Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, October 02, 1852, Image 4

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EmtONICLE & SENTINKI. ! [CONCLUDF-P FROM Is* TAUE-j , i • j .i»„(;misnClf>velv tt'omouauJ no* •nd most kind attention?ou •'<- _ „v, blcuien It was after niidmght, end i waa •ooi.t retiring at a time when a great Propwrtioii of the spicsta were engaged m tne dance, jus. then my Lst approached me accompanied by a lady nnd gentleman, who had requested an m.roductiou Shall Igo on . That lady was Callore, GaWyre-' and the old man was it not enough to make one weep—that old man, older far than her own father, was Rufus Caloraft, her hnabnnd 1 I ; could not control toy amazement when I gaacd upon her face, as the name was announced —my eyes were riveted on htrs when I claapod her hands —my voice—it was in her heart when I ■poke. We mot, but for the recognition as stran gers—not a word that, betrayed our communion of the past was spoken a* wo conversed together ; but there was a language that bad moaning which none but hs conld know. Alas! that it was not a dead language to us. Callore looked much older than she really was, but beside him how youthful *nd how marvellously beautiful she was ’ Her sorrow had chosen lor itself an expression which none in the wide world save myself could under stand—if she had wept much, her eyes had not dimrnad with tha tears ; they were full of an ex pression I had never seen in them before—but we had never mot as now before—it told xaa, snd that paleness of her cheek told me a* her eyes fixed on me, on him, and on the gems that adorned her person, on the magnificent robs she wore, the story of her bondage, of her slavery and in the bitterness of my spirit I coula have cursed them who hud so wronged her and mel Callore had gone much into the world since her marriage day ; I could read that in bar manner, in the mingling of oxqui-ite grace and womanly dig nity, in her entire self-possession during that oasis moment of our in‘erview. The man. her hnahaucl her owner, once expressed a few words relating to the poet before nim, meant for compliment—she never strove t , echo their sentiment: but as while he spoke my eyes sought her’s, I saw her inall'cct nal efforts to appear calm and indifferent—she mastered her emotion in a moment, and then wa* passing away with a gentle inclination of the head at parting. It was all. “I stood spell bound watching her as she went— •nd I telt well assured that its much of anguish had pierced her heart in that interview as was dwelling then in mine. The miserable past was our pres ent again, and the future shorn of all glory-hues, was as dark as hopeless, »s our brightest youth had been. 1 did not ailcr this venture to write to Callore, I sent no message—that undefined thought which was not really hope, but merely expectation, that thought which had kept me free from any en gagement ot a similar nature with other women— that thought which Inow had soothed her while •he wore her heavy gilded chain, was dead to each of us. 1 say ue, for I felt and now it even then, that as it had been with me, so was it with her. We had been in our early youth as twins with one heart, we could read each other through, even in a moment ol casual meeting—though wo might bo enigmas to the world it waa not possible that wo fiiiouid be such to each other. Though not a word of our past had been spoken,in that, interview, it. was all intelligible for both of us ; our years of se paration were unseated with the first look inter changed. “We did not, alter this meet again. I went im immediately from the city t* my own home ; 1 could not risk the trial of r-eeing her even once more. I telt that would be a trial more than I could bear. With somewhat of courage, after this I resumedfmy labours ; my ambition, had received a new spui—my work should prove h consolation to her as well as to me—l would immortalize our hopeless love. In this labour I whs interrupted; I received a letter, the first and the last, from Rn fus Caleraft’s wile. I enclose it. Marien, if you would have yet other proofs that j/o« are now all in all to me—how shall I present it ? Could I offer proof more conclusive than in laying before you the secret which a broken heart whispered" to me ? “*- Wore it not that sentence of speedy death is rissed upon me I would not dare to write you ; 1 would not do so even in this extremity, could I j otherwise depart in peace —nn peace 'Walter! — j What a souud have tho.-c words for me—del err in saying for us ? They are like the gush of living ( waters, and the shade of palm trees in a uesorf. i That the best happiness of our life has been wreck- ! ed.that we have lived for years asonee we bad not 1 believed we oould live for a day ; it is not idle in me, a dying woman to declare it ? That night, when we met at la-t, when he spore the flattery ! which must have been hateful t«o you, I closed row * lips—l would cave iiung myself abjectly before you I but that I had suffered’as you had, but that I had ! been wronged ns you. I could not bring myself to \ •ay what all the world had said, and so I was silent when my heart was fullest; by right I should have I stood beside you, your ; and wbil* the world ! uttered ita praises, it would then have been mine i to whisper of love, Komembtr—(l should not hid you remember, you who 1 know have never forgot ten) —think ot the days when we were ore ; think what it mast have cost me to have, fettered my lips, that night; think how I mas; have, schooled" my self to have been able to go, and that calmly, jrom you, knowing that it wai forever, Waiter 1' “ ‘There has beep one book that I hare studied more devoutly in the past than oven thus priceless volume which has bidden me ‘be patient, for tho (joining of the Lord draweth nigh,’ that book of your inditing, which reached me on my marriage day! I laid it in my bosom, 1 wore it there while my voice was Joining in the marriage service ; it vjras there till it bad found,every word b place in pmj memory—U has been my only treasure Wrl- Fter. “ ‘I have been 51! since that night when wo met; they have told me to day that I shall not recover, that I have not long to live;—and therefore I write, for before I go, I would leave with you a me- j tnori*l—a word that ehali prove to you it was hot the love of riches—it was not tho ie«r of poverty I —it was no* the pride of wealth—it was not want I of the fondest devotion for you tha* bound me to | another. I scarcely know how all *as brought, I about; I only know that I listened to tha despe rate prayer es my father and married. I am thankful in this hour that I never renreadied him for the advantage that was lateen ol* paternal au thority, that 1 have never reproached him for it, oh! my beloved, 1 need not to reproach one, who after that tie was consummated until La died, never for gave himself. I work no injustice—l Jo no wiong to my injustice—l do no wrong to my husband iu writing this to you. He and I have lived in entire peace together—have been faithful and forbearing i towards each other. I believe be will sincerely | mourn my loss. But I am not Ms iu this hour.