Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, November 19, 1840, Image 1

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    ! oail| fil)romd.c <k Scnmui.
J. W. &W. S. JONES. AUGUSTA. GA., THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 19, 1840. 1 VOL. I\ r . —No. 277,
At Ao. 209 B }ad-ylrert.
T E R i s:
Du. i paper, Ton Dollar* ;■! annum, in advance.
Tri W eekly paper, at Bi> Dollars in advance or
*_>ven at the end of the ear.
r /e;kly pap r, i’liree Dolla in advanre.or Four at
the end of year
7*411E article published clow, concerning the
new and popular doc ine advanced by the
illustrious Goelickt of Gen my.cannot fail of ex
citing a deep and thrilling i ei«'t throughout our
444 4 4
('Translated from he German.)
of G iprint y.
The Geeatestuf Hum s Benefactors
Citizens of North and Soutl America ,
To Louis ()rro?r Goelick ,M. I)., of Germany, ,
f Europe,j belongs the iraperij|iao!e honor of adding
anew and precious doctrine the science ot medi
cine —a doctrine which,thou; ii vehemently opposed :
by many of the faculty, (of hich he is a valuable
member,) he proves to bo s veil founded in truth i
as any doctrine of Holy Wri —a doctrine, upon the j
verity of which arc suspend. ; the lives of millions i
of our race, and which lie bo lly challenges his op
pose is to refute, viz: Consur ptiou is a disease al
ways occasioned by a ilisord ed state of Vis Vita;
(or Life Principle) of the h> nan body : (£/* often
secretly lurking in the sys em for years before
here is the least complaint o the Lungs <£0 —and
which may be as certainly, ti mgh not so quickly,
cured, as a commonco d ora ■ mule headache. An
invaluably pre.-iouc. doctrine iis, as *’ imparts an
important lesson to the appar ally healthy of both
sexes, teaching them that t!» ». insidious foe may
be an unobserved inmate of t eir-‘ clayey houses’'
even while tlv y imagine the tiselves secure trom
,ts attacks, teaching them tha he great secret inthe
ait of preserving health is to luck out the disease
when in tne blade, and not tVc It till the full grown
This illustrious benefactor ( man is also entitled
to you i nnfeig. ed gratitude, ;; id the gratitude oi a
world.for the invention of hi matchless Sanative,
—whose healing nat may just claim lor it such a
title, since it has so signally riumphed over our
great common enemy, usoviption, noth in
the first and last stages, —a ic*Jh. me hich has
thoroughly tilled the v acuum ii the Materia Medica,
and thereby proved itseii the j, 1 Conqueror uj Phy
tic iansjfj—a medicine, un which ali mankind
will have abundant cause to 1 css the benenccnt
hand of a kind Providence,- ,i medicine whose
wondrous virtues have been so lo vingly puurtray
ed even by s >me of our clerg , in their pastoral
visits to tee sick chamber ; by which means they
often become the happy -nstru eutsol changing de
• ponding into hope, sickness ir o health, and sad
* of friends into joy fuincss
A medicine of more value ti man than the vast
mines of Austria, or even the united treasures of
our —a medicine, which s obtained equally
from’the vegatable, animal anc mineral Kingdoms,
and thus possesses a threefold owei, a medicine,
wtiich, tnougii designed as a i medy for consump
tion solely, is possessed ol a i vsleiious influence
over many diseases of the hum ,i system,—a medi
cine, which begins to be valuer >y physicians, who
are d’aily witnessing its astunis ing cures oi many
whom they had lesigncd to the ;rasp of the Insa
tiable Grave,
DOSE of the Sanative, for a ults, one drop; tor
children, a half-drop; and for infants, a quarter
drop; the directions expiaininj the manner of ta
king a hall or a quarter drop. .....
Price —Three and one-third iX dollars , $2,00 j
p r half ounce.
German coin value 75 cei ;s.
4 g 4 l 4 4
A certificate from three mernl r.s of the Medical
Profession m Germany n Europe.
We, the undersigned, praclit jners of medicine
in Germany, are weil aware li it, by our course,
wc mav forfeit the friendship o some of the facul
ty, but'not oi its benevolent me uers, who are un
influenced by se tish motives. k hough we shall
retrain fioin an expression of ar op n ‘ on ’ cither
of the soundness or unsounuue; ui Dr. ooeiick
new doctrine we are happy to ay that we deem
his Sanative too va nable not to be generally
known—for what our eyes be )ld and oui ears
hear, we must believe. .
We hereby sta e, that whe Dr. Louis Ollen
Goelick tirst came before the ennan public, as
the pretended discovers of a n. v doctrine and a
new medicine, we Held him ii the highest con
tempt, believing and openly proi mneing him to be
a base impostor « d the priycc o quacks. u, oo
hearing so much said a .out the > native, agams t
nd for it, we were induced, fro. motives of cun
.if merely, to make trial of s reputed virtues
upon a number of our most hope e» patients , and
we now deem it our bounden t Uty (even at the
expense of self-interest, public to acknowledge
its efficacy in curing not only onsumption, but
other fearful maladies, which w have heretolore
believed to be incurable. <>ui contempt lor the
discoverer ol this medicine was once swallowed
up in our utter astonishment at hese unexpeiled
results ; and, as amends for our buse ol him, we
do frankly confess to the world, that we believe
him a philanthropist, who does hi 101 to the protes
skn and to our countiy, which g|ve him birth.
