Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, January 04, 1841, Image 1

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ij 0 T 1 # -y- l> fclLfe >■’ ■ J(> '-' ' mtmmmm , i Minn—l _fo ■ L A., S’DA MORNING, JANUARY 4, 1841. ' VOL. Y.—No. 1. ■. TIIVCH*iOTII ‘I,E A 7? ®-SS X TIX So L i ~ ■ IS PtlxU. ISII.E1) DAIL Y TRI-WEEKLY, AND WEEKLY, A ‘ :Vj. 2C3 Broad-street. TERMS: Jin: lif pis cr. Ten Dollars per .annum, in advance. Tr- VcdA j . ;je.\ at Six Dollars in advance or ■ S.-vcn at the end of the year. c/fLo: ifolhu-s in advance, or Four at ihc eu 1 of year / i HI E article published below, concernin': the a new and popular doctrine advanced by the illustrious Goeiicke of Germany, cannot fail of ex citing a ieep and Mulling inteisst Uiioughout our country. 4 4 • 4 4 4 [Translated from'the Gorman.] LOUIS OFFON GOELiCKE, ' of Germany, The Greatest of Hum ax Benefactors Vet-'tens of North mid South America, To Lou vi Os fox Goelicke, 'I. D., of Germany, f Europe, nelo'.'gs the imperi'-iabie honor of adding a new and precious doctrine to the science ofmedi c m»; —p. doctrine v. hich, though v ehe men try opposed in uv.vnv of toe fan-ah v, (of \, .iicu ne is-a valuame member,) he proves to be - s well founded iu truth, as any doctrine of Holy Writ —a doctrine, upon the verity of which arc suspended the lives oi millions of oar race, and which he boldly challenges his op pose rs to refute, viz: Consumption is a diseaseai was s occasi mod by a disordered *i Ho oi V is V itre (or Life Principle;: of the human body': {Jj* often secretly lurking in the system to•• years, beloro here is die ,carte implumt it the Lungs t anJ wide ; >v l>c as cp. y, ( oegh m.-t so quickly, cured, as a cowmen co dor a simple headache. An invaluably prerlfo ioevnac this, as parts a« j important U ..-on to the upyUTisMy Wealthy ui i.-otii sexc i, teaching them that is i -■ ■ foe may , I Pe an iino ;serve ! ufinuic oi their" clayey iiiui.--r.-ri even wiiiie they imagi- themselves .-ecure Irom .t& attacks, tcachfog t.u rn that the great secret in. the ait of pre-sere trig he ; is to pi tide out Hie disease j W'lCii iii tke blade, and not wait tiil tuc J oil grown : ear. , . fiiis illustrious benefactor of man is also entitled : to vohi ar.oigbcu it titu-c, au iuv _ latitude oi a world.; fur the inv-mu >:i of bis oi.Hcu.te-. < ■ -native, : —v; lose 1 ealing iat may justly claim for it sucha j title, since it has so signally triutnp.'.ed over our j great common enemy, gj’ .ConsuuipUon, noth in ; irst and la-*t stages,—a medi.-mo which has , IfiorougliL fh’i’dth .am- min the Matcrm gicdica, . and thereby proved itself the fj Co/Kjuet-or of Phy- , sir ictnsJ lT—a medicine lu. which all mankind ! will have abundant cause to bless l ie beneficent | hand of a kind Providence, —a medicine whose j fay ed even bv s.c.ie ih car clergy, iu tiicrf pastoral • visits to tee sick cham er ;by which means they i often be co no the happy in-trumenlsoi changing de sponding into hope, sicktvjss into healtii, and sad- ; of friends into ioyii ;ncs> ; R H r <. R R S Q Q Sf S w .[ GOELICKNS l/.-J T(’HLESS SANATIVE, j \ me.’icine -itnore value to man thru the vast j mines- oi Austria, or even the united treasures or > our _o..e. —j medicine, whi* i» is obtained equally j from the vegatable, animal and mineral idngdoms, j and thu • noc.-esses a Uhree fold power,--u mcaicine, i wiiidi, taougn i?,o-igacd a* a remedy for consump- | tion solely,-is po-.-.- essc ioi a mysterious influence : over many ulsa~ cs of if.e human ■y: tern, —a medi cine, which begin sto be valued by physicians, tvho • arc daily'tvi -u - Liv-; its »-fonish:;,g cines o- .. any v/Uoin tney -i if-igned to tae grasp of the insa- : liable Grave. DiiSrl of the b’rmativc, for adults, one drop; for | chiidre.:, a ha'i-dro.i; ana for infants, a quarter drop; t;-.-*.Uro-t trni• cxplaiiimg the meaner ct ta king a half cr - n o'drop. PAXCB —Thruu"audoac-lhird rix dollars' ($2,50) \ p r half ounce. GermancoLn value ..I) cents, tl » H)> U_i L . j J A (ertiiiratc 'ton i,. • metnl rs f the Mt-Acai Profession in Germany, in Europe. We, the unm i-igned, pj ■ -.ciitioners oi medicine .n Germany, are well aware that, by our course, l we may forfeit the friendship of some of the facui- • ty, but not of its enevofout > icrntfcrs, who a; ■ un- Infiuencad ty selhsh motives. Though we shall j refrain fjoin an expression of our opinion, cither j h new doctrine we are happy to say that we deem • his Sanative too valuable nut to he generally 1 known —Id w.iat our eyes befoul and our eras f ’ hear,we must .-Sieve. We hereby stu e, that when Dr. Louis Oflen Goelick lirst carac be -dre the German pirulic, as tlie pretended disco vo; or of a new doctrine and u new medicine, we held him in the highest con tempt, believing and openly pronouncing him to be a base impostor d the prince of quacks. But, o heaving so much «aid about the Sanative, a-r unst i iii for it, we were induced, from motives of curi sit merely, to make trial of its imputed virtues upon a number of our most hopeless piitieni>; and wo now deem it our boundon dm3’ (even at the expense of self-interest puoiiciy to acknowiedg its tliicacy in curing not o»;l\’ consumption, but ! other fearful maladies, which we have heicijfotv believed to be iucurabic. ( ; ur contempt for iii 1 discovc lor of this medicine was at once s\v i;!owo up in 00r utto. astonishment at the-e unoxpe ted | results; and, as ainan.; lor our abuse of him, we ] do frankly confess -to the world, that we believe i him a philanthropist, who docs honor to t, 10 prose-- ! sit n, and to our countiy, which gave him birth. Tie recc..t adoption of this medicine intb some 1 o our European hospitals, is a suilicicnt guaranty 1 that it performs all mtn. es. It needed not our | cstirnoiiy, for wherever it is 1: rit U i,s own best i SI. D. \\ ALTER V AN GAULT, si. r>. ADOLPLiUS WSiilisEil, m. d. German} - , December iu, ISob, \l fe R '3 3 THE M ATC M L ESS SANAT IV E. —l >y an artic n our paper to-day, 11 w;ii uc* >acn that this ,-n: ;. cino has lost none cl its virtues Ly crossing the At lantic —for it appears to be wording similar cures fod.mcrl? to tho-. ■,hrihkr.ro t tumshc-d Earap;-, Boston Morn r.r P t. ,- T For sale bv !l t'.N.i.kMlN HALL, Agent, at MrVost Oiilv ‘ ;CC <) Lt 11 Oi j 11; f . 