Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, November 11, 1840, Image 2

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■ *s f 9 r.. % s I I*. t M I fcllT A. | wnantamjkT wemst nv, s*oro«»ol ft p.» fintim. I v 1 « V- » -<; : > ■- - » -1 .1 - V ' . t..| ■ • tom* *4 si» iunn i* ifce S*l *4# S?sa*e« f~ :Ltr^ «.'« a-.▼ » '**»n i- v- . ba-e '**. -*'*d «f tmiemtMmfa typtemM 0m JkJtetU&nt- - • *f K*tm V* t ft * *. Iw* epwtea-j mm rvtr* . -v: ir->: 's'-*.--* — - » rmtrmmt IN- -«• csr-ar »r *r ; as. 'ww 5* % sbm *nrr ' jraprw *tr>: v.-i -z « yea< c-f 1 »>** - if Hiitiwf. W# amy *£ld t» ibis snr JsMwir. 0m *.?■**% ij rjf iiMZ t*> vtrrvtf. P? %%• mrj f?i X ■ w '/«>£ ? '4 ~*v. O t:>=r£'«>* &■%-.■•-. V PiUltlTA /• ▼r« _ * ' . ' - ■ ' - -' '' ’ e I'jC er/sreefcd ’ • « vl ,£a'je ’/.i: -ae Gates.-* »r/i *i <r - . - ? t&. - - : , v . -f y»- -r --<i»r a*>vTMfc? et*. r, * ut berr.* 17 * w/<an «t %tne« 360 . u-: ft MBiwagle Ciii t* Mi c sb«ar A. 't: eersbecsse* ihesr cr -_ •-.*- Ii •*-£ -. -i b- X- » V .'"I i », i■' JD* « 'V* yf *se c—Bft< e* fr ta *ev% £*▼. S-M* tt .be <’• ' 2 :is*X» »** *&>'. iAifcC. Jt .';» -s-' lew't e w ’ K'jxazf .*■ "t'.-'M.. -uit. t’Ai s<*r tj iiwii ts ta«e .V«r* i v?k jMftet* '/. T,- t «r»«. ' ? •'!;•»« **e ©fAfc**« t: *' tise ~'.»* ir>. j«U' j»v•» f 'C.* s>' Hi.".- n. a.',. we ". irT arid wt. s'. »e 'je; .-*-»« la tLe 'a.*) *MS --e A-is r, • -a*„ j/artj Le-e ia Wtitiff toes fc';?' •? up, ,V>w Vork. Try* f,W>*x C -• =•' c }»»*;»» m' 1 :— Toe w'. z wf i' Coaa..'*k toetr ■rst m W maasy *4 tee cowlw tie r;»e» ?/.■• • o « b toe ac Ut'*rj 11'*} ii»e 2' -»-d ; s-5.: :-• • * i tor e® |« i, >• 1 f WiSett -t rt •cJt, Tie f" 'nm*'-".*. AdztrU**r *A Jbt €tb 'tfter- B',,- -j- »e» ■'* ..rn 2% r r»,tj e*. »' r/» iog a Van f;-,*en <T»a *ily I'.' -; toe «".« ' >c.r> ’..eii g t -v* zZ'jT. Trie r, 05 -•e*i»be ' -i : f-o-r, i*a*e u !%->%.« »:. ? of «320. w.. 3 h t e Van Bt-t/.'j j/i/'.y ma* ore a .< ti e> ' >.r :s:,,jd^ ,fr rttox nw ra*c. •S '/« »* pe-, •oey- >. 2 rerovu »e r-.-s*- r<ee"Tej] !;*e In V, H r«k: T.’' l a o: v 7t'i -rt,wb - 0 ?■’** ,y .* ’«i . * *' r Lip-e** r o-'rt «',’ ■* '*»'*' t v .* ;4- o > - i • ■**. ■ >.• • e ' -- . : : ' 'x-i. •«! II ifriiiw ifrHwtti these ic e*«y rtwen e -'■•e ?oa’ G t ~ ■■ *>j : a« 1 o.- <h>- - - —.< itat'mg roe hefewvi few trlet ie r»enr tee* o a.ori -.o?v ; fr rr. Toe Her*.. lie* ?'«* U .1* f « >■' •- ■ <s; »>'«•■» r» :t vi'..< ' »>: oo« f -a r - : . • «- -.• r wa>' • ,'i 0< o- -- U'.- ■. L r 2: — r ,o,*;- - - >' '/• 1 » 42. .0 : ' o- *;• «• M e !0: JoO ora r -i. C-- -fj 't ; K ->o* I* I - in ,nt 7; i • !<}.>—l *j rooi-e fhar» re"*»»n t* e*»-rt, ■» ; 0.,t c . ; Jlt< fr r,t,-M. I Tr.e Heriyl v;<J*— * The y* r '^ •a h' o :,:><• j - y*u'- : • '.•• ' • ■-. * . e ■*'» . ;■- jar ■tj in the State of Hi w V<*< while (he H i o ao'i h'j* »c the ~ IhU- a«-,j irr >Ur e;*'o io< ;it full 'en:' t ” | The Her*U, in »u refotar pu f ’ iesuyti of -• . - ex <* o '‘{r, VTn Is«j'» nin .New i ork, o«t l'« Kptr.nl Krprr rh nd :»,.<• a •<. /o. • >o,.«r to that in il>. - * Mwoe. Jlsiine. :, The .S'. V. C ' ««er w^a: — “ There is no longer » d »n‘/€ that the elec it -aj ▼oleos Maine will nejf:*en for Harmso, jb-f a (JendeiJ rnajority,” at;• 1 give* return ry of ewfe a fwolL The Pertland pew teittf— from I§3 town, tfewriag a IK hig gain of 700. i « lirgtuia. ? The Kiel,mord Whip, of the 7li- in-t., sivee actual return* from 79 counties, shewing n Van Bnieri majority o( 1519. The name-count *■•» in gave e Van buren majority us ZhC o, . l wmmkmg eeintiw, ta ISM, gave a Vas jßurew majoi ity of 319 t. J The Compiler, of rarne riate, irivc* returns from 69(ounties fch< wing a Van boren rna erify 0f26i1. In 1836 the came count; e* gave e Van Bunn majority of 4131. Whig gain Tne remaining coentie*, in J 836, give Van bu ren a rn noritv (»f 4231. 'I io- (Jifthr. «f 1 «<• 6 h givci, reterne fr»j -i HT ( oooiica, making the V'an stun n n ejortfjT, ??/ f-*r 1034—39 countn* (ch.tfly Western ones y«t to be heard Irum. Fioriiia W ar. It will t>e seen by the subjoun-d extract of a le*- tci iec« ived t/y a geoileman ui thi* city from an oflfai rin FI iid i, ihnt (ktfdMfW prospect c<f th*s war leirmnatiiig, at least for a »« as n. Oaßv’* Fz bkv, Nov. 5,1 h SO. Cen. Armstead has had a Ulk with 1 ig**i Tail ar d 1 u*-U--nega. A delegation is to go to Wash ington, a compm ed Uy M jej Hitehcocs,£ h In f.»niry,Cap- lienj. Be ill, Dragorns, and Lieut. Ann le »<., 6th nfanlry. t.vn A. think the war over ; Gc4 grant it may be. Oidet* foe ail active operation* to tease till fur.he. ord. r*. Ll Jud 1, :id Arti l»ry, three or fom days ? in'« wa- tired on; lie ha. l two woidier- and two citizens wit:i hirn, or the road between l-holau and st. Augustine, both soldiers killed, both citizens 1 wounded, Lt. ..udd not touch-d. This don’t look like peace. TtgerTao srys he will bring in Wild Cat -..nl 6am ist dm by force He (TigorTail) was at Tamp, when ifj'JO icgulars para led, he said .