— • Walter my duties with him are ended ; it is injus tice to myself, as well as to you, that I write a fare well to you. Death may call me away this night; , I do not shrink from the. thought that he may find ■se speaking thus to you. lam conscious that the spirits of tha just are round about me; that the eye of Him who. has upheld me in the past weary years in Ilis great mercy is upon him, and 1 know it is no aiu to write flies to you, and to sa> Heaven bless you—when they are the last words j can ssv ' to you—l, who should have been your Callore. *’ " “But oae wish, one determinrtion resulted from *his letter, which I read with the wildest grief': I must see Callore boiore she dies ; I mutt hear from, her lips such words ns she would have spoken to ; mo in her last hours, had she been mine, I mutt ■ hear her voice once more. And bo I went to the 1 town where Caloraft lived. Four daya after the i 16th, the dale of her letter, I stood in tha hotel of lady . He told me that she was. d^ad—that she died ' on the 17th, and had been buried that very morn ing of my arrival ? •‘Again that sadden, strangecahnneoa to which had once before lefc iuy brain clear iu a moment of bitterest trial, came over me—it was chilling, like j the breeze of autumn. 1 was free to act or ihiuk and bold to do. I rested from my jonrnov, and [ in an hour, the moon was just rising then, I stroll- | ed away to the burial ground. I had been tlioie i before, once, long ago, when I made my first and > only visit at her home. Callore went with me to the graveyard then, and both of us stood long— ' how well i remember that—before the monument which Caloraft had ju-t then placed at the grave of his wife, and while we stood there, she to’a mo too pf the departed woman’s life. 1 was going fibre’s home now ; and how can 1 toll you of I my thoughts as 1 went ? I believe if you had look,- , ad into my mind, you would have seen in it s&t- j tied madness, sober despair; but this lasted oniv ; while 1 walked slowly to the burial-place , when "T I •too l in the grave-yard and looked nren her fresh- j ly sodded grave that was close by the tomb of Ku- ! fas Calcraft’s first wife—it is needful that I should I tell you bow love and grjof quickly mastered that i calmness ? But my tears at last were cheeked, my i sorrow silenced ; but my grief was awed before a resolute purpose, and I turned away, determined to fulfil it. Late in the night I passed slowly through the town agniiy There was the brightest moonlight, like *his night’s which called back the I fresh memory of it. I went by the majestic house j where the widower lived—where Callore had lived j —where he was sleeping In his doorepid old age, l while she, the young and beautiful, was banished •way to a dark and silent house. I was glad my 1 Callore could have no more dreams. I went by-. the church where we had prayed together lovjg ago ; when I, unknown nnd poor, was permitted to regard her as my future wife. The gate stood. { open, but I needed not to enter—l was going to j meet my bride at anoteer altar! 1 passed on de llbsracciy, but directly till I entered the grave- ( yard ; in the central portion of this ground “stood » a weeping willow, whose branches trailed upon ; the ground —in its snadow was OaLore’s grave. 1 had brought with me some tools, and I never hesi- ' tated a moment after I reached the place, but at 1 once commenced them—and I remember : that I sang, while at work, a song which we had once sung together. “It must have been as much as two hours that I toiled there before I reached her co&n; I worked ( with tho strength and energy of a maniac, and j ■when I had reached the vault—l cannot tell the • rest! I have no recollection of it: but this I know j Callore was living' I had roused her from a •lumber that had else been death; I had given a j home among the living to her whom the oT<J j £rv« a gr«v# 1 S “She ul beside me in the shade of that willow and I remember that I said, 'Tear husband bur lad : you ; your marriage is annulled ; it cannot be re sumed. You arc mine at last, Oliorc ! and us per suaded by » perfect and solemn conviction that I | spoke tin* truth, she whispered in i. ply. ‘You ; have given me life—l give that life to you ; for I ■ believe we have a right to unite with one miaU'er I i —it is a providence that you came Lc re.' j •‘Oodismr witness, there was no pas-ion in | ? this annulling, this uniting decision. Though 1 knew that the coward heart would shrink from a union so proposed, I felt there was no sin iu it; i because mere was no precedent for such u prcce- , duro ; was it therefore a crime ? When she. whose ! soul was the abode of purity find holiness, could | look upon me r.a she did then, could bless mo in I tun name of our heavenly Father, and give me her band in token of submission to my will, do you 1 think that she did it- with tho cousciousiiv.» oi wrong-doing J Do you believe that I clasped her ! to my* breast, blessing him whose mercy had re stored her to me, with the least of that sense of sin nnd guilt that would have forbidden my asking | His grace to be with us on our future pilgrimage ? ; You, y#w, I know, do not believe it—your heart is not so contracted by mingling with the worldly ; you are not so selfish, so cowardly, so weak as to believe it, “ I remember that we went away before the morning came, and sought a distant shelter—that ; afterward I provided the way and the means for ! her escape ; I remember how we crossed the ocean and in another land were lav fully married. “A portion of this story is what you have heard ! before ; it is what has expelled me from your pre ssnee till I could speak to you oialh “Oh, Marien I I hare yet another memoiy to | unseal. I give It to yo->; it is tho last I Lave kept ! back from the world. You arc now my world; j and I love you or would not have given ii you. ■T remember a day, the deepest shadow that | lies on earth this nightlooks, as full of light corn i pared with the darkness of that time—a day when : Callore was laid breathless, speechless, cofd, in a | grave, dark, end deep, and desolate, as that from which I rescued her. Our wedded life was very brief, but it was beautiful ; n twelvemonth of joy j that ended in overwhelming woe. for then she de -1 parted, “1 came back to my native laud. I Wu* greeted i among those who loved and honoured me once 1 wfth suspicion; no prooi 1 of what was laid to my ! charge existed ; but my sudden departure from my I native land, and Callore’* vacant grave, awakened i Buapiciou. But it was scarcely defined even iu the minds of those who in consequence of it be came my bitter enemies. Calcruft was dead he had cursed me with hits dying breath ; and J, too, could have cursed the world which had condomu m» unheard. If the spirit ol ray guardian Cal lore had not been ever near me to save mo from | the sin. “I have revealed to you all the mystery ; your ; gentleness has won it from me, when 1 had thought ; no human being ever could unseal my past. And I another reason has brought me to sue you for your love. I have seen in your features such an I imago of *ny loved and lost, I have heard in your 1 voice such an «cho of her gentle tones; I have J resd in your noble, your beautiful spirit, ?ucuu j response to. nay. such a re-living of tho spirit of i my Callore, that I am forced to live and to love on, ! when I had only thought to die, or to live and to ' bate my kind. My youth has passed for ever—my | name is e theme for contumely ; I have nothing 1 but my love to offer yuu who me in the glory of I your youth, your beauty and your innocence - . As your own guardian angel shall dictate answer ( me?” o w +;• a a -'i i It whs a night oftampest—u night of rain and thick darkness, that Marien Leonard wrote her an i *»er ; how full was her heart that night of a sor rowing and despairing love. As few women are *ver bound. w«h her heart-life in his keeping. His manner his words, his unhappy fate, that letter even, had more and more attracted her heart to wards him until she made at last to herself that acknowledgement that was full of terror and uis ‘ may, she loved him ? It was very strange, indeed how this should happen. There was apparently ‘ enough of tho beautiful nnd tho good about her I young and lovely life to attract and win Marien, | how was it that the storm, tha