Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, November 25, 1840, Image 2
~Hxi •, ~r. - ; : ~~A 16 t fe 1 M *| W iJjS Wjk.>-M* ■ > f | ■ *■ - i itkrr Mwt Wim bunl- Hl* » yawhea3m~ ' 9 li fj irr r -- a» tuu tibtj «k«. «|» *» capooting ’ HvtFT‘f x SOW* • * ) '.lut rnwn * jfcC~V*-' ''. r *?y ’U'**?* liwMby, SOMBirf43fi. it .* V } Mt/MMU a*« v-' 1 * **Npj l ll* 1 11 tff sMks^hlifting « __ (r az. It -i»‘j <■■' * -*- tal MM y|S| WOrkJt tS s|tt|* /1 rpyr-ji * HvrmrL m * jmhm |«|ssc* '&* wvn. A MAturC M i»# tototot ' SC.J'OpLto* |m jttMssy fetter sf fisttwtolr *|*ee dnci let* ; Mvwms to ttw feet* «* s|#*e usdc. F. M-- iv> taw purpot* of loss, j/.eti'-> " s to| •*' l.to%iaart.us» on tbs jeitti es liwmitr, id . Chatkmgh which hcfef W Mmms •rC,.v. ■>* : •*. ’ t Ciy i | l if tchacsAjt •- ?u £-~. p-.»-t**w’.| c "■*- OMUibxttiw vs feMti iiV-tkto*, i <UA*'.'to»«rX | Vk? Slit* ucrt «t to tue tHM at whack da|t MM eeartm- i ymt&i » «t«MS to spec**: I ttatei ; •A ’ . I l' v . vj IrtirHtr/, j i li tM - to'-to -to I .‘j | -. :• y*./ -.' ,> f. a*. Fva? fetdkMl Mitt, wikrik jka* a—uTt in afcC ejcusabi *. t pcarvioalae,toat 1 «am k*w 'tor vast <rf ttoae mms iii|feen^*. irtMU. ♦• .» /■ >i ’im Up . .*•■•*' it ‘ tor ' * . . •. t | Mtt cd hatirntte/ bcmt dhat kpvfor tee witt* 4»a *»<«. '/.* ’-: ? • v.ii - c - r* <; , to 'W k/i»ijk*a. CIMMi • pi Bftwdwihtr il/. itJir,.* •/ Vi * .*. »4j*|, -> j» ;•• liMfc «»/ M< < «,•*'/ ,>. * ’t< i/I / » , •, i- | < ■ to U/ t».r »«•/,» ■, » • ; | hiiuiii, wh u.L tiM'.ut. .< ?.vi# |,ei|y MiMMMRItt» And atoxtu.d *'*« tr»>ia LtktrA t//-<ifv j•» -■- (Mil/ 1',.. , a ,i. »;.«• 4144' . { • iM/ii win i/t i. .». 4i* y. \ ■ / ‘ i y * ’ tov H ■ ,No/<li < aroliua t Fiily-thie*: so f:* . < .«#•'. • ijti ' |iVI k BljOnt) i'll /iAAAUArtI ui C|tttt 1 \JHOh* Illinois. I 'll** < irt*i , •/. • ti<-. ‘.. f : - '<• r«<il>Ul , f*.4 ; I i . ■ ri. f ■ t like real**t iiki >«-»- itir t//!t *|> >% » » * - Buitrli ku 1.'. » ;.‘-.r fctkt*. I I I JU» 'J 'f /4-' . \ | lit* If ton.* fto'.-y Buitii wia//;,*/ s!&',. Srfoi - k*« liv/ ti i / . ■ jjat'# •Islv.'' - - i HiiH | I »Hto Ttttofaaeae* i v* tui .♦ • ? —• ; ( dtdw.trsmtii -rx -w» * . j J- Uq|tof ; toftr: ttv OTMMtt u Wi ■I, f i itomator, tor Mb ne. ; m sear tse tot*-: <9< Ur -jto* »*»• t tu"’ » v le, t>4 m t liAM » rtrac :. s , t . «& lua- a«ut ik. ins f Um arw MtansrnL atari M '-Jt ■ to*, aLawtf- fao*W Sw lie ft ujr.y* < .' mqtfWtWl 'lk Mtor ;.jn ;,.y.'n Ui; 'Wajt > si | iMWT BMT « Mi'. | I •to. .-«to v.j* - 'u» v. *«»* *,A/y» < ... t ’a -'Air.-., , Vt »>, 4 to to I<afej*( a Jto • • . >• ' v - fcrer atone v' /».. # •> -- tv» j ?■✓.<■•.. .* 'a** i- »r*yytor< a ■'•- * j’ £V ' - UHi ri fir tosA'i toac td*r »»- v« >y **■ <tor/ h'4%eif i<v»' .i*-■ . * i"to f yifWlA»W. y ' • v! ; >< .. tie WXtMtUVW h >"•/'** |. *.i V. »; u»*« f«MBi• * ./ .lie* A'tru f/ a: I * /fnr.r v' V.f >.' i |< : y , . (Wto* to tint toiler* tfae Met “it U ra c»ec«4 tint eli ttte peeto are tv iw (fiey. o>ai fx tojA » tow 'i*y •-. |mmi/ ‘AI.-Mt* to . , « . :. >!*■ (Mt «f iMNttiaf lIF • < '«• » ■ 'J to-iiew.njj‘ vy */»,;. Af' ivv> k link wftU*/ a him tore, I nny of If y / Vou’r KlWiNttll, liyttt, y (Jrder N#, 17, /'«i* i/.—'i‘ft». Ir. heriof iitol widitto< l mm /.tot of to ili lie UM MktUl *wl ; * ifft ftkfiiiift; of ilJmcul K«fu/if.«i>i! i»n i MUflftfi, Will WWft pHppMl te actotfiMiwvely oil U.' | . . / iUon «rt (ill* Odlrr. I in. OaaMMMtoiMf hjaliviM to W fikJififyi with ttW ate*l an»J Minf iMMflfcfl (iikiilliyfyJ by t;ro'f.-«n» |fld 1 o ;,| .o '' eeaMMiil, awlm celling toi to* 1 i.« • < o<- Utol/ (W/l, l« ' Outotool ill* Wlklil*| V. | ; y>; //II I «/i4 lit esUi Ipe'er thu /•-, efif/roachuiy ecUto ckiiip<i)j/fj, '■ nhoold thr rurn.y uei**i[mr jwidi »l • «rhiM ft«( (hi-y »r* »o • i/ik<Ji. }i<i*ofi'::fni :in'i gMttlto fuaftfeij until iuiliiff onian. t u\'W.i ui Ur OfiifcMl Aiiii.f w. j. Lino'*imnt-i/i'l Ai :-<in ; .aoift, fTrue <>‘opy ] ; i R, KiiJgeky, A'JjuUul .‘s<l Artiikry . ■ htana A*»*m*, —A f-io'-loi ln<lia,“iw on the Wt. John, win; tin: othi-i a jia.- iy uii*J*i l,n >i». rooli-y, mo (v.uiv<; iviimm . rbiklreu ctttttdi vutii;« great qatntjljfi oi tlie.i Jilumii-f. 'i’lit- Ji 1 {>/<-»« hialin, n. j' hi-jii » -I, /y 1 tbkl Tiger Tail an<l acvcral chi«!«, woril .r 1 ilia ihoWl that the accountjft|(U '1 am pa, of <tie flij/ht of (!<•• I mil ii ii , rif><it*(J hy th<: •etir. Kio Gfaii'Je, wan UflfoUlnii-'l.— J'(#iaflUV.i >■ i yUvridiun oj th> 21 ,/. 