Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, October 02, 1852, Image 1

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i.i nwipiii'i II ■ • I IHM Til — -r —- 1 nil ■■ in if >w V 111 -m I—l-nr1 — 1-nri —r- —n> —nn *i>i mi WIttfSSSSSSSSSSSBSSSSi i—lflllllTTi »!<»»* GV WILLIAM S. Cfjf €ijranifie & Sentinel IS PUBLISHED DAILY, TRI-WEEKLY, AND WEEKLY BV U ILHAM *. JONES. TERMS: DAILY V VPr.P.—P., i: hr-l M>; ting and Evening.—T« City num, payable in advance. Ifsent by M til— Srvu.s Dollars. TRI-WEEKLY PAPKR—Poph Dollars j*«r annum in ad vance. Wi.i UA’ PAPER -(A mammoth sheet) —Two Dor i vitaper annum in advance. TERMS 0? ADVERTISING IN' D YILY PAPER, Fifty Cents i*er square ft* 1 ; lines or \i ■ f ■!-the first in onion; Thirty-Eight Cents for the next r ; and Twenty-Five Cents for each subsequent Inser tion. WEEKLY, S .euty-Five Cents; SEMI-MON IHIV or MONTHLY, (in either paper) One Dollar; a;. 1 Rule and Figure Work, One Dollar per square. n"'< i . r; : . ills inserted under the he; lof Special Not: es. Fifty Conis for each insertion. Pa 'K.-sioxAt or IE sin *;ss Cards, not exceeding six flues. Ten I>< liars per annum. If over six lines, pro raid per. •*'■ ommuni atlous designed to promote private or Indi vidual interests, will be charged as advertisements. • [tireocs Advertising, under any circumstances, except ?d :. ice and Obituary Notices; and these, when over . t-i. will he charged as advertisements. 1 AN DIN f AD\ ERTTSEMENTS ; J .• juare (10 line ; i « nth, without alteration, $6 1 “ ‘‘3 months, “ “ 12 1 “ “ 6 mouths, altered quarterly, IS 1 “ “ 12 months, “ “ 35 ; 1 square o , one liatf more than the above rates. 3 i ■ e-fourths more than the above rats*. 4 “ double the above rates. a ter an 1 leaded, double tkeM rates. ■ • ’ .*meats not marked the number of insertions, w ; be c at i ruied and efiarg Iby the insertion. V i M nuts. Drug-fists and others, contracts will be t. for advert" co r by the year, on reasonable terms. I Wli :i the bid of any house or firm amounts within six i r; " t ,orup \\ aids, for other than contract adver tisements, a .d.- .mu of 25 per cent, will be made, if paid on pres* FOR PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia ami Savannah Btenm Navigation I*. /;"s 11 . s . \v AND ePLIvVDII) sidewheel f -■ -nv-dip STATE OF GEORGIA, of 1200 SSBSEm. I tons reg> f, t ap:. John E. Walton, has commenced her r, r : ip;, and v ill 1c ; ve S . vanaah on Wedxesdat, the 2d day jun., and every al: mate Wednbmt (hereafter; s. Jn the loth and: Ah June, 14 ih and 2Sth July, 10th and 2f th August, and ?■• on. Cabin Passage to Philadelphia,. $25 69 Ti.ro- ah Tickets to New York, ‘25 Oft 1 Steerage, 9 CO This si p lit..- ia-n built with entire regard te safety, . comfort and despatch, and oilers new and admirable facili- ’ ties tot .-me - - T< vel. For freight or passage apply to PADELFOKD, FAY & €O., j Agents in Savannah. HERON 4 MARTIN, my2s-I. ▼ Agents in Philadelphia. AUGUSTA AND SAVANNAH STAGE AND RAIL ROAD LINE. 1: ISifjyS^S ty HORTEBT AND CUE \PLBT ROUTE te Colum c ' bus, Oglethorpe, Macon, Milled gffville and Satiamh. Augusta to Waynesboro’ r : a Four Horse Post Coaches, *0 Bike. Waynesboro’ to Milieu, via Augusta and Waynes boro’ Rail Road, 81 “ Millen to b .van:.ah, via Central Rail Read, 19 “ Hi lien to Mm on, via Central Rail Road 'i 2 “ Macon to Oglethorpe, via South W estern K. Road, 50 “ j Augusta to Oglethorpe, 213 “ —PAHS— 8 MS “ “ ‘* Mac m, 6 59 1 “ “ 6 15 “ “ “ Savannah, 5 56 The Proprietor has n de arrangements w ; th the different Com; in i- - to run through tickets to the above namid points, and is now prepared to furnish same at the Stage Office at United States Hotel. JAS. P. FLEMING, Proprietor. G. FARGO, Agent. jyS MAIL SAVANNAH AND MACON riMiK following is the schedule for this t , I R.nue. recentiy ordered by the Post-i master General— " ' - N-J-gAT’JC- Leave Augusta daily at 6 A. M. Arrive ;; t Mifiviitesame dnys by 7 P. M. Leave Midville daily at A. M, ■ M., exsoot Wednesdays, when it will be due by 8)<. G. W. DHNT, Agent July 23, 1851. _ Jy29_ NEW YOdK AND SAVANNAH STEAM SHIP LINE. i WEEKL 7. i ■iblSM* tfn The new and splendid Steamships FL RIDA CapfsiaLvox, ALABAMA Captain LrD! s ow, j B.;! s UNO TO TU2 SEW YORK a.ndsavxsxah steam SAVIQA TIOS COMPANY. tttil,L leave Savannah and New Y k every SAI R VV DAY. These ships are of 1,809 tons register, aatf I mnsonui »se.l in safety, speed and comfort. tner , ier ■ tng Sawar.nah at Ibo same thus that the Mahios and Socheeser leave Charleston, arriv in New York as soon as, or before them. Cabin Passage, s2s payable before going on board. Agents : PADLEFORD, FAY £ CO, Savannah- BAMUELL. MITCHELL, mv <>s IS4 Front-street, New York. CHEIteE. VHiW h ■ CliiN Maple Grove Dairy. KENVILI E£To. COOK, WASHES AND ISONES. Ivor S ILK, a g ■ r < Cook, Washer and Ironcr, a good ot year eld; Apply i© s i 9 JOHN S. HUTCHINSON. G~ EOBUIA PLAINS.— :>>K) bales Georgia PLAINS; 50 “ “ St HIRES, NT ■mit . - ured bv the Bcb iUe Factory, and tor c lie at ver i JOHN C. CARMICHAEL, S P2 Agent Bcllville Factory. ' LUMBES. subscriber 1> now prepared to saw LUMBER a* 1 his new & am Saw Mill, five miles below Aiken, S. C. Bills for any quantity will be punctually attended to, and satisfaction given in every respect. Apply, through Aiken Post Ohice, to dim* A. ue CARADEUC. ON CONSIGNMENT. ka DHLS. Prime Tennessee LARD. Also a choice let Ol I o “JJemnead’s” Family FLOUR a superior article, in Bbls. l; If and Quarter Bags. W. H. STARK & CO., , iu lg Warren Block. ; JA I* A A .—An Account, Oeographicaf and Historical, from the .-irliest period at which the Islands compos ing this Em |,iro were known to Europeans, down to tl • per- mt time, and the Expedition fitted out in the Unite I States, &c., by Charles MeFarlane, Esq., author of British India, Life of Wellington, Ac., with numerous illustration-. Just published, and for sale at GEO. A. O ITES A CO. Depot, Broad-at. 7 5 AUPER’S MAGAZINE for September, edges tri«r- XX med, has been received at GEO. A. OATES A CO’S, s j Piano, Book and Music gtore, Broad ft. TV r |ok , wfor. WORLD and Queecby.—A new supply of the above popular and interesting works have been received, end are for sale at , GEO. A. OATES A GO’S, ! 9 g Piano, Book and Music Depot, Broad st. ron SALE. A FIRST rate Family HORSE, kind and gentle, will be sold low. Apply at the store of S l7.dt) RAMEY A STORY. UK. ALLAN’S justly celebrated Vegetable Com pound for the cure ox Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, and Nervous Debility, for Side by sIS D. B. PLUMB A CO. i |>LCHIVED THl!?-DA\. —20 Bbls. Hiram Smith 1\ FLOUR, from new Wheat. For sale by i sep‘2s G. T. DORTIC. A GENQSAL DIGtibTED INDEX to Georgia K-- V ports, including 1,2, 8 Kelly, 4to 10 Georgia Reports, , T. U. P. Cha i a’s Reports, R. M. Charlton’s Reports, f Dudley’s Reports, and Ge . Deci ions parts, 1 sml 2. com piled by T. H. R. Cobb and W. W. Lumpkin. For gale by THOS. RICHARDS A SON, f cl 1 I i Ms , us iturers, Sm tinner?. Ac. j >o;dis 1 lioDKsl; —The Works of tiie Rev. Robert X> Hail, A. M. The Familv Book of Devotion, containing daily morning and evening Prayers, for four weeks, Ac. Thornton’s Family Prayers and Commentary. