Newspaper Page Text
J ’~^^^'^'M*^ i: .
''• "' W "‘ *' JQN - i ' l6 - AUGUSTA. G A., TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER ‘3, 1840. ~ VOI/IV—N» 263
mii ■iTFunm in -~»r nr" ii»i i»i » » a» jjjgj ii—'iVi j , p; M \XX— n — * v ' J. J, J i . j. V/, x. I;») .
'l'ilE Lid A Ns) SSd.VtTXi ,0 j
At No. 2b9 Broads. l reel. - ;
terms: i
0. !U ipaper. Ten Dollars pci annum, in advWre.
Trin e Ay p iper, at Six Dollars in advance gt
S .yen at the end ol liie year.
WePdij up r, Fhrce Dollars in advance, or Four at
the end of year.
article published below, concerning Lie
’ | new and popular doctrine adv; need by it he
j;lu triotts Goelicke of Germany,cannot fail ol *x
citing a deep and thrilling interest Inroughout mr
a q Q q Q
■Translated from the German.]
of Germany,
The Greatestof Human Benefactors
Citizens of North and South America,
l’o Louis t/FFon Goelxcke, -I. D., of Germany,
rEurope, belongs the imperishable honor ol adding
iiiiew and precious doctrine to the science of in U
cme —a doctrine which, though vehemently oppe; t-d
ev many of tiie faculty, (of which he is a valmc c
member,) be proves to be as well founded in tHilii
1, a,iv doctrine of Holy Writ—a doctrine, upon she
verity of winch are suspended the lives ot nullings
of our race, and which 1 e oolulv cuaUeugcs lus op
usei 'to refute, viz : e ons unptiou is a disease] !
savs occasioned by a disordered stale of \is rai
or Life Principle, of the Human body: (Lj’olden
sccretlv larking in the system for years before
, : ) tne .east complaint of the Lungs ,/]X —Uftd
aViC.i may be as certainly, though not so quickly,
cur pd as a common co dor a Ample headache. An
invaluably preciou doctrine this, as ** imparts- an
i eaortanl lesson to the apparently ixcallhy of fplli
<e xes, teaching them that this insidious roe tftay 1
i.c an unobserved inmate of their ‘ clayey lions ;•*” j
even while they imagine tncuiselves secure, 1
ts attacks, teaching them that the great secret in the |
ait of preserving he ilth ii to pi mm oat the
iphfn in the blade, and no omit tut the Jail gt < ■a'fi j
i liis illustrious benefactor ol man is also entitled I
to voui unlc'.gfed gratitude, an Mac gralimce o, a ;
world,for lic invention ol his nullaiußanal :c,
—whose healing fiat may justly lor it sucfi 1 :
tit." since it has so signally triumphed over ftur 1
"■ eit common enemy , Consumption, both jin j
the first and last stag* s,—a medicine which mis
thoroughly tilled the vacuum ar thcMaierxa Media,
and thereby proved itself the Cunruerur ij t ly
sicians. —a medicine, tor whici all mankind
will have abundant cause to bless lire beuei.c.jiu
hand of a kind providence,' a me ucine v - a' 3
wondrous virtues have been so glowingly pou •y
--eh ev< ibysjrae of our clergy, in their pastujai
visit' to tec sick chamber ; by w.uch means LJ?y
often become the nappy instrumentsoi vuauging ■; ,c
--«ponding into hope, sicicncss into health, aim sga
of ii tends into joyfuiuess A
M Q Q L ' |
goelicke as matchless sa:\aih e,\
\ medic me of more value to man than the v|st
mint ' of Austria, or even the united t.easiire'lol
our dobo —a medicine, which is Obtained, equality
from the vegetable, animal and muiora. kingdoejs,
and thus possesses a tnree-Jold , nsei, <i
which, thougn de igned a> a it.nedv so. consuiij-p
--1 ■ lifwspssed of a mysterious uifluci-ee
non solely is po-stssta ui a 0
over many diseases of the human system,—a iru ji
cine which begmsto ue valued by physicians
arc daily witnessing it' astonishing cures 01 maAy
whom they had resigned to the grasp of the Insa
tiable Grave. , , _ , f.
DOSE of the Sanative, ior adu.ts, one dup, r .
children, a huff-drop i and for miaul', a quai * ;
smp ; the directions explaining the manner oi ija
king a half or a quarter m- p. , ~.> x
p ß[CF —Three andoat-thum nx dollars
p r half ounce.
German-coin value A cents.
a i) 4 Q I
A terUficate from three mooter, of the Medial
Profession in Germany, in Lui ope. •
We the undersigned. pracu;:..nt-rs ol mec!ci|e
In Germany, are well aware that, ■> our com., ,
we may forfeit the friendship 01 some
ty, but not of its benevolent mein ; .ei = , who are
iullucnced bv sedish motives. 1 lJu °; l - i
refrain fiom an expression oi our ° nmon e t-j. ,
of the soundness or unsoiUKi.u •> o , “ f
new doctrine we are happy t 0 SJ 3 “ <r e .>era'T'
his Sanative too valuable not to c j,. ,
known—im what our eyes benord and oui e
-we must believe. , ■
We uere..y sta e, that when Di. Louis oil r ,
Goelick rirst came -cforx .the » jul. uu f ;
t-.e pale. : 1 diseovi rcr o. a new aiul.,.
new medicine, we held him m tne . j
tempt, believing and openly pro. • .nemg hi m >
a base impostor d the prince ol quack.. J U V
bearing so much said about the lye,**,--lUat>.' 1 Uat >.' |
nd for it, we were in luccd, from moUV£ of c^.