darkness should | have charmed Lor instead ? Yet had she resolved to renounce him—yes, i though after this was done she felt that all would * be over with her in this life, and perhaps would : forever bo over. And to toil him this aho was i now forcing the tears back to her heart, calming ; herself to think cold and cruel words—nerving i her soul to bid him an eternal adieu. ! Singular was it. Even while Marien »ct reso | lutely thinking on this decision, the very incliua- Itionto weep passed ; the bright glow faded from her young cheek, leaving it like marble ; the qui vering lips pressed together with the courage or an almost fierce will, the moist eyes gazed steadily f forward, ns though they would hnj : dov'n nil things; \ and bo she took up the pen she had s 1 first aban doned in de?i'ftir, and thus she wrote : “ Walter, lam yours. Your ‘ confession" (why i rnake use of a word so humiliating i) is before me. j I have read it again and again, and 1 believe with ; you. most firmly ftoliev*, tl-a- Jho *l.» wliioti nitl | malelr existed between you and the angel Callore ; was justly assumed, i believe that you were led to her grave, and not that a mere common human friof seat you there. I believe that after you gave er s resurrection from tho grave, ahe was vein; that inasmuch as ha had buried her, the husband had thenceforth no claim upon her—she vos dead to him. She was virtually 1 divorced, and in your mntuaJJova you did right to take counsel of Vach other, end hot of tiie world; for yon wtro tlio world to her, and she much to you. lam proud to receive your love—l am grateful to you ior it, end that I can return it; I was in doubt, iu hesi'anoy—can you believe ft f—till my hand took up the per* to write, I was about to say, in God's name go, and never let us meet again. [ was j nerving ray sell’ to this when a voice, h conviction as from her in heaven, came to strengthen me in ruy belief that our damage is an honorable, and - S and will he u happy one. At the moment f rat j y on will, lam your wife.” Alas! at the moment that be willed she wes a bride—of death ! II her “strength of passion*’ slew, or the proven- I ting providence of God led bar away from earth ; when tho mad poet would have won young Ma rten, k*t the reader judge. Only this I know" that iu e distant land there rae three graves together <’ alore and her twinned-spirit. Marien, and Walter, deep there side byside* Around one of those aamcv! Fame, with a gentle hand and sorrowful tears, i has laid a wreath of glory, and its shade falls !ov i irigiy on the mom<>rv of the woman whom he loved. I When, on. that night which should have seen j his bridal, he waited for her and she came atlas!; ! when be saw her droop, nnd swoon, .and die there • , at the very altar, they said it was with such per- j feet calmness *s might arguo his having foreknown I all how it would be, that Le bore her in his arms i awny from tha frightened and astonished wit- f nesse*. j Again he orj the wide ocean, and another j bride, dead, Marien, was with him. He rested, ho stayed not, till he had laid her in the grave beside his - ailoro; and erf long the lands of strangers had given him s rest, as I have said, with them; &hey will rise together at the judgment. May they in Paradise forever dwell in p*eaee, for not iiuim- Seachabie is that harsh setftemee w hich the world ared pass upon them .’ WANTED TO ITCEE, \(iOOD COOK, WASHJSK and Iraner, without chil dren, for a family residing on ;he Sand Tlillg. .Apniv 819 JOUJ." ?. HUTCHINSON. wantedtoThire. AtXHiORED (HUL about 14 or 16 yearn old, for a Nurse, ajid wait about s house, for whicn a liberal price will be paid. --.25-6 Gf.Tt VRDEY * I‘AHKKR. GROCERIES, GROCERIES AFK are now r-eoeiving our usual supply of Heavy aa.l » ’ Fancy GROOERIES, to which wa respectfully invite the attention o 3 Merchants, Planters, and Families! Orders for supplies will )>« filled on the most reasonable terms. sS4-lm J. R. 4 VV M. DOW. 3TNE TRAVELLING TRUNKS^ A FEW FIVE BRIDLE LEA- —: T?UER THUNKS, which will he sold OTTO I -y cheap, if called Ijr soon. If' WILLIAM O. PRICE A CO. ‘fMil'iT i J.r au6 r J"’KS"!VESSEK CORA.—2,OOO Bushels prime Tenues- JL see CORN, ju«* received and in store, and for sale in lots to suit purcha *crs. GIRARDY & PARKER. sep‘24 Magazines for October—j U3 t received, Oodcys’p. Lady’s Boot and Graham’s Magazine for the above mo pth. gubecribers will please call for their co pies at GEO. A. OATES A CO’S, Broad street. CTTbj COMPOUND EXTB Vt'F OF HA RSA PAP.ILIA—For the removal of all impurities of tha blood, Gffects of mercury, rheumatism, scrofula, syphilis, nodes r.f the bones, liver complaint, and all eruptions of ths fjtia. Prepared and sold by WM. B. TUTT, M. D. U*rtea—f l eTenty-flve Cent* per Bottle. ap2S TO MERCHANTS, W ANTED, a situation a s BOOK KESPEH, by fi per » * son who can produca the best testimonials as to ca i';fEd character. For particulars, apply at tins office - ohsa<4cs MfiJTIA'LTGhr sale hv bLnD, WILLIAMS & CO. l.Oj'Obushelg, ju* received and for sales by ?26 GEORGE W. LEWIS, No 1 Warren Clock. RECEIVING— Lu hhds. prime Bacon SIDEtf! For sale low on the wbayf by rt?s DAVIS, KOLB & FANNING. LIME! LlME!!—soCailc< Fresh Tbomaston LIME, now landing and for sale hs - HANp 4 FLEMING. —ALSO- AjKhf Lbs. Tennessee BACOjI. sep26 VRD.—IS Barrels first quality LARD. For sale by S ep2s LA.MBACK & COOPER. NEOR TWO small Families can obtain Board, with good rooms, at No. Broud street, Carmichael Bang*. f 21-dtOl vtw FLOUB*—Too bbls. New" Jl6'il:R, sweet and 1 , ! n ©trnsß, ind for sale by . *l* k PARKER. i INSURANCE. | MUTUAL LITE INSUEANGE. ' F. jtcCAV, Actuary. | AtiBUIIY HULL, iToeideot. A-’plica'ions received, and favorable terms oflcred by ■ Dr. Wm. 11. Dbatjvo an C AJii.w Mall, Agents for Au j gu<da._ jyp. x . FTSE AND MARINEINSURANCE. ! nplIK PUOTEtTiOA !.\sIRA U K tOMPAXN 1 of Hartford, Connecticut have established an Agency tn . Augusta aud proi>oae taking Uro a;;d river rii k* upou proper - j tj of ail descriptions on as reasonable terms ?-» sny oilier good office, at the store of Force, Brothers A to. 1:1 rj ||E SI HSCBIBEB, Agent Southern Matoo i insu- JL rauco Company, continues to take Marine, iiiver and Warehouse Risk* at Ids Office cn Mclntosh street, and ; promptly meets all losses. IIi« terms are from 15 to 25 per eent. lower than those of any similar Institution in the 1 gtate. I’- W. FLEMING, Agent. ( * Angusta, 21st August, ISSI. £u22 j ! ’ ~ marine, fire, and life insurance, BY THE INSURAACE COMPANY, OF \J Charleston, 3. C. CAPITAL. $250.000, ALL PAID IN. I nr“ OiDce, No. 4, Broad street. Presidest, WILLIAM B. Hf PJOT. snucxoM: | JxiisS K. Kowhsoh, ; Hevkt T. Rrawr, i Gkoeqk A.Tbf'thoim, i IYm. Mcßmtsar, ! ROBBBT CaUIWBLL, | J. H. P.HAWESr, a. IE Taft, i T. L. Wha«». A. M. Lm, E. L. Ttssiiii, Inspector, B. C. Pressley, Solicitor, It. A. Kixloch, iledical Examiner. This Company is now prepared to receive ITa-poarls for . MARINE, FIRE, and LIFE RI.3KS, and to effect In o urance 1 ou fair ni.d libera! terms. The subscriber having been appointed Agent for the above Company, is prepared to take Marine, Fire and Life Risks, i at customary rates. G. WALKER. Office st Warehouse of Walker, Bryson L Co., Au- ! j gaitu. _ mylß-ly i : SAVANNAH MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. AGENCY AT AUGUSTA, j rpH*i I MIF.RSIG.VTiD has been appointed Agent for l A the above Company, aud la now prepared to take Fire, | Marine and Inland Navigation Risks. Premiums in aii ca »es will be reasonable. 