Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, April 17, 1850, Image 3

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trade the past week was light ; bat, from their ocks wa think they look fora good trade for the b lanccof the Spring and Summer months. SUGARS -Tll9 rece 'P ,s continue heavy and the pekin Augusta is large, particularly of New Or ', anP which is selling for 5Jc. for common, to 7<c. choice and clarified. tjOFFEE.—The decline in prices of Rio Coffee a ll the importing markets has depressed prices #jt b us a nd holders are anxious to get rid of their wc ]r Retailing from store in small lots at from 12J to 13. . , MOLASSES. —Receipts heavy and supply on the ncrcag e, particularly of West India, which is selling from the wharf at 22 cts and 23 a25 cts. from store. y e w Orleans is generally held at 30 cts. from the wharf and 32 from store. DOMESTIC LIQUORS, —Stock on the increase ol Xcw Orleans Whiskey, which is dull sale at 30 (s the supply of other kinds abundant. 3FLOUR. —Supply fully equal to the demand, dood Canal is selling from 7 to SBJ at retail, for ex r# brands, Augusta City Mill at $4 per 100 lbs. — the latter is preferred for family use as it keeps better al tit'B season of the year. GRAIN. —The last sale of shelled Corn was at g2| cents, the demand as well as supply is moderate. small lot of Peas has been sold at 87J cts., and is 1D good demand ; retailing at one dollar. Oats sre scarce and enquired for. BACON.— There continues a good demand for Bacon, and several small lots have been sold at s}c., a nd a choice parcel will command 5i cts, hog round ; a large lot, unless of extra quality, cannot he sold for orer scts. Receipts continue heavy. LARD.—SaIe of a small lot choice quality at s|c. Several ordinary lots have been sold at 5 a 5| cts. OIL AND FEATHERS. —Some small lots of Cas tor and Linseed Oil have been received and met with ready sale. The stock of Feathers is light and they continue to retail at 33 cts. SALT.—lmports into Savannah since the Ist of April, 16,200 sacks. The Boats brought up above fOOsacks last week —we hear of no sales. The re ceipts now are generally stored for the fall trade. EXCHANGE. —Checks on the North are scarce, M Jsome of our Banks are selling at f per cent premium. FREIGHTS. —There is very little Cotton ship ping either to Charleston or Savannah. The rute us freight remains at 50 cts. per bale. In up freights the Boats continue to do a large business—the river is in good order, and from the constant rains we look for no trouble in navigation. Our Companies ire all prepared with light diaft steamers for low rivers NEW ORLEANS, April 10, P. M.— Cotton.— Stock on hand on Ist Sept., 1819 12 154 Arrived since to date722’,042 Arrived to-day 3’322 737,518 Exported to date 540,692 Exported to-day 4,903 Stock 011 hand andon shipboard not cleared*. 191,923 Sugar.- 300 hhds. were sold at yesterday’s prices -sav fair 3f a 4c. Molasses. — 500 bbls, changed hands at 14 a 19c. for fermenting, and 22 a 23c. for Reboiled. 30 bbls, very choice Reboiled were sold at 24 Jc. Flour. — Market dull. Sales of 1700 bbls, includ ing 346 and 450 Ohio and 300 Illinois on private terms; 100 Ohio at $5.50 ; 200 at $5.60; 250 St. Louis at $5 65 ; and 150 extra Illinois at $6 25. Corn. — Sales 4000 sacks, including 131 at6lc; 300 sacks tit 62c ; 350 at 63 a 64c ; 575 and 1700 at 95c ; and 300 at 67c. Whiskey.— Sales 60 barrels Rectified at 20Jc ; 40 at 20|c ; 100 at 21c ; and 250 and 300 on private terms. Bulk Pork. — 20,000 lbs. hog ronnd were sold at 3|c. Bacon. — Sales 50 casks Sides at sjc ; 53 casks Shoulders, from the Levee, at 3f, and 41 casks Hams, Sides and Shoulders at 5, 4| and 3j, country cured. Lard— Sales 19 bbls, at 5f ; 42 at 6f ; 198 kegs it 6|, and 600 at 6c. Freights.— No new engagements have transpired. Exchange.— Fair demand. London 8 aß| perct. prem.; Paris 5.27 J a 5L35; New York 60 days J a lj percent, disc.; do sight par to J perct. prem. IMPORTS. SAVANNAH, April 13.—From Liverpool, Br. bark Bona Dea—4,694 sacks Salt. From Matanzas, schr Cherokee 149 hhds. and 11 tierces Molasses. EXPORTS. SAVANNAH, April 13.—-For New York, ship Hartford—Bß 9 hales cotton. Bark Vernon -805 baleecotton. Schr G. J. Jones—-185 bales cotton, for Philad' Iphia, schr Edna C.