Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, May 04, 1841, Image 1

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SJflilg €l|riiiick & SStftacl , imißi j—nrw- unmiM. „.., iini ■■ i ■»"t»TTT”'--~ i ijt" , irciiT-T ■wnorw —■*-iim-tuni- yii—lll M , , |t|| a J. W. fi W. & JONES. ‘ AUGUSTA. GA., TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 4, I SI, I. VOL. Y,—No, 104. •mgumsco —M—ii ■ imtmaimuztxiLrttiati rilE CHRONICLE AND SENTINEL IS PUBLISHED DAILY TRI-WEEKLY, AND WEEKLY, At No. 209 Bi oad-slreet. terms: Daily puper Ten Dollars per annum, n advance. Tii'Weekly paper, at Six Dollars in advance or i Syren at the end of the year. Weekly paper, Three Dollars in advance, or Tour at ' the end of year (Jj - NOTICE, —The Rail Road Passenger Train between Charleston and Hamburg, will leave as follows: — UPWARD. g 3 Vot to leave Charleston before 7 00 a m. “ “ Summerville, “ - -,S ISO 14 44 Georges’, - ” - 10 00 “ “ BranchvHle, “ - 11 00 “ ‘ Blackville, - “ - 12 34 p. u 44 44 Aiken, - - “ - 245 An ivo at Hamburg not before - 400 DOWNWARD. Not to lewvc Hamburg before 6 00 a. m. “ “ Aiken, - “ - 730 “ 44 Blackvilie, “ - • 913 “ “ Branchvillc “ - - 11 00 44 44 Georges’, “ - -11 45 •* 44 Summerville," - -100 r. m. Anivc a Charleston not before 215 Distance —13G miles. Rare Through—oo. Speed not over 25 miles an hour. To remain 20 minutes each, for breakfast and dinner, and not longer than 5 minutes for wood and water at any station. To stop for passengers, when a while flap, is hoisted, at either of the above stations; and also at* Sincaths, Woodstock, Inablnet’s, 41 mile T. ()., Rives Grahams, Willevton, Windsor, Johnsons’ and Marsh’s T. O. Passengers wo will breakfast at Woodstock an 1 dine at Aiken; down, will breatitast at Aiken an d dine at Charleston. nov 9 AUGUSTA IRON AND HR ASS FOUNDRY >*"*V Castings from tins establishment have given universal satisfaction since it has been in operation. We have now on hand a large stock of the raw material, of the best quality, and are ready to re ceive orders for any description of CASTINGS, either for Rail Roads, Mills, Steam Engines, or other purposes. As we have a lirst rate Pattern Maker, and use nothing but the best materials, consequently we can warrant our Castings not only to work well, but be as strong and as well made as any manufactured at the North or elsewhere, and we challenge comparison. We also manufacture to order any kind of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. We are now getting up, and will soon hive made on hand ror sale, a variety of PLOUGHS, of all kinds and sizes, from the small Poney Plough up to the large four horse Plough. Also, Straw Cutters t Coin Shelter a, Harrows, Wheat Fans, Cultivators , Wagons , Carts , sr., Sfi\ Persons wanting such articles would do well to call, as we are determin ed to sell low for cash or city acceptances. Orders can be left at the principal stores in town, or at the establishment in rear of the Pres byterian Church, near the Rail Road Depot, and they will be attended lopunctually. Bfruly 11 ly THQB. HOPKINS & Co. AUGUSTA FURNITURE WARE. HOUSE. rtiyiy D. H. SILCOX, 303 Broad street | I keeps at all times for sale, a large as sortment of Cabinet Furniture , of superior workmanship and well soa sonedmaterials, made expressly for the Southern climate. Every arti lo in the above business, with all the ISlSSttwßvaricty of new patterns,continually (received. Persons wishing to purchase can do a well at this establishment as at any of the Norths ern manufactories. To be sold for casn or goud citvaccentancc*. mar IN OR COUGHS AND COLDS—French Jujube 5 Paste, lloarhouud Candies (superior,) Kllethom’s Hoarhound Lozenges, * American Cough Drops, New England Cough Syrup, And other celebrated remedies for Coughs and Colds,for sale by lIAVILAND. RISLEY & Co. tc 8 RUSSELL & HUTCHINSON ARE just receiving, and now opening a large and well assorted slock of Fancy and Staple seasonable DRY GOODS, consisting in part of Superior English and French Prints, English and French printed Lawns, do <1 j Muslins, Lisse, Glasgow Ginghams, choice article, American Prints, of all qualities ami styles, Sup’r Irish Linens, Sheeting and Shirtings, do Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, do Long Lawns, silk Shawls and Scarfs, do Silk Cravats, (for ladies,) gents do Italian, Silk and cotton Gloves, do Pic Nic, Silk and cotton Hose, do half Hose, Spool and linen Threads, sewing Silk, Plain brown Linens, for pants, Brown and while Drill, for pants, Gambroon and Doe Skins, new article for pants, Kentucky Jeans, Pennsylvania do Hamilton Jeans, Wilmington Stripes, Merino, Shirting, '&c. &c. Persons wishing to purchase, would do well to ' call and examine the above stock of Goods, before purchasing elsewhere. (Wc bought the Goods to sell.) ap 2Mf €i ARDEN SEEDS.—A Fresh sipply of Eng r .ish Gaidm Seed of best quail y, just receiv ed and for sale by GARVIN & HA.NES. Among wbicl- arc the following:— fia: .y and late Cabbages, all kind-:. Do. Dutch Turnip. D: Blood Beets. Do Long Orange Carrots. Dr Duiton, Sweet and Golden Sioux Corn. Dc Cucumbers. Do Lettuce. Do Washington or May Peas. Do Chester, Bishop, Charlton Peas. T)o Strawberry, a line variety. Do .Matchless, or Tall Marrowfat Peas. Do Pwjuf Monowfat do. Do Mohawk, China and 6 week Beans. Do Speckled Cranberry do. Also the Young Gardenier’s Assistant. Price $1 50. mh23 if TO HIRE IMMEDIATELY.