Newspaper Page Text
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W. co W. SMiJ; .. v - (;.i., F.:O')AY ; 10V.A ;?„ ; ; - 070,
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*B’ ».V TUI-WKEK . V.
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>n t>.t,,ei\ Ten innum advance.
if SB . .
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>;f w and popular doctrine adv:i;ced by the
f H :.. is Goelittkc of Germany, cam ’at fail of ex
’ ■ -J ;?sp and thrilling iutciest ti; imurhoui oar
A Shared A ; ~. \ f’-c b..:
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iß'fnr. .'•ar.AT-'-ror if r i, a:< rir.xi .v.cto.
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pro eh u- doctrine to the sl c-ncc cl rnrdl-
_doctrine which, thmuh vcb opper-ed
IB ’
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:e-oon to the .rpparentiy I •elh.y ox
•■ i hr
PB; y. l.lustrioc - ; jV o; .'■.‘.ifiedi,
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C-OItOOM ; :
KctiVt a:. ' ■ —a ■ -. : i bus
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e ,to tec sick chamber* ;bywo mi moan.' tuey
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| :. s : "bvbr,
B \ . C :
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■ S i*i; ■■ h,> - to t:
Bi-tie Grave. .
ft c, • ■ thmaliv \ for-■ ' 5‘ ••
ftjioj;; ilied:. et.c-:>s anal: ' --i c-i
ft. ini- a half or ;> qua /tot arc .
I parcE—Three ail J oue-thi !••] »its lioLas-. ly,
ft. i- hah ounce.
i German coin value "i-3 cents
if b Q it b
■J (erVJirzte fam three reader cj ; ' >u
‘ pfoic, Ij.i iii G•• •
I We, the uralersi-ltieii, practu . e.r- c. a•-
■Ki Gcr.nar. v, arc weil a%»■<•.vo l. y o. c 1
■we may forfeit the frlffndsiiip of y>■ oi tit
I: •••.but not of it.- bonevoSrnt me. ~vb a...-ye -
lai: uonceJ by seuish motives, i ouytr v.c .y ..1
■ i, f; Q.U ?.n C.'-M >l' ‘0
■of tiic Fotiiidiieee or uafOOii.i ■ . r. ■
I new doctrine, we arc iia;;: y in s - r the. we ue:
I his Sanative too vaiuamo no-. -
I kao’.vii —for what our eye- m.. i ■-
I Lear, we must belie ve.
We >;?; v s-a f. at v- • ■
I Ooclidt lir>t oamc before .... :. :.e-•
I the pr:‘." .! ■ i bb: • •' '-i a :
I new we vb bo :u ; y't : f ■ '
tempt, believins; and openly prom racing lam to e
,1 * .. .. ' ~. .si i - ■
v;,>v!n r su inuair seal a. <.. t • ■ /■' 1
itd tur ;t. we rc in •y' y : n.-
sit morcly, in t-.a'tc tn uc. n it;.-. a y'•
na. rufoi ot our ;e e. ‘:■ , ; ■
\,o now (I ?m *t our ; out! >. y .cv . . m ■
ox pen o of y
its ellicacy in curing n-.:t ot y ■■■■•
other foariul maiadies, waice ..c ~\e ee»eto
believed to be incur?-bde. be; •: ta. . i--i ..
({iscoverer of lib eru b- na we ; a ■. eo ■ : y
lip in our utter astonj-nunciit at ee e ; . I .■ u
re . m . and. a ;erenbs ie-x oar ■■ " r; ; :
«lo frankiv confess to world, ! w- i • r
iii-.e a ibuiantmo! : ‘. v. bo b e'e ■ -
sic;:, uid to our coinniy, ve mb' ae.
Xhe recent ado"-tlon i ihn ; nee s eme
o oar European bosyi.. mis a s a rn < ym ■ yy
that it performs ail a. and-■ t n t ...
estimony, for v.d.crc.n tit i- r-f gi-
wine« i.b .:. sh ab :
\\ .• n : b. . EJ f; .
A"..Lib ; b Vb. ■
Germany, December 10, 1 >.
ti Q '3 2 V 3
THEM\TC ■ ]nb . b \ ■ y. KtArdc
n our paper to-day, it w: e n i.-.ti tnem
cioe has lost none oi i - . ..
i an ti c for it appears to be wi . - ■
in America to those which have astonis'aed Europe.
Boston Morning Poi \ -f
n —x For saie bv JiiKNJA.uiN xiAl/u, «'■<•
oTpost Office * | __ occ9
Lid COiIIOTAIi r-a ixUCiAE. (il ;
IXili DE L'AfiOExb.
IfTE perceive by the yr «hat the f»i
Vs French phvucian, Or . t-agnia,
ihl cd an om nt-y l«--r tiu* m - Vf ’ ' ■
are too many people in libs per: of the world tth
ready. \» o dare not enter isUo ari exs .nation Oi
the W'.r lers elTeetvd by this nyu.ciny I- , •
will nev •rti-.iic.-s villa -. ma- • . •• , : >■--
i<t in the world for t&ialenen nn i iac. ■ who
are husban-Is and t riven, and ’-Vlio v.; ti to be'c ,u :9
and mothers. The agent should take v > ri yy ; ‘‘i l ''?
! > the far west, where people are scarce —A. 3 or*
Examiner. , .
“ The Lueiiie Ccrd-rT is a r r.rrn; ;avi-oraicr
of the human tr sae in all 1 ■ v nin s(\ <s oi - n
£ror, lassitude. r.ivi deliiituU wd ; s at y’ "
time so eimnic, yet so oilicacious, »hat v ia.e -it r n
renovate ibe prostrated energies of a giant, uii -
laut inj.y use it. not only wuli yno.unyy, out vvsin
advantage. The J .urine i, ordiai A avo a:; im- J
i'itahle cure for t«;e incontinei.eeof thfe uiine. or :l-e
involuntary discharge ther'A. it is Jhtetvise : n
hivahmb'e and unrivciicd incGicin© in cases oi
• hronic eiuptiors of the skin, and m tire drop. ■ •*!
affections oi iho agoil. This ceicsrated ana intsli
•nabie Ccrdiux is f..r r y
A WiLA-V. , r.tSLLY c. CO.
