Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, October 01, 1852, Image 4

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__ INSTKANCK MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE. J C. l\ McCAY, Actuary. I ASBURV UUUi, President. Applications received, end fovorftKe terms offered by Dr. Wm. E. Djtiitixc and l -nwLBS liai.u, Agents for Au gusta. , - Jyß FIFE AND MARINE INSURANCE. riviiK rnOTEGTIOK IXSLH.AXCE COMP.VIW JL of Hart&rt, Connecticut have established an Agency in , August* and propose taking fire and river risks upon prapev- ; ty 0 f aii descriptions on as reasonable terns ;;s any other j goort offioo, at the store of Force, Brothers A Co. r *l j insurance! The SUBSCRIBER, Agent Southern Mutual lain- ' ranee Company, continues to take Marine, Rivet and , Warehouse Risks at his Office on Mclntosh street, and i promptly meets all kisses. His terms are from 16 to 25 per cent, lower than those cf any similar Institution in the State. ' T. W. FLEMIN G, Agent. Augusta. 21st August, 1851, * au22 MARINE, FIRE, AND LIFE INSURANCE, BY THE CIOMMERCSAL IN SI R V.\UK COMPANY, OF / Charleston, 8. C. CAPITAL, $250,000, ALL PAID IN. «2T Office, No. 4, Broad street. Pbksidknt, WILLIAM R. HERIOT. BIRSCTOIiS: James K. Robixhos, j Kssry T. Srp.MT, &KORGE A.TREXEOLM, j Vi'2l. McBCRSHT, Robert Caldwell, I J- U- Brawlht, A. R. Tavt, j T. L. Vv'BAka. A. M. Lex, ■S-’erefa-y, K. L. Tejsjer, Inspector, B. C. Prl-oLby, i llcilot , R. A. Kinloch, M*Mcal E/xaminar. This Company is now prepared to receive Proposals for MARINE, FIRE, and LIFE RISKS, ami to effect Insurance on fair and liberal terms. The subscriber he ving been appointed Agent for the above Company, is prepared to take Marine, Five and Life Risks, at customary rates. G. WALKER. (Mice at Warehouse of Walker, Bryson & Co., Au gusta. mylß-ly SAVANNAH MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. AGENCY AT AUGUSTA. rpHE l \DERSiG\KD has been appointed Agent for J. the above Company, and is now prepared to take Fire, Marine and Inland Navigation Risks. Premiums in all ca ses will be reasonable. 11. L. JEFFERS, Agent, n 3 Office on Mclntosh street. MEDICAL COLLEGE OF GEORGIA. rpH 15 T\VH A T V-FUIST COI'RSE OF LKU- A TORES, in this Institution, will commence on the FIRST MONDAY IX NOVEMBER NEXT. Anatomy, G. M. NEWTON, M. D. Surgery, L. A. DUGAS, M. D. Institutes and Practice of Medicine, L. D. FORD, M. D. Physiology and Pathological Anatomy, H. V. M. MIL LER, M. D. Materia Medfca and Therapeutics, and Medical Juris prudence, I. P. GARVIN, M. 1). Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Infants, .7, A. EVE, M. D. Chemistry and Pharmacy, ALEX. MEANS, M. D. Demonstrator of Anatomy, H. F. CAMPBELL, M. P. Assistant Demonstrator, ROBERT CAMPBELL, M. D. CTinicai Lectures will be delivered regularly at the Oily Hospital, and ample opportunities wiil t-e afforded for the study of Practical Anatomy. Important additions have been made during the present year, to their means for Demonstrative Teaching in Ob stetrics, Pathological and Surgical Anatomy, Diseases of the Skin, Ac., Ac, For further information, application may be made to any member of the Faculty, or to Augusta, July, 1532. jy22 G. M. NEWTON, Doan, tsr i 'he following papers wiil please publish the above to the amount of Five Dollars; Democrat, Huntsville, Ala.; Gazette, Florence, Ala.; Republican, Jacksonville, Ala.; Journal, Montgomery, Ala.; Monitor, Tuscaloosa, Ala.; Spirit of the South, Kufauia, Ala.; Misaissippian, Jackson, Miss.; Democrat, Columbus, Miss.; Register, Knoxville, Tenu.; Advertiser, Chattanooga, Tenu.; Post, Athens, Tena.; Messenger, Ashville, N. I.; Patriot, Greenville, 9. C.; Southern Rights Advocate, Anderson, S. C.; Banner, Abbeville, S. C.; Advertiser, Edgefield, S. C.; Carolinian, Coiumbia, S. C.; Floridian, Tallahassee,Fla.; Sentlnel.Tal lahassee, Ha.; Standard, Carsville, Ga.; Courier, Rome, Ga,; Advocate, Marietta, Ga.; Banner, Athens, Ga.; Re publican, Atlanta, Ga.; Federal Union, Milledgeviile, Ga.; Southern Recorder. Milledgeviile, Ga.; Messenger, Macon, Ga.; Enquirer, Columbus, Ga.; Patriot, Albany, 6a.; Tem perance baituer, Penfield, Ga.; Index, Penueld, Ga.; Geor gian, Savannah, Ga. ROSENDALE CEMENT. rpilK subscribers are Sole Agents for the «nle of the Cele -3 brated Cement, known as the “ NEWARK AND RO - HYDRAULIC CEMENT.” The reputation of this article for strength. Uniformity, cheapness, and dura bility, is well established, as wiil be seen by the following Certificates selected from many received by the President of the Company. From Col. W. J. McAlphiue. Dkv Dock U. S. Navt Yard, Bkookitj'. President of the !<’. and K. Cement Co.—SirAll the Ce ment used on this work, for two months past, over 8,000 barrels, has been obtained from your establishment. Eve ry tenth barrel of this quantity has been very.carefully in spected and tested in the severest manner. The result, has proved very gratifying; and it gwes me great pleasure to say that your Cement has stood a’.l the tests, equal to any that has been furnished this work. Wm. J. McAlpiss, Engineer. Prom J. Edgar; Thompson, formerly of the Georgia R. Rood Company. Esgixf.rr Departvfxt Pa. R.11.C0., Harrisccrg,Pa. President N. and R. Cement Co. —The Cement which you have sent us is equal to any we have received from any other manufacturers. J. Eouar THOMPSON. A Stock of the above Cement always kept on hand. Also, a supply of Calc. PLASTER PARIS, which will be sold En cash only. HAUL AM), RISLEF A CO., au2ff ' • Wholesale Druggists. GREKYULE'S ALMANAC FOR 1853. OUTi Edition of Grenville’s Almanac for IS6S, arrang ed for the States of Georgia, South Carolina, Tennes see, and Alabama, will be published and ready for delivery eariy in September next. It will contain, in addition to much valuable information — A table showing the population of each county, accord ing to the Census of iB6O. AUo, the Whig and Democratic vote of each county for President in IS4B, and for Gover nor in 1649. Also, the number of Representatives of each county in the Legislature. The Tax Digest of the Stale cf Georgia for 1552. A table showing the times of holding the Superior and Inferior Courts in the Sc 1 e f Georgia, and a list of the Sheriffs, Ordinas its, and Cierks of Superior Courts. A list giving the Port Offices in Georgia, Tennessee, end Alabama. A table showing the Census of 1350, the times cf holding ■ State Election*, and the Electoral Vote cf lolS, And a Gardner’s Calendar. Orders are solicited at an early date. A liberal discountmadeto the Trade. JOS. A. GARRIS & CO., Je23-d&w Booksellers and Publishers, Augusta, Ga. STOP, STOP>~SEE HERE.—SOMETHING NEW. npHI-: undersigned, for the improvement of his business JL and the interest of his customers, having purchased in j New York a ne w ami Improved Machine for the manuiac- | ture of CANDY, would respectfully cell the attention of Ins patrons, and the public generally, to the new sad beautiful style of CANDIES that he is now engaged in making, and can, at the same time sell it as cheap as the cheapest, end warrant it as good a? the best. C ill end see for yourselves. He is also manufacturing a superior article of ROCK CANDY, which wiil compare with the very best Northern I make. Ai.