, , . -r- trial ot its reputea vuu e
sit merely, to in.uv*. u 1 ' a! i. |
u,..0n a number of our l ( ev enat t|e I
™of^£io<t J toieknowledj, ,
•smti-aev in cur ink not only cousinnplion.j.
other*fearful maladies, wr.A. we have ueretol ; |e
believed to be incurable. ‘' l, ‘ ! d
discoverer oi this medicine w as a * ,
utter astonishment .1 these J
resuds - and. as amend- lor our a.ease e hin , .
do frankly confess to tne woil-d, Unit e f‘\‘\ p I
him a philanlhro h.;n !.irt!u‘ \ |
sicn, andtooui cuuntij-w an - . int., soiie !
The recent adoption oi i.u? T‘‘ ] u
0 -ar European hospitals, n a -a— a .. -•< _ •>.
that it performs all L n-.-e^otu y.
ostiinoay, for wherever it « umd ti| “7
oi . c IlElllviAN h i L J.;— r<x. n., ;
WALTER \AN GAUL 1, m. n.,
AIH ILIAD S Uid RN Eli, m. d. j
Germany, Decern’ or 10, IS**». , |
t 3 Q A L 6 j |
i i
THE MATC AANA 11 % ~y. jj!|
i n our papei to-day, it w - i
cine has lost none ol its v..... a , i ;;
In Anici'ic' to those w liicli Nave as ton is ued i duio. .
VM.N HALL.A««. \, <
* at e i
«h Dust i -nice
1»• I t iUDI At DE x 1 G«* IL Oi L-.
-F. i-erccit W :l -‘- (W-r. tbs
r X i, > , 1,,. ..... i» : r in, lids C>i V: •
UAcd nn'sg' l ° r ihe saio ” oI E:c above naimj! j
eilrsormna.y mcA* i"e 1)1 j
Ihr null, we are ( ] .* ll(> Vorld 4 j
are io»> niHuv (uopie i.» i - . !
, ■ ..... enter mo an xpi.irmnon . .
eidy. d V.v ,his mediema h-r; !v-,
he w nders est. <■ - |iia . i 3 ,he r. yhl
Will lu veill t-ie»s vt li.ine in , <■ t ; r
;iui, «i n ihe vtcrl lor veutlemt" la.ius w, o
... i ~ .... v .. v\i. hto rejatfii'r
an- In Amnds and wncs, dip . o p v
and in Alters. The agem sliou.u iak' •»;•>_»» » - '
Die tar ttttl, when: people u:e
7 V ' /' r ;,,7” N a gin ml invi <»r. ■ft
‘iia i ucine ( (.ratal *S ■ ...
"f the hniamt trame in nil 'h-‘ ' ‘ ] t ,'
nuiovute ihe iuc.'traio.i • a rgi. o. f . I
hi tin j use only "i"- am uni >, v\i I
n< v:, !■ Hu i u.-n ! a ‘ '' a “ ,*
hi turn. t >.o lor L.e in< imtiiiv) to! the u me oi l
involuntary discharge U:er. D ■« UKtWiSO $
iii. duabie ami u nyrl cd mc-e-ieine j» ‘ n ' Cs 'S’,
vlironir i tupiiuiw ol lh>* slun, in I hr* dr* Itll1 tll
Alee ail,-- ol lilt- ;:pe« 11 e< it : ul UUU Otet!.- Cr rthal is It r s d<- by . |
u LAND, fl -Nil AV < O ,
TIUJ.MAS HAUUI.i i *2 Ll>. ;
»0v 20. Angus.a Ga. *|
A i.a.e ami Yaluable Discovery.
g i I RHAI’s tHere i-; no.n.i.g .■no'' 5 to
■® t disgust tne pniil: t eye than ino mninnerablo
advert:-einetits ol nostrums that ar ■ consiauily ap
pearing in the ptiidic prints. Ail are ready to ex
claim, our souls su k, our ears are pained with
every day’s reports of ills and specifics This slate
ol ih> public mind would, seem to forbid any person
of delicate mind from sending forth any new dis
eo.erics in medh me, to ill. trial of ths public.—
Still, motives ot delicacy should not prevent us from
rsaiang known real discoveries, u kiHi we are con
fident will benefii our fellow men. Tins latter
consideration has prompted die nnthoroi these I ni
ters io make them known, lie knows they are high
ly efficacious, for he himself, his wife, and many
friends, have given i hem a thorough trial. He was
himsoll a confirmed syspeptiinso much, J hat even
his recollection was gone. By using these hitters
he has been restored to heahh. Mr . Cosby was
irouble.i lor many years, but was restored to health
by the use ol these bitters. This has been the case
with many ol Ins fri i ds. Mr. Cosby in sending
forth this adveriisemei.t, addresses those who know
him. Ho has been lor many years a resident ol
Augusta at which place he can at any lime h*>
consulted alwun ihe bitters. The} are good in all
cases of diseases ot the digestive organs, the symp
toms of which are indigestion, pam or oppression
in the sfuma-'-h from toad, loss ot appetite,' llalnion
cv, heart • urn, giddiness in the head, pain in the
Side, shortness of breifti, lassitude, gene: a I weak
ness, dism.bed sleep, Ac Tlic compoei ion is en
tirely Boianical, an las j.r »ve<l efficacious w hen
many celebrated medicines bad failed. In .-nippori
ol which he refer- them to Freeman W. Lacy, shc
rift if Richmond count , md William T. Thomp
son Clift or of the An itsta Mirror, and he might rc
fer you to many otners, hut deems n unnecessary
as no is willing to plac >;i on ns own merits. Al
heasiis is lor mose who are affiu-red wall tne dys
| pepsia to give it a inal.
They can he tuid a! T. fl. I'iant’s buck-stoic.
Augusta, ami ot «‘ Cby lumscli, al the corner ui
W asiung;-si and Eiiis-streels.