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Dr. Chalmers, new complete. Abbott’s Young Christian, Corner stone and Way to do The Pulpit Cyclopaedia and Christian Ministers Com panion. Maunders’s Scientific and Literary 1 reevury. Maunder’s Treasury of History. Austria, in l < '4 , '-’49. W. H. Stiles. The Poetical Works of John Diyrien, London edit;*!. The Works of Charles Lamb, by Tallmml. Dombey and Sou, new edition, and several complete setts of Abbott ' Histories. For sale by THOMAS RICHARDS A SON, sep2-2 Blank Book Manufacturers, Stationers, Ac. \TE\V BOOKS.—Heads «nd Hearts, or My Brother, Xv the Colom.!, by the author of Cousin Cesil, Misers Daughter, Ac. Price 50 cents. Mary Leaham, by M;«. Grev, anther »f the Gipsey i Dsugnter, Ac. —f>o cents. Virginia and Magdalina, or the Foster Sisters, a Novel, by Mrs. Emma D. E. N. Southworth, author of the Dis eased Daughter, Ac. The Guerrilla Chief, or the Romance of War—6o eewts. Just published and for sale at i GEO. A. OATES A CO.’S, sit Puino Book, and Music Store, Broad-st. ILHLHT f MOlH.il i* ATLAS OF TUB EARTH, with ;U introduction to Physical and Historical Geo graphy, and a copious consulting index of 45,000 places sty Robert Mudie. For saie by THOMAS RICHARDS A SON, sep‘22 Blank Book Manufacturers, Stationers, Ae. ft i BBl,et.Xer«ping , » sC6aR. Just reeelvoddy *apM fcAMBAOR A OOOE*» EXEC 7r . ?R’S SALE OP VALUABLE REAL AND * personal estate. "1717” IB’- hiM/I'. at the Conn House in the town eAVDv.Vr. ’ ■ ’•> 1 : -b tuuuty, on the first Tuesday in NO\ fc,..bER not, 1 ctneen the hours of H*and 4 o’c.ock, '. t , v " r - v desirable and valuable Lot of LAND in the town ’ e ‘, -Di.t;*. G orgia, containing five acres, more or lc<s, with the renieitts thereon, consisting of a spacious an 1 beautiful Cottage built MANSION, stoiu- foundation, I.*. « kitchen, cellar and store room, in basement, and niue si. ..as and pantry above. Seven of the rooms have fire-places, with all necessary ou: buildings, such as > r noke house. Bathing and Washing Houses, Carriage House, -tables, Servants’rooms, Ac. Two Wells of excel , tent Wa i iutheyard—a large t egetablc and Flower Gar den. the latter containing some choice and select plants. ;An • : ■ rd of select Fruit Trees, some of the most rare andcoiiiy. Ti.?« • • one of the most desirable locations in all the up • •<. ;i y f r a summer or continued residence, fine moun tain -c-nt-i y, pure atmosphere and a healthy place, conve nier to ( radc and travel. The premises are new, and eve V china 1U good order for immediate occupancy. Also, s ' tit) ■ o acres Wood Land (more or less) two miles .. nr, connection with the above, to supply the resi d * B ood an J Lumber. Also, at the same time and ’ 1 (he Household and Kitchen FURNITURE, con .iiins of Crockery, Glassware, Mahogany Bureaus, Secre , i try, Sideboards, Divans, Bedsteads, fables,Chairs,’Wash | Matrcs.es, Furniture, Ac. One Piano Forte, Grist I Mul, Garden urea ds, and one Cow, with a number of oth er articles too tedious to enumerate; being the summer re sidence ot Benjamin Snrder, late of Chatham county, de ; ceased, and sold by order and direction of his last Will and i Testament, as a part of his Real and Personal Estate, for j the benefit of his Heirs and Creditors. Sale to continue from day to day until the whole is disposed of. Persons wishing to purchase are ere respectfully invited to call ar d I examine the premises and furniture. Terms on the dav of sa'* SEABORN GOOD ALL. Executor. August 1,1 552. gvrtd NEW BOOKS. F ’IM OI VTRY LETTERS, edited by Prof. B , : U National Observatory. 41>o, another supply of the i following popular volumes: Gaieties and Gravities, by Horace Smith; Essays from the London Times; the’ lu- j i goMsby Legends ; the Book of Snobs, by Thackeray'; A i Journey to Katmandu, or the Nepaulese Embassador at Home; Summer Time in the Country*; Leaves from Mar- I , .caretSmiths’ Journal in the province of Massachusetts j | Bay 1678-9; Chcerers’ Keel in a Bottle; Mrs. Slgour- I neys’ Examples of Life and Death ; True Remedy fir the i ! Wrongs of Woman; Quakerism, or the Story of My Life; j Old Portraits and Modern Sketei.es, by Whittier; Memories i of the Great Metropolis; Longfellows’Seaside and Fireside; j Lays ot the Scottish Cavalier*, hy Ay to.m ; Heaven or the j Sainted Dead ; The Heavenly Recognition, ali Grace Aguil lars’ works ; Grantly Manor; Ellen Middleton ; Gertrude; Amy Herbert ; The Earls Daughter ; Norman Leslie ; Na- > tali*; Madeline; Women of Christianity; Templetons’ Mathematical Tables !•; Practical Men ; Fliannondale; The Deserted Wife; The Mother-In-Law,and a great many ethers. Just received hv THOMAS RICHARDS A SON, j s« Blank Book Manufacturers, Book Finders Ac. I V L\\ BOOKS. —The following New BOOKS just re it ccivcd and for sale by the subscribers, vis : Mervyn Clitheroe, a companion to David Copperfield, by VT. Harrison Ainsworth, author of Windsor Castle, etc. The Adventures of a Gentleman in seat ch of Miss Smith, i by Eliza A. Dupuy, author of Ce’cttc, the Divorce, etc, Louisa, or the Adventures es a French Milliner, by A. Dumas. Home and Social Philosophy, from Hour -hold Wr r :bv Dickens. GEO. A. OATES A CO., ’ f au‘2o Br*ad-st., between and Globe Hotels. OBLF Dl'JillP of American Women, by Mrs. S’- i t gourney; Daring Deeds cf American Heroes; Sir John Franklin; and the Arctic Regions, with an account j of (he .VtnorioHfi Uxdedition. For sale hr »'i2o THOS. RHJHABBS A SON. OFFICE TRANSPORTATION SO. CA. RAIL HOAD miITA'.V, Charleston. May 25, 1552. ! (\\ AMI after Tuesday nest, Ist June, the Passenger 1 / and Mail Trains (under regulations or tire Post Office Department,) will, until further notice, run as follows, viz : i CHARLESTON AND HAMBURG ROAD. V, FiEST OR REGULAR MAIL AND rASSESGUE TRAPS UP. Leaves Charleston (daily) at 8 00 o’clock, a. m. Arrive Hamburg u 240 “*■ p. m. i DOWN. Leave Hamburg (Jailj )at s)jf “ a. m. ; Arrive Charleston “ 100 “ p. at, j There Train? connect with the afternoon Mail Train o : the Georgia Railroad, (at Augusta) p ing South and West, ' and at Charleston with the Wilmington Mail Steamers, and New York Steam Packets going North and East. For the present Express Train is run only on those days that the Wilmington Mail Steamers, or New York tp.earn Packets ; fail to arrive at Charleston in time to connect with first or j S o'clock, A. M. Train. ttaCOXUOK XiOHT EXPRESS FREIGHT AXD PASSENGER TRAIN UP. Leave Charleston at 5 00 o’clock, r. m. Arrive Hamburg at 530 “ a. m. DOWN. Leave Hamburg at 6 00 o’clock, p. u. : Arrive Charleston at 630 “ a. m. j Passengers by this Train will always arrive at Hamburg in time to take the day Mail and Passenger Train of the | Georgia Railroad, which leave August a at T o’clock, A. M., for Atlanta, Ac. J. 1). PUTSCH, my‘27 Superintendent Transportation. GROCERIES, GROCSIiIES, r J'HK snbsaribers are receiving their usual well assorted 1 Stock, and have in Store, a full supply of Fresh Goods, ! consisting, in part, of— - 1,000 sacks SALT; 50 bales heavy Gunny CLOTH ; 150 coila >j, s s , and \ inch ROPE; I,ooolbs. TWINE; 60 Lbls. Canal and Baltimore FLOUR; 200 bags Rio, Lnguara and Java COFFEE i 20hhde. SUGAR, assorted; 60 bhl“. Crushed and Coffee PL'GAKS ; 86,6001b5. BACON, Sides and Shoulders; 8,000 “ Philadelphia Cured HA MS; 6,000 “ Tennessee SHOULDER', 6,000 “ best LARD, in bbls. and kegs; NAILS and IRON, assorted. To all of which trey ask the attention of Planters and Merchants. Jyßo HAND & FLEMING. NEW AUCTION AND GENERAL COMMISSION BUSINESS. 