Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, March 06, 1852, Image 3

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: - n*ebe'* Spring Styl*? Hot., for IM2. J tt3t re cr:uJ, per «prcge,by t J TAYLOR, .In., i CO. ; r llate.—The newest «tyie of HA re, received by wm. o. price & co: r Ilnu ”'® , * rln « Style, 18®2.—BEEBE & CO.’S HATS—Spring style for !So2,just received per last Steam t,. Also, afresh supply of Kossuth ami Magyar HATS kI PLUMBS. O. W. FERRY A CO., Hatters, Masonic Hall Buildings. Chase Ac Marker, Dentists, Augusta, Geo.— < ! over the office of the Chronicle A Sentinel. /.*./.rewees—Augusta—Dr. Wm. S. Junes, Dr. Jas. D. *t fkic, Wm. A. Ramsay, Esq. Sparta—Ret. Win. S. : ' l ‘ kes, Dr. Win. Terrell, Hon. N. C. Sayre. Oxford— Kev - Geo. T. Pierce, D. D. Milledgeviße—Dr. T. Fort, Ifcin. 11. V . Johnson. j a o9 D. S. Ciiasr, M. I). | E. W. Marker, M. D. 22f?“ Ready-Made Uluttiing, at Reduced Prices.— < LA A TON A 1*1(1 NON' are now disposing of their Winter block of Ready-Made CLOTHING, at very reduced prices They have a very good assortment on hand. Persons in v. ant of any article . in their line, will do well to call and examine their Stock, at 107, Broad-street, Metcalf’s Range. ja27-lm Portraits—Charles Bkriff, Artist from the A c.'ulemy of Munich, Bavaria —grateful for the encourage incut given him the part season, informs the Ladies and Gentlemen of Augusta and vicinity, that he lias taken Booms ovor Me -■ Catonnet’s School (two doom above Clark, Rack ed A Go’s.) and is prepared to fhrnish Portraits of the best x edition at short notice. The public are respectfully invi to give him a call. A few more Pupils in Drawing can be accommodated. Ui.KHKK;,c»a.—Messrs. T. Clanton, Thos. Richards, J. Gard jr. sl4 "“Lolgli, Tucker die Perkins’lmproved sky light rum ;:j:kax Oau.kuy.—The Pictures now being taken at this e. taliij nineut, hy the aid of an entirely new Apparatus and Sty Light, arranged expressly for the purpose, are -pronoun - c -d by all, superior to any that have ever before boeu offered in this city. We ha re lately received a new stock, consisting of every variety of plain and fancy Cares,lnto which pictures will be inserted in the neatest and most careful manner. Particular caro will be bestowed on the arrangement of family groups, and to the attitudes of single pictures. A general assortment of Plates, Cases, Polishing Materials Ac., con. .antly on hand for sale. oil » Doguerrcan <4aHcry,now open. E. S. D u>gk l»as tlic pleasure to announce that his rooms are now open f>r the reception of visitors, and that he is fully prepar ed to execute the host Pictures taken in the South. His sky and side light enable him to produce pictures of the richest lone, and the most agreeable light and shade, together with a natural expression, easy and gracefubnttitude. rime required for sitiiug reduced by his improved process to from 8 to Ift seconds. Always on hand, a complete assortment of all the new and beautiful styles of Casts. B. "n s -et in Cases, Medallion, Finger Rings, Ac. Stock an-': materials of all lauds on hand and for sale. Thorough iusn actions given in Daguerrcotyping. G v nv\t door to the Po -t Office, and over Ciark, Rack et! tc Go’s. Jewelry store. o7 Cm ■■ .**■■Joseph Haneroft, Stock ani> Exchange Bkokkr N:• ry Pul l.c, and Adjuster of Marine Averages. Also, t". S. i ;. ■. sioncr for the Districts of Georgia, and Commissi* *ftj r. r tin' State of Louisiana. Office No. 117 Ray street, Sa vannah, Georgia. 021 £ Or. Wm. :■*. Juura tenders bis ProfessionalSer vic !.. dn- citizens of Augusta and vicinity, lie maybe (.-■•’id.when not professionally engaged, as the Office of the Cuia-srut.K & ' • n v, ;T., or his residence on Green Street, known as the Peck House. ' • il»*. W. VS . sJr.m Hiiirwl respect fully tendershis Pro h -i >i .1 Servicer to llu' citizens of Align: la. Ills office is I : I ' u! K. Eve’s house, when* he may ba found d«v or ni at. ol »i!y. ""Rr. Ik .liter V!»»ril:i ...T-ts his IVofes ional- ser e t. citl« •io' ot ft-ap.tda and Hamburg. Office mi W:i« iiAiii Ir , one d.na ■ iof Broad. 018 v ilralliml fire Insurance <'oinpr.iiv, ilartfor ( ni. This old and u known Institution, having done ■ i r, e .uni pro.-pen.us busiiii js for -hi years, and Imvingh a ;ei Agency in Augusta ‘AS years, still Continues to Insure :;uih , Mer-handi/.e, Mills, Machinery, Cotton, Il.ai.se 1 ’ !■' ni! lire, Ac., against the hazard of Fire, on the inos torn - com i-tent with security. And CIIAKUa ( TUN, s'. having resigned the Agency, they have ap i JOHN G. CARMICHAEL, Esq., their Agent for An w : .h full p eve os to issue Policies on approved rls ,r , ay, and ais > to renew Insurances now exist! a- hey may, from tone to time, expire. 11i ai I u vpv INGT(.<N* Prcsident. Gii vi.i.; s " aylor, Fc. jaift-Om \ most vßfnabic Family Meilirinr. —Dr. C. •••>■' Palm ::•< Balsam of Wild Chevy and Worn! Xaje I j ;i.it .n:!y the / rs{ Coligli Remedy, but it also has a ,■ . ~i i. . itipi .*•'*. ct iu disiics . f the t V/n//.-, i ’ ■ t i 7;.- 4 ’rawy*, »fv., ii- i; in i . ait'.- Fanuly nv dicioe, u<ul is peculiarly ■lo -.inamer i gnp'.iints in children. In diseases of i l.'in-oi, nothing can equal iis eilicacy. Fee adrertis* - 1... .i ii ;.i. .tin ;• i• .l .mll. felk-tilin into. - •hoinc Moenliidi on the 14l»i of January, very »a - ~ ~ •••,_}. !k\ri. A.'ll A RAISON, aged f.B years. : 1 i . ~ t!i.- r>.a •o. . ween Walker’/ Ri i igr and Wayi.cs- J j i nil ■ M ■ o February, IK.V2, a Sine Mlk !’( K.- i . mail ahoai fo.vtr Do tars, n hills of various Ranks of ft .ids • . s A!mi, ttsn Not •<, c.reti hr Henry Amngt.n, of a. i, i; county, payable t line subscriber for Thirty Do!- 1. , as a, xud one Note for Ten Dolla s, given by James ii i<; Ut - uito, 1-rnl Dec.. ISM, on demand. The Cost x a'.o ■ n tii:* ! dated tilt Kef*., 18A - i, and <I;;c 1-t Jan., lAny ■ a.,: iin iing the /nine, am! leaving them at the S - ' silks a; Waynesboro’, (is., or to we near Way Hea rt , will b liberally rev-aided. The makers of said ' a: In c 1., forewarned from paving them to any one I , lb,- i -riloT. HLML’ND RiIVNFY. ;• e uiity, . larch 4, lS r >‘2, mLC-wl* nt:W goods till' KECKIVivIJ, a select assortment of CLOTHS, - \ u Fancy Dte* QOOI ... S ii.g •••»-, which are ail of the late-t importations, i , i 'll i»c iniidu to order in the latest style of fashion. :n..li J. A. VAN INKLE. F. tk HAUHLR, - ■'XG-H IIROKER, k.a-Lington Street, one I j >c N’.-rtb East of Bn ad Street, J A CacurtTiit MONEY bought. mhfi > ) -’i d| idiS. —obis, tine Veilow Planting POTA s i R', i:uo.'log THIS DAY, and for sale by S. (’. <iRKN\I LIE ft GO. r |'*' il\ bit i.VA'K.—The subscriber respectfully i«- I vd -. ■ attention of Phy.-viuns to the externive y. • • nt ' INS’I'R{'MENTS and CHEMICALS, just re •iv id;, him. they me from tlic fti>t Ileuses in England ; i Kip, ce, an ; are warranted of the best quality. Wyf. H. Tl TDruggist. 'LI .I’lf ATE X i ■ | utle low by 0 inhd WM. 1!. Tl IT. Diner ■. { J A mtIORATE OF I'OTAtSI I.—English, - Dry and 1 i hands; ms, for sale by v. V'. 