(here were not men enough to prevent his liking the post. The bove came to me by report, b> tit it true Tue Seminoies tauu of 'J’exas for a home. Your , truly. T j MHMHII ■ F' im sm See 'S 'jrleam Ss. i/ rte ~JL i_ ffcc » T'je ;-a&» ail rl:ar «- ernes. jz*c*rl*r- i£- ‘ steer tfce aw mmmtei ■« war »-w r H I fy-y* Jt iw :•»*» «w wl I* akaat E. *- w.eu-isxiTi. ' ■ tar «ar»ew« us Y-a *> . 7> ■ i.*v» :>ii e-t "3*r r *£'»> e-l [j«t was.. * : -x' -i rw * 'Tty fa# :-H --exs pn I," j£ ■ l.j« a®l tae * -t - ■ ...*« it ; •-« ex. k- - - ■* ' —it .. , - ,* r t •■ . 1 ;r: —u-f. » t-r- 'c ts : .-rrac?< -3*» >.■..-. ...i Mg CSJP * ---< ■-;* v *«g >' -JC-.JS2 -r x.-; :•** : x ■ ~j»z rmr- we ■’iwßasg ‘Aa ~jt *: ■• t .c tap i ; t T - C'-t* gxis3t<a* I Moi wars wtoAri awe vai * —6e wftigs Mist ,-je eiv. ■•» s»f MBfiia-i »asl.cy? "tne V Id .-3- » :Js »aaxu»t **«=. tae ftr.ta j / rwi: e,*; TW e*ersau*. I a«fc As wwwt fsw *s- -* *r~f y a iurr csmeJma* mm 'zemes. 1&e f A»»aiig i- _ae *caße ec it* i>*3- —it i tine f*-*e *at- n- 25 * — r.-ree-* sa X . r ■ * —y tk-. -rtte: -' 7 Mifl »s«iT. F -« V ptgj 57 2 ■v 05 —5 -5 Tl ------ 7tin*T. 7 r« Sj - * 45 .Sec tk -5--. o, 5c 1 Teal 1 674 TIIVMTiT. F '< V ai-.cTfA. *» ... -45-7 ?*> ■ —dl cou. 687 T Line cki_, ...iTS G'iot t' lk *4-54 r i ®T tr»e eser?KKt t-fisr *z it- e ’• - £ *i.j rvint r.t • tscv. 7i* of Hi '.--/j tUitt a a-ft soviarty. I.oawaM-F>ttiofl Keton*. By ve a r.▼> of tLe *'x'7«r,'o>t Armstrong fi - L«F -* we Lise :/t: tLe L-Jow: | e. *ll- .•>* ir t" •*— P«- - . • . C v>- . »t x- -S'—ioeoi 25. ‘t-J ho tb- 300 man. Pi-i-. .rt, a n a w. r. .U i .-km. t*o ca . * bx o at . 18. Av«uicpc-o« 'eperted 1 eof aro .maj. J.-tu- t>: Interior t».i arts iur rsuco* y; Bthe a rival- of i sr,d Et'i per or, »e Jc-arn ’ .s' iu V -. g - -a>l -- hrh we-e * rHic - 'j- If. Xart .> f * vi-re tw »or three sod#-* :>r H j":->n asa n*t I I'- f c- «. iLe %er -. -t.i* owe have •. - - r' - er>- -,2. B ; -X., ia is n c ▼ -*e *’ > S7 »*• ' z*. 1 .-t -i> o. I-, P-.-rag it :2 w' i- 25 In r.-* CLr »' an »i#j t.v Bay of rt , L-o »- 'Har.ee* t 1 r ant- 1 te w grr v . In X .’C -X. ‘te v. - g o:a nh i* r*: "-0 a» 2t > In V -j •;,<*■ ste .1 to Da c oceo »i g*. 6'/. ; loco* 100. Fcr ro* C■> 4 S« 4 PORT tHLK mV.-MIIX. Mnn Lj r,i?-Xev 'tret!ter —*. *. r oL J ~.e-> 3.-.. -r. 3ft a -*:«•' 3*>w 'l'oT'i. v » *-.e . e ?.* .tetit- of tte Americas I' *t»* . e , f -t— ec' its i:# 7 e ; —-e&: v. to* ire l-t l*t g e-it ‘-p .*.- of •■; -it : 'job iere j • a ■ r -t'jsß szr. .ever ec —e: v. toera a w. h it. 24, It* 5 ■ e-tor-e* - ; r hit cavt oft;. •z ooe of rte :,»j: -a? ot 0. **. •» " i.t a t-71 0.. I ' , ... , V . itH - * r- r ' - i '.a. * 0 . . -*■ - <r. t . - - ■ .• - •v* ij» a-he n e w.ta « ,-tt --, ~te a- a* '. -.. • cr.-oa r» ran e oor 0 * rary »*■>■■ 0 " .g-t o * oy »• -a - «e ?f leg ekeate * v. w ir.r» »’ be .*-*Ol - to t e »ee » *.-* *.« a.ikel • ' *.e forest « ; xii- p , a". ... * of ". . • r.g ■ - ' /f to »ak-- ' - - *-> , a.O . .... "▼ : g .' a t te t . >g <. , o a fe w -. 0 . * ot Toe ;?*i» av.r ar.d power r -,.. e: in a. o-f". a< at p x enr eof.xt.n'te . ,e r g r,*- ivg- - -n .'to -.e '•'... , and - *.r. - them * x>- f- e a. e*- 0 ,*e g 0 0 f-.e;e oefo e’; oe> car. oe - awed in *iv pr *er t vay. 6h. The bo :mg n very » ort, ar.d trarei an/T;g ore.- ’ne log, v»l, ;» gently fii«ed ipoti it;d% or Uoek» u ox. •>■.-.;-:. * e tree, fried. <me jet er *ay« it is o ly - or i7 N' t oong. 7t 1, It can oe *>l m mot,on ny ony amd of p**w er, -team, wa’er, e.er t;o-.ma-gntli-rn, hor-e. or by h.r.d power. w»n It w;.l her cm; ** a most usefu’ invxnsion to those «nup yed in ooiil.ng bridge , rah-r/ad-, a * w'-il a*, to ail new ftttieis in o r far Weatern ’ wild*. Wo.le upoo *hn * met, we will make an ex tiart from a letter p.o uned -tely in tne Philadel phia C. .', le, upon “ Hie Portab e Pit .-aw ing and Milting , liil.” ‘•A fe day -r, I we-t with a friend to visit • ( x>l H; mi;ton • new invent, -n, 52 ail street, and i 1 n.u U i f— , that it Jar ex* <ed* all ant eipat on J had ft,»noe of it ..orn the new-.-apx r n -tices I : had iead;—it 1 o .itn, ie, and w.thail sr compleie within its* if, hat, in rny opinion, it rnu I upx-r --*ede ail raw oil.- nw in use ;—by h'-utg capable of bring worked by manna, e ectio rna i;»tc, imr-x-, stern, wind, or water power; n>t requir ' ir.g o ,e foo,th of the work of the ordinary -o v • ijf.s line lorrtpl txi s*ii; rent co t mote than ti/o -if at rno t three hundred dedlart, and will not w. igb more than fmrn fix to n xi? hundred pounds I uin n an ea-ny i iad a -Mi‘i into a wagon, ca.t it fii e mile* at,d pot it ri o <-■ , on the -a-ne «J-av by hu/sepuwxr. It will ct as much timber ill a g veil time a- a y .Anil ‘ ver ma Je, and the | woik will l>‘- a well done. For hip mahogany, j and mar-le yards, 1 vroul i odvi-e tu have them without de ay.” We ! ope -oon tc see a f Her description of t e above, an! abo ano.her one inventea ! y an mge uixi mechanic of iljltitnore, Mr. Page, whose Mill i* *aiJ to neai 'y or qmte e. 4 ual Col. llamil tfjn’s. Clear..