Newspaper Page Text
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J. W. &W. S. JONES. ■■ V." Ri#NING, NOV;VH BEE*-;25, 1 : -u YOL* IV.—No. 282.
A t \ >. 299 Sro •>’*‘ /<v.' t.
J>a//,v paper, Ten Dollars per annum, in advance.
Tri -Weekly paper, at Six Dollars in advance or
Srven at the end of the year.
Weekly pap r,Three Dollar'- in advance.or Tour at
the end of 3"ear
1 article published below, concerning the
I £_ new and popular doctrine advanced by the
ILlustrious Goelkke of Germany,cannot fail ol ex-
I tiling a deep and thrilling interest throughout our
I c ninny.
O (Vj p p *
S k Sr Sf S)“ Sr
. Iranslated from the German.]
of Germany,
The Greatest of Hi man Benefactors
t iiizens of North and South America,
To Lofis offon Gor.r.rcKn, M. i>., of Germany,
Europe, belongs the imperishable honor of adding j
'mew and precious doctrine t<> the science ol medi- !
L M —a doctrine which, though vehemently opposed j
j tjy many of the faculty, (of which he is :* \ aluable 1
member,) he proves to be . s well founded in truth |
:e, any doctrine of Holy W rit —a doctrine, uponthe j
verity of which are suspended the lives ot millions ;
of our iace, and which he boldly challenges his op- |
[ poser« to refute, viz: Consumption i« a diseaseal- j
[ wavs occasioned by a disordered state of \ is \ ihe j
:or Life Principle) of the human body: jfj' often
secretly lurking in the system for years before :
here is the least complaint of the Hungs 4_J —and :
; which may be as certainly, though not >o quickly, j
cured, as a comjnoucoid or a simple headacae. An
invaluably precious doctrine this, as i* ...iparts an
important lesson to the apparently ueallhy ol both
sexes, teaching them that this insidious foe may
be an unobserved inmate of their “ clayey houses ’
even vv Idle they imagine themselves secure from i
its attacks, teaching them that the. great secret in the ■
ait of preserving health is to pluck oaf the uisease j
when ia the blade, and not wail 1 ill the full grown j
tar. , . j
This illustrious benefactor of man is also entitled I
to youi unfeigned gratitude, and the gratitude ol a
world,for tne invention of his matc/if<<s Sanative,
—whose healing hat may justly claim lor it such a I
title,since it haL so signally triumphed over our j
-neat common enemy, fj Consumption , both in j
The fust and lust stages—a medicine which has ■
thoroughly filled the vacuum in the Materia Medica, 1
and thereby proved itself the (fj < niquerar of Pity
iic fans r~[ —a medicine, tor which all mankind :
will havtTabuudant cause to bless tiie beneficent!
h.nd of a kind Providence,-—a medicine. whose
wondrous virtue-- have i-een so glowingly pourtray- •
ed even by sime of our clergy, in their pastoral ;
visits to tee sick chamber ; by which means they j
jftea become the happy instruments of changingde
sponding into hope, sickness into health, and sad
of friends into joy fulness
« 0 R R R
A medicine of more value to man than the vast
mines of Austria, or even the united treasures of
our glohe,—a medicine, which is obtained equally
hum the vegatabie, animal and mineral kingdoms,
and thus possesses a three-fold power,—a medicine,
which, thougu designed as a remedy tor consump- .
tiuu solely", is possessed oi a mysterious influence
over many diseases of the human system, —a medi
cine, which begins to be valued by physicians, who !
are daily w itnessing its astonishing cures of many
whom they had icsigncd to the grasp of the Insa
tiable Grave.
DOSE of the Sanative, for adults, one drop; tor
children, a half-drop; and for inlants, a quarter
drop; the directions explaining the manner of ta
king a half or a quarter drop.
Brice —Three and one-third rix dollars* (£2,50)
p r half ounce.
German coin value 75 cents.
§ ? Q c> e }
A frrtijicate. from three members of the Medical
Profession In Germany, in Europe.
We, the undersigned, practitioners of medicine j
in Germany, are well aware that, by our course,
we may forfeit the friendship oi some ol the racul
ty, but not of its benevolent members, who are uu
in due need bv selfish motives. J hough yye shall
refrain Horn an expression of our opinion, cither ,
of the soundness or unsoundness of Dr. reoelhk -
new doctrine, we are happy to say that ue deem ;
his Sanative too valuable not to be generally |
known —for what our eyes behold and our ears j
hear, wc must believe.
We hereby sla e, that when Dr. Loui-Often
Goelick tirst came before the German public, as
tiie pretended discoverer of a new doctrine and a
new medicine, we held him in tiie highest con
tempt, believing and openly pronouncing him to be i
a base impostor .re d the prince of quacks. But, on
hearing so much said about the Sanative, against it
red for it, we were induced, from motives of cun
sit merely, to make trial of its reputed virtues
upon a humber of our most hopeless patients; and j
we now deem it oni bouudeu duty (even at toe
expense of self-interest) publicly lo acknov. ledge
its efficacy in curing not only consumption, hut
other fearful maladies, which we have heretofore j
believed to be Incurable. Om contempt for the
discoverer of this medicine was at once swallowed j
up in our utter astonishment at these unexpected
results; and, as amends for our abuse of him, wc
do frankly confess to the world, that we believe ,
him a philanthropist, who does honor to the profes
skn, and to our countiy, which gave him birth.
The recent adoption of this medicine into some
o our European hospitals, is a sufficient guaranty
that it performs all promises. It needed not our
estimonv, for wherever it is used it is its own best
wi ness HERMAN ETMULLER, m. d.
Germany, December 10, is^u.