-o, Banana, Pine, Apnle, Strawberry, Raspberry, . Rose, Lem-n, and other Acidulated DROPS of the best • quality, ar.d warranted free from all unwholesome or dele terious iurredients ; together with a great variety cf SU - • GAR FRUITS, TOYS, &c. f ! He also manufactures Essential and Medicate! LOZEN GES, of every description, of first quality. au2s ' JOHN W. ZINN. BURNETTS* S PATENT WATER COOLERS, ~ fF UK only article of thi- kind ever patented. They are j JL furnished with two distinct Non-Conduct'ng Cham bers, by mean of which, with two lbs. cf Ice to the g-r.llon, j water ii kept at n temperature of 4o dear, above rrro, or only SO deg. horn the freezing point all, day. These Coolers never sweat; (hereby saving much vr- ste and trouble. Tbey contain also « pan capable of holding from 6to 8 pound* of batter, inserted > irectly unde;* the cover. This quantity of butter is kept perfectly hard without addi tional Ice. Being manufactured in the most workmanlike style, and handsomely finished in every respect they make a beautiful ornament for the Dining room. Hotel or Steam Boat. For sale wholesale and retail bv jy3l B. P. CHEW. j LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. GEORGIA. RICHMOND COUNTY BENJAMIN t VT H. WARREN and GEORGE W. LEWIS, of said county, have formed a limited Partnership, according to ' the statute in such cage made and provided, under the name i and firm of GEORGE W. LEWIS, for conducting a general ■ MERCANTILE and COMMISSION BUSINESS in the City of Augusta. GEORGE IV. LEWIS is the general partner, BENJA- j MIN H, WARREN the special partner, both residing in Augusta. Benjamin 1L Warren has contributed to the i common Stock Ten Thousand DMJav*, which is paid in cash. Said partnership commence aThls Day, and is to con- j tlnue for three vears from this date. B H. WARREN, GEORGE IV. LEWIS. j Signet! and acknowledged in presence of September 1,1652. sS RICHARD ALLEN, J. P. COPARTNERSHIP. THE undersigned have formed a copartnership to go into | effect on the Ist of October next, under the style and j firm of DAVISON A SKINNER. We have taken the large brick store occupied for many years by D’Antignac A Bar- ! ry, first door above Lamback A Cooper’s, where we will ! keep on hand a large and well assorted stock of staple and i fancy Groceries. Ail orders from the country will receive prompt attention. DAWSON A SKINNER. ► J. c. Dawson, formerly Threewiu» A Dawson. L. C. Skixxer, formerly with W. S. A T. u. Roberts. J »4-lm _ DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. THE COPABTAERgmi* heretofore existing under | the st le and firm of TINSLEY A INGRAM, has been THIS DAY dissolved by mutual consent E. C. TINSLEY is authorised to use the name of the firm in settling up the hiißine-a E. C. TINSLEY, 'Augusta, August 27, TIIOS.L INGRAM. THE subscriber will continue business at the old stand of Tixslev A Ingkam, and all persons indebted to i ixslev , A Ingram, arc requested to come forward and settle, ana all persons having claims, w 31 present them THE eubscibciThaving purchased the stock of Horses, i Wagons, Ac. of Tinsley & Ingram, L now prepared to do j HAULING of any kind. Orders left with E. C. TtNSi.Y, or at my S able on Green Street, near City Hall, will be j promptly attended to. THOS. J. INGRAM, • Augusta, Aug. 25, 1552 AUGUSTA BREWERY, IN REAR OF F. LAM- | BACK'S. Martin Frederick <n co., respectfully inform the public that the BREWERY is now in full opera- i tion, and that they have, and will continue to keep on Laud, a full supply of Augusta Made ALE, which they warrant to keep in any climate. > They challenge ?. comparison of their Ale with any other ■ I* country, no matter from what section. We will make it to the interest of dealers, if they will J gfre us a call. Orders from the country thankfully receiv ed and promptly executed. MARTIN FREDERICK, WILLIAM P. LAWSON, i J. SOUHNLIN. Auftist 26,1652. dtwAwSm < TO PROFESSION AJL & BUSINESS MEN. PROFESBIONALAND BUSIN ESS CARDS, hotexceeding I six lines, will be inserted under this head at the rate of $lO ! annui'. Card-- exceeding six lines, will be charged pro trtt'per line- - JOHN C. CIRMItHAEL, , tOMMISfeIOV MERCHANT, Auuiisla, Ga., wili V attend to the sale of Produce es all kinds, consigned i to him. WILLOW cV GILLESPIE, Awrrios A.\D COMMISSIOJi MKHCUIAXTS, (Store in Johnson House Building, M'hito Kail Street,) 1 Atlanta, Ga, Refermrfs —A. E. Johnson; U. L. Wright; Pec;g k Bo- . mar; J. Robinson & Co., and McDaniels, Mitchell £ Hulsey, j j Atlanta, Ga. j Atlanta, September 16,1552. HlfbdSm ~HCRBEBT FIELUEII, A TTORXKY AT I,AW, Cedar Town, Polk county, ) Georgia. aulß-6m« ! J. i. & «. A. SNEAD, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Law Range, Augusta,Ga., j Practice in the Courts of the Middle District, and f Common Plias of the City. ■ Jons C. Ssexd also practices in the Courts of Edgefield j and Barnwell Districts. South Carolina. Jobs 0. Sxsas, | Ga.ila3d A. Ss2a». 1 au6 “ MILLLDGiT&‘^R©F«ERsT^I ATTOR.IKVB AT LAW, Angusia, Georgia. Office on Jackson street, * John Millsdos, A. M. Bodckhs. au7 ~WABMAW’ ~sT : ™ ' FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, N' ORTH ATLANTIC WHARF, I.!IArtLEBTO.\, S. C. j W. z. wardlaw. Jy2o-6m o. walksk. j STONE, STARIT& 00., j TMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS A. in DRY GOODS, N 0.41 Broadway, New York. Lsvt P. Stony, j Hexky H. Stotbsboet, i Eobset Stahh, J H. Langdon Bctler, Joxv. J. Broom. jylfi-Sm i “ DIJVSOA & DOIEHERTV, ' ” 1 A TTORAEYB AT LAW, Au gusta, Georgia. • j‘\ Jjlfl-tf Andrew H. H. Dawson, | IV. J. Doighrutt. ciis & mwis, A TTORAKVS AT LAW, Marietta Ga.—Will prac- J.X. tice in ail the counties of the Blue Kidge Circuit.— ! Strict and prompt attention given to the collection of claims i Jnced in their hoed*. E. Cain. ( M. J. Irwin. lify -renced :—John Livingflou and Woodjatc & Rcome, \ N» w York; Wiley Banks & Co., Charleston ; Dehn & Fos ter, Savannah ; Three wits & Dawson, and IV. & J. Nelson, j Augusta, Ga. jy3-wßm ! W. H. A J. W. H. I VHEinVOOIL Attorneys at laiv, kumeGeorgia. _ jell-d&twly . John J. Jose?-. ( John R. Stcrobs. JOSES' k hTIFxLES, A TTOBXEVB AT L VIV, Waync-ihoro’, Georgia. __ _ _ jclS-t y JOHA L. BIRD, A TTORVEY AT LAW. will attend to all Prvfc/Jon jL\. si business entrusted to him in the Counties of Talia : ferro, Greene, Oglethorpe, Wilkes, Warren and Hancock. Office at Crawfordville, Ga. apll-1y . JOirill. TILLEY, ~ A TTORAEY AT LAW, CrawfordTilie, Georgia, will j!a_ practice in the counties of Taliaferro, IV'lkes, Warren and Hancock, of the Northern Circuit, and Greece, of the ! ! Ocmulgee Circuit. aplß-rf - ___ TTVXCHAAtiE BROKER, Washington Street, one J. J door North East of Broad Street. recurrent MONEY bought. mhfi JAMES" ft. 10 LLFEIIT A TTOHXEV AT LAW, Augusta, Georgia, office re _U\_ moved to the rear of ?li!ler L IVarren's Dry Goods store, over B. H. Warren & Co’s. o‘2o JOKAK.JACKSOA, 7 i A TTORXEV AT LAW, Augusta, Georgia, Practices in the Middle Circuit of Georgia, and in the neighbor i Ing Districts of South Carolina. Office in the Masonic Hall Building. ja27 EIMiAH ft, DAWSOV, A ITCH M-Y AT LAW, Columbus, Gcc'rgia, refers by permission to the following well known gentlotuer.: Anthony Porter, Esq., President es the Bank of the State of Georgia; Hon. R. B. Cuyler, President of the Centra? Railroad and Banking Company ; Hon. A-bury Hull, Cash ier of the Branch Bank, State of Georgia; Messrs. Hill A j Dawson, Columbus, Georgia. jai CHARLESTON ADVERTISEMENT CLOTHING. PIERSON A. Ji:.VM.\G9I i Who?**nl« Clothing Ware7ton*e, Ko. 26 Haiti if ttrert j Ckarieoio) , So. Co. II T E DEG leave to call the attention of Merchants and , ft Dealers to the very large and rltriraMe stock cf READY MADE CLOTHING. IVe ha.vc.now on hand : Such a.* Blue Flushing, Biue Pilot, Blanket, Petersham, Lyon Skin, Clouded C.iaimere and other styles of OVER COATS; Paletots, Sacks nnd Lucy I usincss Coatj, m .•• -. of i i black, colored, mixed and clouded Cloths; iBEAvKR CLOTHS, Devonshire KERSEYS, TIVEFDS of every quali ty—with a large stock of PANTS, VESTS, CLOAKS, Dret..- ? ing GOWNS, SHIRTS, COLLARS,DRAWERS, ,tc., Ac ,—»>i j made in the best manner. Our prices are uniformaly low, and we challenge a com parison with any other House in the Untied Stated. Particular attention wiil be paid toeUorderasent tou.->; end wo erJicit them from Merchants not coming on. They may reiy upon our giving satisfaction and filling their orders promptly. . PIERSON * JENNINGS, 19-4 Broadway, New Yc. k, slo-tAwßui and 26 Hayue streeta, Charleston, S. 8. Th*R«*l “ Urtch Tom”-~ u light. Men Light S. 'CP' A BOOK FOR THE TIHLS! "VJ OW READY, and contains SOO 12mo. page?; brsu lx tifully Ulustriited with original designs, and neatly bound, nrice entitled LIFE AT THE SOUTH ; OH “UNCL3 TOM'S CABIN’’ AS IT 19—being Narr-rive*. < Scenes and Incidents in the Reai “Lifeof the Lowly"— by W. L. G. Smith, Esq. The object of the authoris to represent the cordiri.