Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, November 26, 1840, Image 4

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' ! ! DAWSON’S FIRE AMj WATER proof wAJiEHojcsE. Ew Hader«i<zß*d in fan— hi* • !••• (_x>*EirT.i-‘ xr. t - r »* r j» <ri ttelcteffc street, and In* «f psbiic favor a* ve>Urw d tbc pa»t fa— • yjj [».{ tjjt ts Mr - f /-i K Cry - ‘ Jut r* C. Dawva&, i*. w. er, e —*c '*:« *■■ hi* nun atbntioc to the telifag •! CUtw; ■ tfa of tM • Dver-Ci uy J -- 1 Mft turlaoi. Wo. C. ,;. A ■' . f keep* zeter-u AMOftmest of Groceries at t. t 4-nead, Ifaj** cMßtj, 'tk tenunfatlf the Otc|pa Kaii-B—d) tad will furnish tty cattosen ft |kugT**ta pnce*. aMiac freight*—they will *lm »(t ** yattfa tiMiM- - r> The Miifadgeviile Beeordje»jJ—»al, Fede alXain, Columnu» Loquirer aijd |OOthB ""S> WJ |] ygfrinh t— above nx tme* jwqekly. JEFFERSON HOTEL pj?R SALE. Jeferwn, JatkMn Ckjurjfy mU£ sabecfibrr *ifef» lor tale Jth* J EFF E-V I HOTEL, is Jeflienon, Jacksda county; fa Mb, Beddmg tad Furniture, wis a*so be deposed cf la the pweleatf if desired- He Uko offers for «aic a taii: farm . t:.e e-•'-‘e ■ >tbliTi rs between fourj iijd five fa—died acre*, oae hundred and fifty of jw’-icb is cleared and it fMiofW. the m—kdcU pre.! Ur The House tat a .;re;a c if,d foe / *’• -*- fa u beaitby a* any section of The pro ® yrny will be sold separate or togj-Ufer, and if »ekl <m or before the first Toehdjy in Jamas? •eat at private talc, it will on thiit ’'day he oft?red it pnbiic ewtery, to the highest) bidder, absence of the sotv.; ». I sole made, far applying te Giles MtC,;hell.o: IH K. Overt*y Eaqrs , who reside in thi v .aze. oct 17-wtlsUan GEGKfJE SHAW. DAVID A . V A «1> N , ATTOUStY AT LA ty. Palmyra, Leeirounty, Ga. WlB practice it -he r z f .". ' e’ foe f . m> fafaonch— —d Southern Circuits. I smrfcf*: I CrtfctorkjKkKm, / G. Urn. Joeatnaa I>aru,3 . CoLIJI^ Ifoo. C. Doogncrty,s ,« Cd. A. Reeve. / .. 4 John s too k Robson, s** *'' J | I. W. Jones, Augusta. j w-kn-oct 15 NOTICE. | LODGED —a rearway ffi the jail of Abbeville District, booth f Carolina, on the k©th ult,, aaegr j man shoot thirty* or forty yean old, Stefa bailt, five feet ten inches high, and ready spoken, who call* haatscif MARCH, and says be helectfi 10 Be—et of Talbot rerunty. Ga. He hSi, when pfenet.'leC, a r r <:*: ; - ; - ’' :• se| » pa-’ « CH—nl illegible, dated 22d July, IS4O, grant;.' g fanv* to pass to V. yiij-. 0. > • . Lv-r.’.rt. Conth Carolina, anlil the 25th X ay next Th* tvser of said slave is hereoy requ;, c-c to come for ward and prove tus property, ox tl e said star* •hall fie dealt with according to ! ti,; law of the State of Sooth Carolina. ••g 25 wly J. H. COMBOS. A. D. J*rosy«rtu« of a .Veic Work t» tst (*nttt'ed GEORGIA ILLLSTRAYED, IX s —net of origmal pictures, on;stlel, with fat* tor press descriptions. The plainer pobiishing m —rmurf numbers pictorial woi|k*| illustrative of the scenery of countries, has Jocig veeo a popu lar one m Lurope, and b rapidly f|ui|la| .- onr own country. i I The proposition to mue s irh a wbrlt, devoted to the scenery of Georgia., although ijosf.l, will find —uvenal favor, anu ue regarded a- itjis }j> the ho. - - ® or, a plau at once felicitous and fe|»*ij le. There fa much scenery in oar State,that isj i. t surpassed fa beauty and sublimity, by that of iimifay Ma’e m the Union. The upper counties ab tuijd m scene-, which seed only be known to corny ar il the admi ratfan of all who love the cT nature.— Much of the scenery of the No?to 11 -mprior to o>l own, but isyet visited by thousands ijimely bee* iSC it has been written t vng and “ liomz<*l” by au thors and travellers until its beauty I'm become universally known and appre< .i Vt | o< that attention should be directed tootir clwn resour ces us picturesque in natural scenery,|md when Ufa is fame, our own ar-d .Northern U,|jnst* will speedily render onr beautiful *. iew • f our language. , The South is charged with gcnerali indifference t/i the progress of Lai ' and F’lrieiArts; and probably the strongest foundation for|thi charge is found in her inaction in en’erprise cabfuijtted ft*fa** ter these objects. The poblkation of t|ie propos ed work will it is believed, be an eifeT.vi al the foundation, a step towards the <tsbrblistenent of our literary reputation, to which ei-d tmeh hon orable effort is bow tin | A third consideration and the last vthicli wilt pow be urged, is the intrinsic value cf i?ich . fatioo as “ Geusoia iLLLiiaATi o.” It i , embo dy the representations of the beautifu : ai d sublime fa our State scenery, and afford to all a| a tliffing expense, exact pictures of our 10009 tail?!, valhes, watararts, public buildings, kc., way a t |y rr.v. oi Kfajr not otherwise behold, but ■ would afford peculiar pleasure. The proposed work will ne execuUdi i a style superior to any smrular pictorial WCrkiS the coun uy The plates will be executed r,a &tei) far —« faent engravers, from original duwi;. ; : made ex pressly for the purpose, by Mr. T. Adds Rich ards, as Augusta. The engravings w.UI fe accorn corapanied with letter press prepared for the wo:k, and in this department jac editor will secure, av far ?<s po-.-iole, the assistjmee and (■•-operation ol our best w’nt"rs. In *h&rl' no pains will b* spared to make thd work a perfect gem of the kind, to the end that it may raecti a s welcome reception not only at home but also abroad. COtsmTlOtVg. ; I. “Georgia Illumrated,” will be .