Q 13 13 t 3 U
THE MATCHLESS SAN AT I V 11. —By an article
n will be seen that tills medi
cine has iost none oi its virtues by crossing lire At
lantic —for it appears to be working similar cures
in America to those which have astonished Europe.
- Boston Morning Post. i
■ry- For sale by BENJAMIN HALL, Agent, at
•h Post Office p
I\l It DM L'ANOI it.
perceive by the paper:- lliut the famous
® French phyuci m. Dr Magnin, Ims estali
iisheii an agency tor lire sale <d tlie above named
extraonlinary medicine in this city ; and ’o sp»eak
ihe truth, we are sorry tor if, as we ih nk that there
arc too many pcopie in this part of Hie world al ;
ready. We dare uo r enter into an explanation of i
the wonders effected by this medicine here, hm j
will nevertheless v* ntnre to add, that ii is the royal
is! tni,.c in Hie world lor gentlemen and Indus who ■
are husbands and vires, and who wish to (>e /others
uud mothers. The agent should take this medicine.?
t • llie lar west, where people ate scarce —1 ork
"’The !.urine Cordial ” is a general invL’oraior
es Hie human traruo in all Hie v irious cases oi lan
guor, lassitude, and debilitation, and is as th“ same
time so simple, yet so etlicacious, that while it.can
renovate Hie prosiramd tn. rgies of a giant, an m
lantm.y use it, not only with impunity, hut with
advantage. The Lucinc imrdial is also an iudu
hi fable cure fur the mcontineiire of ihe urine, or Ihe
involuntary discharge thereof, ii is likewise an
in .’aluable and uorivslled medicine in cases oi
chronic ei upturns oi ihe skm, and in the dropsical
affecnons ol the aged This ctieorauu ana jucsli
*uabie v’crdial is lor sale by
2d. Augusta Ga.
.•--ar»»eK«3c»TßF«k r 3ggsaga««iawßg»pa»gssi
BE W' W"
A S/ato ami ValimWe OGcovevy.
p ]&ERHAt'> It rc i r.0w..;.g rr.<'“"'crV.-’U.-jed to j
|JE diggu.-l tne public eye timn lh? mnumerable j
j a-.verii.a :i:cm ci no-trmns that are constuntly ap
i pt-aring in too pnbhc prints. Ail are ready to «.x• ,
; claim,»ur eoulh are sick, our ears ore pained v. uh !
i every day’.-, reports of ills and specifics. This slate
ol Hi. public inni'i would seem u» forbid any person j
of delicate mind from sending forth any new dG- j
cox erics in medicine, lo the trial of the public.—
JSldl, motives of de!i<- y should not prevent us from
r inking known real discoveries, which we are can
ficieii’ will Irene tit our follow men. This latter
consideration has prompted Hie author of these hit
ters to n#ke them known. i lows they are high
ly efncaciosis - , for In* himself, his w ith, and many
friends, have given them a thorough trial. He was
| himself a confirm* d trn spcp’F , s i much, that even I
his recollection was gone. By using these bitters !
he has been restored lo health. Jiff. Cosby was |
troubled lor many years,but was restored to health
by ihe use ui these biller-. 'L ins has been lac case
with mum- ol ins friends. Mr. C<«by in sending *■
i firth this advertisement, addresses those who know ;
| him. Hu hus been lor many years a resident ol *
! Augusta at which place he can U any lime bo j
| consulted about the bitters. They arc good in all
| cases of diseases of lire digestive organs, the syrup- j
I toms of w hich arc indigestion, pain or oppression
j in the stomach from food, loss ol appetite, flatnien- .
| cy, heart iumi, giddim a in the head, pain in the |
j side, shortness ot breath, lassitude, general weak
ness, di-uu bed sleep, &c The composition is en
| tirely Botanical, an ’ has proved efficacious w hen
j many celebrated medicines hadfui .- d. in support j
| ol vviiich iic refers ih -m to Freeman VV. Lacy, she- •
j riii ol Richmond cuujd. , and VV itiiarn T. Thump- I
! son, e.iiior oi the Mirror, and be might re
fer yon lo many others, but rieeiTiS it unnecessary i
as no is willing to place it os its own merits. At
he asks is mr muse who are rdaii h d with me dys
pep.-ia lo give it a tri H.
They can he had at T. H. Plant's hook-slore
i Augusta, and of < ■. t o by himseif, a! the corner oi
i Washington and Eliis-.treels.
O.\ nr IN 6t ti A L\ r EE, Drue gists, Augusta
WILLIAM H J.LOYI), Savannah.
TEA APIS UGIEii, Druggist, Columbia, S C |
S. T> ('I.AUK 4" (do. Druggist* t ilafin
HAST!!. A A ICO 1.. Greenville , «S. C
TO lit HER 4 LAROCHE, Druggists,
Eavnunah, Ga.
n*>v 3d ly
lljulicalCurc ol Henna or Rupture, s>> Dr.
Dha'-e’s improved Susgcoos.* Trusses.
yg VHE subsciiLer has opened an olhce, at the Drug
j store- of Messrs. J. J. Robertson ic C 0., lorthe j
treatment of Hernia or Rupture, by means of these
; usf.iy celebrated instruments. He fairs now used
| them for nearly a year, and, did not delicacy forbid,
| iie could name several persons who have been radi
cally cored, of this truly distressing and dangerous
affection, by tiie use of these Trusses, besides many
others who arc in a fairway of being entirely re
lieved. The following is the language of the com
mittee ol the Philadelphia Medical Society on the
Radical Cure of Hernia.