1 1 TUTT, : •! (v i lIATOH’ri KALE, i" *- ; - A *h of tin.- Honorable Court of Ord.na.-v of C0in...1d,. onutj, .-.:d a! Maivli Term, will be sell, before G in Ho::-, ii or in s.-.id county, mi the lii-.t Tuesday ;n 'i. ; ’ next, within the usual hours of sale, One Hundred ai ’ f ■(■>•• v 1 V)> Acr.“< of L A ND, raore or !••>*/. These is from I- rty fifty acres forest, adjoining hinds of Thomas Hardin a. iN d‘U‘i ; »unn,. On tlie p~ciiiiscs is a comfortshle Dwel ling Ho':..c, The rJ. ve -aid Land will lie sol®' rs the re i;: li'iii: : t r i; aof thelVid K/tiiteof WilHukU lintchir.g . dt—■■used, kite of said county, lor the benefit of his heirs. Ten a-- a credit until the lush day of November next; rum! notes with approved security. If not punctually paid, interest from date, L. P. W. U. nUTCHINGSON, Adm’r. March €, INT 3. j* E VGO-LN ( Ol .M V, —Whereas, Hiram Mon i 4 cru-f. Administrator on the estate of Austin Moucrief, a- .j applies to me for Letters of Dismission from said estate — Tii ■ ace therefore to cite and admonish, all and singu bo-, ti;. k’m.lrvd and c-.—iUtoi’s cf raid deceased, to he and ; M a** at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to ■•b ev..re, if any they have, why said letters should not > • granted. G'vcn uu: t my hand at office in Lincoln ton. '■'- .ch 6,1552. n. F. TATOM, Ordinary. \ *D :< k.—.Ml |versons having claims against the late , A *ir. A. Lalitte, n,re requested to present theai, p;o --i atm-Hd ; and those indebted will make immediate paym.it hi if. C, GRENVILLE, Adm’r. Mareii d, !>->2. , GL.H i (12 I «>.\ \S VNTKi). -VYutp.-q p-.iton t.» 0 pounds of Feed COTTON, for which a liberal price will be paid. Apply to J. I<S.NFORTH. 1 U its. —-So.hftO ills, country cured BACON, foTnde )7v .1 inhH-; l id.l MOI it. V ,-J.KV k co. * Ml>. \ GIF.—I s’.V) kegs a-sorted sizes, f.r sale at it ALinulacrurera prices by GE( 1. W. LEM is. ! blbA lib. 50 i."". Stuart’s GriGhe I V Ft GAIL 2 ti 1 ibis. Stuart’s Crushed FGGAR. For ra!.' by H AND, WILUAMS ft GO. S ; idi. —id tierces fresh RICE, just received by Ik mhß _ H A Ni>, WILLIAMS ft GO. r | EG A h S .IITH i'LOl It, for sale by • £ HAND, AVTLLIAMS k CO, / GTIA liOIAFSiiS. —100 hhds. Cuba MOLASSES V for -ai" from ihe wharf by ,„h:i 11A ND.AniXIA MS i CO. ( > lO < OFI'T-iK.- -1(H) back Rio COFFEE, for sale by i t iniUt HAND, GILLIAMS A GO. s • \ (OXFILAAIEAT —25 hales-YARN ami OSNA f i: I Hi iF, for ale low mho HAND, WILLIAMS A CO. I >GT VJ'OI-,* ! I*o i' V TGiiS : :- H»U I>Wb. Rest Plant iiig Potaioee. binding this <la.v and for sale by mb ; HAND ft FLEMING. I ilAvnv; PO'i'ATOfvH. 76 bbia Planting I’D J ’I'AToEF, now huding and lor sale by inhß HAM) ft FLL-MING. S \rn T M«v Oth ciT, 1 ' and kißwmt of thu IrtaHßinifrohtjF “fhc -Bfnd Boy” '/.it d*** Ppjntlar fcvnjrtr nag ibe heOor (o-annjt>um> (oHv ihlit het Will rive he LYRICAL Eh* TuljIAtNMINT i dculaj Erenlugs. March Sth and shh, when he will sing choice and varied selection* of lii.- most j/ipular compost , tioift, interspersed with the Songs of Burns. Also his celc hfayol cantata The May-Queen, in three parts, I’fckets 50 cent? ; Books 12,% cents, T< > commence at S 3 . - t _ mh« CONCERT HALL. ■ t fT i ; , _J LASI’ WEEK—ADMITTANCE REDUCED TO 26 CENTS ! I*l BLIC is respectfully infomietl that BAYNE’S 1 {celebrated serii-a, vIIGANTIC PANORAMAS, en fitlefl, A A’OYAGE TO. EUROPE! will positiVEkiy close on SA’iT'RDAY, the 6th of March. Admittance 25 cents; Children 15 cents. {.-f’T' An Exhibition on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY , AK IT:RNOON, at 3 o’clock. Tickets to he had as GEORGE A. OATES & CO.’S Music Storf. J. A. CARRIE k CO.’S Book Store, and at the Hull. mh. (J dlery fir cohired person?, 25 cents. Doors open at ; Panorama to cftnm.ence moving at 7To ’clock. * fe2& r LOTTERIES. MAXAiiKRS' oi i kA^—-(auii;\i: axd pi;. LASKI MONT MENT LOTTERIES. Managed, Drawn 1 and prises paid by the well known and responsible linn of GREGORY ft MAURY. Safci in each Lottery close at S o’clbck, P. M., on the day of drawing. . EXTRA CLASS 27—to be drawn SATURDAY, March 6. FPtranio Sc'Hkmk, 13 drawn numbers from Is. 1 35,000 DOLLARS. 1 2 Prfecs of *ls,ftoft ;2 of 7,5bd ;SO of if 1,500 ;50 of SSOO, std, &c. Tickets $10; Shares ip proportion. CLAPS 29—to he drawn at Savannah, MONDAY, March 5. Scheme. 10 dpiwn numbers from (50. 6,000 DOLLARS. $1,5f(0; $1,000; $500; Ac., &c. Tickets $1.50; Shares in proportion. CLASS B —to he drawn TUESDAY, March 9. Sciikmk—l3 driwn numlierß out of 78. $12,(100; sll,ftoO, and $lO,- ■ 00ft, Ure 33.000 DOLLARS. s6.ft<)o; f2,TW>; id of sl,<MMk, Ac., ftc. Tickets Shares in hroportion. Tickets fOf sale iftid j* rizes'cashed on' Hcmarid by E. O. WITHINGTON, Successor to John A. Milieu, No. 205 Broad* street, one door above Metcalf’s lu.ugG,* Augusta, Ga. tW* Orders from fhe’city or country, strictly confiden tial isnd promptly attended to. inlid GEORGIA IST ATE LOITER Y, F . C .BAR BE R &. CO ~ Managers. • r IMIF undersigned, Managers and Proprietors of the 1 GEORGIA STATE LOTTERY, ap.thorized by the Le gisla tare for thebeneiitof the hulepetldent'Fir* Onnpjni/ of AuquhUi, have established tlieir head quarters in this I city, i.nd have npened an oilice, in Washinglon-strect, ope 1 door (from the corner of Broad-street, and in tlic rear of j Messrs. S. C. Grenville ft Co.’s Auction Store, where they are jifepared to dispense the favors of Fortune to those who I may choose to adventure.. Ample security lias been given for the prompt payment of till Prizes. State Stock- and other securities have been deposited in -the Bank-of Savan nah and this city, more tlian sufficient to pay any Capital auvettised by them. DIiAWN NUMBERS of Georgia State Ln( terv, Class 14. 73 05 22 8 44 fiO To 45 (51 1 2(5 U s<> 4'J CL Ais 15—To be drawn in Savannah, SATURDAY, March 6 —12 drawn numbers from 75. 4,000 DOLLARS. ITriac-of $L00(>; lof t'AiO, ftc., ftc. Tickets —Shares in propori’on. Ili-k on a Pack.rgcof M hol.-s, $14.30 “ 0 T ‘ liaives,. 7.40 \ “ “ Quarters 8.70 iWsale by F. G. BAIH’.EH ft CO., mh|> Managers’ Office, Washington-?treet. H AKPFKk’ IIAGAZIM: FOR MARCH, for pal bj xi*ho THOF. RU iiA RI >F ft SON. ! I I‘ivTOER.—2,(W« lbs. SOLE LEATUKK,foi -l. 'v j 1 J ,h 5 HAND, 1\ ILL! ft MS ft ■ (>. | ftft ft <’OFn-;ii-4<M. a .-.-.i W \ COFFEE,f male by ; fl tilis - HAND, WILLLUfS ft CO. I / (iliiAP l.lft rtSO —MEAL ftc.—Ju.-t rc eivc i, V ;a fresh sup;*!y "f fin ■, Mf'A L, at>7 h. cents per bushel. GRfST, a line article, ar $1.26 p* >• bushel. R!(*K FLOUR, in bags, 15 Jbs. f.r.V) ccuts. ftlsi. h variety of articles for FainUi* s cquadv low. JOHN .L BI RD, 5 J iltl’LliS' M \L \/,I.\E FOII >1 VKFIJ, Im i I siren rtsieive.l at GEO. A. OATKS ft GO’S Piano, Li.* ktuii* Music Dejad, Br"Hdi;ti''*<-l,lielftveeii I'uiieJ Stab-s and (i|*iht I i**(f Is, w !.c e can always be found a good as -urlict-ni -if Feb « ij.iiHi Mis. cilnocuus Li.oks, aiul Mu-ie fi r ;iJ Indtl unK-nts. I 111 1.5 v* KM HOOKS. Clov monk, o.r l.'ee.illectioas of our . , 4, igW.nrl.iKdl intlve West, by Alice Carey. Thc FiioW luiagt-, and other Tw ite ToM Tab's, by Haw thorn.; A Faggot of French Slicks, by Sir Francis Ili ad, author *.f Bubbles from tin lirqmnier .