Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, January 07, 1853, Image 3

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-'*** 1 AWiIWTA MAIiKHT. Tuu«aj>AT, P. M, c<rrtoßi -.Ih«r8 to very little offering, noil buyers seem ff i w await the steamer’* new* now past due bef«.rs 1 Mddßf to tof extent, The transection* are very limit tw ■»**»*"• _r '-‘ a( i> ORLEANS, n - L **• — Oottnn Xtnten>*nt. — ..* nH k H ad September 1,1852, bates, l'V' 9 •STj-ce *‘ 669, ! » 1 ' SSSto-toT 875,467 «»«s«t*. bale*, 545 977 gSS«HI«r, “ 8,125^4^02 . anrl on ship-board not cleared.'bales, B'2<t,H6s —4l*’ Jhds. were sold at steady prices. Fair to were sold at 21 ®22c, confined to rela I. fJZTlsOdkegs prime were told at 1 ljfc. T. iiahit h ive not heard of any new engagement. Demand limited. London '!%(&>'% o', ft) @5.25.; New-York 60 days 2J* ® 2’i s^:£7 Bight 1@ IX v let, die. wvWTOKK- Jan. 8 —Cotton—Sales of 2560 bales at Xc. Anact Coffee —sales of 890 ba»* St. Domingo at 7’ic. . J-Tdull. Molhmos quiet. Flour firmer; sales oi 650 n |ss>®'V62 for state ; $5.56®1.65Ji for Genesee; "Hd 55 6134 for Southern. What unchanged. Corn steady rft7Jo9 bushel* at 78@79 cents for old mixed. wSSl—sales of 8*» bb's. at *5®25J4. Butter plenty ** 16® '9c. for Ohio. Cheese dull at s®-J4e. rj f* Stock*. —Hocks at the first lioifd were Sra hat Inactive. Canton held ut li4. th-re were sa'e* J.(j. ,t 9 1% ; Beading, 84 ex. div.; Cumberland Morrtafanal MX ; Sew Creek Coal 4#; Nicaragua 8-)$ ; Ukdem 78 Sales at second Board of Cumbetland at <>7; svuStSK; Harlem 78*; Kentucky O’* L9tf; Sterling Ex- Sag. MX® 9W. EXPORTS. fIA VANN AIT, Jan. 4—Per brig Georgian!, for 0 18 bates Cotton. CHARLESTON, Jan. s.—For Liverpool, per ship Leoni das *628 bales Up. and 76 do. S. I. cotton. For New-York, perVeamsbip Jas Adger, 824 ba'es Up. and 94 do. 8. I. eottoa; psrschr. Francis Sutterly 85'i bales Up. cotton. "lAVANNAH, Jan s.—Arr. U. S. M. steamship Forida, Woodtwll, New York. Cld Br. Mail iteamship Conway, Sawyer, Navy Bay ; hris tieorciana, Gilchrist, Boston. * MEMOJUDA. Birque Sophii, Freemin, and brig Foster, Crowel’, hence, •t Bo* m on the Buth ult. Br'g Tangent. Reed,'hence, at Beth, (Me ) on the 28th ult. Brig Bdwin, Morton, fence, at Boston on the 2 ah ul*. Sehw. Alva ado, Dodjir; Tyrone, Siuith, anil Reporter, Cenn, for this port, cleared at New Yor,c on the 3i#t ult. CHARLESTON, Jm. 6—Arr. schr. Col. Satterly, El wo d, New-York. Cld steamship Jas Adger, Dickinsot ,' Few-York ; sidp Loniias, Wito-m, Liverp ;ol; hr g lie, Johnson. K**t Greenwich and Providence, (R. 1.) ; schr. Francis Batterly, Divis, New-York. ~ AUGUSTA, GEORGIA RACES. ILL LAEAYETTE COURSE. { rIE ANNUAL KACKri ovfrtho above course »i'l commence on TUE-DAV, the llihof January, 1552, an I continue throughout the week. First day, (Tuesday. 11th January,! Colt Stake, 3 years old,entrance s2<io, forfeit $1”"; Club adds ssw to ih winoer. Closed with the so lowing : Mr. P. 8. Fowler enter* 1). C. by Sovereign, dam Celerity, | by Leviathan. Mr tHiver Towles enters Oh. O. by Emu, dam Linnet, I by Leviathan. Mr. Tho*. Purvear enters Ch. C. by Glencoe, dim Gas trick, by Monarch. Mr. N. B Young enters B. G. by Boston, dam Bcliami- M, by Monarch. * Mr.O. D. Lamar enters B. C. Confidence, by Gaao, dam Mary Baldwin. Mr. Jamet Talley enters Bro. C. by Pamunkey, deia Sa rah Washington, by Z ngaree. Mr. Cnaries Hamilton, enters Ch. C. by Tempest, dam by Stockholder. Ssooxn D*t.—Wednesday, 12th, Jockey Club—Purse, |3<SI, t mile heats. Taiaa Bar.—Thursday, 13th, do —Purse, SSOO, 3 mile bsats Fotntrn Dar —Friday, 14th do.—Purse SSOO, 4 mile bsats. Second Race, Colt Stake, mile heats, eutrance 8200; SIOO Grf it, closed with six entries, firrs Dar.—Saturday, 15tb, mile heats, 3 in 5, Purse, two. The after purses will be made known during the week of j lbs Race*. The Proprietor* lase great pleasure in announc- > lag to the public and the lovers of the Tui f. that they have i Wade extensive improvement! on the Course sinee the las' . meting, and from the unusu tl number of Horse* in train ! log, we can safely promise at the cooiing meeting, a rich weeks’ sport in the way of racing ; there are aireaoy on the ground, one stable from Tennessee, and a string of five I from Virginia. N. B.—Ladies who may he desirous of witnessing the j asst noble and m-tnly sport in th« world, can come with every assurance of th't mo ifc strict or i t and decorum on. j ft*Course, as we will hive an effi i'ent police .in wren- j dues. We would be much gra'ified to ace the CSUi»e ' grieed with the smiles of the fair sex, which is universally the Case on well regulated tracks. It. D. GLUVBR & T. PURYEAR, JanT Propr'CM LOTTERY. GEORGIA STATE LOTTERY. JhdborietJby the Legislature, fur tht benefit of tie i Independent Fire (Jrnvpuny of A<nju*ta. root DICAWINue EACH V.’ELE. Draws in Augusta on Mondays. Draws in Savannah on Tuesdays. Draws in Columbus on Thursdays. Draws in Savannah on Saturdays. {BF* Offices and Agents established for the sale of Tick ets throughout the State, anil Pri7.es purchased at any of fice promptly paid at the Managers' office, in the city of Augusta. F. (1. BARBEH dt CO., Mansttert and Proprietor* (V The Managers have also opened an office in Broa ! street, In the rear of the Store of Mes.