1 PisaACOtu', Nov. 7. I By (lie Hclioonei fiio f/iande, (hip. UiMikiiH, i arrived tfua morning from T ant pa iSr/.jw •; 1< < n lUill tfie Indiana have ag un t;iok« ri l.iclljut;'! I 1 < lti« whlU*a to uxmdn at their Oa iirrakittg Inoae at J .i/npa, they killed"-cjia man, liretug kvdii tialla intohix I tidy and him within a few hundred ymda of 2000 On the day iho Kio (*rando Iclf, Uttl« (A|tt id started with a regiment ol men so. ’lit King. I'ltua end* tin* attempt to form a n |ity » itli the Hainlnoler, * - * . I i Many l«C0« will auller greatly in |HKO4 a« well aain feeling, fren the result of the He idenlial election, aa they have had large «umi j-jaked in beta, and much more than they wouh| hjivo had, if they had nut been muxi ..iiamofuily it t ; ,- d and deceived by their parly organa. We|a|o « irry lor them, on many accounts. Sorry | h>y were induced to bet—sorry that they Ioh« tl|ei| money —aorry that they must bs inortiiiod with defeat and disappointment —but we have no|s empathy •r charity for their deceivers—the ?nle.', Inc Ken ih* Blairs, and Butlers of llmir ] .-ajiy, who uareooly Uw theiaaelvea, — N. Haven I ,ujudiuni. Ji »a £ Vs TI i. b-7 TI V* b'.'TT'S r - *. t''i. T 4 V 4t* : 'A r ' . 'J* I I Ift C.U'Ki'. ■ i-ve 1 m Ms ' . fygif'.r J jvii. u. “ t y , t t.y ?*- ,-*■ fc.rr.y-. ii: rev- tr. s C' tat t » vy u»-1 tore*. - .ere;-- os. *-',t %-.t * vptiut* am to rau* h.e I.:*- . &* -uut; J.l 'W jjf i.’• t '-JJfct TlftoTVfc'2 i>' it. »OT*j*?' t't t' -fc t eteejs* issues* ‘-v "t.**- to t- » ■jj*y fctit. t/fc.'t y. : .. «. t, -1/, c? .. . . . rcfert. jb* kistoota it u'.n« of vty seoi—»B 7j ce-TftE. iefcv.tif t tto;fc' « »' ,-;t Ul « 1A- fc ■ r .v the ny of the -• >..• ct-fc'r-t a. peyitor: '-to pr.utnp. ’■ •- - pfc i,c *fc —Cha -re •■*-» Ota-iff. t- y in ■. o. 3 / a/p . , f j;.» y rv'• iW toltoto wcmo. A/- il ff* jrrtrp"* iCtti'* * litc i (TA mgramd H n A h. Jy -rt*~ ‘‘\X*rX V T C. “ 41*. Th« taeauveri v‘ ut Aiam. ftatirta pt. . o’ ua .fete P:t ;«»vyr X o~r*> i>. i «, Atuet-t: aK, aax yjnz :w pc.mt fc.- to ' ■ • .- 4 't . yt-yy. Vi At, L ■' -ciit ih Iff--'. “tfTeisrj. On »9Lhjs of Has. (kwp- is- O .tuer. :t s a.* Tfci • s t.~-3i .to:-: *-* - 10 MnKf tCiw p’OCC 5i tr W’>4 r»IC tO !HV*' tftt of I/ r . * ’ bfc £ tfcfcSS*t*T i*i J . —» a ti*e Pfctpak Ilf. a *Ofc- B,nd mos the *. toge. it sect vposi oc'-c*..«b *t ierpyc te. iuuc ./t-t _t_ t r aiic un—t-.-py. fpf Ijg r MS* V^.LLiVL... sl!€ ■■ <• ‘ C ; tijf ißtaasic>'7 t- !>-• v» OhiCllfcT. a/f« A- -Jx' ’ - cd- i X, lisas Ilr. Jtt'fjW tlifckr. P: Ti*> iA /’. _ * *L.!- m - s- L -■. I• - ♦ if MEL Cii*r to L»ugbrrt} H»p3 C . sh.. fcj <’» jsl L, >j iicL-rS- iyi-i;- i to a'-_! -'' v_ ,x- /i L Lu Ciiaixtaat-. V» a. !»f rir *. r i 11. “-or • ytarj, Aod l:.«(kai.E« ‘ -to- K r to-.' ;» H. </ or- m Ito C _i_'. • 'A. "lifrt olli.' 1 . ’ * . - _ r ■.'tr;. --er tite ; Ltaasrfcf Lkr- • < fc--- tc ‘. jt C U-Mg hvu. n-4- ' i> ; . its.'- • u» ■ -t- ■ ..‘--I tLun Htc. AitXfc^ikr St- t, i*;-l H tt. L, Pto^«:to Mr. Mjv. to*!i a.y ...yjyc u> y: .-ya i*~> pfcV. totoJtt, Lfc , It. to—iffl £. •’C3) IV t—i A.- ' tot.. t’i lA . > iV * i. -* -% it'- -£to , *i ‘ - (jftoOiyOjL n O. A ntv "1 > . .jvv" W.T L Vl it* I.to -t*.- ary. Mi LtitoS —A. vtjt CtomHjesucestos.*. w } lua.l. .• i» ,»t i oitotutif t ■ « A*J> ant ptrpe.i uiitf .. t k d tr. kmi t si yjuii it>ito tut ‘.i tosinto' a :«sm. .iuy lirtiiti/to.iiu**ti.' t y*. totoL-,.. to*. ..... s to-* * - ciO.-j C- .to- tto r*. . ...itotr * / miLiit 'to.i ..- i » J ,t; *..4. ; .tofct. e ' 1. /a tof —< r 'ton ty» t-L'.rv Ki..t to’ ttot »' «totov iifci. I. jv. ; to- * til 'to* peel aotod * • iv <kdr*er < adt mi cma oa -.to as £.'fctoi‘T rjtotea: • I*V w*tJ iI/. '*totito*at*"h ilr, ♦» '.'i >y. as, ,xk. i.tot aea. *■ o ifj&tr him C*j&L I buy: Wf »■ r, -to'.'- ) V- ptoTMLI t-v to . to. I. VVU Sl/Vt P'WJtip^. Afet pyv.ie me-. ->e *Liy tof ui of ’.tor o \yju.t. our o.U acLoto -f-. f- r.oar -a '*rre#J o'cf ‘to* GLOiif/fi H- GIL EB Uoi. A. J. 1/uxvßiiuT, Oxford. Ox roan, Oct. 2-. ] - iO. Deem ftta;—l have this motoerit rev* >Tf your letter, notifying me of my .0 /*' ' ,■ t deliver an oration co nmern ,'4'. \e s,; t - , ter ami her vices of Bf. Mo-ee Wjv- , at u* next eonarnencernerl os J ro-ik ; i Oh «.-p. j hardly feci inyaeif at ho* ty to -.t ,e a.. - . 1 ! that may 'to, aaa.gried tome, in do.t.g ion-'t u» . great and -v gv i a mar;; i 1 u.e ac'ipt tn< I appositlir.ent i-.l not ■ ;. .u. /< ;•:' I* . j it wav not conferred on one -.-. too could tu-lter In* I hi i ~ dotiea than Your f/ie/id and r/i’t Mr/’*. A. ii. LOXfiW J HU. • . (tKOBUL K. 01/ iS, J>K((. Ov.r >• From the WrrrhanVt M/iffftzinr fuf ,%*/te - -er, (.(/unedioti ol lemming with (,orn nerc<. 7'ir fc reciprocal be nr fits of commerce and agri culture have been ofu .1 elated, and cannot u t/a, atrongly urge 1. In our country, tin* connection 1 ahould be conatamly k*j.t in f/iin i. 7 ’..e f .-urt : proaiie/ify of '.tie ’Slate* deytti A on the re -1 cogmUoti and practical ooaervancc of in;* gr*.. 1 truth. Perhaps*. i;.c connection of oorn n' .ce ~o science i» not t ;*e J* real, n.r the h i*« import an to ue recognV. hamver lenu»i to U.e men a>e and di.jMJininalion <>f •* <* .