The recent adoption of this it. dicinc into some
0 our European hospitals, is a s dicient guaranty
that it performs all promises. needed not oui
estimony, for wherever it is uset Mi- ihovm ocst
wi ness HERMAN KU LLEU, m. d.
WALTER VAN 'ALL 1, si. d.
Germany, December 10, IBBG,
fe fe £ 4 fe
n our paper to-day, it will be set . that this medi
cine has lost none ot its virtues b> rossing the At
lantic —for it appears to be work ng similar cutes
lin Amerie ■ to those which have as mished Europe.
Boston Morning Post. i
(T7* For sale by BENJAMIN I YLL. Agent, at
•h Tost Office >iec
\\J E perceive hy ihe papers ml the famous
I ft French phy n ian. Hr Mr, ’••in, has esiab
iilehed an agency W the sam ol i e named
Hemnonlinary nieduine m this oil! j end o sjieak
■the truth, we are sorry lor it, a- w»|h nk that.here
Bare too many pro pie in ibis pan f 'he worn! al
H**ady. We dare not enter mu. ag explanation of
wr-nders effeeied by tins men,cine here, but
■will nevertheless venture lo add, His the r. yal
Mikf in the work, iurgentlemen mA ladies who
husbands and wives, and who wish io in: fa hers
Bud luulhert. The agem should lake ibis mediein s
Hk» the iar west, where people aie scarce .1 or
jKtlxaminer t
I “ The Indue Cordial ” is a geri|-ft! invi.orator
the human irame in ull the v inois easts ol lan
f lassmide* ami am -is f’ 1- * s;,H * e
Bmt so simple, yet so efficacious, tinit wlu.e it can
the prostrated m< rgies of a giant, an m
ntty use it. not only with impunity, but with
Hfdvantage. The Lucine ».ordtal is also an indu
Bp*table cure for the incontinence ol ihe urine, or the
discharge ihereof, h is likewise an
valuable and uonvehed medicine in «a-es ol
■bfunic eiuunons of the skin, and in the dropsical
gfleciiona oi the age« I'lns ceieoralta ana inesti
jW*ao‘e Wdiai is tor sale hy
II •wgiO. Auguiit Ga.
I CflSllY’S l>YSfti»TlC
A Late and Valuable Discovery.
|>KKHAPS there is (>u.rnr:g .ac*"* '•°Vs”hn*d t»>
-■ disgust I lie public «-ye man in- innumerable
I advertiseiuenta ot nusirums that are ronsiani ly ap
pearing inthe public prims. All a>-e ready to ex •
claim,our souls are sick, our ears are pained with
every day’s reports id ills and specifics This slate
ol ihe public mind would seem lo forbid any person
of d-dirnte mind Irorn sending forth any new dis
co- * nea in medicine, lo ihe trial of th? public.—
f*tiil, nroiives ol dehcac-y should not prevent us from
caking known real discoveries, which we are-can
fident will our fellow men. This la.ler
Coiisideraiion has prompted «lie author of these l«u
--! lers o make t hem known. He know s they are high
j ly erUcneioua, for he himself, his wile, and many
friends, have given them a thorough (rial. He was
himself a confirmed dyspeptic,so much, that even
his recollection was gone. By using these hitters
he has been restorer! to health. Mr t . Cosby was
I trouble;) lor many years,hut was restored lo health
by the use ol these hitters. This has been the case
with many ol Ins fn nds. iAir. Coshy in sending
fbnh ibis advertisement, addresses those who know
him. He has been for many years a resident of
I Augusta at which place he can at any lime b*
consulted about ihe bitters. They arc good in ali
! cases of diseases of ihe digestive organs, the synip
i toms of which are indigestion, pain or oppression
in ihe stomach from food, lossni appetile, riatulen
« v, heart t urn, giddiness in the head, pain in the
side, shortness >»! breath, lassitude, gene al weak
ness, Mieiu.bed sleep, Ate Tfie composi ion is en
tirely iioiaincal, an has proved ellicstaous when
many celebrated medicines had fail* d. in support
of whicti he refers th-iii to Freeman W. aey, she
riil'nl Richmond count , and William T. Thomp
son. edi or r*f the Au usia Mirror, and he might re
fer you to many ottu rs, hui deems it onuei essary
as tie is willn.gto place it on its own meins. Al!
he isKs is lor tn<>ke \ynu are atHich d with the dys
pepsin to give it atrial.
They can he nad ai T. 11. Plant’s hook-store.
Angus a, ami ol t*. Cosby himself, a! the corner ol
Washington and Elhs-sireels.
(i Alil IN HAINES, Th uggists, Augusta
WILLI Ail H J.LOY D, Savannah.
PA VID ULIL), Macon.
Hi A s CIS OGlt R, Druggist, Columbia, S ('
S D CLARK i V Co. Druggists, Hamburg.
H \STIt 4" NICOL. itreenvillti. N C' -
Savannah, Ga.
nov 30 1y
Radical Cure ul Hernia or Rupture, by Dr.