-i or Hie slave in his rude but comfortable Cabin, his daily occu pation? aad pastimes, the relations between master an J slave, the mistaken impulses and mis'onceived views of the Northern Phliantropist, &c., and to repreeentthe ps - , iions and sentiments in their nslural fonns, »? the sam : »re displayed in the humblest lot In human society; thus shewing that, in the case of the slave at least, content me*..' I bestows more happiness than freed era ; and at h* ame ! time to represent, as it is, a class es people, viz: she Plant er, to whom Just fee h is seldom been done, end whose cha racter, as exhibited in every day life, is well calculated e win ire amiable judgment cf the world. lor 58! by null THOMAS RICHARD ; k SON. OSKABURGS i O w RAIJEB OSAABI'RGg from the Ma■dson b’eam ■ O Mill. J"M received and for sale at factory price l ? fav BELCHER k HOLLINGSWORTH, 8-j?S No. 6, IVarren Block. i Ol’b AR, SUG AR.— O 5 hhds. Muscovado SUGAR ; 5 “ Sent Croix Do; 6 “ Porto Rico Do; •Just received and for sale by au24 S. C. OHEN yM.Li: k ( O. ; *)A BOXES IWnitney SOAP : 20 boxes Colgate No. 180 AP ; 25,000 Domestic BEGAR?; 10,000 Spanish Do., Just received and for sale by *5 6IRARDET L PARKER. SHIRTS. —Just received an Invoice of Fine and Com mon Fancy and Plain SHIRTS, with and without Col- i larSjSumeof which are extra large sizes. Forsaleat CLAYTON t DIG NGN’S Clothing and Hat Store. YANKEE FAEM FOR SALE, THE subscriber wili sell, at the Lower Market II use, on the first Tuesday in OCTOBER, the above well 1m I proved place. It controls 210 acres, more or less, is on the Havannah road, five miles from Augusta. 1 Also, at the same time and place, three NEGRO FEL i LOWS, JIM,a carpenter, abfcut 25 years of age; LIGE, an : ostler and driver, about 22 years of age; MARCH, a first rate store boy and servant. All are prime Negro Follows. They are sold for no fault—warranted sound and healthy, j Terms cash. sll-twtd A. 11. McLAIVS. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. t-rxfiK undersigned offers for Sale his HOUSE and C 0 > L LOT, on the corner of Telfair and Elbert streets, j fronting SO feet on Telfair and running through to Walker ! , vtreet. The DWELLING is two stories, with eight Spacious I ! Rooms and a Pantry, plastered throughout. On the Lot | ; are a commodious Kitchen, Negro House and Stable, and a j Well of fine water. Immediately Southcst, adjoining, arc four fine Building j ) Lots, each forty-five feet front on Telfair and Wulk. r-s’?:., j which arc also offerc’ for sale. [ For terms, which will be liberal, apply to CHARLES McCOY. j Rail Road Stock, or Negroes, taken in payment, as : I am determined to move West. au2l-twtf A. DOUBET BOOT AXD SHOE MAKER, Takes this method of informing his friends, nnd the public, that he has en- |* fc ’ larged his Stock, and is now prepared to ’ \ supply any article in the various branches of his business. LADIES’ SHOES. ' He has a splendid collection of Ladies’ Work, such as i Gaiters, Jenny Lind’s, Excelsiors, Bushin Tics, Ac., ccc.,to ! gether with every variety of Misses’BOOTS, SHOES and j GAITERS, to which he invites the attention of thoie who ! wish to purchase, that may judge of the superior character i landfichhof his Stock. A. DOUBET. IVork made to order, and Repairing done in the , best style, and at short notice. myP-twly TVBT ilßU'fcfvEu IIBTOHI.- jfJ 1 hhd. prime Family HAMS; 20 bbls. Stuart’s Extra Refined Oofltee SUGAR, A, B, and C, and for sale by j a24-2w GIRARDET & PARKER. j riliOl’R. —BO bbls., in bag?, at the low rate of $3 per | 1 bbL, for sale by s 2 B. H. WARREN. j TMU-A large ar*onmeniKf uf,7rTson> Celebra’ted Co i 1 lumbian INK, for sale by jyßo D. R. PLUMB &CO Tooth-ache,— a certain relief for this troublesome complaint, can be found in one or two applications cf > i the ODONTALGIC DROPS, I jyiS D. B. PLUMB & CO., Agents. Tmoß Y.-—5,000 bushels prime Western Corn. tn Store! ( V_ atl for sale by s7 GIRARDF.g & l-AOKMI. , n \roS riiDEfcL—ls,ooo lbs. just received and for sale I j j)- * s!2 GEO. W. LEWIS, Warren Block. REE\ GINGER, fresh aad One, for Preserving, for sale by sit WM. H. TUTT, Druggist. I>OU DURD £OIL\ tor_ puadiugs 7c. I and I NEW YORK A D VERTiISEMJENT SEWING riACHINY. OiNGER’S Patent Straight Needle Perpendicular Action ' , SKIVING MACHINE. Fate® tad August 12th, ISM. Improvements-, which render' this macliire a perfect ioatra meat, patented April l-'Alij’i.Bs2- '»o this be fore the great improverqeut* .‘.ere applied,the flrrt pmal ums were awarded at the last New York Slate fair, and fair of the American Institute. As now improve'!, tlu.se ma chines are Infinitely ahead of competition, and the inven tion is nnqv.eslionab.y the most valuable one now before ■ the public, not excepting the Planing Machine, Colt’s Pis , torts, or any other. A!! kinds off cwiug, on either cloth or ! leather, clone by these machines in most beautiful style, so ! it cannot rip or ravel, and with immense saving of labor. It* great shoe manufacturers at Lynn, and other place*, use these machines. The extensive saddlery establishments i of Newark-, K. J., and Bridgeport, Ct., use them; and the : manufacturers of clothing and working tailors in many ; parts of the country have introduced and are employing i then with perfect success. No Sewing Machine previous to i this was of any practical value, or stood the test of actual use; and no machine for stitching can ever be made that I will be useful, w.nbout infringing on 1. M. Singer's Pat nts. | The public are cautioned not to buy oilier machines con taining I. M. Singer's improvements, as all infringers will i be promptly and vigorously prosecuted. Price of Machines, > with all apparatus complete for immediate use, including the I right to use under the pa tents, $125. Orders sent by mail, i or through either of the express lines. Immediately execu * ted. Country merchants coming to New York always fur nish a convenient medium for the purchase of Machines. Town, County or State Lights for the EXCLUSIVE USE of these Machines, for sa’e cn most favorable terms. Ma chine Needles, a'so a splendid article of silk twist on spools, j made exnreas'y for these Machines, for sale at ail our oSh • ces. Black s7;.Colored. $7.50 per pound. Principal offices 259 Broadway, N. Y.; 57 South'Fourth street, Philadelphia; and 19 Harvard Place E> s’ob. S 4-8m I. M. FINGER & CO. 1 „ - —, ■ I- . .. - ; FRENCH, GERMAN, AND ENGLISH FANCY ARTICLE?. AS FMEMiA'C!, Importer, No. 71 Malden I ano, I I New York, offers for sale, at the lowest marke t prices, on the usual credit, la lots to suit purchasers, the following | GUNS and PISTOLS; Percussion GAPS, GD and SB; I Lacs and Agate BUTTONS; SUSPENDERS and GAR TERS; Silk TLMBIILLI Aft; English and Gorman CUTLE RY; MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS; WORK. BOXES and JEWELRY; Writing DESKS; Buffalo, Pressing and Back COMBS; DOMING'- - amiJMIEBBMEN; Lead PENCILS; 1 VIOLIN'STRINGS; FANCY BOXES; DRUGGISTS’ An- ITCLESd China ORNAMENTS; Silk and Metal GUARD - CHAINS; PURSES and MIRRORS; INKSTANDS and STATIONERY; Tooth and Sad BRUSHES; Hair and Sha -1 Ting BRUSHES; Artists’ BRUSHES; MARBLES end , BEADS; Snuff and Tobacco BOXES; BegP.f CASES; SPECTACLES; PEN HOLDERS, Ac. —also— ! PERFUMERY,' LX ERA CIS and SOAPS, from different ■ Paris Manufacturers. New GOODS rocei". cd from Europe • by every arrival. auß-tw!2 COTTON MACHINERY FOE SALE. HPIII! WiCCASSEK CBMPASY, Fishkill Landing, i N. Y., will sell at Public Auction, on the Premises, on the 6th day of OCTOBER, at 12, M., all Their COTTON - MACHINERY now in operation in their M-hl,Gon?!stiagof— -1 Mason’s Mi BLOW LR; 1 one beater PICKER ; 1 three do., do.; 22 thirty inch Doubl# Dofier CARPS, with rail ways ;-8 linilway i IEADS; § two head Drawing BRASH'S; I 1 forty-eight Spindle SLUBBER; 8 eighty-four Spindle FLY FRAMES; I DOUBTER; ‘i WARPERS; 2 GRIND i ERS; ft King Throstle, SPINNING FRAMES, 182 Spindles each ; 1 Ring Throstle (MoCuliy) SPINNING FRAME, 128 ; Snihuies -each; 5 Self-acting MULES, 850 spmulee each; 4 SPOOLERS: 2 4-1 wide DRESSERS. 