THO MAS E Ak ßh JT 6, CO.
&ug 20. Angus.a Ca.
0 rl • ' -
CO. B\':; DYSPiiFTiC
; £..:£!
.. Make -Jiiil \ -..Lutiliio t/iscovcry.
;■■ ' Lil ! .’i there is 1.1.. ■i.r.s’ mr.’" 1 '•r ! evG**?d to
r - u - tusfru.v tn».« public-cyo than uw ninumerahio
p iv« ’ ■< . :- -.s oi is. .<urisianlly ap
!•• ■■' in t;?'’ puiiiio priuU. Ail are ready to ex
<■l v i u tif.’;, uni* os?s ate pained w ith
cv ,-y a} reports of liR raid specifics. ■ T'- H .slate
i «*■ in public tnmd wo lilt] seem to furbia any person
of doi'eate off mi from seiiiiiug fi rih any nsw dis
< ' ‘r;c‘3 in ruc ui- ine, to the trial of the public.—
fc-till, motives of<!clifTicy should not prevent us from
i inking known real discoveries, which we ere non
fn'- nt v/ill benefit our ! .low men. 'thm latter
A o usidero'ioti I prompted ihe author of these Nt
i e ?;■? U» re.: v,'. .ii :• novvn. ii: knov they arc high
ly c ac-mious, lor ho i-i.-sols, his wile, and many
; 1 Heads,have given ;!■ m aihoroach trial. He was
ii.msr.Ji a ej. ; him i , . ■ .-opti- .: > much, that even
hi-, ret odeciit a was go;.''. liy uring i heso bitters
he l> 's ' iwj-a resfii-cd to bos’ h. .’Jo . Cosby was
trot feu for n. . ,y years. 1. r v. . < restored to health
by ti.o ol ih.'iv-!'•■! has been the case
lUi\ Cosby in sending
1 ■■ ii this ... n a7Hr: •.' Mho, c who know
!■ ;i. Ho been for tru y ywrs a resident of
Aw. • at which place he ran at any tin- b«
! ecu :Jt u .dio the hitters. They arcgt od in all
e . . of tho dig t
tom-; *' u hih iudigtpain or oyrresstou
; i stem !; h ii'wii hnffi. 10-r oi appetite, Ihituicn*
v v, . urn, pi.ldluov? k. the head, pain in Ihe.
. efde. f•. rt-■ breath, lassitude, general weak
-1 ■ l’h c
tird ho .on;•■•!, an has proved efikactons when
luiuj ; d failed. : n tppori
of which he nffer-j thura to Freeman W. Lacy, she*
t'-itul . .ichmond count , an d W illiam T. Tfiotnp
j son, editor of the An usia Mirror, and he mi gut re
fer you to rainy oi ;<:rs, but deems it unnecessary
t ns no is v. i - to place ii on its own incuts. .-11
iie ngKs is lor tmu-e who sire oilik-icJ with the tips
pdpsia to give it a trial
They can be had at T. El. Plant's book-store.
' Augusta, an ;o;V. <’u -by hi; jself, at the comer of
\ • a: u'u-r.'-n and Eilb;-sn rear.
G A HVJN & tlAl* \ ,JS, Dtuzqists, Avgusta
'' H J.f- YD, Suv nnau.
DAVID tIFAD , M:con.
YUAi . CVX Oi-ft'R, Druggist, Coiumoia, S C
S. Dr CA..AUD c|- Co. Druggists, Hamburg.
1‘ A r-. Tha ry NJCOL , (Jreeni tlle, A . C
PUUCh.Yii <y LAHOi. HE, Druggists,
Suvannuh, (Ja.
j.uv 8b ly
Hculica: Cure of o. uiacricaptnre, byl;v.
CAtir-c‘a i u;proved Surgeons’ Trusses.
F ‘ \ii i-1 subscriber has opened an office, at the Drug
11- sloro o. . essis. J..;. llobcrlsoa A; Co., for the
treatment of Hernia or Aupture, by means of these
iwhy celebrated iiretrumenls. tie lias now used
. them for nearly a year, and, ciidnot delicacy forbid,
he could mu no several persons who have been radi
cally cured , of tins truly distressing and dangerous
aa - clion. by .he use oi these Trasses,besides many
others who tv.;- in a fairway of being entirely rc
lic. ed. The following is the language of the ccfu
' rniAeo of the Philadelphia biedieal Society on the
Radical Cure oi Hernia.
“The iastiuments of Dr. Chase have effected
lu ■ por;nanei»t and accurate retention of the lu
te-tines inevery case ol Hernia observed by the
committee, wlioout rrtateilal in unvenience to the
patient,ami often under trials more severe than
me usually ventured upon by those who wear other
trusses; trims that wou d bo Imprudent with any
0 her apparatus known to the committee.”
- V- c committee aie induced by the foregoing
conclasi dj I tire in
struments o. IT. Chase to Te confidence of
t, e profcssL i, as the best known means of rae
clvuHc.ii ;ct'. iitlon, in hernia, and as furnishing the
j* hi Test chao cS of r.u ;leal cure.”
ihe fji.ov. ii ; is iVcur the Southern Medical and
South i. ..on: aui, pubii he, in •ur own city.
“ All must admit of the radical cure of liernia.
I and that Car uus Arya os are decidedly the best
yet invented to effect the object.”
1' * Persons fix m a distance can have the instruments
ai plied, upci, application at the office, and all nc
emsary inform ition given to enable them to adjus
it themselves, lie poor, who are laboring under
this afflicting complaint, will be treated gratuitous
ly upon presenting a certificate,from some response
: ble person,oi iheii pecuniary disability.
T*.o instni uur • cf ah sizes, aiid applicable
to ever'- v. ; iety oi r-. •iucibi». rupture,
leb x.O j . M. ROB HUTSON, M. D.