“ The instruments of Dr. Chase have effected
the permanent and accurate retention of the in
testine-in every case ot Hernia observed by the
committee, w’ithout material inconvenience to the
patient, and often under trials more severe than
are usually ventured upon by those who wcarother
trusses; trials that would be imprudent with any
‘ other apparatus known to the committee. *’
“The committee are induced by the foregoing
conclusions to recommend, m strong terms, the in
struments of Dr. ( haso to the confidence oi j
the profession, as the best known means of me
chanical retention in hernia, and as furnishing the |
highest chances 0 f radical cure.”
The lo).owing is from the Southern Medical and i
Southern Journal, published in our own city.
All must admit ol the radical cure of hernia, |
and that Dr. Chase’s Trusses are decidedly the best ;
yet invented to effect the object.”
Persons from a distance can have Hie instruments j
applied, upon application at the odicc, and ali ne- j
ccssary information given to enable them to ad jus |
it themselves. Tiie poor, who are laboring under
this afflicting complaint,will be treated gratuitous- |
ly upon presenting a < ei tiiicate,from someresponsi' ;
ble person, of their pecuniary disability.
The instruments arc of ait sizes, and applicable
to every variety of reducible rupture,
u b F. M. ROBERT SON.M. D.
i 'A HI
P TOMATO —a substitute for Calomel, and i
does not belong to the family of quack medicines; j
fur lac reason that the component parts are made i
Known to the faculty, or any one else that may !
wish to know, by any of the agents keeping them
for sale. Since this discovery so long and aux- j
‘ lou-ly looked for, some one in almost the extreme
1 North has advertised a Tomato Pill, purporting U I
be made from the stalk, a thing not mure aosuiu j
than, for one lo offer meal from the corn stalk, to |
say nothing of the difikulty of raising the Tomato (
! so fur North.
j Dr. -Miles, of Cincinnati, is the proprietor of the \
Tomato Pilis (prop ■ h for tire great benelits of j
which, he holds him -• R round, and in honor pledg
ed to prove by their use, that they are all that they i
i profits to be, and will do lor oiheis what they j
have emue for such as mav have used them; as |
| .his is a vegetable of great use, aml value, it will I
doubtless he valuable information to families to |
know that the Yellow arc just doubly as valuable j
i as the Red Tomato, and produces twice as much
of the hapatinCjOi active principle,and when used
las a daily vegetable will be found to keep the
system La much belter condition than the other
kind ; many will recollect with what trembling
anxiety calomel has been given to children, and
how they then wished for a substitute. It has
long been known that the Tomato contained ca
thartic principles, but not until of late was it
ascertainei In at contained alterative arm diu
retic properties. The Faculty embrace and use
the preparation most cheerfully, for Hie reason that
they know what ii is V» c-o it a patent mystery,
they would be bound to reject the medicine,as they
: justly do tiie one thousand and one cure-alls of tiie
day. If you wish to cleanse the system with a
mild, 'a-e anti-biiious medicine, use the Tomato
PHI. cl which a supply, we learn, will soon be in
lus'city. We ali know semetiang aoout Uns.
j ur.e . c __
'4 V H would call attention to the advertisement in
% » onr columns 10-uay, cl Pla 1 HRt> \ LGid
| TABLE FILLS. W e untlerslmid by ihe best raed
ieul aulhorit v, ihat there is no preparation of Hie day
u l.ii h enjoys so enviable a repuiaiioii. At the
iso'tih and North, th* ir success has been unbounded,
and wherever initodueed we bcl.exe they have
given lire irost perleet. gniisiaciion. V\ e have tins
■ da\ had an interview with one ol our citizens, H.
jK. £'. who was recently cured ol a most remark
i able anil obsdnate cutaneous eruption, wnere the i
tsody was covcrerl wish fulsome ulcers, and even
| Hie tonsils oi the throat eaten away—and i»y using
j ihexe ITLUS <‘mty for six weeks, was entirely rc- j
stored to health.—AVie 'lark Thammt
They do indeed restore the health ol the body,
because they purify and in.igorab the bioud, and
Hieii go* >d tiler is ore not countcrhaJamed by’any |
inc.uiivenience ; being composed entirely ol vegeia
nles, they do tu>t expt se those who li»e them to
danger, and ihcir effects are a- t etiain as they ate i
salutary ; they nro daily and safely administered to i
infancy, youth, manhood and old age, and to wo
nicu to the tnosl criiicaland ueUca.ecucumslances,
they do not disturb or shock the amrnai functions. I
but restore their order and re ostablish their health;
mi lor all the purposes which a vegetable p r«a
live, or certain cleanser ot the whole system are re
qhired, tpeV slrtlid wlindut a nvai—tney are allow- ,
fa i i be all that can ne accompiisnec a. medicine, 1
outh for power and innocence -
fcj iR tail price dd cents per box- Sold at all ;
me principal DRI-G OreK?? ir.
aUiJ 2O' Augusta, Ga,
on f !
U itrrmilfil lr cure in Five Jung .
j rFAJfis incomiraralce and invaluable remedy so I
Al long known, and used with such unpavralJeied j
success in the Unnailas for H e last 30 yea is, ap- i
pear- to need no panegg * is, iis operation upon-the i
■ human sysletn is - o ii that it invariably acts like ]
a charm, for the relief and radical cut e of a certain i
common ond disagreeable “ills the flesh is heir to.” ■
This jn izc cfctains its own name from Hie certain
success hieii has attended it through all of it
trying c cumstancenamely, ‘dive days,"—the |
same >u .ess which followed it in a Nonirein lali- :
lude 'till i? a more Southern. The formula i
or recipe was obtained at great expense, iuliig.u
and hazard by M. Cheveres. from the cole! rated
iodiau Chief VVabexotm.l:, oi Great Moon, wiiilsl j
; he, wiih other® was pursuing the lucrative Fur bu
| >it)es« in the Vorih-we ; t with tire Indians. —
! Wabenoshe prized highly and use it with invariable
| succe's throughout ins two tribes. Jt known ami .