QAUVJN GAIN EE, IE uppistt, Aug ns! a
WILLI A M II J.LOYD, Eaeunuah.
1) I VII) Ri ll), Moron.
FR\ ( IS (JGI Lit, Druggist Columbia ,S (
S I) ('L 1 /»'h A Co. Dmpratu, Hamburg.
II l sTI <■. A NIC 'Of.. Grei >,u Ic. s C
TORCH M: A L I ROCHE, Frag, trfs,
Eavaniun. (Ja.
nov 3fl ly
XladicalCure ol ilet nxaor if iiptuie, Ly Dr.
OlicihC js
f g 1H K subscriber lias opened an office, at the Druy
j store of Messrs. J. J. Robertson &Co., for the
treatment of Hernia or Rupture, by means of these
ustly celebrated inslrumeuts. lie has now used
them for nearly a y ear, and, did not delicacy forbid,
he could name several persons who have been radi
cally cured, of this truly distressing and dangerous
affection, by the use of these trusses, besides many
others who are in a fairway of being entirely re
lieved. 1 lie following is the language of the com
mittee ol the Philadelphia Medical Society on the
Radical < ure of Hernia.
“ flic instruments of Dx - . Chase have effectea
the permanent and accurate retention of the in
testines in every case of Hernia observed by the
committee, without material inconvenience to the
pat unt, and often under trials more severe than
are usually ventured upon by those vvlio wear other
trusses; trials that wou.d be imprudent with any
other apparatus known to the committee.'"’
“ ihe committee are induced by the foregoing
conclusions to recommend, in strong terms tiie in
struments of Dr. Chase to tiie conhdence of
the profession, as the best known means of me
chanical retention in hernia, and as furnishing the
highest chances of radical cure.”
The fol owing is from the Southern Medical amt
Southern Journal, published in ur own city.
“ All must admit of t ic radical cure ol hernia,
and that Dr. Chase’s Trusses are decidedly the best
yet invented to eilecl the object.”
Persons from a distance can have the instruments
applied, upon application at the omce, and all nc-
Cessary information given to enable them to aujus
it themselves. The poor, who are laboring under
this alii ic ting complaint, will be treated gratuitous
ly upon presenting a cert.ncate. from somex*esponsi 0
ble person, of their pecuniary disability.
The instruments are of alt <izes, and applicable
to every variety of reducible rapture.
feb 2u F. M. ROBERTSON. M. D.
TO TIIE FACULTY AN!) lib..!:: G.
FAdli IT l>.
TOMATO —a substitute for Calomel, and
does not belong to the family of quack medicines;
for the reason that tne component parts are made
j known to the faculty, or any one else that may
wish to know, by any of the agents keeping them
for sale. Since this d scoveiy so Jong and anx
lou-iy looked tor, some one in almost the extreme
Noitii has advertised a Tomato Pill, purposing
be made from the stalk, a thing not more ausutu
titan lot ong to otter meat from the corn stalk, to
say nothing of the difficulty ol raising the Tomato
j so fur North.
Dr. Miles, of Cincinnati, is the proprietor of the-
For. ia to Pills (proper) for the great be-nelits of
i which, he holds himseii round, and in honor pledg
ed to prove by their use, :h..t they are all that they
profess to be, and will do f-r othcis what they
have dune lor such as tnav have used mom; as
his is a vegetable ox great use, and value, it will
loubtiegs be valuable mfonnation to lamilies to
know lhai the Fellow arc just doubly as valuable
as the ued Foniato, and produce- twice as much
of the napaiine, or active principle,and when used
as a daiij vegetable will be found to keep the
system in much bolter condition than the oilier
kind; many will recoded with what trembling
anxiety calomel has been given to children, and
1 how they then wished ftn a substitute, it has
lung been known that the i’oinato contained ca
thartic principles, but not until of late was r:
a-certau.t mat .riey con-.aiiieu alterative and diu
retic properties. Ihe Faculty embrace and use
the preparation most chctiiully, lor the reason that
tin v know what it is Were it a patent mystery,
they would be noun ; to icjocl the medicine, as they
1 jusliv do tiiC OUC liiOl.SUlivl «illd one CUIO-iliiS oi tiiC*
{ ,i tv. If you v. ish to clc. use tne system with a
mini sh-c anti-hiiiaus medicine, use the Tomato
]>i]j ox which a supply. ,; - c learn, will soon be in
in.- city. We all Know something aooat inis,
ui.e v
' t- would < ail attention to the advertisement in
1 t | our columns io-duy, ul FKTER.V VtvGE
TAB!.!. PILLS. We understand by the best men
u;., unitiomy, Rial tlicie is no piejiarai sou ol iheday
witch euj. vs so enviable u renuiam.-n. At the
frou in ni.ii, ;h- ir success has been unbounded,
atm wherever introduced we bel.eve mey have
i.;veil me trust peiled sausiac.noii. hr have this
Lav ii ;.j an m.eivievv with one ot our ciuzetis, il.
K.’i- x who was recent:> cured oi a most remark
a: io and obstinate cuiam.ous eruption, where the
body was covered wnii Inis me ulcer*, amt even
ill loiisds of lit;,-th'oai eau-it away and ny using
thew i n.Lb uai.} ior mx weeks. v\as enlueiv le
sioiiii to hta.ih.— iStw luck Examiner,
'They do indeed r. stor the health ot the body,
to i ..use ih.y (U. iiy end tit moral (he blood, amt
Itu n good x Reels' are at i ouiticrlwn.nceu by any
inuonvemeltco ; being composed entnely oi vegoia
bie;., *io n t expose itiose who u.->e ilieiu m r, and 11..-ir ciiccts an- as ceitam as itirV are
sa.unny ; the) arc daily and sandy admnusiered to
intaucy, yuulti, inanliood and oid and to wo
treu i!. the most finical and delica eettcumstances,
t.u v uo not (iisturh or sl.ock tiie unuitai itiiictions.
hut restore their order and re establish their health;
mi lor all the purposes which a \eg table p rga
l;x« ,or certain cleanser Oi tiie w roe system are re
quued, he} stand without a aval they are ttllovv
tlj tu jo alt linn can lie accomplished in medicine,
boih lor power and innocence I
ygy iti tail i»rtce Ou cenis per b x. Ami at at. ,
the princioal l<lvl c» slOufS m
auM r-2<J Augusta, Ga.