‘CO ’i Ri j r’lnCl 1 -iT tAu liisA-i.j OB
gjt TO,u.ViO —a substitute fur Calomel, and
u, not 1 cion .to the family- of quack medicines;
for the re:. ■ ; that the component parts are made
known to iiie faculty, or any one else that- may
wish to know, by any cf the agents keeping them
Ir sale, flirts liiis ciscoveiy so long aa-J. anx
iuoslv' iookt - ior, some one in almost the extreme,
ihnth has.advertised a Tomato Pill, purporting tc
be made Ho n Uie stall;, a tiling not more ausuru
* than for one to offer men I from the corn stalk, to
. ~ • oi lire din.cuUy of raising the Tomato
s« far NorCw
Hr, Mile.-- Cin iunati. i- !he proprietor of the
Tomato pil.(proper) for tire benefits of
v, . Rh, he ho: nimsolf bound, and in honor pledg
ed to prove by tiifir use, Cut tlicyare a! I that they
1 iofcss to be, nud do for others what they
has mav have u,-ed them; as
ad* is a vegetable c-i great use, and value, it will
doubtless bi valuable information to families to
know that t e Yellow are just doubly as valuable
as the Red Tomato, and produces twice as much
of the bapadno.or active principle,and when used
as a daily vegetable will be found to keep the
system In jy.u.:h better condition than the other
i k’d ; many will recollect with what trembling
anxiety cm omclhas been given to children, and
how they if m wished for a ’substitute. It has
lung been known that the Tomato contained ca
tk vic pvi . ip,os, but not until of late was it
i ascertain;. •-■ t ..;cy coiAaiueu aitciative anddiu
rcac pn Ts. 'The Faculty embrace and use
the prepaiuiloa most cheerfully, for the reason that
ihcv know wiiat it is Were it n patent mystery,
they v, oui I .-o bound to reject the medicine, as they
jr.stlv do f 2 one tiiousand and one core-ails of the
; d. v.’ if vo-i v, Ah to cleanse.the system with a
m, anti-bilious medicine, use the Tomato
pH], of winch a supply, we learn, will soon be in
VVo aii know soUiCLnt.g uoout inis.
u;.c ?
■' ■ 7 E vvt uld call attention to the advertisement in
C Y our eulumns 10-day, ot PEI ERfs’ v B.GE-
T,\ REE PILLS. We understand by the best rat’d
ical’uinhori y, tUaitbereis no preparation of the day
! v.hiih tni vs to enviable a reputation. At the end INoith, ih« ir success ha;; been uimoundeu,
and v herever introduced we believe they have
given ll e most period enrisEaclion. v> e have thia
o y had rru interview vwiu «ne ot our citizens, u.
K p - who was recently cured of a
ot'lo'and ohstii.a . cutaneous eruption, where me
body ncs covered with iu[florae rdeera, and even
the tonrils ■ f’-he throat eaten a way—and l»y using
these IT LS ccilv for Px weeks, was entirely re
stored tc i - ietu ¥i t Exm
rEi i; ns’ veg eta. rls it lls.
T ; y do inde-.l n tore the health of the body,
because they purify and invigorate the b.ood, and
tlieii good carets are not couuteiira ; nceu by any
inc..invAii : >-•; being composed enineiy ot vegeta
ble , ihcv jo n t expose those who use mem to
danger, ami their effects are us certain as they are
salumry"; they are daily and saßly udmirastered to
imhacy, y. iJth t -nmnhocd and oul ape, and to \ o
p..»a i,i the rnn.t erhicaimid del tea; e circumstances,
ihcv do not disturb or shock tbejmimai functions,
hut restore heir order and re es!aulisb. uic.r heailti;
mi for clt the purposes which a vegetable p- rgu
live, or cer tin cleanser or ihe whole system are re
tr „ J .cv a xid it: ;:i a rival—mey ere allow
t. t 0 e.i u.-.r can ne accoiuplisned iu medicine,
both for pi'Verr.iidiunoeeaoe.
w R. uii price o ) cents per box. Sold at ail
me urincipe.l * D Ai Oi-r..>> in
aug -id Augusta, da.
I ■:v a .w§t ■ e.
: x '••• '■t.-.j %?J H' t .v ■ ax-wr*
os. /
, }' i ‘ >o cure in Five Day „
r UTS incomparable and invaluable * rented vso
long know*;, and usc-.I with such acr.urraiiclcd
;NT'.v>:s in the Canadas for Uu- 1.-. st 20 % v ais, ap
pcais to need no panegyric. Its operation upon the
human system i; such that it invariably acts like
| a caarm, for the relief and radical cure of a certain
j f ommon and disagreeable “ills the flesh is heir to.”
Ihis prize btains its own name from the certain
. success inch has attended it through alt of its
trying c cumstraces, namr y,J-'nve Jays,’'—the
swne su vess w’ k h ibllewcd it in a N. rtiiem lati
tude still obl;a. ; m a more .Scuthcrn. 'J he formula
j o* recipe wait obtained at great expense, intrigue
. and hazard by M. Cheveres, from the celebrated
i jn 11 -; * i Chief ff\BENOTm;. or Great yjoc:;, whilst
i he, with others was pursuing the lucrative Fur La-
I : tnosis iu the North-west with the Indians.—
| V* abenoshc prized highly and use it with in vs,; iable
; success throughout his two tribes, its known and
valued virtues have already enriched to an almost •
j im; adible extent the children of this we riike m ince, I
j not only by actual sale of the article itself to in- ;
■at enormous prices to the Chief of every tribe of
Inmans in America, with a solemn premise to the i
Groat Spir-t, never to divulge the “ait of i - com
position until he sleeps with Jits fathers,” although ;
free to use it iu their respective tribes, which i
places it in the hands of every Indian who rely'!
v. N », I may s;.j., religious ecnndence on its cura- 1
! blc powers
I** low L a copy of the translation as near as it can :
ibe anglisizedof tiis deed given by Wabcno.she,tc ;
. .. Ciievcret,wlic-n he purchased the original recipe,
; and had twice assisted the Chief himself through I
tire tedious rnanipotatcry process of rnanui’acttive. ;
Few white men would credit the length of time :
which is consumed in preparing the ‘article for im
mediate use.
thansl vnnx.
| “I, VNabenosbe, Chid of the nations Ottowaand
I Chippewa, for the love' and good feeling which J
i c ior my white friend M. Ciscvcrct, (for i*e has
done many good tiungs for n.e and my people,) 1
give to him my greatest cure for the bad sickness
i which my children It vc had sent among them as
■ a punishment by the treat S pirit, and hope that in j
bi hands it may do mix: h good, and make him very
1 rich.” -
. Signed '' WABIN; ;riHE,UisX mark.