6ft do. LOOKS; 1 I Patterson SPEEDER, 12 Head, 7inch Bobbin. The above Machinery was built in- .34*, by the Mattea wan Company, in the mt-sl expensive style; has been ope* ’ rated with great care, end is now running in excellent order, affording a rare opportunity to those wishing to S purchase first;ate Machinery at a-very low- price. For further particulars, address (post paid), WICCAS6FE COMPANY. Fi-hkii! Landing, New York, or JOHN SLADE s CO., 13 Broad street, Mew York. Fislfikill Landing, August 4.1552. aulo-WASatOl _ . SAMTEtJL HOYT, j of the fn.-i of Sa-irmd Hoyt <L Co., Cdvo y>nak,.ba.) i ■f TTOUIJ) announce to bis friends that he has removed VI to Charleston, 3. C., No. 149 East Bay, where 1 e is J prepared 1 o do a General Commission business, and lur | ntsh to-order, at all times, any ariic’es from the North or ; South that rcay be wanted, for the usual commission, a? ; well an receive and sell the some. And I pledge rat self I that ail business'entrusted to'my care shell receive each ■ attention as wjii insure similar manifestation of their good , Will, not doubting that my acqaaintanc' aUh Northern and i Southern markets fill enable me to do as well as any, and f bet’er than many. 1 AI«o, denier iu Butter, Chee??. Platter, Marble Dust, Cement, Lime and Hair. And, Agent for sundry Machine Manufactories, North I and South, as'well ae'SUa.- 0. Herring*.-. Eire-Proof Salts, 1 Georgia and French Burr Mill Stones; nil of which will be furnished on short notice, on.l at mancfafcturers prices. Cash pa-id at all times for Wool, Green, Salted and Dry Hides, Doer and fLoop Skins, Shipping lurq Beeswax, i Rags, Rope Cuttings, Sea island Cotton Seed and Florida ’ Moss'. Also, Southern Tanned Lea her in the Rough. Tertus cash Invariably. Refers to the citizens of ' Savannah generally. sl-d&wffid ; do u cT'nnsn*. |N L. «V>f.V-GA'ik & CO. Lave l ist tartly- a. I J» est fat the Old Stand, near the Lower Mur- I ket) ala rge and splendid assortment-of Ladi, -s* ip % Gant’s, Mi •• t ' iriren - .00 1 5, "HO! 3, * ; GAITERS, BUSKINS, TIES, Ac., &0., con dstlng, 1 part, * of Gent'.' tins Calf BOOT' • Congress LOOTS, different styles; Oxford TIES; GAITERS.; .Calf .-ml Goat BltO ■ GAMS; Wrought, Yehei and .MorceoaSLl‘-t*EKS,Ac., Ac-.; Lad’s GAITERS, in great variety/bteclt and colored, from 85cts. to $2; Misses’ GAITERS; JENNY LINDS, BUS KINS ; AL!PEERS: TIMS, black and colored. j Children’s GAITERS; HENRY CLAYS; JENNY LINDS; j Ar.cle TILS; SLIPPERS, Ac., As., a great variety. i Men's, Women’s, -liases’ ami Children's low priced BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, Ac., Ac., a good assortment. Which, in addition to their former S’uck, trill -make as I good an assortment as can be found in the city. N.B. We do not say the cheapest ever oSevad In the city, f but we rr-y the best aocordiuj to tfc* price. Call and see. Augusta. June 28,1952. je23-d&iw AMERICAN ISOU rOTIKjDKY! AUGUSTA GEORGIA. 08MOKD, GifAY" «!fc CO., Proprietors. ] TAYiAG completed their arrangements, thepropiie £l tors of the above named establishment, are now pre -5 eved to execute ail orders for every description of OaST | lNt-8 at the shortest notice, and in the beat manner. To Rnllroad Companies and C ar Builders. Wo are prepared to manufacture Chilled Railroad Car and Engine WHEELS of every kind, equal to any Wheels I manufactured ,-u the Northern, and superior to any manu - factored at any Southern Foundry, and at prices as low as i any that can be delivere d fi ora any other establishment. I Abo, all other ik rcriptions of Engine and Car CASTINGS, Ware House TRUCKS; .'lso, C.»- ‘ Iron WATER Pli’LS, 1 WATER WfIEDLS, COLUMNS, Lamp POSTS, Cemetery end other RAILINGS. Bridge BOLTS of every deecrlption, BULLIES, SHAFTING end HANGERS of all kinds, i* -ticuiav attention paid to the xnanufactnra cf FROGS, \ SWITCHES, etc., etc. To rviilleis and Mill Owiiore, Mill and Gin GEARING of .every description, furnished i of the host materials and wot kaianslup, and at tbelov c*t . prices. TO FLATTERS. Particular attention paid to the manufacture of PLOUGHS and PLOUGH CASTINGS of ail kinds; having purchased the Patterns of the late firm of Taliaferro & lorbctt, a sup ply will be constantly on hand. Tnc proprietors of the “AMERICAN IRON FOUNDRY,” being Practical Mechanics, and having the establishment under iheir r-a-n special superintendence, and employing none but the beat workmen, confidently assert that they can manufacture all descriptions of CASTINGS and CAR WORK, equal In quality, and at as low j)ricee as can be furnished by any other establishment, North or South. They hope, therefore, by strict attention to business and punctuality in fulfilling their contracts, to merit the patron age and eticourag.nnent of Southern Railroad Cotnpar ys and all other parties who ir ay m,iure CASTINGS or 0 iR If OKK done cheaply and expeditiously. O -MOND, GHAI & CO., Augusta, Geo. We are enabled to refer to tire following named genii-- men: Hon. John I*. King, Pro,-ident Georgia Railroad. F. C. Arms, Superintendent “ “ Wm. Hardman, “ ftlotiva Powjr, Ga. Railroad. Hon. Wifikun E. Bearing, Augusta. VJtn. K. Kitchen, Hugh O’Neil, W. H. Goodrich, Augu* u V. Baldwin, Sup’t Motive Power, W. & A. R. R., Atlanta. Richard Peters, Atlanta. George Rot ins- .n, Hamburg, S. C. G. T. Oglesby, O m Manufacturer, Augusta. jyl ft-Gm L. HANCOCK & COT, D i:\I.UUS in STOVES and G RATES, Plain a and Japanned TIN WARE, Britannia, Wood, JLjJ'a i Willow and Hollow WAIVES, Lifting PUMPS, licad and Block Tin PIPES, Kitchen and House Furnish ing HARD-WARE, and Manufaetuic s of Tin, Copper, Lead, and aheet iron WARS. Mctalic ROOI'IKG done in the most approved manner with dispatch. The Trade supplied with TIN WARE at Wholesale upon the very lowest term.-. SST- 210 Droad Street, (a few doors below Post Office | corner.) Augusta, Ga. * ap9-d&w i r I 'HO y lAsTON i.iftfK.—2so bbls. Fresh Thomaston X LIME, just received and for sale low bv jyia-n&wtf ESTES & RICHMOND. 4 RTIST’S MATEBIAIiS.—A supply of very supe xV. rior Colors, Brushes, Canvas, Palette, Ac. For bale by i-cp9 WM. H. TUTT Druggist. T> AKER’S IX FALLIBLE TETTER OINTMENT, & 1) certain remedy f r this annoying complaint. For sale by j>2B D. B. PLUMB & CO. I VTfiW BOOHB. —The Clifford Family; or a Tale of the IN Old Dominion, by One of her Daughters ; Bclf-Dcceplion; or the History of a Human Heart, by Mrs. Ellis. Pierre, or the Ambiguities, by Herman Melville. Hunting the Romance ; nr the Adv entures < f a Novel reader, from La Chssse au Roman of Jules Lamlsau. Aunt Phillis’s Cabin; or Southern Life as it is, by Mrs. Mary H. Eastman. The Conte ions cf an Attorney, by Guetavue Sharp, i Just received and for sale at GEO. A. OATF.S & CO.’S, si 1 Book and Music Store. Bricks i on sauk—6oq,o«o Bricks for sale.— ■Apply to . jyll-tf S. L. tr- L. G. BASFORD. j I.vOfl COI QHB,—Refined Liquorice LOZENGES, a ! i very excellent article, for sale by j sis D. B. PLUMB k CO- } o IVUT CBB. SlPi CARB.OF SODA, 1 • Lvulf 1,0 a- ibs. B-:ueSt .ne. Just J inded and for rale by sepft WM. IL TUTT, Druggist. j pOHfiMIAX W A ILK.—Toilet Powder Baxes, Co- | k,gr.es, PungenH, <vc., of rich and elegant styles, just received by sepft VM. IT. TUTT, Druggist. j A T'TftRV fine COLOGNE, both Foreign and' Domestic, for | V sale by U 5 D. B. PLUMB k CO. I C* kegs, from 4 to 7 inch, for sale by O GEORGE W. LEWIS, :T No. 1 Warren Block, Jackiou street. tSTAMi LI.MTIBXT, for sale ' jet I D. B. PLUMB k CO. ! <iQp>S. t HEW GOODS. SNOWDEN ftfe SHEAK TJAVE just received from New York, by the last Steam Ladica’ Fancy Dress SILKS, of rid; tn 1 eiegaat stv lea; Rich. Printed H OUTRUN B dk (..VINES, for Ladies'Pali aii-i Winter Di esses; Fancy Printed i>h LAIN f», small figure#, for Children, at very low prices ; -. MoussaHr.e deLame RUBES, and Fancy Printed Pcrelm i CLOTHS ; J and Jacoc-t Muslin TRIMMING, s£tC Ludiee | H'.Qurmiig COLLARS; I Ladies’ Worked MusHn UNDEHSLKEVEB, at very low j prices; i rr QJt ui ’'* Work<rt BODIES, an I Cambric HAND ! KERCHTFEfe; Pima Sw’s-g MUSLINS,'of beautiful ely’e sad finish, and at very low prices; j Plain BOBINETS, and FiQt and Cotton Illusion LACES, I for Lad<en Evening Drer-aes; S Liam Taffeta ami White Satin RIBBONS, and Black Silk j LACES, for Ladies’ Vella gnd Cbdersleerga; Plain Black and Black ALL AC AS, of superior : stvle; English Black and White PRINTS, and Mourning GTNG -1 HAMS, of new