Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, October 03, 1852, Image 1

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_ V ! AM S. JUNKS. AtUILISTA, (iA., SUNDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 3, 1852. VOL. XVI. NO. 236. w s*fntinei I? ! UIH.I.'I!ED IA ..r. AND WEEKLY, BY WILLIAM s. ,)ONK». liiltMS: , •I; Y V —Publish 1 MorningandEvening.—Tot lij . :v.-!«> \i !>i r annum, payable ia advance It -■ in- liv \! rl S ' -v t;x Dui.lahs. TiU-WKEKLY PAPKR-Tot.it Dollars per annum in ad vance. U'F: ; PAPER —(A mammoth sheet) —Two Dct ).i»s pei annum in aihnnco. - ----- -O- TST-.:=- ; .i OF ADVERTISING IN 1 \-;.v PAPER, Fifty <\ nts t-cr square >' <■•:> lines or 1* -1 f - th. ;■ - ■! Thirty-Eight Onto for ne.t «f; anil Twenty-Five iVitts for each subsequ-;.t in.-•>•.•• tt '-n. Kivi.V. . er;» v-i'ive t ents : SE.Mi-M VITILV o> V JNTP )/t\ , , 'er) One Dollar; a...1 Unit* au-i F 4 J!.- it. ! >, I':- 1! -liar i- r -pure. '■ " » iv,. ft. ■ •!•■« : - rted nailer the her *of * ;eda Not;,-..-*, ■ rv < ■ :• t ach in-■’’tion. 'Jal or lit cvK-At -u.i.s, not exceeding su Mows Te I-: ■■■( ■ vjiu:.:. '■ cr ix Hues, pro rata per .... . ■ lesigned to promote private or indi v ■ ..! ■: at charged ns ailvenisements. • - ... • any Hrcomstauces, excepl '■ < -•' -a y N rfices: anti these, when over eu • '•: : advertisements. V ' i>' ■■: VJ>V KUTfoUMKNTS: I ■ liu. wt. --at a'tera.hu, $6 * : '■*, altered quarterly, 18 12 runnel . “ u ‘ sg -- i c lit--re if'.- 1 'he above rate*. .v.i - marc tn sr. the above ;»*■*«. 4 ‘‘ d itii-i-j tiie aii >v» rates. • ; ... tastier • .1 leaded, double tiees fates. t • ”n ■ • not marked the number of insertions, w i.'ftl -u.; cl ■ r • -by the insertion. i - >’;-l *rs, contracts will be if. " iver >.y V ■ y_ - - r, on re -isonufiie terms. Vi it; .i> aiiv i i-eor tin;; amounts within six nt . - i.r. vun. , for rlier than contract adver i’ i ■ .rn -A -r cent, will:>« made, if paid on 'I L ADELPIII A. i ‘ ! ’ • r... . j-avar.;ah Steam Aavlgation |>. ? * .’A » . A r- 1 } t I,\S* 11) »i iewheel . r - • -hi I. W-.iton, Ims cotnmeaccil her r .■(- ■ . 'ih i.u AVunsnsnaT, tke i e Wh>scsiit thereafter; s. t June, :Ith and‘dSth July, iuifc .. til th v t. . - . a -n. |25 *» eta Tioacts i* act York, 25 t‘® . 9 00 Th ; s ■ ■.. ii i- i b-sht th e. » regard te safety, ccv;or : ■■ •■; .. Iv. erst'." - , and admirable facQi* tic. ti . . i. i- ■ if. e J) ■ see anplv to rADEUft •!'£>, I AY A CO., v.-ents ;n Saeanr.ak. Hr.RON & MARTIN, r r-in Philadelphia. AJ. 3;:a A>D SAVANNAH STAGE AND RAIL liitAll FINE. . iMi.l t. > . ’ Vil < HFAPr 'T HOI TK t» Colitsi i ■ - ... I Savannah, s ■ • ■ , a F« it Ilsrst Post (. 30 rule*. l.k. . ..via . ~: - ... v.-l A' nes- ft “ >' •> to > ah, v. . Central Psil Koa-I, *9 “ ?;.i!c;; 10 n, v-a C- nr;.' 1! -slKtad :12 “ Mac ■ - C f...-e..ih '.Ve- rt R Road, 50 “ F ■ n: A ■ i* t . ... . ..... sl4 8 25 “ “ “ ■ ! 8 .V* « *• “ Mi- •ii- 'viUe 8 75 “ “ F.vannu!-. i *s* ■ ; ■ ■ rrancemcnts with the different ■ r . . • , ■ : i. tc -hen’ c vo namn! woinlß, at the crage Office at .t .i - AS. FLEMING, Proprieter. G. i v.’t-O, Aceat. ; i, July I. CM. “ JyS ■ ■; L ‘A: Hii SAVANNAH AND MACON r ; low h.srG t’ . -ilu’ic fur tins w , ... ui > ui-dfeh by the Pi-..- .* Ai-~ i -i n!- at 6 A. M. ..if • ' 7f* 41 • . - .. ,j ; t 1 A. >f. ■mV- 1 y •>>2 P U. 1 YTt r-.-. .if, t. jea w .it be •' eby .it*. G. W. IjRNT, Ag-r.l I 22, 1861. i*2» !•. ;■ -,7 r-2.>: AND SAVANFAH STEAM SHIP j1.X.1 r « ; '" r ' The new Ctrl spicn-hd S-eatnships i ; - ~ CaptainLroa, Ah. a' a Captain Lrrwitr, J- ■ v ; • • • .. . .» l VJM.ia P'.-AJ Sl* CM t * I',!, ■ , . ,\.-w York ererj- BATUR register, uj. ■ 4 ki ?:itV; \,' '/'fM u : *fi i . rs t rf:i ' at s he sama tiiu* rlestoD, arriT* .- : - , re ■ - ; n board Au.vai PAI'LEFOHD, FAY i CO, Savannah, ■. MV El. It. MITCHELL, ta-,-25 lOt Front-street, New York. CHEESE. • FT »\ • \e - *hi!T .'K, Afaplc Grove Dairy. 2\. F ■ h.v 1 S. C. GK&NYILLE A CO. COOK, V/ASKER AND IRONER. J AOIi S,iL"k ■» j i' -VV.-uiher and Irouer, a go*- 1 t? li for i■> ialt: and about 89 year* old: -■ „rf,.'.tvi. /.Pf ! y te ill fCHIXSON /A EOltbiA PI.VFVS. VT :d- lit- -i.. PLAIN? ; £b “ M ;.PES, at vers J, ,-y J'fUS C. CAUMIf UAEL, Agent B .llvilic Factory. LO’HBER. ’’l'll!' . h - r n-r red to saw LUMBER at J h. . rn 'iol, live wiles below Aiken, S. C. Lillsf- • . 1 ■>!;■ ':y be punctually attended to, and .L-. *. r ; : in i-v vu- i f!. Applv, through Aiktn •».. t ~ . .... - ; A. w: CARADEUC. OIC COHSiGNMEN’Xr ; A BH’.S. J‘r. ■ T.ARD. Also* choice’ -t »)'* i ‘-I>. :.,n. --.V i - FLOLT: a superior article, In Bbi . ... W. H. STARK &CO., uu‘3 IVarren Block. 1 APAA. An A :o- u .. 1.-ugrtphical and Historical, r 1 th period at w !.:• h the L’an-is compos v ■ ■■* i ■ hni-v.n to Earoj-'-ans, down to t : * !>:• h ue. an I :t 1 ,rr fitted out in the L'nit°d c . ,byC ; M i ; M h Chine, K-j . author of British 1 hih, r ’V.- in- .v. .with numerous illustration!. GEO. A. OATES & CO. Pi . , Book and Music Depot, Broad-st. aZIM; i r c-.ptember,ecigee trim- Xi. Bki-.1. lu - - n rcceived-.at GKO. A. OATES .‘r CO’?, P:„ . . R r i Music .-tore, Broad st. \\ ’ V* lb; \V. Khi) and Queeclty.—A new supply » i ; 1 .e popular and interesting works have I x i re • ir. t. and are for eal»* at CKO. \ GATES & CO ’S, i , Hr,. 5; and Music Depot, Broad st xOR bALS. FiiiSTr .t- Family HORSE, kind and gentle, will -t I be Mild low. Apply at the score of , , MEY & STORY. AM-i.Va justly celebrated Vegetable Coro / pound for the cure of Dysi-i-psia, Liver Complaint, an-i Nervous Debit,: h i r sale by P. B. PLUMB A CO. i . i.i i.iVKI) s -l> IV. Bbls, Hiram Smith J.S FLOUR, from new ViTieat. For sale by G. T. DORTIC. iJE.VFb.VL !)!<■' lh«T I !!> IMILX to Georgia Re- J\ j .r;s, in- '....sing 1,2, 8 Kelly, -I to lb Georgia Reports, t p. Cha/lionV' Report.'. It. hi. Charlton’s Reports, ■is p: rts, 1 and 2, com • ] ft R. Cobb an i\\. W. Lumpkin. For sale by TilOS. RICHARDS A SON, -1. B uk Book Mtnmfi■•turers. Stationers. Ar. «' »dfOK > I: f the P,ev. Robert i ' 1i... 1, M. 1 ■■ > . \ - fDevotion, con Hining daily morniuj hi; i’raye - . f-.-sr week?, Ac. '”' IU 1 ; i- .ay p,- ;ivt ... s an ,j Commentary. • ' L . and Writ: i«s of Dr. Chalmers, now complete. 6 j- .'U ■ . : i , a . _ a> - n -ncr Stone and Way to do ! , ‘ *' 1 I ‘O sad Christian Ministers Ccaa- Mann-lers’s S-bm-.ac and Ut-r-irr Timto-t Maunder’* Treasury of ilistow. ’ 8tt *‘ T ’ Austria, in l>4v-’4B, W. 11. Stiles Tlie Poetical Works of John Drv-'»« i , ... The Works of- harks Lamb, by Talfourd * d t: ®"' Domb. v :-i.d Son, new edition, ami E ,' Ter ,, •ct Histories. For si.! 1 • ona l ,1 « t « ~ THOMAS RICHARDS & SON 1 icmrerp, Stati mer 9, * c . V[K\l liiHliv*?,— Heads and Hearts, or My'i-.ri.iUeV it the ' “■ t.