{‘sued in monthly parts, in the quarto form, at sn ; pi r annum invariably in advance, or at 50 cents for qach part, payable on delivery. i | |L Each part will contain two highly fi/]ished cn grmeinft, of Georgia Scenery, accompanied with faKtcr-press descriptions and historical facts, prin ted on large and bonutiful type on the fintfst paper, the whole enveloped in a neatly primed C'jver. ill Any indivioual who will obtaisi tnd for ward tux advanced mbacription*, shall be I entitled to a copy of the work. Clubs may twelve copies to one address for SSO, or twenU fr‘ e copies Ip one address for SIOO, in either case ire, of jkjs tage, \ The first part, containing an engraved t|tlc page and vignett, with two views and lctie:>p|ess des criptions, will be issued on the fir-1 of No/vember, IMO, and subscriptions should be forwtrdid prior to that time. , Editors who publish and call attention-to this prospectus, will, by forwarding their pv.ptir to the editor, be entitled to a copy of the work, t Communications and subscriptions anils* be ad , post paid. * WM. C. RlCllpjaDS. Editor of Georgia Illustrated , f PeniiQriid, Ga.) ONE Ht.VDHED DOLLARS RBUjARD. ■BA Left the subscriber’s rear ® 101 Quincy, Florida, on the kth ui -.., anrgi> fellow by the name of JOSHUA,* He i a JjAmLk about SO j’ears old, 6 feet high, jmjlines to stoop forward when walking, commonly WCUI large whiskers. He had on, when he ieft ja blue I wilted homespun coat and osnaburg panfaloons. He ometimes calls himself Joshua lluhhjhavirg formerly belonged to a family by that raule, near the Lower Three Huns, in the State 0: South Cai olfaa. Joshua is well known in the citytof Sa vannah, on the Savannah river, and in Nfigu-fa, •a., where he is aiming to get; and frbint there, very probably, he will make his way to Ciiarle*- kw, S. C. I save some reason to believe I*2 has a forged pass. J (N'T* The above reward will be given forfiis aj - prehension and delivery to me at my pla-utdtion in Florida, or SSO if lodged in the State of (rcrlrvgia or South Carolina, so that 1 can get him. i acptd S. WINKI! UR. RANAWAY from the sabacilber, a JR* negro boy named GLAGOW b. njcen 20 and 21 years of age, about 5 h fe< l high, stout built, very dark complexioi , with a very thick head of hair —he is suppose to be lurking about Augusta, or upon the Ssud -Hnls. A liberal reward will be paid for his delivery!, or his Uxteedin anv safe Jail, so that I get littn. 9~d ’ JAMES W. C UJJRK. I |! I . ■ H AtGISTA IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY is ;/* \ \ The Casting* from ih.3 establishment have g.rtz oniveni. (atiifoctioc since .t has ieen . We have now on ha d a large flock of the raw matenai.of the t**l qaaLty, and are ready to rc * • ceive oriers for any descrvptioc .1 CA> TIN j e;-'.er for Rah Miu*. Steam Ld&x**," otner yjrpohet. As we nave a first rate Farrem Nfaker, and use nofoicg out the cooaeqtttntijr we can warrant our Castingi notoc y to work we.l, tot a- strong and as we made a* 1 any manaXat tared at the North or efaewnere, s:.: i we challenge ecmpariKm. r We aso manufacture to order any ixd oi 1 AGR.IL i LTI'RAL IMPLEMENT S. V» e are I now zettmg up, an: will -~ocn hive made cn bar., jox ia,e,a variety of PLOUGHS, of ali kmC: • an.is.zes, from the tmaii Pooey Fiough up to the large four horse Plough. A.-c-, Strata E-Alers. Corn SArfferf, iiirrowt, IVhe'd Cultivator• : Wagon*, k c *» 4'-- Fersoc? wanting r articles wir Ido well to ea’L, at we are cetermia i ed to sell low for cash or cay acceptance*. 1 Orders cam be left at foe prmcipa. stores in • j town, or at toe eataiT'shmer-l in rear of v e Pres- I brtenan Church, near u.e R.au Road Depot, anil they will be attended top—ctoaily. uly 11 ly THO?. HOPKINS k Co. G( EORGLk BURR STONES FOR SALE.—A f £rst ra*e pair of t:.e-e Mill Stones, four ant j a ha?f feet m diameter. For terms apply to:*, j office. jan SI ts | NEW GOODS. THE subscriber* have received their Fall and Winter supply of FANCY' AND STAPLE 1 DRY GOODS. cor-sistiLZ of a great variety of new and desirable articles, anoor.g which are the fol j lowing: * Duffel and Whitney Blanket*, Cloths, Cassimert, ; Satmetts, Kentucky Jeans, red white and gteca Fianuelv, . Kciays, plain and p aid Negro Cloths, : Brown and bleach d >hirt.iDgs and Sheetings, Apron , I Check, Lir.en and corton Bedtirk, L;own and fcl'hd Jean*, Black La»t nz, co’lOTi Ca-sime.e, for g-z top*, ’ Table I>amask:, birds eye and Ru««;a Diapei«, ? ln*b Linens, some «openor undresf'-d, ; F rench, Er-giAh and American Prints, Furniture Prints, brown Holland, black Silecia, 2-4 and 4-4 .Sc otch Ginghams, Turkey ref Prfat*, ■ Biack and blue black <oi d and fuz'd Boirinazines, 1 French and Eiigiisb p.am and nz'd Merino*, » Rich emb’d Dc La.nes, p;’n and hg’d do. Black and black col d and fig d Silks, Fiain a no iig d Swiss book and piail Mu*!fa T , 1 Ladies, Gentlemen*, Mis«« ai;d B-cy* cotton and woolen Hose, La.ge rich lig’d Satin Points or Mantulos, Err.brudered Thibet, Casti—ere. Plaid, Merino and Muslin De Laine Shawls, Rich pi nd Rib:»oo«, satin Taffeta and Cap do. Thiea.d Laces s.cd Edgings, Musiid Inserticg* and Edgings, Plain and fig’d Bob inet, wa«h Blond and diamond Nett, Ladies black, white and coioied F iHet Glove* and Mitts, Ladies -up’r Fxglish silk Mitt*, new style. Kid, Buckskin, Merino, and >i.k G.oves, Black and blue black Crap<-, and crape Veils, While, black and coFd c rape Le*ve, Black and white Eng ish snk Hove, Bordered, hemsiitcr.ed and lace edged Linen Cam bric Fldkf*, Linen, Cambric, and Linen Lawn, Cbaotiila and diamond net Vei s. Slate coi’d Pongee and cotton Chambray, for riding drcs*e«. Fancy silk hdkis, g**nt’ Pongt-c and bl’k silk do. Shell and Brazilian tu< k and side combs, F. aslic wristbands, artificial Flowers and Wreotii*, Whalebone-, ior br<‘ es and Bonnets, Taylor’s,Clark’s and Willet’s spool Thread, Black and col’d Italian sowing Silk, Bia? k, brown, and at] col d linen 1 bread, Carpet and furniture Binding, zephyr wo:Red Ivory Combs, l;orn and Buffalo dressing do. Hair Brushes, ton« I Powdei and fancy >*vap, Cologi.e water of a superior quality. Narrow and wide linen Ta «, bi’k and coi’d Biaid, Coronation braid, stiver T‘ imbles, Pin*, Needles, Ac. fcc. The above, with a variety of olhei articles, will be sold on reasonable terms by WM. H. CRANE fc CO, oct 15 dlw w it 2'Jl Broad street. SCHOOL NOTICE. FIN HE subscriber wil continue bis School at the j new dwelling on \V alker street, and hopes that the distance to his place will not he an objec tion w irh any lady or gentleman v. no may be kind ly di-j/Osed to patronize him. He will pk<!ge him ■ self to prepare youth for Franklin College, or any other College in Ihe Union, ia and in the minor branches of Mathematics,and should a suffi cient pa'ronage be extended to him, he could *<■<» c the service# of a geiitiernau of well known « ility in Mathematical science. In reference to the •m:.