'UK subscriber, about declining the Grocery Ba;iuc j ; , X begs leave to renew the information to his friem.s, and fie public in general, that lie is now o.cpa • q to sell and re eive any kind of GOODS, Real or Personal Property, for sale. Having engaged a gentleman of first rate abili ties as Crier, he offers his service? in the above line; and if sjjcedy sales and prompt settlement of accounts wilt j command attention, he hopes to receive a liberal share of patronage from those who know him at least. P. F. A large and commodiou? Fire and Water Proo Shore for the recepti mi of Goods. JOHN J. BYRD, s 2 Eagle & Phoenix Building. „ IED \ <7OOD UASHEHA.XD liIONEH. A white YTA servant preferred. Apply at this office. s? CHEROKEE LANDS AT PRIVATE SALE. Y«TE HAVE FOR PALE some Nine LOTS of Fire ! l v Cherokee LANDS, all situated in the Golden Districts I o' the State, being in Case, Cobb, Paulding and VTalker, j which, foi- localities,are not to Ije surpassed. The Lots are Nos. 159, 162, 161, in the 11th District and Ist section, Le tr y only *2 or 8 miics from Daldunega. Imts Nos. 035 and Ij.fffSin 10th District, SJ Seciion, being in Paulding comity. Lot No. 21T, 4th District, 3d Section, is situated in Cass | coimty. I Lot No. C 95, 3d District, 3d Section, believed to be in Cobb. The above Lots are all favorably situated, and contain each 40 acres. —ALSO— ; -Ail that parcel cf Land, having Lot N 0.233,.233, 7th District, 4th Section, in Walker county, on the Chattooga River, • containing 160 acres, mote or less, pi ime land. Titles un- | j questionable. For further particulars and terms, apply to us at Store. mylO-u GIRARDEY & PARKER. NOW ON HAND AND TOR SALE. t \ A FULL supply of all patterns of Parlor STOIES GRATES, suitable to wood or coal. On band, a Georgia made IRON SAFE, very large and well adapted to a large Mercantile House, with several small ones. Also, NAILS by the keg or retail; SWEDES IRON for Horse Shoes; Collin’s .AXES and HATCHETS; Cotton all sizes; Trace and Halter CHAINS, TACKS, RIVITS, SCREWS, LOCKS, BOLTS, BUTTS and HINGES. Also, a large supply of Tinners’ and Roofing Tool- , of all kinds. For sale next door to the Mechanics’ Dank. nl4 B. F. CHEW. fJH\ O .MONTHS after date, application will be made to 1 the Ordinary of Richmond county, for leave to sell the real estate of Charles F. Jones of said county, deceased. September 9, 1552. \\ M. A. WALTON, Adm’r. EAGLE & PH(ENIX HOTEL, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. J RICKMAN begs leave to return sincere thanks ta • his friends and the public for their liberal suppox ■: du ring the time he has had the above Establishment, and so licit* a continuance of their favors. The apartments are large and well ventilated, with suits of rooms arranged expressly for families. Dinner ready on the arrival of (ho Charleston Cara, to I which Depot hi? HMel is the nearest. Uis best efforts will be directed to making the Eagle X . Phoenix a desirable Hotel. au‘2o-2m - ■ - VINEGAR. ~ B\RRi:lB CHOICE CIDER and WHITE WINE i **’J 11NEGAR, just received and for sale low bv BELCHER & HOLLINSWORTH, »ug29 No. 5, YVarren Block. pH-BM .CAL H\lH REGEAERATOR, A superior ■ f . a . rt . lcle for restoring the Hair that has become thin, and , r#i grtiag vigor to the Root? or Bulbs; to prevent Bald -5 n oss, and to reutove Scurf w Dandruff. No one should be wuhout this valuable Preparation. For sale by r JFSb D. B. PLUMB & CO. . WOOL. WOOL wpHE subscriber will pay the highest price for all dc X gcnption of u OOL. GEORGE W. LEWIS *7 No. 1 Warren Block. R. B.—Another supply of Radway’s KeadTUeiTef • just received by s!5 D. B. PLUMB A co. ’ ATR BR I'gHES, of every description, for sale by ’ seplO WM. H. TCTT, Druggist. , j rjTX ART’S SUUAR. —60 bbls. etuart’s Crushed and O Clarified SUGAR, for sale low by au4 HAND, WILLIAMS CO. . i rrIRAVt STiYH FLcTTII—A lot of freffi Hiram T I JLI Smith FLOUR, just received by J*l« MAST), WILLIAMS k CO. ► : J. J. CLAYTON. i A. P. BIGNON. CLAYTON & BIGNON, DEALERS IN READY MADS CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS. TRUNKS, &C., &C-, Wholesale and Retail, 197 Metcalf’s Range, Broad Street, Augusta, Georgia. *jl*4-ly ALDRICH & ROYAL. DEALERS IN f -jjg-g, BOOTS AXD SHOES, at Metcalfa new Iron Front Store, opposite the Masonic Hall. A. & | R. have on hand, and will continue to receive, per weekly steamers from New York and Philadel- , ’9W S •' phia, a large and well selected stock of the most fasliionable and neatest finished LADIES, X %<*» MISSES, GENTS, YOUTHS and CHILDREN’S BOOTS AND SHOES, all of which they invite the 1V» public to examine, and compare prices and quality before purchasing. N. B.—Be rare to call at par Iron Front Store. n!3 J. ML NEWBY It CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN r) I. \D i -MADE CLOTiii.\B, TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS, Ac., &c. Under the United State* Hotel, Augusta, Geor- pa- jal« 1> A.XGKK.—E. FARROW’S PATENT COOKING U RANGE, one of the best articles now in use, for 028 B. F. CHEW. I 'HE RICHES THAT BRING KOSOBBOA ,by I tne Rr-v. Erskine Neale, M. A. On tlie Study of Words, by Richard C. French, B, D.; Overing, or the Heir of Wieherly, cheap edition • Harper’s Magazine for July; : Also, another supply of the following Popular Books: ; Male, Wide V. orlj ; Queechy; toline, or Magnolia Vale; Remorse, and other Tales, by James ; Earnestness; Thank -1 Julness; The Heavenly Recognition ; Heaven, or the Saint ! ed Dead ; and Kirwan’s Letters to Bishop Hughes. Received and for sale by THC 3. RICHARDS k SON. jyß Bxank Book Manufacturers, Book Binders, \c. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. (IHARLES C’ATLIX invites tlie attention of V > ins friends and the public, to his large and tXfS i well selected stock of fine WATCHES, JEWELRY, I Silver FORKS and SPOONS, PLATED CASTORS, CAN DLESTICKS, and a great variety of Rich Fancy Goods, I w hich he will sell on the most favorable terms. He lias in j his einjiloy one of the best Watch makers in this country, I who will attend to tne repairing of FINE WATCHES 1 promptly and in the very best manner. He has also a prac l ( cal Jeweler, who will make or repair all descriptions of ; Jewelry. Engravings of all kinds neatly executed. rah2* FINE WATCHES CLOCKS JEWELRY AND SILVER AND PLATED GOODS. r:2. THOMAS W. Fit EE .MAX at his old stand, opposite the Brunswick Bunk,Augusta. y/V j (T i has on hand a large and well selected stuck,consisting of GOLD and SILVER WATCHES, aliquai- j it: : lull setts GERMAN JEWELRY', in boxes; Geld Breast j Pi; .'.Ear Kings, Pencils, Spectacles, Fob, Vest and Guard | Chains; Fob, Vest, and Guard Keys; Finger Rings, Bracelets, 1 Buckles, Armlets, Medalions, &c. BIIAKB A\D PLATED WARE, Spoons,Forks, Tea Sets, Castor?, Candlesticks, 4c. —ALSO— Cans, Pistols, Percussion Caps, Shot Pouches, Powder Flasks, Game Bags, &c.; besides many other convenient and useful articles not named. Having purchased ali my Goods for cash, I believe lean sell at nnocs that will suit purchasers. Clocks, Watches, and Jewelry repaired and warranted. N. B.—New Goods received weekly. o!2 d4w. Augusta, March 15, 1 j 52. CLARK & CO., (L.'TE CLARK, RACKET & CO.) - j HAY E nowin Store, aline stock of GOODS, many of which have just arrived in the V country, and are of new styles. We have VyV % lately received, direct from Geneva, an invoice cf Gold WATCHES, made to our order under our o’d name—good time keepers, and at moderate price o . Aiso, WATCHES made by T. P. Cooper, Loudon; Jules Jurgensoi!, of Copenhagen, and most other makers of es tablished reputation, which we can recommend ami war rant. Also, Silver and Plated WARE,new styles of Plated WAI TERS, CAKE BASKETS, CASTORS and CANDLESTICKS, with and without branches, Double Barrel SHOT GUNS and REVOLVERS, of various makers, and at the lowest prices. Cs?*“ Orders from the interior will be packed with care and forwarded promptly. rohIT F A S H 1 ON ABLE SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. rOH.\ BRIDGb?, Merchant Tailor, next door fj below the United States Hotel, Broad Street, i' now* receiving his Spring and Summer Stock, con- IJ sisting, in part, of —JA. French Black and Colored Single Mill’d CLOTHS and CASSIMEKES; Fancy Do.; DRILLS; Silk MARSEILLES, and other I ESTINGS; CASIIMERETTES ; DRAP d’ETE, of several grades, which will also be sold by the yard. Os Fancy Articles, SHIRTS and DRAWERS, of all de scriptions, COLLARS; CRAVATS; SUSPENDERS; HALF HOSE; GLOVES; Ladica’ UNDER-VESTS; SHOULDER BRACES, 4c., 4c. u- iiy-mnde CLOTHING, of th* latent style of Goods, cut and made. MILITARY’ WORK, in all its branches. Making and Trimming Garments in the best manner. A full assortment of the above, and all other articles in Ids line, will be kept suitable for the teason. tuhlS S. D. LISTON & CO. (tO.YTIXI’E their Office in a favorable location, for the J : deof tho’r FLOUR and MEAL, purchase of COHN and V HEAT, Ac., in the East end of the Warehouse lately cc apied by Walker k Bryson. Being thus favorably situ at.-d, (and rime to attend to it,) will receive and sell *ll COTTON;* their friends desire to send to them for sale. Lx pecting tube alwuj s o;x the spot, and having but few lots to sell, can do .* > on advantageous terms, and can remit C'nevks on their House? in > rceuaboro’, Rome, or Dalton, or ; on such other Bank Agencies a? may be more convenient to tl they sell for. Commissions and Storages a? is cus tomary. All Cottons consigned them should be marked S. D. L. A j Co., Augusta. *22 t TLAM’iC AM) TH A \S-ATI. \MTC’ Sketches— fi'X Afloat and Ashore. ByCapt. McKinnon, K. N., Au di »r of “Steam Warfare in the Parana.” Butler’s Analogy of Religion, with an Analysis left un finishul by the late Rev. Robert Emery, D. J>., President of Dickinson Coliege; completed and edited, with a Life of Bi-hop Butler, Notts and Index, by G. R. Crooks. Cicero’s Tusculan Limputations, with English Notes, Ci ideal and E.vplr.iuory. L.v CL..s. Anthon, L. L. D , Pro ft , >r of the Greek and Latin Languages in Columbia Col lege, Rector of the Grammar School, etc., etc. Memoirs of the Life and Writings oflhos. C’naimcr?, D. D„ L. L D., by his Son iu-Law, the Rev. Wm. Hanna. L. L. D.; in four volumes. The Life and Works cf Robert Burns. Edited by Robert i Cambers; in four volumes. For sale by [s 16] J. A. CARRIE 4 CO. \ r £H 800 lie*. —Summer Time in the Country, by the Rev. R. A. Willraott; being No. 13 of Appleton’s Popular Library. Up Country Letters, edited by Prof. 8., National Observatory. Nos. 482 and 488 of Littell’s Liv i; ' Age. Vol.Stl of the Necromancer, by G. W. Reynolds. Just published, and for sale at GEO. A. OATES 4 CO’s, g 5 Broad street. TfARMSHES OF ALL KINDS, Oils,Paints,Glass, ; \ Putty,Turpentine, Brushes, Acids, Paint Mills, Quin ine, Morphine, Calomel, Blue Moss, Matches, Spices, Epsom Salts, Bi-Carbonate Soda, Saheratus, Patent Medicines of i ali kinds, Perfumery, and Chemicals of every description, from the best manufacturies, always on hand and for sale i at reduced prices by WM. 11. TLI f, fe26-d&w Druggist, MOLASSES AND SUGAR. ! 47- TIERCES Cuba MOLASSES ; *«»X 30 hhds. New Orleans SUGAR ; 15 “ Muscovado Do.; For sale by JOHN C. CARMICHAEL, i au‘2G Warren Block. BACON AND PEAS. WA/\A LBs». BA COX SIDES, just received and ,UUU and for sale low. —ALSO— -100 bushels COM' PEAS. Call soon, before they are all ; u 26 H. D. BELL. j TTAOLFE’S" AHOMATIC MEIHC’IXA L SCWE v V DAM SCHNAPPS. A superlative Tonic, Antidys peptic and Invigorating Cordial, useful in Gravel, Gout, Dyspepsia, General Debility, 4c. In Quart bottles. Price Si. Sold by jaS HAVI LAND. RISLEY k CO. Sole Agents. ( 4O B \ AN D O V PS , Vy 8,000 bushels choice Tennessee CORN; 150 “ OATS, for sale by aul BAKER 4 WILCOX V,’. H. MAHARRY & CO., PLAIN AM) OII.W.YICVT YL GAS FITTERS. DWELLINGS, Stores, Churches, &c., fitted up in the neatest manner. All work warranted. iST Plain and Ornamental GAS FIXTURES for sale. References —Col. 11. 11. Gumming, President Gas Light Company. Mr. William lielme. Engineer Erecting Gas Works. *pl*> X t O EXCUSE FOR BALD HEADS.—'THE CV 1> THEREAN HAIR TONIC is a certain restorative of the Hair ; and any one who is troubled with dandruff, scurf, or falling off cf the hair, may rest assured that one bottle of the CYTHEREAN HAIR TONIC will remove all disease, and promote a line growth. It is, also, a great addition to the Toilet, as it possesses a grateful perfume, and renders the hair capable of being combed in any shape. For sale wholesale and retail by ap3S WM. H. TUTT, Druggist. \ RTICLEB FOB THE TOiLKT.— J\. Rich COLOGNES, Domestic and German; Lubin’s EXTRACTS, new odors; “ POMADE, for the Hair ; “ SCENT BAGS (Sacheis.) I jell _ D. B. PLUMB & CO. ! rpHE WIGWAM AND THE CABIN; or, Talcs 1 of the South, hy the author the Yamassee, Katharine i Walton, Golden Christmas. 