1 . . •»• ’ I i ': 1 , j ■’, SIYUL * r.. ' j i ,*A. Uk 2,.. n;• p ; ori-i.A ’;• Hie pa-u-n lhai il»r f.rvous French i • ... : . li.-hcsl an agency -r ;‘i raic ,d r. !:: ' evtinoiii n ’'V it * • i-i . r : He 1 ruth, wc nr- 1,,r r, vv j ; . u nrc I<» - * 111 1 : yl' Opi 111 mi, ‘ i :I.■ -, 1■ -v .rei.ly. A e *’a <* ;. > • :.-r :n.i* iii- ■ i iim f ;bi> \v rid: r I * b •> t;. '.'»•*ir* hi ‘.i’ll n- v-.-rn..,r • v- rvu» n ;•!, I bur ii •r v. j s j i; j..<j in Ihe ' fur scnlh.to e.r/ . are had « s iml c ... vishtoix fat ■ aud mothers. ’I J.-e ngciis f!iouUl iii<\».’ »h:-. n;. :coi -■ t 1 !-,e lar west, lien; p-iu .•-• ate •> . - —A. j on. I - r " a-r . \ “lh l.ucntc C • rami is a gen. ra. .nviair.-.1.-r •il if. Si ;1; 1.1 •» frame in nil ihc % ir. >u« «-;■<s ir; ,un pu .r, 1 ■ -I.ude, end «» 1 iiiiutlo:.-, nod is m ?b° .-•uac kmc s.< Vet - > ellicu ’ion?, that v. idle it, < in ra;i<»\nie 1 .rr.eii t ii: ign s of a giant, an m *•*■ '• iu y i.. . it, • .jjv vvilh impuni-y, i»ut -vilh advantage. Ttie ! u.-r e ounii.il in oi-.o an itaiu hi table cure for d incontinence df the brine, or the in\'i.ui.;i»ry ii,i ,:harc •ii e.-,id. it is likav. mo i.n iii. n.c.ua a;ai • ■ ~; . i • medicine in ca.-es «••» l i’i'onic '‘lu’.iii’.ha skin, cud in the drop seal nil.■«••• ions pi ibo nee; i, is ceieoratea ana uicsii mvjic cordial :s . r -so *»v ii VH. an [> f ms LEY & CO. 1 tip ,Vi A S ii AS K! .T i’ & (J O. >Luai N CASTER, nag iU. A ugßsra Uz. CCJSRH’S DYSPEPTIC prEl h(U%] J ,1. *Si&i2i£)fs&iq 1 A i.ate and VaiaaMe Discovery. if >hi foil AFS there r .:n:ng mora ca.fovlated to . . tii public eye-than . a• ’ vrui.-iemonta nt Kymriitusthal fvo con khdiy gearing in the public prints. A Hare ready 10 cx r], i:;;.(iu. 1 sou!-; ’ ” , e hien. ’nr ears ary (i i' 1 ■ 1. 1 with every day’s renorts <d 1! ; end sf o- dics i i-.ia slate ~i 1 he nubli** EiiOid v*. '- ahoci :.i iu ftirhiuniiy j'." r.-'in Ii ite mtt d : ora u ndin j i rh i any new di ..... . 1 ial <*ti the p blic.— Mhi. .'n.-ii’-es oi iScia-u- y sh'.uhi not prevent us ih; ntaking known real di.- overies, winch we are cun fident will benefit our follow men. Tins laihr cunsi-eraiio.’! in-: pron.-yre-a t!.-c author 01 these bit ten to make them known. Me knows they are high ly efficacious, ti ;• ho iiimseh, his wife, and many Irieads, have gi -.en 1 hem a tiioruugh jriai. He was inms'rii r. confirm ,d g • pepii;-.,50 ranch, that even hie re; one* lion vva - ‘ i’y using bilfors he has Been reslore i to hro.ltn. fo.T. Cusiiy vva tmubied for many years,but w ns restored to healili bv the use cl these Intters. r i’fais ha's been the case with rcanv ol i;n; in n is' Mr. < nsby in sending j forth this adverti»emr i-.'.ldressestiio-o who know Jhi io: my j ndent (.. . - . 1 . . y lira j eonsultrtl r.ltnu' ibe liitt-ns. i hey 4rc good in ali casts oftlincases oi the digestive oralai.s.thosvmp i toms of which arc indigestion, pam for opprcssuin j in i lie stomach from food, ioss-nl appetite, llatnien • -v, heart t urn, fnl ■ in the head, [»ain in the : ...., nh >rtnc ;s ■ l breath, lassitude, g . ri-.- oi vveak j ues>. i!;smi. bed sleep, < c The confposi ion is cn ! nrelv jio'anicai, an i;as proved ellicaciotis w lien j niiLv cidenraii d medicines iiad fail gib in»uu;x>rj, . 1 riff «»1 iti ounf, end U I'bump | son, ediio- id tin- An usia iilirror, and be might ; - : ;er von to many oMur.-. but d«.-en*s si ;.nnei-css,aiy o nil 11 on 15 own ; ■. 0.-. K‘::sKS i.H !-jr :Im-: vV!i;.l alii u. tod’ Wll u the ti Vs 1 pepsia to c;ve it a triad. ; J hey lin . i lant's book-: on A.us: 1, in i--I 1 ■ himself, ait the corner u! i W asini!-.; - : .0 iii.i Hi - kireels. (r i ti I ’JN 4* HA EVES, D.vggists, Avgusta Rg : . ’ .Augusta. \* ii.UA Ui; LUs I), Savannah. J- i Vi!) iii-. lit, Macon. i ' • S. D ( , ' IJ . . ■ (.'• I FOii’EHNii LAiiUL HE, t- % rug gists, /■ Savannah, Ca. nov :ih' ■ j lv I Radical Cm : o. Ycnu’C; Luviurc, by Lr. 1 (jbasi ’ ' i'l uss ■ . | f |"HE <ubsc;suer ims opened an otifee,st ihc iin>g | store of ' cs- ii. J. li. lobcrison ir Co., for tbs I treatment of Hernia or ilupture, by means of tlic-e ustiy.celcbwtcd l:.sttdmeuts. He ; has now used I tiicin for nearl; ;r y ear, and, did not Seliracy forbid, in vc been radi i copy cured, of tifs truly’ distressing I an'd langcroas. 1 affection, by the use of i iiese Tr usses, besides many 1 others who arc in a fairway of iicihg entireiy re : lh v ed. Tip dloWing is the language of the com | mittoc ol the rhiladeiphia Afodical society on toe • Radical i ure of liernia. 