Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, November 21, 1840, Image 4

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t j .■ a .Vr* W;~ - - ‘-<t ♦ •*- • « toEOHGIA ILLUS RATED, ; T 5 a senes *f -Xtil b..:.; ■- 1 =’- i 7-- "-•- **" 't« xrere Sev-cnpccc *. - . :>s©:: • - •■ : • c ' - -‘ - - ' - ‘ ’ ' ,; i-;-i: -ry .. -: : - - • " .iS 3B£ -X Y.ZtVZA:._ i-ZZ 4* ' • ■ CVIVXCNBtZT. I ae pepee#* *•«■*«*; 1 fcaraesv rs Gcsrfiit iJltolgl wrrci, will bbik ifiittfsi: {if :mi‘ rt-r*. •’• ! -.* —” . s ptoa s£ SHI Jcficttou s:£ feiAk- lime o s, s*c s. §c€ itry IT. -- * t- ’ I* - - a :*?a-*j as i tub.kai:y. :jt: ::: icy | i& :x* Usocn_ The xxc«t cxxx: «s ah. uc: seezjr. t:.i ae« only ;e ia: - *: ~ :2KE-aiz.: •_ - -*- ;iuc «f V-. »M ki’-c the -• vsne* -■ xk:::e — M: i - ■ - t»l. t, _« jr ' • ’ ' ' ' .: :*» • •- /■ - tk»f and CnmcDen atil its «» wcae ■ifoaCj Lww and ted. It BdttinSk r- aJ afjfftXaX SX.'UjC :« li-’Wtl ■-.--:- - - ■-> cm *i — litin’. cexery. ax: wxex ■--r* _s £jgse. -XT -* “ *- - - 1 - betX -TUi- Wi— apeesiky itsaier ox: xe a itu .. * «»; 'tiix=c:u. = ■ •—• .ang . agr r Tfce Soxbx charged *.t*i i -ceri- i ; .—erexxe v- pr-gresi ;; L.tera:::* r- -* - 1 ---- : - preaoMy the strsagest findat tonne .x bet »*scndw m enter: se ?* ’• - Me-: -- -- -* U! tjtst i: IXe c ex w.rk wiM .*. _s i- ax --■-w *1 e .: ; = - U 9U kteraxy rex-tatax-t. *-- w ex: txx:.- cm. t er>r . - . - ■•:: A ii: * -- .;*. ttL'j. •»... *e-*- i* »ie ‘ i. .* :: • cau« m u Gmeuluanus a. 3 ij vb* ' ■:: ~.—e > I’z.Zilzi aad 5 - - tat oar Stale icaaiy, ad aSec to all, at a tridiig •Jtpetae. eif. :.: ‘vi.liei. aaa:*j. - .i;■...: :r*. i-: »rxi ti.«j .”*;•• :; aqraatottemie * ;.-*h. a e*tr«rcaae, woald ajard pacaKaa ; lea.**:e. TtepropoMd wodt will be xeeafied it a style ««feno7 u a ßy isdi.ar p.c'xrji w .:»: x, ve c: ..i --t- Tite pbies will cdc-s steel by e~- iacet firoa otigi—l inwieg, aide ex ii?r the zzzzK'**. : ;■' Mr 1 A:>:- • * atti, j/ The icecn tiafutied witb letter pres* de riiprimT, prepared be awfc, ad ia ibis dtp rtant tbe editor vil —cure, far as poaMe,! be aaidan ad cs-s:e:at_:c. ier. - : lx ?.v:r. r - w~- .4 fpir*d to xik' to: t; £ i ‘a« k-al, ie tie ex; taat xa x.eet i w^-: - MceptiOSi x:'. ox.j at a.txe : *>:• a :vx:. Kijumo I. I .is.raie: ti be —!»Lj pans, at txe .ar.;. tr a 9 t.T. edrenre. at >- exti r«ii x a:‘ ?» ddioenf, Lo:;::-. : ' fract*g-, ai -et ; i 'reo. 7 :ax-r: w.tx ietu?-p.'e>‘ tej-tnptaw* ax: 0 *:r... :a:t ; :nc tod #e 4.-z« ax: :e .. x« xxe-: :i:e: tfe wxvje £* •» :-? :-t a--- ■-■ o> : Jil. Abt ixt ■ :: . octant ax : 1;:- wari fix oes-zMac *v..% :■'■*: . • . *iali :e ex:.' tc a eepj ai to* - - :•: --.- 'ay :•**."* tweA. e to a&e ai xr* : :: $•- - - : -rexty-x -r : u axe adir«*> ft: $1 - x e.tx : tx-e Tie ant part. :-' xxx: ax xxra --- :t, - . lie axi T_£a«r.. w.-• two 74»* a ■ -et :e‘* •ripxxwi, w-1 ;e >; :x :•*. .; >' ■ :-e: ii 4 .■, »x ; :- : r . . - : to that xnoe, r -* .. ~ri ■ .■ a— . a s.-.e. ——■ ftsim: . w. .. ext., .e- • •: - . C«rxt- tthixtt! it; x.x; xt ’ t --- ue*«ic, pew wv Eittar ts QeargmlUmj: .. . eaabeid, ■ J)A»SO\ > FIRE A. D WATER PROOF WAfiEI OISE. TH£ ttxien.rhei rerpeexi ..> iaforxtf : ■ i-.exx. ft . - :e '' - Ware:; xf-e ax- * **• ; -x. *-■ :* »taxx t: Mcix ’: : t r.'oet ax,-f ; - bee if :;txr tir.: -; Lteto-j e--x;w : *_• e *t : t is:: Tears. Hi. •—£ t« t: : .; :iy.e >! .•x J. r - a: iaxe* '.. .: w£, ea .: :rrt t. e*. .> He tit:* attexxtx t: tx* - *:x ;x; t trace: M the Lcstxes? x;« frier r_aj re’y ts Li •: * x -t .: ■ | We. C. DawßOojr.de Co., slm keepa genera. *— of Groceries at Back-bead. Me:: comity, (tbe taminatioo of tbe l||eorgia Rail-Rood) mm will ftirxiih xr cxstxrr.eri t prices, aixxr fre^hti —trey w..’l ? - art ;; arext? v: kjc. ' (sept is-w-iti Tii' . At LAW.'ON. ]y~r The iiL*d|ex..i Recor r. Journal. Ft ;e --nlTiaon, Cnfimtin Eaqaiier a: i Southern Wr wRI publish the How sac times weekly. JEF**ERSO> FIOTEL FOR SALE. Jefemcrn, Jaehton L vntj. fpH E r. t -icr. . ?: x-:; : xe JKFFER v (»N - jf HOTEL, in Jtftnon, Ja esen conn ty ; the Bede, li iliTl—u and Furniture, w 1 also be disposed of to toe purchaser if desired. ie also offers for onle a a—aH farm In ton immedi to vicinity of tbe ex-xtax in.-- ft - t.t; :he :. .r.dre-1 tan, me bundled and xity of iarbicli is cleared izA Jk 4L-.--i.xtx, the :erxx-.x: r well llaabere-l. T:« Hxxse it» =. i. : cxttxc ar.d txe 1 . a wealthy l< axy .ttxtx of ■ Tr.e x:o --j*r.y w. _;e »t.. v.y.arjt :: v :t .e: s an : 1 i rtt noil on nr Indore toe fiat Ts sday in Jaaua-y ;tax at jr:.'. ate »«.e. w. .-at at day e c;Lx : nt pn* la’ ontrry, to toe fcigjb : bidder, h the ir.VKA*. x; far.tK.’.t*- •- - . ■*■ » stof -TAte. */ »;; ;. .cjf tt '•? x: -t; ha.r; M. Aer.r Li.xr? . wxt .: t.» r. .a^e. Mt .T-wt iXai .-i . E .-i. SiiA'A*. DAVID A . V . -S O \ , ATIOhSEY AT ' A >r. FalTyra -e tt i W:x <o diaoftkCbt* ?an-.>;<. -re ax: x.. x *; ; ilfliX '.!•■- A-L Zaivtiiati !.- / „ r>? Jt-*uxxax Lx x. 5 ' • 1 ••.;» g*. He*.«. DengMty S t' CeLAEeete, /, r . i,, , ,• 1 • t.: LE. | lIHIE Imn, Aogsx x ‘ ■■ ÜbTI Hl'stored IKrEL-4 1 b REA* AMD. Wc - -xv.'.ner A ; xxx.;, : e.: i : • 7by toe earn* of ; KHI'E He v Jk j* iboat 30 yean old, € frit ; togfc, ridris to ♦fWrff* tonrkto w K*: in moo on 7 7on . i*r>e whtste**. He had on, wh «k» « hewespn* cant and ore karg panlaioene- E« «9Mri*ncs e»Ur hireadf Joe na Bush, baring fimnserij belonged to a family tr that name, ne; ; to* LrV'i: Three ia xe S t* tr 't.v. P . - vhna, Jssrin is well known i the city of £a rasuah, on too Saraasa . ... its, ba, where he is aiming to fet;|.'