OH >
Warranted lo curt in I'ivc Days.
,* iHS incotnparah’e and invaluable remedy so
l° n £ known, and used with such unparralleied
success In tiie Canadas for the last 30 yeais, ap
pears to need no panegyric. Its operation upon the
human system is such that it invariably acts like
a charm, tor the relief and radical cure of a certain
common and uisagieeable ‘-ills the flesh is heir to.”
1 his prize btains its own name from the certain
success Inch has attended it through all of its
trying c cumstances, namely, “live days,”—the
same su .ess which followed it in a Northern lati
tude still obtains in a more Southern. The formula
or recipe was obtained at great expense, intrigue
and hazard by- M Cheveres, from the celebrated
Indian Chief Wabenothe, or Great Moon, whilst
he, with others was pursuing the lucrative Fur bu
siness in the North-west with the Indians.—
N\ abenoshe prized highly and use it with invariable j
success throughout his two tribes. Its known and i
i valued virtues have already curb lied to an almost j
incredible extent the children of this warlike prince,
not only by actual sale of the article itself to in-|
dtviduals, but by parting with copies of his receipt i
at enormous prices to the Chief of every tribe of
Indians in Vmertca, with a solemn promise to the
i Great Spirit, never to divulge the “art of its com
position until he sleeps with his fathers,” although
tree to use it in their respective tribes, which
places it in the hands ot every Indian who rely
with, I may say, religious confidence on its cura
ble powers
Below is a copy of the translation as near as it can
be auglisized of the deed gi»ea by Wabenoshe, to
M. Cheva-ret. when he purchased the original recipe, I
and hai twice assisted the ( liief himself through
tec teutons manipulatory process of manufacture
! Few while men would credit the length of time
which xs consumed in preparing the article for im
mediate UsO.
“I, Wat onoshe, Chief of the nations Ottovva and
Chippewa, tor the love and good feeling which I
have lor my white friend M. Cheveret, (for he has
mane many good lift .gs for tne and my people,) 1
I give to him my greatest cure for the bad sickness
! which my children have had sent among them as I
a punishment by the Great Spirit, and hope that in j
his hands it may do much good.and make him very
j rich.”
Signed WA BlNOSi!K,his mark.
Witness APEAHO, his z<! maik.
J. B. ROY,
, 1 R. O. DUPUIS,
_ | This Medicine. I warrrnt by this publication,un
. I dei a penalty of not to contain one parli
-1 i clc ci corrosive preparation. It is purely vegata
_’ ble in its essences. Its lu.-t and prominent virtue
. i is lo subdue every vestige of inflamatiou, and then
acts mildly ami copiously as a diuretic; thercb)
holding within itself, every requisite virtue, for
the sn Auction of this loathsome malady—and cv
evy regular rnvi -ur.te in me :i< ine, will sustain the
•.■'seruon, that copious dinicsis and reduction of in
j I dation. are the only two things necessary to ciiect
a sound and radical cure
, Ihe most peculiar virtue of the “Cinq Jours,”
is in tins, that wherever it alone has been used to
allied a cure, none of those tenacious and disagree- j
able consequences which almost invariably results j
from the sudden cure of Gonorrhoea, have been
known lo obtain suclt as stricture, hernia, humoi
r ..iis, incontinence, and a swarm of other of the
! mos loathsome, perpi' xing, and disagreeable dis
cases, consequent upon erroneous diagnosis and
; treatment of Gonorrhoea.
Those alluded are requested to call and try for
themselves. If the prescriptions are we:l follow
ed and fail to cure, the money will in every case be
1 relumed.
You can do what you please and eat what you
I please.
To be had at Antony & Il lines, No. 232, Broad- !
street, who art the only authorised Agents in Au- 1
guste. Ail orders addressed to them, will he
promptly attended to.
For sale, also, by Wm. B. Wells & Co. Druggists,
Athens: andP. M. Cohen dr Co. Charleston, au 29
HE genuine French Fills against all the quack
nostrums wf the age—fu tne cure of n certain |
disease T iie FltENCil FILLS are applicable in |
nil cases for eithei .-.ex, (wa. ranted Free trum uiercu
iy) and do not affhctihe breath in the least,and are :
l erlcciiy pleasant and agreeable to the stomach, j
and have never failed to make a speedy and per- i
manent < ure, wiihoul the least regard to diet or
application lo business. In long, proiracted, or j
chronic stage* of the disease, obstinate Gkets, Fluor
Aibu.-., -ravel, Female Gontp’aiins. ora weakness
ofTh e nigatis, they are beyond a the tiioai
i tFeeiuM remedy ever discovered, having cured
i,any ohslinaio cases after eveiy other medicine
Itnd t:M< d. Ihe French Pills have been so univer
sally successful, ihai ihc- proprietor (Hai.lenoes
any one to produce a remedy of equal certain 1 )’
under a forfeiture of Three Hundred Dollars.
Price 82 per Rx. For sale b}
aug 20 ROBERT AUSTIN &. Co.