*f Nassau, ft*-. Re ilie Du Pont, or Tre=on in Caflip ; a story of the Kc j rolulivjn. b.v Emerson Bt liuffir. N< . 4'>7 of IkUeß’- Living Vge. W; fii-c recelv Cdfiud for sale at ■ GEO. A. OATES ft CO.’S Piano, Cock and Md-.io Store. Broad si feet, I’. F* AF i, receive ! , su-iplv t.f DVciun Life, Wi.lc Wide Worldl and other p-pillar tVoiks. mii.s i i)OtVTOJSS. l*l KS r-r ' [ ,■ c by ah I HA ND, V\ ]IJIft MS ft Go, IF, i'MiKU.— 2,(Mhi ibs..SOLE LFAi’HKIf, for salt* : v j (nh4 U VND, WILLIAMS ft GO. i \i OF -P.m finds. Cuba MOLASSES, for s defrom 1 A I tlic wharf by mill HAND, ftVILLIAMF ft GOr | > VFTIMOIIF FI.OI ll. —.*»(» bbls. Balthmwc FUOUi;, 1 ) nfw landing and for sale by u;),4 CHARLES P. MuCALLA. I JdiITEH. —s casks ily ass’ Lairlon PORTER, in quarts 1 a lid nims, just received and for sale low by mhls?f GAUARDEft ft PARKER. I Toi.i.ftMi pi|je-Fhekinm HolLuul GIN, in 1 I Ht* iv and for sale-at cost prices, by inh4*tr GIItARDBY ft PARKER. T.V FTOUK —Igq Barrel-* M IIIF.KKV, cliolce ; I 1, 25 Bills. Bose and Anchor oI N ; 2.V “ Oh! Wiiuh- i.'.,r Vv’IHSKEV; i*fi! G,a<ks miperiir (Hard and Dupny liRANDY ; 5 L Bi})es m. F.stcffe and It* chelle do.; 2; )4 “ extra Ghanqiagne * do.; <•*•’ Casks viiperior .Malaga IVIXE ;in store, and for . i sale by* nrtfiJ JOHN t». HUTCHINFON. I m jiGftHs,—2o,9)lo siq.erior Ih galia FE(i ARS, in sin e, ; O aiffi fur saleby mb3 JOHN SJIU-TCnrMKON. nil ft GOODS AXD CLOTHING.. —The imdeisigned w ill dl...se out the remaining seasonable stock <u DRV | UOODtf and GIJ)THIN(< of the -late firm ol lldteliinson ft i'll maji, at cost for cash. The Above stocks present'an inducement for dealers.to cal! and examine the Goods. Aii fresh and new. n) i; .1' HfS g IltJI "iMN: ' >N. ! j >o;vr.K VXD 26 Gases FH.OEF ; In Cases i 1 > JiQOTF, jirime nrti.de, and sea- veibb , in !o.: , and for i sale by nffi-S JOHN S. HUTCHINSON. ’ sVO ftßlllft K—lW. Socks Birpcrior Rio CORFLE, new I 1 crop, as per Invoice, for side, to arrive, by mb.. - ! JOHN S, HJTTOHINSON. ; )Ot.'l’OX «-(!! ( Ii 'l‘illl’E- 0 . 11 TRIBE,” a wq»erior -ariicit*, received tl day and for sale at the JvEW FAMILY GROCERY, ruh3 g«6 I’.rn-m S’ ■ et . ] / gB VM.lililtil S. ( K i.MIKHHIFfcj.- U Cranberries, Just received .by j ■ mBB i:sTK> ft RtCHXIONP. DACOX, ime BAQON SIDES, jin; i I 1> by n Ig? EFTr.F ft RICHMOND. I) ftLTIM(IKEFM)UK. —1 OObbK Baltimore i L 1 > for- *le by iiihH II AND. WILLIAMS A CO. I > Vt’ON —2*V«rt| li*s. ivium Ba-on SIDES, for. ! I 4 gyle by rali2 HAND, WILLI IMS & CQ. 1 AXIHXB fatS lift ft j xu Prime Go-hen DU TI ER ; Goshen ('IIELSE; licklcd SALMON, in bbis. and kits; GOD FISH; Fresh Black and Green TEAS ; For sale hy ml-' G. T. DORTIG. / XA’lT*.—l,n(Rl luisheis OATS for atile. At ’ (,U fc-29-3 JNO c. G ftRMK ft 1 KL. | j >V) BALES prime Ea-tern HAY, efirect from P.iiiigor, i Maine, perfectly sweet and diy. Just .received, and ; j for sale hy fr29-H GIRARDft ft BftiiKKß. • ’ / (OR.\. l. bushels CORN : r >'■. ■| V f, 29-3 JNO. C, C 'i. ILAEI . 1 I | .Mill, LAKD. ■ h j j Lj fe2i> HAND ft M.i.M:'-G. I i jpUIT H, FLOIR. 75 ... I fe29 HAND ft FLEMING. j O-VV, IIAV. l«Mi Bales Good HAY, } from A I steamer Hancock, by ( OH! ftH.—4 hhds., just receivedand tor sale by 1 O B 8. 0. GRI NftILI :: ft CO. i / MIOK ii IMFOKTES) * Hii OHS v_y 1 puncheon choice Scotch WHISKY; I j*. p!]>e Chatnptigne BRANDY, Pale ; u y, pipe A. Eeignett BRANDY ; f 2 H casks Port WINK; 5 L casks Madeira WINE; Xi Mok Soiitli Side Madeira Vt’INE, very choice ; 1 pine Holland GIN ; e 2 3 i easts BRANDY; (5 baskets CHAMPAGNE; e Just received and for sale by fc'2S s. G. (HIENA : i 1 C( K Vi Fill ft VIT i* ftl.li.-i (ft: - L. I7pIGF; 1 Case o ,\. pm NEF, gh:“s ti p; 25 Boxes M. R. KAISINS, *n ,1 j -tore and for sale low by fo2mif Gii> |RDY ft l" RKER. ; aWSKES %SB IDiKiMiXAL SUPPOKTI KS, v i A. of iliirty different kinds, f..r stile by 1 fe2d WM, it. TUTT, Druggist. ■t i / vi-H J*OliT ft\ SXS'i.—Vi’urranti-d the Lest ever hn ! ' * ported for Metlictnal jmrnos* s. Fo ! --aleby fef6 WM. M. TUTT, Druggist. 1 \ Uft»s ftWHIN OF AU!. ikPMIs . CHI P I ' Butty, Turp.euUue, Brushes, Acttl; , Paint Mills, Quin j ine, Morpliiuc, Cakitn. 1, Blue .Mo», Matches, Fpiei s, Kp.-oni halts, Bi-Carlionate Soda. Fala rtiius, Patent Modi it" . of all kinds, PerAnucry, and Chemicals of every description, Irom tlie Lest manufacturies, always on hand and for sale - at rcdiu-e.l prices by WM. H. TUTT, fe'ifi-dftw Druggist. * J l ( !*f HUCi-.lft KW. S Dili-. Grapk i’RUiT ;lo Bids'. S > *f Fa tly ORANGES, for sale low by _ f, ‘2f lw GIUARDEV ft PARKER. ■ / ftOI «TRI H V MS. -1000 lbs. fi, M ;i .. - U ; just received, for sale by feM _ TINSJEft* ft INGRAM. **•—bl*!s. Hiram Smith, and other br .n.N I 1 Canal FLOUR, just received bv * ’ _ . lc2fi-dft wtf EsTF-S ft RICHMOND. t- HAY! HAV t*x( I VI/I'-H' prime Eastern HAY, landing this day, »/1“ It’d tk “ “ “ in Store, for sale by >. f.nffi d JLB.GUISaj. is >i VS: \PFIiE tTIEFrii-:.— l ii l OKi s for .-ale by j fe2s 8, C, GRENVILLE ft CO. COMMERCIAi:. " _T : — ; -I —r 4->' 4- j—' -4 Ii - W :■/ , Al Ul -i A ■ V; r-AV.U I. COTr- tN,—Tiicrs v..y; a fair acm..nd . ,•*„ ac . live juisinc-s was done at yesterday‘b prices, ft'vri qu,.*.. Mid<iling Fair 7T ; Fair 8 cents. CHARLESTON, -March 5. "otton. —The funrkQt was well atlended tbrocglmat thb wdiok; ■ f.the preceding wee!., and tlie demand for the article was-1 haracteri:;--.1 y ,-o:ne degreoftof activity, the aggregate transacu >ns *havin;; reached fuliy 12,1 •'th bales. Pricea'luring this period were ■ <leprs-serl, in con-cquence i f *:nf.t. able advices fr-. u theok her side, and purch- ers wm;'-. -i naliy b o eomejwMt e vsitT terms ; but the aia-Vet, at the *clc e of the weeia cannot he said i<> have exhibit oil any quotable d cline f The present week opened Tviih; g <d demand, a;.J tlie tfansact on* during the frt two £:r- were made at about corre -pwidiK-g rates, thus /to .dt.:e i. on of i marlfpt when the trade were pu* In possession of -he Afri ca’s advices, which reached r... on F'.nda; , mil 5v ii A-- qnjently broi.ghtovef bj the Ffanklin, Which -re rctxi.ed on Tuesday at .anon. Ob Hie nr *val of tie i r-, » ; »’ y the farmer boat, holders advanc'-i :h r rr )■ .. vere unable to sustain their position, and tl.ej w.a* * ...iy .■; ,- siocc4sful tu the arrival of the advice ».y n. i . scs. llie ti ffih is- an advance was established on ;■ : : in the rite of Il eight to Liverpool, v hkh seem Ito e«-i iso continuing inlluencc over the operations of tout and two aliccetdrug days, as IliCTiny pcreejuibl c; ■ : i;. 1 markft whsa slighf tendency towards an i .",;.:v-i:.ei;i the be s tef et titles. A eSterday, however, jo it exhibited ;.n increased 'logreeof buoyancy, and The trama ti -in me . cascsgathor topped out former quotations,. ,-fth .u> -.- liah'jntf any positive advance. ftVc, therefore, rehr., die rates •.givk-u in war rejiort of the 27th ult., u.pproxunutu.g as nefr as pirydble to the true position of the i.v-vk'. t at ft:.