—l 3 bales cotton. Schr Maria Theresa—2oo bales Cotton. CHARLESTON, April 14. —For Antwerp, ship Julia Howard--264 bales Up. codon. For New York, brig Machigoone —120 bales Up. cotton. Slipping Jiitelligeiue. SAVANNAH, April 14 —Arrived, ship Medora, Aines, Boston ; Br, bark Bona Dea, Graham, Liver fool; schr Cherokee, Smith, Matanzas; Br. bark Hockshire, Flood, Liverpool; schr Mary Louisa, Adams, Philadelphia ; stmr H. L. Cook, Shaw, Ati pisto. Cleared,ship Hartford, Sannerman, N.York; Hr. bark Nelson Village, Louden, New Brunswick ; bark Pentucket Taylor, Baltimore ; bark Vernon, Faye, N.York ; schr G. J. Jones, Look, N.York; "hr Maria, Theresa, Smalley, Philadelphia; schr LlnaU, Kelly, Philadelphia. CHARLESTON, April 16—Air lino ship H. Al len, McMunn, NYork; bark Hutna, Henry, NYrk; fp brig Cid, Villalonga, Havana; polacre Angelita, Munaa, Havana. Cleared, ship Julia Howard, Ihilkley, Antwerp; barque Harriet and Martha, Leslie, West Indies; brig Machigonne, Chamberlin, N York. AMERICAN ART UNION. IV The annual distribution of Prizes o be American Art Union of New York, will take place on the 20th December next. Each member '6ll be entitled to a large Engraving—the “ Merry ires of Windsor" after Leslie’s celebrated Paint "•B °l Anne Page, Slender and Shallow. Also, live "Miller Etigavmgs (by various distinguished Ame rican Artists) and the Bulletin, an Illustrated month !'joui'n,l of Art containing twenty-four pages. In •'Wition, a chance in the distribution of Paintings, “•titettes, Medals, Sculptures in Marble, Ac. Among the Paintings already purchased is “The 'twnof Arcadia,” by Cole. An early subscrip is desirable, both to the Institution and subscri **"• H. W. FARGO, "Pll-lin Honorary Secretary. I r Georgia Kail Road and Banking Avgusta, April 11, 1850.—Dividend ■■ I 11 —• ,e ®** a,,nuu l Dividend of Three Dollars '”*•'•11 P er is declared by this Company, “able on and after Monday, the 15th inst. »Pll-d4w2w J. w. WILDE, Cashier. '-Y Gentie, lnvn j n wttu t o f a neat, well-made 1 'I OF CLO THING, of good material and latest r l *'find them at the Store of J. M. NEWBY . -O-, under the United States Hotel. They can 1 tind at this establishment, a arge stock of fine ,rls , Draweis, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Suspenders, j‘ N ** k r , i0 *’ &C - &C - "I N . & Co , are now receiving their stock of 1 Clothing— lo make room tin which, they will *“ a what Woolen Goods they have on hand, at u,| l profits. Merchants and strangers visiting the do well tocall and hear their prices. •®-lAp22 •’ Mechanics' Bank, Avgusta, Ga., ' H “- 1. 1850. DIVIDEND No. 32.—A Semi ••®ual Dividend of TEN DOLLARS per share will "* Paid to the Siuckholderi. on demand. J?'' l2 M. HATCH, Cashier. * SUG A r ON CONSIGNMENT. 7(4 “Swift’s Steam Refined" SU- , GAR lor Mie. Apply to * pU M. P STOVALL. CITY COUNCIL OF AUGUSTA. STANDING COMMITTEES. Accounts.— Conley, chairman; Harper, Mahar rey, Foster. Streets and Drains. — Foster, chairman ; Harper Hatch, May. ’ Bridge— Harper, chairman; Rowland, Mahar rey. Slack. Pumpsand Wells.— May, chairman ; Robertson Nowland, Maharrey. ’ -Engines.—Rowland, chairman; Robertson Tutt Slack. ’ Hospital— Dearing, chairman; May, Hatch Foster. J ’ City Hall. Tutt, chairman; Conley. Dearintr Nowiand. ’ ’ 51 South Commons— Hatch, chairman; Dearin? Maharrey, Poster. 61 River Bank and Wharf. — Rowland, chairman • Dearing, Tutt, Slack. Jail.— Nowland, chairman; Tutt, Robertson, Con ley. ’ Market. Slack, chairman; Hatch, Robertson, May. 11 Health.— Dearing, chairman; Rowland, Tutt, Nowland Police. Maharrey, chairman; Foster, Harper, Nowland. Water Workst— Harper, chairman ; Rowland, Hatch, Nowland. Magazine.— Robertson, chairman; May, Tutt, Slack. Augusta Canal. — Conley, chairman ; Harper Hatch, Foster. Committee on the Hall and Walton Monument. Conley, chair,nan ; Harper, Maharrey, Foster. RECAPITULATION. Foster.—Streets and Drains, Hospital, Accounts, South Commons, Police, Augusta Canal. Nowland. — Jail, Pumps and Wells, City Hall, Health, Police, Water Works. Slack.- Market, Bridge, Engines, River Bank and Wharf, Magazine. Hatch.— South Commons, Streetsand Drains, Hos pital, Market, Water Works, Canal. Tutt.— City Hall, Engines, Rivor Bank and Wharf, Jail, Health, Magazine. Maharrey.— Police, Accounts, Bridge, Pumps and Wells, South Commons. Conley.— Accounts, City Hall, Jail, Canal. May.— Pumps and Wells, Streets and Drains, Hos pital, Market, Magazine. Rowland. — River Bank and Wharf, Bridge, En. gines, Health, Waterworks. Harper.— Bridge, Accounts, Streets and Drain®, Water Works, Canal, Police. Dearing.-- Health, Hospital, City Hall, South Commons, River Bank and Wharf. Robertson.