-!, by the author of Cousin Cecil, Mi-fl Daughter, &>•. Price 5t- cents. ,M,.. y J. •a»ur>:, by Mrs. Grey, author es the Bip*«y Dauirhter, Ac.—-50 cents. Virgii:-;;i find M-igdalinc, or the Foster Sisters, a Novel by Mr?. r . im tD. E. N. South-,vorth, author of the Pis t. r Jed Daughter, Ar. The Our- rilia Chief, or the Romance of War—sß cents. Ju- f published aii-1 for rah at GEO. A. OATES A CO.’S, -17 Pia Book, an-i Music Store, Broad-st. Fd idiili’S VlOl'tilN ATLAS OF THE EARTH, '1 -. in introduction to Physical and Historical Geo- Eri -' .... an ! a copious consulting index of 45,000 places, by K 'lndie. For sale by THOMAS RICHARDS & SON, Blank Bosk Manufacturers, Stationers, ie. ts ii t. V Refined SUGAR. Just received &f * ,V7 - fc b22 LAMBAOK k COOPER. I EXECLHIH'S sale of valuable real and i PERSONAL ESTATE. I*l'- SOLD, at th“ Court House in the town ' * ol Me. ‘a, ( übb county, on the first Tuesday ia NOVEMBER next, between the hours of 10 and 4 u’c ock, ■ • -ry desirable and valuable Lot of LAND in the town •f Maiii.-:: Georgia, containing five acres, more or less, v. fth tile mipn. vetuents thereon, c-msi ting of a snacious an i b autif.il Cottage built MANSION, stone foundation, y ‘ ,si - ■ kitchen, cellar and store room, in basement, e. ’• ~s fUul pantry above. Seven of the rooms bate fire-places, wah all necessary out-buildings, such as [- : ’■ * bouse. Bathing and Washing Houses, Carriage iioi.-e. ; ables, Servants’ rooms. Ac. Two Weils of excel ;r ';- nt 'V a: ", r m the yard—a large Vegetable and Flower Gar i t ic latter containing some choice and select plants An n turd of select Fruit Trees, some cf the most rare and costly. ■ I* one of the most desirable locations in all the m - 1 "dtry I t a summer cr continued residence, fine moun ■; tain ■ cent y, pure atmosphere and a healthy place, conve ne to trade and travel. The premises are new, and . to e y thing in good order for immediate occupancy. A! o, only two acres Mood Land (more or less) two miles m-itant, in connection with the above, to supply the resi d-i .- r ,h M ood and Lumber. Also, at the same rime and u1...,. , the Household and Kitchen FURNITURE, con ■ isting of Crockery, Glassware, Mahogany Bureaus,Secre .• . ' ,r . v - Sideboards, Divans, Bedsteads, fables, Chairs, Mash ! stands, Matroses, Furniture, Ac. One Plano Forte, Grist , Miil, (garden utensils, and one Cow, with a number of oth er articles too tedious to enumerate: being the summer re s' side nee of Benjamin Fnider, hte of Chatham county, de ceased, and sold by order and direction of his last M’il! and Testament, as a part of bis Real and Persona! Estate, fi r 6 j the benefit of his Heirs and Creditors, bale to continue X from day to day until the whole is disposed of. Persoi * 8 wishing to purchase are are respectfully inv Red te call ai d 5 examine the premises and furniture. Terms on the day «f i sa -*. SEABORN GOODALL, Executor. : -Augustl. 1 ?53. swtd a NEW BOOKS. I •IM Ol .\Tn\ liE ITERS, edited by Prof. P. . Nation-! O!--ervatury. Abo, another supply of the tola-wing popular volumes: Gaieties and Gravities, by e Horace Smith ; Essay from the London Times; tbe In- : goidsby Legends ; the Book >f Snobs, by Thackeray; A t Journey to Katmandu, or the Nepauiesti Embassador at ; Home; bummer Time in the Country; Leaves from Mar- j i r ret Smiths’ Journal in the province of Massachusetts | Bay 1673-9; Cheevers’ Reel iu a But te: Mi bigour- ■ neys’ Examples of Life and Death ; True Remedy for the ; Wronga of M'omau ; Quakerism, or Che S'ory of My Life ; i OM Portr.iit* and Modern Sketci.es, Ly Whinier ; Memories of the Great Me'r.ipoiis ; Longfellow*'be side and l‘ir- side; Jm*v scf the Scottish Cavaliers, by Aytoun ; Heaven er Cue ’ baiote i Dead ; Tt.* Heavenly Recogniii a!i Grace Aguil laes' works; Grantlr Manor; Ellen Mi 'dleton; Gertrude • Airy Herbert ; The Earls Daughter; Norman Leslie; Na ts Madeline ; Mom a of Christianity: T. rupletons’ Mathematical Tables f« Practical >ic_ ; Fhannondale ; T:t ; ejected Wife; The Mother-in-Law,and a grea* many others. Ju t ecetred tv THOM A ■ RICHARDS & SON, :■* Blank Book Maaufociurcrs. Rook Binders Ac. V. I‘-B BOOKB.—The f -Itowi: g Now BOOKS just re it ceived and for sale by the subscribers, vit: Mervyn CHtheroe, a compnr.icu to Davi.. Copperfiel-1, by VV. Ilarrifuii Airrwerth. author c-? M'ind- -r Castle, err. T be Adventures of a Gentleman in search of Miss Smith, by rUr,,; A. Dupay, author of Ce!t«*e, the Divorce, etc. Louisa, or the Adventures es a Etench Milliner, by A, Dumas. Home an-i Berta! rhiloK*i*h r. from n. ttf'hold Words, by Dickens. ‘ GEO. A. OAIES A CO., Bread-st., between U. b. and Globe Hotels. NOBLE DEEDS of American Women, h.v Mr?. Si gourney; Daring Deeds if American Heroes; fir Juhn Franklin; and the Arctic, Regions, with an account of the American Exdedition. For -!eby hu2u TUOS. RICHARD? A ?ON. OFFICE TH ANNPOUTATIUX SO CA, RAIL ROAD ( OMPAYV. ■-•-•^5 W ■- - rW r '- :; O Vua ;:;.ivsT->N, May 25, 1b52. i /v A V\D after Tucsdety next, l.u J lie,'the Passenger " / and Mail Trains (under regulation-, of the Post Office ; Department,) will, until further notice, run a- follows, viz: ! CHAKLEbTON AND HAMBURG ROAD. riSST OR BRIifLXB Mil!. Xt.P PASSBM.SE IT.iIS I I*. Leaves Charleston (daily) at 3 00 o’clock, 4. m. j Arrive Hamburg *• 2 4-i “ p. m. DOWN. Leave Hamburg (daily) at “ j. m. , Arrive Charleston “ 100 “ r. m, These Trains c- nnect with the afternoon Mail Train o the Georgia Railroad, (at Augusta) g- mg South and Mest, and at Charleston with the Wilmington Mail ft earners, and New York Steam Packets going North and I 1 r the present Express Train is r;m only on those days that tbe | Wilmington Mail Steamers, or New York cteara Packets fail to arrive at Charleston in time to connect with first or S o’clock, A. M. Train. BBCOSDOK SIGHT BSPHFS? FUEICm *M> PASSKXGER TSiIK UP. Charleston at 5 00 o'clock, P. M. Arrive Hamburg at 580 “ m. h. DOMN. Leave Hamburg at C 00 o’clock, r. v. Arrive Charleston at 6 30 “ a. v. Passengers by this Train will always arrive at Hamburg in time to take the day Mail an-i Passenger Tratr. of the Georgia Railroad, which leave Augu-ta at 7 o’ci 1 k, A. M., r »r Atlanta, Ac. PE I mv27 Superintendent Transportation. GROCERIES, GROCERIES. r I ’HE subscribers are receivir. r tii-.ir usual well assorted i Stock, end have in Store, a full supply ;«■ re h Goods, censl«ting, in par-, of— ■ I,O*X» sacks SALT; 50 bales heavy i tunny CI/*TH ; 150 coilj Js, a- <1 \ inch ROPE : 1,000 lbs. TM'INE ; 50 bbls. Canal and Baltir.iore FT.OUB; 800 bags Rio. L igunra a i Java COFfr F ' 9ohluis. SUGAR, assorted; 5b bbls. Crushed and 1 tTec SUGARS ; ?9,oo<ilb.e. BACON, rites and Shoulder*; 3.111K1 “ Philadelphia Cure iII AMS; 5,-Od “ Tenne; ; c* SHOULD! I:.