F HE unprecedented popularity of this henefi
-8 enft md inesfimalde CORDI AI. in ihe Dnited
States, has induced one or more unprincipled per
sons to maniifa. iure spurious catchpniuy articles ,
under various names, and purporting to produce the
1 same effect; but winch, in reainy, produce no other
elFecl than that of swindling the public; and to
give a yet more plausible anpear nice of tlm r ra
pidity, those persons affect that their wretch* i nos
trums have been in use in England and elsewhere
!or a number of years; whereas, until ihe illustrious
Dr. Magnin made his wonderful discovery, no cure
lor barret.ness had been ever thought of, or al least
made public; and all ih ise then in use lor the
restoration of the decayed virile powers were fonpd
to he of hut little avail Thus, ad nostrums adver
tised for barrenness or the cun* ol napotency, but
Dr. Magma's, are mere catchpenny humbugs,
which would never have been ilio. ght ol out lor
tiie appearance and g eat ceie nty ol ihe LUGINA
GURDIaL As no counterfeit of ihe name is at
preset!! in circulation, it may in general be.a Miftl
civji.t camion lor lb-- purchaser lo ask tor l lie Luctna
Gi.ruial, Imi as tunlier assurai ce, i: would be as
well to i,utet iat ns nam , Lucina ' ordi d,or Elixir
of Love, is stamped in the glass of each bottle—the
combined ams ul Fiance and the f mted States
at on iiit (.rr.uvmd envelope—that a Fantr do Lis
i> printed on the acct mpanying dtree: tons, at.d
hi iiiilitmiv < mbtisM (I un the fchow bins hinging-a \
ihe fcturca oi tltoae who have ihe genuine at tide !
* U Thectdebrily of ihe Lucina Cordial being such
as it is, t! is scarcely necessary to add that it is tiie
only efficient remedy tor barrenness, and the resto
ration ol dicaytd virile powers evet known; and
ii ,n in the cure of Fluor Mbits, Gleet, obstructed,
difficult or painful Menstruation, the incontinence
| 01 tne urine, ur the involuntary discharge thereof,
tit superior.ty over every other medicine is not on
-1 iv decided, but unquestionable. For sale by
! “ CU ’ HAS (LAND, KISLKY rfe CO.
aß g 20 Augusta, Ga.
si • —-rnrir mm in ■■i, ~ : —--
HULBERT & Rf)LL, at the old
I ® tand formerl y occupied by Maj. Jesse
Thompson, corner of Ellis and Mcln
tosh stxeets, are now* receiving an en
tuc new stock of C arriages from the best manufac- i
uics at tiie North, of the 1 test and most approved !
style, consisting of Coaches, Coachees, Standing 1
and Extension Top Barouches, Chariotees,Buggies
Sulkies, Wagons, &c., together with a large "and
w'oil selected assortment of Harness, all of which
(hey will dispose of on the most liberal terms. Or
ders for any description of Carriages of their own
of Northern manufacture thankfully received aud
promptly executed. Their friends and the public
arc respectfully invited to call and examine their
Lj/'Rcpairing in all its branches faithfully exe
cuted and with despatch ts nov 1
i¥ll - ii
PARSONS, 295 Broad street, keeps at all
k! o times for sale, a large stock of PIANO
IOR IES, iiom the best bui ders in the country. —
Tho stock generally consists of about thirty to forty I
instruments, comprising al! the qualities'. These ;
instruments, are selected with great care, and arc
recommended with confidence. Persons wishing
to purchase can do as well at lifts establishment as
at any of the northern manufactories.
A guaranty, as to quality and durability, is fur
nished in every instance.
Also, a well selected sicck of sheet MUSIC, Pre
ceptor;-, Ac.,together with Guitars, Violins. Flutes,
Accordions, and most of the small articles usually
kept in a Music Store.
de:2l ts
line article is warranted to cure Piles or
S, Rheumatism in all cases, or no pay taken
fur it.
A notorious counterfeiter has dared to make an
attempt upon this article, and several have been
nearly ruined by trying it Never buy it, unless it
has the written signatute of COMSTOCK <S- Co. i
on the splendid wrapper. That lima have the only
right to make and sell it fur 20 years, and all from
them is warranted perfe tly innocent and ellectual
in all cases.
N. B. Always detect the false by its not having
the above signature. The true sold only by
Wholesale Druggists. No. 2 Fletcher-st N. Y.
Original Proprietor.
The genuine is for sale hyGARN IN N HAINES,
and EGBERT CARTER, Augusta. ly jan 9
IS Warranted staid or restored, and the head
kept free from Dan dm IF, by the genuine
Remember the genuine as described be! vv.
This ts certified to by several Mayois, Ministers
of the Gospel, British Consul, Physicians, and a
great number of our most respectable citizens, to
be seen where il is sold.
This article has been imitated by a notorious
counterfeiter. Let it never be purchased or used
unless it has the name of L. S. COMSTOCK, or the
signature of COMSTOCK fy Co., on a ■ plcmlid
w rapper. This is the only external test that will
secure the public from deception.
Apply at the wholesale and retail office, No. 2
Fletcher street,near Maiden Lane and Pearl st. —
Address, COMSTOCK <y C 0.,
W holesale Druggists.
The genuine is for sale by GAR\ IN &: HAI ES,
and ROBERT CARTER, Augusta. ly-jan 9
SOME notorious counterfeiters ..ave nearly kill
ed several persons by selling them a spurious
and false mixture ot Hays’ Liniment.
The genuine is warranted perfectly harmless
| and ellectual. Never buy the article unless it has
the written signature of COMSTOCK <y Go. on
I the sp-enftid wrapper. That linn are solely au
thorized to make and sell the true article. Origi
nal proprietor, SOLOMON HAYS.
P. S. The true 11 ays’ Liniment is warranted to
cure Piles and Rheumatism, in all cases, or no pay
taken for rt.