11. L. JEFFERS, Agent, J n 8 Office on Mclntosb-street. MEDICAL COLLEGE OF GEORGIA, j rp II E TWE \ T V-FIRBT COURSE OF EEC -1 TUBES, in this Institution, will commence #n the : FIRST MONDAY IN NOVEMBER NEXT. ! Anatomy, G. M. NEWTON, M. D. Surgery, L. A. DUGAS, M. D. Institutes and Practice of Medicine, L. D. FORD, M. I>. Physiology and Pathological Anatomy, H, V. M. MIL LER, M. D. Materia Mcdica ami Therapeutics, end Medical Juris prudence. I. P. GARVIN, M, It. I Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Infanta, J, A, ; EYE, M. D. j Chemistry and Pharmacy, ALEX. MEANS, M, I). Demonstrator of Anatomy, H. F. CAMPBELL, M. 1). Assistant Demonstrator, KUBFP.T CAMPBELL, SI. D. Clinical Lectures will be delivered regularly at the City i Hospital, and ample opportunities will be afforded for the ! study of Practical Anatomy. ■ Important additions bn ve been made during the present year, to their mean o for Demonstrative Teaching in Ob \ stetrlce, Pathological and hurgical Anatomy, Diseases of 1 the Skin, Ac., Ac. For further information, application maybe made to any I member of the Faculty, or to i Augusta, July, 1552. jy‘22 G. M. NEWTON, Dean. Tire following papers will please publish the above { to the amount of Five Dollars: Democrat, Huntsville, Ala.; i Gazette, Florence, Ala.; Republican, Jacksonville,- .Urn;- I Journal, Montgomery, Ala.; Monitor, Tuscaloosa, Ala.; I Spirit of the South, Eufaula, Ala.; Miasiasippian, Jackson, Mi-s.; Democrat, Columbus, Miss.; Register, Knoxville, Term.; Advertiser, Chattanooga, Tenn.; Post, Athens, j Tenn.; Messenger, AshvilJc, N. C.; Patriot, Greenville, S. O.; Southern Rights Advocate, Anderson, S. C.; Banner, j Abbeville, F. 0.; Advertiser, Edgefield, S. 0.; Carolinian, j Columbia, S. C.; Floridian, Tallahassee, Fla.; SenUhcl,Tal lahassee, F!a.; Standard, Cass’, die, Ga.; Courier, Rome, 1 Ga,; Advocate, Marietta, G L inner, Athena, Ga.; He | publican, Atlanta, Ga.; Federal Union, Millt-dgeville, Ga.; ; Southern Recorder, Millcdgevilic, Ga.; Messenger, Macon, J Ga.; Enquirer, Columbus, Ga.; Patriot, Albany, Ga.; Tem i pcrance Banner, Penflel(l,Ga.; Index, PenfieWjGa.; ,;eor ; giau, Savannah, Ga. ROaENDALE CEMENT. T r’Hll subscribers arc Sole Agents for the sale of the Cele.- JL brated Cement, known at the “NEWARK AND RO ; SF.NDALIi HYDRAULIC CEMENT." The reputation of j this article for strength, Uniformity, cheapness, nnd dura | bility, is well established, as will be seen by the following j Certificates selected from many received by rb* President •f the Company. From Col. 17. J. McAlphlne. Drv Decs V. S. Navy Yapd, BxooKnrx. President of the N. and R. Cement On,—Sir: All the <>- i meat need on this work, for two months past, over B,o‘*O i barrels, has been obtained from your establishment. Eve ry tenth barrel of this quantity has b'-en v cry carefully In | gpected and tested in the severest manner. The result has proved very gratifying; and ir give* me great pieasur* to ! say that yo.tr Cement has stood all the tesi», equal to »nr that hr.s been furnitbed this work. Wm. J. McAlfisa, Engineer. From J. Edgar Thompson, formerly of the Georgia R. Road Company. ExoiSHHh Dhpartusst Pa. R. H. Co., Harsisbcsg,Pa. President end 11. Oen.eiu Co. —the Cement wh chyou Save sent vs is - mal to any w? have received from sny ’ other manufacturers. J. Kdqaii Teompeoit. i A Stock of the above Cement always kept on hand. A'-o, • supply of Ca PLASTER FAH which will be sola for ! M »h •»v r . IUVU.ASII, Rlr-T ITV A CO., i au‘29 Wholesale Druggist*. GEZNYILLE’S ALMANAC FOH 1853. OUB V ’.iiion of Grenville’s Almanac for li'sß, a.rang- i ed for the States of Georgia, South Carolina, Tennea | ace, and. Alabama, will be published and ready for delivery . ■ early in September next. It ril contain, in addition to much valuab!*' information A table howing the population of each county, sccord ! lug to the Census r-f 1 ,: 5b. Also, the Whig and Democratic ! to co? erchc uniy for President in IS, nnd for G ror ! nor in IS4>>. Also, the number of Representatives of e ch i county in the Legislature. t The Tax Digest of the State "f Georgia for 1552. A table, shewing the times of holding the Superior end , • Inferior Courts in ths State ci Georgia, aud a list of the ! Sheriffs,Ordinaries, and Clerks cf Superior Courts, j. A list giving the Post Offices in Georgia, Tennessee, end ( Alalmma. A tahle showing the Census of IHA , th» time# of holding I I State Elections, and the Electoral Vote of Ik-A* ; And a Gardner’s Calendar. Orders ere solicited at an early dal*. A liberal discount made to the Ti ade. JOS. A. OARRTB & CO., je2B-d.tw Booksellers and Publkhers, Augusta, Qs. j BXOr~SXOF--SEE FERE.—SOMETHING NEW. : rpllE un ioi Gened, for the improvement of his business and (he intelcs* of his customers, having purchased in ■ New York a. new aud improved Machine for the manufac ture of CANDY, would respectfully call the attention of ins patrons, and the public generally, to the new aud beautiful style vs CANDIES that he is now eugaged in making, and j : can, et the same time scU It as cheap ss the cheapest, and ■ warrant it as good as the best. C ii! and eee for yourselves. He is also manufacturing a rperior article cf ROCK : [ CANDY, which ! make. Also, Banana, Pine Apple, Strawberry, Raspberry, j i Rose, Leraou, and other Acidulated DROPS of the b*st • quality, aud warranted free from all unwholesome or dele- ! ; tlrlous ingredients ; together vitb s «reel variety of fU- 1 j GAR FRUITS, TOYS, &c. He also manufacturer Frseuli.vl nnd Medicated LOZCV- 1 j GES, of description, of first quality, j su2J JOHN IV. ZINN. ! : BURNETIS’S PATENT WATER COOLERS. j only article of this kind evor patented. They are :JL furnished with two distinct Non-Conduct ; ng Cnacu j here, by mean of which, with two lbs. of ice to the gallon, | ( water L kept at a temperature of so dev. above zero, or I ; only *0 deg. from the freezing point all Jay. The?e I Coolers never sweat ; thereby sating much waste aud j trouble. They contain atso a. pan capable of holding from i i 6to 8 pounds of butter, inserted directly-under the cover. I This quantity of butter i; kept perfectly hard without addi- , 1 tionallce. Being manufactured in the most workman!r * j style, and handsomely finished in e very re.-pect they r. a', e ! a beautiful ornament for the Dining room, Hotel or Fleam ! Boat. For sale wholesale and retail by jyßl B. F. CHEW. LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. ~ fIEOIIGIA. RItUBOM) COUNTY.— BENJAMIN j | l_T H. WARREN and GEORGE W. LEWIS, of said : county, have formed a limited Partnership, according to 1 the statute in such cat male and provided, under the name and firm of GEORGE W. LEWIS, for conducting a general j MERCANTILE aud COMMISSION BUSINESS in the city cf Augusta. GEORGE W. LEWIS i* f e general partner, DENJA- j MIN 11. WARREN the special partner, both residing in Augusta. Benjamin H. Warren has contributed to the I common Stock Ton Thousand Dollars, which is paid in , cash. S aid partnership commence sThis Pay, and is to con- j tinue for three years from this date. B. 11. WARREN, GEORGE IV. LEWIF. Signed and acknowledged in presence of September 1,1852. sS RICHARD ALLEN, J. P. COPARTNERSHIP. fTTHE undersigned have f >rmed a copartnership to ge into i A effect on the Ist of October next, under the style and ! firm of DAWSON A SKINNER. We have taken the large j brick store occupied for many years by D’Antignac & Bar- ! ry, first door above Lamback A Cooper’s, where w» will ! keep on hand n large and well assorted stock of staple and fancy Groceries. All orders from the country will receive j prompt attention. DAWSON & SKINNER- j J. C. Dawson, formerly Threewitts A- Dawson. L. C. Skinner, formerly with W. S. & T. H. Roberts. e4-lm _ DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. rpHE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore existing under ’ 1. the st. le and firm of TINSLEY 4 INGRAM, has been , THIS DAY dissolved by mutual consent E. C. TINSLEY is authorised to use the name of the firm in settling up the business. E. C. TINSLEY, Augusta, August 2T, 1852. THOSE J. INGRAM. | THE subscriber will cc.:* : nue business r.t the old stand of Tinblet & Ingram, an !ml persons indebted to Tin.