1 The instruments of Hr. (hare; have effected ! the permanent and accurate rctenUou of the iu i testines in every case of Hernia observed by rite : committee, without material inconvenience to the i patient, and often under trials more severe than j are usually ventured upon by those whowcarother i trusses; trials that would be imprudent with any I other apparatus known to the comnrittee.” “ T«c committee arc induced by. the foregoing { conclusions to recommend, iu strong terms tiioin | <ti uments of Dr. Chase to the iconiidonce of tint profession, as the best known means of me -’haiLs-ai retention in hci La, and asfuniisJung flic . nigiiest chances of radical cure.” The foi.owiu-. 1 frerv. i-.ic Soulhcm Medical aud , ftfouiheni Jouihui. published in .ur own city, i “ All me t a Inn. oi ti: radical cure of hernia. | and tiiat Dr. Chase’s .. russcs a-e decidedly the best i yet invented toeifcct t e object.” 1 Per:-on ■ from a distance can have the Instrument - i applied, upon implication at the oi.-ce, and ali ne | eess.tr> informal on giv en toc-nai 'a tiicfn to a.; . ■ I it thonisclvt . The poor, who are laboring under I this auric ting complaint, u iii be treateu gratultous -1 ]y upon preseiuingu certificate, from some responsi* ; bie person,oi lb sir n-.- an... 3 disability. The instrument: aic ci ; 4 sizes, and upolicable I to rverv variety ol reducaoi* 1 upture. . KOilElt I'SON.M. D. • TO -tIC T AA i> 11 IE ADS OF j: sins . S • 1 |f L ]*.. AILV 1 i,»ti ■ .1. a1) EXTRACT OF jj} TOMATO —a substitute lor Calomel, and • does not belong to the family of quack mtekines; i for the reason that the component parts are made mown to the iaculiy, or any one else that may % • iur sale. >mce tin- .i.scovcrv - so long and ar.x --r, ! Aou'i isas adverti-i.-d a lamalo Pill, purport!! g be made from the stalk, a thing not more aosutu | liian for one to offer meal irom me corn stalk, to ! savitoiiiingof the diiiscuilv ol raising the i cmalo 1 •,- ,■ t So i ll' m jTT;i, ! Dr. lu.lcs, of Cincinnati, is the proprietor of the fomato'Piiis (prupe: - ) ior the great iienelits of J u'lrich, ho rriinscii uoumi, amt jn honor pledg | ed to p •JVC- by iii d. me, t;r.u they arc a.J that t: \ j r r'jio .s to bo, and -wrii do r.u uihms what llic have done for such as mav have u.-ed them; as | in-, is a veget ihle ol great use, and valuc, it w ill , louui.ee.*' be value: •< tufoimulion to lamilics to j know Ilia, the \c!!o.v 1:10 douhlv a-: >aluatdv ! as t..e iiul iomato, and produces twice as much |of the hap..line 01 active principle,and when used las u daily veget ■■ ie vvii. no lomui to keep the j system 1:1 mu--; l;;ttc. coiuiitic-n titan Hie uli;- ;• j kind ; many will icco.iccl vvidi what trctnbimg aoxiety ealoino! has i.-cou given to children, an i I now t.tn'.-n w:-.- lieu for a substitute. It ins i :■ > . 11 kuo-vu ihal i ;c fomato contained ca j thuitn principles, ut not -j.ttii v, into was it a scoria: .-re tuu; .0, ccutumeu a.teiattve and diu j vcuc properties. .ue i tscuiw embrace and use j Ihe preparation raw , ehemudiy, for the that I tnev Know vvinri ■■ :< vt i i-j 1: itent imv- te i.hcv would i e hound to rejeeUric nied.; ine.us ; ; . dy. :i you ••• i'll iti !•:, an so tiie sj-tc;n w.iu ; n.iid,sa.e anii-oihoiis .mo ucine, use the Tomato - Pill, • whi< ; a supply, we learn, will soon be in hi - city • Wo aii m.ovj, - juictniin. aauut mis. uiu t ill! auoiiiii u 01 10advert .•..unciit ;u ' - • • • . .’ .... V EGI TAIJI H • d. eui lerstuud by the besi ino«i mr.hur.iy, t 1 here- u. latpanr.ioni.-i Un n.: j vvl.ids io i' 3 -m» enviable . 10 unni.m. At i:T | SoWl-i •ami Noitii. th ir -U"i ■-.> has Incn unlmuiidvd, j ami wlu ■•«-. r iiitnEiio.’d we bol.tvc they have • • . ' K. i K wilt; Uliii riiixAi ol a UlOSt ICUHirI - i able Olid Ohs smile cut ores eruption, where the hod} . CO\« 11l me ulcers, and cn Ihe tonsils oi the iliruai eait n a way— urfd ny usu g »rtd t . amuitr. I - :.. : it.-' v E.iEVAiiLL PILLS. ■ ■ ■ re Ihe health ol >ody, ; fy and imjgo ai il.o blood, and ■'■ it,-.; l-'-ou ... :. i ;i i couiitcri.'.iJanced by any mu ...... . !.. iug composed emireiy of vegem i. u.-, ,i 1 exp. a iliwio win. u.,c ihcm > terloini : ifoly admuiisiered to inmm-y, .1, -... am.. ; .uq o.J 1. :Q. ;.nu ;o v. . : « ;!:<•}' do not i .-1> <;r a ihe auimni luncluin-. Suit res’ore lin n ore 1 an. . q ihi ;r iu.i a!j; nd for ail the purposes wiiirh a va n iable p i .r --live, or cere a n cl* mser o the wl ole si item ar< re quueU, ney stand vvitiiou: ,1 r.vii; tnev arc liiiov-- eti to ha .’ill that can oe aecempiisaec ;n metric... e, both for j* vvar and innocence. ID tail price bri cents per box. Sold at all tne principai L>did &fi j k£3 u A'ig Augm<iß| Ln. . r. ... i I ~ on : ANTI-BALSAM] C GONORRHOEA L SOLUTION, Warranted to cure in Fire Day?. ri HIB incomparalde and invaluable remedy so : lon/» known, and used with such nnparrailcled success m the Canadas tor the last b ) ycais, ap pear* to need no panegyric. I?-* operatic’.’, upon the human system is such that it invariably acts Use a charm, for the relief and radical cure m a certain common and <usagroeab‘e ‘nils the lie-h is 4rrlv to ' Tills nrize btains its own name from the ccrtau success hich has atteniicd it through al! of its trying c cumstances, namely, “five days," —the same su cess which- followed it in a Northern lati j tude still obtains lr a more Southern. The formula i or recipe was c tained at great expense, intrigue ■ | and hazard by 11. Cheveres, from the celebrated Indian Chief Wabenothe, or Great Moon, whilst he, with others was pursuing the lucrative Fur bu siness in the North-west with the Indians.