-, close ts the week. Since the above was written ve have received at< legcaphic synopsis. of tli*s Amcri a’s account s, shojvfcg an uaprovemeut of an the j'iverjrcul r.i ke: at till time * f her dtp at in re, and it rem-dus t be .■ u what effect these advices will have on our mark.f, whivu to wy the least manifested ajJeciddS aflvaffiffiig ten-'- ucy at tii- close of business. The receipts ftnee oar l.iii loot upT2;(>'9 h.-les, and the sales in (lie ante • . ry bj c. ft niate't a? foiifiw*, viz : -* .*l -a.- -1 ■" . _ -t ; , : . 1 ■ Thursday I^60 —m iki - qiiotJordinaryl<> good m -; jv.;tu ifi ; iri;-.. ii.ng . g. 7 ; gui d middling 7 ; middling f.rir > C-, . f„,r - - ■ :■ sU d'*|cripiloii3 of Lome Cotton lias vontioued g o I ihroug;:- out tlie week at very fffil prices: ®ie trartsacD fls ariibuht U) about 7* f Cal SOD bal®, m from t< fn 26c. for infvrior to comnpn ;24 @* 31c. for Hcyn common to good 8a:;* < , Mains; and medium to very thro Fea IsiojuU 7i,,w ’ gone iff at i rices ranging H'ttt,33,(3 ic.c. rnffi upwards, . fn quality. Tlw stock .m turnd is now .h :l ie-, •„u;w 5957 aide# et the same tini ■ last year, to-wluVh > ir-.rimsu.;. -ft. may bet nt ribtttud the present -linn Mate of the mark.t. Received tli w-Week 824 hides. /:i,r. —Aft e have again to report a 11-nsin.s.. in ihij article, 'll e demand has about keptp cc , fit* r 5 , vriiichicoinpi :sc 144 b tierces, and tin pr.ccti -..ir'-nt at'ti.v date bf our last report have i>ecn fully sc.-iaiu Tlie transactions have been at prices ranch, L-. u Which] however, do 'iot embrace tnctly i: ■■ ■d : ncy parcel*. The bulk of the sales were pna-le wit hin the range : / ’otyi.—Ti C arrivals since oar last c.’.iqrs. f-1 ..■ I bu-.li. U North Carolina ant! Maryland, the lm!»: *-f Which | has hqcn sold at 665;.66c. s tel -V; .■n a. • been i-ceivc I, which bad not been sold when we closed a ;■ [ report! , - F’i —'l 'aUiinoro brands ur-vc neen cu r.T i y ring ijie week* itt *6 barrel tor moderate sized ~-, : - 5 »„'((?_ i. 6(4 q.' barrel in small paixolL The extra briu; is ... j Virgiida continue to command $6 ft \ > nurd. close lit tlie ovevious week,l*avcb< m ; tfic at ' a dcclibc of ftc on previous sales. SBwne 09 hnshei n.. been itcclvcd sin< c our l ist; 2000 of which wen - ■ same ii ice, jml the balance \v*-e sent into tlm in * : o . 1.-! sale lit quantity w.v um ic Ofc *• ;n. //,/jJ.—Foiac Ikffi bales North River In: v: I ••on 1•• sit. sinoeolir las q a small pdilion of, winch was gold a ; 5-1. ftfte ’ have rac trai-stcti u* to r< j.f t in I .astern, hi).—*-’rhc market ’i.-r Fides aim rfboume"* rcma> i~ j about the same as pr ’viousiy ((uoted. Isc Hudt * } ihc - j have ijecn .made at lOJ-ftc for the former, and J tc for the latter, j Lari?.—Vo are without any transactions to report. liopr. —4 re transaction* have been iin'.'ted to ‘•onic 200, coils Philadelphia, which weresn|d at '.»c. rived :B/he doseoTthe we* k. have been s 4d< Th- r.Tr;k- * oj.eue (at 90 and dosetfar wsc .i* -a"... Fouc *j‘ *i* Cadiz. rcFeO'ed during the week, were "old a' a■ . ; the price, h* wove)', U not allowed to ti'Sß-pfip. fittgiins.— The Fugar market has been wry re :'.;. st out thj week. The slotk consists cl. -'. ».•; ins co .n.j i)ii.ili' "f i/oAisiana, for wb6 t! e; *• It - en no • enu. . j s. iss' 7" l:h- \e-y c-.;a:-*c.ij - eso !yq uif ■ at p' ic|.‘s r inging - f 'om3 1 -to.* . v. ■ : an arrival ..I 147 bids. Iv. ro L eo, vvhi-h v.eTc on die ia -r- 1 kel untold when w closed oar icri-.rt. M >l/ ’lh'ie ha- iicenro a : v.**l ■ ' New Oil - since <*!r I .st. Wei- *nof a a; ol I a b.bb. h 011 g j 32c. ail.l god bbls. have bt n >old to nr ive at the.same : price. , Some 342 hhds. a;d 35 t-.erce- cat ,h r e r.e . . j hand, which had he* uyd I pri rto ur.ivrl, ie r:n.-, V.hScli j •lid wefrdport, would giv ; noc.itcrio’i of the pre- -v. •.♦;> ■ t! emiitk- Seles have !'■.«l u e’e al lie a’.;.; so. j lo!s as high as 20c. has been obt iTei * •*.*// L . The uM.'-acicm- have been confirm I Foßio i price- tanging from 9;3 ioI-'c. and c.e'i auuv this .- r tig.in ft*!-very limited !"is. Jt rni jU- Liquors. \ft*e have to rejiwrt the sale cf 2C bbls Now .(khans AVhisky, re.'eived saceou.'i;.; -ti. and 50|bbls. N. L. Rum brouglit 27 yic. p r gmloj /c \<tnj,’s. —Checks on New Vo-k 't prci’i. IWk/hiH. —Tlie rate "f Cotton to Liverpool. • , Lags, Widcii at the cl- >se, of the previous w ; i. w..s i! • j advanced during the present week to 7-K'e.hs. V’ i. t ni. lioW"vrt’ that an cng igeaient wasjj-.adc ycMctftny r rl - " b ft’ «at -. \v’c fore qu< i |( . Tl ■!! yi;<? rates ape the -a". ■ i . rcporttFi, via : *,c. for >qaa--e nu-l l.ftai. lor r.uual b s- * Iriln Is. ftVe quale to New York, S-lCti-.a fer. Code - j and i jjc. savlnna n, m trch 4.— Cotion. —Arrived sure a the 2' ’ • ult., i4.* !; 53 lies Ui-kiitii —(>,556 per rijirtm.k -!•,'«; ? fro.a j Augii.-tfi and lan<ling on the ’rivef, 500 via Darien,' ni’.u j Dm per wagons, and 740 bales Sc.- Islands, i'h. . \|*a. *nr ihe panic period, amount to 11,915 Lai ■ I .’an i am; ) 4*1,5 ia!(-- Se. isl lada vh-.: ’To Lmi ‘ in, 6 U'hi - * ; Cad ; to j Ha > 1 c,}2,t/e0 bales U] :,>.id and 175 vi. . F a. Isia:;...-; I.- Bru ton, IpjJ'*- h.des Upland ; to New A'ork, 6.70 n bah- ■ i ;4an.l; la Bichj ielpaia, 6.52 lade-' Upland; tu ve, 2la • ■»’, Uphn.d; and (0 (Tr-rh .on, .5.5; hairs I , c.ud iii,i 284 Fea Island -leaving on mind, and <-v. xhiphaani, m t cleartd, a sioch of 59.443 bal s Up’.. ,l;n i 4,06a i-afi * 1 shrub-, again.-1 50,765 • aha- UpCnd and 3,2JU do F-.-a . - hind-* at km ic time las! year. Tap mark 4 opened with a f.fta denial.d, at ■-it ;. ul-ir yr ■ ces, but hid .net lin favor of bay on*, gifts on Fr <!>* v I. .7 bales. -On Saturday tire maria \ -vas duil- sale* 7 • • ■■ On >|o|i lay tu » eft-.g ii,-;.'-b liv- v rein *:." ci ;■ v . ’ c infui niiitieii iiuft the Africa h-0 arrived. lin v- was r. go ,a inquiry. „a M- ntlay, wiUi suies- of 1.4 I 1.-.-les, -,t pn-va.i ratps. ;On ’■ -dry ilioxv. v.as ah active ('.i-nuu!. (: s.iL'■ fx4i:;;rlup -. ,186 i I •:*. Du;Theslay the (Vania >a .- vices Were recelv -d, but m.-.t <f the :i-.as.- , c*. -■ ■■.;e | jnadobtf irc !r.-r av.jvol was known to the pm.iic. '• he news 1 j tin Frankl i-that the Liyerpool 1 vancwllLpi.. cars I prices to go up is Te, c : . -p. :*- Ihmrioij AV< due day, amounting t 2,6 i1 i v ; - ’ported to h,; :d :m .-’UV.U.c. of Jie. Ve.-t i’ l ' ft t 7-• only aiioumed to 6ss bales, ahet tin ae anc ■ i vious ii.-. w 13 1 ist. 'i i.. ahn >u: eraei the failmrc of one of the Lading firm.- cf tic m. '’ j in tlic fcetorage business, for a very Imn; ! i to Uhscltlc tile lea, kef, mid as freight engage.; ■ ;u.> u- e 1 j not be maile on as lavoi abic terms as on th • pa 'i-'as'd. . , | buyers in n gi-.-.H mettsurc snspendeu «>'*- v. : I w ; we givcj , • a*!••!;.« f>r nn-.-ent ;-aUis T tdc i.u-.rk* 1, !•■ ft- g :,r --svtiled j O.i aary to (iooil Ordihury ■_ 0. »’*, ; Middling ■ to Goo C Middling T ... fir 7.7 ; Mi idling Fair 7; . (•> —; Fu;r to Fuliy Fari- F’u C<3 F.H cents. The ides of the w eek amount to 7,'-72 bales, at prices ranging fvot 1 6 ?