-: v i A Ingram, are requested to come forward and settle, and all ' persons having claims, will present them for settlement to E. C. TINSLEY. ' THE subsciber having purchased the stock of Horses, Wagons. Ac. of Tisslkt A Ingram, i> now prepared to do HAULING of any kind. Orders left with E. 0. Tinsly, or | at my Stable on Green S:reet, near City Hail, will be promptly attended to. THO 6. J. INGRAM. Augusta, Aug. 2s, 1*52 AUGUSTA BREWERY, IN REAR OF F. LAM BAGK'S. M artin Frederick a co., respectfully inform the public that the BHEYVERV j* now in full opera tion, and that they have, and wifi continue to keep on hand, a full supply of Augusta Made ALE, which they warrant to keep in any climate. They challenge a comparison of their Ale with any other i ia the country, no matter from what section. We will make it to the interest of dealers, if they will ! gjvo us a call. Orders from the country thankfully receiv -1 ed and promptly executed. MARTIN FREDERICK, WILLIAM P. LAWSON, J. PORHNLIN. 1 Augusta, Angnit IW9. TO PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS MEN. PROFESSION ALAND BUfIINESSCAR D», not exceeding slxlines, will be inserted under this head at the rale of $lO peraunmn. Card exceed mg si\ lin?3, will lr charged pro ate per line. JOHN ( . £AE?fTcinEL7 /YOMMISBION MERCHANT. Augusta, Ga., will ! V attend to the «ale of Produce cf all kinds consigned to him. ; UIUON & UitLLSPsL, A nnov \-\D COMMIeIsiO.N AIIiBCHARTS, 2\. (Store in Johnson Hou*# Building, W ate Hall Street,) Atlanta, Gs, Hejerencet— A. E. Johnson ;C. L. Wright; I‘egg . Bo mar; J. Robinson & Co., aud McDaniels, Mitchell k Hulsey, Atlanta, Ga. ; Atlanta, September IC, 1552. sig-d-aiu UERBEfiT FIELDER, VTTORXEY IT LAW . Cedar Town, Polk county, Georgia. aulS-fim* J. C. & G. 1. SNEAD, 4 TTORXEYB AT LAW, Law Range, Augusta,Ga., Practice in the Courts of the Middle District, and Common Pleas of the City. Johx 0. Sxead also practices in the Courts of Edgefield snd Barnwell Districts, South Carolina. Johk C. >Sxt*xi, j Qarlssd A. SsaAD. : «u 6 ! 3IILLEDUE &. KDDGEEB, A TTORAEYB AT LANV, Augusta, Georgia. Office on Jackson street. John Mautnas, A. M. Eodskm. ! eu7 * WARDLAW & WALKER, . FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AJORTH ATLANTIC WHARF, CHARLUSTO.V, S. C. W. A. WARDLAW. j>’2o-6m _ u. WALKER, STARE" CO,, j T MPORTERS A.VD WHOLEeiALE DEALERS L in DRY GOODS, No. 41 Broadway, New York. Ltn P. Stoxb, j Henry H. SToxasßcraT, EWSSRT PTAKR, ! H. LAIwDOS LCTLxJR, Jon k. J. Broom. jylii 8m DiWSOHi A IHRLHEiU'i, A TTORAEVK AT LAW, Augusta, Georgia. A Jyis-tr Andrew H. H. Daweon, | >V. J. Pcmii.Ar--- CAIS & i A TTOIIXEVS AT LAW, Marietta Ga.—Will prac tice in all tli* countit'3 of Cm Blue Ridg* Circuit. Strict and prompt attention given to the colleci ion of claims i l«c«d in their hand*. E. Cain. | M. J. Irwin. Jtf/irence# :—John Livingston and Woodjate A Room?, New York ; Wiley Banks L Co., Charleston ; Helm k Fod ! ter, Savannah ; 'i’hreewits t Dawson, and W. k J. Nelson, Augusta, Ga. _______ ,jyß-tvßin W. If, & J. V*. 0. ODER WOOD, A TTORXKYB AT LAW, Rome Georgia Au jell-ditwly - ■ -*m. John J. Jokbh. | John R. Srraiopk. JO.YEB & BIIECES, A TTORNBYS AT LAW, Waynetboro’, Georgia. A jelS-ly JOIUN li. BIRD, VTTORAEV AT L AAV. will attend to all Profession, al business entrusted to him in the Counties of Talia ; ferro, Greene, Oglethorpe, YViikes, AVarrcn and Hancock, j Office at Crawfordviile, Ga. apll-ly JimFi M. TILLEVT* • A TTORXEV AT LAAV, Crawfordviile, G corgia, will i J\_ practice in the counties cf Taliaferro, AViikcs, Warren ! nnd Hancock, of the Northern Circuit, aud Greene, of the Ocmulgee Circuit. _ cpl "-! ■ ! 1 i\ i/UAitBER. ‘ ; TTIXCHAAOE BROKER. Washington Street out ■ JL'J door North Fact cf Broad r tree t. I ■mr Unrurrent MONEY bought. ! ' COLLIER, A TTORYEY AT LAW, Augusta, Georgia, officere -1 i’x moved to the rear of Miller k Warren’s Diy Goods ; store, over B. IT. Warren & Co’s. 020 * Mm r I A TTORXEV AT LAW, Augusta, Georgia, Practices ' in the Middle Circuit of Georgia, and In the neighbor ing Districts of South Carolina. I Office In the Masonic Hall Building. Ja27 EDLAR €. BAWSOIS, ATTORNEY' AT LAW, Columbus, Georgia, refers l y permission to the following weii known gentlemen: Anthony Porter, Esq., President of the Bank of the : .ate j of Georgia; Hon. R. R. Cuyler, President of the Centra! Railroad and Banking Company ; Hon.Asbury Hull, Cash ier of the Branch Bank, State of Georgia; Messrs, Hill A , Dawson, Columbus, Georgia. jnl ■ y -- -J 1--■» CHARLESTON ADVERTI SEMENT. CLOTHING. PIERSON A JENNINGS. WClfUdnu Warehouse, 2To. 1W Haft-.e t*rfH Charbwton, So. Co . t VI7 E Btfl leave to call the attention of Merchants and tt Dealers to the very large and desirable stock of ' READY MADE CLOTHING. Y> a ffi.ve now on head : Such as Biue Flushing, Blue Pilot, Blanket, Petersham, j Lyon Skin, Clouded Casimere end other styles of OYER | COATS; Paletots, Back*end foncy business Coats, mace of j bh'-k, colored, mixed and clouded Cloths; BKAVER j CLOTHS, Devonshire KERSEY’S, 1 WEEDS of every qoali- I *r —with a large stock cf PANTS, VESTS, CLOAKS, Dress ! log GOWNS, SHIRTS, COLLARS, DRAWERS. Ac , <Lc.—«U | mad* in the best manner. Our prices are uniformaly low, and vre challenge a com i perlsoa wi;h any other House in the Untied Stales. f ttrticulsif attention will be paid to ail orders sent to u t; and j we solicit them from Merchants not coming on. They may rely upon our giving satisfacU.-u and filling their order* PIERSON i JENNINGS, J Oi Broadwn; - , New York, fifi Hayr.e street?, Charleston, S. S. ; V'* T?wl “ UnthTom."Light, JL; r L\.■ 'S' : U /'’ A BOOK FOR THE TIMES! I \' OYV READY, *ad contains 50J 12mo. pages; b*au- I tifblly fihistrated with original ■> gn * ! bound, price •>1.50, entitled LIpR AT TJUfi dOLTH; OR, j “UNCLI TOM’S CABIN” AS IT IS—being Narratives, j Scenes and Incidents in the Real “Lifecl the Lowly ; yv ’V. L. G. Smith, Esq. The object of the author Is to r#pre*eut the condition of *la~e n hi# rude but comforis‘d- Cabin, h daily cccu f aliens end pastimes, the relaii# :* bet sen master and slave, the mistaken impulses an-t misconceived views of i i the Northern Philantropist, &c., and to represent the pae ‘ eiors aud entimeuts in heir natural forms, as the e.v.ne • « « splayed in the humb! *t so? 'a huo>.- «• >:y, thus I shewing that, in the case ol the rlave a' least,conceutment ’ bestows more happiness than freedom; and at t e r.me *i:ne to represent, it i?, r> class of people, viz: the Plant ; or, i* whom justice ha* M en dene, * carter, »< exhibited in every day life, is well calculated <o win the amiable judgment of the world. or ?Ue by anil THOMAS RICHARDS 4 SON. < . ri OSNAEURGS- Rs DALES OS.XABIRUS from the Main on Sftcaiu mmO Min. Just received and for sale at factory price;. !;y BELCHER <t HOLLINGSWORTH, | au-’S No. 5, Warren Block. OUGAH, SUGAR.— •. n 5 hhds. Muscovado SUGAR ; 5 “ Sant Croix Do.; . 5 “ Porto Rice Do ; Ju t received and for sale by auJ4 S. c. GRENTH LE & CO. <)A BOXES Whitney SOAP; /k iff 20 boxes Colgate No. 1 SOAP; i 25,000 Domestic SUGARS; 10,000 Spanish Do., I Just received and for rale by _s_S_ GIKARDBT & PARKER. SIIIHTS . —Just received an Invoice of Fine and Com mon Fancy and Plain SHIRTS, with and without Col lars, some of which are extra large sizes. For sale at CLAYTON k BIG MON’S Clothing and Hat Store. YANKEE FARM FOR SALE. fFBE subscriber will eeli, at the Lower Market House, on j I the first Tuesday in OCTOBER, the above well im proved place. Tt contains 210 acres, more or less, is on ; the Savannah road, fire miles from Augusta, j Also, ut the same time and place, three NEGRO FEL LOWS, JIM,a carpenter, abeut 2o years of ago; LIGE, an ostler and driver, about 22 years of age; MARCH, a first I rate store boy and servant. All are prime Negro Fellows. They are sold for no fault—warranted sound aud healthy. I Terms cash, sIT-twtd A. H. McLAWS. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALeT~ r |iHE undersigned offers for Sale his HOUSE and ,1?% X LOT, on the corner of Telfair and Elbert streets, jy]^ , fronting 80 feet on Telfair and running through to Walker : street. The DWELLING ia two stories, with eight spacious Rooms and a Pantry, plastered throughout. On the Lot i ; are a commodious Kitchen, Negro House and Stable, and a ! Well of fine water. Immediately Southest, adjc iuing, n re four fine Building Lots, each forty-five feet front on Telfair and Walker-sts., which arc also offeree for sale. For terms, which will be liberal, apply to CHARLES McCOY. Kail Road Stock, or Negroes, taken in payment, as I am determined to move West, &u2l-twtf A. DOUBET - BOOT AND 8!iOK MAKER, rSEs Takes this method of informing his C:.» P friends, and the public, that he has en- U jjt'i Urged Lis Stock, and is now prepared to * W&m supnly anv article in the various branches of his business. LADIES’ SHOES. . j He has a splendid collection of Ladies’ Work, such as Gaiters, Jenny Lind’s, Excelsiors, Buskin Tks, Ac., Ac.,to- I gethcr with every variety of Misses' BOOTS, FHOESaud GAITERS, to which he invites the attention of those who wish to purchase, that may judge oi the superior charac: er and finish of his Stock. A. DOUBET. Work made to order, and Repairing done Litre i b-’st style, and at short notice. myS-twfy J Ist' ItliPFliED IA STOttb tl 1 hhd. prims Family HAMS; 1 , 20 bbls. Stuart’s Extra Refined Coffee SUGAR, A, D, and 0, and for sale by 524-2 w GIRARDEY k PARKER. 3LOUH. —50 bbls., in bags, at the Kvv rate of $8 per I bbl., far sale by B. H. WARREN. INK. —A large assortment of liarrisoiiU CelehratedTi lumbian INK, for sale by ,jyBQ D. B. PLUMB &CO TOOTH -ACHE. —A certain relief for this troublesome 1 complaint, can be found in one or two apnlkrations of < the ODONTALGIC DROPS. ‘I jy-28 IL B. PLUMB & CO., Agents. 1 ! CtOR.N. —5,000 bushels prime Western Corn, in Store, J and for sale by s7 GIRARDEY & PARKER , BAt-OX SIDES.-—15,000 lbs. just received and for sale I - by si2 GEO. W. LEWIS. Warren Block. j Gs REE\ UiAtiER. flesh and fine, for Preserving, \ I for gale by? 15 WM. H. TCTT, Druggist. j , POMDERD CORK STARCH for Puddings Ac. Ringvfovds fresh and genuine, for sale bv >Jfi HAVTI.AKD, RTBLEY k 00. J MISCELLANEOUS, j NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENT. ’ SEWING MACHINE. j tyINGER’S Patent Straight Needle Perpendicular Action Ub ‘UWING MACHINE. Patented August 12th, 1831. t Imprc emeuts, which rentier this machine a perfect Insiru- ! meat, patented Ar>r:t 13th, ISfifi To this invention, he- ! foie <he great improremenU were applied,the flrtt proal- j hus were awarded at the last New York State Fair, aud Fair i of the American Institute. As now improved, these ma- , chines are infinitely ahead of competition, and the in van- 1 ti.ii iy unquestimiat y the most valuable one now before . - the public, r.ot c' trptin,: the Planing Machine, Colt’s Pis- ; ; i or any other. Al! kinds of Sewing, ou either cloth or j, ~«her, done by those machines in most beautiful *t>le. so it cannot rip or ravel, and with immense saving of labor. I i s great shoe manufacturers at Lynn, and other places, •j - these machine?. The extensive saddlery establishments of Nev. ark. N. J , and Bridge{»ort, Ct., use them; and the m -nus ’-Hurers of clothing and working tailors in many ; arts o. the country hare introduced and are employing them with p ; feet success. No Sewing Machine previous to this was of* a: 7 practical value, or stood the test of actual t uV and no machine for stitching can ever be made that I v,in’ be useful, wit! out infringing cn I. M. Singer’s Paints, j Ihe public are can* oned not to buy other machines con- j tainin * I M. Singe; 0 Improvements, as all infringers will j bV promptly and vigorou -’y prosecuted. Price of Machines, | with i ll apparatus Complete for immediate use, including tlie j right to use under the patents, $125. Orders sent by mail, | or through either of the express lines, immediately execu- j tt-d. Country merchants coming to New lork always fur- | nish a convenient medium for the purchase;of Machines. . T >.Til. County or State Rights for the EXCLU. I) t L-..E 01 j , these Machines, for sale cn most favorable terms. Ma chine Needles, also a splendid article of silk twist on spools, * made expressly for these Machines, for sale at all our offi ce--. Black $7; Colored, $7.50 per pound. Principal offices 258 B- mdway, N, Y.; 57 South Fourth street, Philadelphia, and Itt Harvard Place B ites. s4-3m »IS** I- M. SINGER & CO. FRENCH, GERMAN. AND ENGLISH FANCY f ARTICLES. r JNHOMAS i'LE>ll\l4, Importer, No. 71 MaidenLsno, X New York, offers for sale, at the lowest market price*, on the usual creffifo in 10 - s to sult purchasers, the following j ! articles — GUN" and PISTOLS; Purcusslon CAPS, GD and SB; Lace and Agate BUTTONS; SUSPENDERS and GAR- T R 3• Silk UMBRELLAS; Engliffi aud German CUTLE j v, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS; WORK BOXES and JEWELRY; Writing DESKS; Buffalo, Dressing aud Back COMBS; DOMINOES and CHESSMEN; Lead PENCILS; VIOLIN STRINGS; FANCY BOXES; DRUGGISTS’ AR TICLES; China ORNAMENTS; Silk end Metal GUARD 1 CHAINS; PURSES and MIRRORS; INKSTANDS and ■ STATIONERY ; Tooth and Nail BRUSHES; Hair end Sba- , vhirr BRUSHES; Artists’ BRUSHES; MARBLES and i BEADS; Snuff and Tobacco BOXES; Segsr CASES; SPECTACLES, PEN HOLDERS, Ac, • —ALSO— PERFUMERY, EXTRACTS and SOAPS, from different Paris Manufacturers. New GOODS received from Europe b., every arrival. auß-tw!3 GOITON MACHINERY FOR BALE. 'I 'Hi: W ICt ASSEE COMPASY, Fishkiil Landing, I N. Y., will sell at Public Auction, on the Premises, on the Cth day of OCTOBER, at 13, M., aU their COTTON MACHINERY now in operation in their Mill.consistingof— i Mason’s WILLOWER; 1 one beater PICKER ; 1 three do., do.; 22 thirty inch Double Doffer CARDS, with 1 aii ways; 8 Railway HEADS; 3 two head Drawing FRAMES; , 1 fort ei-ht Spin lie SLUBBER; 8 eighty-four Spindle Fi.Y FRAMES; 1 DOUBLER; 2 WARPERS; 2 GRIND EPS - 9 Ring Throstle SPINNING FRAMES, 182 Spindle* e : h ; 1 Kirv Throstle (McCully) SPINNING FRAME, 125 Spindles each; 5 Self-acting MULES, 856 Spindles each; 4 SPOOLERS; 2 4-4 wide DRESSERS; 09 do. LOOMS; 1 Patterson SPEEDER, 12 Head, 7 iuch Bobbin. The above Machinery was built in 1547, by the Maitea wan Company, in the most expensive style, has been ope mied wi.h great care, and is now running in excellent order, affording a rare opportunity to those wishing te purchase first rate Machinery at a very low price. For further particulars, address (post paid), WICCASSEE COMPANY, FhhkiiiLanding, New York, or JOHN SLADE & CO., 18 Broad street, New Y’ork. Fishkiil Landing. August4,lss2. aulO-WASatOl BOSTON ADVERTISEMENT. SSMEtI HOTT, (L . > of the firm of Samusl Hoyt i C*., Si-odwtuwh, Gw.) AT OUI.O announce to his friends that he has removed > V to Charleston, S. C., No. 149 East Bay, where he is prepared to do a tienerul Commission husiuere, and fur nish to order, a* ail times, any articles from the North or South tha; may ! e wanted, for the usual commission, 8* well as receive and s*ll the same. And I pledge myself i that all business entrusted to my care shall receive such j ntteiulon as will insure similar manifestation of (heir good will, not doubting that my acquaintance with Northern and 5 uthers markets will enable mo to do as well a* any, aud ; better than many. Also, dealer in Butter, Cheaee, Plaster, Marble Dust, I Cenu-nt, Lime and Hair. An.l, Agon; for , unary Machine Manufactories, North nnd South, as well as Elias 0. Herring’s Fire-Proof Sates, Georgia and French Burr Mill Stones; all of which will be furnh hed on short notice, and at manufacturers prices. Cash paid »; all time* for Wool. Green, Salted end Dry Hides, Deer and Sheep Skins, Shipping Furs, Beeswax, Rags, Rope Cuttings, Sea Island Cotton Seed and Florida 3ic-9. Also, Southern Tanned Leather in the Rough. Terms cash invariably. Refers to the citizens of Savannah generally. «l-d.twßm BO U C THIS! .'T"* T" Li. SYMMOY6 «fc CO. have just receir- X'J» cd (ct the Old Stand, near the Lower Mar- SBgf kei r hirs’e and splendid assortment of Ladies’ f * ' C mV, lies’ ai'd Children’s BOOTS, SHOES, * OAITKIIS, SUSKINS, 11i!.