— • Wabenoshe prized highly and use it \v ilh invariable success throughout hiis two tribes. rty known and , valued virtues have already enriched to an a'most incredible extent the children of litis war 1 ike prince, not only by actual sale of the article itself ttf; iu ; dtviduais, but by pr : ’..;. • with copies of his receipt j at enormous prices to the Chief of every tribe of Indians in America, with a solemn promise to the Great Spirit, never to divulge the “art of its ccyn- 1 position until he sleeps wit:, hi- fathers,” although I i free to use it in their respective tribes, which i places it in the hands of every Indian who icly with, 1 may say, religious confidence on its cura- j bic powers Below is a copy of the translation as near a? it can be anglisized of the deed given by Wabonoshe, to M. Chevoret, when he purchased the original recipe, i and had twice assisted the thief himself through j the tedious manipulatory process of manufacture. : Tew white men would credit the length of time which i- c .nstuned in j ropaiingthe article for im mediate use. TRANSLATION. “I, Wabonoshe, Chief of the nations Otto wa and Chippov. a. for the love and good . cling which > mv- clbi my wiiitc Fiend M. Cbcveut, (for lie lias done many good things for me and my people,) i give to him my greatest cure for the bad sid. ness which my children have had sent among them as a pumshment by the (.treat Spirit, and hope that in his hands it may do much good, and make him very rich.” Signed W.tBINOSIIEjIiis X mark. Witness APPAIJO, his mark. KVKill’d . L.WMAX, IIILLA M IUCAKIE, J. 15. ROY, ’ I , r: O. DIPL IS, , J. s. CARDINAL. 1 lication.un .. ■ • nal yof $3,0 . not to . a Lain one parli urosivt 11 re 1 y vega ta bic in its essences. Its fqst and prominent virtue 5 is to sub lue every vestige of iniiamatioh, and then acts mildly and copiously 'is a diuretic; thereby 7 holding within itself, every requisite virtue, for fie suuduction of this loathsome malady —and ev ery regular graduate in medicine, will sustain the , -assertion, thatcopious diuresis and reduction of in flation, are the <fn;y two things necessary to ell’ect ; a sound and rad cal cure 'The most peculiar virtue of the “Cinq Jour-,” : is in this, that wherever it alone has been used to . libel a cure, none of Fm e F racioi - and disagree ' : able consequences which almost invariably results , ; from the sudden cure of Gonorrhoea, have been known to obtain such as stricture, hernia, humoi alis, incontinence, and a swarm of other of the , mos. loathsome, perplexing, aud disagreeable di«- ; cases, consequent upon erroneous diagnosis and !- treatment of Gonorrhoea. ' Those ailbeted are requested to call and try for themselves. If the prescriptions arc weil follow ed and fail to cure, the money will in every case De returned. ; You can do what you please and cat what you j please. To be had at Antony k Haines, No. 233, Broad sheet. who are the only authorised \gents in An ! gustn. Ail orders addressed to them, will be i promo fly attended to. ■ i Tor sale, al by Wm. B. \\ 11s &{ . : , gists, j i and P.M. Cohen (■ . harh ston. an 29 & ■ - VAfAHK-8 CELEBRATED FRENCH PILL. S. THREE HVMtREf) DOLLARS CHAL LENGE! , HE genuine Fi ch Pi st ail the quack j i-i rums off ha— fir I e cum of aee n disease 1 ENCJ ILL-8 are applicable in i aii eases for either sei, (wrnranted tree hum mercu ry and do not afil-et ihe breath in lire least,and arc (••eriectiy pleasant and agreeable i > tS.-e stomach, and have never Jailed to make a spec iy and per rnanent cure, without tire least regard to nice or application to business, in. lung, protracted, or chronic singes of i he disease, obsi mate Gleets, Fluor 1 Aibiis, Gravel, Female Corrynims. or a weakness of loose organs, they are beyond a d übt tire most t-fiii.iiii! remedy ever discovered, bavinar cured many obstinate cases ah' r rat y other medieme liad iuiied. Tim French P-lls have been so uqiu-r- I sally .-u-'cei'-lut, i!#n ih< » ipnetor on u.lk.v;;as ; untier a forioiiuro of Throe Hundred Doi.a.s. Price $2 per b cv. For safe b\ lIAVILA.sD, iiISLEY & CO. TliUilAJ ■ tKRETI & CO. NELSON carter, . , 11 11 Altit is amr 20 ROBERT AUSTIN & Co. TUE LUCINA CORDIAL—REWARD OF THAI unpn ;e • m d . opt laritj of this henefi c< nt rod liiesiimahie COiiUl A L in the '■ idled ! ■ ialts, ias induced one or more unprincipled pi r i sons to tu.:iii<fac!ure spurious cutchu «/.iy i: .-o' dvr vn ... aud pit rpt rt gto pi (In e iff >; i t which, in liny, pi no Tier , I rflA i than that of swindling ihe public; and :.r.> . ! give ay. i more plausih! ■ no*- of i r paiity, tit persons affect i bat I heir wretchc-i nos-j j irunts have been in use m Kitg-a.-.i an.l «-I»ew here | It a mini -r of ye:, -.-a w : .icr< uniil he Air: •ir.oiis i Hr. Ji.'-gim min. * Ins v v s..>-A ,->id ....nm - no cm ; ; i: . : 11 - - 1..-1 ' ■;i .11 ■. ■, ■ • ,j | made’ public : ana aii those S'-eu in use for iin* . : restoration ot Ibo decayed nn. jiovsets were ftu: d i to be u! hui litile avail Thus, ad nostrums adver- I i I list i 1 p barrenness or lire euro of i um n< j ■ Hr ignip’s, t men : hun . • | tic* ripis,>ar..tree and girat edeb.siy cl the LL't, : \ j - 11 .•, 'Aii As no eoni net. aoi ;i e t.-ime i< at : ifru! uion, it m io m in • eient can) lon mi ih-' purchaser to ask lor the Lm it, , I <hirdial, but as iuniier B»nrat ce, n would be as j : well: • note tmt :5s nain , t.ocina t.'otdiai, or Elixir nt Love, is stamped t■i g : . ■o t t b he i e.Tusnii.od arms ol i*ranee and tiie i nited Etatt-s : ml . ■ it a Fleur de L 1: ■ prutivu on tiie in company mg riic.