-; 5,000 “ best LARI), in bbls. and kees; NAILS and IRON, assane 1. T’o all r.f which they it A the attention c>f ITanters ar.-l Merchants jyßi) IIAND k FLEMING NEW AUCTION AND GENERAL COMMISSION BUSIN Es f. r I ''HE subscriber, abuut declining the Grocery Ilusinf ; I hep leave to renew the im’:-rm.atlon l ■ his f’ri- ad?, and the public iirgeneral. that he i- a--.iv j. rep:; red to-.!! and j re cive any kind < f GOODS, Rea! or Per r.al Property, f-i sale. Having eag-jg- d a gentle i.m of li, .-1 rite abili ties a* Crier, he offers bis services in the above line; and if speedy sab's and prompt settlement of accounts will c-juunand atientio:!, he hope? to receive a liberal i-bare 1 f patronage from those who know him at lea ■< P. f. A large and commodious l ire and Water Proo j store for th* reoepti u of Goods. JOHN J. DYED, s 2 Fagle & Phoenix Building. WANT£D~ \ GOOD WASHER V.M> JIIOXEG. A white j V servant preferred. Apply at this office.? 8 CHEROKEE LANDS AT PRIVATE SALE. V-JH HA IE FOR SALE some Nine LOTS of Fine t Cherokee LAND?, all situated in the Golden Districts es the State, being in Cars, Cobb, Paulding and Walker, v hkh, for localities, are not to be s.urpa*aeil. The T-ots r., e Nos. 159,162, 161, in the 11th DLtrici and Ist Section, be ing only 2 or 8 mile? from Dahlonega. I,oti X 05.385 and I,ooßiu 19th District, 3d Fe lion, Ireing i in Paulding county. Lc No. 217, 4th District, 8d Section, is situated in Cass . ciinty. Lot No. 695, 8d District, Sd Section, believed to be in ! Cobb. The above Lots are all favorably situated, and contain each 10 acres. AI,?C All that pored of Land, having Lot No. ‘.;92, 7fh District, 4th Section, in Walker county, on the Chattooga River, | containing 160 acres, more or less, prime land. Titles un- | questionable. For further particulars and terms, apnly rows at .More, myld-tf GIRARDEY & PARK E B NOW ON HAND AND FOR SALE. 4 A FULL supply of all patterns of Parlor FTOTKS and GRATE?, suitable to wood or coal. *'Ssl. On hand, a Georgia made IRON SAFI, very large and well adapted to a largt Mercantile House, with several ; small oner . Also, NAILS by the k'g or retail; SWEDES IRON for Horse Shoes; Collin’s AXES and HATCHETS;' Colton HOES, a!i sizes; Trace and Halter CHAINS, TACKS, KIVIXS, 1 SCREWS, LOCKS, BOLTS, BUTTS and HINGES. Also, a large supply of Tinners’ and Roofing Tools, of all kinds. For sale next door to the Mechanics’ Bank. ni 1 B. F. CHEW. rj ’M'O MONTHS after date, application will be made to j L the Ordinary of Richmond county, for leave to sell the real estate of Charles F. Jones cf said county, deceased. Septembers, 1852. MM. A. WALTON, Adm’r. EAGLE & PHCENIX HOTEL, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. J RICK MAX begs leave to return sincere thanks te • his friends and the public for their liberal support du ring the time he has had the above Establishment, and so licit j a continuance of their favors. The apartments are large and well ventilaied, with suits of rooms arranged expressly for families. Dinner ready on the arrival of the Charleston Cars, te which Depot his II tei is the nearest. His best efforts will be directed to making tbe Eagle & - Phoenix a desirable Hotel. au2o-2m VINEGAR, *)W BARRELS CHOU E('ID£R and WHITE WINE VINEGAR, iu?t recci red end for sale low by BELCHER Sc H OLLIN ft MOUTH, aug2B No. 5, M arren Block. TnIIEMU AITTaHi UEtiIiXEUA TOH, A superior V J article for restoring the Hair that has become thin, and j > fer giving vigor to the Roots or Bulbs; to prevent Bald- 1 ? i ness, and to remove Scurf or Dandruff. No one should he , i without this valuable Preparation. For sale by r \ ]y*29 D B. PLUMB & CO. I woolTwool. ~ THE subscriber will pay the highest price for all de scription of MOOL. GEORGE W. LEWIS, | _*j No. 1 Warren Block. I I? h.—Another suppiv of Rahway’s Ready Relief, ! Bt * mst received by sts D. R. PLUMB & CO. ’ | I AIR BRU SHEfi, of every description, for B&ie by - j 11 se P lO M M H. TUTT, Druggist. *' ! J* ii—6o bbls. Stuart’s Crushed and j O Clanfied SUGAR, for sale low by au,t HAND, WILLIAMS CO. ; TV?"'™"" of "fresh W.rim f 11 Smith FLOUR, just received by 16 HAND, WILLIAOT A CO. > J. J. CLAYTON. j A. P. BXGNON. CLAYTON & BIGNON. 1 ; 1 DEALERS IN READY MADE CLOTHING, EATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, &C., AC-, , i Wholesale and Retail, IST Metcalf’s Range, Broad. Street, Augusta, Georgia. mk4-ly ALDRICH & ROYAL, DEALERS IN tsi&Pl BOOTS AND feIIOES, at Metcalfs new Iron Front Store, opposite the Masonic Hail. A. A fßi * iave on hand, and will continue to receive, per weekly steamers from New York and Philadel- /?■ \ f phia, a large and well selected stock of the most fashionable and neatest finished LADIES, MISSES, GENTS, YOUTHS and CHILDREN’S BOOTS AND SHOES, all of whi-h they invite the ISr public to examine, and compare prices and quality before purchasing, j N. B.—Be sure to call at our Iron Front Store. pH J. Jb NEWBY & CO., MITOLESALE AND RETA I[. I)F ALER SIN READY-MADE UI.OTHIXG, TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS, &c.. Ac. Under the United States Hotel, Augusta, Geor gia. ia)6 r> %MiEfS.—K. FARROW’S PATENT COOKING ,« L RANGE, one of the boat articles now in use, for o‘iS B. F. CHEW. r |HE lildlbh Til AT HitlXIJ XO SORROW , by I tne Rev. Krskine Neale, M. A. On the Study of Words, by Richard C. French, B. P.; Overing, or the Heir of Wicherly, cheap edition • Harper's Magazine for July ; A Ho, ano tiicr supply of the following Popular Boots: Wide, Wide World ; Queechy ; Eoline, or Magnolia Vale; Remorse, and other Tales, by James ; Earnestness; Thank fulness; The Heavenly Recognition; Heaven, or the Salut ed Dead; and Kirtvan’s Letters to Bishop Hughes, j Received and for sale bv TUCS. RICHARDS t SOX, JyS Blank Book Manufacturers, Book Binders, ac. WATCHES, JEWELRY, Ac. CHARLES C VI’LIX invites the attention of his friends and the public, to his large and „ I well selected stock of 11m* WATCHES, JEWELRY, Silver FORKS and SPOONS, PLATED CASTORS, CAN DLESTICKS, and a great variety of Rich Fancy Goode, j which he will sell on the must favorable terms. He has in ! his employ one of the best Watch makes ; in this country, i who will attend to the repairing of FINE WATCHES | promptly and in the very best manner. He has also a prac i tical Jeweler, who will make or repair all descriptions of Jewelry. Engravings of all kinds neatly executed. mb2-l FINE WATCHES CLOCKS JEWELRY AND silver and plated goods. THOMAS-* ’.V . FBKEM AX at hJso’d Q1 shmd,opposin' the Brunswick Bank,Augusta. &■-. . hun.ie larg and well select IflßiMß ihtck.eons! -ling of GOLD and StLC KH W Vi CUES, all qutd ; it; i >ll #* tt« GERMAN JEWELRY, in boxes; G#ld Breast Pins,Ear Kings, I‘enciD, Spectacles, Fob, Vest and Guard Chain:-*; Fob, V. r-t,a. >1 Guard Key;-; Finger Ring?, Bracelets, Buckles, Armlet.