—A ft ret rate Cook and Washer. None but those of good character need apply. Inquire at this office. ;I P 30-ts HORSE MILL FOR SALE—Calculated for one or two horses, and by means of a sifter at tached, the meal, grits and bran arc produced sepa rately. The Stones are of superior quality. Apply to TtF. SHARP, jan 7-ts Centre street near the Bridge. COSBY’S DYSPEPTIC mrrsns A Late ami Valuable Discovery. PERHAPS them is nothing mon rnlculuted l<» disgust the public eye than the innumerabl advertisements of nostrums that, are constantly ap pearing in tlm public prints. Allure ready to ex claim, our souls are Kiri;, our ears arc pained with every day’s reports of ills and specifics. Tkia slat of tlie public mind would seem to forbid any person of delicate mind from sending forth any new dis coveneß in'medicine, to the trial of the public.— Still, motives of delicacy should not prevent us from making known real discoveries, which wo arc con fidenl will benefit our follow men. This latter consideration has prompted the author nt those bil lers lo ninkelbcm known, He knows they arc high ly efficacious, for ho himself, his wife, and many friends, have given t horn a thorough trial. Ho was himself n confirmed dyspeptic.,so much, that even his recollection was gone. By using these bitter* holias been realored to health. Mre. Cosby was troubled for many years,hut was restored to health by the use ol these billers. This has been the case with ninny of his frk nds. Mr. Cosby in sending forth this advertisement, nddresseslho»e who know him. Ho has been for many years a resident ol Augusta, at which place ho can at any time b consulted about iho hitlers. They are good in all cases ofdiseasos of the digestive organs, the symp toms of which are indigestion, pain or oppression in the stomach from food, lossol appetite, flatulen cy, heart burn, giddiness in the head, pain in the side, shortness of breath, lassitude, general weak ness, (listinbed sleep, &c The composition is on- i lirely Botanical, an i has proved efficacious when many celebrated medicines had failed, lasuppori of which he refers ihsmto Freeman W. Lacy, «he riffof Richmond count", and William T. Thomp son, editor of the Mirror, and he might re fer you to many others, but deems it unnecessary as he is w illing to place it on its own merits. All . ho asks is lor tnose who are afflicted vvilhltie dys pepsin to give n a trial. They can be had at T. H. Plant’s book-store, Augusta, and of (*. Cosby himsedf, at the corner oi Washington and Ellis-streets. GAti \IN HAINES, Druggists, Augusta ROHHUT AUSTIN ty Co. Augusta. WILLIAM If LLOYD, Savannah. DAVID REID, Macon. FRA i\CJS OGfER, Druggist, ColuiAbia,S C S. 1). CLARK <.f Co. Druggists, Hamburg. HA ST IE N NICOL , Greenville, S. (> TOUCHER LAROCHE, Drug . isO, Savannah, Gn. IE. li. WELLS fy Co., Druggists, Athens. nov 30 „ ly TO Til 15 FACULTY AM) HEADSOF FAMILIES. gKR. MILES’ UOMFOUND EXTRACT OF: J| TOMATO—a substitute for Calomel, and does not belong to the family of quack medicines; for the reason that the component parts arc made known to the faculty, or any one else that may wish to know, by any of the agents keeping them for sale. Since this discovery so long and anx iously looked for, some one in almost the extreme North has advertised a Tomato Pill, purporting to be made from the stalk, a thing not more aostiiu than for one lo oiler meal from the corn stalk, to say nothing of the difficulty of raising the Tomato so far North. Dr. Miles, of Cincinnati, is the proprietor of the Tomato Pills (proper) for Hie great benefits of which, he holds himself bound, and in honor pledg ed to prove by their use, that they are all that they profess to be, and will do for others what they have done for such as mav have u*ed them; as Jiis is a vegetable of great use, and value, it will doubtless be valuable information to families to know that the Yellow are just doubly as valuable as the Red Tomato, and produces twice as much of the liapatine, or active principle,and when used as a daily vegetable will be found to keep the system in much better condition than the other kind ; many will recollect with what trembling anxiety calomel has been given lo children, and how they then wished for a substitute, it has long been known that the Tomato contained ca thartic principles, but not until of late was it ascertained that mey comamea alterative and diu retic properties. The Faculty embrace and use the preparation most cheerfully, for the reason that they know what it is Were it a patent mystery, they would be bound to reject the medicine, as they justly do the one thousand and one cure-alls of the day. If you wish to cleanse the system with a mild, sa.c anti-bilious medicine, use Hie Tomato Pill, of which a supply, wc learn, will soon be in his city. We ali know something auout this, une V LIS CORDIAL DE LUCTNE, OU L’EL ixiu ih: I/AMOUII. W*E perceive by the papers that the famous French physician, fir Magnin, has estab lished an agency lor the sale ol the above named extraordinary medicine in ibis city; and to speak the truth, we are sorry lor it, as we think that there are too many people in this part of the world al ready. Wo dure not enter into an explanation of the wonders effected by*this medicine here, but will nevertheless venture to add, that it is the royal ist t hing in the world lor gentlemen and ladies who are husbands and wives, and who wish lo ho fathers I and mothers. The agent should take this medicines to t lie far west, where people are scarce — N. York Examiner. “ The l.ucuie Curded" is a general invigorator of the human frame in all the virions cases of lan guor, lassitude, and debilitation, and is at the same 1 lime so simple, yet so efficacious, that while it can 1 renovate the prostrated energies of a giant, an in fant may use it, not only with impunity, but with advantage. 