-ctioiis, an i ' beamiln ■ , ; ■ n l w -hilLs ha mg in i 5: - e 'oTcs ot those who hare the genuine anieia , ■ fur .- ale. i ha celebrdy of ihe Luchin Cordial heutg such I ’ ‘ ■ - nee u ■ only cliieient reu . ~ , , / bo i ayt d■ . , ,; _■ , nown .... lit n ■< . . 11 \l is, Gleet ob: t u ; '■ • ■! r P ai Mens) ration ... mcontin t • | oi It a '-tine, or the involuntary discharge ihcrcol, its suceriuritj over every oilier medic :ue is not on iy oiii uii(juc^iiuiisn;.f , i cot i jiis hv , THAN IHA.Vj. lIibLEY Av CO THOMAS BARRETT & CO. i NELSON CART I R. 1 ( ROBLftT ACS HN Co. i 6n S * u v Augusta, Ca GUTA VEGETA I TAYLOR’S REMEDY FOR SISAFIfSSS 4 MTPPLA r el the above celebrated remedy for Aft, DEAFNESS, kept esnstantly on hand and for sale by (oct 14) GARVIN & HAINES. HAYS’ JLINOIENT. “ Mi,'!S f.ne article is warranted to cure Tiles or jil Rheumatism in al! cases, or no pay taken for it. FLARING FRAUD! A notorious counterfeiter has dared to make an attempt unon this article, and several have been nearly ruined by trying it. Never buy it, unless it has tiie written signature of COMSTOCK A Co. on the splendid wrapper. That firm have the only light to make and sell it for 20 years, and all from them is warranted perfe.tiy innocent and effectual in all case?. N, 13. Always detect the false by its not having the above signature. The true sold onlv by COMSTOCK 4 ‘ Co'., Wuolemle Druggists. No. 2 Fletcher-st. N. Y. SOLOMON HAYS, Original Proprietor. The genuine if for sale by GARVIN Si HAINES, i and ROBERT CARTER, Augusta. Iy Jan 9 TO THE BALD IJLADi D <v OTHERS. BOES any know a neighbor or a friend who has been bald, and who-e bead is now cover -1 cd with fine hair ? One whose coat collar was 1 cor ere i with dandruff, though brushed every hour i —which has now vanished entirely'? Or one | whose hair- t early' age was turning grey, who : now has not a grey naii ? Cbi.dren whose heads I were covered with scurf—whose hair would not j g ovv, tiiat are now growing the fullest crops of ■ air ? ' •••me cases mu>t re known to mo« r persons. Ask them tue cause, and vou will bo told, these t ings have I ren done i>y Lie use of the BALM UF COLUMBIA. Ot 20 years giowih is this ar ticle. its dem n ! incrca.-ing annually some hui died pc rceio—though when discovered not opposed by j any ihing lor the same purpose, now assailed by alino-t numberless mushroom tra«h preparations, tboi will ruin tin* hair if used to any extent, can more th m these facts be wanted —refer to ’lie re commendations by a ll<t of names of respectability, unequal ed by any other article. Look to these things ; boy lids article. Stay ai d preserve your , h ir by its u.-c, or, if bald, restore it. Ladies, al , tend to this; hundreds in fashionable life are us ng irticle really fit for the toilet. Long h.dr is vety apt to fall out. Ladies, u-e tne Balm ot (.’olumbia in time to save yourself the disgrace ol ba dne>s ny negicct of your per-ons. It i. your duty, as moralists, to preserve the | beauties ot nature, with which a bountiful Creator has endowed you ; use the Balm, for it will do : it. ME Ml ERED.— ■ • - I ml ol Lie most flagrant attempts have been made 1 !o tountc;ieit the true Balm of Columbia, isomc of t ,c.-o imp. stors have gone so far as to counter feit the splendid wrappers, and the falls of Niag ara, ami every external mark except the name of Comstock, which they dare not forge. To avoid impositions, therefore, always look for . the name o. Comstock ic Co. or L. S. Comstock, and never buy tiie article unless it has that name . upon it. bold, wholesale and retail, only at No. 2 K letch i er-slixet, N. I.; by 11. Austin & Co., agents for Augusta ; also by Garvin Sc Haines, and Robert Carter. 6m Dec 29 ASK, INQUIRE —ASK THOSE WHO KNOW. fAAHO ;: E only who know by tiial or immediate .1. o servation, can form any idea of the effects, oi the perfect relief, of tire almost charm-like cuit.s effected in cases of the Piles, Rheumatism, a" Swellings, and all extet nil pains, no matter ho*v severe, by tiie u-e of Hays’ Liniment. Kind om that has used it tiiat win not laud it above al . u r- ever used, and you will iind —what cannot be found. It is but a duty you owe ic your suffering fellow ugs to iel thi-great re ncifi be known. Speak of ii,thcn, to aii your friends. This will save mm .i pain where ihe newspaper< arc not read. < i where readers aie incredulous, because so many • : les are adversed for the same pur pose. T » buyers we say, rs all who have used it >io not say it t< beyond all praise, then do trot take, it. The proprietor will not allow thH article to be pud for unless it cutes, when all the directions aie iully followed. Will anyone, suffering, refuse now to try rt ; If he does, he ought to be pitted more lor his obstinacy than his suffering. Mr. Hays wmiid new r consent to offer this arti cle , ivc■•••• lie not compelled by his sense of moral . a cl religious duty to do al! in his power for the victims ol distress and miserr. Tor this purpose, I e would sooner devote a fortune than secure a dollar for a wo; tiiless article. LOOK OUT. —some -windier- have eou ,- ter-- feited this article, and put it up with various de vices. Do not be imposed upon. One tiling onh will protect ;- u— i i- the name of Comstock N ( o iUa‘ .ten r must he always on the wrapper, or you a e cheated i o dot forget it; lake this di rection with you, and test by that, or never buv — , lor it r- rnripossible for any other to be genuine. SHLHMON HAAS, ck k. ~ 2 Fret e -stn et, X. Y.; by if. Ausitn ir Co.,agents for Augusta; also by Garvin w I lames, and It. Carter. 