- ’ Kii iber himself, 1 e has had charge of Schools and ’ | Academics in this Stale during a period (1 ten I ! years, and leave to refer, if necessary, to Col. j Thomas N. Hamilton of Athens, and the Kev. : ‘ Juriah Harris, he ore whom he had been examined by a classical gentleman of the North, before he could be admitted to take the Rectorship of tne Columbia County Academy, which he had for three years. .Should a cia--. of eight or ten young men be found, he could devote two hours to their in struction each day, at a time that would not inter -1 sere with his School. There are three things con , j needed with the Classics, which is almost, if not i totally neglected in our Southern Seminaric., viz: . I Mythology, Latin Exercises, and Prosody, w ilhout 1 which the Scansion of Pentameter and Hexameter . Verse cannot be acquired. , | The first quarter’s tuition will be required at entrance, and the scholastic year will Lc the same 1 • as that of the other Seminaries of the city. [ | At a future time should his patrons desire his 1 coming to a more convenient place, he will comply with their wishes, ii be meets witn sufficient pa tronage, DANIEL MAHONEY, i oct 6 wit . ! iXj' The Constitutionalist will give the aoove four weekly insertions. i In the Superior Court of Richmond. County. Term, IS-10. William Host wick,^ vs. LRvle Xiai. i John P. Coles. J ; "■ TPON the petition of William Bostwick,setting j R_j forth that he was in the possession of a pro missory note, made by one John P. Coles, dated on | the 30th day of July, 1819, and payable sixty dai s ; after date, to the order of William Bostwick &Co., for tnree hundred and seventy five 45-100 dollar;, which was destroyed by lire on the eighth of Au -1 gust, 1826, and praying this court to establish a j copy in lieu of said original note so destroyed: I; 1 is ordered, that the said John I*. Coles do show j cause, at the next term of ttiis court, why a copy should not be established in lieu of said original j note, it is furthcroidered, that a copy of thi* rule be served on the said John P. Coles thirty days prior to the next term, or be published once a i month for four mouths prior thereto, in one of the | ’ ! public gazettes of the city of Augusta. > A true extract from tiie minutes. - August 27. 3 Mi-. JAMES Me LAWS. CITE I NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the estate of Robert J. Allen deceased,of Burke county, will make 1 immediate payment, and those having demands r against said estate, will present them within the lime prescribed by law. THOMAS T. ELLISON, Adm’r. November 9, 1840, v.6t ) NOTICE. , ALL persons indebted to the estate of Wan. LI. 1 Mobley, late cf Burke County, deceased, are e requested to make immediate payment, and those t having demands az: inst said estate to render them » in, dulv attested, within the rime prescribed by law, to ISAAC I. HEATH, i November 9, 1846. Administrator. ;? t s v !k IBb HARRIS'S SPECIFIC OINTMENT. FOR tbe cere of while scr {n'omcr.r. olber tv toon, user*. tore ice*, o.d atvi ;re-fl apr&ms usd bnnaes, vweiiiof* »r-<" mflam aaxrtjm, scald bead, woiwsi* tore breas‘l. rof a n.auc pains, letter*, eruption*, ch.j*o,am». * hitk** • b::«a, cwra, and enrr.ii dsemeet senerz.'y. Tbe proprietor hat revived at :eaet a thousand *'ert f • cate* arjd other dor-air e»U m favor r.f . >P£CI - OINTMENT— «ad they «nhf»re almc*l a . t e oorap s.r,-t. :n lL*.r ec.V. —*o v> '.; omfmexf or ticking piaster can l e ac-pbed Ainon* lh**e ter .neat*-., there ere e great most erosnent physicier:* in ir«e country, v. r*o i.v Omiaaem so taeirca y prac-f m preference Pj any, or 2 . other* w hic h have ever been in rentes’ The ,/f- pririor ha.* » so lemted a great many lea tiraocui.* iron larger-, is- :iar.'ger,;rerryn. and oibers.relame 10 the sm« ’ g efficacy of 1 > OisUoen?. n the bruise*, ret?, and a! the externa escDp:ain’t and of tk»r»e?; and any -7 then ere no >ea* man a dozen certifying to the m -4 jur ied cere* eh <h a has perV.-fn*e.J oi Ibe tor*: I mekm of e>-n>a of those amaaaia. Altogether the pr prsetor iee»s r.u he*.tattoo in ataimg —or in pul ling it to ibe pr mA ag- ntt a 1 ent»po*.!K>a—n»i HaRPJSON - SPECIFIC Ol.M'JE.Mavw > superior to every 1 mg of the Kind w ch La* tiers toGre been offeree to the public; a:*d the propnt’oi out only vuu ta. tor jtt general good q.-.>i..rjes, but » willing to risk bu reputation on a tin gie trial, for Le t »jw • frvm ibe isot era pie ex penance, that si cannot be naed wiilioat immediate and paipab> benefit, in any one of too complaints for w hich i ! is *0 highly rec-oramer-ded. Rets., price 50 cent per box. Soat si all the principal DRUG STORES m aeg 20 Augusta, Ga. METHODIST SOUTHERN BOOK ROOM So. Hayne tiree*, opposite .'brr'. J. S. If L. Bowie , Charleston, S. C. THE subscriber respectfully informs the citi zens of Charleston and the public generallv ,ttal , the above e laths .mei.t i» row 1.0 1 .:. operaticr wnere may he found a fail of TbeoJo gural Works, which will be sold always at pub- Usbert prices, and a liberal discount to wboie->aie dealer*. Also, in addition to the above, will be constantly kept ou hand, an extensive assortment of sehoo . Classical, Medical, and Miscellaneous Books, Sta tionary, 6.C- Ai»o, Binders’Materials, -- ich as Sheep Skim. Lamb Skin*, Russia Hides, Baik Skivers, Blue and Red Skivers,Biue and ktd Koaos, Binders’ Boatdv Super Royai, Royal, Medium, I>erny, Fiat Cap Bloiun?, Knvelope, and Piess Papeis, kc. A .cl j which wnl be sold wholesale or retail, on as good terms as any other r ouse in the city, A share o< patronage is respectfully solicited. oct !6-sw3w JOHN \V. STOY, Agent. | MOKFATS VEfiETABEE LIFE MEDICINES tpHF>E Hi*-.