. very prr>Lss»T. a* w... T.aae w.7 -•- tor, ». C, I hare «omo reason V khw be has a foigek pa**. gT/* 7fee above reward will fa* given for his > finkes‘ten *£id delivery to me a ij jlar tat.;: RRpiqp, «r L>o if lodged in the Si iteof Georgia or £.&ut‘a that I car get m »ept 4 . \ATN*KLEP.. NOTICE. LODGED as a rax aw r ie t e .ail of |Y Abbevi’le District, Softh Carolina, on x, the 39th ulL f *neg:j n in about titixiv- JjtT , tire o: forty yea:? old. -to.: -- x f e ft.-;- :gxsc! h.g-.. ax i ready >.:kex. wr.o -tai.- xixr-elf MARCH,and ; ay? he i Eng- t: Rorx t Home* c£ Txloot county. Ga. H had. w,,en ap pret-Scded. t piper p-::port.ne to be : :a ; x- axl elmost illegible, dated 22d Joly, I 10, granting him leave to pass to Wyns bo rough, air held District, South Carolina, until the 26th . lay next. The UWne# of said slave is hereby ieqt red u> come for ward and prove bis property, c the said Slav* shall he dealt with according > the law of the &tat" of South Carol.xa. aag 2o wly J. 11. C 88, S. A. D. «gL-g: RANA'A A\ fr:m 1 e subscriber, a |4 negro boy named GL‘ etween 20 SL and 21 years of age. a ut 5| feet high, stout built, very dark t 1 mplexioo, with a very thixk head of hair —be i supposed to be lurking about Augusta, or upon t; e Sand Hills. A liberal reward will be paid iur h, delivery, or his r.t.lrwtr lodged «» aty dfg jail, SO t at I get ha; kjtf JiMt I W.fLIRK. AIGISTA _ IRO>‘ A\D BRASS raiNTDRA << is *r^ j Txe frxxx this euhlatocnt have g.vex BujTHfiaj 5-SCC it iwis iT. apierSttdOß. We xire new oc hi d a 1 -x:e sttek txc rv* material, ci trie rest quality, ax: art ready to ■ teire oriexs for axy Arsenpxait of CA>TIN»j-> ; . e::aer ix* Rail R-aL. AD—s. >ttaxij Exg-x.es. c-i :ther : -.xost:. As we Lave a Erst rate Patten Maat: and ase x-; t - -Eg bxt the t«st rxitorixis. c-X'Xse. .ext..- we cax ~inxxt :.: C»s: x.t .x » to w;rk we IE t*ct be xs ?X": x.g a*xx as we., xxi Xr as axy staxxfartaured a: tiie S :*rth or elsewhere, and we cxx .exxe eaasparison. We --x r - ■ -'t - —•* AGRKTLTLRAE IMPLEMENTS. We are mtrar yrr nr up, aXX Vi.. SO»3C XiVf tt ati IX xax.‘i ter sil<e,i ax: s_z.xs. freer, sxxi.. 1 e J —-- the large lour horse Paxxgx. Also, Srop-Cg.toi, Con* Si/Um. h.v?sr». iil«/ Fzn.!. Culft x':r ( . M sgowt, Carti. **-. Ac. Persons wantint stato art>:ks would 6a »t., tocaL. ts we are determic ec ta s<E k>w for cash x c:ly iccep tance-s. ( riers exx :e _e:t it tje t: xx-c it; sxxre? ix ::.ss. or ax txe estax: :a rear .: the Pres brteztaa Chxr*:ia, xear txe Rail K:a: Depot, ax: t&er will be attended 10 pnmeteaDy. ulv 11 It TH« rS. HupSlN's A Co. (1 EM&GIA BURR > TON ES FOR SALE.—A f xrst rate xa.r of Lee Aixi >:.xes. Lar ax: i half feet m diameter, i:i ;enx« axoiy at tx.s 1 cfsce. jaat 31 t: NEW GOODS fs . icrhers xave reeeired their Fa. ax: g Wxter supply of FANCi AND si APLK DRY (rOODS, of a great variety 01 xew and atxles, a~ :xg wxxh are txe :>l - xii; Duffel ax 1 '.Vhutxey L.axaets, Cerths, Cass.s-se:?. >atmett3. Kentucky Jeans, :e: wx.ts ax: : e- F.axxe A, K*:*ys plain ax: plaid Negro Ci-?tx«. d: ;wx ax-:: lea ex d Shiraxe* u. 1 Sheetixzs. A;. or t fi€fk« Lxjcs ax: cotton Bedtsck, brown ax-i bThd ieax*. h K£ Lasxxx. cotton Cassxrxert. for gig txps. Title L'ixxask. xirxs eye ax»i Kusn liapers. Frexcx, Exg_sx ax-: American Pntx. F-tmiture F :txb*. trown Hoi lari, :la;k '■..ec-i. 3 —i ax 1 4-4 vox: ~:: x arr.s. 1 xrkey :e: Prints, Black and blue black tti'i ix: xg'b Bxcr.xa:x:es. 1 rexcx ax: 1-x.x .*x :.a_x ax: x:L Mertxo-. Rica er.t'i Mxs.n Je Laxxes. p.'s ax: LgL TX OD g i HCfl I-£ 1 Skl-JL i 'I .J1 -3 JT >- . 7*. Embtjsirred Thuet. Casriaaere, Fix.:. Menxo ax. MxsLx De Laaxe Shawl*, R.«ch ptisd K-ttons, satin Xx:T4ta axi Co, to. Threw: Laces and E;:_xgs. Mai l Ixserxxgs ax: Plaia an: iz'i h: : net, »a. Bdcd an. diaxx&i Nets, Laxes xsaci. w x,ie ax: colored, F ...et uFtres xx . K.ki. BnckskLi. Mcmno, asad Gmvef, & Sul Ju il. 1 - . ~ -iC. nl Cn ’ <r. lH 2l’ i •€ t. ' . While, i.toci and col d crape Le*se, % Black and wx.te F.f,~ x-x - k I-ose, E-:”r:ere-:f. textsxxixe: ax: Axe exre-b Llx,x Cirr.- bric Hikis, Liuen,Cambric,as: L.xex Lawx, C i-2.2-— ‘d. ILL.- 2C2 r.c2 '* 0- ? . a.- 1 C&aaitor, f>f nl. £ Faxcy silk riskfs, gect'? Pv&gee and L-lTt s. i do. ->£jeli ami Brazil tan tuck axe sole cost:?. Elastic wr.-'.bax f i . ar. .al F ;v« : ,x-i Wr Wha.ebctes tor Dres<-e- and Bonnets. . avuOT’s, C.ar£ s ax>: V% illct s sp<ooi Trim B jick and co. 2 Itx.iix *evi .r x Black, brown, and all col’d l.ncn Thread. Carpet and furniture Bk-ding. zephyr worsted Ivory Comb?, Horn and Bs.ifx. i drt>*me io. Ha.r Brushes, toilet Powdei and fancy Soap, Cologne water of a superior qaality. Narrow and wide linen Tape, bl'k and col'd Braitf, Coronation Braid, silver Thimbles, Pins, Needles, Kc. Kc. The above, with a variety of other articles, will be sold on reasonable terms by WM. H. CRANE K CO. oct 15 dlw wdt 231 Broad street- SCHOOL NOTICE. fTNHE subscriber wil continue his School at the j new dwelling on Walker street, and hopes that the distance to his place will not be an objec tion with any lady or gentleman wbo may be kind ly disposed to patronize him. He will pledge him self to prepare youth for Franklin College, or any other Cohere in the Union, in Classics and ui tne minor branches of Mathematics, and should a suffi cient patronage be extended to him, he could secure tne services of a gentleman of well known ability ic Mathematical science, in reference to tbe -u> sciiber himself, he has had charge of Schools ax i Academies m this State during a period cl tex year*, acci xeg» leave to refer, if necessary, to CcL I.gibcxas N. Hamilton of Atheas, axi the Rev. Jc.xax Harris, before whom he had been examine: by a gex*',exxaa of the North, before xe could be admitted to take the Rectorship of tne Ctkixxr.a County Academy,which he Lad lor three years. Should a eta?