'The Lucino Cordial is also mi indu bitable cure for the incontinence of the urine, or the in voluntary discharge thereof. It is likewise an invaluable and unrivalled medicine in eases oi chronic erupt ions of the skin, and m the dropsical affections ol the aged. This celebrated and inesti mable Cordial is lor sale by HA VI LAN I), RISLEY & CO. THOMAS BARRETT & CO. NELSON CARTER, mm 20. Augusta Gn Radical Cure ol Hernia or Rupture, by l)r« Chase’s Improved .Surgeons 7 Trusses* rHXiIE subscriber has opened an office, at the Drug § store of Messrs. J. J. Robertson 6c Co., for the treatment of Hernia or Rupture, by means of these ustly celebrated instruments. He has now used 1 them for nearly a year, and, did not delicacy forbid, ' he could name several persons who have been radi • catty cured , of this truly distressing and dangerous affection, by the use of these Trusses, besides many others who are in a fairway of being entirely rc ■ lieved. The following is the language of the com mittee of the Philadelphia Medical .Society on the ; Radical Cure of Hernia. “ The instruments of Dr. Chase have effected the permanent and accurate retention of the in testines in every case of Hernia observed by the committee, without material inconvenience to the patient, and often under trials more severe thai. arc usually ventured upoh by those who wearothe: trusses; trials that would be imprudent with any other apparatus known to the committee.” • “ The committee are induced by the foregoing conclusions to recommend, in strong terras, the in struments of Dr. Chase to the confidence ol the professionals the'best known means of me chanical retention in hernia, and as furnishing the highest chances of radical cure.” The following is from the Southern Medical and : Southern Journal, published in our own city. i “ All must admit of the radical cure of hernia. - and that Dr. Chase’s Trusses are decidedly the best l yet invented to effect the object.” t Persons from a distance can have the instruments t applied, upon application at the office, and all ne cessary information given to enable them to adjus it themselves. The poor, who are laboring under ;* this afflicting complaint, will be treated gratuitous ly upon presenting a certificate,from some respon d - file person, of their pecuniary disability. r The instruments arc of all sizes, and applicable to every variety of reducible rupture, feb 20 F. M. ROBERTSON, M. D. V A LIEU’S CJ3LURRATKIi FRENCH PILLS. THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS ('HAL LENGE! *T EE genuine French Pills against all iho quack ® nostrums of tlm ago—for the cure of a certaii; disease. The FRENCH PILLS are applicable in all rases for eithei sex, (warranted free Irom mercu ry) and do not affect the breath in tlio least,and nr> perfectly pfonsant anti agreeable to the stomach, and have never failed to make a speedy and per manent cure, without the least regard to diet or application to business. In long, protracted, or chronic singes of the disease, obstinate (Beets, Fluor A Ibuu, Gravel, Female Complaints, ora weakness of those organs, lliey are beyond a doubt the most eflecliinl remedy over discovered, having cured many obstinate runes after every other medicine had failed. '1 ho French Pdfs have bc'-nso univer sally successful, that Ih® proprietor ciiallisnor.h any one to produce a remedy of equal certainly under a forfeiture of Three Huddled Dollars. Price $2 per box. Fur sale bj HA VILA ND, RISLEY & CO. THOMAS BARRETT & CO. nelson Carter, B HARRIS flHggff ROBERT.AUSTIN & Co. Iff I THE LUCINA GOHIUAL-REWARJE OF FRAUD. ‘’SAIIE unprecedented of ibis benefi « cent ind inestimable CORDIA I. in tlio United States, has induced one or more unprincipled per sons to manufacture spurious catchpenny article*, under various names, and purporting to produce the same ejj'ecti hut which, in reality, produce no other effect than that of swindling the public; audio give a yet moro plausible appearance of tfir r cu j polity, those persons affect that ibetr wrelcht- 1 nos trums have been in use in England and elsewhere | lor a number of years; whereas, until the illustrious Dr. Magnin made his wonderful discovery, no cure for barrenness had been ever I bought of, or at least made public; ami all those then in use for the restoration of the decayed virile powers were found lo be of hut Hitle avail Tims, till nostrums adver tised for barrenness or the cure of impotency, but Dr. MagniiTs, are mere catchpenny humbugs, which would never have been thought of nut tor the appearance and great celebrity of the LUCINA CORDIAL As no counterfeit of the name is at i present in circulation, it may in general be a suffi cient caution for the purchaser to ask for the Lucina ) Cordial, but as further assurance, it would ho as well to note that its name, Lucina Cordial, or Elixir of Love, is stamped in the glass of each bottle—the combined arms of Franco and the United States are on the outward envelope—that a Fleur do Lis is printed on the accompanying directions, and beautifully embossed on the show-bills hanging in the stores ol those who have the genuine article for sale, The celebrity of the Lucina Cordial being such as it is, it is