▼(.»or IlisiAKnuy. 3 h‘* Hound ary Question. The Highumis,—The Gardner. (Me.) Spec taUir, cuiiuinx the following extract from a letter to a gent lent »n in Gardner, from Pr<, lessor Ken- Wick, one of the engineers engaged in the bound ur isUi vr v ; —-1 am happy to he able to commum eaxe to you that ihe n—u i o my operaiiuns will ' proltaWv leave no tilier banns to* u.c Brilnrh claim than the quibble wnether the Bay ot Funny l*e the Atlamie O. eaO. I have din* oveied and ex plored a range of mountain* extending Com ,he Bay of Cbah urs. around the bead* ul the hran c lies of the «t. John* to the Teiniscnuala portage, s , that even on ihx ground that the Hign laiidu art* «fc*et»arily mountains they (an be met ■ to advantage. The height ..I* these mnantaiuA I can only guess at until I make up the calcuia- UOOa.’ The Public Debt. The Secretary of the Treasury, under date of x ~v. 2 reports the aggregate amount of I rea-.ury otiics now oul-t:iodii gat p4X64,2t.0. Oi l.«ei»e ■ yl RUU OtH» aie U-anng an lutereKl ul 5 2-5 per cent. This confirm* what we slated caily in the season in regard to the amount of ;s»ue and inter ear, asheedk saacar?«J»-:OB—#i Sl4-- t 442 Inr cat iM*«m «f 3 prr o*£_—rise nsadar - rr x. T_*r , x #e *r; s? «of *3*J xx*r* ti- • *Khd i. -xb Itqpfe: xi i »*-' i - ux ac .—Axx srr. xt. Ltrlatud. T\e * ■-■»■ x * i :t *s« *efie peretxxrr i- : It I j-i 34 (a*. Z.* 2»,fc13-a*or " | i*» i&a* ciMMbra ~ rtl.r. ■ ■*-’*«:•'- 3 ItHtC- M aanr rAafc—Aw TW jjcwr ■ = _iX if-—:*:- xi etas zaannes* :»e *u«ss»-<l -:’ iil : -rte*. .-** *ss~i .<•■ *x ategecz 3«r far* - *x*v .«* &nje . - _*• P<wte to Jbc c *•*•?---*:-ts ~ 5- -cvs itn ii*- Vrt 3*4 Ext- .X. 3fr»*- s -~« Ans - «e txe 3k. ix_ lir 't~ irr r- •«- x_:-cxiiie«2 ’.« I Zjt m 3 ~4 A*r xxr _xr, -s-.x<r ! *-r. lie ze jcssrpt 12s- > **Ces**j »«e Exi:< ; «*.. tx*S ae p*joc. kxEsi«siL w~i res-xnrr fc? _x< -«* ixaoer «4 r fW ■f n' :/•■>< x:t» - m u at:i, .a a* tl«e *ur* zmvms:y -■ d*r S^feta. ft e _a*t bm £v--*x -> tie E Tisa Fikr-et i; 1 ~x w x_stx aea-c *- ic sn>x£» ma* sl :* :: -k- ; : : . »x*i * xb# .r: v >- Ai * >_xi s-.at cf-Ci«i-xi lx (kdvt *x»js»*<fe *t* 7 :x<e :'xx 'firiK ai t_£ Lx wixca !<*■ :c-i <«*a -k to <.vt ty if rt-.-mtsr- T&fzAc. -S'* F'i&ce- *e u»< i-p*x« tr aey -- ta Kit tbecr- *t*l we h**e *a x >,&*■•- : txa.! 'jr \ izr~ t yis* x.assetf Jo t .e Zr*- *-- 1 / ■ -,x • rr ser» .r»"j *-y*ere r .7 ■*t Ir* , f . > x tfae cun&g b * Ifee xt S»r,i . i.- txe sisjt- taw c .-Dts«x.*.x2 la x **£fc»a i‘ *- j Czs i.A:X: ixe H ‘5 ; e-s, •Ve rsast c - *.•:. *■ 4: ,t- *br P,r e to *L - 1 i ■«£.?» 2jCf . *8 it C*«C X4»t C&O vn.'*-z v i*_4 f'. : £.xx-xt 211 00.-.xrrt .-. i'* row*-* x:. ■ *. oer--. *■: {ietenzaii.r.g ue f-. -*e ' ■£-.,:X‘-n -f tfce O’tfßaa err p - r *.— E*w k. _xie-x*k rtlixtj k'rtici. 1? tie ty of F tr.- e. •»i.. e^x - ?-i*x-tAL<, xx ■ e «u i re*: o1 * ox a ~rsn»r«ie foriax set r oease-. t '•it r. * * * • f ofr'ticr •: g a- -0* a ,c. «.: •-' '* x - *'iXe it: * . *. r t: - 'J in» qoe*:oTi; * E»- Ibe wi-:osn aL :. -d :Le ’> -r » ' ■ r,g ' . I<e d» x•• : kx-d *T/"> erTxi «b *- -<i . ax- : ty ixe isigh iti.tr, xvtfc E/ ’r*. I-x rex«« to ll—!* . -jo r=* -&« txe V .ne. e tLrr a g • r . or eirf y Li-*) a 1 lot or >'aie rseoieis. pr r. : r *P”t —?• . roxrJ m» > to toe .' P.-aeri, :e --p*ir-' : .e *jj ,cja«ae ar.-it*' ■: ?be Victroi. I j * tr .ar.rf b - •>>«:•;or*, r x a step eq ,--.lj os. f»gro*,f and ooexperfed. r r* bsyood eua ’be -x r: * t * treaty : Jxx- 13 at., eicee*..* w I ? m<!t ftu» i.-r xarj rt-f.'j wLcb hi'e -rn e.'p-e-»t*-d to s'->e 00l «_•: '.:,at docmxeiit. Tta t-f-s j whi--b F ar. e t t i t ;> i»- Tote a- the i rr'ij.i.i * ' • »r.. ■. •* D' l * r.ugt 10:0 l> tre so t - u\- -e of cb -■» eg the rapicrty » h « hie-, rr • » &in .<tß •;iiwn 1 t- .*• r -• :m_** -tj- a —. ,<r? —•...is Lxa si - *-.*•/ :at a-.; ,t* <-c« *.e part o: the V e--»y 10 rn. !v w’h ce an a.. «h - --r : - . 2 - e• e F *xe e «cu.»;. of ».• - df;» r.g ;U fi -t p- s> . e r.f ~i it .-r r&- *: a ! »r *<2- to .•? ritt'ns- s | iaz to oe e»sc- * «t »Le alheii P Tri Pal • -to re we. e two -u; ;• ,-ec coo:., x- ' :es? . - I *'4»ed m t a» tmax —uasatriy. *n sphkuu a p'- ex p ••?;. rfuu im Mery o e «K tie poeiits r>U; *»' ft. t- to it- p ■■? * o»e Vc. ruy. ai.. a '.- - ' - f of ifar kutd. r. has taken •*- iteE -■ t xs- jj-.t .11 cd »n a_—.