— Magazine, Pumps and Wells, En gines, Jail, Market. BOARD OF HEALTH. The Mayor has also appointed the following citi zens from the different Wards, who, with the Health Committee, constitute the Board of Health for the ensuing year: Ward No. I.—Charles F. Jones, Charles B. Mar tin, Isaiah Purse. Ward No. 2.—Dr. Paul F. Eve, John J. Cohen, John H. Mann. Ward No. 3 —John Finn, John A, Barnes, Por ter Fleming. Ward No 4.— N. K. Butler, T. W. Freeman, Peter D. Boutet. L. L. ANTHONY, Clerk of Council. ap!6-tw6 PETER J. TOURNA DRE, SURVEYOR AND ENGINEER, HAS PFR)IAXENI'LY located in Augus- ta, and proposes to give instruction in the French Language and Mathematics. He can ex hibit the most satisfactory testimonials, and is per mitted to refer to Mr. Delaigle, Col. H. Cumming, and W. Ernenputsch. For furtherinformation, and terms, (which will be moderate) applj’ at the Eagle and Phoenix Hotel. ap!7 dim JUST Gold Band and White CHINA DINNER ) SERVICES, By E. MUSTIN & SON. ap!7 Ki jjJk, MX nx wa i'K/ PAIN KILLER, in bottles, at 50, 25 and 12J cents. Also, in boxes, for sale by the only Agent for this city. ap!7PHILIP A. MOISE, Druggist. Fine east india castor oil, without taste or smell, and particularly adapted for Infants. Just received and for sale by ap!7 PHILIP A. MOISE, Druggist. A CONSTANT SUP •^Bt*yjik -I PLY of China, Glass and Earthenware, kept by t_E, MUSTIN & SON. ap 17 ~ Georgia t Columbia county. THOMAS A. BENNING, of District No. 3, Tolls before me. a Justice of the Peace in and for said county, one GRAY MARE, about five feet high, marked with gear, supposed to be fifteen or sixteen years old ; appraised by James Luke and John Fos ter to Fifteen Dollars, this 6th day of April, 1850. RICHARD F. CHAPPELEAR, J. P. A true extract from the Estray Book, this 10th day of April, 1850. ap!7 David Hahriss, Clerk. CLOVE ANODYNE, Tooth-Ache Drops, Tooth-Ache Balls, Kreosote, Pain Killer, &c., &c., for sale by ap!7 PHILIP A. MOISE, Druggist. OLIVE OIL, a very superior article. Just received and for sale by upl7 PHILIP A. MOISE, Druggist. GEORGITsTATE LOTTERIES~ For the Benefit of the Augusta Independent Fire Company. D. PAINeITcOs MANAGERS. Drawn Numbers Extra Class by Grand Consolida ted 1 ottery, Class G, at Baltimore, 13 April 1850. 7 22 15 34 65 77 9 27 71 3 30 74 48 44 69 Also of Regular Class 74 in This City, 16 Ap.-il, 1850- 65 58 63 70 67 74 5 16 54 1 2 10 38 Extra Class, by Susquehannal7, st Baltimore, April 17, 1850. Salesclose WEDNESDAY, at 3P. M. 75 Numbers; 12 Drawn Ballots. MAGNIFICENT SCHEME. FIVK CAPITAL PRIZES OF 20,000 DOLLARS EACH. 5 Prizes of $3,000; sos $1,750; sos $1,332; 20 of $1,000; 20 of $ 00 ;20 of $400; 20 of S3OO ; 20 of $250 ; 100 of S2OO, &c., &c. Tickets 810 ; Shares in proportion. Regular Class 75 to be drawn inSavannah, April 19, 1850. Salesclose FRIDAY, 3 P.M. 71 Num bers, 13 Ballots. HANDSOME SCHEME. CAPITAL PRIZE 9,000 DOLLARS. $3,000; $2,000; $1,000; 8800; 3728; 10 of $250; 10of$ 50; 20 of $100; 20 of $80; 20 of S4O; &c., &c., Tickets $2,50 Shares in proportion. Extra Class by Grand Consolidated 14 at Baltimore. April 20, 1850. Salesclose SATURDAY, 3 P. M' SPLENDID SCHEME. 100 Prizes of 1,000 Dollars, capital PRIZE. 40.000 DOLLARS. $12,497; $6,000; $4,000; 100 prizes of $1,000; 100 of $500; &e. &c. Tickets only $lO, Shares in proportion. Apply in time, to A. LAFITTE, Ager.t, Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. Orders frcin the country respectfully solicited and promptly attended to. Tickets always on hand in large and small Lotteries. ap!7 CYPRESS SHINGLES. I WILL deliver Cypress SHINGLES, in the City of Augusta at Four Dollars per Thousand. apl6-2 JOHN PHINIZY. JUST RECEIVED, on Consignment, and for sale low, 25 bales assorted Y ARNS, from the Ogeechee Factory. ap!4 C. A. & M. H. WILLIAMS. JUST RECEIVED and lor sale- 50 hhds. low priced N. O. SUGARS; 40 “ N. O. Clarified Do.; 20 “ Porto Rico Do.; 100 bbls. N. Orleans WHISKEY; 50 “ Monongahela Do.; 30 casks Neal WINE; 100 hhds. West India MOLASSES; 50 bbls. N. O. Do.; •pU C. A. * M. H. WILLIAMS. telegraphic news. Transmitted for the Chronicle & Sentinel* New lork Market* New York, April 16, P. M.—Cotton— Market firmer; 1500 bales sold; Middling Orleans 12|c; Upland U|c. Flour firmer. Corn 57 a 59. Coffee firmer. Sales of 400 hhds. Orleans Sugar at 4| a s|c. Stocks steady. Sterling 9} per cent prem. News has been received from Venezuela stating that a resolution has passed the Legislature for the immediate release of General Paez. 1 he steamship Southerner has arrived. Charleston Market. Tuesday, April 16, P. M.