-:;, .-.es ~u- ’H for nuro* JL to tli. ir manih-wt and -r-n-r ie anion in purl fymetbe rpnng and rharmelaof l;fe,and enduing 1 hero with renewed tone and vigor. In man? hun dred refused ca>< - whim and in almost every upreiesi of diea-f: to whirh the human frame is liable, the happy effects of MOFFAT’S LIFE FILLS AND PHENIX BIT TEHS have been graiefuiiy and publicly ac- Imiwledged by the ’tenonn b<r and who were prev windy unacquainted with th-.- j pliiif xjphical principle* Uf»<jn which they are eompourtied, and upon which they «unaeq'iefjll} act. The LIFE MEDICINES recommend them-elves in diseases of every form and deticripnoti. Their first of*ralion ur to loosen from the coal* of lue itomai li arid bowels, tbe varum* impurities and crudmee eon tantfy aetlhng around them ; ana to j remove the hartier»efj Itert s w hicfi collect • convahuuone of tf»e vraalSe*! imesiiries. Other ; medicine* only psrliaiiy cleanm- tt»c--c, aiul leave such collected rnassea behind aa to produce haba- - ai costiveneas with 11 it* train of evil*, or in a sud den d.arrhcea, wish it* eminent Jange**- This fact i* wei! ■ nown to a.I rejnlar arn'orn - who n amine the human riowtU after -.eaih ; and htn'e the pri-iudi<eof those wc;l infiirmed men again-? quack me'ic u ci—nr medicines prepared end her laded to the public bv ignorant pi raon*. '1 he se cond effec t of the Life Medicine* i* to cieanseiht kidney* and ibe bladder, a- i by tbi* mean*, the liver and the lung*, the neilh-action of v inch entirely depend* p. on ll.e regularity ofifie urinary organ*. Tbeblocd, w hich ta.-;ea it* red c olor Irum the agency of lire liver and the long* before it pa‘-cs into the Imn r, hieing Itiu» ptmfi'd h>y ihera and noun*l ed by food corning from a clean stom ach, courses freely ih.ought thie veins, reitewt- ev» ry part of ihc system, and inunipitanily mounts 1 iu; banner of Ixalth in the hilooming citeek. Moffat'* Vegetabie Life Medicine* have been thoroughly ntte*ted, and pronounced a sovereign remedy lor Dyspepsia, i bi!u!e..( y, Falpitaiirm <■{ the Heart, c*l Appetite, Heart-bn re mid Head ache, Rc-tlewines*, lii-temper, Anxiety, Languor ami Melancholy, Costivenefcs, Diorrhoja, Chokra, Fever* of all kind*, Rheumai »ui, Gout, Dropsies of all kmd, (iravei, V\ ortus. Asthma and Consump lion, Scurvy, I leer*, Inveterate'bore*. Scorbutic Eruption* and Had Complexions, Eruptive com plaint*, Sallow, Cloudy, and other disagrecah < Complexions, Suit Rheum, Eryuojielas, Common 1 Co!< - and influenza a: d various other comphaim* which afflict the huinar frame. In fever and ague, particularly, the Life Medicines have been raosicmii.'ently sucf‘i-oluI: so much so that in the Fever ami Ague dihirteU, Physicians almost uni yersaliy prescribe tiietn. All that Mr. Moffat requires of his patient is lobe particular in taking the Lite Medicines strictly accordinglothe directions. It ii not by a news | paper nonce, or any thir g that he himself may sny j in ihieis lavor, lhat lie hopes lo gain credit, "it is alone by the result of a lair : rin!. j MOFFAT’S MEDICAL MANUAL, desired n* a domestic guide lo health. —Tins little pamph'el edited by \\ . H Moffat 375 Broadway New York, ha* been published lor the purpose of explaining more fully Mr. Moffat’s theory ol diseases, and will i>e found highly intere-ting to pc-reous secl.i c | health. It reals upon prevalent diseases, and the causes iliereol. Price 25 cents—for by Mr Muftat's agentrf generally. These valuable rmdianes arc for sale by WAI. M. D’ANTIGN aC, bole Agent lor Augusta DR. E. j-POHN. a German pnysitiar. of much no.e, navmg devoteu m* aiteniion lor some years to me cure ana removal ot tne censes of NER VOUS AND MICK HEAD ACIiL, has the satis j fiction lo make known, ihai he basa remedy which ' by removing the causes cures effectually and perma . nently tins distressing complaint. There are many families who have considered Sick Headache a con stitutional incurable family complaint- Dr. 8, as sures them that: hey are mistaken, ai d labouring under distress which iney might not only alleviate but actually eradicated by the us>- *f his remedy, j it is thersult of scientific research, and isentirely I of a diffi-retit cbaiacierlrorn adverliseo patent medi j cines, and is not unpleasant to tlie laste. HEADACHE, SICK OR NERVOUS, j Tiie extraordinary reputation that Dr. Spoiln’a , remedy tor this distressing compaint every day i gaining is certainly a matter of much astonishment, ; That so m ich suffering should have existed for ages without any discovery of an effectual preventiv ?, or cure,is truly a subject of much regrei but Dr. 8. now assures the public lhat such a remedy has been invented as vviii convince the most credulous. The ,*rincipies on which it acts are simple and plain. Itis an a mined fact that thie complaint, whether called Sick Headache, or Nervous Headache, arises prim arily from the stomach—those who think they have the Nervous Headache may rest assured that this organ, the stomach, isihe first cause, that th a sys tem has become vitiated or debilitated, tlnough the stomach, and that only through the same channel must they expects respiration of the natural and healthy functions ol the system. This object, Dr Spohn’s remedy is eminently calculated to attain. 