<! .'e nsaoi and tae Brtai fcis not evo p«m Kim. - ltv t aje ;■ c cert i's, k,n cm » a ■■- i H- rset Bn:V. f *,d Irf c._ t-- . tj» :»y an v:X ' ole-fa —ft ti. Tae f>at P-tj ♦ re *p rove « *-303 ror, sfc'l, »f«i »• i.oam m> ttatenera . f .era t’- 1 **- t.i *1:,• - r ■ t_ L. ■: Ps.ii tsr ti • „■ . *Xi c e itX- o.- I.s ..i».t, U'.as we •> J < -> 'X • ra-r-d .g ;o •.«. » ■ ra ‘ 1- " » Ot «,» te ‘ S# «fT O* e -X >-O e,. rse • /till'd As;/ r,T, ta »rs wen r» »iw;t J xa, »ifh turn on r, « *■>■**'' *'v>v» • to ib* » sa» l:;e .*»'»« poo n "® * 1 e.'i’e X«;xer; y Fi'tir,r' f ' .e pffe se ~f..£. V-* ■.*■»* •» , , aken ' • ;za;. *of . i- v ** ir. an, an »- no* *e zx t; e p,- lurnty of f-f g ■'e :huu o»i« o; f rja e Oit.i re*ie«,l ? / ih’-s r r#* er, Ffi - ti* df-rUrej ’xit h“ ft i qm; eie-v rr e'm . oer p.wf-r p/ '.4 4fr f oi p/wer m Enrob e. .S./w i« I, e t 'T.r f»r her to expitin clear y meaning ti.ia ■Jeci-t-ai ori 1- to have, fn a- cepting w ■ ; a reh g- x- fj i' ‘y the .'a'e '.f P/r p- -j.fi a* ;*> s* t ti* ». by rtt«ifiz treaties. France ha* tmderatood, r itt *i';m g «.. - gene.-aS je-ane which K" - .app. y preva ;e ; -me ;■• 15 In.* *ia.e * hon'd not :e ' -a g‘-J either for the or /fit or detriment of any j one of the existing Power*, ft ha* hon ur,.-r thl* irnprefc-*i >n th i tbeha*aiway- declared ,n fnvor of prc iterving the Ottoman empire ; the Turk,- 1 people hy tceir r.a -na! qoa .to amply merited ‘*.i thesr own ae< ount alone. re*pe< il f >r U.e in :ef»en enr e of tr.at kingdom; but apart from tbm coMideraUoti the dearest interests ol Eoirupe were up in the c onhnued existence ol f ur kry. Thi* empire, in *-ixg prfts’rated. could Le made bferrient to the axgrandi-eru nt ol the adj lining states, to the detnrueul of the general equilibrium, and her fa 1 would have occasioned «ucb a change in the exisiing proportion ol the great power* as to alter the a-qieci of the globe altogether France, arc! the other Power* in . common with her »o -trongly lea ihi* contingent result, that *be, in concert with heraliie* has con stantiy and h/yally united in maintaining t’uc Ottoman empire, however deeply ihcir reej/ec- U»e inu-rert might be involved relatively to the preset'alion or fill! oi tiia*. kingdom. But ito ‘Uieg'al porsKm of the fftloman em pire spreai!* »l-elt Irorn tne shore-of ?h Black to tbu-e o the I'n'u ‘Sff. 1 1 is .1* t-stm al n> guar ntee |tbe ind< pendri;ce of Egypt-nd .-Syria, as the in Jepend* n e of the D.rdan lie* and ibe U >»- pboros. A Pi nee \ dss.il ha-, «uc<«eued in e»- lahli-hing a firm rule in two provinces, which du ring a long period the •'sultan* of (Jonstaotitiopfe w r- 01ra.de to g..ve n. i nE Prince v a tai, if he ha* not been aide to introduce into the country which he govern*. I lie humanity which distin guishes P3urepeal 1 civilization, and which p o a b!y w-.uld ill comport with the pre e tmanner of ttle country h<* admini- es, lia*. at least, itiliodu c&j a greater degree of order and regularity in | them tnaii exist in any oil er pail of the Turkish empire. He has found the means to levy a pub- . lie force ; he ha--* raii-ed I o«*ps, and he has 1 rea- j led afi el; he has roused the pride of the Otto- 1 man people, and be has restored lo them some what of t'lrtt eoitfi fence in t.xemseives wich it is indispensable for a nation to po-s< m. in c.roer to .a* able to defend ai d ma.nlain its indepenceni e. I ins Prince \ a-*al fia- become, ac- ording t • i.ur view, an e*«>eriU 1 ai.d tie ei-sary p.>rto( llieUvlie man empire. If ne bedestroyed, ibe erilpiie will n~t tlie more acquire, now a day*, the rii« ans which were formerly . a,.nng to enable the txul tan to govern yrnt and Egypt; ano me Pone wdl lose a vassal who is. at If).* in inei.l cn» - of n» paneipal f u.wa'ks Otise, Padus wdl suc eced wiio w 1 i„- disobedient to then ma.-ters and wiio will he ihe dependants ol eveiy foreign in fluence. In a word iiiic portion ol in« int>g'al 1 uikish eifipnc will he com promised, and to gether with Uns, the gem ral eqmlit-riuni wdl he endangered. In the opinion ol Fiance me < xis fence of the Viceroy of Egypt, , n the province which tic* governs, and in the seas wheie his new er is exciled, is essential f., 1 it,e pui];os< o. en suring the proportion*, a* they aetusiiv txisl, I c tw. eu die ddleo ii. pads Ol ih. globe. in this conviction. Fiance rqually disinterest ed in the OuenUii quethon with the lour Power* - wkw Ei»vr -g-Xaftg cf --~Xj3pr~ ~v*r 1.. hrcsral WlrSßu: -E- ; «ss«sy mi t>c iaf- Im r taal ;be rm f ti- T» ~~fl tt ysx m mcr, w-il S-. at 4er ». .4iwr nm 'Jze pfwrrfc eq-_ -;^re— •arifct•» *«m; -e: ie ja rt* c.- *>re p ari ; • - -x ta :;wcs :i es . -ke V •*>-• y eai r—- a _ cty kft I ** tS<e chk«at * Sfc- v*r av-cr ar 1 -- ■■ sc sv>- •T*?- 1 *; b: - Fx» e z.s t ec x ■■ | Ahrlmi hr ssok » dbft'f fli* i l~iii 111 s <tS Wrhc * ®srt Ab as a rrne \ ja—ai e£ t# t. p t 5~- :it ecf' *-■ ns*m.i ; j :x« ‘Pw *s y ix# >;< _ e *r 13*0 c^L,.