— Cotton— 4oo bales •old to-day at from II to 12|c —prices full. A Widow worth having. —Mrs. Miranda Hines, who has been a subscriber for twenty years to the Greenfield (Mass.) Gazette, with out giving the Proprietor any trouble about pay, shows herself, in the following extract, a most notable Dairy Woman : I have five Cows, and have sold the past sea son, 1300 lbs. of butter, besides milk, cream and butter, for family use. Our family will average eight. I raised seven calves last spring ; some of them I got of my neighbors. I have fatted 768 lbs. of Pork, mostly on the sour milk. Now let us leave out one ofthe cows for family use and set the credit for the other four,—say 1300 divided by four makes 325 lbs. to each cow ; the butter sold, averaging 16£, makes $53 02 to each cow. The seven calves were worth S3O, say $25 to the four cows ; and five hun dred of the pork at $6, will be 30; and the $25 for the calves makes $55, divided by 4, leaves $13,75 to each cow ; this added to $53,- 61, will make $67,37 to each cow. My cows are about middling sized, and of the native breed. They huve a good pasture in summer, and good hay in winter, 1 some times give Old Brindle a few small apples and potatoes, parings, and the like, to make her hold her milk till some of the others come in. When I see anything in the butter line in your paper that beats the above, I will try again. Miranda Hines. Monroe, Feb. 18, 1850. Fanny Kemble on Horseback. — The correspon dent of a contemporary, writing from Boston, under date of February 21, says that Fanny Kemble at tracts a great deal of admiration by her horseman ship. .>he rides alone every day, between twelve and one o’clock, and generally has quite a tractable animal ; but a few days ago she came near finding her match. A new and fiery horse was brought her, and by the time she came down the hotel steps alone, the animal had become quite restive. She seized the reins to spring into the saddle, but it was no go —the horse sheered. The groom endeavored to as sist her. She waived him off, and again essayed to mount, but it was quite useless—the proud beast spurned a rider. The lady bit Iter lips and passed the bridle to the groom—“ Take him back to the stable and keep him saddled till I come —I will be there in ten minutes.” Saying this, she quickly re turned to her room, and in a few moments afterwards might be seen, whip in hand, and spurred like a belted knight, striding towards the establishment of Messrs Fuliain & Co. near at hand. Here she suc ceeded at length in mounting her Bucephalus, and when fairly seated, whipped him unsparingly. The enraged animal reared and plunged, but he could not dislodge or frighten his gallant rider. Two or three times he reared so high that the groom thought he would fall backwards; but finally he succumbed, and trotted quietly awaj’ with his burthen. iFTAKE NOTICE, .ffil ' rpilE FOLLOWING PREPARATIONS JL may be had, wholesale and retail, at Manufac turer’s prices, by calling at Wm. H. Tutt’s Whole sale and Retail Drug Store, 192, Broad-st., Augusta. Dr. Basting’s SYRUP of NAPTHA : Sands’ SARSAPARILLA ; Bristol’s Do.; Townsend’s Do.; Tarrant’s Ext. CUBEBS and COPAIVA ; Wistar’s BALSAM of WILD CHERRY ; McAlister’s OINTMENT; Brandreth’s PILLS; Tarrant’s SELTZER APERIENT; Perry’s Dead Shot VERMIFUGE,; Fahnestock’s Do.; fiowand’s TONIC MIXTURE! Tarrnt’s YEAST POWDERS; Henry’s MAGNESIA ; Rushton’s COD LIVER OIL; Ayer’s CHERRY PECTORAL. apl3-w&tw BOARDING. A FEW Young Men can tie accommodated with . BOARD, in a Private Family. Enquire at this office. mhß $lO REWARD. STOLEN from the Subscriber, on the Savan nah Road, on Sunday last, supposed by a ne gro, a small Silver WATCH, with Tortoise-shell back. The number 278, if recollected, and maker “ Chavlard. The above reward will be paid for its delivery at this office. Watchmakers and Jewel lers please stop it. mlis-wldtf J. T. WALSH. BACON! BACON!! BACON!!’ T Jk/k LBS. Prime City Cured M. Vr" "jv/vr Vr BACON, for sale in lots to suit purchaser!., on accommodating terms. Apply in the upper tenement of the Bridge Bank building to mh6-tf JOHN FOSTER. CORN IN THE EAR. 2 000 BUSHEILS CORN, in the ear, jVfVFVF for sale, which will be delivered in any part of the city, at 70 cents per bushel. Apply to mhl9-tf H.R. PHILPOT. J~ U DKIN’S OINTMENT, just received and for sale by apl3 PHILIP A. MOISE, Druggist. Cjl WAIM’S PANACEA, warranted genuine, just received and for sale by ap!3 PHILIP A. MOISE, Druggist. PURE COD LIVER OlL? expressed Ironi the fresh Livers, and not purified, from the brown or red Oil. For sale by jal6 D. B. PLUMB & CO. AUGUSTA MILLS FLOUR. IN BARRELS, ground from Genesec Seed Wheat. Also, 100 bushels Bran and Shorts,.for ale by ja!s GRENVILLE & BATTEY Received this day— -4 half pipes French BRANDY ; 1 cask Port WINE; 10 bbls. Monongahela WHISKEY ; 20 “ Mercer POTATOES. —IN STORE A general assortment of Family GROCERIES, which are offered at lowest cash prices. aplb A. SABAL, Agent. COTTON YARNS — Assorted Numbers, and for sale in lots to suit purchasers. 031 “HAND, WILLIAMS & CO. NEW NOVEL, NEW NOVEL. Ned Allen; or the Past Age; by David Hannay, Esq.—price 25 cents ; and Night and Morning, by Sir E. Bulwer Lytton, new edition—price 25 cents. Just leceived by ap!3 THOS. RICHARDS & SON. Job printing ®stablisipnent Railroad Bank Buildings, Broad-St. JOB P isl NTI N G OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, AND In the Best Style ofthe Art, PLAIN OR FANCY COLORS, EXECUTED AT THIS OFFICE—EMBRACING SUCH AS I Business Cards, Hand Bills, any size. Show Cards, large. Posters, “ “ Receipts, Warehouse, Show Bills, Railroad, Dray, &c. Books, Pamphlets, Bill Heads, B tanks of all kinds, Bank Checks, Notes of Hand, Bonds, Certificates, | Labels for Druggists, Ac*, <fcc., ifcc* Law BLANKsalways on hand, or executed toorder. JY' The Proprietors ot the Chronicle and Sbn tinel assure their friends and the public that their orders for any tning in the Job Printing line wil be executed in the best manner, and at as low rates s« at any other establishment. J. jn. JV E W B V » c 0., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN U.S.HOTEL. sOßijMjij tea mm j - #1 oRw 2 READY-MADE CLOTHING, TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS, UMBRELLAS, &C„ &C. UNDER THE UNITED STATES HOTEL, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. • 8 now r ®S eiv i n .e Ule largest and best selected STOCK of SPRING and SUM- V • MER CLO LHING ever offered in Augusta. Gentlemen can find at this Establishment any article necessary to complete a Wardrobe, of the very best materials, cut and finish. nme 1 ce * ve; j> 100 dozen SHIRTS, assorted. Also, GLOVES, COLLARS SUSPENDERS NECK riESj cfcc. ’ Strangers, as well as those who know where to go, will find it to their interest to call and examine our Stock. - _■ ■-v. —-T—w*- ----- - - - apl2 WM. O. PRICE & CO., CIVIC AND MILITARY TAILORS, AND ” EALERB ; Wf 1 HEADY-MADE CLOTHING; iSk IM lift hats, caps, umbrel- las * &c - &c - ® A COMPLETE OUT ■Bit'Wtiaf I f,tt,ng lifeWfH 3 wW Bl EST A B LISHMENT: BROAD-STREET, ’’’ Above the United States Hotel ' AUGUSTA, GA., S J? PPLIED with all the newest stylos of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESIiNGS, DRILLS, GASHMERETTS, &c., &c., to make to order. Also, READY-MADE CLOTHING of the latest and best Modern make, and every article of Dress and use for Gentlemen. ap!2 r BUIE fIKSPEKEAN HAKP...A collec- JL tion of Psalm and Hymn Tunes, Odes and An - thems, and Sunday School, Infant, Revival, Temper ance, Patriotic and Moral Pieces, containing also, Scotch, German, Irish and other fine Compositions, much New Music never before published, and an Exposition of the Principles of Music and of Musical Composition, by Wm. Houser, M. D. To be had, wholesale and retail, sls per dcz., or $1.50 a single copy, of the Agents. GEO, A. OATES & CO., Broad-street, between the United Slates and Globe Hotels. aplO BOOKS,-- Annals of the Queens of Spain, by Anita George; Hobart’s Analysis of Bishop Butler’s Analogy of Religion, with notes; Also, Crawford’s Questions for Examination, re vised and adapted to the use of Schools, by Charles E. West, principal of Rutger’s Institute: Also, a fresh supply of the Works of Edgar A. Poe; People I have met, by N. P. Willis; Buist on the Culture of the Rose; The American Flower Garden Tiirectory ; Moore’s Power of the Soul over the Body ; Chamber’s Information for the People; Brande’s Encyclop®dia; Georgia Scenes; Encyclop»dia Americana; Macauley’s England; and Lives of the Queens of England, by Agnes Strick land. Just received by ap!2THOS. RICHARDS & SON. MOLASSES. --100 hogsheads just received in fine order, for sale. mh!s BAKER, WILCOX & CO. (5 UNNY BAGGING 7--50 bales GING, a heavy article, just received and for sale by ap4 JEFFERS, COTHRAN & GO. SUPERIOR “TEETH BIIUSIIES--A large lot of English Teeth Brushes, just received byjalO D. B, PLUMB & CO. TEXAS REPORTS, by James Webb and Thos. H. Duval, vol. ], received by mb22 THOS. RICHARDS & SON. IJSACTORY YARNS. — A large supply of as sorted numbers, constantly on hand and for sale low, by BAKER, WILCOX & CO. OSNABURGS. — A supply ofOsnaburgs of the High Shoal Manufacture, constantly on hand and for sale low by ja24 WILCOX & CO. BACON, BACON.