Sold at No. 2 Fletcher street, near Pearl st. and
Maiden Lane, New York, by
COMSTOCK 4- C’o., Wholesale Druggists.
Tiie genuine is for sale by GARVIN Ik HAINES,
bird ROBERT CARTER, Augusta, jan 10 ly
O S ROW DEN 4- SHEAR liav e received from
New York a large supply of SatiucUs aud Ken
tucky Jeans, ol various colors. Also, a .arge sop
py of Lupin’s best French Merino’s, of beautiful
colors, io which they respectfully haute the atten
tion of the public, sept 15
J[ The?e pills may be taken on any occasion
when an anti-hilious purge is needed, aud from the
safety with winch they may be used, and pleasant
ness of their ellects,have obtained great reputation
as a general family medicine. For sale by
aug c 4 HAVILAND, RISLEY & Co.
il ERMITAGE EXTRACT. —This lately in-
vented combination of delightful odors, lias
acquired a just popularity, not only by reason ol
the strength and delicacy, but of the extraoidina
ry duration of its perfume. Whilst lire strength of
many other ex tracts ami essences is almost as eva
nescent as the bloom of the flowers from which
thev are derived, the Hermitage retains rts tra
grance for an in .efmue length of time, and is
scarce to be removed from the garment on which it
is poured, by washing; hence it is probably the
cheapest and most delightful perfume ol our labora
tories. _ .. ,
Also, Cologne, Lavender. Orange, Morula and
Rose Waters, in great varietv. For sale 1 y __
mar 13 GARVIN X .L AN Lx
TTuRLING FLUID, &c.—Biendirg with a grate
| I ful and refreshing perfume, the desiranle
quality of strengthening and promoting the grow lb
of the Hair, without giving to it me greasj hue ol
Pomatum, oi tiie volatile moisture ul the Uxls. Its
utility is confirmed by the most extensive con-
Genuine Maccassar Oil, and Ward’s
Celebrated Hair Oil. For sale by
jjjaj. GARVIN k HALvk>.
I-* have just received a complete assortment
or Pickles, consisting of
Wa! nuts, Caulrao wer,
Mangoes, Red Cabbage,
PicoUPy, Onions,
Mixed Pickles, Peppers,
Gorkins, Beans,
In half gallon and quart jars; Cucumbers in pickle;
London, French and American Mustards; Ketchups .
of various Kinds.aud other Fable Sauces.
Peach, Green-gage, Damson, Egg Plum and Pear
Preserves ; Currant, Raspberry and Strawberry <
jellies and Jams; East India Ginger in pots, West ‘
India Orange, Citron, Limes and Pine Apple Pre- :
serves; Guava Jelly in glass and boxes; Citron, , j
P omes, Taisars. Fias ana otnei arrea fruits, all
fr*e«h and it flne order, torsaie ov
dec IS I. S. BEERS & Co. 1
- -'kSC--*' teXJBOStAJ Jo v-» h#SßEeh£2sßßfc3P>- - , MTjPaT J TfiT'—— I
I 4 ‘ V L PPLA or the above celebrated remedy for
! T\ DEAFNESS, kept constantly on hand and
for sale by (oct 14) GARVIN ‘x HAINES.
No. 23G Broad street, Augusta, Georgia.
, » The subscriber, having previrusy
bought out tire interest of A. Z. Dan-
Ai s Furniture Warehouse, has
now* associated himself with one oi
SJjni § tiie largest manufacturing establish
pt I men ts in New fork, flatters himsoll
s that ne will be able to olior lo the
public an assortment of Furniture, superior in point
of workmanship and durability, to anv heretofore
offered in Augusta. As the manufacturing will
have the peisunnl attention of one of the partners,
the strictest care will be observed in the selection
of stood wood and dry material, (so essential to he
Also, a general assortment of PHuos, from the
best manufactories in the Union. More particulars
ly the Ne w York Piano Forte compam’s iastru
| ments. which < arnot be excelled for sweetness ol
tone and durability, in tha southern climate, b v ain
manufactory in the United States, Our instru
ment'; are selected with the greatest care, by one
' who is a competent judge, and a written guarantee
i is furnished in every instance, if required
C. A. Platt returns his thanks lo the public for
their former patronage, and solicits for the company
that share of public patronage heretofore bestowed
on himself. The oasrncss in future will be cou
cr.cied ay ;ap2- i.HAS. PLAT'D ic C.o
D. H. SILCOX, 303 Broad street
P f keeps at all times for sole, a large as
sortment of Cabinet Furniture, of
superior workmanship and well sea-
materials, made expressly for
t‘e Southern climate. Every arti
■CjjiTftj_cie in the above business, with all the
’ariety of new patterns,continual!)
received. Persons wishing to purchase can do a
wel! at this establishment as at any of the Noil!'.; i
err. manufactories. To be solo for case, or good
ci:vacceptance®. mar :o •
fferv-M oN'idkl N .E-i.A
Via Greensboro’, Eatonton,Ciinton, Dlacon,Per
ry, Pindcrtown, liainbridge, Chattahoochie, lola,
St. Josephs, Pensacoia, to Mobile.
The Proprietors of this Line inform t!:o Travel
ling public that it is now in full operation, through
the entire route; leaving Augusta by the Georgia
Kail Road cars to Greensboro’ every Tuesday
Thursday and Saturday,at G o’clock, P. ft. and ai
rivc in Mobile in three days and a half running
Travellers are assured that the staging upon this |
line is superior to any other, the accommodations I
unsurpassed, and by far the best natural roads in
the Southern country, only 210 miles of staging I
Stages leave Hainbridge for Tallahassee via Quin
cy, immediately on the arrival of the Aliigatoi
Line from Greensb ro’, and immediately on the
arrival of the boats from lola.