- t-2 - •« -ne —.-v to F! - r- F'isoc cm’t&ee *lt * »s r.:x.rr x# cse -f :xe xe», I.x-> —is ske -s !*«. «• pjc k&i part 12 e e y a. xna- .*. newt - \ : r,n Ax k» bksss t.e c® * i©**r»sxe* f U'e -ti.-*** aa *s :»: ? tSe • «xer:.y f * rt xiScess jp*r*Kii Ij- tje de- tr ifc.se 1.2 her part u*oe ewo fim n'wesl t. lie --arryng srr. eircxu-'a -ae arrtot' •e--“'X'3 |.f Kiucni i* «. acq e. la «(ber :> r .--p« ii.re' 2.# ncxiScstw •»*.i < f «' T- : J '*-*■» i - x«k» - - zxe 3 *:« t’eaty ox i,-y 15 t • -1- n> Ci Jhii 12 ’hx* *-«- pert *e the ’-rs i Egr :e~ 10 ibe »«»>« »La: xfcey do. : <s mat in in** dben view - are m at w.th a«r*. We ♦bfco»Qpj r-p« ti-s d sagreezsm. wkscb a* yet we >j no* per. «•-*. xt we ctiSa io aowise froes t. r cxacner -f tO'Xiprt an : 0* aseemvg xLe saaintcssaßce of *xax e-qabdxr.uA. Frxaee Uiirri k ixe tl it ]£cr pe w.li i t e y »g *h she isi* ;e«Q ia daced x ■ -rak ’- - - -& « xjsErrto prraervei Fy xe-x H*' :-' i aEre "it F« rcbftl cfc®. a.- ’h»t jent.rr.efil --/r,-' : r •‘7 *r ited X~-r. cot w ii:ria&, *• tie pr. cte:.t2- : nticii she fce- Ke xt* * rzr.t m - «:2 Herdj»Bt£T effdieH t? «T »LiO he .p -o. ;kei is r*x p-- r4e e*-n to -u-pect x• s h nr: *i ant tat-* i&» ts urrKsn x h ea»t, *' ha: -ne d ve- a*: -e to > xe r. . -naro e oftbeequ Lbn ‘ E - : - . - - i - - .0 - P w*-» to msb» x« w. x t • wad ■ oojLt 'or . at on- e the t ••: i..e.r gi jct xnd pf tbe-ir jrmx-t --t-.-o. Accept. Arc. C>-z.xro, A T iIERS. Fr'jm r e A »xr F:-*r Argnci*. For*i.n liaeibk>. 6USCU XT XET Xi* Teis&f. Lfjvios. J one. I*4o. Lr/.voov ;« A w at#.— • w.ii &»x*iic« th ee cr fxir mi tbe pnuripal .a : o sc. T.x-c enk-: entr :*oe froji Le Ss<c«h. u i..e Ehm -ant anj • ever H_x •!, L o-.Fi. gj. and I. /a iSr.Cz~. I ..r E • pr, 1 ni. an*»l li-e u * x agf _i«tci. a -,<,t two Ui t>- of Su Paul's. -.’ usheU w iietr hve pm tpd roxsis meet. Ai '- - - : ' > ■- ‘ , ' -1 . ■ f th? K 1 c :ar u take u-ei Ln,d i-p«anure , from this fiir.ou* - r - t. A»t? ucL jo the remote j f i C’ > * xe svu warn the 2*e*l lau i x*-r and VXtf:*-y .r- .. V -1 r 1, crt Ad _-r a u the - ; t.x- »:.op* -m e r v.x**. :rn L a* wi b ixe ie-t.t: ma ; c n* iu-t an 11 2* e very v -ri r the M- pdm but he > 1.1 *- X-n.s: - -1 on *. r -• jl. b:' - e pu r gng =0 •me w iv- * y »r, ex f up K-2ft ’. « Sneet t iWafg- u.e Back. Ihr p'l.wipai cni tine ■•> I. .i d n 01a the u-.y Mil. E j _i.: e Tu-pei R Th;> - t..- Z -n>- »vfL ;e Iliri/L. w fa ;:*e Ci>;ern part ! !ue sicliU p/i, - I- U V COaTilHitiiOU- in IX * city. I .Xr ;,<tr of • ; 2'- <n r ■ - rap ,iv *, eu.-h mg: tr .z- - it n «cr.< -M. - E;. J, where ■ C’ (is<j.ffi' - r t the inc;» a d ua it fi ,** .on oi»»-e Z'jiui iy. At Aj e- e. » ;* .x ,i --n-. /,t ch-Atii op ny tut- i.,-.--. ax-, i.- s *rc-.i ez. e | I* force tt* way fnal ibe Back into * 'tprirf errfr j , re . ur-rl p P -•. 1 4/1 U.C CiJV a »c'S . XLigo, • iwt Uiroo. x I.xi* innue an." I X2isu Jt ra._ r h ne/i ’*•. . r-u x.xg tu/ce ban 2*e u j .•_ i _ r ?5'- up l.t ta-k . e*« zif « we rra. uCvi I Mie hud. A u.e V . .* -.»* enues *■.<- p-1 -• *f . -fi vt- xe Great 3k .- a ) l-hr>gU>n, an 1 . .e terminus ol the br r.'fighac. fi iiv . ocgh Uohh s'reel-or I over the .Sew find o ue ba.k. Wn U.<;n of L.e eii'.rsn' t - give*: *- -• <i.ger a i;a p'e-<s> •!> nf i>e v*» I a»r grex. cUip <ruim .* * i* enlefifig, n*iU»e« •>: u.* :u give bin. ;dr< ■ -.f ii» grsre.l. or or Ihe lo.Uiro i y ,»l iu { } u -- ’i fi iii. i»-th*. JLeV> , u eiitr*r»ce L*« E.gr wa-e H -ad. thf u_a Ovl : J ami HujiANDsUcnr, is icy iiupoMfig. Ox: so is i.it n j;>lest street in tne City many two mi.t s .oug. straight, h- >aJ. s-kganl wth ia ge s * p- tuv ;uiu arisnged on eitner s;ue. auu « t ,roii_t-ti with -pirn -id carna ges. especially id tiie a.’iernooa, aashiiag over the pavements i gay s.yle. But, the rot aoce into this immen-c ariip:- 'heatre ot wealth. f-e«ui\. laaui <>u, rank an ; pow er. i* from the \S e=i and South- Vv e»t, over Knf'utl.n r v Hyde Paix t orner. As you appr #ach the city througu tula avenue on either ( soJe and ai. around you are par .s, v.ilas, man sio.x*, colon uJes, g >ve>. serpentii>c river* ana palaces Westminister A ->v ii.'Ls it* two ven erable towers at some dn'auce before von on the right, impressing you witn ail that is grand m arc ilecture and solemn in antiquity Buikmg ham fiou-e, the city residence ol Majesty, a.- mo- hide* its gorgeous torn-is in the rich foliage of Uie Mall and 3H. James Bark, while lar of* sbrowded iii the blue mist whu b bangs over the city, (he faint outline of it. Paul s towers againsi the sky. On the le.l ju.