-rs. J. Miu.es & Co , i entrance in the alley,) under the direction of Mr. A. PIC ICST, Jb., who can be found there at all hours of the day an I evening. Drawn Numbers of Georgia State Lottery Class No. 1: «3 IT 1 62 76 49 6S 4 22 7 5 29 41. —ALSO, CLASS NO. 2 : 66 27 84 10 6 42 41 21 25 61 53 88 —ALSO, CLASS NO. 3:— * 25 48 65 45 78 89 l 7 5 74 41 55 59- LOTTERIES FOR JANUARY. 1953. * ? | 3>| j 7 S 5 » ' Jf: j 0 4 j* : 5» : j 1 : 4 6th fifi.'MX) 75 12 ?2 6 6th 64,1100 75 14 $1 6 loth $7,000 79 13 $2 7 Hth $9,000 75 12 $2 8 18 th ss,tkto 72 12 4‘2 » 15th $.3,000 78 15 $1 10 17th $7,000 78 13 #2 11 ISth $5,000 72 12 $3 13 *Oth $6,000 75 1 2 $2 1$ 22d $4,400 79 13 |1 14 24th $7,000 73 >8 $2 15 2-Hh $6,000 75 12 $3 16 27th . $5,1K)0 72 12 $2 17 29th *4,18)0 75 14 $1 18 81st $6,000 75 12 $2 F. C. BARBER it CO., Maiiag*;rs, ~ jans • Wa»hingt«n-street. j BOOK BINDER WANTED. A ROOD UOOK UhllKK, of stea !y habits, can find employment at this office, if immediate applica tion be made. Prices liberal. <l2 COLOGNE WATER. QPBAKIXG < f fine OOIOGN E WATER reminds us that Owe have received a few pairs of rich cut Ro tit mi in toilet ■Miles, alimsnsae tieautiful i'hina,ones. Tht n we have f r RANKERCHIEF EXTRACTS an ars-irtment which cannot Mil la i lease the most fastidious, among the mo-t promi i-t Ruse, Tea Rose, Ro-eCeranium, Sweet Pei, rweet ■Jtos, White Ui , Ora”ge. honey Suckle, Sweet Clov r, vjeatatta, Nectar, E.-ts Bouquet, iled.'nsiiiia, U.>uquet Car *•'% Musk, Popp nae, Marecliale, Magnolia, Patchouly, I ••M’to, Omnium, Millefieurs, an<i othe s too tedious to d2o D. B. PLUMHAPw. MW OF THE TI.bIK: or Sketches of Living Nota I W*s; Napoleon tn Exile : or Voice from St. Helena, Opinion* and Reflections of Nafroleon on tlie most im- Pjrijat event* In his life and government, in his own Barry E. O'Meara, K-q . his late Surgeon— n 2 The Rector of St U iniolph's Superammated, bv Shelton, A. M ,anth >r of Slander, etc; lleart ll'sto "•*bd Life-Pictures, hy T. 8. Arthur; Memoirs of Ex Popular Delusions, by Charles Mackay, autlior tj** of the World, etc : Life on the Isthmus, b> Fabers I First No. of Putnam's Monthly; another "vW » Womens Records. For rale by JO3. A. CARRIE A CO,. Jinnkstlh-r* and 9rnt'onem. a **« WPW DEUiGLE, AT LAW, Augusta, Ca., will practice Circuit of Georgia. *® Mclntosh street, third door north of the theCousUtuttonaliet A Repubii;. ja» 4-1 v hav* THIS DAY associated T anil S’ationsry Business, Mr. bmatosTnf *’ *««NNIE, and will conduct the same as the style and firm of JO-». A. CARRIE —tzynM, 1808, ian4 8m JOS A, CARKIE. AUGUSTA SEED STORE, f the United State* and Globe Hotel*. Jl to JJ^. Hw ’ r,bkr has received and will continue sad -Jr?**? Wroughout the >to»on, his stock of fierh GARDEN fcEED^—Crop 1552. / ’ iIZJyJGRIiwU supplied a* usual. Wrna uZF!?* Red Clover, Ac , Ac. Allwm*. notice- ABr * re hereby forewarned not to trade •tideJN**▼> a by me to A. T. Barton sot $44 8$ snel* -i-”- •** u « with any ether person but the 5)4 IE ™* M h to ma-e payable. JQBK H, BOTTOX. A V,Sfiffisr ™“ .■Nfeu*... *« •• B-- h » r Child, about 2 years. Address W. dtfsso New ur : eaas Whiskey.Ju-t re» y"wpy w^g[_ -> £lLdAwtf RiTEt* A RICHMOND. «» ILUUL’WDUIAMB OIX GEORGIA KAIL ROAD & BANKING COMPANY. Condensed Statement of the Condition of the Georgia Bail Road & Banking Company, on Monday, December 13th, 1862. The Road mul its outfit ASSETS. ** ic 'CanStnl LIABILITIES. E. C\ Arm?. General Superintendent din A7 #4, v6,tHB 4( , *ap t K fcocl^.., I , #4,000,000 00 Material* on hand for KW.... *8,4*67 Profit and Low. *8,121 55 Salaries $6 742 00—Incidental* #1,121 0... Agent* Commissions #1,959 67—Taxes #1.464 19* 8 ; DiviH«nHs 509.236 61! lutereslou Bonds #25,917 60-.Proteat* #4 00 2.<921 6u ! Discounts 94^-interest* #17,1* 1 i 41!.*.'.*.* 86 6bi. r Road Sxpenses for year 1832 and 1858 285,895 66 802,695 21 i 41,889 48 854,049 69 fncrsuuart Qtnntr ————— 112,823 44 ■■ Dividend No 28* naid 110,039 47 Due to Banks, Agents, Ac., Ac 14,7(>6 88 umaend No. 28 paid 119,66199 Due to Depositors 181,468 91 RitwT * o< J**y 29,829 75 842,029 90 Due for Circulation 1,192,595 40 "s?£ Lo “>>,uu.«*».,«u.*.ua*. f »«.«»« East Tennessee and Georgia Rail Road Stock 10,000 00 85,878 56 ! 1,242,159 <1 Nashvillb and Chattanooga Rail Road Compauy 250.000 00 Some Rail Road Company 8" 550 00 V. Atlanta and La Grange Rail Road Company Stock 279*700 00 Augusts and Waynesboro* Rail Road Company Stock 5o!oo0 00 Augusta and Nashville Telegraph Company Stock 7,000 Oo V. ... - -25 Q oo \ Atlanta and LaGrange Rail Road Compauy Bonds 88 000 Oo * Bonds of the State of Georgia lrt’iton oo \ Augusta Canal Scrip !!!!.”!”.“ I)7*7' 00 -- ■ m 257 00 v. Western and Atlantic Rail Road. 80’, 764 50 Notes, (of which is doubtful #SOO 00) 884,061 84 868,145 ot> b..i» Receivable #1,247 69—Advance on Cotton #4,500 00 6,747 69 839,809 08 Diaoounted Billa on New York 162,892 83 on Charleston 84,281 87 * > X. on Suvannsb j 60,858 06 X. on Mobile 86,000 00 on Hamburg I 1,500 Os i 859,026 77 \ •rxoix and srici* mros. \ One by Banks 62,863 24 Gold, Silver and Copper Coin. 200,99214 \ #1,022,024 69 Total Assets... , #6,668,383 67 Total Liabilities #6,688,883 67 GEuEglATTiTctlMoND^Otmry:3~~ — — ==— -r—T.