% Ae., Ac., consisting, 1 part, ' cf GcutV fine Calf BOOTS; Congress BOOTS, different style*; Oxford TIES; GAITERS; Calf and Goat BRO • -a' S; W ught. Velvet aud Morocco SLIPPERS, Ac., Ac.; ' Ltd’s UAI tERS, iu grcht variety, black aud colored, from SiS ct?. to $2; Misses* GAITERS; JENNY LINDS; BUS KIN.- ; SLIPPER -; TIES, black and colored. Ch drun’a GAITERS; HENRY CLAYS; JENNY LINDS; An u- TI; ; SLIPPERS, Ac., Ac., a great variety. Men’.?, Women’s, Misses’ and Children’s low priced BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, Ac., Ac., t gjod assortment. 1 Which, in 5 Jdition to their former Stock, will make as j go tin assortment as can be found in the city. B. AVe do not ssy the chear*e*t evei offered in the City, l a,, ve y the best according to the price. Call and see. Augusta, June 23,1552. je29-dAtw AMERICAN IRON FOUNDRy7~ AUGUSTA GEORGIA. OssMUXD, t»RA\ & CO., Proprietors. LI VVI.VG completed their arnmgemeats, the preprie- L t ;rt of the above named establishment, are now pre pared to execute ail orders for every description of CAST i SOS b the shortest notice, and in tiie best manner. To Railroad Companies and Car Builders. We are prepared to manufacture Chilled Railroad Car and Engine WHEELS cf every kind, equal to any Wheels i manufactured at the Northern, and superior to any manu- 1 1 fecturcd at any Southern Foundry, and at prices as low as any that can be delivered from any other establishment. A! 0, li other descriptions of Engine and Car CASTINGS, Ware llou.-c TRUCKS; also, Cast Iron WATER PIPES, WATER WHEELS, COLUMNS, Lamp POSTS, Cemetery .-■I otl. r RA 'LINGS, Bridge BOLTS of every description, PLILLIES, SHAFTING and HANGERS of all kinds. Parti- .ilm attention paid to the manufacture cf FROGS, SWITCHES, etc., etc. To Millers and Mill Owners. Mil’ aud Gin GEARING of every description, furnished 1 cf the best materials and workmanship, and at the lowest ; prices. TO PLASTERS. Particular attention paid to (he manufacture of PLOUGHS ; and PLOUGH CASTINGS of all kinds; having purchased the Pattern 2 of; he laie firm of Taliaferro k Torbett, a sup- ! ply will be constantly on hand. Tne proprietors of the “ AMERICAN IRON FOUNDRY ” , being Practical Mechanics, and having the establishment ' under their own special superintendence, and employing none but the best workmen, confidently assert that they can manufacture ail descriptions of CASTINGS and CAR WORK, equal in quality, and at as low prices as can be furnished by any other establishment, North or South. They hope, therefore, by strict attention to business and punctuality in fulfilling their contracts, to merit the patron age and encouragement of Southern Railroad Companys and all other parties who may require CASTINGS or OAR WORK done cheaply and expeditiouslv. OSMOND, GRAY A CO., Augusta, Geo. We are enabled to refer to the following named gentle- ' men: Hon. John P. King, President Georgia Railroad. F. C. Arms, Superintendent “ Wm. Hardman, “ Motive Power, Ga. Railroad. Ron. William E. Hearing, Augusta. Win. K. Kitchen, Hugh O’Neil, W. H. Goodrich, Augusta. W. Baldwin, Sup't Motive Power, W. k A. R. R., Atlanta. Richard Peters, Atlanta. George Robinson, Hamburg, S. C. G. T. Oglesby, Gin Manufacturer, Augusta. .iylß-6m L. HANCOCK & CO., DEALERS in STOVES nnd GRATES, Plain JL and Japanned TIN WAKE, Britannia, Wood, dS te Willow and I• How WARES, Lifting PUMPS, Lead JC3B and Block Tin PIPES, Kitchen and House Furnish lug HARD-WARE, and Manufacturers of Tin, Cepper, Lead, and Sheet Iron WARE. Me f alic ROOFING done in the most approved manner with dispatch. The Trade supplied with TIN WARE at Wholesale upon the very lowest terms. ffoF” 210 Broad Street, (a few doors below Post Office corner,) Augusts, Ga. ap9-d£w Tj’HOMAeTO.V LIME.—2SO bbls. Fresh Thomaston _L LIME, just received and for sale low by . jvlS-dAwtf ESTES A RICHMOND. \ RTIST’S MATERIALS.—A supply of very supe- J.X. rior Colors, Brushes, Canvass, Palelis, Ac. For sale by _sep9 WM. H TUTT Druggist. I> AKER’S INFALLIBLE TETTER OINTMENT, a ) certain remedy for this annoying complaint. For sale by jy29 I). B. PLUMB t CO. ■V Y E\i' BOORS.—The Clifford Family; or a Tale of the j O’d Dominion, bj' one of her Daughters ; Self-Deception; or the History of a Human Hear?, hv Mr?. Ellis. , Pierre, or the Ambiguities, by Herman Melville. Hunting the Romance; or the Adventures of a Novel j reader, from La Chasse au Roman of Jules Lande&u. j , Auut Hnilis’s Cabin ; or Southern Life as it is, by Mrs. j , Mary H. Eastman. I , The Confessions of an Attorney, by Gusdavus ?harj». ; Just received and for sale at I . GEO. A. OATES * CO.’S, i J si 1 Book and Music Store. f IYBIC'KS FOR SAIJE 500,000 BRICKS for 1 i y Apply to jyli-tf S. L. AL. G. BASFORD. I J T?OR 4'OTGlle>.—Refined Liquorice LOZENGES, a « very excellent article, for sale by D. B. PLUMB ft CO. Q AAA LBS. 61P. CARD. OF SODA, j 1,000 lbs. Blue Stone. Just lauded and for «a!e 5 y se P 3 WM. H. TCTT, Druggist. j IYOIIEMIW WARE.— Teilet Powder Boxee, j 1) lognee, PungentE, &e.,efrich and elegant styles, jmd , received by sep& WM. H. TUTT, Druggist. j _ \ LfcH\ fine COLOGNE, both Foreign and Domestic, for . i V sale by S ls D. B. PLUMB & CO. # 4to T inch, for sale by ! fi GEORGE W. LEWIS, - e7 No. 1 Warren Block, Jaeksen street. >- M f V *«*»*"•* ’; u , b cT i DRY GOODS." _ "* CS=^J ~ NEW GOODS, SNOWDEN & SHEAR -» j \YE just received fraa New Y- vk, by the laetStonm- Ladh'VFaucyD.esoSlLKS, of rich ami elegant styles; MOUSSELINE on LAIN ES, for Ladies’Fa!T “i-'ancy Printed or LAINES, small figures, for Children.at Te M^Unedc ; L*m« ROBES, aad Fancy Printed Persian CI'OTH s • Swiss" and Jaconet Muslin TRIMMING, and Ladies mourning COLLARS; . . Ladies’ Worked Muslin UNDERSLEEVES, at .cry * ow prices , T Infant's Worked BODIES, Mid Linen Cambric HAND KERCHIEFS; , Plain SwL-g MUSLINS, of beautiful style and finish, and at rcry low prices; Plain BORIS ET3, and Silk end Cotton Illusion LACKS, for Ladies Evening Dresses; Plain Taffeta and White Satin RIBBONS, and Black Silk LACES,for Ladies’ Veils and Undersleeves; Plain Black SILKS, and Black ALPACAS, of superior style; English Black and White PRINTS, and Mourning GINO i HAMS, of new and beautiful styles; Manchester GINGHAMS, at very low prices, »nd war i ranted fast colors; I White Saxonv FLANNELS, of superior style and quality; Heavy Red FLANNELS, for Servants, at low prices . ■ Heavy Plain Green Floor BAIZES, and Bolting CLOTHS. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine the j assortment. su27-dtwAw FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS- CtOSURUVE da Hit id .WAN, 2 -2 and 276, Broad-st., J will open in a few days a rich Stock of Fancy and Sta ple DRY GOODS,bought atan advanced stage of theseason, at reduced prices. They invite attention to the following Invoices of Gooiis daily expected. 