4c., just published and for sale at GEO. A. OATES & CO’S jeG Piano, Book and Music Store, Broad st. j I TOI SE KEEPING GOODS. —We keep constantly on I X hand a good assortment of Crockery, China, Glass, Wooden, Tin, Willow and Iron Ware. House keepers are i invited to give us a call. . m }j*2l MUSTIN 4 LATHROP. K' ICH TOILET SOAPS } Lubin’s Toilet SOAPS ; Guerlain’s “ “ Pinaud’s “ “ r j Low’s “ “ : Bazin’s “ “ Hauel’s “ “ Taylor’s Chrystaline Toilet SOAPS; i Together with a full assortment of ebeap Fancy SOAPS of American Manufacture, for sal* Ky » B. Pl fiKBB k 09 CARRIAGE MA NUFACTORY. J.iliLS HILBERT CO., Corner of Ellis and Mackintosh Streets, Manufacture and keep constantly on hand, all descriptions of VEHICLES of their own make. CARRIAGES of all descriptions built to order and war -1 ranted. REPAIRING done at short notice. mh-3-tOJ TOBIN’S GARDEN—OPEN FOR THE SEA SON. I'flM A8 T. TOBIN would respectfully an . announce to his old friends and the public, that his Garden, on Telfair street, is now open for ri'e-., ,i I the season. STRAWBERRIES ami CREAM, ICES, ICE CREAM, : etc,, served up every afternoon and evening, from 2 till I 10 o’clock. The Garden i? now in beautiful order, and no efforts will be spared to render it a popular and delightful 1 place of resort for the Ladies and Gentlemen of Augusta | and its vicinity. apll-tf 15 II ES 11 AN D HENI IN E 14A K DEN *2* Z I I SEEDS, Warranted Crop of 1 SOI.—We have ju.-t received our Stock of FRESH SEEDS, to which Y*j% i wc invite the attention of the public. -JaSSySi 1 <ll6 D. B. PLUMB k CO. “trunksT* trunks. ~ A LARGE LOT of Fine TRAVEL LING TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS, SjteMLJL VALISES. Ladies’ BONNET CASES, Ac. Received by jy7 ALDRICH & ROYAL. ENGLISH SOLE LEATHER TRU2UKS. T I 8T received, a lot of very su]>erior O Solo Leather TRUNKS and Valises. A liJ | Brass Band and Iron Frame TRUNKS, I Hat BOXES, Valise BAGS, Carpet BAGS, Ac. FORCE, CONLEY A CO., jy!s sign Mammoth Boot. WILLIAM HOUSIEY. JR., ~~ HOLES*ALE AND RE TAIL DEALER IN BOOTS AM) SHOES, keep? constantly y\ ( on hand, the best article for re tailing, various descriptions of Mens’, Boys’, Ladies’, Misses’, and Children’s. Also Plantation and Kip Brogans. South side Broad street, Augusta, Georgia. jaß-ly PATENT LEATHER, CLOTH, PUMP BOOTS T I J9T RECEIVI.D, a handsome let of _ 6.* Gent’s Patent Leather BOOTS ; ESI “ Cloth Pat Tip “ fS’l “ Caif Pump Sole “ “ “ Dress “ “ “ or Patent Leather Opera BOOTS ; —ALSO— Ladies’ White Satin Gaiter BOOTS; “ “ Kid Polka “ “ “ “ Jenny Linds; “ “ Satin and Kid SLIPPERS, Ac. fe!B ICE, CONLEY k CO. LEATHER, LASTS, SHOE PEGS, FINDINGS, &C. JUST RECEIVE!), a large supply of Hem lock, an<l Oak Sole LEATHER, Band and Pick- SygT er LEATHER, Upper and Lace LEATHER, Calf f and Kip SKIN.S, Lining and Binding SKINS, Kid * and Top SKINS. —also — KNIVES, PINCERS, NIPPERS, RASPS, AWLS, HAM MERS, PUNCHES, Lasting TACKS, SPARABLES, French KIT, Size STICKS, Measure STRAPS, Long STICKS, Pump STICKS, Sand STONES, Splitting and Evelet MACHINES, Hull’s Ball Shoe THREAD, TWIST, Boot* WEBBING, Boot 1 CORD, Shoe LASTS, Shoe PEGS, Boot TREKS, CLAMPS, CRIMPS, Graining BOARDS, 4c. FORCE, CONLEY 4 CO. jalS Opposite Insurance Bank. HENRY & SKIN AAR, CABINET MAKERS, UPHOLSTERS & UNDERTAKERS, A HE NOW FtIFFARED to exe- , ..Trgna,^ iV cute all orders in their fine. Ma- X king and Repairing Cabinet YVork, lie X 'riVl '.RaUu upholstering Sofas, Chairs, Ac., Reno- *** j £r~ ■ fiagj vating Mattresses, in fact ail other kinds of work belong- ] ing to our branch. We have ou hand a fine assortment , of Vi re SAFES suit aide for th* season. These Safes are , much approved for their convenience and stjle. Also, a | fine lot of WINDOW SHADES, of the latest style and at reduced prices. H. 4* S. ] Broad-st., one door below Washington street, next to ( ; k (o.’ - St* re. 526 MG. liUNZifiT. l ’ : lc ‘ • spectfuliy informs the Ladies and SSSfeSSBaBHI Gentlemen of Augusta, that he g’ves stvuction in Vocal Music, on the Piano, Vio-« ** Jr y J lin and Guitar, in the most thorough manner. Calls left at Mr. Cathu’s Music store, will be promptly answered. n22-ly PIAKO rpiin subscriber? would respectfully call 1 the attention cf their friends and the public, to their assortment of Rosewood and M 1 fjf 9 B Mahogany PIANO FORTES, from the well '•* * * 1/ • known and justly celebrated Manufactories of Bacon & Ra\ en, A. 11. Gale & Co., and Dubois 4 Seabury, New Y ork, which are warranted in every respect, to be at least fully equal to any instruments manufactured in this country or Europe. Tire subscribers would also state than the instruments now on baud are of the latest patterns and fashion, and fresh from the manufacturers. For sale at very low prices for cash or city acceptances, at GKO. A. OATES 4 CO.’S myl3 Piano, Book and Music Depot, Broad-st. ~ ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY. I T WING been appointed Agents for the UOV- 1 INGTON CHAIR FACTORY, we would re- lU spectfuliy inform our city and country friends, and rep? customers generally, that we will always have on 1 S ‘ hand a Stock and good assortment of the above Manufac tory’s CHAIRS, which, for beauty of finish, comfort and general utility, need only to be seen to be recommended. The assortment con ists of ROCKING, COTTAGE, and SPLIT-BOTTOMS. They will l>e sold at Manufacturing prices. Persons desiring to purchase such Furniture, would do well to examine ours and prices before purchasing else where. GIRARDY 4 PARKER, ,iyl6-3m Auction anti Commission Merchants. PIANO FORTES MUSIC, &C. fill ARLES GATLIN «.V CO., near na.-.-.—, VU the United States Hotel, Augusta, Ga., are the only authorized Agents for Chick eriug’s celebrated 1/ * Sc u • IRON FRAMED PIANO FORTES, Also, for those made by Nunn 4 Clark, and Adam Stod dard. The superiority and wide spread celebrity of those In truments render any special reference to them unnecessa ry. The universal satisfaction that they have given in this market, for more than 15 year?, is good evidence of their urability. Their stock is always large and full, comprising every variety and style of 6, 6 % and 7 octave PIANOS, which they will sell at the lowest factory prices, (varying rom S2OO to $500,) and warrant them sound and perfect in very respect. Their stock of MUSIC i? large, and they receive fresh upplies every week of all new publications, as soon as they are issued. All orders for Pianos, Music, Violins, Guitars, Flutes, Ac ordeons,4c., &c., will receive prompt and careful atten on, and will be warranted to please in every respect. MELODEONS. They have also a complete assortment of Prince & Co.’s MELODEONS. The Key Board is precisely the same as the Piano or Organ ; and the tone closely resembles that of he Flute stop of the Organ, and is sufficiently loud for mall Churches. They vary in price from ssu to SIOO. JEWELRY. CHARLES CATLIN keeps for sale at the same place, a arge Stock of fine WATCHES, JEWELRY and SILVER WARE, to which he invites tne attention of the public. mh2S LOOK HERE a NEW BTORE AND NEW VU FURNITURE. J BILCOX has ra- fawjftW 1 moved his stock of FURNITURE, -H- | 1 1 > CHAIRS, MATRASSES, 4c., next BdfcilSM to Dr. Turpin’s, immediately opposite his former stand, where he intends kepping e. general assortment of FURNI TURE, CHAIRS, MATRASSES, 4c., of his own manufacture. Also, a good assortment of Northern manufacture, which he will warrant, and at such prices as to make it an in ducement to those about purchasing to give him a call at is NEW FURNITURE STAND. 