1 he truth of this position cannot be controverted, and tiie sooner sufferers with the headache become convinced of it, the sooner will their suffering end in restoration of health, Dr. Spohn pledges Ins pre fc-»sionai reputation on this fact. Tne remedy may be had of apothecaries generally throughout the Unitea Slates. For saie t*y aiNTONY <fe HAINES, No. 252 Broact-street, Augusta, , nar 26 j PETERS’ VEGETABLE PILLS. I npHE-il p.’li »ra c-o krrer arse- e tboee rt 1 A c c iki a;ji-ty. 7 Ley here f..steed sway ■ . Lora *!>_ Ll" ti.at sre c» j iau;.--:.e: op*.n the i.-ie r 1 arxl ryyjn clsiei before toe * pctffie a* L:zh n repetstron, s: u eneasiveij ■ employed mah ;<”s of #I r. ted <: nee, tLe Can u . aoas.Texa«. Mexico, erA the West Ire as aay ; TLed-f-^ te lh.s? ha* eve.- been prep* e»i tor ibe ».*f . ot soff ring men. '1 bev have :«eer ; int odace: i. w Ikrever n m found yoti hie to eery them ; and (. tber- are but lew iowds lhatco n*n ez • -sn eome . reras kabk enceoce* of ibe.- z- i eifty • T r -e . cemficaues t!*at have Vn preweraec to toe prupne j lor etceed twenty ! upwards of fivebun- ore-, ol w icn are from resu \r ; r>c >in2 phyncian*, g wi4> are ibe BK»l competed joc gr* of ;heir merit*. Oiten Lave the core* perfooned by 1 u laeditioe e been if re subject of eu Utr.nl comment in Tatkni* f. newspapers e.A j-.umals ; arid it may with truth I bo a**ened. thtl 10 me iieioe of the kind Las ever , re eived unmoor. ,a_* of gr- ater vaiee man arc =t ■t taGsed to thi*. * Fr.ey are m general use at a Dimly medicine. ,1 ' arid there arc lho&ear.ct of famines who declare a i U*e) are never s&kcfied r. j always on hesA. e ■ i r>ey Lave no t.\ a! in coring an*i preventing c fever*. Fever and Ague, Dv«pep*.a, 1. Coroplaira*, bVk J.unc.ie, Asthma, ,i Dropsy, Rbcus*ati*m, Enlargement of ibe -bp ee-ii, y Pi ca, Chouc, Ftmaie Obalruclkm*, Heartburn, i ur .. 1 red Tongue Nausea, Dt*ieaeio i of tne Stomach , { j end fkme.*, Ioc:p cut D; an ace, Fitiaience, Hr b:t it • nal Cuetivenesa, Loes of Appetite, b .‘op bed or \ '■ Isallow Comokrit m, and in aii case* of Torpor o: [. t> a whet 1 - a cat bar: or aa apenent t. needed, 'f n*y are exceed: gly roiid m toeir o-.eia . .ion, producing neither oau«e%, urlpLtg nor dehnity. '1 he efficacy ol pi s is *>j wen known, and the;r u»e to general, tbet further comment is con sidered unnecessary. for farther pantcuEr*. s*ve Lr. Peter,’ inin 1 . which can fie rton grafts ot anv of trie Agent INOL’K Month- after date application will be made U» tne Hoo. the J*-lice« of the Infer; . Court of Richmori County, w- or u‘‘mg for ordi nary purpoe?, fur leave to seu the rea. and pei - Serna *. -tate of W* iiam Tarly, late of Kith mores it | county, deceased. b i JAMES BRAMXfN. f Aiaioiv -j ALFRED SEGD, 3 f alo.-- N'ovem er 3, IS4O. Cl AKDL4 N’S SALE. y , A GREEABLE to an order of lot H .norabie the V Inferior Crurt of Mcrnwet-.tr Count; » en sming a« a Court of Ordinary, wiil he sold on the i first J ue*day in January next, before tbe court ; bouse door at Wayne-ooro, Burke county, w.ti io J ti e usual hours of sale, one tract of land contain ing four hundicd and eight acres, wheieon \\ iiiuin Gil-trap deceased formerly, and wnere--n John W. j Wise now lives, joining lands of C. B. &j arch ill, j* Drarv Corker, and otuers, *ofd for 1.-.e benent of j- tne Leiisof Wiley (iilstrap of said county deceased. Te.ms, twelve mor ; ths crecil for notes *ith ap proved security-. JuLL WtHiTLN Octooer 7, ls4o. Guardian. 5 JIifTEUM).\ SHERIFF *S SALE. UJ ILL be sold i'D trie first 1 itsdry in Dect rr.- ’er next, at ir.e X*. del Ho «e. in the town * of Louisville w.tiiin tne iegai Loui* of sale, tnrte - Negroes, to wit: Lydia, a woman slave, and her I* two cbildien, Augustu* and Hen;/. Also,aqaaatny of Honscfa i . j. 1 listing of >.ab. >ofa, Bed* and Bedsteads, C j and 1 indry art: es in te ho use-keeping ,iue. ..] {uoperty, levied or; a- ;ne properly of , j Owen McDeimolt, u.oa foreclosure of Mo;tgage, , l of >be nod Arringfor. . said McDermott. Prvper -1 ty pomteaoot in ;aid Moitgage fi. ,a. ’ WILLIAM S. ALEXANDER, Sh’ff. - j September 30, 18V). EXECUTOR’S SALE. > . be sold lo the highest bidder, cn the If fir*t Tuesday m January next, within tbe I legal houis 01 -ale, at the Market house in tbe , j town of Louisvuie, Jefferson County, agreeably to , ine last w i t and te-Ument of Hardy Morgan, de • j ceased. Four Hundied Acres of Pine Land, more • j ur less, in said county, adjoining lands of John Lyon-, L j -.1 liuhson and otue.*. Also, Three • Negro Slaves, to wit; Winoey, a woman, auout : twenty-four yeats oid; Margaret, a giri, about ei_" it y ea: old a- ! Mason,a boy, a out live y ca;s old. Terms on the day of saie. STEPHEN MORGAN, Executor. November 3, Ib-iO. POSTPONED s \LF:. U' ILL be told at the Court Hou«e door in Waynesboro, Burke county, on the first Tuesday in December next, one hundred acre« of 1 j land moie ur less, mown as the Atkinson tract — lying on Buck-bead cieek, ia r aid co nty, and ad -1 : joining lanes of C. Desabaye—-aid land belonging ' ■ to the e-tite of the late Mark Desabaye, and sold ’ j fetior Court of said coun y for the- purpose or a division. GEO. W. EVANS, Aamioistrator. | j September 2>, IS 10. 