- -10,000 lbs. prime Ten nessee BACON, for sale by mhß HAND & FLEMING. SOAP.--10U boxes Colgate and Bell’s SOAP, for sale low by 024 BAKER, WILCOX & CO. LIME, LIME. --Fresh Northern LIME, just received and for sale by mliß HAND & FLEMING. ULK 5ALT. 7710,000 bushels LiverpooTsah in bulk. For sale by nl HAND, WILLIAMS & GO. Ip LOUR, FLOUR. --Received this day afresh I supply of Cunningham’s extra super Family j Plour, in bagsand barrels. mhs A. SABAL, Agent, i MANAGERS - OFFICE. OREENE AND PULASKI MONUMENT LOTTERIES. | Managed. Drawn, and Prizes paid by the well [ known and responsible Jinn of MAURY & CO- Class 26, to be drawn at Savannah, April 16, 1850 I Sales close TUESDAY, at 4P. M. 75 Numbers; 15 Drawn Ballots. SPLENDID SCHEME. CAPITAL PRIZE 25,000 DOLLARS. $5,000; $3,000; $1,900; 5 Prizes of SI,OOO ; sos 8600, &c., &c. Tickets 85; Halves $2.50; Quarters 31.25. THE LITTLE FAVOKITE. Class 27, to be drawn at Augusta, April 17, 1850 Sales close WEDNESDAY at 3 P. M. CAPITAL PRIZB 4,000 DOLLARS. SI.600; SI.OOO ; 6-197; S priz-s of 6250, &e., &e. Tickets $1; Halves 50 cents. Risk on a Pack age of 25 Quarters $3.75. Extra Class 31, by South Carolina 16, April 18, 1850. Sales close THURSDAY, at 3 P. M. 78 Num bers; 14 Drawn Ballots. BEAUTIFUL SCHEME. CAPITAL PRIZE 20.000 DOLLARS. 86.000; 84.000; 82,468; 10 prizes of 31,000, &c. &c. Tickets 35 ; Halves $2.50; Quarters 81.25 JOHN A. MILLEN, Opposite the Masonic Hall. Orders from the city or country, strictly con fide nt i al, and promptly attended to. HAMS. — A fewiPackages of tine Bacon MA;ii3, tor sale low. '- BAKER, WILCOX & CO. ICTORIA POWDER, a new article for [ improving the complexion. Price 10 cents a j box. For sale by apl6 PHILIP A. MOISE Druggist. LA BAM A AND TENNESSEE MON EY Wanted apply to, apl2 JEFFERS, COTHRAN A CO. j Public Sales. BY W. E. JACKSON & CO. WILD BE SOLD, on the first Tuesday in May next, at the lower Market House, four VACANT LOTS, situate next above the residence of Isaac S. Tuttle, Esq , each having a front of forty-one feet running half through the square; two of them on Walker, and two (in the rear) on Wat kins street. Terms, approved Notes, bearing in terest from date, payable the Ist of January next; apl7 DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.— WiII be sold at the Residence of the late Amory Sibley, of Richmond county, on Wednesday, 29th May, all the Household and Kitchen Furniture, and some other Perishable Property. JOSL\H SIBLEY, ? , a P I2-wtd GEO. A. SIMMONS, $ Adm rs - ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE.— On Tues day, the 23d of April next, in the Law Range, over the Post Office, at 11 o’clock, A. M., will be sold, the following property, to-wit: The Law and Miscellaneous Library of James T. Gray, deceased. Also. 1 lot of South Carolina Law Blanks; 1 Case for Blanks; 1 Book Case; 1 large Secretary; 1 Dressing Table; 2 Tables; 1 Bed-stead; 1 Wash stand ; 7 Chairs; 1 portable Writing Desk; 1 Screw Press ; 1 Cavalry Sword ; 1 case of Pistols ; and sundry small articles. Terms Cash. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. WM. A. WALTON, Adm’r., March 13, 1850. With tlie Will annexed. VALUABLE PRIVATE RESIDENCE FOR SALE: NOTICE. --Will be sold, on the first Tuesday in May next, at the Market House in the City of Augusta, the House and Lot formerly occupied by the subscriber, situated on the south sideof Broad-st , running back to Ellis-st., bounded on the west by Judge Kent, and east by Mrs. Crump. The House is in good repair, having all necessary out-buildings, > such as kitchen with dining room attached, bake oven, servant’s rooms, smoke-bouse, dairy, stable, carriage, fodder, corn and cow houses. Also, a fine, large, dry cellar, and wash house ; a first rate hy drant of pure water in the yard. This property is such as is not often offered in market, for sale, being in as good a neighborhood, and healthy and pleasant location as any in the city. It can be bought at pri vate sale any