 And f.om his knowledge and experiiC-ce in busi
! ness, I hope to merit a liberal patroi He will
■ be found at the stand formerly occupied by John
E. McDonald, where he will attend piomptly to
all orders confided to him. H G JOHNSON.
Hamburg, >ept. ’.4, 1840. ts
The Hamburg Journal will please insert the a
bovc four times, and present their bill to
A. WK 4V, Agent.
rffNHE subscriber otters for sale the Plantation
X lately owned by Mrs. I, rquiiart, deceased,sit
uated in Burke county, adjoining the town com
mon of Way ncsboro, containing about 1014 acres.
Gn the premises are a two story brick dwelling in
thorough repair, gin bouse, overseer’s house, and
all necessary out buildings. The place being well
known, a further description is deemed unneces
There will also be sold with the place, if desired,
the stock of Cattle, among which are some fine
milch cows, hogs, horses, plantation utensils, &.c.
A baigain may be had, and terms made accom
modating to an approved purchaser. Possession
given Ist January next. W. E. JACKSON,
sept 10
fB3HE duties of this SEMINARY will be resumed
X on the 18th of O ober, by Mrs H. L. Moise,
assisted by competent and efficient Teacheis. All
the branches of a complete English Education will
be taught. Also French and other Languages;
j Vocal and Instrumental Music, and Drawing and
Painting in all their branches.
terms. pr. qr. of 3 mos.
For English—from $8 to sls 00
“ French and other Languages 10 00
“ Music on the Piano, 20 00
! “ « « “ Guitar, 10 00
“ Drawing and Painting, 12 00
“ Boarding and Lodging, lights and fuel, 50 00
A limited number of y oung ladies can be com
fortably a-.commodated in the immediate family ot
Mrs Moise, whose attention will be devoted to
their morals and deportment. sept 23-ts
X3* Edgefield Advertiser will insert
anove three limes and forward bill.
£4 IXTY days from this date application will
be made to the Mechanics’ Bank of Augu-ta,
for ihc renewal of the following certificates of
1 stock, (the originals being tost or mislaid,) viz:
No! 330- Twenty-five shares in the nun e of
George Thomas, dated March 2d, 1835. No. 482.
Twenty shares in the name of the same, dated
March Bth, IS3 <.
AppH Cilt > on a * so ma de sixty days fi.un
this date, to the Iron Steamboat Company, for the
renewal of the following certilicates of stock, (the
originals being lost oi mislaid.) viz :
No. 1- Ten shares, dated May 21st, 1835. No
112. Ten sh res, dated March 15th, 1537. No. 114.
Ten shares, dated March 18lh, 1837, all in fat ui
of George Thomas. A. SIHLEt. Attorney.
Augusta, September Sin. iS-10.
n BMC S \ ].V:
UISSELL A ill-TtlllßsclV.
f Will bc s " ,d a * the Lower Market,at 10 o'clock,
1 40 SiiW Lottos Gin. nov 3
iJ\ W, i:, JACKSON,
! THIS day.
I At lhe ,owor mark ‘R "ill be sold to close a
( fence-a,
° n Wednesday, the 4th inst., will be sold,’
th^FmnifS le r a: d f hcenix »ofel, the balance oi
. Wu,e.Y'" IT °' J Co,r " e - »»“«'. <=i "-
r ’ ? • nov 23l
, 14V If. I-;. JACKSON.
0n K TI K 4| ’ nh Noveml or, at the store of/,
sold i bU m* Upper eild of lj, oad street, will be
2 qr. casks Brandy.
'! . , ( l°‘ Tcneritfe Wine.
• and Bum.
o bis. \ iuegar.
3 doz. Cordial.
, 4 do. Porter.
> SaJh&c iUld Cai ’ l apCr ’ Calicoes > lot Window
Executor's Sale.
v BY w. 1.. J ACKSON.
W J k L be SOld - on ,hc rtrst Tuesday in Novem
f ? her next, at the lower market house in the
ci > ot Augusta, within the usual hours of sale
be ° r ! ging t 0 the estate of Maitba.
McMillan,deceased. Sold by ordei of court, for a
division. Terms at sale. WM H JONES
_ August • EnSrtW.
Admin is! rater s Sale.
’ W. t. JAC KSON.
W l l Lbc so!d on li «0 first Tuesday in Novem
r ** her next, at trie lower maiket house, Le
r Zul h "I" 31 I T S ,° f Sa a goM l ,ateilt leven
watch a, d ( ham, together with five shares of the
Gcoigia Instance and Trust Company stock, Le
i loi gins to the estate of James Carsweli deceased.
~ it. CLARKE, Adm’r.
1 October 10, 1840.
Os In . i f, LI( OF PhAM ATION.