scarcely necessary to add that if is the only efficient remedy for barn rmoss, and the resto ration of decayed virile powers over known; and that in the cure of Fluor Albus, Gleet, obstructed, j difficult.or painful Menstruation, the incontinence of the urine, or the involuntary discharge thereof, 1 its Miiperioritj over every other medicine is not on- | Iv decided, nut unquestionable. For side by H All LAN?), RISLEY & CO. THOMAS BARRETT & CO. NELSON CARTER, UOHiiKT AUSTIN & Go. nug 20 Augusta. Gn i ... . F JET URN* VEGETABLE FILLS. PfjMiESN Fills are no longer among those ol ; -M- doubtful utility. .They have passed away , from the 'Hundreds that are daily launched upon j the tide of experiment, and i uvv stand before the public ns high in reputation, and as extensively employed in all parts of the United Slates, the Can adas,'Texas, Mexico, and the West Indies, ns any medicine that has ever been prepared lor the relief of suffering man. 'i hey have been introduced wherever it was found possible to carry them ; and there are but few towns that do not contain some remarkable evidences of their good effects. 'The j certificates that have been presented to the proprie- I lor exceed twenty thousand j upwards ol live bun- j dred ol which arc from regular practising physicians, | who are the most competent judges of their merits, j Often have the cures performed by this medicine ; been the subjec t ol editorial comment in vaiions , newspapers and journals ; and it may with truth ' be asserted, that no me liciue of the kind lias ever ! received t'-stimoniais of greater value limn are at- i lacked to this. They are in general use as a family medicine, i and there are thousands of families who declare they arc never satisfied unless they have a supply always on hand. They have no rival in curing and preventing ; Bilious It vers, Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Liver j , Complaints, Sick Headache, J .undue, Asthma, j Dropsy, Rheumatism, Enlargement of the .Spleen, Tiles, Cholic, Female Obstructions, Heartburn, l ur , red Tongue, Nausea, Distension of the Stomach anti Bowels, Incipient Diarrhea, Flatulence, Habit , ual Cosliveness, Loss of Appetite, Blotched or Sallow Comulexijn, and m alt cases of 'Torpor ol' the Bowels, where a cathartic or an aperient is , needed. They am exceedingly mild mih ir opuia lion, producing neither nausea, i riping nor debiiity. . 'The efficacy ol these pills is so well known, and | their use so general, that further comment is con [ sulered unnecessary. For further particulars, sec Dr. Tolers’ pain hiel. . which can ho nad gratis ol anv ol Hit; Agent POWELLS HALS AM OF A NISLED, 171 Oil Coughs, Colds, Shortness of Iheath. Asth- ma, &c. This invaluable Medicine lias the extraordinary property of immediately relieving - Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, difficulty of Bicathing, and Duskiness in the 'Throat, it operates by dis * solving tiie congealed phlegm, consequently caus ing a free expectoration. i Those who are troubled with that unpleasant “ tickling in the Throat, which deprives them of rest c night after night, by the incessant cough which it ■1 provokes, will, by taking one dose, find immedi » ato relief; and one bottle in most cases will elfct a cure. 5 In Ast hmas, Chronic Coughs, difficulty ol Brcath- I i kc., no pen can describe the wonders that - have been performed by this invaluable Medicine ; many, who for years have been unable to lay doau c in their beds without a danger of being choked by an accumulation ol phlegm, (vvnich invariably [1 causes a dreadful cough), others, who with dilli * culiv could breathe at ail in a recumbent posture, L ‘ have, by taking one dose of this excellent Balsam, “ been enabled to lay down comfortably in their bed’;, ft Bu t the testimonials of those who have experienced : its wonderful effects, will do more to recommend f ami insure it the support of the public than any ■ * thing the proprietor can say in its favor, and by i particular request he has published the following ‘ extraordinary case. 1 Copy of a lct!cr fiom Miss A. Thomas. sir—Through the medium of this letter 1 beg e leave lo oiler my grateful thanks for your invalua ble Balsam; having sutlered by severe cough and 1 difficulty of breathing (or several winters, was quite cured by taking one bottle only. 1 1 am, sir, your grateful and obliged servant, 1 ANN THOMAS, Union street. For sale by s ROBT. AUSTIN & CO-, nov 4 Sole Agcnls in Augusta. r CITY TAXES. - H WILL call on the citizens for their city taxes | for [he present year, which are now due, anil those failing to make payment will be reported to t the City Council as defaulters, to be dealt with as the ordinance directs. JOHN H- MANN, mh 3-sw2m Col. Sr Treas’r C, A.®’- a i iiriuHiwi(wwiimi.iu,iii..ipj'?gyv-n*chr.