and beautiful styles; Manchester GINGHAMS, at very low prices, and war j ranted fast color?; M hi tv Saxony FLANNELS, of superior style and quality; Heavy Red FLANNELS, for 6--mints, at low prices; | Heavy Plain Green Floor BAIZES, and Belting CLOTHS. The piib'ic are respectfully invited to call and examine the j assortment. _ au27-dtw&w FALL AND WINTER DP.Y~GOODS. CI6BGRUVE & BHEAXAX, and 276, Broad-sL, J will open in a few days a rich Stock of Fancy and Sta ple DRY GOODS, bought at an advanced stage of the season, at reduced prices. They invite attention to the following Invoices of Goods daily expected. New de«igns Colored and Black SILKS; French CASHMERE and MUSLIN nc LA INIS, every va , rtetyotpattern; MERINOS: COBURGS, and Stuff Goods, of every kind; Black and Colored Alpacas and Bombazines; i EMBROIDERY; RIBBONS and GLOVES; j SWEEPING; TOWELLING ; NAPKINS and DuTLAS ; A full supply of BLANKETS ; KERSEYS and Domestic i Goods of all kinds, with their usual full and complete as ,j Bortment, embracing e very article generally kept in a Dry i Goods ft,ore. N. P. We will receive, In the course of a few days, a large 1 Stock of Carpeting and Hearth Rugs, which we <vill sell t cheap. ?15-tf COSGROVE & BRENNAN. DKY GOODS.-FF.I3H SUPPLIES. 7 COBGHOYE & BfIEXXAX, 2tV2 and 27‘5 Broad-st., have received a new supply of Rich DRESS and other | FANCY GOODS, which they offer akvery reduced pricee, ■ and to which they invite the attention of the Public. Our Stock of Goods embraces every thing ih our line. Wt wonid evil pHrticulcr attention to ths following; Biack and colored SILKS, of aitctylcs; ' ludia Work SILKS and BANGOLiNES; Embroidered and Brocade GRENADINES and UiIAPL »» i PARIS; i 'TISSUES, BAREGES and BAREGE DfLAINES; Dotted, Embroidered, and Printed LAWNS, fWJSSES and ; JACONETS; Embroideries and Lace GOODS, in great variety; MAN TILL AS fc GAPES, GLOVES, FANS, Ac.; Linen SHEETINGS, Towelling NAPKINS, DOYLIES; Irish LINENS, Long CLO L'HS, SHEETINGS, Marseilles. . QUILTS; ■j Embroidered and Turkey Red DIAPERS, WINDOW j SHADES. A-c.; GINGHAMS, Fnghsli and French CALICOES,.Ac., &o. myl 1 i . r , ~ . . NEGEO CLOTIi 4 ?. A LEXANPER * WRIGHT invite the attention c I A Planters to their Stock of NEGF-0 CLOTHS, consist - ing of Schley's Georgia PLAINS, and Augusta Mantifac ; luring Company’s Heavy WOOLLENS, which they offer at Factory price?. sl7-dAw MOEE NEW GOODS. \\TILLIAM H. CRANE has received from New York, ■ VV within the last two days, the following NE A' GOODS, j which added to those received before, makes his Stock ei j Rich Winter DRESS GOODS verv large and select. | Fine B’ack Silk Warp, BAKASIEITA ; Extra Colored French MERINOS; Beautiful Coburg CLOTHS; ’ • Rich Printed French dr LAINES ; • I Tain Colored PL’RITANI; Handsome Figured SATTESTS:. . , Ex tr Printed POPLINS; ' Super Printed CD ALLIS; 1 i Elegant printed Satin D GHINE (somatking new); > I Rich FirocadeSlLKS; Plain Glacie Do.; j ’ Marceline Do.; (all cc!cr? i; ‘ Rich Mourning Neck RIBBONS 1 f I “ Colored 1 j Extra Plaid Long SHAWLS; | . Rich Cashmere “ (Rleek and Colored; ‘ ) Black, and White “ 1 Plain Black Siik SHA WLS; And many other new and h autiful GOODS, to which be i respectfully ark* the attention of the public. No. 342 Broad street. sl6-uiw LINENS. &C. * WJI IPLSAM 11. CHAN E, has on hand, ; > / Good 4-4 Irish LINEN ; Pine Huckaback DIAPER ; i Extra and COMMON Scotch DIAPER; ■ i Bor’d Linen TOWELS; j GINGHAMS, PRINTS, CAMBRICS. Pc., Ac '•; slff-ec w -No. *2’-2, Broad Street. FAN Y GOODS. TAIiKIMO about new,handsome and cheap Drt-ss and Fancy Goods for la.uies wear, we can assure the pnb j lie it would be to their advantage to visit CARO k BLAS i COER. 812 Street, where they will find the most tasty i and well assorted Stock in the city. It embraces almost any article you can call 5 rin the wav of STABLE and FANCY DRV GOODS, HOSIERY, SMALL NOTIONS, SHOES, Ac., Ac., widen they offer for sale low enough to smt purchasers. [ rp2S-d&wly COSGROVE & BRENNAIk TTAViS JOT IH-.UEIViiD another large sup;>ljof f l Plain PAR EG) S, all color?; “ TISSUEH, “ High colored Printed BAREGES; »« u i TISSUES - Wliite Watered Silk and Plain TISSUES : PhiKtUhambray GINGHAMS, new *tyl*; Watered CALICOES, all colora; Jaconet nd Sir; is FLOUNCING; Printed LAWNS and CAMBRICS; T.ace an-1 Mußlin MAN IV. Lb AS; Embroidered and Pimn White Crape.' HAWLB; i Alexander's Kid GLOVES; Black Lace MITTS; Cotton and Bilk HOSIERY; Open Worked HOSE; All kinds Children’s HOSIERY and GLOVES, j These Goods are offered at greatly reduced prices, and j are worthy of an examination. ap2o-dtvr&w TO PLAjf'TTEES." j TlfihL[4M H. CHAN K has now on band a larae IT lot of heavy Negro KERSEYS and heavy Cotton 08- ! NABURGS, which he will sell at factory price'-. ALSO, Good White and Red FLANNEL. Heavy 8-4 and 9-4 Negro BLANKETS, Ac, W’.’.ch will he sold low. Cal! at No. 242, Broad-'t. au2s d& w | BABGAINS IN LADIES’ DEEG3 GOODS. SNOWDEN & SHEAR * TirlLL, froth thin day, sell their present Block of f-Jor \ V p ! Printed MUSLINS; Colored Printed BAREGES; TIB UEB; CRAPE PE PARIS, and GRENADINES, at coat. Tnc asEorhnen*. embrecss some of the latest style?, and nw>:t elegant articles of the season. Augusta, July 21, 1552. dtwAw MOURNIIVG GOODS~ ALEXANDER & WRIGHT have just receive ', a great variety cf MOURNING GOODS, sabed to the j aeaeon— Lupin’s Super. Black Summer BOdJLBAZOES; ALPACAS; Canton CLOTHS; i Super. Black G I ENA DINES and MAROTTISSF; Biack BAREGES and JACONETS; Pi ain Black LAWNS and MUSLINS; GINGHAMS; English and America« PRINTS; Ac., Jo., To vhich they Invite attention. mhlS-JiW "HEADY-MADE CLOTHING, MEYER, BROTHER & CO., tv.o doors above Rich ards & Son’s Book Store, ocg leave toinferm their | friends and the public generally, that they are ju-t now v.- 1 ceiving their Spring and Summer supplies of READY MADE CLOTHING, : Comprising an extensive assortment of every variety of I Gentlemen's Dress Goods, which have been manufactured j by themselves, and which they are enable 1 toseilto cu?tom i C's and Country Merchants, on better terms than any other House iu thccky. DRY GOODS. i They has a alro an extensive assortment of e ‘»ole end i Fancy DRV GOODS, which wilibe sold on the tnon. c-cccm- j 1 mod a ting terms, cither wholeaa'e or retail. Call end -ce j t he Goods and prices. s!2-dtv, Av. T* j hosiery! ~ Gauze ftlcrino Ukdfh Saiaia Fancy Ly le Thread >f HOSE Gauze Cotton “ “ “ Spun Si'rk “ Lyle Thread “ “ “ Cotton Stripe “ Lyle Silk “ “ Plain Bl’k and Wh't Silk do, Col’U Cotton “ “ Brown Linen HOSE, and nil and a variety of other kinds. ether kinds, my2ft WM. O. PRICE A CO., 25S Broad-st. j YOUTHS’ &.KD CHILDRESS’ CLOTHING AND IIATiS. CLAYTON AND SIGNOX, (metcai.f’s rasgr.) ARE THIS I>A Y receiving a supply of Youths’, Boys’ and Childrens’ CLOTHING and HATS, suitable for i Spring and Summer wear, which they are offering at low 1 prices. my 4 PARHAM’S NEW HOTEL! CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE. J f. IK HOGAN, Proprietor. rpflE SOstilUßldl begs leave t:o inform his J A friends and the travelling public that the above £. ill ! establishment is now open for the reception of visitors. It | is located in the centre of Business, commanding a beauti- ; ful view of the River and surrounding country. The interior of the House h.ts keen constructed with a > strict view to the comfort of its patrons—affording impor- 1 taut conveniences rarely met with in country Hotels. As the chief object of the Proprietor v/ill be to give gene- : : ral satisfaction, his guests may he assure 1 that no exertion ! on his part will be wanting to make their stay with him j | worthy of their patronage. There will be au Omnibus in waiting on the arrival of i the Rail Road Cars and Steam Boats, and a trusty, careful i j man to take care of Baggage. M. D. HOGAN, j Chattanooga, May, 26,1 b 52. my29-dtf FRESH BOSTON CRACKERS AND SODA BISCUIT. } K BBLS. fre?h Boston CRACKERS ; ' o 25 Boxes fresli Soda BISCUIT; 5 Half bbls. Pickled TONGUES ; ! 2 Ca.-u .