-tal hand, is Hyde —extensive far :>evund what I had iiuagimd— • teernifg with gaiely and sp.endor —*.lie equipa ges ot the nobility v eing in magnificence wnh the elegance of l <e eqursiriJi.e. who. in turn are j scarcely more attractive man the richly dressed pc lcstn-in . As you p-i>s Hyde Pa k corner, and leave its tasteful gateway behind. Green ; Park opens i»» in- juti» s on me right, across which •he eye wander* nil it is lo*. among lue groves fckirtmg the ry. -ntiiie FE<er in 6u James’ Park, halt a nioe distant. Jne s reel called Piccadilly, over w hich yoa are Dow passiu . is nnol on the north -ide with the iown re»idruces ol me Chiels ol Engiand’a noi lity, while ihe other sice is ibe boundary line of Green Pa k. Through Pi cadilly. you pas the lower pa t of Regent street —a street ot palaces—down which you turn >'iort to the-ight till you each Cnaung Cress, wnere stands an equestrian staiue of t .harles the Second. You are riv/» on the edge oi the great j whirlpool. , When a stranger reaches this spot, especially j if he have be* n three weeks confined to the dud I monotony «>f tl;e -ea, he will be ove. win lined i \ ' tlie tide oi humainly winch dashes Us waves a- 1 , round hi * , and slui.tjt-d -y 'he din and conlu- I s o:, ragintt «»n eveiy side. Countless vehicles, ol » very possil. e grad and description, besides iho-c which !m ggiir ail d» > r ptioii, greet hi.- eye; . post C a* hcs. fr.on eveiy part ol the Kingdom, j i cove ed al. over with Iron .-. ai d mftt. anti dogs, j .m-l women, da l hy mm like the wind; tans ol | all colors and (asm n- r t I.- m fl .cks over the j 1 pavt ment; onauhugs* s, wnh their at.endanis -il Utlllg ‘ Bank,” ” il,dhorn.’’‘-Crn-s ”‘* .Vine i ' End, • Eli . nani .nu Caslie, ** Piccadilly,'’ i Ine the stieci as f-n as ne can -ee; inerctiandise i w igons. wih heir towering loads, and tntir ' ouge horre- tore and lour in a line, as large as I • Rpbanu, wind their way Ici.-umly do* g io ihe | greai annoyance if ;fc Fl.rsa. d hackmy coach es and I heir ici-ly p..s-ei gi tiie nohleinan's i gnd* d coach-ami-tour wnh n- gaudy postillion*, i looloif fi and om-iid.rs, each dic-s* u and pow dered lor ail the wo. Id l.ke American Major Gen- | r.ils of .Vlli tIH on paiade d y, is cu nptn'cd to " lur " to ,r -« kft as the law directs.’ lu give Maun to the miserable .lohkey earl Clv akn g lo market wnh its wiiu*.; cab. agi » and ragged chil dren, dragged by its dwarfish beast; the little Lw-wkeeievl *■%-»«♦ t&i is* fffffittrj m WE> Z t£* 5 T ' (»■' -«*• ’? * ' ■ shc*-; >;»e-c f«« s e *i.i2zv"f *; tsw peer«mn sl> *i fewt .*»■*'-. ’* to i iiwwnr awe f' f< ri •«*»♦'; »M» ‘L* t»MW»< H- r* -fc T 'S' » ■-«#* M' • *a Bv-.i tff? IK f - r J a >Li ' -- > u;» IS SUf r '{#■ > la*C O | ”-»•■ * ®S&"« sa wt L---r.ee. -u, c- -- c. A * -u .1 ti- - <&t »i'o le*ra wsi. sffc*y aaefe . try*. T» ‘ii':ese» p* -<•■-■ nawk *'® ,»'a - 4 ie we vary sag » < 3* *ut ££rXC?SMfcft. Earls jia£i* »I r>:> ffi** ■:' v-- - ® 1 - r*» "t- :. --. £ :uo - --.* '€ rr%; tasffi —£» \ ic» > r’i® —Iff! i rst- zzz £ ~»s>rj ** if Ocsfc'll - p*!« H x-e we-- * pt&g ' * V - * -r - *-f •-' " ' . A ./• *-i ' r-* r -I-* tA' -cpL :Le > ar.. iU. F ? <re«. tiue «rr*-*w ■ 4 f jc€ ptr&-&£*T§ .<er::.z:f* i £ rrrar. Tnpfc Bar —-' L »s*: >r. riFi ?■*i r* Hi*«- - r- : . Hi> - r - *Mi iii-j rnrr r~ ic« * > la- * Cic' - Vs-; ’ »<•..-itfca- 'irS- : :l£lV J , _ «p-* (ii . . * W*y * « - A‘ T Iff - •■V r rip i->f »-jffhe ■EJT.Z'fff fw SB* : - - _ :' •»■■ ; r*-* r p***- - - . ■ • • * ik ©r. *«4 w•. * p -' throe r. tvi • :. :£»»? L.: -on.**; ~rr N> Mi. - - Lb*. E Gs» >. O J Jewry, Ceaiil, L:«. :» :. K VV;iu»m as .« I Gf r* afs*3 EtZzS.- ¥ rotL JU» *i o rkac •:., i&ie !.-> es ! rLe eotire pcptsicaoc. &f >*-» i •; ) t »ij c*c»<: r. Ail£.*:ajt but .uie ei re Lza &cr so-c «a wk ..a W:f:. it H «£iSB4 - e.i iba* 130 0 0 ikreg- .: daij. Hn;r; iia l»ed tie eortex wber? • ifie ntvCf k lf~ r-efi the a ' r-ed o «ra?aL. - Lx. ir. i -s®ri * J.e _* sotl-oad -1 e<i with its tx-1 extent, acd kt * ±rA k*t i~> -zze *: . §*» .ir.rr - j zc^.-<x&- Y fcr . 4cc- LaffSLxm. A (>ood .Sew *B&aprr. The Her. Mr. B.rxip .i x.» *1 ts V>o;j MetFiai*: -Pr-aifs I crcz -i u> L.rr porjoo cf the st»ie f »:en I la: I :6faK>- ’be je**lv cxilc»(« of «x>» -u epe* y e^f ti.._aibie -AO ai" x?e*er wrjtf ’ M,* tils £u»b - «BI to tie proa k, ihx: tie hjt iCrTj >&c'- onu that* ro :e -t-i ;t :ie Bia ot ite aj. .a axe .x.porurixt i_aa t—an ixe oi y.si . ; t-. *i'be iafier » c«ot w.ii c.t !'« itia'c ii .r » :ir,r«. r *x-- ,p lie £.a*ro ry of i e p-ist. Zto iuitter ' jw rnasce aaj te if •c< julpJ csriois }et a.s r.ot mefcT —A» i dir -t lie ci&3 a .* be: r ;* sn —;a» ; .t iex:„e» tie -t e iai ->n* of ci.aria'er «:: iaez* «»: * r -.be z'-i-ii»ce •: S’*test. »*.e»ic.s :s-e Lmu to .< - uzfal. at-i the ibak, rxi*. w i.- ;- -..4 I f—iiwni < t to be avoided, that da pretest imfm- Uljff tCGse*;>. Aj/it from these u- *, the perusal of r. e hi— • nr : t-s pa>t > utac no«i *e-c ;n Taewsu as so »i, «x_p .z p:e»&tc»i<.act j’OiSed a cotii.rcit »r. a.ir. c oaetl Qss-’ jrr, it «p --| Be*'* ■■• -- uy ou » i ..poriaEL : =ac.