Witness APPAiI(),'lm X mark,
i • J. ii. ROY,
' This Medicine,! warrrnt by this {HiLllcatiou.un
! der a penally of $0,0; ), not to contain one parti
cle of corrosive prepareu a. It is pfireiy vegata
’ j hie in its essences, its first and prominent virtue
; is to subduo every vestige of inflaination, and then
5 acts mildly and copiously as a diuretic ; thercbj
' holding within‘itself, every requisite virtue, for
the subduclion of this loathsome malady —and ev
‘ ery regular graduate in medicine, will sustain the
u ‘ assertion, that copious diuresis and reduction of in
, ballon, arc the only two things necessary to effect ;
a sound and radical cure
’ The m st peculiar virtue of the “Cinq Jours,” I
is in this, that wherever it alone has been used to i
“ affect acme,none of those tenacious nnd disagree- j
I able consequences which almost invariably results
from the sudden cure of Gonorrhoea, have been
r known to obtain such as stricture, hernia, humoi
:;lis, incontinence, and a swarm of other of the
» most loathsome, perplexing, and disagreeable dis-
Z eases,'consequent upon erroneous diagnosis and
treatment of Gonorrhoea,
j 'l iiose affected are requested to call and try for
D themselves. If the prescriptions are well follow
, I cd and fail lo cure, the money will iu every case be i
J returned.
Yen can do what you please and eat what you |
I please.
'1 o be had at Antony & Heines, No. 22:2, Broad
street, who are the only authorised Agents in Au- j
s gusta. All orders addressed to them, will i.e !
promptly attended to.
r For sale, aim, by Win. B. Wells Si Co. Druggists, ;
. Athens; and P.M. Cohen A Co. Charleston, an 29 j
| -ix, &ipr»v.;x; ;
HE grpuine French Pills against a.I ihe quack
i nihiruHis of the age—f>r the cure of a certain
disease.' Tho FRENCH PILLS uro applicable in
* , ail cas- s for eithei sex, (warranted free from rnervu- ;
- ry) and do not off rt the breath in she least,and arc j
perfectly phasant and agreeable to the stomach,
and have never tailed to make a speedy and per
s manent cure, without the least regard to diet or
> a::;.: cation to business. In long, protracted, or
) clitoinc sic .5 of the disease, nb;i inale (jicets, Fluor ;
* !bds, < ravel, Female Corap'aiids. ora vr-oakno.-s
j o! those organs, they are beyond a doubt the most
f elTcelusl remedy ever discovered, Fa irur cun i
• i.any oh. tinaie oases ai’ter every other nn iluune
, had failed, 'i’lie French Fills have been so nniv r
sally successful, ihat tlie proprietor challenges
- any one to produce a remedy of equal certainty
under a lorienure of Tiiree Hundred Dollars.
Price CH per box. For sain bi
; aug 20 ROBERT AUSTIN H Co.
r ,
; B .
t f iKE unprecedented popularity of this beneff
, JL cent and inesfimable CORD! AL in the l idled j
; States, has induced one or more unprincipled per- j
? sons lo manufacture spurious catchpenny articles ,
i nnd : r various names, and purporting to product the |
0 same effect; but winch, in reality, produce no other ■
* eill-ct than that of swindling the public; and to
give a yet more piaurahic no;’earssice ot ilie r cu
pidity, these persons affect that their wn tcho i nos
trums have been in use in England and elsewhere
1 for a number cl yea.eq wn. teas, until the iilu tiiou-.
. Dr. fdagnin made Isis wonderful discovery', no cure
. for barrenness had been ever thought oi, or at ieest
/ rn:■ public; and e.J th.tso then isT use T*f the
:> restoration cf the decayed virile powers were i-und
to be of I•- ?. little avail. Thus, all nostrums adver
-3 tised for barrenness or the ot im potency, but
s Dr. Hagnin’s, arc mere catchpenny humbugs,
which would never have been thought ol out lor
the app; a ranee and great celebrity ol tae j. JOIN A
, CORDIAL As no counterfeit, of the name is at
; ore an in circulation, it may in general baa sufll
; I lent caution for the purchaser to ask fur the Lttcina
! Cordial, hut as fimlier assurance, it would be as
well to note that its nam , Lucina Cordial, or Luxtr
of Love, is stamped in the plat of each bottle—ihe
combined arms of X-ranee nun tlio i olates i
are on the oul war J envelope—that a Fleur <!e Lft
1 is printed on the accompanying directions, a;u
- beautifully embossed on the sh v.v-bills hanging ; n
. the t imes ot those who have the genuine article
1 The cclebrhy of tho Lucina Cordial being such
as it is, it is scarcely necessary to add that it is the
on y efficient remedy for barrenness, and tae re* to
i'c.tiuii of d. caytd virile powers evu k? wvn; ana
’ ti nt in Use cure of Fluor Albas, Gleet, obstructed, .
difficult or i ainfitl Dciisinvuisin, the incontinence,
ol ! be urine, or the involuntary discharge thereof,
i-Vsnperiorifv ever every other medicine is not on- j
, ty necideu. out unquesiionarae. for sate by
ILAND-’DIE:.; \ & CO.
’ THOMAS ji Uili NAT & CO.
\ ELS ON CARTi 11,
kOBLitT AUfeTiN & Co. !
aug 20 Augusta, ba.