< e in a nation, mnai contribute to;.a improvi rnent, and therefore loife true and pcrmans.nt |>/o»pcrily. It t.e n-.M of a people are not invaiiaoly ix, propoi ion <t t ;C-ir knowledge, then • b>rai;tei i» g< neraliy ioi{ir<>ved by It, ai to Ui art- of < - ->n i j . hticai kin ngth; bu s . i;o lu;ig as they rem/in in a 1 eui ignore nee, there i« far leas hope, a* well of their political power, as of tb< r moral cle\ n.; n. A refersrntoi to the history ol past litres will aiinw that learning and science have u ua.iy actonij.an ;ed or closely f xilowed connncrcial enlerpr.vc, and serve to ensure ita ju-;t apprcciatiou v. i;n l ened and patriotic citizen*., by sugg .o.dng an im portant consideration of its he.iefi*;, in aduitionlo 1 what t* more curmoonly called tiic prosj.cnty of a nation, itspb ysihai resources and wea th. It is true, infeed, that on intercourse between different countries?, fm the purposes of trace, may be, and in remote agos was, maintained l y land transportation; but snicc nuvioution has been | known and improved, the other mode of convey* •nee has been n a great measure diacoi. tinned. ! And where the local situation of countries would j permit, a preference has been given to nav.gali >n, ■ the age ol Solomon ,- and probably ; s early as the exode of the 1 traci.les from i.gyi t, five hundred years before the reign oftiiat pro it.erous monarch. Three hundred years before Mos-es trade was pursued between central and western Asia and Egypt, by means of land transportation From (JhalJea and Persia, and the Hither India, the caravans passed through fcfyritt to the eastern shores of the Mediterranean and to Egypt, and some of them probably lhrough 4 Arabia across the lied Bea to iVubiu a country probably of mure early selllcnierii than Lower Egypt. 80 Chaldea and not Egypt, may justly bo considered as the cradle of the human lamiiy, after the deluge; and the country, whence originated and were com municated the learning and science of cariy peri ods. Home of flic grand-children of Aoah »c lied in Chaldea ; unJ they had all the learning which survived the calamity of an universal deluge. As the descendants of the antediluvian paidirch if third and fourth generations removed, some last of the Euphrates, and others west and south, to --\rabia, Syria, /Nubia, Egypt, Acc., an intercourse would naturally !>« maintained between those - vouii-'ffci; tx. wrii—y «- iuc wwao ,- «•»,•- wwy*c >5 mane far za -vryom d ; Tbe t>w»a*««aft* as Noer. »c» rc-jut nee it - » p.aaw as i sc:’ »>c<s. ue nrj# .it ;* io -rite cr tarter .' :'j‘. ferti at', is aeaesce "r.|tT Hjok *»r2i>»e_ 19 : emoie repent ant T --- ; auc .c «r;§g»e jusd isr .it u»er« lie-ewani* w •jj . lae tue-g- wot* or itrairr* to wiioss Jowffe rar fctut. where .VLu’tcerx* «si£c3*jC n. tm '■' :*- ♦ **ecs. ut;' 'w: 7 'part c£ A-aina) an: Erypb t wn j mwc *.u?oiigfe ’he u.i*c *r GwaaK, tx.-a - ' irj» i r f*r. -ri&jec oiaez aesSKtseetf ;t liaecsst .it,- licact tl- in* fc'.i;..* of g~es; tuuc. Far finer Lt*C t>t* so-t yauit at*- awrnria ut*. ffoot*. »■;. : it r - it ut t-i i urae* ks* c- r, ~* v**- c. saruK rcrii.an Gv.. -iaeris ' T *y KT.». . fciiC i-ts ' 7 i.t "fc'j p:*;.»«ij»*.*Mi Arkj.i *fc > .boi-r _ not k> eiptesd} mmcriec ;y a* tint! •..; C: a.. -et - ic_ k.i*C L gypt. i‘ur^Wßf? , E*ai - >f **wrsaas uni. scienee it Ar«.:u» veiore : J -. a*.*C i-.f ■'• eiiif b&i *. me accoaictan:-* wvr as*.* ntosT. •_■- -'-i -_ j_ itni:4 froa they C tfc '.l ascKtofi: aid i. kaniwieare nf i*rt*,Do;cT. *•*«.-& f r.Vi, v:ih bJiui t*r .»: r - - iiAon sci.; if*. _* u. '.it ex-' ; >r«.i oi *a.#aaKs i ; -.. pre i»urac sv ? • vbA Mai tlesiieigL 7 :.t fas: uaetc - tiaaf*— sis ■ -i- ia Clit .r*ei - ]; taer liidtiL tmi Afflibssi tW oi ttasers iju. ■->* »-• --rot .»c erij cu j 1 i-ad. Tl,.e Otii yjkt4r.ir.9BC. %- it* -ti i v - ,ri. i» jt: t i > K*iif Lij. c>a. it'- i -iaU' i - fmrs ij- ituji. w’t.ni race; k. - f*Mi - •- '«■£!»•> %.*■:■■ f*'. tj>ds lift rcifSrraie: for Ifit' -*v-t t*‘ U* - c.fiae -<■ o: sfcUßDvar. ii- iitofec ■ ssienow- t . aot-:t. mere tj ti_ t - ■ *s i :«ta? , co>t: • -es. Aii ot :.>it r•- "-■S3*i* _i 1 ;r i : oriEscfc'.ei - - _ : - t TBCf-rre fcE»£W'ied?« u-ftrt. km erea x. it ifflei far t r*6e aadhim c*r;r kgf*. -, io»e»£r. vu§ iu aircuor «e.^peaie: , «■«* cfek€j sss cUuaec ij * -cc e&tiif} awe. l J* £.*»r e£ »r.- .a i t *»*» u-- c s' ,T *-1: S?t" .- :r • : ? ' -r -•■ fcr -;• r. - - | tie c«erriisms of NatL apr^i. b lie Pcnsaa * ’ Gait «s* f - lo Aral *. wac *ht He- Sat . -ti? •'• Ij ie ts- rT3 start-? '■ . -1- - ..ir.T&?x»- 5 »b. I*, if tr soaoe i :*ea, tt«* : lit ?i'i" I *ie » ' iTi.'. --i <-? U'-; *' tie *.,Or y >’ --.it. r «ooa tner. 1. t.v.- j a*ef T«*r« iMaott tit Cisnrtian era. aaaitasi f.-iy r ■ risßi*sc ijatacs port* »n ik' ka •’ p^=-i I i-it cf Caeaxa w« *e # -in«ec wot of tot/ »' - m J *U«, -■♦aiaf c*f iferr prt...ii’T pst^tr - lis tie reaseru pan* of A??t Muxe, ja Gre-.-- *- t . sii cm the Ddtecra * ».