■euatc m ■ . HARRISON’S f»PIX U IC OINTMJfcINT. tlio cure of vvliito swellings, scrofulas, and -I oilier tumors, nicer*, sore logs, old and (rush wounds, sprains and bruises, swellings and inflam mations, scold head, women’s sore breasts, rhou malic pains, tollers, eruptions, chilblains whitlows, l>iJjja, corns, and external diseases generally. The proprietor has received at least n thousand eertfi ente- and otnor doennrewts in favor of* his SPECI- I* IU 01N I'M I'jiS I—and they embrace almost nil ilie complaints in their worst singes—to winch ointment or sticking plaster enn heajiplicd Among lho*e cnrliflcateK, there arc a great number Imm the most eminent physicians in tnc country, whence the Ointment in their daily practice, in preference to any, or all others whieh have ever been invented. The proprietor has also received a great many tes timonials from lathers, militarygenilemon, farmers, and others, relative to the amazing efficacy of -his Ointment, in tao braises rvnts, and all the external complaints and diseases of horses; and among them are no less than n down certifying to the most por ted cures which it has performed on Iho acre backs of somo of those animals. Altogether the proprietor loels no hesitation in staling—or in put ting it to the proof* against all composition—tint HARRISON’S SPEC! rH: OfiNTiM ENT is vaMly superior to every t hing of the kind which has here tolim- been offered to the public; and the proprietor not only vouches for iis general go >d qualities, but is willing to risk Ins reputation on n single trial lor Jio knows from the mos ample experience, ibn it cannot be used without immediate and palpal) e benefit, in any one of the complaints for winch !•; is so highly recommended. Retail price 59 cents per box. Solti at oil the principal DRUG STORES in oug 20 Augusta, Ga. MOl FAT’S VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINE ■ fjpflESE medicines a.o indebted lor their name t. to th» ir man: l , at cm! sensible action in puri fying the spring and channels of life, and enduing them with renewed tone and vigor. In rnanv hun dred certified coses which has been made public, and in almost every species of disease to which the human frame is liable, the happy effects of MOFFAT'S LIKE PILLS AM) PIiUNIX HIT TERS have been gratefully and publicly nc- Inowlodgod by the persons boncflillcd, and who were previously unacquainted with thu beautifully philosophical principles upan which they ore compounJed, and upon which l hoy consequently at t. The LIFE MEDICINES recommend them elves in diseases ol every form anti description. Their first operation is to loosen from the coals ot the stomach and bovuds, the various impurities and eruditiesacon tanily settling around them; and to remove the hardened fames which collect convolustons of the smallest intestines. Other mt-dichics only pailiolly cleanse tin e, and leave i such collected mas.-.e.i behind as to produce habitu al cosliveness with ill ilstruin ofcvils, or m a sud- 1 den diarrhoea, wit hits eminent dangers. This lad 1 is well known to ail regular anatomists, who ox i i amine the human bowels after death ; and hence | the prejudice of those well informed men against ■ quack medicines—or medicines prepared and her- | I laded to the public hy ignorant persons. 'J ho sc- ( cbnd died of the Life Medicines is to cleanse lho i kidneys and the bladder, and by l ids meafls, the | liver and the lungs, the heailhhil action of which entirely depends upon the regularity of the urinary ] organs. The blued, which lakes its red color from j the agency of the liver and the lungs before it pa .Mi* into the bra t, being thus purified by them ( void nourished by food coming from a clean sioni rii-.h, courses freely tli.oagh Iho vein ~ renews every part of the ryatein. and triumphantly mounts the | banner of health in the blooming cheek. Moffat’s Vegetable Life Medicines have been 1 thoroughly attested, and pronounced a sovereign . remedy lor Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Palpitation <d the Heart, Loss of Appetite, Heart-burn and Head ache, Restlessness, 111-temper, Anxiety, Languor and Melancholy, ('oshveness, Diarrhoea, (.’liulera, Fevers of all kinds, Kheuraatism, (lout, Dropsies of nil kind, (travel, Worms, Asthma and Consnmp 1 lion, Scuivy, Dicers, Inveterate Korea, Scorbutic 1 Eruptions and Had Complexions, Eruptive com plaints, Sallow, Cloudy, and other disagreeable Complexions, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Common Colds and influenza, and various other complaints which afflict the human frame. In fever and ague, particularly,-the Life Medicines have been most eminent ly successful; so much so that in the Fever and Ague districts, Physicians almost uni versally prescribe them. I All that Mr. Moffat requires of his patient is i lobe particular in taking the Life Medicines strictly j according to the directions. It is not by a news | paper notice, or any thfag that he himself may say ' m their lavor, that he hopes to gain credit, it is j alone by the result ol a fair trial. MOFFAT’S MEDICAL MANUAL, designed as a domestic guide to health.—This little pamphlet edited by VV. 11 \lolfii 37a Broadway New Vork, bus been published ior the purpose of explaining more fully Mr. Moffat’s theory of diseases, and will be found lu ,lily interesting to persons seeki g heal ill. It reals upon prevalent diseases, and the causes thereol. Price cents—for sale by Air Moffat's agents generally. These valuable medicines arc for sale by WM. M. D’ANTIGN AC, Sole Agent for Augusta ' E would call attention to Iho advertisement in V our columns to-day, of FETERK’ VEGE TABLK FILLS. Wo understand hy the best med ical nnlhoriiy, that there is no preparation of iho day which enjoys so enviable a reputation. At the South and North, tin ir success lias been unbounded, and wherever introduced wo hclicvo they have given the most perfect satisfaction. We have this day hud an interview with one of our citizens, 11. K. Fox, who was recently cured of a most remark able and obstinate cutaneous eruption, where the body was covered with fulsome ulcers, and even ihe tonsils of the throat ealc-ii away—and ny using these FILLS daily tor six weeks, was entirely re stored to health.