Chase’s improved surgeons’ Trusses,
rpil E subscriber has opened an office, at the Drug
1 store of Messrs. J. J. Robertson ft Co., for the
treatment ol Hernia or Rupture, by means of these
ustly celebrated instruments. He has now used
them fur nearly a year, and, did not delicacy forbid,
he could name several persons who have been radi
cally cured, of this truly distressing and dangerous
alfection, by the use of these Trusses, besides many
others who are in a fairway of being entirely re
lieved. The following is the language of the com
mittee 1 1 the Philadelphia Medical Society on the
Radical Cure of Hernia.
The instruments of Dr. I base have effected
the permanent ami accurate retention of the in
testines in every case of Hernia observed by the
committee, without material inconvenience to the
patient, and often under trials more severe titan
are usually venturer! upon by those who wearother
trusses; trials that wou.d be imprudent with any
other apparatus known to the committee.”
“ The committee are induced by the foregoing
conclusions to recommend, in strong terms the in
struments of Dr. Chase to the conndence of
the profession, as the best known means of me
chanical retention in hernia, and as furnishing the
highest chances of radical cure.”
'The following is from the Southern Medical and
Southern Journal, published in -ur own city.
“ All must admit of the radical cure of hernia,
and that Dr. Chase’s Trusses are decidedly the best
yet invented to effect the object.”
Persons from a distance can have the instruments
applied, upon application at the 0.. ce, and ail ne
• cessary information given to enable them lo adjus
it themselves. The poor, who are laboring under
this afflicting complaint, will be treated gratuitous
ly upon presenting a certificate.from somerespunsi'
ble persoi ,ofliieir pecuniary disability.
The instruments are of ah sizes, and applicable
to every variety ol reducible rupture.
teb 20 F. M. KObERTSDN.M. D.
FA-111 LIES.
JLP TO.oATO —a substitute for Calomel, and
does not belong lo the family of quack medicines;
fur the reason that the component parts are made
known to the faculty, or any one else that may
wish lo know, by any of the agents keeping them
for sale, miicc tins discovery so long and anx
iously looked for, some one in almost the extreme
North has advertised a Tomato Pill, purporting t«
be made from the stalk, a tnmg not more ausuiu
than for one to olfer meal from the corn stalk, to
- say nothing of the difficulty of raising the Tomato
so far North.
Dr. Mile*, of Cincinnati, is the proprietor of the
Tomato Pills (proper) for the great hcnelits of
winch, he holds himself bound, and in honor pledg
ed to prove by then use, that they are aiithatthey
profess to be, and will do for othcis what they
have done for such as mav have used them; as
.his is a vegetable of great use, and \alue, it will
doubtless be valuable information to families to
know that the Yellow are just doubly as valuable
as the Red Tomato, and produces twice as much
of tue hapatinc, or active principle, and when used
as a daily vegetable will be found to keep the
svstem in much belter condition than the other
kind ; many will iccodect with what trembling
anxiety calomel has been given to children, and
how they then wished for a substitute. It has
lom r been known that the Tomato contained ca
thartic piiueiples, but not until ol late was i.
i>ccitniitc j mat .oey coiitameu aileialive .ind diu
retic properties. The Faculty embrace and use
the preparation most cheerfully, for the reason that
they know what it is Were it a patent mystery,
they would be bound to reject the medicine, as they
justlv do the one thousand and one cure-alls of the
day. If you wish to cleanse the system with a
mild, sa.e anti-hilious medicine, use the Tomato
Fili of which a supply, we learn, will soon be in
his’city. We all know soracinuig aoout inis.
u:.e 8
ii £ would call attention to ihe advertisement in
W our columns to-day, ot PEiERs VEGE
TABLE Pl*-L>- D e ui.deisiand by the msi nu-o
ira. authority, ihul there i» no preparation ol ihe day
which enj- vs so enviable a repmanon. At Hie
Smith amt North, Muir s ucce.-s has been unbounded,
and wherever introduced we bel.eve they have
given ihe irott * i.i\e ius
day had an interview with one ot our citizens, H.
K. F X who was r.cenlly cured ol a most remark
able and obstinate cutaneous eruption, where t e
body was covered with luls< me ulcers, and even
the tonsils ol the throat eaten away—and try using
theve FH.Lts dany lor six weeks, was eniueiy re
siortd lo health. — New \ ork Euarnmer,
They do indeed restore the health ol the body,
because they purify and in igorai the blood, and
then good effects are not counu rbaianceu by any
inconvenience ; being composed eniueiy ot vegeta
bles they do not expose those who Uor Hietu to
uaneer, and ih,-.r effects are a* certain as they are
salutary ; ihej are daily and salely administered to
imam y , youth, manhood and oid age and to wo
men in the m« st critical t-n« oeiica ecircumstances,
they do not disturb or shock tire annual lunenon*
hut restore iheir order ami te establish their health,
no lor all the purposes which a veg table p rga
t.ve or certain cleanser oi the wnore system are re
u nrid. ney stand without a rival-they are a..ow
-2o m Dr ait ihM can ne accompltsneu m meaictue,
the priuctpat Augusta, <im.