012-£Aw SAFES, IRON WORKS,~LOCKS, &C. THE UNDERSIGNED having contracted to build the SAFES, IRON FIXTURES, LOCKS, AA ; 4c., in the new Banking House of the Bank of An- • ■» j gusta, has permanently located in this city, and begs '*2^ 1 leave to inform the public that he will execute all order? for SAFES, IRON FIXTURES, STAIRWAYS, LOCKS, BELL HANGING, FENCING, LIGHTNING RODS, ORNAMEN TAL WORK, 4c., 4c., including every branch of his busi ! ness, in the most perfect and satisfactory manner. His shop is on the north side of Broad Street, next door below the old Bridge Bank Building, where he will be pleas- I ed to exhibit Models, Patterns and Drawings t* all those who mav wish any thing in hi? line. I my'26-ly AUGUSTUS GRUENDEL, ‘ ~ FRESH TURNIP SEED. 777E have this day received 3 supply of/refh and relid >> TURNIP SEED, consisting of thef ©Rowing va -1 rieties: RUTA B.VGA, LARGE ENGL!? A NORFOLK, ! EARLY FLAT DUTCH, EARLS’ YELLOW RUSSIAN, RFD TOP, LONG WHITE, LARGE WHITE GLOBE, SNOW BALL. Augusta, June 16, 1563. jelS D. B. PLUMB 4 CO. NEW BOILER FOR BALE. * FIRST CLASS new BOILER, made by Philee. B. A Tyler, Springfield, Mass., for sale low by OSMOND, GRAY’ & CO., American Iron Foundry, j Augusta, Ga., August 7. au7-lm M* ArRTTTFT n i.bis’.'Sf.RKJ.lEL, nV'.V,"!? and a, Just received and for sale by ’ isift ESTO* 4 UTILE DUICL F*lirJ 8 R ! s aromatic soda and seidlitz row -1 .* , . for tue immediate production of a grateful, re freshing and highly Stomachic Beverage. This elegant preparalion, hesj.ies its superior claim as a beverage, has the ail vantage over all ether compounds, in being decided ly medicinal. It promotes appetite and a healthy Diges tion, corrects acidity, relieves Heartburn and Flatulency and produces the best effects in derangements of the Uri ; nary Organs. While equally effective with the return.>n 1 fol lu i the Aromatized Powc ers possess a decided advantage I m not offending the Stomach, and far more satisfactory in I their operation. Forsale, wholesale and retail, by .. WM. H. TUTT, | Agent for the Aromatic Soda Company. MORGAN’S COTTAGE CHAIRsT i fj'IIE subscribers would inform the public that they have -L appointed Messrs. Girardey & Parker their Agents for the sale of their CHAIRS in this place. Being the ori ginal Inventor of this article, they will warrant all sold of their manufacture. J. & h. g. MORGAN, sl7-w3m Decatur, DeKalb county. COME AND SEE. i nETER URE\XKH. Piano Manufac- — l ~TT*' ' 1 turer, Quality Range, Bread st., has just finished a splendid PIANO, which will *i Ttf qtq remain at his house for a short time. Musi- J • V J J cians, amateurs, and the public generally, are invited to call and try it, te see whether it can be beat by any from the North. P. BRENNER, sI6-dlm Broad-st., above McKinnc-st. P. BRENNER, PIANO MANUFACTURER, Quality Range, Broad Street, Augusta, G 0.., IS ready to execute all orders for PI ANOS of all descriptions, which he war rants to be equal in tone, quality and du- j rabilily to any that are brought from the J • IP J J North. The following is one of various testimonials, which have been kindly given to P. B. by gentlemen in this city. Having bought a Piano of Mr. P. Brenner Inst year, which was of his own make, I take great pleasure in testify ing my perfect approbation of it in every respect. It is very rich in tone, easy of touch, elegantly made and keeps in tune most admirably. From what I have seen of Mr. Prca nt r’s Pianos, 1 have no hesitation in recommending them for their superior quality, to all who may be in w ant of a fine and durable instrument. J. B. Hart. Augusta September 15,1?52. Further references : Rev. Mr. Ford, Mr. J. Setze, Mr. 11. P. Fraser, D. Bignon, Mr. Wm. R. Schirmer and others. Pianos, Organ? and other musical instruments tuned and skillfully repaired, at the shortest notice. P. BRENNER, sl6-ly Broad-st, above McKenni-st. GROCERIES. r/IA RAGS good Rio COFFEE; »)’ M f 100 mats old Gov. Java COFFEE ; 100 bags SPICE, GINGER and PEPPER ; 100 hhds. Muscovado SUGAR; 50 “ Porto Rico Do., toO packages Loaf, Crushed Powdered Clari fied SUGAR; 100 bbls. and half bbls. MACKBRW-; 100 bales Gunny CLOTH ; 200 coils Bale ROPE; 100 coils Bed Cord ROP1; 2,000 sacks SALT; 1,000 kegs NAILS ; 100,000 Spanish and American A EE ; 200 boxes TOBACCO; 100 hhds. Cuba MOLASSES ; 100 bbls. Sugar House SYRUP ; 15,000 lbs. Tennessee BACON ; 100 boxes CANDLES; TEA; POWDER; SHOT; LEAD; Toilet SOAP; a*d a large stock of LIQUORS. For sale by sl6-dA-wlm _ _ BAKER A WILCOX. _ FRESH GOODS. I HAVE Ju-t received a fine and select assortment of CLOTHS; CASSIMERES and VESTINGS, of entirely new designs, which will be made to order in the latest style. Also, Ready- ade CLOTHING, and a fine assort ment of Dahlia, Olive, Brown and Blue Dress FROCK COATS, which are made of the very best French Cloths, and trimmed in the best manner, and are very fashiona ble. For sale cheap. J. A. VAN WINKLE. Augusta, Sept. 21,1852. 522 LOOK HERE.-NEW STOKE AND NEW GOODS. JEST opened, opposite John Bones A Co., a lew doors below Washington Hall, and next door above Henry E. Clarke’s Shoe Store, a new and handsome assortment cf Fancy and Domestic DRY GOODS, comprising almost eve ry article in the line, which will be sold at a small advance on New York cost for cash. A look at his Stock will con vince the purchaser of the above fact. slO-ly THOS. SWEENY. SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTING. OIIUERB left with Dr. llattox, at Mr.' Haines’ Drug Store, or at my place on Green atreet, will meet with prompt attention. jj2o Ft. P. SPELMAN. CABINET MAKING MB UHTJESTAJLING. HENRY a- fell EWER, at their new stand, next to A. Lafitte’s Auction Room, have and will keep on hand a supply of Mahogany and other COFPXNS.madeof the best materials,and on reasonable terms. In connection with the above, we keep a constant supply of Fisk A Raymond’s Celebrated METALIC BURIAL CASAS of all sizes—orders filled at short notice. N. B.