valued virtues liave already enriched lo an almost
bicrydioieextci-.l the cliiidre-ti of this wa Hike p:
not oniy by acianl sale of tiie article itself
dividuals, but by parting with copies of hi receipt
at enormous pvka - to the Chief of every tribe of
j Indians in Amen a. with a suieiius rromi -e to tiie
: Great Spirit, never to divulge Ihe “rut of H com
* position until ho sleep- with his father.-',” although
free to use it in their respective tribes, which •
; places it in lire hands of ev-’.-y Indian who rely
1 with, I may >ay, rdi-ious coefuloncc on its cura
ble powers
Below is a copy of the translation as near as R c;qi j
; be anglisized of the deed gi*gn by Wabenoshe, to ;
, ,’L (die revet,when be purchased the original recipe, j
I and had twice assisted iflc v iiiei himself through
H.e tedious jji uiiputatory process oi manufacture,
j i'fiv white men would credit the length of time )
which i< consumed in preparing the article for im
mediate use.
TP. a: scat ion*.
“I, W abenoshc, Chief of the nations Gttowa and
j Chippewa, for Ihe Jove and good feeling which 1 ;
! !;av< for my white friend M. ( heveret, (for he has i
; done many good H:ing.s for me and my people.) 1
give to him my greatest cure for the bad sichness ‘
j which my children have had sent among them as
j a punishment by the Great Spirit, and hope that in
: ids hands it may do much good, and make him very
i lich.”
Signed WMHNOSHE,his X mark.
Wilnos.-, Ai’PAHO, his S. mark.
J. B. ROY,
ii. O. DI FS r«,
i Thi Medicine,! warrrnt by this publication,un
der a penalty of f d.OOO, not t-> coiitain one parti
cle of corrosive preparation. It is purely vegata
bie in its essences. It-, flrst and prominent virtue
is lo subdue every vestige of inllamation, and then
acts mildly and copiously as a diuretic; thereby
holding within itself, every requisite virtue, sot
I the •.abduction of this loathsome* malady—and cv- i
cry regular graduate in medicine, will sustain Hie
assertion, thatcopions diuresis and reduction ol in- )
nation, are the oniy two things necessary loellect!
I a sound and radical cure
The most peculiar value of the “Cinq Jours,” j
i c in this, that wherever it alone has been used to i
affect a cure, none of iliose tenacious and disagree- !
able consequences vviiich almost inva iahly results
from the sudden cure of Gonorrhoea, have been
know n lo obtain such as stricture, hernia, humoi
alis, incontinence, and a swarm'of other of ihe
mosi loathsome, perplexing, and disagreeable dis
eases, consequent upon erroneous diagnosis and
i treatment of Gonorrhoea.
Those affected are requested to call and try foi
themselves. If the prescriptions are we.l follow- )
ed and fail to cure, the money will in every case be
! returned.
You can do what you please and oat what you !
; please.
To he had at Antony k Haines, No. 232, Broad
j street, who aire the oniy authorised Agents in Au
gusta. Ail orders addressed to them, will be \
\ promptly attended to.
For sale, also, by Wm. B. Wells & Co. Druggists, 1
Ythcns;andP.M. Cohen A- Co. Charleston, au 29
! VA Ii J Cf: f * fill If AT E U FRENCH
| rs' HE genuine French Fills against all the quack |
j A nofeiruHis ol the age—Ft tire cure of a terrain
i disease. The FRENCIi 1 lI.LS are applicable in
ail cases for ehhei sex, (warranted free trom rnerc u
i ry) and do not afll-etihe hreaih in the lea,-t,and are
| perfectly pleasant and agreeable to the stomach,
I and have never tailed to make a speedy and per- j
i niarrent cure, without lire least regard to diet or
j application to business. In long, protracted, or
j chronic singes o: the disease, obstinate Gleets, Fluor
* Albus, (.ravel, Female Gomp'aims. oi a wc&kne.-s
of Hose organs, ihey are beyond a doubt the tuo^t
1 effccimv! remedy ever discovered, having cured j
j unity obslinnie eases alter evey other medicine
; had failed. The French Pills have boon so univer
sally successful, that lire proprietor ch.vllkngks
j any one lo produce a re medy of equal certainly
; under a forfeiture of Three Hundred Dollars.
Brice $2 per box. For sale by
aug 20 ROBERT AUSTIN <t Co.
r SAIIE unprcceJenfed popularity of this benefi- 1
§ cent -ind inestimable CORDIA 1. m the I’nited
Slates, has induced one or more unprincipled per
sons to m.imilaclaie spurious catchpenny articles ,
under various names, and purporting to produce the.
same ejfcrfj but vviuuh, in reality, produce no other
effect Euan that of swindling the public; and to
give a yet more plausible appearance of lire r cu
pidity, persons affect ihat shear vvrciche i nos
' (rums have been in use in England and elsewhere
lor a number of years; whereas, until the illustrious
Dr. Magnin made ids wonderful discovery, no cure ;
lor barrenness bad bet n ever thought of, or at least j
made public ; an<t ail Hi esc then in use for Hie ;
restoration of the decayed virile powers were found i
to be of but iiiiie avail. Thus, ad nostrums adver
tised for barrenness or the cure of impotency, but
Dr. Magnin's, are more catchpenny humbugs,
which would never have been thought of Our (nr
tiie appearance and great celebrity of ihe LUCINA
CORDIAL As no counterfeit of the name is at
I present in circulation, it may in general be a suffi-
I cient caution for Hi-’ purchaser to ask for ihe Lucina
| Cordial, but us limber assurance, it would ire ns
: well to note! tat its nam , Lucina Cordial, or Elixir
j of Live, is hlajnped in the glass ol each bolt re—ihe
| combined arms oi Trance and Hie ! muni .States
are on Hu- outward envelope— Hmt a Fleur de Lh
1 is print’ d on the eecompanying directions, and
; btantifinly * inb.'S:red on the show-bills hanging in
the stores ol th.ose who have Hie genuine article
1 for sale.