*• cents. .S’- <t fy<hi /#. —The demand f >r lids quality of Cotton, du ring rh,* p*.-t week; hns been active and prt-. • firm, pa ticul.iriy foi the finer grades. The sales amount lo 549 tides, iij -Jl c nts. /?.-•< Th.- sales amount to 1,1 OS casks : SO at $2 A, ; 215 at $2 11-T6: 390 at .*2/i.;. 207 a' $3, an i 151 at s",l-16 Jj! HiO Hi. Jr'l //j-.— AUu have no large sale* to , *.-{/;» t ties vv-- !:.- (‘;/-j.-4—Tl.<- market is’ f. irl;, -up’piic.l with Ihi: article, and we Jma;- cf salt sin ’ rf.l:, :.i 7So. We quote, froi.t . ve, ic sinuhilots at 75 fir, MV., acc- rding to quali.y and q ,;uA thy. ftft'ciieaT of son.i sales 1 , during the \v k, at st;c. x> llusli jl. JCoLiy ■'s. AYc Lear Os sales of Cuba from the wh.s.’f ..t ITjftc. |> g tllon. Two cartrocs of "New tlrlcans ft.*■ ve been j receive** dm ing tlie’week ju.-t do?cl. ,'-5q A. Two 4>:-rgocs received during tlie week from Louisiaiii ’r-midn imsold. AWR.-L'fi.jro ;3 a lair stock in the market, and v he,cr of s;dc- h oc, v. h f 75 a S! ’c, Js» oft,— shU*s of sn.c;U !, 's, from storu, of .ride. ,at To;ft.: Shoulders D-., and items at lie. lb. Li>,i- J—ls selling, ia ion? from wluirf, at •M.’IS gca k. JJtnuirs. —AVe hear of sales < f lOab'-ls. i r. , f, an rt eo, at ?'c. F g >!!■ ; U Hops.* —vVe hear of sales of 140 coils Dilion's, at SX-cD. V- ft. . . Irt-nmiH —AVc quote to Livofpo* 1, -. ; d.; ( e-nvisc—to B.Vton, New York, i’ffila-itlphia and I’-nl. re, %•'. * r Gh- 1 ton. { 77*•-■/;, j,.,.—F-.t-rl-ng, 9>/ pr.--u'.. Ikfi s-Ea iks arc selling Sight Checks on aii North*.-.n vlt.ca ac 7. piem. CO^SIGS Peridot fJffiitw So- t < b.’.v :<('<! m *>/■, J. Pa ’, v: ’ boats 4 and 16. Mtlzo. to XV. 7.1. Rowlaiui, Agouf r,.; otiicrs. - Per bra. Steam Port Co.'s T. 8. AC ’ VI with tovy boats S and 11. Mdze. to John A. -Aloorc, Ag’i., and ofhfji iP*ni«N»-« stmxw?-jl'K..viwr.d i w •> ~ t> v EXPOSTS. Gi!ARLESTON, March f.—Fur B.dtiuiore, M. L. sci.r. Samuel Duller —.VI bales upland Colroa: SAS AN .‘..'ill, .Ain di 4.—For Greenock ha roue Clan-i-ian, 283 bales Uni nd G emu. For Glas row, bn.-que Express—l,lo7 bales Upland and 161 do. Sea Island Gotten. For New Ycrk, barque Peter Dcmill —-565 bales Cotton. IMPORTS. FAft ANNAII, March 4.—Front'Havana, 1, ig lb- -habit c— ■2ds l.hds. mid 20 tierces Mnlnrsos. SKIPPING IM ELUGENCIL ( IIAKLSi i Mar'li ... —A - ■■> Fu ki y. New Vo-k ; bvk il r-ridL I .ft! m ;l ‘, r. i-'-m yt ! mo < ; C, 1 . h-rk Du !>y. r, , York, Hull, New York ; Line shh> Gobim’m, Fr•»?-.- . bark Abraham son. g. IT ng e, LivVrt,* ; (t. p. j -,,*.’ * p ton, Aft alkc-, New Y< k; b »gs Seiner.-, -ft7 t on, va ■ Empire, G owed, B*.stoi ; Fostfi*, C;x»rv.*n, Mew via 1,; n hr Bay State, AVibon, No ,h'm i' rt; Cl. V. M. p , V-a. B »•»-, New Ari.rk ; Ai'-ginct Grii’.ith, F.ar. ac-, 7., .; Bchr. Sam’! Butler, Grrov. , B If ino e. SAVANT'AH, March 4.—Ar-., hurig R .hah-ite, J. ,7eg Havana. ITM, Hr. bark -Gi nisiinn, Rf»bcrt«o;;, Gr* ;; k ; Vxpress, A iderson, Glasgow ; ! ark Peter Dc. r.c, If y. A'ork; b'ifi <ioil. Boyd, Gi’peirick, Ca'd-na*. I ADlßi’ I.AFTIAti GAITERS.—A r. -w G; . f L-'- J dies’Lasting GAITERS, widieut-q .-cre '’! '* fc-20 _ . , ALDUIG.i ft DO”, L. I.VFA M’> *HGIX. -A large Tut of ffil col - ’ r st’s SHOES received by f* 20 ALDRICH ft Rrif AL. I I Nft V N V FFli VHS.--25,000 l*a Goncoi'Jiii, -I A S,oo ) I.a Ejiuiiie Mseicrl 6,(KM La Marine, h,o(>4 La Jcnuj-Livid, For aaJd’by nl6 ‘ ,f " ' I. I*. GIRABDY <St 00. T~ 1 ; ■ j. j clayio^r'" "’* T » i ~ * • •11 A'\ ro N & fc PlAi.iSaS I's •nr.iTIV.BiAEK: Cl OTTnxr;. n at?, CATS, j KlANiij?. J \ n*.r-rccelth-..*. • . - ALMUCH & n :{ BEAT!'it? IN r %. 59C?S **"> WlOEK.atM'cicaTf* - ..'nTn . : •.- ■• j *2- have on hand, and trill continue V't IVe % per w- y /v- I I'Wa, a I.i-lV :•';•■ veil >• I -etc; I<t : ~f . ~ to cx ’uia- . and pri-<« and .. iTf.-re purb ,- ,N. if.—Be sure to call ■.' mr Iron Fivn Star ■. ■; j. M.' k Brl VTTG !,RS Al. K A % ' t A! I?.VBT-r ? J.^DKmxaKU, TfUJNiSS,- CAEI’.A . . A ~ i 1 W^B TIT T? YTO \ rl 4? IT c - : V ' 7 - % xfi. uAI \j A i.’i i»-H. w»o i Or l To the Halt, the Lame, the K*re, r I VW. .. 15itl ATI G LAP TIL* A'HH' T'lfl- FJXnSEAT >s nie of the in t j*:T • ArviiterEeS er.jr oT.rfl JL ttulJAr.'O,:-v As V'Enli .. - ’• .1:., ;;•!It •id ( eatery into the circulation of tu > bWATT ei ei; h ...aj-.,. t, X. ‘‘’■4k ii ;f UN —.'.iuVJi.lt .- tl'v .;I boll j ......I > • • •-. ... . i ... v • A.-'SBST* A' \ Ail to tbr*w or •!(.' ri.,l hersetf of anydiseasM ; , * r •’ iiu’V&,.iuusclc!-j SoiCs W L -.it, Kheitlumlalu VAT Na IN '"VFTIT T\V]':«T (V . from ;l disease 1 £ .rAn of any otthe sc r■ fv. L ■ f To fleshy »bi?j 'or ben- 1 ?, it Tins the pr.,,..-i of , - - ir-tp • i vv!;oi*hicy la-oydiioa. ai-Witiir ’ V bA: • .... i ~. ■ ' ■o ‘ ' ■ ’ ißt-. T : t ' .' • . •ri -■■ ; ! - ... FIXE-! > ijAAA’S < >!■ '; .fE j Fiv p iho.aundreds of core* th'.t ov hoiilgAli.i» t daily r r .. :cJ it. * V. .’v.-.l.3o&ijsen, i ;•> ' T ;i»‘ jr:: ~ r:v ->‘ i;rt .Lv hi . [ h jA/iAi.;,r] ATTIAc'K JtTi tife’^lATlsf AVer I ' ring s .nc U n<l v, ?.»I h h?j>alv. hee ;• -t ■!. in ! ¥ ;i ‘-I _ th -■ H<-0i .i- n tl; r,r; ? 1 i . j j>erfo Wi.3 t f-'i .ed to >■, ' • i i;■ : ■ ■ , ■ .'. j - 'l ; Ia s’ 1 fa- ■ .. - ?;■ ... . . ‘ hi : ill , . days t«i.. J4le to jro :>s:a:n liL-- • rf.»c' .• < ii . ■ ' • '* 's‘ aY ytM a? jrraJAnna M. Pi .-rej, n'A f J ha Keiw, Ehi. ' •r, .. \AJ rh- , 11 ■ t ~! ■ ’ - ion. 'I .. i- i* j strollo-.j. .i.: i, a.A i; , ; . j.T h .... . ih ■ I I . : ■■.' J> t ivAii-ri . a .trohlf! peiK?hmte ncnr’ to Vo? irr l - ” h :> r •ir./iri'l ;.«• < consa'iLciico of : ’i.- j •., ai.,l con ;■ oithe irs t: -i u.v.Li it .uo.«.i.i’ife »*. i.'..-In tb‘. -■ ,-j. l‘.t'.i *; i ■- ;• ■ ; fV A ’ tryinjc femet’r Tir • T)o, Co »I.T j-'.-h >. ; A-A ; a younjj man who v> i uaivg it. f„r | an.l so much benefit-- .1 liy it t?uA• ~; b :■>•.■• , ~ ; i Bit 1 ri i' l r. teip' ■ se ji- • - • | ran wu-:: .a’ 1 ! There is n ;!• ’nircaa be eomp-'.-. o i t.« io r; •*. ■;.•, . v■■ • ■ i ■ ■ » h -.- I i ■■. ‘ ’ :•- ' " | r ftn ;• 1 . " < . 1 o! he ,Tiici ior.. it« 1 v A,ih- ,i. . ’ i .* ~ J | r.r'y i. -sth by me u.o o{ : A Lai.:.’ ■ .. j E -j A-re -h --A A.•- •irT : ; . ’ - ! ' ' ft ■ I t A V : 'vtuacsjhr A--AAA 0 A-’-’A--■ ■ ; . b ' ,| j. A. iu’ics. : ; ' ; ■ ■ ■ -:e. ... . i I i ei.t ■■ • A i • .'■ ‘ « i ! rhioii at s - ; 5 .or 1 ) ■ I ■ -63A V ; V-O b: ij j 3<50 rniOA!) .... a j A fill ' 'AV f : sit' v tr%fi o cerryh-r jA, .. , , | iL aa . Ecu?!!, atNurVi It tasli phi'-e'A j A.* 6” -i • A " St ■ hie*: Eat in, lo' b . . ■ •' 1 * ■ ; ■ A: A .. . b.. < 4o < , ! f - i e - -j ■ f :. 1 • Tit cVu'.ib -.fyi...s, y ■' u! u'sj '. -■ t ty . p j ‘ ■ v-A. .: 1, ... ht ', t . : J i.- ,-v. «.it>'A t Txi- S. '■:* .- i ■ . ;..te : ; V ?, ' ■- ■ ! \. , - I A ■ iA :: , f - . . ;,f ~f , , i ' i .j ■ A- : ! P.i-1. V- :.< . C Pi( .VIA «ij4 tNf TV' LTinvc--; j I ho 'i K ■( i.' :■ ■ m o--.c : ,-V hi ■ ’• . .'■ ■■ ■ . I : ■ a g ‘ t , ; ■■ ■ ■ f TE&'ft'TO lAhAllh t; -■ < arf . f Vi ei-sta, 0.l i. b,- I ! 2 A j A.. ; A • :i. p , ,} ; . :-ro . j ;u;’. cone? •1- • n-i s'ri n, i no.. e- . • i j'. -le iV- r o - . ruin: • f *' f n . . k;*-,’ iji Ah- -!