-——■ ; : ~ v - : ... - Personally appeared before me, Michael F. Boibclaik, a Notary Publio in and for said county; John P, Kino, President, and Joseph Millioan, Cashier of the Georgia Rail Road & Banking Compa ny, who beingduly sworn, say, that the aunexed statement of the condition of the said Company, from the Books of the Bank as they appeared on Monday, December 18ch, 1852, is true to the best of their knowledge and belief. r JOHN P. KING. President. Sworu to, before me, this 81st day of December, 1852, Mtciuxi F. Bouclajb, Notary Public, R. C., Georgia. JOSEPH MILLIGAN, Cashier. DIRECTORS- n AYR BOWDRE. BENJAMIN H. WASHES-. JOSEPH C. FARGO, WILLIAM D. CONYERS, JOHN CUNNINGHAM, LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS OF THE GEORGIA R»n, ROAD 4 BANKING COMPANY, TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 14IH, 1852. Name*. No. S Kart* Allen, W. J. Campbell, 85! Allen, Nathamel, 88 Aleixander, Ad um L. 815 Applfiby, James, 18 Allen, Robert, in Anderson, Joseph S. 66 Aili'tou, Elias, 4 AvereJl, Edward, 6* j, Adams, John M. 82" j Ytidrews, George T. 14 j Augusta Benevolent Society, b I Athens Manufacturing Co. 6| Allen, Nathaniel. N. 88 ; Alien, Nathaniel, Trustee, 6j Allen, Nathaniel, Guardian, 6| AtkmSon, 0. &A. Sutton, f Trustees M. S Atkinson, 85 Anderson, Sarah, 6 Alexander, Samuel T. 1 Augusta T ree School Society, 81 . Alien, Hudson 11. 75 Adams & Fargo, 20 Brown, Joseph, 2 Boues, John, 88 . Branch, John, 8f Brown, William, 26 ! Beall, Thomas E. 2c) Borders, John, 111 j Baxter, Thomas W, 242! Boiselair, Peter F. 81 j Bowman, Francia, 10j Bates, Horace J. 05 Baker, Jesse L. 41 Berry, Charles M. 2< Burney, Thomas J. 6' Bronson, Silus, 6 Bradford, Fielding, 85 liishop, James 8., Trustee, 2 Billups, John M. 14 Bryson, Eliza, und Children, 10: I Boy ken, Samuel, 52 I Bowdre, Benjamin T. 42 I Bowdre, A., Trustee, 12 i Bones, William, 15 I 3rown, James N. & S. 17. 468 I Banks, Richard, 4 1 Bay nard, E. M. 872 I Beall, Elias, Trustee, 7 I Burke, James, 15 I Burke, James, Guardian, 5 i Buckner, Lorenzo D. 18 1 Boyce, Ker, 841 j Blackwood, John J. lOu I Baxter, Eli Hi 10 Bolt, Lloyd Carlton, 16 I Barrett, Thomas, 400 I Bowdre, Thomas, 50 I Bryan, Joseph 84 1 Baker, Alfred, 100 I Bale, John, j 229 1 Brown, James L. 10 I Bryan, Isaac, 832 I Bowdre, Hava, 155 I Burnett, Samuel, 82 1 Beall, Elias, 9 : Bank of Augusta, 1050 I Bird, Wilson, 18 I Batty, Thomas W. 8 I Bass, Marth J. 81 I Baker, Thomas 8. 10 I Bryan, Joseph, Trustee, 2 Brux, Josephine, 6! Bass, Nathan, 54 Bradford, Mary, Adm’*. 16 Campbell, Robert, 285 Gumming, Wm. 160 Gumming, Trustee of S. 87! Campbell, James, 17 Cbwdry, Wm. D. 20 Campbell, Wm. 8 Gnuningham, Thomas, 229 Cunningham, Wm. B. 175 Church, Alouzo, 75 Carr, Wm. A. , 15 Crawford, Nathan, 191 Gumming, George B. 86 City Council of Augusta, 1802 Carter, Charles, 100 Gumming, H. H., Trustee, 88 Gumming, Ann, 12 Campbell, R., Ex. 4f Carter Farish, 18 472-100 Gumming, H. 11. 8 Cooper, M. A , Ex. in Trust, 85 Clayton, W. W„ Trustee* 76 Cotes, Christopher, 174 Co’clough, Alexander, 1 Cheatham, Josiah, 7 Carmichael. R. D. 2 Campbell R., Jr. *2 fowling, Valudop, 6 Cross, Louis, 175 I’nnninghatn, A. W. 85 Crawford, Susan, \ 87 Clark, Wm. W. • 6 •Collins, Geo, <ft others, trus tees Mrs. L. D. Martin, 68 PHILADELPHIA ADVERTISEMENT. 1853. SPRDTCK 1853- MORRIS L. HALLOWELL k CO., Ko. 143 MirkeMl., Philadelphia. INVITE the attention of buyer* to their unusually Urge am) complete a*so> tmsnt of choice SILKS, RIBBONS, KAN or DRESS GOODS, LACES, Ac., Ac., purchased in EUROPE by a member of the Arm, and being the LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTMENT that th«-y hare ever imported, believe that they can effer if it it inducements to purcha*ore aa regards VARIETY, STYLB and PRICE. [ . Very carefully end forwarded by first steamer from Phila delphia or New York for those Merchant*, who d 6 not vieit the North thi* reason. J^nS UNITED STATES HOTEL, AUGUSTA, GA. THE above HOTEL is now open for the recent:one f PERMANENT and transient boarders. X his long established and well-known House has under* one a thorough alteration throughout, and furnished with new and f ashionable FURNITURE. The TABLE will always be supplied with the BB&T the market affords; and the Proprietor trusts, by a systematic cour-e, both with eerrants and the regulations *f the hcttre gen rally, he win be enabled to glee entire satisfaction to ihoet that may favor him with their patronage. Jang JNO. W. SPEAR. jrono. AUGUSTA, Giu, JAP. Bb, IMS. I AM prepared to do a l kinds es PLASTERING and BRICK WORK, in the neatest and cheapest manner p esible. Thoee wishing to patronise me, will confer a great favor by addressing a note to me et thie oAoe, which will be punctually attended to. JanA imo j , • EDWARD FARRELL. BUXLSna LOTA, Yhm«. No. of Shares. 101 l ins, Geo. and others trus tees, M. 11. Metcalf, 31 Joilibs, Geo. and others trus tees M. E. Metcalf, 81 lutlilf, J. M., trustee 6n amp, BerrimauS. 