- 8 e .to sb Ham I iw—:c ah wicse > - :i< n arni - ~'us tnauic then. u> arL i .r.e poWic aitud »IjC t: r t '-. i-c ;ti ». ;V weai or ■* oe. An we .a cix. -t ih:t : e i-t >r Li . :s r Ih ~»u*r oytLi u: *; .e we f-- 5 w;t;. L:in. :h*l i ' g i *'Su Ouki «lC_ li %. '*-• f . *i tmiJtZ --’Ll*- .•ciit, L. * • ; .'.*r n.en -f our i»vn utr«*-9 tit e Ura «e re ■ ;.r U tr». kto ice ik a•: per*. I» »- e .;.s>e f»j’v '<»r u- * > wiite w .» .r. v » ati ;««■ - o- i- ■ t:on« t ny- . :«•; • xe au. I r ax' 9 r.g :t» hi* -.r i.ii to »l« a s_e a " . r. S*t. l -- l* . i * ■ _ > a •-. v vl f liC x ... . . fi o ;.a ; lie tu‘. <r> of- c»t- i.v*. i . r i; *.:- ; te*. I s .Blew* ;<■* 'u.i f—:. J sS*r. -j«c. s. are i z :tt, ■ aid 'La '' *. ' f<t » t • -rfce.*n s» t - «,*. a. -*4 t - X/, t" : .'. • ~rt '- ■' i_ r— • sag lae a . *■ - : ...- : * -•- ttrs,. % is. ■■ i”:k -: ■• - - - 1 -fz; . It s&*-t 4k*-. -* *e f.- i > it t L e Ls tbs pr —c. t ij»sr; s aae ir ; i ec i «*. w *■ c*s ■ i •*. act u-*c t. ■ :i x *•- -* - ' - »a w *, : . ' . t i _ '. ■ ■ r c2 S'- u. ' . - . use. : _. ,i _ ]t>- c ’tt m«3 ~r -J i e* b.Lt. . :t.ia ' atsi for ).r p e*ei>: e* x'u l *:-J ci ter; & w •rp. .vr ,f;j i(j< n L-' I ** : r.-*t a : : - »r. ut» •• .g . s I - • ;«ir! r'B fli • J n:»c. f i *lf*s St-e ■ i i.i. -fi'ii ot ’ht-p'r i. «-r p<» til ihecoai.trv r t 6e i. . >;:.:ns. but ag»rear-:e. He -<t* L- t: u e pa*t ti.d z:.l current ry cd b:* *w n cuu : v oi /. wh..e Use pass r.g ie» ..* -t a. -;.e* a'"? u:veij wiiu. a!. ! .ue £ ;e iv to tru'h. which :s afibrneti bv lue mear.s ol I'-'iam ■ g ;d‘ iraau t ; ai-c wt;ie ample jus tice :»J re to iLj c i.iDtiii men « f other jjj*u*ns. :he L nela- 1 r> r»i tis ov. n are ireaird a» it ibe\ were or» i iie‘eci**r> flesren iou n f the sa'i -w* r r lie | f-fn’t-ijisary, lie is condrmnrc to ihe p-ax. of hearing the o«.”una ar.J ::,e r;uiruie utay <i •; his '•ouclrv'« rhara *r a u<l v those w ;.o ueiluce • tie ci t:;e pie at larue fre-oi 'hat gi»en to our n* enjit.ent public men. hv paitiai hi*''»riaj - oi tUe preu-nt tune, bv men here ’*bo wou. i traocce • ur nath ral laitb. injure tio me>i;c bunoess, and ns»n ocr credit in tne eves f other nations, if such a course sbonki riece«>a v to the auvan« en.r-r.t of a particular pur pose, such as the o!*ta m: ent of {>oi::ical power by one party or *et roen.cr the reiaimnsr t-1 it by another. The public taste has been, and is u*t becom.nu improved; and the time is nut th tant when a -good newspaper,’ (Seemed s»v one scholar and gentleman at least, mere valuable tn-n ail the writings of Herodo:u* will nolle Sj ; eat a rarity al prese.it. Pcepie are sucreas inz in ;ae deeire and capacity to exerci.-e their -jwn judgement ; and they cannot long continue to purchase false ho,.■] and diclstion at a dear rate, while tnj>h and fre»,-Juaj in mind can be had ch*ap — A!‘z. (jl.z. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Chaelesto>. Nov. 10. Arrived yesterday —Schrs Exchange, Pikifrr, i.aru- rd ; i bilkiithrof ist. Lunz. Hichirond : Jsne. Alexandiia, (L». C.); Republic, s*prou>, Aiexan-ria.t U. L ) Cleared. —nrig i.aodolph, Goldsmith, Philadc’- pbia. V "g?.," 1 .* ■ ‘ -s*mrmim mm mm n .■ —n i . W . r. . NIJI3IH). cO M M 1 >SI O N MEBCH A X T. CfScc in the lowr r teuement Masonic Hall. / nov & ts Cs a UuD.-iiAMEL MIXER,late PropTk toi of the United Stales Hotel, thankful lo his . 1. lends in Geoigia, and the travelling public gener ally, who have so lib.rally paiionised him at his former establishment, so icits of them acd tne pu : - i iic a cominu. tion of those favors at the we.l known spacious a d convenient establishment, the Eagle and hhoenix n'otel. Attached to the Hotel are Stables with every convenience necessary in that line, oct 26 d1 rn lJ C r ‘ bAhDAER, f.iimeriy resi c-nt surgeon n the New : oik Hospital, an,; physician at Belie- i vue iiospjtal. New len.ers to Inc public his services. ur ce in U ashington street, between Broad and l-Mi* streets Residence, an z (TV AVGUSTA BEShVOLKKT SOCIETY.— I-o the nciiet.t ot the sit k poor oi Augusta, ibe toriirimee lot ti e present month are as fui.ows: J-U iU- a Au. i. — L y u . p liiej alhumel (jletn M.ss Margaret ni.th, Mrs. Eiiza,\V igl.tman. l>ivtsion ~0.2.—,, .K. Pemberton, J. Ai. Newby, Mis. ri. r. , of, rsun, Miss A. C. ivighton. brtisum bo. tashin, »au,c-s hamon 3Jis. i n-tmey, .Mrs. E. a.u e.d. 0:1 J. W. \. IGIITMAN Sec’y* L the ftEADf’ir, no*;* > Lae-ied •» 'mm viL» .■? wn » ... I JSC:Mn: -J tv* . * aSi ? * 'Kiifci f *.t*« xaesi ffxreytoi - r \ *** I * : aw % 4n « • - - , T, S,/OJT£« ta£.~. ■ . . * r ■ 1 •* * sa; • , I *»/ < Swad k » s = *i»seare - rfci *de «fLffft (eotctf Lx.-r - *** ft: iX Lws Ckcwhele I r y viuii *. iTx. i a’ 2*e .* if 'A ■ £ . f ’ & ‘ £ - *! !