• v’r--'
\ N HULTIETIT fz V ‘'Ll ,at tho old
. ■ stand formerly occupied I>y
1 J T bompsod, corner of Kills unci f.'cln
i.e ->> tysii streets, are npw recclvhj ;• an cn
tH’c new stock of Carriages from the best lxu uN >
urcs ot tho North, of (ho 1 lest and most appteved 1
style, cor.slsßng of Coaches, Csaclxoa, i r.agg
and Extension Top Barouches, Char : -.tccs.;Tugg!oi’ ;
Sulkies, Wazons, &c., togetlier with a kugv r ; J [
welt selected assortment oi Harness, all of 'which i
they wilf dispose of on the most liberal torn.*. Or- i
d u -f;,r any description of Carriages of liicir own :
ol foiibcm ntanuhvctuie tbankCully received end j
promptly-executed. Thehr ffimuls and the public
are respect.uliy Invited to Cull and ox ■im. .e thou :
r . Repairing in nil Its branches faithfully o r- :
cutcd and with despatch ti uov ! ,
~~ ' ’—■* ;
■ '■ pt-g ’' i
/,( H’-F “M '* d !
jp \ y \ J \ I ) ! j
- : I
•X-_- ''AyA 5
i A o times for sale, a large stock of Did NO
FORTES, from the best . ■ j n c( _ iU y.
Tho steel; gcilei rily con/h A cf about .i Nq to o. ;y ’
instruments, com pvi N c Hie qua Nth .
instruments, are selected wythgieat care, and ..
recommended with conthlenoo. Porsoxs v.ri him;
to purchase -caf do ns well at this establi; hment as !
at any of the northern manufactory .
A guaranty, as to quality and tility, is fur- ;
nished in cvc ry instance.
Also,a well selected stock of sheet MUSIC, Pre- 1
ceptors, ore..together with Guitars, V iolins. Not q
Accordions, and most oi the small articles usual y
kept in a Music Store.
do;21 ts
KAY S' Li A .Nil tsAT.
fine article is warranted to cure Piles-or
■JL Rhcunntssm in all cases,, or no pay taken
for it.
A notorious counterfeiter has dared to make an
j attempt upon this article, and several have teen
j nearly ruined by trying it. Never buy if. unless it
j • has tire written sign lure of COMSTOCK $ Co.
| on the splendid wra; per. h hat firm have the only
right to make and soli it for 20 ye rs, an .1 ail Rom
them is wavrsetei perfe tly innocent and eii’ectual
in ail c;*; s.
j - In.IL .Always detect llm fvd-. eby it« not having
thesi’.ovcsignature, khe t.< e sol I• . y y
Wholesale Drugr:ltd . A.'. . I CC. r-.-t. N. 1.
SOLO CON ll.i. YS,
Original 1 'n . ricirr.
The genuine is fur sale by v IN a iiAiNFN,
and ROKKRT C/iIITER, Au usia. iy jan i)
I "H’S Warranted staid or restored, and tho head
i £ kept free from Dandruff, by flic y: auine
Remember the gen :inc as described Loiow.
This is certified to by several Mayors, hiiniiters
cl the Gospel, JNit; h Consul, fh.y dcians, an I a
great number of our most respectable citizens, to
be seer, where it is r ,'J.
DARiAC fraud:
This article has boon imitated by a noiuvivus
counterfeiter. Let it never be nurch uor uic.l
unless it has the name of X». o’. COiiSFOCR , or the
signature of COMSTOCK fy Co-, on a splenuio
wrapper. This is the only test thai win
secure the public from deception.
Apply at the wholesale and retail office, No. 2
Fletcher street,near Maiden I. ne and Pearl st. —
Address, COMSTOCK A Co.,
! Vhole sale Drugg: (s.
The gen uine is for sale by GAllv IN & 11AI Ik-,
and RDBKivT CARTER, Augusta. ly-iaft 9
0 SNOIVDEN 4- SHEAR have rpc ived from
hew York a 1; rgc su, ; Iy of b. ii. .; i .Ken
tucky Jeans, ol various colors. .1- •, a aig •:*v -
p y of Lupin's best French u Leant.iM
t. lors, to v. nidi they r pact u:R i..> .te A v a;Ra
tion of ihe public. sopt lo
J] The' C pills may he taken on any occtc-ion
wi.en an atrti-bllious purge Is nevde i, an : fr • *. the
safety with which they may be u.-cd, a’d pi :qa t
ness of their eii’ects,have o laincdgn atn pumUoa
as a genc»al family medicine. F. r v,; by
a;.,: .1 HAv ii.AN.D, .r. l.Dt. Co.
V, q IHD UTAGE EMTiI.U A —Tills lately
vented com iual*on e' <N ■.. in I . . , Las
aw lined a just popularity, not only by re ■u of
Hie strength and delicacy, but of the extrao.dina
ry duration of its perfume. V. hi: t tire A
many other extracts and essences js almost as eva
nescent as the bloom of the flowers from which
they are derived, ti e Hermitage retains its j,
■ gruace for a?i in enui c length of rime, and is
scarce lo be removed from the garment on v.J ich it
i is poured, by washing; Fcn.ce it is pro •- !y the
cheapest and m'ost delightful p-orfutne oi onr Hbota
Also, Cologne, Lavender. Grange, Flor.da and
Rose \ fatersj iu giea: varie •'. or s'e 1 y
mar lo (j..v > !.N L .I.’.rNN.S.
/f>t U RUNG FLUID, Lc~ auirg with, r yrr.te
xui and itfrroi.iug { . umv, the d. So
quality oi' strongtkcuii.g and p.rcmoiG; :tn. r
of the Hair, \v itbout } ivirq; to it tho [ rca-y or
Pomatum, or Use volatile tnoistureof iac Its
uNuiv is confirmed by the mo I xve
samp lion*
Also, the Genuine Maccassar Oil, and Ward’s
Cele* rated AYu Gil. For sale by
mar GA v. *N cc ITAi.N f. 3-.
fJiiflliE IrCr X ijf ',
Augusta, Ga.