-f Arr*rt ia tie .'W t-* -t . af'Ti 7 n^ . - ''i «<•. yadoc • n<t»! EtSeßLton. a.ic it wa>e*»o*»« is«i «»;ae*au»t k; toeoEioaenoß. Ta u« rt pacatlij *«t --j 2fc2»t t « T9fitisaS# far iioc *mosfK3et«l*oc. t »■'ur st f j, ractic*** *Le we* f n V_, a I .ait-tsd. c.eoioUßaec irwa ceoira. Asia io f’kiee * it. kit Af.s. Mbor «> LfTpt.fv’ cetotsne* af ] ter So/«ca; bci a a .i! f>ac*» oe the -rMsuaaeu. i 'Jt»er were ea *.*t BtttrtliA « fc-;I lie ftf; ir O. . lie Rt rt* .t Me..» r’rirt.- I ilb where lien tra*rf lor u*e pt»rpoec« of tre»se. *f I- -f trie ib*t tie pnac. • :• tof t a.?-*- k ■ -JZ.. iSt i« eau-H <T»- r >j* if the *« . «u wealii. - | But lie «| fit *»i i jed a»‘a to a: vpt -i-i pcr«je t ' T. aw indasai-.e <-1 OBce oi e:*terpr«*e *:>J f I 4yd tie ktt'ic. naeroasni, • * «rfe* usi t fc f ‘'fyi of ecstx -r, aa-d a ps .’ .o or | tie ise.u. arte. }firar*v t r ii icxjui/e a kJß&rrt - ; ' 33 e of lie of oih-er etattcetc, tad to * * ioaßiiiiiiscate it t» tie osrc ccwetrynaea. !’ r i j - /."r.fe leoue tacsttffe tr.i uaetm k.- tie hi- I ■ e>* Hj .Z* - fcnU »ko poraue »t axe iv s J t of V* •«.«•••«• ■. i j-'t tit aft* of Csti .ZiliVU »'< li r- i, ■ ; coi'r-aOed; sad! n-uiraebt, liter a: - . sr.i il * K.diOt t.'• feir-w fj to ■>■<’• .* L«%.._r . . «ii •i . ii j &fal taereiuat cri Ptee, iu u« it, tie i- i"ith c<m:snr. hr Aifit the ».o'XWffc-32e 01 tifeirt : f-o'a Ar*:>:a, which he had eiertei for lae »fcfc* o;' /. •', >«. Ii Uauppoeea oe t r ar»e : » i t-ae* -/r uurtbemft >f Aftwt, whe*»ce the pie of tie fitter coco trr xiiifbt au«c received tUt Kit: c«. Bui v, L tii-_ Ocr.Ted it frern L‘i*ai.e*, of Crou* Gi ,«*, o it »vt&fe <• sot znatenal io U*« ew o. re ukeo of tue*u''/ect. It war u/t recxired u liiir e lit'J the «r«rt ci'H&iy U-j~u Greece; «»«i it 1 pro t..st. ai.i . 20 tic Greek* i a feoryetrv *OO7 i-turt thw period- they were col jt fjret who c ere ttWfja uteri with 4 ?t --m ; b-.t U;it it crigirtited in Ara ia, or in India, kber*ce it v.<*» e*<!} cou'tibd to l o Arattau*. d Natioba vkieb have La>i no foreign coroiocrce. a un UKttaiij am;e advarxee* 10 *c.uce aoJ > he art*, j ie Romao* were *.ve outxred year* < Ai<;<v.>tcoui f f>erce except to a itn lixiie tex- J ent, t;don a acaie. Except their necea* •ary aUeoUofJ to agrh oilc r e, war was tie;r trr.- 0 >1 »vmerit an-: thiir trade. And though v ■ may • polish men * deportment m came mfo#c;e*. it ca>: at Its* •«. • ■•■'.•;, U> improve or t.-.., ze I:.an a i- •orufuticiai intersourae wi'h foreign ccoi:Uie«. I lie 10-offt savage arei barbarous naiiona may L-. .-e ivamo'a, wbiie they make no pr gress m i*r-" •• ■re of the arts of civiijzed fcori-'y. 7be pureailK of cirurner t on»y wih rarae them from he.' uncivilized condition. V. ,en Jdexic # was iuvaii' •! znd ccno-ie c*J by CorUz I** 3’ li»e ia ginning 01 the / ; eentu ctn 'ury, tboigh thf fopulation vras and the * r.f.v ■ ••'.* 11 e ropec'. 1 inven’.ive, ! ey were gnoront of U/tny imp</rtai.t (Jsscoecrie* wui?h t be*.n mace io Europe for f:v© i;uud:etl and a 1 thousand yeara. 7 ‘heir anccsto’9 had probably emigrated from ■ die norib'Cvst of A ia, to the north* we stern part if America several centuries be fire the Chris* 1 tan era. and from a people far less enlightened 1 than frorne nations were, even at that p uod, in be web! cf Asia and in Europe.-. Alter pi ling iver to Ini 1 continent, they spread tar arid wide : -dnedy to the so.rh and tor a more genial 1 climate; and they or their descendants succes r -sively, pa*-ed through parts of the present terri i lory of the I.'ni’ed oiatea, on their way to Mexi -1 ;o, leaving a porUou behind on the ian<]» they 1 traversed, 'i'hev woulu have i»een far more ad* vancc-d in llie :xr»»• of life and in science, when visT'd by that conquerer in 1520, had they pur sued the I/tmnca* of commerce with distant coun tries, ; The Chinese have been somewhat above a •av&gc end barbarous condition ever since known 1 rid vi.-ited by Europeans, which is more than 1 hree hundred years; but the r ecciuded elate, and 1 an aversion to imerci urse v\i'h other nations, have no doubt prevented their making any advances in ■cicnce or civil:/. Aon for many centuries. They arc probably from the posterity of bhem, and carried tvi h them to China the knowl* ! edge poS'C3.ed by those inliahiling central Asia,, five hundred vearsor more from the deluge. But their want of enterprise for foreign a«J\er)luie and trade, has been an entire obstacle to their making such progros a* many other na’iona have done, in which a portion of the people were engaged in commerce. And navigation having in a great mea-arc superseded land conveyance between distant countries, where this is not en- j couroged,commerce is necessarily cramped and j unprofitable. The Phoenicians, one of the earliest people dc- ’ voted to commerce and navigation, probably car- ) ried the knowledge of letters into Greece before