•■;..-br-.T / t.-ti « rke * and con; ri rg A : -i *.M’I i I.AA E jA.iiih.Oi-‘..Mb ,-e <: >' , . m 0-. If '¥’• 'nc t-.e rhbv V .- ;>■. • . - PA! KE * nfwti. A , e-ca i, ;ui .l in:. i.A • ;■■■ « ; -In A b - ! .'A; .A .v. - -:: A. t -,j i.» oHorfay,::-: ■ ht’uo : ■ >u ,-b ; . ; , . > .?t- ' Ai o .it I Ih. olj iin.cof • , . . b 1. ■' ; .o ■ r -- uot!'! .s.;’:>•) I ■ | ■-. . ’■o -- ■v ■ ;•> ■ Irf. .u ' Vo h !i,, ■r ■ i A ■; rvlho-ic-T {! • h. .. • : o.;c',;e-, ?j> l\i,. , n -. n ! .4. y.’..., a M., . i ■ *;• ' . ““. i )■ A. i Ai At : >v . j th.ve in . bj ' A t I • t-i'tli thb i.lf • ; ~ ; :! i |; ..n, i.T.-..ir- - • .n . j ; • ' ftfiS f- r*« e>: ' ' ( , y ....... sa ■; i --h ffi ... ■■ . . ■ ’ to. h iran.l ; foihiu aay | O tashi I -oh - lain.l -iV< ig ■ r - JJfftTl':' ocvcrusj iv’e: fi -hie to fli ■ trial nf the public; •;; : :. .j. i?j. . ± of dej: ;jc>‘sbqifUl i-.ot preven. a- nr mar. ■..' | •i\ (ii-'C'jVU I v. .:. :: .a; (, ■ ■T s V. 11l ' , ,|( . ■ U-dOA-.- !.- lib- a: I . o : - .»■ ip. ii: its! .. # U’.o-jC ; (». lu-.Ao ili.-M 1 HehnoM , .. * othi.V • jlb.ca b >;.s, hr}. * hie- ’• hi.? v.'ifo, md ir. ti- i' . ,;. b- j A* ha. .-.A’ lEthematl .• .... tlev: ,f n yy< : j .. < C'tvu a.oil.< 7 .j #!-,•. ■ !<■— -<> ,has <, v. ;t Jii v i tk*n wt ut. • • . h 1 . | ro.- or i* ■p; n .ct u .’hi ru • iietni, the w > ; L anv.', ■ ibt-i; h'k aW. jho pfopn .. temiiuy f • ’.’i . h : - j : -ir* . b. . , who ku v; Jihn. 11 !■; :;■ n -t < f Ai; nsfa. hat . ‘ , y ..... 1 '•.{ (. r . . r i, S. ( at wil •’lt ■•ha Aa tan, i;c v . j j !CWI ' ' o A.,, i,. a a ,y... v a,, ,b a. , .- • of 'the dfa* itlye Qjana, the symptom a*s ■ ]un if inr ■ ;■ □iA’ t■■ -■ n Ibotb'l * f p| ' lency, , • : . , the fa ill pain In the cide, '• rtw oi iv- eiith, ■ iVhite ■ •>n j- b i ii’uvi A tail.t.d slo-.p. o:c. The-c in; .on is |.,na;-, 7 cn*ir< Jy |i'b-aiic I, and hh' proved . ;;A ><•;. a./, whot ir ,• i i, ' e,( !elii.'’t(4d m- Erdie- timi f.iiod ;in ,-np,n •; . f vh.';h, he • p an. j couhl pitjc ; -ferese- ‘• s* numher of y ■•-on ’v'y. ...,c j j made a i ;;lo! A -hnnia it nimha ' in- : wiiiing.! Kalia n; jto p%i- 1: «n its own meriis. Ai ! he hn tho, e Atho j f, a.o uTlJi.ied ivi-.i dji n-pna-tOfEve A,■ '-.J. ' [ s0?; ' I .T ' ■’■■ "•■ h : .-h., ; ! ■' *' ' ■ : Rich I j £■. 0,, r. AI ■ aU ri .S ?*■ (i : i -Ot, - 1 g( v’ ft' j i Ash J ‘ j; ; A, rs-HE trii-V'-h:. EFM PniTlvTi - f Tit I -T s '-t ! b ,; .4 I CL»Si* ’a, EM Kih’T c CO;, ' ill couth., h b" ir. - ii.'l.V.- at the taiuestend in the nabie and ‘A.'ie oi . A Co. '- a" IIOKACi: CLAiIIC "ya F 'np nno , f i , TO CONTRACT O&S QivVi.Ln I’dem? * >■• ■hi i ■;.. !>■ ,1 ' ■ e ’ - ! ‘I " ; w 1 d- 'd unfii tn" ■ n- a,.y ,n Ji.-./cli w;:, E.L V. f« vnibab f,r the iis ■of tin 0; -b at l v ;!. 1 db. ' an-' • : 1 IMA ‘bin?, • nt hb f ■ ‘ " ■’■■,. , ... .-f v II ;l to.h!. U*r, the f■ r- ■ -of hae I are ro t? -.|x iucliec. 'i, In 3 : dC ■'■■■■ i f livery jlo tonr.acnce in i : .:n ;.;h-? n-irp (’■? . ■«? al 'ad. ]».-.? . ■ TT©R fills, t.-o lAoVr Vt.r- y v: >.Mn rt ik« id:, F‘ agodof IT auJ ‘Ji. stroi.^j. n 1 Lyjltbv. by s Jih ■ CbT-.j • A E A. 1 ? ’ a !'‘hV/b ’ Hi I • . • • . . i j ;■' • j ■ . i-A ■ ' F, /'■■■■ . 1 , Faculiy wli u Dr, E,n Ac pc ■ r- i i t icC”.r:l:. ~ , KA-- mtHr.ry G. i.. ; uy;p-«n. % is o u.-e es . ..; hth > •.» ;; v ; t : a;nn; )( : ’ .v. ~f. ■' yev .b, , Ml '«. .■ u ..•:*<■ ad i ■ i . or n cates ;n , , C: smn •Ah,.-i nfian aa rur-. ,i : , r '' ■ ■ DJ;. ;.:v, p, ;v . ~ ..■ p„■ ;ty „■» of A 1‘: 1 \. ; in In fyeryh-aae hr v i;b hl* ■■ i..-en *.■ •i t ; • ;• , , : I' , . I ultiu'atop-;;. a. lu ihe IE b; :■ I t ■■ , {’■■'.• ch. «c.- of Dr. liastfiijs. ! " f. .•* y , , ■ ■ ! ■ ~1 A . | been hi use, to h: a . ; , n ! died? ■ (a : Ii s • ; >ll ■ . . j ;:.■ i.i" ead van ceil st •. . v,: t, x . t.. a • ; t ! I dv. ah,.. ■■•. . I > filA , ■ t. i‘ !■ ..: ■■" •■. . : ;■■ - .| -"V V ..■: a n- , j . , ; pua, an.an.a, lb-,. « ' ■■.■•■■.'. 1 .. ! . vT ,, r> 1 ■ S u.viifstiou of •, ? .. e j r : n•• . • *-■ , r ._ ! ' ! .A- ; •»< f. cN’i ;.m ■ ;. , --A n- ; , : 1i . tied It!-•'! , yet:. l;l • ’in . , •• 1 ‘ : •■ ;■■ ", ’, - I c 1t..-; -1M v.andthopaii. an" t •• .. , r ‘ Av ‘ ; ; itilba , r is often a'.-le en; >v •■ -net AgiU‘- ;■•• ; , ' b i-,. b | n «m for ■■- •. ' ■ I . I Tiilb Tin TL uE A A:,. [', ; 1” ??; t■ ■ a-L - * ;r, the tr> ;-;K tor to pio.e u»,s h. a'olEc ' ' A’, to be ;tH I;.. £ has beeß44htc4. ! . ; _ DfiuivOHi-TIS. ;, t T. Dronylih-S h*s in ihis rem.-cly « ..nirc sii. 1 rpr-c.*-,* -", ! h Ml nit|f iii ati.i hr.Vs ’are l-ity aU-i!>» d fan '.‘r M . lb- d ; on! a rival iu the yyee'- 1 cure t.f liro-’ic-hii : br .m , ~, chropic. . coughs, cold a >:n cat aula 3 . j, ’ ’„ 1 yield tej the indue-;.cc cf .h.vh'ha t;, vp-, « t.tnlzx die , • ■ • j. . v.j : ;EVVR.VTS i rti 1 Tlb> d.-.t'-cs "■><? aa,, ,v •» cmyrrcirrenf f Con- 1 , a.. ;.u. *. r t-«, A : r. ;• ;; inynd i \ il.ouee i t 1 -.h.J-h.ha ;-y i:p. .... j ; I >E ’ 1 OP. The i ‘ rave -- ; ... n ~ ; • . ; : <-f t An' brn o inva- j . . j ri.bnly been tt pj.-rilh ithm ’Abnt sp-c-e nf. UErty ub ■ 1 nil all < p. 1 ny.nrcr.Ci of u« .-am; ' • - . ■v, ut- -t. In: ,'• f -r co” W: vvuds tl.;- A: 1. ! r"',r n-il-.o ?yrttj>4 t-.» t-e ?•■■>'i.-: . .1. ~. f the otiiy certain rare to - I't-sluK/iiany C.*. a..i. au 1 ...I i.fl.cr ilisens.-s of the * i.‘-“ A “ f-i hunt ’be si.rnatm\ of M. A. P. TC HAibn-fE'Jp, o-n ihe wrnpj 2 cf such hot tie. jfcl i>cr bottle -•. hoc *r> - , . i . i\r .?sicku 1 y *^ 4rU,! - ‘l- AVILANP, PJST-KY & CO., 3.. t. I‘LUAiB & Oil., b. if'.ItPKTTA. CARTEIt, V’\a i ' - V»b K. KITUHISN, : • Ay. U . j Wjf. I!. TUIT Irish'] - i \vyi„ HAiriK?. AU crde4? fL.vjV bead-hi-s- -a o. (.. W. FEE'' i ETO- * ( . Tiif.A, h..b Vc'Tcfvrh:. hiive the exclu T'.'o igen.f-r the ~ tfQUth aiuo Vuair. e.!’.- -; ■■ .. b,: I Fi,<Th. -ErtTT Fa .iy - A V 'T; luOuji, ;n sa. ks, fy- I- , *p;-1 st, fitrriille.by . I'J . . . i Jc.C! A. MiLLIIX GO., jv-'x. W® I'OIA hbd--. New Cfoj) '-’i'CKi J. T-Cuba ;MOLA?? T.;h ~.p| y-oh* the rhai fly ' {.Uei; -.«■ feh2C-d*w - * ' iUIvP, TM LLI3A S: CO. Au 1 1 f; \ OWI ' '■ A ? ' :EraN4S - 7 •4f.Nf. T -ri-.lv Hdeil, 10? Metctdi'v . •; ißlrf-ly iO- %' C*j - b-bl. A. & - V"n|t, . ail.-* ■ bu. y in- h ,;,e nl9 & CO., ■ l i p aluAsia .. he. Ucider the United States Hotel, Auguero, Ge -r --1 o I " t XT LTYIMENT. ■ncl the b Gib.AT .JOY A •• 1 • •?An n—i. Trs r t : on upon the ortranTzfdiofi is prcp-ei-tit.? iSfcsp fhemsiives ;h tlie Vei v h-.ne?. It v. iioie nervous system to the very ea ..realities of tl>e P.S • r . : L cr a Tniacntc, uud it enua&y a;ipU«i!>le ot FJTEJSOTY, ■ ir.VRMLESS. ■ ! -. i ..-e l u.esolvine ?>ny lof the organic tissues . ' ' :e po>v«a:s, is the ryasell why it is iuob ' ' I ■ -•-- . [-JSTATOU. ;; T A - frost. U parts f die country, \vc trive aft v below.. K. IN IAS VIA! IT liil’. n'. is >1 .icred to u i. r-a The pain was constant | .Ti- L'ui 1.. and fletc-r.iiaecT to f - • •ti. -X. 'eh a. ie> 'vVuin'it-strcct, Cincinnati, I \'f‘JQux3, : kii \>'i IUS -HTX- I ‘ -uriy:-n rno -r r:'.