(O '* w 0 vv ‘ift st all times Le run in com
pany, when the travel requires it.
For seats in the above Line, apply at the office
at tire Eagle and Phoenix Hotel, Augusta, Geo.
apii: 21 1 v GEO. V\ . DEN 1, Agent.
j - - -
IL N. WrtsoN respectfully informs I
c" jrxT.tiie public that his splendid line of
Four iioise Post Coaches is running from Greens
boro to Spring Place, Ga. via Gainesville and Cass
vrlle, in connexion with Co!. Ramsey’s Line to
Ross’ Landing and Nashville, and Maj. Weils’
Line to Athens and Knoxville, Term.
Fare to Cassvilie, sl2 00
“ “ Spring Place, 17 00
Leaves Greensboro on the arrival of the Rail j
Road Cars from Augusta, on Mondays, VVednes- j
days and Frida) s.
Travelling time to Spring Place, 29 hours.
“ “ “ Nashville, Go
q 3 Scats can be secured on application to
G. \V T . DENT, Agent,
mar 23 —Gm U. S. Hotel, Augusta, Ga.
ROW AN’S TONIC MIXTURE —A specifu and j
, lasting cure for the Fever and Ague —is com
posed of sru h medicinal principles as were c.msi
dered most fit to restore the harmony of action be
tween the stomach, liver and other important func
tions of the sy tern, the Joss of which harmony is
evidently the immediate cause of the disease. It I
speedily promotes a regular and healthy appetite, I
by which eliect vigour and strength is soon afforded
to the whole system. The genuine for sale by
aug 24 ' li AVI LAND, RISLEY & To.
f JIHE Subseiibcrs have this day entered into
*■ Partnership under the firm of FORCE, BRO
THERS 4 - co. lewis m. force,
JuliN p. T> rCK,
Augusta, January L-t, 1840.
All persons indebted to 13. W. Forcf <Y Co. are
requested lo make immediate payment.
FORCE, BROTHERS 4‘ CO. Wnolesale Dealers
in Boots, Shoes and Leather, have on hand an ex
tensive stool-;, which they oiler to country mer- t
chants at Northern price?. jan 1 ts j
Gt ARVIN & HAINES, No. 232, Broad street,
if are constantly receiving fresh supplies of
Drugs, Paints, Cils, Glass, &c. Also an extensive
assortment of Brushes, Toilet and Shaving Soups,
Perfume i-y, &c., of domestic and foreign manufac
tures, selected by their agents; also afresh supply of
English Garden Seed. Country roerchents and
Physicians are invited to call and examine our
sto k.
(Lj A liberal discount made for cash, oct 14
IN tire month of June, 1b25, I enclosed in a let
ter, b) mail, to John C. Richards, merchant of
Baltimore, the first halves of three notes of the
following description, to wit, one half of note num
ber 2158, on the Bank of the State of North Caro
lina, payable at Raleigh, for one Hundred dollars;
one halt of note number 2b/, on the r ank of Au
gusta, Georgia, payable to R. Tulman, fur fifty
dollars; and one half of note number 196, Bank of
August , Georgia, payable to J. G. Cowling,for fifty
dollars, which were received by said Richards, on
the 1 Stlx June. 1825; and in the month of July fol
lowing, I enclosed, Ly mail, in a letter directed to j
said Ricoaras, the other half of ah s std Bank notes j
aforesaid, which were never received by said Kiel:- |
aids, and which were lost or taken from tiie mar.
Any iuioimotion in relation to said last halves of
said notes will t e thankfully received, and any
person finding said halves, shah be amply compen
August 8, 1840. w3m
TAKEN UP —On the Louisville Road,
on Sunday, the Ibtli instant, a L'hes
(T? _J_ nut Gelding, near 15 hands high,s years
old, uad on a carriage ridle, mounted with plated
metal, The owner is requested to appl\ to the
subscriber, six and a haifmiles from A g'ista.near
Butler’s Creek, on tire il lo Road, pay charges
and take him away. HENRY BERRY,
oct 21 3t*“
BBa &&&- i\\T i
•>s&#*-**&?** d Jan -.^L
On and after Monday ( Ttoher 12th, the Passen
ger Oars wul run to Ruck-head, six miles East of
Madison. Leave Augusta G I'. M. arrive at Buck
he. d 2 A. INI. Leave Bui k-hcad77l, 1 I’. M , arrive
sH Augusta 1A A. .M. - oct 9-3 t
i&£±\ |ii*n
Office S. Carolina Rail Road Co. £
Hamburg, May I, INK). S
ON and alter this day, the passenger train from
Hamburg will arrive in Charleston at 2$
cPcffick, p m iii time for dinner. rnav I
fr 'J&Q s> 'i ?■ I
JMgg&g*. JSff•f*' tSL f> Ju- U L
Office Transportation S C.C.& R. R. Co. <)
June 2d. 18-10. C
Information to Travellers North and South.
O i \\ 1111m' AN DING liie destruction of the
J3l bridges over the bavannah Kiver, at Augusta,
by the late freshet, travellers arc respectfully in
formed that arrangements have been made for pass
ing the river, and that the Cars leave Hamburg
and Charleston daily at the usual hours and arrive
as formerly. VVM. ROBERTSON, Jr.
Agent Transportation.
RRC.C.iA u.ilL KOAl).
■ jl ■ j msssss
i The Passenger Train, cany ing the great mail
between New \ or!, and New Orleans,
guata every day at o p. nr., and arrives at Greens
boro at la. .vi. Leaves Greensboro at 9 p ft., and
arrives at Augusta at half past 4 o’clock, a. m.