—FURNITURE, MATTRASSBH, Ate., for sale and made to order. _____ JaO •> k UALCIs Gunny BAGGING; t)l * 125 coils ft Kentucky ROPE ; 5o bbls. choice New Orleans SYRUP; 10 hhds. New Orleans SUGAR. —ALSO. ON CONSIGNMENT— IffflOO lbs. choice Tennessee BACON ; 1,200 bushels white CORN, in fine order; CORN, PEAS, OATS and FEATHERS; at coraer Sure, « Warren IJlock, for sale by aulft-d WM. H. BT.CRK * CO. FEMALE SEMINARY. MBS. JAMES I*. RING respectfully ; Announces te her friends, and the public generally, that she will open, on the FIRST MONDAY IN OCTOBER next, » SEMINARY for Young Ladies, in which wi Übe taught all the branches of a substantial and elegant Flducation. Sht hopes that devoted efforts to advance her Pupils, and a scrupulous rgcard to the behavior and morals of those en trusted to her care, will insure for her a liberal share of patronage. The services of an able Echolarand acrgnnplislied Gen tleman will be secured to assist in the higher branches. Mrs. Ring has rented the large and commodious house at the corner of Broad aud Cumming streets (formerly oc cupied by Mr. Stovall) where she can accommodate will board Young Ladies from the country. A great induce ment is offered to those learning French, as that langiiag* will be spoken in the family. Circulars containing Terms, Ac., may be obtained by ap plication to Mrs. Ring, at present on Greene street, ojrpo site the Methodist Church. aul‘i-tf rpHK (SCHOOL. FOB FATHERS-; an 'ol J Lngh-* A Story, by T. Gwynne ; Anna Hammer, a tale of Contemporary; German Life, translated from the German of Gcmrae,by Alfred H. Guernsey—price2scents; The Personal Adventures of our own Correspondent in Italy, by Michael Burke Honan, bound and unbjund; The Institutes of Algebra, being the first part of a Course of Mathematics, by Gerardus Beekman Docharty, LL.D.: No. 27 Pictorial Field Book of the Revolution; aud No. 7 Bleak House ; Just received by THOS. RICHARDS & SON, s‘23 Blank Book Manufacturers, Stationers, Ac, FLOUR. -A BBL 9. Lebanon FLOUR; Ov* 50 “ Coleman’s Granite Mills FLOUR ; 50 bags “ “ “ MEAL; For sale by 523 JOHN C. CARHICMAEL. 1"Jl l,\ bHlZ,i;on(U\ sfAHdl—An excellent ar ticle for m iking custards, puddings, bianc-mange, Ac., for sale by D. B. PLUMB A CO. s '5. r/Y iw u t FEET of seasoned INCH BOARDS, FLOOR OVIjvUI' ING and CEILING for sale. Apply to jyS-twAdSm A. P. ROBERTSON. r l'BL Celebrated Mexican Mustang LINAMENT, fov 1 sale by sIS D. B. PLUMB A CO. (tOKX. —1,000 buehe s, in Store and for sale by s7 8. C. GRENVILLE A CO. HARRISON’S PRAIRIE FLOWER COLOGNE, a valuable article for the Toilet, for sale by jy2B D. B. PLUMB A CO. A DELIGHTFUL TON If.—Rudkin’s Ginger WISE, for sale by s!5 P. B. PLUMB A CO I ONES’ Chemical Oil SOAP, for removing Grease, Tar, f ) Paint, Ac., from Woollen, Cotton or Linen Good?, far sale by siß D. B. PLUMB A CO - CONSIGNMENT.—IOO bales Gunny BAGGING, for sale low by sl9 ROBERTSON & CROCKER. Ml ST ARD A SI) PEPPER. 125 dozen tine MUSTARD. 100 “ PEPPER, papers, in store, and for by sls S. C. CRENVILLE A CO. MORE NEW BOOHS.—Memoirs of the Life Writings of Dr. Chalmers, vol. 4. Atlantic and Transatlantic Sketches Afloat and Ashore, by Captain McKinnon, R. N. Paper covers and bound. Vol. 3 Life and Works of Robert Burns. Butler’s Analogy—Dr. Emory’s Analysis, edited by G- A. Crooks; and Anthons Cicero’s Tuscn’en Disputations, Just received by THOS. RICHARD. A >_#N, sls Blank Book Manufacturers, Stationers, At, j 1 M)R C OUGHS, COLDS, AND CONSUMPTION. r —AYER’S CHERRY PECTORAL is the great feme- 1 dy for the above complaints. For sate by g 1). B. PLL MB A CO. STRINGENT LOTION, For diseased, weak axtl bleedintr rims, and for purifying the breath, for sate h y D. B. PLUMB A CO. B 15 . - rr - T| . J IST RECEIVED— -B€o lbs. BLUESTONE; 25 lbs. Hydriodate POTASS; 6 lbs. Ueflublimed IODINE; •0 Boxes Perry Davis PAIN KILLSR; 0 doz. Ballard’s HAIR DYE; 6 “ Indian CUOLOGOQUE; 6 “ Calcined CHARCOAL. For sale lew far cash by a u22 WM. H. TUTT. THE AUGUSTA BRASS AND COTILLON BAND, JOHN A. BOHLER, Lbadbk, RESPECTFULLY inform th* pubhc, that they are prepared to furnish Music for *ll occasions required, on reasonable terms. Communications addressed to JOHN A., or WILLIAM O. BOHLER, Augusta, Geo., will no** 9 prompt attention. ° - AGAZINEiTOR SEPTEMBEB. —The follow- . ing Magazines have been received by the subscribers, 4 Hnmn V. i. and Glob* Hefei*. Tiimi {iii{().\ii'iE I mm, i _ THE BRIDE FROM THE GRAVE.^ A lady silt and read : “Whuteverjn.lament after thought may pasa on ruy confession, I know that when you road tW pages your heart will be with me, and that it will nut, many moment of perusal, really and harshly condemn If it does, throw the letter at once aside, and give all thought of me to the winds ■ f or it 1 cannot stMidrej-roachloss before the tribunal ot your artections, I could iriWS to be nothing to you henceforth. -Atm call mo to account—yon ask an exnlana -1011 ot m.v past—for you have to decide between 1"®;'“ !yV a . CcUi ’ ei '» those accusers, being your k HV VV'i -ii U n< ‘' • 01 . 1 do right in asking this much, H r • ' S ". erit P ,ailll .'h without attempting t. c pai.iauon ol any circumstance «f niv liie that it inn be necessary to you to know. J'}'*™ uert i th *. me 10 night Marien. you would not wonder that 1 sat about this sad work with a calmness that might prove to another than you an.entire on my part ot the issue* that will attend it or result from it. The unutter rioriffo so ' 1 - 1 ° ?/*'■*? and earth » are gioiihed now m the dearest and most solemn moonlight have brought a thought to mo, aud a >P‘m is near, and I do not tremble when I know that she set s that thought. ••fifteen years ago 1 kn-ed as the young love, passionately , Vet not ignorantly, (Jalforc was bu t a child w-iuu she was sent to mv father to be edu cated by him. I hare never since seen a creature so beautiful ns she was, then: young as sh* w as, there was an angelic grace in all she said or did, that won si nee rest admiration and affection from those with whom she lived. Knowing, a* I uio, ti nt tins grace was the human utterance #1 her spirit beauty: seeing in her, as I did, the gent lest and loveliest of a i God’s creation, is it a won der that I learned in our intercourse, boy, al though I was,'to almost adore her? Aud it wag no childish passion; it was a genuine lovestrougand enduring, the richest offering of my heart for" her. I told Callore of this before .die went away from us. I was just entering on the study of my pro lession thcn, and a consciousness, prophetic, of ul timate independence, gave strength and three to my words, but such weight they did not need When i left my happiness to the decision of that young girl, I knew 1 was not deferring to the fan cy ol a child—her answer would be that of a true woman. Calloro’s heart had awakened, it was all as J hoped, it was her first, Jove, she had no wi.sli to conceal it; it was my first, but for vou, Marion my only love, I am proud to declare it! ‘•During the twelve-month that followed, 1 vis ued m\ bethiothcd but once. Llcr home was a long distance from the village where I lived; it was not a dangerous or tedious journey, but one that with my small means could Hot often be af forded. 