—iVeio York Examiner. PETERS’ VEGETABLE FILLS. They do indeed restore the health of the body, because they purify and invigorate iho blood, and theif good effects are not counterbalanced by any inconvenience ; being composed entirely of vegeta bles, they do not expose those who use them to danger, and their effects are as certain as they are salutary; they are daily and safely administered to infancy, youth, manhood and old ago, and to wo men in the most critical and delicate circumstances, they do not disturb or shock the animal functions, but restore their order and re-establish their health; nd lor all the purposes which a vegetable purga tive, or certain cleanser ol the whole system are re qmred, they stand without a rival—they are allow ed to bo all that can no accomplished in medicine, both lor power and innocence. OO R- tail price 50 cents per box. Kohl at all lie principal DRUG KTOKES in ( aug SO Augusta, Ga. surgical instuvmisnts. a GENERAL assortment of SURGICAL IN j\_ STRUMENTS of the best English and Ame rican manufacture, kept constantly on hand and for sale by us, at very reasonable prices. All orders for Instruments to be made to order, executed at shortest notice. GARVIN & HAINES, de%Mf WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. ( i AIIVIN & HAINES, No. 232, Broad street, JT arc constantly receiving fresh supplies of Drug*, Paints, Oils, Glass, &c. Also an extensive assortment of Brushes, Toilet and Shaving Soaps, Perfumery, &c., of domestic and foreign manufac tures, selected by their agents; also afresh supply of Englisn Garden- Seed. Country merchents and Physicians are invited to call and examine our stock. NjXJ’A liberal discount for cesh. gcoct 14 GUTA VEGETAHILIS.-TAVLOR’S REMEDY FOR DEAFNESS VSUPPI.N ol the above celebrated remedy foi DEAFNESS, kept constantly on hand am for snh by '(oct 14) GARVIN &c HAINES. TO 'OIK MAUD JIEAD3 D & OTHERS. DOES any know a neighbor or a friend who has been bald, and Whose head is now cover ed with fine hair ? One whose coat collar was covered, with dandruff, though brushed every hour —which has now vanished entirely? Or one whose hairs at early ago was turning grey, who now has not a grey hair ? Children whose heads were covered with scurf—whose hair would not g:ovv, that are now growing the fullest crops of hair ? Some cases roust be known to most persons. Ask them the cause, and you will he told, those things have been done by the use of the HALM OF COLUMBIA. Os 20 years growth is this ar li• le, its demand increasing annually some hundred per cent —though when discovered not opposed by anything for the same purpose, now assailed by almost numberless mushroom trash preparations, that will ruin the hair if used to any extent, tan more than these facts be wanted—refer to the re commendations by a list of names of respectability, unequalled by any other article. Look to these filings ; boy this article. Stay and preserve your hair hy its use, or, if bald, restore it. Ladies, at tend to this hundreds in fashionable life arc using it as the only article really lit for the toilet. Long hair is very apt to fall out. Ladies, use the Balm of Columbia in time-to save yourself the disgrace of baldness by neglect of your persons. It is your duly, as moralists, to preserve the beauties of nature, with which a bountiful Creator lias endowed you ; use the Balm, for it will do it. CAUTION TO BE REMEMBERED.—Seve rn] of the most flagrant attempts have been made (o counterfeit the true Balm of Columbia. Some of these impostors have gone so far as to counter feit the splendid wrappers, and the falls of Niag ara, and every external mark except the name of Comstock, which they dare not forge. To avoid impositions, therefore, always look for the name of Comstock & Co. or L. S. Comstock, and never buy the article unless it has that name upon if. Sold, wholesale and retail, only at No. 2 Fletch cr-strcet, N. V. ; by Robert Austin & Co., Augusta, General agents for Georgia; and also by the Drug gislsts of this city generally. Gin Dec 29 ASK, IMIU IRE—AHK THOSE WHO KNOW. miIOSE only who know by trial or immediate $ observation, can form any idea of the effects, of the perfect relief, of the almost charm-like cures effected in cases of the Piles, Rheumatism , all dwellings, and all external pains, no matter how severe, by the use of Hays’Liniment. Find one that has used it that will not laud it above all things ever used, and you will find—-what cannot be found. It is but a duty yon owe to your suffering fellow beings to let this great remedy be known. Speak of it, then, to all your friends. This will save much pain where the newspapers are not read, or where readers aic incredulous, because so many worthless articles are advertised for the same pur pose. To buyers we say, if all who have used it do not say it is beyond all praise, then do not take it. The proprietor will not allow this article to be pad for unless it cures, when all the directions are fully followed. Will any one, suffering, refuse now to try it ? If he does, he ought to lie pitied more for his obstinacy than his suffering. Mr. Hays would never consent to offer this arti cle, were he nut compelled by his sense of moral •i id religious duty to do all in his power for the victims of distress and misery. For this pm pose, he would sooner devote a fortune than secure a dollar for a worthless article. LOOK OUT. —Some swindlers have courfor feited this at