1 New designs Colored and Black mLKS; i French CASHMERE and ML -LIN ns LAINE, every va riety of pattern; , . , MERINOS; COBURGS, and Stuff Goods, of every kind ; 1 Black and Colored Alpacas and Bombazines; EMBROIDERY ; RIBBONS and GLOt ES; SHEETING; TOWELLING; NAPKINS and DOYLAS ; A full supply of BLANKETS ; KERSEYS and Domestic Goods of ali kinds, with their usual full and complete as sortment, embracing every article generally kept in a Dry Goods Store. N. B. We will receive, In the course of a sets days, a large Stock of Carpeting and Hearth Rugs, which we v ill sea aheap. els-ts COSGROVE k BRENNAN. DRY GOODS-FRESH SUPPLIES. C‘ lOSRROVE di BRKN.NAN, 2‘-2 and 276 Broad-st., ) have received a new supply of Rich DRESS and other FANCY GOODS, which they offer at very reduced prices, and to wh’ch they invite the attention of the Public, Our Stock of Goods embraces every thing in oar line. We would evil particular attention to the following: 1 Black and colored SILKS, of a'J styles; India Work SILKS and BANG CLINES; Embroidered and Brocade GRENADINES and CRAPE n« PARIS; TISSUES, BAREGES and BAREGE DeLAINES; Dotted, Embroidered and Printed LAWNS, SWISSES and JACONETS; Embroideries and Lace GOODS, in great variety; MANTILLAS, CAPES, GLOVES, FANS, Ac.; JJnen SHEETINGS, Towelling NAPKINS, DOYLIES; Irish LINENS, Long CLOTHS, SHEETINGS, Marseilles QUILTS; Embroidered and Turkey Red DIAPERS, WINDOW SHADES, Ac,; GINGHAMS, English and French CALICOES, Ac., Ac. | myll NEGRO "CLOTHS'. VLEX A \DEIi A\V RIGHT invite the attention of Planters to their Stock of NEGRO CLOTHS, conrist j ing of S'hley’s Georgia PLAINS, and Augusta Manufac . taring Company’s Heavy WOOLLENS, which they offer at | Factory prices. sl7-dAw MORE NEW GOODS. ATTILLIAM H. CRANE has received from New York, \ y within the last two days, the following NKU GOODS, which added to those received before, makes his Stock of i Rich Winter DRESS GOODS very large and select. Fine Black Silk Warp, PARaMETTA ; Extra Colored French MERINOS; Beautiful Coburg CLOTHS: Rich Printed French dk LAINffS ; Plain Colored PURITAN!; Handsome Figured S ATT ENT*; Extr Printed POPLINS; Super Printed CH ALLIS; Elegant Printed Satin D’CHINE i enjetkicig a*w); j Rich Brocade Si LKS; Plain Glad* Do.; Marceline Do.; (ail colors); i Rich Mourning Neck RIBBONS 1 j “ Colored “ “ • Extra Plaid Long SHAWI * ; Rich Cashmere “ (BUek uud Oelwred; Black and White “ Piain Black Silk SHAWLS ; And many other new and beautiful GOODS, to which k« respectfully asks the attention of the public. No. 542 Broad street. s!6-dAw LINENS. &C. lITU.LIAM H. CRANK, has on hand, \ > Good 4-4 Irish LINEN ; Fine Huckaback DIAPER; Extra and COMMON Scotch DIAPER; Bor’d Linen TOWELS; GINGHAMS, PRINTS, CAMBRICS. Ac.. Ac. ■l6-eAw No. 242. Broad Street. FANCY GOODS. rpALRIXG about new, hand- mo end cheap Brers and X Fancy Goods for Ladies wear, we <an a -ore the pub i lie it would be to their advantage to visit CARO A L’LAS UOER. 812 Broad Street, where they w ! l find the most tasty and well assorted Stock in thecity. 1 1 embraces almost any : article you can call for in the way cf STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, SMALL NOTIONS, SHOES, Ac., Ac., which they offer for sale low enough to suit purchasers, »p2S-dAwly COSGROVE & BRENNAN HAVE JUsT ILECEIVKU another large supply of Flaia BAREGES, ail colors; “ TISSUES “ High colored Printed BAREGES; ! “ “ “ TISSUES; White Watered Silk -and Pla n TISSUES ; Plaid Chambi ay GINGHAMS, new style , Watered CALICOES, ail colors; Jaconet and Swiss FLOUNCING; Printed LAWNS and CAMBRICS; Lac* and Muslin MANTILLAS; Embroidered and Plain White Crape SHAWL? ; Alexander’s Kid GLOVES; Black Lace MITTS; Cotton and Silk HOSIERY ; Open Worked HOSE: Ail kinds Children’s HOSIERY and GLOVES. These Goods are offered at greatly reduced prices, and are worthy of an examination. ap2o-dtwAw j TO PLANTERS. \k ’ ILLIAM H. CRAM; has now on hand a lara* i ' ' lot of heavy Negro KERSEYS and heavy Cotton OS KABUKGS, which he will sell at factory prices'. t ALSO, Good White and Rod FLANNEL. Heavy 8-4 and 9-4 Negro BLANKETS, Ac, Which will be sold low. Call at No. 242, Broad-st. au2s-d&w BARGAINS IN LADIES’ DRESS GOODsT SNOWDEN & SHEAR T\7 ILL, from this day, sell their present Stock of Color- T T ed Printed MUSLINS; Colored Printed BAREGES; TISSUES; CRAPE i>z PARIS, and GRENADINES, at cost. The assortment embraces some of the latest styles, and most elegant articles of the season. Augusta, July 21,1552. dtw&w MOURNING GOODS! ALEXANDER dk \\ RIGHT h ive just received, a great variety of MOURNING GOODS, suited to the i season— Lupin’s Super. Black Summer BOM« AZINEP; i ALPACAS; Canton CLOTHS; Super. Black GRENADINES and MARQUISSE; i Black BAREGES and JACON ETS: Plain Black LAWNS and MUSLINS; I GINGHAMS; English and American PRINTS; Ac., Ac., ; To wiiich they invite attention. mlilS-d.tw HEADY-MADE CLOTHING. Vs El EH, BRO if 1 /.!{ <Si C'O-, two doors above Rich* : -i-f-l srds L Son’? Book Store, oeg leave to inform their friends and the public generally, that they are just now re viving their Spring and Summer supplies of READY MADE CLOTHING, Comprising an extensive assortment of every variety of Gentlemen's Dress Goods, which have been manufactured by themselves, and which they are enabled to sell to custom ers and Country Merchants, on better terms than any other House in the city. DRY GOODS. They have also an extensive assortment of s, anle ami Fancy DRY GOODS, which will be told on the most »ccom medaring terms, either wholesale or retail. Call and sec t he Goods and prices. s!2-dtw&wly HOSIERY. Gauze Merino Urdek Shirts Fancy Lyle Thread M HOSE Gauze Cotton “ “ “ Spun Silk “ Lyle Turead “ “ “ Cotton Stripe “ p y im S n k * t u “ Plain Bl’k and AVh’t. Silk do. Col d Cotton Brown Linen HOSE, and all and a variety *f other kinds. other kinds. my 29 AVM. O. PRICE & CO., 25S Broad-st. YOUTHS’ AND CHILDRENS’ CLOTHING AND HATS, CLAYTO\ AXD BIG XO X , (wetcalf's RASGC.) Are this day receiving a supply of Youths’, Boys’ and Childrens’ CLOTHING and HATS, suitable for Spring and Summer wear, which they are offering at low prices. my 4 PARHAM S NEW HOTEL, CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE. AT. />. HOGA2\ , Proprietor. T'HE SUBSCRIBER begs leave to inform his 40 X friends and the travelling public that the above establishment is now open for the reception of visitors. It is located in the centre of Business, commanding a bcauti lul view of the River and surrounding country. The interior of the House has been constructed with a vtnet view to the comfort of its patrons —affording impor tant conveniences rarely met vith in country Hotels. As the chief object of the Proprietor will be to give gene ral satisfaction, his guests may be assured that no exertion on his part will he wanting to make their stay with him worthy of their patronage. There will he an Omnibus in waiting on the arrival of the Rail Road Cars and Steam Boats, and a trusty, careful men to take care of Baggage. W. D. HOGAN. Chattanooga, May, 26,1562. my2o-dtf FRESH BOSTON CRACKERS AND SODA BISCUIT . X BBES. fresh Boston CRACKERS; O 25 Boxes fresh Soda BISCUIT; 6 Half bbis. Pickled TONGUES ; S Cases Boston CRACKERS, in Tin Boxes ; S 4 dos. }4 and 3* lb. Canisters Uunderwood’g beet MUSTARD ; 10 Boxes CAPRES ; 4 doz. 1 lb. Canister LOBSTERS; t “ “ “ SALMON; IS Bbis. Crushed and owdered SUGAR; fop * a le by G. T. DORTIO. CtUBA MOLASSES*.- / 80 barrels Cuba MOLASSES • sia ?*?.. * Pt? l ron bound Ce(iar BUCKETS ; J\J 10 “ Brass “ “ u ’ S fr ?“ tU Wonat Pleasant Buek.t FatUqr. USn wr Ml* lew Hy ruT rs STSABJIVY t fABSUBt