'I EXECUTOR’S SALE. U”ILL be sold st tne Court Hou-e in Burke co inty, on the first Tuesday in December ’ next, tiie fo.lowing tracts of Land, ly.ng in said county; fine tract containing one hundred acres, , odjcining Char es Skinner, and John Elliot. One , tract containing ninety-four acics, adjoining Charles t Ski •<■. . Tiie other tract coo -1 i taming twenty-five actes, adjoin.eg Simeon bell, , Charles hkinner, and corners on the nir ctv-four 1 acre tract. Sold under the Will of Gui fort Elliot, , deceased. Terms, thirty days credit, notes with • ! approved security. Purchasers to pay for title*. SIMEON BELL, Ex’r. September 3C», IS4O. td HAMILTON’S. LLIXER OF OPIUM, A new and important Discovery. i'|l has long been a great desideratum in Medica t X Science, and has oecn the subject of a vas , amount of Chemical experiment, to obtain the me" diema! qualities of Opium to the exclusion of it 5 noxious principles and useless combinations. No ’ article in the whole range of tbe Pharmacopeia is perhaps of greater importance to mankind ; and | none which has engaged a greater share of chemi cal attention. Every preparation hitherto made ; from this drug, whether in the form of Extract, .Morphia, Black Drop, Paregoric, or Laudanum, contain? in close combination a poison with thetm tid tc, and lienee we find the administration of theta attended with a numerous train of evils, among which arc headache, lassitude, tremors, nausea, vomiting, constipation, derangement of the J nervous s\ stern—and a quality wonderfully predis - posing the system 1 • its habitual use ; to obtain ’ theiefore the toothing Opiate and \nti-Spasmodic Anodyne in all its virtues, separate from the dele terious principles of tiie drug, has for a series of ‘ years engaged the profound attention of the author ; it presented itself to his mind as a subject of great ’ magnitude; the acquisition to the mccical faculty , of -o important a remedial agent, and the incalcu * table amount of human mis.ry that would be alle viated. by the discovery, have been to him a sure 1 guarantee that he would reap a rich reward for his . labors, at least in sell’-gratulation. Having satis factorily tested the Elixer in several hundred? of instances, he lias now the happiness of saying lo the public that his labors have been crowned with 5 triumphant success. J. HAMILTON,M. D. Sold wholesale by WM. J. BURRITT & Co.. 12 , Go.d street, New-York, and bv , ROBT. AUSTIN k CO., r r*ov 4 Sole Agents in Augusta. J AUIiUSTA FOA LL SF.HINAItV. J duties of this SEMINARY will be resumed I X on the Ibih of U ober, by Mrs H. L. Moise, assisted by competent and efficient Teachers. All ' the branches of a complete English Education will s be taught. Also French and other Languages; Vocal and Instrumental Music, and Drawing and 1 Painting in all their branches, j _ terms. pr. qr. of 3 mos. j For English— from $S to <,15 00 “ French and other Languages *lO 00 ct Music on the Piano, 20 00 1 \\ “• “ “ Guitar > 10 00 □ ‘ Drawing and Painting, 12 00 1 “ Boa«'ling and Lodging, lights and fuel, 60 00 s f A limited number 01 3 oung ladies can be com |t foitauh accommodated in tiie immediate famil3’ of 1 Mrs Moise, whose attention will be devoted to their morals and deportment. sept 23-ts 2 (jC7* ”Fhe Edgefield Advertiser will insert above three tunes and forward bill. IAD’-li.VisiaAlOa , .j siLL. IT'ILL e fc’d on tfie IstTuesday is February 77 next. between tire ■.*'”! of «tre, te i. fc.e the court zo.'z r.;c-*r i~ *re T.iagecf J*' -:?cr i-cro. Striven cost; y, ore tract cf tar.d ccii‘3.l .r 4 • two fcuarred acie', mere c» ixd t-t? * ic, Striven cooaty, jo;*.*sg ian ir ci A- t. r | Martha Hcrriaztcn. AL-M 3, £ e TiZ: Jeffry, S.. .-, Eady, ? • Jaw. and an .runL, t.l void a- t:re :tvper of i-- seph T. Herxif gru». deceased. for the teceirt of me , at. rs of said re«t» i ed. Term % on »he <Uv c: -aie. r . : JEiTEL SON nOfeEETS, Aim'/. Xorember 10, 18.3. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALK. [S II ILL be ;o ion t c fir-t T re-'i-y .c F- ■r.a --? 1 V ,7 next between the cvrax hours of *a>, before lie co irt r.ooee .-or in tie t. ?ze of Jac-:- s-.n_c.ro. xj:~ f r. c ur *y,t *o h : ore: acres ■'--- a- r : - ’ 17:05 and ,4 in the cc> r.ty cf > riven, on 3i'- e DanieLs Creek, known as t o Jo*epn Lewis tract. AivD, nine Negioe*. viz: Martin, Betty, Wil liam, Marfa, Kir cy, r.:.ia, Biii, fat, an: Joe,a,: r soil a« toe propeity of Bartary Herri/ zt«, de _ ; ceased, foi the oenetit of the heirs of said deceased. Terms on th# - davo* si r-. J ' JEFFERSON ROBERTS, AdaV. e November 10,18T*. AD>!I.M>TRATOE*B *ALK. - A A "ILL • sold cr, t,t Ist 7 lesciyin February f f 79 acre 4 of.« i, 7 iflg 007 4e.,many's ere* * , Ojii. mg Rods of 31 ■: - ray L.tsn and otLei?, be t.-nza 2 , to the e late cf Tr.oa.as Reid. -er. or, ceca-ei. Term? xr ade known on the day of sale. * THOMAS lit ID. Jr. Adm’r. Red Oak, Nor. !2,184 . ADM I > Its'lßA TOR’S s A LE. U”ILL re -dei ;e * r e Co .rt House f : oor o r Cassvil e, Cneio-.ee County, on the fh«t Tuesday in January next, :\ o;d.*r of the Hoc- J ora-.e Ir. :ei ;or Court of Col .on -ia County, -■> as a Court of Ordinary. Forty acres of Lar. ir.g in $a : County of Cheiukee, in the i r : D:— • :nct an : I .... i :n, kx. ;*ii and d.stmgM-:red xo j-.ar. of sa»J District as Let No. 3'9. The said let cf Land • onzing to *he estate of AtraL-arn e F-i.er, and sol: for the beoect 01 the heirs of ‘aid 1 deceased. B. \V. BELL, Administrator. j October 29, I&40. ADMIMSTAUTOR'S SALE. A A "ILL be ->id on Wednesday, t e 2? 1 day of » ▼ Lecce: i.e.\’. a - :ela e rc* iercc of "a rcli Me-'.ley, :eeea>eu,ci Bu:ke County, a. tre peiishable property of Wm. I- i. Mobley, late of said county, deceased, of lior.-e*. {one e of which j« a mst .«te -add.'e hone .. Cairfe and Hogs, Com and Fodder. Plaata;too iool«, etc. i«ix* made on toe day. . ISAAC I*. HEATH. NovemherSth, IS4O. Adi.inistrator. AD.MIM.STRAToR S SALE. -j VGREK-ABLY * j an order of *.de inferior Court of tur- e Li, -iit> , v f.en i.tXtnz a-, a Cou:l o: j- Or r-nary. wj 1 be ~d or. Wed: e«day, the 23d cay of It. ceinber next, at tne Ijtc le-icecre of >arah Mobley, deceased of- aid county, ail the perishs*. .e ; property of -aid decease Com and Fod der, Ac., Household aci Ri'c'nen Furniture, and j osr.e *tock Cat-ie and ii ?