2i> \ 'amp, Burke 17 < Clarke, John 8 1 I rawford. N. Maoon 48 i Jleveland, K. M. «*JO[I I Colo, Sarah 9 J, | >aig, L. S., Drß. A. 21 ji ; Cashier, Bk. of Augusta, 62 1 i Jbew, Benjuntu F. 2101 i Jonyers, Win. l>. 100 i I j .hoice, W T m.trustae W. O. C. 25.. do. do. I. C. 25; lawthon, John 97 I Jrane, Rosa 4|l Curtou, Jas- R. 2" i Jrawtord, Geo. W, 890 I Cormick, L. M. B|i darke, Robert ox. F. M- 16 I Jatnak, Helen S. 48 |i Aimak, James 51 | ’smut," Thomas 58 ! lamuk, Margaret A. 52 I j Iheeney, Fr&nkliu W- 57 ! 'auifleld, Rebecca 5c ! | 'unninghan, John 10c j Jlaytou, Edw. P. lb I, Jarmichael, A. W., T. E. A. C. 1! I do. iI.E. C. lj llaytou, G. 11., trustee B'' humming, M., trustee 221 1 .’obb, Thomas R. ilt. 7\ Irawl'ord, Andrew 21 i ’allahnn, Mary 4|l Clarke, Thomas M- 6)1 Davies, James W. 17 SI Davis, Samuei 80 jl Davis, Wm. C. 17:1 D’Antignac, W r m. M- lot) I Dieken, William 3 I Duke, Green R. 97 I Delaigte, N. 125 Dyor, Maria 1 I Dent, J. Mat shall 2 I Dupree, Lewis J, 105 | Davis, Elizabeth 2<> | Dougherty, Chua. 26 I Douglass, Robt. 2 ] Daniel, Nathaniel 6 ! ] do. trustea 1 I Davison,slohn 143 I Davia, Chat. D. 160 ] Dill, Ann 2 ! Davia, John B. 16 , Davis, ThomasC. 15 Davis, W’illiam F. 16 Davis, Richard T. 16 Deariug, Wm. 101 Dugas, L. Alexander 150 Davis, Josiah 20 . Davies, W r m. W. 181 Durham, Milledge 1 . Dean, John 2 • Durham, Banin el D. 6 . Danforth, J., Tr. C. A. C. 25 . Davies, Thdtfc J. 100 , Epps, William 49 . i Evans, Augustin W. 12 Evans, Ann M. ill , Ellington, Wm. B. 83 i Edwards, M. Guard. 17 . i Eve, Joseph A. 200 ' Eve, Paul f. 200 EllingtoD, Simeon C. 185 i Early, Joel 135 I Executive Com. Bap. Con. 50 » Freeman, Henry 19 > Fears, James 89 i Flournoy, Thomas 10 > Foster, Thomas 82 Fox, John Ex’rs, of 12 I Franklin, L., Trusts* 196 i i Fargo, Joseph C. 44 ) Fitzsimons, C. 185 iFie’d, Joeerh W. 1()0 jFitzeimons, Elbert N. 88 'Freeman, The*. W. #5 IFitzaimoue, C. E. 19 Flynt, Jamcß 11. 80 Ford, Lowia D. 138 Foster, N. G., trnatea 22 Gideon, Frnnoia 283 Grave»j John s)^ Gerard iRO, John Grave*, Iverson I* 142 ioutd, Arteroae 104 Gordon, Jame* M. , 3 Greer, J. C , Guard. 15 Greaham, Cha*. W. 10 Gardner, Elizabeth 45 Gardner, Saruh M. 18 Gardner, Catharine • Gardner, Mary A. M. H CITY OFFICERS. THE CITY COUNCIL wi l, on SATURDAY next, the Sth inst., proceed to elect the following officers, to serve o>e year. Apptt< ante will hand in their names to the CLrk ofCoun Ron or before that day: F> r Collector end Treasurer salary.. |I2OO For Cl> rk of Council For Bridge Keeper JfW For City Marshal For Deputy Marshal i’ 1 " For Three City Constables, each... t....T"0 For Superintendent ofßtreets and Drains. For buperintendeat of Water Works, Pumps end We 115.750 ForJaior 800 F«r Wharfinger, 8 per cent on gross amount collected. For Clerk of Lower Market <»0 For Clark of Upper Market For Gas Lamp Lighter., •s**{ For Keeper of Magasine.... For Keeper of City Hall * 5 For Kaepar of City Clock - luu For Clerk of Court of Common Pleas..., .........Fees For C.ty Sheriff. £*** For City Sexton ...Fee* For Keeper of City Hospital. 87* cent* psr day for each patient, without extra pay of any description. For 3D Night Watch, at $1 per night By order of Council. ~ . Jan l td L L ANTONY, Clerk. D. H. 81L5DERS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Greensboro*, Georgia. Janft-6m o# BIHWIABLI CHT LOT. At PriwU Sal*. LOT NO. 347, fronting on Parade Ground, an north tide of Calhoun street, 40 feet, and 16fi tost deep, be ing the third Let from Ks ert street. It is a very desira ble Lot, and will be sold low. The adjoining Lot oaa b* purchased, or one half of the same, making a Goat of id or 80 lest,if desired. The terms wffi ba accommodating, and the litis* iromtheOityCounsU. The let to upon a high situation, which was but partially oonrerod with water da fmlH>t, HUTCHiySON A PIXTCKARP. JOHN P. KING, President JAMES W. DAVIES, WILLIAM M. D’ANTIGNAC, JOHN BONES, THOMAB N. HAMILTON, ELIJAH E. JONES, ANTOINE POULLAIN, \~ame. •> No. of Shores. Gamble, RogerL. 893 Gardner, Jaa. nat. guard. 4- Gardinor, R. 11., AttV IB 1 xarder, Jaa. trustee E. R. 6 j *oorge, John 50 1 Geiger, H. 11. Ex. P. W. W. 81 Gould, Janie* G. 4 iGreen, James M-, truetoe 8a Jldlyer, Shuler G. 6' i (Hillyer, Rebecca 6 (Harris, Jeptha V. 145 Harrias, Juriah b>' Harris, Sarah 11. 88 Hull, A*bury 2 k* Hull, Henry 14- Hamilton, i'hos. N. 407 do. Com. A. 15- r » Hunter, Nathan 11 (Henry, Isaao ft" [Hamilton, Jas. F. 300 Hargroves, James 28 I Harris, Benjamin 2 jlloioombe, 11. 8., nat. guard. 10 j Hull, Wm. Hope 64} [Huggins, John J. i Hull, Aaron 10; II umnond, Ci F. 56j [Hammond, Jas. 0. 283! [Hammond, M. C. M- 2501 [Hammond, 11. P- 100 i ! Hammond, Kate S. 801 (Hammond, Chas. I). 