* of tig tor ten young men be four.x, xe could devote two houa to theixii itnx-x.oc, each cay, a: a xxnc that would not ister ■. . . d x■ ■■ - :■ x- Jbectedwuh tne Chw/a. wfavch is almost, if not toia-.y xcgjectec is oar Sovtnem iscsunanes, \u: Mytaoiogj , Latin Eienxw-s, and Prosody, without w; stx bue tsaaax.:. t: txtaxueter and Hexameter Verae ca: not ue •> . ..red, T:.e Ex it . waiter - tiuGon will be reqaaed at entrants, xnt the stirt ias*.A ye.i w uc the same at txat of xxe ot;.e: S.-mmaries of the city. At a f-tare Use sbo ic i.s patrons jet .re Ls cor-..xg v. a "jote cc-x ■ extent place, he a... comply ».:x •-. L: trotage. DANIEL MAHONEV. oct € w it Tx**r Const." x*. .*xal.*t will g • the above four -*«iy msemons. /a titc Superior Court c/ His‘.rx'/nd Cmtr4*. Tnru. 1140. ’A ~ .an: £kct«<tk,j T • /c £u • a;, John P. Coles. 3 LrpON tbe petitioa of William Bnstwiek, setting I fcrta tnat xe was .n tne cl a pro imssory note, made by one John P. Coles, .abed on me 3Ctx day A J ..y, 1 * Ia- 1 payable sixty days after da:e.t> txe order of \\ xiliam IVxtvkk iCo., for tr.ree :. nx-:.»-.i and *e-. enty nve 46-luO dollar., which vis destroyed xy xre on txe eighth cps Au gust, 1:26, axud pray.xg this cocrb to establish a copy in lieu of said original note so destroyed I is ordered, that the said John P. Cole? do show cause, at toe next term of tn;» court, why a copy should cot >e established in lieu of said original note. It is further ordered, mat a copy of thi- rule ! xe served on the said John P. Cole? thirty days prior to the next term, or be pu:h?xed once a month for f :r moot - prior thereto, in oceof the P rblic gazettes of tne city of Augusta. \ true extract f.-om the minutes. August 27. IS4O. JAMES McLAWS, Cl*k. NOTICE. 4 LL persx x- indebted to the estate of Robert J, 1 Allen deceased, of Burke county, wi.l make ) immediate payment, anl those having demands against said estate, will present them witnin tbe time ptescrib-cd by law. Tin MAS T. ELLISON, Adm’r. November 9,1540. w6t NOTICE. J A LL persons ixdexted to tne e-tate of Wm. 1.1, l Mot lev . Etc of Burke County, deceased, are i requested to make immediate payment, and those j having demands against said estate to render them I.u, duly atte-ted, within I.e r i:ae pres iixed y law, iu I?* AAC I. HEATH, Novatuber 9. Ih4 . Atiuiiimtiator, IIARRI>ON’> SPECIFIC OIXTSLNT. FOR ifae : .re ; f r. hag su eilir »?. KidskHS and «ie? isaw/.”?. *.•? if-|s vie an: ire»h miiili. sp-aira are?: zrmma, swe.iDEs ami infem Mie-xa*, *• * L : bead, women's *->re breufer ffce®* p-uas. cairreAsn*. w L.:»w* ■ b-jes, cx:, and exiereiii »fae**<» pes*n;!r. Ite propnefo * is** ref-stved a: .eist a tboosaßd «n £* -*■?-?. iad other orsff t:- .a jv-r f bts SPECI . the niMpiaiTai 1a thetr ««ot saga —(o whwa . <fanrf or i/idby jdtttfrr can betfpaei 4 ibck-je {bag (cr.i£ntei, mere we a great ncmoer ireaa tiw im.cS etaareem pfiysieaio in tbr cocntrv. « iac« tat Oiuawct ia carer pncSjC'. n pnwnw to any. oc *ix of ben wloch t *ve ever re«j inverne*; ia*: r. poe'-r r_2» a, m‘ ie: a limDttk trow sanrkvv, mi.xarg enxieroen. ianm, ar d other*, rrkcjxe 10 ibe tcgi.' z eScacy ot re_s Chr.uetti. :r. .be brtuaea, ccta, arid ai; lk external ron:-_a.-r.:* aad c ->f hor*es. and aeso-ng U««ri are no Uaa a dcara cer ring to tbs oaaat per wet ec.re-s which it has pertoraed oa the sore rea- is u* .-.in* vs those aaisaa-s A'tofftber tbe proprietor fetlt bo hesaataoo la gating—or m p«t> :...£ .; :•:• the trows igs.r.*x all c.eap-.s 11 tore —h«t HARRISON > 1C OINT BENT - vastly *txperior to every ; mg of tig k_vi whieb has aere fi. K-re been offeree to tree pnbre; i»i the prcpr.ti ' .■ ' • ■ . - ■ . • is w iking to ms f»w repatatfoo -,*3 a »«?!' rria.;, lor knew* ir-ci the BMW ample expererece, treat i cannot be nsec w.ikaui usaeciase *r>. palpable benefit, at uj one al (be fiTpfimtt far which it i >n n rwrntirrl R«aJ pace 54) cctfi ter lot Srekl al all t e prncipal URL STORES at ■any 2)0 AufoiU, G* METHODIC SOI THERA BOOK H(X)>! Hsgme street, sfpmrite Messrs. J. S . 4' i -Bvr«, €Jhsrlefvm, S. C. ?. sen.e: tesreect. y t.;cni' tree - 1 zens of ChariMCe ar-itse pc- 1 Ik getserGly .that I the above e tre;,.sinners t .* t. w in i jeratson, w.ere may :e f. -t: a s'cJ TLeoiv £scai'Works, whim w... ;<r s. i j i nrs at p«t aiism prices, aat a ...eral discoiiiit to wholesale dealers. A .to, is ad*iiti;=a to toe shore, arili be cobstaaiiy kept oe t.aLd, ar eitecsire afsortmect ol Sc roc . t b.tiiCi. a: - M-s t rt-e. -s &.•;*?. '—- tk>cary. Sc. Also. L;-.riers* Mucus. • tch as Sheep Si.r ; . Lam? v i.as. Russia HlJts. Bark Skivers, blue ana Rea j*.T?ts. B. re aci : r it', bx-iet' - B-ronis, Super Rora . Roya! Meiira, Lemj. Fiat ftp. Blorl.tx. -xveiope. nl Press papers. Ac. Ah cf wbrft re. > w: -yt retail, oa a> terms as any other ocse .b she city. A share c: pattcoase is respect; ally solicited. oct in.