- Boston CRACKTAiS, in T : n Boxes; 84 doa. ami y,MY. Canisters Uunderwocd’s biv t MUSTARD : ]<t Boxes CAPRES; -1 duz. 1 it*. Cani-ter LOBSTERS; 2 “ “ “ SALMON; 15 Bbls. Crushed and owdered SUGAR ; for sale b v j jylff G. T. DOKTIC. CYIBA YlOLAggEri J 8-') barrets Cuba MOLASSES; 40 tierces “ “ a t«od article, a»d in f fin* order for sale by sl‘3 JOHN C. CARMICHAEL. i i DOZ. Iron bound Cedar BUCKETS; e.)U 10 “ Brass “ “ “ Just received from tae Mount Pleasant Bueket Faetory j and for a«le low by auT-tf GTRAkDFY' * PARKER. ’ "patent medicines/ ! THE GREATEST COUGH REMEDY j EVER DISCOVERED. DU. C- WILLIAMS’ COMPOUND PULMONIC BAL- 1 SAM OF WILD UHBRftY AND WOOD NAPTHA i for the compleie cure of Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Asthma! Bronchitis, Spitting of Blood, and all other I tong Complaints tending io CoDsaiuption READ, read:: Tina justly celebrated preparation ia recommended by ) some of the mo?t learned and intelligent Physicians in the conn try, and will be found superior to any remedy for the cure of all diseases of the respiratory organs. All persona j viio have used it for Asthma, Cough, Spitting of Blood, Whooping Cough, Croup, or Hives, Consumption, Pain, Soreness dF the Breast, Difficulty of breathing, and every other disease of the Breast anti Longs, attest its superior 1 efficacy in the meat unqualified terms. In Pneumonia, a disease which is generally very dan- j a gerous and fatal, it ia confidently believed to be the safest I r. nd u. >?t effective remedy that can be employed. It ha# ; been known to cure in k short time some of the most dan , gerou- cases of Pneumonia, after it bad baffled every other | remedy. Bronchitis, a disease which is annually sweeping thou sands to a pr-mature grave under the mistaken name of j Consumption, is promptly relieved and cured by it. The i usual symptoms of t :ft- disease (Bronchitis,) are Cough, Difdcuity of Breath rg, Hoarseness, Soreness of the Throat i : or Lungs,. Asthma, Hectic Fever, accompanied with Spit ting of Phlegm, or mat: .r, and sometimes Blood. It Is an - mftamation of Die membrane which tines the inside of the ! whole o'the wind tubes or tr vessels which run through ' every part of the Lungs. Tins Pulmonic Balsam immedi iitely suppresses the Cough and Pain, subdues the Imfia mation and Fever, removes the d, ..culty of breathing, by producing a free and easy Expectoration, so that a caret* seen effected. It always' cures in Ast n;ti._ Two _or three doses will cure the Croup or Hives cf children in a few minutes, and it ia remarkable how prompt i I* in subduing the violence of Whooping Cough, and effect Eg a speetiy I cure, and many who hove been given up byt.-.tir Physi cians as incurable In Consumption, have been re-tored to 1 perfect health by it. In fact, as a remedy iu Palm'nary Disease*, no medicine has ever obtained a higher or ir.c r* ; deserved reputation, in the short time it has been before the public. . i Tiiia Pulmonic Balaam, If given in the commencement of Pleurisy, Pneumonia, or iu acute Rheumatism, in doses J i ir;<3 enough to produce a little nausea for some time, (go i ing to bed an d covering up warm,) will produce a free per ! gr iratibn, which, if continued for two or three hours, will i sub U.e those disease? at once. i£vf“See Directions, also Dr. Williams’ Medical Pamph lets and Circular, with certificates from gentlemen of the I first standing. * It is our purpose to circulate these pamphlets and circu lars extensively; but should any one be overlooked they are earnestly desired to call upon the Agents named below, and procure one gratis. It will repay perusal and intro , dace yon to a mass of testimony in favor of the prepara tion which is perfectly irresistable. Such being our confl uence in its virtues, we are willing to warrant the Medi cine in every recent case. (If used according to the direc tions,) and where the person is not satisfied that he is de ,, riving benefit from it by returning the bottle, within 24 Lours lime, ivr. Money will be refunded. This valuable medicine is for sale in Augusta by W. H, & J. TURPIN, Druggists, at Wholesale and Retail, and who are also General Agents for the same throughoutthe North western portion of Georgia, and by D. B. PLUMB & CO., Druggists, at Wholesale and Retail, and by all Druggists in the City and throughout the Southern and Western £ tat .=. It is also lor sale by Dr. THOMAS S. DENNY, Atlanta; Dr L. C, JONES, Madison; Dr. WM. JOHNSON, Stone Mo tain; KILjPATRIC k CALHOUN, Decatur; ROBERT NEW •OM, Union Point; LEITNER & COLLINS, Btrzclia: C. V, . & H. R, J. LONG, HILL A SMITH, and GOSS k SUM NER, Athens; PAYNE & KESBIT, andj. H. & W. 8. F.L LJS, Macon. P. M. COHEN & CO., Wholesale Druggists, Charleston, S, C., are the General Agents for North and South Carolina. Price, in large bottles, £1; or six bottles for f 6. eu‘26-3m+ AYER’SCHERRY THE CTJiIE of Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Bron- Jl' chiti?, Wbooping-Cough, Croup, Asthma, and Cor. j sumption. Os all t He numerous medicines extant, (and some of them valuable) for the cure of pulmonary complaints, nothing I has ever been found which, could compare in its effects with this Preparation. Others cure sometimes, but at all times and In all diseases of the Lungs and Throat where medicine can give relief, this will dolt. It is pleasant tc take, and perfectly safe In accordance with the direction*. We (so not advertise for the information of those who hare crieo it, bat those who have not. Families that hare known it? value will not be without it, and by its timely use, they ire shears from tbs dangerous consequences of Cough? and Golds which neglected; ripen into fatal consumption. The Diploma of the Massachusetts Institute was award ed to thi i preparation by the Board of Judges in Septem ber, HU; also, the Medals of the three great Institutes of Art, ia this country ; also, the Diploma of the Ohio lusti tude at Cincinnati, has been given to the CHERRY PEC TORAL, by their Government in consideration of its extra ordinary excellence and usefulness in curing affections of the Lunge and Throat. Read the following opinion founded cn the long experi ence of the eminent Physician of the Port and Cityoi St. Johss, May S, ISSI. • Dr. J. C. Ayer,—T.ve years trial cf your CHERRY PEC TORAL in ny practice, has proven what I foresaw from it? composUiou, must be true, that it eradicates and cures the colas and coughs to which wc, in tins section, arc pecu liarly liable. I think its equal has not ycl been discovered, nor do I know how a better remedy can be made for the distemper? of the Throat and Lungs. J. J. Burtos,m. d., f. h. e. See what ic hsa done <fli a wasted constitution, not only in the following cases, but a tlvousand more: Scnsrar, Jan. 34th, 1851. I’- y :In the month of July ir-t 1 was attacked by a violent Ji .rrhoca in the mines of California. 1 returned to San Francisco in hope of receiving benefit from a change of Climate and diet. My diarrhoea ceased, but was follow ed b., u severe cough—and much soreness. I finally start l-J for h me, but received no benefit from the voyage. My cough continued to grow worse, and when I arrived in New York, 1 was at cues marked, by my acquaintances us a vic- uf cca iumpfion. I must confess that I saw no sufficient reason to doubt what my friends all believed. At this tim* I commenced taking your truly invaluable medicine with little expectation of deriving any benefit from its use. Y'ou i would not receive these line* did I not regard it my duty to state-to the afflicted, through yon, that my health, In ih# space of eight months, is fully restore!. I attribute It W the use of your CHEKiiY* PECTORAL. Tours, truly, VYuxixa IV. Smith. Wasuinotox, Pa., April 12,1849. Deer Sir: Feeling that I have been spared from a pre mature grave, through your instrumentality by the provi dence of God, I will take the liberty to express to you my gratitude. A Cough, and the alarming symptoms of Consumption had reduced me too low to leave me anything like a hope, when my physician brought me a bottle of your “Pecto ral.” It seemed to afford immediate relief, and now in a sow <»eks time has restcicd me to sound health. If it will do for others what it has for me, you *r* cer tainly one of the benefactors of mankind. Sincerely wishing you every blessing, I am, very