8 '! j lummond, A. S. 80: ' lurnilton, Jas. F. Trustee 1" j i hill, Henry, aerv. trustee 110 j 1 1 lay good, Win. II 3j ; Hay good, Green B. 81 [Hope, James 2"! Hamilton, Jas. S. 12,j Hlenkellj Louisa M. 7"! jHenkel! Edward, trustee, 5o( Hammond, M. C. 80 .Hull, George G. So j j Henry, Isaac, Caabirr, lit’ Ulavgood, John 1 [Hall, Benjamin, trustee, I<‘! ll>de, Ezekiel F. 26 Habersham, R. W. 20 j Hutchins, Nathan L. 250[ Hammond, Francis R. 4 Hansou, Thomas C. 5 Harnil, Francis 1 Hill, Mary, 12 r Hi:l, Eliza K. 15 Heukeli, Edward 112 [Highsmith, Elizabeth 2 Hard, William J. 10 [Jenkins, Charles J. 121 [James, Simeon R. 7 7-lo [lnferior Court Morgan county, 93 [Jones, Elijah E. 408 [Jewell, William 20 [Jones, E. E., agent J. Slade, 10 [Juckson, William 8 [ Johnston, Wm., trustee, to [Jackson, E. A., trustee of 10 [Janes, Mary E. 11 Janes, F. \V., 8. H. and C. F. 12 .Jones, Henry A. 174 Jennings, Henry € Janett, Francee 9 Janett, Dilmas L. 8 lordan, William M. 24 Jones, Mary A. 20 Jackson, James W. 8 Janes, George V. 17 Janea, William F. 11 do do trustee 17 Jackson, Robert S. 15 [King, Ralph 6 77 *-100 iKerr, John 15 Kerr and Hope #0 Kneeland, Jane E. 2 Kunzc, John M. 18 Kelsey, Charlotte C. 152 Key, Joshua 60 King, John P. *4O Ketchum, R. Colden 8 Lawrence, H. 11. 9 Lumpkin, Jos. H. 205 i Laneau, B. and C., trustees 89 Long, James 850 > Long, Crawford W. 59 i Laventnre, J. P. 63 ! Lowe, Curtis 16 i Lester, Henry 7 , Lane, George W. 87 > Lazenby, Samuel J. 42 i Lazenby, Elizabeth 42 l Lamb, James 1 ! Lanmr, J. J. Ex’ra of 12 »[Luois, John W. 10* tjLong, Henry R. J. 6S >• Lester, James 1 i Lamback, Frederick 1< I j Lyle, Catharine 11 [Lyle, Dilinua R. 2' . | Name. No. of Share*. \ 1 1 Lyle, Thomas G. .to [Lane, Frances EHza 16j [Lindly, Jonathan ][ jLang, 11. J., trustee, 8; j Longstrcet, Hannah B. 1" Legg, Forlunatus 11. 16 [ j Ly he, Thomas A. 4 [ Lbcter, Lewis 4j i vlonfjrt, John 145[ Moore, Fanny, 221 Martin, Win. D. 813 j Jurtiii, James D. 8-1; Martin, Gabriel 6j McDonald, Jauiea 2 Mitchell, Win. Letcher 25s Mitchell, Giles 2 i vlitchell, A. 11. 89j Monaghan, John 14: Mullbic, William 8J; Mann, William W, 34 McAlphin, Robert 78 Matthews, Mary lvj Matthews. J. R. 1**8: • j Means, Alexander 84 [ I Meitdn, Mose» 15, [Meriwether, Thos. M. 71J |Mitchell, Charles T. 86": 1 [ Moore, Roh -it, trustee, 25j [Mitchell, W. L., E-q. 4! 1 ;Mitchell, Caroline D. 56) 1 S Murden, Wtt. 11. 6[ I Murden, Henning D. li [Miller, T. W., trustee, 100 j I Miller, Andrew J. 85oj [ Mayne, Susannah D. 9 ( ] Mayne, James P. 85 j [McAlphin, Alexander )! j vlnrray, Thomas J. 26[ [ Me W horter, R. L., J un., 43 j i Moon, Robert 24 [ [Moon, Archibald 3 nMarable, Geo., Guar»lian, 161 ij Moore, llenry l! ’ MeLauglin. G., trustee, 10! [McArdle, Matthew 6 >|McFarland, T. G., Adm’r. 81. ; Moderwell, M. 38 j ij.Moore, Joim B. 28 j I I Moore, Richard T. 26 j Moore, Mary Jane 83 [Moore, Jas. W. 86 Moore, Eliza 4 MeLauglin, 8. V. 13 McLaughlin, G. IL 13 Morton, Wm. M. 1 Maxwell, Jumea 11. 80 i Martin, Jas. 8., Guardian, 12: Mitchell, Hugh N. 2 Mell, Patrick H. 14 ; Martin, Felix B. 49 Miller, Andrew J., trustee, 15 i Mason, Ezekiel 60 i Mitchell, A. R. 4 ! Mitchell, W. L., trustee 8 i Miller, A. J., trustee, 7 i Morse, Benj. C. 21 j Meinecke, John F. C. 22 Miller, John A. 5 Morrison, Catharine, 25 , vlartin, F. 0., Trustee, 89 > Marahall, Alexis E. 7 i Siann, Alfred T. 15 [ Martin, Ann, i Miller Lodge, No. 10, 5 [ 1 Mayor City of Augusta, 20 » j ■ i Martin, John A. ! Milligan, I. Fred., Agent, 6 , Mann, John 11. >• Meinecke, Arnold, I. D. 42, d Miller, Thoa. W. 8| »j Mast, Anthony, 8 i[McWhorter, Wm. 1° j I Nesbitt, Thomas, 102 * j Nesbitt, Mary A. 3 2 Niokelson, Jamea BL 83 ) iNewton, Etizurlj. 170 ) Nabers, William 10 1 Nance, John, 9 1! Newton, George M. s iNelms, Thomas, 9 »(Nesbett, Hugh O’Keefe, 1 ijXewtcn, E. L., Guard. V’. A. J. 16 ) Do. do. do. J.B. J. 16 )[Do. do. do. E. S. J. 16 5 N shit, Thos.C. A I.Leconte, J Tnir-tees Harriet LeConte, 121 r Nisbit, Harriet C. 10t 2 Newton, E. L., Trustee Geo. 2 A Com. Miss’y Society, 84 1 Newton, Wm. 11. 1* i Vesbit, Maigaret J. »• i Nesbitt, Agnes A. 1 3 Nagle, John, Trustee, ] Hive, Mary M.- 17 «! ’urktn-on, Harden, !• 1 | ’enick, Joseph P. 8: -j iiarr, Alexander, 45; rpAVUHTB CHYdTILI.INK fiOAP BALLB.- A These Balls ar* recoin mended to persons of de icate skin ami complexion, beinf intended to promote i*s clear nes*, and bri liancy, and prevent it from chapping or be coming rough. Fur sale by „25 D. B. PLUMB A CO. SUGAR. j Q BUDS. Mataosaa SUGAR; TO 8 tierce# •* l>o; 12 bbi*. “ Do.: 48 hhds. choke Porto Rico SUGAR; In Store, and ter sale at very low prices by a& WM. H. STARK A CO. ~~ WHfES AND LIQUORS. 1A QUARTER CAs&B Malaga WINE; 1" 15 qr. casks Madeira and l*oi t Do.; 1•* “ Jamaica RUM; 1 puncheon Scotch WHISKEY; 4 half pipes Holland GIN; 6 “ “ fin* Pi*nch BRANDY; 4dbbl*. Felton’s RUM; 40 “ Gibson’s GIN; 60 “ Mouongahela WHISKEY; Just received by dU-dAwtf EBTES A RICHMOND. TRUIfXf, VALISES, AC. JUST RECEIVED, st the Augusut Saddle and Hsr nas* Manufactory, Itt Metealt ’* Range, a large as sortment of Genttesacn’* and Ladies’ Travelling TRUNKS, ▼AI4SES, BONNET OASES, CARPET RAGS, Ac. »ni» A. HATCH. TOT fIIAWTt IXTT.TJI ARE placsd ia tht bauds at Mr. Thoma* Dcnagan and my oidMtaau, John.oua of wham will, at all times, be found between the Esfje A Phceniz Hotel and the old Bridge Bank, next door beiow Mr. Baa’s AagueU Bakery, where every effort will be saade to keep 00 hand superior and dtffereat grade* of FLOUR; Bolted MEAL; fia* HOMONY, or GRITS,*®. Y&Tot 3 Cl tM A no-. Baatesslß WATCHffifiaod JEWEL _j^a*Ssa»vssrt ANDREW J. MILLER, I'LEASANT STOVALL, PAUL F. EVE, CIIAHLES DOUGHERTY, ASBURY HULL. i Name. No. of Share* i