1 OB f
Warranted to cure in Five Days.
, fftHIS incomparalde and invaluable remedy so
■ long known, and used with such unparralleled
success in the Canadas for the last 30 yeais, ap
■ pears to need no panegyric. Its operation upon the
i human system is such that it invariably acts like
> a charm, for the relict and radical cure of a certain 1
i common and disagreeable‘-ills the flesh is heir to.”
This prize , btains its own name from the certain
success hich has attended it through all of its
i trying c cumstances, namely, “five days,”—the
same su .ess which followed it in a Northern lati
tude still obtains in a more Southern. The formula
or recipe was obtained at great expense, intrigue
and hazard by M. Cheveres, from the celebrated
Indian Chief Wabewothc, or Great Moon, whilst
1 he, with others was pursuiugthe lucrative Fur bu
siness in the North-west with the Indians.—
Wabenoshe prized highly and use it with invariable
1 success throughout his two tribes. Its known and
) valued virtues have already enriched to an almost
incredible extentthe children of this warlike prince,
not only by actual sale of the article itself to in- j
dividual?, but by parting with copies of his receipt '
i at enormous prices to the Chief of every tribe of I
Indians in America, with a solemn promise to the
Great Spirit, never to divulge the “art of its com
position until he sleeps with his fathers,” although
free to use it in their respective tribes, which
places it in the hands of every Indian who rely
with, I may say, religious confidence on its cura
ble powers
Below is a copy of the translation as near as it can
i be auglisized of the deed gi*en by Wabenoshe, to
>l. Cheveret, when lie purchased the original recipe, i
and had twice assisted the t hies himself through j
the tedious manipulatory process of manufacture. )
Few white men would credit the length of time j
which is consumed in preparing the article for im- i
mediate use.
“I, Wabenoshe, Chief of the nations Ottowa and
i Chippewa, for the love and good feeling which I
have for my white friend M. Cheveret, (for he has
i done many good things for me and my people,) I i
i give to him my greatest cure for the bad sickness j
i which my children have had sent among them as !
! a punishment by the Great Spirit, and hope that in
i his hands it may' do much good, and make him very
| rich.”
Signed WABINOSHK,his X mark.
Witness APPAHO, hisX mark.
J. B. ROY,
r ! R. (). DUPUIS,
This Medicine,! warrrut by this publication,un
; der a penalty of §5,000, not to contain one parti
cle of corrosive preparation. It is purely vegata
’ ble in its essences. Its first and prominent virtue j
is to subdue every vestige of inflamatiou, and then !
' acts mildly and copiously as a diuretic; thereby ,
holding within itself, every requisite virtue, for i
the subduclion of this loathsome malady—and cv- I
’ cry regular graduate in medicine, will sustain the |
' assertion, that copious diuresis and reduction of in- \
■, rtation, are the only two things necessary to effect j
a sound and radical cure
’ The most peculiar virtue of the “Cinq Jours,”
\ is in this, that w'herever it alone has been used to
' affect a cure, none of those tenacious and disagree-
J able consequences which almost invariably results
from the sudden cure of Gonorrhoea, have been
known to obtain such as stricture, hernia, humoi
alis, incontinence, and a swarm of other of the
> mosl loathsome, perplexing, and disagreeable dis
-1 cases, consequent upon erroneous diagnosis and
treatment of Gonorrhoea.
Those affected are requested to call and try for
' themselves. If the prescriptions are well follow
, ed and fail to cure, the money will in every case be
You can do what you please and eat what you
I please.
To be had at Antony & Haines, No. 232, Broad
street, who are the only authorised Agents in Au
gusta. Ail orders addressed to them, will be
promptly attended to.
r For sale, also,by Wm, B. Wells & Co. Druggists,
. Athens; andP. M, Cohen «fe Co. Charleston, au 29
: i
I r J' HE genuine French Pills against all the quack
: R nosi rums of the age—fi»r tfie cure of a certain
disease. The FRENCH PILLS are applicable in
i ail cases for either *ex, (warranted free trom mercu
■ ry) ami do not affF«-t .he bn ath in the least,and are
t perfectly pUasant and agreeable to the stomach,
and have never failed to make a speedy and per
i nraneitt cure, without the least regard to diet or
» application to business. In long, protracted, or
> chronic stages of the disease, obstinate Gleets, Fluor
A Ibus, Gravel, Female Gorap'ainis. ora weakness
ol those organs, they are beyond a doubt the most
[• r ffcetual remedy ever discovered, having cured
uany obstinate cases after every other medicine
had failed. 'The French Pills have been so univer
sally successful, that the proprietor challenges
any one to produce a remedy of equal certainiy
j under a forfeiture of Three Hundred Dollars.
Price $2 per box. For sale bj
aug 20 ROBERT AUSTIN & Co.