-, M *'•-■,lions. Ac. *ll vkr ami plateb w are, Spoons. Forks, Tea r. Castoi s, Candlesticks, ie. —ALSO— Guns, Pistols, Pcrou- ;■ mCnps, Shot Pouches, Powder Flasks, Ga; is Dags, *cv. besi<’.> a >. any other Convenient and useful articles not named. Having purchased all my Goods for cadi, I believe lean sell a! prices that will suit purchasers. Clocks, Watches, and Jewelry repaired and warranted. N.B. —New Goods received weekly. o!2 ditr. Acgi-ta, March 16, 1852. CLARK & CO., (FATE CLARK, HACKI T A CIO.) XH.Ak K now in Store, a fine stock of GOODS, many of which have just arrived in the country, and are of new style*.. We have laf-ly received, direct from Geneva, rn invoice of Gold W ATCHES, made to our order under our oh! name—good timekeepers, and at moderate prices.— Abo, WATC HES made by T. F. Cooper, London; Jules j Jurgeim-.n, of Copenhagen, an 1 most other makers of es tablished reputation, which we can recommend and war rant. Also, Silver and Plated WARE,new styles -.f PUt'*d WAI TER'-, C AKE BASKETS, CASTORS and CANDLESTICKS, with and without branches. Double Barrel SHOT Gl NS and REVOLVERS, of various makers, and at the lowest prices. Orders from the interior will be packed with, care ami forwarded promptly. mb.l7 FA S H ION ABLE SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. I Ofl V BRIDGES*, Merchant Tailor, next doer .»~ below me Cnileii States ii tel. Broad Street, Tbl j is now receiving 1... Spring and SummerStock,con- raj * sistingjin part, of | French Black arid Colored Single Mill'd CLOTHS and ; CASSIMEHE>; Fancy Do.; DRILLS; silk .MARSEILLES, } and other \ ESTINGE ; CASiIMERKTTES ; DHAP d’ETE, j of several grades, which will also be sold by the yard. Os K.-ucy Articles, SHIRTS and DRAWERS, of ail de scriotions, COLLARis ; iRAVATS. »l. SPENDERS ; HALF 110,'K; GLOVES, Ladies’ UNDER-VESTS; SHOULDER BRACES, ic., At. Ready-made CLOTHING, of the la’-'td style of Goods, cut and made. MILITARY WORK, in ail its branches. Making and j Trimming Uartrents in the best manner. At 11 a-.? rrr >-nt f the above, an * all other articles in 1 his line, will be kept suitable for the season. uihl3 S. D. LINTON & CO. (*()\ TIM Ii ih-sr Office in a favorable loffstmn, f«r tb# _ -Me of their FLOUR and MEAL, pur Vi!r of COKN a d Win AT, A* - ., in the East end of the Warehouse lately oc;upi*-.l by Walker A Bryson. Being thus favorably situ ated, sand time to attend to it,) »:ll rect i', e and sell all COTTONS the;r friend? sire o send .• • them f**r sale. Ki p eg to be always ou the spo , and having but few lot* t • -“.li, can do so ou advantage us itnr.t, and can remit Checks on their Houses in Greensboro’, Rome, or Dal: n, or cn bi ■ other Bank Agencies a* may be more convenient to those they sell for. C- . u-.isiens and Storages as is cut* J tomary. All *.’*-Don* consigned them siiouHb* marked ?. D. L. t Co., Augusta. s'22 * TL V.Mit AMI I'llA \S VTLAXTU Sketches— rV Afi >at iiud A -bore. By Capt. McKinnon, U. N., Au- j 1 ,•-.]• cf“S*cam Warfare in the Parana." Butler’s Anal* gy of Utdivion, with an Analysis left ’in- | late Rev. Robert Emery D. D., Pre ie Di-kins* u College; completed and edit ■!, witli a Life *' Bishop Butin-, Note* end index, by G. 1!. Crooks. Cicero's Tmculan Idsput:; lions, with English Notes. C • itical and ExpUmory. By Chits. Author*, I. L. f) . Pro f- - ■ . r.f the Greek raid Latin Languages tn Columbia > 1- *fe, Rector of the Grammar School, etc., clc. Mcro r . -of the Life and Writing? ofTh** . Chalmers, I>. I’.. L. L. D., by hi" Son-in-Law, the Be. Wns. lianas, L. L. 1).; in f-.-ur v* lumps. The Life and Wort- of P -V»rt Burns. Edited by Rober* Cambers; in four volumes. For sale by [si6] J. 1 CARRIE & CO. v fcW HOOK'-.—hummer Time } n the Country, by the Rev. K. A. Willmott; being No. 12 of Appleton’s Popular Library. Up Country Letters, edited by Prof. B . National Observatory. Nos. 433 and 433 of lined* Li. u.g Age. VoJ.Sd of the Necromancer, by G. V.. Reynolds. Just published, and fer sale a* GEO. A. GATES & CO S, s S Broad street. \TARM6HtS OF ALL RIXDS, Oils,Paints,Glass, \ Put! v, Turpentine, Brushes, Acids, Paint Mil’s, Quin ine, Morphine, Calomel, Flue Moss, Matches, Bpiccs, Epsom Pans, Bi-Carbonate Sods, Sala»ratus, Patent Medicines of a ! kinds, Perfumery, and Chemicals of every description, from the best manufacturies, always on hand and for sale at reduced prices by WM. H. TLTT, fe2B-d*w Druggist. MOLASSES AND SUGAR »)•* I IERCES Cuba MOLASSES ; JLi) 20 hhds. New Orleans SUGAR , 15 “ Muscovado Do.; : For sale by JOHN C. CARMICHAEL, au2G Warren Block. SACGN AND PEAS. <a Anti LBS. BACON SIDES, just receded and S LU«* *UU and for sale low. —ALSO— IftO bushels COW PEAS. Call soon, before they are all au2>3 H. D. BELL. TTROLFE'S AHO VIATIC 'IIGK I\AL IsCHii.- VV DAM SCHNAPPS. A superlative- Tonic, Antidya peptfc and Invigorating Cordial, useful in Gravel, Gout, Dyspepsia, Genera! Debility, &c. In Quart bottles. Price sl. Fold by j.TI H \Vi LAN Ik RUI-FV k CO, n>l" At"'r.ts. i sOHA AMI OATs.-' : \j 3,/idO bushels choice Tennessee CORN; 150 “ OATS, for sale by mil BAKER & WILCOX ! \Y. H. MAHAKRY & CO., PLAIN AXU OICVA.MENTAL LAS FITTERS. 1 '\WELLJXGS, Stores, Churches, &c., fitted up in the : XJ neatest manner. AU work warranted. grgr° Plain and Ornamental GAS FIXTURES for sale. References —Col. H. 11. Gumming, President Gas Light Company. Mr. William llelme, Engineer Erecting Gas Works. apls V« EXCI SE FOR IIALB HEADS.—THE CY* TUKREAN HAIR TONIC is a certain restorative of the Hair ; and any one who is troubled with dandruff, scurf, or falling off of the hair, may rest assured that one bottle of the CYTHEREAN HAIR TONIC will remove all disease, and promote a fine growth. It I, also, a great addition to the Toilet, a* it possesses a grateful perfume, and renders the hair capable of being combed in any : shape. For sale wholesale aud retail by : 8 F« __ WM. IE TUTT, Druggist. \ RTICLES FOR THE TOILET.— ; Rich COLOGNES, Domestic and German; Lubin’s EXTRACTS, new odors; “ POMADE, for the Hair; “ SCENT BAGS (Sachela.) jell D. ii. PLUMB A CO. riMIK M ICW VM AXU THE CABIX ; or, Talcs i i of the South, by the author the Yamassce, Katharine ; Walton. Golden Christmas. Ac., just published and f °r sal® | at GEO. A. OATES k CO’S jeC Piano, Book and Music Store, Broad at. HOUSE KEEPING GOODS.