—sw3w j* HN W. >TOY, Agent .MOFFAT S VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES 7ftHE>E : »:s i.v :e - led : r sr- .* name A to tfa» .r raar. an«i - he actr.n .a fr; r* ti»e »t-rrr; • r fctnni f ■ i h£e. and e?xf uin£ ibm with renewed tone ami vigor, in dwt hen deed ceri;6ad ewaess w hica nas been mace perjuc, and in aiKr.a: even ♦;<{*» ol disease to which trie Leman mate a oab.e, f«e Lapp.y edfecia of MOFFAT’S LIFE PILLS AND PHENiX BIT TER" base :t fr* efol j and per .hrlr a< - Inowkdzed by the pencrai be^efiriled, mi who were pnevi .aa.y Boaeqniaicd wnh the beam.tally phik*cpEjcwl pnccipies epe-n which they are compoonieo. and np»>n which they «nn*eq setuly act- T!je LIFE .MEDICINES recccaroer.-i thex-e'eas . _»ca-es .1 every; »na and dew.'hpiHiD. Their f n-t operation u to i frucs the cuai* ol the si-taw: h a/.*J ho weir, the vanoos aEfJxntrej* and emd iUe* fua itativ aedlisg arooad :L-«a ; ano to remove tbe lieie-- wauch iiecr eonv-jh-'s-on* ol the tma. e*t inie* Other medicines only pamally cPranse ttwse, and leave I Mih cofieeted amaaea behind aa to proher habito* a! coativenem w uh ill its train of evils, or m a iod den diarrncea, wuh its croioent dartfers- l i.:s ta* t u well nto a.I reiu ar anatomists, woo et amine the human bowel* alter death ; and hence the preyodwe of th»we wed infcifMd men aga.n*! quack me if ;r,es— or ti.ec.rA*s prepared aid her iaded to tlie pu '.if bv jgnomnl p« 1 he se cond effect of the Lite Medicines a ?o cleanse ;he knineya and the bAider, and bj this means, the liver and the lungs, tbe hea-lhfj act;- n A wh;< t enureiy depends upon the refxLamy of tbe urinary organa. Thebioed, w mch ta?:es tta red color from the agency ol the liver and the lungs before it passes into the beat, be.as fna- pur.htd by them and nourished by food ccccxg fr-tn a i lean stom ach, courses freely thioogh the ve.n*. renew* ev» rv part of the sistem. and tnuKip.aally mounts t. 4 e banner of health in the nlo* tmng c r.e» s. .Moffat's Vegetable Liie >lec. toe* nave been thotoughiy attested, and pronounced a sovere rn j remedy for Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Faip-.usa n ot the Heart, Loi* ol Apprtiie, Hesm-buni and Head ache, KosFcrstn -T, I;l-ten:per, Art ty, L-;.gu.r and Melww holy, Cosuveness, DiJtr. cea, Choiera, Fevers ot a.’! sands, itheumausin. Goer, Drop-.es of ail kind. Gravel, Worms, Asthma and Constimp I. -n. b« urv>, I ers, Inve rate > res. S .rbuuc Eruptions anti Bad Compieik»riS, Lrup>ave cota p «im«, S . >\v. Cktuciv, and other 1 MDptesior.s. Sait Krteum, En»i;elai. Lomwiti Colds and inffuenza ax«d various other complaints w lurk atß-ct liie hurcar. frame. In fever ami azue. pßßiculariy, the Life Meotcmes have been ek*£eminently successlui: so much so that tn the Fever and A . .e nets, Ph_.'.:ans alma- urn* vena iy pr-.-.be men. All tha: Mr. Moffat require* of his patient ls to be particular in taking the Life Mea teme > strictly according to tlie direcuoaa. It « not by a news paper notice, or any ihirg that Le bimeeif may say m thesr lavor, liiat he hopes to gain credit. It m alone by the result of a fair trial. MOFFAT’S .MEDICAL MANUAL; designed as b dramatic fra Mo :o beabA—Tl * bttia paMhl edited by VV. B M iffat “5 Bruacway New iork, has beer, published tor th? purp-oe ol exp a-ning more fuii j Mr Muffai’s ihet.»rT of diseases, and will be fcnmd highly interesting to persons seeki g neaith. Ii rtau upon prevalent diseases, and the * i*ose< thereof. Price iio cenu—for sale by Mr Mkftt'i agents generally. These valuable meOi:; nes are for sale bv WM M. D ANTIGN AC, bole Agent for Augusta Did- cl. jfrOH.N, a German papicaa oi much i,o.e, osvmz aevotea ms auesmoc h>r some rears to tne r .re arel removal of theca use* ot NER VOUS AND MCK HEAD ACHE, h« xbesaxi v.cuott ’.o make known, that he has a remedy which by ;ag the causes care* effee.uaiiy &*ui perata oenliy this diiuewgig complaint. There are taany ;irxiies wno r,v.e c .ais-dered Hca_cache a con stitoiionaS laimJy complaiat* Dr. >. aji sure* ihern that t-ey i*e m_»ia«ien, aua iaboc r mg uncer di*tn» v.n.*:» mj m ght r. w only &iie% iaie but artoai y eraiicateri bi tbe ff bu remedy. It the re* ui: of scientific research, and is era.rely of a c.fiere' i character frcsfli itiver.ise*; patent fi.edi cih's, and is not cxipiersi&ni to the :aste. HEADACHE, SICK OR NERVOUS. The eitnaorc nary reputation that Dr. SpoLn's remedy tar this dt-xreastr.g eotapam: .j every cay gaxi.ng is eenax ;y a matter ofmuch actonishmecG That m ten s-offering should have existed forages without any discovery of an effectual piereniiva, or ; care, ia truly a subject of much regret but Dr. S. now assures the public that remedy has been inveiited ai Wj.. con* meet he most credukt'ss. The • nncipiea on «iach it acts are simoiieand plain. It is an ac misted fact that this complaint, whether called > k Head -..he, or Nervous ileudacLe. arises prira ari.y :r>m the- **omacb—those who think uoev nave the Nervous Headache may rest assured that this erga a, t e stomach, the first that lh> sy*. itm ha* become vitiated or debilitated, through the stomach, are; that only throeeb the same cranoei roust they expects restoration of the natural ar.d heairhy foncttcßS ol tbe system. 