time previous to the day of sale, by applying to the subscriber. H. B. FRAZER. apl6-tMy7 ROCKAWAY FOR SALE. TiSriLL BE SOLD, a bargain, ipon early ap v V plication, a second hand ROCKAWAY, man ufactured in this city, expressly to order. It is of the best material and workmanship; and for dura bility may be relied on. It can be used either with one or two horses. Inquire at Simpson’s Stables. fe2l-tf SPORTS OF THE PIT? & MAIN OF COCKS will be fought at the , -AL La Fayette Race Track, commencing on Wed ! nesday, May 22d, between Gloverand Hughes, for j 81000 aside, and SIOO on each fight, each party to j »how 21 Cocks. mh27-wtd GODBY’S LADY’S BOOK J APRIL has been received; subscribers , JT will please call fortheir copies at ap!2 GEO. A. OATES & GO’S., Broad-st. J UST RECEIVE!) and for sale, by JEF< FERS COTHRAN & CO., 15 tierces Fresh I RICE, a prime article. apll FRESH SUPPLIES. FLOWER AND GARDEN SEED. 4 N ADDITIONAL assortment of GARDEN AL SEED, among which are several new varie ties. Also, FLOWER SEED, Pinks, Mignonette. Ac., (Vc. For sale at the Seed Store of a P IO-2iuWM. HAINES. HAVANA TOBACCO SEED. JUST RECEIVED, per steamer Isabel, from Havana, a fresh supply of TOBACCO SEED Also, in Store 10 ; 000 Pounds of Hand Tabacco, for putting up woollens. For sale at the Tobacco Ware- mb3l GUSTAVUS VOLGER. SERVANTS WANTED. TO HIRE or purchase, a first rate washer and ironer. Also, a half-grown girl to assist in nursing children One that can sew would be pre ferred, Enquire at this office. ap3-tf FINE SUGAR AND COFFEE. •} CL HHDS. prime New Orleans SUGAR ; 60 bags superior Rio COFFEE. Just re ceived on consignment and for sale low by JEFFERS, COTHRAN & CO., mh2< Office ou Mclntosh street. TO DENTISTS. --A large at.d well selected stock of Dental Files, direct from the manufac tory of Stubbs. just received. Stockton Teeth al ways on band by D. B. PLUMB A CO. CIRCASSIAN SOAP, for beautifying the Complexion. For sale by ap!3 PHILIP A. MOISE, Druggist. NEW ORLEANS WHISKEY.— 2OObar rels of prime New Orleans WHISKEY, just received on consignment, and for sale low by ap4 JtFFERS, COTHRAN A CO. FOR SALE. A YOUNG HORSE 5 years old, /J large and broke to Harness, suitable for Plantation use. Also, a two Horse Wagon, new, with Harness Will be sold low, by J. MEIGS ap7-6 GOOD SADDLE AND HARNESS HORSE for sale. Apply at this office. WtD RICH DRESS GOODS. For Ladies' Spring and Summer Wear SNOWDEN & SHEAR T> ESPECTFULLY inform their friends in the city and country, that they have now received their full Spring and Summer Supplies, embracing a very large and splendid assortment of Ladies’ DRESS GOODS, Among which are— Bailies’ rich white and black Lace MANTILLAS, of the ntest Paris styles, Ladies’ 8-4 black Lace SHA i,s, o. splendid styles and patterns, J Ladies’ white dotted Swiss Muslin MANTILLAS end Napoleon Lace GAPES, ofthe latest styles Real Valenciennes Lace COLLARS and CUFFS and Ladies’ rich Neck and Bonnet RIBBONS ’ Rich FOULARD, and small checked Ladies’ Sum mer SILKS, of superior styles, Extra rich black figured SILKS and plain black BAREGES, F White dotted Swiss MUSLINS, of beautiful styles for Ladies’ Dresses, Rich French printed JACONETS, and Embroi dered Swiss MU’uINS, White Embroiderer JACONETS, a new article for Ladies’ Dreeses, French Linen CAMBRICS, and plain Swiss MUS- LINS, at very iow prices, Thread Lace EDGINGS and INSERTINGS, and Swiss and Jaconet EDGINGS and INSERT- Ladies’ fancy Silk and Lisle Thread GLOVES, of beautiful styles, Plain pink, blue, green and buff colored BAREGES, for Ladies’ Dresses, Fancy colored POPLINS (warranted silk and linen) for Ladies’ Dresses, Plain buff, blue and pink CHAMBREYS, of supe rior quality, Fancy GINGHAMS, and rich London PRINTS, of the latest styles, Ladies’ carved Shell and Buffalo COMBS, of the latest patterns, With a large supply of STAPLE ARTICLES for Family and Plantation use, and all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. The public are respectful ly invited to call and examine the assortment. apl2 dtw&w LACE CAPES, &C. JUST RECEIVED ! RICH Black and White Lace Capes; Black and White Lace Mantillas ; Needle-worked Rosette Collars and Chemizetts; Jaconett and Swiss Edging and Inserting; Black and Colored Lace Trimmings for dresses ; Silk Buttons ; Thread and Lisle Edgings, and a great variety of other goods, for sale by ’ ap7d&w2w WM. H. CRANE, First Dry Goods Store below U. S. Hotel. FINE GOODS’ 1 flfl PIECES colored Silks; 20 