tide, and put it up with various de vices. Do not be imposed upon. One thing only will protect you— it is the name of Comstock fit Co. That name must he always on the wrapper , or you arc cheated. Do dot forget it: lake this di rection with you, and test by that, or never buy — for it is impossible fur any other to be genuine. SOLOMON HAYS. Sold by Comstock & Co., 2 Fletcher-street, N. Y.j by Robt. Austin & Co., Augusta, Genral agents for Georgia; and also by the Druggist of this city 6m Dec 29 CONSUMPTION AND LIVER CiUi- I* LA I NT. 3 \ R. TAYLOR’S BALSAM OF LIVERWORT I has been used successfully for eight years in the cine of these diseases. {Jjr* Remember J the original and genuine is made only at 375 Bowery, N. V.. am. others are spurious and unauthorized! Consumption and Liver Complaint. As a ge neral remedy for these diseases I am fully' satisfied, from long experience, there is no medicine equal to Dr. Taylor’s Balsam of Liverwort. Being pure ly vegetable, it can be used with the utmost safety by all persons in every condition. It cleanses the lungs by expectoration, relieves difficult breathing, and -corns to heal the chest. There can be no question, but this medicine is a certain cure for chronic coughs and colds. I have used it for four years in my practice, and always with success. A. F. ROGERS, M. D. To Females. — I The number of females in delicate health is truly surprising. Weakness, loss of ap petite, liver complaints, and many other diseases prey upon them, making them pale and lean of llosh. All this can be remedied by the use of strengthening medicine, that will assist nature in all her movements, restore tone to the nerves and muscular organs. Os this kind is Dr. Taylor’s Balsam of Liverwort, which being mild and purely vegetable, answers females admiraoly. If all will use it, w e are confident an elastic step, good appe tite, and ruddy cheeks will follow. Once more, r. member, the original and genuine is made at 375 Bowery. 00“ Spitting of Blood. —This disease consists ol a discharge of blood, often frothy', from the mouth, brought up with hawking and coughing, and is usually accompanied with difficulty of breathing and some pain m the chest. Sometim s it is pre ceded by an oppression of the chest, a dry tickling cough and slight shooting pains. This disease is always more or less dangerous. The great danger is that these symptoms may terminate in consump tion, and immediate remedies can alone save this end. But Dr. Taylor’s Bui am of Liverwort is a sure remedy', and to show its unparalleled success, certificates of cures from 421 citizens, and many physicians, will be published in a few days. Nervous Diseases and Weakness. —Dr. Tay lor’s Balsam of Liverwort, made at 375 Bowery,is assuredly an excellent remedy for these diseases. My wife has been more or less ill for ten years. She was extremely nervous, and at times so weak that she could nut attend to her domestic duties. By the use of this medicine, her strength is wholly restored, and she is as healthy as 1 can wish her to be. My address is at Dr, Taylor’s office. Cure of Consumption. —Mrs. Martin a worthy member of my congregation, was taken ill some time since with a cold, pain in the breast, and some difficulty of breathing, and in a few days there after, she had a violent cough and a violent pain in the sides, which no medicine would relieve. She continued m this way for a long time, under the medical care of Dr. Rea, but finally became consumptive, and was evidently near the end of her earthly sufferings, when her brother persuaded her to try Ur. Ta. lor’s Balsam of Liverwort. Wlitfi she commenced this medicine, it did not seem, to agree w ilh her for a few days, but by lessening the dose, she found it answered admira bly : it relieved her cough and her diflicully of , breathing instmter: and we had the pleasure of witnessing her rapid recovery to health. Rev. WILLIAM SMYTHE. I {fCr OBSERVE ! Buy only that which is made at the Old Office, 375 Bowery, N. Y., and which is sold in Augusta, by ROBT. AUSTIN & CO. feb 20-1 y General AgenU for Georgia '' l ■ !* m l !VJi’u A *',* °K.KB* MAKING, fk ,| ISS HAINES, Milliner and Press Maker, l h \ B ™ rnov « <i l “ N |e first house above the Methodist Church on Green street, end would I,c thankful for a continuance of the nation;.™ here tofore extended. >r AH orders executed with neatness and desnalch Id noy 12 ft “THE MATERNAL FRIEND.” ’’ ** ,c relief of females suffering under sym o I pathetic disorders, periodical complaints > weakness, pains, &c. kc. is A fresh supply of this valuable remedy just re ir ccived by HAVILjfND, RISLEY a Co. e Price $1 oO per bottle. Sole Agents, Augusta, o mh 4 d 3w _ t IRON FRAME PI A.VO FORTES, f ¥.l PARSONS has just received one of I'hick n ll* criugs Patent Iron Frame PI AM) FORTES c of superior quality. Persons feeling an interest in’ 1 good Instruments, arc invited to call and examine . its construction. d Orders will he received to deliver these Pianos V . this p,ace at the lowest factory prices, adding the.expcnses of transportation only. feh 23 ; PIANO FORTES, AT MANUFACTURF. «)’ PRICES. H PARSON’S oilers for sale Piano Fortes from • CHICKERING k MACK AY’S, of Huston R. NUNNS,CLARK k Co. and STOI1ARI), WOR CESTER & DUNHAM, of New York, at the low est Factory Prices, adding freight and exchange only. Orders will be received for instruments on the same terms, and no advance required until the in strument is received ami approved. tf-dec 11 STODDARD, WORCESTER, AND