Pope, Eatate of B. 81 [ Park, William, 8" Purmelee, Mary E. 8 Palmer, Beniamin 20 Picket', John N. 8 Presley, Jane, Guardian, 115 Perry, JoHah, 18 Pool, John S.lll8 1 Phillips, George D. 9 Phinizy, John, 4 Poulluii', Antoine 121 [ Peters, Richard 15*' j Poe, WasliV, Guard’n. 77 j Prior, Felix *V. 5[ Peek, S. C , Guardian, 18 Porcher, Fr’s. J. 61 Porter, Authony loo! Pniniz.v, Ferdinand 16* [ Pope, Alexander, Sen. 155) Perdue, Wm. J. 13j Petlus, Ann 25 j Potts, William C. 3; Powell, Oliver J. 2o[ Planters’ A Mechanics’ Bank, i Charleston, S. C., 83 j Potter, James 46 Patton, Julius M., Treasurer j and liis successors, 186 j Perry, Elwin W. 16 j Phinizv A Clayton 15 -1 Reid, R'bert A. 14*'! lieid, Eliz ibeth, 89' Roll, Ltrthcr, 47 [ Row and, Wm. M. 15! Kounaeviile, David 8! Reese, Chas. M. 10'J [ Rainey, Daniel 40; Robinson, V> in. 6oO; Randolph, « Maria J. 100 j Rose, A. G. 85 j Rives, William T. 17 Relief Society, G. A. O. M. O. 2 Ramsay, Isaac 10 Rogers, E. P., trustee, 8 Robinson, George 86 Rossignol. Henry 6 Reynolds, Aristides 1 , Rowland, Albert VV. 10 [ Reid, Robert A., agent, 20 [Robertson, AbnerP. 10, Rose, A. G.,guardian, lj Rose, A. 0., do. 1! Smith, James 20 Smith, Aaahel K. 6 Smith, Guy 87 1 Smith, John, [GwinuetteJ lOj Sanders, B. M. 153 j Stephenson, Thoma* 5| Shannon, James 110 j Stroud, William 122) Sims, John 192 Stanford, John R. 2 Stovall, Pleasant 824; Scott, James Bo| Strickland, Solomon 811 Sturr, Samuel 1091 Simmons, John 2 Shell, Stephen 2»j Sanders, Charles IL 381 Sera, Aelaide 4oj Scott, John 40 j Sherwood, Adiel lo; Swan, L. 1 j ; Simouuet, A., sen. 62 [ j Steiner, Ilenry 11. 6z j | Starnes, Ebenezor 8 [ j Smith, Joei, Stony Point. 886 j I Sayre, Nathan C. 66 j [Smith, John,Sola, 136 Starnes, E , Trustee, 26 j i Sego, Mary 8 j Stanton, Win. D. 12 Stanton, John S. 4 Stanton, Robert S. 8 Stanton, Henry T. 9 Stanton, Butt A. 4 Smith, Emma O. 18 Stroud, Orion * 4 So. Ca. Int*. Company, 8t Smith, M. L., U. S. A. 2t Smith, John, Rome, 7t Stafford, R., A A. J. Miller, Trustees of 11. B. Bacon, 13S Smith, M. L., Trustee 13* ; Simmons, Greenville 2t smith, Simeon A. B'. Stoney, C. F., Trustee, 7; Sanford, Shelton P. 10 Suyliir, M iry M. 8o Siny the, Thomas 16 Sparks, ihomaa H. 6' Stocks, Thomas 44 Saffoid, The*. P. 44 Simpson, Wm. W. 66 ■Springs, Jolm 10u vtri'.kland. Henry 105 Skinner, John 20 HAVANA BEGABB. \ O M. FLOR. De N. York, I L 16 M. U India, 26 “ El Onto d’Orion, , 85 “ Lonries do. 40 “ El Buen Ousts, all of our own importations. For gale by DAVIS, KOLB A FANNING. sept 26 No. 4, Warren Block. NAILED MtOUANS.—a new and rplendid lot of Men*’NAILED BROGANS, received by the subscri bers, which they will oell low, to dose out their stock. ngtt _ A LUKICH A R^VAL. Mexican mistasg liniment.-a fresh lot just received nSU and 25 cent bottles. F«r s-ile by dls D. U. PLUMB A CO. BRANDIES, WINES, 40. 1 A HALF pipes J. J. Dnjuy BRANDY. lv 5 quarter casks Old l-ondon Dock BRANDT, 1795. 9 M “ . Pale Cnampatme “ 8 ** “ Okl Hennessey “ ISIS. 85 bbla. superior old Mononrane'a WHISKEY. » “ “ Bourbon WHISKEY, U years eld. I poneboon choice Scotch ** 1 ** old Irish a famacla sad St. Croix RUM, hlarh flavwod; Madehn, Port, B erry, Champagne, Uock and Oaro. WINES, of the moat approved brands. w-ALpO - ' Scotch ALE, London PORTER, CORDIALS, SYRUPS BOUNCE and BITTERS of sr.«y *«*«*£»«»• „ For sale by nBO DAWBoN A SKINNEi.. TVOTATOEB, SUTTER and RICK — I6O bbts. fist Jr planting POTATOES. So bbla. fine eating Potatoes. 9u kegs prime Go -hen Butter. 15 casks No. 1 Rioe. Just raooivod on consignment and for sate low by GIRARDY A PARKER. d 99 NEW ORLEANS MULASSfeR-r 95 bbla. very sopetlor N O. MOLASSES. 10 ** Sager Hoa«« SYRUP. - 10 “ Now York No. IrYRUP. For tala tow by 41 HAND, WILLIAMS A CO, __ boxes TOBAOOU, vnrtoas brand!, fm X ra*sivnda»A*»r oatotowhy > ntM*MT mm* **taa*o** 1 No. of Shares. j ''CliK-y, Gcorfre 2 : Snowden A Shear, 5 |Schley, G. guard. M. B. C. 92 | Jo. do. R.C. 10-2 j do. do. A. C. 5»2 ; do. do. E. E. C. 92 ! do. do. 8. A. C. 91 I Stephens, JaneM. 14 { Seize, John P. 11 I Sheehan, Cornelius 8 Sanders, Nancy V. 2n Smith, Elizabeth 1 .*> ■ i street, Samh A. 96 SatJold, Adam G. 62 Taylor, Littleton ML 2 i Thomson, J. Edgar 91 1 Twiggs, Geo. L. 1«5 ; Thomas, Joel 80 l Thomas, Einilv H. 89 | Turpin, Wm. H, 161 i Turner, Green B. 56 ; Tubman, Emily IL 654 Todd, Henry W. 14 | Tuggle, Wm.. Sr. • li ! Thomas, Stevens 55 Ta Imago, S. K., trustee 50 j Tiioma», Etm line F. 50 | Thomas, Weston if. 60 j Tuttle, Isaac S. 400 • Trustees Oglethorpe Univ’ty, 1 do. Emory College, 116 do. Mercer University, 500 Talmudge, S'ephen C. * 1 Turner, Anderson L. 5 Trustees of M. M'Kinr.e, 50 do. family W. Campbell, 16 do. 11. H. Camming, 7 do. Q. II Cuimuing, 17 do. Meson Academy, 5 Telfair, Jane * 4 Telfair, Mary 1 Trustees of 8. J., J. W. H. * A. Potter, 15 Triplett, Ann 4 Turner, James A. 8 ' Thew, Geo. M. 100 Terrell, William 8 j Usher, Eobt. O. 85. I 'Upson, Stephen . 