i any inquisitive individuals of that country vi-itcu Egypt for the purpose of discoveries in science' or literature. The Phoenicians were engaged in commerce and navigation as early as the time of Moses, perhaps at a more early period. And when Joshua settled his countrymen in Canaan • “.Commerce,” says Dr. Bel nap,“is one cf the most powerful causes which have contributed to 1 enlarge the .sphere of science; because it is stimu f latcd by one of the most active principles of tho human mind.” And it is from a fortunate mer chant and mathematician of Florence that America derives its name ; though, injustice, it should have ; borne that of,a $ ill rnore|adveutuiou«, nod #^U a 1/ 1 ’ iotaUigcnt indi v idual. MBj if. Uie vr.i Jii. .ahk-itamta f.rj j* mi -- fcttf piaaßi ir vjt 4eciterri£BE*B. Tls cl he: v-cr-t « inf r'-2.T_Ti£s Mtm'SS Ttl • . t®t a»n woe %:*«. pEt'ci;- cf tc- «nt -/ er,j> X- rr — eiirrx"UTkepwc . a r-'.T-axt r*r r7 nsefsd ' ta:v>.:- fcrac 'Cf zzjOjv- >. tsr lisn K*rt lE&vrtStL and haraaevaa T* sa cteakre as-, r: A- vo» 0* e-s iuar* i . s weariSs in: r;v ; . ■ * - r --k. tt#- IklkT £A.lii£ l X C3To6il!w Jk-XtC- ’LL. La JSWfT 5 csbwwoc wadii ttikm k eeeglß her sx of ne' 1 * z-. ns a. pnnffij _it c*r» • a> _ r»ic iee-a ibe ik> .-rr .; jjt* rtjer* f :..c-~- cretJ jfsfeT? 10 <fcL*t£ usraurf CußDami jcu.’- R tn io x.a*e no BsiTf via-ie tnii* cf-pecoc^. •* «f.i... etie-pn*- . - one.— ’ LbL*-r t.mt rti 'ed &o~a in* oseac an." ie:: cs'pr.i.-H txa e U- t>~ tiie-xene'es . cp frosii ife rxas. tef tat wvii, thcar cor-. .:•£* v. -y,! mt ii«a far k** o»c gksoiov . thsc h MW is. ii vx £r»: ♦-'Triers « M»s»acL«e! is. r*t» ’i'ork. Vi a *7 Lac been cnMect • coifcct *.t-es. ah ee effiiftH to tbe obl::'iskm . of Lie -'ill. i-'id io fc -iir irrfsrrifcnic st?, :.-odbs»’t 1' * ■ ie- nfcd. ne-r oeaces-1 aci* - ■ €*d tee »«.jt narrow an*. v c;-Ji !*:•: ' 1 r in. iroea i-se " _ r-.-pe toe co&sa.*oc of ttn* ouwt’rr. suud toe c. ‘Lrm&es :/• e i«e;.-; *. ac* - .- i>te ;■** • » r ttjerio' .' • ihiirt ic asi .e’c are tisan r. i? xt pr«R If we ■£ fu bark icto rerstie epee, »e mi . See I—J*e1 —J*e attnus* m-ec n<, ng- -■» c.m s,i«. toUTacrar - o:#e aac- ner i-r lew pnrpew of - «r*i- wi»e - r i-v tui c*: w fa ’er. we e swxif - - firt4 wao ; .eetr . ». r -n; - •< so» aaemce m • krierfe. 7aw v? £-c-_ t. tt u*d t*« H.n?*' ioriU- A % iux. Err:*'*, acid Pi**ick-E, t«--t w • ec_'.c*-. ed a tresi ** e - -* 1. r». xa’jc*, m.c Ln. s kc>wof aaiij «*rfs.2 » r u. wLes* in; re*. vi ns w;t .ii. 2 ru.e : . *raw -isle- .: Greece r.i : &cit e*rrj enpy . .0 * woe by ptuum, ii et< itii u>si Jje aaesc of Lie 1 e>«l s is. ec ikt ttflubv. «yf I'.jiaer the • rim rrtf of ibes: nittrrUriil ii Ajhl — ■ la ’ ' Lixoe of Atf**d, S6f-. y B'ris Lt 1 i-ry • "i t e end li. * pe.ipj* t .’i 1 a >*; - - • •£._■>- »•- e ■-'..-'mtee wad LaßioKasm. ii.. , J iu f e iLirieerai «au»r. <- * ■ *2;* _ c—-n - rat:re, ii; ksmieg Moa i*4Mweo. * ro« Uae UntA crr.ii.ry, smsy cf Earr** «drftopec .5 i- ■*. > Zltem. !'■- Vic : VUi : -. r p«rovcß>rst mj t<e jiw.;- *•.'■. ; 10c to trade fciad cnowoexet, u*ore taass aoy odier cta«-. :i >e c'u to .* fceix **:*«:_: L ~v : p *. Kvj iu/..’rf‘- xto the '-.tr*-ain**i*oii <?i lit* - era.;re nd sciroae ra tbe wenra pars of the • oii c»o ; .&eat j1>o« it «i.i be b<or.; t a u.* I'*’. a Tod areatwt a-c * moe* were arK .. ’cartLcae • tcrwrjf ar.d their vicukr. * - . <- was ear.;- a p.-stt o * - terpri*4ag aaerrcauU c«.ir _ie. groai.r to u>e t*v. cza' i .o fci*d <etr&.&t of Tn*y »:,> - • ■-• >; *.• eOßiflw 1-. ; r :.ey tr, .- ’ bers if-e taom Uml ia Übcar tim, aod mem - coarteoc* in :Leir Eicnef*. At *e. ih* o;rb -1 piw? oi f ‘ xntm t. sied t r i-e ea.ij • l,_r a£* '., ■■ j.:. i_.i cSMUt fc r .*■ ■* 01 - ’■ ■ . , ■'.. ■- *f. c» :’ _ ‘Zi-LtCt > y .. - • : - rr . * . n-- . -t tbore a.-.n* • *ra psf> oi Gerain._T. • At c 'fi -'f r * sni* f*-nod. MaronLeo w»» a t taait of foseiga coiscr-erce. it »a exdr visited ’ < ty tbe anebato of Tyre nd ffidn ; nd in its Tone iy p:ob*ib v »,* Htcated the ai*< .-at Tsr * ILe .>»: - c* r.— tke,» in* nered cf peun, coa • vt_v«l t3>e »bv» k>i» ri aatrc'aomy. itJ Mi'i t. to tfen* oouofry irom Af»«*; it ? m<* D's. tbc-ir csrpo*i ..00 or lodiNPaioalf 1 * ••■er -rt cr *- .-r-*- Le bta*.S? f c her r,«- :. ■ ». 'IT 7 were warrior*, arxi p -onxUrt --f the M j.'iaa. a;i ii.tr.. r« .ts L-in or pai • roi*s of ctv,.-aatooi sui i eoce. H c wt sci * joatfied, Uacb, in a**erL»nz tbe , n etwteo r*.rx»scree sivi Settee*, the faror»-.le I' isettee of lie former ou the latter,' and iu o-grng 1 p>ll the a*Vcriticn of our ci'izen • the consider;.n of ;Le via. if*-J tar.os* .tneSc* of tfi.ee a i’h lort.gr* naliooa. TLe peo; eof the t f. utuu. '•-."n art .. 10 eaterpr.iie tud inver.- - iitt f-p.i u i’bn have made g'r«t ias'eosemeiits f ia the o«.f j! art*, ami in the me ;e of eduratioo. which pc* pie of Ci.e o'6 cc-nMoeat tasy do wt . tor rt.