6m [TA ATI . -Thi atelj i Ii £ veutc-i combination of delightful odors, lias a. .jarred a just popularity, not only by reason ol tn of the extr aordina r duration (•; irs perfume. Whilst the strength of rramv other extracts and essence? is aimee-t as eva nescent as tiie bloom of the flowers from wnich rhcf are derived, the Hermitage retains its fra grance for P’i in rfrniu length of time, an.l sea: -e to be emoved from the garment on which it is poured, by washing; hence it is probably the lelightlulpeifun e : our lal ora ! to lies. AH i-diwre T.uvendcr. Orange, Florida and iio-.r ci>, in g-t-at variety. Forsab : y r.ar I <• V’tV iN & . ONES .; W *'• LIN A311..NT, .■.■■■ 1D to curt thi Piles, oi the mo %"f iif-y wrii be ref unde i. Prepared b\ th:- snbscrT-er fr an tire original receipt, ai d put n with g t t care by Dr. F. Ransom, who has a .so rna- atari ; ; ‘be article sob! by “ one C< mitot. > for several }cars, to which be is reads to make ■• ' - he j efen ■ to this art! ie in c nse mce I >i ■ ior quality f tne ingredients, arid the pxlrcm. car h pr pa ration. Id "wholt i CO., 12 Gold str.-et. Ncu-Vorti. Tos sale oy KOBT. • ..X il: CO.. : i Sene Ager.t ;n Angus's. Ui: C. A LEN, (Formerly conn-.-iM mih the House of Benedict 4* Heir . . rt; l-e edit i Benedict \ Co., and Siuuutl IF Benedict.J I O ENGLISH. Fli YOU, AND SU DS W TeHES AND JEWELRY , WHOI.F.S\LE VNO RETAIL, No. f-O V. -a' street, up stairs, New Vrak. \s on r.and, and ; constantly receiving, ui • onuTci ! . . li.u r, an ; \ erge Watches .Also, Diamond Pin-, Rings, i .old and diver Per oil ( ascs, Guard Chains •' ■■■> ‘ haius. Seals, Keys, and al) descriptions o Jewelry. iris goods eing paid for in cash before the. leave Europe, he will sen at the lowest pos sible prices, at wholesale or retail, and affhis goods will be warranted to be rirst rate. O' ■ atches, Jewelry, Silver Plate! Diamonds and other valuable Slones, exchanged oi bought | »»> 11 w2m* 4 PPLING MALE ACADEMY will be opened /jL on the second Monday in January', 1841, in charge of WM. H. COOK. E. T. WILLIAMS, Sec. B. Trus. Ap)iling, Dec. 24, 1840. w4t AUGUSTA FE.WALi; SEMINARY. [ 'STHE duties of this SEMINARY will be resume?) | on the 18th of O t ober, by Mrs H. L. Mowe, assisted by competent and efficient Teacheis. All the branches of a complete English Education will be taught. Also french and other Languages; Vocal and Instrumental Music, and Drawing and Painting in all their branches. terms. pr. qr. of 3 mos. For English—from $8 to sls 00 “ French and other Languages 10 00 “ Music on the Piano, 20 00 “ “ “ “ Guitar, 10 00 “ Drawing and Painting, 12 00 “ Boarding and Lodging, lights and fuel, 00 00 A limited number of young ladies tan be com fortably accommodated in the rmrnediale family o! Mrs Moise, whose attention will be devoted to their morals and deportment. sent 23-ts The Edgefield Advertiser will insert above three times and forward niff. COUNTY LINE ACADEMY. f | IHE Trustees of the County Line Academy, g would inform the public that they have again secured the services of Mr. J. Nute, for the ensu ing year. Mr. N’s. character as a teacher, is so well established, that it is unnecessary to pro nounce an eulogy upon it. He will enter on the duties of his School, the second Monday In January next. The course of studies in this Institution will embrace the branches requisite to prepare students for admission into the higher classes of the Col leges of our country. Nothing will be omitted to excite in the scholars a vivid emulation and laudable ambition, both for mental improvement and moral exi eilence. To ac complish this object, tiie Preceptor will take notes dining, the hours of recitation of the application, conduct, &c., of the students, and those notes will be read once a month before the trustees and stu dents. And an impartial report of the application, proficiency, con-’uct, &c , of each student, will be sent quarterly to his parents or guardians. Two public examinations will be held ennualiy, to which all interested in the education of youth, will be invited. At the close of the second examination premiums shall be awarded to such as shall distinguish them selves in their respective classes, and their names, standing, &c., shall appear in (at least) two of the papers of the city of Augusta. No student will be admitted for a shorter term than three months, and no reduction made for ab sence, unless iu case of sickness. Tne terms of tuition will be as follows, viz : For the lower brancher of English pr. qr... .$.3 00 Grammar, Geography 7 and Arithmetic, 8 uO Higher branches of English and Classics.... 