'I bis object. Dr Spoon • rernecy is cmicenuy calculated to artairn i he truth A it % position cannot lie controverted, and the sooucr eufferers wuh he headache become con '.meed of :t, the >ner will tke.r euiienri z err; ia rest oration of Lea.tr., Dr. fepobn pledge* his prckfeSionm reputation on that so. i. ’U* remedy riiay .ue bad ot apj-ine- *ries general iy throoghoul tie L litieo Maiea. For -~ate y a NTON i & KAiNP.S. No xR'Z Eroau Aogi.atx mar ia PBTESB* TEBETABLE PILES. } I ' ire DO k ar amnng th < tJ . Jl C c !u; fJT. i ntv lave paved away foa tk« »*taw?reds ibal ore d»J» xamned upoo | .he .-ecu iiptramt. and no a etand before tbe j pwibc a. hign a repuiat. >:u and a< ex*e&-.vely ' eotp-kovee .n al pans of the t ai%r*i t sixes, xne Isxt- I o aoas, Texas. M i a. 5.. d tlae V. i-r ladies, as any med.cixe xni. loss ever been pve;a e*» . -r ;he relief of sufficting eid. » Lev nave :««i .n; .doccx ’ . a bevever it was wurei b4e ;>• car*y them . an a the are »ax v, n. an* that c j net touiam s-sae - , Trim ~a ‘r es.cence* ol :* ir p> c eUrdi- T:«e ! eer..scale* that rxve been , 'eaei.xe-; t . me p-'or* -e --or onn) iwesßy «G>esana J upward? ol five ban . red ot wi_ h are from regular pr-c _nng p-hyxrx. - ■ w bo are the or -t eowpeiefci j ..-ire.- . f ibesr merer*, tnxeo nave ine cures prtewii by t is roec cine 1 i-een Ur? salyeet ot editorex c»jeaßscei« ia viiiou* I new spepets and yuorois ; and it may wu.i trut.i be i- that no Etc .w.ne of toe k.rd Los ever ' au.iei t saimozuak of gr-.ate* ta.ee than are at * taebed to ibis FSey are in federal use as a aai;. aaifiae, . srd there are ik-usaccs ot :ifun.es who tie- .re the;, ore never cniess they nave a *up>. Iy 1 always on hand. Tney have no rival in crirmg and preventing Bums fevers. Fever ar*i Ague, D - . epeps.*. Ever CocspUxr >. k Headsche, Jaunc.*.ev Asimaa. Diu(«t. .xsatMn, EahrsHarK ot tne Srpleen, P..cs, CLohe, F«*ae Obrtructioeis- Kean hurt . 1 ai red Tongue Nausea, aiKi B-iwe-s, IncrpMcnl Disnkc, FluJuienee, Urbit usl UostafLCss, L.e* ot Appefiie, F.ulebed vr Cwiieti gt, ud in all eases f rr-.-r .! the ftmcb, where a ca’harxie or aa *p«wxx -- r . z : Bp— ;ion, pfoco- . z DettLer nan-ea, »r. ; tng nor dcbii.lT. I-e ert v y these puis is ■**> -«ea tr.-c I thenr ne so general, that farther coataua is coo ?. icred r.uece-- ay. Fvr fiiriber p*r*.i- ul.r-. see Lr. Fe'er- tan me*. whi» u can be tx»i 'S ol auv oi ire Am.: • TNOUR MvOlce after .i»:e app cat.ot will I* mid* : • tbe Hoe. the J jlkt- .: the Infer v I Cooit of Birfimrawi County, when sitting for onb { sarr purposes, for leave to sell the real and per ! sotia estate of Wi hub Turly, Jate of BscLmond , countv, deceased. JAMES BRANDON. \ Admires ALFRED >EG< 3 trators. 3, IMOL * Georgia, Jefit-mou Uoautv : \\" HEKEAS J?!ne* Parker applies for Letters * of Adnxxi?traik>Q on tbe estate and effects I of Isaac • wee-. la:e of said couuty. decea-sed. Tri-eseare I h err sere to cite are: iimoaish all and j sxaniar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased. I to ale their objections, if any they bare, in my of fice w. min tbe time prescredei by law, to show ' cause why said letters should no* te granted. Given under ray hired, at c&e ire. Loiasville, , this 31st of Octoler. InF). CBENEZER BOTHWELL, Clerk. November 3, IM-l SHERIFF’S SALE. jll r ILL he sold oa Ibe rccaa- * f f ter next, tefore tree Court House aoor in the town of Wayatsioro, uetweea the u- ill hours jof-a e. the fo..owing property, to wit: one tract | of Fine Land, three hundred ami forty five acre-, more or less, adjoining xrea* of William I Buitoc and other*. Levied ot as tbe properly of I tsfy s.Dlry fi. u«. in favor of Edward Tab4> and Iracey Roe vs Wilma I. 1. Rcyai and Handle Wimberly, Levy r.ade are: returned to me ty a c.n<:a tk. lb AAC MESSEX, November 4,1540. Sheriff. WARREN SHERIFF’S SALE. IftflLl told on tbe first Tuesday in Decem | f ter next, at lae Court House :. ;r in the town of Wantatoo, Wanen County, Ga., tetweea tie us-a. re. jr* of >aie, Lhe foilowing property, to wit: Oce negre man slave named Elias,4s or 50 years . o J, levied ,-n as 1 x property of >amuei i lemur, • to «au<fy net fi. fa. re*ued from the Superior J Court of Warren County, in favor of John Per- I sore - :e! Fleming ard Henry Conaway.— I Property pointed out by Conaway. Also, one re laxed face Bay Mart , supposed to be I eight years old; oc-e Sorrel Mare, five years old, and seventeen head of Cattle, and eight head 01 Hogs, levied on tr a bailiff to satisfy an attach ment returnable to tbe Superior Court of said Cota- I ry in favor cf James Daniels vs, John Clary. Also, one Sorrel Filler, 2 j year? o’d, will be : .; ■ • - Gchmeret in favor of James Daniels ts. John Clary, ; soid atCiirement returnahie to the Superior Court of said Couity. Pioperlv pemtedoat sv plaintiff. JAMES HALL,*Mieriff. November 2 IMO. i G I VHDI VN S IMS. A GRFEABLL to an order of the Hottorabie the /I IbJ« . sitting; as a Court of Onlinary, wih be sold on the | j first Tuesday in January next, before tbe court j house door at Warnesooro, Burke county, withren j the usual boors of sals, ooe tract of land contain- | ireg foo. hundred and eight acres, whereon William ■ Gt;*lrap deceased formerly, and wrereoa John W. Wise Djw lives, joining land« of C. B. Churchill, j Drury Corker, and others, soli for the benefit of tree heirs of Wiley Gilstrap of said count* deceased. I Te tri?, rweive iremths credit for notes with ap- ) proved security. JOEL