—We keep constantly on hand a good assortment of Crockery, China, Glass, i Wooden, Tin, Willow and Iron Ware. House keepers are invited to give as a call. mh-21 MITSTIN A LATHROP. r‘ >ICH TOILET SO APS— t Lubin’s Toilet SOAPS; Guerhtin’s “ “ Finaud’s “ “ Low’s “ “ Bazin's “ “ Hauel’s “ “ Taylor’s Cbrystaline Toilet SOAPS; Together with a full assortment of ebeap Fancy SOAPS of i America* Manufacture, fir sal# by 1 jei# B. FLUM® & o#. i CARRIAGE MAM-FACTORY. ! TAMES liL I.BEiIT <& EG., Cottier of Ellis and I I ‘ fl Mackintosh Streets, Manufacture and keep constantly i ‘ on hand, all descriptions of VEHICLES of their own make. 1 CARRIAGE? of allli-.scripti-'-ns built to order and war- ‘ ranted. REPAIRING done at short notice. mho-tOl TOBIA S ( ■:ARDEN-OPEN FOR THE SEA- | SON. }’OM \H T. TO Hi X" would respectfully an- . . . announce to his old friends and the public, • that his Garden, on Telfair ‘.Heel, h now open for : the season. STRAWBERRIES aril CREAM, ICES, ICE CREAM, j j etc., served up every afternoon an 1 e - . mug, from 2 till j It) o’clock. The Garden is now In beautiful'order, and no ( efforts will be spared to render it a popular and delightful j | place of rc. ort for th* Ladles and Gentlemen of Augusta | , and its vicinity. &pil-if 1 | IN II hi S- II SMI GEM IXM GAKDK.V Ate «■ I I. SEEDS, Wav 'anted Crop of l'st. — We have I . i just y> c-dvedcut St, • ’j«.f j'RKSH SLEDS,to which we invite the attention of the public. - I). B. PLUMB A CO. i TS.UK KS, TRUNKS. ~ | A LARGE LOT of fine TRAVEL- r _^_~ ; Ji. LING TRUNKS, ( ARRET BAGS, WJjj X-foI , VALISES. Ladic ’ BONNET CASES, &Uryj\ ' Kecr-ived ty 1 jyT ALDRICH k ROYAT . ! ENGLISH SOLE LFATHTm TEUNKS. ; TEST received, a U 1 i-f verr- supers «■! j ts Solo Leaibc! TRUNKS and v AIdSES. t-th I —ALSO— .. U» i ■ j Bra?* Band and I iFrat .eTRI NK. < *°tiSf4rJl iili»Ar • Hat BOXES, Valise BAG-. Ct.rpc‘. BAGS, frc. i | FORCE, CONLEY & CO., , j jyls Sign Mammoth Boat. ~WILLIAM KOUSLEY, JBo t. WHOLESALE VXD HE- <«««. | TAIL DEALER IN BOOTS Mjijf . 1 AND SHOES, keeps constantly i on hand, the b. t.- f rr- - | tailing variousdercriptiomi of Mens’, BoyLadies’, Misses’, I and Children*?. Also Plantation and K pilr gans. Sr-uth ! j side Broad street, Augusta, Georgia. jaS-ly ! PAT’EXI LEATHER. CLOTH, IT'll BOOT S j j I UST KIT Til V KD, a handsoilet of A _ fj Gent’s Patent Leather BOOTS; figl “ Cloth Pat Tip “ fBl “ Calf Pump Sole “ “ P-es-" “ “ or Patent Leather Opera BOOTS ; —ALSO— j Ladies’ White Patij; < . her BOOTS; “ ” Kid Polka “ “ “ “ Jennv Linds; *• “ Satin an I Kid SLIPPERS. Ac. I felS I t.iiCt CONLEY * CO. I LEATHER. LASTS SHOE PEGS, FINDINGS, £iG. j 1 I .**l lU-it Till ED, h la; re sup; iv of Hein- i f I lock, an I Oak?-: u LEATHER. Band and Pi c- «gSEi cr LEATHER, Upper and Lace LEATHER, Calf rEfel and Kip SKINS, Lining and Binding bIvINS. Kid ’ and Tup SKINS. KNIVES, PINCERS, NIPPERS, RASES. AWLS, HAM MERS, PUNCHES, Lasting PACKS, SPARABLES, French ; KIT. Size STICKS. .'•! -.aun MTI.Uv, Long STICKS, Pump j STICKS, Sand STONES. SiiM’rir.? and Em let MACHINES, 1 Hull’s Bull Sh'.'e ’i HREAD, TWIsT, Boot M‘EBBING, Boot 1 CORD, Shoe LASTS, Shoe PEGS, Boot TREES, CLAMPS, CREMES, Graining BOARDS, uc. i FORCE, CONLEY k CO. { jal •* Opposite Insurance Bank. HENE.Y & SKIN NEE, 1 CABINET MAKERS, UPHOLST MS A UNDERTAKERS, \‘ Rb ,\OM PHKPAKFDtn fire- . . cute.-.i! orders in their line, Ma- v ~ | king and i; tiairing Cabinet Work. Re .fSKSSBISSasI j j uph.i’stem-g Sofa?, Chair?, Ac.. Reno- 1 | vating Mattresses, ia fact all oti.er kinds cf work belong- 1 , I ing to our br:?i eh. V«> have on h .ml a fine sssortment ! i j of V. ire SAi IS, suitable f« 1 the seu«on. These are 1 , much approved j-.»r tlteir convent-m., and My lc. ALi , a j ; tine b>i . t WINDOW SHADES, of the latest style and at reduced price.-. H. AS. j , Broad---’., t-ne door below Washington street, next to i G it ville kCo 1 ?tor my 26 ML. PI a7.»• . *: «: re • spcotfmiy int rm> the La, ? and ! i Gentlemen of Augusta, that h» pices In- ! ! struct;' • iu Vocal Mi-ic, on the Fian-, TI-- 1* “ s J • ! Sin and Gaiter, iu the me t tiior ugb manner. Calls left i at Mr. Cii'bn’a Music j- ,1 e, will ise j -. mr.ptly acswererL 1 **FIANi) FOExiiT*" r |'Tir lubscribers would re*{xjctfull» c«!l —* Mahogany PIANO PORTI , Irom the veil J “ X 'J J i known and justly celc’-ra? 1 dManuficte ’esof Bar n k Raven, | • A. 11. G;.le A Co-, So i Dab- is £ ?e,ii>uiy, New York, which j are v,.uT*n!<?u in every rcr; .tlbe at {sr t fully equal 10 , f any Instruments maou’ ’r-ui in tins csuuirr or Europe. ! 1 The SolMkTib* ’3 would also sute than- * id.vd-.uitents now oti i.ond arc cf the lan- st patten 5 r .<! fin tit n, and fresh from Ute inanufiicturers. Fer sale a 1 very low j-rice* for c-Gj c-r city acceptances, at GF >. A. OATES Jr CO.’S tnvld Piatio. Bonk andMu-iic Depot, llrcsd-st. ENCOURAGE HOHL INDUSTRY. DA 3 IVG been appolr ?cd * reals ft r E.c COT ING TON CM Ai E FACTORY, v - w mid re spectfully inform our city anu • n : : ry fricn-in ami j cus’omer? generally, that vre will otways have on * il ’ hand v Stock and good assortment of the above sfaauiac- i lory’? ( HAihs. which, for beauty of finish, comfort and ! general utility, net d only to be sc- nto be recommended. > flu- a-si rimer, t consist? of ROCKING, COTTAGE, ami 51’LIT-BOTTOMS. They will -e sold ;-* Manufacturing ! pricer. Perron? desiring to purchase ?m h Furniture, would do j well to examine uurs an-» prices before pur basing else- ( where. GIRABDY k PAKKER. jyl6-Rra Auction and Commission Merchant*, j PIANO FORTES MUSIC, &0. | £ iIIAHLEP I ATLIY A. CO., near - ' V ' i are the only authoriicd Agent? for Chick- wfHprS I ering’s celebrated * * X \J » \ IRON FRAMED PIANO FORTE?, I J;Iso, for those made- by Nunn &. Clark, an-1 Adam Ftod j dard. The superiority and wide spread celebrity of there In ! tnuaents render :;!iy sped;!i reference to them tmncccssa- : | ry. Ihe univer? -1 satisfaction that they have given in this I i market, for more than 1--. ear*, is good evidence of their I | inability. j Their stock is always large an-! full, comprising *very | 1 variety end style of 6, 6l< 6 >4 and 7 octave PIANOS, i I which they will sell at tha lowest factory prices, (varying | rom |2OO to $500,) and warrant them sound and perfect in 1 very respect. | Their stock of MUSIC is large, and they receive fre c h ; applies every wtek of ail new publications, as soon as they ' arc issued. i All orders for Pianos, Music, Violins, Guitars, Flutes, Ac- J I ordeons,&c., .tc., will receive prompt and careful atten- I i on, and will be warranted t,> please in every respect. MELOUEON?. They have a Loo a complete assortment- of Prince & Co.'s . | ; MELODEON?. The Key Board is precisely the r-ame as the j | Piano or Organ ; and the tone clceely resembles th: t of ‘ he Flute stop of the Organ, and is sufficiently loud lor j ! mall Churches. They vary in price from SSO to SIOO. j JEWELRY. I CHARLES CALLIN' keeps for sale at the same place, a • j arge Stock of fine WATCHES, JEWELRY and SILVER ! I WARE, to which he invites tne attention of the public. j | rab2B LOOK HERE j -4 NEW (STORE AM) NEW ■ ij R FURNITURE. J 81LCOX has re- im’m&r 1 pSI moved his stock cf FURNITURE, -£L i •1 « CHAIRS, MATRASSES, Ac., next fjeeSmm : to Dr. Turpin’s, immediately opposite his former stand, j 1 where he intends kepping a general assortment of FURNI TURE, CHAIRS, MATRASSES, Ac., of iris own manufacture. ! Also, a good assortment 01 Northern manufacture, which j he will warrant, and at such prices as to make it sn in- f f ducement to those about purchasing to give him a call at : • is NMV FURNITURE STAND. oK' -tew | l SAFES. IRON WORKS. LOCKS, &C. rpHB U.