I '|>HE unprecedented popularity of this benefi
, I cent md inestimable CORDIAL in the United
States, has induced one or more unprincipled per
? sons lo manufaciure spurious catchpenny articles ,
i under various names, and purporting to produce the.
j same efect ; but winch, in reality, produce no other
» effect than that ol swindling th* public; and to
give a yet more plausible appearance of lh r r cu
pidity, those pen-on* affect t hat their wrrtcht i nos
trums have been in use in England and elsewhere
i lor a number of years; whereas, until the illustrious
Ur. Magntn made his wonderful discovery, no cure
lor barrel.ness bad been ever thought of, or at least
f made public; and all th .se then in use for the
1 restoration of the decayed virile powers were found
' ro be of hut little avail. Thus, all nostrums adver
• tised for barrenness or the cure of impotency, but
j Dr. Magain s, are mere catchpenny humbugs,
. which would never have been thought of out for
. the appearance and great celebrity of the LUCIN A
• CORDIAL As no counterfeit of the name is at
i present in circulation, it may in general be a sum
• cienl caution for the purchaser to ask lor the Luctna
! Cordial, but as further assurai.ee, it would be as
well to note that its nam , Luctna Cordial, or Elixir
of Love, is stamped in the glass of each bottle—-the
combined arms ol France and the United Stales
are on the outward envelope—that a Fleur de Lts
! is printed on the accompanying directions, and
r beautifully embossed on the show-bills hanging in
the stores ot those who have the genuine article
1 f °Thi e celebriiy of the Lucina Cordial being such
as it is. it is scarcely necessary lo add that it is the
only efficient remedy for barrenness, and the resto
ration of decay.d virile powers ever known; and
’ that in the cu»e of Fluor Albus, Gleet, obstructed,
difficult or painful Menstruation, the incontinence
’ ol the urine, or the involuntary discharge thereof,
■ its superiority over every other medicine w not on
v 0, “ •jSvTSSS - sKm* Zoo.
NELSON carter.
-a Augusta, U.
aug to
HULBKKT & ROLL, at the old
stand formerly occupied hy Mai. Jesse
Thompson, corner of Ellis and Mcln
tosh streets, are now receiving an en
tire new stock of Carriages from the best mannfar
ures at the North, of the 1 test and most approved
tftyle, consisting of Coaches, Coachees, Standing
and Extension Top Barouches, Chariotees,Buggies
Sulkies, Wagons, &c., together with a large and
well selected assortment of Harness, all of which
•they will dispose of on the most liberal terms. Or
ders for any description of Carriages of their own
of Northern manufacture thankfully received and
promptly executed. Their friends and the public
are respectfully invited to call and examine their
Ijr*Repairing in all its branches faithfully exe
cuted and with despatch ts nov 1
HP ARSONS, 295 Broad street, keeps at all
• times for sale, a large stock of PIANO
FORTES, from the best bui tiers in the couutry. —
Tho stock generally consists of about thirty to forty
instruments, comprising ah the qualities. 'These
instruments, are selected with great caie, and are
recommended with confidence. Persons wishing
to purchase can do as well at this establishment as
I at any of the northern manufactories.
A guaranty, as to quality and durability, is fur
nished in every instance.
Also, a well selected stock of sheet MUSIC, Pre
ceptors, ic., together with Guitars, Violins, Fiutes,
Accordions, and most of the small articles usually
kept in a Music Store.
de:2l ts
riNIHS fine article is warranted to cure Piles or |
_R Rheumatism in all cases, or no pay taken ]
for it.
A notorious counterfeiter has dared to make an 1
attempt upon this article, ami several have been |
nearly ruined by trying it. Never buy it, unless it j
has the written signature of COMSTOCK Sc Co.
on the splendid wrapper, 't hat firm have the only
j right to make and sell it for 20 years, and all from
j them is warranted perfectly innocent and effectual
| in all cases.
N. B. Always detect the false by its not having
the above signature. The true sold only by
Wholesale Druggists. No. 2 Fletcherst N. Y.
Original Proprietor.
The genuine is for sale by GARVIN ii HAINES,
and ROBERT CARTER, Augusta. ly jan i)
IS Warranted staid or restored, and the head
kept free from Dandruff, by the genuine
Remember the genuine as described below.
This is certified to by several Mayors, Ministers
ol the Gospel, British Consul, Physicians, and a
great number of our most respectable citizens, to
be seen where it is sold.
This article has been imitated by a notorious
counterfeiter. Let it never be purchased or used
unless it has the name of L. S. COMSTOCK, or the
signature of COMSTOCK Sr Co., on a splendid
wrapper. This is the only external test that will
secure the public from deception.
Apply at the wholesale and retail office, No. 2
Fletcher street,near Maiden Lane and Pearl st. —
Address, COMSTOCK S’ Co.,
Wholesale Dr ugg ists.
The genuine is for sale by GARVIN & HAI ES,
and ROBERT CARTER, Augusta. ly-jan 9
- Jj SNOWDEN S' SHEAR have received from
New York a large supply of Satinctts and Ken
tucky Jeans, of various colors. Also, a large sup
p.y of Lupin’s best French Merino’s, of beautiful
colors, to which they respectfully invite the atten
tion of the public. sept 15
These pills may be taken on any occasion
when an anti-bilious purge is needed, and from the
safety with which they may be used, and pleasant
ness of their effects, have obtained great icpulation
as a general family medicine. For sale by
vented combination of delightful odors, has
acquired a just popularity, not only by reason ol
the strength and delicacy, but of the extraoidina
ry duration of its perfume. Whilst the stiength of
many other extracts and essences is almost as eva
nescent as the bloom of the flowers from which
they are derived, the Hermitage retains its fra
grance for an im.ehniie length of time, and is
scarce to be removed from the garment on which it
is poured, by washing; hence it is probably the
cheapest and most delightful perfume ol our labora
tories. *
Also, Cologne, Lavender. Orange, Florida and
Rose Waters, in great varietv. For sa’e 1 y
mar 13 GARVIN k -IaJNEs.