®* *. Ami the Istler hive and will ..an* to cb o; »,e former * . foUire ;erl J*. But Ec i ro|c hi not rtatioofcfj. I. contains nuurrou* in ■ <iivi .sis who are the ytt scituMc and kam • ed co.<a ler« in «te wond; and «re *boukl not • he a*-Tam'd to ka’n of them, tor cot<ff-»» oc-r i.h* ligau n« tot .em f*r a great portion of tbe science and literature of our young, but uir.g country. 1 And without commercial inteftsoerse w th La r :e, t. * only tbe mean* cf vs- ta, v ut of ecien* i'.*.c af.d iit.rary pr jsre*? ia America, woo <i he io a great me a* ore diminished. Bun » r.B s e.— Ibe following description / & female loafer, we Lip from the Boston Herald. The vemris about ar gv*d as tne eobj*' f. Her eyes were .ike wear*!’* ; f’iie ba/1 a harsh 1 i/e. iii ea <.* a.'.herrr an>.'«h All spread vVrth *p>t« of white and red. As if *fie had the mea- Je* ; \\ ith hair lihe wup« cf straw. Ana disposition like across cal-farr.’* A Goon Jok j . —The Bunhury American state* that at Northumberland Pa., a sign painter pul the tbilowing joke upon some politic ians. lit aturated with sulphuric acid the banner oi which be hid painted a name, to or itr; so that in half an hour, ih; banner bearers were, to their , perfect a* tonishment, under the name of their opponents, displayed on their standard. MAKI\E I.NTELLIGE.NCB. Savaxfah, Nov. 23. c Arrive'}. —Brig O-xego, Young, Tboma’ton. At fur hvle Fo’nt. —Ship Celia, Thatcher, New | York. ( fr-.:ng up. —S;L; Meteor, In di-tr:*--—bound to New York, 1 Cleared. —bLip Monticello, Lawton, Liverpool; * •‘-hip J:! n Gumming, 'i hayer,Liverpool: Brig Au gu U, S her wo d. New Yoik ; iiilj bterlicg, Ri«- ley, New York. IVmt to rea. —Ship Gen. Parkhiil, ifoy •, New , 1 Or’cac^. j ___ { f CIIARLESTOA, NOV. 24. I ; Arrived yesitnlay. —Schr. Empire, Southwick. j 1 St Augustine. i E eat to tea yesterday. —Schr. Zephyr, Trescott Havana; Schr, Driver, Taylor,Philadelphia; Schi j Tom Wood, Syrnonds, Baltimore. r ffj' A CARD.—DANIEL MIXER,late Proprie ‘ lor of the United States Hotel, thankful to hi* I friends iu Georgia, and lire travelling public gener ; ally, who have so liberally patronised him at hb ' I former establishment, solicits of them and the pub- I ! he a continuation oi those favors at the well I known spacious and convenient establishment, the j Eagle and Phoenix Bote). j I Attached to the Hotel arc Stables with every j , convenience necessary in that line, oet 2G dim ( 'fZr br. Jr . S. JO XUS tenders his professtoaai ' services lo the ciiizensoi Augusta and its viciniti He may be iound at his residence on the North side oi Gucn second door below Mclntosh sticct ; or s 1 the Chronicle and Sentinel office. * <fT exchange ox xeiv york—ax sight, t ant at oue to twenty aavs sight. For sale bv GARDELi.fi & RliiND. iw II w in 111 I ■—faeaate OBIU‘i2T. Sieiamc *.* t* * r - r»~iae»ee. a. Ell-«i r -:*sz'j vi, ?•-. list Ir'f-aj if hzptxrn.jit. imt, >'> irr Pare, ex ~ r * r - * -.i ' V-Ti,* 2 i ■ : ■ ; - ■ r -r» TSus t* * -K-ii v;» x Aard*ex»t ryjr •;. ’ . -gn .i. as i* ,* i" if fasrtpsa v If t#e» y*s4.jeer."*-®. x : T • aa tnr , r. : » sans sWi. »* *■ fete wr: react* f i M. W • .If. ir t r "m'K t& *,„!£ . fc *j K *-«!{, Jtß< £2 ' '* 1 i: fe r • • . —.s. i -. * -. • -■ • • . £7 itiZ t% - r rsai .i;£ irr«-: is -e* l-*: .ss-rn. i»si*sa.-.ifei_ Tae puyskau ‘iseatti if tj* c. seas*--- asni -fer lar-iiaae nf - smtii.. .l< 4y u. teynaa «f i^r. 2.r a&2 lit*. irife-s ~t Erect -srer* ii*T ;»;■="*- 5 r: iiiiy. site :-;• greet .♦* ;*- ..Zj'jx. iu: : no*. sc. iK-.-fetiiii ir-» « yea nay, afcstaaa .ai sy ej yeti*:. oat prerjataitx : r aJLrtanafi* r.itc. *». & i nr l feta. it mu ieiii. 7- i»ta tuina *tt . - i.fk - : «ife -i -i- c i—fe • fe; g-&j >f_ r l.fe-LJ :-ilje!r XM..I i r 1 Llal 2. 1 VTC ■ '■>- * j ■sra# sat caJed is *m-.- -is tk daa p of fie-'to ■*r ; » - - T. . -- --•*.] •.‘ .fe f:t<ui o- r. To o- £Ljer* sot : j»«ds i »:-£ *l.l *se«: k : :*me alNr,- * ;*-£■ ; Jill •=■ **- : •••• . It' « ■ life •:- cf t r-sii-r. ._,;t sfem»r r sr-c --rt t enr t i-fe fe. to top bct»i~' 1 k a»r j. ,-r Or Ife «' flt .tT ijFJrJ • £tfe*S. OSS I X£iC' r*-' lyfcfefe L ti t«MC.e<it '-:.i »s*c, 'iU> : t .-: _fe t£ : sriftl ’.-fe JO. J aiil l_fe ife .■>. ssasj ua:i-‘ ;jr :« sowtiei, isr ncet t-r .jje u#a •waio too 4 * irijcj; icg* ".u-.i at®*- *i os . t ■. it. : •■: ■»• :c- Im-. oe aiij 5L. 1 isil int sris lie iirxskd .lie yx L.-tfio'.-i rtspfeiSer, ior ot? j»;t toif “ n 11: 7 jsife. w.'i l. .a nra|».tac fc '« t2*t i« -oT •-• 1:-- ■«■: nit on - -fe rjerr.-.-r.-*-* ■« to 1 ; t-n» :;<s v * J of '■» ; tfeiru OCt 4' i 0.2' IT *■ 7> . $ if ?»’«► .r rr. -- pjt'': 4 Oefi*-fef 7. ifsr». f 1r & i* i . f . 2b: ytfW-et r ifcti, et-***- - e*. kitasrc .ir-'ri &itx ; t i-se-tr. >TT ’JOTIii ir > lrtVf Jisj- <Q-ar 0 i<;j ■ *rrt-r jr ■is :?;» ■!