j 'i he celebrity of the Lucina Cordial being such
j rs it is, ii is scarcely necessary to add that it is Hie
only efficient remedy for barrenness, and the :esto- ,
ration of dvcaytd virile powers evci knov.r.; and |
j that in the cine of Fluor Albus, Gleet, obstructed, !
difiicuilor painful ARnsiination. Hie incontinence j
ol the urine, or the invoinntary discharge thereof, 1
I ita superkinly over every oilier medicine is not on
jy iiectdeu. oat unquesuonanie. Tor sure by
HAV ikANG. Rlbi-EY Oi CO.
| aug zO Augusta. Ga.
j cvßKivtirs.
| HI LBERT k ROJ L, at the old
w v stand formerly occupied by Maj. Je so
j Thompson, corner of Ellis and JMeln-
WaLs'.i«ga tosh streets, are now receiving an en
-1 tire new stock of Uavriagos from the lre«( mauufac
j tiros at the North, of the 1 less and most approved
’ style, consisting of Coaches, ( oachee.-, Standing
] and Extension Top Baroucltes,Chariotecs,Buggies
1 Sulkies, Wagons, Ixe., together with a large and .
! well selected assortment of Haines?; all of vvldrh 1
i they will dispose of on the most U beta i terms. Ur
■ dor- for any description of Carriages of their own :
; of Northern manufacture thankfuiiy received and j
promptly executed. 'J heir friends and tiie public |
; are respceliully invited to call and examine their ;
XjPßcpairing in ali its branches faithfully exe
cuted and with de?pat< h 1 s’ nov !
r I A N o I' O R T ES.
- ■ -
m ii c
mb ?**§!
---asS-iM-A |
S 3 P ARSONS, 29re Broad street, keeps at all ,
ll d * times foi sale, a large slot k of PIANO
EOIITES, from the tre t lundei sin tbecouutiy.— I
Tho stock generally consistsabout Uiirc.v to forty 1
ui'-tnimeuts, C“n; ii;ing all the qualities. The e j
instruments, are -creeled withgioat caio, and are !
recommended with ton tide nee. Persons wishing
to pmrlia«e can do a- well at this esiablishmcnt as
at any ui the northern manufactories.
Av guaranty, ;re to quality and durabilitv, is fur
nished in every instance.
Also.a weii -electedslock of sheet MUSIC, Pre
ceplois ;co.,togethci with Guitars, Violins, Fiutes, i
Accordions, and most of the small .reticles usually
kept in a Music Store.
de'2l ts
fPNiI-1 > line article i- warranted to cure Biles or j
j[ Rheumatism in all eases, or no pay taken
for it.
A notorious countcrfei'er has dared to make an !
attempt upon this article, and several have been j
nearly ruined by trying it. Never buy it, unless it j
ha- tiie written signature of COMSTOCK <s■ Co.
on the splendid wrapper. That firm have tho only !
right to make and sell it for 20 years, and ail from |
them is warranted perie. iiv innocent and effectual
in all ca-c .
N. B. Always detect the false by its not has ing j
the above signature. The true sold only l y
Wholesale Drvezists. No. 2 FI etcher-st ,y. T. :
Original Proprietor.
The genuine is for s ale by GA R V INN. HAIN ES,
i and ROBERT CARTER, Augusta. Jy jan 9
g S Warranted staid or restored, and the brad
j kept free from Dandruff, by the genuine
Remember the gen tine a- described below.
'This is certified to by several Mayors, .Ministers j
i of the Gospel, British Consul, Physicians, and a i
great number of onr most rcspectatde citizens, to
he seen where it is sold.
This article has been imitated by a notorious :
counterfeiter. Let it never be purchased or n c cJ
unless it has the name of N. COMSTOCK, ov the
; signature of CD ASTOCK i,- (\).. on a splendid ;
i wrapper. This is the only external test that will I
s secure Hie public from deception.
Apply at the wholesale and retail office, No. 2 !
Flctchei street,near Maiden Lane and Pearl st. —
Address, COMSTOCK <S- Co.,
li holesalr Druggists. i
The genuine i for sale by GVR VI \ ii 11 Al ES, j
1 and ROBERT CARTER, Augusta. Iy-ian9
V -5 ) SNOWDEN 4- SHEAR have received Horn
New York a large supply of Salinett- and Ken
tucky Jeans, of various colors. Also, a iargesup
p y of i.npiiTs best French Merino’s, of heamifn! |
( •‘lors, to which they respectfully" ir.vrete tho atten
tion of the public. sept lo
Tlie.-e pills may be take*; on any occasion |
when an anti-biiious purge is needed, and from the j
safety with which they may he used, and pleasant- |
ness of their eliects, have obtained great reputation j
as a general family medicine. For sale by
aug 24 H YVi LAND, RIBLEY & Co.
J | vented combination of delightful odors, has !
acqutix-d a just popularity, not only by reason ol j
the strength and dclicicy, but of the extraordina
ry duration of its pe.-uine. Whilst Hie strength of i
many other extracts and essences is almost as eva
nescent as the bloom of tiie flowers from which i
they are derived, the Hermitage retains its Ua
grauce for an in eliniie length of time, and is
scarce to be removed from the garment on which it
is poured, by washing; hence it is probably the
cheapest and most delightful perfume of onr labora
Also, Cologne, Lavender. Change, Florida and
Rose Waters, in great varictv. For sale by
mar lb GARVIN &: HAINES.