DUNHAM’S PIANO FORTES. Ct A. PLATT k Co. having secured the agency f * ot the above manufacturers, have just le ctured an assortment of their superior PIANO FIIRTKS, which, with our former stock, we can safely defy all competition to excel in sweetness of tone or duiabihty. Their instruments certainly arc superior, and all persons desirous of purchasing goofcinstrumcnti, will find it greatly to their ad vantage to call and examine. If any instrument should prove contrary to the recommendation giv en, it may be returned and all charges paid. All orders for the above instruments will be promptly attended to, and furnished at as low prices as any other establishment in the cit\. mh 4 PERFUMERY. T gill E undersigned is now receiving a complete g assortment of Cologne, Lavender, Florida and Honey Waters, Cosmetics, Fancy and Shaving Soaps, Hair Oils, Brushes and Combs, in great va riety, which he will sell low. oct B—tl WM. M. D’ANTIGNAC, Druggist, WATCHES FOR SAKE VERY LOW. G1 ROUGH C. ALL lON,(formerly connected with I the House of Benedict 4r Benedict, Benedict, Benedict 4i Co., and Samuel W. Benedict,) Impor ter of English, French, and Swiss WATCHES and Jewelry, wholesale and retail. No. 30 Wall street, up stairs, New York, offers for sale all descriptions’ 01 gold and silver Lever, Duplex, Anchor Escape ment, Independent Second, Repeating, Lepine ami Verge Vetches. Also, Diamond Pius, Rings, Gold Pencils, and all dccriplions of Jewelry at retail, at twelve per cent below the usual prices. (Tj* Watches and Jewelry exchanged or bought. 30 Wail street, up stairs, New York. Jan 5 _ 3m DRUG STORE. WM. M. D’ANTIGNAC, (Late Turpin St D’ Antignac,) has removed two doors below his former stand, to the Store recently occupied by E. W. Spofford, and is now receiving in addition to his former stock, a large supply of DRUGS St MEDICINES, WHITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL, BEST SPERM OIL, WINDOW GLASS, Stc. See. All of which will be sold low, and on accommo dating terms. Having purchased the notes and accounts of the late firm of Turpin St D,Antignac, lie particular, requests those indebted to make early payment. J oct S ts “ THE MATERNAL FRIEND ’> ~ IS one of those invaluable remedies that stands Hie test of trial. In every instance that lias come to the knowledge of the proprietors, it has proved itself to be what it is recommended —a pleasant, safe, and efficacious remedy for all the sympathetic affections attendant on Pregnancy, and all those periodical "disorders to which both married and unmarried females arc liable. Delicacy forbids giving the details of its merits in a news paper advertisement, but it may be stated that it has been in use under various names —(The Philo token, Mother's Relief, SfC.,) for some ten years past, and wherever introduced, tire demand for it, (without the aid of “ puffing,”) has been constant ly on the increase. 'This fact in evidence of its real virtues, together with the belief that hundreds of females arc suffering from want of tlic know ledge of a remedy adapted to their cases, induces the proprietors respectfully to call the attenliog of sufferers to their pamphlets, which accompany each bottle, and which may be had gratis of any of their agents. Price $1 oO per bottle. Sold by HAVILAND, RISLEY k CO. Agents, Augusta. HAVILAND, 11ARRAL k ALLEN, oct Id-’m Agents. Charleston. DR. £.■ SPUHN, a German pnysician of much note, having devoted ms attention lor some years totnecure and removal ol the causes of N EK VOUS AND SICK HEAD ACHE, ties Litesatis kiction to make known, that he has a remedy which hy removing the causes euros effectually and perma nently this distressing complaint. There are many families who have considered Sick Headache a con stitutional incurable lamily complaint- Hr. S. as sures them that they are mistaken, and labouring under distress which luoy might not only alleviate but actually eradicated by the use )f his remedy. It is the result of scientific research, and is entirely of a different character from advertised patent medi cines, and is not unpleasant to the taste. HEADACHE, SICK OR NERVOUS. The oitraorditiary reputation that Dr. Spohn’s remedy for this distressing compaint is every day gaining is certainly a matter of much astonishment. That so much suffering should have existed for ages without any discovery of an effectual preventive, or cure, is truly a subject of much regret but Dr. 8. now assures the public that such a remedy has been invented as will convince the inostctedulous. The principles on which it acts are simple nml plant. It i an a; mined fact that this complaint, whether called Sick Headache,or Nervous Headache, arises prim ; arily from the stomach—those who think they have ; the Nervous Headache may rest assured that this j- organ, the stomach, is the first cause, that the sys lent has become vitiated or debilitated, tlnough the stomach, and that only through the same channel : must they expects restoration of the natural and 1 healthy (unctions of the system. This object, Dr 1 Spohn’s remedy is eminently calculated to attain. " The truth of this position cannot be controverted, 1 and the sooner sufferers with the headache become convinced ofit, the sooner will their suffering end in restoration of health, Dr. Spohn pledges his ‘professional reputation on this (act. The remedy e may be had of apothecaries generally throughout is the United Stales > 8 For sate by ANTONV <fe HAINES, No. 232 a. Broad-street, Augusta. mar 2B