\BEHBIG\ED having contracted to i build the SAFES, ftON FIXTURES, LOCKS, Ac., in the new Banking House of the Bank of An- \VJ-i ! gusta, has permanently located in this city, and begs '•xzJ' \ leave to inform the public that he will execute all orders for j SAFES, IRON FIXTURES, STAIRWAYS, LOCKS, BELL 1 HANGING, FENCING, LIGHTNING RODS, ORNAMEN TAL WORK, Ac., Ac., including every branch of his busi ness, in the most perfect and satisfactory manner. His shop is on the north side of Broad Street, next door below the old Bridge Bank Building, where he will he pleas ed to exhibit Models, Patterns and Drawings to ail those ( who mav wish any thing in his line. . ■ my2C-ly AUGUSTUS GRUF.NDF.L. j * " FRESH TURNIP SEED. N ITE have this day received a supply of f refh and rsli «- 1 . I VV ble TURNIP SEED, consisting of the' o!lowingva- | 1 rieties: RITA BAGA, 1 LARGE ENG LI? 3 NORFOLK, ; I EARLY FLAT DUTCH, | EARLY YELLOW RUSSIAN, i RED TOP, LONG WHITE, LARGE WHITE GLOBE, | SNOW BALL. Augusta, June 16, 1852. jelS D. B. PLUMB A CO. | NEW BOILER FOR SALE. A FIRST CL ASS new BOILER, made by Philos. B. uTa. Tyler. Springfield, Mass., for saie low by OSMOND, GRAY k CO., American Iron Foundry. Augusta, 6a., August T. aul-tm t \ f VrhbltJil-—SO bi’ifs. Ma'L’kS'Jl'L 1 , r-los. 1, 2 and 3, i iVI met r«eived and far sale by i j«ls ESW* & RICHMOND. UTILE DUIiU. | PRANK’S AROMATIC SODA AND SEIDLITZ POW : I DERS, for the imniediate production of a grateful, re | freshing and highly Stomachic Beverage. This elegant j preparation, besides its superior claim as a beverage, has j the advantage over all other compounds, ia being dccided | ly medicinal. It promotes appetite and a healthy Diges | tion, corrects acidity, relieves Heartburn and Flatulency, | and produces the best effects in derangements of the Uri i nary Organs. While equally effective with the common ' form, the Aromatized Powders possess a decided advantage | in notofiending the Stomach, and far more satisfactory in their operation. For sale, wholesale and retail, bv WM. 11. TUTT, | s!5 Agent for the Aromatic Soda Company. MORGAN’S COTTAGE CHAIRS. ’* | ’HE subscribers w ould inform the public that they have 1 appointed Messrs. Girardey & Parker their Agents for the sale of their CHAIRS in this place. Being the ori ( ginal Inventor of this article, they will warrant all sold es i their manufacture. J. & L. ?. MORGAN, sl7-w3m Decatur, DeKalb county. COME AND SEE. nl-TKR HHI VM It. Piano Manufoc- , . 1 turer, 'pinlity Range, Bread st., has Wfii||E33tßM just linish..>l a splendid PIANO which will - / 7 gs ~?jn j remain at his house for a short time. Musi- J J X j J I cians, amateurs, and thev-üblic generally, are invited to i caii and try it, te see whether it can he beat by any from ! the North. P. BRENNER, ! sld-dlm Broad-st., above MoKinne-rd. j P. BRENNER, liA NO M VNUFACTI R Es, j y-ntlUg lianr/f, Broad Street, Ausurta ) <?«., IS ready to execute all orders for PI \NOS of all descriptions, which he war- npsri|!B|)p!fe4 i j rants to be equal in tone, quality and du- ff JyWIJ j rability to any that are brought from the * * XJJ | North." The following is on* of various testimonials, which i have been kindly given to P. B. by gentlemen in tins city. 1 Having bought a Piano of Mr. P. Brenner last year. which was of his own make, 1 take great pleasure in testify- I ing my perfect approbation of it in every respect. Tt is very j rich in tone, easy of touch, elegantly made and keeps in turn- most admirably. From what I have seen cf Mr. lirea n 1 r’s Pianos, I he ve no hesitation in recommending them . f : their superior qualify, to all who maybe in want cf a fine and durable instrument. J. B. Hart. | Augusta September 15,1852. Further references : Rev. Mr. Ford, Mr. J. ?ctzc, Mr. li. B. Frazer, B. Bignon, Mr. Wm. R. c chi inner and others. Piano.-. Organs and other musical inetrumen’s tuned and skillfully repaired, at the shortest notice. P. BRENNER, sl6-’y Broad-st, above McKenni-st. ” GROCERIES. -AA KtbS good Rio COFFEE; M f pm mats old Gov. Java COFFEE ; 100 bags SPICE, GINGER and PEPPER ; 100 bhds. Muscovado SUGAR; 50 “ Porto Rico Do., ?-V) packages Loaf, Crushed Powdered and Clarl- • fled SUGAR; 100 bbls. and half bbis. MACKHFHL; 100 bates Gunny CLOTH ; 200 coils Bale HOPE; D O coil- Bed Coni KOPB ; 2,00** sacks SALT; 1,000 kegs NAILS : 100j»00 Spanish and American .'P6 AH? . 200 boxes TOBACCO ; 100 1,1..i5. Cuba MOLASSES ; 100 bids. Sugar House SYRUP; 15,000 lbs. BACON ; 100 boxes CANDLES; TEA; POWDER; i-HOT; LEAD; Toilet SOAP; «?d a large stock of LIQUORS. For sale by sl6-dAwlm BAKEKjt WILCOX. FRESH GOODS. 1 IIAY E just received u fine and select assortment of J CLOTHS; CASSIMERE? and VESTINGS, of entirely j new designs, which will be made to order in ihc latest style. Also, Ready- ade CLOTHING, and a fine a-.-ort- * men’ of Dahlia, Olive, Brown and Blue Dre---. FROCK COATS, which are made i f the very best French Cloths, and trimmed in the best manner, and are very fashiona ble. For sale cheap. j. A. VAN WINKLE. Augusta, Sept. 21, 1352. »22 LOOK HERE.-NEW STORE AND NLW GOODS. I I f»T opened, opposite John B nes A- Co., a tew doers f j below Washington Hail, and next door above Henry i K. < -arke's Shoe Store, a new and handsome assortment cf j Fancy and Domestic DRV GOOD?, comprising almost eve- i ry irtic e ia the line, which will be said at a small advance ? on New York cost for cash. A look at his dtock will con- i viace the purchaser of the above fact. sUi-ly TUOS. SWEENY. ! SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTING. /ABUEHS left with Dr. Hatjus, at Mr. Haines' Drug , v / Store, or at say place on Green street, will meet with prun.pt attention. jy2o K. P. SPELMAN. CABINET MAKING AND UNDERTAKING. ~ UENRV A BIvI.V\EB. at their new stand, next to A. Lafitfc’s Auction Room, have and will keep on hand j a supply of Mahogany and ether COFFINS, made of thehe-q materials, ami on reasonable terms. In connection with the j above, we keep a constant snpp'.v of F;-k A Raymond’s Celebrated METALIC BURIAL CASES of all sizes—orders filled at short notice. N. B.