WO/TEN Ocfooer 7, I >4O. t juarAan. JLi I'EKSON Sil Fli I ITS SALE. I v\ ■■ w W »er next, at the Market House, in the town I iff Louisv. ie within tbe legal hours of sale, three * Negroes, to w.t: a woman slave, and her j two ch-idren, Augustus and Henry. Also, a quant rsebeld Furniture, coo- 1 >.s'irg of v .ab. hre-fa, Beds and Bedsteais, Clocks, : rend sundry other articles in 1..e be use-keep.ng line. Sard property, levied ore as the property of Owen Mcleanott, upon idrec’h>sure of Mortgaie, of hberrod Airscgton vs. sa.i McDermott, Proper- j tv pointed out m said Mortgage fi. ;a. WILLIAM h. ALEXANDER, ShX Septeir.ter 30, IS 10. EXECT TOR’S SALE. 11 r ILL be so.d to tree highest bidder, oa the || first Tutsxiy in January next, within tree legal hours of sale, at the Market bouse in the town of Louisville, Jefferson County, agreeare Iy to t tbe last will and testament of Hardy Morgan, de ceased, Four Hundred Acres of Piae Land, more or less, in said ccunly, adjoining jands of Job* j ) Lyons, E—jih Hudson and oxreers. Also, Three Negrv Slaves, to w;t: Wincey, a woman, about twenty-four years old; Margaret, a girl, about ! e.gat v ears old. and Mason, a boy, about live years | old. Terms cn the day of sale. STEPHEN MORGAN, Executor. November 3, IS4O. J II ’"ILL be so d at tree Court House in Warret;- j \ f ton. AS'arren County, on the first Tuesday I ia January next. Two Hundred and Ninety-eight ■ Acres cf LAND, more or less, lying in said County, whereon Evans McCrary now lives, adjoining er and others, sold as tree property ci Peggy Lut tieil, dece.sei, by tbe consent of the Legatee?. Terms at sale. ' THOS. T. BL'TTRELL, Raytown, Ocb 31,1 >4O. Agent. POSTPONED SALE. ~~ ILL be sold at the Court House door in % / Waynesboro, Burke county, on the first Tuesday in December next, one hundred acres of land more or less, known as the Atkinsoa tract — lying ore Buck-head creek, ia sail coren-y, and ad joining lands of C. De sat aye—said land belonging to the estate of the late Mark Desareaye, and ?old ire accordance with an order of tree Honorable la feru,T Court of said county for the purpose of a division. GEO. W. EVANS, Administrator. >epleireber iS, 1540. EXECUTOR’S SALE. U" ILL be sol: at the Court House in Burke county, on the hrst Tuesday in December next, tree 10. lowing tract? of Land, lying in said county : One tract containing one hundred acre's odjoming Char es Skinner, ac i John EIIioL One tract contain mg ninety-four acres, adjoining Charles s a inner ar.d Robert kk.rener. The other tract con tiio,r.g twenty-live acres, adioia.D-g hirr.ecn Fell, r.ner, and comers on the r inety-four acre tract, sold under the Wiii of Gutifon Eiliofi deceased. Terms, Curly days credit, notes with approved security, Furcuasc-rs to pay for titles, SIMEON BELL. Fx’r. v eptember 30, lh4o. tj ADMINISTRATOR*' x »’ILL -vtai CO the Ist Tie my -s Fej r-- / If o*.\t.: K»r?e the m*vl ten oi *a fo:e the court ho -<f Acer in the vis :age cf : .•tj.-.c- : • m>- hcrivea e> ; y.eee s; hi.-J cc: -! jctw, nciroi less- lj»g a»d >M<g is ,c cowtr, in -j' A. >. Janes ar * | Martha liimnsteD. _ Ate*. •i: Jeffry. Jac-e, and an iff t, a.I the p-rwperty < - : h T. H<ncetoo. decease :. for the :ea_eLt c' the » of- : decent f. erms c the day cf JKFFRRSON ROBERTS. Aia’r. \ovc~ l s-r 10, l?O0. IDMIM'TR %. fOR> SALE. \i" 7 ILL fee s-:‘ 1 - s tie first Tuesday ic Fetraa % ry next between the usual bears cf ?a le, before tbe court boose doer u the village •£ Jack s Scnrea county, t&o koadred acres of bod. s.. | in. :-■ ■:. :r.*y ;: ' :.•• ::.. a Jlc ihr ifr. Cieck,kM*B 2< the J->se;h Lewis tract. Also, r-.se Negroes, ■.. Mart-. Betty, V. Ham. Murk, Kinder, Rilri. Bill, Pat, asd Joe, a 1 ?iM tie .: Li.*:ary Hem rtti «ased. the iene i : *g« heirs of «a_d decease h Tems on the day cf sale. JEFFERSON ROBERTS. Adsw. , < November 10, Isdfo IDMIXI>TRATOR*s SALE. \\"ILL be -jUI :;. the Ist Tuesday in February ff T 9 of L ying oop iemanr's cieex ■ imng bads cl M ierny Ln: a&i ; tiers, belonging » to the estate of fhoeaas Rci . senior, decasec. Terms made known on the day of sale. THOMAS ROD. Jr. Admfo. Red • *ak. Nov. 12, ls4o. ADA!IXis mAXOES SALE. \G K EEA BL Lto an order of the Honorable, trie olostia corny, when usg for .rinaar. puip. -e-s, wxh be sold be sine trie se :>.. ■- - ..ity. :e. - leer to trie e-::te cf .fori* Jone-- deceased, and lying or teinr lc Catestla county. the wauts cf Kea «.*.%■ creek, a :In Leg 1 lan belonging to Fuller teal and ctner*. -odd for ’he :ene;it of the be.." of sai. deceased. ED. W. J‘ N£>. Airvr. Wrighls;»re, Nov. 12, IsFA ADM I KIsTRATOIL**' SALE. U"ILL .r - . : im Co art i; c-use dcorof . >o the Lrst ; Tuesday in January next, by cm At of theUflC' onl-k inferior (tart of Columbia toanty. iing as a Court of Ot dreary. Forty acres of Land iy :t; .3 sad }ut> of Cnsiokee. .c tire Third Lis tnct 1 i Tiirf sc-cucn, known an 1 in -. an of s*id District a? Lit Xo. 3t>. Trve saji lot of Land te lextpuz to ibe estate of .Vtrahitr. Fuller, and soli for the teceit of the heirs of sand deceased. R. W. BELL, A nen jtritc-:. October 2d, liA). POST POX ED D>i IX LS I RATOR'S SALE. 4 GREEABLE to an orierof the Inferior Co-it f. e n - : j - rarr purposes. w;.i be s-iii, on the fiat Taesday in Xo*. ember next, a: the coart boose in Stewart eoantr. a lotol .and :ek>r*z;n£ to the estate of Lot Wi liams, deceased, two hundred two and a half