CURLING FLUID, &c. —Biendirg with a grate
ful and refreshing perfume, the desirable
quality of strengthening and promoting the growth
of the Hair, without giving to it the greasy hue of
Pomatum, or the volatile moisture of the Oils. Its
utility is confirmed by the most extensive con
Also, the Genuine Maccassar Oil, and Ward’s
Celebrated Hair Oil. For sale by
Augusta , Ga.
MThe undersigned, lateof the Merchants’
Hotel, Charleston, S. C., would inform
his friends and the public that he has
taken rtn* aheve Hotel, and is now ready lo accom
modate thtft who may favor him with their pat
ronage. lie will make no bosst of what be will
do, further than to «ay, that his tables will be fur
nished with the best the markets afford, and the
establishment receive his personal attention ; and
if those who call on him once are not satisfied wth
hit bill of fare aad ac, ommodatior.s, he will not so
licit them to call again. WILLIAM GOSS,
oct 30 trw&wlm
fr? The Edgefield Advertiser, Greenville Moun
taineer Columbia JSuuth Larolin.an, and MiPedge
ville Standard of Union, will copy the above four
times weekly, and send their bilis for payment to
*■ W’. G.
xkx old stand or w. h. tubpin.)
jNO. B. & W• H. TURPIN,
ARE bow receiving an entire new stock f
GLASS, &c., &e., which they offer to their friends
and* the*p ub^c g« nera !ly on reasonable terms, and
hope by the qtuUity of articles and prompt atten
tion te merit patronage. oct 23 trw4v w2w.
if lAUTION. —The public is cautioned against
I i trading f Qra promissoty note.made by Samuel
Howell, on or about the third day of April last,
oavable Is’ of January last.for One Hundred Dol
• /or* interest from date, in lavor ot J. W. Kittles
and W nim endorsed —me same having been lustot
miftaid ov the subscriber to
Nfß made oy tae arawer. THDb. '
\M I'PLV r.t the above celebrated remedy lor
DEAtNESS, kept constantly on hand and !
for salt l-y (oct 14) GARVIN‘fc HAINES.
No. 236 Broad street, Augusta, Georgia,
mfHSk f •’P subscriber, having previr us y 1
1 bought out the interest of A. Z. 15ai;-
BO’P ta in his Furniture Warehouse, has
now sssociated himself with one ol
| the largest manufacturing establish-
J ments in New York, flutters himsell
• that he will be able to offer to the
public an assortment of Furniture, superior in point
of workmanship and durability, to any heretofore
offered in Augusta. As Ihe manufacturing will
have the personal attention of one of the partners,
the strictest caic will be observed in tho selection
of good w ood and dry material, (so essential to he j
Also, a general assortment of Pianos, from the j
best mantifactoiies in the Union. M <re particulars |
ly the New York Piano Forte company’s instru- i
ments, which < arnot be excelled for sweetness ol
tone and durability, in tha southern climate, b» any
manufactoiy in the United Mates. Our instru
ments are selected with the gieatest care, by one
who is a compeicnt judge, and a written guarantee
is furnished in every instance, if required
C. A. Platt returns his thanks to the public so;
their former patronage, and solicits for the company
that share of public patronage Heretofore bestou ec
on himscif. The ousiness in future will bo con
j a net eh ov an 2 CH.4S. A. PL \'JT i: Co
D. H. SILCOX, 303 Broad street
keeps at all times for sale, a large as- i
sortment of Cabinet Furniture, ol I
superior workmanship and well sea- j
-oned materials, made expressly for
j the Southern climate. Every arti
,de in the above business, with all the j
SBlSirfSiiatSvai iety of new patUrns,cotilinujil} i
| received. Persons wishing to purchase can do a- j
| well at this establishment as at any of the Norths ;
| em manufactories. To be soio for cusn or good j
| ci:vaccenran'-es. mar -o
Via Greensboro’, F.atonton,Clinton, Macon, Per
ry, Pindertowu, Bainbridge, Chattahoochie, lola,
St. Josephs, Pensacola, to Mobile.
The Proprietors of this Line inform the Travel
ling public that it is now in full operation, through
the entire route ; leaving Augusta by the Georgia
Rail Road cars to Greensboro’ every Tuesday j
Thursday and >aturday,at 6. o’clock, P. M. and ar- I
rive in Mobile in three days and a half running i
I’ravellers are assured that the staging upon this
line is superior lo any other, the accommodations j
unsurpassed, and by far tire best natural roads in i
the Southern country, only 21u miles of staging.
Stages leave Bainbridge for Tallahassee via Quin
cy, immediately on the arrival of the Alligator
Line from Greensboro’, and immediately on the
arrival of the boats from lola.
iXjf’ J wo Stages will at all times be run in com
pany, when the travel requires it.