—FUHNITURF, MATTRAB3H?, Ac., for sale end made to order. •» ( k H VLEes Gunny BAGGING ; •Jo V. 5 coils "« Kentucky ROPE; 6'? bbir. choice New Orleans BY RUT; 10 hhd=. New Orleans SUGAR. —ALSO, ON CONSIGNMENT— lbs. -hoice Tenne-ree BACON ; 1.2 •» bushel* white CORN, in fine order . CORN. PEA?, OATS and FEATHERS ; at cora«< Stave. Warren iiiock, sot sale by aulff-d WM. H. STARK I CO. FEMALE SEMINARY, Mltß. J.A ME? i*. Kk\(; vcspcctfallv announces :<■ . h-r friend.-', s.mi the public g- ncrallv, that she will open, on the Fll’rT MONDAY IN OCTOBER 1 -it, s FF.'UNARY f r Young Ladies, in which will fie ta ugh - *p tbe branches f a substantial and elegant Education. ?h« hoj.es that devoted efforts to edtancc her Pup !-, and a scrupulous rgeard to the behavior and nu-ra's , r those rn tru?ted to her care, will insure for her a liberal share o' patronage. The ? rvicea of sn able Scholar and accuuiplished G«n tlenian will be ecure-1 to «o«' s t j u ibe hither branches. Ms. Ring has rented the large ami commodious h >usi | at the corner of Broad anti Cumming streets iformerly or cupied by fir. Stovall) where she can accommodate will board Young Ladies from the country. A great induce ment is offered to those learning French, as that lauguag* will be sxioken in the family. Circulars containing Terms, Ac., maybe obtained by ap- j plication to Mrs. Ring, st present cn Greene street, rp<v>- | site the Methodist Church. aul2-tf I THF M HUOL FOIt r \ ITU H- :~7n\l! English B Story, by T. Gwynne , Anna Hammer, a tale of Contemporary ; German 1 ife, translated from the German of Gemme. by j Alfred H. Gucrusey—price2scents; The Personal Adventures of our own Correspandent la Italy, by Michael Burk? Honan, bound and unbound; The Institutes of Algebra, being the first part of a Cour. e ; of Mathematics, by Gerardus Beckman Docharty. LL.D : No, 27 Pictorial Field Book of the Revolution; an-i No. 7 Bleak House ; Just received by THOS. RICHARDS k SON, s'2B Blank Book Manufacturers, Stationers, .tc. FLOUR. ~~ ‘j) BGH Lebanon FLOUR; * >l’ 5-) “ Coleman ? Granite Mills FLOUR . fk: bag? “ “ “ MEAL; For sale by s2B JOHN ('. CARHICMABL. I>l 1 5 LIII/-EIMT>U\ M'AH( H. —An escelient ar- S I ride for making custards, pudding-, blanc-mange, j Ac., for sale by p. B. PLUMB L CO. j s 5. AAA IF.ET of seasoned INCH BOARDS, FLOOR- j »)' " f'/ ING and CEILING for sale. Apply to (yfc-twAdffin A. P. ROBERTSON. j J' Iil-i Ct’.ebraled Mexican Mustang LINAMENT, for j sale by els D. B. PLUMB & CO. ( 'OH \ ,—I,OOO bushes, in store and for sale by ! V ?7 S. C. GRENVILLE A CO. 1 TAKKISOX’S PRAIHIE FLOWER COLOGNE, 11 a valuable article for tb* Toilet, for sale by n’2S D. B. PLUMB t CO. i WELIfoIITFU It TOAlC.—RtKikin’s Ginger WjNE, J \ for sale by sis D. B. PLUMB k CO. I ON KS' Chemical Oil SOAP, for removing Grease, Tar, fj Paint, tc., from Woollen, Cotton or Linen Goois, for sale by si3 D. B. PLUMB & CO. / \S i’ONS! S >IKNT‘.—IOO bales'Gunnv BAGGING, for sale low by s!9 ROBERTSON & CROCKER, j I STAR DAM) PEPPER.— . 125 dozen fine MUSTARD. 100 “ PEPPER, \i paper*, in store, and for sale by? 15 S. C. GRENVILLE & CO. MORE \KV\ KOOKS.—Memoirs of the Life and ; Writings of Dr. Chalmers, vol. 4. Atlantic and Transatlantic Sketches Afloat and Ashore, by Captain McKinnon, R. N. Paper covers end bound. Vol. 8 Life and Works of Robert Burns. Butler’s Analogy—Dr. Emory’s Analysis, edited by G. A. Crooks; and Anthons Cicero’s Tuscnlsn Disputations, Just received by THOS. RICHARDS k B*N, s 15 Blank Book Manufacturers, Stationers, &e. j;OR GOUGHS, COLDS, AND COXSIMPTIOA. 5 —AVER’S CHERRY PECTORAL is the great reme dy for the above complaints. For sa’e by 8 15 D. B. PLUMB A CO. i hfiUIVGEA’F LOTION, For diseased, weak and bleeding gums, and for purifying the breath, for sale bv D. B, PLUMB k CO. ' s 15 T LST RECEIVED— f I ?00 lb*. BLUE-STONE: 25 lbs. Hydiiodate POTASS; 6 !hs. Resublimed IODINE; 60 B-ixes Perry Davis PAIN KILLER : 6 do*. Ballard’s HAIR DYE; 6 “ Indian CHOLOGOGUE; 6 “ Calcined CHARCOAL. For sale lew fer cash by su22 WM. H. TUTT, tiie augusta eras¥ and COTILLON BAND, JOHN A. BOIILER, Leadf*, RESPECTFULLY inform the public, that they are prepared tc, furnish Music for all occasions required, on reasonable terms. Communications addressed to JOHN A., or WILLIAM O. EOULER, Augusta, Geo., will receive prompt attention. _____ jylS-ly AGAZINES FOR SEPTEMBER.—The toiloiT ing Magazines have been received by the subscribers, for the above month, viz : Godey’s Lady’s Book ; Graham's Magazine, and Peter son’s Magazine. Subscribers will please call for their copies at GEO. A. OATES Sk CO.’S, Broad-st-, aotfl ketween C. S. and Globe Betels, ! IMiIA CHROMCLE & SENTINEL. | :r=:r =C^rrr-r=:-;... . -i'.'“"Seat Funny fecene. | A correspondent of the Boston Post describes the following scene as n*vhjgr cncurred a week or two since on board a steamer running from Boston, to Portland : Portland, United States Hotel, ) Tlh Month, 10th Bay, 1852. J 1 Wo lad n nice cool t.me of it ou our voyage down liere; rnd in the ladles’ cabin was a scene not put down in the bills. Jt was near midnight; tho dingy chambermaid entered the “sanctum sanctorum, ’’ where fitly of the softer sex Jay snug ly snoozing, bearing along with her a well-dressed young woman, whose look and manner showed forth the effects of sundry libations. As the good hearted honest colored girl proceeded to help dis robe this tair worshipper of the rosy god, the wo : man started with a dreadful scream—awakening i the whole cabin with her cries—and declared that 1 she had I ecu robbed of all her money, a cameo, ! and n gold watch. Here was h “mus.” ; “Who slide ’em asked the chambermaid. “O. (),( », dear 1" shrieked the boozy fair one. “lloj'u iii messy there ain’t no thieves in here,” i piped forth an old spinster. i "My gold watch and my rich cam-e-o, 01” »ob i bed the bereaved woman. “Who stoic'em f again inquired the waiting ! maid. “All my money, too- boo-hoo! what shall I do V' i cried out the disconsolate loser, i “1 seedrami iu a while hat with his arm all round y our waste, on e upper deck, ‘bout halfhour ago — gue.