acre-, ly log and te:n2 m the county of 'tewarL So 1 1 : : -e :-ne: icf the heir* and cre ditors. Tortus ®f sale cash. WILLIAM GLOVER, Adra r. sepjea er 4, I>4o. .VD.MIMSTAUIOifS SALE. - ki on Wednesday, t.e 23.; day of vv December next, at the late residence c: rah Mobley, deceased,of Burke County, all the perishable property of War. L I. Mobley, .ate oi ■‘.aid county, deceased, cossistine; of Horses, v ooe of which is a tlrst r.:e sa.Mle berse . Cattle and H gs. Corn and F.dder. Plantation Tools, sx.. Terms made knewr. cc the day. ISAAC L HEATH. November9th, IS-A . Adruimstrator. ADMIXIsTIiATOR'S SALE. A GREF-ABLY to an order of the Inferior Court of Burke t. uat;- . when s.::.A£ as a Court .: O;binaiy, w..l be '-.ld on Wednesday, the ZZc lay of December next, at the late resibeoce of Sarah > Mobley, deceased of sasdccunlr, all the perishable property of said deceased, to wit: Cora and Fod der, sc.. Household and Kitchen Font:tare, and some slock Cattle arid Hogs. ISAAC I. HEATH. Temp. AdmT. November 9, IS4O. ADMIXISTR VTOR'S S U.E. YITH esboro, at the late rc f \ sidence of J. Jan<en deceased, on Tuesday, the 22d day of December next, all the perishable property of said c«iate, con'isunr of a small stuck of •store Goods, a Horse and Buggy, Hoes, a Cow, and household and kitchen Furniture, At the same tune will be hired the negroes :. t the next vear. Sale to continue iV-m day to day till a1 be sold. Terms 12 month; credit, -mall notes w.nu approved security. ML LFORD MARSH, Airr. r Warnesboro, Xov. 9, l v ku w:; ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. AX'iLL be sold at th ate res.hence . I Robert J. » f Alien deceas'd, Burke county, on Toesiijr the 15th day of December next, ail the perishable property of sa.-d deceased. -un‘--tu.r of H«::se‘. Cattle. Hogs,Corn and Fodder. Wagon, Plaiitat.on Tools, ic. Te.tns of sale 12 months credit, small n.-te? with good security. Sale to conbinue frem oav to 4iy till all be sold. THOMAS T. ELLISON, Adm'r. 1 November 9, IS4O. wot ILL be sold on the Tth of December next, at the »a:e re- hence of Iheniius Gleascn, de ceased, ot Burke County, a -kable prop erty thereto bel:oging,eor s.sting of Horses, H rs. stock of Cattle. Com and Fodder, all the nous* uo.d and kitchen Fomitoie, all the Plantation Tools, w.rh a tolerable set of Black smith's Toc4s. T e ,trs on the day of sale, and sale to continue from day J to day till a. the above mentioned property is sold. >ale to te artenhed to by the Heirs. Georgia. Burke County, *>Sth I istnct. November 12, ISkt w4t EXEC I TOR'S SALE. A GREEABLE to an order of theHaaorablc the Infe.ior Court of Screen county. wn..e sitting as a Court of Ordinary, mill be sold on the nrst Tuesday us January next, before the court house door in tne village of Jickscnb-cru. sundry tracts of land and ceurrors. the said lands 'yn; an-d ! being m the county of Strive a. lying in hiderent parts of said county, said lands and negroes sold as - ■ ■ for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. GEORGE R LLOCK. Executor. October 13. I>4o. EXECI TOR'S SALE. 1A "ILL be s. i a: the Court House, in Seamen \ y county, oc the frs: Tuesday m December next, under tne Wi I of .Ann H. Dunn, decease::, iate of burke county, all Mat tract of Land in Sc riven county, c ;n:n.nmg four hundrei and fifty acres, more or >ss. adjoining lands of Jolm >. Ro:-erU aad others, lying on the Deatfr- ian Creek Terms, twelve rr:n ..s credit, notes with ap * proved securitv. Purchaser to pav for titles. WILLIAM LASSETER, Executor. September 30, lS4i». t POSTPONED SHERIFF SALES. V¥"ILL be sold at the market house La bhe town Tv of Lo-isv; le, JeSerson county, oo me hrst | Tuesday in December next, within the legal hours | of sale, three hundred add s:xty-nve acres of lanh, j lying on the Ogeechee river, adeeming iinds of J. K, Cook, and i. J. Rheny; levied cn as the prop erty of Anthony W. i uiner, to satisfy n. fas. i-sued from the Superior Court. Wuham Byne, vs. A. W. Turner. Property pointed 0.l by defendant. Also, one tract conta.rung nine hundred and forty acres, lying on Boggy Gut Creek, adjoining lands -f Kensdy and others; levie>i on as the pro eity of Henry P. Turner, to satisfy h. fas. issued from the Super.or Court. \V iTiam Byne. vs. said Henry P. Turner. Property pouiied out by defendant. W. ALEXANDER, November T, 1 >4O. -NOTICE. fTNIIE subscriber res.ee if illy aotihes his friends I in me adjoining counties, and through, at tne State, that he will attend to the receiving and for warding goods froii the Rai roc4 De pot at Madison. Ga., alter Ist of January nexL Also to forward: g Cotton to A .gusti. and will be prepared to fumisri Jos iTienoswith goo>ls such as they nuv wish at pt rces satisfactory. TH AD. B. REES. Madison, Nov. 9L wot. V lb ** r X KAde tn t&e Hc< " ' •* » _ >c::Ten conaty, wi.ie • w"*'* ■*** aarv- ** leave m „ rut Vi,-. V" V V ' Is- in* cat.is .1 ' •LI eoastr, dv:ex«c-: ~ 3r *' Jf ■/'" a I IP. afb : ... ' JL j «* *Ae Hot-: - : -kfo:' ' % 1 T& itWHi T m wlws 4 at~ " r *■ **' for leave : ,%'‘ v -* : ->:gunu b:- the L u . Z ' *'• V; > deemed i Lj y • xts A -rtnril'. Ivi* . "M AS; . i I-’ i ■* ‘b i s - •.» ..igr .= ;.v;ib ■. ■...?