=. ISAAC 1. HEATH, Temp. AdmT. No vernier 9, IH'X A DAI I MSTR a TORN SALE. ; lj|7 ILL fee wd ... Waytri ... Is re f f ‘idence of J. Jansen deceased, on Toe;day, the 22d daj- o’ December next, all the r-ertshaiie tag of a small stock * of store Goods, a Horse ami Bugyy, Iloss, s Cow, \ and i-oiisehold and kitchen Furniture, At the -ame time wni be i.-ired the negroes for the next ’ year, sale to continue fiora dsy to day till ad be rid. Terms 12 months credit, small notes with apmovr-d *ecuritv. MILFORD MARSH, Adm’r Wayne«horo, Nov. 9, IMO. 'wtd A f> ■ RWTRA TO ir 8 sv LE. VM7ILL be sold at th ate re-idence of Robert J, ► » w Allen deceased, Burke county, on Tuesday . the Isth day of December next, ad the r,eri'hab;e , properly of -a d de ease-1, cons.-ting of Horse'. . Cati.e, Hog,,Coin ar.d }’ .-der. Wagon, Plantation , foo.s, i:c. i e; - .<' of Sa.e 12 months credit, 'Tia!! 1 note* with zood security. Sale to ctratLoue from oar to day till all be sold- THOMA< T. ELLISON, Adm’r. November 9, ISIO. w6t VI 7 ILL ! e soid € the 7;h of D#-cer:. ; er next, at W the ;ale residence 01 Denr;s Gleaion, dc , ceased, of Burke Ccunty. a t t .e peri-av le r-rep erty thereto belor z.nz.consif-tuig of Horses, stock ox Cattle, Corn and Fodder, all the household and kitchen Furniture.- i the Plantation Tools, with a tolerable set of Blacksmith’s Tools. Term' on ihe day of sale, and sale to continue from day to day till al the above mentioned property is sold. Sale to beatten :ed to t v the Heirs. Georgia, Burke County, 6sth District. November 12, Ib4i>. w4t EXECI TOR’S > A LE. I e so d at the Co! "t House, in Scriven y f county, on the first Tuesday in December next, under the Wi ] ox' Ann H. Dunn, deceased, late of Bnrke county, all that tract of Lar i in Serin acres, (more or less.) a: a..r g lands of John S. I Hoberls and others, lying on the Beaver- cam C reek , 1 erms, twelve non :s credit, notes with ap pr ved security. Purchaser to pay for titles. WILLIAM LASSETER, Executor. September 30, 1810. t POSTPONED SHERIFF SALES, ’ VVT so^ -I a s the market house in tfce town * » of Louisvi le, Jefferson county, on toe uxst Tuesday in Dccenv e; next, within the iceal hours j of sale, three hundred add sixty-five acres of land, lying cn the Ogfcci.ec nver, adjo ning lands of J li. Cook, ai d F. J. Rheny ; levied on as the p:on erty of Anthony W. Turner, to satisfy h. fas. issued from fne Superior Court. William Byne, vs. A. k i Property pointed out by defendant. Aiso, one tract containing nine hundred and forty • ! acres, lying on Boggy Gut Creek, adjoining lands of , Kgaady and others; levied on as the propexty of ( Henry P. Turner, to satisfy li. fas. issued from the i Superior Court. Wi.liam Dyne, vs. said Henry P. Turner. Property pointed out Lv det'endant. W. ALEXANDER, SheiitT. November 7,1840. SHERIFF’S SALE. be sold on t! e first Tuesday in Decem t 7 her next, before the touit House door in ( Lie town of W ayuesLoro, between the usual hours | °l F^‘ c » t ‘ ie following property, lo vvxt; one tract of Pint Laud, containing three hundred a 1 d loity livc acres, more or less, adjoining lands of William and others. Levied on as t.'ie pimperty of ’ \\ iiliain 1. I. Royal aud Randle Wimbeily, to sat isfy sundry fi. fas. in favor of Edward Tabb and i Looey Roc vs W iliiam I. I. Royal and Randle Wimberly. Levy made and relumed to me by a constable. ISAAC 31 ESSEX, November 4,1540. Sheriff. WARREN SHERIFF’S SALE. be sold on the first Tuesday in Decern- \ * ▼ t> e f next, at the Court House door in the town of \\ arrenton, Warren County, Ga., between I tl;t* usual hours of sale, the fo.lowixig propertv, to wit: i line negro man slave named Elias,4-3 oroO years : j oid, levied on as ihe property of Samuel Homing, j to satisfy one fi. fa. issued from the Superior i Court of Wanen County, in favor of John Per sons vs. Samuel Fleming ard Henry Conaway.— I Property pointed cut by Conaway. Also, one blazed face Bay Mare, supposed lo be eight yeais old; one Sorrel Mare, Jive years old, , and seventeen head of Cattle, and eight head of 1 Hogs, levied on by a bailiff to satisfy an attach [ went returnable 10 the Superior Court of said Coun ty in lavor of James Daniels vs. John Clary. Also, one Sorrel Tilley, 21, years o’d‘ will be | sold at the same time and place, to satisfy an at tachment iu favor of James Daniels vs. JolnxClarv, said attachment reiuruable to the Superior Court ; of said County. Piopexty pointed out by plaintiff. 1 „ JAMES HALL, Sheriff. November 2 Ib4o, 1 |\7 ILL be so!d at the Court House in Warren -1 \ f ton. Warren County, on the firM Tuesday 1 in .lanuaiy next, Two Hundred and Nine-y-eight Acres of L AND more or less, lying in said Countv, \\ neieon dns McCrary now Jives, adjoining Dv -1 er and others, sold as the properly of Peogv But trell, deceased, by the consent of the Legatees Terras at sale. THUS. T. BUTTRELi. Raytown, Oct. 31,1840. Agent J. t:t « c -j-, *- -» \ * ‘Mm.tf.vrt Jt * • - r s . a f i r ?ry.,. ' c -7 . . ■ ‘ @ } s&p&z v, Ik u . Mtß: * wsc ta- :ty, d*¥ces 6 ec • ‘*-t r | S 3, JOHN R KITTLE? r, j p- VR «n«tfc« after :re. F see to -- H' e life;. ; Ccw . r^ . bvc-'c: s.*'iog for q c r irr i for leave to se . . € k k - ... e .. m 0 .OEg.-'g to t.r Zs-2U c- Pu r s a Qcij t -S 1 I c A- 81BLEV, AW 11 av't-t - r 1 r.a e f.e }::z- v - the Hfer-: j I t— 6 wo« s.ttirg :cr or* tary WJ : T ‘ -■ ™ t ie of | \ BeH, tsm-r of Arriu-ai-d Be . «. I I \ \f ? , I f ,r.r ..." 7 -.V.-ML; WJUs',l . J Otto; ft 3,1 , w. :«T Trade lo t‘« Hen* tv. Infer>j7r '*** m 4 I WtAmmro en sitting f ; . estatec tfce -e: jj-g- 7,. /'T' * W.M. H. GOODRICH. Ada, ' R r ■•fsth-s after date. sn.. S t.-. E w r ' a . e **» haß » ret > ”'***< C win ct lei! co .57 for leave to'eL three h .ere* a* at res t. 1 be vr gxng to fee e-'aie McCoy, eqpised. J. C. A EiN' \ > ' s \ ' I July 10,1840. ’ rr nth? after ate. - , ma :e oye b «on :le the iuu riot f«„ « cclnTßiia ronnty, when xor et -in: .1 :: - ■. : -v to te». • .