do. Extra Fine Black Canton Crape; 100 do. Pon iard Silks, Bareges and Tissues; Crape Shawls, from 85 to SIOO ; 500 pieces Fancy Embroidered Muslins, at 25 cts. per yard; French Embroidered Collars, Cuffs, Capes, &c.; Mourning do. do.; Linen Cam- . x-s brie Hdkfs from 6 cts. to $5. Just received at ap7 GRAY BROTHERS, 290 Broad st, READ AND CALL. THE SUBSCRIBER being anxious to close out his Stock of DRY GOODS will offer great inducements to those wish to purchase, as th?y are to be sold without regard to cost. A. O. PARMELEE, a p9 Metcalf’s Range. FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS, SUITABLE FOR SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR, in great variety of styles, patterns and prices. Just received-by fe27J. P. SETZE. REMOVAL. WILLIAM H. CRANE has removed to the opposite side of Broad Street, the first Dry Goods Store below the United Sta'tes Hotel, where he is now opening a large assortment of new SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, of the latest style and fashion, together with a large supply of Domestic Goods, which he will sell as low as any other house in the City. He would respect fully invite his old customers and all those who wish to purchase Goods low, to give him a call. OfN. B. Remember the FIRST DRY GOODS STORE below the United States Hotel, No. 242. Augusta, March 31, 1850. d&w 1m ’ RICH FRENCH GOODS. ADDITIONAL SUPPLIES SNOWDEN & SHEAR WILL OPEN, this day, additional supplies, from New York, of Ladies’ Rich French DRESS GOODS, among which are— Paris Printed Embroidered Bengalis ORGANDIES, a new and splendid article for Ladies’ Dresses; Rich Satin-striped French Printed MUSLINS’ of the latest and most beautiful styles; French Printed BRILLIANTES, of chaste and ele gant styles; Rich Paris MANTELETTS, of entirely new sty Mb, mdof the latest patterns; Ladies’ Rich Embroidered French Lawn HAND KERCHIEFS; Paris Trimmed Valencienes Lace COLLARS; VV ith a variety of other articles, suitable for the pre sent season, and which, with their previous large re ceipts, places them in the possession of one of the largest and most splendid assortments of Spring Goods, which they have ever offered to the Public, and which has been carefully selected from the most recent importations. The public arc respectfully in vited to call and examine the assortment. ap9-dtw&w ‘ MEXICAN BURR OH PANAMA COTTON SEED.” THOSE who desire these superior Cotton SEED may obtain them of Messrs Dawson &, Crock er, Doughty & Beall, and Dye, Heard & Co., of Au gusta, at a reduced price—in sacks of 3 bushels each, at the rate of Two Dollars per bushel. WM. P. BEASLEY. Troup co., Ga., March 3G, 1850. tw&w2w DISSOLUTION. THE FIRM heretofore existing in this City, under the style of Owen* & Robinson, was dissolved, by mutual consent, on the Ist inst., by the sale of the Steck, <!kc., to W. J. Owens, by whom the business will be continued, and all the transac tions of the Partnership settled. W. J. OWEN, PHILIP ROBINSON. HAVING purchased the interest of P. Robin son, in the late firm of Owens & Robinson, I beg leave to inform the customers cf the firm, and the public that I shall continue the Grocery business at the same place. WILLIAM J. OWENS. ap9-d3&w2 BOOKS. --Just received, at Geo. A. TV Oates & Co.’s Piano, Book and Music Depot, the following NEW BOOKS, viz : Ned Allen, or the Past Age, by David Hannay— -25 cents. Eva St. Clair, and other collected Tales, by G. P. R. James, author of Richelieu, tee.—2s cents. The Lady of the Bed Chamber, a Novel, by Mrs, A. Crawford. Trial of Prof. John W. Webster. Also, a supply of Woman’s Friendship, by Grace Aguilar, author of Home Influence ; besides a large number of similar Works. apl3 —— ——NOTICE. ———— THE COPARTNERSHIP of WYMAN & DERBY, Merchant Tailors, having been dis solved by mutual consent, the business of the late firm will be liquidated by JOHN G. WYMAN, who . will continue the business at the old stand, No. 235 Broadway, New York. J. G. WY MAN having purchased the interest of Lyman Derby, and having the measures and patterns of all the former customers, will continue the busi ness as heretofore. He would inform gentlemen of the South, that he pays particular attention to orders from abroad ; always having on hand the largest assortment of fine goods in the United States. Geatlemen visiting the city are invited to visit his »’ v es ahlisbme t; or he will execute any order eent to him with despatch and satisfaction. fe26tvnJel