Far seats in the above Line, apply at the office
at the Eagle and Phoenix Hotel, Augusta, Geo.
aprii 21 Iv G EO. W. DENT. Agent.
! H. N. Wilson respectfully informs !
y. r.Jll y r the pubhc that his splendid line of ,
Four Horse Post Coaches is running from Greens- j
boro to Spring Place, Ga. via Gainesville and Cass- |
vilie, in connexion with Col. Ramsey’s Line to j
Ross’ Landing and Nashville, and ivlaj. Wells’ I
Line to Athens and Knoxville. Tenn.
Fare to Cass vilie, §l2 00
“ “ Spring Place, 17 00
Leaves Greensboro on the arrival of the Rail I
Road Cars from Augusta, on Mondays, VVednes- j
days and Fridays.
Travelling time to Spring Place, 29 hours.
“ “ Nashville, 65
Seats can be secured on application to
G. W. DENT, Agent,
mar 23—6 m U. S. Hotel, Augusta. Ga.
IN the month of J une, 1525, 1 enclosed in a let
ter, by mai ; , to John C. Richards, merchant of
Baltimore, the first halves of three notes of the
following description, to wit, one Iralf of note num
ber 2153, on the Bank of the State of North Caro
lina, payable at Raleigh, for one hundred dollars;
one haif of note number 287, on the Bank of Au
gusta, Georgia, payable to 11. Tulman, for fifty
dollars; and one half of note number 196, Bank of
August;*,Georgia,payable lo J. G. Cowling, for fifty
dollars, whicn were received by said Richards, on
the ISlhJune, 1825; and inthe month of July fol
lowing, I encio cd, by mail, in a letter directed to
said Richards, the other half of ali said Bank notes ‘
aforesaid, which were never received by said hich- 1
aids, and wliich were lost or taken from the mai. j
Any information in relation to said lost halves of j
said notes will be thankfully received, and any
person finding said halves, shal, lie amply compen
August S, IS4O. w3m
OTICE.*— All persons having demands against
the estate of Richard C Baldwin, late of
Augusta, deceased, : re required to present them
du y attested within the time prescribed by law, and
ali persons indebted to said estate, will make pay
Nov. 12,184 ’. [6w6'] Qualified Ex’r.
AN OVERSEER WANTED. —The subscribe
is deffrous to employ for the ensuing year an
Overseer (one without family W4>uldbe preferred).
None need apply unless tncy can come well re
commend d. WILLIAM P. BEAL,
nov 3 wrt.
having claims against the estate o*' James
Caiswell, late of Richmond County, deceased, are
requited lo hand them in, duly attested, within the
lime prescribed by law, and those in debt will
make payment. R. CLARKE, Administrator.
Octobei 23 1840.
Georgia, Richmond county :
AN Election ill be held on the first Monday
in January next fur Five Justices of the In
ferior Court for the county aforesaid, and at the -
same time for a Tax Collector and Receiver of Tax
Returns for said county.
November 10. 1840 trwtd
ALL persons indebted to the estate of Mrs. Sa
ran Clanre, deceased, are notified to m »ke
payment to the undersigned, anti persons loving
demands will present the same duly proven with
in the time prescribed by law.
November 5, 1849. _ w6t
ON the first T uesday in January next will be
sold at the lower market, in obedience to an
older of the laieiior Court of Richmond county,
three neeroes, viz: billy. Bandy and George, belong
ing to tne estate of John Hatfield, late ot said
county, ueccas- d. Bold lor the benefit of the
heirs and creditors of said deceased.
November 4, 1840.
reap Basa
CCT NOTICE. —The Rail Ruad Passenger Train
between Charleston and Hamburg, wi'i leave as
Not to leave Charleston before 7 00 a
“ “ Summerville, “ - -8 30
“ “ Georges’. - “ - 10 00
“ “ Branchvhle, “ - 11 00
“ " Blackville, - “ - 12 34 p. »i
“ Aiken, - - “ - 245
Arrive at Hamburg not before - 4 O*J
Not to leave llambilrg before 6 00 \.m.
“ “ Aiken, - “ - 730
“ “ Black vilie, “ - • 915
“ “ BranchviPe “ - - 11 00
“ Georges’, “ - - 11 45
“ “ Summerville,“ - -100 p. m.
Arrive at Charleston not before 215
Distance—lSlimiles. Fare Through—4-10 00.
"Speed not over 25 miles an hour. To ’.cma;n 20
minutes each, (or breakfast and dinner, and nor
longerthan 5 minutes for wood and water at any
To stop for passengers, when a white Jlag is
hoisted,at either of the above stations; and also at
Sineaths, Woodstock, Inabinet’s, 41 mile T. 0,,
Hives’, Grahams, Willeston, Windsor, Johnsons’
and Marsh’s T. o.