57 Vigiliua, Anton 31 j Verdery, Eugene , 20 ; Veazey, Albert W, 10 ; Ware, Edward B. 289 i Ware, Elisha 182 j Wright, Mosea 10 | Witt, Middleton 77 | Watson, Samuel 89 | Wynne, John 68 i Watkins, Elizabeth 72 ! Wittich, Ernest L. 74 i Walker, Edmund 198 ; Walton, Robt., Cashier 58 Wood, Cary 140 | Williamson, John N. 6147-55 ! Williams, Robt. 2 i Wjghtman, Wm. M. 20 W alker, Rebecca 80 , W right, Peter 100 ! Wilkinson, Maurice 60 ! Walker, James B. 177 j Wo»*lfolk, John, trustee 18 j Willis, .Francis T. 2 ! Walton, Thomas J. 20 ! Wingfield, M. Alfred 22 | Wellborn, M. n. 11 | Williams. Rebecca E. 18 ; Wight, Martha G. 2 I Walton, W. A., Guardian, 2<> I Warren, Benjamin 11. 618 • Warren, B. H. & J. 8. Clark trustee J. T. Mealing, 5 j Warren, B. H., trustee, 10 Walton, W. A., trustee, 10 i Warren, B. H. A J. 8. Clark | trustee U. L. Mealing, 5 ! Walton, T. J., Ex’r of 10 l Wellauer, Courad 46 ! Whitfield, Mathew 75 | IVumn, B. 11., trnstee, 6 TWomack, Frances 10 j Walton, W. L., Guardian, 18 j Wardens and Vestrymen of , St. Paul’s Church, Augusta, 10 Witherspoon, F. E. 11. 8 Wigfall, Samuel VVnrhtman, Sarah B. 8 Weir, John A. 4 Ward, Amos 14 Walton, Joseph 18 Walton, Henry B. 14 Walker, John Woolfolk 25 Warren, B. H. A J. S. Clark Ex’rs of Hi Mealing, 10 Young, Tho . as H. 9 Zachary, James B. 46 Total nnmberof Shares 40,000 AUCTION SALES. BY GIRARDKY & PARKER. Second hi>'d Furnitv't. —THIS DAY— k * A * M., mat A lot vs lioupehoM and Kitchen FURNITURE, omH« • ing in part of Chain, Tabled, Be is, bud . tea da, I’ar'oe Siovet, Kota, Ovens. Ac. Terms cash. jaoT BY GIRARDEY &J^RpRT Stgar» on Account of all Concerned. —THIS DAY— front,of o’clock, wfU bssoi', A lot of Impjr ed ami Domestic SEOaRS, saw SUM Kiohnndo Segara, 4000 La F.ora Do Santiago, 7o>o L* Benaveotano. Terms cash. • , Bn - BY GUtABDEY ¥ PABKEE Fight Auction. —THIS NIGHT— FRIDAY, at 7 o’clock, wld sell, in Store, a large aa.l well selected stork of Kearfy-inade CLOTH Ng7 cm sisting of lOdosen Cassimere Coats; 4 do. Bettinett do. • * co. Broad Cloth do.; and t undry other Clothing. * ’ __ —ALSO— Dry Goods, Cutlery, Cans, Jaweiry, fancy Articles, Toyv Cads, &c., Ac. Terms cash. ja o f BY S. V, GRENVILLE &~COT ■Heal Estate. T t iSffLM\ ,Uh lLK -’ * l 18 oVlock . frcat of Store, a i rrri > V 0 * :.e n^f Count * f fo,mer purr-havers, 8 LOW, Noe. V 5, W, and 97, having each a front of 40 fceionhroadawdMMettieeie! j“.7 BY GIRARDEY & PARKER. Splendid Cue L’kandtlun and lit anted PedeetaU. —THIS DAY— ,D froot ts 9tore ’ at o’clock, will ho A splendid new Gas CHANDELIER, rery richly got op. One pair fine Bronsed Uas PEDESTALS. Terms cash. land FygikTrdey & parker: U„’ _ —tiuTday t'lßlDA Y, in front of Store, will be “old, at lhjf o’clock, A general assorlment of GROCERIES, cou.-isliDg la pa>t of 3 hhds. P. It. Sugar; 5 bids P. K. do ; lusuks Rio O-ffee; 1 hhd. Bacon fchouderv; 6 ea-ks Rice; 2tl bLU. Potatoes. —ALSO Liquors Wines, Pegars, Tobacco, Boap, Can lies, Matches, slour, Mattiesses, eecoud-lxtad Furniture Ac JfvruncMh. ' j, Dg RHEUMATISM CAM BE CURED! W K now have for sale that celebrated remedy MOR. tV TIMORE3 RHEUMATIC LOMrOUND and BLOuD PL RIFiER, which has gained such great popularity » here ever inti oduced, as the only trptcif.c known lor the ef fectual cure cf this painful disease. This remedy has al ready cured thmiMiuiisof cases, comprising every seeming form of this complain*, from the injiuinmotory (acute) *orm, attended with sw. Rings and cnWgciuent of the joints, to old cA runic cases of trom ten to twenty an i thirty gears’ Standing. Thosewho had for years tesorted to the various Celebrated spriugs, had trie i all the linimen'e and eiv rnsl applications, ttno been under treatment of some of the ablest physicians both sh this country and Europe, and were pronounced incuial le; still, afier all these el forts had failed, this compound has cured them. Many who htve been cripphs, either hobbling upon crutches or cog lined to their beds for yeai s, certify to a complete and permanent cure by the use of this retmdy. We have no* spice, in a newspaper tut>ert ! sement, loin •ert but a sraa'l portion of the accumulated evidence in i.a behalf. Tdis evtoen e comes fiotn sources which must in spire ionflii-nce in every mind. Ihe conductors of high toned public Journals have published to the world its won derfuland beneficial efiects upon themselves and th se around them, and In some insuncet speak of hundred* of cures, Physicians have retorted to it, and certily that, even in extieme cases, w! ere consu’tations had been held, and they bad decided thattfieie were iio ho/** of teiuv «ry, even then, they procured this roedlcme and udmiuis t red it, and it effected a complete cui e. Minister* of a rious denominationt have written and published what it has done tor themselves and their fiends; whie mer chants, officers, mechanics, and private cilisetis, have fur nished volumes of evidence of the highest character, such as accompanies no other preparation in America. We most reap*citully ask those who are afflicted to send to the agent in their vlcini'y and g t a circular, and lead the letters and certifies us of Rev. Jas. Mitchell, K v. N. G. Berrvm n, Rev. J. It. Linn, Rev. J. M. Kelly, Rev. R. A. Colburn, and other cltigymen ; while we add the names of lion. J. Smith, late Ptevident of the Bank of the Mute of Mi-souri; Geo. O. Atherton, olficoi in the Bank in St. Louis; Messrs. Jas. 11. Eddy, 