£ <URLINGFLI ID, &c.—Blendir g with a grate
[ ful and refreshing perfume, tiie desirable i
! quality of strengthening and promoting the growth •
j of Hie Hair, without giving to ii the greasy hue of j
! Pomatum, or the volatile moistureolThc (his. It-- ;
; utility is confirmed by the most extensive con
| sumption.
| Also, the Genuine Maccassar Oil, and Ward’s :
' Celebrated Hair Oil. For sale bv
mat a GARVIN & HAINES. i
Augusta, Ga.
j. a The undersigned, late of Ihe Alerehants
f Hotel, Charleston, S. C., would inform j
i B Ids friends and the public that he has
taken tne above Hotel, and is now ready to accorn- !
modate those who maj' favor him with their pat
ronage. He will make no boast of what he will
j do, further than to say, that his tallies will Lc fm
! nished with the best tiie markets afford, and ihe ,
| establishment receive his personal attention; and |
if those w iui call ore him once are not satisfied with
his biil of f ree and accommodations, he will not so
licit them to cal! again, WILLIAM GOSS,
oct 30 tnvkwlrn
n]' '1 he Edgefield Advertiser, Greenville Moun
taineer, Columbia South, and Mil’cdge
viiie Standard of Union, will copy the above lour |
times weekly, and send their bibs for payment to
W. G. !
N LAV 4 1: Dir JN R stubs:,
JNO. «. A V>, H. TURPIN,
A RE now receiving an entire new stock f ;
GLASS, kc., &c., which they offer to their friends 1
and the public generally on reasonable terms, and
hope by tire quality of articles and prompt atten
tion to racrir patronage. c : 23 tnratwSw.
MA Al i ION. — l ire pub ic is cautioned against
trading for a promissory i.oic, u ade by Samuel
Howell, on r about tiie third day of April last, IY. of January last,for One hundred Dol
lars, interest from date, in favor of J. W. Kittles
and by nimenaorsed —the same having been iosioi
mislaid ov the subscriber to wnom seitiemeni
ueen mace ov toe oiawer. TTlOb. faAKNkS.
nc-RV $ ' wa
I’iiiri ED V i \HI
I w%<m m
4 SI PPLY of (he above coleh-rated nanedy for
% DEAFNESS, kept csnstanlly on band and
for sale by (oct 11) GARVIN cr HAINES.
wa liu-iioi;sr,
No. 230 Broad street, Aug.-tic, Georgia.
) The sul ciiber, having previfitsy •
; ’L U bought out the interest ol A. /. Ban
ta in his Furniture .\Vai’ehuu>o, has
, now r s ere ial» T IHuiself wuh one ot
JrȤl (!: the largest mamilacttliH:| establivli
p4t , ; j H mont« in New YeißgHlathri-s hiro-ell
u that ho will he aide to l, offer to the
public au a-muuncut of Furniture.superfor iu point
of workmanship and durability, to jq.v heretofaie i
offered in Augusta. As the v.iii ,
have the personal at ten I ion ufoub of the pai tilers, !
I the sfj iotest care will be t«A' 1
I of goo«i wood and diy materia), (so ossentiui to he !
1 durabilitj'.
M'O, a general assortment of Pianos, from the j
j best manufactories in tne I nioti. More j.arlicnlars ‘
j iy the New York Piano Forte company’s iiistru- |
i niMits, wi.ieli carnot be excelled foi sweetness ol |
’ tone and durability, in tho southern climate, b v any j
mamif.icto; y in {he United Mules. Onr in-tru- \
I menls are selected with the greatest catv. by one j
j who - i ecu ; elent judge, and a written guarantee
i is furnished in < very instance, ii required
1 . A. Piatt u-turns !.i,s tiiank- lo the public foi j
their former patronage, and solicits lor the com pant j
that share of public p.u ouage iseretofore bc-stowco ;
on huP'f ’f. The business in future will be con- i
dueled oy ;ap 2? LHAS. v. PL\’iT is. C.o ‘
ySjioS* D. 11. SII.COX, 3( 3 Broad street ;
P | keeps at all times f*r sale, a large as- j
sortment of Cabinet Furniture, of
superior workmanship and weii sea- I
soil'd materials, made expressly lire
tne Southern climate. Every arfi
le in the above business, with all the
variety of new patterns,contiumdiv
j rcceiv. i. persons wishing to purchase can do a- j
i well at this establishment as at any of Hie North- ;
j ein manufactories. Tone so ire for casn or good !
! citvaccen r ancc c . |
4\'P'Sx- ' s ecjx»'?i ~p'. ~ -r .
'■ > ■■
!MlNjy- jczJL d-V -re W-^v'
\ i i Greensboro’. Eatonton,(flir.ton, Macon, Pcr
! ry, Pimlortowii, Bainbridgc, fhattahoochie, iola, j
| St. Josephs, Pensacola, to Mobile.
ihe Proprietors of this Line ififonn the Tiavel
- ling pnniic that it is now in full ojieration, through i
the entire toutc; leaving Augusta by tho Georgia i
Rail Road cars to Greensboro’ every Tuesday i
I numlay and v nturday,al G o’clock, P. M. and ai
rive in Mobile in three days and a half running
Travellers arc assured that the staging upon this
line is superior (o any other, the accommodations
unsurpassed, and by far Hie best natural roads in
the Southern country, only .210 miles of staging.
Stages leave Rain bridge for Tallahassee via Quin
cy, immediately on the arrival of the Alligator
Line from Grccnsburo’, and immediately ou the
arrival of the boats from lola.