Passengers vv will breakfast at Woodstock an 1
dine at Aiken; o«u*n, will oreauinst at Aiken
an d dine at Charleston. nov 9
On and after Vonday < ctober 12th, the Passen
ger Cars will run to buck-head, six miles Fast of
Madison. Leave Augusta 6P. M. arrive at Buck
he. d2A. M Leave But k head 7£ P. A1 .arrive
at Augusta 4| A. M. oct 9 3t
SsfeS sis r*j
ssd ->■ -A-
Office S. Carolina Kail Hoad Co. J
Hamburg, May 1, IS4O. V
ON and after this day. the passenger train hem
Hamburg will naive in Charleston at
o’clock, p m in time lor dinner. may 1
Office Transportation S C.s U, It. R. Co. /
June 2d.
Information to Travellers North and South.
OTWITH STANDING the destruction of the
X v bridges over the Savannah River, at Augusta,
by the late freshet, travellers are respectfully in
formed that arrangements have been made for pa *
ing the river, and that the Cats leave Hamburg
and Charleston daily at the usual hours and arrive
as formerly. WM. ROBERTSON, Jr.
A gen * Transportation.
The Passenger Train, carrying the gi- at mail
between New York and New Oilcans, leaves'Au
gusta every day at 6 p. m., and arrives at Greens
boro at la. m. Leaves Greensboro at 9 p m., and
arrives at Augus'a at half past 4 o’clock, a. ji.
Stages run in connection with this train from
Greensboro for New Or,cans, (two daily lines) via
Indian Springs,Columbus, .uontgomery and Mobile;
for New Orleans, tri-weekly, via Clinton, Macon,
and Pensacola; f rt r West i'oint and Welumpka, via
Barnesville tri-weekly ; for Rome, tri-weekly via
Covington, Decatur and Marietta ; for Nashville
and Knoxville, Tennessee, tri-weekly, via Alliens,
Gainesville and Cassville; for Washington, Wilke
county, tri-weekly, from Double Wells ; for New
Orleans,daily, from Warrenton, via Sparta, Mil*
ledgeville, Macon and Columbus ; for Milleclgeviilc,
ii-weck!y, via Greensboro and Eatontun.
Connecting with these lines are branch stage,
laics to Tallahassee. Columous, Miss.. I ustaioosa,
Newnan, vowetacomity,Ga.,and Clarksville, 1 la
bersham county, kc.
Fare on the Rail-Road to Greensboro $4 25.
Ollice Georgia Rail Hoad & BU’g Co 7
Jususta, Lecanoer 9, ih3SL y
PIMIE Stockholder'of this Company having de
8 temiined to close its business, notice is hen -
by given of the same, that these who have made
insurance with the undersigned, Agent for Au
gusta, may renw theii risks clscwhcreas they c.-.-
pirt, due notice of which will be given.
Those who may have claims against the Com
pany, through this agency, will present them t. r
adjustment to J, G. DUNLAP, Agent,
may 9
Augusta, September, IslO.
FIIHE Ninth Course of Leetu r es in this Institu-
X tion will commei ee on the second Momlav,
the 9th of next November, ami terminate on the
fust Saturday of March following.
Fee foi full Course of Lectures, slls t’O
Matriculation, (paid but owe.) 5 ()C
Arrangements have been made by which Stu
dents can be supplied from Europe with Instru
ments of all kinds Skeletons, kc.
The Faculty are—
G. M. Newton, M. D.. Professor of Anatomy.
L. A Dugas, M. D.. JTofp'Sor of Physiology ai d
Pathological Anatomy.
C. W. West, M. D., Professor of Chemistry a*, d
I. P, Garvin..M. D., Professorof Therapeuticsai d
Materia Mcdica.
J. A. Eve, M. D., Professor of Obstetrics and Dis
eases of Women and Infants.
L. D. Ford, M. I)., Prufe-sor of the Institutes and
Practice of Medicine.
P. F. Fve.M. D , Professor of the Principles ait
Practice of Surgery.
G, M. Newton. M. D.. } Demonstrators ol Anat-
John McLestek, M. !>., S omy. wi hout addt’l Ice
sept 1 De n of Faculty'.
r£j- The Edgefield Advertiser, Greenville Moun
taineer, S, C.; Southern Recorder, Federal Union
Col mbiis Enquirer. Savannah Georgian, Georgia;
Mobile Register. Huntsville Democrat, Alabami
Journal, Tuscaloosa Flag of Union. Alabama; 4 lo
ridian. Flo.; and Nashville Banner, will publish Uw
above advertisement weekly to the amount o. pi
eacn. and :on*aro tneir receipts to toe Dean.
fltilE Subscribers have this day entered into
X Partnership under the firm of FORCE , BRO~
Augusta, January Ist, IS4O.
All persons indebted to B. W. Force & Co. are
requested to make immediate payment
FORCE. BROTHERS $ CO. Wnolesale Dealers
in Boots, Shoes and Leather, have on band an ex
tensive stock, which they offer to country mer
chants at Northern price ». J an I W
CIARVIN & HAINES, No. 232, Broad street,
f arc constantly receiving fresh <mpr>liesof
Dnms, Paints. Oils, Glass. &c. Also an extensive
assortmentofßrusl.es, Toilet and Shaving Scape,
Perfumery. &c., of domestic and foreign manufac
tures. se.ec’ted bv their agents; also afresh suopiy of
Engiisn Garuen Seen. Country merenents and
Physicians are invited to call and examine out
(£jrA liberal discount made for cash, oct 14