« Hr? • : : i, -- ji. toe -■-» pcz-->* r - itril f~ 7 e > k zes:« ,f life • .■■ 1 ■ ... r-.-. . .-. : '.,10 s - nti ;-n.ti u> t-oiolfe:! 'rfe-I ror#. «i_ ■ i £»ic. tu koesi ' *}. . .;t r-: or : - i . if -c ; -: ' # : ■ : 11: .iitr c*<.xa » . *. *s»t ti-ii _:-Ers?r of sfe-r ts#es.t «i kmm*f « t> tree rt,#: i»j wi i-er tint* vti o: r.fc. t,.-fe - Moa rer 4®fa4-a«it«- 1: xifei f.J tfe' i- ' r_j t ; 4,- -3#4 ;S, <*£« fir O' »■ ’. =. Uits •-•' * it : tot 1 ’ - r : .a r ~ - ;' , . 1 :*fe ; it. - *-** *•#* to •**.; life' p*} " sew— : •-.-*•» ■" .* # i-- tt;. •» il3>i.: tn. •.-.. tiy •■ ■ --orfe‘ 1. '. -- fe . -i:-. of tbs Ui-i-i*. j&e-wtt tc* 1- it. . .tßjtfj. wfe wtil ox.y sod. ■ .it >:. 0: iTfe.rfe ;. eta i-rtTxits 11 nt ieati :. U-* eife.fe. ti- » .Ciffi. t-fer „*a pxepuei sac traa *er. feC-4 irili ; : <m: niid. lue f-.ur 1 i-i#drad »i - •« -r ‘ “ ■ ■ :-#e ■-'.*■ fei "orr 1; ■ - r,t rea « -rtarv—,:rrt*.e : * ~ * ■:■*-■:. *:-rL ws <xr . -.Mi..; ssw 1.- t»»&: oer rraoi esa inters. JLIT. W. 77 Tit -ym ci sostfe Cir.Lu tai * rfe»r_-4 c.ty, i to* fstfeijitj-.ia Coaadfe, • to 7 1 fetr.'l- tifet lot itn., it la : past 6 1 Vioct.4jk wii; tfe- "a ■ 4 iwrjti iv toe SUrT- L*l. HvTL - • j 2 M-i-sios ■ ■»■;.. :-?■ ; fe.f i~ • « Pre<-:ytcriai Cmx <-L ttii. > s 111 tli« *,: , I.Z- i t loT j*.fe I*o clock. •* iSUEEVV J. i. A%>LLL. A TIORSLI AT La W, ocr Z-y-il < W. K. C LiVMMiHA*, to., GESEkAL CCM7*IJSSIOS XEkCHAXTS, OC'. 21 SXT AS* AM. Ga. Seo JOHN R. STASFO3D, ATTORNEY AT LA>i, ;/17: CtafcefTifc, tls. B. ii. OVifUBY, i #1 TTOMXL Y AT LA R', fti i> Jeff«r«-x». Jackssa roirtr. G Al GI STI S REES, AT TORS EY AT LAW, >tu! 3-1 j %#4Cisca 1; /!|S3 Cv'Jitjr. Ga. ; i' ‘ i— t-XOt' It tltfe ililt -i (ililil Biiii Ji Cl. cct tl I w . m.h ao. . COMMISSION MERCHASfr. - 05 * ir tlie jowrr tcoerijeyt Ma‘-Jt;e H'-IT 1 nor 9 ti JOHN. J. I!YKD, ( >oi AT 1 f LijLIC, V>. il# i.cr.-kfa. u> ;« fruad fc-r ary part of t femci* in tnca ove isae, which will 1* attended to wtln recf«oc-e. Ac. oct 24 L. tll-NXEV, MIS! A TIR E FA I.VT ER , Masonic Hail. .cij? may r *cea it t. - rcotn, or at the 3ook I Store of H. A. Rkh'ron L aor IS-trwtf A ( ARJj. —! >. A. CAZENOVE, .at the Eagle k ( Ftecix,j prepaie-i to make literal cash ifiar- ■ 4 •f* on Cotton cor.fe.jned to C. C. Garcr.tr at 5 a van- * ■. • r.. • ■ - eov 24- 3i* } t:il U laitou -i Attached to this oil:re as open to «’jfc«cribers. and ) strangers introduce ly them, every day and eve- | iiing Sunday eveniiii: s excepted} ualii 'J o’clock. Subscription f7 ; tor a firm of two or more ?10 - T? 7 GUST A hESEVOLEXT SOCIETY.— f For tiie i ecc tof the sick poor of Augusta, 'its coircnittec lor t; e present month are a-i follows: Division .Vo. ]. —W. E. Jackion, Andrew Me Lesn, Mrs. Peintcrt u, Mrs Watenran. L’s- ion Vo. 2 —l. si Groves, VV. H.Crarc, Mrs. Talliaferro, Mi*. Am Winter. —1 E Mis. Andrew Milkr. Mrs. Cornelia Cohen. ’ , dov 24 j. W. WIGH i .MA.N Secy. I ~kj Dr. GAR DyER, ih-uncrly reiident surgeon r * n tbe New Yt-rk Uoqiity, and physician at Belle- « vtie liospiial, New Yore, tenceis to the pur lie his £ professional sen iccs. F Office in Washington street, between Broad and ri.iis «:reels Ibcsiitnce, Eagle ii Phoenix Ho*e* l ap 2 w si - - r< TRj; NC II >IILLINERV. jrrx APEivrr* FRC-ar new tork, a; (For a few days only.) 4 HANDSOME assortment of Ladies fa’l lion- ~ i%_ nets, colors ala mode, will te opened this ] morning, at Mr. King’s curl and fancy store. No. J 291 Broad street, up stair-gone door above the In- h -urance Bank, opposite Larahack’s, which will be ' N sold immediately, the proprietor going to New Or leans. ’ cov 23-2t* u I> E E.—A ii•: s ) t supply just received, and will - 1 a, be kepi coustaatlv on hand, and lor sale in quaulilies to suit purchasers, by L nov -C-ts GARDELLE Sc RHIND. i* at private sale. ls>n BBLS New CANAL FLOUR, a frst rate t-: /Vlf article. Ju-t received and for sale bv st MILLINERY AND DRESS MAKIaG. d MISS HAINES, Milliner and Dress M:ker , r h*s removed to the first house above the M.-tnudist Church oa Green street, and would be B h miaul 101 a continuance of the 1 attonage berc to.ore extended, q, Ail o:ders executed wiihaeatneis aud dtajateb. EOT W Sf i U4jM i-b SfUL FUXVi &AS7II - * J. 1 t i. l # StfeT - 114. % 07 L. U x LTZI At AC a r.UjT \ % J-W«v_u& A: . sc L:-. L . i ‘- M * '■* 1 - ... *• -1.. xv. Ttsm* Ml V-- k B k • atnax.vx; * 1 « I : A*. 3f *TTExsr - ■•"• # ■#— r-9t.lf’ ti -. Ife 1 TVC 1- 7'. i. , i-m Ut , . 2-7 m£ ? ' *1 i>tj u L 4--. 4 t K_ mw. i_ fiTi'i. a.' ' iwi; t'ILX I. T *■ 4J f '■ \\ * • •■• csr -' - ■ ■ v : ‘- ■ , T .. ■ *** - «*r «A^.. -rrtn. • uizety. a_, tts? p TS5 ‘ 4 -'Jj a. : i» ti»* e ;s ° fr “ *«sajt. deecsAee. Axv n * aa i*t. - x - »■- - ;** j#-.. s . . - ,1 * -• » ti . »r-i i t» vtM t* at- *7: i. -5 wfeii j&t«rvvcdL it'rff . 4 jV.-ry. * ,J * *** WNL y. II TT *) - M. k n. * JR | A ’ 25. 5 X HC !. T«>k*' »jin 4 ' - : i-V - k.'