(CT'l wo Stages will at ail times to run in com
pany, when the travel requires it.
For seats in tiie above Lino, apply at the office,
at the Eagle and Phoenix Hotel, A ugu- ta, (Jen.
atui; g 1 lv GEO. W. DENT. Agent.
|A- •r t y H. N. Wnsojf respectfully informs
—x'—lthe public that his splendid line of i
Four Horse Post Coaches is running from Greens-
I boro to Spring Phuc, Ga via Gainesville andCai'-
vrile, in connexion with Col. Ramsey's Line to
Ross’ Landing and Nashville, and Maj. Well..’
Line to Athens and Knoxville,'Lean.
Fare to Cass vilie, M 2 00
“ “ Spring Place, ’ 17 00
Leaves Greensboro on the arrival of the
| Road Cars from Augusta, on Mondays, Wednes
■ days and Fridays.
'Travelling time to Spring Place, 20 hours.
“ “ Nashville, lire
djT Seats can bo se* ured on application to
G. W. DENT, Agent,
mar 23—6ra I’. S. Hotel, Augusta, Ga.
SN the month of June, 1-25, I enclosed in a let-
I' ? r» h} map. to John (. Richards, merchant of
| Baltimore, the fn-t halves of three notes of tiie !
following description, to wit, one half of note num
| her 2158, on the Bank of ihe State of North Caio
i lina, \ay able at Raleigh, for one hundred dollars; i
; one half of note number 257, on the Bank of Au
! gusta, Georgia, payable to R. Tulrnan, f..r fifty !
j dollars; and one half of note number lOff, Bank of
Augusta,Georgia,payable to J. G. Cowling,for lifty
j dollars, which were received by said Riciiaids, on
Hie IStli June, 1825; and in the month of July fol
lowing, 1 enclosed, by mail, in a U tter directed to
said Richards, the oilier half of ali -aid Bank notes
aforesaid, which weie never received by said Rich- j
aids, ami which were lost or taken from the mail.
Any information in ielation to said lost halves of
said nob s will t o ih.reikfully received, end any i
person hireling < red halves. si,al- ] c auiply compen- i
sa tcd. JAMES BERRY.
August S. IMP. _ _ w3m ’
i PKRrwiijHy.
r 3 1< E undersigned i< now receiving a complete
Si. assortment of Cologne, lorerender. Florida and
| Doncy Waters, Cosmetics, Fancy and shaving
Soaps, Hair Oils, Brush; - and Combs, i a great va- j
! ricty, which ho will sell low.
; Qft's-U WM. M. D’ANTIGNAC, Druggist.
j 4N D v KivSi.l.R \\ ANTED.—! iic subscribe
j Fi *' do-irons to employ foi the ensuing year an i
IG\ er.-ccr (one witliout lamily wo-uld be ierred , j
None need apply unless they can come well re
commend, d. WILLIAM p. HEAL,
nov 3 w it.
| A DrellNxS FRATOR'S NOTICE.—AII persons J
: having claims against live estate o r James ;
iars. veil, late ol Richmond County, deceased, are i
requited to hand Hum in, duly attested, within Hie
lime prescribed by law, and those in debt will
i make payment. R, t L \I\KE, Administrator. !
i October 23 1- UL
; ~
Georgia, Richmond county :
4 Ruction re ill he held on the first Monday I
a. * !1 -lannary next for I ivo Justices of tiie In- ;
iorior Court for the county aforesaid.and at the ■
sune time ior a lax Collector an ; Receiver ci Tax i
| Keturns for said countv.
i'-JvNJAMiN 11. WARREN, J. I. C. R C.
No vein her 10, 1 -40 tr vv td
4 LL persons indebted to the estate of Mrs. Sa- I
YIL »ah Clanre, deceased, are notireed to make I
payment lo Hie undersigned, and persons having |
demand v will present the same duly proven with
in the time prescribed by law.
V, M. H. GOODRICH. Adm’r.
November 5, 1-10. \o3t
ON the lirst Tuesday in January next will fco
sold at the lower market, in obedience to an
o.dcr >-f the Inferior Court of Richmond county
three negioes, viz: Billy. Sandy and George,belong
ing to too estate of John Hatfield. lat‘> oi st?d
county, ueccased. Said for trie bent-lit ol the
heiis and creditors of said deceased.
j Novemuer 4, iS-K 1 .
IT,, MMiawn—■M—
cssa ®Sd- hi Ti
(Iff NOTICE. —The Rail Road Passenger Train
! between Charleston and Hamburg, will leave »s
i follows:
i Not to leave Charleston before 700 a » 4 .
“ Summerville, -S 30
“ “ Georges’,. - ‘ f - 10 00
“ “ BranchvKle, “ - 11 00
“ Biack\l!lc, - “ - 12 34 p. h
“ “ Aiken, - - “ - 245
Arrive at Hamburg not before - 400
Not to leave Hamburg before 6 00 a. at,
“ Aiken, - “ - 730
” 44 BJarkvillo, “ - . .0 15
“ Ilranchvilie - - 11 00
“ 44 Georges’, “ - - ] l 4o
“ 44 Summerville,“ - -100 p. m.
Arrive at Charlestonnot before 215
Distance —13d miles. Fare Through—slo 00.
Speed not over 25 miles an hour. To remain 20
; minutes cv h, for breakfast and dinner, and nor
! longer than 5 minutes for wood and water at any
j station.
To top for passengers, when a trhite flag is
hoisted, at either of the above stations; and also at
Sineatiis, Woodstock, Jnabinet’s, 41 mile T. ().,
Rives’, Grahams, WillcMon, Windsor, Johnsons’
and Marsh’s T. O.