*-• ■ : for leave to -el! ab the rer: ‘7- ;n ’*«&. syj Bell, Bicw at* Aitfcht I* . K '<dpj »V lUWsi ix CR MONTHS aVtesTl u I 7 will be Bade to tfce Rkbmoß.l coaafj, whec littk;- -- • .d |:| :cses, for leave to sell the X* r: .7 vT 1 ' estate oi the Ate Jc* e C bark s * 4 ~ u. g1 IS* * ft " :i:< - m lv, M rr.abe to rue 1- 1-- • - . . „ * w®t. for Leave to sen inree I,u :'7-7‘ 7 acres of iamd hi to tk -trj. ' McCoy, deceased J.C*ATK!SSsX i*.HN WALLAILiTbnH Jaiy 10,1:4*). ' 17 -’ r % ' made to the Kaon: c the Udciaa f ** b| Coisrabia enuaty, whea * tr ? I’* f«W: *d* tn* .iuti Ua-iajj b * • esbi.be oi U-.nn Jones, .i’.- o - -■ ~ " * J.ly I‘, ISM. ]j*Ol R Bscths utter vit. , made lo tbe Hoom v: «■ laamer < v • tt. £ r.r »euve t. s-sT . t lie tea. - v.- - T -.1 ■ - . * ~ r - 4s . Nai_-n g^r r _tj_y. ,__r .. ti.. .. .bt ...... --- - - * : u-Eo.i c-x cie neirs an: -in b.tcrs c . ( .. ;... | |7 oun -7. A tr.* bt tu *„e Htcorx. .*ge I:>• ; Jt Jerson ecantj, for leave *•: -e._ i msu. d county, beir g i ran .{ the -7 'UDHt. Hannah, minor of Wa Hauuu 8 for tbe b(KEt oi said mmor. ' I THOMAS HANNAH, .. Sep*Ax:er Slh. IrF.. *c rl toe th- after bi.c ij-cucabiiC v to the boaorau .e kherie? C««t j .umt.a ccantv. wuec sitnug i‘ . - —-- ' ■ - T *iUC ■ iur f. > e «o aui .ue uata «_. tesute- --i r« to the estate of Isa*. Lowe, lube if f. ~ ty, decea^-A CURTIS DI>WE 7 ;ember 2. ]>-h.. F'OUR Months aider bate, a;-; .7777 > A made to the hocorat ie Infer*.: .li t . uaty, eave to seh a Negro. -.r estate of Thomas Mi cry, deceased, fit 1 JOHN h. KOBINSCOT -—s' July 10, iih). FOi R months a:ber bate, ape cabuc v t mate to tie hocronh le in fence Caen u o c-u'-nty. w; le - ttmg is a C .:t .. ■- .eare *w: . iadre b and twe.ve a r*- if-T belocgmg bo Joseph H. Bell, a motor. JA3 ES GOPRF.F la- a Sepfemter ID, IS4&. R months att-r ~-te. at: a. i, .1* B 1 made t:> the tocotab « the I'Ant- v «sj I Kicaraood casab . when •itist for p»; >es. for leave to sell the rea. aad :e:-..ta ea* *- of XlitcucLl Nelson. Ate of su.icocutr.dcEeMx July IS, IS4O. ' JOHN CARTEL Arbi JNOL iv m.-1" ; alter date, art .tibuE v, fj : _:e u toe hc-o e info:..: :. | Lurke county, wl e sztbicg as a court ec ri an I for leave to sell > 0 acres of lag.:, behtru: - ah' |i estate of Daikfl J. Evans, uecetsed. A -g. s. 1 . JESSE P. GREEN. A^ month- after date, .am.: vbl ;« made to toe Hct-.-rarie loferiat Cowner .-o ; : : . . . :/ - t-ar .eave to seh x.. the i.e-u- Estate, aao N-gve. bel.mg.gg to tie Estate of Tlbsnas *: deceased. A. >IBLE\, Ahi: .v ;g-USI I'- »S4->. mentis after date, tpplicataa 1 * mxic t.. the ..mure le Inferior Coart ’■ .V: cocuty. rltblzg :.: crdic-ury , rrjes** leave to sell the real at: personal estate Wlaberir. iate ox sak! cocntv, decease: A g.it 11.1 "4*.c S A3IL. Fee TER, A OOI'R months after dale, applkat-tc so made t. the hereratle Inferior Ccmr.:: • V ccanty.for leave to sell Cugury acres of -u-- r % longing to the estate of Drury Foret at:. sk. » MARK Aim': uc u | Jmj 10, l&*tN 2'OUR months after date. appliratiß v A made to tae Honorable, the In fen* Ser.vea county, when Sitting foronmm ■* for leave to sell a.I tne e-state us Newton, cecease-i. JAMES W. LEE. Admmhaa:* October 13. IS4O. Georgia. Burke county : A 4 ~HER.E_\S. Andrew Carxt. i±m_: ~ * ¥ the estate of Mary Ann (hnc. 1350 s - Letters dhmissoij from sa: i esAte : These ax therefore to cite and abm -nsd i ‘ singular, tne kindred and credit; rs:: sa_ _ to :*e and appear at my oiSce. w.tnn me »?*" scribed by aw, to show cause, if my tae. 7 »*' why said .enters sbiould nut :e grante. Given under my band a: amce a ijnesbm tau Itth July. I'4C*. T. H. BLvINT- ■ Georgia, Seri ven Coaoty; James Paratr sen.::, me as letters of admicistration cc me s**- 1 * * John Parker decessed. These are therefore to cite, stamen m. ; isa ah. and singular, tne km-ireo an: ; I said deceased, to ne and appear at my :fm- h y the time presenjed by law, t. sew ri-* j* they have, why said letters should not for 1 -*’ i Given uncer my hand, at o£:e, m .n».> I this hth dav of October, IS4O. oct 13 ' ALEXANDER VE>U\£_^| Georsia, Colmtibia conaty; U*iiEx,EA', Wihlam >. Lbmn F» : the will of Wintdifd lunn appl es for letters dismusoiy fr.-i uc s" * - b e<e arc- there tore to cue a* * s-t”- v fo* j j sn._ _r, the kmdied and ere:.’ "'t 44 ’.J ■ tt be and appear ai my oi~ce w * ’ ’ scribed by ivvr, to ‘how cause, if an. l ‘ w ty sai l letters :;-ocid no: :< gnnte:. | *-ivcit uader an it*;.:, at :±ce. a* I'G-. GABRIEL J- Harkc conntv : . , i % HrJIEAS, Atri Leiv yi * „ tv estate of Mr, ,eu Boyd, deeex'*- o: letters disraissory Iron) sd esati ; v 1 hese are therei uc lo cite an: amaot- - singular, the kud ed acdtre-d.to r= - . , t lo be and appear at my oice w.tan me { scn.ed by jaw, to show ca .se. u *■-: ~ K * ■ - - tiiven under my hand at .mce in >77 n this HI th July, 1 >-to. T. 11. BL Georgia, Columbia ccunty : HERE AS Owen W. BaWw*, i f f on ;..e estate of Them:? -• "j. # ed. applies for letters dhmissory : a These are llietefore to cue an: r t v : ; ~i< singular, the kindred and cmotors .. jj* 'f. -r 0 be and appeal at my office, wlt.'un —* - scribed by law, to show cause, ii --2 " • why said le’ters should not be orm.e-- t ~ Gives under nij me :, at ntoc. ». ter, I>4o. GABRIEL Georgia. Li coin county : \\"HEREA> George W. Lew> 1 | ters of ‘administratioa on emiah Blanchard,deceasedi .. . t.i- These are therefore to cite and tes ‘u.gu’sur, the k<cdiecar.J creu.Rfo y 1 t‘ r to be and appear at my office withm t % t ;y .uw, to st.mv tause v u ■v..y s*-d letters should not b« grant*. -■ t ; Given under mv hand, at "fofo.l f' ’ . -s