Stages run in connection with this train from
Greewsboio for New Or.eans, (two daily lines) via
Indra&Springs, Columbus, Montgomery and Mobile;
for:N«*te Or.eans,trf-weekly, via Clinton, Macon,
and Peusafeela; for West Point, and Welumpka, via
tri-weekly ; fur Rome, tri-weekly via
CMvingto%;HDecatur and Marietta; for Nashville
and Khoxv4(|e, Tennessee, tri-weekJy, via Athens
Gainesville !*&d Cassvilic; for Washington, Wilke’
county, taLnypli y, from Double Wells ; for New
Orleans, daily,; from Warrent n, via r-parta, Mii
le-iige and Columbus ; for Milledgeville,
li-wcekiyUftia Greensboro and Eaton ton.
Connecting wTth these lines are branch stage,
lines to TaliSbassec. Coluii-i us, Miss.. T uscaioosa,
Newnan, vowciagounty,Ga., and Clarksville, 11a
bersham county, kr.
Fare on the Rail-Road to Greensboro $4 25.
Office Georgia Rail Road ilk’g Co. }
Augusta, December 9, i 839. S
ggi ig g m g | ■ ■
ffij IsUTLLK. —The Rail Road Passenger 'Train
between diaries tun and Hamburg, will leave as
NoJ to leave Charleston before 7 00 a i».
“ “ Summerville, “ - -S 30
“ “ Georges’, - *' - lu 0
“ “ Branch vale, “ - 11 00
‘ “ Blackville, - “ -100 p. h
“ “ Aiken, - - “ - 300
Arrive at Hamburg notbeloro - 400
Not to leave Hamburg before 6 00 a. m.
“ Aiken, - “ - 730
“ Black vibe, “ - . 915
“ Midway, £i - - 10 30
“ Branch viil <■ - - ]1 00
“ fC Georges’, “ - - 11 45 M .
“ “ -uiTimerville, 44 - - l lyp. M .
Arrive at Char not before 2 15
Distance —135 miles. FarcTJ:; ugh —$10 00.
Speed not over 20 miles an hour. To remain 2(
minutes each, lor breakinst and dinner, and noi
longer than 5 minutes for wood and water at any
To stop for passengers, when a white flag is
hoisted, at either of the above stations; and also it
Sinealhs, Woodstock, iaabinet’s, 41 mile T. (>.,
Rives’, Grahams, \\ illmton, Windsor, Johnsons 1
and Marsh’s T. O.
Passengers vo will breakfast at Woodstock and
dmc at Blackviuc ; aown , wfi Dreamast at Aiken
an d dine a r Charie ton mav 4
G£i>|{(.lA KAILUOAD.
ON the 30lh of Septemi-cr the Georgia Railroad
will be opened to Buck Head G miles East of Madi
son. after which period the rates of freight to the
several station along the line, for Cotton and gen
eral merchancise will Leas follows:
Cotton per bale Merd’z per 100 lb.
Be lair, 25 « “ 5
Berzelia, 60 “ ‘ 10 “
Dealing, 5G$ “ “ 15 “ «
'Thompson, 70 '• “ 20 “
Warrenton, 1,10 “ “ 25 *
Cumming, 1,10 “ “ 25 “ “
Crawfoidville, 1,25 “ “ 33-| “ “
Jefferson Hall, 1 “ cc 37 1, “ ♦*
Greensboro’, 1,60 “ “ 40 “ *•
Buck-Head, 1,70 “ “ 40 “ “
And aLer the Ist of November to Woodville,
Athens Branch 1,50 “ “ 40 “
No single packages taken to eitlier of the above
stations or Jess than u 5 cents.
All Cotton bags torn while in possession of the
company will be mended at their expense.
Augusta. Sent 2G Sun. Transportation.
f|XHE Stockholders of this Company having de
j tennined to c!os > its business, notice is here
by given of the same, that tiiose who have made
insurance with the undersigned. Agent for Au
gusta, may renw then risks elsewhere as they ex
pire, due notice of v, nidi w ill be given.
Tiiose who may Lave claims against the Com
pany, through this agency, will present them for
adjustment lu J, G. DL NEAP, Agent,
may 9
Augusta, September, 1840.
f Ninth of Lectures in this luditu-
tion will commence on the second Monday,
the 9th of next November, and terminate on the
first Saturday of March following.
Fee foi full Course of Lectures, slls 00
Matriculation, but ouce,) 5 01
Arrangements have been nmdo Ly which Stu
dents can be supplied Lorn l-.uropo with lustru
merits of all kinds Skeletons, &c.
The Faculty are—
G. M. Newton, !'. D., i rofessor of Anatomy.
L. A i UGA-s M. D., Piufessor of Physiology ar d
Pal he logical Anatomy.
C. W. V. F3T, M. D., Picmssor of Chemistry w. d
I. P. Garvin.M- IX, Proßv-sorol Therapeuticsacd
Materia as.:.;;:,
J. A. Evn, AT. i>., Lfu'ess r of Obstetrics and Dis
cases of Wo; ac.d infants.
L. D. Forp, ' L D., i iufe sur of the Institutes and
Piactice ol .Medicine.
P. F. Fve,M. D., Professor of the Principle.- an
Piactice of Surgery.
G. M. Newton, M. IN, > Demonstrators ol Anat
John McLester, M. D., omy, without addt’l fco
sept 1 Dean ol Faculty.
03* The Edgefield Advertiser, Greenville Moun
taineer, S. C.; Louiliern Recorder, Federal Union
Columbus Enquirer, Bav. ni ah Georgian, Georgia;
Modle Register, Huntsville Democrat, Alabami
Journal, TuscakxJsa Fla ; oi Union. Alabama; Flo
ridian. Flo.; and Nashville Banner, will publish thi
above advertisement k»eekiy tu the amount ot
?acn, and forward their receipts to the Dean,