Pa—engors mb will breakfast at Woodstock and
dine at Aiken; aoicn, will ureaKlasl at Aikeu
an d dine a* Charleston. nov 9
g ‘ outua hail-hoad.
mms jffijsc. jirri
On ai i aftcr Monday October 12th, the Passen
ger Ums will inn to Buck-head, six miles East of
.Madison. Leave Augusta (i p. M. arrive at Buck
in d 2 A. 51. Leave Buck-head 7A lb M , arrive
ut Augusta 3 A A. 51. oct 9 3t
—————— -I ■■ - V
( in< E S. Carodisa R ah. Road Co. >
Hameirg, May 1, 1840. \
f and after this day, the passenger train from
ii 9 Hamburg will anive in Charleston at 2$
o’clock, r m. in time toi dinner. mav I
June 5d.1540. 3
Information to Travellers North and South.
U'l WITHSTANDING tiic destruction of the
bridges over the Savannah River, at Augusta,
by the late freshet, travellers are respectfully in
formed that arrangements have been made for pass
mg the river, and that the Cars leave Hamburg
and Charleston daily at the usual hours and arrive
as formeiiy. W.M. ROBERTSON, Jr.
Agent Transportation.
CHAN«S KuF H()UIl. .
The Passenger Train, carrying the great mall
between New York and New Orleans, leaves’Au
gusta every day at G p. m., and arrives at Greens
boro at 1 a. 3i. Leaves Greensboro at 9p. ji., and
arrives at Augus a at half past 4 o’clock, a. m.
Stages run in connection with this train from
Greensboro for New Or.eans, (two daily lines) via
Indian Springs,Columbus, .Montgomery and .Mobile;
for New Orleans, tri-weekly, via Clinton, Macon*
and Pensacola; West Point and Wetumpka, via
Barnes ville, tri-weokiy ; for Rome, tri-weekly vi*
Covington, Decatur and Marietta; for Nashville
and rnoxville, Tennessee, tri-weekly, via Athens,
Gainesville ai d Cassvillc; for Washington, Wilke
county, tri-weekly, from Double Wells; for New
Orleans, daily, from Warronton, via Sparta, Mil
lodgevillc, Macon and Columbus ; for Milledgeville,
ri-wcckly, via Greensboro and Eatonton.
.Connecting with these lines are branch stage,
lines to Tallahassee. Coiumous. Miss.. Tuscaloosa,
Newnan. voweta county,Ga.,and Clarksville, Ha.
bersham county. &c.
Fare on the Rail-Road to Greensboro $4 25.
Ollice Georgia Rail Road & Bk’g Co. ?
Avgusta, L'ecernoer 9, i?*39. V
Pp’HiH Stockholders of this Company having do
g temdned to close its business, notice is here*
Dy given of the same, that those who have made
insurance with the undersigned. Agent for Au
gusta, may remv their risks elsewhere as they ex
pire, due notice of which will be given.
Tho«e who may have claim' against the Com
pany, through this agency, will present them fur
adjustment to .1, G, DUNLAP, Agent.
; may 9
Augusta, September, IS4O.
r|pllL Ninth Course of Lectures in this Institu-
H tion will commence on the second Monday,
tho 9lh of next November, ami terminate on the
first Saturday of .March following.
Fee for full Course of Lectures, slls 00
Matriculation, (paid but once.) 5 Os
Arrai gehicnU have been made by which Stu.
denis can be supplied from Europe with Instrn
merits of all kinds. Skeletons, Bcc.
The Faculty are—
' G. M. Newton, M. D.. Professor of Anatomy.
L. A. Dugas, 51. D., Professor of Physiology at d
Pathological Anatomy.
C. \V. West, 5L D., Piofessor of Chemistry d
I. P. Garvin, 51. D., Professor of Therapeutics ai d
■Materia Medic a.
; J. \. Eve, 51. D., Professor of Obstetrics and Dis
cases of Women and Infants.
L. D. Ford, 51. D., Professor of the Institutes and
Practice of Medicine.
P. F. D., Professor of the Piinciples an
Practice of Surgery.
G. 51. Newton, 51. D., / Demonstrators ol Anal-
John McLestfr. M. '■' ¥ \ \ omy, without addt’l fee
PA I L F. EVE, M. D.,
sept 1 Dean of Faculty.
The Edgefield Advertiser, Greenville Moon
j taineer, S. I’.; Southern Recorder, Federal Union
t • minis Enquirer, Savannah Georgian, Georgia;
Mobile Register, Huntsville Democrat, Alabama
Journal, Tuscaloosa f lag of Union. AlabamafFlo
-1 nan. Flo.; and Nashville Banner, will publish tin
ovc advertisement weekly to the amount of $i
each, am: iorwaru taeir receipts to toe Dean.
fgIHE Subscribers have this day entered into
8 Partnership under the iirm of FORCE, BRO
Augusta, January Ist, IS4O.
All persons indebted to R. W. Force & Co. are
: requested to make immediate payment
J ORCE, BROi lIERSfy CO. Wnolesale Dealers
in Bools, Shoes and Leather, have on hand an ex-
I ’ !>R ‘ IVC stock, which they offer to country mer
chants at Northern price*. jan 1 If
CM ARVIN & HAINES, No. 232, Broad street,
JIT are constantly receiving fresh supplies of
; Dings, Paints, Oils, Glass. &c. Also an extensive
j assortment of Brushes, Toilet and Shaving Soaps,
I Perfumery, &c., of domestic and foreign manufac
j tures, selected by their agents; also afresh supply of
' F-ngiisn (laroeu Seea. Country merenents and
Physicians are invited to cail and examine our
s’o k.
A liberal di««ouj»t made for e<uh. ect 14