= ..v. , ► j ei 7. ! VP | .~*OL 11 moatji a:;er .ate. !(. -Oii CO <l.c r t .;.arr ■ I— . lex leave u> se ;i a i the xeai t-uie W cWUx f at:.an -ate ox .-aide ccceaW -• , j turner.: r- .- : . ert ..'o. ■ 01 -w. • - I, OUR ir.oc<b- vfter sppi.calit® win T made to the B<mo.sihle,tLe laier rCcc t. • Jefferson conn y, for h *ve t-j -ci. a iex ': pee i*7 ii» iiid county, beir.g a part of the :ea estate of >amnel Ham.-ab, n iiHW ox .Vm i maah.dere***-’ for lfj« eenent of »a*<: mm or. THDMAJs HANNAH, Guardoc. September &tb, 1 1 40. INOL’R rorths a;ter cz c a&p.ic.txtn ■»;!] j n.ile to the hooors .ie Icie. '-r Co-.it A‘. - lumoiaceoaty. »; to. Silting as a eou.t of oreirar. for leave to —;ii c. %'■ he xonu and negroes ot• t'> the esta*. 1 Lowe. i.te .i Co.umbiaeoc... tv, iecea—L CURTIS LOWE, AdmV. Sefneniber 2, ' ». OUR Months after date, application wifi le A matiC to the hc'ooxa' ie Infeii srCocrtof hoik* ’ County, xor ieave \>j -ei. a _>e_.£>, te.oLiiiz te tr ‘ €-■ ci f z r -~..x' Mai.o.j , ? JOHN k R- BINSoN, Adn.7 July 10, I>4o. month* after cate, application w . >* made to the honorable inferior Cer.-tol rurt t county, while sitting as a Coaxt cf Urdu-ur Li leeve to se .l two hi.cured and twelve acres ofte-i. belonging to Joseph H. Belx. amiaor. J-3 ’ ES G< DBEE, Guardian. Sc; te»i»ber 10, 1 s *44>. INUUR montl.' after d-te. app'-ca xoa wih t c inode ti the bc-nora. ie the iciei.or C’ocrxu Rifhmond . -filing for ordinary f^i;- po-e-, lor k-ave to 'e.: t:.e real and Ler'-cr.ai e>ia , «; of ili®rbe;i Nel-en, ’ate of saidcountr. ieceased. July 18, 184-j. JOHN CARTER, Adnrr. OUR months after dale, application w.ll !e maae to i.,e Honorable Inferior Cr.t i>, Burke county, while . 1 a- a Court of Ordioar-. tor leave to sell 3- 0 s <-/es of iat-l. belongk.£ to the estate ox Daaie! J. Evan l , sed. A”g. S, l>vk'. JE-'E P. GREEN. Adtu x. INOI R moot Its alter appi ration will U- F made to me Hor-oraf e Ir.xVr.ot Court of Hki • mend county, wren siltlcg for oidinarv purposes, for ie a• e to se-;. a . me heal Esta:-*. and Negroes, belonging to tr.e Estate of Thorr;:- Qmzenbem, deceased. A. BIBLLV, Adm’r August IS, IS4O. v IjSOUR ie rV « after date, application will ie made lo the honorable li.ftr.or Court«. Potke county, wbi < «-fin* I*r 0. :ma.y fi.. leave to se : t e a 1 per- c-srate of Leiv:« \S ‘mbeny . -1 n., late Oi sa i ct T.ty, deceased. August 11, IHO. .< '.ML. F* ''TER, Adm’r. CK»UR monrhs alter date, application v’l :t m 1 ie to the honorable IliVik-x Court 01 lluike co-iuty,ior lez\e to <-eil eighty acres of land Le longmg to the estate of Diuxy Forenand, decease: MARK STOKES, Adm'r ce bo s run. Ju y ]<», '. R month* after date, application will ie made to the Honorable, the inferior Court wi county, when sitting for Oidinary pcxiose-. for leave to seii ail me real estate of samuel M. Newton, Jeceased. JAMES VT. LEE, Administrator. October 13, lS4c*. Georgia, Burke county : tJA IILREAS, .Vr irew Caisoc. admiuxsTator oa % a the estate cf Mary Ann Carson, appiie- for letters dismis'orj- from said estate ; 1 uese are therefore to cite and admonish all an i singular, tne kindred and creditors ox-aid deceased, to be and appear at my otfcce, within the lime pre scribed by law, to show cai -e, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. ■ Given under my hand at ojice in Waynesboro, tnis 10In July. 1840. T. H. BLOUNT.'Ciew. (• oruia, Burke county : nHEHEAS, Aid Lewis,admiiiistiatorou the estate of Siepiieu Boyd, decea-e l applies or loners dismissory irom said e'tati*; I ::e c e aie thereluic to cite and admonish all and singular, the ki; dred and creditors ul saiddeceawii, to be and appear at my oihce wiiiiin the time pie scribed by law, to snoxv cause, it any thev have wiiy said letter* should not be granted. Given under my hand at olhce in Wavuesbor* this luth July, 1&40. T. H. BLuUNT,*Ckrk. Georuia, Columbia county : Owen W. Baldwin, adminicle • 7 f on the estate of Thomas J. Wright,decca* cd. appaes for lettei‘s dismissory from said e-tate: The e are therefore to cite and admonish ail snJ fe y ■ singu. 'he kindred and creditors of said decease! 0 be a. I appeal at my office,within the time pre~ scribed by law, to «how cause, if any they' have, why said ie’ter* should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, this sth Novem i ber ’ 1 - io ' GABRIEL JONES, Uerk- Georgia, Li coin county : George W. Lewis applies lor let * 7 ters 01 administiation on the estate of Jci i emiah Blanchard, deceased : j Taese are therefore to cite and admonish all cr»s | singular, the kindred and creditors of said decease:? | to be and appear at my office within the time pre scribed by :aw, to snow cau«e (if any they have) j why said letters shou.J not oe granted. Given under my nano, at office, this c th Nocett er, 1840. ‘HUGH HENDEKbON,CwrK_ EXECUTOR’S SALE. ,4 OR EE A RLE to an order of the Honorable l\ the Inieiior Court of Scriven county, while sitting as a Court of Ordinary, will be sold on the first 1 uesday in January next, before the con’d house door in the village of J cksonboro, sundry tracts of land and negroes, the said lands lying a*l - in the county of Scrlvcn, lying in different parts of said county, said lands and negroes sold as the property of Richard Herrington senior deceased, for the benefit of tne heirs of said deceased. GEORGE POLLOCK, Executor- October IS, 1840. NOTICE. THE subscriber respectfully notifies his Irienu in the adjoining counties, and throughout the State, that he will attend to the receiving and ici warding goods from the Rafiroad Depot at Madi»oo, Ga., after Ist of January next. Also to forwarding Cotton to Augusta, and will be prepared to £uru^ :i bis friends with goods such as they may wish «- prices satisfactory. THAD. B. REES .Madison, Nov.*9. wdt