~ xfn<s grille under 10 ivy x\t .' L.iil’nciit; he hi ; to. and in two ■ !. . . . • A 1 r, • jtt-r it .litis, ~bhT. vr/it.id faeotiinf very maj h iu ■ -V a fc(v d.,ys, iiits ei’cs':., l-;t<ius irritation would j A, i ■ . . f'i- VI K •' 5? Tn : r.i r-ntirely.hcrors tli.» palm? of the Jimds, In '■ - •- n;-, ..j clefeJ, auu tae ends of the fingers draw a i ■;A do, ,jf A|„stan«j-w -: roneriit Into the house ly I i ! ■ ’.hi ro, end i v c.-e of a few bottles, p (*aiv •ro .. . ■ - ■ re l, r.hSl r Labels and hands are us t *• M,?, ■ il.mt v•'■uTMfir. cv *v f * t?s iviT KQ.I-6r.ne, ’• 'r '- * - ■ <bT k b '• c ' Ac Lo p-/ t.f ' ; -hy !..?.« v. nub--- b ..• 1 .*e 3 ivt, - eoniph.;. !«• cured, .intr h!3limbs Ju.; er r • -n i-> 1 A : ir . ’ •! b to ;tb. It b e Lin'r: nt to Prugsiand :{ P . i . J t . v-'-lch th?y offer.at Wholesale ' 1~ ■ ' v ' ■■■ A- I Inn : Watered HILK3, it, ' A j. . .VV.'l'Si f • ;-A' rrr-i- v. I Abuifos so. - i;-.,a ..ri s' hr: - I ’ ' • • * v. ; f.. . r ■. . .■ . .jn-yn tIi7MFSPijN3. ' 1 : ion fjbe nblic, r.-'.. - r . it & w IJ' I 1., V {t ( j ; , H IS, ! , : Alii,\ii (,hhu>s, ikt’. i %% ItBlA- \ :«!*:• ?• •■ w v.hi»*trc ! |.Kc- f new c.ini •.-icpuit H'IHVG JHil GOO!irf, | lb-'sind Rircv * Pit LA] \ fib?; Usr..t ! Wa h f.UT.KP," a new ariiclo for Di es es; 1’• ■ A' nt ?fu:.«:rrr ahaTbiLlCDEti; 3 ■ .? <hi ; ?rf: b- I bh. ' ;.: V ' . n,;..-lACH::.F.?; b 'TI? and N. VA CriLl AT’ ■; ■ \ H:\-Am I’t-iriAALKEVi-T-, V‘A- h i nri.. , ; -. , -■ b- -’.T; • y rich . v,inch'"ill be sold f■ . •'■ :>v ' I to th. h h;-.oat a cem- A..- : t.-. . -- frora. i ’I ■ 1 r bn . Ir Ur.**. For cash, 1 n ’ .r ... -h ..or .;:m CharhA -4 ~.. i ' ' A ' n. -•-• A- «••• ..T-.i bed, J’.lrek and • - V.A A-, CAbli ot p \> - •' ' ‘ - -1 i-... I'i.er wen”. > ? - - .. :o receive every ri A t.->- ri r Gcu i ■■ o. .biic.K & CO., To ” w, *159 liro :d-gt. ! ... ; b A ) fn n Lo v v ctr, a part of their .n bkd’VLKbi?, ■ —.\V/tb o wtixni ATE ; . and- b styles; t -da '- . ■-'CM? and Printed CIIALLY'S, of cKniut h print ' i JACONETS, for LailSer. ’ Presses; . Plain JbrtCk BA.iILfES; Jllaok jIARQI .'S2K, •a ilk GRENADINES; 2 -French ( jlng'i ; ■ n. . . b V 'b. ' b --s; b)-.v . . I vend -ht-bnC:.'>-,:nRLKffVf'.S; ■ . .. . u.i. n.l sac 1 "h-ered Ciiai-hic JIaND -11 b; HOi b 3, a pplcndi.l article : ■ Evening Dres ’it b - :- ”d Lace GIT-J’S, of new and twaubfui -. •; . .b.hib Pro s.-.h ; ij.-.u.i o—ii (. ihTiAAt io, of nv.v and beautiful ?I " ■ nch I English PItiKTS; j i rncl:. A c h.co, and other choice styles of o.bb-tA ' • ■< re pcotfully- requested to call and examine ' ■ . tv: A ; jr& f ■ V !b- i■ 1 ■ '• f V. ’’A - -'i/A'i tV (’{)., Augusta, Ga., > • v.lc and K»! ;.i i) aJvi -; in F>}-A ' C AMD 1” >,V M.-TlO PRY GOOD?, . -. f aiv, at 1. v n . ■: — IJ) - - A'A..; . ’ ■v' ■ ; rAjOVATO.-, . ; i- * rin: ; r ■■ -yd G'.Drri’ !':';IN7? f sfch colors; 'i* A ■ ■ ' ■ : -0 ;», Aioxe ' an * lihtck ; f CO} : ' I ! i ' ' ■ ' • ' : _ 11 t : V'.- s; . b' • ’ihNG a:.., EDGING 3; '■'; I A’, i- ;fa;, a s.h-aent ; ' \ ■ iJNew-V ri.'Th: LONG CLOTH; : . ..ft and S,. :--s ALFLIN. A 1 ■■■'. v ♦ 1. -■-•• sds., ~h Fan’, BLANKER?; 1 k Mata ; -.- a ' i,Av.,_- Ah .~y wh; c.o o-tut at icdncod prices j [ I; . Ab INri ;V fine rich dry ! ■ Cum >S. ... ~n . - .1- . ; I i ■ w ■ *!’• ore,;' b-ig portion of | 1 : • l.oc.nh; SH.II&, worth "5 r. yard, selvnjr fFwn j 1 . Ahis an.: sti’i•• -a, ~ i; . v i>? i. - ■ I b.-’t CASD. lEdii£,.r i- b: ‘l-I.A'', f.*'>g at J j *.di.h in; :;:: '., s ir-- 11.., tsan ii;- ! - ■ , b: .h' ?, cor. ' Mrm of , i ‘ - - ;. . • > bi:.i» Pipper, i j •t ' ■ . . . we «\ ut* . f> uin I • r ; a the i r (A ' . -.r cant es P sti© 1- '•ri'. t-ap-; Aj;c. ; , Osnauurgs,audi-’acto-j-Goods j - )-A _ fftfi-otwicw | . i i ’■ . N ,l * 1 • A A. ri--';:,; de irons of reducing , rib ri b' .;• v.. y low price©'. Ti" ! ‘ *',T- ■ A- cl,, ao, will do Well to piVo ri!, ft jr- at ... ... , win , . !i. red: -'A 4hr. t <'. TN.I: .Tri and POULINS; (AOt. -b'LAri A-A.n.i CASIBIFRES; •- J A A.Ah; . , : • TC ,1 .red ALPACAS; 5 :.»At Anij.-i'C iKipiri; { ; hid, f d ■ r • .lIiPLAID& h: I- :s-v -an I ’-V-oIciCAWLS; '■ 4 . TbA-T :■ ?l' •- Ut-;-; : i jiii.a .ijSiliyi AN ijLLA.ri; j 'i . Ari-i W’twtAUi.-VfOS; at, Uwi-A and ri t-ck-MI riJ-.IN; ri "I ' ■ ‘A ima Wool ,-i i Ab.aca TfO?E; T . ii’:, Youth 5 .-, and Misses’ ilurirl; :iT f'e.ncy Hsrij.'i IP>?K; ■; assortment of PitlNT,?, some of the most recent 11A d>, of alt kinds, very cheap’ , Vr it-.i lUeK-b PLANVVi ?■ ’ l LINENS, Table PTAPKi,’? mid NAVKIN9; mid i i.-onei MfxHNGjj a. i (NM'T’TIADd; . dIZIf! }N CD! J, \K? and SI,UP'- IT; { *'■ d iukHn O.VriT; La.c UMftlti \S; liiye I>l yfl't’Y '•i.dlPßlNb.K frie I PI ITV ; Corded SKIRTS; r • ilU v pprN lbS sou , for Bordering; IjJS; i. siMIHiKS; TWKFPS ; lid r rib SYTiNKT.?; FLANNb: .■ andJJnANivlifl’?!; iNG rirtFO I\G; SU.iK'iriNQ audOsNAPURGS; fia Sf ItUTiS; ULU rT H; A • ■ . tj< > ; •■di.C’i* .-• -t K’!--g not mentioned* fell-dAw ■ Ai ( I'ION S\j,F>. 4 BY liiK.\J?UJGY &' J| ,&Ue of iVdf(W \ -faietry, u&tl ¥a>rty Goi)dd^^M , —T!ITS~NJGHT—. ~ ■ I f And to.eonrinne forLa few nights .j T \\ E 111. sell, ;n onr store, a very large and finelr*- wrimw .of Goods in the Above line, comprising a o£,«ia,ut.Tl-;.N THOIirSINO DOMjAKH*- IWag*?**- and most desirable assortment ever offered to (his Junniuinjty, consisting' of Gold Hnglfch LI VERS, in I«» I Renting case*; Wlior, Lever ; Ui( { Lupine WATCHES, gome very tine; suitable ter Ladles. ■ '.- AiafM, . ~ A large .1-*vtment Os GOLD JEWELRY, via - Far am! Finxnjr Itings, Broach**; Cham?, Pencils Bracelets, Watch ‘ Keys' Ac., .to., together with h great variety' of h>w priced •• Jewelry. _ ~ ‘ —AJL?O - Table and Tea SPOON'S, Hotter KNIA'KS, AC-" COKpio »NS, a ge»eri.f assortment of FANCY GOOlk-V Ac. - • { Sa'e p- ' live, to ciose invoices. Teians cash before delivery. ‘ All Articles warranted eritjal to description, or sale made VOid. I ‘ * * *' ■’ | - jv f For private-safe, during the 4aj’, mw on if see Thdattention of deaters is invited, las great bargains ihAy be exp eted., privately as well as publicly. fe2C-tf BY GIRARD EY & PARKER. —lift.'- DAY— ■ ITIT.nW, the 6th inst., at 10VT nVlcck, in front of i* Stj re, will be sold— . \ (Jeue-al Assortment of GROCERIES, WINES. LI- I QUOIkS TOBACCO, SEGAIIS. HARDWARE. GLASii- V, ARE. V RAPPING PATER, West India FRUIT, Ac., 4c. Teru'dea-h. !' - - - • * mlis h\ S. C? GREN Vi LEE it CO. AI) MIA ISTRzVFt *RS -SALE. 'yfi !tsn v> . the 1 fitlrinst., in front of Store, at 11 o'clock, 1 >v|’l be sn!d, the following property, belonging to the estate bf A. KaSue,* deceased— ' "V lim teiedd a .<p Kitchen H7RSITTRR, consisting of a • SOFA.: HU YEAR, STDE-BOAKD, Card and Dining TA-' I d ES, K.TIAIBK;*.UI >, UWS and BKDSTSADS, PITCH ER?, CURTAIN*, CARPETS, CROCKERY WARE, TOTS, o\ i:s i cciU-E ■>-, ac. • • Mer-Cur. • ■ ,intl IV.> nul i’operty, conshtingof STIOKS, T?< . I N '.TCUi.S, IMckled OYSTERS, a large Iron C O ->‘ t , COUNTERS, JLTtAIKS, STATIONARY, GI >A-,‘u WATCXT, Ac., Ac. Terms cash. _mh*H S. C. GRENVILLE, Adm’r. - - i;Y GIRARDEY & PARKER. Qljf HDAV, in. front of re, will la’ Hired— .i v .g.