10 00 Any information touching the School,can be ob tained, by application to cither of the trustees. Board can be had in the best families, in the im mediate vicinity of the School at $lO per month. YJ ■ We are authorized to slate, that Col. James Mitchell will take a few boarders —to whom we would take pleasure in recommending children. SNODEN GRIFFIN, A H V.RRISON MUSGROVE, JAMES DARLING, /.Trust's. THOMAS SKINNER, CHAS. M. HILL, J dec 25 ts EDICAT I O \ . riNHE Board of Trustees of the GREENSBORO M MALE and FEMALE ACADEMIES, take i great pleasure in informing the public, that the 1 exercises of these Institutions will be resumed on the first Monday in January next. They will still Ibe under‘he supervision of their former able and i experienced teachers, Mr. C. P. b. Martin and ! Mxss A. P. Hamilton. The Board iecl prepared, from their acquaint ance with Mr. Martin and Miss Hamilton, and with their system of discipline and mode of in.part ing distinction, to recommend to the patronage of all who have children to educate, and wish them well educated. The Institutions are furni-hed with | an extensive and efficient Philosophical, Che mical and Astronomical apparatus, which makes the 1 business of communicating and receiving instruc tion a pleasure, whereas, without this facility, it would often be< ome a The village of Greensboro, in which these In- ■ stitutionx are located, is surpassed by none in the ‘ State, for the healthiness of its climate, the agree ableness of its society, and the good moral charac : ter of its citizens. We, therefore, most respectfully' invite all pro moters of the cause of education, to visit our town, examine our vchoois, and then we have no doubt ii receiving their patronage. JOHN CUNNINGHAM, "1 JAMES T. JOHNSON, • JAM K> B. NTCKELSON, , r::stcps - Y. P. KING, J Greensboro, Dec. 25, 1840. 2t j (3". ihe Southern Recorder, at Milledgcville, ; w;i give the atove two insertions, and charge to . P. King, Secrctary. KICK i: AC \ DEMY, (O'Tl AT ED on the Washington road, IS miles H from Augusta, near Judge Ramsays, will go into operation under the superintendence of 31. V • NcClcsky, the first of January. From the cx- : pei ie ice and approved manner of teaching by Mr. i M . mited to his industry and indefatigable peise verame as a teacher, we hope to share a liberal patron ge. The Academy occupies a very healthy i and pieisant sin at ion. Boar-: can be had in the neighborhood, conve nient tt the Academy, in tire most respectable ■ families. Terms of tuition, per qr. of 12 weeks, as follows: Spelling, Reading, and Writing, $5 00 j . Eng. Gainmar, Geography, and Arithmetic,.’6 00 The Chssics, &c 8 00 JAMES CULBREATH, dec 1-ts PETER KNOX. OXFOttD CLASSICAL \N D ENG I SCHOOL. T ■’ ' - ■ ot - Soho will he r< timed 2. on he 2d Monday in January, 1841. Pupils are prep red for admission inio any class of ou. 1 1 oiitges,tnd instructed in ail the common and aighet bnches of an English education, together ’•vdfi the i nlioepy and grammatical construction of ti Fund Language. Board can be obtained in I good famties in the village, at from 10 to 812 per month, P. H. MELL, Teacher. ' liri F.RFNcK —Pres. A. B. Longstreet, Prof. G. ; W. Lane. Oxhrd ; Col. Geo M. 1 roup, Laureim county ; Rev. It. I. A. Few, E. E. Pynchon, Esq.. > 1 .'aeiia.i; iiou fhomas Butler King, Glynn Co.; ih-. rge W. Wafhour, Esq., Walthourville ; Rev. W risen Conner Ryais, Dr. E. Hail, Knoxville, ; Crawford county'. Oxford, Ga., Dtcember IT, I^-40. JEFFERSON HOTEL FOR SALE. Jefferson, Jackson County. si.i’jscriberoffers for sale i he JEFKERSi - N HOTEL, iu Jefferson, Jackson county; the i Beds, Bedding and Pumiture, will also be disposed • ol to the purchaser i‘ desired. He also oilers for j sale a sn= all farm in '.he immediate vicinity of the village, containing bttween four and live hundred acres, one hundred ard fifty of which is cleared and in .‘ultivalion. tie remainder well timbered. The Horse lias a liberal custom, and the location is as lualthy as any section of Georgia. The pro- i perty vill be sold >ep-iate or together, and if not : sold cn or before the first Tuesday* in January ! next it private sale, it vil! on that day be offered j at public outcry, to th? highest bidder. In the i abseice o. the suoscriber, terms will be given and : sale made, ey apply ing to Giles Mitchell, or Baird H. Overby Esqrs., who reside in the village, cct IT-vttisiJwi GEORGE BHAW UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA. \ Annual Announcement. THE exercl«es of this Institution will be re sumed on the Sixteenth of January , IS4I. Applicants for admission to the Freshman class will be examined critically as to their knowledge of tne Latin. Greek, and English Grammars (pros ody included), also upon the Anabasis of Xeno phon, as contained in the first volume of the Col lectanea Giaeca Majora—or any equivalent selec tion in the same volume; also upon Pllnj-’s Let ters —or Sallust —or Livy. Above all, they will be expected to evince great readiness in Arith metic. For admission to the Sophomore class, in addi tion to the above, the applicant should have read and completed the first volume of the Majora, and the first book of the Odyssy, or their equivalents. The odes of Horace, with attention to prosody ; with Tacitus’ Life of Agricola, and his Germany. In Mathematics he will be examined on all Day’s Algebra, and on the first three books of Playfair’s Geometry. Punctual attendance on the fir«t day of term is desirable, as well for the sake of the Student as for the good of the Institution at large. Good Board may be obtained in private families at from ten to twelve dollars per month. College Fees, including Tuition , Room-rent, Servant-hire, Library, &c., Fifty Dollars, payable in advance, viz: thirty dollais on the 16th of Jan uary, and twenty dollars on the Ist of August. There are three Examinations in the year. Ist. During the first fortnight in April. 2d. The week before Commencement. 3d. The last week in October. Vacations.—One week after Commencement day, and from November Ist to 15th day of Janu ary following. The Faculty is organized as follows .