1 found failure's parents in miserable cir cumstances—in the past months her father had met with repeated losses—his business was closed, ho was beggared. They welcomed me with hcar ty joy to their lire-side—they promised that she would be mine so soon a> I was prepared to pro vide for our support. The blessed impressions ot diat visit lasted me long ; in after days its very re membrance caused me anguish almost insupporta ble. “A hen I set out on my homeward journey, the grief of parting was annulled by tiie ambitions fan cies that rilled my brain—by the brave and new determinations 1 took with mo from her presence. Some verses of mine which had been recently printed . ad met with attention, end elicited the approbation of critics. The unhoped-for success had encouraged nit- to continue these efforts quite frequently, and astray thought of fame and fortune now and then dazzled my brain. When 1 parted with (failure, 1 resolved to make mure decided ef forts in this way—if they proved successful 1 would then use my pen as a means of support, would abandon the design 01 1.. ing by my distasteful pro fession, My friend herself had encouraged the plan. Unaware of my authorship, she had read my verses, hud spoken to me of them and repeat ed sentences of them with an enthusiastic admira tion that transported mo with joy. It was owing chiefly to her instant and proud appreciation that 1 began first to think really seriously of author ship. • In u few mouths, tome they went winged with light aud promise, i had published a volume of my poems. Iwt s never in ruy life so happy as when I sent a copy 01 tiuit work in manuscript, to her.— I though; how she would read the pages—how she would huger fondiy over those songs which were addressed to her, by words which had a latent meaning, that would meet her eye alone; how her tears would fall as she closed my work and thoiigi.% of what a true dedication it was to her! and how she would live, one day at least, in the pages, and in th-'t day have no thought hut of me! * “While I listened to the congra* illation of oth ers 1 impatiently waited for her .acknowledgement the toward lor which I most longed was Usr rrait* —one sweet word of approval from her lips sui worth ail ol , more grateful than the encouraging words of critics, than my mothers kiss, than my fathers honesti> expressed satisfaction. Yon un derstand how natural this all was, Marien 1 You who know how divine a thing is love—yon who know how much more precious is the piaisc spring ing from the warm, loving, and beloved heart, than that awarded even by the clearest intellect. “I had my reward—my impatient spirit was put at rest full soon. A letter came—but #fodii. not write it : lier approbation was expressed, but in the words of another. They had wronged and de ceived me—they had married Callore ! Yes—to a man who couid ariord to re-establish her father’s fallen fortunes, to maintain her in splendour?— The blow stunned me; by reason of its very heavi ness, I could not at first understand, or conceive, or realise it all. 1 lived as one in a leriflic dream, when some undefined horror takes possession of the soul, from which he awakens with an involun tarily ‘thank God I' I was in a state of frenzy, which while i admitted the performance of all my usual duties, left me bewildered only to myself. I haduo need to question, to disbelieve : positive knowledge left me nothing to hope for—all was be fore me, from the nothingness that remained after the bereavement to the fame, the glittering but worthless, fame that was within my grasping. That waji .a bereavement indeed, one of which I could u >t in those days, nor ever, until now, speak to an otfaer, 1 could not bring myself to so profane Ca’Jorer 1 could not endure that othcis should as sociate heir name even w.tii unworthy thoughts. I tru tv tlmt she tried beyond me—that the wrong in£i«Sfied on her was greater than on mo. ••Yiaa not tikis a thought insupportable, that she had been 1 That she had been sold ? It was ton much. “The only prayer f offered in those days was that she might find .consolation, that she at least might be at peace —it was *hc only desire of fay heart. As time passed on and the pressure of the blow was removed, I begun to slowly recover from its stunning power —then my sole wish was to look on Calforc once more, ami learn so from her own lips, what j felt she alone could cert. 1 nad now abandoned my profession ; the pride of intel lect took fall possession ot me; for poverty or for riches 1 cured not atuil ; I was only determined on becoming master mind of the age. Even be fore aware of my irreparable loss, ambition hsd began to greatly strengthen within me—that, us well as love, became a motive and an incentive— The one was a vanity, the other a delusion ; what a madman did the two impulses make of mo when 1 knew that Callore was lost to me ! “Three years had passed away—then I went to the capital. The determination 1 had once made of immediately seeking C allore had never been act ed on: I had not even once heard of her since that announcement of her marriage was received. But my other resolve was in the meantime carried out. I had established myself among the men of letters. “it was with much pride that 1 accepted an in vitation which was made to me to lecture in the city where the mighty men of the nation were gath ered, and I resolved, bcfo r e I went to , that from the position 1 euonld there occupy, I would speak to those helsmens truths which were not of ten uttered in their hearing. My plan was thwart ed: the very day after my arrival m the city, 1 was confined to ray room, to my bed, sick and deliri ous. From that long and dangerous iihieso, 1 re covered at last, feeble in strength, and doubly wretched: my sickness had been one continued ami distressful vision—the sorrows of all the past had fallen upon me anew —I lived them over bore them afresh—they were more grevious.than, at first, they had lost the novelty, had settled into a dreary consciousness of reality. “I intended to go quietly from the Clt 7 a » B< ? on as mv strength was sufficient!* recovered, having entirely given up the idea ot lecturing. The day previous to that which I had fixed upon for my departure, a friend who bad aevoted hunseltto m* during the weeks of my sickness, was with me, r . rsuading me to appear that evening as hi* guest t lie close 0/ the session was drawing near, and ha bad made preparations in his beautiful home tor ti e great ball ot the season ; I pleaded every im mAginable reason for declining, but he would not admit one and so I was compelled to comply, “1 wa? t'nero—and it almost seemed as though that night had been ordained as a triumph-night .to me. I say it without vanity, without a wish to impress vou, but merely as a sunp.e tact: the oom» pulsorv neglect of my public engagement, my aa vere sickness and narrow aseapa from death, with pfiof T*#>a§oiis mad© m© an ooj©ot of tb© * pMWtfr.tfttaa <•* »*«wi riairft