- • OHiLS, about li j -Mold. 49 known at the hir nr. JE i : r_ BY S. C. GBEAVILLB & CO. TEUSIEK^SaLR. ~TvTi-’. RE ?*<’>’,.'* ih • I. >wer’Marker, on the ii-st • y ’?■: yin AI Uil vt.\», w -Jain the Lountof Sc’lc, ’’ |> 1 I - nin - NEGRON R, to wit; r.lmut 4" years of age; Wi:i.' 4 d’.’-c“ ohlldrcn, CHARLOTTE,abccIIB; FANNY thou. A i'E t'.’lN, at out 3 ; Id i A t out '2b y ars; •i. v r Ir, and her child 6 month,? old. i ; i. id Cass 1 ;. tm«tce. PAIKiI At A ’ ■■■■■>• r> ■fV Srh' •/ /- , F-ftrnUiire, d'c. C ' TIvFU» VV, J 1 tkh reh, In tid-nt of ftrjw. at ICj^ y » oteldck, A. M., will he sold— -4 banls die Mahbg ny .BI RfiAUS, with f lassee; 2 -■ “ SOFAS: wash Stands - - CUdliO ' ill'. M.diogony WORK ST.VT rg ; Dili‘bar and Kitchen TABLED; Id .fPIStsn.AIiS anti BKHCINQ ; m, Ni AtuaSSES, ROLSTKiIS and PILLOWS; J’ca-b and In.n \MHRON, SHOVEL and rONCB; Siller Table and Tea SI*OONg ; P'affii t ASTtiJ.dS and Butter PUSH ; NVAirt'flS, IT,ATKS/JJISIiES, PITCHERS, Ac. T-n ms <■ .-a, |, r,.io delivery. W. ILK Ml Y, t _’ti-ilpusa:> Temporary Adminiatrator. S;V Gi-MUDEY & PARKER. —AT PUI \ ATE SAld? rj j IMr KMT- superior Ohauipagne W'INF, of direel: v•' ■ i<!.a.>, tntioi,, in tpiurte and Pints. The different t •i , the ; die po," “Nwtai*,” “ Oratrlftrrt" a i I i 'itire sjy fur lid- market. Wholesale Oeabrs in w. id . j:. line ,i lie!.,- of (.Tc.uipagiio W-INR will find it to liteir.ii. • • In eti and evaiuine•our Stock, W«rp ■ ! fi :211- 1 f ■ , tow kISUA rot VT \, Wherias, Uiiah r». 1 ’ " a' feit applies for Letters 'olnuu'strillion on the j • ■ i.-tte ot J.o.iu.- .m .v, late of said ebunty, deceased—• \ ‘lda |r ibff.a.tr.- .■ • site and artmouisb, all and singu- I • ill- (!■ Pa-1.a.l • lot Ia 1 adjiprs?,!'.said (‘eeo.l.led, to be and ■ a,e •11 i'V • liie.e, within the time prescribed bylaw, to | | •■■■. do , haye,,why aaftt letters should not I J Gita.- i g: ier my hand at olUePin AppH’ng. S. CRAWFORJ . Ordinary. I • TEA fKWATY,, «K«,—AYhereai i JohitT>! I ] I Isj(i4in ftj.p'ies i-»r i.c tiers of Administration on the I e cite of Fa-aii 11. Wilkins, late of said county, deceased —1 , Tin.-■ 4> ;* tire;, fore to cite end admonish, all and singu- 1 , la”, the ■; A; 1 rpoV'dreditors of s;vid deceased, to I>e and j ■ at ;ay i nice, within ti>e tunc p.estribetl by law, to J '-•how ca.i.fc, if yity Hiey Kavc, why said let; ers should not I be granted. | G.i, on an ler my handut ofTicein Appling. :li I.' 1 >J. S. OUAWFtMiI), Ordinary. I , >us,l J ! E. \ <M>i .';TV, BF().—AVhenas, Elias Scott v Pi'? * Letters -of Administration on the estate of \\ diam T. Johnson, fate of said county, decease I— lii do- tiierefon; to cite ami admonish, ill and singu la”, she Kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and aPi .-oar ai my < -Gic p, within the time prescrilied by law, to sliv .v iat;<c, if any tiiey have, why said letters should not be granted. Given Under my hand at office Jn Ap.pling. : >62. E. CKAW FORD, Ordinary, f i HTHpOND SBIIUFF ,- AIL. —Will bo solil on the 4 5 ft;st ITtte y in AiTHL next, at the Loner Market Hons- In Cm city of Augusta, between the legal hours rtf sale, • he foliov,l ■ r property, viz. negro woman, mnhit :>i ],l r-‘i;.s .out f ;ty two years of a|e, levied on as the properly of John L. Tinley,under the foreclosure of a moil - ti. la. is from the Vf< rior Court of llichmund Couu . , Li frvfcr of Joseph K. Bt.rdi, against John L. Tinley. o; . i ' rojwrtv d-.s’ribed in mortgage li. fa. . ;■ ..-n. ry isf’2. _ WILLIAM HOYLE, Sheriff. W, H. TOTT, DETJGGIST. TT.\s IT Ki'dllM and;oflers for yerj lo.v prices *'i} H, .\ .s W indow Glass ; 1• o■ > Ga. H’s Lamp Oil ; 10,■ Lbs. iVJikeXead ; Gail’s. Varnish ; Potash; _ . 2t ! ■ , P dot 'dills; Oall’s Linseed Oil; • • lodUiallV. Castor Oil; t>| C.isgs Chrome Greeny 5| Cases Chrdme Tellow ll Case iTtraTM.'.rinO’ Blue ; -- flf!dlLi s. IKdljr ad ; « Idjßbls. Spirit Turpentine; 1211) z. Paintlßniihes ; > l.lOOjLbs; bale rattle;' I I,lod|Lbs. lii-Catb. Soda ; ; 50lPnxcs peail Starch; : ~ • l,<KK)|Lbs. Kps iA Salts; f.dlltoz.F-naii j Cofßoxes Eanfft- Toilet Soaji ; lOlGross Matdpes; * fGHioxes P / Davis’ Pain Killer ; 100 d)oz. Must i d ; ~ 60 fl)oz. Dead f'hot; Ro« 03. Assort ! Cologne; So| z. DearsjOil; ,12 E)oz. hands? Sarsaparilla • 1211) Tovvnsi-nd’s Sarsaparilla, jal a --dl\iS;vvd I r? -Ti f: U : M fjji Ulltvii WORK S will furnish i DiE iG-hD LUMiS id, of any description on the short est notice. | .i-tT-«ltf I). SLATE, Sup’t. uoese. ft ENTiE'niA (ini be accommodated with Board *f ani to ’rug, aft the very de'-irable residence on Greene tre t. Istoly JccupfeS by Air. Finn. Also, Day s I ”1. jalß-t ' 'oii.' k I 'i—A fuie, well-broken family HORSE, and A !B’ J. Apply to - TINSLEY LNGEAJL 7 . I’G . —Ali debt.- whatever aeaur-t John Tilkey, In . > Lii' tady, or a i po-rtner of • Nee- n A 'i'i'key, are re (;n>- 1 tof>e 1; .tr’ I;b the subscriber sos vetiiemei.t at or ee, ~s f «Jvha Tilkey,) .s anxious to close h's business in Ga r r e. / li. M. lI'VAL, : I'G’-’ '■■■Ajvif Attorney for Join Tilkey. - >U -Liij; '• .1 t til h l'\^GbA-.—vrheieas, John Cones, ; V G ni. J. f.vc, tul O ven P. Fit 7, damns, Executors of hev . ■ • I h r!es Cm.: inghi.m, cicccpeed, apply ter Let* tI- s. s-rry tn saitl estate — Cm a- .1.4 tc.-'ef-re to cite, eumipons an.l admonish all and sl.-gt : ! , the kindred and creditors < f raid deceased, to lean . ;.4 at my on’see, within the tinn* prescribed by 11 v. : ■ >t c. if any they hare, why EaiiieUers ithculd rx’ i>e gr. uted. Civ unj’ ■my hind at office in Augusta. _ March )). (i >52. __ LEON P. DUO AS, Ordinary. _ ■x GT : '-' : i.—The Copartkershb) of Clark, Rackjett 4 Co. I t is'li |l\ . I Ly the de .tli of Air. (Ko. Rac’tiTT. AH ’■nrtics Raving cl,ums aga w.-t H*e Consent, "’’4 present ti in ; and those indebted will ruak -in at- .. Ae payment to | HGUAGiI xLAKK, J. S. t’l A,.K, fe.i 1 •—« r«. f. ; Kin Ilians FIGs?, in store amifo - !e ,v } fegj GIRARDEY i F.-KICEI’. If, tilt various sizes, WRAPPING P'P^K.for . ■ \> COUA MBA . . j mi I 6* Wlft -4 fy fe2’> S. C. GRENVILLE * CO i )olATilT’of CTOE>?.—ISO bbk.lfiioice Tiam -1 ing injf ATOKS. 2 r > bl !j. Eating POTATOES. Ju t received hy inhS-d.vjv ESTES A RICHMOND. ft ST RtCEIVIJH— fj IdO x’try Superior HAMS: 1 hhd. New SHOULDER#; f, Pint Al.l- *. 2tC I. . Crushed end Clarified HUGAT; SI icflv Prime Brown Do.; Jit CKIVHEAT', hi \ bbis. and in bags. For Mo’.yl _ G. T. DORTIC. ; (li; (.Oil! ■ —2« o obis, flvsh 'fliomaston IdMKJust I j i-fiviv-i, and for sak by . ”7 ... 4 l-GTES A RICHMOND. jl y£.i)l ltd fib bids, fill icebraiuis Flock, »«mothiog very 3* tine, ibices to suit the tunes. Call and see. k 27 11 NS LEV ,‘t INGRAM. N! I , IPd sacks Liverjmol SALT, for sale from UlO f~ wharf, by HAND, AVII,:JAMS * HO. . 4 4 \ \SIHI 5, a beautiful article foe sale by Vl fe2t> W.M. 11. TUTT, , r ijMll 1t.—20 barivk Hiram Smith Flour .gust received by fegH IA MRAt'K St XH IPITK, r I 'A i> A Ail) V IIA I <£■ IGI’HS .1, J. Dup-y’a BRANDY, i just received, and for sale low by -tV2I GI.UAUDY H PARKER. / ..iiO m| ((Mills ! -A few barrels ONIONS, for sale U LOU by felt) HAND, WILLIAMS & CO,