, y The unbei, late of the 7 ’crchauV
f Hotel. Charleston, ‘S. C., wou id
|§.-6.iiil his friends and the public that ho in;s
tuKca ciie above Hofei, and is now ready to n-cc: >
luouate those w: u r.ay i.iv- i !iim v . - i
ronage. He will ma re no burst cf ■\ r .r y ■;<
do, further than to Say, that bis tables wi.i i
nished with the best the markets a 1 Hn
establishment receive his par.- --nal -y- ;an
if those who call on him once a:c nut v. .ui
his bill of fare and ac-,on.mod2Uor r. iio wrii ..oi so
licit then, to call again. Wii.J.U- , h 6.
octSO " trwx'A Ir.i
Qi The Edgefield A Ivernscv, Licenvid oun
tainccr,Columbia Soutti, nd Mil ;c
--viiie Standard of Union, will copy the above four
times weekly, and serin ti.cir bi— r r piymeot to
\\ • (x.
new laumciNE st one,
(at the old staxd of w. n. tuotix.)
jN O • Ll. 6c Vs • 11. T’ UII PIT >
A RE now receiving an entire new stock f
MEDICINES, PAINTS, • -iLh, \Vi-.l: ,;V. I
GLASS, he., fcic., v/hicn they c;. r to their ißend-. |
end the pnolic generally on rcatscn.ihie t 0..;..;, and I
tion to ir-c-vP patronage. oyt 22 mvc_w2 c.
—’ihe pub ic is cautioned ay-.a -t
Ij ) trading for a promissory made by : amfiel
Howell, on or about the third day of last,
pavable Ist of January last,for One hundred bol-
IcF, interest from date, in favor of J. 'V*. K: ’r e’s
apd by him endorsed —tae -arr.e having t cen ; .-i or
ralß |aid ov tire suliori er to whom settm-rricrst; - 5
aeenmaae uy la«Qiaww. iflOb. rAK-w..x
mar 6 v, “
- r - -0 S, W -1
r~:' ~~ ' r —._ —; ~—m,T~irrMiT~r~"~it~ *
| a vug: ta t.m .......■--{
■ _ "•7 ’ ‘ ■■■'•■. r
i ..... . , ; j
1 A iUFr-.r.,- the- ,vof Vrhl:-:-, fst
1 iii_ ])j:An:i:H < he.,-. *••- ,: y :,- r .i '...a j
iur salt 1 y (out id) : ..Aj I?, _r T . T.£:\ I
PU J: N: T r Mm, ■; •- :•• ■.... - -;. ~; j
v! ■"- : « • S >M-? ■
sfc.33C li'racfd r*m.‘ /;• -.Mr, C-""
. ■
T bou : Mr ou: tin. Merest •»* ..hit - j
' ' \ •
’■ * ' now B®so :au i “ 1 w\\l one c' j
i i ■■ t; . latest n;„;r : c.t ‘..iTh- *
' \ wuMMaT-ew \ Mr, .. . ........Mi !
t ■* v- , ~3 lo i rVi . ’ 1
public aa asscituu-nt of- ... ■;iilure,:."uciicrij >,v; Mi !
ol v. 01 .. in; lu . . ,
ouoreil in -vu-. . .is :hc ,u; ..uih■ : :r!; v. Ilf {
i-huv' the ; . k r.; oMneci . c.-- or-, ?
;, Vi;,.;; J;
•ot j.s-0.1 . to.i ..:u.i ...y i., A >K u ...v....... f- . . ■
i du; u
■ .:* . assort n't of ‘ ’'”'l lroln the j
! Rest :r. i : i,.0 . • 1 ~ . II u.- ,
jly the’ Kew Yt-.Jt inm-n ; r;.•• c .... -oM.. u. r .u- ’
! man's. whic h • -re i ; 0 encode :». ;.va.c o; 1
tone; and durability. ht-tho southern cfiwaie.M v a.j- |
i mnniij' story i:i {lie .-isles, i a/ i:-. -u..*
| rr- >t> 0:3 gcloctcfi v-;Jit il lc-t r;-- .. /.nr ■
i ’ is
T is furnished fu every u - lu.ip, if rrq-u-rvS
S >. rU.ll =-:;i 1. e..-r : Ij U;e f.>. j
j tl'.f ;r :; V ,■'.' . ; ..>. ;! ■’ r r !'• ;
j list &I, .10 Jl ,:■■■ ■ f I
i 015 r ini: 'll •„ I ... , . . ■ .
'tfrtrrtu hy 'ao I ' . o !
! AUGJuVi’A rUU AVULIi '1:11 . •
lib U:l .
r :• ke :; ‘ si.i :;.;u .•■ . n .-,1;.-, a : ,
SOilHK* .1 ( . . . 1 t?. cl :
~ 3' I;.- ; .-
j i . .‘on .iora-r ..-s, .... :lu ; ...s. .» ,
' ..I ; • • ...
jt ' ~ • /ic . ■ ; sve u . • ,v. . I ,
: 1d..,:;-.-.-is,,. _c_. .j! v-ancts'•• t u,.. jia . , . . u :
I received. 1•. i ■...: .."v. C. .I , < .-■ I
I vi(ill or. this cstabiishniu;.i as uilnVoi’ Uk l.oilh? <
fin; Riaiii!. To lor c..-s.- c. ■
JJ.ui: |
i 7'r — ‘ "*
I \xo Grernsooio;, ilocon,Pcf- j
I ry> i'ii lu Vi u, - j lit.. i. .. c- iit. ..itiUCui. u.ijj; da.
j bd J<.<s( pt>. i ei.srcc- .1, tu
The i ro 4 ;riotors oi this L*f,-!e ir.fgrnt. tho Travel- !
i ;i ■■ : -i .;. •
. tip ei.' o ; o- ‘j; 1- s - )ti
hail iioad cr..s to (, .c . !;s ■ no’ e; x
j I’iunsday and c-alyrday. nt 0 o s clo k, I'. >». auu su- ;
ii;o in . . . in 1../-.. i a. , di
j ti:
h'lnvc ilors a v c assured that ;!;e s;;-.
lire - 'I) -. <•
1 linsnrp; < \ i' y e ... -t i.. • ■ j
. tbc-Spathem cTaatry, or y diiJ 'n.iies oi‘ r ,uw;.
: -stages ic.vve hauiliMi-* ic-r ITilahaisce viu <I
! cy, iimnciuirteiy on .tye % nsrivui oi' ; -e \
- i i
j awiv.ii oi i c bu.iis iVora *oia.
o.j ; . - -'id;.: . to is” in coin ■ !