■ ' U JOHN. J. HI Kb,' '-1 s*>7Akl L a^l |V* g,#- t" 2T i.. li wa »iae- wi ,z« j,'!. -a was se-csEa*w, «c ' I ' «<t4 il GE. EAaL c- *-:M/ CjS Vr.r. | act 31 SiTimx Gt . I JuiiS R. SI \.\rOi:D~ attoaj*ly at La . . : yI L C A Ar ff: T *-«-Gi U. ii- ot . ititii. JTTO Ay L Y at L * ;r > >- i> ii iv c q Al Gl ST I> R Els. ' M A 7 7C*m SEY AT Law >ij 3 C? MMCMASQMOMSSW i H t2# » - r■: zr '" t ~ & kblxt. li ■ ■ ' - ii is-.;s .-g. A _g~. *‘ . . . . HXH ILCJItEH. A Vit El FTE U . ioov / i sE i a ixe U*aK - Jxst receive:. *d :.r sale - - 13 T * METCALF. NtvT-f L. ■ THF. /i«m « *'ae laferxr C-txn i« IJ C - rs K ' ' : *i«.« A* g . ss Lecen.er. a ■ tor t e.ve zkoetz* :rja. tk* l-i >::c. _ ; Jr> ft xexL ko. |a.ucfa» Ge : _ze_. By «Cr,’. J A.V z_> Xi;_ . S I >ove*Ba*r I- I , l'A'. i Hj Evki b- orria. h:c;aotd coaaiv : \> be htjd .1 £mMoE*tl 3* Jafcaary r*i: scr .- .ve . - tie !*. ■ tbe ro&r:_- • a e 'ace a Tax *. . ,c- l;. —: cj.tkk it r I [ iff. *-xicw CJ. • all.- n. i. v. .LL -..* I ~ R.c. ItLM.AiA xi. .V Ahha ; I I. &c. H Ai- AL, i. ~r.* j 1 ' . ;>. L, J AN s*l N L.,, I. c. B. l. N&v,sat! 1.-. Ir-i tntl H O a U ii V» iINKEV. IEt?CHr&S ve y is h W;iISKLT. H Jest ;«tive. aa<i .-©r }i > ,i -c: rt. &J. NELSrx. ) SALT L\.BI LK. .5000 P ' ' v ; . iL 3 T':; I ; j art H-rwlm' c.,.u M L-_ J MOL.iS>f S. t"* H las a. ; u: i. - > low t: :,i 0 t L-AAC 31 LS> fl wcx sv.a lOPAHTNERSiIIP. rnHF zr ; ■* ■ ; zte; 6 rr- - - >*x: i> Jicr. ?e!v« m —, z - .. r \x.. if 1 *ii. ar t j *r. fx.,: * ir era. LX . ;n: tt-3- :| 2Jl>SlO> tsL’SIN rZ*-*. Utf«e caier tfie Mas ts ■ Aiir, icrer iy oeexpied by *ui, «,» v» ;t!ec s U 9 > L. . -a K. 9 \V £_ .cA.U.d. Aane*A 12:1 C<*_ IS4 . WM A CARD. f sebscnics -a . c<d to the try. ai I t .ill »,’ r . .1,, t- .. "I ->t ■." : X i,s he T. r* Si i o*»*:.r. 1 rarTLia us! ia*-c-.-. he s-.-.iti * a aista tire :: tie as*, w * e,e •*■ n ;r. *- .t> h*. . t- (.- ve :« H I .doves* at 31. f*ar-or*' run :u*r>.- ? re. : a 1 dweL _ c-i .-ijs. so !,i-: -i » | 1 hi ii *!;«■?. C-Fi* iiLiOLA.'L |a OCI Ii .2 |fl NoTIU E. I TAKE leascre in r v ,t r--~z the Fiar fr? » fl| Coen?.- - :> .: .a.g*. 1:... j : are ■• f .angemrLi* lo ..o .. genera. Grocery Los Li- p p ite. an wii »eep co st.rt \ on h.: d 3 gooi*■ i soitment of Groceries, and s i ot. c. article* esa? wF y kept to; Lie up country livrc. A. K conduct t e Lc-ise-s. and act a* my day ■ ized azent in pbe pun. cf £ou«;*ir-; e • enEJ( I ippeitaiiung to my t-a*iEes* nae rre: : .l: e -Jt I j Anif.omLi! an-wiedge and ex;*.;: l n< 1 hope : me.il a .jberu; pa avi ze. be v I e found at tne eland formerly octui.e-i by Jaff E .IfUffaid. when- he will stunu Gl orders com ded 10 him. h u Ji iiNH V I Hamburg, >ept. !4. IS4O. ts I The f.burg Ji u.nai w. p’.ca*e insert t.ei-H I'ove :our uine*, me pirsent *:.* 1: to A. WK \\ . As? nb I AIGI STA FEMALE SEMINARY. I ! FIMIE duties of this SEMINARY w.i; be rcskteft K | i on the ISln of«- A eM:> :;. L. MoS. H assisted i.y • mpeter.t sr 2 e.rcient ft : e;*. 3- ■ the bmnebe- of a complete Enr!i*n Elu.a'.on *- I -e taught. Also i icrch and other Lai.-Sf |] Vocal and Instrumental M:>ic, and jerJ P iintizz in all tfce r bract las terks. pr. qr. of 3 rst I For Li-glisi:—from f S to ' I “ French an«l other Languages “ Mu*ic on the Piano, l * I “ “ Guitar, W H Frawing a: dPa nting, 1* H “ Boaidiug and Lcdg ng, lights ai d fuel, I A limited r.tim'-er of 3 corg ladies fl foita*. aicommodated in the in.mediate fruity* Mr, Xldise. w ose atrention will be devote- ® H their morals arid deportment. sept 25-- I Ff.e Edjjefieki Adverriscr w.rsed a -o’ e ' lee times ai d lorwsrd bill. H | 1 KIEJJ»S GEORGIA AND CAU* LINA Aj'l vft MANAC for there r ls41, the boriz-n and meridian of Augu-ca Georgia,»-■ wiil serve for the ac.accn; stile* and Flo; ra. The cal calcu*uuo!is Ly Kvteitbrtf*! Butts County, Ga. Just published bv H. A. RL liMCKD* oct 27 tw6t ten dollaus reward. rCSr, on the 24th of May last, betwecß I gu-ta and Greenville, S. C., a sn.ail | I Leather Frutsk, containing a q.nn'y ol wf * *" 8 f a; pare!, and o few Kt.ers adore*>ed .0 the su: : :1 ' / 1 i er. Ihe tinder w ill ro< ere I’e above it w *• leaving it at the Globe Hotel in thi* city nov 3 tw3l* LUCIL n GoDDARu- Mrs. R. INGRAHAM IS now opening Store on Hr. ad street, an ass itment* 1 » I Fie ch and 1-nglish FANCY G(j< -Dh, Pasbk» 3C - % j Milinrry, Legno.n bonnets ice. &c. Ladies are respectfully invLed lo ca 1- oct 19 ' >w3vr NOTICE TO PLANTERS AND JlE®* CHANTS. I 1 FINHE customers of the Georgia Railroad w I | £ wisr. their <o; ds retained at the ct T I : their wagons, wiil be particular to instruct " ■ agent at the station to which they are >«-n l eriect, or nave them marked disUixtiy <l . I (Own \\ agon y . nov 2 | Const tulionalist wi I please copy the stove- THE '■uhscril er is p:epared to deliver Li- BEs. of all description, in any P jr: 0 ‘ * city, at short notice. aND. WACLE- * | J nov 9 jfl