, t ' ,e 1,1 st 1 uesday in December next, at the
owei m-iiket in the city of Augusta, will be
ottered for sale that valuable Plantation on Savan
i , £ ,h K ‘\ el ’z! n | :dgelield histiict, S. C., known s
Horse Creek, about a mile and a half below Au
gusta, containing 804 acres, agreeably to plat a
tonsiderab.e portion of which is fertile, low
- grounds and Isinglass lands. There is a Flat and
a rig’llt ol way forever secured through the plan
» tation o. Mr. Wal.cy, on the Georgia side, directly
j opposite. J
lerms of sale, one-third cash and the balance in
. two equal payments of o: c and two years, secured
by mortgage on the property and notes with two.
approved endorsers, with interest at 8 per rent
per annum, from date of delivery of plantation,
on the in slot January next Names of endorseis
required on day of sale. E. v, CAMPBELL
Octofcei 5, 1840.
A H REE ABLE to an order us the Inferior Conit
■* »- °‘ Richmond county, when sitting for ordi
nary purposes, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in
November next, at the court I ouse in Stewart
county, a lot of land belonging to Uie estate of Lot
Williams deceased, containing two hundred two
and a hah acres, lying and being in the county of
j tewail. bolii lor the beneht of the heirs and cre
ditors. Terras of sale cash.
September 4, 1840.
W T ILL bc ' sold on the first Tuesday in Decem
* her next, at t.;e Lower Market House, be
tween the usual horns -of sale,one Negio Woman
named Hager, the property of Robert Barber, de
ceased. bold by order of the Honorable Inferior
Court ol Richmond county, w hile sitting for ordi
nary purposes, lor the benefit of the creditors o(
s?id deceasd. C. J. COOK, Administrator,
oa the Restate of Robert Barber, dc-c’d.
September 30. 1840.
JUSP leceived, a lot of very superior Chewing
Cavendish iobaico. l«or sule ity
°ct 8-ts i. 8. BEERS & CO.
the first Saturday in No\ em.jcr next the City
1 Council will elect a K.-eper of the Hospital for the.
balance of the year. Candidates will state in their
, applications the terms on which they offer, and
name relerences as to character.
By order ol the Mayor. s. H. OLIVER,
1 oct 26 eodte CleikCom Council..
' (j\ /A BBLS New CANAL FLOUR, a first rate
at tide. Just received and for sale by
oct 0 VV. E. JACKS!-N, Auctioneer.
1 mansion house—savannaii.
1 i -JL 1 u ell known Establishment is now
1 °P on » ~nder the dinmion ami manage-.
.merit of the Suoscribelaiid Ins Lady, who.
will take pleasure in administering to the con.tort
of such ladies and gentlemen as may favor them
with a iall. LEANDEH BUTLER,
oct 33 3t
I** REN 1. — Ihe dwelling house on
(11 Rreen street, opposite die Lancastrian
i _|..r|:"U Si hool, and the sta.de and horse lot next
a...ove Air. Goeleliius’ Cairiage shop on Ellis street.
oct 17 ~tf J. v\ . WILDE.
i A;. I, TO RENT. —(Possession given imme-
R|«| (Lately,) the office on Broad street,*oppo
-II- i li .site the Masonic Hal!, formerly known as
the Augusta Minor otlicc. For terms, &c.. apply
*° [oct 7-tf] VINCENT St OGIER.
> TO I’ENf Two small Dwellings,
I with a Well of good water in the Yard,
=, on Telfaii-street, belonging to the Es
tate.-of Rebecca and i hennas Quizenberry.
1 oct I (U) A. 81BLEV, Administrator.,
Ms. SCHOOL ROOM.—T he School Room
in ti e basement story of the Presbyterian
J^JSSLLecture Room w ill be rented, and irnme
diate pussessien given. Enquireoi
sept 24 l»n J. (I. DUNLAP.
\ A..-.rr.r.:’ TO RENT, from the Ist October, the
I three small tenements on Telfair-street,
; , nearly fronting my residence. Apply at
I >ny residence. PAUL FIZSIMMONS.
sept 14 ts
REN F —The Office in the rear of
I'ljß the Store of I lie subscriber, lately occu—
- JL--H ,pied by P. 1). Woolhoprer, Esq.
Also, the Store below the Darien Bank, lately
occupied by Jesse Walton.
Also, the two wooden stores below. For terms
apply'to [oct 9-sw lm] ISAAC MOISE.
1 TO RENT from the fir t day of October
> jSi=-‘|f next, the Store at ; resent occupied by
Mr. Crorgc Eott.
o,The Dwelling over the ' tore at present oc
cupied by Mr. D. W. Calhoun, containing eight <r ood
room', and necessary out buildings.
1 Also the Store, two doors L»cluw f , occupied by Mr.
S. B. Clarkson,
f . Also the Store and Barber’s Shop, opposite Rees
& Beall’s Ware-hou-e, and the Dwelling over the
’ Store at present occupied by Mr. Fleming, contain
ing six Rooms, and necessary out builoiiigs.
Also the Dwelling next above Mr. Ateig’s Ware
house, recently occupied by Mr. Martin Wilcox,
i containing six Rooms, and necessary out buildings,
and a good garden.
Also the Dwelling, next below my Shop, at
present occupied by Afr. John Riley, containing
- five Rooms, and a good garden, and necessary out
’ ouildings. For terms, apply to
Upper end, South side Broad-street,
sep 19 swlf