• Rev. Alonzo Church, D, D., President and Pro fessor of Moral, Philosophy, Metaphysics and Po litical Economy. James Jacksov, A. M., Professor of Natural Philosophy and Chymistry. B. Hull, M. D., Proicssor of Mathematics and Astronomy'. Malt nos A. Ward, M. D., Professor ot Mine ralogy, Geology and Botany. Rev. William Lehmann, A. M., Professor of Gieek and Modern Languages. James P. WaddelA. M., Professor of Latin, Archaeology, and belles-lettres. Charles F, McCay, A. M,, Professor of Civil Engineering, and adjunct Professor of Mechanical Philosophy. Nahum H. Wood A. M., Tutor in Mathematics. James Jackson. Inspector and Librarian. C. F. McCay, Secretary to the Faculty. A. HULL, Sec'y Board of Trustees. i Athens, December 11,1840. dec 15 4t (lAUTION. —I do hereby forbid any person'and J all manner of persons whatsoever, from buy ! ing'the lands whereon Samuel G. Brown now lives, ; in Burke county, it being in two tracts or parcels ; ot land apart, lying in Burke and Jefferson coun i ties, both sides of Briar Creek, as I bought said 1 lauds et said Brown, on the 29th day of March, i 1539, received his receipt for S3BO, and have made him three other payments; and said Samuel G. Brown now refuses to deliver said lands. Sard Brown on the onset, practised fraud upon me by , false statements, as respects the two tracts and a land warrant, as said Samuel G. Brown had ob | tained from a land court and located on said lands I of his and others, making out he was entitled to a : large quantity ot vacant lands adjoining, that would have added trebbie to the value of said lands, j giving the purchaser at least three first rate Mill i seats with abundance of water, and offered a lump i mg sale. I made the purchase, and paid nearly all the first payments, when to ray great astonishment, I found he was claiming a part of Mr. Win. Bryant’s land as vacant, a part of Mr. Bradshaw’s, all of Mr. Holley’s iand. I do not believe there is one j square inch of land vacant. I forewarn all persons from buying «aid lands, or trusting him on acouni of having said lands in possession, as I shall claim said lands from the 28th day of March, 1839. I shall file my bill in Equity, for the Court to make me titles, and also sue him for damages 1 have sustained. He has told many persons that I should | not have the land, that he would give me ray j money up. If any persons trust him, they must look for other resources, not my lands. Given under my hand, this 9th December, 1840. | dec 12-w3t LEWIS BYNE. NOTICE TO PLANTERS AND MER CHANTS, riIHC customers of the Georgia Railroad j wish their Goods retained at the Depot so. their wagons, will be particular to instruct thi agent at the station to which they are sent to thaj effect, or have the A marked distinctly O. W (Own Wagon). nov 3 twtf Constitutionalist will please copy the above. G'HE Subscribers have this day entered tub JL Partnership under the firm of FORCE, BR( THF.RS Sf CO. LEWIS M. FORCE, JOHN P. FORCE, BENJAMIN W. FORCE, BENJAMIN CONLEY, Augusta, January Ist, IS4O. All persens indebted to B. W. Force Co. ar« requested to make immediate payment FORCE, BROTHERS & CO. Wnolesale Dealers in Boots, Shoes and Leather, have on hand an ex tensive stock, which they offer to country mer chants at Northern prices. jan i if TfTtIRST NOTICE.—The subscriber has about S’ twenty acres of land, lying opposite ami near the termination of the Georgia’ Rail Road, west of Madison, which he offers for sale in lots suitable for business. The present Depot being : considered toi contracted for the business which ‘ must be done here, another point will necessarily have to be occupied, and perhaps there is none so eligible as the point now offered. If a suitable number of lots can be disposed of, arrangements will ne made lor the opening a large : Campus, for the accommodation of wagons. Terms will be made easy. C. E. JONES. Madison, December 24, 1840. w2m SITUATION AS TEACHER WANTED.—A _ Teacher who has had several years expo rieneo in ids profession, wishes a situation for the ensuing year in a respectable -ohool. He is tho r uglily acquainted w ith the Latin acid Greek Clas sics. French, which he speaks fluently, a cotn t Lfte coursecf Mathematics, Philosophy, History, _ - ■ . ’> nt ind oderu.Book-Keep ng S Ho will epare students for f admission in to any of the Ameiican Colleges.— I he most sat; factory references can be given. C jmmunii ation* addressed to J 0 F, Silverton P. (~ wi l be hnrnediat- y attended to. dpc2l 3tw JOS liET W ALLET, with various j notes; among which is one against A, Phil lips, tor one hundred and seventy-six dollars, pay able to in. H. Conelly; three or four notes against Jno. G. Howell, amounting to one hundred and forty or fifty dollars, payable to D. W. Young blood; everal notes made payable to the subscri ber, by John R. Wells, and fifteen or twenty notes payable to the undersigned, which are not par ticularly remembered. Any person finding the above papers, and placing them in the hands of Mr. i homas Da\ is, Augusta, or the undersigned at LmUisville, will be suitably rewarded. ,lcc 11-31 PHI LIP 8. LEMLE* || (■' i in Moigan l onnty Ga., some time since J ' ‘totes mane payable to the subscriber as Guardian of Mary F, Butt, amounting to ninety dollars, due 25t« day of December 1840, signed bv \\ inson Smith with nis mark, Jno. Emerson test.— | The above notes aie lost or mislaid, and 1 hereby i forwarn all peisons from Hading for said notes. and the maker from paying the same, to any per j son but my sc It, as they have not been transferred, i dates not recollected. R. J. BUTT. deciHi u w