! pany, whc.i the f.svsn i isu.
■ii'icu • uituo :.;.ove 'y at the olucc.
-i t.. -i,. 1 .■■■:; -H. 0.
- - r—■
ilTkl h'-’WT -:‘J TTTL UTIi,
; O iv. ,;f I. .IT,, I it'2.
I!. N. ’v'.T'sojr rosprctfnlly I
- ....... the publ'c that hi- s. Tn I i -v oi'
Paac iioisc Pc t Coach' s is'r.r-n'Rg tio a Gtosrs
boro to .-p«i; ' i '«*.«, Ga. vi.i ('fad cdviiic aud Cass- •
viiiOj'in ccur.oxt n 'v/Ui Col. Uarr.scy’s Line to •
Ross’ j/.n-R ; r;n S N;-dt a;.d v.rj. -.Vella :
Li tie to Allans. uu rlnoxvific, Tcnai
! T. c u-. . . ..! C i!2 CO
•• R t ;. :• ... ;..:e, 17 00 J
Leaves. . , ■ n :;o cn th.e sriva! of the .
: . u t . ; I—i .■ uj„ i. y c.. .. . .;.i j It cd:.-. -•
days and FrK* ■; s.
! liav-.Oilng tisne to P’ Or P-ccr, 23 hours.
- • , « Co
rr> cea hi c’r.:. h 2 sc ;. t Tlr-’iVr. to
1 i . ;■. Id 0. . • t
mar 2C —Gm U. li >!» , Ati ■* Ci.
OU T hi
! 07 the month of June, ISi-o. j enclosed in a let- ■
! J. ! -t-r, oj m.ijtoJium w. Rich aids, merchant 06
: ]>uliit: te, the init huives of u;kc notes of ire
fullow• ’ ri; i s I-..- v.-iccp.h naif o; n nuiA
ber ulh' . on tt I u. li’Re of To.L .iio
i l;na, jiata :t at Ka-lcigi’i, lor o; e i;v:Oiui cio,hir-;
i cno ha.f oi’ note n.anb. r hb'7, n Cr;;. : ,k f .-iii
i gusto Georgia, puy-rds to R. h ohnaa, thr u.-ty ■
■j dollars; ar.d on; In if of :ot • neon. ■; )G5, 1 n ; of
j Ai! rust(,<ico;i:ia. naysbie to J. G. Co.vhiut- f t i.fty ■
• doi.srs. which vr. re n. u r.y s R ' .n
tiie i .Mi June, if cr, k. . e■ so .... • i .;. i lo
lev's; ic. o; v
i said ’s, foe-.RjiCi haif of ah s lia.iin: ■ noico .
aforesaid, which were rovew*. *. • v . i.-
I aids, and winch we-e tost or ■ ’; . i. ■
j Any liuoimuiicn in re.... on lo 1 ,?r. ’? .vea ol
| s j m.-tea wiis u t ;,, i-y re /. a,, .
;. . U ll.tdu : £ i-ii.ul.w3. .... , . .. C
| sated.
■ August S, IMO. .'i n
'TMIOiIC.. —All purs.. nvT;g dt’ r u'.i;ds tc,.l;nst .
j- 1 'i the estate of i'.i he. J 0 'ilh.v'.i, ite of
. Augusta, dace.. I. rio i ; ’red '■■■■> x . V’; . :
duiyatlMtCiiwiihh: tlxetim? ' .Tb- :1 bj i rvr. n 1
_ . "* . . j -
men t to _ T•' ■ ’il ly TAYijR i.
A.ov. I ~', 154\ [l- 3 ] ■ f-- **~
Nd' )h il'.il V-. A.- i .-O.' —h ho s Oft
[ 2i. is .is iih us if mp y oi sue
I Ovewer r vi' 1 r 1 . ” : .. d i
M... 0 . ■ ; .-
I coiViinenu.ti. WILL I - . h AT.
r.ov 3 w t.
| A UxMINA’T;! A ar.M RMUCii—Ai:I perons i
ySy. having chiims sg?.'n"t the estate o' .Mines
iCas a• h. la.e of .i. , -..1 Cou.y v. c':-. e a.e !
requiioJ to ban Ith n it. duly r. .. w, ,n t.,c
time- prescribed b, iaw. r.;ci , ; d> at will
;n..lce payn 05.1. A.CL.I .Kid, AU
Oclpuer y.‘6 5845).
| Guorniuj Kickr.u>!id_e-;.:v My :
i . ■ ' V ' "
2 ,V\. in Jyhu ■■ iy r- 'M I r .-hvo ■rh - f ' ■ 7.'-
tenor C 0... t ;.. i .• • .wh ; c the
sas:;e time lor ,• Tan Co .M u; un.;i.cci.vy r c-f her; .
ueltti'S for ;.i . .
i .VAi i. TI. £ if f T". M J I C. P. C.
.j;Ehj i. Ay;7 ii. V.’_l J.tT .v.I. f. £ C.
a a d j i ... -f. c.
J . . ; o •1, *-. X -
Xov:. ,• 1 .I. . ■ ' tr"tl ■
A LI, y. aiyl- V: ’ ; a r c r lh u
j-v. rai Ciaru yc' .. v h '! r- -d * ■ m he
pat mont to toe o “ i-- v - - s ' '* ■ I
domcnls v. ill p osent ttie ' t 0../ -h*
j Kovrinae: o. L 4 o " -
1 u.i. A k*j a ; r . r /\ O iV-.'-fiL* . » . j
• the Aiat Tu .. :y in J r.«rry r-;.t v- Rl be
i y p ? v ’ ■at tic IsWt. tor.. ■('. - ■' "> -n ;
o d-r of the I . . . /
i ih;ee nog >cu v Lilly.. - ’■ -vry?, Ml.■ ,y
:n* to tneveeriua oh John --
ecu si; , cecc i. ** ' ' -----7 cx t.c t
L;i:r id..ors c, in d.
ju* .a r ■ j. . A dm’?.