-V-u.^- _JL *- - oeccasffi, y # 7a* ’ ' ■ ■ . 4 "-t . *l** a. tr* of C:aw _ : .. 7 ’ l **‘ wiiita me vm* i*mn : , -*■ o; 3y wears *>»£- L*a.i_ar;. . 7, ' * 3 »-**■ Lc ,'fe-T : .MsA.twau !- ::2 vim * * tT‘' * _ . . * * ‘' ki “ ; 2|Kr*- *»« j*? J4 ; Catrim j* *-A” • I Jiaufc l«f. 4 aad Sed. % 9 C 7??/ *-Lrv ■ KAiT'-'ty DAV - > - -i *r- ress ' 1 A'-. . -A . AbMtM T Si7< J?*> -- lit 17' I f .*;»■*«. toe «rbl. nana t,; . * * #- tut -a*} . -a ? : 17.2 ' - ifefe-v. t-'iitor , *■ v r -7 • IV V' ' r T ; T . , N»,-ra.--fe- « ,4' *• -4~>,A3tt- L ' tnsrir* - .Sr- a , v I i *«r®aer mb s* *•* ' M:t~£T 5 m earn*., 11* P?SJ*EE* * T-r ‘»--*y • —r—»r- a - i‘&: 4 f •ar-fe-,: ;■ Vri---*r f meEie."k' c *■ A ’ fe '‘‘Tie itfet »■>•*. x»u T-jj- J Hi - « 'fe *F t:e 0* e;'*-i »;-ee it -«.« p I :.* devtife. egfeia In ir~ g C4* r vv. r -- vt 1 t . i rre 4 . *ir: :» ic 9n? :-f 7i lerh . i» r- » Cv'JlAy. V 1 ,'t t.O T fe! tKTI I* t*fc£ i£t fe . ‘ ■ -r* fe. Te;~ : 1* 4 1 * f vallntin:- waeeel.>_ . ILESAM*£S MdTES. NT NtiTiC E. TL j«tr»c^—; .fed ti estate incri f „ i Ln.:: . ~ .4*.* :. 12 C . tita. yaeeai#- ‘ jfe.-fe-- v*. ; .n. -#.if j : vrrfe£.t, u, : •_ I per-c** ■.■..* .t- #. I- agiiss: fei.-t *»is:» »c ato j-iferfev; ■,jt rvae, ts-y *'.'-fe-u.;. t .'ll tee ha* f yr*-<fj.*-t jt aw. ASD.JLICLEJJ. HAS *S LIN AMENT. A t ALFA -T El ; tc .. .e tie .. v .:: ti*a.- T f »■ v. :* r. Aeic - Prepartc it g* •» - . i tace ty l -i. z . wui iza 4,-'. m. s2r.af4ets.-red th* feT t: y - o-■» >. ssuf st' i>r years, to wiak* be is ready t» Ri** jfl| oi‘. . xvkxg tae pc-eierei-ie t* tvis artstieja as»- exsrue >; u.-e - .-p-.trt-r -y - tae #1 jrecjf&x 4Ed the eiteaeoff it iccpant-x. So 1 witiiefeije iy .>NL a. LRk. TI k CO- 12 *-: - street- -i. s i-T -M.X " » i jl. ATT .V 4. C e>o*-. -» Sie Agtti: is Afcgwti. HtTILiND. lil'LEi AGO.. Aomvrs r-» t-e Jl c 1t i i 1 Laboratory* - to »i: per.-iv ■ M-..vu]** B -ti It .2 4.i. ' 12 aiai i-i J| bottles. ..'a Dink T k Pewdtf. N.e TilU* Red IsL Me.- . ? .>te Meiviil’s Water Pra®/ Pme rw Leirber. MeiTiiPi Leather Varmsa. T »-■:• ar.-c.fes fsvm -u* , -* r xt r t.tioi .- - ;rpns •-1 :.;. any . tier vi tre n-w before tbe ps. ir. n: v!2 XIAiC T ITT ION. fTNHE -D »RE GROENEV ELT. !**>***■ * I X Ni c. j :opr--e? to coameuce a ccorse «»- st: ."..■n ca f ■ FI t» •-- in :e.i-: at tte .V st Lt ob. of Mr. H I arsons, (Jeeijeaes «i 4 mg" in _ An- 4 , w. ; z «i* leave with Mr. Parse®*, or 4: > -. Cart's ncarcua^Aio*. He vr , aTo give :es«oc:s ov the Plane FoTfe, Gclur, Clarioaetle. int V#ojor-ceHo. eov IS ts ON CUNMGNTdE.M, A QUANTITY of the :-s*t irsasciactcred f<> City and Corsttiy meiccaf- a:* in rated to cal’ a* i supply tberrselves wr&afast :i ' tlclf, fn-rt 17 • y» cents The a::* price Morgan's Pxe-n.iia Go A Leaf. THOMAS tiAWSON. nev 6 1 m Daw-curs Wmhwe .MECHANIC'S* BANK STOCK. "HAREToi the capital stock ofmeMr chanics* i> ik. for >i.e y n r 20-ts W. rl J A K>‘ N. Auer: Leer- SI PEHIOIt C JtH IN'G TOBACCO. 1 IST received, a i-:-t of very superior CiewiF pJP Caves ~?h Tobacco. For 4 ile v oct S-ts LS. BLERSk_CO_ 1^ ALMONDS. I A f\ SACKS fresh Almonds, inst reeeive: [I f mr sAe by \V. E. JACKSON, aprii £7 * Auciioneef. | GEORGE C. ALLEN. r Ft merit) cm,reeled tciih 'he H.ui* of Benedict t Bcncaict; l e edict Benedict « Co., ond Samttd IV Benedict.J IMI - TER OF EXGUSH. FRLXCH. ASl> S .iSS ft ATk HES ASV J£iVEULY, WHOLESALE Atin RETAIL, No. 7 Wall street, up stairs, New York. eAS ca band, 3.. J i* constantly receiving, »•• ursciiptiofes of Lever, Duplex, Chroooose»9 vc peat ir. r, Levine. Anchor K-capetnenL Kaby ty-* nder, nn . Verge Wat Afe*. Diamoad Pas* ses. Guard dft •*ob c hains. Seals, Keys, and all descriptioDSci eweiry. liis goods being pail for ia cash before hey leave Lurc.e, he w; i se-i at the lowest p ib.e prices, at wholesale or retail, and all b.s ;oods will be warranted to Le first race. (£T* Watcfic-s, Jewelry, Silver Piste, Diamorid-. md other valuable Stor.es. exchanged or bought nov 17 w2eu* IA R. TAYLOR S BALSAM OF LIVERWORT. 1> for Coughs, Co.ds, Consumption, A»thcv’r -iver comprint, i ains in the Crest, Raising 8100- . fight Sweats,&c. CERTIFICATES. I have had a cough, raising biood and main rom the lungs, pain througli the chest, and nig»j we.ts, for six \eir>. I !.rough the blessings ioi 1 am cured bv Dr. TAYLOR’S BALSAM W -IVERWORT. It is truly Use medicine tor w' )cor. Where it docs not benefit the expense *> t turned. Alexander Smith, 10l Forsyth street, ai d Se.v on of Rev. .Mr. Stiilweil’s Meeting in Christ treet, June 9, I* 4o * I lure suffered many yean Lorn weakness, ntation of lire heart, Ac., and lately cured by ‘•' r * PAYLOR’S BALSAM OF LIVERWORT. M. Young, corner of Tilierv and Adams street'. Jrooklya. * June. IS4J- Sold wholesale and retail by Win. J. Burn! so., 12 Gold street. Ncw-York. For sale by R-JBT. AUSTIN & CO. nov 4 Sole Agents ix: August*