8. Downing, A. Holland, C. W. Slone, J. W. Christy, Joseph Soutluiek, w.tli other prominent merchants of 3t. Louis, as also vast numbers of other citiscns. This is home evidence, and these nre living vriinevtee, where this great remedy was tirsi inti oduced, and where many thousands have been cured during the last two years. The proprietors have now opened their (ir> at Cen tral Office at No. 1 Ban-lay street, (Aster House,) in the city of New York, where all orders for this meuiune wU be promptly attended to. This is a vegetable spirit—an internal remedy, pre pared and recommended for this one Uisea e alone. Thie it iciH cure l l’rice, per single bottle; or three bottles for $lO. \Y. V. ALEXANDER A CO., Proprietors, New York. Sold by nAYILAND, RISLEY A CO., and W. II l UTT, Angus*ii. On. dl twly NEW MUSIC. SONUS. —Y’oung Folks ut Home; Oh I Coys carry ice Lung; Mass ain do Cold t/roumi; Would I Were with Thee My . eort is ever *iuid the Mountains ; Had 1 ne’er, never known Thee ; Here in Uecptst Fortst t-haduws, us *ung by Mad. Bishop • From the times of earliest Child hood—JlulUd, a* sung b } Mad. iluhop ; Good Night, a (Juartett. PIECES.—Son tag Schotisch - The Olympia Polka; Pet tite Fantalse to tlie Opera cl Martha, by Beyer; Crpre m-er Amoi r Redowa Variations; t.arvatine De Bellini Fan taisie , Beauties from Fiotow’r celebrated U|>e>a ; yua* tha, by F. Beyer, Rose-> ud Polka, by Wallace ; Morning and Evening, two Heveries, by Fred. Winter. Just received and fur sale by GEO. A. OATFS A Co.’3 dll Piano, Book and Music Depot. SEGABS- ~~ WE HAVE just received a lot of the following favo rite brands BEGARS, of our own Unpotuudon, direct from Havana: RIO HO'DO, TKES CORONAS, (three Crownsß VICTORIA ; LA litGUERA ; LEGALADaD DE LOPEZ; CoNSALAC ION ; BENJAMIN FnANKLIN. _J_B LAMBACK A COOPER, Domestic lkiiohh.— «d« bbl§. Fletcher WHISKEY; 60 “ American BRANDY, 85 quarter ami eighth, casks BR ANDY; 75 bbls. Monongahelia WHISKEY; 40 “ Felton a Son RUM ; 60 ** Gibson A Phelps' GIN. Jmt receive-l by DA\IS, KOiB A FANNING, dO No. 4 Warren Block. MARINE, FIRE, AND LIFE INSURANCE, BY THE Commercial inslua.vce company, op Charleston, S. C. CAPITAL, $250,000, ALL PAID IN. EV* Office, No. 4, Broad street. PItMIXMUiT, WILLIAM B. IIERIOT. BIMtCTOMI Jambs K. Robihbos, Hkskt T. Mint, Gsoao* A. Trkshoui, Wm. Mcßokkkt, Robkrt Caldw kli, J. U. Draw let, A. R. Tajt, T. L, W aano. A. M. L*b, Secretary, E. L. Ttesiaii, Inspector, B. C. pHsasuKT, SMcibrr, R. A. Kixuxjp, Medical Beaminer. This Company la uow prepared to receive Proposals *br MARINE, FIRE, and LIFE RICKS, and to effect Insurance on fair and liberal terms. % The subscriber having been ap|>olnt«d Agent for the above Company, is prepared to Uke Marine, Fire and Life Risks, at customary rates. G. WALKER. pr Office at Warehotue of Walker; Bryson A Co., Au gusta. my 13-1 y SITUATION WANTED. A LADY who has had mnch experience in Teaching la Carolina snd Georgia, woukl like a situation in • araily or school to teach. She is qualified to give instruc tion in the usual English brunches, also, French and Music. The best us references anu testimonials from lurtner pat rons can be adduced. Address through the Post Office, D. E. T., Auguita. Georgia. nB-daw BUGGIES FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS Hubbard’s Patent Carriage Springs. THE subscribers having purchased the patent right for the State of Georgia, of Hubbard’s Patent improve ment in CARRIAGE SPRINGS, are now prepared to fur nish to order, all kind of vehicles upon this improved plan. By this improvement a straight piece of wood is made to form a durable, clteap.and efficient spring us great hghtneM and strength, that cannot be set or made to strke when brought entirely down to Its bearing, and at the same time. Is self adjusting to any weight that the carriage is capabUs of sustaining. With this improvement a Buggy can ha built ons hundred and fifty pounds lighter than upon the old pluu,anJtooost one third less. H ’ JAMES UOLBERT A CO., mhßl ROBERT H. MAY. WOLFE’S AROMATIC SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS AN exceUen*. Tonic, Diuietic, AntWyspepttc an tluvlg orating Cordial. This preparation is eonsidei ed sii)*- ,ior to aß.v other, in all those cases of incipient Drcpsy, Kidney Complaints, Gravel asst -'tone, for which pu,a Holland Gin has been suits* prescnf>ed by the Medical Faculty. No other Gin can be obtained in so pure a state, either in the American or tereigu m»rk«\ at any price It is manufactured a’ Schiedam, in Holland, and can be re lied upon ae perfectly pure. It is put up in a convenient form, and Sold in bottles at One Dollar tor quart, end Fifty Cents for pints. D. U. PLUMB A Co., Agents. b2B W. H. MAHARRY fit CO., plain and ornamental gas fitters. TOWELLINGS, Stores, Churches, Ac ,fitted up In the I / wvatest manner. AU work warranted. of* Plain and Ornamental GAS FIXTURES foreale. Ue/erencotb- Col. il. 11. Cumming, President Gas Light Company. Mr. William lleime. Engineer Erecting Gag Wkiso HEW ARRIVAL. A FRESH supply «f CGDFibll Nu.l snd i MACKER- SiSiSifiSf««« »»•*» B«a>. 'j5S» fjßßEwiwa*.- - I ***• HUTCHINSON A PRITCHARD. .“ASa’Ttliims" CW* “ -teSWgWSr