( Torsa.e; - 4, r*hv. '
• . AS Ui
( .. cad i 5. TTcn-jcr Train
._ - ur,, will icava as
H . re 7 00 a ii.
- - s SO
. ,-,-V - «' - 10 00
■ ' • - '224 t. m
- ' - 2 43
.- ‘ re - 4
1 .ova 5 00 *. tt.
■ - . 9 13
s « - - 11 00
: <{ - - i I 45
" ' '•••,« - - 1( ; P. M.
" T '-- r - I ... . ci; i , before 215 s
[ ! -:nc:—i:Cirr~.-. "•j.oXhrcui-h-'*lo 00.
c . . ' r remain 20
f -r,, and not
- tor ;..; and \> icr at taj
s ■ v-r-n ■ is i
ov rs. ions; anti also, at
■ , 11 ‘ If: T, 0..,
% ... .i-r, hnsor-:*
f * Wccc'tocb cu !
f-rcrst at A»kc«
nov 9
;■ ‘ . . ; t ; , • * -
• “ ■ 'TTK /V
* f - -' , t
„•-■. . . 1 .
•o : -1 0 c Pa«??n
a • ■ irri'c* Lrrt of
■" ' -•• RI. l ive at buck
'• . !*• , arrive
. • rctS St
p • : O
■ i o. • -a 1 aij.' Road Co. 7
• . v■c. . ay i, IS4O. J
: -V : ti' t•! ti: in lion.
Ci. I;C - IC’i! at 2$
mnv i
T: > r ' ■ 9 7l ****
■•-i -‘ICE li..r .x;;:: C. i *z H. II Co. ?
> 1 i c 2d
’• i - I'.rli. era t-'auih.
..i deti clicn of the
i 1 iver, atugusla,
■c- •:.> e icr-; stifoily in
• ' ■ c f ecu unde fur pa s
c‘ ■ ... .ve H inbuig
11 li .: 2nd arrive
--- >*' :-TouN, Jr.
n: Ti-insporiatiog.
iA IfAi fc liCAI).
■ -. 'v uXPi
CIOAI GII Oi'* fltitlß.
... li t great mail
- . . < . c.. .• i. All*
i ■ ■ t Greens
r . .ia. ~ avc a.'. .:a:d at 9 p M., tad ■
.: .'. ; ; x r o’cicdjA. m.
a . t from
'... ; a Ij. ... ic .uvo .. y lines) via
-r . :’La : C.; A "'Ji.i V. d Aiolil?j
. . - ■ y, v; •. l . ,n. Mecca,
• - r,A.: dun , ;;u, via
. . . i.. 0 y a iic ’:e,ui-weekly via
■" i . ; risitM for i\a>hvi!lo
. . • - cckly. via Atiicns,
c ... ■ =. iingtoa. \\ Ule
; . ■ t.;s ; for Rew
. . . via . j.’D.ia, A it
g -Hie,
i cel: y. via ißvcnsLoio ami Matonton.
; ; c lines are branch stage,
. . ' ' ■.oiv.r.ou;-.: i r -s.. i,
: . . y. u, .nd warUsviik*. iia
b I’9i .am CO V n t;’ - Cvc.
to G-.ocnsb?fo*4 28.
ice. r.i bond c ii .’g Co >
. ■ ■ J. i %
.v i. . Oi «
»y having do
.-A, notice i- Uc-rn
.in have nia. a
■■ ' ■ y t j. ..cut lor An*
.... . a ...i they CX
f \JLC liOilv CCi V.’.iu i« iti 1C fi.lV CH.
.st IV.c Ccm
. . - aeui f» r
... fJb. A..P, .VjjClit.
as .
. ;
f 1 r 'r- c: • :■ iu tins In^titu
; ; semnd Aiunda v,
1 . r ■ ; t in .. a., on iho
’ , r A A- $1 16 0
?) 5 • Q
■ ' ■ •- e.e by v. hich
- . . : VV;. V. .) I'.SVlIt
. n end of ail Lnr-. rke’eroas, See.
-G. '. ‘r.r'To:?, 1 i?. frou ior of Anatomy.
. . ~ c: i'-h) ri’.iogv a: a
U. ■ : ' . v'] \ ; , tr.ry) ’ •
.... ... r.-A':cr c f Cnejr.l try rn 4
I. " . . r ' . ::,r:r. es TLcnpcuticsai d
J. .. . ' :i Cctiet.lcs and Cii
; . r. : . > sc c. the Institutes and
p. . v■’ v .'zovcf t>: i-ur.cip’cs a a
C. • ■ crrliators ol Amt
Pa ■— . .. .v. :.l out adcll’l lee
P .UL !■' E 1 ,M. U.,
r 1. ■- n of Kamity.
1; 2 ’-‘ ’G . - i cv. e: nvillc Momv
• • C ' r :rc I> inr l L’tii< n
- , v r 1G ; an, Georgia]
; '. : it. Aiabeim
• - II of Uni:. ■ Alabama: Flo
rid n ■ ■ . : v a. ■ er. v;iii puldish ilk
: c ' t ..'i arr.ct nt of
r ■ - t to tnc L><tzn,
. s c'• entered ir.ta
n i 1 G.-iCaj BRO•
•: :•- CO. ‘ ! IM. F ;IvCE,
T; ; P. FOuCE,
i. , -,. n r bj-v }cf IS4O.
- ;■ <S; Co. ara
Cu •. .a .1... pyment
. WnGcsale Dealers
ha - . ' rn hand ap. cx
.Gt t j ctunity mcr
... .c . Jan 1 ts
..... .- . rir .. -.jk. - .... L AAiOi Ji
■ *•: ' : . No. d. Proadstreet,
r f r. !m p-ilies of
f; - / ; o an extensive
a-• 2; ’ T r ToiletSinrt Sinu imj 2o »»s,
an ■' R -cign mnnu'ic
- - -n - y ; c: ‘ ; aGo afreshsu6p-y of
rT} rn,-, «cv 2jy rceicrenr? ai d
• : - i.o iravirrd to call and examine our
■jj a iibersr viscount msec icr esuu, oct 14
w - A :&% 1 ■ t *