respect fully, your?, Jonx J. Cuarxp, Rector of St. Peter’s Churck. With such a- trance and from such men, no stronger proof c?n be ad iuced unless ft be from its effect* upon trial. Prepared and sold by JAMES C. AYER, Practical ar.i Analvtlcel Chemist, Lowed, Ms*?, pr ; ’d by IIAVILAND, RISLEV & CO., W. li. TUTT, D. B. PLUMB & CO., W. K. KITCHEN, and BARRETT, CARITE A GO., Augusts, Ga.; HILL & SMITH, Athens, ' I.;.: PA ft NE & NESBIT, Macon, Ga.; lIAVILAND, HAP,- 1, VL k t A., Charier' n, S. C.; A. A. SOLOMONS, Savan nah, Ga., and by all Druggists throughout the South, auic-d&tw t v e«wßm " COSBY’S ANTI-DYSPEPTIC BITTERS. PS 4* HAL’S there is nothing mere calculated to disgust public eye titan the innumerable advertleements el the r ■ Iran;,! that are constantly appearing iu the public prini... Ail are ready to exclaim, Our souls are sick, our ears are pained with every days reports of ill* and specl -1 sics. TL I?, state of the public mind would seem to forbid any person of delicate mind from sending forth any new dis coveries tn medicine to the trial cf the public; still motive* of delicacy should not prevent us from making known real discoveries, which we are confident will benefit our tallow men. This latter consideration ha* prompted the author cf these Bitters to make them known. He knows they are highly efficacious, for he himself, his wife, and many friend* have riven them a thorough trial. He was, for many years, * confirmed dyspeptic—so much so that even his recollec tion wai gone, but by the ure of these Bitters he has been restored io perfect health. This has been tne cate with many of his friends. The proprietor, in sending forth this advertisement, addresses those who know him. lie her b( cn, for many years, a resident of Augusta, but at this 1 time of Hamburg, g, C.,at which place he can, at any time, be consulted about the Bitters. They are good in adca'es of disease*of the digestive organs, the symptoms of which are, indigestion, pain or oppression in the stomach from food,loss of appetite, flatulency, heart-burn, giddiness tn the head, pain in the side, shortness of breath, lassitude, general weakness, disturbed sleep, Ac. The composition is j entirely Botanical, and has proved efficacious, where many ! celebrated medicines had failed; in support of which he j could give reference to a number of persons, who hav* 1 mart' a trial of it, but deems it unnecessary, as he is willing 1 to place it on its otvn merits. All he asks is for those who arc afflicted with dyspepsia to give it a trial. The . hove Bitters can be had at O. COSBY’S Hamburg, 8. C., and at Dr. WM. 11. TUTT’S Drug Store, Broad street, Augu a. _ fc29 THE REMEDY FOUND AT LAST 7 Til 1131 PH AN T SUCCESS has attended th* n«e of that wonderful Ointment MARSHALL’S MAGICAL i PAIN LIIADICATOR. Every body that has used it, speak* ; well of it, and what “ every body says must be true.” Since the first of January lest, upwards of Certifi- j cates have been received, testifying to the good effect* and Superiority of Marshall's Magical Pain Eradicator. In some very fowinstances this preparation has not given en tire satisfaction, but just look, for a moment, at the number who have been benefitted. Seven hundred voluntary tes timonials have been given, and certainly not less than flv* times this number have experienced the good effects of thi* Ointment, in the same space of time, j The public will please bear in mind that this is a purely Southern preparation, and is entitled to the patronage es Southern people. As no charge is made, should no be nefit be received, give it a fair trial, and in ninety cases I out of a hundred the greatest success will be sure to follow. For further particulars, and a number of certificates, you are referred to the pamphlets, to be had at any of the j Agencies. The diseases which Marshall’s Eradicator will cure, er* ' j Acute and Chronic, Lumbago, Painful Nerves, I i Scrufui .t, Spinal Affections, Dislocations, Sprains, (Edematous 1 Swelling <, Tumors, Ganglions, Nodes, Wens, Braises, Strain?, j We, Joint?,Contracted Tendons, Head-Ache, Gout, Pal?’'* ! ; Tooth-Ach, &c. For sale by 1 ! HAY’LL AND, UI3LEY & Co., Augusta, Ga. D. B. PLUMB « Co., d*. d« D’ANTIGNAC & BARRY. do. <j o ' BARRETT i CARTER, do. do* 1 WM. K. KITCHEN. do. * 0 ’ W. F. TT’TT d.. P. A. MOISE, do. 11. And by W. 11. &J. TURPIN Proprietor*, d*. do It is a iso for sale throughout the Stale, by the arinrir.a Druggists, ■ ' f N 8.-Bc careful to lock for the written signature of J E. Marshall on the wrapper of each box. None Is *onnin# «~ ithcuti - 8 026 NEGROES WANTED. ' 4 LL persons h i ring Negroes to sell, will fi»d it tm tbaiz A interest to call on the undersigned. U their X. C.’TROWBRIDGE. ** one of the most convenient bv-wi 1 ai V® euca for digestion, Constipation, ..p.psia,£;c. The trade supplied at proprietors price* i o, HAVILAND, Rift LEY k CO., —Uril, , Wholesal* Agent*. , \ | GUaioßes—lo Hhds. prime Cuba, for sale by - TJL auß s. 0. GRENVILLE & 00. ( \ATME.\IfJ for sale ~ * WM. H. ms, »ru*gt*t. 1 “.MKPICiNKS/ '' COiVSt/MFIfON CAN BE CURED. T> H.HA? TI V «.’S C«>l FOUNT* is -P OF j| } v APHTHA. —The wonder and doubt felt I>y (lie J1 cdfoal I Faculty when Dr, Bahtin? proclaimed the curability ofl’ul } monarv Consumption, by the use of Naphtha as a remedial -tit'has now. after eight i vara ttf tried, titled down into t »Ikep conviction that there an. tew ot no cases in which } Consumptioncannot.be e^redby 1)11. BASTING’S Co3iPOLhD J»YRUP OF NAIIiTHA. • la every casein which ix has been trjed in Ragland or th# United States, it baa been followed immediate relief and ultimate cure, lu the Blenheim Free IMengßsary, under . the charge of Dr. Hasting*, daring five years that the Naphtha has been in use, there has not b'jefl a smgiu ueaih • from of the Lungs, white previously patients ;j cl : died aunoat every week. In incipient stages o» Consult: p [ tion the effect of the Naphtha Syrup is almost nii/acnlous, | and a core effected in an incredibly short space of time. In i the more advanced stages, and even in the third or last I dreadful division cf this hitherto incurable disease, its ef i feet is equally wonderful. Ibis period is marked by the j expeetoration of the tab ore Job in cheese-like particles, mixed with pus, mucous, bk» ff A > companies with diarrhea. On administering the Naphtha ! Syrap, the formation of the tubercles is almost inetantiy «r --i rested, the foreign matter thrown off, ilie tubercle - already i formed are destroyed, and the breathing immediately b»- | comes easier, andthepaticn:, on the tiiii<i night a/u r first ' taking the Syrup, is often able to eiijoy a quiet night’s rest j —a thing unknown for weeks previously. ! THE TRIAL OF A SING IK LOTTIE i la ail that is asked by the Proprietor to prove this medicine , to be all that has been stared. ! BRONCHITIS. ! Bronchitis has in this remedy a sure and speedy cure : end ic acknowledger! by ail •he tnedii t I faculty to be with out a rival in the speedy • use ct Bronc itis, both acute and chronic. COUGHS, COLD AND CATARRHS yield to the Influence of the Naphtha Syrup, often i» ike short space of forty-eight hours. NIGHT SWEATS. This distressing and weakening acccic} am men t to Con ! sumption and other diseases, Is instantly slopped by the use • of the Naphtha Syrup. SUITING OF BLOOD, f The most severe attacks of Spitting of Blood haveinva j rlably been stopped within the short space of thirty mi | notes, and all disposition to recurrence.oUthc oume pie i vented. In conclusion, the Proprietor warrants the Napb ! tha Syrup, to be not only the best but the only certain cur# I for Pulmonary Consumption, and ail other discuss of th# i Lungs. ! None genuine without th & written signature of i' A. ¥, i HARRISON,on the wrapper of each bottle.' $1 per bottle • —6 bottles for $5. For sale in Augusta by IIA VII. AND, RIFLEY i 00., D. B. rtU-UB i CO.. BARRETT A GARTER, I TV. K. KITCHEN, I WM. U. TEXT, WM. HAINES, i All orders should b« addressed to G. W. BURR A BKO ! THER, New York, who have the exclusive Agency for the | South and West. mhiPd&w Gm J Ij ifcj IM the Afflicted lifjokt and ike JMtvalrinn II yet \ THE