-s, p'raps dwa- him —T should reckon pretty likeiy W.U acid the chambermaid, smilingly. “'Twashim —it wan him!" cried the delinquent | fair cue, burying her llnshed lace in her haudker chief. “What tviii rny husband say if he hears of it—good soul— he that gave me my watch and my i cameo, nu I my money, too, to come on from Sa vannah to sea my parents down East. 0,0, dour ■ me ! “(hood for nothing buzz!” equaled out a tooth : less dame, as she-hewed her bead from a lower berth. ‘ Si.rvvl ye gist right, you jade, yon; a ■ married \u mm letting a strange man hug you I Wnat will this world come tu I” ■■] seed youhm h from the bottle 1 continued the chambermaid, “iffozy, too, ch!” sarcastically . spoke 11. ■ old done. “Wall, I turn, es youain‘l a pretty woman. M v who’ll g > agin the likker • fawS,j saii:./, the ancient'da mo leaped from | her berth, ami i ;;übli g over her dress, pulled from j the abyss of a ch.-op packet a large sized tin black ’ iug box well filed with “Scotch yallar,” and from it- con;regaled her capacious and uncleanly ; nostrils io noh than cue bouncing pinch of the tiltillathig powder, i “800-oo:” cried ihc unfortunate daughter of Eve. “1 can never face my husband again, unless | 1 got my money and jewels the then t. ran to grow histericah tear her hair, throw her eye- and. limbs about, and utter strange words and savings, climaxing the tirade by hoping | the boat would sink with herself and all < n board. “ Hlenee !” ejuculrud a grave and middle-aged lady. “ u. man, you know not what you say. Who knows but a.'i .1 us will be drowned before morn I Mr, thou what avail will beyour trinkets?-’ It was a ; gev night, and at the moment the last ladv’s last w ord I ad es< aped her lips, ding, dengl i sound' i the I e 1, a .d tlie steam, shut off from iha , engine, rushed with: 1 , w, i, unearthly' yell from the escape-pipe—the b at was -topped just in sea son to avoid running ini > a craft. The women were panic-stricken. ■1 hope we shall be preserved tremblingly spoke one of the company. *•• Holy \ irgin, gumd us 1" screamed a Hiber nian damsel. i “Tis njn ’gmc-nt sent us for you, you sho Jo ' nahl" said the cress, -nutty woman, spitefully, as | ane glanced upon the delinquent one. | Bat the staunch boat, under her skillful pilot, . was once m re under way, and ail was right once i more. The man with the white hat was now to be ; hunted up—U; tho way, 1..-w is it that these white hats are so very mischievous among the sex, every j flirtation can boast of a light-colored beaver—the ; light dm!) tile is always "u mischief; —he was soon i ■uml, and w'.r' .-it y lic-i xtion disgorged the ; plun -r. Tin- i.-ir. '. , ■*r,sy proprietor gave one scree;u of dcl : .-ht. as she reg iued her lost trea sure a-pres.- d : cm v* h- - breast—pronounced a p negyric iq n iier utsr ab-mt husband —vowed ti: i. or] n. n should hng her again --then, in ; tho cxnb.-r- ik-c- of 1 er joy, fumed her low sweet voice " a ditty of I .ini.-giving. The “ show*’ w:;s now ended, the au ricnec i rept back to their 1 erths. it. : silence reigned c r.cc more. The lady who related the fi .ts to me had a bird’s-eye view ! of the whole affair, fr ; > upper berth; she de clare.’ i %n,s the richest i>■ she had ever te ! fore witnessed. I 2 wThTtUTT, 1 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, | Has now in su rc and frr sale or very hs prices: !."■ " G.!lleus Lamp OIL. !• * i: - V.T-0 LE.M>, Pure extra and N«, 1, 500 GallonsLlnfscti OIL, \ 3,0 C-r» JPOTASH. 2. “ r savin SALTS, i Siftisi •• COPPER A?, Ca •■■• Spanish INDIGO 3, I, s. i>i Call*. SODA, <• • Grids M A ft lit I 2<m, Dosen .MUSTARD, . > “ INK, assorted. 2«* Ba.-kcts, Olive OIL. 10 BID. Castor “ I.OUO Lbs IT r. SULPHUR. > •• U«antdSALTPETRE, 20t) Hexes Window GLASS, •J.' ’ Lb-, ft ITT. TogeHu, r with a v -ty extensive slock of Pure Family ■ N EDI-.’ IN Rtf, Fax; y Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Surgical In-trum-nt?, Ac., to which the attention of Physician , | Merchant-and Planters is respectfully solicited. | .vwirn HORSES. HORSES. „ lAN i.e s eu, ,it my ttabics on Ellis v reet, the fine;t -tUcuon of HORSES that ever cr - cu tue savannah river, or, 1 believe, any other river. I have advertised stock before, and perhaps puffed a little, but now I tan in earnest, and will challenge i competition, My Patrons will show Pairs, Single Harness and Sad tie Horsts, ibi U any speed and qualities, against rny 1-odyb Homes iroui the North, South, East or West, for a hundred dollar bate : shew; and we are ready now to -haw. an 1 the ex...bition will continue from day to day un til sold on. I the. fa hope that those whe are in w*®t i of Hm-fer • ill call - i.n and supply themselves, as expenses are high and the owners a longways from home Please , don't take »iy word f-r the above, but call and see for your ! s if. [s 2!-dif.v2w.j J. M. SIMPSON. BACON AND LARD, i in AAA l,H*» line Bacon SIDES; iit »• m 7 2,000 !b=. fine Country HAMS; “ HO “ “ “ ‘ SHOULDERS; lObbls. fine LARD. —ALSO— -5 kegs flue Goshen BUTTER ; 20 boxes fine Goshen CHEESE ; And a variety of Ci< t.d- usually kept in the Grocer/ line, ; Ju-t received and for sale by I .-22 Iw IVEY * EVANS. BRANDY. Tl.wT RECEIVED— fj 12 half pipes Otard Dupuy k 00. BRANDY; A " “ d. , 7 . Dupuy Do.; C qr. Morton Cognac Do.; 10 :» “ S- .gm.tte Do. .-9/2 LAMBACK & COOPER. ! jV I mints. St. M. SUGAR ; i If’ 10 *• Guemado SUGAR; 5 ; Ti casks O. D. BRANDY; 4 cases SARDINES; 15 bids. Bordeaux and Soft Shell ALMONDS; 20 bags Dr::HI NUTS ; 10 hols. English W ALLNCTS; i In Store and for sale low by | 524-8 w GIRARDET & PARKER. SUGAR, COEEEE, &C. | » J “■ UHDS. New Orleans and Porto Rico SUGAR, at) 50 Bills. Oru-hed and Clarified do. fi'iO Bags Prime Rio COFFEE, bO do. Java and Laguira do. 50 Bales Heavy Gunnv CLOTH, 100 Coils 'A inch Bale ROPE, DO Boxes Sperm and Adamantine CANDLES, 600 Gallons Winter Sperm and Whale OIL. For sale low by sep‘24 J. R. & \\. M. DOW. MOLASSES, SYRUPS, &C. - A Hill)!*. Cuba MOLASSES, in fine order, 100 Bbls. New Orleans do. •20 Golden SYRUP, 6 llhds. Stuart’s Sugar Hou-e SYRUP, 100 Bbls. Canal and Country FLOUR, 100 Packages No. 1, 2 A 3 MACKEREL. For sals low by sep24 J. R. A w. M. DOW. TO PLANTERS. VFINE Assortment of WOOL HATS, just received, suitable for plantation use, to which we would invite your attention. J. TAYLOR, JR- A CO. s 25 236 Broad st. TleT ARRIVED, Hiram Smith FLOUR, fresh r ) ground from new Wheat; Goshen BUTTER; Choice HAMS ; Bacon SIDES, Ac., Ac. For sale low by bSO-diw ESTES * RICHMOND. ~~ NEGROES FOR SALE. A MAN, about 31 years of age; a WOMAN, IS years of ace, and her Child, about 2 years. Address W. U. G , Augusta Post Office. dtf-sSO NEGROES FOR SALE~~ THE undersigned has on hand a large lot of young NE IL GROES, comprising Field hands of every description, house servants. Seamstresses, Cooks, Washers and Ironers. Also, several Mechanics; all of which will bo sold on ac commodating terms. N. 0. TROWBRIDGE. Augusta. Sept. 91. 1»