REMEDY IS. FOUND AT LA -T. rpUTTi PECTORAL. ELIXIR is one of the raor i IX certain and most pleasant Remedies e\er offered to ths Public. Its soothing, heai.ng'and atrengihenSig virtue;- fuse themselves so generally throughout the human Lungs, that it is impossible forPneum cnin, Croup. Bronchi , Mou rfoy. Asthma, Whooping Cough, Hoarseness, Difficult Breathing, Pain in the Side, or Consumption, to withstand : its power. Its effects upon tne Depur»‘<»ry Ofgans are s# i ! prompt that Nature is enabled -to throw off all unhealthy or impure agencies that tend to disease the delicate ui. stance of the Lungs. From the hundreds of cures that are »lm> .t (b y repot t* { ed, it would be impossible for the most incredulous to doubt : for a moment. Many who have suffered for years with dis ■ eases of the Respiratory Organs have been cured by it, and , are sounding its praises abroad. I The PECTGKAL ELIXIR 1= prepared from vegetable sub stances alone, and },s use for years vr >uld tend to strength -1 j en the system. anti not like most other Medicines, weaken • i It. It is now being used by some of the moat eminent I’i.y --' i sicians in the country, and by many is comr.lt red an iafvlll ble remedy in CROUP. ' : Parents who have youngcThildren, keep* a bc.ttle a all times, as a single dose wrd remove any case this dis j trussing disease, if given as the onset ' Prepared in Augusta, Geo, and for sale by if W. H. & J. TURPIN, I ... WM. H. TUTT, J-Augrom. » WM. ROOT, Marietta. TOOS. S. DENNEY, Atlanta. fe4-diwtf B. F. TU T, Agent for Tennessee. R. R. R. TO THE PUBLIC— V CARD. —A public invitation to all who suffer Pain.' —If there it- a r. an or woman ; who is now anffering Pain, weestre not what the cause may j be, we guarantee that Railway's Ready Relief will giva ■ you case and relieve yon entirely in a few minutes after ■ i using it. Call upon the agent, wiiose par e you will find 1 in this paper, and il you arc suffering any acute pain, wc will warrant that RADWAY’S READY Ri LILF wdi stop it before you leave the Store. . t It will cure Rheumatism after aB other remedies have fail • ed, and is the only sure cure for Neuralgia. -It will cure Sick or Nervous Headache, and stops the most painful throbs in a few minutes. It will relieve the most distressing pains of diarrhoea, craropc, SpsMUf, Ac. • R. R. R.—CHILLS AND FEVER. —We guarantee that Radways Ready Relief will remove this dis tret ting plague. r It stops the Chibs in a few minute-, und its warming, cleansing, and invigorating influence thrills tin uugh evti y | secretion of the system. , [ it should be taken internslly to keep the stomach fre» . | from acid, and to neutralize the poisonous mi..ana of Ague. , j It shouid be applied externally to .step the pain—to'give ; ' renewed aciion to the fnnci uns t*t tbcsk’n— i d ’ ligaments, the nerves and rau-f.e? —to vivify and.refresh the senses, from stuj-or, si, ep, or drow; . | Let every indiridual bear this ijnpo' iaiU f. ct in mind— ; Radway’s Ready Relief will check tl;e th 11s in a few mi -1 nutes, and stop tne pain Instantly. It cures Neuralgic, | i Rheumatic, Nervcas, Choleric, Diur.'hce.c Pains in :i few minute". II ■•rt-r fails in relieving the pa'i ?nt from pain. . RADVVAi &CG-, H’2 Fulton str -t, New York. FTiiLiP A. MGiifE, and WM. H. TLII, Agents for Augusta, Ga. Southern Wholesale Agent —P. M. C,.hct. a Co., and Havilaad, Uarral A Co.,'Charleston, S. C.; liendricksot) & Moore, and A. A. Solomons, S vannah, Ga. i bw TXJTTS COMPOUND EXTRACT OF SAKSAPA; RILLA ■ TNOR the removal and permanent cure cf Scn-fula er Jl Kings Evil, Rheumatism, Cutane ;» Erupt ions, Pia p>B on the Face, King Wn w, B»>-. ( tropic Ikire F,yes, Tetter. Scald H ad, Kn hirgement and Pa n of the B. ues and Joints, Obi Ulcers, Syphilitic Duord, s, Splaal ComplaaiU —AND— Ail ill-eaees arising from an injudicious t;?e es „-y and exposure, or Imprudence in 1■: e. 11? use pr <« fha Blood—renovates the wb !e ;,t am. Imparts health and strengtli to the most debilitated constitions. Prepared and sold by | Price 75 cents per bcttic. \VM. 11. TUTT, H. B. e24-tf _____ PURIFY '1 HE BLOOD. r pil!S Is the reason to clearte the System, ar;d r-.-mov* X from it ail those impuri-icsr rich produce l)D . e du ring the Sunimer months. Th re is ndil htg that will do this so effeetuHl’y as TUTUS COMPOUND EXTRACT OF i EARSAPAHILI A, which I" prepared wUh great care, and '■ by its several combinations, everts a powerful influence over the System, removing uS) Cntanc .-us .List '>es, jihen matiem, Salt Rfceuia, Syj.hills, ti e; , I AV. ts cf L-wcury, and imparts to the body a-healthy tone and Tiger. These | who in the Spring of the year I se their appetite, tiv. Lei languid and debilitated, would derive gre »t benefit from i is use. Price 75 cents per bottle. Fr- and sold by I mh2r.-dAwfcf WM. It. TUTT. M. D BUGGIES FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS Hubbard's Patent (arriage Bprings. fFHE subscribers having pur tha. ed the patent richt for X the State of Georyht, of Hubbard’s Iri tnt improve ment in CARRIAGE SPRINGE, Hre row prepared to fur nish to order, ail kind of vehicles upon this sraprovcct plan. By this improvement a straight piece of wc ai is n de to | form a durable, cheap and cffidei i spring ,«f great lightness and strength, that cannot be .t or made to strke when 1 i brought entirely clown to its Itearing, uad at the same time, | Is self adjusting to any weight that the car; -age Ucapable ; of sustaining. With this improvement a Buggy cun l e ! built one hundred and fifty pounds' ehi-.r than utam the 1 old plan, and to cost one third k JAMES HULBERT A CO., mhSl ROBERT H. MAY. FRESH GROUND IXOU.EI FEOMNEW WHEAT JUST received, stthe Cunningham Slills, a lot of supe rior NEW WHEAT, grown by J. M. Mij’er, E.-q., m big j Good-Ale plantation, and will be receiving fresh supplies | daily from various quarters; and we can now supply all j who may desire it with an Extra artivie of fresh ground ! FLOUR from New Wheat, growth of 1552. Jeß _ S. D, LINTON & CO, HOUSTON GLASS WORKS. THE UNDERSIGN ED is now prej ared to execute orders for superior WINDOW GLASS, manufactured at Knoxville, Tcnn. This Glass will compare favorably with any made in the Unffed Mates; and the prices are as low as those of any other Factory. my 15 JOHN C. CARMICHAEL. COMPOUND HVKLF OF iss. t HU— ior the remo val and permanent cure of all diseases of the Kindeye, Blade er, end Urinary apparatus in general. For sale by ’ mhlft WM. H. MUTT, Druggist. KEFIXED V EGEI’AULfe PAI AT ol L.—Notice to Painter-, W’heelwrights, Car Manufacturers and Iron Founders.—The subscriber offers to the above parties the Refined tegetablc raint OIL, which ;s a perfect substitute for Linseed (hi, at one half the price. This Oil will mix with all kinds of colored Paints, dries hard, and possesses when dry, no smell. Fence Posts and Rails coated twice with this article alone will be preserved for many year*. Being equal to Linseed Oil, and but half the price is suffi cient recommendation. For sale by jaßo-dAw \V*M. H. TUTT. Drncgiet. TEE GRANITE HILLS AEE plac - _. m the hand; of Mr. Thomn: Dena.-nand my oldest sou, John, cue o? whom will, at all time*. ■ be found between the Eag.e A Phoenix Hotel and the old Bridge Bank, next dour below Mr. Aujiueta Bakery f where every effort will be made to keep on band superior j and different grades cf FLOUR; Belted MEAL; fin# HOMONY, orGRITF, Ac. , Ihe Granite Mills Flour can be found in the hands of my agents, Merp.rs. Seymour. An- ley & Co., Broad street, and J. 0. Carmichael, W arreu Clock, aul!) JAMFB L. COLEMAN. TA ALTTMOR K BACiOXT—hhds'“Laltimore SIDE* j X> and fiHOULDERb, for sale by au4 HAND, WILLIAMS 4 CO. SUGAR— Hhds. and bbls , for sale by anS 8. 0. GRENVILLE 4 Cd CIOW PEAS.—IOO bushels i«rime COW PEAS, for sal# 'by aul9 ESTES A RICHMOND. 1? LOUR.—200 bbis. Superfine ; ICO bbls. Extra Family . 6 esh ground from Virginia IV’heat, and for sale by my 4 H. 11. WAItRKN. B" LaYxiK.—s hha>. SHOCLDERS7for sale by jy-27 S. C. GRENVILLE 4 CO. HAMS, —A few Sn# Country lIA.My for sale by ( auS S. C. GRENVILLE f CO. SALT. —3,ofH> sacks Liverpool SALT, for sale by sS HAND. WILLIAMS A CO.